How to stop a puppy or adult dog from barking. How to stop a dog from barking for no reason at home and on the street The dog barks at night what to do

Every owner of an animal knows that it expresses a whole range of emotions with its voice. This is absolutely natural behavior, which is as necessary as speech for a person. With the help of communication, the dog communicates to the world, its owner and other brothers about its desires and feelings. In addition, in this way the pet gets rid of excess energy. That is why it is necessary to wean your dog from barking at home, because there it will disturb the inhabitants of the apartment and neighbors. She may be anxious for a variety of reasons: worry that strangers will not break into the apartment, want to take a walk, communicate about the desire to eat, etc. It is very important to find out why the pet is barking. Sometimes it signals health problems.

Therefore, before applying educational measures to a dog, you should learn to distinguish between those factors that force it to voice. If they are not valid reasons, the animal must be raised.

The main reasons for barking

Most often, a dog expresses a whole list of emotions: happiness, pleasure, sometimes aggressiveness, dissatisfaction and anxiety. No less often it is a warning and concern. This list is really big.

Expressing these feelings is natural behavior for a dog. She experiences them especially often while in the apartment.

She may protest against tasteless food, worry about strange noises coming from the stairs, or simply want to have fun.

In order to wean an animal from bothering everyone with loud barking, there are a number of rules and recommendations.

  • the pet must clearly respond to the command “Quiet!”;
  • To stop the noise, special commands should be used. You should not mix different orders, otherwise the dog will stop following them;
  • you don't need to pay too much attention to him if he gives a voice. If there is no reaction from the owner, the dog will quickly stop barking;
  • if an animal behaves noisily, you should make sure that its needs are satisfied: it is full, it is not cold and it has had plenty of exercise;
  • it is undesirable to immediately rush to the pet as soon as it barks, otherwise it will call the owner at every opportunity, including at night;
  • There is no need to reprimand your dog for wanting to bark. She may become angry or stubborn and start making even louder noises;
  • if the dog barks at strangers, especially for for some unknown reason who are at the door of the apartment or who come to it, you should not scold him. IN in this case this is his responsibility. It is worth teaching him to recognize people and not raise his voice in the presence of friends and neighbors.

At home, such requirements for the dog’s behavior become a necessity, as there are often numerous complaints from neighbors. Even a tiny puppy needs to be taught not to bark for any reason. If the baby started yapping when another inhabitant of the staircase passed by the apartment, he should be silenced.

At the same time, it is undesirable to prohibit the dog from vocalizing if a stranger rings the doorbell or a plumber arrives. Gradually, the dog will learn to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar smells.

How to wean an animal from barking for no reason

Must be used special measures to prevent the noise that a pet creates in a city apartment. To the most effective ways include:

  • Pat his ears. You need to accustom your dog gradually. Touching should give him pleasure and calm him down. Then, in moments of aggression or excitement, the animal will quickly fall silent.
  • Let your pet know that he reacted correctly to the appearance of a stranger, but the barking must stop. You should pet the dog, explain to it that the person does not pose a threat to the owners, and shake hands with the visitor in a friendly manner so that the dog can see that the visitor inspires complete trust.
  • The animal needs to be distracted from excessive attention to sounds and smells. You can call him away from the door or window, command “Sit” or “Get to your feet!” etc. If the pet obeyed, stopped barking and followed the order, it should be praised and given something tasty.

Correction techniques must be applied on an ongoing basis. One cannot forbid a dog to raise its voice today and not pay the slightest attention to the noise tomorrow. Otherwise, she will simply stop responding to any commands. You need to let your pet bark to his heart's content outside. Of course, one should not allow him to attack passers-by, but in a park, forest or wasteland, it is quite permissible to let go of his soul. In addition, you should not limit the animal to motor activity, making sure that it instantly obeys when the command sounds: “Come to me.” It is necessary to allow the pet to completely free itself from excitement and negative emotions, as well as give vent to natural instincts. Then he will return home calmed and satisfied.

Weaning a dog away from noise in the absence of its owners

It is very important to teach the dog to behave quietly at a time when you need to go away, but there is no way to take him with you. If he is left completely alone in the apartment, then special means should be used.

