Symptoms of gonorrhea in women, first signs and treatment methods. Gonorrhea (gonorrhoea): symptoms in women and men, diagnosis, treatment How does gonorrhea manifest in men and women

In this article we will look at the first signs of gonorrhea. What kind of pathology is this?

Gonorrhea is one of the most common infectious sexually transmitted diseases, which is caused by gonococci. It is usually transmitted sexually. Gonorrhea affects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, but sometimes the mucous membranes of the rectum, oral cavity and nasopharynx are affected. The skin is very rarely affected when this pathology occurs. The main thing is to recognize the signs of gonorrhea in a timely manner.

Today, this pathology is considered a very serious social problem, since a huge number of people of working age become infected with it. Gonorrhea occurs in all age groups, however, adolescents, adolescents and young adults under 30 are most at risk of infection. Among adolescents, the disease is most common among girls, while among adults it is most common among men.

The appearance of the first signs of gonorrhea in men and women can be facilitated by:

  1. Increasing the number of people at risk.
  2. Social disasters associated with the deterioration of sanitary and hygienic environmental conditions.
  3. Promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  4. Alcohol and drug abuse.
  5. Prostitution.

We will look at the signs of gonorrhea below.

The causative agent of the disease

The causative agent of this pathology is either gonococcus. The cell walls of this microbe consist of three layers. The outer layer has special processes that help the infection spread. After penetration into the human body, the microorganism, with the help of these processes, is firmly attached to the epithelial cells. Then the gonococci penetrate through the intercellular spaces, which leads to activation of the functions of the immune system and the development of inflammatory processes.

Immune defense cells (neutrophils) with the blood flow refer to the site of gonococci penetration and begin to actively destroy pathogens. However, gonococci absorbed by them, as a rule, do not die and can continue to multiply, developing an inflammatory process. The purulent masses formed as a result of this process represent a large number of dead cells, inside of which infectious gonococci are located. Pus accumulates on the surfaces of the affected mucous membranes and can be discharged from the genitourinary canals. As this disease develops, gonorrhea pathogens spread to new areas of the mucous membranes, affecting more and more organs and leading to various complications of this disease. in men and women they then manifest themselves even more strongly.

In addition, gonococci are able to penetrate the lymphatic vessels and spread with the lymph flow to distant organs. Very rarely, but these microbes are able to penetrate the blood, which leads to the development of various purulent complications.

It should be noted that gonococci are very resistant and, when exposed to certain factors, they are able to transform into L-forms, which are unable to reproduce. However, they can survive for a long time in the most unfavorable conditions, after which they are activated again.

They die when the fluids with which they were excreted from the body dry out, and when heated to 40-50 degrees, gonococci die almost immediately, just as when they get into a soap or saline solution. In addition, gonococci are very sensitive to most antibacterial agents and antiseptics.

Methods of infection with gonorrhea

The source of infection with gonococci is, as a rule, a sick person who often does not know that he is a carrier of this infection, since this disease can occur in a latent form. The following methods of transmission of the disease are known:

Incubation period of gonorrhea

This period is the period of time that begins at the moment of penetration of infectious agents into the body until the appearance of the first clinical signs of pathology. The incubation period after infection with gonococcus lasts from 10 hours to several weeks, which is due to some characteristics of the pathogen and the activity of the immune system of a particular patient. On average, symptoms appear in men within 4-5 days; the first signs of gonorrhea in women appear 7-10 days after exposure. A longer incubation period is observed in older people and people with weak immune defenses. The shortest - with a high dose of the pathogen received through contact. Frequent changes of partners are considered one of the most significant factors in the spread of gonococcus.

Signs of gonorrhea in women are presented below.

Types of disease

In medical practice, it is customary to classify this disease depending on the incubation period, the rate of development of the disease and the severity of its clinical manifestations. It is very important to accurately determine the form of gonorrhea, since diagnosis and treatment tactics depend on this.

In accordance with the above, the following are distinguished:

  • fresh;
  • chronic;
  • hidden (latent) gonorrhea.

