Cheap medications for heartburn - drug names, analogues and reviews. What to drink for heartburn at home, the most effective and safe medicines and traditional medicine recipes

Medicines are produced Talcid , Tisacid , Rutacid . The cost of these medications is from 150 rubles.

Magnesium and calcium carbonate

Chewable tablets should not be used by children under 12 years of age. However, those who are interested in what helps with heartburn during pregnancy should know that Rennie in the recommended dosage is not contraindicated for expectant mothers.

It should be taken into account that the simultaneous use of antacids with tetracyclines, fluroquinolones, cardiac glycosides, etc. The absorption of these drugs is reduced.

The cost of Rennie's medicine is about 300 rubles. There are also cheaper drugs from domestic manufacturers, for example, tablets Pechaevskys .

Calamus rhizomes, bismuth subnitrate, alder buckthorn bark, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate

Medicines with such components produce an antacid, mild laxative, astringent, and antispasmodic effect. These medications should not be taken during pregnancy. renal failure, lactation, also cannot be taken by children. Reviews indicate that during the treatment period, the patient's stool may become dark.

Among these drugs there are very cheap heartburn pills. So, the cost of Omeprazole is from 60 rubles. per package. The price of Omez tablets is from 180 rubles. for 30 pcs.

Medicines that contain rabeprozole , are often more effective than omeprazole-based medications. These are drugs. The cost of the drug Beret in Moscow is about 400 rubles for 14 pieces. Hairabezol – from 500 rub. for 15 pcs. Ontime can be purchased for 650 rubles. for 10 pcs., Pariet - from 1500 rub. for 10 pcs.

When taking medications based on esomeprazole within 5 or more days, heartburn attacks in patients completely stop. Thus, the use of such drugs, the main one of which is esomeprazole, at a dose of 40 mg after a month, healing of reflux esophagitis was noted in 80% of people; after two months of treatment, esomeprazole caused the same effect in 93% of people. This group includes medications,. The price of Emanera is from 300 rubles. for 10 pieces, Nexium costs about 1300 rubles. for 14 pcs. In Ukraine, such medicines can be purchased at a price of 100 hryvnia.

Histamine H2 receptor blockers

This group includes a number of drugs that provide antiulcer effects and suppress acid secretion. Under their influence released in a smaller volume. Drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice can be used only after a doctor’s prescription and strictly in the dosage that was prescribed.

The drug may cause pronounced side effects– dry mouth, allergic manifestations, constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. It should be noted that if the patient smokes a lot, the effectiveness of such medications is reduced. Analogs of this remedy - Ranisan , , . How much Ranitidine tablets cost depends on the manufacturer. You can buy them at a price of 30 rubles.

Medicines that contain famotidine , when taken simultaneously with antacids with aluminum and magnesium, are less absorbed, so they cannot be used at the same time - you need to take a two-hour break between doses. Medicines that contain Famotidine are relatively inexpensive means from heartburn. costs from 50 rub. for 30 pcs., – from 150 rub. for 28 pcs.

Gastrointestinal motility stimulants

Medicines that are stimulants of gastrointestinal motility can also be taken by those who are looking for something to take for heartburn. These medications do not affect acidity, but reduce the symptoms of reflux and act as an antiemetic, reducing nausea.

This group includes funds,. Such drugs increase the duration of peristaltic contractions of the stomach and are effective in functional disorders Oh digestive system. They increase the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, reducing the symptoms of vomiting.

Motilak can be purchased for 150 rubles. (pack of 30 tablets), Motilium in tablets costs about 400 rubles, in the form of a suspension - from 460 rubles.

Other medicines for the stomach

The list of tablets for stomach pain is very wide, so the doctor determines which stomach tablets are advisable to take for a certain diagnosis. Initially, it is necessary to determine what the consequence is inflammatory process gastric mucosa – high or low acidity. There are very different names tablets for stomach ulcers and gastritis, but they are divided into several different groups.

