What is included in the social package according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? Social package: types and methods

Attract employees alone wages and the possibility of career growth is quite difficult now. Companies began to struggle for qualified personnel. And among the numerous motivation systems on the part of the employer, the one that stands out is social package. This practice in Russian organizations began to take shape relatively recently. And until now, most employers prefer not to spend additional money on personnel, considering the social package an optional element. But those companies that know how to count their money still try to attract valuable personnel with additional guarantees. Traditionally the most complete packages offered by large Russian and foreign companies. Here the social package is perceived as way to increase the attractiveness of a company in the labor market and win the loyalty of specialists.

All inclusive
Social package is a set of benefits or additional services, the payment of which is borne by the employer. There are state-guaranteed benefits that are mandatory for all institutions. This includes payment for annual leave, temporary disability, and benefits for young employees and women. “The social package is something additional that a company can offer in addition to the basic salary. In each company, such compensation looks different, says Natalya Usoltseva, HR manager at the Bizon-Laplandia chain of stores in Yekaterinburg. - If we talk about our company, we act in accordance with the Labor Code, that is, we pay for sick leave and vacation, contribute funds to pension and insurance funds, and also provide medical insurance. After all, a law on compulsory health insurance was recently passed.” Also, according to the law, the employer must compensate for the use of personal property for work purposes. That is, if the employee uses a personal car or cellular communication for your labor activity, then he is entitled to reimbursement of expenses. What else is included in the social package depends entirely on the company itself. Other benefits may include travel expenses, kindergarten, training in advanced training courses, discounts on manufactured products, payment for sports or housing.

Three approaches to the social package

If we generalize the experience of companies, including Yekaterinburg, then there are three approaches to the formation of a social package. First, a set of privileges is established depending on the employee’s merits: the higher his position and the longer his work experience, the a large number He enjoys a variety of benefits. The company's employees are assigned a certain category, which implies a certain package of benefits. In the second approach, the benefits included in the social package are divided into basic and additional. At the same time, basic or protective benefits are provided to all employees (medical insurance, life insurance and pension payments). And additional benefits (loans for the purchase of housing, free lunches, the right to buy company products at preferential prices) can only be used by certain categories of employees, for example, top managers or employees who have worked in the company for more than five years. Another option for forming a social package is for the employee to independently select a list of benefits from the list within the established amount. For example, one will prefer to pay for tuition, another will prefer additional health insurance, and a third will prefer to pay for a subscription to a fitness club.

Nice and useful

The presence of a social package for many employees is a guarantee of reliability and stability. Depending on what the employer offers in the social package, a potential employee can decide how comfortable he will be in a given company. “Additional social benefits are very significant when choosing a place to work,” says Svetlana Galba, HR director at Sima-Land in Yekaterinburg. - The compensation package is usually the first question when hiring. Applicants will find out whether the benefits at least correspond to what is required by the Labor Code.” As social benefits, the employee receives certain support from the employer. Consequently, labor productivity at the enterprise increases, the atmosphere in the team improves and personnel turnover decreases. However, the social package is also beneficial to the company itself. By providing additional benefits and guarantees, employers often retain valuable employees without significant salary increases. It is also important psychological factor- team cohesion, friendly atmosphere in the company. Indeed, for employees, the manifestation of care on the part of employers is sometimes much more important than financial incentives.

Social package or salary?

Very often, candidates are lost, choosing between an attractive benefits package with a lower salary and a large salary without additional benefits. The decision is usually made individually, but lately in many companies in Yekaterinburg, preference is increasingly given to the first option. Sometimes it is very difficult to allocate money for additional needs on your own: get medical insurance or buy a subscription to gym. And all people enjoy working in a company with a strong corporate culture and personnel policies that take into account the interests of each employee.

What should be included in the social package? Most significant factors

The first group of requirements includes:

  • full payment by the company sick leave - 92%
  • maternity leave - 73%
  • voluntary health insurance - 82%
  • funded pension insurance - 79%
  • vocational training - 73%
  • organizing or paying for meals - 64%

The second group contains the following social benefits:

  • payment for travel on transport or compensation for gasoline for personal vehicles - 52%
  • employee life insurance - 47%
  • additional paid leave - 45%
  • corporate leisure events - 45%
  • payment for tourist vouchers, sanatorium - 45%
  • providing loans to employees - 43%
  • payment mobile communications - 42%

We all need to work to provide for our lives. For this modern world The social package is of great importance. It is true that few people can say right away what a social package is and what is included in it. This is what we will do to correct this.

