Corporate culture of the organization. Organizational culture of the organization

People are the main value at McDonald's. It is important to us that every employee has the prospect of growth and development within the company and enjoys their work. Look at the opportunities available to McDonald's employees.

The heart of McDonald's

Production department

The team of managers and employees of our fast food businesses, led by the director, creates a welcoming atmosphere and comfort every day so that guests want to come to McDonald's again and again.

Employees in this department are directly involved in modernizing, optimizing menus and expanding services to ensure that McDonald's continues to be a favorite destination for our guests.

We are together with those who do not stand still

Development and training

The Human Resource Development and Training Department helps realize McDonald's mission and ensures that the corporate culture is preserved and strengthened.

The team in this department engages and provides resources for professional and personal growth, cares and inspires McDonald's employees. She strives to ensure that people enjoy their work and that everyone can grow and develop with the company.

Quality in everything

Supplier Relations Department

The quality control department closely monitors all processes related to the products. Its quality depends on the raw materials from which it is produced, and the quality of the raw materials directly depends on the suppliers.

McDonald's has created a unique system of working with suppliers, which allows us to monitor and guarantee the quality and safety of products from field to counter.

There are no distances

Information Technology

The success of any business depends on good communication between all its parts.

Department information technology provides effective communication support to all departments and our quick service locations. McDonald's is a modern technology company, so it is very important for us to have constant access to the most remote locations at any time.

Just forward

Company development

McDonald's is a company that is constantly evolving. We are expanding all the time and need new space for fast food businesses. It is the development department that is our engine of growth in this direction. Its specialists are engaged in searching, renting and purchasing space for the construction of new McDonald's enterprises. The construction itself is also done here.

Development of activities to maintain the corporate image of McDonald's LLC

Planning activities to improve the corporate image of McDonald's LLC

Since the task of improving the corporate image of the company cannot be effectively resolved without first improving the overall management system and organization of personnel activities, the following sequence is proposed in the implementation of recommendations for improving the corporate image of McDonald's LLC:

It is recommended to start improving the corporate culture of a company from the management level. Conduct a series of comprehensive classes (with elements of a business game) for heads of structural divisions in order to develop:

  • · a common understanding of the role and place of structural units, heads of various management levels in common system management and organization of the management cycle;
  • · awareness by managers of the need for a clearer division of powers and areas of responsibility between them;
  • · an integrated approach to organizing functional interaction between management levels.

Within the framework of the created working group The PR manager needs to individually determine with each manager the required volume, nature and desired timing of receiving initial management and production information from other structural divisions.

Summarize the data obtained and, during joint group working meetings, clarify with managers the level and nature of the so-called mutual claims.

Develop a realistic management algorithm for organizing interaction between structural divisions and within themselves with a clear designation of the order of presentation of mutual information in time.

In the course of the analysis of the corporate structure of McDonald's LLC, set out in Chapter 2, it became clear that this enterprise is faced with the task of adapting its products to new market requirements.

1. Development of a new plan for marketing and PR activities with the possibility of implementing it in Nizhny Novgorod.

To improve the corporate image of McDonald's LLC, it is proposed to hold a corporate holiday.

Holiday is an exclusive product. It cannot be repeated twice, it cannot be rehearsed, and it is completely impossible to predict what might happen during it. So, if in a theater the actors first rehearse each play, then arrange a premiere show, and only after that they begin to present it to the public (and from the beginning of the season to its end, the quality of the performance improves), then the holiday is a one-time event, and something needs to be corrected later impossible. That is, everything should go brightly, emotionally, without overlaps, in accordance with the script. But as is usually the case, you have to act in unforeseen circumstances, and they are not always favorable. Improvisation and the ability to find a way out of the most dead-end situations are qualities necessary for all members of the team of holiday organizers. An instant change of tactics, a change in the scenario, the emergence of unforeseen difficulties and problems that require immediate solutions - this is a normal situation when holding a holiday. The possibility of such a turn of events should always be taken into account when planning a corporate holiday.

The organizers will include: Human Resources Department and Advertising and PR Department. The head of the Human Resources Department should be appointed as the main responsible person.

I. Brief summary of the essence of the project: what should be done and how - holding events dedicated to the birthday of Ronald McDonald.

  • 1. Project competition “Sandwich Monument”
  • 2. Grand opening of the monument
  • 3. Competition children's drawing"My family and I are at McDonald's"
  • 4. Promotion “Transportable cheeseburger”
  • 5. Photo competition for best photo gatherings at a McDonald's restaurant.
  • 6. Win-win lottery.

II.Complex of media coverage:

  • 1. Distribution of press releases
  • 2. Creation of a promotional video
  • 3. Press conference.
  • 4. Production of advertising and information materials: flyers, catalogs, promotional materials (posters, stickers)

III. Scheme of design work:

This includes the following activities:

  • 1. Promotion “Transportable cheeseburger”
  • 2. Announcement and holding of the “Monument to the Sandwich” project competition.
  • 3. Announcing and holding a children's drawing competition “My family and I at McDonald's.”
  • 4. Announcing and holding a photo competition for the best photo of gatherings at a McDonald's restaurant.
  • 5. Distribution of press releases.
  • 6. Creation of a promotional video.
  • 7. Production of advertising and information materials: flyers, catalogues, promotional materials (posters, stickers).
  • 8. Production of corporate souvenir and promotional products with the company logo (fountain pens, notepads, plastic bags).
  • 2. Stage:
  • 1. Ceremonial summing up of the results of the “Sandwich Monument” project competition - opening of the Monument. Awarding the winners.
  • 2. Solemn summing up of the results of the children's drawing competition “My family and I at McDonald's.” Awarding the winners.
  • 3. Summing up the results of the photo competition. Awarding the winners.
  • 4. Distribution of advertising and information materials: flyers, catalogs, promotional materials (posters, stickers).
  • 5. Distribution of corporate souvenir and promotional products with the company logo (fountain pens, notepads, plastic bags).
  • 6. Demonstration of a commercial.
  • 7. Conducting a win-win lottery.
  • 8. Press conference.

IV. Summing up. The results of the project can be assessed both quantitatively: the total mass of newspaper material, the overall audience coverage, and qualitatively: the level of representation of event participants, the representativeness and nature of reviews of the events held and the company as a whole.

The objectives of special PR campaigns come down to two important points: ensuring the constant presence of a commercial structure in the information field and additionally attracting the attention of journalists and wide target audiences to the company, its products or services.

Empirical indicators for assessing project outcomes:

  • 1. Coverage - the scale of dissemination of information about the complex of events dedicated to the birthday of Ronald McDonald.
  • 2. Number and tone of media materials.
  • 3. Reaching audiences.
  • 4. Fame - change in knowledge about the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 5. Attitude - improving the opinion of the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 6. Feedback - purchases made at McDonald's restaurant.

Project effectiveness

V. The effectiveness of our project can be assessed and measured by indicators such as:

  • · receipt of messages sent to them by target groups;
  • · drawing attention to these messages;
  • · Memorizing messages.

The main results of the project boil down to changes in opinions, attitudes and behavior of our target audience.

Measuring outcomes will include the use of methods such as media content analysis, online analysis, event evaluation, and public opinion polls.

In the proposed project we will use special events. Let's talk about this in more detail. So, special PR events are large group PR campaigns actively used in cases of active maintenance of corporate image. Therefore, we will initiate these events ourselves.

The objectives of the planned special PR campaigns boil down to two important points: ensuring the constant presence of a commercial structure in the information field and additionally attracting the attention of journalists and wide target audiences to the McDonald's restaurant and its goods and services.

The developed project includes a whole arsenal of special events, varying depending on the specifics of the target audience or product, and the required scale of actions.

The “highlight” of the project, capable of attracting the attention of a wide audience and close attention journalists will have a project competition “Monument to a Sandwich” and a “Transportable Cheeseburger” campaign.

For the target audience in order to stimulate interest in the McDonald's restaurant with the help of special promotions during the implementation of the project, it will be used a whole series prizes (video camera, photo camera, discount coupons for lunch at a restaurant). Issues of active interaction with target audiences will be resolved through competitions - the “Monument to a Sandwich” project competition, the “My family and I at McDonald’s” children’s drawing competition, a photo competition for the best photo of gatherings at a McDonald’s restaurant, and the “Transportable Cheeseburger” campaign.

The plan for a set of events dedicated to Ronald McDonald's birthday will include a number of related events:

  • · surveying target groups to identify opinions or interest in the McDonald's restaurant;
  • · exclusive media interviews;
  • · distribution of advertising and information materials: brochures, flyers, catalogs, promotional materials (calendars, posters, stickers);
  • · distribution of corporate souvenir and promotional products with the company logo (fountain pens, notepads, plastic bags).

Let us describe in more detail the activities included in the schedule.

  • 1. It is necessary to prepare and distribute press releases and invitations to a press conference to a pre-compiled mailing list. The list of invitees should be drawn up from the point of view of inviting friendly journalists.
  • 2. It is necessary to develop a script for a TV commercial. Ensure that advertising is produced efficiently and in a timely manner.
  • 3. The advertising manager needs to negotiate with PA “Video International-Nizhny Novgorod” about the time of release of advertisements, determine the frequency of advertising releases, and the release time.
  • 4. Agree with the advertising departments of the newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda-Nizhny Novgorod” and “Nizhny Novgorod News”. Determine the area of ​​the advertisement.
  • 5. Develop regulations on held competitions, decide on the method of informing those wishing to participate in competitions, the competition commission, and the place where competition works will be accepted.
  • 6. Carefully prepare promotions, lotteries, prizes, presentation and promotional materials for the event.
  • 2. Improving work in the field of personnel management.

Since a survey of McDonald's restaurant visitors revealed an unsatisfactory level of professional competence of staff, we will propose measures to improve work in the field of personnel management.

Draft corporate training program for McDonald's LLC employees

The program draft, developed by PR and communication managers, includes the following active forms and methods of working with personnel:

  • 1. Individual conversations between the manager and staff on the issue of developing the organization’s image.
  • 2. Mentoring.
  • 3. Trainings.
  • 4. Consultations with leading experts.
  • 5. Lectures, seminars.

The goal of the program: to increase the level of corporate culture of the enterprise.

  • 1. Study of the theoretical foundations of the formation of corporate culture.
  • 2. Group cohesion.
  • 3. Formation of group work skills.

Time: training is carried out over 3 days. Each lesson lasts 6-8 hours. The training period is August 2014. The training will be conducted with managers of McDonald's in Nizhny Novgorod.

