Closer to the body: how to make money on underwear. We are considering business options: how to open a lingerie store

  • Tights
  • Shop underwear
  • Store assortment
  • Price issue
        • Similar business ideas:

Selling underwear or tights

Do you want to open a lingerie store or have you decided to sell exclusively tights? Or perhaps you intend to sell both? One way or another, you ask yourself a lot of questions at the first stage of this event, and this especially concerns the range of goods that need to be purchased first.

Indeed, it is often difficult for beginners to decide on a wide range of products such as tights and underwear; in addition, there are questions about prices and needs modern market for one product or another.

The situation is such that someone opens their own lingerie store, someone is more interested in selling tights wholesale, and lingerie in small wholesale. There are many reasons why this is interesting for businessmen, but in all cases, questions and difficulties definitely arise. As, in fact, in any other new business.

In particular, the assortment is important: exactly how many tights and underwear need to be purchased in order to completely fill the store windows, as well as what should be on the shelves all the time and what should appear as they are sold. Also important is the seasonality of such a product, etc.

It is worth noting that tights and underwear are something that the fairer sex never spares money on, since these things always allow them to look beautiful and sexy.

Many people know that until the early 90s it was extremely difficult to purchase beautiful and high-quality underwear. An erotic lace bra was truly the ultimate dream of every woman in the Soviet Union. Moreover, such underwear was also very expensive. All that women could afford in those days were domestically produced products, but everyone knows how they differed in quality from what could be seen in fashionable foreign magazines.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. An incredible selection of underwear for every color and taste has appeared on sale. The variety of colors and models is simply dizzying - sexy lingerie for intimacy, cotton lingerie for every day, seamless - for the picky, lingerie for sports, etc.


Their abundance is simply amazing - they come in classic, not bright colors for business meetings and office work, fancy ones with a variety of all kinds of patterns, as well as for every day - it all depends on the purpose of going out and even on the mood of the lady!

It must be said that the presence of such an assortment clearly indicates that trade underwear and tights are on the rise today, and this is largely due to the fact that women really often spare absolutely no expense on it.

In many ways and in connection with this, the lingerie market is very competitive. Tights and underwear are sold today in markets, in tents on the way to the metro, and in specialized boutiques. Even in big trading network You can always find a department that sells stockings, tights and underwear. And, I must say, for every product in all these places there will always be a buyer who will be offered products for every taste.

Lingerie store

So, you have decided to start your own business in this direction. For such a store, as a rule, 10-20 is enough square meters. One of the main factors is a crowded place so that customers will come to you as they pass by. Often, women enter the store without even planning to replenish their stock of tights or treat themselves to a new bra.

What equipment to choose to open a lingerie store

You need to purchase shelves, hangers, mannequins and display cases, and also think carefully about how to decorate your store beautifully and stylishly. Because this moment plays very important role- successful design creates that necessary subtle mood that encourages women to buy underwear. Remember that we're talking about about the most intimate item of a woman's wardrobe.

Store assortment

Another problem for an entrepreneur is the need to competently and quickly navigate the diverse range of underwear and tights that wholesale companies offer today. It wouldn’t be superfluous to even conduct your own marketing analysis for the best selling brands. And when you decide on the manufacturer whose product you will sell, you will also need to study its assortment, thinking about what exactly you should purchase in a given season. For example, the “dead” season for trading tights in the central part of Russia is considered to be the period from June to August, so at this time it is better to focus on the assortment of underwear.

Consider regional differences as well. So, there are regions in which the demand for tights never falls due to the cool climate.

How much money does it take to open a lingerie store?

For the first purchase of goods in your store you will need about three thousand dollars.

We also must not forget about one of the main rules of trade - the larger the assortment you have, the better the trade will be and the higher the likelihood that the buyer will come to you for tights and underwear. The most ideal option is if the assortment includes many sets of panties and bras different types: from tango and thongs to classic slips. And in the summer season, increase the range of swimwear.

Statistics show that 70 percent of the fair sex prefer underwear in sets, and only 30 percent choose it individually.

