What kind of breed is Cocker Spaniel? English Cocker Spaniel: description of the breed

Cocker spaniel photo | Dreamstime.com

Basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs Dog's tendency to find common language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

English Cocker Spaniels first became known at the beginning of the 20th century, and work on their breeding began in the 1880s. From the name of the breed it is clear that the homeland of English cockers is England. Often, however, English cocker spaniels are confused with theirs - these breeds are similar, but slightly different in appearance. The vocation of English cockers is for swamp and field game, although these dogs quickly adapt to almost any role. It is not for nothing that English urban cockers are bred as companion dogs, which is not surprising, given their good-natured character, healthy curiosity and high degree getting along with other pets. These animals are highly trainable and can be adopted even by inexperienced owners. They are unpretentious in care, they can live both in an outdoor enclosure and in a small one - their good endurance and modest dimensions allow this (the dogs' weight ranges from 12.5 to 15 kg, height - 38-41 cm). English cocker spaniels are wonderful human companions, meeting almost every desire of a potential owner - they are ready to hunt without damaging their prey, they are affectionate and playful, and they are able to adapt to the owner’s mood.

The main distinguishing features of English cocker spaniels are long hanging ears decorated with wavy hair, well-developed muscles, and large paws that allow them to catch trophies while hunting from the water. The head of English Cockers is domed, medium in size, the transition from forehead to muzzle is smooth, well defined. Eyes mainly dark brown, have an oval shape, with tight-fitting eyelids. The ears are set low, long, and fit tightly to the head, which does not negatively affect the quality of the animal’s hearing. The nose is moderately large, dark, crowning a fairly elongated muzzle (unlike American cockers, the English muzzle cannot be shortened). The bite of the strong, well-developed jaws is scissor-shaped. The neck is quite long and muscular. The strong body is moderately short, straight, convex in the lumbar region, the chest is deep, the stomach is tucked. The limbs are distinguished by bonyness and well-developed muscles, the paws are large, with large toes. The tail is set slightly below the level of the back, most often. English Cocker Spaniels have long (sometimes curly) coats on their legs, ears, and sides. The undercoat is well developed. Shades of wool - black, brown, red, golden, black and white, red and white, brown and white (sometimes with tan marks or specks).

Photo of Cocker Spaniel:

Photos of Cocker Spaniel dogs | Dreamstime.com

Origin story

Despite the fact that the breed was developed in the British Isles, Spain is also related to English cockers. After all, this country is considered to be the birthplace of spaniels. True, some scientists believe that long-haired hunting dogs appeared in Germany. Other experts attribute the origin of all spaniels to Ancient Greece. Be that as it may, the main version of the origin of spaniels is that these dogs were formed in Spain. Allegedly, from there, in the Middle Ages, dogs were taken to Ireland, and then they appeared in Great Britain. Having become interested in strong small dogs, the British decided to eventually create their own national breed, capable of hunting in almost any conditions - in water, thickets, fields. Images of dogs similar to English cocker spaniels can be found in paintings from the 14th to 17th centuries, although at least two and a half hundred years must pass before the breed was officially recognized. Initially, English breeders divided their spaniels into field and water. And only to XIX century breeders decided to create a breed capable of hunting both land and water game. This is how the breed of English cocker spaniels was bred - hardy, passionate in hunting, but quite calm dogs around the family. The Kennel Club of Great Britain approved the English Cocker Spaniel as a new breed back in 1893. And in 1902 the whole world learned about them when the first breed standard was approved. Soon the spread of English cockers occurred almost throughout the world. By the way, the word “cocker” became a prefix to the name of the breed from the English “woodcock”, which means “woodcock”. English cocker spaniels were imported into Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, but their popularity in our country arose relatively recently - in the 1970s. Moreover, the interest of buyers in English cockers was dictated not only by hunting - many people liked these dogs due to their classic appearance, obedience, and relatively easy care behind the silky long hair. Unlike the American cocker, the hero of this article is the best hunter. American cockers were bred more as decorative dogs, pleasing the eyes of their owners.

Cocker spaniel personality

A well-bred Cocker Spaniel has an excellent character. This affectionate dog loves to participate in all family events. The Cocker is playful, alert and active. He loves any games and exercises: from a regular walk to active running. The Cocker Spaniel is known for its sensitivity and excellent mental and physical abilities. He has a gentle character, but reacts to rough treatment. Sometimes this reaction consists of a growl, but it comes to this in extreme cases. During the period of early socialization, it is very important to teach the dog basic behavioral norms. Socialization helps the animal show its best qualities.

The Cocker Spaniel's coat varies. Thick, sometimes wavy short hair adorns this dog. The color is most often one-color. It can be black and light cream, and sometimes even red-brown. There are also spotted spaniels (two or more colors). Cocker Spaniels require intensive and systematic grooming. Most owners of these dogs prefer to seek the help of professionals who can not only clean the coat, but cut it and buy the dog. It is best to carry out this procedure once every two months. Please note that the cost of such services in different salons may vary.

Many Cocker Spaniel owners prefer to keep their pets' hair short. This makes it easier general care for the dog. But even then, you will need to trim your dog's fur and nails every two months, as well as bathe your dog thoroughly. Grooming for dogs of this breed should begin as soon as the coat reaches the appropriate size. It is best to get used to haircuts and regular combing with early age. This will allow your pet to be accustomed to the procedure from childhood. The same goes for trimming nails and brushing teeth. Try to accustom your dog to everything hygiene procedures from the first days the puppy appears in the house. Unfortunately, cocker spaniels are distinguished by their negative attitude towards grooming. Therefore, it is best to obtain extensive advice on this issue from a veterinarian.