Signs of gonorrhea are different at all stages.

Symptoms and main signs of the disease

What are the signs of gonorrhea in men:

In women, the disease is often asymptomatic, and only about 15% of patients seek medical help.

Symptoms of the disease in women:

  1. Copious purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the urethra, which intensifies in the morning after sleep.
  2. Inflammatory changes in the vestibule of the vagina in the form of redness, swelling and soreness of the mucous membrane.
  3. Itching and burning in the urethra, which intensifies, as a rule, at the beginning of urination or during sexual intercourse.
  4. Temperature rises to 38 degrees.

When do signs of gonorrhea appear in women?

It should be noted that the asymptomatic course of the disease does not reduce the likelihood of all sorts of complications occurring. Skin lesions resulting from exposure to gonococci are very rare. This is explained by the fact that for the disease to occur, the pathogen must enter the skin in an active state, and gonococci, as a rule, die very quickly in the environment. If infection does occur, the infection penetrates through damage to the skin and causes the development of inflammatory reactions at the site of entry of the pathogen. This is manifested by the formation of small ulcerations with hyperemic edges. Similar defects are located in the area of ​​the frenulum of the penis and in the pubic area and on the inner surfaces of the thighs.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Diagnosing gonorrhea is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to ask the patient in detail about the period when symptoms began. If gonorrhea is suspected, the patient and his sexual partner must be examined and undergo a series of laboratory tests.

Diagnosis of this disease includes:

  1. Gonorrhea smear.
  2. Methods of provoking gonorrhea.
  3. Sowing.
  4. Polymerase chain reaction.
  5. Instrumental methods.

Signs of gonorrhea (photos can be found in open sources) can only be recognized by a competent specialist.

Smears for gonorrhea

This diagnostic method is considered the most reliable way to detect gonococcal infection. The essence of such a study is that a biomaterial is taken from the patient, which presumably contains gonococci. They can be discharge from the vagina, urethra, rectum, plaque from the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, etc. The resulting material is transferred to a special glass and stained with a special dye that penetrates the structures of infectious agents and stains them, as a result of which they are easily detected under a microscope . This method is effective only in the presence of an acute form of gonorrhea, when the pathogen is released from the urethra along with pus. In the chronic form of the disease, it is not always possible to isolate gonococci using conventional smears. The first signs of gonorrhea may not be visible in the photo.

Gonorrhea provocation method

A similar method is used in cases where it was not possible to identify gonococcus using bacterioscopic studies. The essence of the provocative method is that it helps stimulate the release of gonococcus, which significantly increases the likelihood of determining the presence of infection during subsequent collection of biomaterial. The essence of such a provocation is that the patient is injected intramuscularly with an inactivated gonococcal vaccine, which contains inactive gonococci in which antibodies are preserved. These cells stimulate the immune system, promoting the active absorption of gonococcus by neutrophils and their excretion with pus.

Culture for gonorrhea

A bacteriological study of this nature is included in the list of mandatory tests if a gonococcal infection is suspected. The essence of such a study is that the biomaterial is transferred to a special nutrient medium on which the gonococcus grows best. With such sowing, even a small number of infectious agents begin to actively multiply, resulting in the formation of gonococcal colonies on the nutrient medium. This diagnostic method allows you to confirm the diagnosis, as well as determine the type of pathogen in order to establish antibacterial agents to which this species is most sensitive.

Instrumental methods for determining gonococcal infection

Similar techniques include:

  1. Urethroscopy.
  2. Colposcopy.
  3. Cervicoscopy.

Consequences of gonorrhea

Despite the fact that this infectious disease is not very dangerous for the human body, if left untreated it can cause a number of unpleasant consequences, which will be much more difficult to cure. The consequences of gonorrhea include:

Treatment of gonorrhea

This infectious disease is very easy to treat, even in cases of severe disease. Doctors urge you not to try to cure this disease yourself, since such actions often risk the infection becoming chronic. It should be noted that if gonococcus is detected, all sexual partners who have had contact with the patient for two months are treated.

