Forms and methods of public administration. Characteristics of public administration methods

Under methods public administration means ways (techniques) of influence of the subject of management on the object of management, which are used to achieve the goals and objectives of management, to implement management functions. Methods provide an answer to the question of how, in what way, management goals can be achieved most rationally.

Management methods are in unity with management goals. The goal determines the specifics of using methods; the choice of methods to a certain extent determines the reality of achieving the goals. But, on the other hand, methods show how management goals are achieved. Methods determine the qualitative side of management. Improving them means improving management. Management methods have the following characteristic features:

· they express the connection between the subject of management and the object of management; a method is a means, a way of implementing the control influence of the subject of management on the object of management;

Methods are ways of streamlining, organizing processes occurring in management systems, techniques by which common goals are achieved joint activities people;

· management methods are a moving and active element in the management system;

· the use of methods is of an alternative nature;

· in public administration they are an instrument of state policy, which is used by the state apparatus to achieve political goals.

Regardless of the content and focus, management methods have:

· a certain organizational form, which refers to the type of impact, i.e. individual instruction (order, instruction, etc.) or norm (rule) of behavior;

· the nature of the impact (direct impact, indirect impact through the creation of stimulating or limiting conditions);

· method of influence (individual, collective, collegial);

· time characteristics (short-term and long-term);

Tactical and strategic in nature.

The essence of management methods in a state is determined by its social nature. Subjects of public administration use methods of influence in order to carry out the tasks and functions of the state and society to solve economic, social, defense, law enforcement and other problems.

The complexity and versatility of management processes determine the existence of many management methods. The methods do not exclude, but complement each other, since each method is characterized by a way of realizing management goals.

There are two universal methods influence on the consciousness and will of people: belief And compulsion. They constitute universal methods of social, including public administration. At the same time, in management activities, persuasion and coercion are expressed in a variety of ways, which provides grounds for identifying more specific types of management methods.

The question of the classification of these methods in the literature is resolved ambiguously. Administrative, economic, socio-psychological, as well as complex methods management. General management methods related to the entire management system, and local ones characteristic of its individual parts are indicated. There are other types of classification.

The most clear criterion for classifying management methods is nature of impact to the control object: direct or indirect. Direct control methods are characterized by a one-sided direct power influence of the subject of management on the behavior of the governed. The subject of management makes a decision (order), the execution of which is mandatory. Failure to comply with a decision entails negative consequences (liability) for the control object.

It is quite obvious that due to the very nature of public administration, methods direct impact necessary for normal control process. Methods of direct influence are usually called administrative methods of management. Methods of indirect control influence on the control object are that with their help the subject of control achieves the desired behavior of the control object by influencing its interests.

The managed person finds himself in conditions in which he himself is interested in acting properly not according to the direct instructions of the subject of management, but due to the fact that such behavior is stimulated by appropriate means.

Since stimulants are most often of a material nature, they are called economic management methods. At the same time, in public administration, along with administrative and economic methods, moral, psychological impact per person. In this regard, they stand out as a separate group social psychological methods control influence.

Administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of management, characterizing various ways The influence of the subject of management on the object of management is interconnected and interdependent. Each of these methods can have a volitional prescription, economic content and have a socio-psychological impact. In management practice, methods are not applied in isolation from each other. All management methods must comply with current legislation in content, focus and organizational form.

In various management situations, industries and areas of management, the use of certain methods may predominate. Thus, in the field of farm management, preference is given to economic methods. In the socio-cultural sphere of management, socio-psychological methods are widely used. Administrative methods predominate in defense management.

Administrative methods characterized by “power - subordination”, they most clearly express the authoritative nature of management activity. However, this does not exclude the influence of taking into account the interests of the latter when using administrative methods; on the contrary, scientific management involves taking into account their interests.

Classification of administrative management methods.

· According to the form of expression administrative methods are divided into administrative and legal(expressed in legal form) and administrative and organizational(expressed in the performance of organizational actions by the management subject).

· By legal properties Administrative management methods can be normative and individual. TO normative include legal acts, containing norms that regulate managerial relations and the activities of the managed. TO individual- instructions in the form of direct orders addressed to specific performers.