Nails must be trimmed every month and ears checked weekly. When examining your ears, you need to pay attention to the presence of irritation, inflammation and any signs of infection, which may manifest itself in an unpleasant odor from the ears. This procedure is important, since cocker spaniels are prone to various ear diseases of an infectious nature. To prevent ear problems, you need to treat your pet's ears with a special solution weekly. During feeding, it is necessary to use narrowed bowls. This will prevent your ears from getting into your food while eating. The same applies to drinking bowls. Some Cocker owners even put their dogs on a leash while eating to prevent their ears from getting food in them.

Training and education

English Cocker Spaniels are easy to train, but the training and education system should include rewards and praise. Cocker spaniels are very sensitive, so during training any rudeness and aggression should be completely excluded. Otherwise, your lessons will fail. The best thing about training is rewarding and praising the animal for any success, no matter how minor.

If a cocker baby is purchased as a pet friend, then the best option The training will include completing an OKD course, during which the dog will learn the commands: “near”, “place”, “come to me”, “sit”, “no” and others. Moreover, the natural qualities of English spaniels (in the field of training) are so well developed that both a professional and a beginner can teach them the basics of training. The main thing is not to be overly affectionate during classes. A dog that has realized that the owner is too soft will begin to either become stubborn, following commands, or try to ignore the person’s words. As a reward during training, a calm and friendly tone is used (usually they say to the dog: “Well done!”) and a treat. Punish the dog using a stern tone of voice. IN in rare cases The animal can be lightly hit on the rump with a hand, a twig or a newspaper without causing pain.

Since English Cocker Spaniels are hunters, after completing the OKD course, they are trained at approximately 7-9 months (at the owner’s request). Since childhood, such dogs have been taken with them during outings. From childhood, the spaniel will become accustomed to the area where game hunting will take place in the future. Typically, English cockers are used as assistants in gun hunting for upland, swamp, field and waterfowl. Initially, the animal can be accustomed to the sound of a hunting horn (sometimes a whistle), for example, by serving food, accompanying the action with a signal. This way, the dog will not only not be afraid of the characteristic sound, but will also understand when to approach the owner. Also, from an early age, the pet is taught to develop its sense of smell - they hide some object (toy, treat) first on the lower shelves of the closet, under the bed, for example. Gradually the task becomes more complicated - the desired thing lies higher and higher, and the windows are open - so it is more difficult for the dog to recognize exactly where the desired thing is. Gradually, the animal is trained to catch snipe (this bird flies low and allows periodic landings), duck, pheasant, corncrake, snipe, quail, and partridge. To begin with, the dog should be allowed to smell the bird, and then move away from it, pointing in the right direction where it is. As a rule, these dogs quickly learn the basics of training, which allows them to become good hunters at a young age.

Health and illness

The average lifespan of a Cocker Spaniel is 12-15 years. The main health problems that cockers may experience include: cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, autoimmune, hematological, immunological disorders and infectious diseases.

Some interesting facts

  • The Cocker Spaniel is an affectionate, gentle and well-mannered pet that is suitable for keeping in any home.
  • Cocker spaniels are companion dogs, so they should live exclusively in the house with their owner.
  • Character and physiological development The breeding of a spaniel will largely depend on the professionalism of the breeder. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a dog from experienced and trusted dog breeders.
  • The Cocker Spaniel takes part in various competitions with pleasure: hunting, running, search competitions, etc.
  • The cocker's tail is usually docked in the first days of life, but dog breeders have differing opinions on this matter. Many people prefer to leave the tail undocked.
  • During training, you should thank the dog and delight it with treats.

Cockers are a wonderful breed of dog: active, cheerful and love to eat, and they will make anyone smile.

The English Cocker Spaniel, despite its roots as a hunter, is considered an excellent friend for the whole family. His cute face and decent behavior proof of that.

Those who want to have a pet often pay attention to this breed.

Origin of the English Cocker

The first spaniels were bred in the 19th century, but then there was no division into nationalities of dogs. Scientists suggest that the first spaniels got their start in Spain. In the future, people managed to create dogs separate category with hunter instincts.

The ancestor of the English spaniel is considered to be a dog named Obo. He left behind a significant number of heirs. And his son, with the same name, laid the foundation American cocker am.

At exhibitions these animals were called “field spaniel”, and among themselves people gave them the name “happy cockers”. Later, the official standard of English cockers was announced and to this day four-legged dogs are bred according to its criteria.

In Russia this breed was not immediately recognized. On its territory, dogs of the Cocker Spaniel breed were not bred; there were very few of them. Subsequently, the popularity of these dogs began to grow.

Not only hunters wanted to purchase such pets, but also ordinary people who want to find a friend.

Description of the breed

The standards of this breed must comply with the following standards:

  • weight mature dog varies between 13.5-14.5 kg;
  • height of males – 39-41 cm at the withers;
  • The height of females is around 37-39 cm.

The coat color can be varied: red, black, brown, and mixed colors.

The dog's coat is long and very soft, reminiscent of velor. Dogs with curly hair and no undercoat are considered to be non-compliant.

