Ectopic cervix. Ectopic cervix, what is it? Causes, types and methods of treatment Possible consequences and preventive measures during pregnancy

Causes and treatment of cervical ectopia

Cervical ectopia is the same gynecological pathology that most of us know as “erosion”. This diagnosis is given to women of different ages, those who have given birth and those who have not, those who have had an abortion and those who have never had one, those who have other gynecological diseases and those who do not. What is cervical ectopia, and what is more dangerous - its non-treatment, or vice versa - treatment?

To understand the issue, you need to remember the anatomy of the female genital organs. The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus that partially extends into the vagina. And doctors can examine this part using a gynecological speculum. Pathologies are often detected - cervical erosion, cervical inversion (in women who have recently given birth), scar changes, leukoplakia, dysplasia, cancer, etc. Not all of these conditions require treatment due to the fact that they are a normal phenomenon and not a disease. Thus, cervical ectopia has causes that have nothing to do with gynecological diseases. This area, which has a brighter color, represents the boundary between two types of epithelium lining the cervix - ectopia of the cervical epithelium in a different way. But this is one of the normal options. Normally, this zone is located on the vaginal part of the cervix, and not inside the cervical canal, in girls and young women during puberty. Cervical ectopia is often diagnosed during pregnancy when taking oral contraceptives. That is, it is simply a peculiar reaction to hormonal changes.

Is it dangerous? The “erosion” itself, in most cases, is not dangerous, but this does not mean that a woman should not regularly visit a gynecologist for an examination at least once a year. The fact is that not only symptoms of cervical ectopia, but also severe cancer may be absent. And the woman herself has no way of knowing what is happening inside her. The doctor can not only visually examine the cervix, but also take a smear, which will answer whether the woman has precancerous conditions. To clarify the diagnosis, colposcopy may be prescribed - examination of the cervix under high magnification using a colposcope and a biopsy. Dysplasia is a precancerous condition.

Does cervical ectopia of the cervix need treatment if no dysplasia is detected? In quite rare situations. Only if the erosion occupies a large area, extends beyond the boundaries of the external pharynx, and spreads to the walls of the vagina. If there are signs of constant inflammation in this area. This issue must be resolved individually. But we must remember that cervical ectopia in nulliparous women will most likely bring fewer problems than the possible result of its treatment - scarring. In addition, in many women, laser and electric current treatments subsequently lead to cervical endometriosis.

Before agreeing to treatment, weigh the pros and cons.

Pregnancy is that period in a woman’s life when cervical ectopia is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon. The reason for this “movement” of the columnar epithelium is that hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. All systems and organs of the female body are preparing for childbirth, and especially the cervix. Ectopy of this organ is nothing more than evidence of preparation for delivery.

After the woman in labor gives birth to a baby, the disease will simply disappear. Although there are cases when trauma to the cervix during childbirth, on the contrary, becomes the cause of ectopia, but in a nursing mother.


There are no signs by which ectopia could manifest itself. The expectant mother cannot independently diagnose this disease in herself, because it does not reveal itself in any way. Cervical ectopia can only be detected during a gynecological examination, since it is not expressed by anything other than a red spot.

Symptoms in a pregnant woman can appear only when ectopia is adjacent to inflammatory processes or, even worse, to a precancer condition. In cases where the mucous membrane of an organ undergoes changes that can provoke the development of cancer, ectopia can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • copious discharge from the genital tract, which is whitish, transparent or yellowish in color;
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • spotting after sex;
  • cycle disorders that occurred even before the young woman’s pregnancy.

Diagnosis of cervical ectopia

In order to diagnose the painful condition under discussion, the doctor must:

  • conduct a thorough examination of your patient, examine her mammary glands and physique;
  • study data from an examination of the genital tract and other internal organs of the genitourinary system of a pregnant woman;
  • obtain the results of colposcopy (a colposcope is something like a microscope, with which you can examine the uterine cervix and its structure in detail and thoroughly);
  • get the results of a Papanicolaou smear, get the results of a smear from the cervical canal for cytology;
  • conduct and analyze the results of a biopsy, in which a miniature piece of tissue is taken from the uterine cervix to be analyzed for the presence of precancerous changes.


