Use of computer presentations in dhows. The use of multimedia support in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Using computer presentations in educational activities with children preschool age.
Defining rules for creating presentations.

The workshop is aimed at beginning preschool teachers and inexperienced users. In practical activities, teachers generalize knowledge about the use of ICT technologies when organizing direct educational activities with preschool children. They analyze the main points of creating presentations aimed at kindergarten students.
“Without striving for something new, there is no life, no development, no progress”
V.G. Belinsky

Target: creating conditions for improving the professional skills of teachers in mastering ICT competencies.
1. generalization of teachers’ knowledge about the use of presentations in practical activities with preschoolers;
2. getting to know new form presentations - Prezi – presentation;
3. determining the rules for creating a presentation aimed at a preschool child;
4. developing the interest of teachers in the use of ICT in educational activities with participants in educational relations.
The workshop is aimed at beginning preschool teachers and inexperienced users.
Form: round table.
Preliminary work: Preparation of Prezi - presentation for the speech “The use of computer technologies in the educational activities of a preschool institution. Analysis typical mistakes when creating presentations for preschoolers."

1. projector, laptop (for demonstrating a presentation on the content of the speech);
2. laptop for each teacher (or one for two);
3. presentations by teachers on which they will work during the workshop;
4. chamomile with questions for the “Chamomile of Questions” exercise;
5. bell.
Senior teacher(invites teachers to stand in a circle and conducts psychological attitude for joint activities. Teachers speak about their command of ICT and whether they use presentations in their work):
I take the bell
I’ll tell you what I KNOW.
And I will give you a smile.
Exercise “Chamomile of Questions”
Senior teacher: Dear colleagues, look, a miracle flower has grown in our Fairytale Meadow - chamomile. Let's answer together the questions that bloomed on the petals of a daisy (There is a brief discussion on each issue. The senior teacher makes a generalization on each issue. As the workshop progresses, the rules are defined, the conditions that must be taken into account when creating the presentation are signed on the poster).
- What is a presentation?
Summary: Today, increasingly high demands are placed on the work of preschool institutions. After all, the level and nature of a child’s achievements depend, first of all, on professional competence teacher, his ability to work on himself and constantly improve professionally.
Proficiency in ICT is currently the most relevant, due to the fact that the modern child is a progressively developing personality, and this development occurs not only through upbringing and socialization in an educational institution under the patronage of a teacher and parents, but also through various gadgets that have access to the Internet.
The Professional Standard “Teacher” states that a teacher must have such work activities as developing skills related to information and communication technologies.
Possess ICT competencies:
general user ICT competence;
general pedagogical ICT competence;
subject-pedagogical competence.
A presentation is a brief and visual presentation of information that helps the speaker reveal the essence of his work in more detail.
A computer presentation is a set of slides (electronic pages), the display sequence of which can change during the presentation.
A presentation is a multimedia document; each slide can include various forms of information presentation (text, tables, diagrams, images, sound, video), and also include animation of the appearance of objects on the slide and animation of changing slides.
A multimedia presentation is an interactive way of providing information using the “Tell and Show” principle.

- What types of presentations are there?

- Where can presentations be used in teacher practice?
Summary: To improve the professional skills of teachers on this topic in kindergarten carried out: consultations “Use PowerPoint presentations in the work of a preschool teacher"; master class “Creating PowerPoint presentations”; contest multimedia presentations"Kaleidoscope of Presentations"; consultations “Prezi presentations as a new tool for a teacher’s work.” This allowed teachers to actively use presentations when conducting:
consultations, round tables, psychological living rooms, parent meetings, pedagogical advice. Particularly interesting are the presentations of teachers at final teachers' council, compiled as reports on self-education or the results of past academic year;

For children's parties and entertainment, the presentation serves as a demonstration material. It replaces many pictures, posters and audio recordings;
when organizing activities with children.
Thanks to this, kindergarten teachers are introducing new approaches that do not contribute to replacing traditional methods, but to expanding their capabilities.
To bring some static objects to life, teachers use various forms of animation. This helps to influence the consciousness of children not only through hearing, but also visually. Thus, children not only see and perceive images, they experience emotions. If the information evokes emotions, it means that it will be better remembered in the child’s memory. This should be taken into account when developing a presentation.