The structure of the animal makes you pay attention to it. They have a toned, rational body. The head is flat, and the elongated muzzle shows a proud appearance.

Dogs have a powerful jaw and neck. Looking into the eyes of a four-legged animal, one can read its mental development; from them one can understand the emotions and well-being of the pet.

Shining eyes indicate good condition, while dull eyes indicate sadness or illness of the pet.

The ears are the real pride of cockers; they are covered with curly hair. According to stereotypes, the auricle should be located at eye level. These dogs have a special grace; such dogs tend to gallop.

Basic character traits

Cocker spaniels are distinguished by their agility and fun, these dogs are famous for their special devotion. Their main goal is to be as close to their owner as possible.

They are ideal pets for families with small children, and their activity will appeal to older children. These dogs will also be an excellent friend for an elderly person. It is believed that such a dog will be suitable for people with different characters and age.

The negative trait of the spaniel is its stubbornness and inflexibility, which mainly concerns its personal belongings and toys.

But proper upbringing A Cocker Spaniel puppy can prevent this problem.

The main purpose of a dog of this breed is to seek out and bring shot prey to the owner. In this matter, the dog always shows hard work and perseverance.

A restless pet focused on hunting, at home it turns into a calm, fluffy little ball that requires love and tenderness.

He behaves calmly with close people, but strangers force him to keep his ears open. Dogs have guard instincts, so strangers will be greeted by loud barking.

Spaniels are very touchy, but at the same time easy-going. After a short time, the big-eared one will forget the insult and enjoy life.

Cockers are not picky eaters, but at the same time they can eat anything edible that comes their way. It’s good when you don’t have to rack your brains about what to buy the dog to make it want to eat, but the owner will have to carefully monitor his charge.

Dogs tend to pick up leftover food found on the street, which can be quite dangerous to the health and life of the pet.

English spaniels simply learn commands because they always want to please their owner. They are very energetic and need frequent and long walks.

Proper maintenance and care of spaniels

The British are big food lovers. The owner has several main missions: to prevent the dog from overeating and to provide it with proper exercise.

Since the spaniel has quite long hair, it requires constant care. Regular haircuts, combing and trimming are required. From a young age, you need to teach your dog to sit quietly during such procedures.

Because of its long ears, the dog constantly smears them while eating. There are no problems with dry food, but if the dog eats natural food, it is necessary to tie up the ears or purchase a special oblong bowl, narrowed towards the top. This will protect the owner from frequent washing.

Correct haircut

It is necessary to cut your spaniel's hair from an early age to make further care for your pet easier. Many breeders hand over puppies already clipped.

Owners of show dogs remove the coat from the back to achieve the correct shape of the coat.

Experts have a negative attitude towards such experiments.

In order for the coat to lie according to standards, it is necessary to comb out the undercoat hairs. Grooming a Cocker Spaniel is quite a labor-intensive process and it is better to entrust this task to qualified specialists.

Photos of cocker spaniels

Brief description
Behavior with children
Security Guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

Do you dream of a dog – a positive generator? Don’t like to walk with a calm dog, but give you a bright, active pastime with “hunting” and “attacking” pigeons and crows? Do you simply need an English lord in dog form in your home? The English Cocker Spaniel is definitely your dog!

Many people think that the word “spaniel” in the name of the breed indicates Spanish origin. This time their logic fails. The English Cocker Spaniel is a breed from Foggy Albion, it began to be artificially bred there in 1879.

Interesting! The name of the breed consists of two words: “cocker” - from the English “woodcock" - woodcock. It was this feathered game that the first representatives of the breed hunted. The meaning of the word "spaniel" is shrouded in speculation. One opinion: it comes from the Phoenician "Spani» - rabbit, long-eared dog. This hypothesis is put forward by adherents of the version that the ancestors of English cocker spaniels were brought by the Phoenicians in ancient times.

The breed belongs to the 8th group according to the ICF classification, to the “Spaniels” section. Following the recognition of the breed in 1902, standards for conformation and behavior were established.

English Cocker Spaniels were bred in England. The main purpose of the bred dogs was to hunt game birds: they flushed, found and brought birds. The first representatives of the breed were distinguished by their larger size, until they were crossed with Japanese spaniels brought as a gift to the Queen of England. As a result of this mixing, dogs were obtained that differed from other spaniels not only in their smaller stature, but also in color. Chestnut-red spots on a white background, or Blenheim - distinguishing feature all spaniels.

Who were the distant ancestors of the English Cocker Spaniel? It is believed that the ancestors of the breed are squat and long-haired bird dogs, which were used in hunting back in Ancient Greece. From there they entered Iberia, the territory of the Iberian Peninsula. Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of Iberia, like the ancient Greeks, kept bird hounds, fold-eared and with long hair. The dogs then spread throughout Western Europe, including England. The British paid great attention to improving the hunting characteristics of dogs. As a result of their breeding, cockers acquired the ability to work in thorn bushes, dense thickets, tall grass and began to work with their voices, i.e. warn about found game.

Characteristics, description, character

Males of the English Cocker Spaniel reach a height of 39-41 cm, and females - 38-38 cm. Their weight can fluctuate between 12.5 and 14.5 kg. Dogs live 14-16 years.