In addition to a good assortment, you must also have all sizes in stock, otherwise the buyer will not be able to buy the model he likes if it does not suit him. A huge plus of trading tights and underwear is that these things take up little space and do not spoil. That is, if you were unable to sell tights this year, you can be absolutely sure that with the onset of cold weather, all stocks will instantly go away, unless, of course, they are a hot commodity.

One of the main points when initially purchasing a product is knowledge of the assortment. Another important key success factor is competent and experienced staff. The product range is large, and you need to know it well in order to accurately determine what will suit a woman, based on the characteristics of her figure.

Price issue

Practice shows that underwear from the middle price category sells much better. There is no point in having many expensive sets of underwear, since their purchase is usually a one-time purchase. This is usually an impulse purchase. Meanwhile, the profit from the sale of an expensive set, of course, will be higher than from the sale of panties for 150 rubles.

The markup on tights and underwear ranges from 50 to 100, less often - up to 150 percent. Everything will depend on how popular this store is.

As for the demand for underwear, it does not depend on the season. These are not tights. Linen is in demand throughout the year. And the increase is observed closer to the New Year and March 8th. During the summer holiday season, the demand for swimwear certainly increases significantly.

Step-by-step plan for organizing a store

Having studied the regional market for such delicate and delicate products, you can begin the following steps to implement your plan:

  • Selection of premises for the store. Points of sale should be located in crowded areas large number potential clients, that is, women. These could be areas where there are fitness clubs, beauty salons, shopping centers, busy streets, etc.
  • Purchasing store equipment taking into account the range of goods and customer convenience.
  • Concluding contracts for the supply of products, taking into account seasonal preferences and holidays.
  • Personnel selection.
  • Advertising company.

How much can you earn selling underwear and tights?

The average monthly revenue from the store is quite predictable within the range of 250 -300 thousand rubles. And the profit can reach 55-70 thousand rubles per month.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

To organize a store selling underwear and tights, you will need code 52.42 − Retail clothing, its subclause 52.42.1, which is responsible for the retail sale of men's, women's and children's clothing, namely clause 52.42.2 - Retail trade of underwear. And also the code regulating the retail sale of hosiery products, 52.42.6.

What documents are needed to open a business?

To trade linen and hosiery, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. Therefore, you will need: a passport and an application for state registration, a document confirming payment of the fee, a copy of the TIN certificate.

Do you need permits to open a business?

To organize a store selling underwear and tights, you will need permission from the SES, territorial property management and fire supervision.

Sales technology for underwear and hosiery

Lingerie sales volumes depend little on the season, but may increase as the holidays approach. While tights and other hosiery products are in seasonal demand. At the start of the project, you should decide on the price category of the assortment and, according to this, correctly place the outlet in the place where your potential buyer is concentrated. To increase demand for a product, it is advisable to organize all kinds of holiday promotions and bonus programs for regular customers. It's good to have related products on sale. For example, bags for gentle laundry, linen closet fragrances, laundry care products, delicate fabric brighteners, etc. Such pleasant little things are readily purchased in addition to the main product by the buyer himself. But they can serve as a gift, a bonus for regular customers of the store. And an important factor is the quality of products and the level of service, thanks to them satisfied customers will come to you for new products again and again.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 450,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 119,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 485,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 5 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan lingerie store with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This business plan presents the idea of ​​opening your own lingerie store. This product is the basis of the product range. Additionally, the store offers hosiery items. Who is target audience? What market segment does the store occupy? Products in what price category can you find? All these questions will be answered in the presented business plan.

Market analysis

Today the Russian market is quite difficult situation due to the protracted crisis. And this applies to all industries. The only exception is the food sector. It is no coincidence that we consider underwear as our main product. Apparel is one of those industries that is holding pretty strong.

A true woman is not used to saving on herself. Beautiful lingerie is considered an indispensable attribute of any fashionista. That is why this product was chosen as the main sales unit.

It must be said that 2015 was quite a difficult year for Russian market. Many stores in the segment have closed due to unprofitability. But why then do we advise opening a lingerie store? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, competition in this segment has sharply decreased, especially in small cities. This will allow a newcomer to the industry to immediately cover a fairly large chunk of the market. As for prices, according to many analysts, it is not worth reducing the cost of goods. If people cannot afford to buy something for 1,000 rubles, then they are unlikely to be able to do it for 900 rubles. That's why my pricing policy needs to be built based on the planned profit.

