Who is sick now? Russian celebrities who beat cancer and found the strength to talk about the fight against the disease

Yesterday the whole country was shocked by the news that after a long illness, Vera Glagoleva died at the age of 62. The actress died in Germany, where the day before she arrived for a consultation at a clinic in Baden-Baden and died a few hours later. The body of Vera Glagoleva will be delivered to Russia tomorrow, August 18. The actress’s farewell will take place at the Central House of Cinematographers on August 19 at 11 a.m.

Information appeared in the media that Vera Glagoleva suffered from stomach cancer. The fact is that in the suburbs of Baden-Baden there is only the Black Forest-Baar medical center, operating at the University of Freiburg. There, specialists study oncological formations in abdominal cavity, so it is possible that Vera Vitalievna was a client of this particular institution. If the press's assumptions are confirmed, then Glagoleva will join the ranks of outstanding Russian artists who failed to beat cancer. Our review includes legendary Russian celebrities who passed away due to cancer.

Member of the group “Disco Accident” Oleg Zhukov (died at 28 years old)

Diagnosis: brain tumor.

In 2001, during the tour of the group “Disco Accident”, Oleg Zhukov began to complain of severe headaches. Already in August, the artist was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and in early September he underwent the first operation. In October, the singer returned to work in the musical group, but in November his health deteriorated sharply and he decided to leave the stage. In turn, bandmates joked at concerts about Oleg’s absence, wanting to keep his secret terrible disease. But as soon as rumors about the musician’s death began to spread in the press, the soloists of “Disco Accident” had to announce that Zhukov was seriously ill and was undergoing treatment. The musician died of cancer on February 9, 2002. He was only 28 years old.

After the death of Oleg Zhukov, the composition of the musical group changed several times, but the singers failed to come close to the success that the group had in the early 2000s. “No one could replace him. A musical group is like a living organism. Yes, he will be able to exist without an arm or a leg, but it won’t be the same,” said the artist’s close friend Alexey Strakhov.

Oleg Zhukov as part of the group “Disco Accident”

Oleg Zhukov

Ilya Oleynikov (died at 65)

Diagnosis: lung cancer.

As Ilya Oleinikov’s relatives admitted, the actor, several years before his death, began to feel that he would soon leave. The artist first consulted doctors in 2005. Despite the fact that nothing hurt him, Ilya Lvovich continued to go to hospitals, sure that something was wrong with him. Oleynikov was examined in the best clinics Moscow and St. Petersburg, but doctors did not find anything from him. In 2012, the artist suddenly lost his voice. The actor’s widow, Irina Viktorovna Klyaver, recalled: at that moment they could not even think that problems with the throat would be somehow related to oncology.

“At first, Ilya lost his voice, we turned to phoniatrists. When it became clear that it was not just a matter of vocal cords, and in something else, he was sent to full examination. One of the final stages is computed tomography lungs, he went to this procedure without me with a driver. Doctors discovered a darkening in the left lung. Ilya immediately called me: “The doctors found some kind of problem in the very bottom corner of the left lung.” I told Ilya: “Don’t worry, medicine is so advanced now!” You will definitely get better." Later they diagnosed him with stage 4 cancer with metastases in the lymph nodes. Even after hearing this, my son and I did not allow the thought of a sad ending. Ilya also believed, although, to be honest, he was not a great optimist in life. Denis and I hoped that dad’s body would cope. We couldn’t imagine that he might not be there, we didn’t allow these thoughts, we were sure that this story was not about us. Ilyusha always tried to read hope in our eyes,” Irina Viktorovna said in an interview.

In the summer of the same year, the actor was diagnosed with lung cancer, and in July Oleinikov underwent chemotherapy. During the filming of the next episode of “Town,” the artist suddenly became ill and was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Without regaining consciousness, Ilya Lvovich died on November 11, 2012 at the age of 65 in clinical hospital No. 122 named after. L. G. Sokolova. "Until now, it's worth calling mobile phone, my first thought: probably dad. After a second I remember that it can't be him. I will never hear his usual “Hi! Where are you?" It was always important for him to know where I was,” Ilya Oleinikov’s son Denis Klyaver frankly shared.

Ilya Oleynikov with his son Denis Klyaver and grandson Timofey

Ilya Oleynikov and Yuri Stoyanov

Ilya Oleynikov

Unfortunately, mental illness and acting often go side by side.

Recently, information circulated in the media about an accident involving actor Vasily STEPANOV, the star of the film “Inhabited Island,” whose bright appearance made more than one person tremble. woman's heart. A 28-year-old man fell from the window of a five-story building onto the entrance canopy. Soon after he was discharged from the hospital with a cast, he ended up in a psychiatric clinic, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Unfortunately, mental illness and acting often go side by side.

Handsome man fell from the window

Vasily Stepanov suffered from lack of demand; he couldn’t even get a job as a salesman in a store, because the owners were afraid of an unhealthy rush.

The actor’s mother, speaking on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program, expressed confidence that in fact her son was not sick at all. And I had no intention of committing suicide.

“He fell not from the fifth floor of our apartment, but from the third, from a flight of stairs,” the woman claimed. - Just reached for the cat.

It is possible to understand it. It's hard to admit even to yourself that loved one serious mental problems. In fact, offers to act Stepanov arrived, and regularly. But Vasily suffered from prolonged depression and behaved inappropriately.

Depression and social disorientation are characteristic symptoms schizophrenia, states the expert of the Capital Medicine portal Valentina Zorina. “At the same time, a person with this disease is more likely to commit suicide if he is young, white, male, and has never been married. Compared to healthy people The risk of suicide among schizophrenics increases eightfold.

It is unclear how Stepanov’s future life will turn out. So far he has only one job offer. 20-year-old daughter of a millionaire Nastya Kudri offered Vasily to star in her video for one hundred thousand rubles. As soon as they are released from the hospital.

Tamer's Pain

For the famous trainer Margarita NAZAROVA, known throughout the country for the film “Striped Flight,” life has been both bright and scary.

At the age of 15, during the war, the Nazis took her to Germany, where she served as a servant in a German family, and then as a dancer in a cabaret. And although she recalled that they treated her well, this could not but affect her mental state.

