Lip augmentation without surgery or injections. Lip augmentation without surgery: proven techniques

Olga Shikhova
cosmetologist of the first category, dermatologist of the State Administration of the Presidential Administration "Sanatorium "Yunost"" and the Non Stop beauty and health club

Contraindications to surgical plastic surgery and lip injections

— Firstly, I want to note that many girls are simply afraid of serious professional procedures to change the shape of their lips. This, of course, is not a contraindication, but fear often becomes decisive factor in decision making.

In such a situation, I would advise you to go for a consultation on changing the shape and volume of your lips with a cosmetologist who will competently talk about different options procedures, ask about individual characteristics specifically for your body and, very importantly, will warn you about possible consequences, if you neglect certain advice.

Secondly, there really are specific contraindications. If a salon is ready to do something for you without a preliminary conversation or consultation, run away! Serious procedures are prohibited when:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergic reactions (history);
  • exacerbations of any health problems (especially chronic ailments);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

There are many non-surgical methods for lip augmentation. Just open the Internet and you will see a lot of advice. And yet, not everything written is worth believing.

Special glosses

Promised effect: Thanks to the special components included in the product, the volume of the lips instantly increases and becomes clearly noticeable. All you need to do is simply apply gloss or lipstick.

— The mysterious components are warming substances: cinnamon, mustard, menthol, essential oils, and so on. At the site of their application, an irritating effect occurs and, as a result, a local rush of blood and the appearance of edema.

Visually, lips really appear larger. The effect lasts as long as the gloss lasts. As a rule, this is about an hour and a half. I don’t think it’s worth tormenting your lips with repeated application anymore.

Remember, such aggressive components are quite possible allergic reaction. Girls with sensitive skin should be especially careful. Before applying a thick layer of magical gloss to your lips, do a small sample, for example, on your wrist. Wait a while. If there is itching in the area of ​​this area, discomfort or even negative external manifestations(redness, rash), it’s better to throw away the glitter, it doesn’t suit you!

Do not use such products if the integrity of the skin of the lips is damaged (scratches, wounds). This is fraught with serious problems. The situation could get much worse.


Promised effect: These products are not designed for instant results, but with regular use the effect should be more noticeable and lasting. Usually main role Here warming components play a role, as well as substances that moisturize and nourish the lips.

— Vitamins, wax, amino acids, depanthenol and hyaluronic acid are often added to such creams. In principle, large share success here - quality and regular care. Thanks to the fact that appearance lips improve, it may seem that they are a little larger and more attractive.

Some companies' products contain silicones and collagen. They simply fill in lip unevenness and fine lines, thus promoting a more attractive and plump appearance. A little visual trick that really works.

More serious creams contain adipophilin, an amino acid obtained biotechnologically from plant starch (environmentally friendly and harmless). By acting on adipocytes (adipose tissue cells) and retaining lipids in them, firstly, it slows down the premature destruction of adipose tissue, and secondly, it contributes to its volumetric increase. An imitation of lipofilling is created.

Be careful. There are often cases when the packaging says “improves the appearance and increases the size of the lips,” but in reality the mass turns out to be an ordinary scrub, which, apart from exfoliating the stratum corneum, does absolutely nothing. Be sure to read the ingredients and consult a cosmetologist. It may turn out that some unnatural irritants are simply dangerous.

Do not forget to take breaks from using such creams. Let your lips rest.


Promised effect: The method cannot be called new, but the pump began to enjoy great popularity relatively recently. How does it work? The lips are drawn into the device and enlarged due to swelling of the surrounding tissues. The effect lasts literally 20 minutes.

— This is probably a good option when you need to take a selfie. Because the result is short-term. There is, of course, nothing useful here and cannot be. Girls who have increased fragility of blood vessels, a tendency to spider veins, with any skin pathologies or with high sensitivity.

Sudden swelling is stress for the body. Moreover, if you overexpose it, the appearance of bruises and cracks is very likely.

Vacuum massager

Promised effect: A few seconds of use and amazing volume! Thanks to the vacuum and additional massage (in some models), blood circulation in the affected area increases. Lips retain additional volume for 5-8 hours!

“We’ll definitely have to dispel myths here.” Yes, the vacuum will cause swelling, the massage will add lymphatic drainage and perhaps even improve muscle tone. But 5-8 hours is something out of fantasy. Maximum duration will actually be approximately 30-60 minutes.