The main competitors in this industry are well-known brand stores. The advantage over them may be more affordable price and work in different retail outlets. also represent serious danger. They work at competitive prices and on favorable terms. Another group of buyers poses a danger - this. Moreover, this includes branded expensive online boutiques and stores selling domestically produced items at very low prices. It is quite difficult to fight them, but it is possible. The first step is to differentiate the circle of buyers. Online shopping are gaining popularity, but not everyone uses this type of sales today.

Our store will operate in the middle price segment. The main product will be intended for women. For men, the range will be much smaller. About 98% will be occupied by linen, the rest will be various hosiery. Such a spread will be as profitable and suitable as possible.

I would like to note that rents have increased quite significantly. This is another reason to choose underwear. An area of ​​10–30 m2 will be sufficient for a store.. The rental price for such premises will be optimal. For beginning businessmen, this type of store is also suitable because the size of the initial investment turned out to be small. To purchase goods you need about 150–200 thousand rubles. When compared with the same clothes, the amount of investment is an order of magnitude lower.

I would like to dwell in a little more detail on who will supply the products to the store. IN in this case you can work either with large suppliers, making wholesale purchases from them, or with manufacturers of goods, buying it at an even more favorable price. Many will say that the second option is undoubtedly more profitable, but there is one very important nuance. The manufacturer cannot provide a large assortment of goods, but suppliers tailor their work precisely to this end. The ideal option would be to combine work with both sellers.

So, our store will operate in the middle price segment in a rented area (we will choose a shopping center, since this option will help to significantly reduce advertising costs). We will focus on the quality of the product and its aesthetic component. This will help attract women of different incomes.

I would like to note that the brand is not so important for people when choosing underwear, so the emphasis should be on quality and appearance goods. Only 3.5% are loyal to certain brands when choosing underwear for themselves in a store.

SWOT analysis

When creating a concept for a lingerie store, one cannot help but pay attention to internal and external factors that can significantly affect the operation of the enterprise. If we talk about the external component, it is divided into opportunities and threats. The former, in skillful entrepreneurial hands, can only strengthen their positions, while the latter, in the absence of due attention, on the contrary, can only worsen the situation in the market.

So to external factors in this case will include:

  1. Possibilities
  • Market expansion. This opportunity comes after a sharp reduction in the number of retailers and stores in 2015. With the right government policy, the industry can begin to work at an accelerated pace in 2016.
  • High demand for the product. This is due to the need to buy underwear, which does not depend on how much free money the family has. The second factor driving demand is a possible economic recovery.
  • Growth of niches in this market segment.
  • An opportunity to expand your activities, retrain from a lingerie store to a clothing store.
  1. Threats
  • High level of competition. This is also related to the work of famous brands on the market, and with the revival of the segment, the emergence of completely new opportunities.
  • Introduction of various laws and taxes that will become a serious obstacle to development own business. This includes internal and foreign policy. The first can affect competitors within the country, the second can affect the import of goods.
  • Instability of the economic situation within the country. This factor seriously complicates work in any branch of trade. This is primarily due to price fluctuations, which negatively affects contractual relationships with product suppliers.
  • Inability to take out a bank loan on favorable terms. This is also due to the serious current situation in the country.

As for internal factors, an entrepreneur can independently adjust them and use them to his advantage. They are more flexible than external ones. So to internal factors include:

  1. Strengths
  • High quality of goods and service, which ensures high customer demand.
  • The opportunity to attract new partners to cooperation, thereby increasing the range and volume of existing products. In the long term, not only horizontal but also vertical expansion is possible, due to the ability to work in related niches (clothing, shoes, etc.).
  • Availability working capital allows them to be accumulated and used with the greatest efficiency.
  • The opportunity to work with foreign manufacturers, which will allow you to offer your customers not only high-quality, but also trendy products.
  • Opportunity to use technological developments of colleagues from Western countries, which will significantly increase work efficiency (we are talking, first of all, about convenient software that can make it easier to work with goods, account for them, as well as store management).
  • Highly qualified personnel, whose training will be carried out by the entrepreneur himself, having previously studied the structure and studied the basics of marketing, sales techniques and other data that will increase the efficiency of sellers.
  1. Weaknesses
  • High costs. They are directly related to demand. If it is not there, then the costs for the most part remain unchanged, which can lead to losses in the store.
  • Lack of experience may cause the store to not operate at full capacity. This can also cause ineffective functioning. Therefore, before starting work, it is very important to study the scope of work in as much detail as possible.

