Rivanol Dep is an effective hair removal product. Method of using rivanol for hair removal

The drug "Rivanol" (ethacridine lactate) is an antiseptic that successfully fights many pathogens. Most of all, he is “afraid” of coccal microorganisms, in particular streptococci. More often, a freshly prepared Rivanol solution is used, although it can also be used in the form of powders, ointments or pastes. In some cases, the drug can even be used intravenously.

Where is the drug used?

The area of ​​use of the medicine is quite large. It is used in surgery, gynecology, dermatology, ophthalmology, urology, in the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

The drug is very effective in treating wounds that have already become infected and where suppuration has begun. If this process has not yet begun, then the medicine “Rivanol Solution” will prevent infection of the affected areas by pathogens. Ointments, powders and pastes are also used for treatment.

In surgery, the drug is washed pleural cavity in patients with purulent pleurisy or after peritonitis

The drug "Rivanol" is effective in the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis. It successfully treats chronic dermatitis

Boils and carbuncles are also areas of application of the drug. The product "Rivanol Solution" in these cases helps to remove pain symptoms and inflammatory process, kill dangerous bacteria

It is noteworthy that the drug can treat mucous membranes that are easily irritated by many medications. The medication "Rivanol Solution" can treat inflammation in the larynx, pharynx and mouth, and in the nasal cavity. Therapy with this drug for conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, especially those caused by coccal infection, gives good results.

In urology, purulent cystitis is treated with Rivanol Solution.

Arthritis, even complicated purulent infection, are also susceptible to the effects of this drug

The drug can be prescribed orally, for example, to treat inflammatory processes in the large and small intestines

In addition, the described medication can be used as a basis for pain-relieving injections in a mixture with novocaine, for example.

IN lately The medicine “Rivanol solution” has become widely used for facial hair removal. It’s worth dwelling on this in more detail, since facial hair is a problem that worries many. And with this drug, the process of removing them is easy, painless and gives good results.

Removal with the drug "Rivanol" (1: 1000)

Why has this drug become so widely known in the field of cosmetology, in particular, in solving the problem of facial hair removal? There are several reasons for this:

    hair grows back very slowly after removal;

    removal is absolutely painless;

    the procedure takes literally a few minutes.

Since facial hair growth is usually associated with unstable hormonal levels, then the ways to get rid of them are quite interesting large number people. These are, first of all, teenagers, as well as older people who begin to experience hormonal changes.

The effect of using the drug "Rivanol" is very fast. A few procedures are enough - and there will be practically no hair left. In fact, you can see the result after the first attempts.

First, prepare a solution of "Rivanol" 1:1000. To do this, dilute 10 grams of powder purchased at a pharmacy in a liter of water. Maintaining the required concentration is important, since the drug is removed from the tissues quite slowly. Then everything is very simple. Use a cotton swab to lubricate problem areas once a day. For some, two or three procedures may be enough; for others, five or six may be needed. But you need to do this every day. That's all the wisdom.

The drug has only one contraindication - serious illness kidneys, when protein is found in the urine. There were no side effects from the use of this drug. But don’t forget to test for an allergic reaction.

Latin name: Rivanolum
ATX code: D08AA01
Active ingredient: lactas aethacridini
Manufacturer: Sorbent, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

The drug Rivanol is an antiseptic that leads to the death of pathogenic strains. It is most active against streptococcal infections. Used for external processing, V given time does not contain boric acid. You can also apply Rivanol to remove facial hair.


The medicine is used for the following pathologies and problems:

  • For the treatment of infected epithelial lesions
  • When washing cavities with peritonitis and pleurisy
  • In gynecology for douching for cystitis
  • To combat skin diseases in the presence of exudate
  • For dermatoses and psoriasis
  • For the treatment of mucous membranes of the mouth and throat
  • For conjunctivitis and infection with pathogenic bacteria in the eye area
  • For the treatment of arthritis
  • Orally for inflammation of the digestive system
  • To eliminate excess vegetation on the body.


The product contains ethacridine in lactate form as the main active ingredient. Rivanol solution is prepared using purified water.