If your skin is good condition and there are no contraindications; with regular use, the condition of the lips may, however, improve, but incredible miracle, especially such a persistent one, will still not happen.

Face fitness

Promised effect: With daily training, experts promise “pumped up” lips. Due to the tone of the facial muscles, they will appear fuller.

— Face fitness can really be effective, but only with regular and proper training. You should not hope for a change in the situation after 3-4 lessons. Heading to gym, we know that the result will not appear earlier than in 2-3 months. It's exactly the same with the face. Yes, tone, tissue elasticity, blood circulation improves, and this good prevention sagging skin. I don’t think that the lips will increase in volume very noticeably, but they will definitely look visually better.

However, there are some nuances here too. Nowadays there are many different videos on the Internet with useful exercises. Still, I recommend working out with a specialist at least a couple of times. The fact is that each person has his own characteristics in the structure of his face. Hypertonicity of some muscles (which must first be relaxed) and other problems are possible. By doing something wrong, you can earn extra money. expression wrinkles. So it turns out that they seemed to be working on increasing the size of the lips, but what they got were deep and noticeable nasolabial folds.


Promised effect: It is often performed with exfoliating products. Improving blood circulation, care and special techniques will help in the formation of beautiful juicy lips.

— Massage is a skincare procedure that can be performed both in beauty salons and at home. For example, mix honey and sugar or prefer ready-made scrubs and give yourself a few extra minutes. Light exfoliation, stroking, pinching for a short time will be very helpful. The lip size will most likely increase only briefly, but the procedure is definitely good.

Don't forget that without correct mode, nutrition and self-love cannot achieve truly impressive transformations. Go to bed on time, eat a balanced diet, eat foods rich in amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, avoid stress and pay more attention to yourself. Voluminous lips are not always beautiful lips. If they are unkempt, if general view painful, then no superficial procedures will help.

  • Surgical methods. These include plastic surgery and lifting with special threads. This is a very complex and expensive procedure that not everyone can afford.
  • Injections with Botox and hyaluronic acid preparations. After them, there may be traces of injections and bruises, and it also needs to be repeated often.
  • Makeup- accessible to everyone and absolutely safe way. Professionals can make your lips look voluminous using pencil and lipstick.
  • Folk recipes. To do this, use natural lip cosmetics directly, which makes them moist, full and smooth.
  • Face training or face building- this is a set of different exercises with the help of which lips are enlarged.
To enlarge your lips, you only need a desire, and there are options, since there are a lot of them. Only if they were damaged during an injury or were uneven from birth, then there is no way to avoid surgical intervention. In general, if there are no contraindications, you can do without injections.

4 effective ideas for lip augmentation

  1. Vacuum massager. Its vacuum, which, together with vibration, acts to enlarge your lips. The procedure is painless and does not cause any harm, but the effect is obvious. Beautiful lips will last approximately two hours. But if you repeat it often, the result will be better and will last longer.
  2. Warming supplies. When this method is carried out, they use a balm or lipstick with an effect that warms up the lips. To get this effect, pepper, cinnamon, and mustard are added to the product. When you use this, you feel a burning sensation on your lips, and due to this they become larger, as blood flows into the cells.
  3. Pump. The lips are drawn into a special pump, after some time swelling appears on the lips, so the lips become enlarged. But after this procedure, this effect lasts for about half an hour. When using a pump, you need to be extremely vigilant, because if you do it incorrectly, you may end up with bruises.
  4. Massage. This method is used by those who want to look beautiful in the photo. After all, he enlarges his lips for a couple of minutes. You need to lubricate your lips with warm water, then take a little sugar, apply it to your lips and massage them for several minutes.
Many modern girls are concerned about whether it is possible to make their lips plump on their own, without the help of special drugs and doctors. To do this, they have come up with several ways in which this can be done without pain and difficulty, without even leaving home. Here are a few that can be done at a convenient time:
  • You can use whistling, for this you need to whistle some song for five minutes. You need to do this every day.
  • To enlarge your lips, you need to show your tongue to its full length. Repeat this exercise ten times.
  • We need to pout our lips as if we are blowing out a dandelion, they should be relaxed at this time. Needs to be repeated several times.
  • This exercise can be called “fish”, since you need to form your lips like a fish, and then smile widely. Repeat this 15 times.
  • You can bite your lips to improve blood circulation. Do this for 2 minutes. You just have to be careful not to overdo it and injure them.
All women want to look beautiful and that's normal. But for this you don’t need to be lazy, but carefully monitor your appearance in order to get desired result. The main thing you need to remember is that by paying even a minimum of attention to yourself, you can achieve maximum results.

