Handmade soap business. Profitable and profitable business - soap production

Soap making at home is considered to be a fairly simple type of business that is suitable even for beginners.

In the modern world soap self made is in great demand because people want to use as much as possible natural products. Among other things, this soap has excellent properties, a delightful aroma and has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The soap, wrapped in a rather original package, is still used in great demand, because by purchasing it, you can make a wonderful gift, both to yourself and to other people.

Business plan for beginners

Of course, before you start doing this type of business, you need to purchase the materials that may be needed for soap making. Don’t forget about preparing the required documents.

In order to set up soap production, you need to:

  • register individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax authorities;
  • purchase or rent premises;
  • purchase tools and equipment necessary for soap production;
  • prepare the necessary ingredients for this;
  • develop packaging.

Of course, if the business goes well enough, its owner will no longer cope on our own. In this regard, he will need to think about hiring employees for his staff, and therefore about the size of possible salaries.

If cash To start this kind of business it was not enough; you can initially cook soap in own apartment. To do this, you will have to allocate a separate space for storage, and carry out the actual soap-making process in the kitchen.

You can also take a risk and not open an individual entrepreneur or LLC initially, but try to distribute your products among friends and acquaintances. However, this way of doing business will be relevant only until there is a sufficient number of clients, and the novice businessman has accumulated enough money to open an official business of his own.

Soap making costs

This section will provide a business plan for an enterprise whose starting capital is 700 thousand rubles.

At one time you will have to spend money on:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneur – 0.8 thousand rubles.
  2. Acquisition of premises (area about 40 square meters) – 400 thousand rubles.
  3. Renovation of the premises - 35 thousand.
  4. Trade equipment – ​​15 thousand;
  5. Equipment needed for soap production - 30 thousand.

If a person initially does not intend to register as an entrepreneur or buy premises for trade, he should pay attention only to the fifth point of the above list.

So, the equipment needed for soap production includes:

  • scales – 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • oilcloth - 0.5 thousand;
  • pots made of stainless steel – 10 thousand;
  • double boiler - 2 thousand;
  • bowl for mixing soap - 0.3 thousand;
  • heat-resistant container with spout and scale – 1 thousand;
  • slotted spoon - 0.1 thousand;
  • plastic containers – 0.15 thousand;
  • measuring spoons - 0.1 thousand;
  • protective equipment – ​​1.5 thousand;
  • towels – 0.3 thousand;
  • funnel – 0.05 thousand;
  • sieve - 0.1 thousand;
  • forms – 0.3 thousand;
  • clamps - 0.1 thousand;
  • corollas - 0.1 thousand.

Following this business plan, opening an enterprise specializing in the production of soap will require 455.8 thousand rubles.

Read also: How to start producing wooden products at home

However, this scheme also needs to include all the expenses on which money will be spent every month:

  1. Soap packaging - 60 thousand rubles (based on the production of 6 thousand bars of soap monthly and the cost of packaging one bar of 10 rubles).
  2. Salaries for employees.
  3. Raw materials for soap making.

    Based on 6 thousand pieces per month, you will need:

  • soap base - 100 thousand rubles (provided that the cost of one ton of this ingredient is 150 thousand);
  • ingredients – 12 thousand;
  • payment for utilities.

It turns out that on average you will have to spend about 200 thousand rubles in one month.

When selling a batch of soap of 6 thousand pieces (provided that the weight of one soap is 100 grams and it will be sold for 100 rubles), the turnover is 600 thousand rubles.

Thanks to simple calculations, we can come to the conclusion that if the business is run correctly, all financial investments in soap making can pay off in the first month. Further, the profit each month will vary in the range from 350 to 400 thousand rubles.

Making soap at home: recipe

If there is not enough money to open an individual entrepreneur and purchase premises, soap, as mentioned earlier, can be brewed at home. There are three main methods for this, the difference in which is only in the base used to make soap:

  • solid or liquid soap base;
  • unscented baby soap;
  • making soap from the first stage, that is, using soda ash and caustic soda, as well as fats.

It should be noted that whichever production method you choose, the additional ingredients will be the same for each of them:

  • herbal decoctions. You can brew them yourself, since every pharmacy sells the necessary herb;
  • water;
  • essential oils. They can be purchased either at a pharmacy or at companies specializing in the sale of this product;
  • dry or finely ground flower petals, tree leaves, etc. If desired, all this should be used as a filler for each individual piece of soap;
  • perfumed oils, which can also be bought at any pharmacy.

There should be no problems selling homemade soap. Initially, you can sell it or even give it to friends and acquaintances by making small bars. Next, you should try to negotiate with stores that sell various types of cosmetics or gifts. And as soon as the business becomes popular enough and begins to generate a stable income, it will be necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur, purchase or rent premises, and hire employees.