  • IN veterinary clinics sold biologically active additives, capable of calming an overly excitable pet. They include only natural and plant matter, so there is no need to fear for his health. Most often they include valerian, motherwort, chamomile or melatonin.. They are produced in convenient dosage forms, which can be easily given to a dog. They are especially effective in relation to large breeds, which do not always readily obey the orders of the owner. Such substances help reduce the noise level in the apartment if the pet is left alone in it for some time.
  • Collars are produced that are impregnated with Citronella extract. They help the dog calm down and stop barking and howling. The dog experiences a feeling of peace and tranquility, and the substances do not cause it the slightest harm.
  • For animals that do not want to obey any commands, special collars with an electric shock element are produced. Few owners decide to apply such drastic measures to their pet. During barking loudly The device releases a current charge that affects vocal cords dogs. This type of education is inhumane and cruel.. It is not advisable for animal lovers to use such a collar. It is better, if the dog is difficult to train, to enroll with him in a pet training course.

Even when a person decides to take a puppy into the house, it is necessary to realize that he will be left at home alone from time to time. If this happens every day, you need to seriously think about choosing another pet. If you still decide to buy a dog, then you should make every effort to wean it from barking. You need to be sure that as soon as the door closes behind the owner, the dog will not make noise, howl or rush at the door.

Before leaving for work or on errands, it is worth taking him outside and allowing him to throw out excess accumulated energy so that the animal can calmly wait for the inhabitants of the apartment to return. In this case, it will occupy itself with games, sleep, or looking at passers-by from the window.

The issue of weaning a dog from barking, especially in the house, must be taken very seriously. In the first place when raising her, you need to put the understanding that she is a very active animal that requires a lot of space, movement and expression of excess emotions. Pets are often capable of tearing sofa upholstery, knocking over flower pots, or damaging furniture. Therefore, their education should be comprehensive.

Need to study possible reasons why the dog behaves noisily, the characteristics of his character and the main ways to correct his behavior. Weaning off barking becomes only part of the dog's overall habit of keeping order, especially in a city apartment.

And here he is at home! Such a long-awaited and charming baby Spitz, Yorkie or Toychik. And everything is so wonderful. He goes to the toilet in the diaper, eats with appetite and funny chases the ball. And he follows you everywhere and looks into your eyes so devotedly. Not a dog, but a fairy tale! It’s just that he barks so loudly and a lot... Especially when you are at work.

No, you would happily forgive him this small flaw if it weren’t for the neighbor downstairs and her child, who is not allowed to sleep by the puppy. “Or maybe he’s still small? Then he’ll get used to it and become quieter...” - something like this is how you try to calm yourself down, and at the same time persuade the dog. Gently and softly - “Well, Masik, why are you talking? You can’t do that!” - you say to the baby, take him in your arms and stroke him.

Well, how? Do you recognize yourself? Then we have to disappoint you. This behavior of the owner not only does not produce results, but even has the opposite effect. Yes, at this moment he will fall silent, but at the same time he will decide that you are praising him for his excellent behavior and will continue to bark with gusto. “But what to do? How can I wean him off this habit?” - There are many options. The most correct thing is to initially choose a quieter pet, and then enhance the effect with special training.

Breeds "loud" and "quiet"

Unfortunately, many owners remember that dogs bark after purchasing a puppy. They look at the size, charming face, compare the coat and characters of the breeds, but completely lose sight of the moment of their “loudness”. And only your own negative experience(a loud neighbor's Spitz, your own Papillon-like dog, a dog in childhood, etc.) can force you to cross this or that breed off the list of candidates. By the way, it is not always justified.

However, if you're not at all excited about the prospect of owning an emotional, barking pet, then be sure to check out our miniature dog volume scale:

  1. They bark a lot, at home, on walks and out of loneliness. It is very difficult to wean oneself from this habit - Pomeranians, Yorkshire terriers, toy terriers, miniature pinschers, bichons
  2. They bark, but mostly to the point. It is easy to calm them down with the help of training - miniature schnauzers, shih tzus, Pekingese, griffons, chihuahuas
  3. Miniature silent people. They bark very rarely, but they can make other sounds. Don't need special methods behavior correction – pugs, Chinese crested, Japanese chins.

Of course, this division cannot be called absolute and you can easily come across a silent Yorkie and a super-talkative pug. A lot depends on the approach to breeding in the nursery and genetic predisposition specific dog. However, breed characteristics should not be ignored.

How to choose a silent puppy?

If you are simply in love with Spitz or Yorkies, but really want to buy a smart and small-barking dog, then you should take the process of choosing a pet very seriously. And the first thing you should definitely do is meet his mother. And not by beautiful photo, but live, in her usual environment. Those. at the breeder's home.