What is a social package?

Half of what employers offer does not fall into this category. Thus, health insurance, annual and maternity leave, contributions to the pension fund are all requirements specified by law in relation to the employer. Even spending on personal transport, vocational training and mobile communications is just compensation for the employee’s personal funds.

Then what is a social package at work? This includes free meals, swimming pool and gym memberships, loans for the purchase of housing, payment for travel vouchers, etc. Social packages are completely dependent on the desires and capabilities of specific companies. Due to significant expenses, only about 15% of employers provide them to their employees. Therefore, when going through an interview, it is very advisable to ask what is included in the social package.


The social package may vary depending on the position, as well as physiological characteristics person. So, speaking about what a social package is for pensioners, it should be noted that according to current legislation, they can receive it from the state in cash or in the form of services.

For example, senior managers large enterprises have an executive or corporate car with a driver, family health insurance, an additional pension at the expense of the company, vouchers designed for the whole family and much more (again, it all depends on each individual case).

What do ordinary employees and mid-level representatives receive?

If we've already touched on this topic, then let's bring it to the end. Mid-level employees can boast of a social package that includes the following benefits:

  • vouchers;
  • payment for mobile communications and classes at the fitness center;
  • compensation for expenses on gasoline and food;
  • voluntary health insurance (although, as a rule, only partial payment is made);
  • provision of interest-free loans or credits (it is even possible to issue part of the amount for a mortgage).

For ordinary employees, the social package includes the following items:

  1. Issuance of special clothing.
  2. Payment for travel to the place of work.
  3. Partial payment for mobile communication services.
  4. Providing meals at work.
  5. Payments in the event of an emergency (wedding or death of a close relative).

Pensioner's social package

It is provided by the state and many will be interested in what is included in it. It should be noted that in 2016 the government allocated 930.12 rubles for it. If we break it down into individual items, then it will turn out:

  1. Medicines prescribed by a doctor - 716.40 rubles.
  2. Sanatorium treatment (only if there are medical indications) - 110.83 rubles.
  3. Suburban and intercity travel railway transport to the place of treatment and back - 102.89 rubles.

By the way, you can refuse the benefits provided by the state (partially or completely) and receive their cash equivalent. After all, you must admit, when talking about what a pensioner’s social package is, no one is particularly impressed by its generosity.

The author believes that it is better to keep cash under your own control, rather than running around with a bunch of papers in different offices, while also wasting your time. And if there is a desire, then in 2016 with a request for this action You must contact the pension fund strictly before the first of October. If you have submitted an application before, you do not need to do anything.

Social packages for certain categories of citizens

These include disabled people of the Second World War who received their injuries during hostilities, as well as minor prisoners of German camps. The amount of this benefit is equal to a thousand rubles - and from this you can understand what a social package for disabled people is.

There is also a social package in the amount that categories of citizens who took part in the Second World War and suffered in concentration camps can expect to receive. If a person meets both criteria, he can only count on one payment.

What can most often be found in a modern social package from an employer?

What we described earlier was purely theoretical information. And speaking about what a social package is, let’s clarify how things stand in modern realities:

  1. Free medicines if you have a sick leave certificate.
  2. Meals, as well as travel to the place of work are at the expense of the employer.
  3. Completion of advanced training courses at the expense of the company (the most popular is training in working with personal computers).
  4. Payment of expenses for mobile communications.

Going on a sanatorium-resort holiday is also beginning to gain popularity. Some employers care not only about their employees, but also about their families. All this is used as a tool for motivating activities. Additionally, individual approaches can be used to increase people's interest. As a rule, they are aimed at the most successful or experienced employees of the company.

From a legal point of view

Now let's look at what a social package is from a slightly different point of view. Initially, it should be noted that the very concept of a social package is absent in the legislation. The term “standard social package” is often used. What is meant by it?

In the labor code Russian Federation it is stipulated that the employer must make various deductions for the employee, as well as provide him with payment in the event of various circumstances (for example, sick leave, pregnancy, childbirth). Also, everyone officially employed can count on an annual salary. Therefore, when we talk about a standard social package, this implies official employment.