The training will be conducted by a professional training company in Nizhny Novgorod - Avangard LLC. The cost of classes with one group will be 20 thousand rubles, in total classes will be held with 3 groups.

Progress of the training:

Lesson 1: Introduction to training.

Lesson objectives:

  • 1) creation favorable conditions for the work of the training group: familiarization of participants with the basic principles of the training, adoption of the rules of the group;
  • 2) mastering an active communication style;
  • 3) study of the theoretical foundations of the concept of “Corporate culture”

Lesson No. 1

Progress of the lesson

Introduction to training

Rules for working in a group

Exercise in twos: “Take a napkin”

Purpose: acquaintance of participants

Exercise: “I hope - I fear”

Goal: identifying expectations from the training

Group discussion: “What is corporate culture?”

Lecture: “Fundamentals of the formation of organizational culture”

Exercise: Introduction to Basics

Goal: to find out what is needed to create a positive organizational culture and image of the organization


Coffee break

Exercise: “Flying cats”

Purpose: activation of participants, warming up after the break

Mini-lecture: “How to achieve a positive corporate culture”

Exercise: “Mission and Goals”

Purpose: Define the mission and goals of the organization

Mini-lecture: “Options for developing a company’s corporate culture”

Exercise: “Development of measures to improve the corporate climate and the level of the company’s corporate culture”


Group discussion: “What improves the corporate culture of an enterprise”

Exercise: "System"

Goal: to develop a system that promotes the formation of a positive corporate culture


Mini-lecture: “Attachment”

Exercise: “You and I are now connected by one rope”

Goal: determine what employees are attached to


Experience Line

Lesson 2: Teambuilding as a means of shaping the image of the organization

  • 1. Build the skills necessary for efficient work on the team.
  • 2. Team building.

Lesson No. 2

Progress of the lesson

Warm-up exercise: “Greeting”

Discussion of the results of the previous day of work

Game: "Team Relations"

Goal: to identify group cohesion


Group discussion: “What is a team?”

Coffee break

Lecture: “Team”

Exercise: “Are we a team?”

Goal: to identify the employee’s attitude towards the team in which he works

Group discussion: “How to form team relationships?”


Warm-up: “Houses are looking for people”

Purpose: warming up after the break

Strategy game: "Farmers"

Goal: team building, joint activities


Coffee break

Exercise: “Group drawing”

Goal: completion of the training day, team work together


Experience Line

Lesson 3: Maintaining the company's image.

  • 1. Assessing the company's image.
  • 2. Improving the unified service model.
  • 3. Telephone etiquette
  • 4. Improving the rules of communication with the client.

Lesson No. 3

Progress of the lesson

Exercise: “Greetings”

Goal: creating a friendly environment in the group

Reflection on the previous day of work

Group discussion: “What is a company’s image”

Mini-lecture: “Company image and its components”

Exercise: “Creating an external image of a company”

Goal: analysis and development of the company’s external image


Coffee break

Exercise: “Playing Lotto”

Purpose: warming up the group

Mini-lecture: “Organization goals”

Exercise: “My goals and the goals of the organization”

Goal: comparison of the employee’s own goals with the company’s goals


Mini-lecture: “Communication with the client”

Exercise: “Rules of communication with a client”

Goal: development of uniform rules...

  • 4. The theme of the competition works is “Monument to the Sandwich.”
  • 5. Works can be submitted to the competition in the form of drawings, models, drawings and in other visually readable form, so that they can be easily used to make, transport and install a symbolic monument to the sandwich.
  • 6. Entries will be accepted within a month by mail, email and you can bring them in person to the address of the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 7. The results of the competition will be summed up by the competition commission and solemnly announced on the opening day of the monument - the day of the event to celebrate the birthday of Ronald McDonald in Nizhny Novgorod.

The opening of the monument is the second stage of the ongoing competition, which will take place directly on the day of Ronald McDonald's birthday celebration in Nizhny Novgorod on Gorky Square - July 17, 2014. At this stage of the event, the results of the competition will be summed up, the monument will be inaugurated and the winners will be awarded.

The results of the competition will be summed up as follows:

1. First place will go to the winner of the competition - the one based on whose sketch the “Sandwich Monument” will be made and installed.

The winner will receive a video camera.

Also, the expert commission will allocate 2 incentive places - second and third:

  • · for second place the winner will receive a free lunch at McDonald's restaurant;
  • · for third place - 50% discount on lunch at McDonald's restaurant.
  • 2. All participants in the competition will receive a 15% discount coupon for lunch at McDonald's for a month.

The regulations for the other two competitions will have a similar structure.

The "Transportable Cheeseburger" promotion will take place from July 14 to July 17, 2014. The meaning of the promotion will be to transport a cheeseburger tied with a ribbon on a vehicle with the logo of the McDonald's restaurant along the streets of Nizhny Novgorod, thus attracting attention to the McDonald's fast food restaurant.

The photo competition will consist of two parts - the preparatory part, in which regulations on the competition will be developed, methods and terms for posting information about the competition will be determined, the principle of forming the competition commission, its composition, the method and place of receiving the works of the competitors will be described. The duration of the first stage is according to the plan and the schedule of planned events - 06/18/14 - 07/13/14. Those responsible for the preparation and implementation of this event are the PR manager and advertising manager.

A child from 5 to 18 years old can participate in the photo competition.

Summing up the results and ceremonial awarding of the winners is the second stage of the competition, which will take place directly on the day of the solemn celebration of Ronald McDonald's birthday.

The winners (1st-3rd place) will receive as a prize soft toys, tickets to children's amusement parks, educational games, and support groups - their parents - discount coupons for lunch at a restaurant of 20% for a month.

Additionally, each of those present at the birthday celebration will receive presentation products (flyers, catalog, price list, poster, stickers, fountain pen, notepad, plastic bag with advertising symbols of the McDonald's restaurant).

Media coverage of the planned event will take place through the following activities:

  • · distribution of press releases;
  • · commercials;
  • · holding a press conference.

In the block of creating advertising in the press and on television. Must be ordered at advertising agency production of a commercial on TV and an advertisement in a newspaper to attract the attention of buyers of the target segment with information about the McDonald's restaurant and to invite everyone to the event celebrating Ronald McDonald's birthday in Nizhny Novgorod. This block also includes ordering airtime on the Volga and Seti-NN TV channels. It is necessary to determine at what time and with what frequency the advertisement will be published. It is necessary to agree on the time and period of advertising in the newspapers “Nizhny Novgorod News” and “Komsomolskaya Pravda-Nizhny Novgorod” and determine the format of the ad.

At the end of this process, a few days before the event, the PR manager needs to call the invited journalists to confirm their presence at the press conference.

For the press, in order to provide journalists with basic information about the organization and the event, it will be necessary to prepare an information package. It will help journalists use information about our company when preparing articles and messages.

The press package will have the following content:

  • 1. Press release.
  • 2. Detailed information about the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 3. Information about competitions held and details of winners.
  • 4. Booklets, flyers, catalogs of the McDonald's restaurant.

All the described events will contribute to the successful promotion of the McDonald's restaurant in Nizhny Novgorod.

The result of the activities will be:

  • 1. Increase awareness and awareness of McDonald's restaurant and its products and services.
  • 2. Assessing the attitude of potential customers towards the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 3. Studying the perception of the quality of services provided, prices, assortment.
  • 4. Motivating customers to make a purchase at a McDonald's restaurant.
  • 5. Assessment of the level of satisfaction from cooperation (based on reviews from real clients).

So, as an action plan to maintain the corporate image of McDonald's LLC, the following was proposed:

  • 1. Development of a new plan for marketing and PR activities.
  • 2. Improving work in the field of personnel management.

And in the end, a budget of 363.45 thousand rubles was distributed, allocated for the planned events.

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The concept and functions of organizational culture, its role in the activities of a modern enterprise. Methodology for drawing up an organizational project using the example of McDonald's LLC, analysis of consumers, suppliers, competitors and features of the management system.

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in the discipline: "Organization Theory"

on the topic:Organizational culture. Composition techniquephenomena organizational project (by exampleMcDonald's LLC enterprises)


5th year student

correspondence department,

group M-502,

Vlaskina S.N.

Checked by: Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Makhmudova I.N.

Tolyatti 2011


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of organizational culture

1.1 What is organizational culture

1.2 Types of organization

1.3 Organizational culture and its functions

1.4 How organizational culture is maintained

1.5 How employees experience organizational culture

1.6 How is the image of an enterprise known?

1.7 Main components of organizational culture

Chapter 2. Methodology for drawing up an organizational project using the example of McDonald's LLC

2.1 Analysis of the current organizational structure of the enterprise

2.1.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

2.1.2 Enterprise goals

2.1.3 Sources of income for the enterprise

2.1.4 External environment of the enterprise

2.1.5 Analysis of consumers, suppliers, competitors

2.1.6 Legal form of the enterprise

2.1.7 Enterprise management system

2.1.8 General characteristics of the effectiveness of the existing structural-functional McDonald's LLC devices

3. Organizational project of the enterprise from an ideal point of view



Practical task


Organizational culture is a system of common beliefs and values ​​shared by all members of the organization. In the case of an organization with strong culture it begins to exist independently of each of its members. Thus, organizations have value in themselves, regardless of the type of goods and services they produce. This provides them with long-term recognition. If the original goals of the organization lose their meaning, the organization still remains in business. Most likely, it will transform and change in accordance with new needs.

If you find yourself in any of the 10,000 McDonald's restaurants, no matter where in the world it is located, you will see a familiar environment, an identical menu - all these are components of the image of one of the most successful organizations in the world.

The success of this company is explained not only by the fact that the food prepared at McDonald's tastes different from any other; One of the main components of a company's success is a strong organizational culture.

Every employee of the company is well acquainted with the standards of conduct adopted in it. High quality, qualified service and cleanliness are the main conditions for success. Do not compromise the company, use only the best ingredients for cooking - these are the fundamental principles of the company.

This organizational culture was formed by Ray Kroc, who headed the company until 1984. After his death, the company's position in the market remains stable. Because today's executives have fully embraced Ray Kroc's philosophy, they tend to make decisions much like the decisions Kroc made during his tenure. This largely explains the phenomenon of the McDonald's company, which symbolizes stability and harmony.

The purpose of the course work is to determine the main directions of development of the organizational culture of McDonald's LLC. Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

- explore the organizational culture of the organization;

- analyze the current state of management in the organization;

- develop an ideal organization structure.

