The child's lips sometimes turn blue. Cyanosis (blue lips and skin)

Lips take on a bluish tint in frost or cold wind, but the color changes when normal temperature may also indicate serious violations in the functioning of the body. This symptom is medically called cyanosis. If lips turn blue without exposure external reasons, a person needs a qualified medical care.

Why do lips turn blue?

The main cause of skin discoloration is considered to be a lack of oxygen in the blood. Moreover, not only the lips, but also other parts of the body acquire a bluish tint. Can cause oxygen deficiency serious illnesses cardiovascular system, for example, thromboembolism pulmonary artery. Heart and vascular diseases are indicated by rapid pulse and shortness of breath.

If your lips turn blue, this may be a symptom of a circulatory system disorder.

There are other reasons why lips turn blue. These include:

Abuse of alcohol and cigarettes;

Poisoning of the body with toxic substances;

Iron deficiency in the blood (anemia);

Pathologies of the respiratory tract.

In preschool children, a bluish tone of the lips may indicate the onset of a serious disease - croup. Additional signs here are shortness of breath, throat spasms and barking cough.

What to do if your lips turn blue?

It’s easy to return plum-colored lips from hypothermia to their original pink color. Blueness in this case occurs due to vasoconstriction and insufficient blood flow to the mucous membrane.

How to cope with a reaction to cold:

Go into a warm room and wrap yourself in a cozy blanket.

Drink a hot drink, better herbal tea. Coffee is not suitable - caffeine causes vasoconstriction.

Jump a little, wave your arms, do some squats. Exercise will help improve blood circulation.

If you still need to get to a warm room, a simple trick helps. Cover your mouth with your cupped palms and breathe into them. This will warm both your hands and lips.

Return for heavy smokers and alcohol lovers normal color only giving up bad habits will help your lips

A slight iron deficiency can be restored by foods rich in this trace element:

Veal and liver;

Grapes and pomegranates;

Tomatoes and beets.

Long-term anemia requires medical supervision and taking medications containing iron. This is especially true for pregnant women and young mothers.

If your lips turn blue not from hypothermia, but you are indifferent to alcohol and cigarettes, you need to consult a therapist. Perhaps this alarms serious illness, especially if a change in the color of the mucous membranes is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

Lips are muscular folds covered on one side with a layer of skin, and on the side of the mouth with a layer of mucous membrane. Not here subcutaneous tissue, therefore the vessels with which the muscle is abundantly saturated are very clearly visible. They give the lips their characteristic red color. The shade varies depending on the number and location of blood vessels, the level of hemoglobin and its oxygen saturation.

When a person’s lips turn blue, this means that there is a lot of hemoglobin in the vessels, which has already given up its oxygen to the tissues, and at the same time has not replenished its reserves. This happens with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Similar manifestations in children and adults can occur with some blood diseases.

A little about breathing, blood circulation and hemoglobin

Hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells, is a protein that carries oxygen into tissues and carbon dioxide out of them. This is possible thanks to a special iron-containing part of the protein molecule, heme. To carry out its main function, the latter must be present in the amount of 4 molecules - one for each chain that makes up hemoglobin.

In order for hemoglobin to attach oxygen to itself, many conditions are needed:

  • It should be sufficient quantity. To do this, the body must have enough iron, folic acid, protein, vitamin B12; The erythrocyte membrane should not be damaged and the connections between its subunits should be strong.
  • To respiratory center, located in medulla oblongata(this is the terminal part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord), gave the command to breathe into the right rhythm, and so that this rhythm is not interrupted by commands formed by consciousness. Yes, when panic attack a person feels short of air and forces himself to breathe more often than necessary. A person can also consciously reduce the number of breaths (for example, when performing some spiritual practices).
  • The breathing frequency set by the brain must be transmitted without obstacles to the respiratory muscles - the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. For this, the spinal cord in the cervical and thoracic regions should not be pinched, interrupted, or inflamed. The connections between spinal nerve and muscle, as happens with botulism, poisoning with neuroparalytic poisons (including animal bites).
  • To respiratory sections lungs, the membrane through which gas exchange occurs (oxygen penetrates the red blood cell, and carbon dioxide is released into the alveoli, from where it will then be exhaled) had normal properties. It should not be swollen, as with pneumonia, and there should be no fluid in it, as with pulmonary edema.
  • There must be a certain level of oxygen pressure to ensure the penetration of oxygen into the red blood cell. It also depends on atmospheric pressure, and from the work of the heart, and from the patency of the blood vessels of the lungs (there may be atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, fat or air emboli), and from the patency of the bronchi and bronchioles.
  • The fluid pressure in the capillaries of the lungs should be low so that liquid part no blood came out into the tissue. This is possible when squeezing lymphatic vessels air (with pneumothorax), lung tumors.
  • In addition, hemoglobin itself should not be occupied by a molecule that is more tightly held in it. This is what a CO molecule can do - carbon monoxide, some substances that either oxidize heme iron (this is how methemoglobin is obtained), or add a sulfo group to it, already connected to oxygen.

Violation of at least one of the conditions described above for the normal penetration of oxygen into hemoglobin (except for those associated with anemia - against the background of a small amount of oxygen in the mucous membranes) are the reasons why the lips of an adult turn blue.

In children, additional causes are abnormalities in the development of the heart and blood vessels (“blue” defects). Here, inside the cavities of the heart, arterial, oxygen-rich blood mixes with venous blood, from where oxygen has already been “taken”. Such blood is flowing along its usual path - to every cell of every tissue, but it does not provide them with sufficient nutrition, which is why the lips turn blue. “Blue” defects do not appear from birth, since for a couple of weeks fetal hemoglobin still circulates in the baby’s blood - the one that ensured tissue trophism and, accordingly, the growth and development of the child in the prenatal period. Such hemoglobin “knows how to feed” tissues more efficiently, but it is destroyed more quickly when pH and body temperature change. As red blood cells mature and the total blood volume increases, despite the fact that the body experiences oxygen starvation, fetal (fetal) hemoglobin is replaced by that found in the red blood cells of an adult.

The above reasons cause hypoxia of all tissues, which can be noticed primarily by the bluish or purple tint of the lips. If it only turns blue upper lip or lower, this may mean that it is here that microcirculation is disrupted due to poor venous outflow or impaired arterial flow. This may be due to intradermal tumor or inflammation. Less commonly, periodic (in the cold, when swimming) blue lips may be due to the close proximity of the vessels in the orbicularis muscle, from which the lips are “made.”

Causes of blue lips not related to disease

There are few of them, they arise as a result of external factors affecting the body, which lead to the fact that hemoglobin bound to oxygen becomes 50 or more grams per liter (with a norm of 30 g/l and total hemoglobin of more than 100 g/l). This:

  • long stay in spaces where there is little oxygen: tightly closed car cabins, aircraft, wells, mines;
  • rise to height;
  • a complication of such treatment as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which involves placing a person in a chamber with high blood pressure, under which oxygen is supplied. If there is an oversaturation of oxygen, O2 will produce a toxic effect, causing oxygen starvation;
  • high physical activity, requiring increased oxygen consumption by tissues;
  • being in conditions of reduced temperature;
  • influence of several factors at once. For example, the condition when lips turn blue in water occurs due to a combination of general cooling and physical activity.

The chance that one of the above factors will cause oxygen starvation of tissues (which is primarily visible in the color of the lips) especially increases in the presence of diseases of the heart, lungs, bronchi or some hereditary pathologies blood.

The main causes of blue mucous membranes of the lips

Blue lips– a sign of what disease? It is impossible to say this for sure without examination, since this symptom may be due various groups pathologies:

  1. diseases respiratory system: foreign bodies in the bronchus or trachea, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, bronchial asthma, pneumothorax, lung tumors;
  2. heart and vascular diseases: rhythm disturbances, hypertension, pulmonary embolism, myocarditis, cardiomyopathies, myocardial infarction, some heart defects: aortic insufficiency, coarctation of the aorta, atrial and ventricular septal defects;
  3. poisonings that cause either “blocking” of enzymes in tissues that are responsible for the “assimilation” of oxygen, or tightly binding to hemoglobin, which cannot then independently form a complex with O2;
  4. shock states that, when neglected, various conditions– blood loss, loss of fluid (during diarrhea, vomiting), the action of microbial toxins, severe allergies – lead to impaired blood circulation in peripheral tissues.

Conditions when the lip turns blue (this symptom has the same causes) can be divided into:

  1. arising acutely;
  2. developing gradually.

This helps doctors diagnose; the patient himself or his relatives must call " Ambulance" Moreover, in case of acute deterioration of the condition, this must be done quickly.

If your lips turn blue due to lung diseases

Lung pathology is indicated by a cough, which can be either dry or wet, difficulty inhaling or exhaling, and wheezing when breathing. These symptoms may not exist. We will help you roughly navigate the main diseases.


This is an emergency condition that develops when air enters the pleural cavity. This can happen with a penetrating or closed wound, with a ruptured lung abscess, rupture of the esophagus, or damage to a small bronchus by a tumor. It happens that pneumothorax occurs when healthy person, who has lung tissue there were air cavities (bullas), but he did not know about it, he was injured or lifted a heavy load.

Pneumothorax is dangerous because incompressible air begins to compress the lung, followed by the heart and large vessels. As a result, both breathing and blood circulation are impaired.

Symptoms of pneumothorax appear after injury, coughing, or physical exertion. This:

  • stabbing pain or feeling of a blow on one side;
  • radiates to the neck, arm, sternum;
  • worsens with movements, coughing, deep movement;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • dyspnea;
  • blue lips

Severe attack of bronchial asthma

It begins with the appearance of harbingers. Most often they resemble a cold: coughing, sneezing, headache, watery runny nose, sore throat. Then the attack itself develops:

  • difficulty breathing, especially exhalation;
  • when exhaling there is a whistling, noisy breathing;
  • there is a lack of air;
  • Viscous, glassy sputum may be produced.

Asthmatic status

This is a complication bronchial asthma. It must be stopped, otherwise it may end in death.

At first, the person is conscious, he tries to find a position in which it will be easier for him to breathe. Breathing becomes more frequent and is not controlled by usual medications. When coughing, no sputum is produced. Over time, a person becomes inhibited, movements chest cease to be noticeable, the pulse is frequent, arrhythmic, and difficult to palpate. If help is not provided at this stage, consciousness is depressed to the point of coma.


This is the name for inflammation when swelling and loss of function occurs in the area of ​​the main respiratory structures - the alveoli. The causes are viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

Classic signs:

  • temperature rise to high levels;
  • chills;
  • chest pain;
  • cough: first dry, then wet. The sputum may be bloody to purulent, yellow or green.

Today, pathology rarely has classic symptoms. Pneumonia can manifest itself as diarrhea, pain in bones and muscles. The main thing is to pay attention to increased breathing and blueness of the nasolabial triangle.

Pulmonary edema

To this emergency can lead to heart pathologies, lung diseases, and disorders lymphatic capillaries lungs, which must be removed from the organ excess water, and kidney disease, which removes excess water from the entire body.

Symptoms can develop at lightning speed – within a few minutes. Clinical picture can develop over several days - with chronic diseases heart and lungs.

Before signs of pulmonary edema appear, weakness, dizziness, headache, and dry cough may occur. Then, more often at night or before the morning, an attack of pulmonary edema develops directly:

  • choking or paroxysmal coughing that forces a person to sit down;
  • cold sweat;
  • blue lips and nails;
  • agitation, motor restlessness;
  • breathing becomes more frequent, the muscles of the neck and wings of the nose begin to participate in it;
  • breathing may become turbulent;
  • with alveolar edema (a stage at which the disease can still be eliminated by conservative measures), a cough appears with the release of foamy pink or bloody sputum;
  • confusion increases.

Acute stenosing laryngoracheitis

This disease is typical for children 1-6 years old, as a complication of a viral or bacterial infection respiratory tract. Most often the disease manifests itself at night, when it appears:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • noisy breath;
  • barking cough that may become silent;
  • loss of voice.


This is the name of the condition in which the alveoli swell, becoming more airy. Symptoms of the disease increase gradually:

  • shortness of breath: first it appears during exercise, then at rest;
  • exhalation is done through closed lips, puffing out the cheeks;
  • cough is rare, scanty mucous sputum is produced;
  • lips turn blue;
  • body weight is lost.

Pulmonary infarction

This is the name given to the death of a larger or smaller section of the lung; it occurs due to blockage of the artery by a blood clot, a fatty particle (during fractures or liposuction), or air. The first symptoms appear 2-3 days after the vessel is blocked. This:

  • acute pain in the chest, which increases with coughing, bending over, breathing;
  • Abdominal pain may occur, very similar to that of appendicitis or other surgical diseases;
  • the temperature rises to low numbers, and this lasts for 1-2 weeks;
  • Due to oxygen starvation, lips turn blue.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

This includes various diseases, which can be suspected based on the symptoms described.

Cardiac tamponade

This dangerous condition develops when pus, blood, lymph, gas, and effusion accumulate between the heart and its membrane (cardiac sac). Most often it is a complication closed damage the heart and the manipulations performed on it. It can occur when the heart ruptures due to myocardial infarction, as a result of aortic dissection and pecricarditis.


  • heaviness in the chest;
  • increasing shortness of breath;
  • weakness;
  • cold sweat;
  • feeling of lack of air.


Inflammation of the heart muscle usually occurs after a history of infectious disease– viral or bacterial etiology. It manifests itself:

  • increased fatigue
  • shortness of breath;
  • blue color of the mucous membrane of the lips;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • pain in the heart;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.


This is the name of non-inflammatory, non-tumor, non-ischemic damage to the heart muscle that occurs as a result of genetic defects, previous myocarditis, viral infections, toxic and allergic lesions.


  1. shortness of breath;
  2. blue nasolabial triangle;
  3. pain in the heart that is not relieved by nitroglycerin;
  4. heartbeat;
  5. arrhythmias;
  6. swelling of the veins of the neck.

"Blue Vices"

TO additional reasons When blue lips are observed in a child, there are “blue defects” of the heart. They are operated on at 3-6 years of age, so they are not observed in adulthood.

“Blue defects” include those in which organs and tissues are fed with mixed blood - the one that flowed in the aorta is mixed with non-oxygenated venous blood - from the right parts of the heart. This:

  1. tetrad, triad and pentad of Fallot;
  2. common arterial trunk;
  3. transposition of the great vessels;
  4. atresia of the tricuspid valve.

The baby is born on time and with normal weight body, skin and lips are of normal color. By 8-12 weeks of life, attacks with shortness of breath, restlessness and crying appear. In this case, the skin is gray, and the triangle above the upper lip and both lips turn blue. After screaming, the child may lose consciousness and convulsions may occur. If you don't surgery, the pathology can be fatal.

Disorders of communication with hemoglobin

We will look at conditions in which hemoglobin binds tightly to another molecule, which prevents it from either attaching or releasing oxygen to the tissues.


The reasons for the oxidation of iron in hemoglobin are an overdose of vikasol, sulfonamide antibiotics, novocaine, nitrites, poisoning with silver nitrate, water and products with nitrates. It can occur with some hereditary pathologies of methemoglobin reductase. The latter manifests itself during the newborn period, when there is a bluish discoloration of the lips, nasolabial triangle, nails, earlobes. Such children also have other developmental defects (for example, underdevelopment upper limbs), often lag behind in psychomotor development. When methemoglobinemia develops as a result of poisoning, shortness of breath, dizziness, and blue discoloration of the mucous membranes and nails are noted.


Pathology occurs when: long-term treatment sulfonamides or sulfur, as well as hydrogen sulfide poisoning. It manifests itself as excitement followed by depression of consciousness. Requires emergency assistance.


This is the name for conditions when the vessels and the red blood cells containing hemoglobin cannot satisfy the oxygen demand of the tissues. This can be either with significant vasodilation (with anaphylactic, septic shock, damage spinal cord, which sets the tone of blood vessels), or with loss of blood or its liquid part.

In this case, either against the background of vomiting or diarrhea, or after blood loss, or after an injury, or when antibiotic treatment was started, or after some time when symptoms of an infectious disease were observed, the following suddenly appear:

  • weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • pale or gray skin with blue lips;
  • increased heart rate;
  • inadequacy or depression of consciousness.

What to do if your lips turn blue

When the lower, upper lip or the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle turns blue, this requires prompt consultation with a doctor. If blue discoloration of these areas was observed after chest pain, blood loss, excessive diarrhea, vomiting; if it is accompanied by shortness of breath, increased heart rate or inadequacy, an ambulance call is required. Before this, the person needs to be seated, freed from restrictive clothing, and an influx of fresh air, calm down.

If you notice blue lips in the background, it would seem full health, you need to see a therapist. He, having listened to complaints and made initial examination, will tell you whether you need to visit a cardiologist first and then a pulmonologist, or do the opposite.

Causes of blue lips in children

Children's lips should be natural pink color. Generally speaking, any bluish discoloration on the body should be cause for concern as it could be a sign of cyanosis.

However, cyanosis is not always dangerous. In newborns and infants There may be natural acrocyanosis - bluish lips or a bluish tint to the skin on the arms and legs. In this case, the blue discoloration is peripheral cyanosis and goes away on its own with the development of the circulatory system.

Central cyanosis

Central cyanosis, in which the baby's face or body takes on a bluish tint, may indicate more dangerous problem with health and require immediate diagnosis and treatment. Blue lips may be a symptom of central cyanosis, but can also be a harmless temporary bluish discoloration of the skin around the mouth, especially when crying or feeding. The same can happen when increased activity or an outburst of anger in a child. In this case, it is not the lips themselves that turn blue, but the skin around the mouth, tongue and oral mucosa should remain pink.

Distinguish dangerous case Cyanosis from harmless can be seen if you examine the child’s lips, tongue and nails. If they are pink, then the child most likely has perioral cyanosis, which is not cause for concern. If your lips, tongue and nails acquire a blue tint, you should immediately seek medical help.

Is it normal or not?

What you need to remember if your child has blue lips to identify a potentially dangerous disorder:

  • Is your child developing normally? Weight loss or weak set may indicate a serious health problem.
  • Has your child been diagnosed with a heart murmur? If so, you need to seek emergency help.
  • Does your child have any other symptoms, such as coughing or difficulty breathing when their lips turn blue? This may be one of the symptoms of asthma.
  • Is the child active? Does he get tired quickly compared to his peers? If a child gets tired easily, blue lips may indicate a more serious problem.
  • Does a child become lethargic and drowsy after blue lips? Perhaps his brain and organs do not have enough oxygen.

Diagnosis and treatment

Regardless of whether your child’s blue lips are accompanied by other symptoms, it is advisable to consult with his pediatrician as soon as possible. Only a doctor can determine whether this cyanosis is dangerous for the child’s health.

In cases where cyanosis raises doubts among the doctor, the child may be referred to additional diagnostics, including pulse oximetry, blood tests, chest x-ray or ECG if cardiac problems are suspected. Treatment will depend on the cause of blue lips.

Blueness of the lips or acrocyanosis is observed with anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The content of reduced hemoglobin in the blood increases, which gives a characteristic shade to certain parts of the body.

Peripheral acrocyanosis develops with insufficient blood supply to small capillaries, impaired blood circulation, and increased absorption of oxygen by tissues. The intensity of the skin color change can range from a barely noticeable bluish tint to a rich dark, blue-black tone.

The main reasons why lips turn blue:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • poisoning toxic substances or medications;
  • “blue” heart defects;
  • ventricular septal defect;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • after heavy bleeding;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • blue lips occur in children under 4 years of age who suffer from croup;
  • rotavirus infection in newborns;
  • meningitis;
  • smoking;
  • allergic reaction to milk;
  • thromboembolism;
  • severe hypothermia.

The cause of blue lips in adults is a lack of oxygen in the blood or injury to small capillaries. In case of circulatory disorders, cyanosis is observed in the mouth area, ears, tip of the nose, pads of the fingers and toes.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, the flow of blood to the tissues of the body slows down. Oxygen starvation leads to an increase in hemoglobin levels associated with carbon dioxide, which causes blueness of the skin and mucous membranes.

