Exoderil cream indications for use. Exoderil for nail fungus - price, reviews and analogues

Exoderil is a pharmaceutical product used for external application and has an antifungal effect. This medicine is used to treat infectious diseases in which various types of fungi affect the surface of the skin and nail plates. In addition, the annotation for this remedy states the high effectiveness of Exoderil in the treatment of pityriasis versicolor and diseases complicated by secondary bacterial infection.

This medication can be used not only to treat the surface of the skin, but also to treat fungal infections of the scalp. This article will discuss what Exoderil is, instructions for use, price, reviews and release forms of the drug.

Exodril antifungal drug for external use

This medication is produced by the manufacturer in two dosage forms:

  1. Solution (drops) for treating affected areas of the skin.
  2. Cream (ointment) for spot application.

Each formulation of the drug is used only for application to the skin. Quite often, you can see confusion in the designation of the drug release form. For example, many people believe that Exoderil is produced not only in the form of a cream, but also an ointment. However, this is not true. It is in connection with such confusion that it is very important to say that by the phrase “Exoderil ointment” many people mean exactly the cream.

Exoderil is based on a component such as naftifine, which acts as an active substance. The concentration of this ingredient is equal in both the solution and the cream. There are ten milligrams of this substance per milliliter (gram) of solution (cream). The Exoderil solution contains three additional components:

  • ethanol;
  • distilled water;
  • propylene glycol.

The cream contains much more additional substances. In addition to distilled water, it contains three types of alcohol, polysorbates, sodium hydroxide and cetyl palmitate. The cream has a homogeneous structure, similar to sour cream. The creamy mass is white in color and has a characteristic odor. The drug is supplied to pharmacies in aluminum tubes, the volume of which is fifteen and thirty grams.

The solution is marketed on the pharmaceutical market in dark-colored glass bottles. The liquid itself is completely colorless and has an odor characteristic of alcohol. Bottles with volumes of ten and twenty milliliters are equipped with a special dispenser, which is installed on the stopper.

The principle of action of the drug

The therapeutic effect of Exoderil is aimed at combating fungal infection. The use of the medication allows you to eliminate diseases of the skin and nail plates caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The composition of the drug affects the very cause of the disease, which helps reduce the severity and eliminate the symptoms associated with the disease.

Depending on the type of fungal infection, the principle of action of the drug differs.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which contributes to the rapid disappearance of symptoms of inflammation, especially itching

There are two categories of fungi that Exoderil fights. In the first case, the medication completely destroys the infection, regardless of the stage and severity of the disease. In the second, the use of the drug makes it possible to suppress the ability of microorganisms to reproduce, which leads to the death of the colony and successful treatment.

This ability of the drug is achieved due to the fact that naftifine blocks the synthesis of ergosterol. This component is one of the main components of pathogenic cells. With a lack of ergosterol, the fungal membrane is destroyed, which makes the fungus more vulnerable to the effects of various medications. Exoderil is used in the treatment of diseases caused by the activity of the following types of fungal infections:

  • dermatophytes – Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermaphyton;
  • molds;
  • yeast-like fungi - Candida, Pityrosporum;
  • causative agent of sporotrichosis.

Diseases caused by the activity of the above types of fungal infections can be successfully treated with Exoderil. In addition, this drug is used as part of complex therapy for diseases of bacterial etiology in order to prevent possible complications. This feature of the drug allows it to be used in the treatment of fungal diseases complicated by secondary bacterial infection.

The composition of the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces the severity of itching, eliminates inflammatory processes and accelerates the regeneration of affected tissues. Since naftifine has an increased penetrating effect, the composition of the drug accumulates in the body, which makes it possible to achieve a lasting result. It is enough to use the medication only once during the day.

When to use the medicine

It is recommended to use this pharmaceutical product for the treatment of fungal diseases that involve damage to the surface of the skin and nail plates. Indications for use of Exoderil are as follows:

  • mycosis of interdigital folds;
  • fungal diseases of the surface of the skin and scalp;
  • infectious diseases manifested by damage to the nail plates;
  • candidiasis, dermatomycosis and mycosis;
  • pityriasis form of lichen.

In addition, the ointment should be used for external use in combination with other medications in the treatment of fungal diseases complicated by secondary bacterial infection.

Exoderil should be applied to the affected skin surface and adjacent areas

How to choose a dosage form

Drops and cream are used to treat fungal infections in various parts of the body. However, each dosage form has its own characteristics. For example, Exoderil solution is more effective in the treatment of fungal infections in the scalp area. That is why experts recommend using the solution to treat the scalp for fungal diseases. The solution can also be used to treat skin on the surface of which there are foci of hyperkeratosis.

The main rule that should be followed is to use only one form of the drug from the beginning to the end of the course. That is, if a cream was chosen for treatment, then only this dosage form should be used throughout the entire duration of therapy.

Changing the form of the drug is allowed only after the approval of the attending physician; in other cases, this rule must be strictly followed.

Instructions for use

Let's look at how to use the different forms of this medicine.

Exoderil ointment, instructions for use

The ointment is used to treat affected areas of the skin surface. When applying ointment, you must follow two rules. The first rule concerns the volume of the applied composition. The composition of the drug must be applied in a translucent layer, evenly distributing the composition over the entire area. The second rule states that when treating affected skin, several centimeters of healthy tissue should be covered in order to prevent the lesion from enlarging.

Before using the drug, you must first cleanse the skin with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Additionally, you can use disinfectant solutions to treat damaged areas of the skin. After the surface of the leather has been pre-treated, it should be dried with soft cloths.

Apply the ointment to the skin in small strips, one centimeter long. After this, using soft circular movements, the composition of the drug should be evenly distributed over the affected area of ​​the body. When processing, do not squeeze out too much of the drug from the tube. In case of extensive damage, it is best to apply the cream in stages, treating a small area of ​​damaged tissue at a time. This method will allow you to completely cover the entire area of ​​the affected skin.

After the cream is applied, it is necessary to allow the composition to be completely absorbed. Only after the treated area of ​​the body is completely dry can you put on outerwear.

To prevent recurrence of infection, therapy should be carried out for at least 2 weeks after the disappearance of clinical symptoms

Method of use of Exoderil, available in the form of a solution

The solution is recommended for use in the treatment of infectious diseases of a fungal nature, expressed in the scalp area. It is enough to use the solution only once a day. The average duration of one course of therapy is from fifteen to thirty days, depending on the disease. Therapy for diseases caused by dermatophytosis lasts about two months. When treating candidiasis, the duration of treatment is exactly thirty days. Therapy for other fungal diseases lasts from fifteen to ninety days.

In most cases, the duration of treatment is determined individually and is based on the nature of the pathology and the severity of clinical symptoms. It is necessary to use the composition for a long time, even after all the symptoms characteristic of the disease have completely disappeared. These measures will prevent the development of relapses of pathology and ensure the elimination of existing pathogenic microorganisms.

When treating fungal diseases that affect the organs of hearing, special flagella made from a bandage are used to treat the external passage. These flagella should be soaked in the solution and then inserted into the ear. The medicine must be used once a day for twenty days.

Exoderil for nail fungus is used only after the affected area of ​​the nail plate has been removed. Before pre-treatment, using a nail file, you should use a urea solution to soften the plate itself. To do this, the affected plate is treated with urea and then wrapped in polyethylene. A fixing bandage should be applied to the polyethylene and not removed for several days. At the end of this period, the bandage is removed, after which scissors and a nail file are used.

This procedure is necessary so that the composition of the drug can penetrate into the layers of skin located under the nail plate. Using the solution will eliminate the infection located under the nail and along the nail bed. Affected nails should be treated at least twice a day. The solution must be distributed evenly over the affected area, covering several centimeters of healthy skin.

After the nail is treated, a bandage made from a sterile bandage should be applied to the affected finger. Before each procedure for applying the drug, the affected areas of the body should be thoroughly washed and degreased. Therapy for onychemycosis takes a fairly long period of time. The average duration of treatment is about six months. If no positive dynamics are observed during the first month of using the drug, you should visit a specialist for advice on further treatment.

Naftifine hydrochloride inhibits the synthesis of substances necessary for the growth of fungi, thereby causing their death

Contraindications and side effects

The use of Exoderil in the treatment of fungal diseases is contraindicated if there is a tendency to allergies and intolerance to certain ingredients used in the composition. It is also recommended to refrain from using this drug during pregnancy and lactation.

With caution, the composition should be applied in the presence of open wounds and other types of damage to the integrity of the affected areas of the skin. This pharmaceutical product should be used in the treatment of fungal diseases in children under eighteen years of age only after consultation with a specialist.

Side effects of Exoderil are expressed in local allergic reactions of the skin. If a feeling of dryness, burning or redness appears in the area where the composition is applied, it is not recommended to cancel further treatment. These symptoms are temporary and disappear on their own in a short period of time.

However, if a pronounced allergy develops, treatment should be stopped. Symptomatic treatment is not required to eliminate the side effects of the medication.

Exoderil is a medication for external use, the action of which is aimed at producing an antifungal effect. The drug is sold in two forms: solution and cream. The active component is . The main indications for use are mycoses of the skin, feet, onychomycosis and pityriasis versicolor. Use by women carrying a child or breastfeeding is not allowed.