The profession did not contribute to mental health either. Once a tiger, having jumped over the head of a trainer, actually scalped her, hitting her with his claws. To hide the scars, she began to wear a bow, which another pet did not like. One swipe of a paw - a gap temporal artery. Until the end of her life, the artist suffered from headaches. Against their background, they began to develop obsessive states. And then suddenly grief struck - beloved husband and colleague Konstantin Konstantinovsky died from a brain tumor that developed after being hit by a tiger's paw. After burying her husband, Margarita spent a year and a half in an institution for the mentally ill. When I returned to the arena, a psychiatrist was always on duty nearby with medications - you never know. But after, during a rehearsal, the tiger, with whom she was swinging on a swing under the circus dome, fell and crashed, she left the profession forever.

Went to Nizhny Novgorod. Mental illness turned her into a recluse for 20 years. She told journalists: “I can’t invite you to visit, I don’t even have a kettle.” And it was true. She died in 2005 in dire poverty. She was 79 years old.

Pension 14 thousand

Natalya NAZAROVA has nothing to do with the famous tamer Margarita NAZAROVA. But, besides the surname, there is, alas, something that unites them , - illness after physical trauma.

Natalia Nazarova- one of the most sought-after actresses of the 70s and 80s. One can recall the unpleasant Verochka (“Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano”), the insidious Tamara (“Young Wife”), the simple-minded Nyura (“Old New Year"), faithful Lucy ("Beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov"). Sometimes she had four films a year, and also worked at the Moscow Art Theater, filming on television...

Everything collapsed overnight when in 1989, in an alley near her house, some thug attacked her, hitting her on the head with a heavy object. The actress spent almost a year in the hospital. She developed schizophrenia due to a traumatic brain injury. The unfortunate woman was fired from the theater and given Group 2 disability. Now she lives in the Moscow Khrushchevka. The neighbors complained that one day she flooded them and did not let them into her apartment. I had to call a psychiatric ambulance.

Not long ago, Natalya managed to get the site reporters to talk.

When I got sick, my colleagues stopped communicating with me,” she admitted bitterly. “My mother and I struggled with grief alone. We lived on her salary and my disability benefits. She died, and I was left completely alone. When one of my friends contacted the Moscow Art Theater, they said that I “seemed to have died a long time ago.” The pension is small: together with disability benefits - 14 thousand. I pay the rent, go to the store a couple of times, and there’s nothing left. By the end of the month I eat only porridge.

Two husbands in a mental hospital

- Keitel has an ass instead of a head! - the fascist general says disgustingly to Stirlitz - TIKHONOV in a train compartment. In one of the most striking episodes of the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” he played the brilliant Vakhtangovets Nikolay GRITSENKO. What does he have in common with Leonid KMIT, who embodied the image of orderly Petka on the screen in the cult film “Chapaev”? Both of them were the beloved men of the photographer Galina KMIT, who turned 85 this year. And both ended their days in a psychiatric hospital.

Galina, who became famous for her photographs Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Sophie Marceau, Alena Delona, Vladimir Vysotsky, told Express Newspaper about a love triangle with her participation, in which two outstanding actors were involved. Being a wife Kmita, a man with an explosive temperament, Galina left him for a handsome man Gritsenko. But alas... He, according to the photographer, turned out to be a dishonest person.

I lived with him in civil marriage“, because at that time Kmit refused to give me a divorce,” Galina said. “I asked Gritsenko to give the child his last name and offered to sign any papers waiving child support. However, Kolya consulted with a lawyer, and he told him that I could change my mind at any time. That's why he didn't recognize his son. His greed was legendary... I told Gritsenko: “Children’s apostasy is grave sin, for which you will have to pay." But I didn’t expect that the punishment would be so cruel...

A drinker, suffering from dyslexia (inability to read), as well as memory loss, Nikolai Olympievich ended up in a mental hospital. Was waiting for him terrible death. People's Artist of the USSR stole someone else's food from the refrigerator, he was beaten so badly that he died...

As soon as I left Gritsenko, Kmit appeared in my house,” Galina recalled. - He treated little Denis with love. I even went to the dairy kitchen. When the question arose about registering the child, Kmit registered Denis in his last name. He was a good stepfather to him.

Later, their paths diverged again, although they communicated until his death. Over time, Leonid's frantic temperament made itself felt more and more. He could, for example, be offended by his granddaughter, who did not play the mini-piano he gave her (the girl was simply ill), and in a rage, chop up the musical instrument with an ax. As a result, his loved ones isolated him from society. But Galina Kmit I still don’t agree with this.

I never thought he was crazy. He was a very impulsive person. He crushed everything under his hand. We once had cabbage made from cabbage soup hanging on a chandelier. After that, my mother sent him plastic dishes. But I maintain that it was a global mistake to put him in the hospital. One day I came to visit him and found myself on a lunch break. The door was closed and I started knocking loudly.

Who's knocking there? - asked the security.

This is my wife! - Kmit exclaimed. - And she does everything right!

Thus came the belated recognition of my merits. A few days later he was gone...

sneaky blow

St. Petersburg actor Konstantin GRIGORIEV (“Trans-Siberian Express”, “Tavern on Pyatnitskaya”, “Slave of Love”, “Green Van”, “Treasure Island”, “Queen of Spades”, “Walking in Torment”...) has never been mentally ill. But he's going to be in a mental hospital nevertheless it happened.

He painted oil paintings, published in magazines, played the guitar masterfully, made excellent silver jewelry, and wrote operettas and songs. The darling of fate, the favorite of women. But on February 17, 1984, he had an argument in a restaurant with a group at the next table. Allegedly, these were representatives of sexual minorities who were staring at him. When Konstantin went out onto the stairs, he was hit on the head from behind and pushed down. The artist was in a coma for two weeks, underwent eight operations, and a liter of fluid was pumped out of his brain area. Grigoriev had difficulty expressing himself, partially lost his memory, but not his reason. In the theater he even played the janitor Gerasim in Mumu. However, the diagnosis of aphasia (speech impairment), which is not dangerous to society, was called into question.

His third wife Lena got into an alcohol-fuelled relationship with Grigoriev’s former flame - Alla Mayorova, who was previously a muse and lover Bulat Okudzhava. Grigoriev tried to stop one of the drinking bouts. Lena complained to her father, who considered her disabled son-in-law a burden. And he put him in a mental hospital.

Grigoriev escaped from there. He even played a schizophrenic patient in the film “Tanks Are Walking Along Taganka.” Yes, so convincingly that rumors spread about his genuine madness.