Taking advantage of opportunities PowerPoint programs, our kindergarten teachers have developed presentations on many topics. I will give just a few of them: “Road Rules”, “City of Zarinsk”, “Birds” Altai Territory", "World of Professions", "Walk through autumn forest", "Horses", "Domestic animals and their young", "Riddles of Lukomorye", "Which tree is the leaf from" and others.
The completed presentations replenish the multimedia library of each teacher, group and preschool educational institution as a whole.

- Do you know how to create a presentation, how often do you use presentations in your practice?
Summary: They determine the level of teachers’ proficiency in creating presentations and using them in their professional activities. The need to provide assistance to teachers on issues of interest is determined.

- What should be taken into account when developing a presentation?
Summary: event, presentation recipients, age, show time, number of slides.
If we talk about the age of preschoolers, it is important to remember the pedagogical appropriateness of the information. The presentation can be used as a background at a party, surprise moment– the appearance of the hero in the GCD, as illustrative material (if there is no necessary picture, for example).
The timing of the demonstration is based on the logic of the GCD, taking into account the change in types of activities during the lesson. If a video fragment is used in the presentation, then the continuous viewing time should be 3-4 minutes in early preschool age, no more than 6-7 minutes in older preschool age. At the eighth minute, children begin to tire. After this, a transition is made to another practical activity, demonstration of other material.
The volume of illustrative material comes from age characteristics child. In early preschool age, 3-5 pictures can be shown sequentially, continuously. In older age – 5-8.
Senior teacher: In order for our chamomile to bloom successfully, it is necessary to create special conditions.
Move on to the practical part of the workshop. Each teacher, while discussing problems, analyzes his presentation for advantages or disadvantages. Everyone discusses ways to eliminate errors and determines the rules for creating presentations for preschool children.
Senior teacher: Next, we will talk about defining the rules that must be followed when creating a presentation.
I will continue my presentation with a presentation prepared in the Prezi presentation program, you will be able to compare, see the difference, and take note of this information.
A little about Prezi - presentations. is a web service that allows you to create interactive multimedia presentations with a non-linear structure.

The entire presentation can be collapsed into one picture, and on the contrary, each element of the presentation can be enlarged (emphasized) for more detailed study and to attract attention.

You can easily find all the information on creating such a presentation on the Internet, devote some time to developing new skills and improve your professional work.
Today the main thing for us is to determine the basic rules for creating a presentation. Open your presentation. Let's move on to consider the first mistake, which is often found in the works of teachers (Teachers work on their laptops using their presentations. Draw conclusions. Determine the rule for creating a presentation).
Task 1: Determine availability title page. The necessary information on it: who completed it, what age the presentation is intended for, date of development.
Rule #1: It is always necessary to indicate: topic, age of children, information about the author, where to use, date of development.