Group Drugs
Stomach medications that are used for ulcer which is accompanied by heartburn, belching, painful sensations ,
Stomach pills that help with stomach cramps ,
List of stomach medications used for inflammatory processes in the esophagus, ulcer , pancreatitis , Gastromax ,
Medicines that can be used for indigestion , with all the unpleasant sensations caused by overeating, especially in people with low acidity , Mezim Forte , Trienzyme

However, despite the fact that currently you can find a very large number of drugs sold without prescriptions on the market, it is better to ask a specialist about what is best to take for stomach pain and how to get rid of it. It is the doctor who can prescribe the right set of drugs to not only relieve symptoms, but cure the disease.

Features of nutrition for heartburn

For those for whom the question “ How to get rid of heartburn?» is relevant, should special attention pay attention to your diet. Nutrition should be balanced and proper, both at home and during work. Those who often experience heartburn, belching, and hiccups should not overeat or abuse alcohol. Also, you should not often eat smoked meats, as well as fatty, sour, fried, and canned foods. Especially often, attacks are caused by fried and fatty foods, as they stimulate acid production.

It is advisable to eat frequently in small portions, don't eat too quickly. After eating, you need to move more; it is undesirable to take a horizontal position for at least one hour after eating. Should be avoided late dinners, especially not to eat at night. It is advisable to have dinner 3 or 4 hours before bedtime.

It is important to include in the diet fiber , and also complex carbohydrates , as they have a beneficial effect on digestion and also neutralize excess acid.

Milk The effect on the development of heartburn is ambiguous. It all depends on how much milk to drink. If you use a little of it, the condition will improve. However, milk in large volumes, on the contrary, activates acid production, which is why one should be careful when consuming milk during a burning sensation in the esophagus. You should weigh the pros and cons when consuming this product and drink it separately from other foods.

If a person notices that heartburn attacks are caused by coffee or tea , then you will have to reduce the number of these drinks. Instead, you can drink herbal drinks. You can also make a honey-based drink by diluting a teaspoon of this product in one glass of water. This drink is a good defense against a developing attack. But there's honey in large quantities also not recommended.

A person prone to heartburn should carefully weigh what to eat so as not to provoke sudden attack. This attitude towards own health will help prevent heartburn.

What else can cause heartburn?

It can also negatively affect the condition of a person prone to heartburn. smoking , taking certain medications. Even tight clothes which a person wears for a very long time can cause such an attack. Items of underwear and clothing that reduce volume are often the cause of such attacks.

You should also avoid certain movements that provoke the release of stomach contents into the esophagus. The most undesirable movements are frequent low bends.

It is better to sleep on a high pillow, which will help avoid attacks at night. You can also place a cushion under the mattress so that your head is at least 15 cm higher than your torso.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, women are often one of the most current issues- what helps with heartburn? pregnancy . After all, attacks of burning are not uncommon at a time when the fetus is growing and every day puts more and more pressure on the internal organs. It is important to remember that not all medications can be taken freely by a pregnant woman. Some medications are strictly prohibited during this period.

It is best to ask your doctor about what helps pregnant women with heartburn. Almost every pregnancy forum contains advice on how to get rid of this condition. But not every piece of advice is suitable for everyone.

Therefore, remedies for heartburn during pregnancy should be selected individually. Some tablets do not contain information in the instructions that they are contraindicated for pregnant women. But even what pregnant women can drink for heartburn should be used in a strictly dosed manner. Pregnant women are allowed to take Rennie tablets, later let's take Ranitidine, Omeprazole. But you should not ignore folk remedies for heartburn with high acidity. For example, at the beginning of an attack you can drink a little milk, fresh potato juice, jelly. Sometimes quite “original” recipes help: for example, some pregnant women get relief from heartburn from eating bananas.

A pregnant woman should avoid factors that provoke heartburn: do not eat “risky” foods, sleep on your back - on a high pillow, wear comfortable clothes.

Folk remedies for heartburn

What will help with heartburn, people suffering from such attacks are also looking for among recipes traditional medicine. There are many known “home” methods that relieve attacks in women and men. Everyone chooses the most effective ones for themselves individually.