You can also use cosmetics and special creams, for example, to obtain volume.

The process of lip augmentation without injections is very common among the fair sex. Since ancient times, plump lips have been one of the most dangerous weapons of seduction. However, looking at the overwhelming number of girls who resorted to plastic surgery to increase volume, we can conclude that the effect in no way fits with sexuality. Basically, this approach only affects appearance for the worse.

According to statistics, the majority plastic surgery carried out on the chest and lips. In order for lips to be sexy, it is necessary not only a happy combination of circumstances (favorable heredity), but also proper care. At the same time, no matter how seductive the lips are by nature, their attractiveness is impossible if the skin on them is dry, peeling and cracking. Attractive volume and well-groomed lips can be achieved not only with the help of expensive cosmetics and plastic surgery.

Increasing lip volume without injections with cinnamon and vitamin E balm

The combination of a moisturizing balm with cinnamon creates an excellent aroma, the volume of the lips increases significantly. At the same time, thanks to vitamin E, which saturates and protects, the shelf life becomes longer.

Main ingredients in the preparation of the product:

  1. Vitamin E - 2-3 capsules.
  2. Beeswax—1.5 tablespoons, including wax granules.
  3. Natural coconut oil- 4 tbsp. spoons.
  4. Cinnamon essential oil - 15 drops.
  5. Liquid honey - ¾ tbsp. spoons.
  6. Container free for balm.

A double boiler or double boiler is great for melting the coconut oil and beeswax, after a few minutes, when they have cooled, add vitamin E, essential oil and honey. All components are mixed until smooth and poured into a container. The balm will harden after 10-15 minutes; its texture will be similar to butter. There are no restrictions on the frequency of use; it can be used as often as you like.

Cinnamon Scrub

Cinnamon wonderfully tightens the skin and makes the lips more voluminous, this is how the skin of the lips reacts to spices and a slight swelling is formed. The sponges acquire a pronounced volume, the effect lasts from 4 to 6 hours.

The scrub includes 2 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar and half a teaspoon olive oil, liquid honey and ground cinnamon.

It is necessary to mix all the components until you get a solid mass. Then apply to lips and massage with light, gentle movements for about three minutes. Next, rinse off the scrub and moisturize your lips with balm.

Homemade mask with cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is very effective remedy for lip augmentation without injections, because it can cause a significantly pronounced effect. Through its action, blood flows abundantly to the skin of the lips, which is caused by an increase in temperature and allows the volume to increase almost one and a half times.

However, you should have patience, the burning sensation of pepper at the first attempts is very unpleasant, but this method pays off.

To prepare this mask you will need:

  1. Vaseline - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  2. Liquid honey - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Cayenne pepper - one pinch.

Mix the ingredients until you achieve a homogeneous consistency, it is important to avoid solid pepper formations (lumps). Next, apply a mask with pepper on top of the usual balm. After waiting 5-7 minutes, remove the remaining mask by blotting it with a paper napkin, then apply the balm again.

How to increase lip volume without surgery or injections: do makeup wisely

One of the most effective methods To achieve the attractiveness of sponges - competent makeup. The vast majority of stars turn to these methods to make their lips sexy and look great without injections. You just need to master some simple subtleties of the work of makeup artists and practice a little.

How to increase lip volume with lipstick?

In general, the choice of lipstick is not as important as its color. A pronounced visual volume can be achieved through the use of pastel shades (pale pink, beige, peach). Saturated bright and dark shades are detrimental to volume. They are perfect only for those with very voluminous lips, because they tend to significantly hide the visual volume.

The right approach to choosing a pencil is also important; the shade should be natural and fit perfectly with the color of the lipstick.

It is also important not to make a mistake with the texture of lipstick. The use of products with a matte, velvety effect is contraindicated here. An abundance of experienced makeup artists recommend the use of glossy, pearlescent, helium textures with reflective properties, which will be an excellent assistant in visually enlarging lips. Most lip glosses contain reflective particles, which are also good for this purpose.