The English Cocker Spaniel, whose character fully matches his appearance, is playful, cheerful, responsive and friendly. They do well in large families and get along well with single people. Even if several people live with him, then strong attachment The dog will only have one family member.

Sociability and friendliness towards strangers is something that is characteristic of cockers. Without being guard dogs, they are friendly even to strangers. But some dogs can be distinguished by timidity, shyness, strong attachment to the owner, when the pet is very dependent.

Even as a pet, he remains an excellent hunter, he has an excellent sense of smell and eyesight, and during walks the English Cocker Spaniel shows his partiality for crows, pigeons and other birds that come his way.

He wants to be liked by others, his constantly wagging tail indicates that he is happy from being in his favorite environment. The Cocker Spaniel is smart, easy to train, and has no equal in games where you need to search and fetch. His passion is field hunting.

If you have chosen a cocker spaniel as your future pet, whose character can be described as sensitive, you will have to restrain yourself from expressing negative emotions, since the dog is sensitive to screaming, physical punishment should never be applied to it. Love and strict kindness is exactly how you should treat this breed.

Features of the appearance of English Cocker Spaniels:

The dog's body resembles a square, so its height at the withers is approximately equal to the length of the body. The dog has a rectangular muzzle, a wide nose, and eyes of different shades of brown. A healthy dog ​​has a cheerful, good-natured, intelligent look. Long ears located on the sides of the head at eye level and completely covered with long silky hair.

The Cocker Spaniel has a strong, robust body with well-developed muscles. His movements are fast, dexterous, and swift.

The dog's coat is long and soft, it does not curl or curl. Representatives of the breed are characterized by different colors: black, spotted, chocolate, sand, fawn. If the dog has plain color, then there should not be any marks of a different color, otherwise this is a disadvantage.

Those who have ever interacted with a Cocker Spaniel will understand that this is the sweetest dog, which is a pleasure to have as a pet.


The English Cocker Spaniel, whose diseases can be acquired or hereditary, gets sick infrequently, as they are active, healthy dogs. Cockers have ailments:

  • psychological: hysteria, tendency to panic, aggression;
  • skin diseases: for example, asthenia, when the skin is deprived of normal elasticity, strength, sensitivity, their skin is also susceptible to infection by yeast fungi, but most often it is secondary. A dog infected with fleas tears its skin into injured areas and later Candida or Malacesia fungi colonize;
  • diseases of the organs of vision: cataract, glaucoma, cherry eye, entropion, distichiasis:
  • illnesses musculoskeletal system : hip dysplasia;
  • If the ears, one of the most vulnerable parts of a dog’s body, are not properly cared for, they can develop otitis.
  • food allergy.

To prevent the occurrence of psychological and physical problems, visit your veterinarian regularly and ensure proper care and nutrition.


The English Cocker Spaniel requires careful care, especially when we're talking about about wool. Hosts will need:

  • combs with frequent and rare teeth;
  • massage brushes and short-bristled brushes;
  • slicker comb;
  • scissors for trimming fur on paws and whiskers;
  • electric hair clipper.

Frequent brushing will protect the hair from tangling and will also get rid of fur in the apartment; cockers do not shed much, but even Not large number Hair on furniture and floors can be a nuisance.

Other procedures for caring for an English Cocker Spaniel:

  • Cockers' ears are vulnerable, so they need to be cleaned of wax and checked for infections.
  • Brushing your teeth with a special toothbrush to prevent plaque formation.
  • Eye hygiene: wipe them with damp cotton pads.
  • Regular walks, as the cocker spaniel needs exercise like air. Moreover, just walking is not enough; the dog should be given additional exercises and games.

A balanced diet is the key to a dog’s health, activity and love of life. Cocker spaniels can sometimes be fussy when feeding, not wanting to eat. healthy food, and can go hungry for up to 2 days. The main thing in such situations is not to follow your pet’s lead and stand your ground. Preferred foods for these dogs: raw beef, vegetables, milk, cereal, cheese, herring (once a week).

Education, training

If you choose an English cocker spaniel, training the pet should be subject to the rule: exclusion of any violence in the process of communication and education. What to do if there is disobedience? Experts advise using remote influence methods, for example, throwing an object towards the dog (but not at him!), spraying water from afar, making loud noise.

Patience and perseverance when raising Cocker Spaniels should be in moderation, since they are not as stubborn dogs as, for example, English Bulldogs. Cockers memorize commands on the fly, and there is no need for monotonous, repeated repetitions. The dog should not be allowed to ignore a command, otherwise situations with non-compliance with commands will be difficult to correct. When raising children, use the “carrot” method, not the “stick” method.

Food motivation is perfect for cocker spaniels; they love to eat and will gladly follow commands to get the next treat: a piece of cheese, a carrot.

Rules of behavior in the apartment should be taught from the moment the puppy appears in the house. Although the cocker is a smart dog, you should not hope that it will learn the rules and form habits on its own. Encouragement, the formation of habits during games, and civilized ways of expressing dissatisfaction can turn a puppy into a disciplined, obedient pet.

English Cocker Spaniel, training: which courses are suitable for your pet?

  1. When the puppy turns 3 months old, you can begin educational training. The course can be carried out independently or by contacting specialists. If you teach commands in an apartment, then they need to be reinforced outside.
  2. Six months is the optimal age for switching to obedience training.
  3. From 8 months you can start a course of OKD.