The subject of work research is organization as a complex system.

The object of the study is the restaurant management system of McDonald's LLC.

organizational culture management


1.1 What is organizational culture

The term "organizational culture" is perceived by many as a system of shared belief, and this characteristic feature distinguishes one organization from another. There are many approaches to identifying various attributes that characterize and identify a particular culture at both the macro and micro levels. So, S.P. Robbins suggests looking at organizational culture based on ten characteristics that are most valued in an organization:

· personal initiative, i.e. the degree of responsibility, freedom and independence that a person has in an organization;

· degree of risk, i.e. the employee's willingness to take risks;

· direction of action, i.e. the organization sets clear goals and expected results;

· consistency of actions, i.e. a situation in which units and people within an organization interact in coordination;

· management support, i.e. ensuring free interaction, assistance and support to subordinates from management services;

· control, i.e. a list of rules and instructions used to control and monitor employee behavior;

· identity, i.e. the degree of identification of each employee with the organization;

· reward system, i.e. the degree of accounting for the execution of work, the organization of the incentive system;

· conflict, i.e. the employee’s willingness to openly express his opinion and enter into conflict;

· interaction models, i.e. the degree of interaction within an organization in which interaction is expressed in formal hierarchy and subordination.

By assessing any organization based on these ten characteristics, you can get a complete picture of the organizational culture, against which employees' overall perception of the organization is formed. Let's consider how the characteristics already listed and their combinations can create a special type of organization.

1.2 Types of organization

Organization "A". This organization is an industrial enterprise. There are established rules and regulations that must be followed. For each employee, tasks are set and methods for solving them are determined. Managers directly monitor execution and ensure normal operation. Employees are not prohibited from taking initiative at their workplace. They are instructed that if they encounter unexpected problems, they should contact their immediate superior, who will help resolve them.

Due to the fact that the administration does not have sufficient confidence in the honesty and integrity of its subordinates, the organization has serious control over the activities of employees and direct direct interaction between employees and management services.

The company prefers to hire people at the very beginning of their careers, directly training and rotating them in various departments companies. As a result of this policy, the company's employees receive not purely specialized, but comprehensive modern knowledge and work skills.

Exercising maximum effort, dedication to the organization, ability to work in a team, avoiding mistakes - this is a list of qualities that are most valued in organizations of this type.

Organization "B". This organization is also an industrial enterprise, and it also has its own rules and regulations. However, control here loses its importance, since the administration considers its employees to be hardworking and trustworthy. Employees try to solve problems on their own and consult with bosses only when necessary.

Individual characteristics of employees and differences between departments within an organization are considered normal.

Promotion and other methods of reward are applied to those employees who have made a significant contribution to the development and prosperity of the organization, even if they have a non-standard way of thinking, as well as behavior and habits that are not entirely acceptable for the organization.

1.3 Organizational culture and its functions

Organizational culture performs a number of functions: firstly, it forms a certain image of the organization that distinguishes it from any other; secondly, it is expressed in a sense of community among all members of the organization; thirdly, it increases involvement in and commitment to the organization; fourthly, it strengthens the system of social stability in the organization.

Organizational culture is a kind of social glue that helps hold an organization together by ensuring its standards of behavior; fifthly, it is a means by which forms of behavior and perception that are appropriate from the point of view of a given organization are formed and controlled.

Organizational culture is an elusive, intangible, not directly expressible phenomenon that does not require proof. Every organization develops a set of rules and regulations that govern the daily behavior of employees in their workplace. Until newcomers master these rules of behavior, they will not be able to become full-fledged members of the team. Adherence to these rules is encouraged by the administration with appropriate rewards and promotions. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Enterprise culture. - M.: Gardariki, 2008.

What is the impact of organizational culture on the organization and its members?

Most functions of organizational culture are valuable to both the organization and each of its members. The value of organizational culture to an organization is that it enhances organizational cohesion and creates consistency in employee behavior. From the employees' point of view, organizational culture serves as a compass for choosing the right type of behavior required for successful work in the organization.

However, some negative aspects of organizational culture should not be ignored, which greatly affect the achievement of organizational goals. What is meant here is that organizational culture can sometimes come into conflict with the environmental conditions surrounding the organization.

For example, if the environment is subject to rapid changes, then the organizational culture developed over the years becomes inappropriate to these changes, and then the company will have to adapt to new external conditions, form a new organizational culture and revise the system for regulating labor relations in the organization.

1.4 How organizational culture is maintained

If an organizational culture has already been formed, then it is very important to ensure its further maintenance. In many cases, this task is entrusted to human resource management services. The selection process, performance evaluation criteria, reward system, personnel training, career development, promotion and rotation activities ensure that the selected candidates will correspond to the organizational culture of the company.

Let us especially highlight three factors that play a decisive role in maintaining organizational culture:

· personnel selection;

· activities of senior management;

· methods that help employees adapt to the organizational environment (socialization).

Let's take a closer look at them. Personnel selection has a specific purpose - to identify and hire people who have the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform a job successfully.

However, as a rule, more than one candidate meets the necessary requirements. During the final selection, preference is given to those candidates who are more compatible with the organizational culture of the company. The attempt to identify compatibility manifests itself in the desire to hire people with a value system identical to the organizational ones.

At the same time, during the selection process, candidates receive full information about the organization. Based on this information, if the candidate finds out that his values ​​are in conflict with the values ​​of the organization, then he himself refuses further participation in the competition for this position.

Selection in this regard solves a dual problem: on the one hand, it helps candidates determine whether they meet the requirements of the organization and, on the other hand, the organization gets the opportunity to weed out those candidates who can subsequently have a destructive impact on its core values. The activities of management have a profound impact on organizational culture. Middle managers will set ground rules and norms of behavior based on what managers say and how they respond to various situations. The list of these rules and regulations is further descended to lower levels. Employees of the organization learn from them which forms of behavior are most preferable.

1.5 How employees experience organizational culture

Organizational culture is transmitted to employees in various forms. The most convincing of them are

· stories and legends,

· rituals,

symbols of the company's power,

· symbolic management.

Stories and legends. Stories exist in almost every organization. They tell about the founders of the organization, the facts of the revision of established rules and regulations, movements and promotions, etc. Such stories provide connections between the past, present and future and provide guidelines applicable to the practical conduct of business. Legends primarily reflect the history and heritage of the enterprise. Just like slogans, they convey inherited value orientations. The boss is also a person. This theme is revealed in legends in which a member of senior management finds himself in an everyday situation together with an ordinary worker. The drama of the situation is determined by the difference in the status of the heroes of the legend. If the boss overcomes the hierarchical distance with his behavior (for example, he is the first to start a conversation), then he is considered further normal person. Of course, the meaning of the boss’s speech is important. If the boss is unapproachable (for example, does not respond to greetings), then employees still have doubts about his human qualities. An ordinary employee becomes a member of senior management. Legends of this type explicitly list the criteria on which promotion depends. Typically, it emphasizes how much advancement depends on performance and ability and how much on formal education and patronage. Depending on the real state of affairs, these legends are passed on with admiration or anger. Dismissal. Getting fired is always a dramatic event. The most exciting legends can be told about it, focusing on the reasons and circumstances of the dismissal, which makes it possible to recognize the operating style of the enterprise.

The boss's reaction to mistakes. There are two usual endings: either the boss forgives or he doesn’t. However, there is also an intermediate option: the employee is punished for making a mistake, but, since his actions ultimately led to success, he is simultaneously rewarded.

Consequences of the disaster. This refers to any emergency circumstances, both caused by external forces (fire, war, etc.) and employee errors (failure of a sales plan, etc.). As a rule, such legends are very beautiful and heroic (for example, how after the Second World War everything had to be created anew). Some events contain legend material and some do not. Stories passed between friends hidden form reflect the tension that arises when different value orientations and principles collide. The event underlying the legend can be viewed from opposing points of view, which can be both desirable and undesirable for the enterprise. Sometimes a legend relieves the tension that arises.

Legends such as “The boss is also a man” and “A common employee becomes a member of senior management” reflect inequality in status. In a society that promotes equality, the hierarchical structure of the enterprise leads to an unpleasant encounter with inequality. Through such legends the conflict can be resolved; the boss is also a person, and his status was preceded by personal dedication.

If the legend ends with the defeat of the employee, then the feeling of inequality intensifies. Legends such as “Firing” and “Chief's Reaction to Mistakes” reflect the individual uncertainty caused by the ability of management members to change the life of both the individual and the organization as a whole. On the one hand, a sense of security is a prerequisite for many people to perform well. On the other hand, an organization must retain the right to violate the security of an individual if it is to survive as a whole. A happy ending means that the company takes into account the employees' need for safety and tries to satisfy it; an unhappy ending shows that the management of the enterprise is primarily concerned with its own interests.

Legends such as “Consequences of a Disaster” reveal how prepared an enterprise is for the unexpected. Absolute readiness is an illusion and is impossible. Positive versions strengthen the belief that the enterprise is so strong that it can cope with any difficulties and find a way out of the current situation. Negative versions increase feelings of powerlessness and helplessness and distrust in the ability of management to act effectively in extreme situations.

In general, stories and legends not only inform about real life situations, but can also serve as a kind of valve to reduce tension, as well as inspire employees under conditions when it is necessary to eliminate a conflict of values ​​without changing the fundamental conditions (for example, unequal relations in the system of power). Rituals. A ritual is a repeated sequence of activities that expresses the core values ​​of any organization by answering the following questions: “Which stated goals are most significant?” “Which people are the most valuable to the organization, and which are still gaining importance?”

IN everyday life Enterprise rituals can play a dual role: on the one hand, they strengthen the structure of the enterprise, and on the other hand, if the true meaning of the actions performed is obscured, they weaken it. In positive cases, rituals are stage performances of works of decisive importance; they symbolize beliefs that play a significant role in the life of the enterprise. Rituals allow you to see the general image of the enterprise and its value orientation.

Rituals of recognition (anniversaries, celebrations of achievements, inclusion in the list of the best, public recognition, team recreation, etc.) should demonstrate what the interests of the enterprise are and what achievements are especially rewarded and celebrated. In a word, rituals serve as a means of visually demonstrating value orientations.

The rituals performed upon joining a team are called initiating. They must clearly demonstrate to the new employee what the company really values. If a certified specialist who graduated from an elite university is given a broom on his first day of work and asked to sweep the room, then he is made to understand that the company values ​​not formal education, but personal involvement in business. In many service businesses, every newcomer, regardless of education, starts in the customer service department. This highlights the need to focus on consumer needs.

