Stars before and after plastic surgery photos, rhinoplasty for celebrities. TV star Tina Kandelaki: new photos before and after plastic surgery Body care

Usually, when evaluating photographs famous personalities before and after plastic surgery, you can be sure that the stars change dramatically in appearance after they decide to take this step. Popular divas of the Russian stage and Hollywood prefer to get rid of flaws in appearance quick ways to look young and beautiful for a long time.

Actresses, socialites and singers from Russia do not deviate one step from Western celebrities, and perform exactly the same operations, for example, they often resort to rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, blepharoplasty and otoplasty.

Women, dreaming of looking perfect, take such a decisive step as plastic surgery. Usually, when a decent amount of money is invested in this service, the star gets excellent results. Before and after photos allow fans to see how much better the star has become.

Victoria Lopyreva

A girl who looks like a Barbie doll emphasized her spectacular appearance thanks to numerous services plastic surgeons. Victoria had surgery on the tip of her nose and changed the shape of her cheekbones, making them more expressive.

Previously a star was different chubby cheeks, but after plastic surgery, the shape of the face became different.
As you know, the girl did not radically change anything else about herself, except for Botox.

Masha Malinovskaya

Photos of Masha Malinovskaya can clearly show how stars change dramatically before and after plastic surgery services. The 2000s style icon resorted to several surgeries to enhance her already striking appearance. After the girl gained popularity, the first thing she did was pump up her lips, then she had surgery on her cheekbones.

Next operation became – increase in breast size.
Additionally, Masha resorted to the services of blepharoplasty, due to which her look became more open and attractive.

Ksenia Sobchak

The popular TV presenter resorted to rhinoplasty, which she had done in Germany. After the operation, the star's hump on her nose disappeared and the tip rose up. Western doctors were able to help the girl gain an elegant, even nose.

The next change in appearance was her lips, which Ksenia enlarged with Restylane, but fans did not appreciate the changes in the presenter’s appearance and criticized the new lips.


The singer herself admits and is not ashamed of the fact that she had plastic surgery. Natalie said that she had mammoplasty - increased breast size after having children. The star also plumped up her lips with Botox, trying not to lose their natural contours. The singer had surgery on her cheekbones.

The girl believes that if a person works on television, then he should look perfect, and using the services of a plastic surgeon in this case is not taboo.

Eva Polna

Not everyone remembers what a fragile girl Eva was when she was the lead singer in the group “Guests from the Future.” But after the birth of two children, the singer began to recover and also enlarged her lips, which made her look even worse.

Therefore, the star decided to resort to complex plastic surgery - gastric resection.

Thanks to this procedure, the walls of the stomach are reduced, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed. Eva is trying to reduce her weight and bring her body into perfect shape.

Irina Dubtsova

The Star Factory star said that she changed herself with the help of plastic surgery. The girl enlarged her breasts by several sizes. This action was associated with the birth of a child; the celebrity did not want to lose shape and decided to undergo mammoplasty.

Yulia Nachalova

The girl initially had excellent natural characteristics, but still she turned to a plastic surgeon. After the birth of her daughter, the star did not hesitate to return to her former beauty and had breast surgery.

But too much large size soon did not make her happy, and she decided to insert smaller implants. Now Julia is happy with her appearance and believes that a woman’s beauty should be as natural as possible.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Everyone's favorite actress says that she only resorts to the services of a cosmetologist, does periodic cleansing facial peels, eats right and takes care of her figure. However, just recently, fans suspected that the star had undergone breast surgery and a facelift. But Anastasia is in no hurry to admit that she sought such services in order to prolong her youth and beauty.

Evelina Bledans

The star does not hide the fact that she had mammoplasty after the birth of two children. Also recently, a woman said that she was going to undergo facial plastic surgery, despite the fact that she constantly takes care of her skin and goes to a cosmetologist for regular procedures.

Additionally, Evelina decided to tighten the skin of her forehead and cheekbones. The diva does not yet plan to resort to liposuction; she believes that sports and proper nutrition help her keep in shape.

Natalia Andreichenko

The famous actress who played the legendary Mary Poppins tries to fight to the last for her beauty and youth. The woman tried on herself all the new products of foreign plastic surgery. But after lip contour correction, her face began to look unnatural.

There are also rumors that Natalya resorted to blepharoplasty - eyelid lift. Unfortunately, plastic surgery did not brighten up the actress.

Anna Khilkevich

Stars before and after plastic surgery, photos, videos and information sources prove how much the bodies and faces of celebrities change. Everyone's favorite actress from the television series "Univer" and "Barvikha", despite her young age, has already resorted to several changes in appearance.

The girl had rhinoplasty and lip augmentation.