Medicinal properties

The product has bactericidal properties and is active against pathogens belonging to the cocci group. Rivanol is an antiseptic of the acridine category, which is synthesized from hydrochloric acid into lactate form. The drug relieves the painful syndrome, provides primary healing during the healing of injuries, accelerates the limitation of inflammatory areas with the subsequent development of granulation tissues.

In high concentrations, the solution coagulates protein compounds, in small concentrations it inhibits the enzymatic activity of pathogens.


The second type is a solution of 0.1 and 1 percent, less stable, it is recommended to use immediately. The liquid is poured into 100 ml glass or polypropylene bottles. She has a rich yellow tint. The box contains instructions and one bottle.

Methods of application

The product is often used externally. The composition must be prepared immediately before application. If treatment requires a solution purchased at a pharmacy, then after uncorking it cannot be stored for a long time. When treating damaged epithelium, in gynecological and urological practice, for douching, the drug is diluted with water in the following proportions:

  • 0.1% - 1 in 1000
  • 0.2% - 1 in 2000
  • 0.05% - 1 to 500

To treat wounds, boils, burns, apply a moistened swab to the affected areas 3-4 times a day until signs of healing occur.

Douching for cystitis is carried out once every 24 hours for two weeks.

At oral administration Prescribe 0.05 g of solution three times a day, not more than 0.15 g per day.

The throat and oral cavity are rinsed with a 0.05% prepared solution twice a day. Eye rinsing is carried out in the same way. Or use in the form of drops, 2 pieces 4-6 times a day.


The product is available in the form of a fine, yellow powder that is odorless but has a bitter taste. The substance is poorly soluble in alcohol and cold water. The cardboard box contains 10 sachets weighing 1 g with instructions on the back.

Directions for use

Rivanol is prepared from the powder for hair removal. To do this, 10 packets of 1 g (1%) are dissolved in one liter of water. Every day, areas with unwanted vegetation are treated with cotton swabs or gauze wipes soaked in liquid. After leaving the product for 30-40 minutes, wash it off. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, subject to treatment twice a day - morning and evening. Before application, the epidermis should be cleaned and degreased. Mild cosmetic lotions are suitable for this.

It is important to conduct a preliminary test for allergic manifestations by applying the composition in the area of ​​the wrist or elbow.

Use during pregnancy


At increased content protein elements in the urine the drug is not prescribed. Do not use if you are intolerant to the components.

Interaction with other medications

All types of Rivanol are incompatible with alkalis, salicylic, chloride, benzoate and sulfate compounds, since when used simultaneously, an insoluble precipitate forms.

Adverse reactions

IN in rare cases may appear during treatment negative effects: redness, itching, burning of the skin. When taken orally, nausea and indigestion occur. Subject to availability characteristic symptoms use should be discontinued until directed by a physician.

Storage rules


An absolutely identical drug is Ethacridine. There are drugs that are similar in medicinal action to Rivanol, but have a different composition:

HRV plant, Russia

Price: balm 50 g – 130-150 rub. 100 g – 250-300 rub.

Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent, providing an enveloping effect, promoting accelerated healing and cleansing of damaged and abscessing epithelium. The drug is made on the basis of polyvinyl butyl ether, which prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and leads to the death of their cells. The medicine makes scars soft after healing and prevents the formation of rough crusts.

Intended for the treatment of injuries with exudate, festering wounds, burns, frostbite, cuts, abrasions. Prescribed for furunculosis, mastitis, dermatitis, hemorrhoidal ulcers. Actively used in gynecological and dental practice, effective for gastritis with increased acidity, colitis. The balm is not used for severe kidney and liver pathologies or during pregnancy. Prohibited for oral administration children.

The medicine is a very thick, light yellow mass in a liquid state with a specific smell and taste. The composition does not dissolve in water, does not dry out or thicken in air. Available in dark brown glass bottles with a nylon cap and a plastic or aluminum cap. The pack is cardboard, light, with orange or blue designs, contains an instruction sheet and one bottle.


  • Quickly heals damaged skin
  • Reasonable price.