Task 2: Determine whether there is text on the slides and who is it intended for?
Rule #2: A presentation is not a cheat sheet for a teacher.
Presentation slides aimed at preschool children should contain a minimum of text. You will say all the text yourself, and the slides should contain illustrations to increase the visibility of your lesson. The caption for the picture should be located outside its borders, and not on the image.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 3: What background did you choose for the slides?
The presentation background is too bright and active, containing many different elements. Such a background interferes with the perception of information from the slide, tires listeners, and does not have any pedagogical value. The slide background does not match the theme of the presentation.
Rule #3: The background image should not contain elements that are inconsistent with the content of the slide. It must be remembered that the use of ICT only serves to diversify the methods, techniques and forms of teacher work.
For this reason, the background for the slides must be chosen in a consistent color scheme. For the background it is better to use pastel or cool colors (purple, blue, cyan, blue-green, green), you should avoid red and white flowers.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 4: What photographs or drawings are selected on the slide, quantity?
Not good location, not clear blurry photo, overlapping. Many images on one slide (four images or more) is a lot for preschoolers to perceive. It is unacceptable for them to overlap each other or have low resolution.
Rule #4: One slide contains one large picture. If there is an object for comparison, then two on which the characteristics for comparison are clearly visible, objects in the same perspective, profile. The picture should be clear and of good quality.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 5: Is there a list of references on the final slide?
Rule #5: Respecting the work of another person, it is necessary to make a slide indicating links to sources of information (books, websites).
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Senior teacher: Well, our chamomile has bloomed its petals with renewed vigor, all the conditions - the rules - have benefited her. Thus, creative teachers who strive to keep up with the times need to study the possibilities of using and introducing new ICTs into their practical activities, see their place in these technologies, be a guide for the child into the world of new knowledge, and form the foundations of the information culture of his personality. It should be emphasized that any pedagogical innovations must be used wisely, and the teacher must always be guided by the principle: “The main thing is to do no harm!”
Senior teacher conducts a reflection of the event (teachers pass the bell to each other, expressing their opinions and impressions of the workshop):
I take the bell
I’ll tell you what I LEARNED.
And I will give you a smile.
Senior teacher: Dear colleagues, thank you all for your work. Believe in your strength and remember that the road can only be mastered by those who walk. I wish you creative success.

Materials used:
G. V. Glushkova. Using computer presentations in educational process preschool organization. Analysis of typical mistakes, webinar of the Publishing House “Education of a preschooler” dated March 30, 2017;
photographs and fragments of educational presentations from the Internet;
kindergarten presentations.

When working with preschoolers, the use of multimedia technologies (color, graphics, sound, modern means video technology) allows me to model various situations and environment. Game components included in multimedia programs activate cognitive activity my students and enhance their learning of the material. The use of a computer in a preschool educational institution is possible and necessary; it helps to increase interest in learning and develops the child comprehensively.

Modern computer technologies provide enormous opportunities for the development of the educational process. Also K.D. Ushinsky noted: “Children’s nature requires clarity.” Now these are no longer diagrams, tables and pictures, but a game closer to children’s nature, even if it is scientific and educational. The clarity of the material increases its absorption, because All channels of perception of children are involved - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional.

Multimedia – is a means or instrument of cognition in various classes. Multimedia contributes to the development of motivation, communication skills, acquisition of skills, accumulation of factual knowledge, and also contributes to the development of information literacy.

Multimedia such as slide, presentation or video presentation already available for a long time. The computer is now capable of manipulating sound and video to achieve special effects, synthesizing and playing sound and video, including animation, and integrating it all into a single multimedia presentation.

Reasonable use of visual teaching aids in the educational process plays a role important role in the development of observation, attention, speech, thinking of preschoolers. In classes with children, teachers use multimedia presentations, which make it possible to optimize pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with different levels cognitive development, and significantly improve efficiency pedagogical activity.

In working with parents multimedia can be used when designing visual material, during parent-teacher meetings, round tables, mini-teaching councils, workshops, talk shows, surveys. The use of ICT allows you to diversify communication, increase the interest of adults in receiving useful information about raising children.

When holding teacher councils Teachers' reports are supplemented with multimedia accompaniment. Presentations for reports include both text accompaniment and videos, diagrams and charts.

Using multimedia presentations

Any basis modern presentation– facilitating the process visual perception and remembering information using bright images. The forms and place of use of a presentation (or even a separate slide) in a lesson depend, of course, on the content of this lesson and the goal set by the teacher.