Training your pet, of course, will depend on the purpose for which you got it: just for keeping in an apartment or for hunting.


There are no cuter creatures than English Cocker Spaniel puppies. No one is left indifferent by the “skirt” - ears, movable tail, trusting look.

Usually puppies end up in new home at the age of 1.5 months. In the first days it is better not to leave the little cocker alone, otherwise he will be stressed. You need to lift the puppy with both hands; they are so mobile that they can break out of your hands and fall.

Puppies are inquisitive and tireless, they are champions in climbing onto a high sofa, armchairs, table, their courage knows no bounds: every now and then they strive to jump from there.

As for the rules in the house, you cannot make allowances for the fact that in front of you is a small, unintelligent creature. For puppies, the same prohibitions apply as for adult dog: for example, do not sleep in the owner’s bed, jump with his paws on a person, especially children, you should not be allowed to play even with old house slippers, otherwise you will wonder why the cocker ruffled your new shoes.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies are a special little world; what goes around comes around. Attention, care and love can make them loyal companions and protectors.


The English Cocker Spaniel, the price of which depends on the presence/absence of a metric, is a dog that is bred in kennels, clubs, and private breeders.

This breed is very popular, it does not require specific knowledge and is suitable for inexperienced owners. The character of cockers also played a role: everyone wants to have easy-to-train, perky, playful, inquisitive pets at home.

The price range for English Cocker Spaniel puppies is wide: dogs without documents can be bought for 2-3.5 thousand rubles, and with a metric - from 4 thousand rubles. In nurseries, as a rule, prices are more expensive, since puppies are bred there by professionals who guarantee compliance with breed standards. If you decide to buy a puppy from a kennel, be prepared to pay 6.5-10 thousand rubles for representatives of the pet class. Breeding and show-class dogs cost 11-15 thousand rubles and more.

A small dog of a hunting breed. Today, the breed is increasingly used as a companion dog, as a pet, and thanks to its beautiful coat, it is prestigious to take part in various exhibitions.

The American Cocker Spaniel is a direct descendant of the English Cocker Spaniel and first appeared in America in the 18th century.

At that time, the cocker breed was divided into two groups:

  1. cocker (squat and smaller)
  2. springer (larger with long legs).

In the middle of the 19th century, clearly defined breed differences began to be distinguished in the spaniel genus, resulting in the appearance of toy spaniels, clumbers and sussexes. At that time, all spaniels, with the exception of “toy,” must weigh at least 6 kilograms in order to be effective assistants during the hunt.

In 1856, during the American Exhibition, cockers were first exhibited as a separate class, but over time the breeds were again mixed, both in the ring and in breeding. In 1893, the Cocker Spaniel breed was officially approved by the London Kennel Club. At that time, cocker spaniels already had a number of breed differences that distinguished them from their relatives. 1946 - The American Kennel Club recognizes the American Cocker Spaniel as a separate breed.

Domestic history This breed began only in 1977, when the first litter of fawn puppies was born. At that time it was rare breed, but dog lovers did not stop there, and improved the breed every year. Thanks to our efforts, today we have a purebred American Cocker Spaniel.

Description and breed standard of American Cocker Spaniel

  • Ledge distance sternum to the ischial tuberosity is slightly longer than the distance from the withers to the ground.
  • The body must be of sufficient length to ensure a straight and free stride; The dog should never look long and squat.
  • Behavior/Temperament: balanced, calm, courageous.
  • Head: Well balanced, looks proportional to the body.
    • Skull: moderately rounded, but spherical and not close to flat; the brow ridges are clearly defined. Under the eyes the head is well filled.
    • Stop (Move from forehead to muzzle): well expressed.
  • Nose: Good size, in proportion to the muzzle and facial region, with wide open nostrils typical of sporting dogs.
    • The color of the nose in black, black and tan and black and white dogs is black.
    • In dogs of other colors, a brown, liver or black nose is acceptable, the darker the better.
    • The color of the nose should be in harmony with the color of the eyelid rim.

    American Cocker Spaniel puppies photo in a lounger

  • Muzzle: wide and deep, square in format. For proper balance, the distance from the bridge to the nose should be equal to half the distance from the bridge to the base of the skull.
  • Lips: The upper lip is full and of sufficient depth to cover the lower jaw.
  • Jaws/Teeth: regular scissor bite, jaws square and level. The teeth are strong, white, and of good size.
  • Cheekbones: moderate, not prominent.
  • Eyes: round and full, looking straight ahead, almond-shaped. The color is dark brown, the darker the better. The spaniel's eyes should not be sunken or bulging.
  • Ears: hanging, long, densely covered with long hair, thin skin; The ears are set at the level of the line of the lower part of the eyes.
  • Neck: Long enough to allow the Spaniel's nose to touch the ground freely, muscular, without dewlap. It rises high from the shoulder blades, with a slight nape, and tapers at the junction with the head.
  • Topline: Sloping towards the croup. The croup is muscular.
  • Back: Strong and gradually sloping from the shoulder blades to the base of the tail.
  • Chest: deep, should reach the level of the elbows; in front the chest is wide enough to easily accommodate the lungs and heart, but not so wide as to interfere strictly rectilinear movements forelimbs. The ribs are deep and well sprung.
  • Tail: docked tail should continue the topline or be slightly raised; It is not allowed to be too raised up (like terriers) or lowered down (a manifestation of timidity). When animated, the spaniel wags its tail cheerfully.
  • American Cocker Spaniel puppy photo in a basket