In negative cases, the connection between rituals and value orientations is lost. Then rituals turn into an unnecessary and prim formality, with the help of which they try to “kill” time, avoid making decisions, and avoid conflicts and confrontations.

A typical example of such a ritual is the negotiation of tariff agreements, especially if they were preceded by worker protests. Coming to an agreement in a few hours means losing your authority.

A new tariff agreement is usually signed late at night, so that representatives of the union and employers appeared in front of television cameras completely exhausted. Also in enterprises, rituals often turn into an end in themselves, in no way connected with the philosophy of the enterprise, and become unnecessary ballast in the process of implementing the main activity goals.

Regular abuse of rituals begins when they are used to hide the real state of affairs (for example, meetings with a wide range of invitees, initially necessary to jointly find solutions). The discussion turns out to be an expression of approval; no one is interested in objections, since the decision was made long ago. An attempt is made to convince those present that they took part in the decision.

In conclusion, we can say that rituals occupy an important place within the culture of a company. However, it is necessary to constantly check whether they actually convey value orientations that are relevant to everyday reality.

Symbols of the company's power. Symbols include the size and location of offices, prestigious furnishings, clothing style and the presentability of employees. Such tangible symbols also represent the power of the company, the position of each member within the company, and the types of behavior that are expected of the employee, as well as what and how the top management evaluates it.

Language. Many organizations and their constituent departments use their own unique language to successfully implement organizational culture. By learning this language, new employees demonstrate their appreciation of the culture and thereby support and preserve it. Organizations also tend to develop unique terms to describe equipment, offices, employees, suppliers, customers and products, i.e. everything that is directly related to the area of ​​activity of the organization.

Common terminology, or language, connects people within a common organizational culture. Language as a means of communication almost always plays a decisive role. Provided careful perception, language allows one to draw conclusions about the culture of a given enterprise, and in its informativeness it is much ahead of other means of transmitting information. According to psycholinguists R. Bandler and D. Grinder, it is worth answering a certain set of questions about the language in an enterprise in order to get a fairly complete picture of the internal culture. They suggest the following set of questions:

· “How is the conversation conducted?”;

· “What concepts are regularly used?”;

· “What repeated phrases are used?”;

· “What is not said out loud?”;

· “In what situations are generalizations made?”;

· “When reality is interpreted incorrectly, what do they want to achieve and what to avoid?”

In principle, this list can be continued indefinitely, the main thing is to analyze the answers to these questions, and then the culture of a given organization will become largely clear and explainable.

In general, it is impossible to imagine analyzing the culture of an enterprise without analyzing the language of this enterprise. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the general culture of the organization and language have a mutual influence on each other, so that language can and should become not only a means of analysis, but also a tool for forming the desired culture.

Symbolic management. Symbolic management is understood as actions, behavior, performances that, without further ado, become understandable to others, unambiguously explain the essence of the matter, declare new priorities and place emphasis. For example, when taking up a position, the head of a department, even before his meeting with employees, distributes a list with priority areas company activities on next year. Such an act clearly demonstrates the essence of the planned changes.

In world business practice, there is experience in companies drawing up their own codes of honor, or codes business conduct. Common to most of them is the principle of respect for the honor of their own company.

Protect the honor of the company, protect and defend its interests, bear responsibility for actions that discredit the company - requirements that equally addressed to all its members.

1.6 How the image of an enterprise is created

The concept of “image” means an image, an impression. The image of an enterprise is created by the people working in it, and its success and prosperity depend on their qualifications, responsibility, and ability to work with partners and clients.

The quality of work, the level of general culture, high principles of entrepreneurship and management culture, reliability and efficiency of operations are decisive conditions in creating a professional image.

However, in life, quite often the founders of an enterprise do not attach importance to those external attributes that first of all catch the eye of a new person who begins his acquaintance with the enterprise.

The image of an enterprise consists of the unity of form and content, professional, business, moral and aesthetic characteristics. It is their harmonious combination that ensures stable trust and respect for the enterprise on the part of clients and partners, creates confidence in their reliability, efficiency and guarantees its long-term success and prosperity.

Business culture helps maintain customer loyalty. According to experts, retaining old customers is 5 times cheaper than winning the favor of new ones. That is why the entire enterprise from top to bottom must be customer-oriented.

For these purposes, before investing in fixed capital, a lot of money, time and effort should be spent on creating the culture of the enterprise and training its employees.

There is no point in investing huge amounts of money in a sales force or a lavish advertising campaign if it can easily be squandered by sales bureaucrats, a rude secretary or a hot-tempered manager.

Each employee should feel involved in sales, since salaries are based on the income received through the sale of products or services, and therefore it is necessary to value and cultivate honesty, attentiveness and reliability in the staff.

The business world is a small place. Every businessman has many friends and acquaintances, and you can gain or lose them as potential clients. Here big role honesty, politeness and the ability to quickly find their bearings play a role. If you're wrong and are able to apologize and admit your mistake, even if it's costly now, it can go a long way in the future by showing the client that you can be dealt with.

1.7 Basic sleaving organizational culture

The organizational culture of an enterprise is a complex composition of assumptions, unprovenly accepted and shared by its employees. All activities of the company's employees are based on these basic assumptions.

Management experts emphasize that when talking about the organizational culture of an enterprise, we are primarily talking about the psychological values ​​and orientations of team members, which are outwardly expressed in the corresponding symbols of the work process.

The importance of organizational culture for the successful functioning of an enterprise is generally recognized throughout the civilized world.

All successful companies, without exception, have created and maintained distinct organizational cultures that are most consistent with the company's goals and values ​​and clearly distinguish one enterprise from another. However, this does not mean that strong cultures are an attribute of large companies. Rather, powerful cultures have created successful giants from once small newcomers.


2.1 Analysis of the current organizational structure of the enterprise

2.1.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Type of enterprise: public company. Enterprise industry -catering. Products fast food(fast food products).

The company was founded in 1940 by the brothers Dick and Mac McDonald (the first restaurant opened in San Bernardino, California), and in 1948, for the first time in the world, it formulated the principles of the “fast food” concept. In 1954, Ray Kroc acquired from the McDonald brothers the right to act as an exclusive franchising agent. In 1955, he opened his first McDonald's in Des Plaines, Illinois (now a corporation museum). In 1955, Kroc registered the McDonald's System, Inc. (renamed McDonald's in 1960 Corporation). In 1961, all rights to the company were completely purchased by Kroc.

Owners and management: almost 100% of the company's shares are in free float.

Activities: The range of restaurants includes hamburgers (including Big Mac), sandwiches, French fries, desserts, drinks, etc. In most countries of the world, the chain's restaurants sell beer, but in Russia McDonald's restaurants are completely non-alcoholic. In order to provide the population of the state in which the chain's restaurants operate with jobs, the fundamental doctrine of the McDonald's company is the priority use of local products. Almost all products sold in McDonald's restaurants in any country are produced in that country. IN percentage The quantitative composition of local products varies between 70 and 85 percent, depending on the specific country (in Russia, according to the company, this figure is more than 80%).

McDonald's purchases more than 80% of all products from 130 Russian suppliers.

McDonald's safety and quality assurance system includes:

1. Work only with approved suppliers;

2. Following specifications for raw materials and final products;

3. Following the standards of the country where the restaurants are opened, but if the company's internal standards are stricter, following more stringent standards;

4. Implementation and verification at each level of safety and quality systems.

« McDonald's"will not feed the country . He just sets an examplehow to feed .

LLC "McDonald's" - restaurant for 40 years of Victory is the official dealer of its own company "McDonald's".

McDonald's LLC has a bank account; independently plans its activities and determines the prospects for its development.

The rights and obligations of the founders are defined in the Charter of the enterprise.

The highest governing body of the company is the meeting of participants.

Control over financial and economic activities is carried out by an audit commission elected at the meeting.

The McDonald's 40 Let Pobedy restaurant is located in the 13th quarter of the Avtozavodsky district of Tolyatti.

The number of employees is 85 people. The volume of trade turnover in 2010 was 14600000 million rubles.

2.1.2 Enterprise goals

Economic goals. In accordance with the Charter of McDonald's LLC main goal activity is making a profit.

The main tasks that must be solved when managing an enterprise are to ensure that the services provided are of high quality and economically beneficial for the enterprise.

The desired sales volume will depend on the profit on the product itself. And the amount of profit will depend on the amount of sales volume; the more we sell, the more we get - hence the benefit.

The value of shares is determined by the amount of dividends. Expenses provide own income, but at the same time “cover” only minimal needs. The organization's expenses are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the organization's activities and strengthening its image.

Marketing goals. There is an understanding of the importance of balancing sales and profits. The organization anticipates market actions and manages the situation; the company is innovative; sales and profits are growing; The company's activities are focused on results that satisfy both internal and external needs.

Political goals. The 250th restaurant in Russia. First of all, the restaurant must rely on its own experience, which influences the creation of a certain image. The image of a restaurant is created by restaurant workers; the success and prosperity of the restaurant depends on their qualifications, responsibility, speed, and ability to work professionally. The quality of work, the level of general culture, the principles of entrepreneurship and management culture, reliability and efficiency of operations are the main components in creating a professional image. A restaurant's business culture helps keep customers loyal. The company's golden rule is: “Treat your visitors the way you would like to be treated.”

The image of a restaurant is also influenced by its favorable location. The degree of influence in the relevant region depends not only on the image delivered, but also on the corresponding sales, market positioning, advertising (posters, newspapers, television, radio, magazines, posters, etc.)

Production goals. Product quality meets all standards, sanitary control of food products is only proven products. The level of productivity must be high (the fewer workers, the higher the productivity of production).

Social goals. The average salary of the company's employees is 12,000 thousand rubles. This is a low level of well-being. From 20,000 thousand rubles. - the salary is the most optimal for the level of well-being (property: apartment, car, etc.).

Of all the above goals, the priority will be: economic, marketing, political, production, social. Less priority: social. During the analysis of the target situation, the specified goals are realistic.

2.1.3 Sources of enterprise income

The source of income for the enterprise is profit from the sale of goods and services.

To analyze the main economic indicators of the enterprise, their changes over the period 2010-2011 were studied.

Main technical and economic indicators of McDonald's LLC


Absolute value

Growth rate, %

Trade turnover (excluding VAT), thousand rubles.