The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

  • implementation of polysensory perception of material;
  • the ability to demonstrate various objects using a multimedia projector and projection screen in a greatly enlarged form;
  • combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for the amount of information children receive from educational literature;
  • the ability to demonstrate objects that are more accessible to intact perception sensory system;
  • activation visual functions, visual capabilities of the child;
  • Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for displaying information in the form of printouts in large font on a printer as handouts for classes with preschoolers.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, arouse keen interest in the child, and are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good performance of the class. Thus, the use of multimedia presentations in classes in mathematics, music, familiarization with the outside world ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually identifying the signs and properties of objects; methods of visual perception, examination, and identifying qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal elements in the objective world are formed. signs and properties, visual attention and visual memory develop.

Thus, the use of computer technology makes it possible to optimize the correctional pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with developmental disorders and significantly increase the efficiency of any activity.

In addition, in the process of conceiving and creating new tasks for correctional and developmental classes using a computer and a multimedia projector, the creative qualities of the teacher are developed and improved, and the level of his professional competence grows. The desire of an adult to diversify children’s activities, to make classes even more interesting and educational, takes them to a new level of communication, mutual understanding, and develops personal qualities children, contributes to excellent automation of the skills acquired in the classroom at a new communicative stage of pedagogical and correctional influence. Thus, informatization of education opens up new ways and means of pedagogical work for educators and teachers.

Computer, multimedia - tools for processing information that can become powerful technical means training, correction, means of communication necessary for joint activities teachers, parents and preschoolers.

Using interactive equipment when teaching older preschoolers mathematics, music, and fine arts, it helps to consolidate and clarify specific mathematical content, helps to improve visual-effective thinking, translates it into a visual-figurative plan, and forms elementary forms logical thinking, develops a sense of color

The term "interactivity" comes from English word inter action, which translated means “interaction”. Interactivity is a concept used in the field of computer science and communication. The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten allows expanding the creative capabilities of teachers and has a positive impact on positive influence on different sides mental development older preschoolers.

Using the interactive whiteboard helps develop in children: attention, memory, fine motor skills, thinking and speech, visual and auditory perception, verbal-logical thinking etc. Developmental activities using it have become much brighter and more dynamic. Interactive equipment allows you to draw with electronic markers. For precise definition Ultrasonic and infrared technologies are used to locate the marker mark on the board. Using one of the electronic markers included in the kit, a teacher or child can highlight or underline necessary information, which additionally attracts attention to it. For remote control When working with Windows applications, you can also use an electronic marker that replaces a mouse. Currently, there are many simple and complex computer programs for various areas cognition of preschool children.

A lesson with one subgroup, including children’s activities at the blackboard, educational conversation, games, eye exercises, etc., lasts from 20 to 25 minutes. In this case, screen use should be no more than 7-10 minutes. At the same time, the main goal of the teacher is not to learn this or that computer program with children, but to use its game content to develop memory, thinking, imagination, and speech in a particular child. When working with an interactive whiteboard, teachers primarily proceed from long-term plan, topics and objectives of the lesson. Next, we look at how to make the most of your interactive whiteboard data. Thoughtful preliminary work is required: drawing up didactic tasks, drawing up slides necessary for conducting the lesson. It has been experimentally established that when presenting material orally, a child perceives and is able to process up to 1 thousand in a minute. conventional units information, and with the “connection” of the visual organs, up to 100 thousand such units. An older preschooler has better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when he is interested, when the material being studied is clear, bright, and evokes positive emotions in the preschooler.

What skills are needed to use an interactive whiteboard: · Basic knowledge computer devices · Work in programs: Word, PowerPoint · Practice working on the Internet (to search for images, ready-made presentations and training programs).

So, let's consider the versatility of computer technology as a teaching tool with wide demonstration capabilities - using the example of composing stories based on pictures.