At the end of his life, he barely made ends meet; he died in St. Petersburg at the age of 70.

Stabbed by son

On February 3, 2016, actress Alexandra ZAVYALOVA was killed in St. Petersburg. She gained national fame by playing the role of the stern Pistimea in the monumental Soviet series “Shadows Disappear at Noon.”

According to investigators, a day before her 80th birthday, she was stabbed to death with a kitchen knife in own apartment drunk 40 year old son. But the acting career of the talented beauty ended long before that. According to one version, film bosses blocked her path to the screen, not forgiving her affair with a US citizen. She refused small roles, then turned to religion.

The last years of her life were greatly affected by mental illness. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, she ran around the house and asked passers-by to “take her to her husband in America.” Or tried to call the USA on the intercom. Basically, her life took place in the room near the radio with which she talked. Although there were long-lasting glimpses. The son, according to neighbors, although he didn’t really work anywhere, loved his mother. Apparently, they lost their nerves due to personal failures and the illness of a loved one.

Disgust for life

It was difficult for anyone to compete in popularity with Yuri BELOV at 50 - 60s, who starred in “Carnival Night” with Lyudmila GURCHENKO.

However, his classmates noticed that his cheerfulness suddenly gave way to isolation and alienation. He, a successful artist, was constantly haunted by thoughts of suicide. After Belov tried to carry out his plan (the neighbors saved him), the people's favorite was sent to the appropriate institution. After the clinic, where he was stuffed with medications, he began to forget the text, “freeze”, not understanding where he was. Career went downhill. It got to the point that Belov bombed in a Moskvich, bought in the past. He died on December 31, 1991, when “Carnival Night” was shown on TV, which made him an idol.

A hackneyed legend

“The Great Old Woman” Tatiana PELTZER once called an ambulance. She had a severe headache. As a result, I ended up in a house with bars on the windows.

Unfortunately, Tatyana Ivanovna’s head was really bad. She developed Alzheimer's disease. However for emergency hospitalization there was no evidence. Moreover, the actress, famous throughout the USSR, was beaten by local patients, who considered her a “lady.” When Lenkom management rescued Peltzer, her face was scratched and her body was bruised. After this there was a mental breakdown. She also appeared on stage in " Funeral prayer"with a couple of words that prompted her Alexander Abdulov. But soon the disease completely consumed her consciousness. She ended her days in a specialized elite clinic.

By the way

In the famous Clinic named after. Kashchenko - now she bears the name of a psychiatrist Alekseeva, repeatedly lay Vladimir Vysotsky, whom they tried to cure from alcoholism. The famous song “At Kanatchikova Dacha” is dedicated to the establishment. The bard knew what he was writing about!

It is very difficult to fight cancer. Scientists have not yet found a medicine that is 100% guaranteed to defeat cancer. The disease, choosing its next victim, does not look at social status, neither for wealth nor for personal qualities and achievements. Everyone is equal before death. To confirm this thesis, celebrities whose lives were taken by a terrible disease will be listed below.

Zhanna Friske

Her life was eventful and bright: tours, concerts, filming... In June 2013, the singer for the first time felt strong headache. During the examination she was diagnosed terrible diagnosis: malignant brain tumor. Despite long-term treatment Zhanna died in the best clinics in the world in June 2015.

Steve Jobs

A brilliant entrepreneur and inventor who was able to get ahead of his time and achieve worldwide fame. It was he who gave the world the iPhone and iPad. But pancreatic cancer defeated Steve, who died in 2011.

Marcello Mastroianni

The actor, who received worldwide recognition and became the idol of millions of viewers, died at the age of 72. malignant tumor pancreas.

Ilya Oleynikov

Famous Russian lyceum born in 1947. He coped with dramatic and comic roles with equal talent. At the beginning of 2012, he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and in November of the same year the actor was buried.

Valery Zolotukhin

The charming actor, who has played many roles on the stage and in films, has received many awards. Brain cancer killed him. Zolotukhin died at the age of 72.

Cancer is a terrible disease that is very difficult to fight. He is not stopped by either the social or financial situation of his victim. Money can delay, but not reverse, cancer. Topnews.ru remembers celebrities who died from this deadly disease.

Zhanna Friske, 40 years old
June 15, 2015 at the age of 41. In 2014, doctors diagnosed her with a brain tumor. In January 2014, family and friends reported that the tumor was inoperable. The artist was treated first in the USA, then underwent rehabilitation in the Baltic states and continued her treatment in China. IN recent months the singer lived in a country house near Moscow.

Steve Jobs, 56 years old
The ideas of this genius were always ahead of their time. He drove the entire global mobile community crazy and finally gave the world the iPhone 4S. After a 3-year battle with the disease, Steve died due to pancreatic cancer in 2011.

Marcello Mastroianni, 72 years old
In recent years, the actor has been seriously ill. He had pancreatic cancer. Being seriously ill, Mastroianni continued to play. He, being a lover of life, worked until the very end. Before going on stage in the evening, he underwent chemotherapy in the morning.

Linda Bellingham, 66
In 2014, actress and TV presenter Linda Bellingham died at the age of 66. Linda battled colon cancer, which subsequently spread to her lungs and liver. The disease was diagnosed in July 2013. At the beginning of 2014, the actress announced that she no longer intended to continue treatment and refused chemotherapy. She explained her decision by saying that she wanted to live the remaining time calmly, without exhausting herself with difficult procedures.

Edith Piaf, 47 years old
In 1961, at the age of 46, Edith Piaf learned that she was terminally ill with liver cancer. Despite her illness, she overcame herself and performed. Her last performance on stage took place on March 18, 1963. The audience gave her a five-minute standing ovation. On October 10, 1963, Edith Piaf died.

Joe Cocker, 70
On December 22, 2014, in Colorado, at the age of 70, the outstanding blues singer Joe Cocker, who became one of the stars of the legendary Woodstock festival, died of lung cancer.

Linda McCartney, 56 years old
In December 1995, Paul McCartney's wife underwent surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor. The cancer seemed to have receded. But not for long. In 1998, it turned out that metastases even affected the liver. On April 17, 1998, she became very ill. Heartbroken, Paul and his children did not leave his dying wife a single step, but the illness turned out to be stronger than feelings. She did not live until the “pearl wedding” - the 30th anniversary of her marriage - a little less than eleven months, leaving her husband with four talented children.