Opportunity Assessment

Total: 89 hours per week, 382 hours per month.

Our lingerie store will be open seven days a week. For service we need 2 sellers, they will work in shifts. Here you can choose a schedule by agreeing with them in advance. The most preferable would be 2 through 2.

The cleaning of the premises will be carried out by the staff of the shopping center where the store will be located. The mall management will also be responsible for advertising inside the building.

The responsibilities of the sellers will include customer service, accounting for goods, placing them inside the store, and counting proceeds. To make it more convenient for customers in the store, it will be possible to pay for goods using plastic cards. In this case, the proceeds will be transferred to the organization’s bank account. You can open it in some banks for free, and annual service It doesn't cost that much.

In our case, the entrepreneur will handle advertising and work with suppliers. Hiring an administrator will be unprofitable, since the store will be small. With the expansion or opening of a new outlet, you can hire a person with experience in this field.

As for documentation within the company, it will be compiled by a third-party company. Hiring an accountant will also be inappropriate. The entrepreneur will resort to outsourcing.

The store will be located in shopping center cities. A room with a size of about 30 m2 will be quite enough. Inside there will be a counter for the seller, a fitting room, and a small room for storing inventory. Special attention The seller will focus on the efficient distribution of goods in the store. There will be couplets of hangers, racks for promotional goods, several mannequins to demonstrate more spectacular bustiers, corsets, stockings, robes and shirts. There will definitely be mirrors in the fitting room.

To improve quality, the store will package every item sold in bags for free.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Design or . Since the store will be small, it makes sense to go with the first option. When registering your own enterprise, you need to remember to enter everything OKVED codes. In our case it will be:
  • 52.42.2 - Retail trade of underwear;
  • 52.42.6 - Retail trade in hosiery.

If you plan to expand the range in the near future, you should think about adding additional codes so as not to have to re-register later.

  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the first case, two options are possible - simplified tax system “Income” 6% or simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. A certificate of entry into the general trade register is required. In our case, the store will be opened on the territory of the shopping center, which will determine the receipt of the necessary document.
  3. You will need to obtain permission to carry out trading activities.
  4. Conclusions from State Fire Supervision Authority and Rospotrebnadzor are required.
  5. It is necessary to have an official lease agreement and a garbage removal agreement.
  6. You will need permission to outdoor advertising, if one is expected.
  7. Don't forget the tax office.
  8. You will need Goskomstat codes.
  9. If you plan to sell any products that require a license, you will need to obtain one.
  10. Employees must have medical records (do not forget about the regularity of passing commissions).
  11. You will need a list of goods and certificates for them.
  12. Do not forget about the need to have a sanitary passport.

Documents such as a contract for the removal of solid waste may not be needed if the cleaning is carried out at the expense of the landlord and he has a general contract for the maintenance of the entire building. In this case, a certified copy will be sufficient.

Marketing plan

Our store will be small, so large-scale promotions will not be practical. The main lever of influence will be the shopping center. Posters and information about ongoing events will be placed inside. For the opening, the store will be decorated with balloons and welcome messages. A sign will be placed on the front of the building. In the future, the following methods should be used to advertise the store:

  • Carrying out promotions and sales days. Their frequency will be agreed with customers. Inventory balances and the need for their sale will be preliminarily analyzed. Small discounts on products from last season can be arranged regularly by organizing a special tray with products and information about the discount provided.
  • Adding information to city directories. The entrepreneur will do this. But opening your own website with such production volumes is impractical. But when expanding your store, you will need to think about this first. Then contextual advertising and informing customers through your group on social networks can also come into play.
  • Distributing flyers near a shopping center. This will help increase the flow of visitors who will be interested in purchasing high-quality linen at reasonable prices.