  • Task 1. This task can be completed in 3 ways. 3-4 pictures are displayed on the screen, representing a connected story. (1 – beginning, 2 – continuation, 3 – end) Children simply describe the events depicted in the pictures. In this case, each picture acts as the next chapter.
  • Task 2. Children are offered only one picture. The teacher asks the question: What happened before this? what could happen after? After the statement, a true story is offered and all the pictures are displayed on the screen.
  • Task 3. The teacher shows pictures on the screen that follow each other not according to the plot, but in a mixed up sequence. Children must put these pictures in order and then compose a coherent story.

This is the most difficult version of the work, which requires the child to have developed logical thinking to a certain extent. Next we will look at an example using 4-x. pictures.

Another example of the possibility of students working in dialogue mode during speech development classes:

Task 1. The toys are mixed up, the guys need help, they name what exactly they gave to Zoya and what to Sasha. (On interactive whiteboard image of a boy and a girl, toys)


  • “Whose toy?” Zoya doll. Sasha's robot.
  • "Greedy" My plane. My pyramid.
  • “Pick up, name, remember” What can you do with toys at home (in a store, in kindergarten)? Look, touch, choose, buy.

Task 2. “Let's help mom” It is necessary to arrange the food in appropriate dishes. Bread in the bread bin, sugar in the sugar bowl, milk in the milk jug.

Task 3. The next task introduces children to wintering birds: “Look and name


  • "Say it in one word"
  • “The magpie has white sides, which is why it is called the white-sided one.”
  • “Who gives the voice?”

The positive point is that the use of ICT is aimed at incorporating all analysis systems into operation.


  1. elements of visual-figurative;
  2. theoretical thinking
  3. The vocabulary is actively replenished.

The results of the lessons conducted using a computer program, in in this case PowerPoint, give positive dynamics to the development of children's speech.

PowerPoint presentations mean brightness, clarity, accessibility, convenience and speed of work. At the same time, interactive equipment is used in working with children of senior preschool age with unconditional compliance with physiological-hygienic, ergonomic and psychological-pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms and recommendations.

Using Internet resources and software such as e-books, multimedia encyclopedias, provide both teacher and student access to a large volume of new information, which in its traditional form (on paper) is practically impossible to implement. For example: Poems for kids; ABC for the little ones, etc. In their work, educators can use programs that work in the form of presentations.

Application information technology in classes on speech development in preschool educational institutions allows you to overcome the intellectual passivity of children in the classroom, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of the preschool educational institution teacher. It is an enriching and transformative factor in the development of the subject environment.

And, in conclusion, the use of computer technology in the activities of preschool teachers allows the introduction of innovative processes in preschool education, improve all levels of management in the field of education, expanding opportunities for access to information resources.

One of the recent innovations in the work of kindergarten teachers has been active use various multimedia tools. Technologies do not stand still, and it would not be entirely correct to refuse to use them in work. Multimedia presentations in kindergarten using computers or projection screens can be seen more and more often in a variety of preschool institutions. A video presentation, a presentation using graphics and text information (for example, a presentation in verse) requires a modern teacher to have some skills in working with technology and the ability to use certain programs for editing and playing presentations.

The rapid introduction of computer technology into all spheres of human activity has also affected the education system. New information and communication technologies (ICT) make it possible to increase the level of information culture of a teacher, and, consequently, his professionalism. What is “information culture”?

Information culture- this is an understanding of the modern picture of the world, the widespread use of information flows and their analysis, the implementation of direct and feedback connections in order to adapt them, adaptation to the surrounding world, competent command of the languages ​​of communication with a computer, an understanding of its capabilities, the place and role of man in the intellectual environment.

IN lately Multimedia presentations are widely used in teaching activities.

Multimedia presentation (from Latin praesentatio - public presentation of something new, recently appeared, created) - an information or advertising tool that allows the user to actively interact with it through controls. The purpose of a multimedia presentation is to convey target audience complete information about the presentation object in a convenient form.

The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphic image, sound, speech, video, remember and process data at enormous speed allows specialists to create multimedia presentations, electronic children's books and encyclopedias for children.

What opportunities do multimedia presentations offer in teaching preschool children?