Treatment of this pathology involves the use of antibacterial medications. In recent years, gonococcal infection has acquired resistance to penicillin antibacterial agents, and therefore, at the present stage, patients are prescribed other groups of such medications. In case of acute gonorrhea, it is sufficient to use etiotropic therapy, which affects the cause of the disease, and with the development of a chronic, latent form of gonorrhea, patients are prescribed complex therapy after determining the sensitivity of the infectious agent to antibiotics.

For mixed forms of the disease, the main treatment can be combined with immunotherapy and local procedures.

We looked at the first signs of gonorrhea and learned everything you need to recognize the occurrence of this disease.

This article describes everything about gonorrhea, its signs and treatment, complications and prevention. This disease is one of the most famous sexually transmitted infections. Symptoms are more severe in men than in women.

The second name of the disease is gonorrhoea. It is difficult to treat, since the causative agent of gonorrhea constantly mutates and also gradually gets used to different antibiotics. Because of this, therapy may take months.

Description of the disease

What is gonorrhea? These are gonococci. This was discovered at the end of the 19th century. German scientist. Gonococci affect the mucous membranes, heart and other organs. Infection of the baby can even occur during childbirth.

Gonococci have a round shape and a bumpy surface. They are often found in pairs. Stained gonococci are clearly visible under a microscope. How is gonorrhea transmitted? Mainly through sexual contact.

Bacteria are not resistant to the external environment; light, heat, and disinfection solutions are fatal to them. Some gonococci exhibit resistance to penicillin.

Important! With gonorrhea, the protective properties of the immune system are not activated. The disease can appear multiple times in the same person.

The incubation period of gonorrhea is from 2 to 15 days. Bacteria reproduce by fission and can exist in the intercellular space, but do not penetrate epithelial cells. Bacteria are able to change their size and combine. The infection spreads very quickly.

Types of gonorrhea

There are two types of gonorrhea. The acute form is accompanied by the rapid appearance of pronounced symptoms. They do not go away, but get stronger over time. Bacteria can be destroyed in the first two hours after infection, then the infection begins to develop rapidly.

Very rarely, chronic gonorrhea manifests itself with pronounced symptoms. At times they disappear completely. Men decide that the disease has gone away on its own and are in no hurry to see a doctor. However, the disease progresses further, so chronic gonorrhea is the most dangerous. It can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of the disease

Trigger sickness in men occurs mainly due to unprotected sex. Gonococci are transmitted during sexual intercourse. This happens in 50 percent of cases. Less commonly, infection occurs during oral sex. In this case, erosions appear in the mouth and throat. After infection (during the birth of the baby) the mucous membrane of the child’s eyes appears, ulcers appear that go away with difficulty.

Comment! The disease cannot be transmitted through personal belongings, since gonococci do not live in the external environment.

However, there is still a chance, albeit negligible, that you can become infected through the toilet, swimming pools, cutlery and kisses. Gonorrhea can be transmitted through intimate toys or vibrators used by a sick person.

Gonorrhea symptoms

In the acute phase of gonorrhea, the first signs appear a couple of days after infection. Symptoms in men are more pronounced. The duration of this form of the disease varies. Most often, the acute phase lasts for two months.

Symptoms in acute form

Initial signs of gonorrhea in men:

  • itching and burning begin in the urethra and intensify when urinating;
  • when pressing on the penis, thick white purulent discharge flows out of it;
  • redness of the head of the penis;
  • there is a frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • swelling of the urethra appears;
  • her holes stick together.

Initially, the discharge is not abundant and has a gray tint (it is in the photo). Gradually, the symptoms of the disease intensify. Abundant yellow-green mucus appears. When urinating, the pain intensifies significantly. An erection often occurs at night. It is accompanied by severe pain.

Symptoms in chronic form

With the chronic form of gonorrhea, the routes of infection become more and more extensive. The infection spreads to the testicles and prostate gland. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, the erection is longer and more painful. In advanced cases, this sensation is observed in the intestines during bowel movements.