· By the method of influencing the behavior of control objects administrative methods are divided into:

Obliging to perform certain actions;

Authorizing to perform certain actions;

Encouraging committing socially useful actions;

Prohibiting the performance of certain actions.

· According to the order form administrative methods can be divided into categorical (imperative), surety(for example, a higher executive body entrusts a lower body with functions that are not within its competence) and recommendation. The system of economic methods includes profit, bonus, credit, etc.

Social and psychological methods of management are aimed at creating a favorable and stable moral and psychological climate in the executive body’s team, conducive to the successful solution of the tasks at hand, and the establishment of mutual understanding between the subject of management and the object of management. TO sociological management methods include:

· methods of managing social and mass processes (for example, regulating the movement of personnel, distributing personnel, increasing the prestige of professions, etc.);

· methods of managing teams, bodies, groups, intra-group phenomena and processes (planning the development of a team, increasing social and group activity, continuity of glorious traditions, etc.);

· methods of managing individual personal behavior (creation favorable conditions labor for workers, the formation of an optimal management system, the presence of elements of creativity in work, instilling in workers a sense of responsibility for the performance of official duties, etc.).

Psychological management methods include:

methods of recruiting small groups and teams based on psychological compatibility workers, methods of humanization of labor;

· methods of psychological motivation, formation of labor motives, trust;

· methods of professional selection of workers with such psychological characteristics, which are most suitable for the position held, etc.

Administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of public administration are interconnected. For example, financial incentives are issued through the publication authorities legal acts of management. The appointment of a person to a position, taking into account his psychological make-up, character and abilities, is formalized by an act of the authorized body. Therefore, it is unacceptable to contrast administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of management.


Methods of public administration

Public administration is carried out using a variety of methods. They ensure the implementation of functions and achievement of the goals of public administration.

Under methods (from Greek methodos - path of research, theory, teaching) public administration understand the techniques, ways of implementing management activities . With the help of methods, a certain impact of management subjects on the processes of social and state development, for activities government agencies and specific officials.

Various activities of government bodies involve the use various methods controls, which can be classified according to the most various criteria. We can distinguish general scientific and special methods, direct and indirect, administrative location
managerial, economic, socio-psychological, etc.

^ Administrative and administrative methods – these are ways of direct, immediate influence on the behavior of the control object. They are based on the power of state power and include measures of prohibition, permission and warning, are mandatory and are formalized in the form of legislative acts, orders, regulations, etc. These include the distribution of centralized investments or other state-controlled resources, licensing of certain types of activities, quotas for exports, imports, etc. For example, when the authorities are interested in stopping certain type activities, they can stop issuing licenses and, on the contrary, to expand a particular activity, allow it to be carried out. Coercive measures include rules and conditions, compliance with which is mandatory for business entities (certain labor protection conditions, installation of treatment facilities, etc.).

Administrative and regulatory methods of public administration are quite effective in the sphere of control over monopoly markets, in the field of ecology, in the development national system standardization and certification, in determining and maintaining the minimum acceptable parameters of life of the population. However, it should be noted that in developed countries with market economy The scale of application of administrative and administrative methods is quite limited, but in critical situations (military operations, economic crises, natural disasters) their role increases significantly.

^ Economic methods - this is a complex of material resources, levers, and the influence of public authorities on the object of management. They influence the interests of the objects of regulation indirectly: through economic legislation, financial, monetary, and credit policies. There is no direct coercion or encouragement. The control object is free to choose action options, provided that they do not contradict current legislation. That is, they are designed to create such conditions that it would be beneficial for the object of management to act as the state wishes. Such methods are tax, budget, financial policy, material incentives, application of financial sanctions, provision of subsidies to regions, reorganization of enterprises, etc. For example, the state reduces taxes on the production of children's goods, stimulating its growth, or establishes increased scholarships for excellent students, taking care of the quality of education. At the same time, it is important that economic methods are applied flexibly and do not act as a hindrance to the implementation of the goals and functions of public administration.

^ Social-psychological methods - these are ways of socio-psychological influence on those managed to achieve appropriate goals. These are means of influence such as:

  • political agitation, propaganda;

  • clarification of the position of the state, its policies, legal acts using the media;

  • personal meetings of state leaders with labor collectives;

  • various types individual encouragement, promotion, etc.;

  • moral condemnation, which often has a greater impact than administrative or other punishment.
With the help of socio-psychological methods, social attitudes, value orientations, group consciousness, leader orientation.

