Why do you dream about a wedding car? Why do you dream of someone else’s wedding: a celebration is planned.

Car in modern world It has long been no longer considered a luxury. But, nevertheless, what was seen in the dream is vehicle is a specific symbol associated with events occurring in real life. Due to the variety of interpretations of various dream plots, it is important, for correct decoding, to remember all the details of the dream.

When in a dream you see a car from the side, then when you wake up, try to remember it appearance. It is important to know why you dream of a new car, or, for example, a car of a certain color. This will help you correctly interpret the events happening around you in real life and, if necessary, change them.

Dreaming of a luxury car

Any luxurious big car seen in night dreams symbolizes a stable, luxurious and happy life. You have the opportunity to enjoy the blessings of life in reality.

Black car

Great value for correct interpretation dream has the color of the car seen in the dream. A dream about a black car is considered a favorable sign. Such a dream indicates that you will be able to realize all your plans and this will happen in the near future. But at the same time, such a dream focuses your attention on the fact that this will require a lot of effort.

If a woman had a dream with a black car, then most likely she will soon go on a pleasant trip. And if in a dream she was given such a vehicle, then this indicates the presence of a secret admirer in real life. Stealing a black car is considered a dangerous sign for a woman. This indicates the appearance of a rival in reality and the threat of losing a loved one.

White car in a dream

A frequent dream is when you dream white car. Most dream books interpret a white, clean car in a dream as a symbol that the dreamer’s life is developing in the right direction. In the near future, the person who sees such a dream will have good luck in real life. Everything will go well in your career and in personal life.

A dream with a snow-white car is considered especially favorable for people who are planning to start a family. Such a dream indicates that the marriage will be successful and long-lasting, and family life will be based on trusting relationships that will not be overshadowed by omissions and lies.

For lonely people, such a dream foreshadows a new acquaintance. Moreover, there is a high probability that a strong love relationship will be created with the new person.

Dreamers are often interested in why they dream of a white car? A dream about a white car is sometimes associated with well-being in the material sphere. After such a dream comes life period, which is suitable for the implementation of the most ambitious plans.

Red car - interpretation of sleep

A red car in a dream is associated with the dreamer’s inner worldview. It symbolizes the degree of emancipation of a person in real life and is often associated with events occurring in the sexual sphere.

According to Freud's dream book, seeing a red car in a dream means you need to become an independent person and refuse the tutelage of your parents or older comrades. Only in this case will it be possible to create a full-fledged family.

In Hasse's dream book, a red car is interpreted as a symbol of financial independence. Also, such a dream plot predicts unexpected profits in real life.

If a man dreams of a red car, then it may indicate his increased sexual activity in reality. This may be a warning to married people who are looking for adventure on the side. You should understand that your passing hobby can ruin your life.

For people who are involved in business, a luxury red car can portend great success in financial affairs and recognition from others. During this period of life, the most important thing is not to miss your opportunities.

I dreamed of a blue car

It is also important to pay attention to when you saw a blue or light blue car in your dream. It is a symbol of sadness and longing. Therefore, try to be more optimistic in real life and remember that a bad streak in life always ends someday.

Why do you dream of a green car?

A green car seen in a dream portends new love. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of an improvement in your existing relationship with your partner.

If in a dream you saw a lot of cars, then this is not auspicious sign, which foreshadows in real life many different difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

Car with worn out wheels

Pay attention to the dream in which you saw a car with worn out wheels. This is a direct hint that you need to stay close to your relatives in reality, who will provide you with timely and much-needed support in a difficult situation.

Brakes faulty

If, upon waking up, you remembered that the car you saw in your dream had faulty brakes, then this is a hint that in real life you need to make any decisions very responsibly. Otherwise, you may make a mistake that will be very difficult to correct.

Car with tinted windows

A car with tinted or cloudy windows in night dreams emphasizes the fact that in real life you are a selfish person, do not want to notice anyone around you and do not listen to the opinions of other people. It is advisable to reconsider your attitude towards the world around you, otherwise you may find yourself alone.

Machine condition or type

Other dream interpretations may emphasize the following:

    A truck symbolizes the heavy burden that you have to carry through life; A fire truck portends that in the near future you will have to do a very difficult, but at the same time important task; A broken or hopelessly broken car warns that in real life you may lose good friends; An ambulance seen in a dream portends illness; A burning car in night dreams indicates high probability conflicts and quarrels with a loved one; A car explosion in a dream is a harbinger of a break with a partner.