All this will help attract customers to the store and increase the organization’s prospects. In parallel with the development and promotion of his own store, an entrepreneur should also think about improving interaction with suppliers. Perhaps he will be able to get more favorable conditions or attract cooperation large companies, including international level. All this contributes further development and opening new points.

Calculation of projected income

The markup on goods in the lingerie segment can vary from 100% to 300%. We will take the figure of 150%, since it is closer to the average price segment.

Average revenue per day will be about 15,000 rubles per day. Therefore, monthly revenue will be 450,000 rubles. Of this, 180,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of goods.

Production plan

So, for work we will need a room with an area of ​​30 m2, as mentioned above. For effective operation you will also need:

  • fitting room;
  • hangers;
  • mannequins;
  • shelves;
  • racks for placing goods;
  • trays on legs for placing auction goods;
  • showcases;
  • computer;
  • software;
  • sofa;
  • chair or chair for staff;
  • equipment for scanning product barcodes.

A small store will not need video surveillance. But the software will make management much easier.

The salary of sellers will be 30,000 rubles. The total payroll will be 60,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 450,000 – 310,000 = 140,000 rubles.
  • Tax (calculated as 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 140,000 * 0.15 = 21,000 rubles.
  • Net profit: 140,000 – 21,000 = 119,000 rubles.
  • Profitability: 119,000/450,000*100% = 26.44%
  • Payback: 485,800/119,000 = 4.08. Therefore, the store will pay for itself in 5 months.


The main risks of this industry are:

  1. Unprofessionalism of working sellers.

Such a factor can significantly reduce the profit received and negatively affect the functioning of the store. Irresponsibility can cause differences to occur during audits.

To rid yourself of these negative consequences, it is worth working seriously with the staff, checking the hired employees for competence and professionalism. To evaluate the quality of service, you can send it to the store secret shopper and do it systematically.

It is imperative to train employees to properly operate the equipment and software. This will make their work easier and increase the transparency of everything that happens in the store for the entrepreneur.

It is important that the seller is aware of the manufacturers, the composition of the goods, and the quality of the brands provided. This will help the client choose the most suitable products for themselves and their loved ones.

  1. Rising costs.

This also applies rent and the cost of the goods supplied. To avoid troubles, you need to establish long-term relationships with the tenant and suppliers and document them.

  1. Increased competition

This factor can be smoothed out by building customer loyalty. To do this, the product must be relevant, high quality, fashionable and affordable.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

How to open a lingerie store?

As a rule, about 90% of the assortment of a lingerie store consists of women's collections. The remaining 10% is the men's and children's assortment.

The business of selling underwear is profitable, since the product is popular and is in constant demand, which is not seasonal. Also, underwear is small-sized clothing, therefore, you can save a lot on renting a room.

Linen may vary. Prices also differ. There are cheap underwear, and there are luxury goods. But it’s better to start your business in the middle price category, since this is the price range that attracts greatest number buyers.

What is a lingerie store as a business in general?

The business of selling underwear has many advantages when compared to other stores.

  1. A considerable markup on products (up to 300% for luxury underwear).
  2. Underwear takes up little space, so there is no need to rent a large room.
  3. It is light, has no expiration date, and is always in demand.
  4. A lingerie store as a business does not require significant investment.
  5. Fashion trends They are not changed as often as regular clothes.

From characteristic features It can be highlighted that underwear is divided not only by customers (men, women, children), but also by segments (brands, erotic lingerie, children's knitwear).

The vast majority of investments will be in equipment and the purchase of the initial batch of linen. You will have to shell out about 80,000 rubles. This amount will also include payment of rent for the premises. An online store will require significantly less investment. But you shouldn’t expect high profits from it either. In total, opening a store will cost approximately 250,000 – 300,000 rubles. At proper organization and preliminary analysis, the profit will be 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.

Store format, offered assortment and its purchase

The business of selling underwear is simple and at the same time diverse. The market is divided into several segments, which gives future entrepreneurs the right to choose and the opportunity to constantly expand their range. So, there are the following types of stores.