One can also distinguish between direct and indirect methods of public administration.

^ Direct methods directly affect objects, for example, through an order, instruction or direct financing (centralized investments), financial support (subsidies), etc.

^ Indirect methods have their impact indirectly, for example, through taxes and lending.

The use of certain methods depends on the form of ownership of the control object. Direct and administrative methods are most often used in the management of state and municipal property. In relation to objects of non-state ownership, mainly indirect and economic management methods are used.

All of these methods are closely interrelated and complement each other.

Test questions for topic 2

  1. What is methodology? Give a definition, reveal the essence.

  2. Expand the concept of public administration methodology.

  3. List and characterize the main elements of public administration methodology.

  4. What goals can be identified in public administration?

  5. Describe goal setting in public administration.

  6. List and characterize the types of goals in government organizations.

  7. Give a classification of goals in public administration.

  8. Describe the subject of public administration. List their characteristics.

  9. Describe the objects of public administration. What qualities do they have? What properties do they have?

  10. What species groups of managed objects can be called in accordance with the main spheres of society?

  11. What are the functions of public administration? What are the classifications of functions?

  12. Describe internal functions states.

  13. Describe external functions states.

  14. Describe political functions states.

  15. Describe universal management functions.

  16. Describe specific management functions.

  17. What is a principle? Give a definition.

  18. Formulate 14 general principles of management according to Fayol A.

  19. Describe the basic principles of public administration.

  20. What are methods of public administration? Describe them.


Lecture 3. Public administration system

Basic concepts:

system; system properties; specifics of the public administration system; structure of the public administration system; control subsystem; communications subsystem; controlled subsystem; institutional subsystem; regulatory subsystem; professional personnel subsystem; functional-structural subsystem; professional and cultural subsystem; forward and backward connections.

Concept and characteristics of the control system

Systematicity is inherent in any phenomenon, any object. Consequently, there are different systems - social, technical, biological, complex and simple, etc. Therefore, first it is necessary to define the concept of a system and highlight its main properties.

System, translated from Greek, means a whole consisting of parts, or, in other words, a set of interconnected elements. Philosophical Dictionary defines a system as a set of elements (components, subsystems) that are in relationships and connections with each other and form a certain integrity, unity. Let us immediately emphasize that the system is not a simple arithmetic sum of its constituent elements. The system, as a whole, acquires a new quality, new properties not contained in the elements that form it. This is its property, reflecting the law of transition quantitative changes into qualitative ones, defined by the concept emergence.

The development of systems theory was started by the Americans D. Easton (“ Political system" 1953, "Systems Analysis political life"1965) and T. Parsons ("The Social System" 1951, "The System modern societies", 1971).

Any system has common properties:

1. Adaptability. The system has boundaries and exists in the external environment surrounding it, interacting and adapting to it and the changes that occur there. The ability of a system to maintain its parameters in the external environment is called homeostasis.

2. Dynamism. The system has receptors at the input and output, which are constantly receiving impulses from the external environment in the form of demands and support. Reacting to them, the system is constantly in dynamics. In addition, it is characterized by internal contradictions. Systems experience periods of origin, formation, prosperity, decline, aging, and death. In other words, a sign of a system is its existence in time and space.

3. Structure. Each system is structurally designed: its elements are relatively independent and can also constitute a system. For example, a society like social system, consists of economic, political, spiritual and legal subsystems, each of which, in turn, is a system. The number of structural elements in most cases is not precisely known, all properties and connections are not precisely defined. However, in any system there are system-forming elements and connections that constitute its essence. Thus, the structure reflects the basic, system-forming elements and connections that provide its basic properties.

4. Integrity. A system cannot be reduced to the sum of its constituent elements. It represents a qualitative integrity, which can be different:

  • summative integrity , which is typical for unformed, disconnected systems;

  • organic integrity , which is characteristic of organized systems;

  • organic integrity , which is characteristic of systems that have become a single organism and have reached highest degree unity.
Note that these states of systems are not immutable: in fact, disordered systems can turn into organized, organic ones and vice versa.

5. Functionality. One of the characteristics of the system is that it has its own purpose and performs its own, unique functions.