Dosage form

Exoderil is intended for external use and is available in the form of a solution and cream.

The solution is available in dark glass bottles of 10 ml. The bottles are packaged in cardboard packs.

The cream is produced in aluminum tubes of 15 and 30 g, the tubes are packaged in cardboard boxes.

Description and composition

The active component of the drug is hydrochloride.

Exoderil solution is a colorless liquid (a slight yellow tint is allowed), characterized by transparency and an alcoholic odor.

Additional components include:

  • propylene glycol;
  • ethanol;
  • water.

The cream is a homogeneous mass (a slightly curd-like consistency is also possible), the characteristic features of which are white color, shine and a faint odor.

Substances that have an auxiliary effect in this case include:

  • sodium hydroxide;
  • phenylcarbinol;
  • sorbitan stearate;
  • cetyl palmitate;
  • etal;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • twin 60;
  • isopropyl myristate;
  • purified water.

Pharmacological group

Exoderil is an antifungal drug intended for external use. The medication also belongs to the group of allylamines. The principle of action of the active substance is due to the suppression of ergosterol production with an additional effect on squalene epoxidase.

The drug is effective in combating the following dermatophytes: Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, Microsporum, yeast (Candida), molds (Aspergillus) and other mushrooms (Sporotrix schenckii).

In laboratory conditions it exhibits fungicidal properties against dermatophytes. In the fight against yeast fungi, it produces fungicidal and fungistatic effects (depending on the strain of the fungus). Exoderil exhibits antibacterial activity in the treatment of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

It has been proven that the medication has anti-inflammatory properties, which contribute to the rapid elimination of clinical manifestations in the form of inflammation or itching.

When used externally, the main component of the drug intensively penetrates different layers of the skin, thereby creating the necessary level of concentration to achieve an antifungal effect. Only 6% of the product is absorbed systemically when applied to the skin.

The substance that has been absorbed is metabolized and excreted through urine and bile. The half-life is two to three days.

Indications for use

The product is actively used in dermatology.

for adults

Indications for adult patients are considered to be:

  • mycoses of the skin;
  • mycoses of the hands and feet;
  • cutaneous candidiasis;
  • onychomycosis;
  • dermatomycosis of an inflammatory nature;
  • pityriasis.

for children

Use in children has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, it is better to avoid using Exoderil in childhood. However, use according to the strict indications of the treating specialist is still possible.

Pregnancy and the lactation period are contraindications to the use of this medication.


There are a number of conditions for which it is prohibited to use the medicine Exoderil, these include:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • lactation time;
  • the presence of intolerance to substances included in the medication.

Use in patients under 18 years of age is not recommended.

Applications and dosages

Before applying the product, make sure that the skin is clean and dry.

In order to prevent relapse, it is strongly recommended to continue treatment for at least 14 days after the condition has improved and the clinical manifestations of the disease have disappeared.

for adults

Adult patients apply the medication to the infected surface, as well as adjacent areas (approximately 1-2 cm of healthy skin on each side) once a day.

The course of therapy for dermatomycosis ranges from 14 to 30 days (the course can be increased to 8 weeks).

For candidal disease, therapy is carried out for 4 weeks.

To treat onychomycosis, the affected part of the nail plate should be removed to the maximum extent before using the product for the first time. Use twice a day for several months (but no more than six).

for children

The drug is not used in children due to insufficient knowledge.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Side effects

Side effects that occur during the use of Exoderil do not require discontinuation of the medication.

Symptoms that may appear include:

  • dry skin;
  • burning;
  • hyperemia.

Interaction with other drugs

No cases of interaction with drugs when used together have been described, which is partly explained by the external method of use of the drug.

Special instructions

Avoid contact of the substance with the eyes.

Exoderil does not have a negative effect on patients’ ability to drive cars, as well as mechanisms and devices that require intensive use of cognitive abilities and increased speed of psychomotor reactions.


There have been no cases of overdose when using the drug in increased dosages.

Storage conditions

The drug belongs to the group of drugs that are intended for over-the-counter dispensing from pharmacies.

Storage should be carried out at room temperature, in a place protected from light and access limited from children. The shelf life of the medicinal product is 5 years from the date of release.


The modern medical market offers a wide range of analogues of the drug Exoderil

It is a structural analogue of the drug. It contains the same active ingredient, has the most similar therapeutic effect and is used for the same indications as the drug Exoderil.


The product is sold in the form of a cream. The active ingredient is . This substance also belongs to the series of allylamines. The drug Lamiderm produces an antifungal effect. The main indications are fungal infections of the skin.

This drug is available in the form of gel, cream, spray and solution. Contains as an active substance. The medication produces an antifungal effect. Indications for use are infectious lesions of dermatophytes that exhibit sensitivity to the active component of the drug.

The drug contains two main components: undecylenic acid and zinc undecylenate. The medication is available in the form of an ointment for external use. Used for mycoses of the skin.


The cost of Exoderil is on average 777 rubles. Prices range from 364 to 1790 rubles.

The drug Exoderil is used to fight fungal infections. Timely treatment helps stop the destruction of the plate, eliminates burning, itching and allows you to forget about the unpleasant odor. Once the fungus is destroyed, it does not appear again. A healthy one grows in place of the deformed plate. Of all the medications for nail fungus, Exoderil is considered optimal in terms of price and effectiveness.

Description of the drug

The drug is available in the form of drops (sometimes called a solution), ointment and cream. Before using Exoderil for nails, it is better to consult a doctor to make sure that your feet are affected by a fungal disease. Antifungal drugs are harmless, they can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes, for example, when you have to go to a place where there is a possibility of contracting mycosis. It is recommended to apply the cream when visiting the following institutions:

  • gyms;
  • public swimming pools;
  • baths, saunas.

The likelihood that mycosis pathogens will be on the nails or feet is quite high, because the fungus multiplies well in a humid environment and is transmitted by walking on shared floors. Remaining viable for a long time, the spores are found in the outer layers of the wood from which the floor is made. Therefore, hygiene alone does not guarantee health when it comes to public places.

All dosage forms of Exoderil are yellowish in color. The droplet structure is oily, they look transparent. The cream and ointment have no odor or it is very weak. The drops emit a characteristic smell of medicine, but it is almost invisible.

The peculiarity of treating nail fungus with Exoderil is that it cannot be used simultaneously with folk remedies. By reacting with various natural components, the active substance Exoderil will not be able to fulfill its main task - to destroy fungal spores. Rules to follow during treatment:

  • apply the medicine in the amount indicated in the instructions, do not skimp and do not spread it in a thick layer;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • be treated until complete recovery, without allowing breaks.

In advanced cases, if treatment is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, the latter may recommend medications in the form of tablets. An integrated approach gives a more lasting and pronounced effect than the use of external agents alone.

Components included

The cream and solution have different compositions and are sold in different packaging. The solution is supplied to pharmacies packaged in dark glass vials. Capacity volume - 10 ml. The cream is served in aluminum tubes of 30 and 15 g. Exoderil drops for toenail fungus have the following composition:

  • naftifine hydrochloride;
  • water;
  • propylene glycol;
  • ethanol

All components, except naftifine hydrochloride, are auxiliary. The same substance is also present in the cream. . In addition to the active component, it contains the following:

  • stearyl alcohol;
  • purified water;
  • polysorbate;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • isopropyl myristate;
  • cetyl palmitate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • sorbitan stearate.

Application instructions

Exoderil in the form of drops and ointments (creams) is used only as an external agent. Accidental ingestion or intentional ingestion may result in poisoning. The main action is antifungal and antibacterial. Here's how to use Exoderil for nail fungus:

  • Before each application, wash your nails and feet well with soap.
  • The deformed part of the plate is cut off with a saw or removed with pumice.
  • Change socks 2 times a day and wash them separately from other clothes, and also separately from the socks of other family members.
  • Use a separate towel for your feet, which no one else should dry with.
  • When wiping your feet, pay special attention to the skin between the toes.
  • Apply the product to clean and dry skin of the foot, as well as to the nail plates, treating the affected areas and covering the area 1 cm around.
  • Repeat morning and evening.

Treatment is necessary for 3-5 weeks. Depending on the progress, the dermatologist may recommend extending the course to 8 weeks. A separate group of fungal diseases consists of candidiasis. They can be cured in 4 weeks. However, each case is individual, so only the doctor can give the exact timing.

Indications and contraindications

For prevention, medications Exoderil for foot fungus can be taken without a doctor’s prescription. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. For those who already have an infection, an antifungal agent is prescribed by a dermatologist. Standard readings:

  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • mucocutaneous candidiasis;
  • interdigital mycosis;
  • onchomycosis of fingernails and toenails;
  • fungal infection of the foot.

The list of contraindications is small. Exoderil is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. This medicine is prescribed to children with caution and the condition is monitored during treatment. This measure is explained by the fact that medicine does not have sufficient data confirming the absolute safety of Exoderil in relation to these categories of patients. Other contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to naftifine, propylene glycol or intolerance to these substances;
  • open wounds, including weeping ones;
  • allergy to any of the components.

