Artificial sleep. Artificial sleep Artificial sleep crossword clue 6 letters

Is it possible to find the best way to combat insomnia? It would seem that what could be simpler than using what medicine has in its arsenal against this powerful illness - sleeping pills? Having taken one small tablet, we plunge into a sweet and long sleep. But do we know what the consequences of such a struggle with insomnia are?

There are five phases of normal sleep in humans. The first phase is the stage of falling asleep or, as it is otherwise called, drowsiness. This is the transition from wakefulness to sleep, which usually lasts 10-15 minutes. This is one of the main causes of sleep disturbances. The second stage is the phase of shallow slow-wave sleep. This phase is the longest, taking up almost half of the entire duration of sleep. The third and fourth phases are the deepest slow-wave sleep. But for us the most interesting stage is the fifth stage - REM sleep.

At this stage, rapid eye movements, fluctuations in respiratory and heart rate, blood pressure, and increased cerebral blood flow are noted. At the same time, the skeletal muscles are significantly relaxed. During this stage, a person dreams. In total, 4-6 cycles of alternating slow and fast sleep occur per night. Researchers agree that both phases (fast and slow) play an important role in proper rest.

Many people are concerned about problems related to sleep. Some people claim that they didn't sleep a wink all night, but, as a rule, their subjective assessment of the duration and quality of sleep is in no way connected with reality. Therefore, we will consider the use of sleeping pills for conditions associated with patient complaints of unsatisfactory sleep.

Insomnia is usually divided into five categories based on duration: episodic, short-term and chronic.

Episodic occurs in response to emotional events in a person’s life: experiences, conflicts, upcoming important events. This condition can also be influenced by external factors that prevent falling asleep, such as noise, strong lighting, an unusual place, or a change in time zones.

A person can cope with this condition on his own without resorting to medication. Relaxation techniques help a lot, that is, complete relaxation of the body.

Short-term is associated with various traumatic conditions: death of loved ones, unemployment and other similar problems. It usually lasts up to three weeks. In this case, it is necessary to take sleeping pills.

If it lasts more than three weeks, then most often it becomes chronic. Experts suggest that it is based on anxiety that is unconscious to the person himself or the lack of normal conditions for sleep. It often develops after discontinuation of sleeping pills. This condition is corrected under the supervision of a psychotherapist with the help of tranquilizers and antipsychotics.

There are many substances used for sleep disorders.

A drug is a drug that causes drowsiness, sleep, and semi-fainting,

in combination with pain relief.

A sleeping pill is a drug that induces sleep.

Sedative – used to calm, relax, reduce internal tension, the state can turn into sleep.

Tranquilizers – relieve anxiety without altering consciousness; in small doses they act as sedatives.

Neuroleptics are powerful tranquilizers used for hallucinations, delirium, and psychomotor agitation.

The state that occurs under the influence of sleeping pills is very different from natural sleep. Changes in the phase structure of sleep are most pronounced; most often, the duration of REM sleep is shortened, and slow sleep is lengthened. In this regard, in the morning a person is disturbed by a state of depression, drowsiness during the day, despite the fact that he slept all night.

When using sleeping pills, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the body. Because there are almost always side effects that depend on the dose and duration of use.

A side effect of sleeping pills can be disruption of the liver and kidneys; it is quite rare, but difficulty breathing can still occur. After 2-3 weeks, the medicine simply stops working; each time a larger dose is required.

Daily use of therapeutic doses of sleeping pills causes psychological and physical dependence after several months. In some European countries, patients who take sleeping pills for 6 months are registered as drug addicts. Since already after 3 months of depriving a person of sleeping pills, severe, with

With the help of artificial sleep, you can relieve nervous tension, normalize blood pressure and quickly recover from a wide variety of ailments. This method is so safe that it is even prescribed to pregnant women.

The deputy chief physician of the Rodnik sanatorium in Pyatigorsk says: Irina Olegovna Radchenko.

- Words about the influence of electrical impulses on the human brain sound somewhat frightening.

Electrosleep is truly based on the effect of low-frequency pulsed currents on the brain. However, there is nothing wrong with this procedure. On the contrary, electrical impulses act as a kind of medicine, helping to cope with a variety of problems. Electroson was proposed and developed in Russia in the 80s.

From the very beginning, it turned out that the state of artificial sleep helps relieve fatigue, irritability, headaches, and improve mood. Subsequently, the list of therapeutic effects expanded, and now electrosleep as an auxiliary method is prescribed for a huge number of diseases.

- When is this procedure useful?

Electrosleep regulates and normalizes the functioning of almost all organs and systems. Therefore, we can say that it helps with many diseases. After all, any disease or pathological process disrupts the existing balance in the body. Electrosleep normalizes higher nervous activity, has a calming effect, and improves blood supply to the brain. It also acts as an analgesic and as a blood pressure normalizer. Therefore, the effects of pulsed current are especially useful for neuroses, peptic ulcers, arterial hypertension, hypotension, bronchial asthma, and hormonal dysfunctions.

It has been proven that under the influence of pulsed current, brain cells begin to actively produce endorphins - the famous hormones of pleasure. This explains its mild, calming and analgesic effect. Electrosleep is very helpful in the treatment of patients with burn disease and phantom pain.

Electrosleep treatment of patients with glaucoma in the early stages leads to improvement or normalization of intraocular pressure. It also relieves well the feeling of anxiety and fear of death that occurs during myocardial infarction, and helps with motor restlessness and sleep disorders. Even oncologists began to use the electrosleep method, prescribing it when patients have vascular, neuropsychic, and endocrine disorders. Finally, a positive effect was noted in the treatment of itchy dermatoses, neurodermatitis, and eczema.