Soap making at home lately quite developed. Recipes for making soap at home are available in free access and this work, in principle, can be done by anyone, regardless of age. Many people do this simply for themselves, as a hobby. But some took up this business as a business.

Today we will look at this issue. You will see a video of soap making for beginners at home, then you can at least imagine what kind of work and business this is.

Running an independent business is not so easy. If you work from home, then it will be easier to do. There are no permits here, just like in remote work. But you can try. You definitely won’t lose anything from this, but finding a new use for yourself is quite possible.

You should also not forget that if you become a specialist, this can not only provide for you, but also help in emigration. After all, any country requires people who can provide themselves with work and can give work to others. And by developing a business, it is quite possible to find sales markets abroad. So you can immediately see the countries where it is easier to move and which are the most attractive for emigrants.

Soap making at home: features

Making soap at home for beginners is not such a simple question, especially when you haven’t done it before. But it's not that complicated. Speaking about handmade soap, of course I would like to note that this is a pleasant little thing, because by doing such work, every person will be able to enjoy a wonderful mood, getting pleasure from it.

  • Moreover, for some people this is an opportunity to realize themselves and open their own business, thereby giving joy to people. After all, like chocolate, it is designed to combat stress, and this only means one thing: such a product will always be in demand and popular, so this must be taken into account.

Attention: It is for this reason that today such a business is the most in demand and promising, because it is impossible not to evaluate it.

  • It is important to note that soap, unusual in shape and color, is a truly wonderful gift for family and friends, because the soap looks attractive and original. Moreover, the work that is done with your own hands is always appreciated.

Features of organizing your own business

Soap making can be done as a business. You will find recipes for making soap at home for beginners without any problems. Only here you need to worry about sales first. After all, a business must not only pay for itself, but also generate income. It depends a lot on how big of a deal you decide to organize. Each option has its positives and negatives.

If you decide to engage in this type of activity, then make trial batches. Then you will know the costs and then understand the whole principle of operation. And if you’re thinking about how to start a soap-making business, it’s better to make trial batches. You will understand how much the soap will cost, then you can go through the sales points and understand how much money they will actually buy it for. Then it will be possible to think about reducing costs.

Attention: The price of handmade soap is always more expensive. And it is sold as a souvenir. If you are thinking of doing just business, then there will be other costs and a different implementation system.

Organization of a big business

If you would like to organize home business soap making, then know that, first of all, you need to rent a suitable premises, you also need hired employees, expensive office equipment.

  • This is truly one of the interesting and effective businesses modern world, you can start it “from scratch”, which is an important point for many who want to work for themselves.
  • You also need to take into account the fact that you don’t need to invest much money in this business, all you need to start are desires and inspiration, then everything will definitely work out.
  • So, we can safely say that anyone can open a soap business. But first, you should do it yourself and go all the way. After all, this process, first of all, attracts with ease, accessibility, simplicity, and you will definitely appreciate it.

Attention: But for your business to flourish, you need to approach it responsibly and comprehensively, only then can you count on a decent result. Don't worry about starting with such a small business, because this is the path to a big business.

Recipes for soap making at home with photos are not a difficult question; it is important to organize everything correctly.

Benefits of a Home Soap Making Business

You can watch a video of soap making at home on this page. Let's see what's good about it and how much it costs to start doing it.

  • In the West homemade soap brewing has conquered the market, but in our country this is not happening yet, since the market is just beginning to develop, and perhaps you will be one of the first.
  • This business is different in that you don’t need to invest much, the market has been tested, and it is particularly successful and in demand, which means you can start confidently without worrying about it.
  • Soap is a constantly consumed product, which means that if you try to make your customers like your product, then know that they will become yours in any case regular customers, but this is the most important thing for every businessman, even a beginner.
  • You are also given a unique opportunity to constantly experiment, because you can find new products that are popular and in demand today.

What you need to know

Soap making can be done as a business.

  • This is really unique business for beginning entrepreneurs. Already in the first month, you will be able to enjoy the fact that your factory will begin to pay off, and you will enjoy the fact that you did it.
  • As practice shows, all those who have already started introducing this business have been able to achieve good results.

Attention: But we should not forget that first of all, sales are needed here, otherwise you will simply go down the drain.

Don’t take risks and don’t even think about taking out loans or buying expensive equipment at the first stage. Unless, of course, you are confident of complete success.

Cost of homemade soap

Of course, this question interests all those who want to start this business.

  • You should know that to purchase soap base, fatty oil, dyes and shock absorbers are available today at low prices, but this is all that is needed for this work.
  • Thus, you can create natural homemade soap, the cost of which will cost you about thirty rubles, and this, of course, is nice.

    In the store, such soap is sold for about 100 rubles, which allows you to understand that your business will indeed flourish now in any case.