During the course, sometimes adverse reactions occur. They do not require additional measures and disappear completely after some time. Typical manifestations:

  • local redness of the skin;
  • slight burning sensation;
  • itching sensation;
  • dryness, flaking;
  • slight swelling.

In rare cases, if the symptoms are quite severe, the dermatologist may prescribe antihistamine tablets or select another antifungal agent.

Storage conditions and cost

The medicine should be kept in a dark, dry and cool place. After each use, the bottle or tube must be tightly closed. The temperature at the storage location should be between 20-25 degrees Celsius. If this regimen is not followed, the drug may lose its medicinal properties. Cost of the medication Exoderil in Moscow pharmacies:

  • cream (15 g) - 410-580 rubles;
  • drops (20 ml) - 800-1100 rubles;
  • drops (10 ml) - 450-750 rub.

The data is averaged, because the final cost depends on the seller’s markup and the number of intermediaries in the chain. Exoderil is not available in tablets or injections. The price of the drug in other regions may vary significantly. For example, here is how much an antifungal agent costs in pharmacies in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region:

  • cream (15 g) - 390-460 rubles;
  • drops (20 ml) - 930-1350 rubles;
  • drops (10 ml) - 515-575 rub.

Popular analogues

Although Exoderil optimally combines effectiveness and safety, some patients prefer to be prescribed other drugs that are more affordable. Replacement can only be made in consultation with a dermatologist. You need to understand that a patient suffering from a fungal disease not only suffers inconvenience himself, but also puts the health of others at risk. Medicines with similar therapeutic effects:

  • Batrafen. In a short time it destroys the fungus. Ineffective against some types of pathogens.
  • Atifin. The drug provides good results, but when used systemically, side effects develop.
  • Naftifin. The only complete analogue. Fights all strains of fungi, eliminating lesions on the nails and skin of the feet. Helps fight pathogens in skin folds.
  • Terbinafine. Destroys fungal microflora (not all strains), accelerates the regeneration of the nail plate.

In all cases there are contraindications. Increased caution is required for children and adolescents, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.

Exoderil cream contains naftifine hydrochloride at a concentration of 10 mg/g. The solution contains the active substance at a concentration of 10 mg/ml.

The drug is purchased to eliminate all kinds of fungal diseases, mainly on the feet, or to eliminate nail fungus. It is produced in two forms: cream and solution. The effectiveness of two forms of this medicine has been proven by clinical studies, which have shown that even severe forms of mycoses and fungal infections resistant to other substances will be completely eliminated with the help of Exoderil. The medication can cure nail fungus at an early and advanced stage of development.

The most important component of the medicine is naftifine, as stated in the instructions for use. Exoderil has a fungicidal effect on some fungi, destroying them at all levels of development. It will have a fungistatic effect on other types of fungi, stopping their further reproduction.

But the main property of naftifine is its ability to interrupt the production of ergosterol, which is a necessary part of the membrane of fungal infections. The lack of substance makes the membrane of the nail fungus thin, thereby reducing its ability to resist the penetration of medicinal substances inside.

Exoderil cream (ointment) is applied externally, applied to the infected surface. The components included in the product penetrate far into the structure of the nail, destroying fungal colonies. The cream reduces blood circulation in the affected area, making the skin environment unsuitable for the development of nail fungus.

Exoderil in the form of a solution restores the original appearance of the skin, reducing irritation and itching to zero. The medication promotes rapid recovery and growth of nails infected with fungus.

Currently, Exoderil is available in two dosage forms:

  • Cream for external use;
  • Solution for external use.

Both forms of release are intended exclusively for external use. The liquid dosage form (solution) is often commonly called Exoderil drops, which is not entirely correct, but reflects the fundamental state of affairs - that the drug is liquid. Exoderil cream is also often called ointment in everyday life.

Both the solution and Exoderil cream contain naftifine as an active ingredient. Moreover, the concentration of naftifine is the same in both dosage forms, that is, both cream and 1% solution. This means that 1 ml of solution and 1 g of cream contain 10 mg of naftifine.

Exoderil solution contains propylene glycol, ethyl alcohol and purified deionized water as auxiliary components. The cream contains the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Benzyl alcohol;
  • Purified water;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Isopropyl myristate;
  • Polysorbate 60;
  • sorbitan stearate;
  • Stearyl alcohol;
  • Cetyl alcohol;
  • Cetyl palmitate.

Exoderil solution is a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid with the odor of alcohol, and is available in dark glass bottles of 10 ml and 20 ml, equipped with a special dropper stopper.

The cream is a homogeneous, homogeneous or slightly curdled mass of white color, shiny, and having a characteristic odor. Available in aluminum tubes of 15 g and 30 g.

Exoderil cream contains naftifine hydrochloride at a concentration of 10 mg/g, as well as sodium hydroxide, alcohols (benzyl, cetyl and stearyl), sorbitan stearate, cetyl palmitate, polysorbate 60, isopropyl myristate, purified water.

The solution contains the active substance at a concentration of 10 mg/ml. Excipients: propylene glycol, ethanol and purified water.

The active substance Naftifine has antifungal properties and negatively affects the vital activity of dermatophytes, yeast and mold fungi. After application to the skin, Exoderil is actively absorbed and has an antimycotic effect. Absorption of the substance when used externally is no more than 6% and is easily excreted from the body along with waste products.

The composition of Exoderil is based on the content of the following components:

  1. Naftifine hydrochloride;
  2. sodium hydroxide;
  3. benzyl, cetyl, stearyl alcohols;
  4. sorbitan stearate;
  5. polysorbate;
  6. purified water.

Exoderil is presented in the form of cream and ointment, packaged in aluminum tubes with a capacity of 15.30 grams and a 1% solution, stored in ampoules and packaged in cardboard boxes.

Exoderil is available in the following forms:

  • colorless, transparent or yellowish solution for external use, 1%, with an ethanol odor. The drug is packaged in bottles of 10, 20 or 30 ml and in cardboard packs (1 bottle each);
  • homogeneous, shiny, slightly grainy white cream 1% with a slight characteristic odor, intended for external use. The cream is packaged in aluminum tubes of 15 or 30 g and in cardboard packs (1 tube each).

1 ml of solution contains:

  • excipients: propylene glycol, purified water, ethanol.

1 g of cream contains:

  • active ingredient: naftifine hydrochloride – 10 mg;
  • excipients: benzyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, sorbitan stearate, cetyl alcohol, cetyl palmitate, polysorbate, stearyl alcohol, purified water, isopropyl myristate.

Exoderil cream contains naftifine hydrochloride at a concentration of 10 mg/g, as well as sodium hydroxide, alcohols (benzyl, cetyl and stearyl), sorbitan stearate, cetyl palmitate, polysorbate 60, isopropyl myristate, purified water.

Exoderil solution contains the active substance in a concentration of 10 mg/ml. Excipients: propylene glycol, ethanol and purified water.

Release form

Pharmacies receive:

  • Exoderil solution(Exoderil) 1%. Dark glass bottles 10 and 20 ml, cardboard pack 1.
  • Cream (ointment) Exoderil(Exoderil) 1%. Aluminum tubes 15 and 30 g, cardboard pack 1.

Exoderil is available in the form of a solution or cream.

Exoderil solution 1%. Dark glass bottles 10 and 20 ml, cardboard pack 1.

Cream (ointment) Exoderil (Exoderil) 1%. Aluminum tubes 15 and 30 g, cardboard pack 1.

The main active ingredient of Exoderil is naftifine hydrochloride, which belongs to the class of allylamines - synthetic antimycotics, active against most pathogenic microorganisms that cause fungal infections. When used externally, the component quickly penetrates into the thickness of the affected tissues and accumulates in the stratum corneum of the skin, hair follicles and nails.

Exoderil has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the fungus and eliminate secondary infections. Even with prolonged use on large areas of the skin, no more than 3-6% of naftifine penetrates into the general bloodstream, due to which the drug does not have a systemic effect on the body and has virtually no contraindications.

An antifungal agent with a concentration of active substance of 1% is available in two forms:

  1. The solution is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor of ethyl alcohol, poured into 10 or 20 ml dark glass bottles equipped with a dropper cap.
  2. White cream of uniform consistency with a faint alcoholic odor, packaged in aluminum tubes of 15 or 30 g.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medical drug Exoderil is a representative of the pharmacological group of antifungal agents. A medicine with pronounced antimycotic, fungistatic, fungicidal properties destroys the mycelium of pathogenic fungi, thereby preventing further growth and reproduction. The active substance naftifine, being a topical antimycotic of the allylamine class, reduces the activity of the enzyme squalene-2,3-epoxidase and inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the cellular composition of the pathogenic fungus. The drug is effective against the following microorganisms:

  • yeast fungi (Pityrosporum, Candida spp.);
  • dermatophytes (epidermophyton, microsporum, trichophyton);
  • molds (Aspergillus spp.);
  • other pathogenic microorganisms: Trichophyton rubrum, Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Sporothrix schencki.

