Miracles through the prayers of St. Nicholas. Incredible miracles of St. Nicholas

  • Miracles through prayers
  • St. Nicholas is a real person of the 3rd century AD. This saint became famous for his determination in serving the Almighty Lord and sincere kindness to others. For his great work he was canonized by the church as a saint. They knew about the incredible achievements of the monk even during his lifetime.

    Help from St. Nicholas

    The modern miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are distinguished by their colossal power and are intended to save people who find themselves in difficult or deadly situations. There is a lot of information from laymen and church ministers who saw with their own eyes divine accomplishments on behalf of this great monk.

    During the Soviet period, famous for its anti-religious persecution of Christians, people were afraid to share stories about incredible incidents of divine nature. Soviet citizens saw how monasteries were closed and bells were removed, and then melted down for the needs of the metallurgical industry. Communist authorities prohibited conversations about God and canceled all church holidays.

    Currently, the laity have a wonderful opportunity to share with each other the stories of the miraculous deeds of St. Nicholas (the Wonderworker).

    Worship of believers to the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

    Appearance of the Angel of the Lord

    This incident happened to one woman in 1991. Walking along the shore of the lake, she started a conversation with an old grandmother. The latter began to confess, saying that her family did not love her at all and wished her a speedy death. The pious woman gave her a prayer book and began to talk about God's help and said that salvation must be sought from the Creator or His eternal servants.

    Grandma responded with her own story.

    A week before this acquaintance, she came to the same place with the intention of committing suicide. She was saved from a terrible deed by an elder who pointed out her sins to her grandmother and ordered her to come here in seven days, because here she would learn to ask before the Lord. The elder introduced himself as Nikolai and reminded that suicide brings colossal suffering to the soul.

    The miracles consisted in the fact that the woman gave the old woman a prayer book.

    Note! The monk has many names because he provides diverse assistance to all people. They called him a miracle worker because he could resurrect the dead and heal terrible illnesses. He is a saint because he devoted his entire life to asceticism and service to the Heavenly Father.

    The monk is rightfully revered throughout the Christian tradition.

    Miracles of St. Nicholas in the form of a cross

    The story took place in 1941. The wife remained in Moscow with the children, and the husband went to the front. It was very difficult for the mother and family. She plunged into despair, seeing the suffering of her offspring, and contemplated suicide. She was not religious, did not know how to read prayers, but at home she found an old icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    The doomed mother began to impulsively reproach holy image that the Lord is not able to save her family from hunger.

    She was about to put her terrible suicide plan into action, but on the way she tripped and found two ten-ruble banknotes folded in the shape of a cross. After a while, she realized that the money was given to her by the grace of the Almighty.

    The incident changed her worldview, she sincerely believed, began going to churches and thanking Nicholas for his wonderful gift.

    Other stories of miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker today

    The Church claims that icons depicting the saint protect the common people, heal people from illnesses and perform pious deeds.

    The power of shrines does not weaken, despite the fact that they can be purchased in different religious places.

    • One day, a three-year-old boy, playing on the bank of a deep and deep river, slipped into the stream and immediately began to drown. A mother standing nearby threw herself into the water, forgetting that she couldn’t swim. At that moment, she remembered St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, his ability to perform miracles, and began to heartbreakingly ask for salvation. Within a few seconds, a strong stream picked up the unfortunate people and pulled them to safety.
    • During the restoration of the St. Nicholas Church, an elderly grandmother came to the aid of the young people and expressed a desire to take part in the construction. No one believed that she would find the strength to lift weights, but she put everyone to shame. The grandmother said that she was prompted to difficult work by the holy saint who appeared in the house. The saint sincerely asked the old woman to help in the construction of the temple.
    • The woman started premature birth, and she, being a deeply religious person, took with her images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas. Future mother I calmed myself down with the thought that the child should not die on the holiday. For a whole week, doctors worried about the life of the fetus, and the woman prayed daily in front of the shrines. The born child was breathing on his own, but the danger remained. The newborn survived many operations and began to recover, and the parents strengthened their faith and solemnly thanked the Lord.
    Note! Correct prayer in front of the icon, with pure intentions, is a guarantee of the fulfillment of the most difficult petitions. A believer should not doubt the power and miraculous desire of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

    Miracles through prayers

    It is difficult to convince atheistically minded people of the real functionality of the holy image.

    Nowadays there is large number convincing evidence from the lips of people pleading for something. Some survived accidents, others regained health after many years terrible illness, and still others found their other half and happiness until their death.

    • One day before going to bed, a woman who rarely turned to the icon of the Wonderworker, which was left by her deceased mother, heard the words “My daughter.” She didn't give this "vision" special significance, but three days later everything happened again. The woman realized that the Monk Nicholas wanted communication. Her mind began to see clearly, her worldview turned towards religion. The woman began to join the church and ask for protection for her family and all humanity.
    • In one rich family, a God-fearing housekeeper worked until old age. When the pension law came out, the owner could not find necessary documents, which greatly upset the pious grandmother. She suggested humbly praying in front of the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. That same evening, the hostess discovered a paper bundle with the documents necessary for retirement.
    • U small child(2 years) something bad happened food poisoning, the temperature rose, and the condition quickly deteriorated. The father was shocked to see the open “fontanel”, and the mother passionately read a prayer in front of the shrine of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Upon the doctor’s arrival, the child’s condition improved somewhat, and the parents hastened to anoint his forehead and stomach with blessed oil, which received power from an earnest request. The boy recovered without even taking ordinary medications.

    The miracles of St. Nicholas the Pleasant presented above are only a small part of the many deeds performed.

    Important! The saint humbly served God and worked for the good of society, his spirit and body are so pure that they continue to help for a long time after death. The Christian world places great hopes on the images of this incredible man.

    Watch a video about the miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Never let you down!

    Later, when my daughter Christina and I arrived home, I hung a large icon in front of her crib, and my daughter began to react to it almost from the first days - she cooed and smiled. Now she is 3.5 years old and she calls him “grandpa.”

    I turn to him all the time for help... Even in everyday problems, if I can’t find something, I ask and I find it. Or I need to go outside (we live in our own house), I’m worried about my daughter - I ask him to look after her and I leave without worrying. Never let you down! When we are sick, when there are problems, I ask, and everything goes smoothly. And sometimes it’s the other way around – I ask for something, and out of the blue, obstacles appear. Previously, I stubbornly continued not to follow the signs, but asked and acted in my own way, but in the end this did not lead to anything good.

    Alla Glushchenko

    Student's story

    In my life, I have often noticed the help of St. Nicholas. These cases probably cannot be called great, but for me they were explicit help from above, with the help of St. Nicholas. I study in another city, and my studies are quite difficult. In the first year we had a test in physics, which was very difficult for me, and in good result I really doubted this test. And the test fell exactly on December 19th.

    We have a chapel in front of the university, where I went before taking the test. I bought a candle and really asked Saint Nicholas to help me and my friend (he was not baptized) to cope with all the tasks. After chapel I immediately went to the test.

    We were given tasks, and now my friend and I raise our tickets and see that we got the same tasks that we analyzed in pairs, and this only happened to us. The rest of the guys struggled for a long time with their assignments, which were not as simple as they would like. This probably cannot be called some great event, but for me it was a clear miracle of grace God's prayers Saint Nicholas! Today I have a test again, and again I will go to the temple to ask for the holy intercession of the saint!

    Pavel Pushkarev

    Finding relatives

    My story is completely new. Less than four months have passed since I visited the relics of St. Nicholas in the city of Bari in Italy, and help through prayer has already come to the holy saint of God.

    Let me start with the fact that the tourist trip to Italy was planned much in advance, and consent to the trip had to be given on December 18 or 19 last year. I thought it was good sign, because even then I knew about the planned visit to the relics of St. Nicholas, and gave preliminary consent. Then I hesitated for several more months, since there were other options for spending my vacation, but in the end, on the advice of the priest to whom I usually confess, I finally agreed. And how right it was!

    Italy is absolutely beautiful! During the two and a half weeks that we traveled around this amazing country, I really enjoyed it.

