Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov is a plastic surgeon (the best of the best). Sviridov Sergey Alekseevich Sviridov and intimate plastic surgery

I had blepharoplasty with a wonderful surgeon. I spent a long time choosing a surgeon, looking at websites, recommendations and before and after photos. Eyes are the mirror of the soul... I had blepharoplasty with a wonderful surgeon. I spent a long time choosing a surgeon, looking at websites, recommendations and before and after photos. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. I was not mistaken in my choice! The operation was successful. There is nothing wrong with rehabilitation, everything goes smoothly, it’s just a matter of time. You will return to an active life quickly, sports and serious physical activity are better in a month (gradually increasing), we are all individual, so monitor your well-being. I advise you to listen to your doctor’s recommendations and go for examinations. The result is visible quite quickly, but the effect should be assessed after 2 months. I am very pleased with the results of my surgery! Many thanks to the doctor!

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I made an appointment with Dr. Sviridov for a consultation on breast augmentation. It turned out to be not so easy to do, all the days are almost scheduled. They finally found it for me... I made an appointment with Dr. Sviridov for a consultation on breast augmentation. It turned out to be not so easy to do, all the days are almost scheduled. They finally found a place for me in the middle of the week. She arrived on time, but I had to wait a long time, because of this I was a little upset, I even wanted to leave.. Thank God I waited. Sergei Vladimirovich inspires confidence from the first minutes in his office! Instead of the usual augmentation, he offered me breast augmentation using implants using seamless technology. I got tense and thought that I was starting to cheat for money. BUT! The price is almost the same, but this method has simply countless advantages. The most important thing is that the breast looks natural and there is no incision visible anywhere, and the rehabilitation period is only 5 days. I fell in love with the doctor, a true professional in his field. The day of the operation was set. On the long-awaited day, the first thing was a consultation with an anesthesiologist, everything was fine. Then Sergei Vladimirovich applied the markings, again explained everything and reassured me. The next day, while bandaging, I saw my breasts. Ideal size, shape, slight swelling, but the doctor assured that it would go away in a few days. They showed the cut. You can't see it at all if you don't know where it is! And no seams! Thank you very much to Sergei Vladimirovich and the clinic for my transformation!

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0 comments Sviridov Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Victoria


    After consulting Sergei Vladimirovich, I decided that it was worth holding off on liposuction. The doctor assured me that so far everything was fine. I made it up to myself... After consulting Sergei Vladimirovich, I decided that it was worth holding off on liposuction. The doctor assured me that so far everything was fine. I invented some flaws in my appearance for myself. Thank you for saving me from unnecessary surgery!

    Today, plastic surgery is already so developed that it becomes pointless to postpone until tomorrow correction, the need for which is already noticeable. The industry is progressing literally every day, and one of its achievements is minimally invasive techniques. They are designed for people who are showing the first signs of aging and are not going to put up with them. Natural age-related changes are no longer considered a manifestation of beauty; they contradict fashion. In principle, this phenomenon has never pleased anyone, but before it was much more difficult to fight old age.

    Previously, surgeons acted more radically, since only such methods were possible. The problems were solved through a circular lift, which is indicated for people with pronounced age-related facial deformities. Now the slightest defects, indicating the number of years lived, can be eliminated without problems thanks to low-traumatic safe interventions, mini-surgeries, if you can call them that. They allow you to maintain youth with “little blood” and stop the aging process at the very initial stage. Correction of certain areas does not lead to distortion of facial features and is not accompanied by changes beyond recognition. The person looks young, attractive and natural. The site’s correspondents learned more about the features of these technologies during a personal conversation with the winner of the award in the category “Innovation and Advanced Technologies in Plastic Surgery” of the Diamond Beauty International Award in the field of beauty and health, Sergei Sviridov.

    Corr.: Tell us about modern methods of aesthetic medicine that ensure minimal trauma, which you use in your work.

    Sergey Sviridov: This topic, in fact, deserves attention, since today minimally invasive surgery is rapidly developing. Many people want to rejuvenate at an age when there is no need for significant surgical interventions. Consequently, new possibilities are of interest to patients. Doctors have already gained considerable experience and continue to develop low-traumatic, effective procedures, which, by the way, do not always correspond to the name “operation”.

    Corr.: What specific techniques would you recommend?

    Sergey Sviridov: Among young people, preserving youth through lipofilling is in great demand. This procedure is based on the use of autologous fat (fat belonging to the patient) for facial manipulation. In this case, age-related deformations occur in fatty tissue, bone tissue and skin, which becomes significantly thinner. By restoring volume, we achieve a rejuvenation effect without direct surgical intervention. Lipofilling does not require incisions; fat is injected with a needle through small punctures. The result is no worse than after surgery.