Ectopia is scary because it can initiate a destructive algorithm:

  • At first, this painful condition, called false erosion, turns into true erosion,
  • after this, true erosion develops into organ dysplasia,
  • Later, the fair sex develops cancer.

To prevent anything like this from happening, a pregnant woman must carefully monitor her health, promptly getting rid of all problems that arise in the functioning of the genitourinary system with the help of a medical specialist.


If cervical ectopia detected in a pregnant patient was characterized by an obstetrician-gynecologist as insignificant and mild, then this condition does not require treatment at all. He is simply monitored, but no medical procedures or pharmaceuticals are prescribed.

What can you do

In the case of cervical ectopia, a woman who is preparing to become a mother cannot help herself. Yes, you don’t need to help yourself in such a situation. Most likely, the ectopia after childbirth will evaporate almost immediately, as if it never existed. Help aimed at improving your own health includes generally accepted recommendations and advice:

  • moderate physical activity, frequent walks, high-quality and proper nutrition,
  • monitoring pregnancy in the antenatal clinic,
  • maintaining complete calm,
  • proper rest and sleep,
  • paying attention to yourself and enjoying your own condition.

What can a doctor do?

The doctor begins to treat a pregnant patient only in extreme cases. In most situations, when an expectant mother is diagnosed with ectopia, the doctor simply takes an observational position.

An obstetrician-gynecologist invites an expectant mother with cervical ectopia to regular appointments. The frequency of doses depends on the stage of pregnancy:

  • in the early stages, the expectant mother should visit the doctor once a month,
  • in the second trimester, a visit to the doctor is made once every three weeks,
  • in later stages - once every seven to ten days.


There is no need to talk about specific preventive measures for cervical ectopia in a pregnant woman. It is impossible to prevent the development of this disease. But you need to try to avoid dangerous consequences. Moreover, the use of preventive measures in this case is very effective. The fair sex is recommended to:

  • plan your own pregnancy carefully and approach this matter as responsibly as possible;
  • all diseases (both gynecological and others) must be eliminated even before a little person is born in the female body;
  • a pregnant woman should regularly visit her obstetrician-gynecologist who is managing her pregnancy (in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to see a doctor once every thirty days, in the second trimester the frequency of meetings increases to one within three weeks, in late stages of pregnancy you need to visit an obstetrician - a gynecologist is recommended to expectant mothers once a week, maximum - once every ten days);
  • a pregnant woman during the period of bearing a baby should adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • you need to completely forget about promiscuous sex life, even if it was part of the woman’s lifestyle before pregnancy;
  • If a future mother is diagnosed with inflammatory or infectious diseases, she must ensure that all these sores are treated in a timely manner.

Expecting a child is the brightest period in the life of every woman, but ectopia of the cervix during a desired pregnancy can somewhat overshadow such an event, causing a number of unfavorable factors. There is no need to panic about this, since erosion, despite the risk, is not a reason to terminate a long-awaited pregnancy, and many women successfully carry the fetus to term with regular examination by specialists. But for a woman to be fully prepared, it is advisable to know why this pathology appears, what symptoms are typical, and how to treat it so as not to harm the child.

What is ectopia?

Cervical ectopia is a displacement of the cylindrical epithelium (mucous organ) to the vaginal area. The disease looks like a reddish spot located on the vaginal area of ​​the cervix, which is why it is called in gynecology as pseudo-erosion. A distinctive feature of the disease is that the surface of the mucous membrane is not damaged.


Ectopia is divided into several types, which have their own clinical characteristics and degrees of complication.
Among them are:

  1. Congenital type - detected in a patient who has just begun to be sexually active during her first examination by a specialist.
  2. Acquired - pathology appears in a previously undamaged area.
  3. Recurrent – ​​occurring after previous treatment for cervical disease.
  4. Uncomplicated form - the disease occurs without any clinical manifestations.
  5. A complicated type is the simultaneous presence of the disease along with other inflammatory processes that can provoke the occurrence of cervical cancer.

Not in all cases, ectopia is considered a pathological phenomenon.

For example, in girls, even at a newborn age, the cylindrical epithelium of the cervical region seems to creep onto the vaginal area of ​​the cervix, which can be noticed during the examination. Over time, the epithelium develops into a multilayered form. After this, the ectopia completely disappears.