Attention: Prices change, so everything must be calculated constantly. Also, don't forget. That in large quantities various nasty things are added to soap, it also has high humidity. Then it is cheaper and weighs more.

Where to sell soap

First of all, it is necessary to resolve the issue of product sales. You shouldn't start without this. You must clearly understand and see the future. In fact, there are no options large number, so there shouldn't be any problems here.

Attention: You can always sell soap on popular resources, which are widely represented today. Don't discount this option.


In any case, you must understand that this type of business is indeed enjoying particular success today, despite the fact that not many people yet want to make their own soap.

But you are smarter and more savvy, you must understand that soap will always be needed, which means your business will flourish in any case. After all, low prices for soap will definitely please every buyer, which means you are guaranteed a good profit and a great mood from this. So, now decide what is the right thing to do.

Soap making at home is a profitable business, but only if you approach it headlong. There are instructions, now you need to find out the prices for today and think carefully. And only after that make the final decision. But it's certainly worth a try.

This activity is attractive because with a small investment, which pays off within the first 4-5 months of work, it gives very good results.

The profitability of this type of activity at home is about 40-50%, which is not bad at all.

In this case, earnings will depend only on the master who decided to start a home business. What this will cost him will be discussed in the article.

Production technology

There are several ways to make soap at home. They differ in the material that is used, as well as the manufacturing process.

Soap making methods

Soap can be made from the base, that is, ready-made industrial soap. For this purpose, baby soap is most often purchased, since it does not contain, or contains a small amount of additives, fragrances, and dyes.

For beginners making soap at home, you need to purchase transparent or matte colorless and odorless industrial soap base. This foundation is purchased in specialized stores, of which there are now many on the Internet. (one such convenient resource is the website www.aroma-beauty.ru).

Making soap from scratch is a labor-intensive process that requires not only skill and experience, but also basic knowledge chemical processes. In this case, you will have to deal with aggressive alkali and animal or vegetable fats, which during the cooking process are saponified and transformed into soap.

Manufacturing stages

  1. Melting the base (or cooking from scratch). The base is crushed, placed in a special container and melted in two ways: on the stove or in microwave oven(the container is selected accordingly).
  2. Adding essences to the melted mass (aromatic oils, perfume, vanilla, honey, etc.).
  3. Touching up the base. Anything your imagination suggests can be suitable for this, but you should add it gradually and not overdo it.
  4. Other additives. It could be vegetable oils, components for the scrub - poppy seeds, sugar, chopped herbs, ground coffee, etc.
  5. Pouring into forms. Everything is simple here: a child’s “pastoka”, plastic boxes and trays for butter or cheese, baking dishes can be used as a mold, or you can buy ready-made molds in specialty stores, but this will be a little more expensive.
  6. Extraction from forms.

Business income and expenses: simple calculation

We’ve sorted out the process of making soap, now it’s worth thinking about the price of a home business.

Soap production costs are divided into permanent And one-time.

Fixed costs:

  • Basic raw materials for making soap (this is the main cost of the entire business - about 85%)- from 200 rubles per 1 kg - for wholesale buyers, and 300 rubles - for retail buyers. This includes: soap base, essential oils, additives and beneficial ingredients.
  • One-time costs (their cost will be gradually transferred to the final product):
  • Tools (scissors, knife, brushes, spoon, wire, etc.)- 200 rubles.
  • Table scales: 400 &- 1500 rubles.
  • Pan: 200 - 400 rubles.
  • Forms for filling: from 40 to 100 rubles.
  • Other expenses: 100 - 300 rubles.

Master class

The income of a soap production business will depend only on the master: what quality the finished soap will be, the design and variety of its forms, advertising of one’s own product, the desire and desire to sell, the resources involved in sales.

However, we can already say that at many online fairs, craftsmen sell ready-made soap at a price: 50-gram piece - from 80 rubles per piece, a 100-gram piece is already from 150 rubles. At the same time, more refined and unique products are more expensive in price and are sold from 200 rubles per unit.

We are looking for buyers

Just 5 years ago, when consumers saw handmade soap, they asked a lot of questions. And the sellers needed to explain and clarify. This took a lot of effort and a certain amount of time. However, in recent years, the consumer already has an idea of ​​what he is dealing with and has used such a product at least once.

Consumer dedication has increased significantly, as has the number of retail outlets that offer their customers various handmade goods.

However, the market still remains free, and therefore, a competent manufacturer can easily take advantage of this and make a good profit.

The city market is represented by various product chains. The Latvian manufacturer has about 6 stores. Lush products are presented in 3 retail outlets that have the same name. The Greek market representative, Fresh Line, also offers its products in 3 trade pavilions. In addition to crazy names, the market has about 10 small stores that offer consumers various brands of soap and cosmetics.