Here are some methods that are most popular among those who often experience this symptom and who are interested in what you can drink for heartburn:

  • Chew and swallow dill seeds - one teaspoon. After swallowing, you need to wash them down with water. You can also drink dill water- a decoction of the seeds of this plant.
  • Eat raw new potatoes after peeling them. Freshly squeezed potato juice is also effective.
  • Rice water will help relieve an attack.
  • An effective remedy is baked pumpkin with cinnamon.
  • You can add a pinch to tea - this method will reduce the frequency of attacks if practiced regularly.
  • For heartburn, it is recommended to chew raw oat grains.

Here is a popular method - soda for heartburn - it's better not to use it. Baking soda quickly relieves the burning sensation, but later the condition only gets worse. It should only be used in as a last resort. For those who are interested in how to take soda for heartburn, you should note that a coffee spoon of soda must first be thoroughly mixed in half a glass of water. But the answer to the question whether pregnant women can drink soda is clear: you can’t.

The right medicine for heartburn reduces the production of gastric juice, coats the mucous membranes, and protects against irritation. Experts recommend using antacids or alginates. Antacids act instantly, the effect lasts about 8 hours, and are often used for periodic attacks of heartburn. Alginates are prescribed for constant burning in the throat, belching due to gastrointestinal diseases. The disappearance of symptoms occurs gradually, the effect is long-lasting.

Women and men suffer from heartburn to varying degrees. To completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you should find out the root cause and eliminate the effect negative factors. And also change your lifestyle, choose proper diet. Gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by belching and heartburn require complex treatment. The treatment regimen includes antacids, alginates, probiotics, and antibiotics. Prescribed directly for heartburn the following drugs at a very affordable price.

The drugs are actively used for heartburn, throat discomfort after a hearty meal, alcoholic drinks, physical activity, nervous breakdown. Gastrointestinal diseases require systemic drugs.

Medicines for heartburn with high acidity

The situation occurs when the functioning of organs is disrupted gastrointestinal tract under the influence of various unfavorable factors. Pathological process throwing gastric juice into the esophagus becomes possible when the elasticity of the sphincter weakens, which separates the esophagus from the stomach. When the tone weakens, the contents of the stomach are able to move in the opposite direction at the slightest opportunity - coughing, laughing, bending the body, bending, lifting weights, supine position, spasm due to a nervous breakdown, etc. In this case, antisecretory drugs are prescribed for heartburn together with antacids.

Essential therapeutic effect can be noticed after a few days of taking medication. The duration of the effect depends on the right image life, nutrition, state of the nervous system.

Medicines for heartburn and stomach pain

Bloating, increased gas formation, rumbling, stomach pain, heartburn, belching - these symptoms accompany many gastrointestinal diseases. The situation requires a thorough examination and a comprehensive course of therapy. The following medications can be used as first aid.

Additionally, to normalize the intestinal microflora, take Linex, Laktiale, Bifidumbacterin, Laktovit, Hilak Forte.

Medicines for heartburn and belching

Unpleasant taste in the mouth, belching of sour, bitter air, constant heartburn indicates dysfunction digestive tract. Belching bitter, sour occurs due to stagnation of bile, increased formation hydrochloric acid. Loss of sphincter elasticity contributes to the flow of gastric juice into the esophagus. IN in this case complex therapy is required with the use of antacids, antisecretory drugs, and drugs that stimulate the motility of the digestive tract.

Taking these medications can be supplemented with antibiotics, antacids, and histamine H2 blockers.

Remedies for gastritis and heartburn

Heartburn with gastritis is one of the main signs of the disease. At the first symptoms, you need to seek help from specialists and undergo an examination. With unqualified treatment, the disease becomes chronic form, goes into more severe stages. To quickly get rid of heartburn, you can take any antacid. However, to prevent relapses, normalize general well-being, and restore the gastric mucosa, complex therapy is required.

Drugs for the treatment of gastritis with heartburn should be prescribed by a specialist; long-term uncontrolled use leads to atrophic gastritis and the development of cancer cells.