John Walker, 67
John Joseph Mouse was born on November 12, 1943 and was known in the music industry as John Walker, founder The group Walker Brothers. Along with two other team members, Scott and Harry Walker, he rose to fame in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. On May 7, 2011, John Walker died of liver cancer at his home in Los Angeles.

Jon Lord, 71
On July 16, 2012, Jon Lord, keyboardist for the legendary rock band Deep Purple, died of pancreatic cancer.

Patrick Wayne Swayze, 57
In 1991, Patrick Wayne Swayze was named the "sexiest" man alive. Patrick fought alone against pancreatic cancer, forcing his positive attitude everyone to believe that he almost won. However, on September 14, 2009, he passed away.

Luciano Pavarotti, 71 years old
The famous trio, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras shocked the entire world of classical music and opera. Unfortunately, on September 6, 2007, the trio lost Pavarotti, who died of pancreatic cancer.

Jacqueline Kennedy, 64 years old
In January 1994, Kennedy Onassis was diagnosed with lymph gland cancer. The family and doctors were initially optimistic. But by April the cancer had metastasized. Until her death, she did not show at all that anything was wrong. She died on May 19, 1994.

Dennis Hopper, 74
On May 29, 2010, prostate cancer claimed the life of Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper. He is known for the films Rebel Without a Cause and Giant.

Walt Disney, 65 years old
His animated films will stand the test of time. Perhaps he has lived too long short life and died on December 15, 1966 from lung cancer, but his ideas continue to live, and the characters have long crossed the boundaries of the screen and were embodied in theme parks and attractions around the world.

Jean Gabin, 72 years old
The cause of death of the famous French theater and film actor was leukemia.

Juliet Mazina, 73 years old
Giulietta Masina, the faithful companion of the brilliant Federico Fellini, herself great actress, created on the screen the standard image of a sad clown, a fragile but determined woman with a crystal clear soul and with an open heart. Towards the end of her life, Mazina, a heavy smoker, was diagnosed with lung cancer. She didn’t tell anyone about her illness, not even her husband, she refused chemotherapy, and was treated at home, in fits and starts, in secret. Continuing to take care of her husband until his last days. She died on March 23, 1994, having outlived Federico Fellini by only five months.

Charles Monroe Schultz, 77
The creator of entertaining little comic book characters: Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Woodstock, Charles Monroe Schulz entertained generations of children in weekly newspapers. The legendary artist's comics have been translated into 21 languages ​​and published in 75 countries. He died on February 12, 2000 while undergoing treatment for cancer.

Yves Saint Laurent, 71 years old
In April 2007, doctors diagnosed the famous designer with brain cancer. Yves Saint Laurent died on June 1, 2008 at the age of 71 in Paris, where he came for treatment. According to newspaper publications two days before his death, Saint Laurent entered into same-sex marriage with Pierre Berger.

Bob Marley, 36 years old
In July 1977, Marley was diagnosed with malignant melanoma on thumb legs (appeared there due to a football injury). He refused amputation, citing fear of losing the opportunity to dance. In 1980, a planned American tour was canceled when the singer lost consciousness at one of the first concerts: the cancer had progressed. Despite intensive treatment, May 11, 1981 Bob Marley died in a Miami hospital.

Wayne McLaren, 51
Legendary ad man Marlboro, a stuntman, model and rodeo rider, became an outspoken anti-smoking advocate once he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He struggled long and hard with his illness, but it turned out to be stronger.

Ray Charles, 73
The iconic American composer and performer, one of the most famous musicians of the 20th century, Ray Charles died in 2004 at the age of 73. The cause of his death was a long and serious illness, apparently liver cancer, which began to manifest itself back in 2002. According to the recollections of relatives, in recent months Ray could no longer walk and almost did not speak, but every day he came to his own RPM studio and did his job.

Gerard Philip, 37 years old
The French theater and film actor starred in 28 films. In May 1959, Gerard suddenly felt sharp pains in his stomach. X-ray showed inflammatory process in the liver. Philip underwent surgery. But the disease was incurable - liver cancer. Only his wife, Ann, knew about this, and she did not reveal herself to the end. Gerard Philip died on November 25, 1959, at the age of thirty-seven.

Audrey Hepburn, 63 years old
In mid-October 1992, Audrey Hepburn was diagnosed with a tumor in her colon. On November 1, 1992, surgery was performed to remove the tumor. The diagnosis after surgery was encouraging; the doctors believed that the operation was done on time. However, three weeks later the actress was again hospitalized with acute pain in the stomach. Tests showed that tumor cells had retaken the colon and adjacent tissues. This indicated that the actress had only a few months left to live. She died on January 20, 1993.

Anna German, 46 years old
In the early 80s, Anna German was diagnosed with cancer - a bone tumor. Knowing this, she went on her last tour - to Australia. When she returned, she went to the hospital, where she underwent three operations. Two months before her death, Anna wrote: “I am happy. I was baptized. I accepted my grandmother’s faith.” She died in August 1982.

Hugo Chavez, 58 years old
On March 5, 2013, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died from complications of cancer. In 2011 he was diagnosed cancerous tumor in the pelvic region - metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma. The cause of Hugo Chavez's death was complications caused by a course of chemotherapy.

Evgeniy Zharikov, 70 years old
The famous Soviet and Russian actor Yevgeny Zharikov, the star of such immortal films as “Ivan’s Childhood”, “Three Plus Two”, “Born of the Revolution”, in recent years I was seriously ill throughout my life. In 2012, he died in the Botkin hospital. Zharikov was sick with cancer.

Anatoly Ravikovich, 75 years old
The actor who played the spineless Khobotov in Pokrovsky Gates did not resemble this character in any way in life. He was a knight, sharp with his words, a real St. Petersburg intellectual. Anatoly Ravikovich has changed a lot in the last year: he lost weight, vitality A disease was pulled out of him - oncology.

Bogdan Stupka, 70 years old
The cause of Bohdan Stupka's death was heart attack in the background advanced stage bone cancer.
“He didn’t like to complain, so few people knew about it,” said the actor’s son Ostap Stupka. “The disease progressed quickly.

