Who is a professional? Who is a real professional?

How to get happiness? These questions can be safely put on a par, because they determine the quality of our life and do not allow it to pass into ordinary existence.

Competent people

People who are well versed in a particular issue have always been respected and respected, people turn to them, they are recommended to their relatives, friends and acquaintances. They rarely look for work; rather, work finds them on its own. Such individuals are worth their weight in gold.

Competence is a quality that you cannot be born with. This is the result of acquiring knowledge, experience, training and other efforts on oneself. If a person does not work on himself, prefers to be inert and closed, then, consequently, he has low level life.

Have general idea you can talk about many things, but you can only become truly competent in one area. As a rule, people who strive for knowledge and try to learn something new every day different areas life, cannot become true professionals in their field. Professionalism and true competence are the ability to dig in depth, not in breadth.

Knowing the general ideas is great, but when we get to the surgeon, we want him to know the anatomy, and not just the general ideas.

Artificial intelligence

IN modern world many mathematical and various mechanical work can be performed by a robot. Computers can store so much information, and it is so structured, that human brain cannot compete with them.

When it comes to mathematics, computers are the best professionals in their field. People who, several decades ago, could calculate the sums of four-digit terms and find the difference between numbers were considered geniuses and professionals. Now the need for such talent has sharply decreased.

But there are areas of life in which artificial intelligence cannot surpass man - this is art. A computer can create something qualitatively new only with human hands.

Also, artificial intelligence is weak in matters of psychology and what concerns emotional sphere person. Professionalism must be appropriate and useful for a particular era.

Concept of the term

The ability to perform one’s work efficiently and skillfully at any time, under any conditions and in any condition is called professionalism. Let me explain. If you draw, sing or dance well only when a muse visits you, then you can be called capable, but it’s too early to be a professional.

To become a master, you need not only to improve in this or that task, but also to work on your strong-willed inclinations: suppress sleep when fatigue knocks you down, endure pain even when it interferes with the direct execution of the task, etc.

They concern not only the muting of your physical and moral states, but also the rapid adaptation to external conditions. Remember the brilliant violinist Niccolo Paganini, who played his “Caprice” on one string, as the rest broke during the performance.

Levels of Professionalism

There are five main levels of professionalism:

  • pre-professionalism;
  • professionalism;
  • super professionalism;
  • unprofessionalism;
  • post-professionalism.


Any person who dreams of becoming a master of his craft, a professional, goes through this stage. It is characterized by familiarization with a certain type labor, mastering the rules, norms, concepts, nuances and other mandatory components. This level of professional development is distinguished by its complexity and necessity, but at the same time ineffectiveness.

Pre-professionalism can be observed in trainees, young professionals or newcomers in any field of activity. This is that wonderful time when you are forgiven for your mistakes and mistakes, this is the moment when you can and should fill your own bumps and learn from the shortcomings of not only others, but also your own.

Oddly enough, the more mistakes a person makes at this stage, the more professional he will be in the future. The main thing is not to be disappointed in yourself and not to stop trying.


Experts high quality, professionals in their field first master the norms and rules of their profession at a high level. They work according to a pattern and do their work diligently and well.

Having reached this level, a person feels like a part of the profession; based on his experience, he can see other ways to solve certain problems that are not spelled out in the statutes; he can contribute, in turn, and is distributed into sublevels.

How can you determine whether you have reached at least a basic level of professionalism? If you can effectively train newcomers, that is, tell them about the specifics of the job or profession, familiarize them with the main problems that they may encounter, teach them the execution algorithm certain actions etc., then you have already achieved something in your business.

Super professionalism

This is the highest level of professionalism that any sane person dreams of achieving. It is possible to reach it only when a person grows beyond the confines of his profession. He is not only on top level can do his job, but knows how to make a revolution in his native field of activity.

Such a person is full of unique ideas. These people no longer think about how to do their job, but about how to change this area human activity for the better. They begin to treat even a non-creative profession creatively.

It is these individuals who are at the helm of global progress, they move many sciences forward, create revolutionary products and try in every possible way to make this world a better place. Their names go down in history.

Such individuals perceive the world differently. Some, looking out the window, see the landscape behind it, others - the window frame, and still others - tulle. Super-professionals have excellent “vision” in all three registers and know how to switch in time. They also master a number of related professions or sciences.


Non-professionals are people who are quite long time work in any field, but still have not been able to reach heights, master sufficient skills, master the rules, etc.

Most likely, these individuals do not have the necessary talents and abilities; perhaps they have chosen the wrong profession for themselves.

Lack of professionalism is not a sentence, but, on the contrary, an indicator that a person is trying himself in different areas and is in search. If this lasts for years or decades, then the problem needs to be solved.

You must initially choose those professions in which you will be effective and useful to society, in which your development will take place with great pleasure, and not under the threat of dismissal.