    Corr.: Is it true that many patients are disappointed with lipofilling due to the additional swelling and excessive swelling of the face after the procedure? Is it possible to do without such consequences?

    Sergey Sviridov: The procedure usually does not lead to swelling in the long term. For example, with contouring with hyaluronic acid gel, this is quite natural. But the fat cells belonging to the patient take root over time. Swelling is sometimes caused by an excessive amount of injected substance. In general, lipofilling is carried out in stages. When the first effect is noticeable, we pause for 1 year, and then repeat the injections to increase the volume. It is advisable that lipofilling be preceded by contouring with hyaluronic acid, since it dissolves over time, but first allows the person to see what his face will be like. Another option is 3D modeling. It helps determine a more accurate dosage of auto fat used to add volume. These measures provide an attractive, natural-looking result without the over-correction that patients fear.

    Corr.: Everyone knows that one of the signs of aging is the formation of deep circles under the eyes. Will lipofilling help in this case, or are there more suitable correction options?

    To avoid overcorrection, fat injections are carried out in several stages.

    Sergey Sviridov: It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. If the circles are of impressive size, then this is due to significant thinning of the skin and loss of soft tissue volume. In principle, you can use gel based on hyaluronic acid, but you will need more of it. It is better to eliminate this problem using lipofilling. Only in this case you should be especially careful. In cases where the amount of fat to be injected is extremely small, it is better to inject two or three times to avoid overcorrection. For patients who do not yet have pronounced circles, the volume is preserved, but some changes begin to occur with thick skin, the use of hyaluronic acid is much more appropriate. This method also provides the desired effect. But when a lack of tissue leads to exposure of the periorbital bone edge, to obtain a high-quality result, it is preferable to restore the volume with the patient’s cells, which will take root in this area in the required quantity. One of the surgeon’s tasks is to choose the right method based on specific indicators.

    Corr.: Does the fat tissue used for correction harden?

    Sergey Sviridov: Depends on how all the nuances are taken into account. Provided high-quality filtration or placement in a centrifuge at low speeds, as well as careful laying out in a layer of the required thickness, the cells are well nourished and about 70 percent of them take root. The choice of cannula is also very important. If its size is too small, then large fat cells will be destroyed directly during the injection process, which can lead to the formation of fibrosis. As I already said, it is imperative to remember that large amounts of fat must be layered or divided into several stages. In case of simultaneous introduction, the middle layers cannot feed and die. This is fraught with consequences.

    Corr.: How long does it take to recover after lipofilling? And what exactly is this process?

    Sergey Sviridov: In reality, the operation is very quick as it is completely non-invasive. Minor bruises may appear, but they will disappear in just a few days. Rehabilitation is usually easy. Even when more bruises remain, they disappear within a week. To promote speedy healing, I recommend that patients use special products for resolving bruises and swelling. You can also perform physiotherapy and myostimulation. These measures are relevant if, for example, after 7 days the swelling becomes greater. This may be due to some somatic diseases or circulatory conditions. Resolving the issue requires an individual approach. It is important that during lipofilling, autologous fat is injected not using a sharp needle, but rather using a thin, blunt cannula that does not damage the tissue. This is almost the same tool as the one we use when contouring cheekbones using hyaluronic acid. The cannula penetrates the body without touching blood vessels and nerves. Moreover, fat does not need to be injected into the entire face. Injections are injected only into certain areas, which are usually small in size. Volume compensation leads to a rejuvenation effect. This method can be considered practically non-surgical.

    “Love for my work and the desire to improve made me master all the specializations of plastic surgery: mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, facial and eyelid plastic surgery, endoscopic plastic surgery, liposuction, laser surgery. Working together with specialists in cosmetology and dermatology allows me to fully and systematically use the capabilities of anti-aging programs at any age and correct age-related changes comprehensively."


    In 1999, after graduating from the Medical Academy in the city of Yaroslavl, I began working in the specialty of general surgery. From my first year I had to assist in operations with my first teachers, and even then I realized that surgery was my calling.

    Achievements (certificates, proprietary methods, etc.):

    Certified specialist in plastic surgery. Full member of OPREX. Member of the Society of Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgeons. Over 12 years in plastic surgery, I have performed hundreds of different operations and developed my own approach and technique for performing them. I constantly study abroad in order to expand my theoretical knowledge and enrich my practical skills. I speak at scientific conferences. I conduct practical and theoretical seminars, training young professionals and cosmetologists.

    Plastic surgeon, certified specialist in plastic surgery. Full member, full member of the Russian Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (), member. Leading specialist at the EKLAN Medical Center for Cosmetology Correction at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    Has been practicing plastic surgery since 1999.

    Sviridov Sergey Vladimirovich regularly undergoes training and advanced training abroad in the USA and Sweden. He is active in scientific activities: a regular participant in Russian and international congresses and conventions on plastic surgery, a speaker at scientific conferences. Conducts practical and theoretical seminars, training young professionals and cosmetologists. He is the developer of the website, with which in 2012 he won the National Award for the publication of the site in the “Progress and Innovation” category.

    Surgeon's publications and additional materials:


    Prices for services:

    Plastic surgery
    240.000 rub.
    165.000 - 191.000 rub.
    67.000 - 120.000 rub.
    92.000 rub.
    25.000 - 30.000 rub.
    105.000 - 175.000 rub.
    160.000 rub.
    41.000 - 48.000 rub.
    24.000 rub.
    140.000 rub.
    Scar treatment (surgical) 40.000 - 50.000 rub.
    15.000 - 130.000 rub. The cost of one liposuction area is 15,000 - 18,000 rubles.
    25.000 - 137.000 rub. The cost of one lipofilling zone is 30,000 rubles. Taking auto fat 25,000 rub.
    150.000 rub.
    100.000 rub.
    50.000 rub.
    105.000 rub.
    227.000 - 360.000 rub. Including simultaneous breast replacement.
    250.000 - 300.000 rub.
    300.000 rub.
    140.000 - 220.000 rub.
    197.000 - 300.000 rub.
    200.000 - 220.000 rub. Rhinoseptoplasty is possible.
    155.000 rub.
    Rhinoplasty 80.000 rub.
    240.000 rub.
    45.000 rub.
    95.000 rub.
    297.500 rub. Without the cost of implants
    220.000 - 390.000 rub. Replacement of one/two implants.
    40.000 rub.
    65.000 - 140.000 rub.
    130.000 rub.
    38.000 rub.
    320.000 - 380.000 rub.
    97.000 rub.

    Reviews and comments

    • 5 October 2019, 01:39 – Margot:

    I had liposuction of problem areas on the body done by Dr. Sviridov Vaser, fat was removed from the hips, riding breeches and arms, also known as lipoplasty. Before this, I conscientiously tried to remove fat deposits with grueling workouts, but over the course of a year I did not achieve any noticeable results, and in the end I decided to have surgery. Lipoplasty is a more gentle method, I had almost no bruises, needle marks heal normally. I followed all the recommendations, wore compression garments for a month and a half, and followed a diet. And now I’m trying to eat right so as not to spoil the excellent results achieved. I recommend Dr. Sviridov to everyone!

    • 30 September 2019, 00:15 – Leila:

    Sviridov Sergey Vladimirovich is a huge professional, an excellent doctor and a wonderful person, an attentive, sensitive and highly professional specialist in his field! I'm glad that he was the one who did the blepharoplasty. His participation is half the success of this operation!

    • 27 September 2019, 01:21 – David:

    Thick eyebrows hanging over the eyes give the face a sinister look. Usually, when people talk about facial plastic surgery, they always mean women as patients. But men also have problems, like me, with drooping eyebrows. Sergei performed an endoscopic lift on my forehead and eyebrows. As a result, wrinkles on the forehead disappeared, the eyes opened, and the face began to look younger. If any of you have similar problems, I advise you to contact plastic surgeon Sergei Vladimirovich Sviridov.

    • 22 September 2019, 00:17 – Alla:

    I wanted to have liposuction due to excess fat in the abdominal area. Dr. Sviridov advised doing an abdominal tummy tuck instead. He said that they would remove excess skin and then correct the figure. And this method will be more effective than conventional liposuction. I agreed. It turned out just great! I can't stop looking at it! Thank you for recommending this particular operation.

    • 31 August 2015, 22:16 - Julia:

    Sergey Sviridov is not only a good surgeon, but also a doctor by vocation.
    I had breast augmentation in March, 3 months have already passed, everything is just perfect and there were no complications, which is the most important thing. Size 280 mil round, cut where the nipple is according to the breast method without a seam (though there is no seam :))
    I’ll tell you everything in order: first I went for a consultation with Ilya Sergeev (Doctor Plastic), my consultation lasted, well, 5 minutes 45 seconds, where he told me by eye what volume we would set (without even showing it) and that the operation would last 20 minutes and the very next day I can fly away (I live in another country). Of course, I was happy and since there were a lot of good reviews about it (IS), I thought that it should be done quickly :)
    But still I decided to go to Sergei Sviridov to compare and I realized where the sky is and where the earth is! :) Sergey Sviridov held about an hour-long consultation, told me everything, both the pros and cons, and did 3D modeling. In general, in one word, delight from the man himself and the doctor.
    And then I decided what I would do with Sergei Sviridov, I can trust him. I was most afraid of anesthesia, to be honest. But in general this is a really good thing :) you fall asleep quickly and wake up in bed and really don’t feel anything. Don’t be afraid :) just the main thing is to get all the tests done correctly and that everything will be fine!
    After the operation, to be honest, my breasts hurt a lot, since I had not given birth, especially the left one, it was hard to lie down, I tried to walk or recline. I even cried :) until the doctor calmed me down and encouraged me :) But for example, there was another patient in the clinic, she had practically no pain... (she’s older than me, she’s probably already given birth) - it’s all individual.

    The first three days are the hardest, it’s hard to sleep and walk, but you can live :) you take painkillers (spasmalgon) and it becomes easier. They only injected me with antibiotics on the first day, then I didn’t take them. There were bruises, but a little somewhere under the breast on the sides and did not hurt (after 2 weeks they completely disappeared). On the 5th day I already flew out and started going to work (after and during the flight there was no discomfort at all). And for me personally, the first 2 weeks were not entirely full-fledged; I could not walk long distances, for example. But now everything is fine. The scar is not visible at all, even my man asked me what they did through it, and when I said that at first I didn’t believe it through the nipple and only saw it after a thorough examination :) The shape is just perfect, the edges are not visible and on the ultrasound (did it 2 months later) they said that the doctor simply did everything so perfectly from God. The size is not large, 75 C, but as it should be:) in general, I recommend girls to everyone to see Sergei Sviridov, this is the doctor from whom you will leave happy and satisfied and will not regret the money.

    • 25 August 2015, 10:42 – Guzel:

    Sergei Vladimirovich is my super-hero, and his super-power is the ability to make people beautiful and happy) I had blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. I was very worried that I would become like an artificial doll, but there was no trace of the operation left, and no one from the medical office even knows about my plastic surgery.

    I came to Sviridov on a recommendation, I saw the result of his work personally and therefore I had no doubts. Sergei Vladimirovich did liposuction for me, it turned out amazing!) The contour of the hips became perfect, the skin tightened and became more elastic, the fat was gone!

    • 28 April 2015, 16:36 – Galina:

    I would like to highlight Sergei Vladimirovich’s outstanding abilities in eliminating postoperative scars. I tried on myself his famous “chest without stitch” technique, when postoperative incisions are not sutured, but sealed with a special safe glue. This eliminates the only way another person can tell that a breast has been surgically enhanced. ;) Of course, there is another one, when the work was done so ineptly that anyone can understand - “silicone”. But Sergei Vladimirovich does not have such mistakes. He does the chest perfectly)

    • 12 January 2015, 11:46 – Anya:

    Sergei Vladimirovich performed blepharoplasty on me two years ago. At first, it took me a long time to get used to the new appearance, I did the top and bottom, so I didn’t just look younger, having removed the bags and hernias, but changed a little. Now I see that these are changes for the better, my eyes are open, my eyes are not tired, the wrinkles under my eyes have also disappeared. I am grateful to the doctor, I recommend him to everyone as a good specialist.

    • 27 October 2014, 20:56 – Valentina:

    I first had liposuction of the inner thighs at Sviridov’s, which my husband suggested to me. I was offended by him at first, then I realized that I myself was constantly whining about fat thighs and signed up for a consultation. Everything went smoothly, quickly and there was almost no pain afterwards. I'm happy with the result.
    The second time I went to him for my breasts) More precisely, for “breasts without a seam.”

    • 22 October 2014, 19:29 – Ekaterina:

    I had my breasts done by Sviridov. Of course, according to the method, the breasts are without a seam. A friend advised me - she also now has a gorgeous bust. I first signed up for a consultation to chat. Well, you never know, you know, it’s still an operation, it’s scary. I talked to him - he’s a good man, kind. He told me everything in detail. He showed me the implants, I squeezed them, I wanted to make sure that the breasts would be natural both to the touch and in appearance. After the operation, it didn’t take long to recover; the tumors also went away quickly. There was no seam, as planned. Now try to find the place where they cut me). I agree that the doctor works like a jeweler. I'm very pleased.

    • 27 April 2014, 18:47 – Edward:

    It’s true that a little higher up, the girl noticed that Dr. Sviridov has developed subtlety and finesse in performing operations -)-)-). I can only confirm this, I myself did an endoscopy of his forehead. The indication for this operation was my unaesthetic eyelids, which by the age of 37 had sagged, drooped, and began to half-cover my vision. It was some kind of horror, even shame. Friends began to ask what happened to my eyes. What could I tell them? Just keep silent. Thanks to the wonderful endoscopic lift, and of course to Sergei Vladimirovich, who performed it on me-). Very professional, by the way. Within a week, the stitches were removed from me, and in general, all traces of the operation “ran away” after 2 weeks!-) I don’t know if the result would have been as good if I had been operated on by another surgeon! Sergei Vladimirovich did a really delicate job, not just any way, but with all his characteristic taste and accuracy. That's why my eyes turned out great -). The view immediately became much better, the eyelids “fell into place”, even the look became more youthful!) Friends no longer pester us with questions, they just smile and give compliments-). I thank Sergei Vladimirovich with all my heart! He is No. 1 for me.

    • 20 October 2013, 10:07 – Kemmy:

    A wonderful surgeon with golden hands! Sergey Vladimirovich, please accept my gratitude. After the lift, it was as if I became a different person. Now I'm not afraid to pass by the mirror. It no longer reflects a monster, but a young woman with caviar in her eyes)))) I am very glad that, of all the opportunities presented to me then, I chose an operation with you. You are a very delicate surgeon, and you need to work delicately with your face. Therefore, I could not resist... Moreover, the prospect of minimizing postoperative stitches turned out to be very, very attractive for me. Ladies, I wholeheartedly recommend getting your face done by Sviridov! If you had seen the state in which I brought my face to him, and what it is like now, there would be no doubt left. I don’t understand how to upload photos here, but if anyone is curious, write to me by email! I will be happy to answer everyone, even if necessary, I can meet. I don’t hide from anyone that I had plastic surgery. If I help someone with a choice, then I will only be pleased! I know who I recommend! Thanks again doctor.
    P.S. Max-lifting, laser lipolysis of the chin, seamless blepharoplasty.

    • 11 September 2013, 20:13 – Valeria:

    Vera, wow “purchase” – size 4!!! I couldn’t even dream about this!!! Today I went to Medlaz for a consultation with Sviridov. By the way, I have already visited Babayan, Gagarina, Salidzhanov and Osin. I left Sviridova for dessert))) Of course, the format of his consultations is completely different. I learned as many details from Sergei Vladimirovich as I did not receive from other surgeons in all the consultations taken together! Doctor gave me maximum attention and time. Konsa started at 8 pm, left the clinic at the beginning of 10. And very satisfied. Sergei Vladimirovich examined my breasts, listened to my wishes, then measured everything and offered his own version of correction. All surgeons named the volume of implants approximately the same, but the difference is in the profiles and types of implants. Sviridov, Babayan and Osin propose to put anatomists, the rest for circles. Sviridov’s is cool because it can be done without a seam. So now I began to lean towards him.

    • 22 July 2013, 10:30 - Faith:

    I had my breasts enlarged by Sergei Vladimirovich, so you can congratulate me on the newly created fourth size)) For two years now I have been unofficially Miss Breast of the company, in which I have been serving faithfully for five years)) The fact that the breasts turned out luxurious is evidenced by the faces colleagues, when I come in a low neckline) I used to have a deuce, I inserted 320 ml. round, high profile under the muscle, through the areola using the “Breast without seam” method, that is, after a week there were no stitches! The swelling went away during the same time!! It didn’t even hurt anywhere particularly. But the shape is amazing, my foursome is something with something, I immediately noticed how those around me have changed - the men’s eyes sparkle, and the girls are jealous)) They vying with each other to ask where I changed so much)) I won’t tell anyone! Only for you - a secret)

    • 8 July 2013, 14:18 – Marusik:

    Protruding ears are not a life sentence, I assure you!!!))) Although I had never heard of otoplasty before, until I accidentally found information on the Internet about surgical correction of ears. They corrected me under local anesthesia, the procedure did not take more than thirty minutes, Sergey Vladimirovich Sviridov operated. I was discharged on the same day, in the evening I was already at home, with a bandage on my head))) I wore the bandage for less than two weeks, now, according to Sergei Vladimirovich’s instructions, I need to protect my ears from blows and bruises for another six months. The prices, by the way, are very affordable, which cannot but please us Ushastiki))) if you decide to do the same, I would advise Sviridov, he is a qualified surgeon and treats patients well, he does Ushastikas so that in two weeks nothing It’s no longer noticeable, everything is symmetrical and neat!

    • 18 June 2013, 16:01 – Viola:

    I never managed to get my figure in order after pregnancy. The hips, the stomach, the sides, and the arms were blown apart. My son is already four years old, and it’s still like I’m pregnant!! Diets and sports somehow had no effect, apparently, the deposits were local and had to be removed only surgically. I consulted with my husband for a long time, in the end my husband gave the go-ahead for liposuction, and personally took me to Sergei Vladimirovich Sviridov. My husband works in medical circles, so he wouldn’t take me to a bad doctor))) Sergei Vladimirovich explained how to prepare for lipo, it turns out that all physical activity must be removed a month before the opiation - I didn’t know before. Fat was removed from four zones. Now that I remember, it’s scary, what a hippopotamus I was!! It’s good that the surgeon was attentive and sensitive - he supported me both before and after the operation, advised me in detail on all issues and performed his work flawlessly. The body, of course, ached and burned for the first week, and then the swelling went down, a waist appeared, and the pain went away. How glad I am to feel slim and attractive again!!! I am happy again and grateful to Sergei Vladimirovich for his high-quality work!!

    • 13 May 2013, 15:25 – Kalinkina:

    And I had liposuction on my knees! Hollywood operation)) I call it that myself, because many Hollywood stars have had lipo on their knees, so their knees are mostly beautiful. But knees are one of the most unattractive parts of a woman’s body! I had a fold of fat above my knee, and if I put on a heel, it completely became a “cornice”; even thick tights did not help hide it. Summer and the beach are just around the corner, so I decided: it’s now or never! I had surgery with Sviridov, I trust him one hundred percent. Opi under local, without general anesthesia. It doesn’t hurt, although you’ll have to walk around with an elastic band later, but the result is worth all the pain! The legs are even, slender, the knees are thin, almost like a model))) Sergei Vladimirovich knows what he is doing! Thank him very much! I feel like Miss Perfect))

    • 28 April 2013, 22:00 – Valentina:

    She tolerated the anesthesia well. A pink stripe appeared on my tummy, which subsequently faded, now it has become the color of my skin. My tummy became flat, but the first days after the operation I was not left with a painful condition. I took painkillers until I felt better. The volume of the operation was very large, and the body had to rebuild. I spent three weeks in compression garments, but when I compared my photos before and after abdominoplasty, I realized that a revolution had occurred in my life.

    • 28 April 2013, 18:12 – Josephine:

    I met Sergei Vladimirovich Sviridov last year at a consultation when I was planning to have an abdominoplasty. After visiting several plastic surgeons, I finally decided that Sviridov would be the right choice. He was open and frank in his conversation with me as a patient.
    My stomach was a terrible sight: a voluminous “apron” and the skin on it covered with stretch marks. This was the result of my twin pregnancy. I am very pleased with my children. But the appearance didn’t suit me at all, so, knowing about the difficulty of the operation, I still agreed to do it.
    She tolerated the anesthesia well. A pink stripe appeared on my tummy, which subsequently faded, now it has become the color of my skin. My tummy became flat, but the first days after the operation I was not left with a painful condition. I took painkillers until I felt better. The volume of the operation was very large, and the body had to rebuild. I spent three weeks in compression garments, but when I compared my photos before and after abdominoplasty, I realized that a revolution had occurred in my life. Aesthetic! I am very pleased with Sviridov’s work, he is a doctor like few, genuine, professional and attentive.

    • 21 April 2013, 20:10 – Gala:

    I am very glad that so many of our women want to remain beautiful at any age. I'm like that myself. When one day I discovered that I was no longer the same person as before and it was too late to turn to cosmetologists - they still wouldn’t help, I decided to undergo facial plastic surgery. My friend had her breasts done by Sviridov, and I, being very far from aesthetic medicine, decided to go to him for a consultation. After our meeting with Sergei Vladimirovich, I was already obsessed with the operation and could not wait for it to happen. Sviridov recommended that I combine blepharoplasty and SMAS lifting. The surgeon knows better, and I agreed. In principle, I was satisfied with the result. In addition to the operation, I was recommended a number of procedures, after which I became even younger and more attractive. I really like Sergei Vladimirovich - his individual approach to the patient. Due to this, a good effect is achieved. I extended my youth for 10 years, and then we’ll see what to do next.

    • 12 April 2013, 14:03 – Verinka:

    Sviridov became the man who discovered plastic surgery for me! I didn’t even know that modern medicine is capable of creating such miracles with appearance as Sergei Vladimirovich does! I am 43 years old, I am a mother of two children, I will soon become a grandmother)) I wanted to get myself in order, especially since the opportunity and time for this appeared. And after a course of massages and yoga classes, I felt that I was ready to move on. My sore point was my breasts, which stretched greatly after feeding my second child and became asymmetrical. I hid it in underwear with lots of backing to give it a rounded shape at the neckline of the garment. But you can’t hide anywhere in your own bedroom or in front of a mirror... I decided to have a mastopexy, but without implants. Sviridov gave me back my breasts, restored them to their former height and attractive natural shape! “Spaniel ears” are forgotten, complexes are retired! Now I'm proud of my figure because not many women my age have the same. Yes, I helped nature through surgery, but I believe that there is nothing strange or unnatural about it. No one in the world has the right to dispose of me except myself. Therefore, advice to all future patients: do not listen to anyone’s opinion except the opinion of your surgeon. You are doing the operation for yourself and you are not obligated to explain why you needed it.

    • 15 March 2013, 09:46 – Violet:

    Sergey Sviridov is a wonderful surgeon and a true master of his craft! Six months ago, my mother had a face and neck lift done by him. Now, when the result has not yet settled down, she is still incredibly happy. I see that there have been dramatic changes in her face and neck - extremely positive. The contours became very clear, the general sagging of the face disappeared, the jowls, the cheeks - everything evaporated. Mom looks 5-7 years younger! The operation did her good, it’s true. I'm very happy for her. My biggest worry, besides the fact of the surgical intervention, was that after the opiate she would end up with a frozen mask on her face. Thank God, Sergei Sviridov has a head on his shoulders and his hands grow from where they need to be! Mommy had a gorgeous face and a swan neck. At the same time, all her characteristic features are preserved, facial expressions are normal, no excessive tension. And sensitivity was preserved everywhere. We are very grateful to Sergei Vladimirovich!

    • 1 March 2013, 17:10 – Burantseva:

    Lelya, congratulations! I myself passed through the hands of this amazing man. I don't know what I did. I have had a deviated nasal septum all my life. Not slightly, very strongly! Of course, I lived with her, but where could I go... There were no surgeons in my city. As soon as I moved to live in Moscow, I settled down, started earning money... Only then was I able to think about rhinoplasty. Sviridov was recommended to me by my boss))). She did his breasts, which she does not hide. I trusted and was right. Sergei Vladimirovich is a master of his craft, there is no doubt about it. Some people think that you can only go to him for seamless breasts. But no! He sculpts excellent noses, believe me. He dealt with my freak in no time. Fighter! I had an open rhino, of course. She tolerated the opiate very well. I recovered quickly. At first I was not very familiar with tampons and plaster. Yes, and everything hurt. And then it just gets better and better. The result is U-L-E-T! I am the happiest operated girl in the world! The nose became terribly straight, the back was without curvatures or humpbacks. I can breathe easily! In general, the feeling of heaviness disappeared, and my face became prettier. Thank you, Sergey Vladimirovich. With all my heart!

    • 22 February 2013, 21:15 – Irinka:

    Proud of myself, I corrected my protruding ears! Thank you very much to the parents who paid. I’m 17, I can’t get that kind of money yet, but I had laser surgery done by Dr. Sviridov. I asked them for a long time, but, to be honest, I didn’t fully believe that they would agree. They presented it as a birthday present))) THE BEST gift of my life! They found Sergei Vladimirovich for me themselves, through their mutual friends. And he does laser otoplasty, which is better than conventional otoplasty, although more expensive. The best for the child - that’s all the arguments)) About the operation itself, I’ll say that I was more worried than I should have been. It didn't hurt at all! Strange sensations that the head was not yours, I felt a little dizzy after the injection, I was flying somewhere in the clouds, sometimes I heard what was happening to my ears, but I repeat - no pain. Then they smeared something on me and put a bandage on me. And I slept on my back, didn’t turn my ears, didn’t wash my hair for a couple of days, and then with caution. I myself can only see in the photo how everything is there, but even without them I felt that everything was OK! The ears are beautiful, graceful, feminine. Now it’s not EARS, but ears)) I advise everyone who has the same problem. You can do a laser one, or a regular one - do it and breathe easy! I guarantee)))

    • 12 February 2013, 22:30 - Stewardess:

    Everything is great! I live in the clouds again and fly in the sky! Literally and figuratively! Not only the plane lifts me to such a height, but also the efforts of Sergei Vladimirovich. 2 years together))))) in the sense that I have been coming to him regularly for 2 years for something) The first time for liposuction. I removed everything I could! Since then, my waist is like Sophia Loren (60 cm), my hips and legs are even, like Nicole Kidman’s. And a flat stomach. I also pumped up my abs - it looks sexy, really sexy))) Last year (August 2012) I had my breasts enlarged. Who would doubt it))) Seamless technique “Breast without seam” with special shapes from Sergei Vladimirovich. Very neat breast!!! Class! Size – well, closer to a size four! Shape like photoshopped models from men's magazines! I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Sviridov. He (YES! YES! YES!) is the best plastic surgeon! Try to dissuade me from this))))) I wish him everything, everything, the most cosmic! He is SUPER! And thanks to him, so do I!

    • 23 November 2012, 15:15 – Vika:

    Thanks to Sergei Vladimirovich, I got breasts! For several years I was afraid to admit to myself that I wanted to have surgery. If I asked my friends for their opinions, I immediately heard that “she’s blown her tits off again!” or “no brains, but size 5 breasts.” You know, it’s somehow unpleasant to become the object of such statements after such statements. When I looked on the website how many women get their breasts done, something seemed to click inside me. Why do they do this and they don’t care about anyone’s opinion, but I have to listen to everyone? My breasts are my problem, I need to enlarge them - and I will do it! Once I decided for myself, everything happened amazingly quickly. Two weeks later I had a consultation with Sviridov, over the next week I collected all the necessary papers, and in less than a month I was already sitting at home with my laptop and computer. I sat and couldn’t believe it with happiness)) Sergei Vladimirovich made me perfect breasts using the Breast without seam method. I was left with thread-like cuts along the areola, and no more marks! The gluing place is very neat, as if it wasn’t made by a person. Of course, the first days were very difficult; underwear really constrained freedom. I’ve been used to doing everything myself all my life, but here I had to slow down and lie on the bed. At this point, it's been two months since I gained breasts. Every day I look at myself and say words of gratitude to my surgeon! And to my friends, none of whom told me that I have unnatural breasts!)

    • 12 November 2012, 17:30 – Maria:

    “You need to go to Sviridov to get your breasts done without a stitch, but you’re going to see him to get your eyelids done!” - my friend admonished me when I was just getting ready to see Sergei Vladimirovich for a consultation. But I was confident that the doctor who performs operations such as “Breast without suture” can also accurately do eyelids. Also without a seam))) Because the breasts, of course, are good, but my own are not bad, but the eyelids had to be done both upper and lower. They became my headache. It is very important for a woman how she looks. Doctor Sviridov is very courteous, but this is probably difficult to surprise anyone with this in our time. But many could learn from his accuracy. He made my eyelids in such a way that there are simply no words: beautiful, open eyes without a hint of age!

    Sviridov Sergey Alekseevich born in 1964 in sunny Crimea, the city of Simferopol. Already in 1987, the young artist graduated from the Faculty of Painting and Graphics of the Moscow Academic Art Institute (MGAHI) named after. V.I. Surikov. Before this, Sergei studied and successfully graduated from the Simferopol School of Fine Arts.

    The formation of the author’s unique style was greatly influenced by his acquaintance with the famous landscape painter Afanasy Sukhinin. A native of the colorful southern region, Sergei Sviridov very subtly adopted the pictorial style of living seascapes, bright portraits and lush still lifes. Having shown great interest in the special colors of the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Sergei Sviridov, as an artist, was able to acquire a unique manner of combining shades in the shadows and in the light.

    These semi-fairy-tale contrasts made it possible to create paintings filled with the living charm of southern nature, reflecting the unique flavor of seascapes and portraits. Sergei Sviridov’s paintings are invariably bright, dense, rich: in them both nature and people breathe the fresh energy of summer and warmth. Each of your favorite genres (landscape, portrait and still life) reveals inner optimism and interest in life. The vigorous charge of energy of Sergei Sviridov’s works attracted great attention from the public, allowing his works to deservedly participate in many international and Russian exhibitions.

    The painting “At the Pier” is painted in oil in the author’s characteristic manner: bright, sunny, full of colors and a summer mood. The talent of Sergei Sviridov gives the viewer a warm mood and at the same time invigorates - this is where his unique artistic charm lies. The painting shares the cozy clarity of the seascape with the interior, filling the room with light and vibrant colors.

    The painting “Seascape” is one of the most successful motifs in the work of Sergei Sviridov. Born in Crimea, the artist subtly senses the profound splendor of southern nature and is happy to share this brightness with the viewer. The painting becomes appropriate in any interior: in the office, in the living room, and in the bedroom, emphasizing exactly those details that make the atmosphere especially cozy.

    The author's still lifes are no less varied and textured: a sense of color, elegance and confident lightness of the brush, the freshness of the selected subjects - all this makes the artist's paintings more than attractive even for a sophisticated viewer.

    Surprisingly realistic and fresh and. Sviridov's heroines invariably leave the best impression: subtly felt femininity and complexity of the image harmoniously coexist with lightness and romanticism. The images of the characters in the artist’s portraits are always natural and deep, conveying the complexity and diversity of nature. When working on portraits, Sergei Sviridov uses bright, saturated colors, which allows him not only to recreate a stunning likeness, but also to emphasize the image in which he