Sales of fast food products

Sales for technical equipment

Costs for the purchase and sale of goods - total, thousand rubles.

Sandwiches (buns)

Drinks (cola, Fanta, Sprite, Parmalate, etc.)

Meat (meat cutlets, chicken, fish)


Toppings (cramel, strawberry, chocolate)

French fries, etc.

Distribution costs, total


Payroll fund with social insurance contributions

Marketing costs

Profit before tax, thousand rubles.

Income tax, thousand rubles.

Net profit, thousand rubles.

Return on sales, %

Marketing program effectiveness, %

Profitability by turnover, %

Return on sales based on net profit, %

Labor productivity, thousand rubles.

A study of the main technical and economic indicators of the activities of the McDonald's LLC restaurant allows us to conclude that during 2011 there was an increase in the volume of sales of goods and services compared to 2010, however, the company has the opportunity to increase profits from the sale of goods and services for by reducing their cost. Almost all of the McDonald's fast food products provided can be classified as traditional products.

2.1.4 External environment of the enterprise

An organization's immediate business environment consists of customers, suppliers, competitors, business partners, and government authorities.

The study of the organization's immediate environment is aimed at analyzing the state of those components of the organization's working environment with which it is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the organization can have a significant influence on the nature and content of this interaction, thereby it can actively participate in the formation additional features and in preventing the emergence of threats to its continued existence.

2.1.5 Consumer analysis,suppliers, competitors


Consumers are individuals and households who purchase goods and services for their own consumption.

In this case, for the McDonald's restaurant, consumers are visitors who buy this or that fast product. These are workers, students, children, parents, elderly people, disabled people, etc.

The consumer's solvency is carried out both in cash and non-cash (the visitor can pay for his order through the cash register or through the terminal with a plastic card).

Unmet demand for this product There is, for example: seasonal shrimp with cocktail sauce is less popular among visitors than chicken mcnuggets with barbecue sauce.


McDonald's is a whole corporation. A corporation that supplies its restaurants

McDonald's is proud of its Russian suppliers. The quality of food products primarily depends on the raw materials from which they are made. And the quality of raw materials depends on who supplies them. Today McDonald's purchases more than 80% of all products from 130 Russian suppliers:

Organic Food LLC

· Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia LLC, authorized manufacturer of soft drinks of the Coca-Cola Company

· East Bolt Company

· Holland Russland LLC

· Ehrmann Company, Russia

· Cargill Group

JSC "Agorofirma Belaya Dacha Trading"

· Lantmannen Unibake Company

· Heinz Company, Russia

Poultry farm "Roskar"

· Paulig Coffee LLC

· Griner Packaging LLC

· LLC "Khukhtamaki S.N.G."

JSC "Rivaivel"

· JSC "VG Konturs"

JSC Meat and Poultry Processing Plant "Penzensky"

JSC "Kalacheevsky Meat Plant"

· MK "Ulyanovsky"

According to McDonald's requirements for product quality and safety for suppliers, the supplier must have:

1. Person responsible for food safety. 2. Implemented and tested food safety system. 3. Food safety training for all employees. 4. Product tracking program (identification capabilities - traceability system). 5. Sanitary audit program. 6. Pest control program, etc.

When choosing food suppliers, an enterprise is guided by the following basic requirements for them:

Compliance with delivery deadlines according to the agreed schedule in accordance with the contract,

Product compliance with the quality standards specified in the contract,

Compliance with supply volumes,

Providing the necessary supporting documentation,

Maintaining agreed prices,

Availability (territorial, communication, information).


McDonald's is a fast food restaurant. The restaurant brand is beyond competition. The real competitors of the restaurant are the McDonald's restaurants themselves. For example, the McDonald's restaurant located on the street. Lev Yashin has a high share of the consumer market. The market here acts as both a target and a growing one, i.e. has the ability to achieve a high level of sales volume.

Indirect competitors: confectionery enterprises, bakery enterprises, restaurant-cafe of the Rostix chain.

Potential competitors: restaurant-cafe "Rostiks".

Development prospects

Competing enterprises for the most part have prospects for maintaining their achieved positions, while the prospects for development are problematic, and there is also a possible tendency for the activities of the bulk of competitors to fade away.




2. Real competitors

(other McDonald's restaurants)

TOquality of goods (products) or services

High guaranteed quality, meets all standards, fast service

Volume of goods

High level of sales for food products

Seasonal products (products may be limited by date)

Medium, high

Instability in price

Location of the enterprise

Ski resort, near the forest, hospital, inside shopping centers near cafes, restaurants

Next to the road

Delivery times

"at the exact time, at the right hour"

High level of service quality, professionalism

Strictness, rigidity, clear control (within the organization)

3. Indirect competitors

Quality of goods (products) or services

Products may be of poor quality

Volume of goods

Possible lack of profit, revenue

Cost of manufactured products

Minimum average

Instability in price

Location of the enterprise

Inside the stores, separate toners,

Incorrect location

Personnel qualification level

Low, medium

Service level

Low present

Organ relationship analysis public administration to the activities of the McDonald's restaurant

4. Requirements imposed by government agencies. management to the restaurant registration.

The McDonald's restaurant has its own specific requirements that differ from other types of enterprise, but in general it is controlled by state authorities and meets their requirements.

2. McDonald's has all the required certificates and licenses that are provided by the tax inspectorate and government agencies. management, SES, etc.

3. At McDonald's restaurants, all data for each shift is entered into a daily safety checklist, which also monitors compliance with sanitary and hygiene requirements. Control is carried out by personnel - managers who have completed a course on product safety and signed a document where they accept responsibility for food safety. The plan is working in production and in McDonald's restaurants preventive examination and equipment repair.

Equipment is regularly calibrated and certified by independent accredited organizations. McDonald's equipment used in restaurants is made of stainless steel, which can withstand heavy industrial loads.

2.1.6 Legal form of the enterprise

Limited Liability Company Fast food restaurant (fast food) "McDonald's"

Short chain name: McDonald's LLC

The abbreviated name of the Company is used equally with its full name.

The Company is a commercial organization.

The Company has the right to in the prescribed manner open bank accounts in the territory Russian Federation and beyond.

The company has a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of its location. The Company's seal may also contain the Company's corporate name in any language of the peoples of the Russian Federation and (or) a foreign language.

The Company has stamps and forms with its name, its own emblem, as well as a duly registered trademark and other means of individualization.

The company is the owner of the property it owns and is liable for its obligations with its own property. Participants have rights of obligation in relation to the Company provided for by law and the Charter of the Company.

Participants are not liable for the obligations of the Company and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the Company, within the limits of the value of the contributions made by them.


3.1. Society is considered to be created as legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. In order to achieve the goals of its activities, the Company has the right to exercise any property and personal non-property rights granted by law to limited liability companies, in its own name to carry out any transactions permitted by law, to be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

3.3. The Company is the owner of the property acquired in the process of its economic activity. The Company shall own, use and dispose of the property in its ownership at its own discretion in accordance with the goals of its activities and the purpose of the property.

The Company's property is accounted for on its independent balance sheet.

The Company has the right to use credit in rubles and foreign currency.

3.6. The company is liable for its obligations with all its assets. The Company is not liable for the obligations of the state and the Company's participants. The state is not responsible for the Company's obligations. The Company's participants are liable for the Company's obligations within the limits of their contributions to the authorized capital. Members of the Company are not liable for the obligations of the Company and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the Company, within the limits of their contributions to the authorized capital. Participants who have not made full contributions bear joint liability for the Company’s obligations in the amount of the unpaid share.

In the event of insolvency (bankruptcy) of the Company through the fault of its participants or through the fault of other persons who have the right to give instructions binding on the Company or otherwise have the opportunity to determine its actions, these participants or other persons in the event of insufficient property may be assigned subsidiary liability for his obligations.

Number of employees: more than 80 employees of the organization.

Amount of authorized capital: more than 17,000,000 million rubles per year.

Features of the organization: fast food.

2.1.7 Enterprise management system

The system under consideration consists of four subsystems: administrative and management (director, first assistant, second assistant, etc.), working (cashiers, security guards), economic (host, nurses), financial (accountant, MR).

Posted on

Posted on

General restaurant management system:

Posted on

Posted on

Vertical connection:

Posted on

Posted on

Horizontal connection:

2.1.8 General assessment of the effectiveness of the existing structural and functionaldigital deviceMcDonald's LLC

Assessing the effectiveness of the existing structural and functional structure of the restaurant

To what extent does the existing structural and functional structure of an enterprise allow it to quickly respond to changes in the external environment?

The ability to respond to changes in the external environment is not high. IN structural diagram the company does not provide for the position of a marketing specialist

To what extent is the existing structural and functional structure of the enterprise adequate to the technological processes used?


To what extent is the set of functions implemented at the enterprise provided by the appropriate organizational structure: are there facts when the performance of functions is duplicated, that is, several structural units are simultaneously engaged in their implementation; what if there are facts when the performance of a particular function is not assigned to any structural unit?

The marketing function is fixed

Market research is carried out

Determine the degree of efficiency of the existing structural and functional structure of the enterprise: is the structure adequate to the income received, are there divisions in the structure of the enterprise that it simply “cannot afford”?

The set of structural units is maximum. The enterprise has enormous opportunities to increase structural units

Is the use of the legal form in this organization effective in the conditions of the enterprise being surveyed?


To what extent is the existing management system at the enterprise adequate to the corresponding organizational and legal form of the enterprise?

To the fullest

Is the number of management levels existing in an enterprise optimal? Are there levels of management that, in principle, can be dispensed with, and, conversely, are there facts when the enterprise does not have the necessary levels of management?

The number of control levels is optimal

To what extent is the distribution of power across existing levels of management effective?

Taking into account the existing management system, the distribution of power is optimal

Is the type of organizational management structure chosen correctly?

At this stage of enterprise development - right

3. Organizational project of the enterprise from an ideal point of view

The implementation of the marketing concept in an enterprise requires a systematic, comprehensive implementation of marketing functions, which is impossible without a marketer. In this regard, it is rational to introduce the position of a marketer into the staffing table of an enterprise in order to ensure the effectiveness of marketing research to study the prospects of demand, consumer requirements for the properties and quality of goods and services, and trends in these requirements under the influence of changing living conditions.