How to enlarge lips without surgery using makeup:

  1. Cover your lips thoroughly with concealer - this will give them smoothness and, if necessary, hide unwanted features of their natural shape.
  2. Outline the contour of your lips with a pencil of the desired shade. If the lips are very thin, draw new ones at a distance of about 2 mm above the previous boundaries. Next, shade the area between the boundaries.
  3. Now outline the depression of the contour upper lip, a light-colored pencil, highlighter, or shadows with reflective components are perfect for this. This technique is called Cupid's bow, it is one of best practices for home use.
  4. Apply lipstick of a suitable shade.
  5. Cover your lips with gloss. Here you can use two application options - cover the entire surface with glitter or only in the center. The second option involves applying a small drop cosmetic product, after which you need to slightly squeeze your lips so that the gloss is distributed.

Vacuum lip augmentation and the use of special exercises

Another effective way to enlarge your lips to avoid painful injections or plastic surgery is vacuum lip augmentation. For similar procedure special devices have been developed. Due to the pressure difference, blood circulation increases, due to which the lips become voluminous, juicy and acquire a rich color.

This procedure does not require special training and it can be carried out in the comfort of your home; the result of such an effect is noticeable after the first session. It will not cause discomfort or pain, of course, in the case of proper use of a vacuum apparatus. The procedure has virtually no contraindications.

Additional benefits of vacuum lip augmentation:

  1. Small wrinkles in the area near the mouth are smoothed out.
  2. The shape of the mouth is corrected.
  3. The procedure stimulates the production of collagen fibers.

If you have just started using the suction cup, the results from the procedure will last from 1.5 to 4 hours. With regular use in order to achieve desired effect, much less time is required, and the duration of the effect can increase up to 8 hours. The procedure requires very little time, so you can repeat it at any convenient time.

Illiterate approach to vacuum lip augmentation

Sometimes, in order to more quickly achieve the desired effect or because they do not want to spend money, girls try to enlarge their lips with improvised devices (jars for vacuum massage, caps, glasses), because “the principle is the same.” This method, of course, implies the possibility of increasing volume, but guarantees the sexuality of forms in in this case no one gives. Basically, such experiments end in bruises, swelling, irregular lip shapes, and so on. Thus, due to the fact that the skin around the mouth is constantly stretched, the process of wrinkles may accelerate.

In this regard, it is advisable to purchase specially designed devices rather than improvised items. After all, when developing plumpers, the shape and size of the lips are taken into account in such a way as to avoid injuries when using them. If you follow the advice regarding operation, you will be able to avoid side effects(bruises, swelling, etc.)

Special exercises for lip volume

The muscles responsible for lip mobility need regular exercise. If you “pump up” these muscles with the help of special physical exercise, the volumes can be significantly increased. Of course, expect quick results in such a case in vain.

Special gymnastics offered by Hollywood schools acting, will help you make your lips symmetrical, pronounced, and also significantly increase their volume.

Each method for lip augmentation has the right to life. What to choose for yourself, everyone decides for themselves. We have found out the main pros and cons of this or that method of lip augmentation and below we present you with the collected data.

1. Lip fillers

Special lip fillers will help add volume to your lips and make them seductive. Fortunately, there are a great many of them today. Everyone can choose their own taste and color. For a less pronounced effect, to create a more natural result, Juvederm Ultra Smile is most often used. For those who want to get the maximum - Restylane or Teosyal.


Certainly the most quick method. Injected and done!

Guarantees long lasting results.

You can always correct your lips (tweak them further).


Not suitable for those who are afraid of injections.

After the procedure, unsightly bruises may appear in the area of ​​the injections (admittedly, temporarily, but still).

An expensive pleasure (from 10,000 rubles).

The lips become like rubber cakes (not very pleasant to the touch).

Result: 3 pros versus 4 cons.

2. Suction cup for lip augmentation

A rather unusual device for lip augmentation is a sort of “whistle”. You put it on your lips, leave it on for a few minutes, take it off and get voluminous lips.


Fast and easy.


Dangerous method. Often such manipulations are fraught with bruising and distortion of the shape of the lips.

Short-lived result.

Result: 1 plus versus 2 minuses.

3. Cosmetics for lip augmentation

Those who want sexy, plump lips, but are not ready to experiment with whistles and needles, will love the method that involves the use of cosmetics. All you need is to regularly (at least twice: morning and evening) apply a special gel to your lips.