A consumer, as a rule, purchases a product not for his own use, but as a gift, so the seller must pay special attention container or packaging type.

Shampoos, shower gels, cleansing foams and lotions, liquid and bar soaps - this is an incomplete list of personal hygiene products that every person uses daily. However, such products often contain substances that negatively affect the skin and health in general.

That is why many people who use industrial detergents began to think about the advisability of purchasing them and became interested in products that contain natural ingredients. Against the backdrop of the growing popularity of so-called “organic” products, the level of demand for soap made with the use of essential oils and other substances of natural origin has increased significantly.

The possibility of independent production of natural soap and the availability of all necessary ingredients have led to the fact that soap making has become a very profitable type of business.

Soap making: first steps

Making soap does not require purchase specialized equipment and procurement of expensive components.

The minimum set required for soap making includes:

  • molds for making products of various subjects;
  • soap base;
  • essential oils, aromatic additives, dyes, oatmeal, coffee grounds, etc.

The cost of such a set varies depending on the quality and value of the oils, the type of base, the manufacturer of the molds and other factors, which can be analyzed by studying the assortment of any store that sells soap-making products.

Sales channels

Any product, even the highest quality, can bring losses to the manufacturer if he does not establish distribution channels. In order to earn money by selling handmade products, you can use in the following ways searching for clients:

Social media

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a person who does not use the Internet and does not have an account on social networks. That is why a thematic page or group registered on such a service can become a powerful tool for promoting your product.

The ability to filter the search for people by various parameters allows you to find the target audience and direct your offer only to that category of social network users who may actually be interested in it.


In order to gain attention target audience, a blogger needs to post information on his page that can attract and interest readers. After the number of subscribers has grown significantly, you can begin promoting your products. The main thing is to do this unobtrusively, since due to the abundance of advertising, many blog visitors can simply exclude it from their subscriptions.

Master classes

For those who want to learn the skill of soap making, but do not have the opportunity to do it themselves, you can organize thematic master classes, during which you can sell your own products.

Opening your own point of sale

In order to become the owner of a store or department in shopping center, you need to legalize your business - otherwise problems with the tax service cannot be avoided.

Legalization of business

As a rule, women on maternity leave or students who do not have employment opportunities start to engage in soap making to earn income. permanent job. The initial costs for making soap are low, and the cost of the finished product is also affordable for most buyers. The ability to make soap in various colors, shapes and compositions makes it an excellent gift for women and men of all ages and professions.

However, legalizing a soap production business is associated with a number of difficulties and costs that can cause significant damage to a novice entrepreneur with a small start-up capital.

In order to open a soap making business, you will need:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. About how quickly.;
  • obtain a certificate for the production of a certain type of soap;
  • rent premises corresponding to established by law requirements for the conditions of production of cosmetic products.

Naturally, the costs of officially registering a soap production business are prohibitive for most women who make and sell their products in small quantities to friends and acquaintances. That is why most small soap producers try not to advertise their activities and not register them officially.


Like any type of business, soap making has many nuances that need to be studied at the business planning stage. Possible problems that a soap manufacturer may encounter in practice include:

Short shelf life of finished products

Since handmade soap is most often prepared using natural ingredients, storage for a long time is contraindicated for it - it will not only lose its properties, but may also acquire bad smell and shade. Therefore, the product must be sold before the expiration date, otherwise it will have to be disposed of, reducing the amount of profit received.

Price dumping

There will always be someone who will do it cheaper. And it doesn’t matter that the quality of the finished product will be much worse - many people prefer not to understand the intricacies of production and are happy to buy a cheaper product.

Search for stable sales channels

It is quite difficult to find buyers who regularly purchase goods in volumes that allow them not only to cover costs, but also to make a profit. Firstly, due to the low barrier to entry into the market, the number of natural soap producers is steadily growing, and, secondly, for everyday use Many people prefer to use classic products sold in stores rather than unique, handcrafted works with individually selected compositions.

Despite the apparent simplicity of working in the soap making industry, soap making as a business is quite labor-intensive. Small production volumes will not bring significant income to the manufacturer, while large ones will require investing a considerable amount of money to register a business, obtain a certificate for the products produced and find a sufficient number of clients. However, by expanding the range of products offered and organizing an effective advertising campaign, you can achieve excellent results and make soap making the main source of your income.

If you are already a master at making soap at home or are just learning, think about how you can turn this into a source of income. Humanity has been making soap for many millennia, and about 10 years ago it turned from a job into a real art. The variety of recipes, flavors, forms, ingredients allows you to create masterpieces.

Soap making is an interesting, creative business that you can start practically from scratch. Consumers are attracted by the content of natural ingredients, hypoallergenicity, exclusivity, unusual appearance. Some products, due to special ingredients, can carefully cleanse and treat the skin, protecting it from the effects of negative factors. This is also a wonderful gift.