Main functions of a marketer

Functions of a marketer and the movement of management information

Function name

Outgoing document

Incoming document

Drawing up a marketing plan

Marketing plan

Report on the dynamics of department work



Market forecast

Forecast of market needs

Implementation report; aggregate demand forecast

Commercial Director



Research of competitors' activities

Review of offers on the market

Market report; analytical information



Assessing customer requirements

Aggregate Demand Forecast

Survey data; implementation report



Formulating the purpose of the study

Marketing Research Memorandum

Order of the General Director



Preparation of questionnaires

Analytical information




Conducting surveys

Summary information




Database maintenance

Analytical information

Monitoring and survey data



Implementation monitoring

Implementation report

Analytical information

Commercial Director



Price monitoring

Forecast of price dynamics

Analytical information

External environment


Determining the intensity of competition

Competition forecast

Analytical information



Determining the limits of price changes

Memorandum on pricing policy

Aggregate Demand Forecast





Aggregate demand forecast; analytical information



Calculation of marketing costs

Marketing Spend Report

Marketing program


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Today, the McDonald's fast food chain is perhaps the most recognizable in the world, since thousands of these establishments operate in dozens of countries. The company has developed its own corporate identity serving food that appealed to millions of visitors. Many of us love to come here after work or on weekends to socialize with friends or family.

But few people know that there are real secrets of McDonald's that only employees know about. In this article we will try to reveal them. Believe me, after reading this information, you will change your opinion about this restaurant chain forever. So, we describe 20 secrets of McDonald's that you had no idea about.

Your own “Bible”

We had no idea that the usual “Poppy” is so strong that they even introduced their own “Bible”. Of course, it does not talk about any religious beliefs, but only gives detailed instructions about how personnel should act in certain situations. The size of such instructions is not quite familiar to us - it is about 750 pages of text, which literally describes every action of the employee. It applies, in particular, to cashiers, kitchen cooks, cleaners, and so on.

The fast and smooth operation of McDonald's requires that such a set of rules exist. As a result, each employee works as a cog in one big mechanism, which is what restaurant managers strive for.

Again, availability step by step rules makes it possible not to think about how to get out of this or that situation - just refer to the document.

Artificial smell and taste of products

In order to extend the shelf life of the ingredients that are added to the same cheeseburgers (and not only), McDonald's delivers them frozen. Only during the cooking process are onions, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes heated, which leads to their transition to a normal state (as we eat them). True, few people think about the fact that frozen vegetables, after defrosting them, lose their smells and tastes. How do you think customers are deceived in such a way that they do not notice it? After all, you must admit, if the food was tasteless, no one would take it.

The solution is obvious - adding artificial colors and flavors. With the right ratio and the right cooking technology, even defrosted potatoes acquire an incredibly seductive smell, which is what we feel when we order something here. In addition, the aroma of food, felt directly on the sales floor, is also created artificially. Or do you think that McDonald's food smells so strong that its smell remains even in the halls?

Order and cleanliness

The management of the restaurant chain pays a significant role to cleanliness. If you take a closer look at the employees of the establishment, you will notice that the cleaners wash the floor almost constantly. Although, if you think logically, there is little sense in driving a rag while a dozen visitors will immediately pass behind it.

In fact, such “preventive” cleanings are carried out so often in order to let the client understand: everything is perfectly clean here, we are monitoring it. Perhaps these are not such secrets of McDonald's, but you probably never thought about it before.

Another thing is when someone drops drinks or food on the floor. Then the cleaner comes immediately and eliminates the consequences of the incident.

By the way, if you lose your food in this way (dropped a Coke, for example), the seller is obliged to give you a new portion. So don't hesitate to ask if it happened near the cash register.

In general, as you understand, McDonald’s operating hours require staff to regularly carry out cleaning procedures for the premises. For example, before sitting down at a table, you may be asked to wait until it is wiped down.

Freshness of sandwiches

Since the place of operation of the domestic McDonald's chain is Russia (despite the fact that the company comes from the USA), there are some nuances here with the freshness of cheeseburgers and other sandwiches. In particular, few people know that the shelf life (that is, the period during which it is recommended to consume the product) of hamburgers, “cheeses” and others is only 20 minutes. Those products that exceed this period have to be thrown away.

However, some managers manipulate time by changing timers (by extending them).

Let's hope that such secrets of McDonald's are not so common in our country, and this is just a myth, but nevertheless. The advice former chain employees give is to ask for a “custom” burger, which is likely to be out of stock at the moment. Then the kitchen will be forced to make a new portion for you, which will definitely be fresh. To do this, ask for a cheeseburger (for example) without cucumber, onion or ketchup. Believe me, in general its taste will change little - but there will be a guarantee that it was just collected for you.

Power of Habit

Did you know that the taste of McDonald's food is not changed specifically to encourage visitors to come back again? based on the force of habit. The first McDonald's in the 1970s offered customers the same cheeseburgers, Big Macs and Gums as today. Moreover, the taste of all these dishes is the same all over the world, regardless of where the products for their preparation are produced. For this reason, we all know what potatoes, cheeseburgers, salads, etc. taste like. Even the sauces at McDonald's have had similar recipes for many years now.

Uncomfortable furniture

You probably also didn’t notice that McDonald’s uses such uncomfortable furniture. But take a closer look - and this is really so. Tables and chairs, sofas - all of this is made in such a style that it will be difficult to sit on them for a long time. In addition, as you can see, there is always little space in the premises of Mak. We are not talking about landing positions (which, by the way, are usually enough), no. This refers to the space for walking through the hall - it’s really not enough. And when someone passes by, most often it happens too close to those sitting.

If you believe in the secrets of McDonald's, then this was done specifically in order to reduce the time a person spends in the restaurant. The administrators resorted to such measures for the reason that many visitors come to the hall, buy small “potatoes”, and sit for several hours enjoying free Wi-Fi.

Cold drinks

Have you noticed that cold drinks (“Cola”, “Sprite”, “Fanta”, juices) cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than coffee or tea? Do you think it's all about cost? Not really - at least look at how much the same “Cola” costs in a store relative to coffee and tea in small “on-the-go” cafes. In fact, the opposite happens. So why is everything like this at Mac?

There is a theory according to which a person’s appetite allows him to indulge in a cold drink, while after a hot drink, on the contrary, the feeling of hunger disappears. The restaurant owners set prices for Cola lower so that, having bought it, the client would also want to buy a cheeseburger or potatoes in the future.

Refusal of “not”

The secrets of McDonald's from a former employee, which are periodically published, include one more rule - you had no idea about it. This is a prohibition on saying “no”. Even in questions from the cashier, you will not hear this particle, which on a psychological level inclines a person to refuse. You are more likely to be asked: “Do you want sauce for your potatoes?”, rather than “Would you like sauce?” A small thing, but it also probably plays a significant role.

Always “more”

Many of the foods and drinks at the fast food restaurant chain we are discussing are served in different portion sizes. Of course, the client can order any of them, but often does not specify which one he wants. At the same time, the cashier does not ask, but silently accepts the order. What portion do they bring to the client?

That's right, the bigger one. Firstly, it brings more benefits to the restaurant, and secondly, it saves time in line. If the cashier asked the buyer again, and he also considered his choice, the sales process would drag on for an extra minute. Therefore, those who do not specify always receive more.

Cashier girls and uniforms

A little-known fact, but until the 70s, only guys worked at the McDonald's chain. And now at McDonald’s Russia (as well as the whole world) allows representatives of both sexes behind the counter. Why is this so?

The company noticed that girls behind the counter often lead to a delay in the queue for a simple reason - male clients start flirting with them. This is especially true for pretty girls, who attract more visitors, which means they slow down the sales process even more. What to do in this situation?

Firstly, it is impossible to refuse to hire representatives of the fair sex. This would cause a lot of protests and would be classified as discrimination. Therefore, girls need to be hired, this is inevitable. Secondly, you can hire less beautiful employees or make them so. There is a theory that jobs at McDonald’s are given to less attractive girls, but it’s hard to believe in it, because the concept of beauty is purely subjective, and you can still meet beautiful cashiers in the Mac chain. Therefore, obviously, a uniform allows you to combat delays in queues. Please note - it is specially made in such a way as to hide the figure of its owner and make the latter less attractive. The same applies to men - their McDonald's uniform also clearly does not show them in the best light. Due to this, sales are accelerated here.

Location in crowded places

Perhaps this is again not entirely a secret - but all McDonald's are located in such a way that it is impossible to pass by them. Note: each restaurant is located on the most crowded intersections and boulevards along which potential visitors go from work or from university, school, and so on. The more active the place, the greater the chances that another Mac will open here.

Joy for children

Very often parents don’t want to go to McDonald’s, but their children bring them here. Yes, the guys don’t realize the harm from such food, and they like it here - of course, it’s impossible to do without begging and tears. And in order to encourage children to ask their parents to visit Mak, the owners of the network conduct special promotions and activities for young visitors. For example, this is the organization of various birthday parties; distribution of toys in a special children's menu; balloons for each visitor under 6 years of age with the McDonald's logo. All this allows us to say that here they are trying in every possible way to give joy to children in every possible way.

Meal replacement

We have already mentioned that if you spill or drop something near the cash register, you are required to return the portion. The same applies to another case - if you found some hair or something else in the sandwich that is not related to the product according to the recipe. Some people take advantage of this to eat some and get a new portion for free.

Medium potato

Another item from our 20 McDonald's secrets that concerns potatoes is portions. We all know (and it is indicated on the menu) that there are three different servings - small, medium and large. But visitors do not realize that the amount of potatoes in large and medium portions is the same, the only difference is in cost and packaging. It’s just an envelope that comes with a large portion, which is correspondingly larger.

Ice cream “Rozhok”

The most affordable (and delicious) ice cream “Rozhok”, if you noticed, is always offered with a void at the bottom. It turns out that the placement of the ice cream itself in relation to the glass is somewhat illogical - it looks large on top, but the lower part is empty. This is done, of course, to visually enlarge the entire product. But employees cannot pour the mixture to the very bottom - the machines are designed that way, and there is a ban on filling the void in the glass. Thus, the restaurant saves a lot.

Additional questions and free glasses

Are you also annoyed by the questions that the cashier asks every time after your order? In particular, they ask you whether you would like to try a pie or a muffin? To opt out, you can add the phrase “all” to the end of your order in advance. And then the cashier will not ask unnecessary questions and thus waste your extra time.

Every McDonald's will give you free cups. This can be used, say, to come here with your drink and just sit with friends without ordering anything. Remember that you will not be allowed in with alcohol!

