The best guard dog breeds: review and characteristics of pets. Guard dog breeds with photos and names Russian Guard Dog

Man and dog are a duet that arose at the dawn of time. As living conditions changed, the purpose of four-legged friends in our lives also changed. Decorative, fighting, and hunting trends in breeding appeared, but guard dog breeds were most valued at all times.

How to raise your friend

Guard and security dogs are slightly different areas, primarily in training. This needs to be taken into account when you come to classes in a canine group. Intelligence and a balanced nervous system are very important for a watchman. Even height does not always play a role, since the watchman’s task is to notice the danger in time and warn the owner. This is why aggression is considered an undesirable quality, otherwise the dog will react to any noise and bark constantly. A good watchman, on the contrary, is neither seen nor heard until his intervention may be required. He distinguishes perfectly normal noise and sounds that are threatening.

Below we will look in detail at what guard dog breeds exist, but for now let's define the role of a guard dog. Its function is a protective guard service. Just active actions, attack, persecution and detention are their strong point. They receive a much more in-depth training course, but this is often necessary for special security structures, police or border services.

Genetic characteristics of the breed

Often breeders convince buyers that puppies have innate qualities, which are quite sufficient to perform certain duties. Indeed, some breeds are better suited for watchdog or security work, but you should not rely only on what is in their blood. In the best case, your natural guardian will lie down in the enclosure or, conversely, bark 24 hours a day. At worst, you will get an aggressive animal, which is very dangerous.

Guard breeds dogs today are represented in such a variety that without special knowledge It's easy to get confused. Each of them has its own characteristics, which we will talk about later. But we must remember that without special training, these data may not be revealed.

Main breeds of guard dogs

Almost any dog, not necessarily a purebred one, can be trained to guard. Sometimes mongrels can be much smarter and quick-witted and, despite their relatively small size, loudly signal danger. But society has developed certain stereotypes and ideas, so when they say the phrase “guard dog breeds,” people usually mean breeds such as:

  • German shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Doberman;

This list is far from complete; among those who can adequately perform guard duty, one can highlight the bullmastiff, American bulldog, Dutch shepherd, Bernese shepherd dog, Akita, Ridgeback, Malinois, bobtail, boxer and many others.

In general, the ability to perform guard or security service for a dog is often not a matter of breed, but of upbringing. It takes a lot of effort and time to grow from a playful puppy smart dog with excellent working qualities.

Pride of Russia

There are domestic breeds in our country that are best adapted to the local climate and are used as guards almost everywhere - in the private sector, cottages, enterprises and areas with increased control (strategically important objects, places of deprivation of liberty.

First of all, these are the famous and popular Caucasian, Asian, South Russian and East European shepherd dogs. They are impressive appearance, that is, they are capable of not only signaling danger, but also seriously frightening the robber. Their thick fur helps them withstand the harshest weather conditions, which is not uncommon in Russia. These are the best guard dogs you can imagine. The list continues beautiful breeds- Moscow guard shepherd and black Russian terrier. Next we will talk in more detail about the characteristics of the most famous breeds, so that the reader can make the right choice.

Features of large guard breeds

The first on this list is the Chelyabinsk guard dog. These are charming “bears” with maximum advantages. It was bred by crossing a Caucasian Shepherd and a St. Bernard. This smoothed out the aggressiveness inherent in Caucasians, and added to the new breed the courage of a true rescuer, making them an incredibly loyal and devoted friend. Much more often there is another name by which this breed of dog is known. The Moscow Watchdog is the same breeding group, only with the blood of the Russian Hound added to it.

This is a serious dog that absorbs the ability to guard with its mother's milk. Completely unsuitable even for a very large apartment. This is a large and strong animal, the weight of a male can reach 90 kg, height more than 66 cm at the withers, which needs movement. A dog needs to do something, and if you lock it in an apartment, out of boredom it can damage property.

This is incredible smart breed dogs. The Moscow watchdog will not make any unnecessary noise until the service requires it. She is not fussy, not too sentimental, she needs an object for protection, some life goal. Her character is not too harsh, much softer than that of the Caucasian Shepherd, but she matures late, so she needs to work on socialization and education. Among the advantages can be noted good health, unpretentiousness to living conditions and climate. Long wool Provides excellent protection but requires daily brushing to keep the dog looking good.