Driving a car in a dream

If you dreamed of driving a car, then it is important to pay attention to its quality. Driving a car skillfully and carefully means you have a stable life. In this case:
    If you are driving on a road leading upward, then this means that only with your own labor you can achieve success; If you see a descent, then you may be drawn into the routine of life, which can lead to degradation; If you are driving on an uneven road, then this indicates that you subconsciously experience any fears or suffer from congenital phobias.

Driving a car at high speed means loving to take risks in real life. In reality, you should realize this and think about how justified your desire to take risks for any reason is. Driving in a circle in a car in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream means that your affairs in real life have reached a dead end, and you are completely confused. Therefore, it is very good if in your night dreams before waking up you still managed to get out of the next circle. This portends that in real life you will still be able to find the right decision.If you are driving and in the plot of a dream a situation arose when you had to brake sharply, then this can be interpreted as follows:

    If the braking occurred on time and did not cause an accident, then in real life you will be able to avoid the danger that hangs over you; If you pressed on the brake, but at the same time felt that the car did not obey you, then changes are coming in life that you do not you will be able to prevent; If the brakes fail, then this is a statement that in real life you let the situation take its course and this can lead to unpredictable consequences; If you had to brake because others provoked the emergency situation, then this indicates your dependence on surrounding people.

Why do you dream of a car accident?

A car accident in a dream is always a harbinger of scandals and quarrels in real life. If you, while driving a car, provoked an accident, then this emphasizes your excessive self-confidence.

Car without driver

A dream in which you see a car moving without a driver is symbolic. To interpret such a dream, you should remember the sensations that you experienced in the dream:
    If you were afraid for your life, then such a dream foreshadows big troubles in real life, which, unfortunately, cannot be prevented; If negativity was completely absent in the dream, then this indicates that in reality, when making decisions, you need to listen to your own intuition.

If you dreamed that you were hit by a car, then in real life you are warned serious dangers or major troubles. In some cases it will be impossible to avoid them, but at the same time, by showing wisdom in decision making, it will be possible to minimize negative consequences specific events.

Car theft or theft

A bad omen is a plot in which your car is stolen. Such a dream foreshadows separation from a loved one. Moreover, due to this you will suffer very much, which can lead to nervous disorder. Also, the theft of a car can foreshadow the emergence of difficulties in seemingly simple matters.

It is important to know why you dream about buying a car. Purchasing a car in a dream plot can have different interpretations, which entirely depends on the details of the plot. If, according to the plot of the dream, you are going to purchase new car, then this means that you are planning a new business that will be very successful. Some dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of a profitable acquisition in real life or receiving important information. Also, to decipher a dream, you need to consider the following details:
    Bright color the purchased car indicates the onset of a joyful and happy period of life; If you are sincerely happy with the acquisition, this means that you will soon achieve prosperity in the material sphere; Buying an antique car indicates your dissatisfaction with life.
If you dream that you are buying a used car, then you will have to come to terms with the fact that your plan is not destined to come true. A completely unfavorable sign is the acquisition of a completely old car. Such a dream foreshadows the loss of a loved one.

Selling a car

A very popular question is why you dream about selling a car. After all, selling a car in a dream is always associated with problems in your personal life. Such a dream is a harbinger of disagreements and conflicts in the family. Also, such a dream can warn that changes in life related to the search are coming soon. new job. Moreover, during such a period of life one has to visit large number various interviews and participate in competitions.

Wash the car

When the plot of a dream develops in such a way that you have to wash your car or take care of your car, this indicates that you are in good physical shape and nothing threatens your health. And if you dreamed that you were washing the interior of a car, then this indicates that in life you are patronized by a very influential person.

Car repair - dream book

A noteworthy dream is in which you are repairing a car, but at the same time you understand that it is working properly. This indicates the development of an inferiority complex, the causes of which go back to deep childhood. Deviations may be related to the sexual sphere. Therefore, if you see such a dream often, it is better to consult a psychotherapist.

Spare parts for auto repair

If, according to the plot of your dream, you have to purchase spare parts to repair your car, this means that you overestimate your own capabilities in reality. Review needed life values and cool down your ardor, otherwise you can lose a lot. When trying to decipher a dream with a car, you must take into account the fact when you often drive a car or driving is your professional activity. In this case, a dream with a car may be a reflection real events and hardly carries any semantic meaning.