  • Forelegs: Parallel, straight, strong boned, muscular, located close to the body and under the shoulder blades.
    • Shoulders: well laid back, forming an angle of the glenohumeral joint of approximately 90 degrees, which allows freedom of movement, the spaniel is able to throw its limbs forward far. The shoulder blades are sloping, clearly defined, without projections and set in such a way that the highest points of the shoulder blades are at an angle allowing a wide curve of the ribs.
    • Elbows: when viewed from the side, the forelimbs are vertical, the elbows are directly under highest point The shoulder blades look straight back and should not be turned in or out.
    • Pasterns: short, strong.
    • Paws: compact, large with hard pads; cannot be turned inward (clubfoot) nor outward. Dewclaws on the front legs can be removed. The claws are strong.
  • Hind limbs: strong, muscular, with clear angles of the knee joints and powerful, strong thighs. When viewed from behind, they are parallel both when moving and when standing.
    • Croup: wide, rounded, muscular.
    • Hips: powerful, well defined.
    • Knee joints : Strong, no inward or outward movement in stance or movement, with moderate angulations.
    • Hocks: strong, low-set.
    • Hocks: strong, short. The dewclaws on the hind legs can be removed.
    • Feet: compact, large, rounded with hard pads; turned neither in nor out. The claws are strong.
  • Movement: The American Cocker Spaniel has a gait typical of hunting dogs. For correct movements, the main thing is the balanced structure of the front and hind limbs. The spaniel's movements are coordinated, fast, smooth and sweeping. The Spaniel must cover space when moving.
  • Coat: The coat is silky, close-lying, straight or slightly wavy. Excessively curly or fluffy (“cottony”) coat is considered a fault.
    • The hair on the head is short and soft; on the body - medium length with dense undercoat.
    • The hair on the ears, chest, belly and legs is thicker and longer, but should not hide the outline of the spaniel's body, its movements or distort the appearance and function of a hunting dog.
    • It is not advisable to cut the fur on the back with an electric clipper. Trimming should emphasize the natural contours of the dog.
  • American Cocker Spaniel size: The ideal height at the withers for an adult male is 38.1 cm, the height at the withers for a female is 35.6 cm. Deviations within 1.3 cm in one direction or another are acceptable.
  • Disadvantages: Any deviation from the above is considered a defect and the rating depends on the accuracy of the relationship with the degree of the given deviation.

  • Disqualifying faults:
    • The above colors are the only acceptable colors or color combinations. Any other colors or color combinations are disqualified.
    • Black color: white spots except chest and throat.
    • ASCOB: white spots except chest and throat.
    • Spotted: 90% or more of the base color.
    • Burn marks occupying more than 10%.
    • Absence of tan marks on black and ASCOB specimens in any of the indicated places.
    • Males - above 39.4 cm; Bitches are taller than 36.8 cm.

    Photo of an American Cocker Spaniel on the grass with fluffy fur

    Black and black and tan color. Black should be clean and shiny; shades of brown or liver are undesirable. Small white spot on the chest and/or throat is permitted; white color in any other area is considered a disqualifying fault.

    ASCOB (any solid color except black). This color includes any solid color other than black - from light cream to dark red, including brown and brown and tan. The color must be pure, but lighter colors are allowed. A small white patch on the chest and/or throat is acceptable. Disqualifying Faults: White spots anywhere else are considered a fault.

    Spotted color is two or more colors in a pattern with clear boundaries, one of which must be white.

    • Black and white
    • Red-white (light cream to dark red)
    • Brown and white (including tan)
    • Roan (speckled) dogs are classified as spotted, and can be any of the regular speckled varieties. A primary color of 90% or more will be disqualified.

    Combinations of any of these colors with tan are also acceptable. The markings should be in the same places as on black and tan and brown and tan animals.

    The color of tan marks can range from light fawn to dark red and they should make up no more than 10% of the main color. Tan marks exceeding 10% of the base color are disqualified. In individuals with black color or ASCOB, the markings should be located as follows:

    • spots over both eyes
    • on the sides of the muzzle and on the cheeks
    • on inside ears
    • on all paws or limbs
    • area under the tail
    • on the chest (optional; presence or absence is not a defect)

    Disqualifying faults

    • The absence fell in specified places or presence in places not specified by the standard in a black spaniel or ASCOB subgroup.
    • Blurred or faint tan and tan on the sides of the muzzle, merging at the bridge of the nose

    Note: male dogs must have two full-fledged, normally developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum.

    Character of the American Cocker Spaniel

    By nature, the American Cocker Spaniel is a very energetic, cheerful, active and friendly breed. Sometimes wary of strangers and strangers, but quite an obedient dog.

    Most of all he loves to spend time with his owners, playing with them, loves attention to himself. There are individuals with a rather jealous character, but this trait can be smoothed out with timely education and training.

    The American Cocker Spaniel loves children and loves to participate in their games. Its small and compact size allows you to keep a spaniel in a city apartment. He senses the owner’s mood well, is ready to support and empathize with him, this quality is quite strongly expressed in this breed.