With proper marketing organization, making handmade soap will bring a decent income.

How to start a soap production business?

In the West, handmade soap is popular as a business. In Russia, the direction is just developing, so you can take a place “in the sun” without fierce competition. Production on a large scale began 3-4 years ago; in many regions the niche is still vacant.

One of the arguments in favor of business is the ability to produce soap at home or in a small workshop. All you need is a gas or electric stove for cooking. The process does not require special knowledge or long preparation.

In order for the business to develop faster, it is better to organize the release according to a plan drawn up in advance.


To make soap at home you need:

  • Scales for liquids. Don't buy mechanical ones - they have too high an error.
  • Cooking container.
  • Forms.
  • Thermometer.
  • Grater for soap base.
  • Pipettes.
  • Mixing blades.
  • Measuring spoon.
  • Fridge.

Glass, plastic and stainless steel pans are suitable as containers. You should not use utensils made of wood or aluminum, as the alkaline solution reacts with them.

As the client base develops, the business expands and the use of manual labor decreases, it makes sense to modernize the technical process.

The production line for soap production consists of:

  • mixer;
  • mills;
  • molding machines;
  • stamping machine;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • automatic cutting machine.

Chinese manufacturers offer a lot of suitable equipment for the job at modest prices.

Production of exotic soap: technology

There are 2 technologies:

  • Cold. The soap mass is thoroughly mixed with essential oils, decoctions, honey, and other ingredients. Then it is poured into molds and hardens for 2-4 days. The frozen solid piece is cut into pieces and left to “ripen” for a certain time (from a month to a year, depending on the variety).
  • Hot. The best methodology for increasing profitability. The soap mass is slowly heated and constantly stirred, thereby accelerating the saponification reaction. After a few hours, additional components are added to the mixture and poured into molds. The frozen mass is cut and reaches its final consistency within 2 weeks.

Both soap production technologies are similar. Only the composition and proportions of the ingredients for the base change.


At the promotion stage, you can do all the work yourself. This will avoid losses if the products are unclaimed. Then you will need production and storage space, special equipment, and personnel.

When expanding, 5 employees will be required:

  • Cooker. Leads the process and is responsible for the result.
  • Assistant. Performs minor operations.
  • Packer. Engaged in packaging finished products.
  • Designer. Develops the appearance, logo. It is not necessary to keep it on staff; you can use third-party services. Or develop the design yourself.
  • Sales Manager. Conducts advertising campaigns and gains the trust of the audience.

Raw materials

In addition to auxiliary products (cellophane, gift paper, ribbons, ropes) you need to purchase raw materials for making handmade soap. By the way, creative packaging is an important detail in product promotion. It should be transparent.

The following raw materials are used:

  • Soap base. Transparent or white, consists of fatty acids, glycerin. Usually sold by weight. There is also a liquid base for making liquid soap, gels, and shampoos.
  • Oils. Protect the skin from dehydration and irritation. Olive, coconut, and jojoba oils are common.
  • Ethers. Serve as flavoring agents. Endow with soap beneficial properties. Popular citrus, lavender, mint wood, eucalyptus, patchouli, ylang-ylang, tea tree. Each oil is a natural antiseptic and protects against rashes on the face. The greatest difficulty is the dosage and fixation of the aroma of essential oils.
  • Dyes. Allows you to create bright or multi-colored soap. There are many colorants on the market, so... creative process limited only by your imagination. Best option- dyes natural origin. They are harmless. Products made from natural products are in particular demand.
  • Fillers. These are ingredients for gentle gommage, additives for scrubbing (ground apricot kernels, ground coffee beans, raspberry seeds, fruit and berry fiber, synthetic abrasives). They also add dried herbs and gelatin.
  • Fragrances. With the help of essential oils you can achieve a magical aroma, but this is not enough. Flavorings will make the smell more intense and help create a product with the aroma of cake, fruit, or candy.


It is more profitable to sell products on the Internet. You need to create groups on social networks, your own website, place ads on women's forums and thematic platforms. Good effect bring sales through Instagram. Important role the image plays. Do bright photos- this is the first thing potential clients will pay attention to. Do not skimp on the product description, describe the composition, the benefits of each component and the advantages of the product (natural ingredients, anti-allergenicity, unusual design).

Try to popularize the production of exotic soap through word of mouth. Give a piece to your friends and acquaintances and ask them to tell you about your product as much as possible more people.

Registration of a soap making business

Soap making in the Russian Federation is mostly an illegal activity. People produce handmade soap in their own kitchens and sell them through social media and messengers. You can register as a craftsman. You need to pay the fee regularly - then you don’t have to worry about fines.

If you are going to rent premises and hire staff, open an LLC or individual entrepreneur. Choose a simplified taxation system, for example, the simplified tax system with a 15% tax on the difference between profits and costs.