Last visitor

We all know that “Maki” works until the last visitor. At the same time, in the last half hour before the finish line, the doors of the restaurants are closed to the entrance. This way, no one will come in anymore - but the last guests will be able to finish their portions.

This, of course, does not apply to those establishments that stopped operating by decision of Rospotrebnadzor in the summer of 2014. In general, the closed McDonald's became a symbol of the government's fight against American business in Russia - but, of course, such measures did not have a real effect, since Russian entrepreneurs suffered.

The Mystery of Sauces

There is a myth that McDonald's sauces contain substances that addictive. It is for this reason that they are supposedly so tasty.

In fact, there is still something secret about them - after all, even many employees do not know what they are made of. Therefore, if you do not want to risk your health, we recommend that you refuse to purchase them. Maybe you can try it occasionally, but obviously you shouldn’t get carried away. It's really difficult to explain why they are so delicious. But even long-term work at McDonald's will not give you a guarantee that you will know what is included in their composition.


Considering the food preparation technology at McDonald's, we can confidently say that all the food here is higher in calories than homemade food. At least one menu consisting of a small sandwich, potatoes and cola will provide your body with more than 60% of the daily norm calories! At the same time, you will feel hungry after it no later than after a simple meal. It turns out that you will want to eat more, but in fact you will consume more.

The work was added to the site website: 2016-06-20

;color:#000000">National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort


;color:#000000">Faculty of Economics and Management

;color:#000000">Department of Management

;color:#000000">in the discipline "Corporate Culture"

;color:#000000">Corporate culture using the example of McDonald's


;color:#000000">4th year student

;color:#000000">Pisanko V. A.

;color:#000000">group M-401,

;color:#000000">Checked by: Associate Professor, Ph.D.

;color:#000000">Tsarenko N.V.


;color:#000000">Simferopol 2013



;color:#000000">What is corporate culture………………………………………………………...…4

;color:#000000">How is corporate culture maintained……………………….………..6

;color:#000000">How employees experience corporate culture…………………………..7

;color:#000000">General characteristics of the enterprise…………………………………….……...9

;color:#000000">External environment of the enterprise………………………………………….…..…….11

;color:#000000">Enterprise management system…………………………………………………….………..14




;color:#000000">Corporate culture is a system of common opinions and values ​​shared by all members of the organization. In the case of an organization with a strong culture, it begins to exist independently of each of its members. Thus, organizations have value in themselves, regardless of type the goods and services they produce. This provides them with long-term recognition. If the original goals of the organization lose their meaning, the organization will still remain in business. It will most likely transform and change in accordance with new needs.

;color:#000000">If you find yourself in any of the McDonald's restaurants, no matter what country in the world it is located, you will see a familiar environment, an identical menu - all these are components of the image of one of the most successful organizations in the world.

;color:#000000">The success of this company is explained not only by the fact that the food prepared at McDonald's differs in taste from any other; one of the main components of the company's success is a strong Corporate culture.

;color:#000000">Every employee of the company is well acquainted with the standards of behavior adopted in it. High quality, qualified service and cleanliness are the main conditions for success. Do not compromise the company, use only the best ingredients for cooking - these are the fundamental principles of the company.

;color:#000000">This organizational culture was formed by Ray Kroc, who headed the company until 1984. After his death, the company's position in the market remains stable. Since today's managers are completely imbued with the philosophy of Ray Kroc, they usually come to decisions in many ways similar to the decisions made by Kroc during his reign. This largely explains the phenomenon of the McDonald's company, symbolizing stability and harmony.

;color:#000000">The purpose of the work is to determine the main directions for the development of McDonald's corporate culture.

;color:#000000">What is corporate culture

;color:#000000">The term “corporate culture” is a set of behavior patterns that are acquired by an organization in the process of adaptation to the external environment and internal integration, which have shown their effectiveness and are shared by the majority of members of the organization. The components of corporate culture are:

;color:#000000">· personal initiative, i.e. the degree of responsibility, freedom and independence that a person has in an organization;

;color:#000000">· degree of risk, i.e. the employee’s willingness to take risks;

;color:#000000">· direction of action, i.e. the organization sets clear goals and expected results of implementation;

;color:#000000">· coordination of actions, i.e. the situation in which departments and people within the organization interact in coordination;

;color:#000000">· management support, i.e. providing free interaction, assistance and support to subordinates from management services;

;color:#000000">· control, i.e. a list of rules and instructions used to control and monitor the behavior of employees;

;color:#000000">· identity, i.e. the degree of identification of each employee with the organization;

;color:#000000">· reward system, i.e. the degree of accounting for work performance, organization of the reward system;

;color:#000000">· conflict tolerance, i.e. the employee’s willingness to openly express his opinion and enter into conflict;

;color:#000000">· interaction models, i.e. the degree of interaction within an organization, in which interaction is expressed in a formal hierarchy and subordination.

;color:#000000">Organization types

;color:#000000">Organization “A”. This organization is an industrial enterprise. It has established rules and regulations that must be followed. For each employee, tasks are set and methods for solving them are determined. Managers directly monitor execution and monitor support normal operating hours. Employees are not prohibited from taking initiative at their workplace. They are instructed that if they encounter unforeseen problems, they should contact their immediate supervisor who will help resolve them.

;color:#000000">Due to the fact that the administration does not have sufficient confidence in the honesty and integrity of its subordinates, the organization has serious control over the activities of employees and direct direct interaction between employees and management services.

;color:#000000">The company prefers to hire people at the very beginning of their careers, directly training and rotating them in various departments of the company. As a result of this policy, the company's employees receive not purely specialized, but comprehensive modern knowledge and work skills.

;color:#000000">Applying maximum effort, dedication to the organization, the ability to work in a team, avoiding mistakes - this is a list of qualities that are most valued in organizations of this type.

;color:#000000">Organization “B”. This organization is also an industrial enterprise, and it also has its own rules and regulations. However, control here loses its meaning, since the administration considers its employees hardworking and trustworthy. Employees try to solve problems that arise problems independently and consult with superiors only when necessary.

;color:#000000">Individual characteristics of employees and differences between departments within the organization are considered normal.

;color:#000000">Promotion and other methods of reward are applied to those employees who have made a significant contribution to the development and prosperity of the organization, even if they have a non-standard way of thinking, as well as behavior and habits that are not entirely acceptable for the organization.

;color:#000000">What is the impact of corporate culture on the organization and its members?

;color:#000000">Most of the functions of corporate culture are valuable both to the organization and to each of its members. The value of corporate culture to an organization is that it enhances organizational cohesion and generates consistency in the behavior of employees. From the point of view of employees, it serves a kind of compass for choosing the right type of behavior necessary for successful work in the organization.

;color:#000000">However, one should not ignore some negative aspects of corporate culture, which largely influence the achievement of organizational goals. What is meant here is the following: corporate culture can sometimes come into conflict with the environmental conditions surrounding the organization.

;color:#000000">So, for example, if the environment is subject to rapid changes, then the organizational culture developed over the years becomes inappropriate to these changes, and then the company will have to adapt to new external conditions, form a new organizational culture and revise the system for regulating labor relations in organizations.

;color:#000000">How corporate culture is maintained

;color:#000000">If an organizational culture has already been formed, then it is very important to ensure its further maintenance. In many cases, this task is entrusted to personnel management services. The selection process, criteria for assessing the performance of work, the reward system, personnel training and development activities career, promotion and rotation processes ensure that selected candidates will fit the firm's organizational culture.

;color:#000000">We will especially highlight three factors that play a decisive role in maintaining corporate culture:

;color:#000000">· personnel selection;

;color:#000000">· activities of senior management;

;color:#000000">· methods that help employees adapt to the organizational environment (socialization).

;color:#000000">Let's look at them in more detail. Personnel selection has a specific goal - to identify and hire people who have the knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully complete the job.

;color:#000000">However, as a rule, more than one candidate meets the necessary requirements. In the final selection, preference is given to those candidates who are more compatible with the corporate culture of the company. An attempt to identify compatibility is manifested in the desire to hire people with a value system , identical to organizational ones.

;color:#000000">At the same time, during the selection process, candidates receive complete information about the organization. Based on this information, if a candidate finds out that his value guidelines are in conflict with the values ​​of the organization, then he himself refuses further participation in the competition for this places.

;color:#000000">Selection in this regard solves a dual problem: on the one hand, it helps candidates determine whether they meet the requirements of the organization and, on the other hand, the organization gets the opportunity to weed out those candidates who can subsequently have a destructive impact on its key values. The activities of management greatly influence the organizational culture. Middle managers will establish basic rules and norms of behavior based on the statements of managers and their reactions to various situations. The list of these rules and norms is then lowered to lower levels. what forms of behavior are most preferable.

;color:#000000">How employees experience corporate culture

;color:#000000">Corporate culture is conveyed to employees in various forms. The most convincing of them are

;color:#000000">· stories and legends,

;color:#000000">· rituals,

;color:#000000">· symbols of the company’s power,

;color:#000000">· language and

;color:#000000">· symbolic management.

;color:#000000">Stories and Legends. Stories exist in almost every organization. They tell about the founders of the organization, the facts of the revision of established rules and regulations, movements and promotions, etc. Such stories predetermine the connection between the past, present and future and provide guidelines applicable to the practical conduct of business.Legends primarily reflect the history and heritage of the enterprise. Just like slogans, they convey inherited value orientations. This theme is revealed in legends in which a member of senior management finds himself in an everyday situation. together with an ordinary employee. The drama of the situation is determined by the difference in the status of the heroes of the legend. If the boss overcomes the hierarchical distance with his behavior (for example, he is the first to start a conversation), then he is considered a normal person, of course, the meaning of the boss’s speech is important. , does not respond to greetings), then employees still have doubts about his human qualities. An ordinary employee becomes a member of senior management. Legends of this type explicitly list the criteria on which promotion depends. Typically, it emphasizes how much advancement depends on performance and ability and how much on formal education and patronage. Depending on the real state of affairs, these legends are passed on with admiration or anger. Dismissal. Getting fired is always a dramatic event. The most exciting legends can be told about it, focusing on the reasons and circumstances of the dismissal, which makes it possible to recognize the operating style of the enterprise.