For example, it could be a roller filler Fillerina Swiss company LABO. It is based on hyaluronic acid in 6 types of different molecular weights and sizes. Hence the guaranteed result. The modeling and moisturizing effect is achieved thanks to a combination of high molecular weight and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.


Safe method.

An effective way to enlarge lips without pain or other discomfort.

Gives a natural, beautiful and seductive result. The filling effect is immediately visible, the contour becomes dense and clear.

It not only enlarges the lips, but also takes care of them (during application, the roller glides pleasantly over the lips, providing light massage), makes lips significantly softer and more hydrated.

It can replace regular lip gloss or become a good “partner” for lipstick. If used as a base for lip makeup, the lipstick or gloss will adhere better - the result will be more even and clear (even without using a contour pencil)

Compact product (easy to carry and use in any situation).

Has no smell. Does not form a sticky film. Perfectly absorbed.

Affordable (the cost of the product is 4990 rubles).

Easy to find in pharmacies.


Not suitable as an express method - does not give an immediate effect. You need to be patient to get results (you need to use it regularly for 14 days, at least).

Result: 9 pros versus 1 minus. Because this remedy has so many obvious positive points, we decided to give him an additional check. Two girls used Fillerina for a month, and here is the result of their testing. Everything is visible in the photographs with kisses: the lips pleasantly “added” in volume, became denser and smoother.

According to statistics, the most popular compliment in social networks is: “You have such beautiful lips!” So women strive to present them in the most favorable perspective, using injections, plastic surgery and other procedures. And if you don’t have to worry about the details when visiting a cosmetologist, then how to enlarge your lips at home is a question that needs to be more carefully considered.

Why do you want to correct your lips?

Such thoughts can be triggered by:

  • the presence of thin, unnoticeable contours;
  • ugly shape;
  • insufficient volume in the upper or lower part;
  • the desire to add greater sensuality to the image;
  • in an effort to experiment with appearance.

The simplest and effective way- this is contour plastic or surgical cheiloplasty. But sometimes such methods are not suitable for women. The reasons may be:

  • fear of injections or surgical interventions, as well as the consequences after them;
  • reluctance to introduce implants into the body;
  • contraindications to procedures;
  • the desire to get plump lips for a short time.

In such cases, non-surgical and non-injection lip augmentation using home methods is used.

Effective ways

How you can enlarge your lips without injections or surgery at home - there are several techniques.


To enlarge your lips at home as effectively and for a long time as possible, you need to do simple exercises every day. If performed regularly, the result will be noticeable within 2 weeks.

  1. Exercise for volume and the formation of a clear contour. You need to cover your face with your palms so that your little fingers touch your nose, and your lips are visible only in the middle. Pressing your palms on your lips, you need to make pushing movements with them, as when kissing. Don't tense your jaw. It is also important not to bring your lips together to avoid wrinkles. Repeat 30 times.
  2. Raising corners. First, you should fix the main movement - a slight grin is made with closed lips, the corners are directed upward. Next, you need to place your palms above your lips in a horizontal position towards each other, index and middle fingers are directed closer to the nose. Providing resistance with your palms, you need to do the fixed exercise 30 times.
  3. The next movement is aimed at to increase top part at home. Index fingers should be placed in the upward direction along the line of the nasolabial zone. The upper lip makes a downward upward movement, similar to the movement of a rabbit's lip. Repeat 20–30 times.
  4. Enhancing exercises for the lower part. For this purpose, it must be directed downward, exposing the lower row of teeth and returning back. The jaw won't help. To enhance the effect, it is important to exert resistance with your fingers located under the lip, towards each other. Repeat 30 times.
  5. A complex exercise that not only gives an increasing effect, but also relieves spasm from the nasolabial lips. To do this, you need to form an oval with your lips, and cover them along the edges with your index and middle fingers, without offering resistance. The fingers “look” up. In this position, it is necessary to make inward movements, as if hugging the teeth with your lips. At the same time, the sponges themselves must work so that the creases on them are smoothed out.

This method has contraindications:

  • herpes and other rashes on the face;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve.