Since Exoderil is intended for external use, the active substance in low concentration is adsorbed from the digestive canal and penetrates the bloodstream. The half-life is 2-3 hours. The metabolic process is observed in the liver, inactive metabolites are excreted in the urine and intestinal contents. When the medicinal composition is applied to the skin, a stable antifungal concentration is formed.

Taking the drug during pregnancy and lactation

Exoderil ointment or other dosage forms of the drug do not interact with other medications. If you use it simultaneously with other medications, you should consult a doctor, as side effects may occur. At the first appearance of skin reactions or relapses of infection, the use of Exoderil should be stopped immediately.

During lactation, Exoderil can be used in the form of ointment and liquid after a conversation with your doctor and the appropriate prescription. The substance does not enter the bloodstream, so its use is allowed during breastfeeding. But the lack of clinical trials with a group of pregnant or lactating women makes this cream included in the group of contraindicated products for use during such periods of women’s lives.

The instructions for use of Exoderil warn: during pregnancy, the cream should be used carefully - it can cause redness. Before use, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist. If an allergic reaction to Exoderil occurs, you should immediately stop using it.

The lack of clinical trials with pregnant women indicates: Exoderil for nail fungus should be used strictly following the doctor's recommendations.

Analogs of Exoderil are products containing naftifine or drugs that have a fungicidal, fungistatic or antifungal effect. An analogue of the medicine is Mikoderil, in fact it is the only absolute analogue of the medicine.

Synonyms for medicines for curing nail fungus include drugs such as Loceryl, Fongial, Oflomil, Binafin, Batrafen. Exoderil is not produced in the form of toenail polish, but nail treatment can be carried out with Batrafen, Fongial or Oflomil varnish.

Cheap analogues of Exoderil are represented by a group of drugs:

  • Binafin (up to 255 rubles);
  • Terbinox (up to 120 rubles);
  • Terbinafine (up to 250 rubles);
  • Nitrofungin (up to 270 rubles);
  • Terbizil (up to 350 rubles).

The advantage of Exoderil over its analogues is its high efficiency and the absence of allergic reactions. People with sensitive skin are better off choosing an original anti-fungal product.

Exoderil analogues can be used as prescribed by a doctor if you are allergic to the original drug.

Reviews for the medicine vary. For some, Exoderil helped cure the fungus completely, for others it did not bring any results.

Experts say that a cure can only occur if all instructions for using the drug Exoderil are followed. Reviews show that a much greater effect against fungus is obtained by using the substance in two forms at once: in the form of an ointment and a solution. In this case, the drops are applied mainly in the morning, and the ointment is used in the evening. Analogues of the drug do not have such positive reviews, but they are much cheaper.

A complete synonym for Exoderil is the Russian-made drug Mikoderil, which is practically no different in cost from the original. The product is also available in the form of a 1% solution or cream and contains naftifine hydrochloride as an active substance.

Cheaper analogues of the antifungal drug are produced on the basis of other synthetic antimycotics, identical in effectiveness to the original. The absence of side effects and systemic effects on the body allows you to replace Exoderil without harming your health. Let's look at some of the most popular medications.

Patients who are prescribed this drug for the first time often wonder what Exoderil ointment helps with?

Before you start using the drug, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the method of application and side effects.

Indications for the use of Exoderil ointment include fungal infections of the skin of varying degrees of depth and extent of the pathological focus. Exoderil ointment is applied to the affected area no more than once a day in an approximate dosage of 0.05 mg of naftifine per square centimeter of skin.

To achieve the most pronounced fungicidal effect, before applying the ointment, the surface of the skin should be treated with a soap solution and dried thoroughly.

You can use the ointment for:

  • candidiasis;
  • mycoses;
  • onychomycosis;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • trichophytosis;
  • lichens;
  • dermatomycosis.

For diseases of the nail plates, the doctor prescribes the use of additional means to loosen the nail matrix, which leads to the penetration of naftifine to the deep layers of the nail bed. The duration of treatment for skin lesions is from two to four weeks of daily application.

For persistent onychomycosis or severe lesions of several nail plates, treatment is extended from 3 to 6 months. In this case, the doctor prescribes additional systemic antimycotic drugs to increase the speed of recovery. The therapeutic effect of Exoderil ointment is due to the death of fungal cells in the lesion, a gradual decrease in the severity of unpleasant symptoms.

After the first three days of treatment, itching stops, peeling, maceration, and increased sensitivity of the skin gradually disappear. The color of the nail plates is restored as new tissue grows, that is, after three or four weeks of daily use of Exoderil ointment.

Contraindications to the use of Exoderil ointment include individual intolerance to naftifine. In case of damage to the skin, abrasions or wounds, this product should be used with caution only under the supervision of a physician. The ointment can be used during pregnancy and lactation due to the low degree of absorption and lack of absorption into the systemic circulation.

Side effects sometimes develop immediately at the moment of applying Exoderil ointment to the skin, in the form of burning, itching, and redness. Such reactions are due to the high activity of naftifine and do not require discontinuation of use of the drug.

Scheme for using Exoderil in treatment:

  • For onychomycosis and nail fungus, the ointment is applied once a day to the affected nail, periungual space and interdigital area for up to 6 months.
  • For mycoses of the external auditory canal, using a cotton swab, the ointment is carefully distributed in the ear canal of both ears, the remaining ointment is removed with a cotton pad, the duration of application is determined individually by the attending physician.
  • For dermatomycosis, the ointment is applied to the entire surface of the affected skin, covering two centimeters of healthy skin on each side of the application to prevent the spread of fungal infection, the course is from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • For candidiasis of the skin, the ointment is applied after removing the curd film from the lesion using hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or a special antimycotic solution, the course of treatment is at least 5 weeks.
  • To prevent recurrence of infection, previously damaged surfaces are treated with ointment once or twice a year for one week.

How long Exoderil ointment can be used is determined individually by the attending physician, based on the sensitivity of the fungal flora to the active substance and the absence of pronounced side effects. If within one month no pronounced signs of death of the pathogen appear, an antifungal drug with an alternative active ingredient of systemic action is prescribed.

The maximum course of treatment is 6 months, indicated for lesions of the nail plates, which are accompanied by a long progressive course, gradual involvement of healthy nails and tissues in the pathological process. The low degree of penetration of naftifine through the finely porous nail matrix explains the long duration of treatment.


Exoderil for fungus in the form of a solution or cream is used as the main or auxiliary agent as part of complex therapy. The instructions for use provide a complete list of medical indications:

  • epidermophytosis of skin folds, feet;
  • interdigital mycoses;
  • microsporia (scalp fungus);
  • soft tissue candidiasis;
  • mycoses complicated by bacterial infection;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • onychomycosis;

The medical drug Exoderil in any form of release is not recommended for use if the body is hypersensitive to one of the components in the chemical composition. Among medical contraindications, doctors focus on the presence of open wounds. In this case, applying antifungal cream or Exoderil solution is strictly prohibited.

  • onychomycosis (fungal nail infections);
  • fungal infections of skin folds and skin (tinea inguinalis, tinea corporis), including interdigital mycoses (tinea pedum, tinea manuum);
  • skin candidiasis;
  • dermatomycosis (with or without itching);
  • pityriasis versicolor.

Exoderil is an effective remedy for the treatment of mycoses affecting areas of the skin with hyperkeratosis or in the area of ​​hair growth.

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (in particular to propylene glycol and naftifine);
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • treatment of the wound surface.

Exoderil is used with caution to treat children.

The main prohibition on the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components. For ointment - benzyl alcohol and naphthysifin, for drops - propylene glycol. For burns and wound surfaces, do not apply the drug to the skin. Pregnancy, lactation and childhood are not a contraindication, but medication for these conditions should be prescribed by a doctor.

The drug Exoderil is intended for the treatment of mycoses of the skin and skin folds (including between the toes and hands), nails, pityriasis versicolor, cutaneous candidiasis, dermatomycosis (both with and without accompanying itching).

Exoderil solution is effective in the treatment of fungal infections in areas of hair growth, as well as skin mycoses in areas with hyperkeratosis.

The main contraindication to the use of Exoderil is intolerance to any of the components included in the cream or solution (active or auxiliary).

In addition, Exoderil should not be applied to wound surfaces.

The medicine has a fairly wide spectrum of action and is used for the following pathologies:

  • mycotic manifestations of various types;
  • candidiasis of the skin;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • fungal infections on the scalp.

At the same time, Exoderil also has a number of contraindications:

  1. allergy to the active substance;
  2. open wounds on the skin;
  3. children's age category.

When using the cream, side effects may occur such as:

  • allergic manifestations (itching, peeling);
  • excessive dry skin when treating nail fungus;
  • swelling and slight burning.

The above described phenomena are temporary and are not a reason to discontinue the drug!

Exoderil varnish is not approved for use by all interested patients; medical restrictions apply to persons who experience hypersensitivity to synthetic components in the chemical composition. These are potential allergy sufferers who may experience significant side effects in practice.

Exoderil cream should be used with caution in children (under 18 years of age). The drug is contraindicated for use if a person has the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • increased individual intolerance to any component of the cream;
  • open wound;
  • allergy to substances contained in the product;
  • breast-feeding.