Unlike conventional teaching aids, media technologies significantly expand the capabilities of parents in the field of early development, contribute to the successful implementation of the child’s intellectual and creative abilities; allow not only to saturate it a large number ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also, which is very important in early childhood, they are taught to independently acquire new knowledge.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is to form a system of mental images in children. Presenting material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces learning time and frees up children's health resources.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom makes it possible to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

“A presentation is an educational mini-cartoon, an electronic sound book with beautiful pictures, this is an excellent tool for mothers to tell their child about the world around them as she sees it herself, without leaving home or flying to distant countries.” Victoria Kuznetsova

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, multimedia presentations have a number of advantages.

Municipal preschool educational institution №106

"Kindergarten for care and health improvement"

“Use of presentation multimedia technology in preschool educational institutions”

(consultation for teachers)

Prepared by:

Bikmamatova Svetlana Aleksandrovna,

PDO (choreographer) of the highest

Kemerovo, 2017

Target: Improving the quality of education through the active introduction of presentation multimedia technology into the educational process.

IN recent years There is a massive introduction of information and computer technologies into preschool education. The process of informatization in preschool institutions is determined by the requirements of a modern developing society, where the teacher must keep up with the times and use new technologies in upbringing and education.

In the context of modernization of the education system, new problems and tasks appear that teachers will have to work on solving. One of the problems is the decline in preschooler’s motivation to learn. What is the best way to solve this problem?

Now that teacher and teacher wins additional education, which makes the course of direct educational activities visual, entertaining, bright, interesting, emotional, and memorable. That is, the material should contain elements of the extraordinary, surprising, unexpected, which arouse interest in preschoolers in the educational process and contribute to the creation of a positive emotional learning environment, as well as the development of thinking abilities. We are talking about the use of presentation multimedia technology.

Since it is multimedia technologies that have advantages over traditional classes. Multimedia assumes simultaneous use various forms presentation of information: audio - video images, text animation. Thus, acting through the auditory and visual channels, multimedia creates conditions for receiving and assimilating information.

In preschool educational institutions, multimedia technologies can be used in the form of:

Most teachers can do all this, as it does not require in-depth knowledge of computer technology. The teacher can create a film or presentation, taking into account the characteristics of his students, the goals and objectives set for a particular lesson. Such computer products, as a rule, arouse interest among children due to the realistic and dynamic image, the use of animation, and the computer itself is very attractive to most children. Many parents know how difficult it is to tear a child away from him. And if there is interest, then there is a desire to study.

Another plus is the opportunity distance learning parents. Parents would like to be involved in the development of their children at home. However, they often do not know what exactly to do with the child, or do it methodically illiterately. The main problem is the lack of knowledge among parents in choosing educational computer games that could be appropriate for age and individual characteristics children. The problem can be solved by offering parents CDs with activities or multimedia presentations. The topics of presentations can be different: mathematics classes, virtual visits to art galleries, acquaintance with nature, rules safe behavior at home and on the street. Thus, the child who missed various reasons a large number of activities, can receive necessary knowledge Houses. To help parents, you can also provide a list of recommended computer games (game mathematics, a journey through fairy tales, a fantasy game, etc.), where the name of the game, its brief description(goal, objectives, age characteristics) and a link to the Internet address.

1. A presentation is rarely complete without visual aids. Their task is to make the speech convincing. Proper Use These tools will significantly enliven the presentation and fix the material in memory.

2. It is advisable to use visual aids only when they can enhance the impact of the statement.

3. When demonstrating slides and addressing students, it is best to stand to the left of the screen (as viewed from the audience). Due to the fact that we read from left to right, listeners will first look at the teacher, and then turn their gaze to the right to the screen where more information is presented. detailed information.

4. The teacher will look natural if he sits at a slight angle to the children's audience. You can take a “stronger” position by completely turning around to face the preschoolers.