The appearance of erosion may be the result of some negative processes in the patient’s body.
The main reasons for its occurrence are considered to be:

  • Hormonal imbalance (often appears before the age of 21, as the cells of the lining of the uterus experience hormonal changes);
  • Viral infection. According to the results of the research, it became known that HPV - oncogenic strains, in the absence of qualified intervention, can lead to the appearance of erosion, and then to cancer;
  • Infectious lesions of the genital organs can lead to chronic inflammatory processes, which lead to the formation of defects in the mucous membrane of the cervix. The result is ectopia;
  • Mechanical and chemical influences. During aggressive intimacy, regular use of a tampon and inept douching with all kinds of decoctions during the period of self-medication, wounds and cracks appear;
  • Precancerous formation. Dysplasia can hardly be distinguished from erosion. Only after the diagnostic procedures have been carried out can it be determined what disease the patient is suffering from;
  • Early initiation of intimate life leads to the appearance of erosive wounds.

Such factors increase the likelihood of developing ectopia several times.

How erosion can affect the course of pregnancy and vice versa

Inflammatory phenomena of a chronic nature of the cervix, together with ectopia during pregnancy, can contribute to the penetration of infection directly into the uterus and further to the fetus. Such a factor can lead to termination of pregnancy, death of the baby, delays in the development of the child and to defects, premature birth, and infection of the fetus during labor. The presence of erosion during pregnancy increases the likelihood of ruptures.

However, pregnancy develops due to hormonal changes, which themselves cause the appearance of ectopia, and also lead to a worsening of the disease. This factor can develop dysplasia and a precancerous condition.

Therefore, it is necessary to control the situation by regularly visiting specialists throughout pregnancy in order to contain the disease and not start it. The main thing is not to self-medicate.

Diagnosis during pregnancy

When a woman is registered, she undergoes an examination procedure in a gynecological chair. The doctor carefully examines the cervix using mirrors, takes a smear for microflora and determines the pathological change, if any. If the patient complains of increased intensity of white, green or brown discharge, then you should immediately go to the doctor, since there is a threat of pregnancy failure or artificial termination.

Then the following manipulations are carried out:

  1. If the results of the smears are negative, then the microflora is cultured and the treatment method is determined.
  2. Colposcopy - the cervix is ​​examined using an optical device that transmits an image to a screen, where specialists examine the degree of damage to the epithelium.
  3. If all of the above diagnostic methods give a positive result, a biopsy is performed for research if a precancerous condition is suspected.
  4. When the patient has bloody discharge, an ultrasound is prescribed to eliminate the need for termination of pregnancy and placental abruption.

In rare cases, a woman with erosion may experience discomfort and pain during sex, but usually the disease occurs without clinical manifestations.

Treatment of ectopia

If the diagnostic results give good results, but external indicators indicate the presence of erosion, then this may be the norm during pregnancy. The cervix seems to turn out, but after childbirth it returns to normal. In this case, treatment is not necessary. In other circumstances, an individual approach is used.

Usually, the disease is eradicated using laser, argon plasma treatment and cryotherapy, but these methods are appropriate only after childbirth.

Therefore, during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe vaginal tablets or suppositories that have appropriate recommendations for the duration of pregnancy.

Douching with herbs is allowed only under the guidance of a specialist. The list of medicinal plants is also indicated by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the general course of pregnancy. If oncology is confirmed, then at a consultation the doctors decide on further pregnancy, taking into account the balance of risk and the possibility of a positive outcome.

If the patient follows all medical instructions, then the chances of giving birth to a healthy and healthy baby are very high, even with diagnosed erosion. If the clinical picture is positive, the woman may be allowed to give birth on her own. However, it is better to prevent the disease and be examined before planning a pregnancy.

Article outline

The diagnosis of cervical ectopia is usually made during reproductive age, but the pathology can also occur in nulliparous women. After a woman finds out about her problem, a fair question arises - what is it, is treatment necessary, is it dangerous or not.

What is ectopia

Ectopia or called an atypical arrangement of cubic (cylindrical) epithelial cells in the endocervical canal. The pathology is not life-threatening, but increases the risk of developing cancer. Otherwise, ectopia is called pseudo-erosion.