  1. Mid-price lingerie.
  2. Branded products from expensive manufacturers.
  3. Erotic lingerie.
  4. Standard store.

In addition to deciding on the type of store, you need to decide on its format. This could be a fashion boutique, a shopping pavilion, or an online store.

1. Separate store. It implies a large area and two price categories: medium and high. As a rule, such stores are located in shopping centers with high traffic. This format requires sufficient start-up capital.

2. Small store. A store of this type is opened not in shopping centers, but on busy streets, thus saving on rent.

3. Online store. Anyone can open a business selling underwear on the Internet, even without relevant experience. The disadvantages of this format are that buyers are guided only by numbers, they do not have the opportunity to try it on.

An ideal assortment should meet the following criteria.

  1. Diversity. This applies to both models and colors.
  2. Seasonality. In summer, you can expand the assortment with beach sets (scarves, pareos, swimsuits).
  3. Availability of linen sets. Most should come in sets.
  4. Non-standard. If the store has unusual sizes, this will help attract additional customers.
  5. Availability of products from several manufacturers.

You can purchase goods in three ways:

  1. Through wholesalers.
  2. By franchise.
  3. Through manufacturers.

The most profitable and convenient option is a wholesaler. Ideally, it should be located in the same city as the store. Through manufacturers directly, it is inconvenient because you have to wait a long time for the goods to be delivered. Insufficient response time to demand will lead to customer churn.

A franchise is also not always good, although the terms of the agreement may be different. But, as a rule, the franchisee must adhere to the imposed restrictions on the purchase of goods, which in most cases is not profitable.

What will it take to open a store?

Before opening a business, namely a store selling underwear, you must pass standard procedure registration. Next comes an analysis of the market and competitors. You need to study the needs of the people and the area before you start looking for premises. To study competitors and their policies, you can go to similar stores in the city, look at the ranges offered, and prices. If you know what your competitors are relying on, you can come up with something new that will help attract customers to your side.

Premises, equipment, personnel

The most important thing is the favorable location of the store. It should be in a public place, in full view of customers. An average store should have an area of ​​at least 20 m2, with a large display window and at least two fitting rooms.

From equipment and additional items and installations you will definitely need cabinets, lighting fixtures, shelves, large mirrors, mannequins. The latter should be in full height, so the underwear models look much more impressive. These mannequins are more expensive, but it's worth it. It's better to put them on open place, on a shop window, for example.

The staff will need salespeople, cashiers, and administrators. Sellers must know the product perfectly and be able to sell the product. To improve their skills, it is advisable to subsequently conduct training and certification.

Attracting customers and increasing sales volume

To succeed in business and selling underwear, and therefore have regular customers, you need to follow the following tips.

1. Change the assortment often. Buyers should see a replenishment of the assortment, then they will often come in and see what’s new. The same applies to mannequins in shop windows. Their linen also needs to be changed frequently.

2. Appropriate atmosphere in the store. The interior should be different from others. He must win over buyers.

3. Many manufacturers. There is no need to focus on just one manufacturer, even if it is good. You need to have a lot of offers for buyers.

4. If some models are stale, then you can remove them from the counter and give preference to new items.

5. Incentivizing sellers is the key to successful sales. You can hold competitions among them or give them a bonus on the products sold.

6. Always accept unpacked goods back. The law does not prohibit, and buyers will receive good impression from the store.

Availability gift certificates for different amounts. This best gift, which means that during the holidays it brings huge profits to the store.

Discount cards, availability of men's and children's assortments, but in smaller quantities, promotions. Underwear is in constant demand, but promotions are still necessary from time to time.

At the same time, you can open an online store. The costs are minimal and the profits can be good.

Also prerequisite to attract customers - advertising. Most efficient look advertising – outdoor (transport, billboards, posters). How more people learn about the new store, the more visitors there will be.

The business of selling underwear is very attractive. It does not require large investments. On average, according to experienced businessmen, you will need at least 200,000 rubles, but there are other successful examples when much smaller amounts were invested, and the business flourished. Don't be afraid to open your own business. The main thing is to approach it responsibly, conduct a thorough analysis and develop your own original approach to clients, which will advantageously highlight new store against the background of competitors.