Often non-professionals stay at their jobs because they are satisfied with the salary, schedule, prestige, conditions, team, so they carefully hide their unprofessionalism behind hyperactivity in the workplace. They spend more time and effort not on personal improvement, but on creating the appearance of their work.


On this level people who have lived to see retirement age. In the past, they were sought-after experts and know exactly how to become professionals in their field. Some share their experience with the younger generation, remaining constant gurus in their field, thereby further enhancing their professionalism.

Everyone lives this period of life differently: some continue to improve and mentor, while others acquire new hobbies and also achieve great success.

Professionals - smart people, and smart people live longer because their brains are more plastic, and neural connections stronger, which means the brain is of higher quality. And this is the very organ that controls the entire body.

Stages of professionalism

You can define the following:

  1. Adaptation stage. This is the period of entering the profession, becoming familiar with the basic rules, methods, problems, techniques and techniques. The first year or two a person adapts to new role performer. Studying is the process of absorbing knowledge, and work is the process of reproducing it in practice. This stage is often painful, and for some people it drags on for years.
  2. Self-actualization. Having felt himself in the profession, a person develops his own own handwriting, style and algorithm of actions, he already knows about his strengths, learned to smooth out the weak. At this stage, the personality develops through the means of the profession.
  3. Fluency. At this level, a person has mastered all the norms and rules of his profession, familiarized himself with all kinds of problems and their solutions. Carrying out your direct responsibilities no longer requires much effort.

How to be a professional?

Here are some tips:

  1. Don't be afraid of failure. As a rule, success is achieved by those who do not dwell on their failures, but, on the contrary, rejoice at them. Any defeat has huge amount the necessary information that cannot be obtained unless you accidentally miss. We need to draw conclusions and forget negative emotions- they slow down the process of professional growth.
  2. People who are professionals in their field plan their day. To do this, use a diary, organizer or special applications for smartphone. If a person is serious about his future, he values ​​time more than any other resource.
  3. Ability to prioritize. Some matters require a very urgent solution, others can wait, and others do not matter at all. A true professional knows how to correctly assess a situation.
  4. If you work in the “people-to-people” field, then respect and attention to people is the key to success. If you have to negotiate, communicate, serve, teach, treat, etc., you need to be as friendly as possible, because a positive emotional exchange gives strength and energy for further professional development.
  5. Systematicity plays big role in acquiring the necessary experience. If you do your work with some regularity, you can achieve great success even in those areas in which you seemed to be an absolute amateur.
  6. You need to love what you do. When a person enjoys work, he works more efficiently and at lower cost.

Professionals in their field

There can be many examples, because a huge number of professionals work in the shadows, but it is thanks to them that we ride escalators, walk on smooth roads, wear beautiful clothes, use the latest gadgets, listen to great music, arrive on time by plane, etc.

All the benefits of civilization that we have the opportunity to observe and use every day were created by the hands of true professionals.

It is thanks to individuals with innate perfectionism and the desire for ideality that we know so many famous and worthy brands and trust them, we have the opportunity to watch and admire enchanting shows.

Professionals and competent people are always valued; they are heard, spoken and in the mind as a reference point. They look up to them, learn from them, imitate them, consult with them and never cease to respect them.

A musician who can play a piece on one string when the others have broken, athletes who perform at world competitions with broken legs, arms or spine, a pilot who makes an emergency landing somewhere in the taiga, a doctor who operates for thirty hours straight - these are super-professionals , and as long as there are people on earth who know how to devote themselves to their profession, humanity is not under threat.

In the modern world, being unprofessional is tantamount to disaster. But we must not forget that acquiring professionalism requires at least 10,000 hours of painstaking work.

Each person chooses the industry and specialization that is closest to him. Naturally, he begins to work in a certain direction, trying to achieve noticeable heights in this field. How difficult is it to become a real ace in the business that you do, is it really possible to achieve this? What qualities do you need to develop in yourself, and what points should you pay attention to first?

As soon as you have thoughts or plans about a new project or job, turn on your imagination - start dreaming about how you will achieve heights in your chosen business. Sometimes it happens that you actually don’t see any movement towards your goal, it seems to you that you are standing still, and you don’t even receive any more information in comparison with the volume that you had before. What actions need to be taken in order to see movement, create the right plans and not worry about their implementation?

  1. Correct goal setting. If the goal was initially set incorrectly, then in fact it is a path to nowhere. Then you will give up, you will not have the strength to continue working, there will be no additional incentive to move forward. In such a situation, the answer to the question is: “ How to become a professional? you will not find it, even if you have the desire to implement the most complex project. Remember that if you don't get the motivation you need when thinking about your goal, the goal was chosen incorrectly. This issue must be addressed from scratch. If, after thinking about your goal, you have a desire to achieve it, although your strength is at zero, you have defined your goal correctly.
  2. Carrying out clear planning. You must know after what period of time you want to occupy a certain position or be in a certain place, purchase certain items or valuables. You must clearly understand what action plan is in front of you and how quickly you can implement it. By carrying out proper planning, you can easily determine the speed of your work and carry out all actions in a way convenient for you. Already in the process you will determine that you may need a little acceleration.