Svyatoslav Belza, 72 years old
On June 3, 2014, music and literary critic and TV presenter Svyatoslav Belza died in Munich after a short stay in a German clinic. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Lyubov Orlova, 72 years old
One day, while returning home from voicing her last movie“The Starling and the Lyre” Orlova started vomiting. Doctors at the Kuntsevo hospital, where the famous patient was taken, decided that she had stones in her gallbladder, and set the day for the operation. However, Orlova did not have any stones. Immediately after the operation, the surgeon called her husband Grigory Alexandrov and said that Lyubov Petrovna had pancreatic cancer. The diagnosis was hidden from her. She knew nothing and felt much better. One day she even asked to bring a ballet barre to the ward, where she was used to starting every day. Alexandrov brought the machine, and his dying wife did gymnastics for an hour and a half a day. She moaned in pain, but continued. She died in the Kremlin hospital.

Oleg Yankovsky, 65 years old
In 2008, Oleg Yankovsky began to have health problems. The actor turned for help to a Moscow clinic, where he complained about feeling unwell. The examination first showed ischemic disease heart disease and after a course of treatment, Oleg Ivanovich was allowed to go home. But the pain returned and on the eve of 2009 the actor was hospitalized. He was given a terrible diagnosis: late stage pancreatic cancer.
Oleg Yankovsky went for treatment to an expensive German clinic, which was famous for its experience therapeutic treatment oncological diseases. But the doctors could not do anything. As a result, the actor interrupted the course of treatment and returned to his homeland. On May 20, 2009, Oleg Yankovsky passed away.

Lyubov Polishchuk, 57 years old
In March 2006, the actress finished filming My Fair Nanny, her last role. Lyubov Grigorievna, who was literally bedridden due to a spinal injury, was diagnosed with cancer - sarcoma. The actress experienced unbearable pain. Her condition was so serious that the clinic doctors who examined the patient had to discharge narcotic analgesics. On November 25, 2006, relatives were unable to wake up the actress; she fell into a coma and was taken to the hospital. She died on November 28, 2006.

Klara Rumyanova, 74 years old
Absolutely everyone who grew up on good Soviet cartoons. In the voice of Klara Rumyanova they speak Cheburashka, the Hare from “Well, Just Wait!”, the Kid who was friends with Carlson, Little Raccoon, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - it’s impossible to list all the cartoons she voiced. In 2004, Rumyanova was recognized as the main “animated voice” of all times. A small concert tour of Russia was planned for the actress’s 75th birthday, but all plans were canceled out by illness - doctors discovered breast cancer.

Boris Khimichev, 81 years old
Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia Boris Khimichev died on September 14, 2014, in Moscow at the age of 82. The cause of death was inoperable brain cancer. He was diagnosed with this in June 2014. He “burned out” from this disease in two months.

Valentina Tolkunova, 63 years old
Tolkunova fought against cancer for several years. In 2009, she had a brain tumor removed; she had previously had a mastectomy and several courses of chemotherapy. However, in 2010 the disease began to progress sharply. The singer was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer with metastases in the brain, liver and lungs. Journalists reported that Valentina Vasilyevna refused chemotherapy and did not even transfer to the oncology center. She died on March 22, 2010.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva, 77 years old
The actress has suffered from serious illness in recent years. cancer- brain cancer. She lost a lot of weight, had a crazy headache, and began to faint. And then, at the very end, she could no longer even walk on her own, she could only move wheelchair. Nadezhda Vasilievna Rumyantseva died on an April evening in 2008, she was 77 years old.

Georg Ots, 55 years old
At a flourishing age, Ots fell ill with brain cancer. Ots fought for life as much as he could: he underwent eight severe operations, an amputation of an eye, but continued to work almost until the end of his life. Six months before his death, before another operation, he began to sing right in the hospital room. I could not refuse the women who recognized this man, tormented by illness, as a great singer. Ots died on September 5, 1975.

Valery Zolotukhin, 71 years old
Valery Zolotukhin died in 2013 from brain cancer. IN last days the actor was in a stable state in his life in serious condition. In order for the body to cope with a serious illness, doctors were forced from time to time to put the artist into a medical coma. However, on the eve of his death, Zolotukhin’s condition especially worsened - his organs began to fail one after another. In the end, the actor's heart stopped. The doctors were powerless against the brain cancer that was literally “consuming” the artist.

Oleg Zhukov, 28 years old
A member of the group Disco Accident in the summer of 2001, while on tour, began to complain of headaches. In August 2001, Oleg was diagnosed with a brain tumor. On September 3, he underwent surgery. Zhukov continued to perform with the group “Disco Accident”, but in November he stopped touring due to sharp deterioration well-being. He died of a brain tumor on February 9, 2002 at the age of 29.

Ivan Dykhovichny, 61 years old
Dykhovichny knew about the terrible diagnosis - lymph cancer and in recent months he had been preparing his closest relatives for his death.
“When I was diagnosed with lymph cancer and told I had three or four years to live, I thought that, given my age, that was quite a long time. And I also thought that the worst thing was to start feeling sorry for myself,” Dykhovichny said in an interview a year before his departure.

Maya Kristalinskaya, 53 years old
The singer had lymphogranulomatosis - cancer lymph nodes. Maya got sick when she was 28 years old. She was treated best doctors. From time to time she underwent chemotherapy and radiation. The disease was contained. In 1984, her illness worsened, and she only managed to live for another year.

Elena Obraztsova, 75 years old
The greatest singer of our time, Elena Obraztsova, died in January 2015 in a clinic in Germany. Immediately after the death of the prima, no one could accurately name the diagnosis and causes of Elena Vasilievna’s death. Only a few hours later information was made public that the cause of Obraztsova’s death was serious illness- blood cancer. The immediate cause of death was cardiac arrest, which could not withstand grueling treatment.

Nikolay Grinko, 68 years old
By the age of 60, Nikolai Grigorievich already had more than a hundred roles. He was given the title of People's Actor. Grinko began to get sick. A strange malaise put him to bed for several days and then released him. Doctors could not make a diagnosis. Later the cause was determined – leukemia, blood cancer. Died April 10, 1989.

Alexander Abdulov, 54 years old
Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008 from lung cancer. The disease was discovered very late, and after the diagnosis was made, the actor lived only a little over four months.

Mikhail Kozakov, 76 years old
The famous Russian actor and director Mikhail Kozakov suffered from lung cancer. Winter 2010 Israeli doctors Mikhail Mikhailovich was found to have lung cancer at the final stage. In this form this disease modern medicine cannot be cured, but patients undergo radiation and chemotherapy to prolong life. Died on April 22, 2011.