The disease is detected in 40% of young girls. In some cases, the pathology is congenital and disappears on its own after 40 years. Many doctors are sure that this is a normal condition, but under unfavorable factors, pseudo-erosion of the cervix begins to progress.


It is still completely unknown why the disease occurs; reasons include:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Traumatic factors.
  5. Inflammatory processes.
  6. Childbirth, late or too early.
  7. Dissatisfaction with sex life.
  8. Taking oral contraceptives.
  9. Abortions, curettages.

It is noteworthy that pathology is often found in fibroids, hyperplasia, menstrual irregularities, endometriosis and other pathological conditions.

Classification of cervical ectopia

There are congenital ectopia of the cervix and acquired.

According to the flow, complicated and uncomplicated pseudo-erosion are distinguished, and according to the cellular composition of tissues, the disease is divided into the following types:

  • Glandular pseudo-erosion of the cervix is ​​an inflammatory process in which many glandular structures are found. The columnar epithelium of the cervical canal is a glandular structure, since its cells are capable of secreting;
  • Epidermising - represents foci of squamous epithelium along with cylindrical epithelium. The process of epidermization does not require treatment, as it is delayed on its own.
  • Papillary - pathology is also called glandular-papillary pseudo-erosion of the cervix. The appearance involves the growth of cylindrical epithelium in the form of papillae, which are located on the surface of the cervix.

Also, a distinction is made between cervical ectopia and squamous metaplasia. The appearance implies the presence of signs of an inflammatory process with a large number of glands with passages.

Stages of epithelization

Acquired ectopia develops against the background of true erosion, which occurs due to damage to the cervix by viruses, bacteria and fungi. Healing does not occur correctly, and neighboring cells are replaced by cylindrical ones.

The first stage of epithelization includes the proliferation of cuboidal epithelium, which results in the formation of erosive glands (glandular ectopia). The process lasts for several years, then the inflammation subsides, and squamous epithelium appears in place of atypical cells.

If the pathology progresses, the gland ducts are blocked by secretion, a cyst appears, which becomes infected and inflamed. Epidermization often occurs - the reverse development of ectopia. At this stage, the replacement of columnar epithelium with flat multilayered epithelium is observed.

Diagnosis of ectopia

Usually, ectopia is detected by chance; gynecologists use additional methods to confirm the diagnosis. Extended or conventional colposcopy () is used, in which the doctor identifies the affected area under the magnification of a colposcope.

In addition, the following studies are being conducted:

  1. Blood test for hormones.
  2. Histological analysis to exclude an oncological process.
  3. Microscopic examination of flora, papilloma virus, fungi and other infections.
  4. Schiller's tests.
  5. Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvis.

The doctor interviews the patient, learns about complaints, and conducts a physical examination. After ectopia of columnar epithelium is confirmed, adequate treatment is prescribed.


Every woman should know what the symptoms are of cervical ectopia.

Usually the disease is asymptomatic, and the first signs appear after the onset of inflammation.

The woman notes:

  • Unusual discharge;
  • Discomfort during and after sex.
  • Long, heavy menstruation.
  • Lack of pregnancy.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Blood after sex.
  • Leucorrhoea in large quantities.

Uncomplicated ectopia of the cervix is ​​asymptomatic, but if any signs of illness occur, it is advisable to see a specialist to exclude a threat to health.

Do I need to treat?

In uncomplicated forms, treatment is not required. If a complicated form is diagnosed, the woman undergoes a course of anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs, the doctor eliminates hormonal imbalances and corrects the immune system.

After the infection is eliminated, the erosion is cauterized using any chosen method. The doctor determines whether ectopia needs to be treated. Many factors are taken into account, so a woman should definitely see a gynecologist, especially if there is bleeding and pain.


Treatment of cervical ectopia can be either medicinal or surgical. To eliminate the cause of the pathology, antibiotics, hormonal drugs, restorative agents, and immunomodulators are prescribed.


Conservative therapy involves removing ectopia with chemicals. To treat the affected area, a special solution or Vagotil and Solkovagin is used. They soak a cotton swab, which is inserted into the vagina.

Both drugs do not cause adverse reactions, the components are well tolerated, scars do not appear, and the cervix is ​​not deformed. The substances corrode pathological cells, and healthy ones appear in their place.

Traditional medicine

Women's diseases are often cured with folk recipes, ectopia is no exception. It is important to understand that such methods are used for mild forms of pathology, and as additional therapy.