Keep in mind that from a legal point of view, it is a norm that must be met by all employers, without a single exception. But even in such cases, individual pleasant options can be added to the employee. So, for example, voluntary health insurance policies can be provided, which provide an expanded list of services (most often this means dental treatment).

Social packages from the point of view of world practice

Many successful businesses even create their own gyms for their employees. As a rule, they are located close to production or office premises, in which workers can work completely free of charge. But most often, ordinary workers are provided with free trips and interest-free loans.

Developed countries will be considered as an example, since this is where it is most common. Considering that vouchers there are cheaper from the point of view of companies, they can be distributed to almost everyone. Also having a positive effect is the presence of low inflation, which means that companies lose relatively little when they provide interest-free loans.

It is also quite popular to provide financial assistance and free food ( special indicator A quality relationship is considered if an employee can choose what he will eat). Although, in general, it should be noted that if an ordinary employee is taken as an example, then he will not be able to boast of anything so significant, while highly qualified and experienced specialists receive a large package of benefits. After all, companies are interested in employees working for them as efficiently as possible.


As you can see, the social package is one of the ways to make your work easier and make it as comfortable as possible. It is also used as a motivational tool, but so far in our realities this is not a very common state of affairs. Although we can hope that this will change in the coming decades.

Many people looking for work are attracted to vacancies with a guaranteed benefits package. What features are included in this concept? What can an employee applying for a profession with a full benefits package count on?

To study this issue in detail, you need to pay attention to the following subtleties of the relationship between the employee and the employer:

  • The law defines the obligations of the employer to his subordinates (specified in the Labor Code and other legal documents);
  • The traditional system for Russia of providing employees with certain concessions and assistance.

The higher the position, the more privileges

Oddly enough, the concept of “social package” does not appear in the main legal act regulating labor relations - the Labor Code. This term is not documented, but still certain provisions document can be considered as information requiring the employer's attention.

It is worth dwelling on Articles 164 and 165, which talk about “guarantees” and “”, promised to the employee. The Labor Complex outlines the situations in which these preferences apply.

Guarantees denote the means, methods and ways of ensuring human rights in the sphere of social and labor relations. Compensation is considered to be payments through which an employee is reimbursed for expenses associated with the person’s performance of certain tasks.

Important guarantees relate to popular procedures for hiring and transferring to another position. There are preferences promised at the state level in the following cases:

  1. The employee is forced to go on a business trip.
  2. The geography of work is becoming different.
  3. The employee is forced to perform operations of a state and social nature.
  4. The employee combines work and study.
  5. The employee must stop carrying out activities not on his own initiative.
  6. The man leaves.
  7. The contract is terminated due to certain circumstances.
  8. The employer is irresponsible in his duties and does not issue in a timely manner.

Legitimate side

Each organization has its own reward system

The law provides for other situations in which the hiring company must fulfill certain obligations to the employee. These obligations are fulfilled at the expense of the employer.

IN exceptional cases when government transactions are carried out, social purpose, compensation may be made at the expense of the institutions.

The employer's main responsibilities regarding compensation and guarantees are recorded in the contract and may be reflected in the contract. But this information more often reflects the initiative of the employer, rather than the letter of the law. Despite the personal initiative of the employer, the obligations stated in the contract are binding.

The listed guarantees and compensations constitute a social package that is actively promoted by employers and attractive to employees. The employer is assigned the role of a responsible executor. The social package cannot be provided partially. All companies offering different forms of employment and remuneration schemes must comply with legal obligations.

The competitiveness of enterprises is influenced by the level of qualifications of workers. A skilled specialist is welcome in any company. They value him and try to provide such an employee with a decent salary, which will not make him think about changing jobs. Programs that create social guarantees are actively working.

Many bonuses are not specified in the Labor Code, but this measure of incentives is quickly becoming traditional not only for highly qualified specialists, but also for other workers in a certain industry.

If a company neglects the customer reward system, it becomes unattractive to job seekers and occupies lower positions in the labor market. Many specialists will prefer a company that cares about the lives of its employees. Bonuses and loyalty programs are factors that speak in favor of the company.