Systems in which processes of targeted influence on the system take place, ensuring an increase in its organization, achieving a certain beneficial effect, are called control systems.

During its operation, the control system is divided into control and controlled subsystems.

The structure of the control system is shown in Fig. 3.1.

TO characteristic features control systems, regardless of their nature and purpose, include:

  • The decisive role in maintaining the integrity of the system belongs to information relations. Without the exchange of information between elements, such systems cannot function and maintain their integrity;

  • Systems are capable of transitioning to various states in accordance with control actions, while the transition cannot be carried out instantly, but requires some time;

  • There are a number of acceptable lines of behavior for the system, from which the most preferable is selected. If there is no possibility of choosing lines of behavior, then there is practically no control;

  • A controlled system is characterized by certain structures that reflect control loops;

  • Systems are open, i.e. the impact of the environment on them and on them external environment may have a wide variety of nature and consequences;

  • The process of systems functioning is characterized by purposefulness. If the goal is not defined, management becomes meaningless.

Public administration system

Rice. 3.1. Control system composition

Tasks and functions government regulation are implemented in specific actions of bodies and officials carrying out management.

Form is an objectified external expression of the essence of the activities of bodies and officials who exercise control within the framework of their assigned competence.

The variety of tasks and functions of public administration determines the existence various forms management activities, which are provided for by law. Usually they are enshrined in special (general and individual) regulations, charters and other acts regulating the activities of executive authorities.

The type of specific form of management activity is determined by the nature of the actions of executive authorities to implement the functions assigned to them. In some cases, these actions entail legal consequences, in others - not (for example, mass organizational work). In accordance with this, the forms of activity of executive authorities are divided into legal and non-legal. Characteristic feature legal system management lies in the fact that here the state-imperious, executive-administrative, subordinate nature of the powers of executive authorities and their officials is most clearly manifested.

Legal forms are classified according to content, purpose and method of expression.

Law-making management activity consists in the development of legal norms, their improvement, amendment and repeal, i.e. in the creation of regulatory acts of management.

Law enforcement activities of bodies and officials consist in the actions of management subjects to bring a specific, having legal meaning fact under the relevant rule of law with the aim of adopting an individual act, i.e., resolving specific management cases based on the rules of law.

Based on their focus, legal forms of management activities are divided into internal and external. Moreover, both internal and external legal forms of management can be both law-making and law-enforcement.

According to the method of expression, legal forms of management are divided into verbal (both written and oral) and conclusive.

Non-legal forms of management activity include forms of organizational, material and technical actions in management. These include drawing up all kinds of certificates, reports, record keeping, paperwork, holding all kinds of meetings, etc.

The objectified expression of the legal form of activity of subjects of public administration is a legal (legal) act of management.

A legal act of management is a unilateral legal-authority expression of the will of an authorized subject of executive power, based on the law, aimed at establishing administrative-legal norms or the emergence, change or termination of administrative-legal relations in order to implement the tasks and functions of public administration.

A legal act of management is usually issued as a written legal document, which requires compliance with certain officially established rules (procedures) that provide for the procedure for preparing a draft act, its discussion, examination, approval, etc. But legal acts of management can also have oral expression (for example, within the framework of official relations between the manager and those directly subordinate to him management staff).

Legal acts of management are divided according to legal properties; by validity period; by area of ​​operation; by the nature of the competence of the bodies issuing them; by bodies and officials issuing them; and the form of expression of these acts.

According to their legal properties, legal acts of management are divided into normative acts, individual acts and acts of a mixed nature.

According to the validity period, legal acts of management are divided into urgent, unlimited and temporary.

According to the territory of action, legal acts of management are divided into acts valid throughout the territory Russian Federation; acts in force on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation; acts in force on part of the territory (territory of a district, city).

According to the nature of the competence of the bodies that issue them, acts are divided into general, sectoral and special (intersectoral).

According to the bodies that issue them, legal acts of management are divided into those issued by the President of the Russian Federation (decrees and orders), the Government of the Russian Federation (decrees and orders), ministries and state committees (orders, instructions, instructions, etc.), administrations (orders, resolutions).

According to the form of expression, legal acts of management are divided into written, oral and implicit.