The groin area is affected. An inflammatory process begins in the testicles, which is accompanied by swelling of nearby tissues and lymph nodes. During sex, pain and bleeding occur.

Attention! A characteristic sign of gonorrhea in the chronic form of a sexually transmitted disease is a small cloudy drop that appears in the opening of the urethra in the morning.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men may be subtle or not appear for a long period. As a result, the patient does not begin treatment and the gonorrhea continues to progress. Its symptoms often appear only in the later stages, so there are additional serious consequences.

Complications of gonorrhea

Complications most often appear with the chronic form of gonorrhea. Such consequences result from the lack of treatment in the initial stages of the disease, which can be difficult to recognize. Because of this, the infection affects the internal organs and causes inflammation.

Name of the disease Symptoms
GonorrhealThe main symptoms include erosions that appear on the head of the penis. In the acute phase, a urine sample can be taken when two containers are filled with it. In the first, when urination begins, the liquid will be cloudy, with pus, and the liquid collected at the end of the process will be clear.

After a few days, the acute form becomes less pronounced. The color of the head of the penis becomes normal, pus appears on the panties only in the morning. When urinating, there is almost no pain when pressing. However, urine samples remain the same.

Attaching an additional infection to the gonorrhea. Inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin occurs. This is accompanied by pain, itching and burning. During sex, discomfort is observed, dry skin appears, and erosion appears on the head of the penis. Gradually, the same lesions cover the foreskin. It shrinks greatly and scars appear on it.
CystitisThere is a frequent urge to go to the toilet. In this case, severe pain is felt, urine with blood appears.
CaverniteThe inflammatory process begins in the cavernous thalamus of the penis. It begins to bend during an erection, and severe pain appears.
ColliculitisInflammation of the seminal tubercles. This is accompanied by frequent and painful erections and wet dreams. Blood appears in the seminal fluid.
DereferentitPurulent inflammatory process. He appears in the stream that carries the seed. The disease appears along with epididymitis. The spermatic cord becomes very dense and swells.
OrchitisInflammation of the testicles. There is constant pain in the scrotum, it becomes red and swollen. Body temperature rises to 40 degrees. Weakness appears, the man may lose consciousness. Orchitis is a consequence of an advanced form of gonorrhea.
VesiculitisInflammation of the seminal vesicles. Accompanied by pain and burning in the urethra. A discharge appears from it. An erection and painful ejaculation often occur. Blood is found in the urine.
Gonorrheal proctitisIts appearance is indicated by severe itching in the anus and pain during bowel movements.
BlennoreaBactria that get on the mucous membrane of the eyes cause profuse purulent lacrimation. This can lead to vision loss.
Gonorrheal pharyngitis and tonsillitisThe diseases are asymptomatic. It just hurts for a man to swallow.

Accompanied by a burning sensation in the perineum, pain during urination, frequent urge to urinate, with initial urinary retention. Purulent inflammation and enlargement of the prostate begin. The most common consequences of gonorrhea are epididymitis and prostatitis. In the chronic form of the disease, men experience infertility.

Treatment of gonorrhea

It is best to start symptoms and treatment of gonorrhea in men at an early stage. Therapy is aimed at exterminating gonococci. A dermatovenerologist treats gonorrhea. First, the causes of the disease are established. Then a treatment regimen is developed. Therapy takes a long time, as bacteria quickly become accustomed to antibiotics.

Because of this, drugs are prescribed only after the results of bacterioculture. The most commonly prescribed are Bicillin, Ceftriaxone and some other antibiotics. During treatment, two drugs are used simultaneously. Azithromycin is considered the best antibiotic for treating gonorrhea. The drug "Sumamed" is used if the sensitivity of gonococci to the group of macrolides is detected.

Additionally, microenemas with antibacterial solutions are given. To restore the strengthening of the immune system, vitamins () and restorative drugs are prescribed. Additionally, medications are used to maintain the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and liver.

During treatment for gonorrhea, the patient should drink a lot of water. Diuretics help flush out gonococci, pus, and infected areas of mucous membranes from the body. If there are additional diseases, then their treatment is carried out simultaneously.