What qualities can’t you do without?

There is a certain list of qualities that are necessary for a person who wants to achieve his goals and not worry about the fact that his process personal growth stands still. The correct selection of such qualities is a rather subjective indicator, because some do not have them at all, and there are those who place the main emphasis on them.

  1. Forget about being late forever. It is advisable to arrive a little earlier than to be at least a couple of minutes late. IN best case scenario this will be perceived as disrespect for the partner or interlocutor; in the worst case, in the future, even a big deal may fall through due to being a few minutes late.
  2. Don't go back on your words. If you promise to do something, keep your word to the last. Do not under any circumstances throw words to the wind, because this kind those around you remember actions very well. If you make promises that you can't keep, try to abandon this principle. It's better to promise the minimum and deliver on it than to promise something you can't deliver.
  3. Delegation is an opportunity for rapid development. If you understand that you can delegate some of the work to other people, and neither the quality of work nor the timing of the project will suffer, feel free to get rid of the load. Firstly, this way you will free your head and hands, and secondly, you will get extra time, which can be used to achieve great results.
  4. Learn to refuse people. If you really value your time, then forget about the indulgences that you gave to others earlier. Initially say to a loved one“No” will be quite difficult, but not much time will pass and you will get used to this state of affairs, refusals will be much easier for you.
  5. Don't stop halfway and don't stop bringing your idea to life. If you learn to manage things from start to finish, then a lot of projects that you had in your plans can become reality. If you do not learn to complete the work you start, then there will be no point in setting goals as such. If it is difficult for you to manage and complete several tasks at the same time, then do them gradually. This way you can gain the necessary skill, and soon you will even increase the amount of work you do.

Popular time killer

For many people, time often passes without any benefit - they surf the Internet, check email, and are distracted by phone calls that are not very important. You will have to learn to refuse this kind of waste of precious minutes and seconds, because otherwise the losses per day will be quite large. When working in the office, you can take headphones with you that will sound classical or neutral. If you find it difficult to communicate with clients over the phone, then try to minimize the source of information (for example, close your eyes or wear dark glasses).

Development of personal qualities

It is advisable to completely abstract yourself from all stimuli and fully understand the situation you want to understand. Try to rest after 30 minutes of work for at least 5-7 minutes. You can easily find timers and similar applications on both the tablet and the .

You will spend a lot of time understanding that you need to constantly develop and learn. How more information you get the hang of it, and the more you can practice, the better. Maximum quantity dating useful people, conversations on different topics with new acquaintances - all this will help you to constantly keep abreast of events, and, if necessary, communicate with those people who can help you in different situations.

Under no circumstances should you give up or think that you can’t do anything. Compare yourself to a child who is just learning to take his first steps. He had many falls along the way, but it never occurred to him that he could give up trying to walk on his own. You should do the same. In fact, bringing any business to life is only 5% luck, and the remaining 95% is taken up by perseverance, work, and the desire to prove oneself in the chosen specialty or profession.

What is the difference between a professional and an amateur?

This question is asked very often in different organizations if considered as such company employee job. In fact, there will not be so many differences, but by several of them you can determine what kind of person is in front of you.

  1. A professional is hardened. He has an excellent understanding of the specialty in which he works. His experience allows him to simply do the job better than others, but to spend less physical and mental resources on it. Naturally, most actions will be performed automatically, and the work as such will not cause any difficulties. True, in this case you need to be very careful with the issue of training. Many pros think that they have already reached all the heights, and therefore stop developing on their own.
  2. A professional must love his job with all his heart. Moreover, he should derive pleasure not only from the activity he is engaged in, but also from the big money he receives for his knowledge. Working and putting his soul into his business, a person must aim himself at making a considerable profit. You cannot become a professional in an industry that you are not close to or do not like. It's just a waste of time.
  3. A true pro knows absolutely all the intricacies of the business he deals with.. He can talk about his chosen activity from morning to night. However, he values ​​his time, so in most cases he is quite brief. But all his knowledge will be easily noticeable by the amount of work he does and the results he gets in the end.

5 Aspects to Help You Succeed

There is a certain set of rules, following which you can achieve the desired results.