And one more complex that works to enlarge lips at home:

  1. Whistling. You need to whistle or create an imitation of whistling every time you have a free minute.
  2. Tongue sticking out. Having pushed your tongue forward to its full length, you should count to 10 and return to the starting position. Do it 5 times.
  3. Blowing out candles. Taking in air full breasts, you need to puff out your cheeks and purse your lips tightly. Then you need to exhale with all your might, as when blowing out candles. Repeat 5 times.
  4. In the “closed lips with a tube” position, smile and return to the “tube”. Repeat 10 times, several approaches per day.
  5. Being in the starting position from the previous exercise, you need to “draw” circles in the air 5 times in each direction.
  6. Biting. You need to lightly bite your lips for 2 minutes.

Toothbrush and toothpaste

With the help of these improvised means, you can improve blood flow to the lips, which will immediately give the desired volume. Lip augmentation with a toothbrush occurs through massaging. To do this, it is important to take a brush with soft bristles and do a light massage every day after brushing your teeth.

To enhance the effect, you can apply honey. And after the procedure, lubricate the sponges with hygienic lipstick or balm.

How to enlarge your lips with toothpaste - just apply it to the desired area for 2 minutes. Paste can be achieved desired result on short term- for an hour and a half.

Attention! The effect is exerted by menthol and mint contained in hygiene product. They irritate the skin and immediately make your lips look plump. Toothpaste Without these components it will be ineffective.


There are different lip masks that allow you to achieve enlargement in several ways: by cooling, warming up the skin or applying an irritating factor to it. But it is worth considering that such products have a short-term effect, since their action is aimed at increasing blood flow to the desired place, and this phenomenon quickly passes.

One of the most popular is the Jelliez beauty mask. The product is a special patch with natural caring ingredients applied to it. It is enough to apply the strip on your lips for 15–20 minutes to get powerful action: enlargement, moisturizing, healing of small cracks.

Many have also tried it on themselves the effect of the Pilaten mask, which also consists of a patch impregnated with a special composition. The product is delivered from China, many note its effectiveness and ease of use. But there are also users who consider Pilaten to be useless. Therefore, how good a mask is can only be judged based on personal experience. It is affordable and costs about 0.20 US dollars.


In addition to massage with a toothbrush, others are also effective. methods of lip augmentation using massage:

  1. Crushed in my hands small quantity vegetable, butter or cosmetic oil, you need to walk with your fingers from one edge of the lip to the other. Repeat from above and below, performing first progressive and then rotational movements. Kneading should be done until the treated area becomes red.
  2. You can also use ice. To do this, just rub it over your lips for a few minutes. This safe massage will not only help to slightly increase volume, but will also maintain elasticity and the required form forever if you use it regularly. To also treat your lips in this way, you can add coconut oil or herbal infusions to the ice before freezing.
  3. How to enlarge your lips at home yourself, without surgery, effectively and quickly - use vacuum massager. The device is a special pump that gives volume for a long time. Before using the device, it is recommended to apply balm. The principle of operation is that the massager draws in air along with the lips. At first, pumping should be done no more than 3 times three times a day. Gradually the duration of the massage can be increased. But you should be careful, if you pump the sponges with a vacuum, bruises will appear. Efficiency - at first the plumpness lasts for about 3 hours, but what longer use, the longer the result is.

Essential oils

How to increase lip volume at home using the safest methods - choose the method with essential oils. It is recommended to add them to gloss or balm in small quantities - no more than 2 drops.

What oils to use:

  • mint - the component provokes the appearance of swelling with each application to the sensitive skin, and to prolong the effect, it is recommended to add 1 drop of lemon essence to cosmetics;
  • cayenne pepper or cinnamon - promote active blood circulation, so during use you may feel a burning or tingling sensation that quickly passes.

Advice. Oils can be added to Vaseline and used as a balm - 2 drops of aromatic ether per 1 teaspoon of Vaseline.


Is it possible to enlarge lips at home using cinnamon - yes, if you know the rules for its use. The spice makes the lips puffy and thickens them. For use, take cinnamon powder.

Apply balm (vaseline) to dry, clean lips. Coat the top with cinnamon powder using a brush. Lightly massage the covered areas. Leave for 0.5–1 minute and wipe with a damp cloth. Be sure to apply balm.

You can also make cinnamon fondant. You will need:

  • 2 pinches of cinnamon powder or 2-3 drops of cinnamon oil;
  • pomade;
  • petrolatum;
  • 2-3 drops of almond oil.