Of course, a nursing bitch is very distrustful of strangers and will probably bark at you. But don't rush to conclusions. Watch what happens next. Has it calmed down after 2-3 minutes or is it not barking at all, but just restless and whining? – Good sign. Several babies in the litter will definitely be like her. Barks incessantly, and the owner has to lock her in the next room? – There is a chance that there will be a silent puppy in the litter, but it is minimal.

However, the babies also have a father and part of the litter will probably inherit his character, and some of the puppies may be their grandfather or great-grandmother. This is why it is so important not to get confused and carefully observe the behavior of the puppies. Just don't think that everything will be obvious. Let's say more, puppies up to three months old may not bark at all, especially while they are with a bitch and littermates. They simply have no reason for this! Therefore, the signs by which the future “talker” can be distinguished will be only indirect.

Firstly, the baby should be generally balanced and calm. Those. no screaming or whining, no strong fear due to the fact that you took him in your arms, playful, but not aggressive.

Secondly, females are usually calmer than males and are less inclined to loudly express their emotions and demands.

Thirdly, a potential silent puppy is always a more independent puppy. Those. he can calmly chew on a toy when others are running around the enclosure like crazy. Or he will be the first to go to bed, and he will play only when he wants and as much as he wants.

But who exactly do you want? Don't take it, these are the most active little fidgets. Those kids who wake up earlier than everyone else and wake up the rest. Which squeak loudest, as soon as you see a bowl of food or smell the food. Who were the first to learn to bark and are intensively honing these skills.

By the way, the general “loudness” in the nursery will also be very indicative. After all, your little one’s older brothers and sisters may live there, and it also shows the breeder’s general attitude towards the problem of barking dogs. By the way, Asian dog breeders have been fighting it for a long time and very successfully. Thus, Spitz dogs brought from Thailand are surprisingly silent and sweet, although in our country this breed almost tops the rating of the noisiest pets.

Why are they barking?

It’s great if we managed to warn you, which means we helped you avoid buying a noisy pet. But what to do if you already have a dog, and its loud barking has become a real problem? – First, understand the reasons for her behavior. So, why do dogs bark?

For joy . Yes, that's exactly how they express their positive emotions. Be it fun game or joy when meeting the owner

Out of fear . And its object can be anything. Noisy vacuum cleaner large dog, rude neighbor, etc.

From melancholy or bitch . Those. when the baby is left alone, he is sad and has nothing to occupy himself with, somehow to distract himself.

For anxiety . This could be any unfamiliar sound, noise, unusual terrain, or even a premonition of some kind of natural disaster.

From resentment, annoyance , "injustice". Yes, it also happens that he clearly does not agree with your decision to take him away from a bitch in heat, to lock him alone in the room because guests are coming, or to refuse a request for a treat. And he expresses his disagreement very loudly.

From overexcitation . The reason for this is some strong emotions. For example, participation in a fight, chase. Just a cat running past or a sea of ​​feelings after a long separation from you.

Barking request . Your pet may therefore persistently demand that you play ball with him, feed him, take him outside to relieve himself, etc.

Bark alert . What is in the blood of most dogs and, in fact, is their “specialty”, namely to warn the owner about all incursions into the territory of strangers and animals. In the modern version - duplicate (replace) the doorbell.

Well, now carefully analyze which of these reasons your minik barks most often. We are sure that there will be a whole complex of them. Well, then a very simple logic applies. You just need to avoid situations that provoke such behavior in the dog, i.e. adjust the conditions of its detention.

We don't provoke

So, what will be our first steps in not an easy task correcting the behavior of a restless baby. First, we will try to remove all moments that provoke barking. And not only at home, but also while walking. Even if his loudness on the street does not bother you personally. Is your dog overreacting to the doorbell? – You can change it to a less sharp one or even turn it off completely. Every time, with a ringing bark, does it “fly out” from the entrance to the street? – Why not carry him out in your arms or take him out on a leash. This way it will be much more convenient for you to calm him down and reward him for silence.

Some dogs consider it their duty to bark at all cars or bicycles passing by. Others are very partial to children or soccer balls. In this case, it is worth looking for a quieter place for walking, away from roads and playgrounds. By the way, a leash often helps to pacify a pet. No, not the constant twitching and “fucking”, but the very fact of its presence.