According to the instructions, Exoderil and analogues should not be used in the following situations:

  • hypersensitivity to naftifine and propylene glycol;
  • breastfeeding period (efficacy and safety have not been determined to date);
  • pregnancy period (efficacy and safety have not been determined).

Do not apply cream or solution to wounds.

Foreign and Russian analogues of Exoderil are contraindicated for persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the antifungal agent. Antimycotics are prescribed with caution to young children, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of certain serious diseases.

Side effects include local irritation in the form of itching, peeling, local swelling, skin rashes and painful sensations when pressed. Less commonly diagnosed are general allergic reactions and urticaria. Side effects are reversible and completely disappear after stopping use of the drug.

To effectively treat nail and foot fungus, you can use inexpensive analogues of Exoderil. Modern products in the form of a cream or solution (drops, spray) have a pronounced fungicidal and fungistatic effect against pathogenic microorganisms and can be used as prophylaxis. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Exoderil solution and cream are indicated for use in the treatment of the same following fungal diseases of smooth skin, scalp and nails:

  • Fungal infections of the skin of the body (tinea corporis) and skin folds (tinea inquinalis) (for example, trichophytosis, microsporia, ringworm, athlete's foot, etc.);
  • Fungal infections of the interdigital spaces on the hands (tinea manum) and feet (tinea pedum);
  • Fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails (onychomycosis);
  • Skin candidiasis;
  • Pityriasis versicolor;
  • Mycosis (fungal infection) of the external auditory canal;
  • Dermatomycosis (fungal infection of smooth skin, scalp or nails), accompanied by itching;
  • Mycoses of smooth skin and scalp, complicated by bacterial infection.

Exoderil cream and solution are contraindicated for use if a person has the following conditions:

  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • An open wound in the area where the drug needs to be applied.

Children under 18 years of age should use Exoderil solution and cream with caution.

The drug is intended for the treatment of mycoses of the skin and skin folds (including between the toes and hands), nails, pityriasis versicolor, cutaneous candidiasis, dermatomycosis (both with and without accompanying itching).

The main contraindication to the use of Exoderil is intolerance to any of the components included in the cream or solution (active or auxiliary).

In addition, the drug should not be applied to wound surfaces.

Exoderil is used to treat microsporia, fungal infections of the nails (onychomycosis), trichophytosis, and skin candidiasis.

Exoderil is used to treat pityriasis versicolor, fungal infections of the outer ear (otomycosis), epidermophytosis of large skin folds, and feet.

The product is used for complications of mycoses of the skin with bacterial infections. Exoderil is noted to be highly effective against fungal infections in areas of hair growth, and against fungus in hyperkeratosis.

The drug is not used if naftifine is intolerant; it is prescribed to children with caution.

Do not apply Exoderil to wounds, scratches, or burns.

The drug is not applied under a bandage; after working with the product, wash your hands thoroughly.

In what cases the drug is used is described in the instructions for use. Exoderil is used for the treatment and prevention of fungi such as:

  • Molds and yeasts;
  • Dermatophytes and epidermophytes;
  • Microsporia.

Used against diseases such as:

  • Mycoses and onymycosis;
  • Dermatophytoses and candidiasis;
  • Pityriasis versicolor and versicolor.

Exoderil for nail fungus is applied to cure fungal infections only in adults. In particularly advanced forms, an additional antimycotic agent is prescribed in accordance with the instructions. Additional medications may be used after consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.

Exoderil cream has a small number of limitations, which is associated with the area of ​​its use, with a low possibility of penetration into the skin. The medicine for the fungus has almost no effect on the body as a whole, but there are contraindications for use, the instructions say.

Exoderil is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Some people may experience high sensitivity to the components of the drug. Do not apply the drug to inflamed, irritated or damaged skin. You should use the medication with extreme caution to treat the skin of children and adolescents.

List of contraindications for Exoderil:

  • It is not recommended to use the substance during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the medicine is still used, its use should be treated very carefully and used after consultation with a doctor.
  • In case of skin hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, an allergic reaction may occur, manifested in skin rash, runny nose, and lacrimation. In such a situation, treatment must be urgently interrupted.
  • The product is contraindicated for children under twelve years of age.
  • Wounds, scratches, and other damage to the skin are a reason to refuse to use Exoderil.

More effective than Exoderil

The solution and cream are usually well tolerated, but in some cases they may cause the following side effects, which are the same for both dosage forms:

  • Dry skin;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Burning in the area of ​​application;
  • Allergic reactions.

All side effects, except allergic reactions, are reversible, that is, they go away on their own after stopping the use of the drug. Accordingly, the occurrence of these side effects does not require discontinuation of treatment. But if a person develops signs of an allergy (itching, urticaria, etc.), then the use of the drug should be immediately discontinued.

In medical practice, there is no concept of “better” or “more effective” in relation to any drug at all, without a detailed and precise indication of the specific situation and case. Indeed, for various similar conditions and diseases, drugs of the same group may have different effectiveness.

Moreover, if we talk about one disease that is included in the list of indications for the use of Exoderil, then in relation to it some drugs will be more or less effective compared to Exoderil, and if we take another disease from the list of indications, then for it more or less completely different drugs will be effective.

But it is simply impossible to determine which drug will be more effective than Exoderil for various diseases for which its use is indicated. This means that you need to look for medications that are more effective than Exoderil for each specific case and specific disease, and not just “in general.”

In most cases, patients do not experience any side effects; nail fungus disappears without visible complications. But there are a number of specific adverse reactions. They are a reason to immediately stop using the product. Such reactions include:

  • Burning and itching;
  • Dryness or redness on the skin;
  • Allergic reactions (runny nose, watery eyes, cough).

The occurrence of such side effects depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In some people they may occur in combination, in others they hardly appear. Not too noticeable side effects are a normal condition inherent in the use of Exoderil, but if they begin to cause discomfort or inconvenience, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. In this case, Exoderil analogues should continue treatment.

The substance does not have any particularly significant precautions; an overdose of Exoderil is excluded, according to the instructions for use. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly after procedures and avoid getting the substance into your eyes. The cream can be combined with other medications; it does not affect a person’s ability to drive a car.

Exoderil is easily tolerated by the body, side effects are extremely rare and do not reduce the patient’s quality of life. Characteristic anomalies are reversible and disappear on their own without additional withdrawal of conservative treatment. For example, a medicinal solution may cause the following side effects:

  • severe itching and burning of the skin;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • increased dryness of the dermis;
  • fragility of nail plates;
  • change in the color of the nail plates;
  • discomfort when palpating foci of pathology.


According to the instructions, Exoderil of any release form is used exclusively externally. The medicine is applied to clean, dry skin. It is recommended to capture one centimeter of healthy surrounding tissue during treatment. The duration of therapy depends on the diagnosis. For the treatment of dermatomycosis it is 2-4 weeks (severe form - 2 months). For onychomycosis, the duration of use of the drug can be up to six months.

According to reviews, the drug is well tolerated by patients. There is no data on an overdose of Exoderil. To ensure treatment with an antifungal drug without side effects, you must follow the instructions or recommendations of doctors. If the dosage is not observed or the duration of therapy is exceeded, skin reactions such as burning, redness, and dryness may occur. Discontinuation of the use of the drug requires allergic manifestations: the occurrence of urticaria, dermatitis and other symptoms.

The medicinal product is intended exclusively for external use. Instructions for use of Exoderil provide a detailed description of each release form and recommended dosages. On average, a course of drug therapy lasts from 2 to 8 weeks, depending on the nature of the pathological process and the characteristics of the pathogenic agent. For example, soft tissue candidiasis is treated with Exoderil for up to 4 weeks, severe forms of dermatomycosis - for at least 8 weeks.

The chosen treatment is well tolerated by the body. In isolated cases, allergic reactions occur on the skin, which disappear without additional withdrawal of Exoderil. There is no information about overdose at all. The instructions for use describe the following side effects:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • urticaria, skin rash;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • burning at the site of application of the medicinal composition;
  • excessive dryness of the epidermis;
  • hyperkeratosis.

When a fungal process is localized on the skin, it is recommended to apply Exoderil ointment to the affected area 1 r./day, covering the adjacent areas of healthy skin (approximately 1 cm at the edges of the affected area).

Before applying the cream, the affected area should be thoroughly cleaned and dried.

The duration of treatment for dermatomycosis is usually from 2 to 4 weeks, but if necessary it can be extended to 8 weeks, for candidiasis - 4 weeks.

For nail fungus, Exoderil cream is used 2 times a day. Recommendations on how to use the drug for onychomycosis indicate that before the first application of the product, use a nail file or scissors to remove as much of the affected part of the nail as possible. Treatment is long-term - up to six months.

For skin mycoses, Exoderil drops are used 1 r./day, for onychomycosis - 2 r./day. The affected area of ​​the skin should be thoroughly washed and dried, the affected area of ​​the nail should be removed as much as possible using a nail file or scissors (to facilitate the procedure, on the recommendation of a doctor, it is allowed to use special emollients).

The duration of therapy for dermatomycosis is up to 4-8 weeks, for fungal infections of the nails - up to six months.