A professional in his field
  1. Maximum communication skills. This quality will help you easily exchange experiences with people who are engaged in different fields of activity. In no case should you extol yourself above them, but you should not put yourself below other people either. Try to visit as many places as possible where you can gain additional knowledge. These could be courses, lectures, or some master classes. Remember, no person can be smart enough to give up learning and stop developing on their own. If you have the opportunity to communicate with people, then do not be afraid to exchange experiences with them. Believe me, you will receive an order of magnitude more than you give.
  2. Pedantry is very important in your business. A professional will be distinguished by maximum attention to even seemingly insignificant details. He knows the specifics of his work in detail, and is always meticulous in resolving issues. Even people who did not initially have such skills will develop them over time.
  3. Don't forget about motivation. You should always have something that will push you to new achievements. If you achieve one goal, set yourself another. Remember that the goal should inspire you and scare you a little. If you have big plans, break them down into several small pieces. This way you can track that you are really achieving what you want, albeit in small steps.
  4. 10,000 hour rule. According to a study by scientists, in order to become a specialist in the chosen field, you need to spend at least this amount of time. There is no way to do this faster. It is necessary to do as many exercises as possible, read relevant literature, and practice many questions in practice.
  5. Remember, there are no limits for you! This means that under no circumstances should you dwell on the results you received. Every specialist has moments of crisis when he is not sure whether he is doing the work entrusted to him well, or whether he can strive for something more. There is no doubt about this - every person can move on, receive information, and pass on their experience to other people.

IN in this case vocational training and career will be very closely interconnected with each other, since they give some people the opportunity to learn something new from professionals, and allow specialists to realize themselves, not allow them to sour, and show that they have something to strive for.

How to determine that you are truly a pro?

It is very easy to identify a professional, because the first indicator that indicates his high qualifications is achievements and accomplishments. If you already have projects that you can be proud of, or things that you can casually brag about, then this is the right path to success. Undoubtedly, at the same time you should have some kind of documentary evidence of your achievements. Most often, this is a good bank account, certain statistics of work results or ratings. If we talk about working in some organization, then it is possible that these are diplomas and incentives.

Usually a specialist does not admit to other people his failures; he considers them good experience. The fact is that any omission can be considered an achievement - only by making mistakes can you move forward. At this stage, it is important not only to understand what exactly you have achieved, but also to ensure that your mistakes are not repeated.

Present yourself as a real specialist. This is not about self-praise; you just should never underestimate your abilities. Remember that if you really have evidence of a successful project or good business conduct, then you can easily include this excellent quality in your resume and add absolutely all the indicators that helped you achieve such results.

Taking into account the above rules, as well as making the right and rational goals, you can easily achieve success in the business that you have chosen for yourself. Don't forget about constant learning and development. If there is an opportunity to give routine work to one of the other people or workers, do it without hesitation. Let all your projects come true, and you will feel that you can do much more and can take on more difficult things.

Parallel between professionalism and personal interest

A man lives for himself. This is a long-known truism, which for some reason many people try to interpret differently. After all, how is it possible to live only for yourself, it smacks of complete selfishness!

But alas, there is only personal interest. There is no interest in your favorite business, your children, your homeland, friends or society. In truth, when a person says this, he is actually camouflaging either his words (he’s just lying) or he doesn’t see his consciousness (he doesn’t understand what’s what).

It is impossible to help your family, loved ones, or your business without properly understanding your behavior, motivation, desires and abilities. Without knowing what personal resources I have, there is no understanding of what I can offer to other people. This is the same thing when they say that a person cannot love another person without loving himself.

But if the personality has revealed itself, it knows its pros and cons, then there is an understanding of what and how it can bring into this world. What benefits can it give to people around you, how to strengthen your family, bring happiness to relationships with the opposite sex.

Why did I bring up the topic of understanding being oneself? It’s simple - the master always knows what he is, where his weaknesses are, what he is strong at, what else needs to be worked on personally and professionally. And it doesn’t matter in what field he is a pro - a carpenter, a teacher, a mother, a parent or a life partner.

Personal and selfless interest

In my opinion, there is no need to confuse these concepts, although for many they may have the same meaning in different situations. The difference between selfless and personal actions is quite clear. In the first case, we do something good for someone without demanding anything in return. In the second, our actions have a clear goal, which we are trying to achieve while receiving something in return.

Moreover, a selfless act is never calculated in advance - no reward is expected for it, but there is an understanding that everything was done well and someone will benefit from it. The personal one is always aimed at rewarding oneself, most often in the form of obtaining some skills, opportunities or resources.

Therefore, when someone reproaches me for doing something good to me, but I, such a “pig”, did not react positively to this, I immediately wonder if this “good thing” was done to me unselfishly. After all, if you are disinterested, there will be no reproach. And if it’s for self-interest, then I try to settle accounts with this person, after which I avoid contact with him for a long time (and more often, forever), so as not to receive another “good” favor.

Who is he, this master with a capital letter?

So, in my opinion, it is a person’s personal interest that is responsible for the formation and development of a professional. If he wants to become a master, he will become one.

But here’s how to understand whether this is a professional (beginner or established) or ordinary person? I will try to describe the signs by which a master of his craft is easily identified.

Professional motivation

The first thing is motivation. This is what drives a person to become better in some area. human activity or several at once. In my opinion, this is about acquiring new and improving old skills. In this case, psychologists say that a person works on himself, he ensures his personal growth.

And having skills, other opportunities arise - better communication and interaction with work colleagues/friends/relatives, a higher salary, increased status in society, etc. A true professional is always valued much more than an ordinary employee.