The most difficult thing is to wean your dog from barking alone. But here, first of all, it is necessary to exclude provoking factors. Those. You need to leave one baby in the most comfortable environment possible. Be sure to close the windows so that he does not hear sounds from the street. Also, don’t forget to leave your favorite toys, bones made of leather and sinew, and other long-lasting goodies. In some cases, a semi-darkness in the room may help. Someone is calmed by leaving the radio on. In a word, experiment and search. In addition, it is very important not to deny your baby attention when you are at home, play with him more, walk, run. A dog tired from an active walk will sleep sweetly while you are at work, and not howl, bark and chew furniture.

We ignore

The biggest mistake of all new owners is unwitting encouragement unwanted behavior dogs . In the case of barking, it most often looks like this. The dog barked. You urgently try to calm him down. But how do you do it? - Rarely is anyone particularly strict with small dogs and, most likely, this is a banal “Quiet!” (and said almost in a whisper), fluttering of the ears, an annoying “Ugh!” etc. And so the dog fell silent. You sighed in relief and continued going about your business. Barking again? - Everything happened again.

But what does all this look like from the dog’s perspective? - Very simple. – “I bark - the owner pays attention to me. I’m silent - he ignores.” What do you think the baby will do in the end? - Right! With all his might to attract the attention of his beloved owner, i.e. barking without stopping. Therefore, if you want to achieve results from the first days, you need to do exactly the opposite. Gather all your will into a fist and wait out the next portion of loud emotions with Olympic calm. But as soon as the pet is silent, immediately praise him, take him in your arms, and give him a treat.

Very revealing, in this case, will be your meeting with him upon returning from somewhere. Try to be reserved and cool until he stops squealing and barking with joy. But as soon as he becomes silent (on his own or on command), immediately pay attention to him and stroke him.

By the way, negative emotions are also more desirable for a dog than the complete indifference of a person. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the ward does not react at all to an angry voice, prohibiting commands and even punishments, if the alternative is to ignore him again.

Don't neglect training

It would seem, what could be the connection between the loud barking and general obedience commands? So what if the dog sits, lies down and comes on command? There will still be no barking less - Not quite like that. The thing is that it's so banal general training it's not just education obedient dog, but also a statement of your authority. And in a pack with a leader, the dogs don’t make much noise. At least until his first dissatisfied roar. In our case - a prohibiting command. But it was said for a reason, but specially worked out more than once.

In addition, following commands can distract the dog from the stimulus, which means it will contribute to its silence. And in general, repeating familiar actions, especially for a beloved owner, always calms the dog down and gives it confidence. This is especially important for mini-service dogs (miniature pinschers and schnauzers). They just need to keep themselves busy with something, and training and sports are ideal for this.

Finally, no one is stopping you from teaching your dog a special silence command. It doesn't matter how it sounds. “Quiet!”, “Hush!”, “Be quiet!”, or even “Potato!” The main thing is to pronounce it in an even, calm, but confident voice and make it clear exactly what it means. Well, the learning algorithm itself will be something like this:

  1. We prepared a treat and put the dog on a leash. We deliberately provoke her to bark. For example, we walk where there are a lot of her “favorite” cats, balls, etc. Or, while in the apartment, we ask someone to make noise in the entrance.
  2. As soon as the dog starts barking, we give the command. Most likely, she will not react to it. Give it again, pull the leash. I was silent even for a moment - I received encouragement
  3. For especially malicious silence violators, you can gently clamp your mouth as a measure of influence. In any case, it is important to silence her. We hold this for a few seconds - let go, praise, encourage.
  4. We do this until the dog begins to respond to the command itself. After that you need to consolidate the skill for another month. different conditions, with different stimuli. It is important to do this only on a leash so that you can enforce the command at any time. In addition, it disciplines and gives confidence to the baby.

After the pet has thoroughly understood what they want from him, you can check the execution of the silence command in the dog’s free state. Thus, you will have a kind of “switch” for your pet, which can be used in almost any situation.

Special correction methods

If you have tried everything, but your pet’s behavior leaves much to be desired. Or you simply don’t have the time (desire) to actively engage in his upbringing, then they will come to your aid modern achievements science and technology.

Firstly, a very emotional mini can be calmed down a little with the help of special medications. However, you can independently use exclusively herbal tinctures, herbal remedies and homeopathy and only in strict accordance with the instructions. Everything else is solely on the recommendation of a specialist. Moreover, the baby’s increased anxiety, which cannot be corrected, can be caused by some disease.