  • Very sticky, best used at night
  • Pungent odor and unpleasant taste.


Montavit, Austria

Price: spray 80 ml – 350-400 rub.

A drug that has an antiseptic and healing effect. The product removes pain syndrome and inflammation. Helps eliminate infection and epithelize tissue. When used externally, it is not absorbed into the blood. The composition is safe during pregnancy and for the treatment of children, non-toxic.

Prescribed for burns, scratches, cuts, insect bites. It helps well with injuries with exudate that do not heal for a long time. Treat the affected areas with the solution and apply bandages 3-4 times a day. After scars appear, the dosage is reduced to 1 time per day. Contraindication is intolerance to the components.

Available in plastic bottles with a sprayer. Contains apple and salicylic acid provides light smell. The pack and bottle are presented in a white shade with a green pattern. The box contains instructions and one bottle.


  • Ease of use
  • Cleanses well and heals quickly.


  • May cause dermatitis
  • Slightly irritates skin upon application.

Rivanol is a powder and ready-made solution in concentrations of 1% and 0.1%, which contain active substance ethacridine lactate .

Boric acid is no longer included in the composition, as it was when released in the USSR. During this time, the pharmaceutical industry has advanced, and this component is not added to the new composition.

Release form

Available in powder form (1 g packet) and ready-made solution 100 ml. in two types of concentration 1% and 0.1%.

The powder is crystalline, yellow, odorless. Has a bitter taste. Poorly soluble in alcohol, in cold water, more easily soluble in hot water.

The aqueous solution is unstable and must be used freshly prepared.

Not available in tablet form.

Pharmacological action

What Rivanol is is described in detail in the annotation for the drug. This product has antiseptic effect , therefore it is used in the fight against a number of pathogens. The drug is most active against coccal microorganisms, in particular streptococci .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

No data available.

Indications for use

Rivanol is used both for treatment and for prevention as a disinfectant. It is used in surgery, urology, dermatology, gynecology, ENT practice, and ophthalmology.

It is used to treat wounds if they become infected and develop purulent processes inside. Also used for prophylactic treatment of wounds.

When treating patients who have undergone peritonitis or purulent pleurisy , used to wash the pleural cavities.

Used to combat pustular skin diseases, with chronic dermatoses , at psoriasis .

Prescribed for treatment carbuncles , boils , relieving inflammatory processes on the skin.

It is used for the development of inflammation on the mucous membranes of the larynx, pharynx, mouth, and nasal cavity.

In ophthalmology it is used for conjunctivitis and others infectious diseases eyes caused by coccal infection.

Rivanol is also used in the treatment purulent cystitis , and also arthritis complicated by purulent infection.

Taken internally when colitis , inflammation of the large and small intestines .


It is not used to treat people suffering from kidney disease, in particular, if there is protein in the urine. Do not take the drug if you are intolerant to its components.

Side effects

When treated with Rivanol, it is possible to develop local allergic reactions .

If the patient notes a manifestation adverse reactions, he needs to immediately contact the doctor who prescribed the course of treatment.

A solution of 1% Rivanol is used to stop hair growth and, with a long course, can completely remove hair follicles.

Instructions for use of Rivanol (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Rivanol provide for its external use, less often - indoor application. The instructions for external use stipulate that a solution of the product for external use should be prepared immediately before use.

Rivanol solution is used externally (Rivanol 0.1% (solution 1:1000) 0.05% (1:2000), 0.2% (1:500). In dermatological practice Rivanol 1% ointment, 2.5% powder, 5-10% paste based on Rivanol are used.

It is prescribed orally in a dose of no more than 0.05 g (single), no more than 0.15 g (daily).

Rivanol can be used to remove hair that grows in unwanted places, since it contains ethacridine , destructive hair follicle. The hair removal solution is prepared as follows: 10 grams of powder is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. Every day, the solution is applied to the areas of unwanted hair growth using a cotton sponge. The solution is used every day for at least two weeks. Before starting this course of treatment, it is necessary to test for allergies by applying the solution to the bend of the elbow and waiting 6 hours. If allergic manifestations no, you can start a course of treatment.


