Healthy lifestyle monitoring in elementary school. Monitoring students' knowledge about a healthy lifestyle

Monitoring students' knowledge about healthy life in order to determine their attitude to the value of health and a healthy lifestyle is carried out in two stages: the first - students in grades 3-4 fill out questionnaires to determine their attitude to the value of health and a healthy lifestyle; final stage– determination of the level of organization of educational work with students in educational institution. The first stage of monitoring was carried out at the endIII quarter, second - at the end of the academic year.

Test “Children’s attitude to the value of health and a healthy lifestyle”

Read carefully and answer the questions.

  1. Imagine that you have arrived in summer camp. Your best friend, who came with you, forgot his bag with things at home and asks you to help him. Mark which of the following items should not be shared even with your best friend: Soap, toothpaste, washcloth, toothbrush, shampoo, slippers, body towel.
  1. Two versions of the meal schedule were posted on the doors of the dining room: one schedule was correct, the other was incorrect. Determine and mark the correct schedule.

Breakfast 8.00 Breakfast 9.00

Lunch 13.00 Lunch 15.00

Afternoon snack 16.00 Afternoon snack 18.00

Dinner 18.00 Dinner 21.00

  1. Olya, Vera and Tanya cannot decide how many times a day they should brush their teeth. Mark the answer that you think is correct: Olya: Teeth should be brushed in the evening to remove all food debris that has accumulated during the day from the mouth. Faith: teeth are brushed in the morning and evening. Tanya: It is better to brush your teeth in the morning to keep your breath fresh all day.
  1. You are assigned to be on duty and must ensure that your friends follow the rules of hygiene. Please indicate when you would advise them to wash their hands:

Before reading a book, before eating, before going to the toilet, before going for a walk, after going to the toilet, after playing basketball, after making the bed, after playing with the cat.

5.How often would you advise your friends to take a shower?

Every day, 2-3 times a week, 1 time a week.

  1. Your friend injured his finger. What advice do you have for him? Emphasize.

Put your finger in your mouth, put your finger under the tap with cold water, anoint the wound with iodine, anoint the skin around the wound with iodine.

  1. Which of the following conditions do you consider most important for happy life? Choose 4 of them and underline:

Have a lot of money, have interesting friends, know and be able to do a lot, be beautiful and attractive, be healthy, have a job you love, be independent, live in a happy family

  1. What conditions for maintaining health do you consider the most important? Choose 4

Regular exercise, money to eat well and rest, good rest, knowledge of how to take care of health is good natural conditions, the opportunity to be treated by good doctor, compliance with healthy lifestyle rules.

  1. Which of the following is present in your daily routine? Mark with numbers: “1” - daily; “2” - several times a week; “3” – very rarely or never.

Morning exercises, jogging, walk in the fresh air

breakfast sleep at least 8 hours

lunch sports

dinner shower, bath

  1. What health activities are carried out in the classroom? “1”—conducted in an interesting way; “2”—conducted in an uninteresting manner; “3” - not carried out:

Lessons teaching health

Sports competitions

Cool watch on how to take care of your health

Quizzes, competitions, games

Analysis of the study.




Total score


Knowledge of the rules for using hygiene products







Body towel

6-8 points – sufficient awareness;

4 points – lack of awareness;

0-2 points – ignorance of the rules for using hygiene products

Awareness of the rules of organizing the diet

First schedule

Second schedule

4 points – the child is aware of the rules for organizing the diet; 0 points – not aware

Hygiene awareness

In the evenings

Morning and evening

In the morning

16-18 points high level awareness;

12-14 points – satisfactory level;

0-10 points – insufficient level

Before reading a book Before going to the toilet After going to the toilet When making the bed Before eating Before going for a walk After playing basketball After playing with the cat

2 0 2 0 2 2

Every day Two to three times a week Once a week

4 2 0

Awareness of first aid rules

Put your finger in your mouth

Place your finger under the cold water tap

Anoint the wound with iodine

Apply around the wound

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Manchazhskaya Secondary School"

structural unit "Kindergarten of the village of Manchazh"

Monitoring educational process


Kaznacheeva N.I.