Secondly, special collars and devices from the “Anti-bark” series provide a good educational effect. The sensors or microphone attached to them react sensitively to the dog’s voice and, as soon as the volume level exceeds the established limit, the baby is physically affected. Depending on the type of collar, this may be:

  • Ultrasound. Dogs don’t like him very much and are even afraid of him, so they quickly catch on in what situations he turns on and try to avoid them, i.e. don't bark. However, such a collar may not be effective in dogs with hearing problems. Also, especially “gifted” students can understand that the device does not always work, but only when barking at a certain volume, and simply learn to bark more quietly.
  • Electrical impulse. Very effective measure, but also the most painful for the animal. Even though you set the level of shock strength yourself. Because of this, it is not recommended for use in small dogs.
  • Vibration. In this case, the collar reacts to barking completely painlessly, but is noticeable for smooth-haired minis. In fact, it is designed for them. Especially on extremely shy and nervous ones.
  • Gas or spray. The response to loud noises from your pet will be a stream of a special spray, most often with a citrus aroma, which dogs do not really like. After several such attempts to bark, the baby will understand that this is fraught with danger. unpleasant consequences. To date this type collars is the most humane, but quite effective.

Well, assistant gadgets are wonderful and very convenient. And yet, we strongly recommend solving the problem of barking in a comprehensive manner. Those. take as a basis the creation of comfortable living conditions, proper upbringing and handling of the dog. Don't forget about training. Well, as an aid, for example, during your absence, wear an “Anti-bark” collar. But under no circumstances use such devices constantly. They are needed exactly for the period until the dog learns to behave quietly.

Barking for a dog- This is a means of communication between relatives and the outside world. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid it completely. However, if the dog begins to live in the house, then it will not be possible to bark constantly, as he wants. Excessive frequency of these sounds will irritate both the owner and his neighbors. But before you yell at your dog, you need to understand the reasons for the barking.

Let's look at the most common of them.

Danger warning

When the animal feels in danger, or that its owner is in danger, it begins to bark loudly, trusting its instincts. This makes it possible to scare away uninvited guests who have encroached on the safety of the dog and its owner, be it an animal or another person. However, if the dog is too alert, every rustle outside the door of the house or when walking outside will cause barking. The owner of the animal needs to correctly assess the degree of danger. If the rustling noise, another person or animal is not actually interfering with the safety of the home, you should calm the dog down.

Attack warning

The dog can warn the stranger that if he does not leave in time, he may attack. This bark, a warning from a stranger about an attack, is usually accompanied by a baring of teeth.

Attracting attention

The owner, coming home tired, as a rule, pays little attention to his pet. He forgets about dog games And physical activity for your dog. That is why it is not surprising that a dog begins to bark out of boredom, as if reminding him of himself and the fact that not all of his needs are satisfied. Of course, you can again resort to the “fu” command to stop the barking. But more often than not, such attention is not enough for the dog, and the barking may repeat after some time, or the dog may be offended, which is also not best option. You must try to overcome your fatigue and play with your pet. A dog can also bark to indicate that it needs to be walked. Therefore, it is better to understand the cause than to stumble upon the consequences later.


The dog saw something unusual that he had not encountered, or a person in a particular form of clothing does not inspire confidence in him (since the previous owner treated the dog very poorly in exactly the same clothes), then the animal immediately begins to bark. It is afraid of a person or an unfamiliar animal, and expresses its emotions by barking. The owner’s task is to calm the dog down, give it a feeling of security, and then in the future its fears about a certain situation will simply pass.


If the owners poorly raised their pet, indulging all its whims, all they had to do was bark, then this dog begins to bark every time it needs something. And since its owner does nothing to calm the dog, there is no doubt that if there is no object at hand that satisfies its desires, the dog will bark for a very long time. Therefore, it is important from the first days of the animal’s stay in the house to teach your pet to behave correctly, calming down on command.


When left alone at home, a dog may bark incessantly, trying to attract its owner in this way. From the first moment the dog is in the family, it is important to accustom him to the fact that the owner cannot always be nearby. To do this, you can lock the dog alone in a room and control its barking from the side.

Based on the reasons, there are several types of dog barking:

  • Threatening barking is barking at someone who, in the dog’s opinion, poses a threat to the owner or home.
  • Warning bark. A bark warning a stranger of danger if he doesn't stop. May become threatening.
  • Happy barking is when a dog plays with its owner or other animals.
  • Frightened barking - if an animal encounters a creature or person that seems unsafe to it.
  • Plaintive barking - if the dog is overcome by melancholy or is in pain.