Heartburn remedies for pregnant women

In the first trimester, an unpleasant sensation appears due to hormonal changes. Experts recommend getting rid of it proper nutrition, folk remedies, lifestyle adjustments. Taking medications is prohibited. On recent months heartburn makes itself felt again, the reason for this is an increase in the size of the uterus, deformation internal organs digestive system. To eliminate heartburn, it is allowed to take antacids - Gaviscon 200 rubles, Laminal 450 rubles, Talcid 315 rubles, TAMS 550 rubles, Rennie 180 rubles, Almagel 190 rubles.

Contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components. Manifests allergic reaction on the skin, deterioration of health. At the first unpleasant symptoms, therapy should be stopped immediately. Further use of the heartburn remedy is possible after consultation with a specialist.

Medicines without aluminum

The main treatment for heartburn is antacids. Active ingredients These drugs are salts of calcium, magnesium, aluminum. Antacids containing aluminum are non-absorbable drugs. They are excreted from the body unchanged. However, the alarming fact is that with long-term use of medications, aluminum still remains in the body and gradually accumulates.

American experts warn about the dangers of aluminum for humans. In their opinion, the component accelerates aging, adversely affects brain cells, and leads to neurophysiological disorders. Increased quantity aluminum is observed in Alzheimer's disease. In this regard, many refuse to take antacids containing aluminum and are looking for alternative options.

  • Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate neutralize hydrochloric acid for 5 minutes. Can be used during pregnancy after consultation with a specialist.
  • Sodium alginate does not affect acid, but creates a protective barrier on the surface of the esophagus. It is retained in the stomach until it is emptied. The effect comes quickly and lasts a long time.
  • A mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium is contained in the preparations Rennie, Andrews antacid, Tums.

At home, you can quickly get rid of heartburn using the usual baking soda. Take in a minimal amount - on the tip of a knife. It is allowed to use symptomatically, with prolonged frequent heartburn you should choose a medicine. Otherwise, baking soda provokes the production of hydrochloric acid, causing heartburn.

Heartburn is a rather unpleasant burning sensation in the chest, accompanied by a sour-bitter taste in the mouth. It may occur when poor nutrition, overeating, during pregnancy, and also due to diseases of the digestive tract. So you shouldn't do it self-treatment this condition. If heartburn recurs, you should visit a qualified doctor who will necessary research and prescribe adequate treatment.

Modern medicine offers many different medicines to relieve heartburn. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, suspensions and powders. Most commonly used medications for heartburn 2 pharmaceutical groups: antacids and antisecretory agents.


Drugs in this group are primarily used for heartburn. They help you quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms by neutralizing hydrochloric acid, which irritates the esophagus. In addition, antacids eliminate spasmodic contractions of the stomach, prevent duodenogastric reflux and accelerate the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of antacids:

  • quickly relieve symptoms;
  • do not require prophylactic use;
  • can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.


  • short action;
  • do not treat the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms;
  • impair absorption and therapeutic effect other medications used at the same time;
  • Long-term use of antacids can cause disturbances in mineral metabolism.

Brief characteristics of antacid drugs

This drug contains a mixture of magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide and aluminum hydroxide. This composition provides high efficiency and reducing the risk of constipation. The use of the drug Gastal for heartburn is especially recommended when it occurs against the background ulcerative-erosive lesions stomach, gastritis and chronic high acidity.

This is perhaps the most popular over-the-counter heartburn medication. It contains magnesium and calcium carbonate. These substances have an antacid and gastroprotective effect, quickly relieving pain caused by increased acidity. An important advantage of Rennie is the possibility of its use during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is prescribed not only for heartburn, but also for the treatment of gastritis, ulcerative-erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastralgia.

This drug is available in the form of tablets and suspension, which allows each patient to choose convenient form for reception. The medicine contains magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide. This tandem provides antacid, protective, enveloping and analgesic effects. Maalox is used for various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by increased acidity.

This medicine contains alginate and sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate. Gaviscon envelops the walls of the esophagus with a protective film that prevents irritation. Gaviscon is prescribed for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. Its use is approved to eliminate heartburn in pregnant women.

The active ingredient of the product is aluminum phosphate. Phosphalugel is active against heartburn due to its ability to neutralize hydrochloric acid. It also has an absorbent and enveloping effect. Like other antacids, it is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with high acidity.