Before purchasing a representative large breed, whether it is a Chelyabinsk guard dog, a Muscovite or a Caucasian, think about whether you can afford the costs of its maintenance. A growing puppy will require enormous amounts of raw and cooked meat, cottage cheese, eggs, vitamins and much more. In order for a dog with heavy bones and correct proportions to grow from a small and fluffy ball in one year, you will have to invest heavily in its nutrition.

The menu for an adult four-legged friend is also quite expensive. Twice a day he should receive a large bowl of meat with cereals (this can be a variety of cereals). Moreover, the percentage of meat should be more than 50%. The best option- 70% meat, the rest is porridge.

Rottweiler is a true bodyguard

The historical purpose of these dogs is to guard the herd. Much later, for their intelligence and devotion, they began to be used in security and watchdog activities. There are many opinions about how to raise and train a Rottweiler. In fact, you just need to love him, and gently, but confidently and consistently show him what not to do.

The Rottweiler knows everything else himself and will protect you and your property without sparing himself. There are many known cases when nothing trained puppy covered the owner with his chest, receiving a bullet or a knife blow for him. This speaks of the loyalty inherent in these royal dogs. Today, Rottweilers are also used as watchdogs. They have an excellent, balanced nervous system. Having met a thief who has entered the home, the dog will block his exit and block his movement until the owner arrives. The robber will only have to stand motionless under close attention. And all this happens without empty barking.

It is convenient to keep a Rottweiler in an apartment. They are practically odorless and short hair does not require great care. Shedding occurs twice a year, but if you are not prepared for such an inconvenience, you should not get a dog. The Rottweiler is somewhat phlegmatic, which will allow him to sleep peacefully while you are at work. But in severe frosts he freezes outside, so he is not suitable for working as a watchman at strategically important sites.

Classic guard - German Shepherd

Who hasn’t watched the famous film “Come to me, Mukhtar!” and didn’t admire the dog’s intelligence and intelligence? Most often, a German shepherd is chosen to work in the police, on the border, for service that involves risk, and for situations where it is sometimes necessary to act independently, without the owner’s command.

These are quite large dogs. Guard or service, it’s not so important, these are just the nuances of training and the features of practical service. The main thing is that they have a formidable appearance, a sharp mind and endless devotion to man. One cannot expect disobedience, desire for dominance, or aggression towards the owner from this breed.

Excellent breed, can guard private house or an apartment. There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the German Shepherd. If possible, go to the exhibition. Surely there will be a couple of handsome guys with long, flowing hair. These are the best guard dogs of the German Shepherd breed. Seasonal temperature changes will not prevent them from completing their duty.

Gorgeous Doberman

Handsome, taut as a spring, aimed forward like an arrow, the Doberman is the epitome of elegance. Medium height with short hair, it is only suitable for home care. If you look at dog breeds with photographs, the proud posture of the Doberman will immediately attract attention. But it is only suitable for very dynamic people, since this is a choleric dog. She constantly needs to be on the move, run and play a lot.

Noticing danger, she will rush to defend with a menacing bark, but the Doberman does not know how to think and make decisions on her own, so she works well only in tandem with her owner. More suitable as a bodyguard and living in a private house or cottage, so that there is somewhere to throw off energy.

Imposing commander

This is a real king among dogs, majestic, stately and serenely calm. A guard dog of the Commander breed was used in mountainous areas to protect herds from wolves. They cultivate such qualities as wisdom, the ability to analyze a situation and make independent decisions, fearlessness, courage and vigilance 24 hours a day.

This makes the commander one of the best representatives of guard dogs. Their unique coat grows in the form of cords, it does not shed and is absolutely odorless, dry or wet, and protects from heat. In the cold season, you can’t leave it outside, it will freeze.

Just imagine all the difficulties of caring for such wool, because you have to choose thorns and grass that are tangled in long cords. Brushing and bathing the commander is problematic; you can cut it, but then he will lose all natural beauty until the fur grows back.

Great Dane

It's patient and kind dog, who will take small children under her wing and will carefully protect adults. This is a real family member, smart, reasonable, with a completely livable character. Thanks to sustainable nervous system he will not make a lot of noise and bark over trifles. But these are wonderful guard dogs. The photos will help you choose exactly the color that you like best. The most elegant are the marbled Great Danes, followed by yellow, brown and black. Don't forget that this large dog which requires a lot of movement.