  1. Melt lipstick and Vaseline in the microwave for 60 seconds.
  2. Mix with the remaining ingredients and place in a clean jar.
  3. Use throughout the day like regular lipstick.


Many people try to achieve plump lips without injections using a glass. To do this, simply take a glass of suitable size and draw air from it with your lips, after which you need to cover them. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then remove the glass. The effect of this method is noticeable immediately. Lips look very large and unnatural. The method of obtaining volume with a glass is not recommended for use, since there is a risk of hematomas, damage and deformation.

Vacuum cleaner

Another popular and cheap way- enlarge your lips with a vacuum cleaner quickly, without injections or surgeries. To do this, just attach the tube from the vacuum cleaner to your lips and turn on the unit. Stay in this position for several seconds. If the result is not achieved, the procedure is repeated again. Despite the popularity of the technique, you should not repeat its effect on yourself - a lot adverse reactions in the form of hematomas, excessive tissue swelling.

Chinese simulators

For lip augmentation without injections and surgical interventions Various simulators are also used.


The device is a plastic cap that operates like a pump. Comes in different sizes:

  • Large Round (L) - for those with large lips in order to obtain even more volume;
  • Medium Oval (M) - for thin lips, as well as in an effort to enlarge the upper or lower lip;
  • Small Oval (S) - for ultra-fine contours and for spot enlargement.

How it works:

  1. Lips are smeared with balm.
  2. Next, you should apply a plumper to them and draw in air, simulating sipping on a straw - the effect of a suction cup. Hold for 5–30 seconds.
  3. You need to remove Fullips by lifting it with your finger at the edge of your lips. You cannot pull, otherwise the skin will stretch and bruises may appear.

Sexy Lips

It looks like a vacuum massager. It works on the principle of inflating a pump. Features of application:

  • the first two weeks - twice a day, the result lasts for 24 hours;
  • third week - 3 times a day, the effect lasts for two days;
  • In the future, maintenance sessions are done once a day, the swelling does not go away for a week.

The manufacturer promises these results. According to reviews, the effect lasts no more than half an hour.

Decorative cosmetics

Lip augmentation using lipsticks, balms and glosses may occur due to:

  • reflective particles that visually create the desired effect;
  • substances that enhance blood circulation;
  • collagen, which fills voids and increases the elasticity of the skin;
  • peptides that attract moisture to the upper layers of the dermis and thus create volume;
  • hyaluronic acid, which accumulates moisture;
  • silicone, which settles on the top layer and gives the desired shape.

Such cosmetics are divided into two types: plumpers and varnishes. Plumpers consist of active ingredients, the action of which is aimed at retaining moisture and increasing blood flow. The polishes are lipstick and gloss in one bottle. They create a plump effect due to a special coating with a 3-D effect.

The following brands are popular among them:

  • L "absolute Rosy Plump (Lancome). Moisturizing gloss-plumper in an 8 ml bottle. The composition contains active cooling and warming components that add volume. There is also hyaluronic acid, which has a caring effect. There is a tingling sensation upon application. L "absolue Rosy Plump costs about 2250 rubles.

  • Lip Maximizer (DIOR). Collagen-based balm with a lasting effect - up to 3 hours. Gives volume and cares. As with Lancome, my lips feel tingly after application. The plumper costs about 1200 rubles.

  • Vivienne Sabo Champs Elysees (Vivienne Sabo). Budget gloss with a volume of 8 ml, which can be bought for 90 rubles. Got a lot good reviews. The plumper is based on special reflective particles that add visual volume.

Important advice. When choosing decorative cosmetics, it is better to give preference to natural or nude shades. Dark, saturated colors have the opposite effect of reducing shapes.

Traditional methods

For those who prefer lip augmentation using folk remedies, we offer several popular recipes.

Pepper scrub

The product increases blood flow to the lips. To apply, mix 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper with the same amount of olive oil and spread over lips using a toothbrush. Massage a little and rinse with water.

You can use cinnamon instead of pepper.


An effective recipe based on peppermint. To prepare it, you need to mix 3 drops of essential peppermint oil with 1.5 tsp. fat sour cream. Apply to lips for 10–15 minutes, being careful not to go beyond the contours. While the mask is in effect, a slight burning sensation is felt. This is considered normal, but if the itching intensifies, the product should be washed off immediately. The result is noticeable after just 3 procedures.