Methods of public administration are understood as ways (techniques) of the influence of the subject of management on the object of management, which is used to achieve the goals and objectives of management.

The main methods of public administration are persuasion and coercion.

Based on the relationship between methods of persuasion and coercion, other special methods are also distinguished. Thus, according to the nature (content) of the control influence, moral and political methods (education, propaganda, moral encouragement) are distinguished; organizational methods(coordination, consistency); sociological methods(interviewing, questioning, observation); psychological methods (motivation, authority).

Administrative methods, as a rule, qualify as methods of non-economic (direct) control influence on the part of subjects of public administration activities on the relevant objects. Their direct nature is manifested in the fact that the subject of management, within the competence assigned to him, carries out management directly - through the adoption of a management decision (legal act of management), legally binding for the subject of management, i.e. for the addressee. The non-economic nature of these management methods means that the real object of management is the conscious-volitional behavior of the governed, which is regulated through influencing the will and consciousness of the governed (the so-called “subordination of wills”) through persuasion or coercion to proper behavior.

The essence of persuasion is that it is a method of influencing public relations, and its content includes a set of specific measures to influence the consciousness and behavior of people. Important Forms beliefs: clarification of legal requirements, legal propaganda, criticism of antisocial acts, reward system.

Being a type of state coercion, administrative coercion is used mainly as a last resort means of ensuring and protecting law and order in the sphere of public administration.

Administrative coercion measures are varied. According to their intended purpose, they can be divided into three groups: administrative and preventive measures; administrative preventive measures and administrative liability measures.

Administrative and preventive measures of a compulsory nature are applied, as their name implies, in order to prevent possible offenses in the sphere of public administration and to prevent other phenomena harmful to the public safety regime. The most typical among them are: control and supervisory inspections; inspection of things and personal search (customs, police); verification of identity documents; administrative detention; introduction of quarantine (in case of epidemics and epizootics); examination medical condition persons and the sanitary condition of enterprises catering, requisition of property, etc.

Administrative preventive measures are intended to stop illegal actions and prevent them harmful consequences. They are also varied and applied by different bodies and officials. The most typical examples are: demands to stop illegal actions; direct physical impact; application special means; use of weapons; compulsory treatment; prohibition of exploitation vehicles etc.

Administrative penalties are applied in the event of committing administrative offense and the next topic of the course is devoted to them.

Administrative methods are divided: by form of expression; by legal properties; according to the method of influence and the form of prescription.

According to the form of expression, administrative methods are divided into administrative-legal, expressed in legal form, and administrative-organizational, expressed in the performance of any organizational actions by the subject of management. According to their legal properties, administrative methods are divided into normative (instructions, manuals, etc.) and individual (prescriptions in the form of direct orders). According to the method of influence, they are divided into obliging, authorizing, encouraging the performance of socially useful actions and prohibiting the performance of certain actions. And according to the form of the prescription, administrative methods of management are divided into categorical (imperative), mandatory (when a higher body entrusts the performance of functions that are not within the competence of lower bodies) and recommendatory.

Economic methods affect management objects not directly, but indirectly, because they control action achieved through material incentives, the creation of such economic conditions that encourage the governed to behave properly. The main thing here is that the proper behavior of controlled subjects is achieved by influencing their material interests, i.e. indirectly, as opposed to methods of direct power influence (this could be, for example, material incentives in the case of successful activities, provision of property or tax benefits, etc.).

II . .

I . Forms of government

Public administration is expressed in the implementation certain actions, which are perceived by other subjects of management relations in certain forms.
Forms of government are the outwardly expressed actions of the O.I.V. and its officials.

Signs: the essence of the activities of bodies and officials who carry out public administration.

2. practically implement management tasks and functions.

3. ensuring the most appropriate achievement of goals at the lowest cost.

4. cause the onset of any consequences.

F.G.U is wider than the forms of executive power, so they can act as:

  • Forms of public administration activities.
  • Forms of implementation of executive power.

The variety of management tasks determines the variety of management forms.

The choice of form depends on:

  • The nature of the competence of O.I.V. (official)
  • Features of the Object
  • The nature of the consequences caused

Types of F.G.U:

    • clear legal consequences.
    • publication of acts that entail administrative relations between subjects.

In legal forms, the state-imperious, executive-administrative nature of the powers of governing bodies and their officials is clearly manifested.