    But the meeting with St. Nicholas in Bari stands apart among all the events and impressions. It's a meeting. And conversation. Very long and detailed.

    I believed even then that this was not just my mental monologue, that there would definitely be an answer. And he didn’t keep himself waiting. I have “accumulated” many questions and requests to the great saint of God, and have already received help for at least a few. But now I want to talk about something else.

    Crypt of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Bari. Photo: Giuliana Sciacqua / Flickr

    My parents separated when I was one and a half years old, and since then I have not seen my father again. I knew that he existed, that there were relatives on his side, that they lived in Azerbaijan, I saw photographs. This is all. I always had the desire to find my father and his relatives, but only when I was closer to 30 did I decide to search.

    In two and a half years I have tried a lot different ways find out at least some information. I searched through the passport office, through the Azerbaijani diaspora, sent information to search sites, but... Nothing. And I asked St. Nicholas, among other things, that if this is useful for me, if it pleases God, let at least something happen, some news appear.

    I returned to Russia at the beginning of September, and on October 18 I received a letter from Azerbaijani television saying that they could help me in my search. On November 26 he called me cousin on my father’s side, bought me plane tickets, and on December 5 I was already flying to Baku to meet new relatives. They guessed about my existence, but did not have any accurate information and were also going to start searching. The news of my appearance spread through my numerous relatives with the speed of lightning! How many happy tears, how much joy and laughter this meeting brought to us all! I met my younger brother According to my father, we fell in love with each other immediately. And I always dreamed of having a brother! My father died twelve years ago. Now I know about it. And I can at least pray for him...

    I spent four days in Azerbaijan and it was a great time. We parted with tears in our eyes, now we call each other and text every day. Isn't this a miracle? For me and my loved ones - a real miracle. And I sincerely thank Saint Nicholas for his prayers for me!

    Olga Pavlova

    I made it!

    I had a sick father in my arms for several years, also Nikolai, by the way. He lived until he was almost 92 years old, but for the last three years he wasn’t very good. His condition worsened, there was a suspicion of pneumonia, and he fell ill. It was very difficult to agree on treatment; he didn’t let doctors in, didn’t want to hear anything about the hospital (he’s a WWII veteran). It was difficult, my only hope was in the Savior and the Mother of God, to whom I turned in prayer. And suddenly there was a call from a priest, Father Nikolai, previously unknown to me: “They gave me your phone number and said that I need support.”

    We unctioned my father and gave him communion. And everything began to work out: help appeared, nursing care, the ambulance doctors came one better than the other, and with joint efforts we put him in good hospital, in a separate room with individual nursing care. Last month He spent his life walking in the hospital park, with a nurse and children. But the years took their toll...

    I ended up in intensive care. He called me at work kind person: the father was returned to the ward from intensive care, he is unwell, and there is no nurse. While I was getting to him on the metro, I prayed to St. Nikolai: “Help, I pray you, just not to be late!”

    My father was waiting for me. He recognized him, smiled, extended his hand, drank tea, and a couple of hours later he left peacefully.

    As if everything was simple. But if I didn’t have time, I would have been tormented endlessly. Only with the help of God and His saints is there light in my soul.

    Alevtina Pankova

    Rescue from death

    Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker saved our father. On December 19, 1983, our dad went to the garage to park the car. He was then 35 years old, he had two children: a 7-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter.

    Dad inspected the car with the garage doors closed (it was a frosty day). The car engine was running, the exhaust gases had no outlet to the street. My father was so poisoned that he lost consciousness several times, his face turned black from the increased concentration of exhaust gas in the air. He crawled out of the garage onto the road and lost consciousness again.

    He was picked up by a passing man, practically carried in his arms into his car and taken to the hospital.

    My father survived, but the doctors said that just a little longer and they wouldn’t have saved him.

    Just lucky.

    But was it just luck? We believe that on December 19, Father was saved through the prayers of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. By the way, our dad’s name is Valery NIKOLAEVICH.

    Elena Nagornaya


    Saint Nicholas helps constantly, and it is impossible to count all his miracles. And it’s unlikely that we notice them all. I have many of them in my “arsenal,” but the one I will describe is one of the most striking and revealing.

    It was in April 2013, when it started snowing in Kyiv and continued to snow for several days. There was so much snow that it was literally impossible to walk or drive through the city... Volunteers drove jeeps and pulled small cars out of the snowdrifts. On the first night, all the roads were blocked, people helped each other and shared food, tea, and the remaining charge on their phones.

    I was returning from the Florovsky Monastery late in the evening. The journey home should have taken about 50 minutes - metro, then a minibus. I always ask St. Nicholas to direct the way home. Realizing that it was already late, the road was difficult, and the weather was not at all spring, I prayed even more strongly to the saint.

    Arriving at the minibus stop, I realized that things were bad... Of the four lanes of the road, only two were rolled out - exactly in the middle of the road, cars were moving at a speed of 20-30 kilometers per hour. Naturally, none of the drivers stop - the road is very difficult. It's snowing. There are practically no people at the stop, no minibuses either... Someone walks home, but I immediately dismissed this option - there is a lot of snow and it’s late. Someone tries to catch a taxi or a ride - also unsuccessfully. I'm standing. I am waiting. Frozen. I begin to boil and mentally say: “Well, how can this be, I asked St. Nicholas to manage the road! If only someone would stop and give me a lift!” Then, having already “slowed down”, I say to myself: “Well, why should someone stop and give you a lift? Why is this happening all of a sudden? I smile. 3 minutes pass. And then...

    A taxi drives up very slowly, stops exactly opposite me and two guys standing next to me, and the driver calmly asks through the lowered window: “Who can I give a ride to Rusanovka for five hryvnia?”

    My first reaction, mental: “No, it doesn’t happen like that...” Then - “Well, how can it not happen, this is St. Nicholas! Happens!"

    Why did I think that “it doesn’t happen”? Firstly, neither I nor anyone nearby stopped the car - the driver stopped and offered a ride. Secondly, for such a late route the price was simply ridiculous. Usually they ask for 25-30 hryvnia. Guys, my neighbors unfortunately didn’t go, but our taxi driver took me for 10 hryvnia, alone.

    Tatiana, Kyiv

    Three stories

    We are sometimes blind to the many miracles that happen to us every day. Morning awakening ray of sunshine on the cheek of a child, the smile of a loved one...Often the greatest miracles are perceived in an ordinary way, even callous. Sometimes I involuntarily ask myself the question: “Are there miracles at all?” And then, out of nowhere, the answer comes: “My existence, the beating of my heart, my faith in God is the greatest miracle.”

    Even at a time when my family did not go to church very often, we always had an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is quite difficult to list all the miracles that happened in my life through the prayer of this beloved saint. Three cases especially come to mind now wonderful help Saint Nicholas.

    Case one. One day my good friend I went to Africa for work. He went there with a colleague by car. Worried about his safe journey, every day I read an akathist to St. Nicholas. For almost a whole month, without receiving news from my friend, I prayed to Saint Nicholas for his health. Upon returning, my friend told me that he miraculously escaped an accident on the road. Of course, this happy circumstance of salvation can be explained simply by luck, but I am sure that everything ended so successfully thanks to the intercession of St. Nicholas. Since that incident, I have constantly resorted to the prayerful protection of St. Nicholas when I myself or my dear and close people set off on a journey.

    Case two. The year before last, on the feast of St. Nicholas, I sadly recalled the days of my childhood when I found sweets and small gifts on this holiday. My heart was sad. It's freezing outside. Suddenly the door to the house opens and the postman enters. In his hands is a huge package from my friend, with sweets, a book, small gifts... Of course, the essence of any holiday is not sweets and gifts. The human soul craves love and attention.

    On that winter holiday evening, I somehow once again felt the presence of St. Nicholas, who, through the kindness of my friend, illuminated my heart with childish joy!

    Case three. At the end of last year I caught a bad cold. I spent all the holidays with a fever and a terrible cough. The pills only made my condition worse. Miraculously, a miraculous image of St. Nicholas was brought to our rural church of the holy martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia. My mother and I went to pray to the saint, to his image. There, at the icon, I prayed with all my heart for my recovery. I no longer had any moral strength. I brought home with me a small icon of St. Nicholas, a handkerchief and oil blessed on the holy relics. Before going to bed, I once again prayed to St. Nicholas, put a handkerchief to my chest, and anointed myself with oil. In the morning, with great surprise, I noticed that my cough had noticeably weakened, and soon stopped altogether...