After starting therapy, the patient undergoes repeated tests after 10-14 days.

Based on the results, treatment of gonorrhea in men is adjusted. Other medications may be prescribed or the dosage of previous medications may be changed. The following tests (smear, blood, urine) are taken only after 4 weeks. Even if gonorrhea is completely cured, a man should be examined every 6 months for two years.

Treating gonorrhea at home

Treatment of gonorrhea in a hospital is indicated only in case of relapse of the disease, complications or additional infection. In other cases, treatment is carried out at home. In addition to prescribed medications, folk recipes are also used.

To enhance treatment, infusions and douches of herbs are used. Chamomile provides effective assistance in therapy. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. An infusion is made from chamomile, which is used for lotions and baths. The liquid is also poured into the urethra using a pipette.

How to treat gonorrhea with burdock? The roots of the plant are used for this. A decoction is made from them, which is similar in healing properties to chamomile infusion. Baths for the scrotum and penis are made from a product based on burdock roots.

It is used to enhance the functioning of the immune system. You need to drink it in the morning, before meals, 5 drops. Ginseng helps improve blood circulation and strengthens mucous membranes.

Many vegetables and fruits have an antibacterial effect. A man should eat parsley and wild berries (especially viburnum, blueberries and lingonberries) every day. The listed recipes, herbs, vegetables and fruits help speed up recovery.

Disease prevention

Infection with gonorrhea is most often possible through unprotected sex. To prevent infection, it is necessary to avoid promiscuity. Condoms must be used during sexual intercourse. If a man or his partner is sick, they should not have intimate relations until they are completely cured.

Personal hygiene must always be maintained. Prevention of gonorrhea involves antibacterial treatment of the genitals after unprotected sex. In this case, the man should immediately thoroughly wash the urethra and penis with soap. Then treat the genitals with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Miramistin. This drug will reduce the risk of infection tenfold. It is easier to follow prevention recommendations than to treat gonorrhea.

Tripper is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in men. The advanced form of gonorrhea is very difficult to treat. The urethra most often suffers from gonococci. Bacteria are getting used to antibiotics more and more easily. As a result, treatment becomes even more complicated. Refusal of treatment or starting it in late stages can lead to infertility.

How is the disease gonorrhea characterized, what are the clinical manifestations, possible complications, options for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

The disease gonorrhea is, so to speak, a classic of the venereal genre. It is caused by the pathogen gonococcus, which is completely defenseless in the external environment, but quite stable inside the body. A similar illness is mentioned in the Old Testament and in ancient Greek teachings. The name "gonorrhea" was used as early as the 2nd century BC. Roman philosopher Galen.

He mistakenly interpreted male urethral discharge and called it “semen,” which translated means gonos – seed, and rheus – flow. In modern society, this pathology also has a second “name” - gonorrhea, especially for the Dutch and Germans, who associate venereal infection with love affairs and travel.

Gonorrhea is a very serious and dangerous social problem. For this disease there are no exceptions based on age, gender or social status; the risk group includes absolutely any person, from young to old. According to WHO, about a quarter of a billion of the total population is affected every year.

The figure, you see, is impressive, but where are the guarantees that it will not grow? That is why issues of preventing infection in the form of preventive measures and knowledge about this pathology are one of the most significant.

The musculoskeletal system may also be affected. It was first discovered at the end of the 19th century in 1879 by Albert Neisser, a famous bacteriologist who developed a method of treating venereal disease, although not effective enough, but nevertheless reducing the growth of pathogenic flora.

What is this bacterium?

It is a nonmotile, gram-negative diplococcus that resembles beans or coffee beans, with concave sides facing each other. Under unfavorable conditions for it, gonococcus can change and form L-forms; also, under the influence of chemicals, they can form gram-positive forms.

Its body on the outside consists of a three-layer membrane, which contains various structural proteins. This membrane is protected by a multilayered dense capsule. With the help of tubular thin microscopic threads (pili) located on the outside of the pathogen, it adheres to the epithelial cells of the mucous surfaces.