Fans also suspect that Anna had mammoplasty, comparing her new photos and her image from television series, but the star denies this fact.

Ekaterina Varnava

The star constantly denies the fact that plastic surgeons interfered with her appearance, but fans are not far behind, comparing the girl’s appearance from the moment she ended up in Comedy Woman and in the present time. An experienced expert assessed the photographs and concluded that Catherine resorted to blepharoplasty, enlarged her breasts, changed her cheekbones and had rhinoplasty.

But fans can only guess about the changes in the actress.

Tina Kandelaki

The presenter noticeably enlarged her lips with Botox, this is clearly visible if you compare the before and after photos. Also, everyone noticed how Tina’s pronounced nose had noticeably shrunk and acquired a neat shape. Many believe that the star lost her individuality after plastic surgery and changed beyond recognition.

Elena Letuchaya

Stars very often change in appearance after plastic surgery; numerous before and after photos confirm this fact. The popular Elena Letuchaya is famous for her charming appearance and denies any surgical interventions on her beautiful face. The TV presenter says that she takes care of herself so carefully that she does not need drastic changes.

Indeed, from the photo it can be confirmed that Elena has practically not changed in appearance throughout her entire career, not counting improvements due to procedures from a cosmetologist and sports.

Nikita Dzhigurda

IN Russian show business not only women resort to plastic changes in appearance, but also men. Nikita Dzhigurda openly announced blepharoplasty of the eyelids, which he had done to rejuvenate his face.

The man did not come to this decision right away; after noticing his face in photographs, he saw pronounced fatty hernias and swelling of the eyes. Plastic surgery was done at the insistence of the artist’s beloved wife, who wanted Nikita to preserve his beauty for as long as possible.

Polina Gagarina

If you compare the singer, what she was like at the “Star Factory” and now, these are completely two different people. For recent years The girl’s appearance has undergone significant changes due to plastic surgery. First the girl threw overweight, but many believe that she had liposuction.

There was also otoplasty of the eyes; the procedure changed their shape.

The singer refrains from any interviews on the topic of plastic surgery, but experts are confident that such changes in appearance were not without the hand of a surgeon.

Olga Buzova

The girl keeps up with new trends and keeps up with fashion, even when it comes to dramatic changes in her appearance. Olga enlarged her lips using contour plastic surgery. Also, the star’s beautifully defined cheekbones became more noticeable, which also most likely at some point succumbed to changes.

The TV personality has always had a beautiful nose, but fans think that this part of Olga’s face has also undergone some changes. There is no denying that the girl often visits a cosmetologist and gets various beauty injections to keep her facial skin healthy. perfect condition.

Svetlana Loboda

Popular Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda resorted to lip surgery, because before they were not so plump. Experts also suspect the diva that she has changed the shape of her nose, but these rumors are questionable, because the hump that was there before still remains.

The woman does not admit about her changes in appearance, citing the high-quality work of makeup artists who are able to greatly correct facial features with makeup.

What type of plastic surgery did foreign stars perform?

The fashion for plastic surgery came from the USA. It is in this country various procedures This direction is so widespread that 18% of women resort to the services of surgeons. Hollywood stars, from whom many girls take their example, often change their appearance with the help of plastic surgery.

The most popular procedures of American stars: liposuction, mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, otoplasty.

Keira Knightley

One of the most charming actresses in Hollywood resorted to nose surgery, but the surgical work was done so well that it only emphasized the beauty of the celebrity.

Kira does not deny hers frequent visits cosmetologist and Botox injections.

Megan Fox

How much the stars change in appearance can be judged by the photos taken before and after plastic surgery. Popular diva Megan Fox spent more than $60 thousand on plastic procedures. The girl constantly changes her appearance and cannot settle on a result that suits her.

In one year, the actress decided to go under the surgeon’s knife twice; she enlarged her breasts and had rhinoplasty. The star is especially addicted to Botox injections for the neck, cheeks, forehead and lips. After the operations, Megan's appearance has changed significantly and the girl is not going to stop there.

Sharon Stone

An elegant and charming actress in her no longer at a young age actively fights for beauty. The celebrity said that surgeons forced her to undergo facial plastic surgery in every possible way, but she refused until the very end.

The actress is confident of the harmful consequences after such procedures, and advises young girls not to undergo plastic surgery unless absolutely necessary. Sharon constantly takes care of herself and goes to a cosmetologist; she decided to age naturally and gracefully.

Jennifer Aniston

At the peak of her popularity, the actress began experimenting with her appearance, and the first thing she did was change the shape of her nose. The first rhinoplasty operation took place during the filming of the series “Friends,” but the girl was not satisfied with the quality of the work performed. In 2008, Jennifer decided to get her nose fixed again.