    At such moments, the soul is filled with gratitude, happiness and awareness of how great the Lord’s mercy is for us sinners! Life is always filled with difficulties and all sorts of trials, but one thing always remains unchanged - God exists. God is love, which endures everything and never ceases, praying for us through the lips of the saints. Thank God for everything! Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for all of us!

    Daria Sukach, Zaporozhye region

    Mutilation Assistant

    Almost ten years ago, an absolutely wonderful story happened to me. While the eldest daughter was studying English, I had to go to the clinic with my son, who was one year old at that time. It was possible to get there by transport or walk through the courtyards. True, in this case, part of the road had to be carried in the child’s arms, because he did not yet know how to walk quickly. In order not to waste time, I chose the second option. I picked up the baby and ran, but tripped. To protect her son, she held him so that he would not get hurt, but she herself fell, twisting her ankle. Having made sure that everything was fine with the child, I, limping, continued on my way, then returned for my daughter and, exhausted, reached the house, where my leg was swollen almost like an elephant’s.

    It became clear that in the near future I would not be able to leave the house, and there was no one to help with the children. At this time, a friend called and said that Nicholas the Wonderworker was the first assistant in the mutilation of arms and legs... After which prayer services were ordered. And on next morning I had no swelling or the slightest reminder of pain... It was a real gift!

    Olga Vlasova

    Getting a job

    After serving his military service, my son returned home. Within a year and a half, the plant where he worked was closed, and in his native village there was not a single vacant place left for young man. For four months we tried to find him a job. They looked in the regional center, but they didn’t take us anywhere there either. Despair was already close. I was seriously afraid that he would give up and, like his peers, would drink out of instability.

    I went to the temple, to Nikolai Ugodnik. She lit a candle and said: “Help us, we can’t cope without you, only your miraculous intercession will help.”

    Three days later, an acquaintance arrived from Moscow. He was looking for a person to work as a security guard...

    Five years have passed since then, my son works and lives in Moscow. Recently he and his family were given a service apartment, and on December 19 I am going to visit him.

    Saint Nicholas, thank you! Pray to God for us!

    Yulia Suvorova

    Found car

    In September of this year, I was on vacation in Italy and found out that my car was stolen at home. The hijackers were known to me, but their search was unsuccessful within a week. I was just getting ready to go to the city of Bari to venerate the relics of St. Nikolai, and I think I’ll ask him for help at the same time. The road to Bari from my vacation spot was long (about 6 hours one way), but despite this, I decided to go.

    We arrived, venerated the relics, took part in Orthodox service, which is held on Thursdays, we prayed and asked St. Nikolai to help find the car and went back.

    Immediately upon arriving at the hotel, they called me from home and said that the stolen car had been found, and in a completely miraculous way: they brought documents and keys home and indicated the place where the car was parked (the car thieves abandoned it with the keys and documents). That's how St. Nikolai helped me in a difficult situation.

    Thank God for everything! Holy Hierarch Father Nicholas, pray to God for us!

    Alexander Klyshev

    "Good Samaritan"

    In 2008, I got a temporary but fairly well-paid job. Already pregnant with my second child. The employer turned out to be not very kind-hearted and did everything to get rid of the “burden” in the form of an employee like me - despite the fact that I performed all the functions assigned to me. When he received me, he did not yet know about this circumstance. But I didn’t want to lose the opportunity to receive a salary for at least a few months, and it was useful at that time.

    One day, my boss sent me on a business trip to Kyiv for training. After training, I was loaded with two stacks of booklets, despite my position - apparently, there were people of the same type as my immediate superior. When I went towards the station, because of this pile of paper I didn’t want to go down to the metro, believing that it would be easier to get there by land transport. But I forgot about Kyiv traffic jams...

    In general, on the platform I “kissed” the tail of the departing train. It was no longer possible to leave for Nikolaev that evening. In any case, at the box office they told me that the tickets were all sold out - after all, it was the height of the summer season, and everyone was heading south. In despair, I headed towards the metro, sobbing bitter tears - I had nowhere to sleep, and I had no idea what I would do next.

    Suddenly, out of nowhere, a woman appeared from the crowd, it seemed to me, a little older than me. Just a second ago, like everyone else, she was running about her business with the look of a busy ant - what always amazed me about the capital’s residents is their pace - and now she’s looking into my eyes, holding my hand and asking what happened, not did anyone offend me? Sobbing, I describe to her my stupid situation. “So it’s not a problem.”

    Then she noticed that I was in a position, shook her head sympathetically and said: “Since you are a traveler with us, you should turn to St. Nicholas in prayer.”

    I did not object, despite the fact that my future husband almost convinced me that venerating icons and saints does not really correspond to the main concept of the Gospel. We read the “Our Father” aloud together, then turned to Nikolai for help, and she, taking me by the hand, led me back to the station.

    First we were refused at the cash register, then we went to the police. Strange, isn't it? It would never have occurred to me. The guys were kind and came with us to the train - some Crimean guy was just about to leave. The older conductor, as I remember now - a guy with a mustache, so important - did not agree to let me in, he sent me to the head of the train, and the time was approaching for departure. But then another conductor looked out from the next carriage and reproached his senior colleague for refusing to help the pregnant woman. “You can’t, otherwise the mice will chew your things,” the guy said, either jokingly or seriously, and led me into his carriage.

    It turned out that until some settlement I could go in a compartment, then in another carriage it appeared sleeping place. And my patroness, whose name I never found out (I asked, but she never said - I think that this is a good angel who appeared to me in the flesh), also gave me her sandwich, wrapped in cellophane bag. It came in very handy...

    That’s how, with God’s help, with the patronage of St. Nicholas and the “Good Samaritan Woman,” I safely got home. Of course, I spent extra money on travel, but I gained something incommensurably more. After all, everything that happens is for the better, and according to the will of God.

    Marina Kudinova

    "Thomas" was found

    This happened on the feast of Epiphany. Not far from work, I went to the nearest temple, named after the Epiphany, to pray and draw holy water. I collected and placed my bag and a bag of water near the candle stand. There were a lot of people. After the service, I discovered that the water was standing still, but there was no bag. I looked up, and on the wall there was a fresco with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Mentally I turned to him: “Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, help me find my bag.” I twisted and turned and couldn’t find it. There was no money there, it was a pity for the library magazine - “Foma”.

    A few days later, my father calls from work and asks about the loss (he didn’t know). It turned out that not far from the temple, one woman found my gutted bag and almost everything that was in it in the snow at her entrance. There was also a notebook where she found dad’s phone number and told him about the find. Then she told me that she would not have paid attention if she had not seen that same magazine “Foma”. She said that she herself works in a library, so she sympathized. Isn't this a miracle? I was delighted with the fast and such amazing help Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. Thank God for everything!

    Lyudmila Grishkova

    Saint Nicholas in my family

    "Enough! Well, no, and you won’t have a family. You are 33 years old and alone. There are other interests in life: friends, work, science... So, I wanted to write a dissertation - go ahead! Your arms and legs are intact, your head is in place – get down to business, and, as always, it will help out.”

    That's what I decided in October 2001. Dreams, horoscopes and similar nonsense led to nothing. For the first time, I even consciously went to a place where I should have gone long ago, and asked His saint, not even Him himself... On my knees I remembered the words of Vysotsky: “Send me, Lord, a second one, so that I won’t be so lonely.” Well, don’t I really deserve it... I’m not asking for a rich man, but just for a COUPLE, for a family...

    We don't want to wait, that's the thing! And I had to get to work. I dealt with the influence of the Internet on... however, the details are not interesting. I began to study data on the Internet, catching patterns. It was required to post a questionnaire on one of the portals. While studying the respondents, I came across a questionnaire where the profession was “Choreographer”.