When registering a soap making business, you will need the following documents:

Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs in form P21001

Application on form P11001

Photocopy of passport

The decision of the sole founder or the minutes of the general meeting of founders on the opening of an LLC

Receipt for payment of state duty (as of 2019, the amount is 800 rubles).

Charter in 2 copies

Receipt for payment of state duty (as of 2019, the amount is 4 thousand rubles)

Documents confirming the presence of a legal address.

Suitable OKVED codes: 24.51.3 and 24.51.4.

Calculation of profit and payback

Let's calculate the profitability of a business when producing at home:

  • Libra - 10,000 rubles.
  • Dishes, molds, spatulas - 15,000 rubles.
  • Raw materials - 30,000 rubles.
  • Packaging materials - 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total according to sales plan: 75,000 rubles will be required to start.

From the purchased raw materials you will make about 100 pieces of handmade soap. The price of each is 300 rubles.

The total profit will be 30 thousand rubles. It takes 3-4 months to recoup the initial costs.

Is this a risky business?

A mini soap production business has pros and cons:


Before you follow the example of the characters in the movie "Fight Club", make detailed business soap making plan with calculations. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to create a mini-business without preparation, like in the movies. Thoroughly study the handmade soap market and competitors. If you can create a better product and stand out, go for it. If you are making a mediocre product that is similar to what already exists, improve your approach.

Don't limit yourself to your region. Online store - great way sales throughout the country, sending it by mail. However, it will take time and money to promote the store. You can sell in Russia through social networks.

It is important to make exceptional soap that will attract the attention of the target audience both in appearance and characteristics. Then success will be on your side!

In the West, the concept of “homemade” has long been lost; it has been replaced by a more noble phrase – a handmade product. At the same time, such products are priced several times more expensive than stamped and factory-made ones, because they have their own flavor and individuality. Due to the growing demand for handmade goods, soap making as a business is beginning to gain momentum.

Recently, handmade soap has become in great demand; most often it is bought as a gift to family or friends, less often for personal use for personal care. After all, such soap is not just a hygiene product - it is an excellent cosmetic product. Due to its saturation with vitamins, essential oils and herbal decoctions, it helps smooth out wrinkles and tighten the skin, making it more attractive. Hence the interest in producing handmade soap as a business.

In addition to the fact that handmade soap is in demand, this niche will not require large start-up capital from a budding entrepreneur and will delight you with profitability. At the same time, it is possible to learn this craft with the help of online lessons that show many methods and recipes for soap making.

Handmade soap is not just a hygiene product, it is an excellent cosmetic product

In order to start a legal business activity, you must register with the tax service as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Both types of registration will allow you to recruit employees, purchase property and open bank accounts. But an individual entrepreneur will cost you several times less, and the procedure itself will take much less time. Moreover, what will be important to the buyer is not the form of registration of the company, but the quality of the product.

For accounting, we choose a simplified taxation system, which will reduce the tax burden and statistical reporting.

Search for premises

In order to start a soap making business, you need to find a premises that will house a workshop, office and store. This could be a small room with an area of ​​35-40 square meters. The workshop must have running water, electricity and sewerage. To reduce rental costs, you can rent a room not in the central part of the city, but in residential area, where the number of clients will be no less.

The room must be divided into several zones, the first for soap making, the second for a small warehouse, the third for a store. It is best to renovate the premises yourself, creating a creative atmosphere for yourself and your customers. To make it easier for people to find you, you need to order an illuminated sign, which even in dark time day will attract the eye.

The premises must be divided into a workshop, warehouse and store


In order to engage in soap making, an entrepreneur will need:

– electric or gas hob;

– steel vessels for melting soap base and preparing decoctions; large and small containers will be required;

– molds for pouring soap, preferably silicone or plastic;

– thermometer for measuring the temperature of the mass;

– scales, bowls, mortars, spatulas, plastic containers (for the cooking process)

– gloves, respirator, towels (for protection);

– shop windows.

This is the minimum set of equipment with which you can start a soap making business.

Creating exclusive soap is only possible with a full set of necessary equipment

Purchasing ingredients

Most of the funds in the production of handmade soap (up to 80 percent) will go to the soap base. It consists of plant components, the wholesale price of the soap base is about 150 rubles per kilogram, for starters, there will be enough base for 1000 pieces of soap of 100 grams each, this will cost the entrepreneur about 15,300 rubles.

Business will advance only if soap manufacturers look for interesting and unusual tastes and aromas, unusual color combinations. This is what makes soap exclusive. To make something like this, you need to study existing soap fillers so that you can experiment. It must be remembered that the main purpose of soap is to maintain the beauty and health of the skin, so dyes and fragrances that can cause allergies should not be added to it.