- Can electrosleep act as an independent method?

Without a doubt. The course of electrosleep helps relieve fatigue and tension during intense mental work and cope with the well-known “manager syndrome”. Electrosleep is often prescribed to expectant mothers to relieve nervous tension, normalize blood pressure, and eliminate cardialgia and tachycardia.

Often mental fatigue is accompanied by daytime drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia. Will the procedure help in these cases?

Electrosleep is a wonderful way to improve night sleep. Firstly, it eliminates excessive nervousness, feelings of restlessness and anxiety, which often prevent you from falling asleep. Secondly, after a course of procedures, a person’s sleep becomes deeper. This means that a person now needs less time to restore his strength through sleep. As a result, daytime sleepiness disappears.

- How is the treatment session going?

The patient lies in a comfortable position on a couch or bed. In the hospital, he undresses, as when sleeping at night, in the clinic - he simply takes off the clothes that are restricting him and covers himself with a blanket. Then a special mask is put on him, with the help of which the pulsed current influences the brain. I will say right away that this procedure is absolutely painless. During the session, the person is in a state of falling asleep, dozing or sleeping. Then he wakes up, feeling fresh and alert.

Many patients experience elation, their mood improves, and their performance increases. In this way, electrosleep, by the way, differs from medicated sleep, after which a person usually feels overwhelmed and tired. The procedure itself is completely safe, non-addictive and has no side effects.

Is it possible to find the best way to combat insomnia? It would seem that what could be simpler than using what medicine has in its arsenal against this powerful illness - sleeping pills? Having taken one small tablet, we plunge into a sweet and long sleep. But do we know what the consequences of such a struggle with insomnia are?

There are five phases of normal sleep in humans. The first phase is the stage of falling asleep or, as it is otherwise called, drowsiness. This is the transition from wakefulness to sleep, which usually lasts 10-15 minutes. This is one of the main causes of sleep disturbances. The second stage is the phase of shallow slow-wave sleep. This phase is the longest, taking up almost half of the entire duration of sleep. The third and fourth phases are the deepest slow-wave sleep. But for us the most interesting stage is the fifth stage - REM sleep.

At this stage, rapid eye movements, fluctuations in respiratory and heart rate, blood pressure, and increased cerebral blood flow are noted. At the same time, the skeletal muscles are significantly relaxed. During this stage, a person dreams. In total, 4-6 cycles of alternating slow and fast sleep occur per night. Researchers agree that both phases (fast and slow) play an important role in proper rest.

Many people are concerned about problems related to sleep. Some people claim that they didn't sleep a wink all night, but, as a rule, their subjective assessment of the duration and quality of sleep is in no way connected with reality. Therefore, we will consider the use of sleeping pills for conditions associated with patient complaints of unsatisfactory sleep.

Insomnia is usually divided into five categories based on duration: episodic, short-term and chronic.

Episodic insomnia occurs in response to emotional events in a person’s life: experiences, conflicts, upcoming important events. This condition can also be influenced by external factors that prevent falling asleep, such as noise, strong lighting, an unusual place, or a change in time zones.
A person can cope with this condition on his own without resorting to medication. Relaxation techniques help a lot, that is, complete relaxation of the body.

Short-term insomnia is associated with various traumatic conditions: death of loved ones, unemployment and other similar problems. It usually lasts up to three weeks. In this case, it is necessary to take sleeping pills.

If insomnia lasts more than three weeks, then most often it becomes a chronic condition. Experts suggest that it is based on anxiety that is unconscious to the person himself or the lack of normal conditions for sleep. It often develops after discontinuation of sleeping pills. This condition is corrected under the supervision of a psychotherapist with the help of tranquilizers and antipsychotics.

There are many substances used for sleep disorders.

A drug is a drug that causes drowsiness, sleep, and semi-fainting,
in combination with pain relief.

A sleeping pill is a drug that induces sleep.

Sedative – used to calm, relax, reduce internal tension, the state can turn into sleep.

Tranquilizers – relieve anxiety without altering consciousness; in small doses they act as sedatives.

Neuroleptics are powerful tranquilizers used for hallucinations, delirium, and psychomotor agitation.

The state that occurs under the influence of sleeping pills is very different from natural sleep. Changes in the phase structure of sleep are most pronounced; most often, the duration of REM sleep is shortened, and slow sleep is lengthened. In this regard, in the morning a person is disturbed by a state of depression, drowsiness during the day, despite the fact that he slept all night.

When using sleeping pills, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the body. Because there are almost always side effects that depend on the dose and duration of use.
A side effect of sleeping pills can be disruption of the liver and kidneys; it is quite rare, but difficulty breathing can still occur. After 2-3 weeks, the medicine simply stops working; each time a larger dose is required.

Daily use of therapeutic doses of sleeping pills causes psychological and physical dependence after several months. In some European countries, patients who take sleeping pills for 6 months are registered as drug addicts. Since after only 3 months of depriving a person of sleeping pills, a severe withdrawal syndrome, with psychosis, or, as it is otherwise called, a hangover, develops.

Given these, as well as many other negative qualities of sleeping pills, people are currently trying to find a replacement for them. According to many doctors, regular walks in the fresh air, the absence of strong irritants, and sex before bed are a good replacement for sleeping pills.

Petrov Vadim

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