    No photo, of course! Even more interesting: we graduated from the same school! Well, well... I didn’t have time to be rude - he wrote a letter after seeing my information. The letter was written by a literate guy who knew how to think, and not by a Pithecanthropus. And I, a frightened sparrow, disappointed, harsh, wanted to answer... So let’s write: I am harsh. And I don't need anything. I'm not looking for adventure. Appearance: arms, legs, head.

    He wasn't afraid. He answered as befits a person with humor and... understanding. Letter after letter... Three weeks of virtual acquaintance have passed. He asked for a phone number. By that time, we found out that he was my brother’s classmate. But I didn’t remember his face, and even his photo didn’t help.

    And so telephone conversation. In my 33 years, I have never spoken to anyone in my life from 10 pm to 6 am! When I told the girls at work, they gasped and said that this thing smelled like something... I laughed it off. And the phone extended the acquaintance for another three weeks. And then he asked for a date and computer lessons. Well, I asked... who will guess? Five goes to the reader - to teach me to dance.

    When he arrived, we nasty girls were looking at him from the office window. And he stood very masculine. Firmly and calmly, did not look at the clock. He waited as if he had been waiting for me all his life... And I went to meet him.

    Already at Christmas, he introduced me to his mother as a bride... He was not looking for adventure, he wanted a family, children... And my mother-in-law blessed us just a month later...

    We got married, and there was no more solemn event in my life... We already have two boys. My husband is a wonderful husband and father. He is not a screen star, Forbes does not publish his photo, but we ate more than a pound of salt together. As it turned out, he and I prayed for the same thing, and in the same temple, and his mother also prayed to God for a good wife for her son...

    I prayed in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, already knowing for sure that he would help immediately and for sure. Like the Lord, who hears everything, you just need to ask for the present. And it will be fulfilled when we trust Him completely, we surrender to His will, like the flow of calm water - like a child puts his little hand in the hand of his parents, completely trusting them.

    When we were already married, not for long, but already expecting a baby, the second story happened.

    I taught, as before, computer skills at a private lyceum. My husband, in an attempt to earn extra money before the birth of the child, took a second job, which was not very prestigious, but provided a real addition to our meager budget. This could not have come at a more opportune time, since before giving birth I needed medical care, which recently became paid, and classes at the lyceum have been reduced. And instead of, as all decent newlyweds should, calmly await the birth of such a begged-for child, we had to frantically dodge to pay medical procedures, provide dietary food and raise money for childbirth, a stroller, a crib, clothes for a newborn... There was nowhere to wait for help, so the husband, without much joy, but understanding the need, got a job at a car wash.

    The two weeks were full of anticipation of his salary and passed peacefully. And on the third it turned out that the dance school where he could teach in the evenings had closed. This was very sad news, but... Considering that there was a car wash “in stock”, we tried to come to terms with it and live as we lived, cutting the budget again.

    And a few days later a real “left uppercut” awaited me, to put it in boxing terms. My husband was more than 2 hours late from work, which had never happened before, and I began to get nervous. Of course, good thoughts don’t come to us when loved ones suddenly change their daily routine without warning... “Something happened... Met someone and went... for a walk?” – that was the first thing I thought of. “No... It can’t be, he knows that I’m worried! Cork? Didn't let you go from work? Did you go help Vova (a friend who always got into stories)? Maybe he went to mom?” And then, as if on a whim, my mother-in-law called: “In general, there’s this thing... (in a choked voice and slowly choosing words) Oleg had something happen...” At this point I couldn’t stand it. Almost shouting into the phone, standing on my feet and putting on my shoes, quickly realizing that I probably need to run to the hospital or the police: “What, what happened?!” - “He crashed someone else’s car.”

    Wow! How can you crash a car without a license and without knowing how to drive?! And the first thing that comes to mind: “What is he himself? How?? Alive, crashed?!”, and tears are already pouring down his face... “Yes, he seems to be fine. I don’t know the details... He’s going home.”

    My God, why didn’t you call me and mom first? What's there? I spent the next hour, while my husband got home, running between the phone, the neighbor, the kitchen, where I put the kettle, and the icons, where I just looked at the faces, not even knowing what to ask for? As long as he’s alive and well, that’s the main thing, we’ll decide the rest.

    He arrived just dead - pale, dirty, his clothes were torn here and there. Quietly opening the door, he stood on the threshold. He didn’t look him in the eyes, and there was such melancholy, such fear and despair emanating from him!

    As it turned out, he received an order to wash the Volga, which he could not approach because the Lada was parked awkwardly. Without thinking twice, he took the keys, believing that moving the car from place to place would be easy. Moreover, Vova, the same one, told him how to start it, how to drive it, everything looks easy in the movies too. The man behaved like a man decisively and calmly, but like a child he did not think about the consequences... The Lada got caught on its side, blew off the door of the Volga, hit and broke the mirror. The owner of the car wash and the owners of the cars agreed that if the culprit repaired what was broken, he would be forgiven and would not be brought to trial. Glory to God for everything: both for our sorrows and for our joys! However, my husband lost his job...

    One wise and kind lady said: “When you spend the night with grief, it becomes a neighbor.” And the Russian proverb says: “The morning is wiser than the evening.”

    I told my husband that we just need to get through this misfortune, in the morning everything will become clearer, easier, thoughts will fall into place and we will come up with something together. In the meantime, I fed him and felt sorry for him. Well, why reprimand a big boy who always wanted to “steer” but never had the opportunity? Will this fix anything?

    When he was convinced of my, as it is now fashionable to say, “tolerance,” he explained: “I thought they wouldn’t even feed me for this! After all, it’s me, the man, who has to earn money, and now I’ll sit on my pregnant wife’s neck. And I didn’t want to go home, even if I threw myself into the river!”

    The next morning, barely able to move my feet, I dragged myself to work. There were no first lectures, and the girls and I sat down in the small “teacher’s” room to drink a cup of coffee and tea and talk about life. As if in spirit, I told them everything that happened with us, asking for help. They were confused, but one of them said that all the most “expensive” watches would be mine, although they were already given to me based on my qualifications. But... there were no orders. During our time at the lyceum, we taught computer literacy and certain special programs to more than 15,000 people; among our customers were large state-owned enterprises, but now there was a decline, as luck would have it. If they called, it was only individual customers, and all of their colleagues yielded to me, trying to support me.

    The second hour began, the girls went to their offices. I remained sitting in the little room, thinking and staring at the wall opposite. And on this wall we arranged something like a prayer corner, where there was a pussy willow, an icon of the Savior, the Mother of God of Iveron and... St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. And he looked at me so tenderly, his eyes shone with such warmth, his beard seemed so soft!

    I suddenly thought that my grandfather, whom I didn’t find, was also named Nikolai, and he was born on December 19, on the day of commemoration of Nikolai Miracle Worker of Myra. About how he, who received an excellent military education back in Tsarist times and had excellent prospects, first fell into the meat grinder of the First World War, then the revolution, how he was saved by his own soldiers from arrest. Then, as my mother said, he was either a watchmaker or an accountant. How during the Great Patriotic War he was offered to become the head of the hospital for supplies, and how he taught his daughters, my mother and aunt, and his wife: “Whoever comes to you, no matter what they bring you, no matter what they say, it’s as if I gave it, or as a gift, or that this is my ration, remember: don’t take it! No one has anything! This will all be what is taken away from the wounded.” And, as my mother said, the most delicious and luxurious dish of her childhood was potatoes. It was ripe, smelled of freshness, and my grandfather brought a whole bag of it with the words: “This is for the whole summer and autumn.” And how mother and aunt, secretly from father, sneaked into the hospital and entertained the wounded, performing various kinds artistic performances: sometimes poetry out loud, sometimes songs, sometimes dances. And they gave the girls lumps of sugar as a reward. I remembered how one day my grandfather came in and found his daughters in the hospital, having already received and gnawing on their reward. How he destroyed them! He yelled at his sister-hostess, at the doctors, at the wounded - that they needed to get better, and not feed everyone with their rations! And he forbade my mother and aunt to go to the hospital so that this sugar would not be taken away.

    And suddenly it occurred to me that the saints are alive, they are next to us, and that, probably, it was not in vain that the saint reminded me of relatives who experienced much greater hardships, poverty, hunger, war, and at the same time did not lose kindness, understanding, warmth, love and most importantly - faith that everything will be fine, that the Lord will help! It will help if you ask.

    And I began to ask Saint Nicholas to help us cope with the misfortune, strengthen my strength and health, and send me and my husband honest earnings. I had a prayer book in my bag, and for the first time in my life I read an akathist to St. Nicholas. I didn’t even know then that this required special preliminary prayers, that it couldn’t happen on any day... And then somehow spiritually and calmly I sat down to fill out some papers.

    And suddenly a call... A very large sales company called and said that we had won a tender to train 1,500 of their employees, and that we were obliged to do this in the next six months!

    And then the girl who had been asking about the license returned and said that I was simply incredibly lucky: firstly, our license was being renewed, and secondly, several orders had been received directly from friends of our general, which meant that payment would be made on time, and the programs are very complex, requiring special knowledge that only I had. And that I was asked to develop a course and start urgently...

    And the fatigue disappeared, and my health began to improve, we did everything necessary. True, I still had to part with the little things bequeathed to me by my mother, and to her by my grandmother, but it was with these words that it was given to me: “If you, baby, don’t have enough for bread or medicine, or your children need it, sell it.” no regrets, these are just spillikins. They are no longer needed." So I did.

    And three months later, our first-born was born - healthy, strong, like half an apple, looking like his dad.

    That’s how Nikolushka stood up for my newborn family... What I asked for, everything came true and immediately...

    The pain has subsided

    I know that you will believe me. My husband was skeptical about this. He is an unbeliever. But he didn’t deny that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helped me. The husband said: “It helped, that’s good!”

    I bought the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker not so long ago, two months ago. But during this time I never contacted him. And I applied for the first time on December 6th. It just dawned on me: why not try it? I read that it helps almost instantly. And my problem was the following.

    On July 4, 2013, I gave birth to my second child. Everything went great. But my back was bothering me. I think many women who have given birth have this problem. But in lately She wasn’t just sick, she was incredibly sick! Whined. Every morning I woke up and could not move. To get up, it was necessary to overcome hellish pain. And during the day the pain did not go away! I constantly asked my husband to massage my lower back, but to no avail.

    I read prayers every morning and evening. And after the evening rule, my gaze fell on the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. And the idea was born to try to ask Nikolai to heal my unfortunate back.

    I talked to him, talked to him, this way and that. Went to bed. The next morning I didn't have any pain! This is incredible!

    It's been a week now and my back hasn't hurt! Not a bit! It's like being born again!


    Under the “hood”

    One day I was returning home from Krasnodar to Krymsk, a 100-kilometer journey. Was late evening, it got dark outside and it was pouring pouring rain. I was traveling on business with a friend, and on the way back I stopped to pick up my son from college. We loaded his things and hit the road. When I turned on the windshield wiper blades, something clicked in the switch and broke, the blades did not work.

    The rain continued to pour down on the street, my friend Vladimir advised me to cut the wiring harness leading to the switch and try to connect the necessary ends “at random”, maybe it will work. When I crawled under steering column my Toyota truck, I saw a bundle of about 15 wires. In the dark and without the necessary tool I thought that our chances of repairing it were zero. Then I told my fellow travelers: I know what to do, repeat after me. And he began to read a prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant.

    I put the car in gear and set off. We slowly got out of Krasnodar, got onto the main road and headed towards the house. On the way, I constantly read a prayer to the holy saint of God. So, unnoticed, we covered 100 kilometers. When we left the car, we noticed that the rain was not subsiding, and yet our windshield it was clean and dry. It turned out that all this time we were moving as if under a hood. Drivers know how to drive on a federal highway with non-working windshield wipers, especially when passing oncoming KamAZ trucks. Several years passed, and one day while talking with a friend, I brought up the topic of miracles sent by the Lord to strengthen faith. And then Vladimir recalled that incident and said that he was impressed by what happened that rainy night. I think that it was for him that the Lord sent this miracle through the prayers of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, since the friend is not a churchgoer.

    Vladimir Malevanny

    On August 11, Christians celebrate the birth of St. Nicholas. He is revered as the patron saint of sailors, merchants and children. In addition, absolutely everyone who needs help turns to him with their problems. It is believed that it is Nikolai Ugodnik who comes to the rescue most quickly and is the savior from injustice and unnecessary death. It is no coincidence that he is called Nicholas the Wonderworker. The saint performed his miracles both during life and after death. Let's look at the most famous cases.

    Rescue of homeless women

    According to the description of the saint’s life, when Nicholas was still a young priest, one of his parishioners went bankrupt. He had three marriageable daughters, but no money for their dowry. The father saw only one solution to his problems: to give his daughters to harlots. Nikolai decided to save the girls and at night threw a wallet with gold into the parishioner’s house. He did this three times. The owner of the house found out who was helping him and wanted to thank him, but Nikolai did not accept the help and forbade him to talk about it.

    Lucky theft

    An amazing story happened after the death of Nicholas the Wonderworker with his relics. In the 11th century, the Turks ravaged the lands in Asia Minor and destroyed all traces of Christianity. Destruction also awaited the relics of St. Nicholas, which were in the city of Demre. One day, Nicholas appeared to one of the priests in Italy and asked him to hide his remains more reliably. In April 1087, Christians from the city of Bari (Italy) managed to steal the relics of the saint, took them to their city and placed them in the Church of St. Stephen. Several miraculous healings of believers from ailments immediately took place here. And the temple in Demre was subjected to many attacks after that, and was later flooded by the dirty waters of the Miro River.

    Sailor Rescue

    They say that Nicholas often helped sailors during his travels. So, one day, on the way to Palestine, Nikolai predicted that a terrible storm would soon break out. Almost immediately a strong wind arose, the waves raged, and it was clear that the ship would not survive. Panic began. Nikolai began to pray, and the elements calmed down.

    They also say that the Wonderworker was able to resurrect people. So, one of the sailors slipped and fell on the deck. After Nicholas’ prayer, the young man came to life.

    Salvation of Lycia

    While Nicholas was traveling to Palestine, famine began in his home country of Lycia. All remnants of food were eaten, and people were preparing for death. At this time, one Italian merchant, whose ship was full of bread, saw the Wonderworker Nicholas in a dream. He ordered him to take the bread to Lycia and even gave him three gold coins as a deposit. The merchant woke up and found money in his hand and believed in the dream. So he went to Lycia, where he sold all his grain and saved the population.

    Zoya's standing

    One of the most amazing events happened in the city of Kuibyshev in 1956. Under New Year the girl Zoya did not wait for her groom. All her friends were dancing, and she was the only one who didn’t have a partner. Then she took the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and began to dance with it. To the exclamations of her friends, she replied: “If there is a God, let Him punish me!” And suddenly the girl seemed to be petrified - she froze in place with the icon of the saint pressed to her chest, and no one could move her. The girl did not move, but her heart continued to beat. When this story reached the authorities, the house was blocked off and policemen were posted around. On the day of the Annunciation, some old man begged the guards to let him through to the girl. Entering the house, he asked Zoya: “Well, are you tired of standing?” The guards looked into the room, the old man was no longer there. Zoya stayed until Easter - four months.

    People say that Saint Nicholas still performs miracles today. Everyone who turns to him for help receives it. That is why in the cities where the relics of the saint are brought, huge queues of sufferers line up.

    On October 19, 2009, in Perm, the gas pedal of a bus driving along the main street jammed. He couldn't stop on his own. It happened during rush hour in the morning, when everyone was going to work. The bus rushed through the city center for about three kilometers - and not a single one was seriously injured. The video footage shows how the pedestrian miraculously avoided being run over. Mild concussion brains of four people. The driver followed what turned out to be the only safe route. On his way, he did not come across any trams, trolleybuses, or buses, although he crossed many intersections. He turned slightly just in front of the former cathedral and the Church of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh - towards the monument to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. And he stopped on the stairs towards him: the wheels hung in the air.

    Eyewitnesses say: “If the driver had made a sharper turn, he would have gone head over heels; if he had continued straight, he would have rushed past the gallery and, most likely, would have fallen from a height of 3-5 meters onto the embankment.” People perceived it as a miracle, Vesti says.

    Alena Belyaeva told the Pravoslavie.ru portal that one day she and her family went on vacation to the sea by car. Mom insisted on taking the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with us. Having argued, the young people finally took the icon and, not having had time to drive 100 km from the house, they witnessed an accident: “Another car flew into the car in front of us from the oncoming lane at speed, and they, hitting their heads, began to spin in front of us... Glass, plastic, spare parts were flying at us, and the cars themselves were flying at us... I understood that I would not have time to read the prayer. At this time, my husband was turning the steering wheel. different sides so that we were thrown from side to side. We woke up about 200 meters later when we realized that the mangled cars were left behind, and there wasn’t a scratch left on our car. The husband said that when he tried to avoid the collision, time slowed down, like in a movie. This is how Nicholas the Wonderworker helped us. It was a miracle."

    Stories from the editorial mail of the Pravoslavie.Ru portal

    At that time I myself was not a churchgoer and not even baptized. And he confused Nicholas the Wonderworker with Stephen of Great Perm. But even so, I and many of my friends, far from the Church, noted that this saint saved people.

    TV report from local TV "Rifey":

    r.B. Christina
    “I, an ordinary girl, dreamed of simple female happiness”

    I am an ordinary girl, I dreamed of simple female happiness, but my personal life did not work out. I waited, asked in prayers, but, as they say, everything has its time. Years passed, but there was still no happiness. I’d like to note that I’m a pretty girl, I had a lot of fans, but I couldn’t imagine a relationship without love. I met a lot of good guys, but “not my thing,” and that’s all.

    I started building a career, traveling, seeing the world. And this geographical “gourmet” became a kind of replacement for me personal life.

    One day I came to the temple and began to ask: help, Saint Nicholas... A few weeks later I met a man with whom I had never even thought of becoming acquainted, he was too “mine” in terms of his worldview and type. We really liked each other, started dating... And then the difficulties began. I won’t describe the details, but the relationship was stuck at one stage, the candy-bouquet period was over, and it was necessary to decide where to go next. Even though I am a believer, I was tired of loneliness and made concessions: we began to live together. I can’t describe the feeling, I was brought up in strict traditions, plus the Lord did not leave me without admonition: health problems began. And then I again turned to Saint Nicholas with a fervent prayer: I asked for a blessing, if this is my man, to unite us in marriage, and if not mine, then let him leave my life. I prayed almost every day while my beloved was away. And, you won’t believe it, my beloved comes and proposes to me! That same evening we go shopping for rings. Nikola helped us so much that we bypassed the queues at the registry office, we got the day of registration on the great Orthodox holiday Faith, Hope and Love, everything went like clockwork (those who got married know how troublesome a wedding is).

    Many miracles were connected in my life with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. For example, when I lost my job, I always turned to St. with prayers. Nikolai. And soon I found new job, which always not only corresponded to my specialty, brought good income, but also helped me get interesting experience.

    I could go on and on about the help I received in different times through prayers to. But I want to say the main thing - we must remember that we must help our loved ones and those in need in difficult moments of life. This is precisely what my experience of prayerful communication with the great saint of God, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and this is exactly what the Lord expects from us...

    Eduard Kichigin
    “I asked St. Nicholas for help in finding a job”

    Six months ago I was going through an extremely difficult period in my life, and one day I was standing at an evening service in St. Nicholas Cathedral, praying, my soul was painful and heavy, but by the end of the service I felt some kind of consolation and even joy. I won’t say anything about what I prayed for, but in addition to the main thing, I asked St. Nicholas for help in finding a job. After the service I walked home in the rain, and there was such joy in my soul, flying - “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice!” I sang to myself and aloud a little.

    I came home and immediately called old friend with an offer of a very good job, extremely interesting, useful and promising for me. In order to discuss everything and get my consent, he, despite being extremely busy and worried, came to me that same evening. I got the job, it was difficult, but extremely interesting and useful. I promised Saint Nicholas that from my first salary I would light candles for all the icons in St. Nicholas Cathedral.

    But in the end, everything got so twisted, both with this work and in general, that he fulfilled his promise only halfway and not on time - he only placed candles in one of the churches of the cathedral, and there were two of them, on both floors. Now I don’t understand what was stopping me. Yes, and I lived at that time, frankly speaking, not the most in the right way. Things went badly, in general, in the end, I made the second part of my promise to St. Nicholas from my last salary six months later, after my dismissal. Here's the story.

    Suzanna Farizova
    "I was waiting for you with this finger"

    I went to Bari, working at the Kommersant newspaper, in the then presidential pool. She left in a hurry, having spent Maslenitsa visiting on a grand scale the day before.

    I was constantly in the way of my bag, the keys in my hands, the door.

    This one front door, unable to handle my keys and bag, I ended up hitting my finger. Hit hard.

    There was no time. I flew away. In Bari, the finger became swollen, blackened and began to hurt. At first - barely. Then stronger and stronger. But I had to work, and I tried not to think that it hurt.

    The program included a visit to the Basilica. The same one where the relics of St. Nicholas lie. They rest behind bars - heavy ones - which are opened on major holidays. I kissed the bars and asked for some global things for myself and my family. And at the end she asked for the finger to go through.

    1454 0

    Saint Nicholas mastered a lot of secular professions: doctor, engineer, gardener, pilot, veterinarian, postman... The saint still saves lives and performs miracles today.

    I remember the Day of St. Nicholas the Winter in 2008 very well. That day I was doing my usual job at UNIAN, working on topics of politics and economics.

    The UNIAN-Religion project did not yet exist, as they say, at all. But there was a lot of responsible editorial work, which did not allow me to leave. But in my soul that day I was in the church, at the icon of St. Nicholas, mentally lighting a candle, with a prayer for the most important thing.

    In the evening I found some free time and the idea came to create group in honor of St. Nicholas on the popular resource "Odnoklassniki".

    "If the Lord prayer appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker did what you asked, you can leave a detailed record of this, in memory of modern wonders St. Nicholas,” wrote a call to the members of the new group.

    Very soon she became popular. Today the group has 54.8 thousand participants and 12 moderators (priests and students of theological seminaries. - Author).

    Group members say that Saint Nicholas actively participates in their lives, helping even in intractable situations. He mastered a lot of secular professions: doctor, engineer, gardener, pilot, veterinarian, postman...

    The saint protects from offenders, helps to get a job, decides housing issues, saves lives, calls for justice and performs miracles.

    I’ll add that the birthday of the UNIAN-Religions project should probably also be considered December 19th. After all, the idea of ​​its creation came right then, along with a group in honor of St. Nicholas in social network. And through prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Holy Fathers of Pechersk, within a few months we launched a new project.

    Fatima Alikova (Tsalikova) 35 years old, Moscow-Beslan.


    “In 2004, I was held hostage in Beslan, at school No. 1. I won’t describe how hard it was for all of us in the gym these three days. During the explosion, I flew out of the window, and without realizing anything, I ran about 20 meters at random and hid between the iron garages. A shootout began, I lay down on the ground, covering my ears with my hands. I was very scared. Bullets whistled from all sides. The whole time I was lying there, I prayed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    I just screamed to him in my heart to save me from death. It seemed to me that if my prayer was interrupted for even a second, a bullet would hit me. I lay there like that for an hour and a half, maybe more, I don’t know. At some point, the shooting died down, voices were heard behind the fence, and I called for help. They pulled me out and carried me on a stretcher to the ambulance. There wasn’t even a scratch on me, despite the fact that I was lying in the line of fire. All thanks to prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker!”

    Elena Bestuzheva, 57 years old, Tver, Russia.

    “My dad was born in 1923. When he went to the front, my grandmother prayed for him to Nikolai Ugodnik. One autumn they were transferred to the front line. They walked through the mud, were very tired, when they got to the place, they dug in and fell down to sleep. Dad woke up to an old man in an untucked white shirt tugging at his shoulder. He said: “Vanyushka, run, run!” Dad jumped up and ran. Then I thought: where did the old man come from at the front line? He stopped and looked around... At that time a bomb hit the trench, and everyone who remained there was killed.”

    Tatyana Ivanova-Suvorova, 47 years old, Lukyanov, Russia.


    “My older brother, when he was two years old, got lost in the forest. The whole village searched for him, but to no avail. A day later, after crying, he was found on the edge of a cliff, above the river, on brushwood. The finder wanted to dress him warmly and feed him. But the child said: “I don’t want to and I’m not cold.” He was dressed lightly, and it was freezing at night. “Grey-haired grandfather warmed me up and gave me some bread.” All this happened on May 25th. The grandmother sincerely believed that it was Nikolai the saint who saved her grandson.”

    Natasha Sidorova (Ulogova), 33 years old, Lobnya, Russia.


    “It was in 1946, during the post-war famine. My mother was 9 years old. A handful of cereal - for the whole day, they ground acorns and made cakes from them, ate roots. My mother's two younger sisters were in the hospital due to exhaustion. It was a summer, sunny day, and my mother was sitting on the rubble and playing with the ashes from the stove. Suddenly an old man appeared from around the corner. According to my mother’s story, grandfather was very pleasant-looking: not very tall, with blue eyes and in all white. His hair, eyebrows, and beard were completely gray. The suit was also white, the shoes were light.

    In those days when everyone wore rags, it was impossible to see a person in such clothes. Grandfather approached mom and asked if she wanted to eat? And he gave mom two potatoes, bread, and two tomatoes. To celebrate, my mother didn’t even understand where this grandfather had gone. A neighbor came running to my mother and asked what kind of miracle it was? She saw all this from the window. She said that after giving mom the groceries, grandpa walked around the corner and... disappeared!!! They talked about this incident for a long time in the village, they assumed that it was St. Nicholas the Wonderworker himself! My mother often tells this story. She remembers everything, down to the smallest detail. And my mother is already 74 years old.”


    Tatiana Stivrinya, 49 years old, Jelgava, Latvia.

    “I have a friend who got married through prayers to St. Nicholas. She is already over 40, she was divorced, but really wanted to find her soul mate. She was told that she should pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage. She works in the church, so at every opportunity she began to approach the icon and ask for painful things. One day, when she was wiping the icon, a man her age approached her. “I’m watching you, you’re always at this icon.” She answers him so simply: “I ask the Lord for a husband.” He laughed and said: “Here I am!” It’s already the second year since we got married, and now the Lord has sent a child.”

    Svetlana Lakhina (Chikantseva), 39 years old, Belaya Kalitva Sukhumi, Russia.

    “I really wanted a baby, but I couldn’t carry it for more than 10 weeks. I was asked to Sunday school embroider an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the holiday of the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity. While I was embroidering, I asked St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help. And 9 months later our daughter Juliana was born. Isn't it a miracle?

    Galina Kovalenko 38 years old, Maykop, Russia.

    “I couldn’t give birth for a long time - there were miscarriages. I prayed to Nicholas the Wonderworker. I became pregnant again, but I no longer believed, I thought nothing would work out. And late in the evening I was leaving work, an old man came towards me and said: “Happy holiday!” And it slipped my mind that it was Mother’s Day, I thought he was tipsy and joking. I replied: “And you too!” He laughed and said: “Ehhh! It’s me who congratulates you on Mother’s Day!” I replied: “Thank you!” And she moved on. And for some reason I immediately remembered about Nikolai Ugodnik. I turned around, and the old man was no longer anywhere... I realized that this was a sign, and that this time everything would be fine. My daughter was born!”

    Lyubov Fedoseeva.

    “I didn’t have children for seven years. Everyone I knew knew about infertility. I was advised to go to Turkey, to the temple where St. Nicholas the Wonderworker himself once served. There is still a church there, it is not active, but services are held there twice a year. Saint Nicholas bequeathed: “Whoever comes with good intentions to this temple, everything will be fulfilled.” My husband and I were traveling to ask for children. I cried when I was there, I believed and prayed. I returned from Turkey pregnant, a miracle happened! A daughter was born.

    I wanted a lot of children, but again I couldn’t get pregnant for a long time. And I went to Turkey again. I asked Nikolai for twins. I had a dream: “It will be difficult for you to bear two children right away, as it was C-section. You'll have better weather." After this dream I became pregnant. In the fifth month of pregnancy she fell ill with hepatitis. I couldn’t believe it, because my child was blessed by St. Nicholas the Wonderworker! I had to go to the hospital.

    I prayed all night. Saint Nicholas himself appeared in a dream and said that I was healthy. I woke up and told my mom about it. Mom said that if this comes true, she will believe. I arrived at the hospital, they took tests, and I turned out to be healthy. The doctors were against pregnancy, insisted on an abortion, and scared me that I might die. I believed only Nikolai. A son was born. According to your faith, so be it unto you. I know that for sure. I have three children - Lyubov, Maria and Bogdan. Thank God. Thanks to Nicholas the Wonderworker. These were the greatest miracles of my life.”

    Irina Postarnak, 46 years old, Belgorod, Russia.


    “My husband met another woman, I could no longer live in his lies and debauchery. He said: “If you don’t want to live with me, go wherever you want!” The director offered to move into an apartment with a shared apartment. The neighbor thought that we were having a fictitious divorce in order to get an apartment. The court decided to evict me. I came to church and stood on kneeled in front of the icon of Nikolayushka, and in her own words began to ask for help to send me some housing. I met the mayor of the city in the morning, I was going to work, for some reason I stopped, I saw sympathy in his eyes, and he told me to come to such and such an office. The next day I received a warrant. When help comes from above, all doors are open, no connections or money are needed.”

    Leonid Kichko, 53 years old, Lipetsk, Russia.


    “By profession, I am a repairman of technological equipment. After one of the repairs, the unit’s performance did not meet the norm: it was disassembled and reassembled three times, and commissioning was delayed. Frustrated, I went to the temple. Standing at the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, he asked him for help. To be honest, when I returned to the site, I forgot about the request. Having disassembled and reassembled once again, without finding any reason, we made a hopeless decision about a test run. Imagine the surprise of everyone present when the unit began to work. Nobody could explain what was happening. Having visited the temple, I remembered the request and thanked St. Nicholas. Not knowing prayers, I asked in my own words.”


    Irina Vladina, 42 years old, Kostroma, Russia.

    “I was 7-8 years old. My ears hurt very badly, I was screaming in pain! The whole family stood by my bed, not knowing how to help. My great-grandmother Olga had an icon of St. Nicholas - a simple one, on a paper cardboard... I remembered about the icon, and through my tears I shouted: “Grandma, pray to St. Nicholas the Pleasant!” Grandmother quickly went into the room. As soon as she disappeared behind the door, the pain disappeared. Now I am 42 years old, and this miracle is not forgotten. No one had any doubts - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helped!”

    Irina Kholopova, 52 years old, Moscow, Russia.

    “My relative was cured in Mir. I flew to Turkey with herpes on my back. I warned him about the consequences. But youth... He said: “I’ll anoint you with iodine and everything will pass.” And then - chills, pain. We decided to skip the sea and go on an excursion. This is how they got to the Lycian Worlds. On the way back to the hotel I noticed: no pain, no chills. The skin healed quickly, without marks.”

    Vladimir Altunin, 64 years old, Sevastopol, Ukraine.
    “At work we were repairing an electric motor. My crowbar fell off and I hit my elbow hard. The fingers on my left hand began to go numb. One day we stopped at the Foros Church. I stood near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and mentally said: “I don’t believe in God, but if you help me with my health, I will believe!” At the same moment, warmth flowed through my hands, as if entering a warm bath from the cold. Five years passed, my hands never went numb again. Everyone at work knows, they saw how I suffered. Believe it if you want! It happened to me."

    Liliya Kozina (Polozhnova), 36 years old, Moscow.
    “About 15 years ago I had an ovarian cyst. The gynecologist prescribed therapy, after which she had to undergo surgery to remove the cyst. I took the prescribed pills for exactly a month, washing it down with holy water and praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. On December 19 (!) the cyst came out on its own. The gynecologist, experienced and competent, was very surprised. I spent a long time looking through the ultrasound, but in the end I admitted that the operation was not necessary.”

    Margarita Bozhko (Gusarova), 47 years old, Kursk, Russia.


    “I planted tomatoes on the loggia, they bloomed all summer, but none of them set fruit. In October I look at these barren flowers and think: “At least one tomato has started, for consolation.” And three days later one started. I immediately realized that it was Nikolai Ugodnik who gave me the tomato, since his icon is on the window right next to the tomatoes.”

    Ekaterina Yudkevich, 49 years old, Leningrad region, Russia.


    “It was at a very difficult moment in my life, when I lost loved one, and came to St. Petersburg for documents. It was pouring rain, and it seemed to me that I would simply die, I could not stand the grief. Near the Tekhnologichesky Institute metro station there is a very busy place, people walk in a stream, no one notices anyone. I walked in this stream, and my soul was overcome by despair. Suddenly on the sidewalk I saw an icon standing right in the middle of the road. It is not clear how she could stand, and how people did not knock her down. I bent down and picked it up. It was an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the size of a palm, on a tree. What’s also surprising is that in the pouring rain it was completely dry! I was filled with such unexpected joy, peace, love - all this is difficult to convey in words! My confessor said that it was Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker who consoled me.”

    Alexander Vorobyov 52 years old, Kaliningrad, Russia.


    “The incident took place in the mid-90s. We have a temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Kaliningrad. Above the entrance is an icon of St. Nicholas. One day they discovered that the icon was missing. An empty, broken icon case was found in a flowerbed. A few months later the icon was returned; the eyes of St. Nicholas were dug out. Father told us scary story how the icon came to be and what happened. The woman returned the icon to the temple; she was in tears and told how it all happened.

    That night, her son and a group of teenagers entered the temple territory and removed the icon of St. Nicholas. She was very beautiful and looked rich from afar. When the guys brought the icon home and saw in the light that it was simple, one of the teenagers, out of anger, took a nail and picked out the saint’s eyes. A month later, the teenager who committed the sacrilege had both eyes gouged out. When it became clear that he remained disabled for life, he told his mother about what he had done and where the desecrated icon lay. Then the woman took the icon to the temple and told the priest what grief befell them for her son’s blasphemy. The icon was restored, inserted into the icon case and installed in its original place. There is no information about what happened to the boy and his mother.”

    Irina Sorochan, 49 years old, Astana, Kazakhstan.


    In July 2005, my mother died. Less than 40 days had passed, I decided to go to the cemetery alone. A man sat at my mother’s grave, looking scary. He and I looked at each other. I walk and think he will follow me now. And so it happened, he was walking along with a man still under 2 meters tall. It became scary; we had cases where people were attacked in the cemetery. And then grandfather comes out of the bushes, I still thought that he had come to visit someone. He was dressed simply, but I noticed his face: extraordinary, clean, so light that it was impossible to convey, his beard and hair were white. A familiar face, where could I have seen him? He looked at me so sternly and walked past my mother’s grave, and I followed him as if spellbound. Those two men followed us, but did not increase their pace. On the way, I went to my husband’s grave, laid flowers, he slowed down, waited for me, and those two also stopped. We reached the fork, and I saw that he was gone, as if he had sunk into the water. I returned home safely. When she came to our church, she approached the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and gasped, recognizing in that old man the beloved St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, it was him. That is, he helped me, even without turning to him. I thank the Lord for giving me such a miracle - to meet Nikolai Ugodnik."

    Inna Rimskaya 41 years old, Kyiv, Ukraine.


    “In 1998, my friend Olya and I went to Valaam. Money was running short, we all couldn’t leave: either there was no boat, or we didn’t know about its departure. We have already gotten used to the idea that we will use our last money to travel by boat to Sortavala, because the return tickets were bought in Kyiv and we will not receive the money if we return them. Out of grief, we went to the hotel, ate all the porridge taken from the refectory, and then, for consolation, we began to read an akathist to St. Nicholas and sang glorification. When we sang the praise for the third time, a helicopter landed near the hotel and we flew away. Two hours later we were already in St. Petersburg.”

    Tatyana Moskaleva (Ilyasova), 54 years old, Kansk, Russia.


    “I read in a magazine how Saint Nicholas helped one husband give away his daughters, and I thought: where can I get Nicholas the Wonderworker for everyone? I was in a difficult situation - I was raising my son alone, he was a freshman. Winter is outside, but he has no warm clothes. The next day I come home from work, there is a notice at the door - money has arrived from my sister. I bought a down jacket for my son. And my sister told me that she suddenly thought that we needed money more than they did.”

    Marina Idadze, Kutaisi, Georgia.

    “Our puppy got sick. We took his illness hard. For about a week he lay there, did not eat or drink, and breathing was almost inaudible. And suddenly, out of the blue, he shows interest in food, starts running and playing pranks... We were very surprised. And then dad admitted that he asked Nicholas the Wonderworker for the puppy to recover. As it turned out, dad was heard. But the vet refused to treat our dog! What a miracle..."

    Evgeny Polyakov, 51 years old, Moscow, Russia.


    “About 15 years ago, with Abbot Joel, we sailed to Valaam on a small motor boat. As soon as we passed St. Nicholas Monastery, our engine stalled. While the oars were being taken out, a terrible fog fell, only the domes of St. Nicholas Church were visible. We barely made it on the oars. If the engine had stalled later, no one knows what would have happened to us. Saint Nicholas saved us from death!”

    Svetlana Krykun (Arkhipova), 52 years old, Murmansk.


    “It was in 1988-1989, my daughter was 4 years old. At work she boasted that she had never been to the hospital with a child. That same evening, a child with larigotrachiitis was taken away. I prayed to God to have mercy on my child, and promised to go to church in case of healing and light a candle. My girl recovered, but I never went to church. A year later I had a dream, a man in a long robe was standing in the doorway, his arm was slightly bent, as if pointing to an icon, and he said: “You promised!” I didn’t know who I dreamed about. After 13 years, my daughter entered FINEK in St. Petersburg, I took her there, and I took her to the Kazan Cathedral. I went to inspect the icons, approached one, and immediately tears flowed like a river: it’s him - Nikolayushka, from my dream, I’ve just never seen a full-length icon of the Wonderworker before.”

    Olga Gavrilova, 44 years old, Russia, Krasnoyarsk.


    “My daughter graduated from college, received a specialty as an artist-designer, went to live in St. Petersburg, and for 4 months could not find a job. And so, when strength and patience were running out, the legs brought Vladimir Cathedral. There are very old icon Nicholas the Wonderworker. She turned to him with a prayer: “If you hear me, give me some sign!” Suddenly the window opened, the wind blew out all the candles, leaving only the candle in the daughter’s hands burning. On the same day, they brought her a newspaper with advertisements where the company needed a designer. This was 8 years ago. Now my daughter has her own company. She never parts with the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.”

    Tatyana Shvedova 42 years old, Zaporozhye, Ukraine.


    “When we drive past the traffic police post, I ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to cover us with his hands so that they don’t see us. No one ever dared to stop us."

    Flight engineer Lyudmila Maygurova, 38 years old, Volgograd, Russia.


    “We flew on a Boeing 737-200 plane, which is the smallest and with which disasters occur more often than others. We took off normally, gained altitude, began serving us drinks and food, people relaxed... Suddenly we entered a zone of turbulence, the plane was throwing in all directions so that glasses, plates, napkins and everything in the world were flying around the cabin. The passengers turned white with horror, the people did not know what to grab with their hands to stay in their seats...

    I had with me an icon with images of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, Mother of God, Guardian Angel and Lord with the traveler’s prayers to them. She took it out with shaking hands and began to read all the prayers in a row. I finish - and again. I read prayers and out of the corner of my eye I see people looking at me with such hope. And I began to read prayers not to myself, but out loud. Then suddenly everything calmed down as quickly as it started. And some guy, when I finished reading the prayers out loud, shouted to the whole plane: “Hallelujah!” I looked out the porthole and was stunned: the pattern of wings, like an angel’s, was clearly visible on the glass... Probably it was a sign. For some, but for me, it was a miracle. Thank God for everything!”

    Anna Gorpinchenko, UNIAN-Religions.

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