Privileges provided by a full social package

A full social package is good conditions for employees

What compensation and employee support measures are popular in Russia and valued by employees of many companies? We can talk about the following privileges:

  1. Free food;
  2. Providing employees with unlimited cellular communications;
  3. Providing employees with fitness memberships;
  4. Reimbursement of expenses during flights and travel during vacation;
  5. Providing the opportunity to visit some commercial medical institutions for free.

The social package for managers can be equipped with the following privileges:

  • Availability of a car and personal driver;
  • from the company;
  • Solving the housing issue;

Mid-level employees can apply for:

  • Free access to fitness centers;
  • Free food;
  • Payment for gasoline;
  • Opportunity to receive an interest-free loan.

Ordinary employees can count on:

  • Nutrition;
  • Travel payment;
  • Working clothes;
  • Financial compensation in certain situations.

Not all are listed here possible measures support: in many companies, the social package has been expanded with other interesting and important offers that make the lives of employees easier. In some firms, financial support extends to family members; V in this case summer holidays are available.

Along with paying for classes physical exercise Attendance at competitions may be offered. In some companies, fans have the opportunity to attend the football championship.

The social package is a manifestation of care for employees!

In the definition " full social package» may include a list of compensation and privileges determined different standards. On the one hand, the content of the social package may be determined by the information contained in acts of federal significance.

On the other hand, the features of the social package may depend on the management of a particular company seeking to attract qualified personnel. Russian legislation the fate of people entering the . is not indifferent.

The Labor Code lists the obligations that an employer has to its subordinates. They must be executed in mandatory. Some companies independently initiate incentive programs and new obligations that encourage employees to perform well. Many obligations included in the social package greatly facilitate the life of employees, making it more varied and richer.

Therefore, when applying for a job, it would be a good idea to inquire about the capacity of the social package in a particular company and the number of privileges granted to employees in the position that attracts you. After all, you may have to use them and receive support from the company financially or in other ways.

But you will learn how to get an individual entrepreneur’s social package from the thematic video:

In advertisements for open vacancies, along with information about wages, you can increasingly see the postscript: “plus social package.” Recently, the social package has become an integral part of the image of employers, with whom it is prestigious to cooperate. However, the contents of the package may vary from company to company, and sometimes it is mentioned only “for show”...

Everything except wages

A social or, as it is also called, compensation package is a remuneration for work that a company employee receives in addition to salary. The cost of the social package can range from a third to half of earnings. At the same time, each company offers its own list of compensations: some are limited to compliance with the provisions of labor legislation, paying employees sick leave and vacations; others - include free lunches, medical insurance, travel expenses, resort trips, activities in the package sports clubs; still others provide a car, soft loans, apartments, etc. for use.

Young employees with little experience are sometimes compensated for low salaries by the possibility of internships and additional training. In principle, a social package may include all kinds of compensation for expenses related to the employee’s livelihood, expressed in the form of non-cash payment for goods and services or various discounts and benefits.

Why is this type of remuneration so actively practiced by many employers?

Currently, there is an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel in the labor market. The right specialist It is very difficult to find, but it is even more difficult to keep it in a competitive environment. Therefore, in addition to the appropriate salary, it is necessary to offer him something that will attract him to the company for a long time.

In addition, by achieving a stable position for the company, the employer cannot endlessly increase wages, and the social package can be expanded and filled with new content, stimulating increased productivity and optimizing personnel management costs.

Thus, the social package serves as an additional lever of administrative influence on employees.

If an employee is not satisfied with compensation, he can either leave the company, deliberately reduce his productivity, or come into conflict with management. All this has a detrimental effect on the activities of the company as a whole. Therefore, compensation is needed primarily by the company itself in order to motivate the efficient work of employees.

Back in USSR

It’s not for nothing that they say that everything new is well forgotten old: back in the days Soviet Union All citizens actively used compensation packages. Employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations had the opportunity to dine in canteens for free or at reduced prices; their children rested in pioneer camps and attended departmental kindergartens. You could spend a vacation with your family in a sanatorium, or participate in sports clubs. Enterprises built housing for their employees. Alas, with the collapse of the USSR, almost all accumulated experience in the field of social guarantees was decisively discarded.