For otomycosis, treatment should last at least 14 days. Treatment is carried out by placing turundas soaked in a solution into the ear. The duration of exposure is 5-8 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day.

Acute overdose with local use of the drug Exoderil was not observed.

Systemic intoxication with external use of the drug is unlikely due to the fact that a small amount of the active substance is absorbed through the skin.

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, symptomatic treatment should be started.

Exoderil (cream and solution) is applied to the affected and adjacent areas once a day. After cleaning and drying the skin, the affected area and about 1 cm of healthy area at the edges of the affected area are treated. For candidiasis, the duration of therapy is 4 weeks, for dermatomycosis - from 2 to 4 weeks (if necessary, treatment can be continued up to 8 weeks).

The frequency of application of the solution or cream for nail damage is 2 times a day. Before the first use of Exoderil, the affected part of the nail is removed as much as possible using scissors or a nail file. The course of treatment for onychomycosis is up to 6 months.

In order to prevent relapse, therapy should be continued for at least 2 weeks after the disappearance of clinical symptoms.

The method of using Exoderil is quite simple. The instructions warn: it must be applied once or twice a day, covering one and a half centimeters of intact tissue. Infected areas of skin must be treated before application, drying thoroughly before application.

Treatment can take from two weeks to six months, depending on the type and severity of the disease, according to the instructions for use. Exoderil ointment is used once a day, drops - twice a day. To avoid relapse of the disease, it is necessary to continue treatment for another two weeks after the final disappearance of signs of infection.

It is important to fully follow the instructions for use and all instructions of the attending physician. In this case, you can be sure: the nail fungus will disappear completely, without resuming its development after a while.

There are no reports of cases of overdose.

Treatment with Exoderil is carried out under medical supervision until the symptoms of mycoses disappear. To prevent relapses, treatment is continued for another 14 days after recovery, confirmed by microscopic examination.

There are no data on drug overdose. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, gastric lavage is performed and enterosorbents are taken.

To treat fungal nail infections, the effective antibacterial drug Exoderil is often used. When using the medicine, the affected area should be removed. You need to smear the nail 2 times a day. Apply a thin layer to the entire affected area of ​​the skin and cuticles.

To treat the skin, the drug must be applied in a thin layer to the infected areas, additionally covering at least 1 cm of healthy skin along the boundaries of the source of infection. There is no need to shave your hair. Before applying the product, wash your skin with warm soapy water and dry with a towel.

Reviews about treatment with Exoderil cream

Exoderil is intended for external use. Depending on the form of release of the medicine, the following dosages are prescribed in compliance with certain time frames:

  1. In case of acute inflammation of the fungus on the skin, it is recommended to use a thin layer of cream on the affected areas of the skin. Before use, cleansing procedures should be carried out and the body should be prepared for application of the drug. The average duration of treatment is 2–8 weeks;
  2. the use of the drug during onychomycosis (nail fungus) involves preliminary preparation of the affected nail plate by removing it as much as possible to obtain the maximum effect of the drug. The course of treatment lasts for a fairly long period of about 6–8 months;
  3. the use of the drug in the form of a solution involves applying the medicine to the affected skin in accordance with the schedule prescribed by the attending physician for a particular diagnosis. The average course of treatment is 4–8 weeks.

To prevent the re-development of the pathology, Exoderil should be used as a prophylaxis for two weeks after the disappearance of severe manifestations of the disease! There are no confirmed clinical cases of drug overdose.

Exoderil is freely available and does not require a special medical prescription. The shelf life is 5 years. After the expiration of time, the use of the medicine is prohibited! Storage conditions at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.

Reviews about Exoderil cream are mixed, and many patients confirm the high effectiveness of the drug. Some write about the complete lack of effect on the fungus during the period of use of this medication. Experts recommend using the solution in combination with a cream to obtain a positive result. Below are several responses about the use of an antifungal agent.

Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore we will be happy to provide feedback on the use of Exoderil cream in the comments, this will also be useful to other users of the site.

Alexander, Moscow

Valeria, Ufa

Exoderil is classified as a number of effective antifungal agents for external use. Positive feedback indicates the real effectiveness of the drug, and proper use and compliance with the established dosages guarantee quick relief from the fungus!

For quick and effective treatment of fungus, you must adhere to the following instructions for using Exoderil cream:

  1. The product must be used once daily. Taking into account the doctor's orders, the number of applications can be adjusted.
  2. Before use, be sure to prepare the nail plate. It means cleansing the skin. For these purposes, it is advisable to make a bath based on medicinal herbs.
  3. After this, apply a little cream to the damaged nail or skin, being sure to include healthy areas. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach areas of the dermis, such as the skin between the fingers, nail folds and skin folds.
  4. It is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures even after the symptoms and discomfort have been eliminated. When clinical recovery has occurred, it is worth continuing therapy for another 2 weeks.

In addition, the success of the treatment directly depends on whether the following nuances have been observed:

  • The product can only be used for external use;
  • during treatment, strictly adhere to the existing instructions;
  • When applying, avoid contact with the eye and lip area;
  • do not apply cream to skin where there are open wounds;
  • apply cream regularly;
  • After applying the product, wash your hands thoroughly.

Exoderil as a cream is sold in metal containers, tube-shaped, with a volume of ten or thirty grams. The substance in the form of an ointment is very popular. The ointment has the consistency of a white cream, it is easy to spread on the skin, it is quickly absorbed without leaving any traces, it is effective and easy to use, which is why many people prefer to buy Exoderil.

Before applying the ointment, the infected area of ​​skin should be thoroughly washed and dried. Using scissors or a nail file, carefully and thoroughly remove the affected area of ​​the nail. It is recommended to treat areas with hydrogen peroxide before use. This will significantly speed up the healing process. On average, the treatment process takes several months.

The antifungal agent for external use Exoderil is effective in the treatment of diseases caused by fungi of the dermatophyte group. In addition, the product is used to treat mycoses, pityriasis versicolor, onychomycosis, and skin diseases. The drug is effective in the treatment of fungal infections that are localized on the skin and hairy areas of the body.

The release form of Exoderil cream for external use is designed in the form of a homogeneous white mass with a characteristic odor. The cream is shiny, slightly grainy or homogeneous. When the fungus is localized on the skin, it is recommended to apply the ointment to the infected skin once a day, covering adjacent areas. Before using the drug, the affected area must be dried and cleaned.

The medicine is used for fungal skin diseases caused by naftifine-sensitive microorganisms:

  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • skin lesions of candidal etiology;
  • epidermophytosis of skin folds, feet (including those caused by Epidermophyton floccosum);
  • trichophytosis (caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes);
  • fungal pathology of the scalp (microsporia);
  • mycoses complicated by secondary bacterial infection;
  • onychomycosis;
  • fungal infection of the external auditory canal.

"Exoderil" should be applied to the affected surface of the skin and adjacent areas 1 time per day, after thorough cleaning and drying, covering approximately 1 cm of healthy skin at the edges of the affected area.

The duration of treatment for dermatomycosis is 2-4 weeks (if necessary - up to 8 weeks), for candidiasis - 4 weeks, for onychomycosis the drug should be used 2 times a day for up to 6 months.

For onychomycosis, before the first use of the solution, it is necessary to remove as much of the affected part of the nail as possible with scissors and a nail file. To prevent recurrence of infection, therapy should be continued for at least 2 weeks after clinical cure.

Ointment for external use Exoderil quickly and effectively copes with the problem of fungal infections, but it must be used strictly following the instructions for use of the drug.

  1. Treatment should be regular; a one-time, unsystematic application of the product to the area affected by the fungus will not get rid of the problem. The average daily number of applications is determined individually, taking into account the scale and form of the disease. Minimum – 1 time per day.
  2. The diseased nail plate and/or skin is cleansed; it is additionally recommended to take a bath with herbal infusions. Moisture is removed with a towel. The cream is rubbed, including between the fingers and folds, covering small areas of healthy skin.
  3. Treatment is not stopped after symptoms have resolved for 2 weeks.

Local therapy of mycoses is one of the indications for the use of the drug Exoderil, which for ease of use is available in the form of a cream and solution. The ointment easily penetrates the skin and reaches antifungal concentration in its various layers, while it is quickly absorbed without leaving marks on clothing.

Indications for use:

  • Inflammatory ringworm
  • Mycoses of skin folds
  • Fungal nail infections
  • Fungal infections of the scalp
  • Pityriasis versicolor

The active ingredient of the drug Exoderil is naftifine, a synthetic antimycotic from the group of allylamines. Its action is based on the suppression of squalene epoxidase, an enzyme that is located in the cell membrane of the fungus.

Special instructions

After working with Exoderil, you should definitely wash your hands with soap. Avoid getting the cream on open wounds or eyes. If the product does get in, you should immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water. If your health worsens or unusual symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately. After applying the cream, do not apply bandages.

The cream does not negatively affect the ability to drive a car or perform any activity that requires quick reactions and concentration. While using the product, it is not prohibited to use decorative varnishes, although if the fungus has affected most of the nail, then it is better to remove it before each subsequent application. If there is no proper effect within a month, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis.