    The American Cocker Spaniel is highly trainable, quickly remembers commands and carries them out with enthusiasm. They are excellent hunters, as it is in their blood. In the case when the owner of a cocker is an avid hunter and is going to take the dog with him on a hunt or just in the forest, it is necessary to prepare the pet for the upcoming work. The dog's fur is shortened, so the spaniel will not freeze when taking prey out of the water, and will not get tangled in the bushes.

    American Cocker Spaniels are wonderful circus performers, rescuers and drug detectors.

    The natural desire to please the owner as much as possible can be successfully used in training and raise an excellent friend and companion.

    Maintenance and care of the American Cocker Spaniel

    Caring for an American Cocker Spaniel is labor-intensive and mandatory, but the work is worth it. The spaniel has an irresistible coat, and in order for it to look healthy, beautiful and well-groomed, the owner must adhere to the rules of proper care.

    Brush 2-3 times a week with a natural bristle brush or metal comb. The combing procedure will remove dead hair, remove dust, improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of tangles and hair problems.

    Bathe your cocker every 7-10 days, or depending on how dirty it is. For bathing, use a special shampoo for long-haired dogs with conditioner and conditioner. Afterwards, the wool is dried with a hairdryer for proper styling. IN winter time It is recommended to bathe your spaniel once a month. The American Cocker Spaniel needs professional grooming four times a year.

    For general grooming (coat care) you will need the following tools:

    • massage brush
    • metal combs, with rare and frequent blunt teeth
    • scissors
    • slicker
    • electric machine

    For a neat cocker look, stick to simple rules, and your pet will always look well-groomed.

    • First, comb the entire coat with a brush.
    • comb with fine teeth comb the fur on the body.
    • using a wide-tooth comb in those places where the fur is longer: chest, sides, paws, tail, ears.
    • The hair on the paws is trimmed with scissors (once every 2 months), excess hair is cut off on the top of the leg, on the sides, under the paws and between the pads of the toes.

    After completing all the procedures, do not forget to praise your pet and treat it with a treat.

    Inspect your American Spaniel's eyes regularly, and if you notice souring, gently wipe them with a soft, lint-free cloth dipped in warm water or chamomile infusion. If you notice excessive souring, tearing, swelling of the eyelids and redness of the eyes, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian.

    The spaniel's drooping ears are regularly inspected and wiped with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. auricle, remove dust and sulfur. Once every 2-3 weeks, the hair around the area is trimmed ear canal. Excess hair does not allow air to pass through, irritates the ear and can cause infection. Fold-eared dogs regularly have their ears ventilated to let air in. Just wave your pet's ears like the wings of a butterfly, that will be enough.

    Trim the claws once a month with a nail clipper, and file the sharp ends to avoid chips and burrs.

    American Cocker Spaniel nutrition

    Photo of a black American Cocker Spaniel

    The American Cocker Spaniel's diet must be correct and balanced so that the dog grows healthy and active. The main thing is to comply with certain rules that are suitable for of different ages your pet.

    The American Cocker Spaniel is a hunting dog and is therefore very active. Therefore, food must be nutritious and provided with the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements.

    Don't forget about water - a bowl of clean drinking water should always be available to the dog.

    In order for the puppy’s body to form correctly, the diet must include dairy products, which are rich in calcium and vitamins, and when the puppy is two months old, sea fish is introduced into the diet. It is important to clean the fish from the bones so that the puppy does not choke!

    Must be present protein food, which will give the body energy, and vegetables and cereals are necessary for proper digestion. Feeding 2 one month old puppy should be up to 6 times a day, which will gradually go up to 2 times by the year.

    It is important to remember about bones for adult dogs, or rather pork and beef ribs, the use of which develops the correct bite in the dog and is an excellent prevention of tartar.

    With proper nutrition, you will ensure a healthy life for your dog.

    American Cocker Spaniel Training

    American Cocker Spaniel photo at an exhibition

    Training an American Cocker Spaniel can be divided into two main stages.

    The first stage is to learn the basic commands that are necessary to live in society:

    • "It is forbidden"
    • "To me"
    • "Near"
    • "Sit"

    These commands are main part raising a young pet, and he will easily remember them.

    The second stage of training is to study applied commands - “Give”, “Fetch”, etc. It is recommended to start this stage no older than 4 one month old dogs. These stages of training imply the principle of reward for a completed command. When the dog is ready to carry out a command, then a signal is given and when it is completed, it receives a treat. In this way, conditioned behavioral reflexes will be developed. If you intend to develop hunting instincts, then you need to engage in field training - the development of hunting instincts that nature itself laid down.

    American Cocker Spaniel photo in winter near the fireplace

    For example, for a pet to work according to some a certain type game, it must be accustomed to the smell of the required bird, and already during the hunt the dog itself will be able to find the necessary game and lift it into the air, bring it or stand in the right direction. Quite often, to develop such instincts, a young dog is allowed to hunt with more experienced dogs so that they can “teach” the beginners. This type It is recommended to conduct training with a professional trainer.

    If you want to buy an American Cocker Spaniel, remember that this hunting dog who loves long walks and physical activity to stay in shape.

    The recommended walking time for a cocker is at least half an hour each walk. Be sure to let your pet off the leash; he must run, jump, climb stairs and other obstacles. Proper nutrition, timely training and care guarantee you a beautiful and true friend for the whole family.