To make high-quality soap, you need to study existing fillers so that you can experiment

Approximate cost of ingredients for soap making (they include essential oils, vitamins, vegetable fats, clays, fragrances, natural dyes) does not exceed 5-7 thousand per month.

Remember: It is advisable to sign the composition of the product for each piece of soap, this way you will protect yourself from claims from clients suffering from allergies.

You cannot skimp on soap packaging, as the appearance must be selling. Moreover, most often handmade soap becomes a gift. Packaging costs will not exceed 7-8 thousand per month.


At first, it is best to work independently and involve close relatives with whom you can agree on payment. Over time, you will need a sales consultant, a soap maker and an accountant who can minimize tax charges from a small business.

The salary of a salesperson is 18-20 thousand rubles, a soap maker is at least 20-22 thousand, a part-time accountant is 10 thousand rubles.

Over time, you will need to hire a professional soap maker, since you will not have time to do this yourself


The most important stage in this business is the process of selling products. You can give your first successes in soap making to your family and friends, thereby enabling the best type of advertising - word of mouth. Subsequently, it is necessary to agree with beauty salons and cosmetic and gift shops about offering products for sale, taking into account their markup. Also in a good way The distribution of goods will be the Internet and social networks. You can sell soap using your group on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, as well as on your website. Customers will love the option of having soap delivered to their home to save time, so this is a service that needs to be listed. And of course, the sale of goods will be carried out through your store, which must justify itself. If the start is successful, it will be possible to open store branches in other cities, expanding the scale of the business and increasing profits.

The first successes in soap making can be given to family and friends, thereby connecting to “word of mouth”.

Income and expenses

The cost of a piece of soap weighing 100 grams does not exceed 40 rubles. At the same time, the selling price usually ranges from 200 to 500 rubles, depending on the place of sale and packaging. When selling 500 bars of soap per month, the income will be 150 - 200 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the costs of entering the soap making business:

– registration of individual entrepreneurs – 800 rubles;

– cosmetic do-it-yourself repair– 10,000 rubles;

– materials for production – 20,000 rubles;

– equipment – ​​50,000 rubles;

Total about 80,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

– salary per month (starting from 2-3 months) – 50 thousand rubles;

– rent – ​​20,00 rubles;

– purchase of raw materials – 20,000 rubles.

Total 90 thousand rubles.

Net profit for the year will range from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. The payback period for a business ranges from 1 to 4 months of work.

The clear advantages of this business are the small required area, inexpensive equipment, high profitability and short payback period. The disadvantages include laboratory control, which the product must undergo to receive the appropriate certificate. If you have weighed all the pros and cons and are ready to start a soap making business, then start studying this amazing process right now and become one of the best masters in your city.

Soap making is often perceived simply as a hobby, but it can really be turned into profitable business. Many newcomers face serious obstacles to starting their own business and stop developing it. This can be avoided by creating a business plan and forming a sales market in advance. Product quality, original design and skillful marketing will help you succeed in soap making and make good money from it.

Making soap from scratch at home

Soap is obtained by combining fat and alkali. Additional ingredients are also needed: soap base, water, dyes, flavors, base and essential oils, glycerin. Seeds, dried flower petals, crushed berry seeds, minerals, oatmeal, and mica are used as additives for decorative and cosmetic soaps.

Advice: to make high-quality cosmetic or laundry soap, it is important to remember that all ingredients must be at the same temperature before mixing, otherwise the production technology will be disrupted.

Income from a soap-making business from scratch directly depends on production volumes and the sales market. You can start making a product in your home kitchen, but over time it makes sense to organize a mini-workshop in a separate room. Handmade soap is made using the casting method - the prepared soap base is poured over special forms. According to reviews, in order to succeed in this matter, it is first better to work on the basis of simple and proven recipes, strictly observing the quantity and weight of ingredients, and over time you will be able to create your own recipes and develop an individual design.

Over time, the scale of the soap-making business can be expanded and moved from the home kitchen to a separate room (minimum area - 70 m²). When calculating the production of 24 thousand pieces of soap of 100 g per year, approximately 245 thousand rubles will need to be invested in the project. for the purchase of equipment, the creation of production reserves of raw materials, materials, material and technical resources, and the rental of premises. You also need to purchase:

  • base oil (consumed about 1000 liters per year);
  • essential oils (500 ml);
  • dyes (500 ml);
  • sugar (0.5 kg);
  • warm milk for diluting the soap mass (500 l);
  • strong alcohol (50 l).

Expenses associated with soap making include payment utilities, wages, if hired workers are involved, rent of premises, taxes. The cost of 100 g of products based on a soap base, dye and flavor will be approximately 30 rubles. (with an average market price of 100-250 rubles).