The same can be said about close relationships. If, for example, a husband develops himself personally, his wife, children, and parents benefit from this. Which automatically affects him! I have not yet seen situations where good husband with respectful and competent communication with his woman, I received negative reaction in the long term.

There is such a law of life: you change, and the people around you change. If you change with a minus sign, you get the same negative quality of relationships from your loved ones. You grow as a plus - new opportunities open up, the people around you open up with best sides. But only in our time few people change, many are waiting for something...

Broad education

Many may argue with this point, but I will still explain my point of view. Here we are not talking about the number of completed higher educational institutions. I'm about how a person gets new information and what he does with her. A true pro reads a lot, watches training videos, and listens to advice from experts in his profession. And then he methodically practices the acquired knowledge. And he doesn’t sit still and assume that tomorrow he will do such and such. You need to do it right away.

The same applies to professional growth, for example, in marital responsibilities. I’m not going to talk about sex now—let’s take the topic of raising children. It’s one thing to give up on everything and hope that the child will grow up on his own or that he will be competently introduced into new life kindergarten teachers.

No, a professional parent must independently or with the help of competent teachers learn to raise their child. After all, this is his child, what about strange hands? we're talking about when to open little man it should be your hands. And don’t shift such a difficult task onto your grandparents’ shoulders. This is your child! 🙂

In our modern times there are many opportunities to get the necessary adequate and useful information on almost any issue, be it work, family or everyday life. As they say - eat, I don’t want to!

But alas, some people don’t want to learn, receive new information (they’re waiting for freebies), some don’t know how to study (their parents didn’t imbibe this skill with milk, they didn’t show by example how to do it, etc.), and someone does not consider this important in life (opportunists often think so).

When I was a teenager, it was very difficult to find an intelligent book about the world around us, psychology, communication, or developing one’s skills. I still have the book “Advice to a Young Couple,” published in 1974. And there's a lot in it useful information not only for newlyweds, but also for already established married men and women.

Now everything is there, you just read and implement the acquired knowledge - this is the slogan I would draw in any modern library. 🙂


A professional knows perfectly well what he is capable of, what he should strive for and what hinders him in his work. Their profs. He constantly improves his capabilities and skills, and in his work he is always responsible for his activities.

If he messes up, he takes responsibility and corrects everything silently. If he sees that he needs help as part of his work, he will help without any problems (but only if the client does not refuse it).

The same is true in personal relationships with friends and loved ones. If you mess up, fix the situation yourself. If you doubt anything, don't bother. If they don’t ask, don’t do “great” feats.

To remain always competent, it is not enough to study your field of activity (work, family, etc.) a lot. You need to understand the limits within which you can help 100%, and always remember about responsibility. And in general, the law of life (Did good - received good, did evil, received - evil) has not been canceled.

System of life values

A true professional in his work or in other areas of his presence always has his own core - a value system. He understands what is “bad” and what is “good”. He always has his own opinion on current events, he has his own answer to them, but he can also be flexible to the answers of other people according to the situation.

The main goal of the master is to get a result, preferably a positive one. But even an answer with a minus sign will give him food for thought, which will allow him in the future not to step on the already tested rake. And this can only be possible if you have a clear idea of ​​where you are going, what you want, what methods there are for this and how they are interpreted in modern morality.

A person without a system will never be able to achieve 100% results - he will always be pulled into different sides, sometimes giving the opposite result to which he strives. It's like a sailboat without a sail - where the wind blows, the boat will be dragged there. And having set the sail, you can already sail in a given direction and achieve results.

I think there is no need to specify that the system life values professional includes such concepts as honesty, truthfulness, justice, humanity and others important qualities highly moral person!

Master's skills at work

In my opinion, I have described the most important skills of a professional. Now let me briefly recall in the form of a list the settings that a master has in his daily work (in personal life they also occur, they are just described in different words). So, professional:

  • Able to clearly convey information to the client . If you don’t know how to communicate, then there will be big problems interacting with the boss and his representatives.
  • Healthy, takes care of himself, calm and balanced . A specialist who is nervous, sleep deprived, and has neglected his own well-being is not effective at work.
  • Able to transfer his knowledge to another person . Being a teacher is a very difficult, time-consuming and expensive task, but necessary for a master.
  • Good at understanding people . He must have knowledge about people’s behavior, their interaction with the outside world, and he must not forget about intuition.
  • If you are not sure, you will not take on the job. . A professional will not risk his reputation if he sees that at this stage of his development he will not be able to master the task assigned to him.
  • Does not hold on to a client if he loses his trust . This happens when the client feels that the professional does not have the necessary knowledge and skills to solve his problem. But here there is no need to confuse clients who pathologically do not trust anyone (and there are plenty of them) or who are trying to control the entire process of the master’s work.
  • Does not offer a 100% guarantee of success . He can only offer the client that he will make every effort to solve the problem assigned to him.
  • Feel free to ask colleagues for help . If a master doesn’t know something, it’s not difficult for him to show his incompetence in something and ask for advice from another specialist.
  • Does not impose its services . Of course, this phrase sounds strange in our time of crisis, but it is true. But this is correct in my opinion, because later they won’t say thank you.