No cases of overdose have been described.


Rivanol is not compatible pharmaceutically with alkalis (as a result, a precipitate forms). Insoluble compounds appear when combined with salicylates , sulfates , chlorides , benzoates .

Terms of sale

The drug is sold in the pharmacy chain without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored in a dark and dry place. Store in a dark container.

Best before date

The drug can be stored for 5 years.


In pharmacies you can buy analogues of the drug - Ethacridine , Ethacridine lactate etc. Analogs of the solution have the same active ingredient, but when replacing the drug you should still consult your doctor first.


Ethacridine lactate , Acrinol , Acricide , Etodin .

  • 1. What is Rivanol and its mechanism of action
  • 2. Solution components
  • 3. Types of Rivanol
  • 4. In what areas is it used?
  • 5. Preparation and use of the solution
  • 5.1. Step-by-step use of Rivanol
  • 6. Pros and cons
  • 7. Contraindications and side effects
  • 8. Frequently asked questions and their answers
  • 8.1. What is the cost of the solution?
  • 8.2. Which is better to use a solution of 1% or 0.1%?
  • 8.3. Does the skin turn yellow after using the solution?
  • 8.4. If yellowness remains on the skin, how to get rid of it?
  • 8.5. If I pluck my hair and apply the solution to these areas, will hair growth slow down?
  • 8.6. What should be the result?
  • 8.7. After what time can I repeat the course?

What is Rivanol and its mechanism of action

Rivanol is known as different names, such as Etodin, Acrinol and Acricide. IN medical field the drug is actively used for disinfection and quick recovery skin, it is used by surgeons, dermatologists, and gynecologists.

Initially, Rivanol was not used for hair removal, amazing property was discovered by accident: doctors discovered that long presence the drug on a certain part of the body noticeably slows down hair growth.

This effect of the drug on the hair follicles is due to the auxiliary properties of the components included in its composition. Getting on a hair, Rivanol limits its development, makes the follicles thinner and leads to their loss.

Direct purpose of Acrinol - antimicrobial drug to combat staphylococcus bacteria.

Solution components

Rivanol contains only two substances: distilled water and ethacridine lactate. In Soviet times, boric acid was added to the drug, but the development of the medical industry made it possible to do without it.

  1. Ethacridine lactate appears as a yellow powder. It is odorless, tastes unpleasant and dissolves well only in hot water. The diluted substance quickly loses its properties, especially when exposed to light, and it becomes brown in color.
  2. Already known for a long time antiseptic properties boric acid, but two years ago researchers discovered that she had side effects, due to which they introduced restrictions on use and completely eliminated acid from Rivanol.

Types of Rivanol

The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form:

  • tablets;
  • solution;
  • powder;
  • powders;
  • ointments;

Hair can be removed only with a solution; it is also used to treat various skin diseases. However, reviews from women note that the concentration of the substance in the purchased Rivanol solution is not enough, so it is more advisable to buy the powder and make the mixture yourself.

In what areas is it used?

Experts advise using Rivanol to remove vegetation on:

  • face;
  • breasts;
  • arms and legs.

The product copes well with fine and light hairs, but on too coarse and dark hair the result will be invisible.

Preparation and use of the solution

Acrinol's ready-made solution is sold in pharmacies, but the content of the active ingredient in it is quite low for depilation, so it is better to make it yourself.

To remove hair, a 1% solution is used, which is obtained by mixing 10 g of crystalline powder and a liter of warm water.

Step-by-step use of Rivanol

Before starting the procedure, the skin does not require special training, just wash your face with your usual product and degrease your face with lotion. To enhance the effect, you can steam the skin using a compress or steam bath.

IN mandatory The drug is tested and applied to the elbow. If no allergic reactions occur after 24 hours, then hair removal with the drug is possible.

Rivanol is applied to the skin using a generously moistened cotton pad; it is recommended to rub the substance a little for better penetration into the bulbs. After 5-6 procedures, the follicles will weaken and begin to fall out.

The use of Acrinol on the face follows the same scheme, wipe with a cotton pad problem areas. The product does not wash off during the day, so it is more convenient to apply it at night.