  • Publication of normative acts by executive authorities.

Contains administrative legal norms that regulate management relations.
A) Regulatory nature (Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation).
B) Non-normative nature (Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation).

  • Publication of individual management acts.

This is a type of legal factor (Ex: appointment of an employee to a position). Contractual relations should be classified as forms of public administration, because they entail legal consequences.

  • are not related to the publication of legal acts and the performance of other legal actions.
  • do not generate, but terminate administrative relations.
  • Carrying out organizational operations.
  • Logistics operations.

A) Working with information.
B) Record keeping.
B) Conducting research.
D) Preparation for publication of legal acts.

Managerial actions cause consequences of a legal nature, which are recognized as administrative-legal forms.
Administrative and legal regulation can be carried out in 2 forms. The administrative-legal form can be presented as a unique system of actions of the IIV. According to the degree of legal expression, one can distinguish between the main actions of bodies and officials (issuance of legal acts) and the action that is based on them, which also entail legal consequences.
Pr: Licensing and permitting activities.


Methods of public administration- This is the way to carry out its functions.
The essence of public administration methods is determined by its social nature. Knowledge of methods speaks volumes about the functioning of state mechanisms.

Methods of public administration– ways and means of practical implementation of the functions of public administration, achieving its goals.

The application of management methods depends on the purpose of management. If the management goal determines the specifics of the methods used, then right choice method ensures real achievement of the goal.

Characteristics methods:

  • 1. Express the connection of a subject or object.
  • 2. Ensures that goals are achieved through a certain method of influence.
  • 2. Has a certain organizational form (order, rule of behavior)
  • 4.Has a time characteristic (short and long-term)

Types of methods:

  • Belief– represents law-abiding behavior of all subjects, contributes to the prevention of crime.


  • Explanation
  • Rationale
  • Discussion
  • Promotion

By the nature of the impact:

1.Direct impact – administrative management methods.

  • Unilateral power influence of the subject of management on the behavior of the governed.
  • Mandatory execution by the management party of decisions of the management party.
  • The possibility of legal liability for failure of the controlled party to comply with legally given orders.

2.Indirect impact. Goals are achieved by influencing the interests of the controlled party, that is, conditions are created when the controlled party itself chooses an option of behavior without power influence.
Social psychological methods of control influence:
All methods are closely interrelated and are applied indirectly.

  • Compulsion– types of state coercion and are means of ensuring law and order.
    • Extrajudicial application of those provided for by legal or subordinate administrative regulations - legal norms coercive measures of an administrative authority.
    • Focus on implementing generally binding rules of behavior in the field of public administration.

Types of administrative coercion:

1.Administrative warning
2.Administrative measures
3.Measures of administrative responsibility.

1-Preventive nature, forced order in the form of restrictions and prohibitions.
2-Suppression of offenses and harmful consequences.

  • Legal acts of management

This is the main legal form for implementing the tasks of public authorities.

  • Legal nature
  • State-imperious character
  • Mandatory performance by recipients
  • Unilateral expression of the will of a competent subject
  • Establishment of mandatory rules of behavior

A legal act of management is an official by-law decision made by the executive authority unilaterally and in compliance with certain procedures on an issue within its competence, having a form determined by law and generating legal consequences.

Types of legal acts of management:

  • By legal properties
    • Regulatory. Contain rules of law designed to regulate similar social relations, designed for long term actions.
    • Individual. Acts of application of legal norms.
  • By validity period
    • Indefinite
    • Urgent
  • By territory
    • Acts valid within the Russian Federation.
    • Acts in force within a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
    • Acts in force within the administrative territorial unit.
  • By nature of competence
    • General
    • Industry
    • Intersectoral
  • By bodies issuing acts
    • Presidential decree, presidential order.
    • Government regulations.
    • Orders, instructions, directions, instructions of ministers.
    • Regulations state committees
    • Orders, instructions of heads of state committees, federal services, agencies, supervision.

The method of public administration is understood as the method of influence of a public authority on the economy of the territory, groups of people or their individual members as objects of management in order to achieve the goal of management. Methods of public administration, Fig. 8, according to motivational characteristics, are divided into the following groups:





Administrative and organizational methods of public administration are based on power motivation. These management methods are determined by the obligatory implementation of the instructions of government bodies and their leaders by the objects and employees subordinate to them. These methods are based on rewards for exemplary performance of job duties and internal labor regulations and sanctions consisting in the establishment of disciplinary liability.