In general, something like this. Maybe I forgot to write something about the skills of a professional, but I will be glad to remember it with you in the comments!

Types of masters of their craft

I divide professionals into two classes. And now I will describe what I understand by each of them.

Super pro

This is an extra-class master who has already achieved a lot, his authority is untouchable, his skills are highly valued. He will easily talk about his abilities and capabilities to complete the task proposed by the client.

The same can be said, in my understanding, about a person who has a professional approach to matters of family, marriage, etc. Here, a super-master will always help his life partner understand the situation, can be his teacher, and will learn new things without any problems either on his own or together with his partner. It's mature and psychological developed person, without jambs at the maturation stage, from the prenatal period to high school.

Growing Pro

And this is still an unfinished extra-master. He leans on new knowledge, acquires new skills, and develops his abilities. He gladly takes on any work related to his production activities. Moreover, he does it with careful diligence, regardless of the reward he later receives for it.

But ordinary workers first probe information about the complexity of the task, its payment, and only then begin to decide something there (to undertake, not to undertake). For a professional (growing or extra-class), the task that faces him is important. Moreover, priority is given, of course, to those tasks that will allow them to gain either new knowledge, or develop old skills, or gain new ones.

By the way, you can easily recognize a professional by the way he talks about his work. He describes with great pleasure all the actions, reveals concepts (and in simple language!), shows examples. We can say that he, like a prophet, fanatically brings his knowledge to all people. And he always works for the future.

In general, a growing master is a super-professional, but only in small pants. It’s too early for him to wear his dad’s bell-bottom trousers, but he’s already trying them on. 🙂

Here I will rely on mine practical experience managing a large structural unit(more than 200 people) for more than 4 years, as well as a small team (8 years of management). Although it was in the past, the memory and skills are still fresh!

  • If we take a finished product . If there is a choice between hiring a person with skills or connections, the first option is preferable. And most often, few people like to depend on the connections of a subordinate to be the only true one.
  • Choosing between pros or growing . Of course, a professional is almost always preferable. But there are cases when it is better to raise your own master. For example, if the search includes only growing ones, but no masters. And time goes by.
  • Psychologist - best friend . Yes, that's true. A competent psychologist can easily understand whether the front person is an integral person, or whether she is as specialized as the Moon. After all, there have been cases when a manager did testing without knowledge of psychology and then got a pig in a poke.
  • There are no bad candidates for a master . There are specialists whose professional and personal qualities do not correspond either to the proposed position or to the corporate ethics of the enterprise. And here again a psychologist comes to the rescue!
  • The most important skills of a specialist . Strange as it may sound, but not his super professional knowledge in some area. The main skills for working for an uncle are the desire to work for the vacancy, responsibility and the ability to work in this profession. A star in a narrow niche is underqualified in all other areas of work. And a person with general skills and abilities can, if he has the desire and responsibility, become a mega-specialist of an enterprise or company in the future. And you won’t find such people during the day!
  • Be sure to find out who the candidate's parents are . And this is very serious - who the father and mother were by profession can give a significant understanding in which direction it will be easier for a specialist to develop, and where it is better for him not to interfere.
  • Conduct a psychological interview with the candidate . With the help of such a conversation, you can ask different questions that will allow you to largely evaluate the future master. Stressful questions, nonverbal manifestations, and rationalization come to the rescue.

A few important words about rationalization

Often during communication there are moments when a person, trying to “save face” in front of his interlocutor, gives rational, beautiful explanations for his failures. For example:

— Why did you quit that job after a couple of months?

— It was inconvenient for me to get to my workplace.

The explanation looks nice, but it immediately begs the question - why take a job that is so far away? This means that it is unlikely that the person left due to the long distance of the workplace. That is, a person rationally gives a fictitious explanation, hiding the real reason leaving work.

This is how the type works psychological protection called rationalization. Using it, a person unconsciously (or consciously, which is worse) replaces desires and actions unacceptable to his morality with acceptable ones. In other words, this is a “beautiful” explanation of your failures.

And such an approach to one’s problems destroys trust in a specialist. And a professional cannot become a professional who often uses rationalization.


And another small but important detail. Over time, the master creates his own system of work, and in various work aspects - be it some kind of technique or process of interaction, or the search and acquisition of new knowledge. He trains his hand in such a way that he creates an effective template for the successful completion of a particular task, moreover, with flexibility in subsequent changes (the master is not conservative, he is constantly learning!).

And we must not forget that out of all specialists in the profile there are less than 1% of real professionals. Such people can be seen a mile away from their work. And therefore his value is completely different than the value of any other employee.