Also, during the period of getting rid of hair, it is better to limit the use of decorative cosmetics, as they reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Pros and cons

Before using the drug, you should weigh the pros and cons.

Benefits of Rivanol for hair removal include:

  • safety of the product;
  • absence painful sensations during the procedure;
  • long-term effect due to the destruction of hair follicles;
  • ease of use;
  • low likelihood of irritation due to the antiseptics included in the composition;
  • minimum contraindications and side effects;
  • price and local availability, Rivanol is sold in any pharmacy.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting the following:

  • not suitable for dealing with thick, coarse and dark hairs;
  • it is impossible to remove deep-growing follicles;
  • the result from the actions of Rivanol is noticeable only after a few sessions;
  • allergic rashes are possible;
  • prolonged use of the drug dries the skin;
  • slight staining skin, but the yellow tint is easily washed off with water and soap.

Contraindications and side effects

The medication has minimal contraindications for use; it is better not to use Rivanol if:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • presence of kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In most cases, women do not notice side effects, but under certain circumstances an allergic reaction or dry skin may occur due to excessive use of the product.

Frequently asked questions and answers

What is the cost of the solution?

Price for 100 ml of 0.1% solution is 100–130 rubles, 1% 500–700 rubles. The powder will cost 300–400 rubles.

Which is better to use a solution of 1% or 0.1%?

According to reviews from women who have used Rivanol, the 0.1% solution is less effective due to the low concentration of the substance that affects the hair follicles.

Does the skin turn yellow after using the solution?

After applying the product to the skin, especially in the antennae area, women note appearance of a lung pale yellow in color, so it is recommended to use the drug at night.

If yellowness remains on the skin, how to get rid of it?

Unpleasant plaque can be easily removed with warm water and soap or a slice of lemon.

If I pluck my hair and apply the solution to these areas, will hair growth slow down?

The drug affects the hair roots, so treatment with Rivanol should stop hair growth, especially after several treatments.

What should be the result?

You should not expect instant results; at first it may seem that Rivanol does not help, however, after 5 procedures, the follicles will become thinner and gradually fall out.

After what time can I repeat the course?

It is believed that hairs are removed permanently by Acrinol, but for preventive purposes one or two procedures can be performed every two months.

"Rivanol" for hair removal

Hair growing in places on the body where they should not be is a delicate and unpleasant problem. Removing unwanted hair will help get rid of it. There are many ways, but some are ineffective, others are expensive. Sometimes women use unusual means that are not intended to eliminate such a problem. So, many people choose Rivanol for hair removal. Is this solution really effective?

What kind of remedy is this?

In general, “Rivanol” is not intended for hair removal; this drug is used for completely different purposes. He belongs to the group antiseptics to prevent tissue infection. Doctors began using Rivanol quite a long time ago, back in the last century. The drug was widely used in surgical, gynecological, urological and ophthalmological fields. But, as you know, many medicines They are also used in cosmetology, which is associated with the activity of the substances included in their composition.

"Rivanol" - an antiseptic


The Rivanol solution contains only two active components: ethacridine lactate, as well as boric acid.

If you want to improve the condition of your scalp hair, the first thing to do is pay attention to the shampoos on the shelves in your bathroom. You may have heard that 98% of shampoos contain very harmful substances for hair and scalp.

What should you be afraid of?! The main enemies are sulfates, parabens, silicones. The main components that cause damage to hair and scalp are designated on labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, paraben.

We advise you not to use shampoos that contain these substances. Recently, our editors conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos. The first place was taken by products from Mulsan cosmetic.

This is the only manufacturer that has switched to a natural base without adding harmful to the body chemical components. The company's cosmetics have a shelf life of 10 months, since they do not contain aggressive preservatives, unlike the composition of other manufacturers, whose shelf life reaches up to 3 years. We recommend visiting the official online storemulsan. ru.


The instructions for use of the Rivanol solution contain data that this drug, first of all, has an antimicrobial effect, that is, it fights infections that have entered the tissue. The activity of the components is observed mainly against coccal microorganisms.