A few years later, in new, independent states, including Ukraine, they began to return to the practice of providing workers with compensation packages. It turned out that this method of organizing stable and productive work is widely used by entrepreneurs Western countries. It was they who, when creating enterprises in Ukraine, began to introduce their principles of relations with employees here: high wages in foreign companies, as a rule, are combined with an attractive social package.

In countries with market relations, employers' labor costs are broader in content than employee compensation. Cost structure approved International organization labor (ILO). It includes ten groups of indicators:

2) payment for unworked time;

3) one-time bonuses and incentives;

4) expenses for food, fuel and other in-kind distributions;

5) expenses for providing workers with housing;

6) expenses for social protection;

7) expenses for vocational training;

8) expenses for cultural and community services;

9) costs not included in the previously given classification groups;

10) taxes attributed to labor costs.

Based on these indicators, the average cost per unit of time worked or paid is calculated, which is taken into account by government agencies when providing tax benefits to entrepreneurs. That is, it is beneficial for employers in the West to provide a social package.

For example, Procter & Gamble offers its employees the following compensation package:

  • health insurance;
  • life and disability insurance;
  • free lunches;
  • Christmas gifts;
  • the opportunity to purchase company products at a discount.

To each according to his ability

The content of the compensation package in many companies depends on what position the employee holds. Employers take a differentiated approach to providing additional benefits. They can, for example, pay for training or give a soft loan to buy an apartment, but provided that the employee has actually proven his professionalism and dedication to the interests of the company.

Typically, the compensation package is broader in those departments that make money for the company, such as the sales department. There is usually a separate compensation package for the company's top managers.

Most in a simple way differentiation of compensation benefits remains traditional monetary remuneration - various awards and bonuses. This system is widely used by both Western and domestic companies. Bonuses can be paid monthly or quarterly if the specialist has fulfilled the plan set for him. Some firms prefer to pay bonuses once a year.

There are several approaches used to determine the content of the compensation package for employees.

The first approach involves a clear benefit structure. The employee knows that at this stage career ladder he is entitled to a pager and a travel card, and on the next one - a luxury car.

The second is determined by individual attitude. The employee turns to management with a request to provide some compensation, and the employer himself decides whether to provide this employee some value for the company, is it worth meeting him halfway?

The third approach is just emerging in our labor market, but, according to HR experts, it is the future. Every year, every company employee undergoes final certification and based on its results he receives a certain amount points - depending on the success of the work. The benefits provided can be combined in any way you like, but within the limits of the points earned.

Free cheese

Why does the employer, like Santa Claus, give out gifts? Yes, not out of the kindness of my heart and not from the desire for perfection. Everything is much more prosaic - because it is profitable!

Personnel are the main resource of an organization, and the company begins to invest in it when it needs competitive advantages when she wants to achieve some results. The fiercer the competition, the more important employee loyalty is for the company.

In addition, many components of the social package in one way or another compensate for work-related expenses. Mobile phone makes it possible to contact an employee at any time of the day. A company car for a manager is not a privilege, but a production necessity.

The same can be said about trainings and corporate training - they are equally beneficial to both the specialist and the employer. By the way, employers pay for training in trainings and seminars in many companies, but only large companies with foreign capital can afford to pay for the fundamental education of a specialist.

Stable and strong companies work for the future. In many of them, the main part of the compensation package is an investment in their staff, and therefore in their own future. For example, health insurance, free gym memberships, and referrals for advanced training are provided for a very specific purpose: every company needs competent specialists with professional knowledge and good health.

If a company offers a broad benefits package, it means that people are managed responsibly and employees are likely to have good opportunities for development and growth.

Legal aspects of the social package

Considering all of the above, we can conclude: the social package is simply a way to attract employees. Therefore, when applying for a job, you should not rely solely on its availability. Remember, only you can take care of your interests. After all, employers pursue their goal - to get a good employee. You can promise a lot. And most often, failure to keep promises cannot even be called deception.

Be careful. Your gullibility and inattention can turn out to be to your detriment. Before “rushing” to advertisements promising high salaries and generous social packages, try to assess the reality of these same promises.

Ask about working conditions and remuneration. Find out whether the availability of additional compensation benefits is legally stipulated in the collective agreement. Will an employment contract be concluded with you personally, and will it list the benefits you are entitled to? It is in your interests to clearly state in the contract exactly what compensation package the employer undertakes to provide. In this case, the legal regulation of these issues will be in the sphere of labor legislation.