Antisecretory drugs

This group of drugs blocks excessive production of hydrochloric acid. Antisecretory drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Taking them makes sense if antacid therapy does not give the desired result, as well as in cases where heartburn is a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases, for example, ulcers or gastritis.


  • high efficiency;
  • long lasting effect;
  • preventing repeated attacks of heartburn;
  • relative safety of use.


  • the need for a doctor's appointment;
  • long period before the effect appears;
  • possible side effects;
  • cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Brief characteristics of popular antisecretory agents

The drug contains rabeprazole sodium, which has an antiulcer effect. This action is achieved by inhibiting proton pump. At the same time, the secretion of hydrochloric acid decreases and heartburn goes away. Pariet is used for ulcerative-erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroesophageal reflux disease and other diseases caused by increased secretion of hydrochloric acid.

This drug is a proton pump inhibitor. Under the influence of omeprazole, the final stage of the formation of chloride acid is blocked, which leads to a decrease in secretion. Omeprazole is taken for heartburn, which accompanies gastric and duodenal ulcers, peptic ulcers, gastritis, and reflux esophagitis.

Omeprazole is available under different names trade names: Omez, Ornatol, Promezol, Omizak, Losek, etc. Ornatol and Omez are most often prescribed for heartburn, as they are highly effective and low cost. It is enough to use drugs containing omeprazole once a day, which is also their undeniable advantage.

Ranitidine helps relieve heartburn by blocking histamine H2 receptors, which suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid. It is used for the same diseases as other antisecretory agents. Ranitidine – cheap drug, very popular among the population.

Drugs of other groups used for heartburn

Smecta is prescribed for heartburn, usually as part of complex therapy due to its ability to restore irritated mucous membranes and protect it from the action of chloride acid. Therefore, you can safely take it without having other drugs on hand to get rid of discomfort burning.

Activated charcoal can also be used for heartburn. Thanks to its structure, it quickly absorbs excess hydrochloric acid, which will bring the desired relief. This medicine will not cure the disease that caused heartburn, however, in the absence of other remedies at hand, it can be used without harm to the body.

Sometimes ordinary heartburn (scientifically called “esophagitis”) is difficult to treat with dietary adjustments or changes in eating habits. In such cases, the doctor prescribes heartburn medications, most of which are tablets.

In this article we will take a detailed look at medications for heartburn (including new and inexpensive ones), reviews of them and how much each drug costs. Not only foreign heartburn pills will be considered, but also those from the domestic manufacturer, Russians.

Medicines for heartburn are used in cases where adjusting the diet and switching to gentle foods does not help. At the same time, medications for heartburn should be prescribed by a doctor, since independent choice is not always justified and effective.

Any pills for heartburn are selected individually, not only focusing on the symptoms (severity of burning and pain), but also on the general condition of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract.

So, for example, tablets for heartburn are prescribed for availability the following diseases Gastrointestinal tract:

  • ulcer in the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis (inflammatory process in the stomach);
  • bleeding in the stomach or lower section esophagus;
  • functional disorders in the stomach and intestines;
  • spasms in the stomach and intestines.

You should know that tablets for heartburn are divided into two main categories according to the mechanism of action:

  1. Protective. They help the regeneration system of the gastrointestinal mucosa and, by enveloping them, protect the wall of the esophagus and stomach.
  2. Solvent. Such tablets for heartburn reduce the concentration of acid in the gastric juice, essentially turning it into plain water, which does not damage the walls of the esophagus and stomach.

Release form for heartburn medications

All anti-heartburn medications are available in various forms. Total exists four release forms similar medications:

  1. Tablet form.
  2. Enteric capsules.
  3. Suspensions for oral use (for children).
  4. In the form of a solution.

The doctor determines in what form the patient should take the medicine based on the presence of certain diseases in the patient, his age and general condition. In the vast majority of cases, such medications are prescribed to children in the form of a suspension.

Medicines for heartburn (video)

General contraindications for use

Medicines to relieve or treat heartburn attacks not prescribed in the presence of the following problems:

  • the individual sensitivity of the patient’s body (allergy) to certain ingredients of the drug;
  • presence of severe renal failure;
  • presence of hypercalcemia;
  • the presence of functional disorders of the intestines and stomach (dyspepsia, colitis).