You can also use 6 drops of lemon juice mixed with 0.5 tsp. kefir. Simply apply the mixture for 15 minutes and rinse with water to get plumper lips.

An instant effect is provided by a mask with nicotinic acid, which retains its effect for 6 hours. The recipe is:

  1. Crush 8 nicotine tablets and mix with 1/3 tsp. pepper
  2. Add 0.5 tsp. Vaseline and mix well.
  3. Apply for 1-2 minutes, after which the composition must be wiped off with a damp cotton pad.

Another mask with instant results is prepared like this:

  1. 1 tsp. Vaseline mixed with 2-4 drops of vitamin E and the same amount essential oil orange
  2. 3 tablets nicotinic acid crush into powder. Add Vaseline to base.
  3. You also need to add 1 tsp here. cinnamon.
  4. Apply for 2 minutes. Wipe with a damp cloth.

The effect lasts about 6 hours. The finished mask can be stored at room temperature for no more than a month.

You can also lubricate your lips with honey every night. It has restorative and antibacterial properties. Increases volume by improving metabolism and blood flow.

Well proven and ginger. To do this, chew a small amount of fresh ginger root and massage movements Apply the resulting paste onto your lips. Leave for 2-3 minutes, wipe off with a damp cloth and cover lips with gloss.

Used to obtain volume and peppermint. To achieve the desired effect, fresh leaves Grind the mint and rub the resulting juice onto your lips. Leave for a couple of minutes, rinse with warm water, lubricate with Vaseline.

Any folk remedies for lip augmentation can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is important to conduct an allergy test before using them. To do this, just apply a small amount of homemade mixture to the bend of your elbow and wait a few minutes. You need to withstand it for as long as the mask itself. After removal, slight redness is allowed, which goes away after 15 minutes. If it doesn’t go away, or others appear side effects- rashes, severe burning, etc., the product cannot be used.


How to visually enlarge lips at home - use special techniques for applying makeup.

  1. The entire surface of the lips must be covered with concealer.
  2. Then clearly outline the contours with a pencil. In this case, the pencil is chosen to match the color of the lipstick or 1-2 shades darker.
  3. When applying highlighter, you need to outline the middle horizontal line of the upper lip and the center of the lower lip.
  4. Cover everything with matte lipstick, and on top - with shimmering gloss. In this case, you need to cover the pencil with lipstick, and the shine itself should almost be brought to the contours.


Most of them provide a short-term effect lasting a few hours. Long-term results can be achieved through exercise. If you do them regularly, the plumpness and youth of your lips will remain for a long time, but not forever, since with age the muscles lose their elasticity.

Also, good results are observed after using a massage, but you should not expect drastic changes in appearance from it.

Features of the use of hyaluronic acid

Is it possible to create lip augmentation with filler ( hyaluronic acid) at home? Theoretically this is possible, but it is not safe. The house will not provide proper sterile conditions, and the skills of introducing filler must be mastered to perfection. After all, it is important to know at what depth and in what technique to inject, as well as how much filler to use for each puncture.

But there are women who experimenting with contour plastic surgery Houses. To do this, they must fulfill several points:

  1. Wipe all surfaces in the room where the plastic surgery will take place with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine).
  2. Be sure to wash your hands clean and wear sterile gloves.
  3. Next, before introducing the filler, apply an anesthetic cream and wait about 15 minutes.
  4. After this, the anesthetic is wiped off with a napkin and the lips are wiped with chlorhexidine.
  5. Then fillers are injected.

It is worth considering that injections at home are a dangerous experiment. After all, there is a risk of infection, damage and blockage of the vessel, which is fraught with serious complications.

Lip correction at home is a short-term method that is not always effective. In addition, microtrauma and even chemical burns may occur as a result of use. So, if you resort to this technique, do it only as an experiment or when you urgently need to get the effect of voluminous lips.

In other cases, it is more convenient to choose contour plastic surgery- filler injections. The method allows you to get voluminous lips and correct their shape for a long time. Well, if you need to achieve a permanent effect or eliminate visible defects, then it will help surgical plastic surgery. After all, experiments at home are fraught with consequences, so if you correct your appearance, then only under the guidance of a highly qualified doctor.

Useful videos

How to enlarge lips at home?

Lip augmentation in a couple of minutes!