This is a real sleepyhead, an incorrigible phlegmatic who will not annoy you with endless jumping and requests to play. best friend children, it allows them to crawl on themselves, pull their ears and jaws. If the pestering gets too annoying, he will try to sneak away to his place.

The Bullmastiff is silent, you will never hear him bark, but in an extreme situation he will not wait for a command, but will immediately take action. This is a soft, sleepy “ottoman”, but we must not forget that at the same time it is a serious guard dog. He needs basic obedience and training. Initially, it was bred to protect forest lands and detain poachers. Qualities such as strength, perseverance, endurance, good learning ability and the ability to cope with several armed people at the same time were polished from generation to generation.


As already mentioned, one cannot rely only on innate qualities; they manifest themselves with proper upbringing. If you have a serious dog, be it a German Shepherd, Commander or Moscow Watchdog, training is necessary. You will learn serious lessons in classes with instructors, but you need to know the basics from the first day you take your baby. Forget about physical punishment, this will embitter the dog and minimize your contact with it.

A short, calm response should be given, always the same. All voice commands should be positively reinforced. You cannot hysterically shout “Come to me!”, even if you give the command for the tenth time, and the baby does not obey. Better take a treat and praise the puppy that runs up. Be sure to play with the dog, praise it, it should know that you love it, then any training will be easier.


Today we looked at many wonderful breeds, from which you can choose the representative who will be your personal friend. They are all good in their own way, have a set of individual and general qualities, and are excellent guards who can be trusted to protect your property without fear.

Every country has national dog breeds. In Russia, domestic guard and watchdog species include the Central Asian, Caucasian, South Russian Shepherd Dogs, and the Moscow Watchdog. We'll talk about the latter breed today.

History of the breed

Unlike many dogs, the history of these animals is devoid of any mysteries and secrets. However, the Moscow guard breed appeared quite interestingly. This dog was bred by special order of government authorities.

After the end of the Second World War in the USSR, there was an urgent need to restore service dog breeding. By this time, many animals were in danger of extinction. Soviet amateur dog handlers in the most difficult situation of devastation would not have been able to complete this task on their own. Therefore, this mission was entrusted to the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery located in the Moscow region.

Military dog ​​handlers were faced with a difficult task - to create a new breed that would combine good guard qualities, unquestioning obedience to humans, and quick learning ability. Moreover, she had to become unpretentious in care, constitutionally quite powerful, but at the same time mobile and active.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and St. Bernards were selected for breeding work. In addition, the blood of Newfoundland, German pinto hound was added. The work was extremely difficult, since it is difficult to correct multi-breeding. Despite the difficulties, the dog handlers coped with the task brilliantly.

As a result of collective creativity, a domestic breed was developed - the Moscow Watchdog. Its first representatives (at that time still having the status of a crossbreed) were shown at the Moscow exhibition in 1950.

These were dogs from the same litter, which were born from the Caucasian Shepherd Asha and the St. Bernard Barry. These animals already had common characteristics of the future breed. The dog handlers' work was not completed here. They sought to ensure that the new breed became recognizable and unique, so that it differed from its ancestors.

The selection process was completed in the middle of the last century. Then the breed of Moscow watchdogs appeared. The very first standard appeared in 1958.

Further work to improve the breed was carried out by specialized clubs and amateur dog breeders. The Moscow Watchdog, a photo of which we posted in our article, officially received confirmation of its status in accordance with the approved standard in 1985. Seven years later (1992) it was slightly modified. True, according to lovers of the breed, far from better side. In 1998, several more additions were made to it.

Moscow Watchdog - description of the breed

A massive dog with powerful bones and developed muscles - this is how the Moscow watchdog appears before us. Photos do not convey the proper impression of the power of this animal.

The body is slightly elongated, the limbs are large, long and straight. The average height at the withers is 78 cm (males) and 73 cm (females), and there are no upper height limits, but tall dogs are more valued. Lightness of build and lack of massiveness are serious defects.

Physical data

The Moscow Watchdog has a rough build type. The animal is active, despite its massive build, and has voluminous, well-developed muscles. The head is large, proportional to the body, this allows us to say that the dog is harmoniously built.

The cheekbones and occipital protuberance are powerful, the skull is slightly longer than the muzzle. The lips are large, dry, and do not extend below the jaw. Wide forehead, pretty eyes small size, framed by pigmented eyelids. Small triangular ears are located slightly above the eye line. The fringed edge of the ear fits quite tightly to the cheekbone.