The same applies to the professional attitude when starting a family. Happy families (this is my personal opinion!) are even less than 1%. So maybe it’s worth thinking about this and everyone strives to become a master of not only their favorite craft! 🙂

I hope that my vision as a professional has been of benefit to you, dear readers. If I confirmed your view on this issue, great. If you have any doubts or are ready to argue with me on some points of the article, please describe your opinion in the comments!

I hope for a heated but positive discussion! I'm ready for it!

Sincerely, Your Maxim Dovzhenko

When someone sets a goal to become an expert at a skill, the first thing that comes to mind is “practice perfection”: the more time you put into it, the more mastery you can achieve. However, you need to devote time not only to quantity, but also to quality. Entrepreneur and financial expert Elle Kaplan spoke about the principles of the so-called “selective practice”, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by scientists.

Anders Ericsson, professor of psychology and author of Peak: The Secrets new science mastery" (Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise), for 30 years he studied people who became the best in one activity or another - from chess grandmasters to the best virtuoso musicians in the world. His observations go against traditional beliefs. Ericsson discovered that if you want to become incredibly successful at something, it's not just the number of hours you spend practicing that matters, but also the quality of your hours.

The rule the masters use is called “selective practice,” an informed method that will help you become better at whatever you want to do.

But how does this “selectivity” manifest itself? For most skills and abilities, not all types of practice are created equal. Simple repetition (doing the same things over and over again) will help you develop a habit, but it won't always make you a better person.

Behavioral psychologist James Clear agrees with this point of view: “We often think that we become better at something just because we gain experience. In fact, this is how we simply strengthen our habits, rather than develop.”

Now let’s explain: the essence electoral practice is inherent in its name, that is, you need to approach the matter with certain intentions, goals and calculations. Every step you take must have a clear meaning, you must know exactly what to do on any given day, as well as how and when you will achieve your goal.

Here are some ways to incorporate selective practice into your daily life.

Don't be afraid of failure

“Failure has allowed me to learn things about myself that I could not have learned anywhere else.”

JK Rowling

Once you embrace the idea that failure will help you achieve greatness, you can move on to selective practice. Instead of repeating the things you've learned over and over again, you'll be able to get better at the things you're least good at.

Grow gradually

“Be patient. Self-development is a very subtle matter, it is holy ground. There is no way to find a shortcut and take a shortcut.”

Don't try to learn everything at once. It's better to practice one skill at a time, so you can gradually work your way up to something bigger (and it will definitely be worth it).

Break yours new goal into segments - where should you start to continue your journey? Do you know how to read music so you can play the guitar you just bought? Have you learned how to properly warm up for the marathon you just signed up for? Learn the business little by little and end result It will turn out to be much more solid than if you grabbed everything at once.

A man must be able to work and earn money. Many young people think that to achieve success in the professional field, they either have to get a good job, which helps with useful connections, or start their own individual business. However, experts say that you can be a hired worker and succeed, that is, get a good salary.

To become a professional in your field and earn a lot of money, you need to learn this, which the men’s website will help you with.

Learn from the best

The instinct of self-preservation is inherent in human nature. But in the modern world, this instinct has expanded its boundaries to self-improvement, since it is the quality of life and your successes that allow you to save your life, make it more interesting, comfortable and happy. Therefore, strive to be the best and learn from the best.

Strive to be the best. Initially, you must have an all-encompassing desire to achieve excellence. You don't have to be good at absolutely everything. Focus your efforts on improving only those areas of your life that are important to you. For women, this may be the desire to become beautiful, for men - rich, for older people - healthy, for businessmen - successful in their business. In other words, determine what is important for you to have in this life and reach the level of a professional in this matter.

Learn to be the best from the best. To quickly reach the heights of success, meet those who have already reached the same heights. You can find your own path to self-improvement. But if you can't do it, then don't waste your time. Better meet professionals from the field where you also want to be a professional: let them teach you the art that you want to master perfectly. For example, why lose money because of your own ignorance if you can ask for help from an already experienced businessman?

Learn to be the best from the best. The most important thing in this whole process is your desire to achieve excellence in the area that you consider important in your life. And only then decide what exactly you want to achieve and how to do it.

Envy can either help or harm you. Already established professionals may make you jealous, which is good. Just use your envy as an incentive to grow and develop, and not to plot and dream about how your opponents will be defeated.

Learn from the professionals the skills and knowledge they have. From this base, you can add your own thoughts and skills that can make you even better than your teachers are.

How do you become a professional?

Find high paying job and getting big money is the dream of every person. However, employers love professionals - people who are well versed in their work and do it well. A logical question arises: how to become a professional? Many people here cannot give a definite answer.

Not a cum about higher education speaks of professionalism. It is not work experience that indicates that a person has good skills. Undoubtedly, training and work experience allow a person to acquire knowledge and use it, developing skills. However, many people work for decades in the same positions, and they cannot always be called professionals.