Anna Samokhina, 47 years old
In November 2009, Anna began to have severe stomach pain. At first, she did not pay attention to this, planning to relax in hot India. But at some point the pain became unbearable, and the actress turned to a gastroenterologist. Having performed an endoscopy on her, the doctor was horrified. And he made a terrible diagnosis: stage IV stomach cancer. Russian and foreign doctors could no longer help at this stage of the disease. The prescribed chemotherapy also did not help. The actress died on February 8, 2010.

Oleg Efremov, 72 years old
One of the greatest Russian actors and theater directors, a popular favorite. Heavy smoker. I tried to quit smoking several times, but I couldn't cope with it. bad habit. In the last months of his life, Efremov had difficulty moving and sat at rehearsals, connected to a device that ventilated his lungs. And in his hand was the constant cigarette. Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov died of lung cancer.

Anatoly Solonitsyn, 47 years old
Tarkovsky's favorite actor. We remember him from the films “Andrei Rublev”, “Solaris”, “Mirror”, “Stalker”. Died of lung cancer. The operation didn't help.

Rolan Bykov, 68 years old
In 1996 he underwent surgery for lung cancer, and a couple of years later the disease returned. He felt that he had not done everything in life that he could have done. Before his death, he told his wife Elena Sanaeva: “I’m not afraid to die... You won’t have time to grieve. You will have to finish what I didn’t finish.”

Ilya Oleynikov, 65 years old
In July 2012, Oleinikov was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the actor underwent chemotherapy. At the end of October, he was hospitalized from the set with a diagnosis of pneumonia. After some time he was put into a state artificial sleep so that the body can cope with septic shock, acquired after chemotherapy, and connected to the device artificial ventilation lungs. The situation was complicated serious problems with a heart, and also the fact that the actor smoked a lot.
Without regaining consciousness, he died on November 11, 2012 at the age of 66.

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Cancer is a terrible disease that is very difficult to fight. He is not stopped by either the social or financial situation of his victim. Money can delay, but not reverse, cancer. Celebrities who have died from this deadly disease.

Zhanna Friske, 40 years old

On June 15, 2015, singer Zhanna Friske died at the age of 41. In 2014, doctors diagnosed her with a brain tumor. In January 2014, family and friends reported that the tumor was inoperable. The artist was treated first in the USA, then underwent rehabilitation in the Baltic states and continued her treatment in China. In recent months, the singer lived in a country house near Moscow.

Steve Jobs, 56 years old

The ideas of this genius were always ahead of their time. He drove the entire global mobile community crazy and finally gave the world the iPhone 4S. After a 3-year battle with the disease, Steve died due to pancreatic cancer in 2011.

Marcello Mastroianni, 72 years old

In recent years, the actor has been seriously ill. He had pancreatic cancer. Being seriously ill, Mastroianni continued to play. He, being a lover of life, worked until the very end. Before going on stage in the evening, he underwent chemotherapy in the morning.

Linda Bellingham, 66

In 2014, actress and TV presenter Linda Bellingham died at the age of 66. Linda battled colon cancer, which subsequently spread to her lungs and liver. The disease was diagnosed in July 2013. At the beginning of 2014, the actress announced that she no longer intended to continue treatment and refused chemotherapy. She explained her decision by saying that she wanted to live the remaining time calmly, without exhausting herself with difficult procedures.

Edith Piaf, 47 years old

In 1961, at the age of 46, Edith Piaf learned that she was terminally ill with liver cancer. Despite her illness, she overcame herself and performed. Her last performance on stage took place on March 18, 1963. The audience gave her a five-minute standing ovation. On October 10, 1963, Edith Piaf died.

Joe Cocker, 70

On December 22, 2014, in Colorado, at the age of 70, the outstanding blues singer Joe Cocker, who became one of the stars of the legendary Woodstock festival, died of lung cancer.

Linda McCartney, 56 years old

In December 1995, Paul McCartney's wife underwent surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor. The cancer seemed to have receded. But not for long. In 1998, it turned out that metastases even affected the liver. On April 17, 1998, she became very ill. Heartbroken, Paul and his children did not leave his dying wife a single step, but the illness turned out to be stronger than his feelings. She did not live until the “pearl wedding” - the 30th anniversary of her marriage - a little less than eleven months, leaving her husband with four talented children.

John Walker, 67

John Joseph Mouse was born on November 12, 1943 and was known in the music industry as John Walker, founder of the band The Walker Brothers. Along with two other team members, Scott and Harry Walker, he rose to fame in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. On May 7, 2011, John Walker died of liver cancer at his home in Los Angeles.

Jon Lord, 71

On July 16, 2012, Jon Lord, keyboardist for the legendary rock band Deep Purple, died of pancreatic cancer.

Patrick Wayne Swayze, 57

In 1991, Patrick Wayne Swayze was named the "sexiest" man alive. Patrick single-handedly fought pancreatic cancer, making everyone believe he was almost a winner with his positive attitude. However, on September 14, 2009, he passed away.

Luciano Pavarotti, 71 years old

The famous trio, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras shocked the entire world of classical music and opera. Unfortunately, on September 6, 2007, the trio lost Pavarotti, who died of pancreatic cancer.

Jacqueline Kennedy, 64 years old

In January 1994, Kennedy Onassis was diagnosed with lymph gland cancer. The family and doctors were initially optimistic. But by April the cancer had metastasized. Until her death, she did not show at all that anything was wrong. She died on May 19, 1994.

Dennis Hopper, 74

On May 29, 2010, prostate cancer claimed the life of Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper. He is known for the films Rebel Without a Cause and Giant.

Walt Disney, 65 years old

His animated films will stand the test of time. He may have lived too short a life and died on December 15, 1966 from lung cancer, but his ideas live on and his characters have long crossed the boundaries of the screen and been embodied in theme parks and attractions around the world.

Jean Gabin, 72 years old

The cause of death of the famous French theater and film actor was leukemia.