The drug is not used in ophthalmic practice. The medicine is not prohibited while driving a car or operating other devices that require concentration, since the active composition of the medicine does not affect clouding of consciousness.

The average cost of Exoderil is in the range of 350–600 rubles, depending on the form of release and the region of the country. If there are contraindications or other restrictions, you can select similar analogues of Exoderil, discussed in the list below.

  1. Batrafen. An effective analogue of Exoderil in the form of cream and foot polish for the treatment of nail fungus. The scope of application of the medicine is the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by mycotic lesions. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies, age category up to 10 years. Price 1000–1500 rubles.
  2. Mikonorm. An inexpensive substitute for the original, presented in the form of a white cream of uniform consistency. The active ingredient Terbinafine provides the antifungal effect of the drug. The medicine is intended for the treatment of skin mycotic infections, candidiasis, and lichen versicolor. The drug is prohibited in the presence of individual intolerance, liver dysfunction, cerebrovascular accident, vascular disease, and children under 12 years of age.
  3. Loceril. One of the effective analogues of Exoderil is presented as a solution for external use and disposable nail files. Indications for use: treatment of various types of dermatophytosis, candidal manifestations. The drug is not recommended if individual intolerance to the drug occurs. Price 1300–1500 rubles.
  4. Exifin. A close substitute for Exoderil with antifungal action. The drug is presented in the form of ointments and tablets. The medicine is effective in the treatment of fungal infections of various etiologies. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, liver and kidney dysfunction, oncological processes, joint diseases, psoriasis, children under 12 years of age. Price 360–400 rubles.

Drops and cream are not intended for use in ophthalmology, and therefore contact with the eyes should be avoided.

The medicine does not have a negative effect on the ability to drive a vehicle/mechanics.

  1. In ophthalmology, it is better not to use Exoderil; it is important to prevent the medicinal composition from getting into the eyes.
  2. The active substance of the medication does not affect the speed of psychomotor functions, therefore during treatment it is allowed to drive a car and engage in intellectual activities.
  3. If the cream gets on open wounds or in the eyes, rinse the affected area with plenty of water.
  4. After applying the medicinal composition to the skin, it is not recommended to apply additional bandages.
  5. When treating nail fungus with Exoderil, it is important to avoid applying decorative varnishes to the pathological lesions.
  6. If there is no positive dynamics for 1 month, you need to consult a dermatologist unscheduled for advice.

The drug is not intended for use in ophthalmology. Avoid getting Exoderil cream or solution into your eyes.

The concentration of Exoderil varnish is not considered toxic, so the medication acts gently and there is no drug interaction at all. After pre-treatment of the nail, the solution must be applied in a thin layer, and it is important to avoid getting it on the mucous membranes. If the varnish gets into your eyes, you will experience severe itching, burning, and increased lacrimation. In such a situation, it is necessary to rinse your eyes thoroughly under running water and blink.

Exoderil varnish is available without a prescription, but you should not engage in superficial self-medication. During pregnancy, such pharmacological prescription is also not prohibited, since the active components act locally and do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream with further overcoming the placental barrier. If a typical medication is absolutely not suitable, you can use its equally worthy analogues, for example, Demicten.

Do not allow the drug to come into contact with open wounds and mucous membranes. Unless specifically prescribed by a doctor, you should not use wraps on affected areas of the skin or apply sealed bandages. The drug Exoderil does not have a negative effect on the ability to perform activities that require speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration, including operating machinery and vehicles.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Naftifine is actively prescribed to destroy yeast fungi during pregnancy. However, there is a category of women in whom the drug may have a negative effect on the fetus. This is due to the fact that the concentration of naftifine absorbed into the liver is 6%. The organ works differently in people, so it has its own characteristics, due to which certain substances can accumulate in the body.

During breastfeeding and pregnancy, Exoderil should be used only after consulting a gynecologist or in case of urgent need, when the benefits of treatment outweigh the possible risks. This restriction on the use of the drug is due to the lack of data on its safety. After applying the product, a woman should wash her hands thoroughly.

Provided that the drug is used in accordance with the recommendations given in the instructions, its effect on the fetus/newborn is unlikely.

The results of teratogenicity studies indicate that there is no risk of any embryotoxic effects.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the medicine can be used only after a thorough assessment by the doctor of the expected effect of therapy/risk ratio.

Breastfeeding women should avoid getting the solution/cream on the skin and in the baby's digestive tract.

The use of Exoderil during pregnancy and lactation is permitted on the recommendation and under the supervision of a physician.

When prescribing the drug, the expected benefits and possible dangers of the drug for the mother and child are taken into account.

When carrying a fetus and during breastfeeding, the use of this medication must be previously agreed with the attending physician. These categories of patients are allowed to use Exoderil if the potential benefit to the health of the mother is higher than the potential harm to the health of the child. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

There are no or limited data on the use of naftifine in pregnant women. The results of animal studies do not indicate the existence of direct or indirect harmful effects of the drug on reproductive function.

The drug Exoderil can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding only if absolutely necessary after a careful assessment of the benefit/risk ratio, which is determined by the doctor.

Breastfeeding women should avoid contact of the drug with the skin and digestive tract of the child.

Exoderil is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Drug interactions

No interaction with other drugs was noted.

When Exoderil is used externally, there is no interaction with other medications.

Analogues of Exoderil in terms of the active component are the drugs Naftifin, Fetimin.

The products are available in the form of creams and solutions, which one is better to choose instead of Exoderil is determined by individual tolerance, the type of fungal infection, as well as the price of the drug.

Cheaper analogues of Exoderil that are not inferior in effectiveness, attractive in price, according to patient reviews - antifungal creams, ointments, solutions Terbinafine, Fungoterbin, Nitrofungin, Atifin.

No interaction of the drug Exoderil with other drugs has been observed.

When treated with Exoderil, there is no risk of drug interaction. The instructions for use do not provide such information. It is important to remember that when using several antifungal drugs at once, the interval between applications to the skin or nails should be at least 20 minutes. When using Exoderil simultaneously with corticosteroids, beta-blockers and other drugs that reduce immunity, it is necessary to individually consult with a specialist.

When Exoderil is used together with other drugs, no evidence of mutual effects has been recorded.

There are currently no cases of negative interactions between the drug Exoderil and other drugs, so the cream can be used in conjunction with other medications. Although, if Exoderil is used in combination with drugs for external use, then the interval between their applications should be approximately 20 minutes.

Interaction with other drugs

Exoderil has an antifungal effect. This means that the drug destroys pathogenic and opportunistic fungi, which are the causative agents of fungal infections of the skin and nails in humans. Accordingly, the destruction of the pathogen leads to the fact that Exoderil completely cures fungal infections of the skin and nails in humans caused by fungi that are sensitive to the action of the drug.

Exoderil is fungicidal against some fungi, and fungistatic against others. The fungicidal effect is to destroy fungi at any stage of development. And the fungistatic effect is that the process of reproduction of fungi is suppressed, as a result of which they simply live out their term and die.

The antifungal effect of the drug is ensured by its ability to block the formation of ergosterol, a substance that is the most important structural component of the cell membrane of fungi. Due to the fact that ergosterol is not formed, the membrane of the fungus becomes fragile, allows various substances harmful to the microorganism to pass through, and it ultimately dies.

1. Fungi of the dermatophyte group:

  • Trichophyton (Trichophyton);
  • Epidermophyton;
  • Microsporum.

2. Molds (Aspergillus spp.).

3. Yeasts:

  • Fungi of the genus Candida (Candida spp.);
  • Pityrosporum fungi.

4. Fungi Sporothrix schenckii.

In addition to the main antifungal effect, Exoderil also has antibacterial activity against a number of microbes (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Escherichia coli), which often cause bacterial complications of fungal infections. Therefore, Exoderil can be used to treat fungal diseases complicated by bacterial infection.

Exoderil also has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to which it quickly and permanently relieves itching of the skin, and also reduces the severity of inflammation, which promotes rapid healing and restoration of the normal structure of the skin.

Due to the fact that naftifine quickly penetrates into all layers of the skin and for a long time creates in them the concentrations necessary for the antifungal effect, to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to apply Exoderil only once a day.

Antimycotic, fungistatic, fungicidal.

In some cases, treatment of nail and skin fungus with Exoderil may be accompanied by increased dryness of the skin, hyperemia and burning.

Side effects are reversible and do not require cessation of treatment.

Exoderil has an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect in mycoses of the skin.

The active component naftifine penetrates the skin layers, creating a therapeutic concentration. Exoderil acts on fungi in the following ways:

Fungicidal property is manifested against fungi from the families Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Aspergillus, Sporotrix, Candida.

A fungistatic effect is observed against some strains of yeast-like fungi Candida.

Exoderil is active against the causative agent of pityriasis versicolor Malassezia furfur and some types of bacteria. The drug is effective for mixed infections and has a prolonged effect.

When used topically, Exoderil has virtually no side effects. Rare skin redness, burning, dry skin do not require discontinuation of the medication and go away without treatment after completion of treatment.

In some cases, treatment of nail and skin fungus with Exoderil may be accompanied by increased dryness of the skin, hyperemia and burning. Side effects are reversible and do not require cessation of treatment.