Administrative management methods are carried out in the form of direct administrative influence on management objects in various categorical forms: resolutions, instructions, orders.

Resolutions are normative legal acts, and orders are issued to resolve operational issues. Heads of government bodies exercising management on a sole command basis issue orders.

Organizational management methods represent a set of organizational influences of the subject of management on the managed object and on himself. Organizational management methods are divided into organizational regulation, organizational regulation and organizational and methodological instruction.

Organizational regulation is carried out in the form regulatory documents, establishing a clear order in the organization of activities, both as an object and as a subject of management. An example of such a document is the Regulations of the State Duma of the Tomsk Region, which determines the procedure for the organization and functioning of a state body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Organizational rationing, as a method of influencing the object of management, is to develop a minimum living wage, to determine the minimum wage, and the like.

The impact on the control object in the form of organizational and methodological instructions is expressed in the development and approval by the government body of various kinds of instructions for lower bodies, enterprises, organizations, and so on. This same group of methods includes instructions by managers of employees of management bodies on the performance of certain management work, which consists of setting a task, informing about the conditions for performing the work, the expected difficulties of its implementation, and the like.

Economic methods include economic incentives, economic responsibility and economic accounting. This group of methods is based on the material interest of people, and today it is this method that is becoming widespread in government bodies of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The starting point of economic incentives is the formation of workers’ incomes depending on their contribution to the overall results of labor. Wages is defined as a value dependent on the personal labor of each employee and the bonus system.

The economic responsibility of government bodies is established by law. The most effective methods of economic liability include the method of compensation for losses arising through the fault of government bodies and their officials. For example, in accordance with Article 1069 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “harm caused to a citizen or legal entity as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of government bodies, bodies local government or officials of these bodies... is subject to compensation" from the funds of the relevant budget.

Economic accounting refers to the comparison of the costs of producing products or services with the income received from their sale. The content of economic accounting is characterized by: economic independence, profitability, self-sufficiency, material interest of workers as a result of labor.

Acting through the material interests of workers, economic management methods are indirect management methods. Their activation is carried out using administrative and organizational methods.

Socio-psychological methods are based on the moral motivation of people associated with self-affirmation and self-expression of a person in the work collective, his desire to obtain moral satisfaction in work.

Social management methods include:

    persuasion, publication of advisory acts of government, explanation of acts of government bodies to the population, speeches by heads of government bodies in the media on the validity of adopted acts, and so on;

    moral stimulation consists of publicly declaring gratitude to the team for good work and individual employees, nomination for state awards and so on;

    management of social and mass processes, used to regulate the processes of population migration, personnel movement, seasonal movements of labor.

Psychological management methods are understood as ways to regulate relationships between people by creating an optimal psychological climate as a manifestation of group consciousness in the form of group mood, group opinions and judgments.

Methods of recruiting small groups and teams, methods of humanization of work, methods of psychological motivation, methods of professional selection and training are used as psychological management methods.

In the practical activities of government bodies, all methods operate simultaneously, with the predominant importance of administrative and organizational methods, which is associated with the imperious nature of public administration as the executor of state power.

    Main features and principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation.

The main stages of developing management decisions.

Decision making is one of the main components of any management process.

The decision-making process, although seemingly simple, is very difficult. It contains quite a lot of subtleties and underwater reefs that are well known to professional managers.

Each organization develops management decisions. And in each organization, the practice of developing and making management decisions has its own characteristics, determined by the nature and specifics of its activities, its organizational structure, the current communication system, and internal culture.

Nevertheless, there is a common feature that is characteristic of any decision-making process, wherever it takes place. This is the single core that forms the development and decision-making technology used in any organization.

Preparation of decisions is carried out on the basis of the totality of information about the situation, its careful analysis and assessments.

In the decision-making process, much attention is paid to the use of expert assessment methods designed to work with both quantitative and qualitative information.

The main purpose of expert technologies is to increase professionalism, and, consequently, the effectiveness of management decisions.