5. By quickly looking at the image (object), you can use a gesture with your left hand to attract the children’s attention to it. The gesture should be very short. Then you should turn around and address them again.

6. If the projection equipment is temporarily turned off or there is a break in the slide show, it is advisable to move to the center of the room and continue the presentation.

7. If the use of visual aids is no longer intended, it is recommended to stand half-turned to the children to the left of the equipment and continue the lesson.

8. Don't:

- speak with your back to the children;

– block the displayed image;

– allow the medium used to play main role in the presentation;
– provide handouts during the presentation.

Practice has shown that, provided that multimedia presentations are systematically used in the developmental process in combination with traditional methods training, effectiveness of development work cognitive abilities children of preschool age increases significantly.

Larisa Kalacheva
Using multimedia in kindergarten

Using multimedia in preschool educational institutions

Usage information technology in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is one of the new and current problems in domestic preschool pedagogy. The relevance of its solution is due to the urgent need to modernize the system preschool education, increasing its quality.

Scientists note that usage information technologies in joint and independent activity adults and children is one of effective ways correction of existing mental problems, personal development baby: activate and restore higher mental functions, increase the motivation of activity and its regulation by the child. In addition, they are a means of ensuring the individualization of education and training of students.

Currently one of the most dynamically developing and promising directions information computer technologies are multimedia technology. This term came to us from English language (multimedia - from multi- a lot and media - environment)

Multimedia, as noted in the literature, is a set of hardware and software that allows you to enter into a computer, process, store, transmit and display such types of data as text, graphics, animation, digitized still images. images: video, sound, speech.

What multimedia we use in working with children and parents? This digital camera, video camera, voice recorder, projectors, computers, printer. Moreover, some types of this most complex technology can be used not only by teachers, but also by preschoolers themselves under their guidance.

Multimedia technologies are used both in working with children and with parents.

Spectrum used Teachers in the educational process of information resources today are very diverse. First of all, these are computer educational programs for children. These include the program "Soon to school" It contains a set of exciting games-tasks, which, combined with colorful illustrations, exciting stories, and animation, contribute to the development mental processes children: speech, memory, imagination, thinking, expanding their horizons. The program is very popular among children and adults "Land of Knowledge". It is intended not only for collaboration between teachers and children, but also for independent work preschoolers on the computer. The program includes interactive educational games, which describe the adventures of various characters with whom various events occur. The advantage of this program, in our opinion, is the fact that the games have different levels, so children can independently achieve different results in it. The games presented in this program do not require complex technical skills from preschoolers, in particular keyboard skills. By clicking the mouse, children move various objects on the screen. In addition, the program also provides a system of hints that allows the child to find the correct answer without the help of an adult. Thus, teachers have the opportunity to organize individual lessons child with a computer at a pace suitable for him, help children master practical ways of working with information.

However, it is important to note that the available computer programs Can use in working with preschoolers. As a rule, various games and presentations located in open access on the Internet do not correspond in their content to didactic principles (primarily the principle of scientificity, taking into account the age characteristics of children, are aimed at developing aggressiveness, cruelty, and violence in children. Therefore, experts are developing and actively use author's thematic multimedia presentations. Presentations allow you to immerse the child deeper into the subject of study, create the illusion of involvement and empathy with the object being studied. Children are happy to immerse themselves in the topic and talk at home about what they saw on the screen.

Practice shows that creating presentations takes a lot of time, since you need to find the necessary illustrative material, think about its location, and technical design. Teachers are helped out in their search for information multimedia encyclopedias. In these disks they use not only illustrations, videos, but also texts that have already been adapted for children's perception.

At preschool educational institution multimedia means and technologies also are used V project activities.

During project activities with using multimedia the following are decided tasks: development of creative abilities, creation of conditions for social self-expression of children, familiarization of teachers and parents with computer technologies, digital technology, teaching children photography skills, formation initial ideas children about the professions of journalist, correspondent, TV presenter.

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