Antisecretory drugs are not prescribed during pregnancy or for children under 12 years of age. More detailed list Each specific drug has contraindications in its leaflet, which is included in the package with the medicine.

Common Possible Side Effects

Adverse reactions There are a variety of options for medications for esophagitis, and there are many of them. We list the most common ones:

  • allergic reactions, dermatitis (often occurs with Hofitol and Gaviscon);
  • loose stools (diarrhea) - often happens with Mezim and Pancreatin 8000;
  • bloating and pain in the abdomen (often occurs with Enterosgel and Allohol);
  • liver damage (most often found with the drugs “De-Nol” and “Pechaevsky tablets”);
  • muscle pain (often occurs with Maalox and Smecta);
  • mild headaches (most often caused by taking Almagel and Pechaevsky tablets).

About the dangers and consequences of overdose

In case of an overdose of drugs to combat heartburn, you should immediately call either a doctor at home or an ambulance. It makes sense to take it on your own activated carbon, although in most cases it will not be enough.

It is forbidden to rinse the stomach on your own! This should be done by doctors and only in a hospital setting. The consequences of an overdose of such medications are varied, ranging from nausea to in rare cases fatal.

Combination with other drugs

You cannot combine antacid and antisecretory drugs without the direct prescription of a doctor. This may lead to serious consequences, up to perforated ulcer with massive stomach bleeding. Also similar drugs should not be taken together with such medications, How:

  • Tetracycline (antibiotic);
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Propranolol;
  • Indomethacin;
  • with various iron-containing medications;
  • isoniazid.

It is also strictly forbidden to use medications to combat esophagitis along with drinking alcohol. This can cause unpredictable reactions, including serious poisoning and kidney damage.

Types of heartburn medications

There are only three main types of drugs against esophagitis. Namely:

  1. Antacids (reduce acidity).
  2. Antisecretory (reduce acid production).
  3. Gastrointestinal motility stimulants (improves digestion).

Antacids and antisecretory medications will be discussed in more detail later in the article. Here we will try to explain the principle of operation of gastrointestinal motility stimulants.

You need to start with the fact that esophagitis is often caused by the fact that the stomach simply cannot cope with its job. Reception load large quantity food intake is so high that food begins to put pressure on the esophageal sphincter, weakening it.

As a result, it begins to seep through it and even “splash out” gastric juice, containing not only pieces of food, but also acid. When it gets into the esophagus, it causes the same pain and burning sensation that heartburn is associated with.

Sometimes pain and a burning sensation appear not in the esophagus, but in the stomach area. This is also one of the manifestations of heartburn, although sometimes these are symptoms of antral gastritis.

The point of gastrointestinal motility stimulants is that they help digest food faster and more efficiently, thereby protecting a person from esophagitis. However, with regular eating disorders and abuse of fatty and fried foods such drugs will be useless.

Therefore, they should be taken only against the background of dietary adjustments. Only under this condition do they really help.


Antacids (“Almagel”, “Maalox”, “Renia” and others) are the most popular drugs to fight against esophagitis. Their advantages include:

  • these medications are sold without a prescription (as evidenced by numerous patient reviews);
  • they do not need to be taken in courses; they help against esophagitis immediately after use, although this is, in fact, only symptomatic treatment.

But these types of medicines also have disadvantages. These include:

  • short duration of action (antacids can get rid of heartburn for only 1-2 hours);
  • antacids have complications such as pain and burning in the abdomen (rarely), diarrhea and constipation (often);
  • such medications do not treat the underlying cause of the disease, but only help to temporarily get rid of the symptoms of esophagitis;
  • during pregnancy, they and their analogues are contraindicated (the only exception is Rennie for heartburn, but in rare cases), as well as for children under 8 years of age;
  • if you often take any such medications against esophagitis, you can develop chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (another reason that antacids are not a treatment for esophagitis).