Juliet Mazina, 73 years old

Giulietta Masina, the faithful companion of the brilliant Federico Fellini, a great actress herself, created on the screen the standard image of a sad clown, a fragile but determined woman with a crystal clear soul and an open heart. Towards the end of her life, Mazina, a heavy smoker, was diagnosed with lung cancer. She didn’t tell anyone about her illness, not even her husband, she refused chemotherapy, and was treated at home, in fits and starts, in secret. Continuing to take care of her husband until his last days. She died on March 23, 1994, having outlived Federico Fellini by only five months.

Charles Monroe Schultz, 77

The creator of entertaining little comic book characters: Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Woodstock, Charles Monroe Schulz entertained generations of children in weekly newspapers. The legendary artist's comics have been translated into 21 languages ​​and published in 75 countries. He died on February 12, 2000 while undergoing treatment for cancer.

Yves Saint Laurent, 71 years old

In April 2007, doctors diagnosed the famous designer with brain cancer. Yves Saint Laurent died on June 1, 2008 at the age of 71 in Paris, where he came for treatment. According to newspaper publications, two days before his death, Saint Laurent entered into a same-sex marriage with Pierre Berger.

Bob Marley, 36 years old

In July 1977, Marley was diagnosed with malignant melanoma on his big toe (which appeared there as a result of a football injury). He refused amputation, citing fear of losing the opportunity to dance. In 1980, a planned American tour was canceled when the singer lost consciousness at one of the first concerts: the cancer had progressed. Despite intensive treatment, Bob Marley died on May 11, 1981 in a Miami hospital.

Wayne McLaren, 51

Legendary ad man Marlboro, a stuntman, model and rodeo rider, became an outspoken anti-smoking advocate once he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He struggled long and hard with his illness, but it turned out to be stronger.

Ray Charles, 73

The iconic American composer and performer, one of the most famous musicians of the 20th century, Ray Charles died in 2004 at the age of 73. The cause of his death was a long and serious illness, apparently liver cancer, which began to manifest itself back in 2002. According to the recollections of relatives, in recent months Ray could no longer walk and almost did not speak, but every day he came to his own RPM studio and did his job.

Gerard Philip, 37 years old

The French theater and film actor starred in 28 films. In May 1959, Gerard suddenly felt sharp pains in his stomach. X-ray showed an inflammatory process in the liver. Philip underwent surgery. But the disease was incurable - liver cancer. Only his wife, Ann, knew about this, and she did not reveal herself to the end. Gerard Philip died on November 25, 1959, at the age of thirty-seven.

Audrey Hepburn, 63 years old

In mid-October 1992, Audrey Hepburn was diagnosed with a tumor in her colon. On November 1, 1992, surgery was performed to remove the tumor. The diagnosis after surgery was encouraging; the doctors believed that the operation was done on time. However, three weeks later the actress was hospitalized again with acute abdominal pain. Tests showed that tumor cells had retaken the colon and adjacent tissues. This indicated that the actress had only a few months left to live. She died on January 20, 1993.

Anna German, 46 years old

In the early 80s, Anna German was diagnosed with cancer - a bone tumor. Knowing this, she went on her last tour - to Australia. When she returned, she went to the hospital, where she underwent three operations. Two months before her death, Anna wrote: “I am happy. I was baptized. I accepted my grandmother’s faith.” She died in August 1982.

Hugo Chavez, 58 years old

On March 5, 2013, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died from complications of cancer. In 2011, he was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in the pelvic region - metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma. The cause of Hugo Chavez's death was complications caused by a course of chemotherapy.

Evgeniy Zharikov, 70 years old

The famous Soviet and Russian actor Yevgeny Zharikov, the star of such immortal films as “Ivan’s Childhood”, “Three Plus Two”, “Born of the Revolution”, was seriously ill in the last years of his life. In 2012, he died in the Botkin hospital. Zharikov was sick with cancer.

Anatoly Ravikovich, 75 years old

The actor who played the spineless Khobotov in Pokrovsky Gates did not resemble this character in any way in life. He was a knight, sharp with his words, a real St. Petersburg intellectual. Anatoly Ravikovich has changed a lot in the last year: he lost weight, his vitality was being sucked out of him by illness - oncology.

Bogdan Stupka, 70 years old

The cause of Bogdan Stupka’s death was a heart attack due to advanced stage of bone cancer.
“He didn’t like to complain, so few people knew about it,” said the actor’s son Ostap Stupka. “The disease progressed quickly.

Svyatoslav Belza, 72 years old

On June 3, 2014, music and literary critic and TV presenter Svyatoslav Belza died in Munich after a short stay in a German clinic. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Lyubov Orlova, 72 years old

One day, while returning home from dubbing her latest film, “The Starling and the Lyre,” Orlova began vomiting. Doctors at the Kuntsevo hospital, where the famous patient was taken, decided that she had gallstones and set a day for surgery. However, Orlova did not have any stones. Immediately after the operation, the surgeon called her husband Grigory Alexandrov and said that Lyubov Petrovna had pancreatic cancer. The diagnosis was hidden from her. She knew nothing and felt much better. One day she even asked to bring a ballet barre to the ward, where she was used to starting every day. Alexandrov brought the machine, and his dying wife did gymnastics for an hour and a half a day. She moaned in pain, but continued. She died in the Kremlin hospital.

Oleg Yankovsky, 65 years old

In 2008, Oleg Yankovsky began to have health problems. The actor turned for help to a Moscow clinic, where he complained of feeling unwell. The examination initially showed coronary heart disease and after a course of treatment, Oleg Ivanovich was allowed to go home. But the pain returned and on the eve of 2009 the actor was hospitalized. He was given a terrible diagnosis: late stage pancreatic cancer.
Oleg Yankovsky went for treatment to an expensive German clinic, which was famous for its experience in the therapeutic treatment of cancer. But the doctors could not do anything. As a result, the actor interrupted the course of treatment and returned to his homeland. On May 20, 2009, Oleg Yankovsky passed away.

Lyubov Polishchuk, 57 years old

In March 2006, the actress finished filming My Fair Nanny, her last role. Lyubov Grigorievna, who was literally bedridden due to a spinal injury, was diagnosed with cancer - sarcoma. The actress experienced unbearable pain. Her condition was so severe that the clinic doctors who examined the patient had to prescribe narcotic analgesics. On November 25, 2006, relatives were unable to wake up the actress; she fell into a coma and was taken to the hospital. She died on November 28, 2006.