Owning your own business is a profitable business. Every aspiring entrepreneur is faced with the question of choosing an industry for his activities. Selling and producing underwear is a profitable business. This product is required constantly and at any time of the year. We will tell you in detail how to open a lingerie store in this article.

General information

Opening a store is not difficult. This type of activity is a good investment. Lingerie is the main product that will be sold in the store. An additional assortment may include children's and men's underwear, as well as other related products.

One of the advantages of trading in this type of clothing is that the product is externally small in size, which means that it will not take up much space and you will not need large areas for rent. This directly reduces costs for the cost of rented premises and payment utilities. Accordingly, the share of profit increases.

Product selection

When faced with the question of how to open a lingerie store, we must not forget that this product has great variety not only in range, but also in price. You should decide what kind of underwear will be presented for sale. Will it be a cheap product? average price or you focus on elite and expensive models. Consider that greater demand has products whose price is in the average category. It sells out faster and, accordingly, brings profit faster. And this is the essence of your business.

Business plan for a lingerie store

We propose to consider a business plan designed to open a store, which will be aimed at customers with average income.

What type of business should I choose? Trading carried out on behalf of individual entrepreneur, will become the most profitable form of activity for selling underwear. In this case, it is best to use a single tax on imputed income when choosing the type of taxation. And as a trading floor use the rented premises.

What services will be provided? The business plan for a lingerie store can also include the sale of men's and children's models. In addition, you should diversify your product range with additional accessories, such as hosiery or swimwear.

Production plan. Place

It’s worth thinking about how to open a lingerie store in advance. Look for a small room that will be located in a crowded place. This can be any trade or entertainment center with a lot of people passing through. Its area can be about 20 square meters. m. This is quite enough to conveniently place the goods.

Make sure there are no other stores selling lingerie in the mall. If there are any, then try not to occupy retail space next to them. This can lead to a decrease in the number of customers and, accordingly, potential profits. You can also find a room on the street. But a lingerie store requires a small area, and individual buildings most often have large territory, so this option may be problematic.

To ensure that your income is not only stable, but also increases over time, consider opening several retail outlets in various areas of the city. Even with small sales, you will still make a profit.


A business plan for a lingerie store must contain the “Equipment” item. This includes racks, display cases, mannequins, hangers and fitting rooms. The product must be laid out conveniently and beautifully so that the entire assortment is available for review by the buyer.

Pay attention to the lighting. In addition to the main light, there must be a backlight that will be directed at the product. The showcase should be well decorated. One way to attract customers to your store is to demonstrate products (new collections) on mannequins. To reduce costs, you can purchase a torso (i.e., top or bottom part mannequin). They cost an order of magnitude cheaper.


For your store, you can choose products produced by factories that have been many years are considered leaders in the women's underwear market. In addition, you can start selling products from an unknown company. Usually the price of a product from such a manufacturer is noticeably lower. By doing this, you will not only help its development, but will also be able to earn extra money.

But at the beginning of your business, it is still best to start selling products famous brands. As time passes and your experience increases, you will be able to help develop new companies without risk. Pay special attention to brands such as Incanto, Milavitsa, Rosme, Lormar. Their products are very diverse: they differ from each other in fabric composition and style. Initially, you can purchase products from several companies, for example 4, 5, and then supplement the assortment with models from other manufacturers.

There are lingerie factories in Russia that produce quite high quality. Maybe they are not as popular and well-known as Latvian and Belarusian ones, but from their assortment you can choose suitable products for your store. After a few months, you will be able to determine which product is in high demand.

What do you need to know when compiling a product assortment?

Since the product is the basis of your business, you should be especially careful in choosing it. Any business plan for a lingerie store has large number recommendations on how to properly compile a product range. The main thing is to remember that it must be varied.

When choosing models, pay attention to the color scheme, material composition, and size range. In the warm season, preference should be given to swimsuits. A good addition to them will be all kinds of accessories for the beach: hats, scarves, pareos, etc.