This time the operation was successful, and the star achieved desired result. The actress also had mammoplasty.

Nicole Kidman

The fragile actress turned out to be decisive in terms of a radical change in appearance. Nicole already began to get interested in Botox in the early 2000s. Experts believe that the star resorted to plastic surgery to change its shape. In addition, the actress increased her breasts by several sizes.

But after a few years, the actress realized how unnatural her bust looked, and reduced it to a reasonable size. As for rhinoplasty, fans are at a loss; if there was an operation, it was performed very skillfully.

Courteney Cox

The star regrets the plastic surgery performed. The injections and surgery on her body turned out to be failed experiments that Courtney tries to forget. By abusing beauty injections, she lost the ability to create facial expressions. Now the actress undergoes procedures that gradually remove Botox from the skin.

Cameron Diaz

The charming actress has never been a fan of artificial beauty. But after an injury in 2003, when Cameron fell while surfing and broke her nose, the woman decided to undergo rhinoplasty. At the star problematic skin on her face, so before going on the red carpet, makeup artists put a lot of makeup on her face.

Her skin began to age prematurely, and Cameron had to start getting Botox injections. It also became known from the press that the actress had her breasts enlarged after breaking up with her boyfriend.

Lindsay Lohan

Rebel Lindsay had her first plastic surgery for breast augmentation. Then she didn’t stop and started injecting Botox into her lips and changed the shape of her nose. IN lately the star still enlarges her lips and doesn’t pay attention to how unnatural it looks.

Kim Kardashian

Socialite and the model had rhinoplasty and breast augmentation. In addition, the star did not stop there and underwent buttock augmentation (gluteoplasty). Very often you can catch a celebrity injecting Botox and contour plastic surgery faces.

The girl is considered one of the most popular Hollywood stars who loves to experiment with her appearance.

Renee Zellweger

The Oscar-winning actress has always been famous for her excellent natural qualities. But since 2014, Rene's face has changed. Experts note that the woman began to abuse contour plastic surgery and Botox.

After the injections, the star’s face became less emotional. Also from early sources It is known that the actress had mammoplasty.

Aishwarya Rai

One of the most feminine actresses denies that she had any plastic surgery. But experts are ready to argue that the actress had rhinoplasty and corrected her cheekbones. But the operations did not spoil Aishwarya, as they were performed very efficiently and subtly.

Brad Pitt

The Hollywood handsome man is not going to ever grow old; at his age he looks great thanks to beauty injections and some procedures. After the divorce, the actor underwent blepharoplasty and Botox injections. Due to the fact that the bags under the actor's eyes were removed, he looked younger again.

Mickey Rourke

The talented actor and boxer decided to remove the scars from his face after participating in fights. The man had to resort to rhinoplasty 5 times, as his nose was repeatedly broken in the ring. The actor also had to undergo reconstruction of his cheekbones.

But Mickey fell into the bad hands of a surgeon, and all the procedures only worsened the actor’s appearance. Numerous lifting and facelift procedures only worsened the situation. Now Mickey constantly changes his appearance, trying to regain his former beauty, but, unfortunately, he fails.

Which of the stars of House-2 had plastic surgery?

The stars of the popular TV show “House 2” also changed their appearance surgically, their photos before and after plastic surgery are proof of this.

Several popular participants who resorted to plastic surgery:

Victims of plastic surgery

Sometimes, wanting to improve their appearance, stars go too far and then regret how they went too far with visits to a plastic surgeon.

  • Jocelyn Wildenstein- one of the most popular examples failed plastic surgery. She changed all her facial features several times. The woman dreamed of being like a cat, but the result was disastrous.
  • Michael Jackson– the king of pop has undergone nose surgery more than 10 times. But every time he went for plastic surgery, the singer’s appearance only worsened.
  • Donatella Versace– after numerous rhinoplasties, the star’s nose became large and flattened. And pumped lips completely ruin the beauty of a woman.
  • Pamela Anderson became a classic victim of plastic surgery, constantly doing mammoplasty, she became dependent on this procedure. The woman has already had her breast implants changed 6 times.
  • Masha Rasputina She changed so much after facial surgery and Botox that she simply turned into a different person.
  • Sergei Zverev the only man in Russia who made a record of operations to change his appearance. He managed to do rhinoplasty, cheekbones, forehead and pumped up his lips.

The stars are very different in the photo when they were taken before and after plastic surgery. It happens that such changes benefit celebrities, but sometimes they are driven into the trap of endless beauty injections and surgical interventions.

Only good surgeon is able to amend natural data and not spoil them. You should be careful when choosing a specialist plastic beauty. After all, sometimes even rich stars fail to find a person who... a real professional will help them correct certain flaws in their appearance.