Thus, before you stop your dog barking with commands, you should understand the reasons. The ability to correctly understand the reason will lead a person’s communication with his animal to success.

We think we have answered your question: Why does a dog bark?

Why do dogs whine?
Aggression in dogs or how to train them calm dog
Weaning a puppy from chewing furniture
Dog on a trip
Feeding a puppy for up to a year
Choosing a puppy: selection criteria
Teaching the puppy a name

Owners of four-legged friends are not joking when they say that a family is considered incomplete if there is no dog barking and a child laughing in the house. This statement is considered true, since pets of this kind are naturally trained to bark. But what to do when neighbors start complaining about constant noise? Right! Correct your pet's behavior. There are a number of features in such a delicate matter; let’s talk about everything in order.

Why does the dog bark

  1. The most harmless type of barking is considered to be a pet's playful mood. This behavior is viewed from the point of view: “I want to have a blast!”, so it makes no sense to scold the pet.
  2. Many dogs are deprived of the attention of busy owners. They lack affection, care, and games. For this reason, lonely pets howl and bark when a person is not at home. The situation is resolved by the fact that the owner needs to satisfy the needs of his ward.
  3. Another reason for barking is fear and stress. When a pet defends itself, it uses its voice. The same thing happens if someone tries to harm an animal. Self-defense is a natural reaction for both humans and dogs.
  4. Many animals experience fear when left in confined spaces. The pet is not used to being without the company of its owner, so it begins to bark and whine tirelessly. To correct the situation, teach the animal to be alone with itself gradually, and not in one fell swoop.
  5. There is a type of dog that can start barking out of boredom. Often this behavior is observed when owners leave their pets in the care of friends or strangers. The dog yearns for its owner, not knowing what to do with itself.
  6. Some animals vocalize when they have too much energy. Similar condition more like unsatisfied excitement. To stop a dog from barking, you need to walk it outside, which is called “until it loses its pulse.”
  7. Especially temperamental individuals are in constant anxiety. When your pet hears extraneous noises front door, catches a loud phone ringing or screams, he begins to bark. Extraneous stimuli excite the protective instinct.
  1. If your dog starts barking, keep your behavior neutral. Do not show aggression, pretend that you did not notice what was happening. Any directed actions, be it reprimand or praise, will encourage the dog to shout even more. Learn the “Place!” command with your pet. or “Quiet!”
  2. As mentioned above, dogs can howl and bark when they lack attention. This can also include self-doubt. To eliminate animal complexes, spend more time with your pet at home and outside. Accustom your dog to a manner of friendly communication with his relatives.
  3. In cases where it is necessary to wean a puppy from barking, and not an adult, act more cunningly. If the puppy starts barking, wait until he stops talking. Only after this, approach your pet and show your dissatisfaction. If you rush as fast as you can to bark, the puppy will begin to use this as a means of attracting the owner’s attention.
  4. Dogs are extremely sensitive towards humans. They easily adopt moods and emotions. Do not act angry or agitated, or yell at the animal. Otherwise, you will cause your pet to start barking even more, feeling excited.
  5. Barking can be stopped with the commands “Place!”, “No!”, “Quiet!”. Don't hit your dog or lock him in a room. In a state of stress, the pet will begin not only to bark, but also howl with all its might.
  6. There is no need to scold your pet if it starts barking at people performing their official duty. Personalities of this kind include pizza delivery men, postmen, and taxi drivers. The dog warns of its intention to attack, but does not take any action other than barking. A person who has entered the “territory” has a chance to leave it untouched.
  7. Many dogs start barking as soon as the owner leaves the house. This behavior symbolizes melancholy and the inability to be alone. Never turn back when your pet “calls”. Listen, after 5 minutes the dog will become silent and go to its place.

There are many ways to stop barking, which we will discuss below. Choose one method or combine several options.

Method number 1. Touch the animal's ears

  1. If you are faced with a problem in which your dog begins to bark hysterically, do the following. Suppress the excitement by touching the tips of the animal's ears. Lightly rub the skin between your fingers until the barking stops.
  2. If this option did not help, but you acted in the right direction (the barking became quieter), go lower. Touch ears so that the dog does not hear anything except his barking. The pet will be confused about what is happening.
  3. This method is rightfully considered the most effective. However, before testing it on an excited individual, try the method on a calm animal. If your pet responds to actions, then you can stop barking if necessary.
  4. If your pet stops barking, be sure to praise him with a treat. Repeat the manipulations each time until you instill in your pet the correct manner of behavior.