List of antacid medications:

  • Almagel (125 rubles);
  • Gastal for heartburn (160 rubles);
  • Maalox (240 rubles);
  • Pechaevsky tablets (200 rubles);
  • Gastratsid (70 rubles);
  • Phosphalugel for heartburn (250 rubles);
  • Rutacid (150 rubles);
  • Rennie (125 rubles);
  • Vikair (115 rubles);
  • Vikalin (120 rubles);
  • Smecta (200 rubles).

Antisecretory drugs

Antisecretory drugs can only be taken with the permission of a doctor. In general, the doctor should prescribe them, and only after tests. The advantages of these medications include:

The drug "Gaviscon" for heartburn

  • They help better than antacids, including lasting longer (about 8 hours);
  • they can be purchased without a prescription (patient reviews confirm this);
  • in terms of safety and effectiveness, they are much better than antacids;
  • you can drink them systematically, in courses;
  • if you take such drugs systematically, you can count on protection from relapses of heartburn;
  • There are children's analogues of adult antisecretory drugs, which are available in the form of a suspension (this makes them more convenient for children to take).

Alas, antisecretory drugs also have disadvantages. These include:

  • They act only an hour after taking them (reviews confirm this), so it is better to take them as early as possible;
  • have more serious side effects compared to antacids (this is also confirmed scientific research drugs, and patient reviews);
  • are contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 6 years of age, and even their analogues (“generics”) are contraindicated.

The drug "Maalox": reviews

List of antisecretory medications:

  • Omeprazole for heartburn (65 rubles);
  • Omez (185 rub.);
  • Losek Maps (250 rub.);
  • Orthanol (165 rub.);
  • Ultop (300 rub.);
  • Gastrozol (85 rub.);
  • Omitox (145 rub.);
  • Noflux (540 rub.);
  • Ontime (640 rub.);
  • Zulbex (610 rub.);
  • Pariet (1600 rub.);
  • Chofitol (490 rub.);
  • Beret (410 rub.);
  • Nexium (RUB 1,250);
  • Allohol (290 rub.);
  • Gistak (35 rub.);
  • Ranitidine (55 rub.);
  • Enterosgel (255 rub.);
  • Kvamatel (145 rub.);
  • Gaviscon (44 rubles).

Drugs that stimulate gastrointestinal motility

Drugs to stimulate gastrointestinal motility huge amount. If you choose the cheapest and most effective of them, which can be used by pregnant women, then these are:

  1. Domperidone (costs about 160 rubles).
  2. Motilak (cost about 150 rubles).
  3. Motilium (cost about 360-460 rubles).

All drugs that stimulate gastrointestinal motility increase the overall duration of peristaltic contractions of the intestines and stomach, and also accelerate the process of gastrointestinal emptying. Moreover, these drugs increase the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, thereby eliminating nausea and vomiting during esophagitis.

The drug "Renny": reviews

List of others medications, which stimulate gastrointestinal motility:

  1. Mezim.
  2. No-Shpa (however, No-Shpa is rarely used to treat heartburn).
  3. Pancreatin 8000.
  4. De-Nol (not indicated during pregnancy).
  5. Activated charcoal for heartburn (but only once).

Heartburn medications for pregnant women

Not all medications used against esophagitis can be used by pregnant women. But which ones are possible? We present to your attention a list of medications for heartburn that are allowed during pregnancy:

  • Maalox;
  • Phosphalugel and analogues;
  • Palmagel;
  • Relzer;
  • Almagel and analogues;
  • Alumag;
  • Gestide and analogues;
  • Gasterin;
  • Alfogel;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Mezim;
  • Rennie.

Drug rating

From this article it is quite clear that there are many drugs for the treatment of esophagitis. But which ones are the best? Here, the choice of drugs should take into account both the opinion of doctors and patient reviews.

The drug "Rennie" for heartburn

If you imagine top 10 such drugs, then this list should be like this:

  1. Mezim.
  2. Hofitol.
  3. Pancreatin.
  4. Enterosgel.
  5. Maalox.
  6. De-Nol.
  7. Rennie.
  8. Smecta.
  9. Almagel.
  10. Pechaevsky tablets.

Allohol and Gaviscon are also very popular among patients. However, doctors do not like to prescribe them because of the large number of side effects.