Video about stars before and after plastic surgery

How Russian stars have changed after plastic surgery:

Dom-2 participants before and after plastic surgery:

The famous TV presenter amazed her fans with an unusual appearance. Many users social network noticed that something happened to Tina Kandelaki’s lips.

Popular TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, who always looks sophisticated and elegant, decided to change her image. The star spoke about her experiments with the image on the social network.

The TV presenter shared a photo with fans on Instagram, announcing the changes, reports

“Bangs calm the nerves,” wrote Tina Kandelaki. Note that the TV presenter’s subscribers were excited about her new image. True, it was not the star’s new bangs that attracted the attention of netizens, but her lips.

Many fans thought that Kandelaki had enlarged them and hastened to report that such changes in appearance did not suit Tina.

“I didn’t even recognize it at first. Dear Tina, you are individual, don’t become like all these glamor girls identical in appearance. Don't bigger lips. Terrible”, “Pumped up my lips”, “Tina, you are a naturally beautiful woman. Dumpling lips don’t suit you”, “that’s why Tina is becoming less and less like herself…. Doesn't change better side. That Tina had a zest, but this one... There are thousands of them,” “What about the lips? Increased? For what? You have beautiful lips were”, You’re not showing off your bangs here...”, “What’s wrong with you, Tina?”, “Tina, natural beauty suited you, but the lips done up don’t suit you at all! Now your lips look like dumplings and everyone understands that you pumped them up. It looks terrible, to be honest! (the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Ed.),” wrote disappointed netizens.

The appearance of the fastest-talking TV presenter on Russian television, Tina Kandelaki, has recently undergone changes. Why does this talented woman resort to services? plastic surgery it’s unclear whether it’s for the sake of following fashion trends, or in order to hide the first signs of aging.

Tina Kandelaki ( full name Tinatin Givievna Kandelaki was born on November 10, 1975 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The woman's height is 167 cm. She was married twice, her second husband was Vasily Brovko, 11 years younger than Tina. She has two children - daughter Melania and son Leonty.

In addition to her journalistic activities, Ms. Kandelaki is a public figure, producer, actress, radio host and restaurateur.

She is actively involved in sports and promotes healthy image life.

Tina does not discuss issues of changing her own appearance with journalists; the only thing she does not deny is the fact that rhinoplasty is a common procedure among Georgian women.

Therefore, you should not be surprised that the woman’s large nose suddenly became smaller and acquired a neat appearance, a straight back and a slightly upturned tip.

The new nose looks quite harmonious on the TV presenter’s face. The correction also affected Kandelaki’s lips; experts say that the woman regularly gives them volume and sensuality with the help hyaluronic acid, therefore in different periods In life, the presenter's lips may look different.

There is also an assumption that Tina Kandelaki regularly resorts to Botox injections to smooth out facial wrinkles.

Tina Kandelaki is one of the few Russian stars who preached a healthy lifestyle and natural beauty. However, on latest photos The TV presenter can clearly see changes in appearance. Fans and experts decided that Kandelaki had plastic surgery.

Tina Kandelaki is always busy with work, but in one interview the girl noted that she knows how to manage time wisely. The TV presenter manages to help two student children, attend social events and actively pursue a career.

Photo: Instagram @tina_kandelaki

At the same time, Tina always looked impeccable. In early interviews, she emphasized that she had never used the services of plastic surgeons. Judging by latest photos, the star changed her mind and decided to adjust her appearance. I wonder what ex-husband Tina is the owner of a prestigious plastic surgery clinic.

Photo: Instagram @tina_kandelaki

The TV presenter does not deny that she regularly uses professional cosmetics and goes to a beauty salon. Kandelaki loves skin moisturizing procedures and mesotherapy.

Photo: Instagram @tina_kandelaki

She is also a big fan of yoga and fitness. Tina has been training with a personal instructor several times a week for many years.

Photo: Instagram @tina_kandelaki

Fact surgical intervention She categorically denies her appearance. Experts believe that Tina is disingenuous.

Photo: Instagram @tina_kandelaki

Tina's appearance changed gradually, and obvious changes are not visible to the naked eye. The only thing everyone paid attention to was the lips of the TV presenter. They have become much fuller, and do not quite harmoniously combine with the other features of the girl’s face.

Photo: Instagram @tina_kandelaki

Experts say that Tina changed her eyebrows with Botox. They became taller and their shape changed. There was also a nose job. Tina by nature has a wide nose, typical among people of Georgian nationality. In the last photos you can see that it has become thinner, neater, and turned up a little.

Photo: Instagram @tina_kandelaki

Kandelaki’s fans are sure that now Tina has lost her individuality and “has become like other celebrities.” Fans hope Tina doesn't get carried away plastic surgery to such an extent as to become unrecognizable.