;color:#000000">According to psycholinguists R. Bandler and D. Grinder, it is worth answering a certain set of questions about the language in an enterprise in order to get a fairly complete picture of the internal culture. They offer the following set of questions:

;color:#000000">· “How is the conversation conducted?”;

;color:#000000">· “What concepts are regularly used?”;

;color:#000000">· “What repeated phrases are used?”;

;color:#000000">· “What is not said out loud?”;

;color:#000000">· “In what situations are generalizations made?”;

;color:#000000">· “When reality is interpreted incorrectly, what do they want to achieve and what to avoid?”

;color:#000000">In principle, this list can be continued indefinitely, the main thing is to analyze the answers to these questions, and then the culture of this organization will become largely clear and explainable.

;color:#000000">In general, it is impossible to imagine an analysis of the culture of an enterprise without analyzing the language of this enterprise. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the general culture of the organization and language have a mutual influence on each other, so language can and should become not only a means analysis, but also a tool for creating the desired culture.

;color:#000000">Symbolic management. Symbolic management refers to actions, behavior, performances that, without further ado, become clear to others, unambiguously explain the essence of the matter, declare new priorities and place emphasis. For example, when taking on a position, the head of a department Before his meeting with employees, he distributes a list of the company’s priority areas for the coming year. This act clearly demonstrates the essence of the planned changes.

;color:#000000">In world business practice, there is experience in companies drawing up their own codes of honor, or codes of business conduct. What most of them have in common is the principle of careful attitude to the honor of their own company.

;color:#000000">To protect the honor of the company, to protect and defend its interests, to bear responsibility for actions that discredit the company - requirements that are equally addressed to all its members.

;color:#000000">Each employee should feel involved in sales, since the salary is based on the income received through the sale of products or services, and therefore it is necessary to value and cultivate honesty, attentiveness and reliability in the staff.

;color:#000000">General characteristics of the enterprise

;color:#000000">Type of enterprise: public company. Industry of the enterprise: public catering. Fast food products (fast food products).

;color:#000000">The company was founded in 1940 by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald (the first restaurant opened in San Bernardino, California), in 1948, for the first time in the world, it formulated the principles of the “fast food” concept. In 1954, Ray Kroc acquired McDonald brothers the right to act as the exclusive franchising agent. In 1955, he opened his first McDonald's in Des Plaines, Illinois (now a corporate museum). In 1955, Kroc registered McDonald's System, Inc. (in 1960 it was renamed McDonald's Corporation). In 1961, all rights to the company were completely purchased by Kroc.

;color:#000000">Owners and management: almost 100% of the company's shares are in free float.

;color:#000000">Activity: The range of restaurants includes hamburgers (including Big Mac), sandwiches, French fries, desserts, drinks, etc. In most countries of the world, chain restaurants sell beer, but in Ukraine restaurants McDonald's is completely alcohol-free. In order to provide jobs to the population of the state in which the chain's restaurants operate, the fundamental doctrine of the McDonald's company is the priority use of local products. Almost all products sold in McDonald's restaurants in any country. , produced in this country. In percentage terms, the quantitative composition of local products varies between 70 and 85 percent, depending on the specific country (in Ukraine, according to the company, this figure is more than 80%).

;color:#000000">McDonald's purchases more than 80% of all products from 130 Ukrainian suppliers.

;color:#000000">McDonald's safety and quality assurance system includes:

;color:#000000">1. Work only with approved suppliers;

;color:#000000">2. Following specifications for raw materials and final products;

;color:#000000">3. Following the standards of the country where the restaurants are open, but if the company's internal standards are stricter, following more stringent standards;

;color:#000000">4. Implementation and verification at each level of safety and quality systems.

;color:#000000">« ;color:#000000">McDonald's";color:#000000">will not feed the country;color:#000000">. He just sets an example,;color:#000000">how to feed;color:#000000">.

;color:#000000"> McDonald's has a bank account; it independently plans its activities and determines the prospects for its development.

;color:#000000">The rights and obligations of the founders are defined in the Charter of the enterprise.

;color:#000000">The highest governing body of the company is the meeting of participants.

;color:#000000">Control over financial and economic activities is carried out by the audit department;color:#000000"> ;color:#000000">a commission elected at the meeting.

;color:#000000">The McDonald's restaurant is located in the railway district of Simferopol.

;color:#000000">External environment of the enterprise

;color:#000000">The immediate business environment of an organization is created by customers, suppliers, competitors, business partners, and government authorities.

;color:#000000">The study of the immediate environment of an organization is aimed at analyzing the state of those components of the organization's working environment with which it is in direct interaction. It is important to emphasize that the organization can have a significant influence on the nature and content of this interaction, thereby can actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and in preventing the emergence of threats to its continued existence.

;color:#000000">Analysis of consumers, suppliers, competitors


;color:#000000">Consumers are individuals and households purchasing goods and services for their own consumption.

;color:#000000">In this case, for the McDonald's restaurant, consumers are visitors who buy this or that fast product. These are employees, students, children, parents, elderly people, disabled people, etc.

;color:#000000">The consumer's solvency is carried out both in cash and non-cash (the visitor can pay for his order through the cash register or through the terminal with a plastic card).

;color:#000000">Unsatisfied demand for this product exists, for example: seasonal shrimp with cocktail sauce causes little demand among visitors than chicken chicken mcnuggets with barbecue sauce.


;color:#000000">McDonald's is a whole corporation. A corporation that is a supplier for its restaurants

;color:#000000">McDonald's is proud of its suppliers. The quality of food products primarily depends on the raw materials from which they are made. And the quality of raw materials depends on who supplies them. Today, McDonald's purchases more than 80% of all products from 100 suppliers :

;color:#000000">· Organic Food

;color:#000000">· “Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia”, authorized manufacturer of soft drinks of the Coca-Cola Company

;color:#000000">· East Bolt Company

;color:#000000">· "Holand Ukrland"

;color:#000000">· Ehrmann Company,

;color:#000000">· Cargill Group

;color:#000000">· "Agorofirm Belaya Dacha Trading"

;color:#000000">· Lantmannen Unibake Company

;color:#000000">· Heinz Company,

;color:#000000">· Poultry farm "Yuzhnaya"

;color:#000000">· "Paulig Coffee"

;color:#000000">· "Griner Package"

;color:#000000">· “Khukhtamaki S.N.G.”

;color:#000000">· "Rival"

;color:#000000">· "VG Konturs"

;color:#000000">· Globino Meat Plant

;color:#000000">According to McDonald's requirements for quality and product safety for suppliers, the supplier must have:

;color:#000000">1. Person responsible for food safety. 2. Implemented and verified food safety system. 3. Food safety training for all employees. 4. Product traceability program (traceability system). 5. Sanitary audit program 6. Pest control program, etc.

;color:#000000">When choosing food suppliers, an enterprise is guided by the following basic requirements for them:

;color:#000000">- compliance with delivery times according to the agreed schedule in accordance with the contract,

;color:#000000">- product compliance with the quality standards specified in the contract,

;color:#000000">- compliance with supply volumes,

;color:#000000">- provision of the necessary accompanying documentation,

;color:#000000">- maintaining agreed prices,

;color:#000000">- accessibility (territorial, communication, information).

;color:#000000">Indirect competitors: confectionery enterprises, bakery enterprises, restaurants and cafes."

;color:#000000">Potential competitors: restaurant-cafe located near the railway station.

;color:#000000">Development prospects

;color:#000000">Competing enterprises for the most part have prospects for maintaining their achieved positions, while development prospects are problematic, and there is also a possible tendency for the activities of the bulk of competitors to fade away.

;color:#000000">. Requirements for registration of a restaurant by government authorities.

;color:#000000">The McDonald's restaurant has its own specific requirements that differ from other types of enterprise, but in general it is controlled by state authorities and meets their requirements.

;color:#000000">. McDonald's has all the required certificates and licenses that are provided by the tax office, government agencies, etc.

;color:#000000">. In McDonald's restaurants, all data for each shift is entered into a daily safety checklist, where compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements is also monitored. Control is carried out by staff - managers who have completed a product safety course and signed a document where they accept responsibility for food safety. McDonald's production facilities and restaurants have a preventive inspection and repair plan for equipment.

;color:#000000">Equipment is regularly calibrated and certified by independent accredited organizations. McDonald's equipment used in restaurants is made of stainless steel, which can withstand heavy production loads.


;color:#000000">The system under consideration consists of four subsystems: administrative and management (director, first assistant, second assistant, etc.), working (cashiers, security guards), economic (host, nurses), financial ( accountant, MR).

;color:#000000">General restaurant management system:

;color:#000000">Vertical connection:

;color:#000000">Enterprise management system

;color:#000000">The director is the main boss of the restaurant, the manager.

;color:#000000">First assistant - “second hand” of the director, executive director

;color:#000000">Second assistant - performs the role of deputy director

;color:#000000">A trainee manager is a manager who, during a short period of work at an enterprise, can immediately become a first assistant or director without moving up the career ladder.

;color:#000000">Manager Trainee is a manager who is about to be promoted to Second Assistant after completing a certain training class.

;color:#000000">A swing manager is a person who performs his specific duties: assistance to cashiers, assistance at other stations (kitchen, counter, McAuto), a floor manager, controls and correctly coordinates the placement of workers, etc.

;color:#000000">Sweet Manager is a former instructor who is about to be promoted and must complete a certain training class to further promote Swing Manager.

;color:#000000">The instructor is an experienced restaurant worker, teaches newcomers, works at all stations of the restaurant (kitchen, McAuto, counter, hall).

;color:#000000">MR(moneyroom) - a cash room employee who does not have the right to stand at the cash register.

;color:#000000">Human Resources Department - an employee who hires people, keeps records of wages, vacations, sick leave, and maternity leave of company employees.


;color:#000000">Corporate culture is a system of common opinions and values ​​shared by all members of the organization. In the case of an organization with a strong culture, it begins to exist independently of each of its members. Thus, organizations have value in themselves, regardless of type the goods and services they produce. This provides them with long-term recognition. If the original goals of the organization lose their meaning, the organization will still remain in business.

;color:#000000">A systematic approach, giving important scientifically based definition of the management function and headcount standards as part of the general process of formation of the corporate management structure, orients researchers and developers to more general principles of designing organizations, that is, it assumes the initial definition of the system of organizational goals that determine the structure of tasks and the content of the functions of the management apparatus.

;color:#000000">The work discusses the possibilities of using systematic approach in management using the example of McDonald's. The proposed management system, built taking into account the principles of a systems approach, covers the entire technological process, starting from the formation of the idea of ​​​​offering a product for sale to selling the product to the final buyer and receiving feedback from him about the quality of this product.


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