Exoderil cream can be used to treat the following ailments:

  • fungus of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • mycosis of nails and skin between fingers;
  • skin infection with candidiasis fungi;
  • damage to nails by dermatomycosis;
  • pityriasis versicolor.

This ointment is also used for fingernail fungus.

Despite such a large number of indications, the drug also has certain contraindications:

  • bearing a child;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cream;
  • the use of the product in the treatment of childhood fungus should be carried out with extreme caution and under the strict supervision of a specialist.

The drug in question is based on a special component called naftifine. It belongs to the synthetic antifungal substances of the allylamine group. It has an antibacterial and protective effect. In addition, the properties of naftifine are to prevent the development of fungal microflora, as well as to cause a destructive blow to the fungal membrane. Thus, treatment with Exoderil cream leads to the destruction of the structure of pathogenic cells and elimination of the source of the inflammatory process.

The cream is usually well tolerated by the body, only in some cases side effects may occur:

  • dry skin;
  • allergic reaction;
  • peeling;
  • burning in the area of ​​application;
  • redness of the skin.

All negative symptoms, except for an allergic reaction, are reversible, i.e. they will go away on their own after stopping use of the drug. The occurrence of these side effects will not require the patient to stop treatment. Although, if a person develops signs of an allergy (itching, urticaria), then the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor for help.

When taking Exoderil, local reactions may develop:

  • skin hyperemia;
  • dry skin;
  • burning at the treatment site.

Side effects are reversible and are grounds for stopping treatment.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug (in any dosage form) must be stored at temperatures below 30°C.

Exoderil is available without a prescription and is stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C. The price of the cream in an aluminum tube of 15 g is 680 rubles. The cost of a 1% solution of Exoderil with a volume of 10 ml is 960 rubles.

You can learn more about the antifungal drug Exoderil and its analogues in our article Exoderil for nail fungus: properties, synonyms and analogues.

The average price of Exoderil, cream (Moscow), is 450 rubles per 15 g tube. The solution costs 510 rubles per 10 ml. In Kyiv, the medicine costs 128 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - 2945 tenge. In Minsk, the cost of the drug is 6.5 - 20 bel. rubles Sold according to prescription.

The instructions for use say that Exoderil can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. It is recommended to store the drug in a room with minimal humidity, away from the sun. The temperature at the location of the medicine should not exceed 30 °C. The shelf life of Exoderil cream and solution is 5 years from the date indicated on the packaging.

Exoderil is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription. The medicinal composition must be stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to 23 degrees. The medicine should not fall into the hands of children. According to the instructions, the shelf life is 5 years from the date indicated on the package.

The drug (in any dosage form) Exoderil should be stored at a temperature below 30°C.

Store out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 30 °C.

Shelf life – 5 years.

The solution for external use is available by prescription.

The cream is available without a prescription.

The drug Exoderil is sold without a prescription. It must be stored in a place inaccessible to small children, at a temperature of no more than 30°C. The shelf life of the drug is about 5 years. You cannot use the medicine after this period.

You can buy 10 or 20 ml of Exoderil solution in a dark glass bottle at any pharmacy without a prescription. It is recommended to store the composition in the refrigerator, and it is important to avoid accidental contact with children and use of the medicine for other purposes. Before starting the treatment course, it is important to make sure that the expiration date has not yet expired, otherwise Exoderil varnish must be disposed of urgently. Then it is recommended to buy a new bottle at any pharmacy in the city.

Exoderil (cream or ointment, solution): instructions for use, tactics for effective treatment of skin and nail fungus, side effects, analogues, reviews (dermatologist's opinion) - video

The average cost of a medicine is 500–600 rubles, depending on the form of release, the volume purchased, and the reputation of the pharmacy. Since Exoderil is not a prescription drug, you can buy it online at a discount.

The price of Exoderil (cream in 15 g tubes) is approximately 480 rubles.

The price for Exoderil (cream in 30 g tubes) is approximately 770 rubles.

The price of Exoderil (solution in 10 ml bottles) is approximately 570 rubles.

The price of Exoderil (solution in 20 ml bottles) is approximately 1000 rubles.

The price of Exoderil (solution in 30 ml bottles) is approximately 1,460 rubles.

Valeria, Ufa

What is the price of the drug "Exoderil"? The cost of Exoderil starts at 400 rubles and can reach a thousand or more. If you focus on prices in Moscow, the cost of the product will look like this: cream (15 grams) - costs up to 550 rubles, ointment (30 grams) - up to 850 rubles, drops (10 ml) - up to 750 rubles, solution (20 ml) – up to 1050 rubles.

Currently, the cost of Exoderil in pharmacies in Russian cities varies within the following limits:

  • Exoderil solution, 10 ml – 465 – 589 rubles;
  • Exoderil solution, 20 ml – 869 – 1099 rubles;
  • Exoderil cream, 15 g – 401 – 528 rubles;
  • Exoderil cream, 30 g – 639 – 780 rubles.

Nail fungus is a disease that can change the structure and color of the nail, making it brittle, dull and shapeless. In advanced cases, the disease can lead to complete destruction of the nail plate.

Nowadays, onychomycosis (as this disease is scientifically called) occurs in 10% of the population. It is worth noting that the drug Exoderil for nail fungus is rightfully considered the best remedy that fights this disease without causing harm to the patient’s body.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Exoderil, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Exoderil can be read in the comments.

Release form and composition

Clinical and pharmacological group: antifungal drug for external use.

  1. Exoderil solution 1%. Dark glass bottles of 10 and 20 ml, cardboard pack 1. The solution contains the active substance at a concentration of 10 mg/ml. Excipients: propylene glycol, ethanol and purified water.
  2. Cream (ointment) Exoderil (Exoderil) 1%. Aluminum tubes 15 and 30 g, cardboard pack 1.
  3. Exoderil cream contains naftifine hydrochloride at a concentration of 10 mg/g, as well as sodium hydroxide, alcohols (benzyl, cetyl and stearyl), sorbitan stearate, cetyl palmitate, polysorbate 60, isopropyl myristate, purified water.

What is Exoderil used for?

The drug "Exoderil" (cheap analogues will be listed below) is indicated for use for:

  1. Candidiasis of the skin.
  2. Fungal infections of skin folds and skin, including interdigital mycoses.
  3. Pityriasis versicolor.
  4. Fungal infections of the nails (onychomycosis).
  5. Dermatomycosis (with and without itching).

It should also be noted that treatment with Exoderil is prescribed for mycoses that affect the hair growth area and areas of skin with hyperkeratosis.

Pharmacological action

The active substance of Exoderil - naftifine hydrochloride - belongs to the group of allylamines. It is this group of antimycotic drugs that is most effective in the treatment of fungal diseases, since they suppress the synthesis of one of the most important components of the fungal cell membrane - ergosterol. In addition, they tend to have an effect not only fungistatic (stop the growth of fungi), but also fungicidal (destroy fungi).

Exoderil is actively used in the treatment of various types of fungal infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms of yeast fungi (Pityrosporum, Candida), pathogenic dermatophytes of the genus Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, mold fungi Aspergillus and other varieties of fungi.

The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with the suppression of chemical reactions that help reduce the production of the substance ergosterol, an important component of the cell membrane of the fungus.

Instructions for use

Exoderil should be applied to the affected skin surface and adjacent areas 1 time per day, after thorough cleaning and drying, covering approximately 1 cm of healthy skin at the edges of the affected area.

  • The duration of treatment for dermatomycosis is 2-4 weeks (if necessary - up to 8 weeks), for candidiasis - 4 weeks.
  • For onychomycosis, before the first use of the solution, it is necessary to remove as much of the affected part of the nail as possible with scissors and a nail file. The drug should be used 2 times a day, the duration of treatment is up to 6 months.

To prevent recurrence of infection, therapy should be carried out for at least 2 weeks after the disappearance of clinical symptoms.


The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  1. Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Application of the drug to damaged areas of the skin (burns and wound surfaces) is contraindicated.
  3. It is necessary to avoid getting the drug into the eyes and mucous membranes.

The drug is used with caution to treat children.

Side effects

When used topically, Exoderil has virtually no side effects. Rare skin redness, burning, dry skin do not require discontinuation of the medication and go away without treatment after completion of treatment.

During pregnancy

When applied topically, the drug does not have a teratogenic or embryotoxic effect. However, during pregnancy it is recommended to use the drug under the supervision of a physician. Prescribing the drug during pregnancy is possible if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risks to the fetus.

The drug is used with caution during lactation. The use of the drug is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician.


The following analogs of Exoderil can be used to treat nails:

  1. Ointment analogues: Mikoderil (synonym), Atifin, Batrafen, Lamisil, Mozoil, Terbizil, Fungoterbin, Tebikur.
  2. Analogs of Exoderil in drops: Mikoderil (synonym), Lamisil Uno, Lotseril, Nitrofungin, Nihlofen, Octicil, Saledez, MC Peel.

Analogues are cheaper than Exoderil

Cheap analogues of Exoderil are domestically produced drugs. Analogues produced by Russian companies may contain the same active ingredient, but their price will be lower in comparison with foreign products.