As for the removal of unwanted hair, it becomes possible thanks to some properties of the substances in the composition. So, when they get on the hair follicle, they begin to gradually destroy it, as a result of which the hair gradually breaks down and then falls out.


Used for tissue disinfection

The instructions do not contain information that it is possible to use the drug “Rivanol” for hair removal. But, as reviews show, in this case it is quite effective.

The main indication for use is tissue disinfection. Thus, the product is widely used in urology, dermatology, ophthalmology, gynecology, and otolaryngology. The solution can be used to treat mucous membranes, as well as internal cavities, affected areas of the body.

The product is effective for conjunctivitis, cystitis, urethritis, furunculosis and others inflammatory diseases mouth, mucous membranes, nasal cavity and skin.

The drug is also used to prevent infection of various tissues; it is often used to treat surfaces after damage.


The Rivanol solution is contraindicated only in two cases: with individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition, as well as with kidney disease, accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine (this condition is called albuminuria).

Side effects

The drug is often well tolerated, but allergic reactions may develop, which can manifest as rash, itching, burning, and redness at the treatment site.

Release form

The product is available in the form of tablets, powder or ready-made solution. The last option is the most convenient, since when preparing a mixture using powder or tablets, it is important to maintain the proportions, and this is quite problematic. In addition, the prepared solution may lose its properties when exposed to light. Concentration active substances may be 1% or 0.1%.

Choose the form that is convenient for you

How to use the product to get rid of unwanted hair?

So, if you decide to use Rivanol for hair removal and purchased powder or tablets, then first prepare a solution. For the procedure, it is recommended to use a non-concentrated 0.1% solution, so you will need to take the required amount of the product and dilute it with water. For example, 0.1 grams of powder will need to be dissolved in 100 ml of water. As reviews show, this is very difficult, so it is still worth purchasing a ready-made Rivanol solution and using it.

So, the solution is ready for use. First you need to conduct a test that will reveal an allergy to the components of the drug and avoid undesirable consequences. Take a cotton swab, soak it in the solution and treat a small area of ​​skin. Monitor your reaction throughout the day. If the skin remains clean and no alarming symptoms is not observed, you can start using it.

Using the drug “Rivanol” for hair removal is very easy, reviews confirm this. You just need to apply the composition daily to problem areas using a cotton swab. A single application is required, which is very convenient. Try to rub the composition into the skin so that it penetrates faster hair follicles and began to act.

Areas that can be treated include the legs, arms, chest, and face. The product will be especially effective if the hairs are thin and light. If they are quite hard and dark, then there will probably be an effect, but it will not come soon.

Feedback from a user:

Review by delly2013

Studying the reviews about the product, we can conclude that after about a week of using Rivanol, the hair becomes less noticeable, as it becomes thinner and gradually brightens. And after about a month of regular use, the hairs begin to break down and fall out.

Please remember that failure to comply with the indicated dosages or instructions for use may lead to undesirable consequences, so follow the directions given above.

Where to buy?

If you decide to buy this remedy, then go to the pharmacy. Bottle price a solution with a volume of 100 milliliters is about 400-500 rubles.


We suggest you read reviews about this product:

  1. “Because of unwanted hair all over my body, I began to feel complex, since this problem has been tormenting me for a long time. And so, I decided to start using Rivanol. I used it regularly, following all the rules. After a week or two, the hairs became thin and light, almost invisible. I continued to use the product and after a month I noticed that in some places the skin became completely smooth. I’m very pleased!”
  2. A friend recommended Rivanol to me, it helped her. I started processing upper lip. After a few days, the hair began to lighten, it was noticeable. A month passed, the hairs became invisible, but still did not fall out. I’ll try to continue using it to get rid of the problem completely.”
  3. “I decided to buy the product after visiting one of the forums. It was Rivanol that was recommended there. I didn’t believe in the effect, but I used the solution regularly. And how surprised I was when after three weeks I almost didn’t see the hated hairs! This is great, the drug helped me.”

Feedback from a user:

Use the drug correctly, and you will forget about such a problem as unwanted hair.