For treatment, douching with calendula tincture and soaking tampons with sea buckthorn oil is used. The ingredients have a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

How to cook:

  1. Solution for douching - take 2 teaspoons of calendula, pour 400 g of hot, boiled water, leave for an hour, strain and use every day for 21 days.
  2. Tampons - make a tampon from gauze or cotton wool, soak it in sea buckthorn oil, insert it into the vagina, leave for 16 hours. Repeat the procedure for 2 weeks in a row.

Treatment with folk remedies is effective in the initial stages and after consultation with a doctor. Do not self-medicate if you are not sure of the diagnosis and safety of therapy.


Today medicine offers many methods for removing erosion in gentle ways. Operations for cervical ectopia are performed in several ways:

  • Diathermocoagulation – burning with electric current. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, after completion the woman may feel mild pain. The method is used for women who have given birth, as scars appear on the cervix and the canals narrow.
  • Cryodestruction – cold treatment. Liquid nitrogen freezes the ectopic area without affecting the healthy one. The method is safe, practically painless and effective.
  • Laser – exposure of the lesion to a laser beam. The operation lasts about half an hour, the procedure is non-contact, so healthy tissue is not affected. ideal for nulliparous women; after cauterization, the elasticity of the tissue is not impaired, there are no scars, the whole process is controlled by a colposcope.
  • Radio waves – during radio wave cauterization, healthy tissues are not affected. The method is prescribed to nulliparous girls planning a pregnancy (in general,?).
  • Surgery is a full-fledged surgical intervention, after which scars appear.

After cauterization, pink or dark brown discharge is observed, which disappears over time. A woman must observe restrictions: not to be sexually active for about a month, not to lift weights, not to swim in ponds or baths, and not to play sports.

What is the danger

Inflammation often occurs in the affected area, caused by pathological microorganisms, fungi, etc. The infection can affect neighboring organs, so it is important to treat the pathology in a timely manner.

Is the disease dangerous - yes, if there is no therapy for a long time, and the ectopia progresses. With severe tissue growth, infertility and the inability to give birth to a child appear.

Cervical ectopia of the cervix often develops into dysplasia (what is it), which provokes oncology. The pathology is prone to relapse. Viruses and bacteria easily penetrate the uterus, causing adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages.

All these complications lead to negative consequences, so visit the gynecologist’s office on time and treat gynecological pathologies.


To prevent regression, speed up the recovery process and not aggravate the course of the pathology, a woman must be supported by special rules:

  1. Avoid fast food, alcohol, smoking, etc.
  2. Do not visit saunas, baths, especially if bleeding.
  3. Avoid hoop twirling, bodybuilding and other strength exercises.
  4. Leaving professional sports.
  5. Excessive use of oral contraceptives.

It is important to properly monitor intimate hygiene and regularly visit a gynecologist.


Prevention of the disease consists of regular medical examinations, exclusion of hormonal imbalances and immunity, and timely treatment of gynecological diseases.

A woman must observe the culture of sexual relations, exclude abortions and other manipulations in the uterus, give up bad habits, heavy sports or work.

Ectopia and pregnancy

Patients often ask whether it is possible to get pregnant with pathology? Fertilization is possible if there is no progress and infection. The first pregnancy with ectopia is normal.

Ectopic cervix during pregnancy does not affect the development of the fetus, but if the cervix is ​​deformed during childbirth, ruptures are possible.

In the presence of inflammation or deep scars, conception rarely occurs. Cases of miscarriage, premature birth and other pathologies have been recorded.

Is it necessary to cauterize ectopia?

Cauterization of erosion is prescribed only after a series of studies. With a calm course, absence of symptoms and progression, treatment can be medicinal.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to cauterize only using gentle methods that do not leave scars.

Removal is indicated when there is blood secretion, pain during sexual intercourse, discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms.

Ectopia during menopause

During menopause, cervical ectopia is rarely diagnosed; it is usually caused by a strong surge of sex hormones. The pathology often declines and may disappear altogether. If the disease progresses, cauterization by any method is indicated.

When an infection occurs, drug therapy is prescribed, after which cauterization is performed. If the form is congenital, the postmenopausal woman is simply observed to exclude progression.