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Car owners often dream about cars, but especially often they dream about their own car in connection with its daily use. A dream in which a snow-white car appears is considered favorable in itself. However, in various dream books The appearance of a white car in a dream is interpreted in different ways. The interpretation of such a dream depends on the type and condition of the dreamed car, as well as on who exactly had such a dream.

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    Type and condition of the white car

    For more detailed interpretation dreams of a white car, it is necessary to take into account its visual state. A dream in which a clean snow-white car appears means right choice paths in real life. This applies to both personal life and the professional sphere - the one who sees it will be favored by good luck in everything. If the car in the dream looked very dirty and neglected, then this indicates that the person initially went in the wrong direction in life - for example, he chose a profession from which there is no satisfaction. It may also mean the wrong choice of a life partner, with whom it will not be possible to create a full-fledged family in the future. A dream indicates that a person has made the wrong choice and is not following the path intended for him in life.

      If a snow-white car looked quite clean in a dream, but it itself is old, then in reality you will need to work hard to achieve your goals. This also suggests that competitors are preparing intrigues, and subsequently you may lose the opportunity to bring ideas to life. Therefore, someone who sees such a dream must think through all his actions in such a way as to get ahead of his competitors and not make a mistake anywhere.

      A new boiling white car indicates that the dreamer is satisfied with his life and is getting the most out of it. An open top car means satisfaction in your work. If you dreamed of a luxurious white car, then such a dream personifies desires and dreams that at the time of sleep seem unrealistic. The dreamer’s position relative to the car depends on how quickly dreams come true. The closer he is to the car, the sooner his wishes will come true in real life. Seeing a foreign car in a dream white- to quickly turn your old dream into reality. A large snow-white car speaks of financial stability and prosperity.

      Who dreams of a snow-white car?

      In addition to the condition of the dreamed car, it is also worth considering who exactly dreamed about it. For a couple who has decided to tie the knot, such a dream means a happy and carefree family life. For people who are looking for their match, a dream with a snow-white car promises a quick meeting that will turn into strong union. In real life, a white car is usually considered a wedding car, so a dream involving one is a favorable sign for young people. For newlyweds, such a dream is also considered a good omen, which promises a quick addition to the family.

      If a girl dreamed that she was driving a white car with a guy, then this indicates her readiness to share her feelings and destiny with a young man. Typically, a young person has such dreams before getting married - by remembering all the details of such a dream, you can easily find out what kind of life awaits the young couple in a family relationship. A smooth road without bumps means a calm family life in which both people will feel comfortable. But a winding road, with potholes and car breakdowns, speaks of difficulties in family life. You can make another interesting interpretation of the dream if you remember who was driving the car in the vision. The one who was driving will subsequently be a kind of leader in family relationships. If you remember all the details of the dream, you can find out in advance about your future life. Married women such a dream promises strengthening relationships with your chosen one, as well as an easy and carefree family life.

      In general, a dream involving a white car represents a certain stability in real life. This applies to both love relationship, and financial affairs. A dream with a white car for people who in real life are the owners of such cars indicates that in reality there are some worries about their car. Such dreams usually occur at a time when there are some problems with the car or if the driver still feels unsure on the road.

      Why do you dream about a car - interpretation from dream books

      Incidents with a car in a dream

      A white car in a dream represents a certain dream that the dreamer is striving for. A beautiful and expensive white car means the emergence of a new noble goal in the near future. But the meaning changes depending on the actions that happen to the car in a dream. A white car moving away means the loss of something valuable in life.

      Driving a white car means favorable changes, meaning a change of job or place of residence. The dream suggests that a person is the leader of his life and knows how to make decisions. Even if there is some fear or doubt, you should not be afraid to radically change something, because the dream promises good consequences any action. Driving a chic white car means stunning success that will be noticeable to everyone around you.

      A dream in which a white car drove up to the house suggests that in reality there is a person who supports you in everything and wants the best. If, while driving a white car, you get into an accident, this will lead to the appearance of serious problems, and these troubles will come from a person close to you. Therefore, a person who has such a dream should keep his plans to himself and try not to tell any of his acquaintances and friends about his intentions.