According to reviews, such investments in a business from scratch will pay off in about 1.5 years. If you make a product at home, you will need minimal costs (ingredients, molds, packaging) and you can quickly return them. To confidently engage in soap making, you should register your activity legally. To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and select a tax regime (general, simplified taxation system). The main documents that a future entrepreneur will need are a passport, a notarized application in form P21001, and a receipt for payment of state duty. During registration, it is important to select the correct OKVED code indicating the type of activity of the entrepreneur. After registering with the tax authority, the individual entrepreneur will be able to receive a certificate of successful registration with the tax office. All that remains is to make a stamp and open a current account.

Equipment for the production of laundry soap

To create a business for the production of laundry or decorative soap at home from scratch, you do not need to purchase a lot of professional equipment; you can start if you have culinary equipment. But there are some things you need to buy:

  1. Electronic scales.
  2. Cooking thermometer.
  3. Immersion blender for quickly mixing ingredients.
  4. Forms for hardening soap.

Advice: if alkali is used in the soap process, you must wear special glasses and gloves.

You also need to prepare some kitchen utensils: a large stainless steel saucepan, a small container of about 2 liters, a frying pan that can fit a small saucepan, a large microwave-safe bowl, measuring cups, 2 spoons with long handles for stirring (plastic, stainless steel ), paper towels, rubber spatula, plastic bowl for washing dishes.

If an entrepreneur decides to expand his soap-making business and open a mini-workshop for the production of cosmetic and decorative soap, then he will additionally need some equipment:

  • gas-electric stove (1);
  • professional dishes (2);
  • air conditioner (2);
  • casting molds (several hundred).

Sales market and sales features of decorative soap

To succeed in soap making from scratch and create a successful business from a hobby, you need to take a responsible approach to the process of its creation. It is important not only to thoroughly study the soap making technology, but also to first form a sales market and take into account investment risks. Even before creating the first batch, the entrepreneur should already know where his products will be sold. Where can I profitably sell cosmetic or laundry soap made by myself?

  1. Opening your own point of sale in a large shopping center, market.
  2. Sales via the Internet, including wholesale.
  3. Sales in fitness centers with showers, spas, beauty salons, hairdressers.
  4. Participation in fairs, folk art exhibitions, festivals.

To increase sales turnover, local trading can be combined with the sale of soap through social networks, or you can open an online store with the possibility of delivery by mail and find wholesale buyers. According to reviews, such actions will expand the ways of business development in soap production.

To let people know about your products, you can use the following methods:

  • distribution of flyers, business cards;
  • advertisements in newspapers, the Internet, social networks;
  • creating a thematic group on a social network;
  • distribution of product samples to enterprises and firms in the city.
  • creating your own blog, business card website or online store.

Promotion of a soap-making business from scratch may be hampered by the development of investment and other risks, for example, low sales, unforeseen expenses, or increased product costs. To avoid this, you need to create a reliable sales market, find wholesale suppliers and purchase materials before making financial investments. Before starting production, it is advisable to create a business plan, which will take into account all costs, risks and give a preliminary assessment of profitability.

Another direction for the development of this business could be the production of advertising soap (in the form of keychains, souvenirs with logos, emblems). The main consumers of such products are, as a rule, enterprises, firms, companies, restaurants, dry cleaners, and individual orders are also received. To increase the number of sales of handmade soap, it is advisable to use original packaging: decorated bags made of natural fabrics, colored or craft paper bags, cardboard packages tied with ribbon.

In addition to soap making, there are many more interesting ideas that can be successfully implemented even with minimal capital, for example, you can do. You can also, this idea will be relevant for both the big and the small town. Finding your niche in the business field is possible even with a complete lack of investment (, internet surfing).

Soap making as a business - reviews

I’ve been making soap for 3 months now, sales are not very large, but regular customers have already appeared. I didn’t think through the sales issue in advance, and this is probably my biggest mistake. Now I have started collaborating with several stores, and I am preparing quite large batches for them. Of course, to make a business out of this, you need a more serious approach.

I have always been interested in the hand-made topic, but several years ago I got the idea of ​​creating my own soap. There are practically no competitors in the city. I have been working from a home kitchen for several months now. I don’t make large batches of soap yet, but I sell several kilograms a week without any problems and am happy with the profit. The plans include creating a mini-shop for soap making.

After reading positive feedback, several years ago I became interested in the topic of soap making and made a lot of souvenir soaps for friends. But you can also make money from this. My husband and I decided to open a mini-shop for soap production. Things are going well. We sell products not only in our city, but throughout the country (and we send products by mail).

This is possible only if you are well prepared to start your own business. To succeed and turn soap making into a profitable business, it is important to first form a sales market and disseminate information about your products. To minimize the risk of investment risks, it is advisable to preparatory stage create a business plan or at least conduct an economic analysis of a future project.