Professionals are not trained! People who train themselves become professionals. They do this under the guidance of experienced teachers or learn and acquire new knowledge themselves.

A person should strive to know his business in every detail. This encourages him to study his work, face various difficulties, learn to understand problems and eliminate them. A person becomes a professional when he educates himself and continues to develop as new technologies, knowledge, gadgets and other tools appear that allow him to perform his work efficiently.

Love for the work a person does makes him a professional. If there is constant development and acquisition of new skills, then a person begins to understand all the nuances of his profession.

No matter how trivial it may sound, it is your interest in the business that will help you achieve success. What do people usually do? They get an education and then work in their profession, at best, or even start working in a different profession. Usually a person develops the necessary minimum of knowledge and skills needed to complete the job. But to be a professional, you need to constantly learn, grow and develop, even if it seems to you that you already know and can do everything.

You must be able to perform any job and solve any issue that arises in your business. If you can do all this, then you are a professional. If you don't know something or can't solve a problem, then you still need to grow. Love for your work will help with this.

Become an expert in your field

Do you want to be paid for your work? Then you should become an expert in your field. But a person either submits to laziness, which is why he does not want to develop his knowledge, or is so multifaceted that he cannot effectively perform his work in each individual case.

Who do you think is better to go to for advice on the issue of division of property - a lawyer who simply knows all the laws, or a lawyer who directly deals with issues of division of property? You will most likely turn to a second specialist who is directly confronted with the issue you are currently solving, constantly updates his knowledge and knows all the nuances of his business.

Thus, become an expert in your field, but not for everyone, but for a specific group of people, not for all issues, but for specific problem situations. A good specialist is one who constantly solves issues that concern you, and not one who simply has a general idea of ​​how you can solve your problem. And, accordingly, a specialist in solving specific issues receives more money than a person who can generally solve a problem.

So, do you want to get paid a lot for your work? Become an expert in solving specific issues, develop your knowledge in this area and advance. Don't just own general knowledge, but delve into the details and nuances in order to be competitive compared to other specialists. And since large number people today are lazy, it’s easy for you to become a professional and stand out from them.

The highlight of professionalism

Do you want to be a person with a twist? If you follow all the people who were distinguished by some special characteristics and were remembered by many, then you can highlight one single feature - they all had a zest. Each one stood out from the crowd in their own way. ordinary people. Many people talk about the zest in a person, especially if it concerns a woman. After all, it is the lady who should attract the attention of men, however, zest also benefits men when they want to attract the attention of people connected with money.

What is a highlight? This is unique distinguishing feature in humans, which is rare or only in a single copy. Can be called a highlight psychic abilities, since they are not common (we do not take into account charlatans). Can be called a highlight perfect proportions body or a sense of selflessness, since all this is also rare.

Everything that is unique, unusual, uncommon, is a highlight. And like this unique properties Any person can have it. Everyone can be the bearer of a certain zest that will set him apart from the crowd of other people.

How to become a person with a twist? You just need to become a professional in your field. Choose what you like most in the work sphere, in love, in human character, etc., and then begin to understand and develop in it. Choose one industry from all that is inherent to a person, and then begin to develop in yourself those skills, knowledge and qualities that are inherent in your choice. For example, great athletes, cheaters, self-sacrifices, kings, generals, etc. - all these people are professionals in their field. They devote themselves completely to what they choose. They study their art, develop skills, and develop certain qualities in themselves.

Become a professional in anything - and you will be a person with a twist. In fact, zest is not so easy to develop in yourself. But if you achieve perfection in any matter, then they will remember you, they will talk about you, they will want to contact you. Become a professional, develop the qualities needed in your business, and then many people will follow you without any quirks.

How to ultimately become a professional in your field?

So, you learned from the best (already established professionals) who passed on their knowledge and skills to you. You are constantly developing and learning new things. But for some reason you can be a professional and not receive offers for a high position or not be individual entrepreneur who earns big money?

Professionalism is halfway to wealth. There remains one more point that needs to be taken into account in achieving your professional and material development - demand. There must be a demand for the product you produce. What is it? It's people having problems that they can't solve without you. How more problems you can decide to other people, the more you will be in demand among them.

  1. To get a high position, you must solve problems of the enterprise without which it will not function. You must not only be able to do your job, but also become an indispensable employee, without whom the company will not grow and develop.
  2. To become a successful individual entrepreneur, you need to offer services that consumers need that solve their problems.

All this is possible only in one case - if you not only love your job and learn its basics, but also keep up with modern trends and technology.

The mistake of many great minds is that they love their job and do it well, but they just want to stay in the niche that is comfortable for them. They do not want to become modern, fashionable, popular, attractive. They want to be themselves. This approach doesn't work. You need to be not just a professional, but also a person who lives in the present time, keeps up with fashion, traditions and technologies that are popular today.

If you combine professionalism, love for your work and a willingness to be what consumers (employers) want you to be, then you will succeed.