Method number 2. Answer your dog with a funny bark

  1. Not all dogs react to touching their ears. You can use another effective, but short-term method. When the dog starts barking, stand facing it.
  2. Look at the animal with cheerful eyes, smile, then start barking expressively in response. In this case, you can copy a child's or cartoon voice. Main goal- confuse the dog.
  3. As soon as the animal becomes silent, try to quickly switch it to play. In this simple way you will suppress barking without harming your pet’s psyche.

Method No. 3. Teach your pet the command “Come to me!”

  1. The dog must be taught commands, regardless of age. When the first successes appear, do not skimp on praise, give your pet a treat.
  2. When you catch your pet barking, order him to come to you. Give the command until the animal obeys it. The dog will not be able to bark and follow its owner at the same time.
  3. When subordinating your dog, always reward it. When your pet stands at your feet, rub the tips of his ears. This way you will combine the two methods with each other.
  4. It is important to let your pet know that barking is not allowed in the house. If desired, after the order “Come to me!” give the command “No!” Only constant practice will allow you to achieve results.

Method number 4. Buy food supplements

  1. IN big cities There are veterinary pharmacies that dispense without a prescription food additives for dogs, cats and other animals. Many of the drugs have a calming effect.
  2. If you are the happy owner of a constantly agitated pet, you should use this method. Buy supplements in suspension or tablet form, read the manufacturer's recommendations and follow them strictly.
  3. Soothing compounds do not provide negative effect on nervous system dogs, because they consist of natural ingredients. This is an approach when you don’t have time to train your pet.
  4. Carefully study the sections “Use” and “Contraindications”. There are a number of medications that should never be given to your pet continuously, only in courses.

Method No. 5. Eliminate irritants

  1. As mentioned earlier, dogs react negatively to loud noises. mobile phone or loud conversations from neighbors. To deal with barking, eliminate the irritants.
  2. Make calls on your smartphone quieter. Take care of the front door, covering it with soundproofing if necessary. Agree with your neighbors that your dog will not bark if people in the common vestibule begin to be quieter.
  3. Of course, you need to know moderation in everything. If the dog reacts even to the rustling of leaves outside the window, it is worth using other options for stopping barking.
  4. It is important to correctly identify the irritating factor and eliminate it completely. If the animal does not shut up, teach it the command “Quiet!” or “Place!”
  5. Some owners for many years use great way training a dog to bark at noises outside the door. When your pet gives a voice, go into another room and make some noise with the ball. Change your barking to play.

Method number 6. Walk with an animal

  1. Faithful and safe method education is considered regular walks. Take your pet outside more often, run or teach the command “Fetch!” at least 1-1.5 hours a day. Let your dog bark as much as he can in the street. When she arrives home, she will eat and fall asleep soundly.
  2. The “exhausting” method is especially relevant in cases where the owner cannot be with the dog around the clock (work, study, etc.). Make it a habit to take active walks in the morning so that your dog can rest later.
  3. Active games in nature are exhausting even healthy body. For this reason, use this option as main or auxiliary.

Method No. 7. Buy a collar with the “STOP barking” function

  1. Today, leading manufacturers of animal equipment have developed several types of collars that help prevent barking. These include an electric shock rim and a tape impregnated with essential oils.
  2. EShO allows you to wean a dog from barking by using physical strength. The equipment is a headband with two attached electrodes. When a dog barks, vibration from the larynx is transmitted to the collar. He, in turn, releases an unpleasant discharge. It doesn't hurt the dog, but it is uncomfortable.
  3. If we talk about the essential oil collar, it is completely safe. By putting on the tape, light calming impulses are sent to the dog’s brain due to aromatherapy. Wear ammunition only when you are at home. The collar will calm your dog, but then you should give him the opportunity to frolic in nature.

Find out real reasons over which the dog barks at home. Eliminate irritation factors by considering collars with a bark control function. Purchase food supplements and carefully study the “Application” section. Walk with your pet in nature, tire him out by learning commands and running. If your dog continues to howl, touch his ears or bark sweetly in response.