In diseases of the respiratory system, the cause of acrocyanosis is a violation of gas exchange. Concentrates in vessels great content CO₂, which gives the dermis its characteristic shade. Malfunctions of the bronchi, lungs, and congenital defects of the heart septum most often cause central cyanosis. In this case, blue discoloration is observed not only in the lips; mucous membranes, face and other areas of the body with thin skin are affected.

Clinical picture

1. In the peripheral form of the pathology in adults and children, the darkened dermis is cold to the touch, but in the diffuse form it remains warm. If the lips turn blue in a short period of time, then the cause is asphyxia caused by suffocation or blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot.

2. Cyanosis may increase when physical activity, against the background of emotional shock, prolonged hypothermia, with exacerbation of chronic ailments.

3. When symptoms appear gradually and intensify during the day, this indicates intoxication of the body or an attack of bronchial asthma. More long period clinical signs observed when chronic diseases organs of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

4. With heart disease, dull pain in the sternum, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, fingers and toes, and swelling of the lower extremities occur.

5. If lips turn blue due to lung diseases, patients are worried about shortness of breath, coughing, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. With pneumothorax, air enters the pleural cavity, compresses the lungs, heart and large vessels, as a result, blood circulation is impaired and cyanosis develops. Attacks of bronchial asthma are accompanied by slow breathing, suffocation, lips, ears and limbs begin to turn blue and become cold to the touch. If a person is not given timely assistance, coma and death may occur.

Causes of blue lips in young children

Mothers of babies often notice that when their newborns cry, the skin color in the area around the mouth changes. The cause may be congenital heart disease, septic shock, neonatal pneumonia, asthma. In addition to cyanosis, other symptoms of malaise are observed: the baby does not eat well, does not gain weight, is drowsy, is bothered by cough, rhinitis, elevated temperature. In such cases, emergency medical care and consultation with a doctor are required.

When a child cries, a spasm of the larynx occurs, which is called affective-respiratory syndrome. This condition is not dangerous and refers to age characteristics, increased nervous excitability baby. Children's body requires an increase in calcium levels, microelement deficiency causes throat spasms, turns blue lower lip, area around the mouth, nasolabial triangle, face. In most cases, the pathology goes away with age; in children older than 3–4 years, such attacks are not observed.

Blue lips can appear in newborns after intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral edema, or meningoencephalitis. Metabolic cyanosis occurs with titania. There is a significant calcium deficiency and excess phosphate in the blood serum.

Blue lips in children can be caused by congenital defects hearts. The pathology is characterized by circulatory disorders, arterial blood venous, not enriched with oxygen, is added. Babies are born with normal weight and skin color, but by 8–12 weeks of life, attacks of shortness of breath develop, the nasolabial triangle begins to turn blue, the baby loses consciousness and has convulsions. Treatment is carried out surgically at the age of 3–6 years.

The cause of cyanosis in children may be respiratory disease– croup, which affects infants and children under 3 years of age. The pathology is characterized by inflammation vocal cords and severe laryngeal stenosis. Concerns include a dry, barking cough, wheezing, and increased body temperature. With a critical narrowing of the lumen of the pharynx, salivation increases, the upper lip turns blue, severe shortness of breath and suffocation appear.

When should you see a doctor?

You should consult your doctor in the following cases:

  • bother dull pain behind the sternum, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • fingers and lips suddenly began to turn blue;
  • cyanosis is accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness;
  • not enough air;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite;
  • if the child is lethargic, capricious, refuses to eat;
  • the lips turned blue, and the blueness does not go away for more than a day.

If cyanosis is accompanied by suffocation, increased heart rate, or severe malaise, it is necessary to loosen the tight collar of clothing and ensure a flow of fresh air into the room. The patient is seated in a comfortable position and the limbs are rubbed. You should definitely call an emergency ambulance.

Adults should contact a general practitioner, cardiologist, endocrinologist or pulmonologist. Children with signs of cyanosis are examined by a pediatrician or other specialized specialists, depending on the cause of the blueness around the lips. Restoration of blood circulation, normalization blood pressure will help return the skin to its natural color, stop an attack and avoid the development of serious complications.