As the most common benefits of the compensation package, we will consider the following: bonuses, provision of apartment ownership, training and provision of a preferential loan.

Bonuses. Clearly define the conditions and procedure for providing the bonus, as well as its size. If it is impossible to specify a specific amount, it is advisable to establish a procedure for calculating the size of the bonus (for example, it could be a certain percentage of the company’s profit).

If from employment contract it is possible to establish the size of the bonus or the procedure for calculating it; the employee has the right to go to court with a demand from the employer to make the appropriate payments.

Providing ownership of an apartment. It is recommended to provide in the employment contract all the conditions for the provision of an apartment, record data that allows you to identify the apartment indicating the persons living in it, then the employment contract in this part will be considered as a preliminary agreement for the purchase and sale of the apartment. If the apartment is registered as the property of the employee, the employer does not have the right to demand its return.

Education. It is advisable to indicate the cost of training in the employment contract, then it will be possible to demand payment of a certain sum of money in the event that the employer refuses to pay for training.

Providing a preferential loan. If the employer undertakes to provide the employee with a preferential loan, then the terms and conditions must be specified in detail in the employment contract. It is necessary to determine the amount, interest rate for use, procedure for paying interest, loan repayment terms, etc.

To draw up such an agreement, you need to be well versed in the current legislation. Therefore, before signing this important document, consult a lawyer, and then many disputes and problems can be avoided.

Very often, when advertising a vacancy, the employer promises to add a significant benefits package to the established salary. At the same time, what exactly he means by this concept is not at all clear. For example, is paid leave a benefit or a guaranteed obligation of the employer? Let's try to understand this and other issues in detail in this article.

What is a social package

When applying for a job, it is important to understand which payments and incentives are the employee’s legal right, and which are a bonus to honestly earned wages. Some unscrupulous employers pass off social guarantees as a social package.

Guarantees, unlike the package, are prerequisite, enshrined in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • paid sick leave, vacation;
  • rest time;
  • contributions to pension and other funds;
  • receiving remuneration for work in accordance with its quality and quantity;
  • providing a place to perform work duties, etc.

Consequently, the social security of workers and the social package are completely different concepts, which the employer can serve with the same sauce.

Also, do not confuse this term with compensation payments, which are clearly stated in section VII Labor Code RF.

That is, if an employee is guaranteed payment for the use of his personal car, reimbursement of expenses for arriving at a business trip, mobile communications for work purposes, and the like, then we're talking about not about additional encouragement, but the norm established by the state. Such payments are compensation for the employee’s monetary expenses associated with the performance of his job duties.

Russian legislation does not define the concept of “full social package”, so each employer can draw it up at its own discretion. Therefore, before considering it a good bonus to your salary, you should ask what is included in it.

A social package is a personal initiative of the employer, which serves as a powerful argument for attracting qualified personnel. The use of this personnel management lever is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • cultivating employee loyalty. Guaranteed motivational bonuses significantly increase the reputation of the company's management and create a feeling of care. Thanks to special attention, the employee feels like a “valuable personnel”. Such a system works if there is no equalization in the package configuration between different categories employees;
  • proof of the stability and reliability of the enterprise. In the current economic situation, only companies aimed at long-term activities can provide a solid set of bonuses. This indicates job stability and makes it possible to attract worthy candidates to the company;
  • increasing staff productivity. The monetary reward has no target orientation; it can be spent anywhere. And different types of guarantees for various categories employees are provided high level ability to work. For example, providing free trips on summer holidays children of working mothers. Employer motivation - a woman who worries less about what her child is doing works better. Or organizing free meals in your own canteen significantly reduces break time;
  • reducing staff turnover. An employee should feel like he is in a “family” that pays attention to him, and not just at another place of work. Bonuses should be different from the packages of competitors. For example, an employee works for a small wages, but on condition guaranteed receipt own housing after the expiration of a certain period of work.

The social package is not an incentive to increase labor productivity. This is a factor that allows you to extinguish negative moods in the team. The employer must clearly consider its completeness in accordance with its goals.

The main requirement is such Every member should have bonuses labor collective . It cannot be provided selectively or equally to everyone. Each category of employees should have its own set of motivational tools.

What does the employer provide?