There are different ways of representing the decision-making process, which are based on different approaches to management: systemic, quantitative, situational, etc.

The main attention is paid to the situational approach, since it most fully reflects the problems arising in management activities, is universal and, in essence, contains the main methods associated with making management decisions and used in other approaches.

Let's consider the main stages of the management decision-making process. The block diagram of the control process is shown in Fig. 2.1.

1.Describe the system of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Since 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation has determined the main principles in the formation of executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the most in a general way. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 77, “The system of government bodies of republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous districts is established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently in accordance with the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the general principles of the organization of representative and executive bodies of state power established federal law."

In the absence of federal legislation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently determined the composition and structure of government bodies.

Federal Law “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”, which defines the framework conditions for the formation of a system of government bodies, was adopted only in 1999.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Federal Law “On the general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” a system of executive authorities is established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, headed by the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, headed by the head of the highest executive body of state power subject of the Russian Federation.

The constitution (charter) of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may establish the position of the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation heads the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation has important powers:

    represents a subject of the Russian Federation in relations with federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and in the implementation of foreign economic relations, at the same time has the right to sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    promulgates laws, certifying their promulgation by signing laws or issuing special acts, or rejects laws adopted by the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    forms the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    has the right to demand the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation, as well as to convene the newly elected legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation for the first meeting earlier than the deadline established for this legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation by the constitution (charter) ) subject of the Russian Federation;

    has the right to participate in the work of the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the right of an advisory vote;

The highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation issues, on the basis of federal and regional laws, regulations of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees (resolutions) and orders that are binding on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The legislation provides for cases of early termination of powers of the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation: death, resignation in connection with an expression of no confidence in the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation; voluntary resignation; recognition by the court as incompetent or limited in capacity, missing or declared dead, and others.

The powers of the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may be terminated early even if he is removed from office by the President of the Russian Federation when issuing a warning to him in the event of:

    publication by the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of a normative legal act that contradicts the Constitution, federal constitutional laws and federal laws, if such contradictions are established by the relevant court, and the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation within two months from the date of entry into force of the court decision or within another period provided for by the decision the court did not take measures within its powers to implement the court decision;

    evasion of the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation within two months from the date of issuance of a Presidential decree on the suspension of a normative legal act of a senior official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a normative legal act of an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation from issuing a normative legal act providing for the repeal of the suspended normative legal act, or from making changes to the specified act, if during this period the senior official did not apply to the appropriate court to resolve the dispute.

The highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is a permanent executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and ensures the implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the constitution (charter), laws and other regulatory legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the territory of the subject. The name of this body, its structure, the procedure for its formation are established by the constitution (charter) and laws of the subject of the Russian Federation, taking into account the historical, national and other traditions of the subject of the Russian Federation. This body has the rights of a legal entity and has an official seal.

Financing of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the executive bodies headed by it is carried out at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, provided for in a separate article.

The highest executive body of state power develops and implements measures to ensure the comprehensive socio-economic development of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, participates in the implementation of a unified public policy in the field of finance, science, education, healthcare, social security, ecology and has the following main powers:

    carries out, within its powers, measures to implement, ensure and protect human and civil rights and freedoms, protect property and public order, and combat crime;

    develops a draft budget for submission by the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as draft programs for the socio-economic development of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    ensures the execution of the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation and prepares a report on the execution of the said budget and reports on the implementation of socio-economic development programs of the subject for submission by the highest official to the legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    forms other executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    manages and disposes of the property of the subject in accordance with the laws of the subject, as well as federal property transferred to the management of the subject in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

    has the right to propose to a local government body, elected or other official local self-government to bring the legal acts issued by them into conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the event that these acts of the Russian Federation, the constitution (charter), laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation, and also have the right to go to court;

    concludes, in accordance with federal laws, agreements with federal executive authorities on the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers, as well as agreements on the mutual transfer of the exercise of part of their powers;

    exercises other powers established by federal laws, the constitution (charter) and laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as agreements with federal executive authorities provided for in Article 78 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Subjects of the Russian Federation create a system of executive authorities that includes bodies of general, sectoral and intersectoral competence. According to the organizational and legal form, executive authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be different. They are not installed regulations and are formed on the basis of historical and national traditions.