The Moscow Watchdog is distinguished by its clearly defined withers and muscular neck. She has a straight back, powerful, protruding forward rib cage and a toned, tight belly. The tail is set high. In a calm state, the dog lowers it down. The entire body is covered with coarse hair with a well-developed undercoat.

Despite the fact that, in accordance with the standard, the Moscow Guard Dog must have straight hair, if it is slightly wavy, this is not a defect.


When breeding this breed, breeders set themselves the goal of raising a dog with a kind and gentle character towards the owner and vigilant and aggressive towards strangers. It must be admitted that the dog handlers solved the task brilliantly. Today we can say with confidence that the character of the Moscow watchdog is a mixture of opposites. With his family, he is a friendly and even gentle little bear. Children (if they are family members) love to play with him, and he will never harm them.

When he goes outside, he instantly turns into a formidable guard. From the outside, the dog resembles an angry bear. His menacing roar and frightening appearance will not raise any doubts in anyone's mind - this animal will not be nice to strangers (including children), so you should only take your dog out for a walk with a muzzle and a leash.


The breed standard assumes a two-color color. It predominates in animals in the south of the country. The most common color is red-brown, and animals with this color are often born. The dog's chest is always covered with white hair.

Moscow Guard puppies

These kids quickly get used to their new home, its routine, and its owners. Before getting such a complex breed, we advise you to carefully weigh the pros and cons. See if you can handle this giant. Will you be able to combine authority and calmness towards your pet, who has strong character. Will you be able to respect his bright personality?

Teenagers should not have a Moscow watchdog. An owner with a soft character will not cope with a Muscovite. You need to know that by the age of six months the puppy will begin to try to take its and, as a rule, leading position in the family (pack). At this tender age, the baby weighs on average 40 kg with a height of 70 cm, so the strong and powerful hand of the leader of the pack will be simply necessary in order to maintain his position.

This dog needs early socialization and training like no other. If you do not do this at a very tender age, then by the age of one and a half years it will be almost impossible to correct behavior.

With a dog living in a yard or enclosure, you cannot limit communication only during feeding. You need to talk to her, take her for walks.

Like all mastiffs, the Moscow watchdog matures by the age of one and a half years. At the age of three years the animal is considered fully formed.

In order for a Moscow Watch puppy to grow into a healthy and beautiful animal, it must be well fed with balanced food, spend a lot of time on walks, and not limit its movement.

Education and training

Many dog ​​handlers know that even the smallest dog, if brought up illiterately, grows into a real domestic tyrant, and mistakes in raising such a giant as the Moscow Watchdog can result in much more serious troubles.

From puppyhood, an animal must know its place in the house, literally and figuratively. It must understand well the command “No!”, which it cannot fail to execute under any circumstances. Despite the late maturation, do not put off training with your puppy until later. Start them from the first days of the baby’s arrival in the house.

First, try to identify what the dog’s predominant reactions are and what physical abilities it has. Only based on the data obtained can you begin to work with the dog. Owners of these animals need to know that large animals are contraindicated until the Moscow Watchdog is one year old. physical activity. This is due to prolonged bone growth.

The dog needs regular (at least 3 times a week) brushing of its coat. The animal must be accustomed to this procedure from the first days of life, then even in adulthood your pet will treat it as something ordinary.

Otherwise, these dogs are unpretentious. They feel great both in the summer heat and in severe frosts.

Moscow watchdog - price

The average cost of a puppy from breeders is 15 thousand rubles. In nurseries, prices are slightly higher - 20 thousand rubles.

Dog breeders' opinions

The Moscow Watchdog, reviews of which are very controversial, can only be raised and trained by a powerful, intelligent, strong and sociable person.

The protective qualities of this dog do not cause any complaints from owners, but many complain about the difficulties in upbringing, the stubbornness of the animal and its desire for indispensable leadership in the family.

Watchdogs differ from other types of dogs by the presence of special instincts that determine the ability to protect a person, his home and property, as well as various industrial, military and other objects. The most valuable is a dog that feels calm in the absence of danger, but in right moment sharply activates, warns the owner and is ready to defend him with her breasts.

Properties of guard dogs

Desirable for everyone guard breed dogs have the following qualities and properties:

  • learning ability, ability to train;
  • a sense of belonging to a particular territory, a readiness to repel attacks on it;
  • endurance, physical strength;
  • acute intuition;
  • the ability to recover from an act of aggression towards a stranger;
  • calmness, balance;
  • the ability to feel the owner, obedience to him;
  • acute hearing, vision, smell;
  • a tendency to act independently, including non-standard ones.

