List of preferential drugs. How and where to get discounted medications

Legislatively in the Russian Federation, certain groups of citizens have the right to preferential drug coverage. Today, about 20 million Russians have the opportunity to receive medicines free of charge.

The indicator is confirmed by official data from Rosstat. At the same time, about 15 million beneficiaries receive monetary compensation, and the remaining persons purchase drugs included in the list of free drugs approved by the state.

This article will focus on providing citizens with medicines free of charge or at a discount. We will consider the procedure for providing funds, and also compile a complete list of persons entitled to apply for this type of assistance.

Preferential groups of the population that have the right to obtain medications free of charge are enshrined in Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999. According to the provisions of Art. 125 of the law, the list includes:

  • disabled people and children with health restrictions;
  • military personnel who did not serve in active army units during the Second World War, as well as those awarded medals and orders from the USSR;
  • WWII participants and persons who became disabled as a result;
  • combat veterans and members of their families;
  • family of deceased disabled people and combat participants;
  • persons with the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • citizens who worked in the rear during the Second World War at military facilities;
  • Chernobyl victims.
The list does not end there, since benefits include patients suffering from various complex diseases. Examples include: multiple sclerosis, hemophilia, Gaucher disease, cystic fibrosis. In addition, persons who have undergone internal organ transplantation will be able to receive the medicine.

How is the list of medicines established?

First of all, it is worth noting that the list of free medicines is compiled by the Government of the Russian Federation. To approve the list, the Ministry of Health and Social Development issues a special order.

For the first time such a list was compiled back in the fall of 2006. Amendments are made to this list almost every year. Some drugs are removed from the register, while others are added.

The list of medicines for preferential categories of citizens for 2019 includes the following drugs:

  • opioid and non-narcotic analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medications used to treat allergic reactions, Parkinson's disease, gout;
  • anticonvulsants, as well as anxiolytic and antipsychotic drugs;
  • antidepressants, sleeping pills, antibiotics;
  • antiviral and antifungal forms;
  • compositions for the treatment of diseases of SSD, respiratory and digestive systems;
  • hormonal compounds.

In turn, each group includes individual medicines.

Amendments made to the list in 2019

This year, the Government of the Russian Federation reviewed and adopted a new list of preferential medications. Starting from April 1, 2019, an expanded list of drugs is in effect. The new list includes additional medicines, and now the number of items is 646 items. It should be additionally noted that six items are produced in the Russian Federation.

Certain categories of people can take advantage of an additional list of preferential medications, which has also been expanded by 15 units. The section of expensive items included one new name, and the necessary items were replenished with two units.

The cost of medicines is approved by the government and is based on average purchase prices. A special area of ​​medicines is the provision of clinics and other medical institutions.

Procedure for obtaining free medications

To clarify what rights different categories of citizens have, you should contact the attending physician or the management of the medical organization that pays for the patient’s treatment. Free medications are prescribed only by the attending physician on a special prescription form. Subsequently, the document is certified by the head of the department.

It is important that the prescription indicates its expiration date. As a rule, the completed form is valid for 30 days. During this time, the citizen is required to obtain the drug from the pharmacy. If a prescribed item is not available, the patient should be offered a similar medicine. In this case, the validity period of the prescription is extended by 10 days. If a document is damaged or lost, the form must be reissued.

When writing a prescription, the doctor must be guided by the results of the patient’s medical examination. For example, for people with disabilities, medications are provided in accordance with the severity of the person’s condition.

A disabled person of group 1 can use expensive medications, and a disabled person of group 2 or group 3 has the right to receive medications that are included in the minimum permitted list, and some other drugs. Children also have the right to receive medications free of charge in the same manner as adults.


Free provision of medicines is considered one of the measures of social support for vulnerable categories of citizens. To provide this type of assistance, the responsible authorities use a special list of medications, which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a list of social groups of citizens for whom medications included in the list of preferential medications are issued free of charge. An important social protection measure was introduced in Russia as part of the priority federal program “Health”.

Who benefits from subsidies for medicines?

The list of persons entitled to receive drugs from the list of preferential drugs is extensive. First of all, we are talking about the so-called “federal beneficiaries” - persons entitled to social support measures in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 99 No. 178 “On State Social Assistance,” whose subsidies are compensated from the federal budget.

The list of preferential medications for 2020 applies to the following federal beneficiaries:

  • Participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • DB Veterans;
  • Family members of deceased military veterans, WWII participants and war veterans;
  • Victims of radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident;
  • Disabled people of groups 1-3;
  • Disabled children;
  • Prisoners of concentration camps;
  • Siege survivors of Leningrad.

The list of preferential medications for disabled people and other persons from the above list is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of July 30, 1994 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the supply of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions.”


According to the legislation in Russia, there is a list of preferential medications for children under 3 years of age. Strictly speaking, this is the same list as for other categories of citizens. The peculiarity of the list of preferential drugs for 2020 is that it includes all groups of drugs. That is, the Government did not create separate lists for different groups of the population, but compiled a single list that contains all the necessary minimum.

Please note that for families with many children, subsidized medications are prescribed until the child reaches 6 years of age.

Certain categories of citizens

The following also have access to free medicines based on special legal provisions:

  • Military personnel and officers transferred to the reserve.
  • Patients with the following diagnoses:
    • Dystrophy;
    • Oncology;
    • Blood diseases;
    • Leprosy;
    • Tuberculosis;
    • Rheumatism:
    • Asthma;
    • Those undergoing a recovery period after myocardial infarction;
    • Those who have undergone organ transplantation;
    • Diabetes;
    • Schizophrenia;
    • etc. (the full list is contained in the above Resolution).

Regional programs

In addition to the federal list, there is also a list of regional preferential medications. Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently approve an additional list of medications issued free of charge and expand the list of citizens who have access to free prescriptions.

The quality of regional lists of subsidized drugs directly depends on the region’s income level. Naturally, residents of such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Khanty-Mansiysk, etc. enjoy the greatest benefits. A regional list is established, as a rule, by decree of the department (or ministry) of health of a given subject of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that the regional program for the supply of free medicines can only expand the list of medicines and subsidy recipients, but does not have the right to reduce the amount of subsidies established at the federal level.

Who prescribes subsidized medications and how?

Persons receiving subsidies on the basis of the Federal Law dated July 17, 99 No. 178 (federal beneficiaries) must be included in the electronic register of recipients of social support measures. To do this, they need to contact the regional office of the Pension Fund or MFC with the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • A document confirming the right to a subsidy. For example, in the case of a list of preferential medications for people with disabilities, this is a certificate of disability.

You can also submit an application for registration of EDV online through the EPGU (Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services) or “Citizen’s Personal Account”.

How to get discounted medications

Medicines from the preferential list are prescribed by the attending physician. A mandatory condition for admission to state medical care is the presence of medical indications.

Important to know:

  • Subsidized drugs are not sold in all pharmacies. Typically, the regional health department determines a list of pharmacy chains (private companies) with which contracts are concluded to provide the population with free medicines. After receiving a prescription for free medications from your doctor, the patient must go to one of these pharmacies. Typically, a list of pharmacies where you can get subsidized drugs is posted on stands in clinics;
  • Preferential medications are prescribed for exactly one course of use, but not more than 1 month. The right to receive a subsidized prescription for up to 3 months is available to disabled people of group 1 and children under 3 years of age;
  • The attending physician is obliged to inform the patient about the possibility of receiving preferential medications;
  • A subsidized prescription is issued on a special form and must have the doctor’s signature and the clinic’s seal;
  • All children under 3 years of age have the right to subsidized medicines, regardless of health status.

Free medicines in 2020

You can check out list of preferential medications for 2020. This is a federal list and is valid throughout the Russian Federation. You can find out about special regional programs for drug support for the population at your clinic or on the website of the regional department (ministry) of health.

DLO in medicine - what is it? This is drug assistance that is provided free of charge to some individuals who are entitled to government support in the form of a certain set of social services. The main task of preferential drug provision is to organize the timely provision of necessary medications to patients according to medical prescriptions, and in addition, to improve the quality and standard of living of low-income citizens. Polyclinics and pharmacies participate in the implementation of preferential drug provision.

A little history

In 2004, amendments and changes were made to the Federal Law “On Social Protection of the Population”, and since January 2005, the federal DLO program has been launched in the country. Explanation of the abbreviation - additional drug provision. Since 2006, standards for financial costs per person per month receiving a set of social services have been introduced. They are revised annually upward. In the same year, patients received the right to refuse benefits in kind in favor of cash payments.

Unfortunately, most of the population took advantage of this right and refused to receive free benefits in kind, choosing money. And since the provision of preferential medicines is carried out on an insurance basis, there is not enough money in the regions for the purchase of medicines. The more citizens choose natural benefits, the greater the amount of funds will go to the regional budget for the purchase of medicines.

DLO in medicine - what is it? In 2008, this program was divided into two, which are still in effect today:

  • ONLS (provision of necessary medicines);
  • "Seven high-cost nosologies."

They are financed from the federal budget.

State social assistance provided in the form of a set of social services

Despite the fact that the system of providing some categories of citizens with free drugs has existed for more than ten years, many are interested in what a set of social services is and who is given it, how is DLO deciphered in practice in medicine? The law defines individuals who can qualify for government assistance in the form of a package of social services (or it is also called a set). These include:

  • disabled people, including children;
  • persons specified in the Federal Law “On Veterans”.

The set includes services such as:

  • Free provision of medicines, medical products and some food products in a pharmacy according to a special doctor’s prescription. In other words, this is additional drug provision, i.e. DLO.
  • Travel without payment to the place of treatment and back.
  • Sanatorium treatment at the resort.

Social services are provided for a calendar year. Since 2006, an individual has the right to refuse them partially or completely by writing an application to the pension fund before October 1 of the current year. In this case, starting next year, instead of free services, he will receive a cash payment. An application for the resumption of natural services must also be submitted before October 1 of the current year. The standard financial costs per citizen per month is approved annually. Previously, it was established by Federal Law, and since 2017 - by the Government.

Procurement of medicines to provide preferential categories of citizens

DLO in medicine is also the preparation of applications for medications, which are formed in each clinic for a certain period: month, quarter, year. When compiling them, the number of persons entitled to additional drug coverage is taken into account. In addition, when determining the need, doctors are guided by the approved list of medications.

Medicines are purchased at the request of medical institutions and in accordance with the requirements approved by the Federal Law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs.” Drugs are offered for purchase by international nonproprietary names, and in their absence, by group names. Pharmacies receive medicines under specific trade names, purchased as a result of competitive procedures. The supplier who offers the lowest price wins. Priority in procurement is given to domestic drug manufacturers.

Lists of medications

The DLO list is a list of medications to provide certain categories of citizens receiving outpatient treatment. Individuals receive all medications included in this list free of charge by presenting a prescription to the pharmacy. Lists of medicines to provide benefit categories of the population are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. All medications are listed by international nonproprietary names, as well as in accordance with the anatomical, therapeutic, and chemical classification. In addition, each drug name lists the dosage forms that the patient can receive free of charge. Some drugs are marked with an asterisk in the list, which means that they are prescribed and prescribed by the decision of the medical commission of the health care institution. There are currently two lists of DLOs. In medicine, this means that one lists medications to provide patients with:

  • neoplasms of hematopoietic, lymphoid and related tissues of a malignant nature;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • defect of plasma coagulation factors;
  • sphingolipidosis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • after tissue and organ transplantation;
  • dwarfism.

In total, this list includes 25 titles. For each disease, specific drugs are indicated by international nonproprietary name. Another list, which is much wider, contains more than four hundred drugs, it is intended for prescription to persons who have not refused the package of social services in terms of drug coverage.

At a doctor's appointment, patients ask how to get a drug for free if it is not included in the DLO list? In medicine, such issues are considered at meetings of medical commissions, which exist in any clinic institution. If a positive decision is made, the patient is issued a free prescription, otherwise the treatment is adjusted and another medicine included in the approved list is prescribed. These commissions also consider cases of prescription of drugs under specific trade names. For the preferential category of individuals, drug lists are reviewed annually.

DLO in diabetes medicine. What is this?

This means that people with diabetes who are entitled to certain benefits, in particular the social benefits package, and who have not opted out of it in favor of a cash payment, can receive free medicines and medical products. The procedure for contacting a medical institution and issuing prescriptions is the same as for other benefit categories. Medical products, as well as drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, are prescribed in accordance with the lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The lists include:

  • a wide range of insulin preparations;
  • hypoglycemic tablets;
  • medications to treat complications of diabetes;
  • tip for a scarifier pen;
  • blood glucose monitoring system for home use;
  • automatic scarifier needle;
  • standard insulin auto-injector;
  • glucose reagent.

How can a nonresident get free drugs?

What is DLO in medicine? This is an opportunity to receive free medicine to treat an existing disease in all regions of the country, and not just in the area of ​​permanent residence.

If indicated, the patient is given a free prescription, which he takes to the pharmacy. If the patient is outside his region, he also has the right to contact any outpatient healthcare institution to issue free prescriptions. List of documents that will need to be presented:

  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • decision to assign a lump sum payment;
  • an extract from the outpatient card or the child’s developmental history.

Decoding DLO. Prescription of drugs

Additional drug provision, abbreviated as DLO, is a program aimed at:

  • make medical care more accessible;
  • provide free, high-quality drugs to vulnerable populations.

Persons who have not opted out of the social services package are entitled to receive free medicines. To issue a prescription, you should contact the clinic to which the individual is assigned for medical care. If it is not possible to visit a medical facility on your own, then a doctor should be called to your home. When visiting a healthcare facility for the first time, you should present:

  • a document that can be used to prove your identity;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS;
  • a document giving the right to benefits (for example, a certificate of disability);
  • decision to assign a lump sum payment.

The doctor issues free prescriptions for drugs in accordance with the DLO list. What does this mean? The doctor, based on complaints, the severity of the patient’s condition, and also according to the standards of medical care, prescribes medications included in the list intended for certain individuals who have certain benefits. Next, prescriptions are written, according to which the patient receives the drugs free of charge at the pharmacy. Medical professionals prescribe all medications according to international nonproprietary names, and in its absence, according to group names. Information about which drug was prescribed, single dose, frequency, route of administration, course of treatment, as well as the rationale for its prescription are entered into the medical outpatient record. If a patient needs to prescribe more than five medications at the same time or more than ten within a month, then the decision to prescribe such a number of drugs is considered by a medical commission. In addition, by decision of this commission, psychotropic and narcotic drugs are prescribed. It is important to remember that free prescriptions are issued only to citizens who receive treatment on an outpatient basis.

Registration of recipes

DLO in medicine - what is it? This is the provision of certain categories of citizens with medicines according to doctor’s prescriptions free of charge. If indicated, the doctor issues a prescription for the required medication by filling out a special form. The difference between the prescription form for prescribing medications for privileged category citizens is as follows:

  • its maximum validity period is three months from the date of issue;
  • two copies of the prescription are written out, one to the individual, the other filed in the medical record;
  • When filling out, you must indicate the policy and medical card number, SNILS, benefit category code and disease code in accordance with ICD-10.

With a completed prescription, the individual goes to the pharmacy.


DLO in medicine also includes some problems that still remain unresolved:

  1. Federal funds deficit. The problem of insufficient financing of the preferential program is systemic and has existed for a long time.
  2. Lists of medications to provide individuals with federal responsibility are limited. Currently, persons receiving medications from the federal budget also need treatment with vital medications that are not on the approved lists. To meet these needs, funds are allocated annually from regional budgets.
  3. The existing procedure for generating applications and purchasing drugs leads to the fact that pharmacies receive medications under different trade names. According to practicing doctors, this violates individually selected therapy and also generates some negativity on the part of patients.
  4. Due to the long period of the procurement procedure, it is not possible to quickly purchase the necessary drugs. When newly identified patients, including those based on the results of medical examination, appear in need of medications that were not taken into account in the current application, a certain waiting period is formed. The reason is this. Due to a lack of funds, it is impossible to have a constant reserve of medications across the entire list.


DLO - how is the nomenclature deciphered? This is a preferential drug program aimed at eliminating differences in the supply of medicines to some citizens in different regions of the country.

So, what does DLO mean in medicine? This means that the most vulnerable segments of the population can receive expensive and highly effective medications for free on a doctor’s prescription for the treatment of existing pathologies. They are prescribed by doctors from healthcare institutions working in the compulsory medical insurance system. Doctors participating in the drug benefit system are assigned a code, which is indicated when filling out a prescription form. The patient himself or the individual to whom the patient gave it can obtain a prescription from a pharmacy.

If the prescribed drug is not available in the pharmacy at the time of the patient’s request, then it is provided with deferred servicing, which should not exceed ten days.

The Russian Government compiles a list of preferential medications every year. It is called the “List of Medicinal Products for Medical Use.” The list of preferential medicines for 2020 was approved by order of the Russian Government The list was approved by Decree of the Government of Russia dated October 12, 2019 N 2406-r “On approval of the list of vital and essential drugs for medical use for 2020, the list of drugs for medical use, including drugs for medical use prescribed by decision medical commissions of medical organizations, a list of medications intended to provide persons with hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, pituitary dwarfism, Gaucher disease, as well as the minimum range of medications necessary to provide medical care.”

There are several different lists in the document. You need a “List of medications for medical use, including medications for medical use prescribed by decision of medical commissions of medical organizations” (Appendix 2).

">dated October 12, 2019 N 2406-r. You can receive drugs for free or at a discount only from this list* and only for people in preferential categories:
  • federal beneficiaries - Preferential categories of citizens entitled to a set of social services:
    • disabled people (I, II and III groups);
    • disabled children*;
    • veterans and family members of deceased veterans;
    • former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War;
    • victims of radiation exposure.

    A set of social services, which includes free provision of medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions, is provided in kind by default. However, recipients have the right to replace the service with a cash payment. If a beneficiary receives a cash equivalent, free medicines are no longer available to him.

    *Disabled children, if there are medical indications, are given prescriptions not only for medicines and medical products, but also for specialized medical nutrition products.

    ">recipients of a set of social services
    those who did not choose receiving medicines in monetary terms, as well as to heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory, and in the event of their death - In the event of the death (death) of a Hero of the Soviet Union, a Hero of the Russian Federation or a full holder of the Order of Glory, or the title is awarded posthumously, members of his family have the right to a monthly cash payment:
    • widow (widower);
    • parents;
    • children under 18 years of age - until they reach 18 years of age;
    • children over 18 years of age who became disabled before they reached the age of 18 years - until the end of the period of disability;
    • children under the age of 23 studying in organizations engaged in educational activities, full-time - until they reach 23 years of age, but not longer than the day of termination of education.
    ">members of their families
    , and heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, if they refused (EDV). They can receive all medications on the list for free;
  • Moscow beneficiaries - Recipients of city social support measures eligible for free medicines:

    1) persons who continuously worked in Moscow during the defense of the city from July 22, 1941 to January 25, 1942;

    2) receiving EGDV (monthly city cash payment):

    • home front workers (persons who worked in the rear during the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 for at least six months, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR; persons awarded orders or medals of the USSR for selfless labor during the Great Patriotic War. );
    • rehabilitated persons (persons subjected to repression in the form of imprisonment, exile, deportation, referral to a special settlement, forced labor under conditions of restriction of freedom, including in the “work columns of the NKVD”, other restrictions on rights and freedoms, unreasonably placed in psychiatric treatment facilities institutions and subsequently rehabilitated; as well as children who were together with parents repressed for political reasons or persons replacing them, in places of imprisonment, in exile, in exile, in a special settlement, or who were left as minors without the care of parents or one of them, unreasonably repressed. for political reasons, and subsequently rehabilitated);
    • citizens recognized as victims of political repression.

    3) not receiving EDV (monthly cash payment):

    • persons awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”;
    • participants in the prevention of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis;
    • family members of those rehabilitated who suffered as a result of repression.

    City social support measures, which include free prescription drugs, are provided in kind by default. However, recipients have the right to replace the service with a cash payment. If a beneficiary receives a cash equivalent, free medicines are no longer available to him.

    ">recipients of city social support measures
    those who did not choose, and also Regional beneficiaries entitled to free medicines:
    • children of the first 3 years of life;
    • children from large families under the age of 18;
    • mothers who gave birth and raised 10 or more children;
    • orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them during full-time training in basic vocational educational programs and (or) vocational training programs for blue-collar professions and employee positions; pregnant women.

    Regional beneficiaries entitled to a 50% discount on medicines:

    • citizens awarded the signs “Honorary Donor of the USSR”, “Honorary Donor of Russia”, “Honorary Donor of Moscow”;
    • pensioners receiving a minimum pension for old age, disability or loss of a breadwinner;
    • persons born before January 1, 1935, who have a place of residence in the territory annexed to the city of Moscow.
    ">a number of other regional beneficiaries
    . They can receive all the medications on the list, but some receive them for free, and some receive them at a 50% discount. In this case, you must be permanently or temporarily registered in Moscow;
  • people with some All medications are provided free of charge to people suffering from diseases such as:
    • AIDS, HIV infection;
    • oncological diseases (they also provide free dressings to incurable cancer patients);
    • leprosy;
    • diabetes (they also provide free ethyl alcohol (100 grams per month), insulin syringes such as “Novopen”, “Plivapen” 1 and 2, needles for them, diagnostic tools);
    • mental illness (patients working at medical and industrial enterprises, for occupational therapy, training in new professions and employment at these enterprises);
    • schizophrenia and epilepsy;
    • Gaucher disease;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • mucopolysaccharidosis types I, II and VI.

    Drugs intended to treat only a specific disease, are provided free of charge to people with diseases such as:

    • cerebral palsy;
    • radiation sickness;
    • systemic chronic skin diseases;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • myocardial infarction (first six months);
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • myopathy;
    • cerebellar ataxia of Pierre Marie;
    • Parkinson's disease;
    • helminthiasis (for some population groups).

    Drugs to treat some symptoms are provided free of charge to people with diseases and conditions such as:

    • hepatocerebral dystrophy and phenylketonuria;
    • acute intermittent porphyria;
    • hematological diseases, hemablastosis, cytopenia, hereditary hemopathy;
    • tuberculosis;
    • severe form of brucellosis;
    • rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis;
    • condition after heart valve replacement surgery;
    • organ and tissue transplantation;
    • pituitary dwarfism;
    • premature sexual development;
    • myasthenia gravis;
    • chronic urological diseases;
    • syphilis;
    • glaucoma, cataract;
    • Addison's disease;
    • diseases of the small and large intestine, causing the formation of a stoma, diseases of the urinary system, leading to the formation of a cutaneous stoma.

    Also, during the year, medications are provided free of charge for treatment on an outpatient basis to persons who have suffered an acute cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction, as well as to persons who have undergone coronary artery bypass grafting, coronary artery angioplasty with stenting, and catheter ablation for cardiovascular diseases.

    ">diseases or conditions
    . Depending on the disease, they can receive free of charge either all the drugs on the list, or only those that are necessary to treat their disease, or only those that treat the symptoms of their disease or condition.

The provision of necessary medicines to citizens takes place within the framework of a social program. One of its sections is the provision of assistance to a certain category of citizens, expressed in the issuance of prescription drugs. Treatment in the Russian Federation can be quite expensive for citizens, and for some categories of people it is not available at all. Government officials are implementing various social programs to ensure the normal functioning of citizens, one of which is a scheme for providing them with the necessary medicines. More than 100 million rubles are allocated for the event annually. What medications are included in the list of benefits under the ONLS program? What regulatory documents regulate the lists of such drugs for 2017? We will answer these questions in this article.

Legislative regulation

The provision of necessary medicines is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999 “On State Social Assistance”. The actual implementation of the event is regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The list of medications was approved by Order No. 665 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated September 18, 2006, and the procedure for prescribing and writing prescriptions is determined by Order No. 110 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2007.

Formation of the list

The drug list consists of a constantly changing number of drugs identified by international nonproprietary names. Their distinctive feature lies in the prevalence of their use by a preferential category of citizens, including older people.

When compiling the list, the responsible specialists of the Ministry of Health and Social Development took into account factors such as the causes of mortality of a specific category of citizens, taking into account the scope of chronic disease, as well as the structure of morbidity and prevalence of the disease. The compilers of the list studied regional programs of beneficiaries in order to make the list of medicines relevant. During the analysis, it was decided to allocate medications to maintain the normal vitality of citizens for the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Hypertension;
  • Oncology;
  • Tuberculosis.

When choosing, the effectiveness of the drug, safety indicators, the presence and severity of unwanted side reactions, as well as the economic component are usually taken into account - as a rule, this is not just the cost of packaging the drug, but the cost of the entire course of treatment and possible additional costs in case of ineffective treatment.

Classification of drugs by pharmacological group

The list of medications eligible for free distribution to privileged categories of citizens contains many drugs designed to ensure normal functioning of the body. Considering the division of drugs into pharmacological groups, they can be classified according to the types of diseases. Benefit drugs are intended to relieve symptoms, treat or support the body. Taking into account the generally accepted classification, we can note the medications that, in accordance with the social program, are offered for free distribution:

  • Vitamins;
  • Diuretics;
  • Glucocorticoids;
  • Analgesics;
  • Anesthetics;
  • Muscle relaxants;
  • Antidepressants.

The main criteria for all drugs included in the list are quality, safety and effectiveness. Given the popularity of diseases, government officials did not ignore people with chronic diseases and included medications that are effective in treating diseases:

  • Digestive tract;
  • Metabolism;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hearts;
  • Vessels;
  • Dermatosis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Nervous system;
  • Genitourinary system;
  • Reproductive system;
  • Thyroid gland;
  • Bones;
  • Respiratory system.

Preparations for therapeutic nutrition, sedatives and hypnotics, antiepileptics, antibacterial, antitumor, ophthalmological, antirheumatic, insecticides, and repellents are classified separately. Each drug on the list has received conclusions from several centers of expertise, which are announced at a commission meeting, and also scored a certain number of points, which are awarded according to various, clearly defined criteria.

Category of citizens who can count on help

The main goal of the social policy of the Russian state is to consistently improve the level and quality of life of the population, compliance with basic social guarantees, and organize additional provision of certain categories of citizens with necessary medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions. Medicines are issued to citizens in the presence of specific chronic diseases, subject to their inclusion in the preferential list of persons :

  • Participants in military operations who are veterans or who have become disabled as a result of performing combat missions;
  • Military personnel who received injuries during the performance of their work duties that caused loss of ability to work and led to them receiving the status of a disabled person;
  • Prisoners of places of deprivation of liberty with the status of minors during the Second World War;
  • Military personnel called up for military training in the period from 1945 to 1957 for the purpose of conducting mine clearance and combat mine sweeping operations;
  • Persons who carried out activities during the war related to the construction of military facilities;
  • Family members of military personnel and combatants who died while performing their professional duties;
  • Disabled people;
  • Persons exposed to radiation during man-made accidents;
  • Disabled children, children under 3 years old and children under 6 years old from large families.

Each category of citizens has its own characteristics in the formation of the list, and in fact, the lists of medicines themselves differ significantly. Detailed lists of medications for certain categories of citizens are presented in the following articles.