S. Manchazh

Monitoring tasks for middle group according to the program "From birth to school" educational module « Physical development» «Formation initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle"

  1. Level of development of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle:

A ) Didactic game“What do people need body parts for?”


The teacher asks the child to explain why they need:

Hands (help to do many different things...)

Legs (help with movement)

Mouth (to speak, to eat)

Teeth (chew)

Tongue (helps with chewing, tasting, speaking)

Skin (feels)

Nose (breathes, smells)

Ears (hear)

The eyes (see).

B) Didactic exercise"Continue the sentence"


- “I brush my teeth, which means they will be... (strong and healthy).”

- “If I get my feet wet, then... (I’ll get sick).”

- “In order not to get sick, you need...(harden yourself, do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, take vitamins, etc.).”

  1. Level of Compliance elementary rules hygiene (during observations):

Wash hands with soap as needed

Uses a comb and a handkerchief

Covers mouth when coughing

Uses cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin correctly

Rinse your mouth after eating

Evaluation criteria:

3 points –

2 points –

1 point –

according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”


Last name, first name of the child


Bottom line

Evaluation criteria:

3 points - does everything on his own

2 points - 1 point -

Monitoring tasks for senior group according to the program “From birth to school” according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”

a) Why do you need to eat right? Which foods are good for the body and which are harmful?

b) How to move correctly? Why does a person need to sleep? What contributes to the destruction of human health?

c) What is the importance of daily morning exercises, hardening the body, maintaining a daily routine, and personal hygiene for human health?

e) What should be done if a person gets sick?

Evaluation criteria:

3 points –

2 points –

1 point – the child cannot cope with tasks even with the help of an adult.

Evaluation criteria:

3 points – The child completes all tasks independently, without adult reminders.

2 points – The child completes all tasks independently after verbal prompting from an adult.

Monitoring the educational process

according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”

Group ______________________________

Date of monitoring _______________________________


Last name, first name of the child

Level of mastery of necessary skills and abilities

Level of development of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle

Education of cultural and hygienic skills


Bottom line

Evaluation criteria:

3 points - does everything on his own

2 points - does it independently, if there is difficulty, seeks help from adults, 1 point - to a large extent fails to cope with the proposed tasks.

Monitoring tasks for preparatory group according to the program “From birth to school” according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”

1. Level of development of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle:

Conversation with children (individually):

a) What are the most important organs in a person?

b) How to eat properly? How much should a person eat? Where should you start and end lunch? Is it possible to eat the same favorite dish every day? Why? Why does a person need water?

c) Do I need to do exercises or play sports? Why? Show me your favorite exercise.

d) How do you relax in kindergarten, Houses? (active recreation)

d) Why do you need to harden? How can you harden yourself?

Evaluation criteria:

3 points – The child answers all questions independently and correctly, understanding the content of the questions asked.

2 points – The child answers all questions correctly after a short verbal prompt from an adult.

1 point – the child cannot cope with tasks even with the help of an adult.

2. Level of compliance with cultural and hygienic skills (during observations):

a) The ability to quickly and correctly wash and dry yourself using an individual towel.

b) Formation of the daily habit of brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth after eating, washing your feet before going to bed.

c) The ability to properly use a handkerchief and comb, and take care of your appearance.

d) The ability to quickly undress and dress, hang clothes in a certain order, monitor the cleanliness of clothes and shoes.

e) Uses cutlery correctly (spoon, fork, knife), napkin, knows how to eat food carefully, quietly, keeping correct posture at the table.

f) The ability to make requests and thank.

Evaluation criteria:

3 points – The child completes all tasks independently, without adult reminders.

2 points – The child completes all tasks independently after verbal prompting from an adult.

1 point – the child cannot cope with tasks even with the help of an adult.

Monitoring the educational process

according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”

Group _____________________________

Date of monitoring _______________________________


Last name, first name of the child

Level of mastery of necessary skills and abilities

Level of development of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle

Education of cultural and hygienic skills