List and brief description of the main guard breeds

The best guard dog breeds are German, South Russian, Central Asian Shepherds, as well as the Moscow Guard. In addition to them, there are a number of worthy representatives of this canine division, ready to become reliable guards of the life and property of the owner.

List of guard dogs:

  • The German Shepherd is rightfully considered the most intelligent guard dog breed in the world. They are involved in the protection of personal property and important government facilities, and are also capable of performing many other functions. The dog appeared in the 1940s in the Soviet Union as war trophy from Nazi Germany And. These animals are distinguished by their courage, resourcefulness and devotion to their owner. They are completely predictable, and owners usually do not expect aggression or mischief from them. German Shepherds are considered a classic guard dog breed.
  • The Rottweiler breed was developed in Ancient Rome, from there it came to Germany and spread throughout the world. Initially, it specialized in protecting the property of butchers, then its functions included control over the territory as part of the police. With an inept owner, it can become aggressive, so it needs a competent owner who can raise the dog to be a reliable guard and a good friend. These dogs can be kept in a home without special problems. The only thing you should prepare for in this case is molting twice a year. In winter conditions it freezes very much outside, so it is usually not used to protect external areas.
  • Doberman Pinschers were bred primarily to protect the owner. In addition, they can also be used to protect territories. The dog has a frightening appearance and is large physical strength. With the proper level of training, Dobermans are indifferent to other animals, however, in relation to those who encroach on the life or property of the owner, they do not know pity. It is advisable to keep dogs in apartments, but with regular walks fresh air where they can release pent-up energy. Dobermans, as a rule, do not show independence, listen only to the owner’s commands and act well only in his presence.
  • One of the most common guard dog breeds in our country is the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. It is considered one of the best guard breeds. According to some reports, these animals took part in the Russian-Turkish wars as guards. The dog naturally has the ability to guard property; it does not require additional training. The best owner for a Shepherd is an experienced owner who can give the Shepherd the necessary level of basic training and high degree socialization. Can protect both residential premises, as well as livestock. The dog needs a constant overview of the territory entrusted to it, so the booth should be located in the central part of the yard. Permanent living in an apartment is not for this breed. It is not recommended to anger or mock Caucasian Shepherds - this can lead to irreparable consequences.
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Also known as the “Turkmen wolfhound”. It is one of the “modifications” of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Dogs are suitable for control over flocks of livestock. Physically very resilient. The dogs are very calm and balanced, they never attack first, and are easy to train. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs more sociable and friendly than their Caucasian counterparts, they require regular walks and communication with relatives. Animals are resistant to adverse factors external environment and are not afraid of cold and heat. Alabai prefer freedom, so it is undesirable to keep them within four walls. It is better to place a kennel for her in the yard.
  • Moscow watchdog. A breed of guard dogs that is not yet recognized in the world. However, dogs are very popular in the post-Soviet space. Created by crossing St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherds and piebald hounds. Outwardly, they resemble St. Bernards, but in character they are closer to Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The animals are quite calm and partly even phlegmatic, but they will never leave their owner in trouble. Moscow watchdogs get along relatively poorly with their relatives, especially with puppies. But dogs treat human children well and do not pay attention to their pranks.
  • The Black Russian Terrier is a rather rare breed of guard dog, specially bred in the 1950s in the USSR to serve at specially protected sites. This is a fairly large and massive breed with a difficult character that requires an individual approach. In the event of an attack, she is always ready to protect a person, however, when the danger factor disappears, she immediately becomes calm. The dog copes excellently with its guard duties, but you should not keep it outside. For this breed, constant communication with the owner is extremely important.
  • The South Russian Shepherd Dog was specially bred to work with livestock and farm property, mainly in rural areas. Thick fur protects the animal from low temperatures, A white coloring protects against overheating in hot weather, so the animal can be used in any weather conditions. The dog is quite active, willful and independent, capable of accepting independent decisions. Usually she chooses one of the family members as her master and subsequently obeys only him. However, the South Russian Shepherd considers the owners’ house to be its property, and early age she begins to try to protect him. The issue of raising puppies should be taken seriously so as not to raise a vicious, aggressive animal.
  • Bullmastiffs are descended from a cross between the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. The breed was bred for protection and control over the territory. The dogs are relatively compact and can be kept at home. By nature they are calm and patient, disciplined, easy to train. They prefer an active lifestyle and love walks in the fresh air. In addition to security, they are used by security forces to detect explosives, weapons, drugs, and people under the rubble of buildings.
  • Cane Corso is one of the most ancient and the rarest guard dogs. Initially, they were part of the ancient Roman troops and took part in hunting animals, however, they subsequently spread throughout Europe and were everywhere retrained as guards. The breed is quite expensive to maintain, and after World War II, during the height of economic turmoil, it almost disappeared. Now dog breeders are working on its restoration. The dog is balanced and independent, does not attack a stranger without the owner’s order. Famous for his intelligence.