Klara Rumyanova, 74 years old

Absolutely everyone who grew up watching good Soviet cartoons knows her. In the voice of Klara Rumyanova they speak Cheburashka, the Hare from “Well, Just Wait!”, the Kid who was friends with Carlson, Little Raccoon, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - it’s impossible to list all the cartoons she voiced. In 2004, Rumyanova was recognized as the main “animated voice” of all times. A small concert tour of Russia was planned for the actress’s 75th birthday, but all plans were canceled out by illness - doctors discovered breast cancer.

Boris Khimichev, 81 years old

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia Boris Khimichev died on September 14, 2014, in Moscow at the age of 82. The cause of death was inoperable brain cancer. He was diagnosed with this in June 2014. He “burned out” from this disease in two months.

Valentina Tolkunova, 63 years old

Tolkunova fought against cancer for several years. In 2009, she had a brain tumor removed; she had previously had a mastectomy and several courses of chemotherapy. However, in 2010 the disease began to progress sharply. The singer was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer with metastases in the brain, liver and lungs. Journalists reported that Valentina Vasilyevna refused chemotherapy and did not even transfer to the oncology center. She died on March 22, 2010.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva, 77 years old

In recent years, the actress has suffered from a serious cancer - brain cancer. She lost a lot of weight, had a crazy headache, and began to faint. And then, at the very end, I couldn’t even walk on my own; I could only move in a wheelchair. Nadezhda Vasilievna Rumyantseva died on an April evening in 2008, she was 77 years old.

Georg Ots, 55 years old

At a flourishing age, Ots fell ill with brain cancer. Ots fought for life as much as he could: he underwent eight severe operations, an amputation of an eye, but continued to work almost until the end of his life. Six months before his death, before another operation, he began to sing right in the hospital room. I could not refuse the women who recognized this man, tormented by illness, as a great singer. Ots died on September 5, 1975.

Valery Zolotukhin, 71 years old

Valery Zolotukhin died in 2013 from brain cancer. In the last days of his life, the actor was in a stable and serious condition. In order for the body to cope with a serious illness, doctors were forced from time to time to put the artist into a medical coma. However, on the eve of his death, Zolotukhin’s condition especially worsened - his organs began to fail one after another. In the end, the actor's heart stopped. The doctors were powerless against the brain cancer that was literally “consuming” the artist.

Oleg Zhukov, 28 years old

A member of the group Disco Accident in the summer of 2001, while on tour, began to complain of headaches. In August 2001, Oleg was diagnosed with a brain tumor. On September 3, he underwent surgery. Zhukov continued to perform with the group “Disco Accident”, but in November he stopped touring due to a sharp deterioration in health. He died of a brain tumor on February 9, 2002 at the age of 29.

Ivan Dykhovichny, 61 years old

Dykhovichny knew about the terrible diagnosis - lymph cancer and in recent months he had been preparing his closest relatives for his death.
“When I was diagnosed with lymph cancer and told I had three or four years to live, I thought that, given my age, that was quite a long time. And I also thought that the worst thing was to start feeling sorry for myself,” Dykhovichny said in an interview a year before his departure.

Maya Kristalinskaya, 53 years old

The singer had lymphogranulomatosis - cancer of the lymph nodes. Maya got sick when she was 28 years old. She was treated by the best doctors. From time to time she underwent chemotherapy and radiation. The disease was contained. In 1984, her illness worsened, and she only managed to live for another year.

Elena Obraztsova, 75 years old

The greatest singer of our time, Elena Obraztsova, died in January 2015 in a clinic in Germany. Immediately after the death of the prima, no one could accurately name the diagnosis and causes of Elena Vasilievna’s death. Only a few hours later, information was made public that the cause of Obraztsova’s death was a serious illness - blood cancer. The immediate cause of death was cardiac arrest, which could not withstand grueling treatment.

Nikolay Grinko, 68 years old

By the age of 60, Nikolai Grigorievich already had more than a hundred roles. He was given the title of People's Actor. Grinko began to get sick. A strange malaise put him to bed for several days and then released him. Doctors could not make a diagnosis. Later the cause was determined – leukemia, blood cancer. Died April 10, 1989.

Alexander Abdulov, 54 years old

Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008 from lung cancer. The disease was discovered very late, and after the diagnosis was made, the actor lived only a little over four months.

Mikhail Kozakov, 76 years old

The famous Russian actor and director Mikhail Kozakov suffered from lung cancer. In the winter of 2010, Israeli doctors found Mikhail Mikhailovich had lung cancer at the final stage. Modern medicine cannot cure this disease in this form, but patients undergo radiation and chemotherapy to prolong life. Died on April 22, 2011.

Anna Samokhina, 47 years old

In November 2009, Anna began to have severe stomach pain. At first, she did not pay attention to this, planning to relax in hot India. But at some point the pain became unbearable, and the actress turned to a gastroenterologist. Having performed an endoscopy on her, the doctor was horrified. And he made a terrible diagnosis: stage IV stomach cancer. Russian and foreign doctors could no longer help at this stage of the disease. The prescribed chemotherapy also did not help. The actress died on February 8, 2010.

Oleg Efremov, 72 years old

One of the greatest Russian actors and theater directors, a national favorite. Heavy smoker. I tried to quit smoking several times, but I was never able to overcome my bad habit. In the last months of his life, Efremov had difficulty moving and sat at rehearsals, connected to a device that ventilated his lungs. And in his hand was the constant cigarette. Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov died of lung cancer.

Anatoly Solonitsyn, 47 years old

Tarkovsky's favorite actor. We remember him from the films “Andrei Rublev”, “Solaris”, “Mirror”, “Stalker”. Died of lung cancer. The operation didn't help.

Rolan Bykov, 68 years old

In 1996 he underwent surgery for lung cancer, and a couple of years later the disease returned. He felt that he had not done everything in life that he could have done. Before his death, he told his wife Elena Sanaeva: “I’m not afraid to die... You won’t have time to grieve. You will have to finish what I didn’t finish.”

Ilya Oleynikov, 65 years old

In July 2012, Oleinikov was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the actor underwent chemotherapy. At the end of October, he was hospitalized from the set with a diagnosis of pneumonia. After some time, he was put into a state of artificial sleep so that the body could cope with septic shock acquired after chemotherapy, and was connected to a ventilator. The situation was complicated by serious heart problems, as well as the fact that the actor smoked a lot.
Without regaining consciousness, he died on November 11, 2012 at the age of 66.