      Several white cars - good sign. Having seen such a dream, you can invest your hard-earned money in any endeavor without hesitation - your income will soon return triple the amount. If the person who saw such a dream is not an entrepreneur or businessman, then this promises him a quick promotion in the service and a rise in the ranks. career ladder.

      If you dreamed that the car was received as a gift, it means a new cherished goal, and the more beautiful the car was, the more interesting the goal will be. But if it was given by a stranger, or the keys were missing when it was handed over, then such a dream means deception - a person should beware of a trick in money matters. You need to be very careful, check all papers, read documents before signing and trust only yourself. If you keep the whole situation under your control, then danger will bypass the person.

      A dream in which a white car overturned is bad sign. Such a dream promises the destruction of all planned plans. However, seeing a white car standing in the garage means getting what you want. It also means being deprived of the opportunity to move on.

      Seeing in a dream broken car- interpretations of dream books

      Interpretation from dream books

      In different dream books, the meaning of a dream with a white car is interpreted differently. Miller's dream book deciphers it as follows:

      • seeing a car is a sign of a new project that will cause concern;
      • an old car - to the superiority of ill-wishers financially;
      • a broken car means the loss of a close friend.

      According to the modern dream book:

      • seeing a white car is a symbol of human purity and innocence;
      • another controls the dreamer’s car - this person controls someone else’s fate;
      • the dreamer drives a friend’s car - the dream symbolizes the desire to possess this person’s thing or ability;
      • the dreamer sees himself as a car - the interior symbolizes the internal state, and the appearance of the car represents physical body dreamer

      The meaning of sleeping with a white car according to the dream book “From A to Z”:

      • dreaming of a white car - to pleasant travels or joyful events in life;
      • being in the car means activity, ease and good luck in life;
      • being behind the wheel of a car means illness and loss;
      • falling out of the cabin (or being thrown out) - bad news;
      • getting out of the car means realizing your plans;
      • theft or loss of your car - the plan is not destined to come true;
      • a broken car means a dark streak in life;
      • getting into an expensive convertible means prosperity in the home;
      • a truck, a heavy vehicle - to profit (loaded) or to loss (empty);
      • an antique or old car - to the machinations of ill-wishers in business;
      • seeing the engine under the open hood of a car means ill-considered matters;
      • trying to start the car while tinkering with the battery means income from monetary transactions.

      The general dream book provides the following interpretation:

      • purchasing a car with bulletproof glass means a profitable and interesting event;
      • repainting a car in a different color means profit;
      • clean the interior special shampoo- have a connection with an influential person;
      • painting over scratches on the fender of a car means conflict with your spouse’s relatives;
      • Troubleshooting a car (for a dreamer who is a car enthusiast) means an emergency on the road.

      To correctly interpret a dream in which a white car is present, it is necessary to proceed from the situation occurring in at the moment in the dreamer's life. If a person often encounters cars because of his profession, then such a dream most likely means nothing for him. This usually applies to those who work in auto repair shops, car washes, taxi services and car dealerships.

      If such a dream was seen by a car enthusiast or a person who has nothing to do with driving a car, then in most cases the dream has good value. But if the dream still carries negative character, then you should not be upset - it is best to arm yourself with the information received and in reality try to avoid adverse events.

If you had a dream in which you were one of the participants in the wedding ceremony, then you can rejoice - many dream books interpret this as very positive sign. Success in your career or business is possible, family relationships will improve significantly, and people around you will respect your opinions and actions. Being among honored guests at this holiday is a sign that one of your loved ones needs help, but is ashamed to ask you for it.

To be present at the wedding of your other half in a dream means that you will soon have to be very jealous or become a victim of this person’s deception. Seeing your spouse kissing another person promises serious disagreements and domestic conflicts.

Seeing the wedding of one of your close relatives means that this person will bring you good news. Some dream books promise the dreamer a heart-to-heart conversation with this person.

Dream books interpret having fun and hanging out at someone else’s wedding as a quick business trip or a trip related to making a profit. Saying a toast at a wedding ceremony means that in real life you will become the owner of a long-desired item.

Dream books consider receiving an invitation or news about someone else’s wedding a symbol of change in better side. After such a dream you may find more high paying job or meet the person who will play important role in your life.

If you dream of someone else’s wedding and you care about one of the newlyweds in real life, then it may well be that this person has warm feelings for you. After such a dream, try to start a conversation with this person. It is very likely that you will hear recognition or at least receive signs of sympathy.

Why do you dream about a wedding procession?

Seeing a car decorated with wedding paraphernalia in a dream means that you are worrying about some event in vain. All your nerves and fears will not find a place in real life, so you can calm down. Also this dream promises the dreamer good news concerning him labor activity or family relations. Moving, news about a new addition to the family or a promotion up the career ladder cannot be ruled out. If in a dream you were directly sitting in such a car, then expect success in your endeavors. Everything planned will soon come true.

Everything that happens in the subconscious can result in our dreams. Can't make a decision? The dream will suggest a way out and answer the questions that concern you. What happens in life if you dream about a wedding?

Famous interpreters This is how this image is deciphered:

  • Vangi - if you dream that you are having fun at a wedding, you will have a pleasant time with friends; saw your wedding - you will have to make a difficult decision; were the guest of honor - to a loved one need your help;
  • Miller - must be controlled own life; mourning at a wedding - to an unhappy marriage; someone else's wedding is a dream of illness or travel;
  • Longo - for an unmarried or unmarried woman, night dreams foretell that this significant event will take place in the near future; you are tied by marriage - to a new stage in family life;
  • Freud - dreams of someone else's wedding signify news, your own wedding signifies gifts from fate;
  • Oracle - to changes in life, success at work awaits you; prepare for the celebration - to good events in reality; I dreamed about the wedding date - an important event will happen at the appointed time.

To ensure a happy daughter's marriage, in Europe dishes with pies were thrown out the window. They believed: the more fragments and pieces of treats obtained after the fall, the stronger the marriage would be.

The daughter's wedding is a dream of a good time spent in reality.

Different weddings in a dream

For interpretation, it is important whose wedding you saw in your dream:

  • your own - to changes in life, how your destiny will turn out depends on your actions;
  • your girlfriend (boyfriend) with another (other) - you doubt the feelings of your loved one and are afraid that the situation that happened in your night dreams will arise in reality;
  • ex-girlfriend- fateful events are coming, you will stop living in the past, get acquainted with interesting people and perhaps start a new relationship;
  • ex-boyfriend- to a happy marriage with a wonderful person with whom fate will bring you in the near future;
  • girlfriends - for a pleasant meeting;
  • daughters - you will have a good time, do something that you couldn’t pay attention to before; you were just preparing for her wedding (choosing a dress, cake, decorating the car) - you need to take care of your health;
  • son - he won’t get married for a long time;
  • sisters - to health problems if she is not married; sister is married - your wish will come true;
  • strangers and strangers- to make a dream come true;
  • gypsy - you will be deceived;
  • Jewish - some difficult issue has to be resolved very quickly;
  • Armenian - quarrel with someone.

Were you a witness at a wedding in a dream? Success in love is guaranteed. If you are a guest at a celebration, pleasant events are coming in reality.

They baked a loaf for a wedding back in Ancient Rome. If the newlyweds ate a piece, the marriage was recognized.

In your night dreams you saw someone else's cheerful wedding - in life you are doing everything right. Continue to pursue your goals. If it was sad at the celebration, your endeavors will not be successful. Better leave unpromising things.

Married women dream of a wedding dress as a sign of a new addition to the family.

Strange weddings

A wedding in a dream can be strange:

  • without a groom - stop controlling your significant other, your loved one may get tired of it, and you will break up;
  • without a bride - the relationship with your partner is not going well, something needs to be changed;
  • without a wedding dress - to an unstable financial situation;
  • without rings - you are in a period of searching for a job, a loved one or friends, perhaps all together; Be active - and everything will work out for you.

If the celebration did not take place, change jobs or move.

Wedding rings appeared in Europe in the 12th century, when the waiting period between betrothal and marriage was established.

Dreams about the bride's dress

Was the wedding dress dreamed of by an unmarried woman or an unmarried woman? You need to take care of your health. If you are married, a new addition awaits your family. Trying on a bride's outfit means changes in your personal life, perhaps you will even have a real wedding.

White dress First worn by Queen Victoria at her wedding. Since then it has happened that wedding dress should be snow-white.

Was the bride's dress black? Your lover will upset you and give you an unpleasant surprise. To see a red wedding dress in a dream means you will reach heights and be proud of it.

Wedding without wedding rings means search period

The meaning of the dreamer's actions

What happens in reality depends on the actions in night dreams:

  • not coming to the wedding - you need to take responsibility for accepting complex decisions;
  • cancel - you are lonely and trying to distance yourself from other people;
  • run away from the celebration - something is bothering you, deal with the situation and you will feel better;
  • crying means good luck in your career and personal life;
  • being late for the ceremony means losses and financial difficulties, but in the future your situation will improve;
  • not invited to the celebration - to dissatisfaction with affairs, the attitude of others towards you will worsen.

In Ancient Rome, a kiss sealed a marriage as a seal.

A wedding can be a dream of good and bad events. If you correctly interpret the message in your night dreams, you will save yourself or be able to find the right solution in the current situation.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding.
A wedding is a very exciting event in the life of every person. Some people believe that only after the wedding does it begin real life. Some people think that everything ends just after the wedding. But one way or another, weddings leave no one indifferent.

Sometimes weddings are dreams of people who have long experienced this joyful event. In this case, undoubtedly, the question begins to excite everyone: ? Does this dream have any special meaning? What do fate or the Higher Powers want to instill in us with the help of such a vision?

Let's try to lift the curtain on the unknown future and reveal the secrets of fate.

Miller's Dream Book: I dreamed of a Wedding.

Miller believes that seeing a wedding in a dream means a change in fate. Either you will soon resolve all your problems and eliminate your enemies, or, on the contrary, a period of violent unrest and disturbing events will begin.

If young unmarried girl dream of a wedding, then this is a signal from Higher powers that she thinks incorrectly about the people around her and sets her priorities incorrectly.
If you dream about your parents’ objections to marriage, then such objections will come in reality.

A magnificent wedding and many guests dream of a quick promotion at work or recognition of your merits and merits by family and friends.
If you dream that your lover is marrying someone else, then this predicts imminent needless suffering and torment, perhaps from separation or a quarrel with your loved one, or perhaps jealousy will be their cause.

Very bad omen- to see a person in mourning clothes at a wedding celebration. If such a person appeared at your wedding, then this foreshadows an unhappy married life, and if you saw him at someone else’s holiday, then check your health and take care of your property.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation: a dream about a Wedding.

The great Bulgarian seer believed that seeing a wedding in a dream means laughter and joy, easy time spent in the circle of cheerful and carefree people.
It may very well be that such a dream promises a quick meeting with the most important person in your destiny.

If you see yourself as a bride at your own wedding, then very soon you will need to make a fateful decision on which your entire future life will depend.
If you are a guest at someone else's wedding, then close relatives will need your help; this help will one day serve you well.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud: if dreaming about a wedding.

A wedding is a kind of symbol of permissiveness in sex. Usually, after a wedding, a married couple can have constant sex that is permitted by both the law and the church, main goal which is still childbearing.

If a man or woman who has not yet had experience of married life sees a wedding in a dream, then this indicates their fear of this test.
A lonely man or woman who sees a wedding celebration in a dream, in the depths of their souls, dreams of passionate embraces and a permanent sexual partner.

Dream book of the Egyptian seer Hasse: about a Wedding in a dream.

Singles see this dream for a quick marriage,
If married people see the wedding, then they will soon have an heir,
Dancing at a wedding to make careless promises to the opposite sex,
Seeing yourself as an active character at your own wedding is a sign of a happy marriage,
Seeing yourself surrounded by guests means getting into an unpleasant, confusing situation from which you will have to get out of for a very long time.

Bride's dress

In dreams about weddings great value has the color of the dress and its appearance.

See yourself at a wedding in white lace dress fortunately in marriage, a secure and prosperous life in love and harmony.

A red dress is a symbol of passion, such a dress can predict you or soon new romantic relationship or cheating on your spouse out of passion.

It is a very bad omen to see yourself in a black dress at a wedding; it predicts either someone else’s imminent death or yours serious illness. It is very possible that instead of illness you will have major financial troubles and monetary losses.

A dirty, torn dress warns of gossip and intrigue weaving around you. It may well be that people close to you are deceiving you and the deception will be revealed at the most inopportune time.

Seeing yourself at a wedding half-naked or in underwear- you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation with a man, your name will be pronounced with contempt, you will not soon have to restore your reputation.

Seeing jewelry and a rich veil on yourself means unexpected gifts of fate and pleasant surprises.

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Tags: Dream Interpretation, interpretation of dreams, dream about a wedding, dream about a wedding, bride's dress in a dream.