This is far from full list all existing guard dog breeds. The range of breeds of dogs for protection is truly huge, and any dog ​​breeder can choose for himself suitable pet. However, you should remember that you should not choose an animal based on the description of its appearance, psychological assessment or pedigree, but according to the owner’s ability to control the animal. Without proper care, training, and education, even the smartest guard dog will grow up to be a stupid, vicious and aggressive animal. Before buying a dog, you need to study absolutely all the intricacies of keeping your favorite breed and only then the dog will become for the owner a reliable friend and a dedicated guard.

Since the main purpose of such animals is to protect the house from evil people, then, first of all, they must have excellent hearing, vigilance and sensitivity in order to raise their voice at the slightest hint of danger. At the same time, such guards must have intelligence and know when they really need to bark, and not mindlessly bark at all the people passing by the yard.

The size of animals used for protection, in principle, does not have of great importance, because their task does not include attacking and detaining suspicious people located in a protected area. All a guard dog has to do is to warn the owner about the intrusion with his voice and scare away uninvited guests. In many cases, this is enough for not-so-brave attackers to give up their idea and retreat.

Therefore, a guard dog does not have to be large, but also very small. The ideal option is medium in size, with a fairly powerful voice, but does not require too much food for its sustenance.

By nature, the guard dog must be moderately aggressive so as not to attack all people entering the territory of the protected area. At the same time, he should not be cowardly in order to protect the owner and his property in case of danger.

The density and length of the animal's coat also matters. For a guard dog, it is important that it be long and dense enough, because it will have to sit outside all the time, including in winter frosts.

For this reason, representatives of short-haired breeds, no matter how attractive protective qualities they possess, are unlikely to be suitable for areas with harsh climatic conditions. But such guard dogs are suitable for southern regions, where they can withstand slight cold without harm.

The best guard breeds

Perhaps the best home guard is the German Shepherd. She is fully endowed with all the qualities that a guard dog should have, and they are in a “balanced” state. This is a universal breed, the purebred representatives of which are famous for:

  1. sharp mind and resourcefulness;
  2. balanced character;
  3. excellent trainability;
  4. good performance at work;
  5. obedience and unquestioning submission to the owner.

These animals are quite large and strong, have a menacing appearance and have thick fur, which makes them one of the best watchdogs.

The Moscow Guard is a dog breed bred in the USSR in the post-war years specifically for security purposes. Among her ancestors are Caucasian Shepherds and St. Bernards, from which she inherited:

  • large sizes;
  • powerful body;
  • thick wool;
  • excellent service qualities.

This large dog, calm and balanced, confident in her abilities. It quickly makes contact with people, but, nevertheless, recognizes only one owner. In case of danger, he protects him fearlessly, without hesitation. Due to its large size, a rather large territory is required to maintain the Moscow watchdog.

Caucasian Shepherd - ancient breed dogs, bred by the Caucasian mountaineers, which from ancient times helped them herd sheep. Animals have:

  • large body;
  • physical strength;
  • courage;
  • determination.

Dogs are loyal to their own and suspicious of strangers. The animals' thick coat protects them from hypothermia and allows them to be kept outside all year round.

Asian Shepherd or Alabai. This breed of wolfhound dog was bred for the same purpose as the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, so its representatives are distinguished by their impressive growth, strong and muscular body, and aggressiveness towards other dogs, as well as strangers.

The South Russian Shepherd is a dog whose homeland is considered to be the southern regions of Ukraine. This is a large animal with long light hair.

Characterized by devotion, intelligence, independence and self-sufficiency. Excellent for protecting a large garden area.

Other large guard breeds for the home

Not only shepherds, but also other, smaller breeds of dogs are suitable for security service. For example, you can safely entrust your home and everything in it to a Rottweiler. This is a rather large and strong animal, well-built, hardy and muscular. It has bottomless energy, fearlessness and a clear understanding of the task assigned to it. At the same time, dogs of this breed are aggressive, serious and stubborn, and therefore require proper training.. They are loyal and obedient to the owner only if he is recognized by them as the unconditional leader.

The Giant Schnauzer is a large and loyal black dog, with a well-developed territorial instinct. Representatives of the breed are easy to train and learn. It is not easy to deceive them - they are smart, incorruptible and immediately recognize deception. These dogs are equally good at protecting any area of ​​territory, both small, just a few hundred square meters, where private houses are located, and huge industrial facilities.

Dobermans are a breed bred in Germany to guard people, so they can also be kept as guard dogs in private ownership. They are not as powerful as shepherds, but have a harmoniously built slim body, tall and strong legs. They are friendly towards the owner's family and friends, but do not favor strangers. When they see them, they bark loudly, but if this is not enough, they can attack. The fleeing man is pursued and attacked.

Bullmastiffs are guard dogs bred in the British Isles to guard forests. They are the result of crossbreeding of large mastiffs and tenacious bulldogs. Animals large sizes, with a massive head, have an impressive and threatening appearance. But by nature they are calm and balanced, so they do not show aggression without reason.

Bullmastiffs are capable of making independent decisions and learn quickly, are distinguished by patience and understanding of discipline, and take their responsibilities seriously.

Border Collie - another one English breed. Its representatives are considered one of the most intelligent guard dogs. These are strong and strong animals of black and white color, insightful, intelligent, but to maintain health and mental abilities those in need of constant physical and intellectual exercise.

Akita Inu. This is the original Japanese breed of guard dogs, whose devotion the whole world knows about. Animals are brave and vigilant, calm and not aggressive. They are silent and will not bark without a reason, but real danger will not be left without attention. They protect the territory entrusted to them well.

Who else can be used as guards?

Not just huge wolfhounds or universal german shepherds capable of guarding the owner's property. Can do this and more small dogs. For a small private house the following are quite suitable:

  1. Airedale Terriers. These are guard dogs originally from the English county of Yorkshire. The animals are medium in size, with a build and curly coat characteristic of several terrier breeds. Airedale Terriers are brave and intelligent, non-aggressive and fearless, so they can become excellent guards of the house and yard.
  2. American Staffordshire Terrier. The breed was bred in the USA in 1936. The dogs are also medium-sized, stocky, strong, with a large head. They are active, fearless, endowed with a unique intelligence and contradictory character, so they are suitable only for an experienced dog owner. They are well trained, not aggressive, but do not like to be chained, so they must live in an enclosure.
  3. Miniature Schnauzer or Miniature Schnauzer. In appearance and character they are very similar to the larger Giant Schnauzer and have all its advantages: serious, fearless, easy to train, reliable and loyal to the owner.
  4. Welsh Corgi. This is an old Welsh breed, originally used as a herding dog, and therefore belongs to the sheepdog family. These are squat animals with short legs, a long body and a medium-sized head topped with large erect ears. They are mostly kept simply as family pets, as they are characterized by liveliness and love of life, love for people, especially children and even cats. But the calm, docile nature of these dogs, their small stature and “unrepresentative” appearance do not prevent them from performing their duties with honor if the owner suddenly decides to entrust them with the protection of his home.
  5. Schipperke. This is a Belgian breed of guard dog. The animals are small in stature, with thick black fur, nimble and energetic. Despite their small size, Schipperkes are brave and will never let strangers into the territory they guard. Those who do not take them seriously and ignore the warning in the form of a high-pitched bark can be bitten painfully. These animals are very affectionate and patient towards their own.

As you can see, many dogs of completely different breeds can become excellent watchdogs, you just need to prepare them for this.

How to raise guard dogs

In order for a puppy to grow into a good guard, you need to train him. Just like that, without proper training, a dog will not learn anything. At best, she will not listen well to her owner and follow commands every once in a while, and at worst, she will become completely uncontrollable.

You need to start training a guard dog from a very early age. She is able to remember elementary commands already at the age of 3 months, and after 4 months she can begin full-fledged training. It is better if this is done by a professional who knows exactly how to deal with dogs. Well, if this is not possible, then the animal will have to be trained independently. Information on how to do this can be found on thematic forums or purchase educational materials: CDs and books.