Video: how to stop a dog from barking at guests and passers-by on the street

Is your neighbor's dog scaring you and your children with its barking and preventing you from sleeping at night?

The time has come for you to take action.

Let's consider all the ways you can force your neighbor's pet to be silent without harming the animal, you and its owner.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Who is to blame for the fact that you can constantly hear a dog barking from your neighbors’ apartment or house/yard? Definitely, this is the fault of the owner of the beast. After all, purchasing pet, a person begins to bear all types of responsibility for it - legal, administrative and even criminal. In this regard, keeping any pet should not go against the rules public life. This aspect applies to everything - feeding, walking, training, being in public places etc.

IN Russian Federation There are many legislative aspects that neighbors should rely on.

After all, they are all also regulate the rules of content pets:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

There are also several Federal laws:

  • “On the protection of animals”;
  • “About veterinary medicine”;
  • “On maintenance and care in cities.”

According to existing standards legislation on keeping pets, we can highlight a few basic principles:

  1. Cruelty to pets is unacceptable.
  2. Ensuring the safety of surrounding citizens.
  3. Taking into account the rights of neighbors is important.
  4. Liability is provided for violators.
  5. If a dog causes harm, citizens are entitled to compensation for damage.
  6. Responsibility of the pet owner to neighbors for damage caused.
  7. Taking part in animal protection activities of various social organizations.

Possible causes of incidents

There are several common reasons that the neighbor's dog might bark at:

Bark Duration

The duration of the dog's barking plays an important role in the neighbors' actions. It's one thing when it is observed in daytime, when almost everyone is at school/work, and lasts a couple of minutes.

And it's a completely different matter when a pet barks systematically throughout the day.

In the first case, you are unlikely to be able to do anything, since all dogs bark, this is their nature. And in the second situation, the law will be completely on your side.

Ways to resolve conflict

There are several steps you can take if your neighbor's dog is barking constantly.

They are divided into peaceful ways to solve the problem and less loyal ways:

Contacting law enforcement agencies

If your neighbor still does not understand your claims, and you have not been able to reach a mutual agreement, the time has come for drastic measures:

What animal owners can do

If the owners themselves realize the seriousness of the situation and are ready to solve the problem, there is several methods of action:

  • Contacting an animal training service and teaching the owner basic dog handling techniques. Ideally, you should learn this from the very beginning. early age dog, because if the process is left to chance, the situation will worsen.
  • Use of silent whistles. There are many reviews about the effectiveness of these devices that contradict each other, but many note their effectiveness. These devices produce sounds that are not perceived by humans, but are clearly heard by animals. Every time you bark, you can use a whistle, which will subsequently wean the dog from barking constantly.
  • Using a sound training system. This is one of the most advanced technologies that allows the beast to remain silent. However, the system operates on the same principle as a whistle. Let us immediately note that the results may be different, since the system is not relevant for all types of dogs.
  • Limiting the pet's visibility area. If he is excitable and makes a barking sound every time he tracks movement, blocking his line of sight will allow you to solve this problem once and for all. For example, you can increase the height of the fence or block off areas that are out of sight of the dog.

Whatever method of influencing the animal you choose, you should understand that the first thing you need to do is to identify the cause of the barking. You may not have to take radical measures, but rather simply neutralize the causative factor.

Other problems

There are several others problems, which in practice often arise among decent citizens with neighbor dogs:

  • the animal goes for a walk without a muzzle;
  • relieves himself in the entrance or under the windows of residents;
  • rushes at people.

Let's look at each of these situations in more detail to have general idea about possible actions.

Walks without a muzzle

Only dogs need a muzzle large breed, agree if we're talking about about a poodle or terrier, it would be foolish to put protective equipment on them.

If a pet goes out for a walk without appropriate equipment and behaves inappropriately, neighbors have the right to complain to law enforcement agencies. But first, it’s worth coming to a peaceful agreement with the dog’s owner.

If an animal walking without a muzzle is absolutely calm and does not rush at people, most likely the case will not turn out in favor of the persons filing the complaint.

"Shits" in the entrance

If the dog does his “dog business” in the entrance, which is common territory, the principle of operation of neighbors remains the same. First you need to talk to the careless owner and find out about his position on this matter. And then, if he ignores the appeal, file a complaint with law enforcement agencies.

So we looked at the basic procedure for citizens to act if the neighbor’s dog constantly barks.

Conflict situations with neighbor's pets are discussed in the following video: