Why do you dream of a woman in white: a detailed interpretation of the image. What kind of women in white did I dream about?

Visions in which light clothing appears can be considered symbolic. If you dreamed of a girl in white, some significant events await the person in reality, but in this situation you need to try to remember what you saw in all the details in order to interpret the dream most accurately.

What if you dream of a girl in white?

The girl in white dreams of changes in real life. Changes may affect both the personal sphere and financial situation. You need to remember exactly what the girl looked like and what she said in order to decipher the vision more accurately. If the mysterious stranger was wearing long and very beautiful, clean clothes, some pleasant events await the dreamer in reality. Perhaps he will meet a soul mate, or find a better paying job, or receive an inheritance.

It is considered a good sign if the girl from the dream spoke to the person in a quiet and calm voice and gave valuable advice. Seeing a close friend in a white dress means learning something new about her in real life. This information will be a real discovery for the dreamer. Perhaps he will change his attitude towards his friend and even experience a certain interest in her as a beautiful woman. Seeing your bride in a white dress in a dream means proposing marriage to her in reality.

If the woman from the dream appeared to the dreamer as a bride, but he did not see her face, this means that in real life he will start dating a lady who will try to look better in the eyes of others than she really is.

Seeing a girl in a torn white dress in a dream means material losses and financial collapse. For businessmen, such a vision predicts imminent ruin. If it comes on the eve of a major transaction, you should think carefully about whether the dreamer needs this contract. Cooperation with new partners will most likely not be successful and will bring a lot of disappointment.

If the girl from the dream was wearing a white dress, on which dirty spots were clearly visible, the dreamer in reality will ruin his reputation. Such a vision is considered especially unfavorable for representatives of the fair sex. There is a possibility that the woman will find herself at the center of a loud scandal, or that others will start talking very badly about her. People will not like the dreamer’s behavior and her tendency to change partners. To avoid occurrence similar situation, you need to behave more modestly and not give rise to dirty gossip and gossip.

What does it portend?

A dream in which a girl in a white dress cries or reproaches the dreamer for something is considered a bad sign. IN in this case a person expects a change for the worse. He will ruin relationships with close relatives, and problems will begin at work.

Visions in which a deceased relative in a white dress appears before the sleeping person are also considered unfavorable. This dream prophesies illness and misfortune. If one of your relatives is sick, you need to take it seriously. Don't delay medical examination, going to the doctor. All this can play a cruel joke on a person.

For a young girl, seeing herself in a white dress in a dream foreshadows an imminent marriage. But some experts are confident that what they saw may indicate irresistible desire sleeping get married as soon as possible. Perhaps she was tired of being alone. Seeing blood on the sleeves of a white dress in a dream means quarreling with relatives in reality. The conflict will be very serious and protracted. Even those who are not family members will be drawn into it.

A girl in a white dress seen in a dream can portend both positive and negative changes in life. A lot in this case depends on certain details. A vision in which a stranger appears before the sleeping man in a soiled, torn or bloody white robe is considered very bad and unfavorable.

Why do you dream about a woman in white? Dream interpretation

Clothing in our dreams is a reflection of the protection we seek from the outside world. If the dream atmosphere is positive, then women in a white dress dream of favorable events. The dream could mean upcoming marriage and love. If you felt anxious in a dream, then a woman in a white dress may dream of illness. If a woman in white wedding dress, then in reality you will have a meeting that you have been looking for for a long time. Also, the interpretation depends on what kind of woman you saw and what kind of dress she was wearing. If it is clean, new and intact, favorable events await you. A torn and dirty dress promises a change for the worse. If a woman sees herself dressed in white, then unpleasant changes in life await you.

Dream Interpretation Woman white

Why do you dream about a white woman in a dream according to the dream book?

A white woman comes in a dream - the gossip that ill-wishers have woven will not be able to interfere with you. You are more confident in your abilities than ever.

Why do you dream of a white dress?

Certainly one of the most beautiful dreams(whoever dreams about it - a man or a woman) - this is a dream about a white dress. The dress does not necessarily have to be a wedding dress; it can be just an everyday or festive attire. In any case, such a dream is remembered for a long time, so the dreamer, immediately after waking up, rushes to his favorite dream book to find out why such a vision visited him. So, why did you dream white dress?

An outfit of this color, dreamed of by an unmarried person, suggests that she will soon be able to try it on in reality, that is, she will become a bride. Even if there are no prerequisites for a wedding, seeing a white dress in a dream is a good sign; in the near future you will meet your future husband or a person who will become good friend for many years. Also, a dream in which you show off in a brand new white dress promises you quick fame, your positive qualities will be greatly appreciated.

A woman may dream of a white dress for her daughter’s marriage, success in business or spiritual growth. A white dress made of warm fabric can mean an impending cold; Be attentive to your health after seeing such a dream.

Why does a man dream of a white dress? Most likely, it acted as a girl’s robe. If this lady is familiar to you, the dream most likely means your serious intentions towards her. If the dreamer is not married, his dream of a girl in a white dress means his readiness for a new romantic relationship or love emerging in his heart.

Also, a girl in a white dress in a dream may mean that you will soon be accused of gossiping. But don’t be afraid, the dream also foreshadows a successful resolution of the situation for you; most likely, the accusation will not be serious, and you will very quickly be able to prove your innocence.

Of particular significance is the dream about a little girl in a white dress. This dream foreshadows a joyful and cloudless life, harmony in family relationships.

How to interpret a dream about a white dress

Dream Interpretation White dress

A white dress has always been considered a symbol of innocence in our culture. spiritual growth and cleanliness. However, in some cultures white considered mourning. Dream books will tell you how to correctly interpret a dream in which you saw a white dress.

Why do you dream of a white dress: interpretation of Miller’s dream book

Miller's dream book clearly interprets a dream about a white dress as positive. Such a dream symbolizes the successful completion of some important undertaking, a worthy reward for one’s work, well-deserved trust and honor. With equal probability, it is an omen of good news that will bring you incredible success, many well-deserved compliments and praise that will allow you to achieve advancement in the type of activity in which you are engaged. In any case, it symbolizes luck, success and recognition, which, moreover, are absolutely and completely deserved.

How does Vanga’s dream book evaluate a dream about a white dress?

Vanga's dream book gives a slightly different interpretation of such a dream. Judging by it, a white dress symbolizes a quick meeting with friends or someone you were with in the recent past romantic relationship. At the same time, a dream in which you see yourself trying on a white dress has an alarming connotation: it warns that you have a rival, whose existence you will learn about in the near future.

What does a white dress seen in a dream mean, according to Freud’s dream book

The great psychologist and psychiatrist, author of the theory of the unconscious, Sigmund Freud, explains a dream with a similar plot, starting from unconscious images and symbols that are present in the human subconscious. Freud's dream book interprets a white dress as a symbol of a female naked body:

  • If a woman openly displays it in a dream, it means that she highly values ​​her own appearance and is proud of herself and her figure.
  • If you dream of a white dress put away in a closet or suitcase, most likely, such a dream indicates sexual dissatisfaction or a complete lack of intimacy.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream carefully examining a white dress means the presence of a desire for self-satisfaction, the presence of violent erotic fantasies.

How does Locke's dream book interpret a dream with a white dress?

According to this dream book, a white dress is a symbol of an upcoming public performance that will bring universal recognition. Trying on a white dress means achieving considerable success in your personal activities and in the area that interests you the most. For lovers it will be a harbinger of an upcoming wedding, for careerists - to promotion, for hunters of wealth - a big jackpot. At the same time, this is true if a representative of the fair sex saw a white dress in a dream, while for a man to see a woman in a white dress in a dream is a sign of possible deception, distortion of facts and incorrect interpretation of them.

Dream Interpretation White, why do you dream about seeing White in a dream?

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about White:

White - Dressing in a dream - liberation from lies; a woman or girl in white means illness. Dream Interpretation White in a dream - purity, holiness, divine presence, affection, goodness, softening of bad things, joy, laughter, play, top. Moreover, death, exhaustion, fall, illness, old age, cold, hunger, empty troubles, failure. Dream Interpretation Wearing white means liberation from lies; a woman or girl in white in a dream means illness. Wearing white in a dream means getting rid of a false accusation. Why do you dream of White flowers - sadness. If in a dream you cut white chrysanthemums, then in reality you cannot avoid losses and disappointments. Why do you dream White roses portend a serious illness. However, if you see them on a sunny morning with drops of dew that have not yet dried, then you have nothing to fear. If you dreamed that you received a letter written on black paper with white ink, then only the support of friends will save you from bitter disappointments.

Woman in white robe

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Ugly woman - quarrels.

An evil woman is a deception.

Enemies will pursue you.

Many women - for a change.

Dream Interpretation - White something

Dream Interpretation - White


Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Women

Dream Interpretation - Women

Dream Interpretation - Woman (unfamiliar)

Woman in white robe

Dream Interpretation Woman in white robe dreamed of why in a dream a woman in a white robe dreams? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on initial letter an image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Woman in a white robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White woman

In a story from the Kostroma province, a white woman is a deceased sorcerer, a “river friend” of a half-crazed girl: “...we had already gone to bed, I heard someone knocking on the window, she got up, looked, and just froze with fear: standing Aksinya is at the window, all wet as she is, and there’s something missing in her hem: crayfish, and frogs, and some kind of water grass.

I woke up my man little by little, told him what was the matter, he took the stick, and I took the icon, a parental blessing, and we went with him out of the house to see what would happen.

As soon as we approached the corner, a woman, all in white, rushed towards us, yes, that’s right, my blessing got in the way - she turned back and disappeared around the corner.

Only the enta disappeared, out of nowhere Aksinya turned around, lashed out with her teeth, looked at us and said: “Graffenushka, let me spend the night, I’m so cold.”

And I say: “Why are you coming to me? After all, your hut is over there, nearby.”

And when she started laughing, she started running down there, to the river, and wailing: “Marya!” Marya!“ - It was she who called her friend and this one, a river guy.

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Seeing your underwear torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of disgrace, shame and need. Such a dream can also foretell you losing your job or demotion, sometimes imprisonment or bankruptcy. Seeing your underwear or underwear in a dream loved one dirty, greasy, burnt - a very bad omen, which foretells you a streak of great failures, losses, collapse, complete ruin, which will end in separation from a loved one or divorce. Putting on clean underwear in a dream means receiving good news.

The dream predicts that lovers after such a dream can count on each other’s sincerity and support, as well as on the fact that their desire to get married is mutual. For the rest, the dream predicts success in business and the fulfillment of desires. See interpretation: clothing.

A dream in which you see yourself dressed in underwear surrounded by strangers means that many trials, shame and hardships await you. However, if people surrounded you in a dream so that no one would see you undressed, then only people who are directly related to the scandalous case will know about your shame. If in a dream you see yourself getting into an elevator at underwear in the presence large quantity people and the elevator suddenly starts moving up, then, contrary to your expectations, great success awaits you, which, however, will be accompanied by scandals around your name, gossip and a lot of trouble. See interpretation: elevator.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by strangers, in whose presence you have to undress down to your underwear, and everyone sees that you are wearing your lover’s underwear, then you will face a lot of worries and troubles due to your frivolous behavior, which will become known known to a certain circle, which will cause criticism and disapproval towards you. A dream in which you see that your lover is wearing lingerie that does not belong to you means that he is unfaithful to you. Such a dream warns you that you have given your feelings to an unworthy and vile person. However, if you see your underwear on your lover, then you will have a lot of worries about your lover, who will have many problems and troubles in the family. Black underwear in such a dream means sadness and tears. The dream also predicts to you that soon all troubles will end and peace and harmony will reign in your relationship. See interpretation: color.

Washing your underwear in a dream is a sign of reconciliation after a long disagreement. Buying new underwear in a dream means that you will make every effort to furnish your home or improve relationships with a loved one. Tearing your underwear is a sign of undeserved humiliation, insults and shame. Seeing dried blood stains on your underwear is a harbinger of physical illness, surgical intervention and stress that will affect the rest of your life. See interpretation: blood.

For a woman to put on beautiful underwear in front of a mirror in a dream - a sign of disappointed hopes, grief and resentment. Such a dream also portends separation from your loved one and the collapse of your plans. If in a dream you see that your lover is wearing underwear that he has never worn before, then a lot of disappointments await you. Such a dream foretells you the loss of a loved one, pretense of love, mistrust and betrayal. Marks on your underwear mean receiving an inheritance and marrying a very responsible and hardworking person. Beautiful and expensive underwear in a dream warns you that your frivolous behavior can cause other people a lot of grief and damage your reputation. Folding laundry in a dream is a harbinger of success in love.

Dream Interpretation - White

White color generally signifies positive changes in life. White grapes are a symbol of innocence, purity, and white wine suggests entertainment and wild life. White bread - prosperity and profit. A white shirt means good news; wearing it means experiencing pleasant sensations. To have white teeth - good health, hair - good luck. Seeing a white kitten means avoiding trouble; a cat means uncertainty, confusion, ruin. White rabbit - fidelity in love. White swan - wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences. White horse or knight - alternation of failures and successes with a predominance of the latter. White donkey - a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

Whitening something means participating in a celebration. To whiten yourself means to receive an unexpected gift. Seeing whitewash or holding it in your hands is a sign of joy. Negative consequences can be caused by visions that are truly fantastic, for example: white bat like a sign of death or white ink on black paper, promising nothing but melancholy and illness. However, in any case, timely caution, presence of mind and support from friends can help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Linen - wash linen: clean - they don’t say good things about you; dirty and in dirty water - someone judges. Washing clothes means death. Buying underwear is a disease; to do - miserliness; hanging out to dry is profit. Underwear is torn - humiliation, troubles at work. Standing up in your underwear means learning about interesting news. Clean linen in the closet means prosperity, dirty linen means family feuds. Dirty laundry is a lie, clean laundry is profit.

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Washing bed linen in a dream foretells you tears, changes in life for the worse, grievances and insults that can result in separation from a loved one. For the poor, a dream about bed linen promises prosperity, especially if the linen is clean and ironed. See interpretation: bed, clothes.

To dream of others washing their bed linen is a bad omen, which means that you will be embroiled in some big scandal and your reputation will suffer seriously. See interpretation: wash.

If in a dream you twist out wet laundry, then grief and trouble await you. A dream in which you hang freshly washed laundry on a line means receiving a big win or receiving an inheritance. If the linen suddenly turns out to be torn or stained, then you will face a trial, disputes with relatives and a family scandal. Putting ironed linen in a closet or chest is a sign of stinginess and pedantry. The dream also means that you will never give in to a friend or relative in any dispute. See interpretation: wardrobe, chest, furniture.

Seeing linen clean in the closet is a sign of well-being. If in a dream you buy bed linen, then you expect a lot of grievances, disappointments and troubles. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that important changes will soon take place in your home. Selling bed linen in a dream is a harbinger of great failures, losses and need.

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Underwear seen in a dream means winning or receiving an inheritance. If the linen is torn, a disruption may occur in your career. Rust stains on linen - expect guests. Linen hung out to dry portends quarrels and discord with friends and loved ones, loneliness. Twisting wet underwear is unseemly deeds. Hanging it on a rope yourself is a disease close relative. Removing dry things from the rope is a disaster in the house. Ironing clothes with an iron is a noisy visit from a cheerful company.

Wash clothes - start a general cleaning in the house or workplace. Seeing dirty laundry means family squabbles and troubles. Seeing clean, fresh-smelling linen on the shelves of a closet is a sign of material well-being. Putting on underwear - find out interesting news. Walking around with a headset means you will be overcome by restless thoughts. Buying linen means arranging family matters.

Dream Interpretation - Underwear

Be careful in your intimate relationships. Seeing women's underwear - your mistrust and jealousy will lead to a quarrel with a person dear to you. Seeing underwear hanging on a line - your relationship with your loved one, exposed to the public, will lead to separation from the one you care about. Wash your underwear - your rash steps will make you feel shame, which you will want to hide from others. You are in underwear - to a disease of the genitourinary organs.

Imagine covering your underwear with a blanket (see Blanket).

Dirty laundry - your career is in danger. Seeing dirty underwear - your rash behavior will lead to rumors and gossip. Wearing dirty linen - a dream warns of the imminent danger of shame. You may find yourself in an awkward situation because of your ambitions. Seeing another person in dirty laundry means you have to learn about the unworthy actions of the owner of the dirty laundry. To avoid publicity, the owner of the linen will try in every possible way to denigrate you or drag you into a matter that could compromise you. Buy dirty women's underwear - you will find yourself in the center of a scandal that will cut the ground from under your feet.

Mentally prolong your sleep and imagine how the owner of dirty laundry gets into the shower and a large stream of water washes away all the problems (see Shower).

Selling lingerie - you will cause quarrels and discord in the family of your relatives.

Try to refuse to visit your loved ones in the coming days, no matter how much they insist on meeting you.

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Hanging clean bed linen on a rope means winning, receiving an inheritance.

Just seeing laundry hanging means a quarrel with loved ones.

Twisting wet underwear - expose betrayal.

Folding laundry means stinginess, but just seeing a stack of clean laundry in a dream means having wealth in reality.

Changing or buying bed linen means illness.

Washing or making the bed with dirty linen is a sign of resentment, trouble, and retribution for the sins of the past.

Jumping out of bed in your underwear means learning very interesting news.

Seeing yourself half-dressed in a dream means well-being.

Putting on underwear means a slippery position (it is unknown whether success or failure will follow).

If a young woman sees herself in expensive lingerie in a dream, she will have a loyal admirer.

If she accepts lingerie as a gift from a stranger, this is a warning about temptations and temptations.

Dream Interpretation - White something

White monkey - portends the achievement of a higher position.

The white rat shows the way to the treasure - cooperation and support from someone.

White elephant - foreshadows appointment to a position.

White dolphin - foreshadows appointment to a position.

Covering yourself with a white blanket means great luck and benefit.

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

A carriage drawn by white horses is riding - great happiness, good luck.

Riding a white horse means illness.

A carriage drawn by white horses is riding - portends great happiness and good luck.

A commoner in white clothes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - portends death.

If you see yourself dressed in white clothes, someone is plotting something against you.

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Any underwear is a symbol of a woman.

Bed linen symbolizes established sexual contacts.

Underwear symbolizes your desire to have sex with a much younger partner.

Any operations with laundry, such as washing. Ironing, mending, etc., indicate your desire to experiment in the field of sex.

The choice and purchase of lingerie symbolizes a break with a sexual partner.

Lingerie hanging on a line indicates that you are inclined to advertise your sexual achievements.

Woman in a white scarf

Dream Interpretation - Lingerie

Wearing clean underwear is happiness, but wearing dirty underwear is annoyance and resentment.

Sleep, as they say, is in your hand. In reality, the same result. Mom is especially offended when you get your new dress dirty: she was trying to please you with a new thing.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Seeing an unfamiliar woman unclearly is a minor nuisance.

Seeing a beautiful woman means joy, happiness, wealth.

Pregnant - get ready for something new, a change.

A dirty woman means failure, poverty.

Ugly woman - quarrels.

Young girls - wealth, feast, peace of mind.

Seeing an old woman means danger to life, thoughts of death, illness.

An evil woman is a deception.

Enemies will pursue you.

Many women - for a change.

Dream Interpretation - White something

White color - symbolizes both sorrow and purity, purity, clarity, connection with higher powers.

Virtue and divinity are often associated with this color.

Dream Interpretation - White

Perfection (white color of Christ).


Highest vibration speed.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Woman (both familiar and unfamiliar) - In dark clothes - help in accomplishments from the subtle world. In the light - clear your head, the best time for decisions. Friendly, helps, takes part - be afraid of a rival who has gained your trust. An enemy, a hindrance, a spoiler - a good friend, take her advice. In bed with a woman - to a fight if you dream of a man, to a quarrel if you dream of a woman. With a man - sexual problems in a man, envy and jealousy in a woman. Cleans the floor - in a light room - throw the extra dirt out of your head, wash your brains. In the dark, events will be fateful and bring positive results.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Woman - young, beautiful - joy, pleasure - old, ugly - gossip, sadness - praying - good times - pregnant - joy - in a man's suit - experiencing moments of passion - a meeting of women - grief - kissing - making a lot of money - black-haired - gossip - with long good hair - health - talking to a stranger - making an acquaintance - with a child - family happiness - old woman - squabbles; ancient, gray-haired - to goodness, wealth - red-haired - fragile love - looking at a woman - You will be deceived by your friends - laughing - great joys- under a black or white veil - death - to see a pleasant woman in general - to have happiness - to kiss - joy - to marry - a reasonable home life - to meet a woman in a dream - to have a good day.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

A woman holding a sword in her hands means great happiness and honor.

Women fighting among themselves is a disease.

A woman pulls a sword from its sheath - the birth of a son.

A woman puts on a headdress and a belt - foreshadows the birth of a son.

A woman puts on a man's clothes - indicates the birth of a noble offspring.

The naked body of your wife portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Women

Seeing women in a dream foretells intrigue. Arguing with a woman means that you will be outwitted and your plans will be frustrated.

Seeing a brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose speaks quite definitely of your withdrawal from a fight where you had a chance to win.

If a woman with brown eyes and a Roman nose, then you can be lured into dangerous speculation and gambling on the stock exchange by flattery.

If she has golden-brown, dark red or reddish-brown hair and a straight nose, then such a dream portends additional difficulties and anxiety for you.

If she is blonde, then you will only have pleasant activities that suit your inclinations.

Dream Interpretation - Women

A dream in which you are dealing with other women, as a rule, means a complication of relationships with them in reality.

Having an argument with one of them in a dream is a sign that you will be drawn into unnecessary intrigues only in order to upset your plans. Seeing an Amazon riding a horse in a dream, looking arrogantly at you, portends betrayal in love.

Seeing a light-eyed brunette with an antique profile means that in reality you will suffer defeat where winning, it would seem, was one hundred percent guaranteed.

The green-eyed and snub-nosed madam dreams that you will be filled with stories about high profits, they will pull out the last ruble and leave with their nose.

A brown-haired woman with bow legs and a quarrelsome character means additional obstacles in an already complex and confusing matter.

A blue-eyed blonde, however, foreshadows pleasant activities that suit your inclinations.

Seeing an irresistibly beautiful stranger in a dream and having a friendly conversation with her in a dream foretells both bad weather and a joyless day.

Seeing a bald woman in a dream means suffering an unheard-of insult from her husband, and most importantly, for nothing.

Seeing a woman in an Eve costume in a dream, that is, completely naked, is a warning: some insidious person who intends to tarnish your reputation can thus seriously upset your affairs and complicate relations in the family, where there are already more than enough problems.

A dream in which the biblical Eve herself appears before you is a sign of spiritual doubts, a call for prudence, patience and wisdom. If in character

Eve, you imagine yourself - in reality you will feel tangible resistance to your efforts in implementing a not entirely successful plan.

Dream Interpretation - Woman (unfamiliar)

Interpreted depending on attractiveness and appearance and behavior. For a man, if he is young or middle-aged, the state of his main activity and the general course of affairs; a form of intuition. If the elderly is a maternal, insuring, protecting aspect of influences, events. For a woman, there is a hidden, unconscious aspect of the female “I”, herself, if the woman is young; feelings of rivalry, jealousy, envy. Naked bad things (for men); feeling of helplessness, vulnerability, vulnerability (for a woman). Seeing a pregnant woman in trouble, delays in business. Under a black veil to sadness, mourning, separation; death. See Add. Old woman.



I see a woman I know. She is pregnant in a beautiful white dress. I look at mine, take it by the tip, apply it to her dress and they turn out to be the same. I catch a glimpse of my hair in the mirror, it is dark and dirty. I enter the room, there are tables, people are sitting at the tables, eating. I have a feeling that there was some kind of event, I came to the end and I didn’t even get food (particularly potatoes). The waiters walk around with blank faces. I went to some table where all the food was and began putting salad on my plate with a fork. Another picture. I’m sitting in a motor boat, some blond-haired man is driving it, standing behind it. We rush at high speed along the asphalt, approach the water, jump from the (wooden) pier into the water. I didn’t expect it, I was scared, I grabbed the handrails, the boat swayed, but I stayed in it. Further along the water we rush to the other shore. The water is muddy, but the sun shines in it. They swam to the shore, I got out and said that I didn’t have money to pay for the fare and there was no mobile phone number. I forgot at home, I'll go home and get it. Here I am from some nightstand
I jump down, go further home, I see the flip-flops on my bare feet and they are too big for me, as if this man gave them to me. Thank you.




A pleasant woman in white with signs of love for me exchanged caresses. Slim, sweet woman with golden face


It’s more like not a dream but a strange awakening as if from an electric shock. I opened my eyes and I see a broad-shouldered woman standing opposite me in a white outfit, either speckled or with a flower (small), I close my eyes thinking that I’m imagining it, when I open it, she’s still standing with her back to me. creepy atmosphere! Then I realize that I can’t hear the breathing of my husband sleeping next to me. I start touching him and feeling for his pulse. When she felt the pulse, she closed her eyes, but when she opened them, the woman disappeared. And not long before this dream, I woke up from my daughter’s scream, ran to her, suddenly what happened, I went into her room, and she was screaming in her sleep. I don’t know, maybe this is also important.


I dreamed that a woman in white was standing near my bed, it was like a waking dream, when I started blinking she disappeared, it was creepy


Hello! In a dream, I saw myself in a short, white dress. The dress is classic. I look elegant. The mood is excellent, I’m happy with something. I myself am pregnant now. Five and a half months. I would like to know what this is for?


hello Tatyana, I don’t know if it was a dream or reality, but I see that I’m lying in my bed on my back, and a woman in a white dress is standing on my feet and waving her arms, smiling, but I can’t move them to push her and that’s how it goes I manage to move them and it disappears. It was also this year before baptism and I still can’t forget about it.


Not big white room, with a set white table, an elderly woman in white was sitting at it, I couldn’t see her face, and I was sitting at this table... and in the next room there was a feast and people...


I dreamed of a very beautiful young woman in a white dress! The dress was probably a wedding dress, but in the dream there was nothing about a wedding! This woman was receiving guests, smiling, blonde hair, beautiful hairstyle. She looked in the mirror. My relatives and I ended up in her house, I don’t know why we came to her. I've never seen such a woman in real life. Her house is huge, but it looks like it’s made of wood, all the furnishings are simple, the house itself is gloomy, like a large residential barn. The woman in this dream was most memorable; she offered us alcohol, but none of us seemed to drink anything! In the dream itself, the sensations were not unpleasant, but when I woke up, I felt unpleasant and creepy, I was even scared, because I was once told that when a woman dreams about a woman, it is not good, I became afraid for the health of my family and children. Thank you in advance for the interpretation of the dream!


I saw a woman in white who said that I would marry the man I wanted. (I immediately thought about my beloved, although they want to marry me off to someone else) I don’t remember the whole dream, I live in hope for the best.


a woman in white came up behind me, picked me up and threw me to the ground, then grabbed me by the hand and dragged me along the ground, and in the distance I saw my mother, she died 3 years ago


I slept very poorly today. I dreamed of a woman in white, but she was behind me, I just felt her. She tried to tell me something but I don’t remember anything. As soon as she wanted to tell me something, I immediately woke up. Even in my dream, if you can call it a dream, I constantly woke up, I thought about my husband and heard my son coughing, although my son was not at home.


Hello, my name is Anna, I'm 20 years old, I'm married.
I had a very intense and strange dream, just some kind of psychedelic thing. I remember the dream in parts.
the first part, I dreamed about how I married my cousin (who in life is 10 years younger than me), that is, he is now 10 years old! At the same time, in my dream I realized that I was already married in real life and could not compare these events.
the second part, these are my legs, in the dream they were very scary, all in some kind of living suction cups (similar to the milkings of a cow, only red- pink color) they grew very close to each other.
the third part of the dream is how I met an old woman in white (grandmother), she had different eyes, and her look was very memorable to me, she looked into my eyes and said, “Don’t worry, you’ll endure so much suffering,” or something like “you’ll suffer some more,” I got scared and ran away.
What could all this mean?


I dreamed of my daughter-in-law in some kind of woven white dress (high fashion). She was angry and did not want to communicate with me and put up with me. In reality, on the eve of sleep we had a quarrel


I turn around and see my beloved woman in a white dress, standing on a high porch. It seemed like he was all twitching towards her, and then some stranger ran between us and offered her his hand. A scream escapes from me, which cannot be heard. That's where I woke up


Part one. There are two huge MY tigers sleeping on the bed in the house. I know that they won’t bite anyone, but I worry about others. Part two. An old man lives in the same house, who let many women and daughters live. Everyone walks around the house, dressed in long white clothes. When asked where the tigers were going, the old man replies that he sent them to the zoo.




I had a nightmare where there were little monsters, but when I was safe (in a dark room), she came through the wall, Ana was like a ghost in a white dress, she was as if transparent, I met her, her name is Arstm, I have never heard such a name . She told me that I don’t need to be afraid, that she will always be by my side like a guardian angel. After some time, the nightmare began to end and she called her, she came and also said that in the future I must save the life of a woman, that don’t be afraid of anything, I will always be there. Now my very long dream is over. he was so long ago and I still remember him. and the dream was as if it was alive, as if I was walking there in real life, feeling how the wind was blowing, cold, warmth, fear, etc. I very rarely have such dreams...


I dreamed of a woman I knew who had already died, she was dressed in white clothes. She asked why I was sitting alone, after which I began to drive her away with obscene words, and she lit a match.


Good afternoon I dreamed of a woman in a white dress with a black belt with hieroglyphs on it. The face is white, the hair is dark and long. she threatened me to take my husband and children.


my mother-in-law is 85 years old, I see that she is walking along the embankment of the railway, dressed in a white dress and some kind of shawl on her head with a stick. I ask, where are you going? She turns around and goes in the opposite direction. I wake up and fall asleep again. I see again, she’s standing in the corner of the house in the same attire, I go up to her and touch her dress, she seems to have disappeared, and the dress fell to the floor.


I saw my pregnant rival, in a white dress, how she was getting married... Please tell me what this dream is about




I dreamed of a woman dressed in white clothes, sitting on a grave, smiling and calling me to her with gestures


Hello! Today I had a dream, and in this dream I was with my grandmother, we were in the village, near the bathhouse and talking about history, about Catherine 1 and others, then I took a book and read some kind of conspiracy so that I have everything it was good, and I told her that I would go behind the fence to the swing, look at the trees, we have a forest there and there is the spirit of some woman standing there from somewhere white dress, me At first she was frightened, then she began to approach me, and I approached her, as soon as I began to approach her, she walked away from me and walked through the gate to the neighboring house, I kept following her and saying, “Where did you go?” “Come here!”, she looked at me with such angry, bulging eyes, and there were black undereyes under her eyes, and at the moment when I reached the gate, my grandmother grabbed me by the hand and said that the conspiracy that I read was a love spell and if I follow this woman I will die and she will take me away and I woke up


was in the apartment with unknown man and the woman, the man fainted, the woman came out, then another woman in white appeared, sweeping something from the window, I told her to close the window, she turned around, her face was unfamiliar and stern, I got scared and woke up


I saw a strange woman dressed in white long dress and with whites long hair. And myself in a new white ode
every. I was delighted with this


Good afternoon The child saw in a dream an unfamiliar woman in white flying through the window of our apartment. The woman screamed heart-rendingly. The child was very frightened and also began to scream, not only in his sleep, but also in reality. I woke him up, he was very scared. What is this for?


I saw a friend of mine who had lost weight, in a beautiful white dress, next to a man and two children.


Eight hours before this dream, I met a girl on the Internet who interested me. She answered me in kind. Purely intuitively, I feel PEACE OF SOUL, thinking about her, and intuition has never let me down. Then, I lay down to sleep and, in the middle of my sleep, I dreamed of a tall woman, in a white robe, without a belt and in a hood, like a cassock, like that of priests and monks, long, down to her toes. I didn’t see her face, but she looked like a ghost and was in the corridor of my apartment. I baptized her three times with the sign of the cross and repeating, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, and drove her out of the apartment. She moved along the corridor, away from me, turned left, floated (through the air), into the kitchen and in the middle of the kitchen, dissolved in the air. In the morning, I woke up with a very unpleasant feeling, like ghosts in a dream - it’s unpleasant, but maybe I’m wrong. With great respect, to you, =Sergey Nikolaevich=, (Murmansk).


I dreamed of a woman in a semi-transparent dress and blue milk appeared from her nipples


a woman in white flew across the room towards me


I dreamed of a wife in white clothes just standing on the street.



I dreamed that I was going to the toilet in a hospital room, and there was also a small room with a white table (like a shelf, narrow, like a couch) on it, a dead beautiful naked brunette with long hair looking at the ceiling like a doll, motionless, clean, made up, well-groomed, but naked! and dead, but her eyes are open, brown, she’s somewhere between 28-32 years old! strange.. and I saw it and went back out into the room. That’s all


Dream: It was in a room unknown to me. The spirit of an unknown dead woman began to appear in front of me (maybe not a spirit, it seemed so to me). After some time (I don’t remember what happened in the dream), she showed me and said that while you are alive, you will soon die. And you are very sad THERE.
To add some color: That same night my girlfriend dreamed that someone with a knife was chasing her throughout her sleep.
We didn't sleep together, different apartments. We didn’t watch horror movies at night.
Help me explain. Really very interesting


I'm standing on the roof, doing repairs. There is some woman with me, then I break down. I grab the beam, but hold on, and the woman holding this beam falls and is killed. Then there is sexual intercourse with a man.


The dream was like this... as if one guy liked me and his grandmother died and he called me to the funeral, I came, and what does this grandmother have to do with my neighbor, she lived upstairs, so I came there, there was a dead grandmother lying in a coffin, and it was as if she had opened her eyes and was smiling.. she looked around, I don’t understand what was happening.. but it seemed to be normal.. I stood looking at it all in surprise.. she seemed to be alive and they were burying her.. and they told me that this was normal ..she still didn’t understand that she had died, so it’s like now she’ll look at everyone and say goodbye and that’s it... and so it was... as if she suddenly closed her eyes and immediately began to become covered with corpse-like spots...




I’m sleeping in my own bed and next to me, near my head, I’ve been constantly dreaming of a dead woman for several days in a row and she’s saying and yelling something, and across the room in the kitchen a rolling pin fell to the ground and rolled in my direction


I helped her free herself, not knowing that she was dead. and she ran after me... I ran away and threw the change, she seemed to be collecting it and I had time to run away... then I hid in the cellar because... there was no money….there was something on the bag of salt and other women like her wanted to buy it and I was trying to escape from their hands…..NONSANE???


I saw the dead wife of my former partner. It’s as if Onga came from prison and returned to her family. But I couldn’t tell her that I lived with her husband.


Hello, I had a dream today, a dead girl in a black dress was lying, and I looked from school window at her and then the ambulance arrived and that’s it


In the dream, I was busy with something, like doing some kind of work. Someone put his arms around me from behind, I turned around and saw a dead woman, not old, it seems in white clothes. I woke up with a feeling of wild horror.


I saw myself dead and naked, as if from above. About 20 meters. My husband held me in his arms and called, and I heard him, but it was as if I was not in my body, the body was separate and I knew in a dream that I had died, and I really felt sorry for my husband, I wanted to go to him, but I didn’t know how to return to my body.


Good morning. I had the following dream: I was skating on ice. While clearing the snow. The ice was transparent and blue. And I saw this girl frozen in the ice. Then I was transported to another place and I know that she is following me, and I am terrified. I try to get away from her, to run away, to leave, but she still turns up next to me. Then she tried to touch me and I woke up. Please explain this dream.


I bought a small house, I go into it, there on a raised platform (bed or flooring) lies a dead stranger’s grandmother covered with a white sheet




There were a lot of people in the yard, and everyone wanted to look at this grandmother who died in a coffin, the dream was dark and not colorful, then I went to her house to this grandmother who died, sat and drew in front of the mirror, then I said why you didn’t cover the mirror with something….like that!!


I had a dream... as if I was standing in an unfamiliar place, and I saw in front of me a dead woman frozen in ice woman, with a living baby in his arms wrapped in a bright sheet, his face was also wrapped and I didn’t see him, but I knew that he was alive, and I had the whole dream panic fear and I was running away from someone and was afraid of someone...


It’s some kind of birthday in our apartment, a friend comes and says, look, some woman is lying on the floor below. I went out and looked and saw a woman stripped to the waist. I don’t know whether she was young or not and she was cut up below the waist. And there was blood all around. She was breathing a little I ran into the apartment and started vomiting.


I dreamed of a dead girl being carried on a wooden stretcher over their heads. previously unknown to her. She was naked only with a black ribbon on her head.


At first I dreamed that I was saving my niece from strangulation, then there was a funeral in which they carried one coffin with a dead woman, then they began to carry two coffins with women, and I said in surprise - how many dead there are!! Why would this be, I myself can’t understand!




Hello! I often have a dream about a dead woman lying under my window in a nine-story building. It was raining outside, and the young woman was wrapped in a woolen blanket... And I have already dreamed about it five times during the year. What could this mean?


I was sitting at the table in the secretariat, writing something. There are teachers around me (I work as a school director). The doors open. The former headmistress, who died almost 5 years ago, comes out, crying, from the principal’s office, along with her relative, who works at the school, and leaves. I'm behind them. In the corridor I catch up with the headmistress, and she turns around and hugs me (her face was not visible, long hair, beautiful suit)

Anatoly (62):

I’m in my 4-room apartment, it’s completely dark, I can’t see, but I intuitively feel in the corridor near the bathroom in an office chair, leaning to the side, a dead underweight woman is sitting (in reality, my daughter’s room is nearby). I was overcome by fear, I open the door to the corridor to the landing, It’s completely dark there, I’m trying to scream, but I can’t. I only let out a groan of helplessness. The next day I shred cabbage in my dream.


I went to the window, my classmate was standing there and looking down... and there was a dead girl lying there and a lot of people were walking around her...


I dreamed of a huge house and not many girls in a cream-colored dress were lying in blood from a bullet wound.. the dream was very vivid.. and then I dreamed of a huge pond, very transparent and at the bottom two girls lay curled up in a ball... as if they were sleeping


I was sitting at the bus stop with the children, then a bus arrived, I began to sit down here, May a dead neighbor, take my son out of my hands, I tell her, give me this baby, and she says, you promised not to do the maydi caltsa and drip, but I didn’t spoil anything for her


I dreamed that an acquaintance of mine brought a dead woman to some apartment and put her on the bed and he couldn’t part with her and he was like a doll, a lot of pink, I said no, she won’t be here and he says no, she’ll be with us, she’s some kind of celebrity I also dreamed that I gave birth to a boy


I don’t remember exactly, it was a dark night, the two of us were swimming, but suddenly I saw she was already dead, she was dressed in a very white dress beautiful girl I don’t know, I saw people floating on a boat, they picked me up and suddenly the dawn was swimming, swimming, and a lot of mud began to swim, it became impossible, and I woke up about the dream, I still can’t forget everything as if in reality(
[email protected]


first I met a friend whom I had not seen for a long time, we hugged, everyone started saying that we were suitable for each other as a couple. But he answered “I don’t know”... then a gap... My friend and I were rummaging through things and there we found a dead girl, a friend and I got scared, we covered her and continued to rummage through things


a dead old woman in a concrete coffin. in a white scarf. on the ground and under the snow, all the people pass through her. I walked through. I saw. that it was a dead man. I began to cry and tell people not to pass here.


I saw a dead girl, called me somewhere and spoke to me and said her name. I don’t remember the words, but I showed unfinished high-rise buildings


I dreamed that I woke up, and my wife’s place was a dead woman, looking like a typical gray-haired witch in a horror movie


Hello Tatyana. I dreamed that I was filming from dead woman rings in order to pass them on to relatives. I put these rings in a bag.


Some dead women who had turned around and were lying on gurneys, some were still alive. Dead unborn children were also beaten.


A man hugged me and I had beads in my hands, then the man got up and ran away and in the next room there was a woman killed with my own beads and someone was looking through the crack in the door


I'm dreaming about my grandmother, not mine. She's dead. I stand and look at her. Her feet are rotting and infested with worms. (2 times same dream)


please tell me, I had a dream about my own aunt who died long ago, I don’t remember exactly, she was with her late husband and they were sitting in a taxi and I went up to them and she told me she wanted to give Majid 1000 rubles and I told her that this Majid, my nephew, should come from Moscow sisters son and now I’m worried, I buried my sister and son in two years, now I saw this dream, I’m very worried, please tell me what this means, this boy is now in Moscow, I’m afraid for him, my son was also there when he was driving from Moscow, he crashed his car, thanks in advance


I saw a dead, or half-alive Girl dressed all in black, like a witch, only without a hat with a crazy look, she looked into my eyes; her eyes contained madness and horror. There was blood all around her. And I don’t seem to remember exactly, but there seems to be a knife on the legs. There were doctors there who injected something into my finger and I left.


I was at school...
there it was forbidden to enter the women's toilet. But my curious classmates and I decided to get there anyway.
and when we went there, there was an English teacher standing there and a woman sitting on the floor, next to a blue stroller, there was no one in the stroller.
The child sat next to him and muttered something.
Then we realized that the child was alive and the woman was dead.
We were kicked out and told to go to class...
and then I woke up


I see three people - my mother, a man who was my mother’s colleague when she was still young, and a woman who is dead today; she was the wife of this colleague. And this dead wife of his is walking towards us and her husband pushes me away and I fall. This woman passes us and goes further, she is like this light beautiful knee-length white silk dress. and I see she walked a little further than us and I woke up, but not far from us my mother was sitting at a table and doing something, but I woke up and didn’t see if she had reached her. no one spoke to anyone. Even the husband and wife were all silent.


I come out of the gate to meet them, the gate is wide open, warmly wrapped for a long time quickly comes towards me deceased woman, followed by my granddaughter, who is afraid and embarrassed to enter the yard, and my great-granddaughter. both of them are also wrapped in some dark things. I hugged the woman, let her into the yard, took the child in my arms, hugged my granddaughter, encouraged her and led them into the house.


Hello, I had a dream, I slept then as if I woke up, I stood near the window and in front of the window lay a dead woman in a white dress


I dreamed of a lot of dead women. the bodies lay collected in one large heap. then I dreamed that two dead women were lying next to each other and suddenly one of them got up to help clean the room and lay down again in her place. what could this all mean?


I dreamed of a lot of dead women. their bodies lay collected in a large heap. then I dreamed that two dead women were lying next to each other and suddenly one of them stood up to help me clean the room and lay down again in her place.


I dreamed of a woman whom my friend and I butchered. I saw that she didn’t shave, as if she was experienced in this matter, so I looked and then she also started cutting, she began to move, and water was oozing from her body, not blood. We were landing and people who were standing on the bridge noticed us. I was scared and hid.


I dreamed that I was in some kind of house, it was difficult to breathe there, going up to the window, I saw an old woman slowly appearing, she was trying to show me something, well, I couldn’t understand her, it felt like I was dying and people close to me were in this house too and that she can help. after a while she disappeared, I walked around the house looking for something and then I saw her appear again. I went up to the window again, she showed me a small flower bed with flowers that had already begun to dry out, I pushed it out into the street, picked one flower, turned it over my palm, and a wedding ring fell out of it. I went into the house to show it to the women who were in the house, I met one at the door, showed it to her, she snatched it from me and ran away from me, I tried to catch up with her, but I couldn’t, I don’t remember anymore.


Good afternoon On the night from Saturday to Sunday, I dreamed that a woman with red hair, completely unfamiliar to me, settled in front of my house, one evening, my mother put me to bed, and the same woman appeared and began to strangle me, but when she strangled me, she was dead. While she was strangling me, I woke up and was very scared, I could no longer sleep and was generally afraid to fall asleep. What could this be for? I'm worried because I constantly have dreams. Thank you!


Hospital, bathroom, toilet combined with bathtub. On the left, the mirror turned my head in the mirror and saw a child and a woman. The woman looks at me and smiles. I turned to the right bathtub and there was no one there. Again I turned to the mirror, they continued to look, I again looked to the right and in the bathroom I saw a woman and a child lying without signs of life. WOKE UP


there were a lot of dead women at the table, one of them was familiar to me and spat a husk of sunflower seeds in my face


I dreamed that I woke up in the morning, and the leg of a dead woman stuck in the window touched my elbow (or shoulder). The second leg is raised into the air - the corpse seems to be petrified. The woman is naked, white (European), unknown. Then the investigator came... testimony, fuss, dad, brother, TV.... Then I woke up.


I dreamed of a river bank with two sheep, one white and the other dark, with someone I say that they are gaining weight, then I climb along the river bank to the obedience of trees and around there are dead and half-dead women under white sheets and one half-dead one, I don’t know her, shows where to step so as not to hurt them, I pass by, I am not walking alone I don’t know with whom next, some kind of base there, they load bags of onions and pour oil on them, at this base they prepare people for death, just on a first-come, first-served basis, then a truck without a driver drives and slides into a hole, like in a car service station, and the ceiling comes up, it’s my turn, it’s like they put me on a pipe to die with a wide diameter and two sharp corners, but I didn’t hesitate, I sat down between them, then they poured hot oil on top, like vegetable oil, and then I woke up, but everything was so real, that’s why I remembered it


I was sitting at my laptop, I went to the window and there was a dead woman standing there, this was the mother of my friends who died in reality.


I dreamed this morning about my husband’s late wife (she’s been gone for 6 years and 7 months) in our kitchen at home. And she told me (almost as an order) to prepare two places for her husband and her son. To which I replied that they weren’t going anywhere yet; it was too early for them, they felt fine. After which I suddenly woke up. Why is this? I have never seen her.


Today I dreamed of my husband’s late wife, in our kitchen at home (I’ve never seen her). And she said in an orderly tone that I would prepare two places for my husband and her son. To which I said that they were not going anywhere and they felt good. After which I woke up. what is this dream for?


Today my wife dreamed of my late wife, in our kitchen at home (she has never seen her). And she said in an orderly tone that she would prepare two places for her husband and her son. To which she said that they were not going anywhere and they were feeling fine. After which she woke up. what is this dream for?


I dreamed about mine ex-girlfriend, we recently broke up, I sort of dressed her and stroked her, and she was dead but not naked...


I dreamed about a woman I knew who died (we sang together in a choir) and in the dream she was alive. I realized that she had died and crossed her 3 times, she began to get angry. I asked how she lives. She replied that they couldn’t drink, but they sometimes sit with a bottle....(with sarcasm). In the dream, I remembered that the dead should be cursed at, I swore at her, and she angrily told me: “You’ll come soon yourself...” I’m in She asked in fright: “Why? Are you angry with me?...” I woke up with anxiety...


Getting off the bus, I found myself near the lake and something begins to drag into the water and a woman in white and with Colombo in her hand appears and says if I don’t find those responsible for her death, she will take me away and then I woke up abruptly


Getting off the bus, I found myself near the lake and something began to drag me into the water and a dead woman in white appeared with a stake in her hands and said that if they didn’t help her find the culprits, then she would take me away and after that I suddenly woke up.


At our school graduation, we went somewhere to a house where everyone was having fun and somehow the war suddenly started, the Germans, the doctors were collecting honors for the person, then I woke up.


I had a dream that there was a dead old woman lying on the bed in an unfamiliar room, a woman was sitting next to her, as I understood it was her daughter. I recently had the same dream twice that I had cancer


This afternoon I dreamed that I saw a ghost. It doesn’t glow. He has a rotten-asphalt look and she (this grandmother is not familiar to me). And she all the time stopped my car with my husband standing on the road. And then in the new apartment where we have to move next week. what is this all about? thanks for the answer


I dreamed about my friend's wife. who came up kissed me and pointed to her husband. who sat in the corner, looking drooping and pale, and left. it was as if alive... I woke up and only then I understood. that she's dead. that she was no more... and the thought immediately came to mind - that there might be something wrong with a friend?... that's all. what I remember (e-mail to my wife)


On the street, on the road, there was a very old car, and I was just looking at it... and at that moment there was as if a camera flash, and just past me from the corner the spirit of a woman ran, she had fair skin, and a white floor-length dress , and I seemed to have photographed her... I didn’t see her face, only her hand and silhouette in a white dress seemed to me... and for some reason at that moment I knew that she had been hit by this car and that she was hunting me .


I had this dream for 4 days. Me, my mother, father, brother and brother’s wife are sitting at the table, the lights start blinking, out of nowhere, a rotten, dead old woman appears, who runs right towards me, grabs me by the shoulders and shouts in an inhuman voice: “Die, die!” .
After that I wake up.

my name is Damir:

hello. I dreamed that we were traveling in some kind of transport, more likely it was a train, but the seats were like on an intercity bus. I sat in the last row and I didn’t see the corpse myself, but only heard that she died. I said in a dream that I’m afraid of corpses. then we ended up somewhere on the ground and they supposedly stuffed her into my travel bag. Then we drank tea and I also saw that they had passed her through for minced meat.


I see a girl in white who addresses me by name and says that the dead are waiting for me...


I dreamed of a dead woman, I didn’t know her, but I walked around with her grocery store and talked about her life, how hard it was for her, people around her didn’t see her, but I saw and talked to her, although I didn’t know her at all


I dreamed of a dead woman at a bus stop in a dirty outerwear and no one came up and called the police……. two nights in a row


I supposedly was at a doctor’s appointment, then she left and the men who came in found a dead girl under the floorboards


the deceased Russian neighbor laughed and I hugged her, said hello and walked on, I’m a Muslim


she was pregnant, then a guy came, she told him then Magila a wreath, we will be together and on the wreath is a wedding veil


I dreamed today that I was in some large room and on the table in the center lay a dead dark-haired woman (in real life I don’t know her). There are a lot of men around the table. The woman was clearly older than me and for some reason I thought she was very strict. In some green and blue clothes. This is all.


The woman died a long time ago. But today I dreamed that she died and I want to go to the funeral


familiar women in black mourning, but the late mother was not there, I just wanted to get away from them, I left, but with difficulty I woke up later


My dream today. A dead woman, looking like a drowned woman, pounced from behind and wanted to strangle her. They woke me up on time, and I woke up.


The cats knocked the dead mother-in-law out of the coffin and ate her face; the mother-in-law died in 2003.


I dreamed of a dead woman in my kitchen sitting on a chair, tear-stained, I was drinking tea and splashed tea at her, but it went through, and she was just surprised - her eyes widened... then she pointed to the phone, I asked: phone... she: nodded... I :sell? ,...she: nodded,...I asked: is he damaged? ...she: she nodded...


A dead woman (neighbor, not old) lies in a coffin, and in it, next to her, is another small coffin for her child. It was as if she had died in childbirth.

Why do you dream of freezing in a dream Why do you dream of drowning small dogs

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream about a Woman in White in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I see a woman I know. She is pregnant in a beautiful white dress. I look at mine, take it by the tip, apply it to her dress and they turn out to be the same. I catch a glimpse of my hair in the mirror, it is dark and dirty. I enter the room, there are tables, people are sitting at the tables, eating. I have a feeling that there was some kind of event, I came to the end and I didn’t even get food (particularly potatoes). The waiters walk around with blank faces. I went to some table where all the food was and began putting salad on my plate with a fork. Another picture. I’m sitting in a motor boat, some blond-haired man is driving it, standing behind it. We rush at high speed along the asphalt, approach the water, jump from the (wooden) pier into the water. I didn’t expect it, I was scared, I grabbed the handrails, the boat swayed, but I stayed in it. Further along the water we rush to the other shore. The water is muddy, but the sun shines in it. They swam to the shore, I got out and said that I didn’t have money to pay for the fare and there was no mobile phone number. I forgot at home, I'll go home and get it. Here I am from some nightstand
    I jump down, go further home, I see the flip-flops on my bare feet and they are too big for me, as if this man gave them to me. Thank you.

    It’s more like not a dream but a strange awakening as if from an electric shock. I opened my eyes and I see a broad-shouldered woman standing opposite me in a white outfit, either speckled or with a flower (small), I close my eyes thinking that I’m imagining it, when I open it, she’s still standing with her back to me. creepy atmosphere! Then I realize that I can’t hear the breathing of my husband sleeping next to me. I start touching him and feeling for his pulse. When she felt the pulse, she closed her eyes, but when she opened them, the woman disappeared. And not long before this dream, I woke up from my daughter’s scream, ran to her, suddenly what happened, I went into her room, and she was screaming in her sleep. I don’t know, maybe this is also important.

    Hello! In a dream, I saw myself in a short, white dress. The dress is classic. I look elegant. The mood is excellent, I’m happy with something. I myself am pregnant now. Five and a half months. I would like to know what this is for?

    hello Tatyana, I don’t know if it was a dream or reality, but I see that I’m lying in my bed on my back, and a woman in a white dress is standing on my feet and waving her arms, smiling, but I can’t move them to push her and that’s how it goes I manage to move them and it disappears. It was also this year before baptism and I still can’t forget about it.

    I dreamed of a very beautiful young woman in a white dress! The dress was probably a wedding dress, but in the dream there was nothing about a wedding! This woman was receiving guests, smiling, blonde hair, beautiful hairstyle. She looked in the mirror. My relatives and I ended up in her house, I don’t know why we came to her. I've never seen such a woman in real life. Her house is huge, but it looks like it’s made of wood, all the furnishings are simple, the house itself is gloomy, like a large residential barn. The woman in this dream was most memorable; she offered us alcohol, but none of us seemed to drink anything! In the dream itself, the sensations were not unpleasant, but when I woke up, I felt unpleasant and creepy, I was even scared, because I was once told that when a woman dreams about a woman, it is not good, I became afraid for the health of my family and children. Thank you in advance for the interpretation of the dream!

    I saw a woman in white who said that I would marry the man I wanted. (I immediately thought about my beloved, although they want to marry me off to someone else) I don’t remember the whole dream, I live in hope for the best.

    I slept very poorly today. I dreamed of a woman in white, but she was behind me, I just felt her. She tried to tell me something but I don’t remember anything. As soon as she wanted to tell me something, I immediately woke up. Even in my dream, if you can call it a dream, I constantly woke up, I thought about my husband and heard my son coughing, although my son was not at home.

    Hello, my name is Anna, I'm 20 years old, I'm married.
    I had a very intense and strange dream, just some kind of psychedelic thing. I remember the dream in parts.
    the first part, I dreamed about how I married my cousin (who in life is 10 years younger than me), that is, he is now 10 years old! At the same time, in my dream I realized that I was already married in real life and could not compare these events.
    the second part, these are my legs, in the dream they were very scary, all in some kind of living suction cups (similar to the milking breasts of a cow, only red-pink in color), they grew very close to each other.
    the third part of the dream is how I met an old woman in white (grandmother), she had different eyes, and her look was very memorable to me, she looked into my eyes and said “Don’t worry, you will endure so much suffering,” or what then it’s like “you’ll suffer more”, I got scared and ran away.
    What could all this mean?

    I turn around and see my beloved woman in a white dress, standing on a high porch. It seemed like he was all twitching towards her, and then some stranger ran between us and offered her his hand. A scream escapes from me, which cannot be heard. That's where I woke up

    Part one. There are two huge MY tigers sleeping on the bed in the house. I know that they won’t bite anyone, but I worry about others. Part two. An old man lives in the same house, who let many women and daughters live. Everyone walks around the house, dressed in long white clothes. When asked where the tigers were going, the old man replies that he sent them to the zoo.


    I had a nightmare where there were little monsters, but when I was safe (in a dark room), she came through the wall, Ana was like a ghost in a white dress, she was as if transparent, I met her, her name is Arstm, I have never heard such a name . She told me that I don’t need to be afraid, that she will always be by my side like a guardian angel. After some time, the nightmare began to end and she called her, she came and also said that in the future I must save the life of a woman, that don’t be afraid of anything, I will always be there. Now my very long dream is over. he was so long ago and I still remember him. and the dream was as if it was alive, as if I was walking there in real life, feeling how the wind was blowing, cold, warmth, fear, etc. I very rarely have such dreams...

    my mother-in-law is 85 years old, I see that she is walking along the embankment of the railway, dressed in a white dress and some kind of shawl on her head with a stick. I ask, where are you going? She turns around and goes in the opposite direction. I wake up and fall asleep again. I see again, she’s standing in the corner of the house in the same attire, I go up to her and touch her dress, she seems to have disappeared, and the dress fell to the floor.

    Hello! Today I had a dream, and in this dream I was with my grandmother, we were in the village, near the bathhouse and talking about history, about Catherine 1 and others, then I took a book and read some kind of conspiracy so that I have everything it was good, and I told her that I would go behind the fence to the swing, I would look at the trees, there we have a forest and from somewhere there was the spirit of some woman in a white dress, at first I was scared of her, then she began to approach me, and I approached her, as soon as I started to approach her, she walked away from me and walked through the gate to the neighboring house, I kept following her and saying, “Where did you go? Stop? Come here!”, she looked at me like that evil bulging eyes, and under the eyes there were black undereyes, and at the moment when I reached the gate, my grandmother grabbed me by the hand and said that the conspiracy that I read was a love spell and if I follow this woman, I will die and she he takes me away and I wake up

    I was in an apartment with an unfamiliar man and woman, the man fainted, the woman came out, then another woman in white appeared, sweeping something from the window, I told her to close the window, she turned around, her face was unfamiliar and stern, I got scared and woke up

    Good afternoon The child saw in a dream an unfamiliar woman in white flying through the window of our apartment. The woman screamed heart-rendingly. The child was very frightened and also began to scream, not only in his sleep, but also in reality. I woke him up, he was very scared. What is this for?

    Eight hours before this dream, I met a girl on the Internet who interested me. She answered me in kind. Purely intuitively, I feel PEACE OF SOUL, thinking about her, and intuition has never let me down. Then, I lay down to sleep and, in the middle of my sleep, I dreamed of a tall woman, in a white robe, without a belt and in a hood, like a cassock, like that of priests and monks, long, down to her toes. I didn’t see her face, but she looked like a ghost and was in the corridor of my apartment. I baptized her three times with the sign of the cross and repeating, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, and drove her out of the apartment. She moved along the corridor, away from me, turned left, floated (through the air), into the kitchen and in the middle of the kitchen, dissolved in the air. In the morning, I woke up with a very unpleasant feeling, like ghosts in a dream - it’s unpleasant, but maybe I’m wrong. With great respect, to you, =Sergey Nikolaevich=, (Murmansk).

    Hello! I dreamed that a former man came to visit me (and he was next to me) with my friend (who is now in a relationship with him) and her mother. A friend left the room, I saw her, she was in a white tight suit and thin. When I asked him what was wrong with Yulia, he started laughing and said that she did a lot of turns. Thank you in advance for the interpretation of the dream.

    The last episode was disturbing today's dream. It was as if I had already woken up, and lying on my side I looked at the door of my room. Soon I realize that someone is standing behind her and looking through the crack, checking whether I’m sleeping. then something shapeless pours into the room through the door, I see only a shock of incredibly long gray hair. Behind the threshold she straightens up to her full height, she is an old woman in white, she looks at me piercingly. I understand that I urgently need to wake up, otherwise there will be trouble, I try to move my hands, through an effort I open my eyes and it disappears. It's been stalking me for about six months now sleep paralysis, I have nightmares almost every night, and in the morning I get up like a broken trough. I don’t know what to think anymore.

    Hello. I dreamed of an elderly woman all in white and gray hair, she took her hands and said you were talking to a woman. Then she stuck out her tongue and there were sores on it and licked my hand. I wiped my hand on her clothes and she left. I turned and asked her are you a witch and then the fireball consumed her. Why did you dream about this?

    Good day. Today I had a dream that bothered me. My family (father, mother, sister and niece) went to some place. I don't know him. It was outside the city: there was vegetation everywhere, tall trees and a lot of fog. We ended up at the house of some man, who turned out to be a doctor-surgeon, but during the entire dream we never went to see him, everything was on the street, one might say in the yard. I don’t really remember the middle of the dream, only towards the end, my father felt bad and was about to go home, but the doctor insisted on a “light” operation. Everyone, including dad, was not against it. There's something wrong with the spine, the man said. Then I remember the events as if they were the next day. I am sitting in the same courtyard on a chair, leaning on a low fence and looking at the road. Mom and the doctor behind me are talking about something in that same courtyard, and my father is sitting next to me in a rocking chair. I turn to him, and he is all pale, bags under his eyes, but he has lost a little weight and seems to look younger. I put my hand on his cheek, say that he looks somehow bad, and out of the corner of my eye I notice a tall figure behind him. She stood with her hands on the ledge, sideways to us, above the large bridge, which was located next to the house of this same surgeon. I focus my gaze on the figure and see that this is either an older woman or an elderly woman, but, as I already said, tall, not slouched. The figure was dark at first, but then, when I looked at it, I saw that the old woman (it seems to me that it was an old woman) was wearing a white knitted cape. She first held both hands on an incomprehensible stone ledge, and then, as if she realized that I could see her, she folded her hands, as if during prayer, palms together, then lowered them and went into the fog. The part of the dream with the surgeon and the operation doesn’t bother me much, it’s as if it didn’t happen or something insignificant. I was more bothered by the end, that scene with dad and old woman I remember very well. My father looked strange: he looked younger and thinner, but at the same time he was so pale, even green, and looked very tired. And what excited me most was that stranger. It's like death. I would be grateful if you tell me what this dream means. I haven’t had prophetic dreams and often have dreams about my dad, he is in poor health, this dream is one of many about my father, but it’s somehow disturbing and special

    I dreamed of a clairvoyant girl I knew. She sits at a table wearing a white hat and a white fur coat with a long braid. In the company of two young guys, I always want to take her away from there. I’m telling you it’s the wrong God you’re praying to, Dasha. She says how can such a thing hit, bends down and kisses me on the lips for some reason. I'm surprised and wake up.

According to the dream book, it is not difficult to understand why a woman in white dreams. Most often, this is a harbinger of impending change, reward for hard work, or a new love adventure. But it happens that such a dream foreshadows a lie, feeling unwell and family problems.

It all depends on the decision

Usually such a dream plot foreshadows changes in better side due to some important life events.

If a young girl saw in a dream the image of a woman in a white robe, this is a reflection of her own arrogance and excessive self-confidence. For a man, such a dream is a warning about possible deception. Friends or loved ones may be hiding something important from you.

A young woman wrapped in a white scarf in a dream represents acceptance the right decision in a complicated matter, and purity of thoughts will allow you to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Take care of your health

Why do you dream about a woman you know wearing a white scarf? It is likely that she may have health problems or serious illness, so you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

If a girl in a dream saw an unfamiliar woman wearing a tied light scarf, according to the dream book she will soon meet a man and fall in love. If the scarf turns out to be torn, such a relationship will not last long.

According to Miller's dream book

Things that you have repeatedly put off on the back burner will be successfully completed with a benefit for everyone. Now is the best time for this.

New acquaintances

Why does an older woman dream of wearing white? Your internal indignation may burst out, but you will be able to cope with the situation and extinguish the conflict in time.

If in a dream you saw a beautiful woman in a white dress who couldn’t take her eyes off you, you are about to important event and meeting the right people. If she showed attention to you and lured you towards her with gestures, a promotion was expected.

If in a dream you had to take something from an unfamiliar woman in a white dress, you need to remember what exactly it was. A valuable item or jewelry - there will be love and harmony in the family; something paper or banknote- your financial situation will improve significantly.

What was she wearing?

Why do you dream of a woman in white if she is wearing:

  • long dress - what you have long wanted will definitely happen;
  • white coat - help will come at the right time;
  • trousers and jacket - a long-awaited business meeting will happen soon;
  • vague outfit - possible slight malaise;
  • handkerchief - you are mistaken in your opinion about someone from your environment.

Accidental acquaintance

The dream book promises a promising meeting with the person who will play important role in your life. You shouldn’t blindly trust fate, but take the initiative yourself.

A man who saw a young girl in a light outfit in a dream will be lucky enough to find his soulmate.

If you had such a dream on the eve of a long trip or before an upcoming business meeting, the dream book promises successful completion of business and a warm welcome.

Everything will work out for the best

If in a dream you saw a pregnant woman dressed in white clothes, pleasant worries, a bargain or a valuable gift await you ahead.

Why do you dream about a woman in white? Your work will be appreciated, you will earn praise from your superiors and the respect of your colleagues.

If this woman decides to kiss you, you will learn important news and receive a nice gift.

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    If woman or girl dreamed about it dream, in which a stranger V white clothes gives or gives a flower or green plant, which means this is a signal that the one who saw dream soon finds out about her pregnancy. If suddenly a man in dream ended up in the same bed with a stranger V white clothes- this means a fight in real life. It is possible that the dreamer will soon have to defend his opinion or property in this way. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "zhenskoe-mnenie"

    If in dream go with a person V white clothes, then it is possible that he will get sick. If it is a child or young woman woman– in life you will be surrounded only by pleasant people. White cloth dreaming to tears, sad events, death. White unstitched fabric (tablecloths, curtains) - to blows of fate and losses. White objects - to worries and negative consequences, based on what kind of things dreamed about it.Read more

  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If you see yourself in dream in white clothes and look into the dream book of Nostradamus, you can read that this is a symbol of liberation from lies. If the sleeper sees some woman, dressed V white- illnesses and illnesses await him. A sleeping man, dressed V white or woman V his dream dressed V white promise gossip and slander, but circumstances will develop in such a way that the person to whom dreamed about it such dream, will justify itself. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    If in dream you felt anxious, then woman V white dress can dream to illness. Zhanna 2015-04-12 10:56:15. On Easter night I dreamed what, she came woman V just light clothes and gave herself an Injection in the neck and then in my Leg where the foot is at the heel bone, I was very afraid, but she said this Injection of Tenderness and injected me with force, then I fought with her. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Woman white, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Woman white in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Me dreamed about it White Woman, V white robes to the floor, her face looked like white porcelain mask.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream book Woman V white dreamed about it, why dreaming in dream Woman V white». dreamed about it friend woman who had already died, she was dressed V white clothes. She asked why I was sitting alone, after which I began to chase her away with obscene words, and she lit a match. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sudba"

    If dreamed about it in dream white color, interpret dream can be a message from the subconscious, encouraging the dreamer to search for the truth, identify the true state of affairs, and carefully consider a situation. See yourself V white a light dress - pleasant meetings, events and fun. Why woman dreaming warm white cloth– in reality she will not be able to avoid a cold. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    According to the dream book, white cloth in dream to good events and a pleasant meeting. If dreaming black cloth- to unpleasant events. Red cloth in dream- a sudden flare-up of passion, a meeting with an interesting person. Dreamed pink clothes the dream book interprets it as a carefree and cheerful life. If young woman (woman) in dream dissatisfied with what she is wearing - the dream book foretells the appearance of a rival who will be much more beautiful than her. Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream book Young woman V white dreamed about it, why dreaming in dream Young woman V white». I dreamed about it to me woman acquaintance She was V white dress (not a wedding), a dress about knee length, with beads, beautiful. From the neckline, the breasts were clearly visible (not small, by the way). I am this woman in dream I complimented her, saying you look good, but she didn’t believe me. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    If dream will dream, then the darling will love you too. Psychoanalytic dream book. Black cloth in dream symbolizes illness white - dreaming to the good. If she sees in dream another woman V raspberry clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face - this means that her...Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    In dream see Cloth. be dressed V white or light - for pleasure. put on white clothes- to compensation for losses. See white dalmatic [species clothes with long sleeves] - to great joy. Seeing yourself dressed in fine linen means increase. If girl dreamed, that she does not like the way she is dressed, this portends rivalry and intrigue for her. Perhaps she will be separated from her loved one. woman, which in dream admires other people's attire, a loved one will suspect betrayal. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Similar for a man dream may mean deception. If a man dreamed about it woman V white dress, dream reflects the sincerity of his intentions. At the same time, measure white dress in dream the dream book considers it not such harmless entertainment. If in dream you had a chance to try on white dress, make sure it belongs to you. Putting on in dream someone else's clothes, you take on the problems of its owner in real life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream book white Cloth dreamed about it, why dreaming in dream white Cloth".See in dream many people dressed V white clothes, - to solve a complex case related to professional activity. Such a plot promises the respect of colleagues, and maybe even a promotion. ▼ According to the dream book, the interpretation of the plot about woman V white clothes often depends on the gender of the dreamer. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    me today dreamed torn cloth and 2 guys tore it on me V white halots, why is this? I see a deceased grandmother and my grandmother tells her that she covered it with my hand white with a rag and says don’t touch it! and I woke up! But in dream both hands were in place, but somehow three hands and they were mine were in the hole! and until that day I dreamed about dream I saw woman V white she stood on the seashore with waves on her. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    In addition, if you dreaming varied cloth- it means you are unhappy with the way you are dressed and dream of updates. You will be very well and beautifully dressed in reality if you dreamed about it yourself naked. Woman who sews in dream nursery clothes- you will soon find yourself in an interesting position. Your life may turn out in such a way that you get dressed there will be nothing. If in dream Are you experiencing a shortage of clothes- this dream dream to myself V white attire...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    How was she dressed? woman in dream? In what condition did you see woman in dream? To you dreamed about it woman, which you knew? What kind of hair did you have? women in dream? Woman in dream was she healthy? What did you do with woman in dream?Hello! Almost three years ago on good friday to me dreamed about it woman V white Muslim clothes.I was talking to someone and seemed to be predicting fate. I asked her, what awaits me? She replied: That I don’t have much time left to live... I said: How much time exactly? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "otebe"

    For interpretation sleep, why dreaming friend woman, you need to pay attention to many things: clothes, age, mood, degree of relationship. If dreamed about it mother - pleasant events will happen, sister - to a quarrel. For example, if white cloth whole and new, worth waiting for good events in life. Accordingly, if cloth torn or dirty - negative changes in life. When woman in dream sees himself V white clothes– troubles are expected. Read more

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    You will be very well and beautifully dressed in reality if you dreamed about it yourself naked. Woman who sews in dream nursery clothes, will soon find himself in an interesting position. The sailor who dreaming that he was shipwrecked and left without clothes, will get married very soon. Your life may turn out in such a way that you get dressed there will be nothing. If in dream Are you experiencing a shortage of clothes, then this one dream you need to interpret it the other way around: you will have a huge selection of dresses for all occasions. If you dream to myself V white attire- this is a sign of unconditional...Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If dreamed about it child V white clothes, then like this dream carries some pretty good news. Usually for unmarried people it portends fast wedding or the appearance of a child. If a person sees himself dressed V white clothes, then like this dream has different interpretations depending on what in dream he is wearing. So, for example, white dress on woman promises her a quick date in reality, and the shorter the hem of this dress, the faster she will win the heart of her chosen one. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    If in dream do you like yours white cloth, such dream promises good luck in love and business. Career growth is also possible. If in dream you feel like you are being disliked white clothes, then in reality ill-wishers may be plotting something against you. If in dream did you see woman V white dress, or woman dreamed about it that she V white dress, in reality you should be careful not to be accused of spreading rumors. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If the dreamer sees in dream yourself or someone else woman V white attire, then this means that you will soon receive unjustified accusations of slander and gossip. When you wake up in the morning, it is important to remember all the details sleep- some small details may turn out to be significant. Dress V white clothes means being able to protect yourself from the false accusations being made. Sorrow is foreshadowed dreamed any white flowers. tear off in dream white chrysanthemums - to losses and disappointments. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    More often dream, which features white cloth, is interpreted by dream books as unfavorable. Dreams about white clothes may mean future problems in the life of a person who sees such dream, events that will bring sadness and grief. See in dream white clothes- plot sleep, which indicates your isolation, reluctance to contact other people. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Woman V old clothes dreamed, why dreaming in dream Woman V old clothes?Sometimes like this dream tells you that you should be careful when making important decisions that may affect your future. White cloth in dream in dream crowd dressed V white underwear means that soon you will experience a period of great failures associated with reforms in the country. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    White costume - cloth for a special occasion and in dream it becomes prophetic. Dream Interpretations explain why dreaming that I tried it on young woman, boyfriend or relative of the dreamer. If girl dreamed what she wears clothes your friend, this indicates dissatisfaction with yourself, uncertainty about your attractiveness, and difficulties in dialogue with guys. In a similar way it is interpreted why dreaming see yourself in clothes male cut, which is not to the dreamer’s liking: the time has come to fear the intrigues of her rival. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Men's cloth in dream. Seen in dream men's suit women, see in dream a men's jacket means material or financial lossesIf girl dreamed about it men's shirt, then the dream book reveals the dreamer’s inclination towards the opportunity to attend a solemn and grandiose event, that’s what dreaming white men's shirt.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Woman V dark clothes dreamed, why dreaming in dream Woman V dark clothes?White cloth in dream almost always predicts bad changes, sadness, illness, and worries. See in dream crowd dressed V white underwear means that soon you will face a period of great failures associated with reforms in the country. Cheerful company in beautiful white clothes in dream- a sign of success in business and in love. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Home dream book. Interpretation sleep Woman. To you dreamed about it Woman What is this about - relationships. Woman middle aged in the dark clothes under black or white with a long veil - to see death. See how woman pours, knits or embroiders - conduct a reasonable home life. Say hello to woman in dream- have a successful and fun day. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    For women childbearing age of this kind dreams indicate, first of all, thoughts about upcoming or existing motherhood - in these dream Don't look for deep meaning. For everyone else Children's Cloth in dream- a clear sign that in reality you still appear in the image of a child or behave like a child. One way or another, you need to reconsider your true desires and capabilities. I dreamed about it white cloth- prosperity in business and love; love and marriage; symbol of purity and innocence. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    Unfamiliar woman dreamed about it- they slander you behind your back, they weave conspiracies, but you don’t even suspect it. Beloved woman see in dream- a favorable sign. Other woman according to Magini’s dream book, feelings and interests are affected in a rather unusual way. Woman V white clothes according to the dream book it means that no matter what happens, it will not bring special harm. In red attire– rivalry or obstacles in love. Woman V black dreaming to great mischief, be careful.