From time immemorial, people have used dogs to protect themselves and their homes. Dogs have very good hearing, are sensitive and alert. The best guard dog should be smart, loyal and have a loud and menacing voice. Main task guard dog is detection possible danger for a person or his property and a warning about it.

You need to understand the difference between a watchdog and guard dog. Thus, the size of a guard dog does not matter much; it should not attack or attack suspicious subjects intruding into the protected area. A loud bark is enough to scare off a stranger and warn your owners.

A good guard dog should not be very large or aggressive. Good hearing and loud voice- this is the main thing that a guard dog needs. Potential intruders often retreat when they hear the loud, barking bark of a dog.
Almost any dog ​​that barks when something suspicious is happening can be a guard dog.

However, there are some breeds of small dogs that are famous for their excellent watchdog qualities.

1. Boston Terrier. The breed was developed in America more than 100 years ago by interbreeding an English terrier with an English bulldog. A small dog, the Boston Terrier has very good hearing and a loud voice that alerts the owner that something unusual is happening. A stranger will not enter the apartment unnoticed; the dog will definitely warn of his presence by barking. Boston is unpretentious and hardy, and at the same time gentle and friendly.

2. American Eskimo Spitz - a small to medium-sized dog bred from the German Spitz. The coat color is most often white, sometimes turning into a cream color. They have been bred as guard dogs for hundreds of years. The American Eskimo Spitz is an excellent watchdog, a reliable guard, and has a strong distrust of strangers. He is an excellent guardian of his owner and property, gentle with his owner, and incredibly loyal. The American Eskimo Spitz is an ideal small indoor dog.

3. French bulldog. A medium-sized dog breed bred from the English Bulldog. This is temperamental, extraordinary brave dog, very fond of children. She is an excellent watchdog, unpretentious and little susceptible to disease.

4. Chihuahua- the most small breed dogs, comes from the Mexican state of Chihuahua. This dog is fast, agile, absolutely fearless. It is very rare to find a cowardly representative of this breed. As if trying to compensate for their small stature, Chihuahuas bark very energetically, excitedly - you will always know that someone is approaching your property.

5. Pekingese- the voice of a Pekingese is not inferior to the barking of a Chihuahua dog . One of the oldest dog breeds, bred in China more than 2000 years ago. In China, this small long-haired dog is highly revered, considered a guardian spirit. These beautiful dogs They are used to being spoiled and expect to be pampered and cherished. But the Pekingese knows his business - he is always ready to guard the property of his owner and himself.

6. Miniature Pinscher- These small dogs are often called miniature pinschers. Germany is considered the birthplace of miniature pinschers. The Pinscher is easy to train, agile, reserved and playful with the owner's family, but very distrustful of strangers. Miniature Pinschers are wonderful watchdogs, boldly rushing at any intruder in the territory they protect. The Miniature Pinscher is a very vigilant watchman; he will always warn his owners that someone unfamiliar is nearby.

7. Standard Schnauzer. This ancient breed appeared in Germany in the 15th-16th centuries. Schnauzers come from crossing a black German Poodle with a gray Wolfspitz and a Wirehaired Pinscher. Schnauzer is strong and energetic dog, it combines liveliness and extraordinary intelligence and reliability. In the United States and England, Schnauzers were used primarily as bodyguard and companion dogs. Their devotion and courage, combined with an extremely developed sense of impending danger, are ideally suited for these purposes.

8. Miniature Schnauzer, miniature schnauzer, dwarf schnauzer - the smallest service dog in the world, is the smallest breed of their Schnauzer group. Fearless, very serious, well trained, sensitive watchdog. An intelligent and reliable miniature schnauzer is a real guard of the property entrusted to him.

9.Schipperke- it's a small, strong one herding dog, bred in Belgium. The Schipperke is an exceptionally sensitive, energetic, wonderful guard dog that avoids strangers. He is active, nimble, tireless. Capable of biting if someone approaches the object it is guarding. Very affectionate with children, always interested in what is happening behind a closed door or an object that is moving. The Schipperke greets suspicious strangers with a piercing bark and raised mane.

10. Norwegian Elkhound - national breed dogs of Norway, the ancestors of these courageous dogs knew the Vikings. The Norwegian Elkhound is brave, courageous and athletic (compact and strongly built) and perfectly guards its owner's house. This is a cheerful, friendly dog. She gets along well with children.