    Diseases of the American Cocker Spaniel

    • urolithiasis
    • chronic hepatitis
    • seborrhea
    • melanoma
    • epilepsy
    • hypothyroidism
    • cataract
    • glaucoma
    • progressive retinal degeneration
    • corneal dystrophy
    • corneal ulcer

    English cocker spaniels are considered one of the oldest spaniel breeds.

    Currently, they have passed on the laurels of primacy in popularity to their brothers - the American Cocker Spaniels. However, the number of admirers of this breed is still large to this day.

    Let's consider the main features of the English Cocker Spaniel breed: description of the breed, history of origin, character traits, as well as advantages and difficulties in keeping pets.

    The history of the origin of the dog breed goes back to the distant past.

    They were brought to the lands of England by the troops of the great commander Julius Caesar. Although the authenticity of this information remains in doubt, it has been definitely proven that the British made a significant contribution to the development of this breed.

    In accordance with the stud books, breeders bred entire families of spaniel dogs.

    At the very beginning, spaniels were divided into field and swamp (depending on the location of the hunt).

    The field ones, with their stance, suggested to the hunter the places where birds congregated, and the swamp (or aquatic) ones successfully took part in hunting with nets. Later, dog handlers managed to develop a universal dog that could catch any game.

    Thus, long-haired spaniels became especially popular in the 17th century. In 1883, after an exhibition, the dog breed was divided into two categories (depending on size): large dogs (over 11 kg) were called field spaniel, and smaller dogs were called cocker spaniel.

    This weight limit for cocker spaniels was later removed. The founder of all cockers that exist today is considered to be a black male named Obo, who appeared in England at the end of the 17th century.

    The dog breed was obtained from his son - Obo II.

    In Russia, the English cocker breed did not immediately become widespread. First representatives purebred dogs from England appeared in our country at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The fame of the “happy cockers” came after the exhibitions of the 80s, when not only hunters, but also ordinary lovers of four-legged pets became breeders.

    The official breed standard was adopted in 1902, which has now undergone a significant number of adjustments and additions.

    The outline of the skull is smooth: it looks elegant and at the same time impressive. The large nose provides a delicate sense of smell.

    Large eyes, but not bulging. The iris of the eyes is of brown shades: from dark brown to hazel. The ears are located at eye level, reaching the tip of the nose in length; lobe-shaped, hanging.

    Strong jaws with an absolutely correct scissor bite. The neck is short and strong.

    The chest is quite deep and developed. The ribs are embossed. The loin is short and powerful; straight topline, gently sloping towards the base of the tail.

    The tail is extremely mobile, located below the level of the back, but even when moving it should not lift up. Subject to docking when using dogs for hunting purposes.

    The limbs are quite muscular, strong, with dense pads.

    The coat, in accordance with the breed standard, should be straight, silky and shiny, without curls. The fur coat has different lengths: short on the head; the chest, tummy and ears are more abundantly covered.

    There are two main colors of the breed: solid and spotted. Solid colors include all shades of red, chestnut, black, sable and tan.

    At birth, there may be small whitish areas on the face or limbs, which disappear after a while and become completely unnoticeable.

    Dogs of the same color may have tan or transition - areas of a different shade (from chocolate to wheat). The saturation and depth of color in tan marks is important.

    Colors that do not yet meet the standard include: brindle, white with black or brown pigmentation, and blue (steel).

    In the spotted coat color, white is added to the base coat. Moreover, the distribution of white areas is completely unpredictable.

    For example, a dog is considered black and white as being completely black with a few white markings; and almost white with small black areas. The versatility of the spotted color is added by specks, which can be either dense or sparse.

    By nature, the English Spaniel is playful, responsive and affectionate. He loves to be with his owner all the time and is quite sociable.

    An obedient and cheerful cocker will become a favorite both in a large family and for a single owner. It should be noted that dogs of this breed are overly dependent on their owner.

    Therefore, from an early age, the cocker should be taught to be independent. Also, the English Spaniel can be quite capricious with regard to personal belongings, especially toys.

    English Spaniel- a tireless worker and wonderful hunter. He is an excellent specialist in finding and retrieving game thanks to his excellent eyesight and sense of smell.

    He can even hunt for pigeons, crows and other birds while walking.. IN home environment he is cheerful and good-natured, tries to involve all family members in the game.

    With proper upbringing, they can even find a common language with cats. These restless fidgets can treat strangers with distrust and jealousy.

    English Cocker Spaniels are not touchy and take punishments with understanding. They are sensitive to changes in the owner’s mood.

    They constantly try to please, so it’s easy. Pets love when they are given a lot of attention and care.

    Choosing an English Cocker Spaniel as a pet, the advantages and disadvantages of the breed should be taken into account.

    The advantages include:

    The small size of the pet and the beautiful exterior of the dog. The height at the withers in males reaches up to 41 cm, in females - up to 39 cm.

    These dogs were an adornment of the royal court. Even the formidable King of England Henry VII, who issued a ban on keeping dogs at court, made concessions only for small spaniels - the favorites of the ladies of the court.

    This is an active and hardy dog. An English Spaniel can be a good travel companion on a long walk and even on a trip. Calmly tolerates driving in the car.

    English cocker spaniels are intelligent dogs and easily accept training.

    These are valuable assistants during search work: they are often used by the customs service when searching for prohibited goods.

    They also help rescuers when searching for living people under landslides.

    Despite the large number of positive characteristics, the English Cocker Spaniel has some disadvantages.