The social package is formed by the employer. He includes in it additional privileges of such kind and quality as he deems necessary. For different positions, different benefits are provided.

It is important that the social package presented meets the employee’s requirements. HR specialists conducted a series of sociological surveys of hired employees, in which they asked what was preferable for them, cash payment or an extended social package. The majority of respondents choose money, believing that not all components of the motivational portfolio are needed by them.

Many reputable companies have a “flexible” design package that can be adjusted to the individual needs of each employee.

Each organization develops its own set of benefits, which are prescribed in the employment agreement. Very often, the set of bonuses depends on the category of personnel:

  1. Senior managers. Such employees may be provided with a corporate apartment and a car with a driver. Many employers practice issuing individual insurance policies for the employee and his family members, as well as providing health vouchers.
  2. Middle managers. In this case, the package is less expanded and may be limited to medical insurance, payment for lunch, mobile communications and a trip to a regular class sanatorium.
  3. Enterprise employees. Office “plankton” and service personnel can receive delivery to their place of work on corporate transport and free lunches.

The completeness of the package depends on the financial capabilities of the employer. To these benefits, the employer, at his discretion, may add the following:

  • payment for visit gym and swimming pool;
  • provision of preferential cash loans;
  • payment of expenses for gasoline or transportation in public transport to the place of work;
  • payment for parking a personal car;
  • full or partial payment for education of family members;
  • reimbursement of costs for kindergarten;
  • transfer of housing ownership;
  • payment of utilities;
  • corporate trainings;
  • free flu vaccination;
  • gifts for New Year, birthday and much more.

Many benefits are provided after a certain period of work at a given enterprise. An employee must prove his professionalism, and therefore deserve special “attitude” from management. Therefore, many benefits are provided differentially.

In most cases, a set of motivational guarantees more in departments that “earn” money for the company. For example, leading sales managers are especially noted, for whom an individual package is drawn up.

With the help of a social package, the company receives significant competitive advantages that allow it to retain a professional specialist.

An expanded set of bonuses is an investment in the company’s personnel, which means a guarantee of a stable future. The wider the package, the more seriously the employer takes his own employees. Employees of such a company have opportunities for professional growth, development, and recovery. And personnel is the main resource for the stable operation of any organization.

Additions for beneficiaries

Some citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a guaranteed social package. To this preferential category include:

  • old age pensioners;
  • persons receiving a disability pension.

The social package can be obtained in the form guaranteed by the state services or in monetary terms. The monetary value of the benefit is added to the total amount of pension payments.

The pensioner can choose any form, which he must notify the relevant authorities before October 1 of the current year.

The preferential set of government guarantees includes:

  • medicines prescribed by a doctor in the amount of up to 837 rubles;
  • treatment in a sanatorium if available medical indications in the amount of up to 129.47 rubles;
  • travel to the place of treatment and back in the amount of up to 120.90 rubles.

To receive a cash equivalent, you must submit a written application as follows:

  1. Contact the authorities in person pension fund at your place of residence.
  2. Submit an application through the state multifunctional center.
  3. Submit the completed application by mail.
  4. Make a request through the State Services portal.

If the pensioner changes his mind and decides to receive the benefit in kind, he will have to apply again. If the application is not submitted, then the beneficiary is considered to have chosen to receive services.

As a rule, a pensioner cannot receive quality service according to the social package due to him. Receipt free medicines involves serious paperwork, often the necessary drugs It's just not available in pharmacies. And with the amount allocated from the state for health improvement, it is unlikely that you will be able to restore your health. Therefore, unprotected categories often choose the cash equivalent of benefits.

Form for refusing a set of social services:

Is it possible to refuse a social package?

To accept or not to accept additional bonuses from the employer the employee decides independently. If he has no interest in receiving them, then he should not sign an agreement in which they are specified.

When the social package is a component of the employment contract, the employee must issue a written refusal of the benefits provided.

Refusal of a social package is not a reason to increase your salary or receive additional bonuses. That is, you can lose additional bonuses without receiving anything in return.

A social package from an employer is a way to make work more comfortable. An expanded package of services helps the employee appreciate his work more, motivates him to get a high position or achieve high results from his activities. By agreeing to bonuses from the employer, the employee does not risk anything. He receives additional benefits that will not cost him anything.
What else should be included in the social package, watch the video.