After fixing on the cells, this bacterium passes through the intercellular spaces, and this, in turn, activates the immune system, which leads to the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Immune cells (neutrophils) are transported along with the blood to the site of infection, after which they begin to actively absorb pathogens. But even in this case, gonococci absorbed by neutrophils do not die, but continue to multiply further, while maintaining the inflammation that has begun.

Subsequent instructions for pathogenic activity involve the formation of purulent masses, which represent a large number of dead immune cells, inside of which there are active gonococci. The resulting purulent exudate begins to accumulate in areas of the damaged mucous membrane, and as the disease develops, the infection spreads to new mucous surfaces.

Attention: in the fresh form, gonococci are located intracellularly, while the chronic process is characterized by their extracellular location.

Gonorrhea is an ancient enemy of all humanity

Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infectious disease that occurs in all age groups, but the working population between the ages of 20 and 30 is at greater risk of being infected.

Risk factors and routes of transmission

There are several factors that most contribute to the appearance of pathology:

  • social conditions associated with low sanitary and hygienic living standards;
  • frequent change of sexual partner, promiscuous sexual life and neglect of barrier contraception during sexual intercourse;
  • prostitution;
  • drug and alcohol abuse leading to an antisocial lifestyle;
  • increase in the number of people who are at risk.

The most prevalent route of transmission is sexual contact. Among the female population, about 50-70% become infected with gonorrhea after the first sexual intercourse, and among the stronger sex, about 25-50% become infected.

It has been proven that you can “catch” gonorrhea through vaginal, anal or oral sex. The last two sexual methods are most common among lesbian and gay couples.

There are also other methods of transmission of infection:

  1. Contact and household. This path occurs in less than one percent of all recorded cases and is due to the low resistance of gonococci in the environment. You can become infected only if fresh biological fluid is present on various household items (towel, washcloth, bedding, underwear, etc.).
  2. Vertical. This method is characterized by damage to a newborn child when it passes through the birth canal of an infected mother or in utero.

Attention: there is an international statistical classification of diseases, and so, the ICD-10 code for gonorrhea has a numerical indicator of A54 (from A54.0 to A54.9).

Sexual transmission is the most common method of transmission of infection

From the onset of infection to the first symptoms: all about the incubation period

The incubation period is the time period from the beginning of the penetration of gonococci into the human body and until the appearance of the first clinical manifestation of the pathology. This time is necessary for the immune system to recognize the infection and activate its response to the production of special antibodies, which, in principle, is the direct cause of inflammation.

So how long does it take to do something like this?

The duration of the incubation period after infection ranges from 12 hours to several weeks. In extremely rare situations, this time can last up to 3 months, and this is due to the activity of the immune system, the characteristics of the pathogen and the general condition of the person.

It is more often observed in patients with HIV infection and the elderly, since their immune defense is less active against the introduction of gonococcus. If we talk about averages, the first symptoms will occur within 3-10 days after infection.

Attention: this is a potentially dangerous time for people who prefer promiscuity. There are no laboratory or clinical signs, and an infected person can easily pass on his new “friends” to his sexual partner or close associates.

Classification of gonorrhea: from fresh to latent forms of the disease

According to clinical practice, gonorrhea is classified according to the time from the moment of infection, the severity and speed of onset of symptoms, as well as the presence of complications. Determining the form of the disease is an extremely important point in diagnosis and timely treatment.

The disease is divided into:

  • fresh form;
  • chronic;
  • latent (asymptomatic hidden).

Gonorrhea fresh

A fresh infection is characterized by the appearance of the first signs if no more than 60 days have passed since the infection.

During this time, the body begins an active fight against reproducing gonococci, which represents the clinical severity of the pathology, which can occur in the following form:

  1. Acute form. The symptoms are pronounced, which is explained by increased immune activity. With the progressive development of inflammation, the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane are quickly destroyed, and this becomes the cause of the formation of ulcerations.
  2. Subacute form. The activity of inflammation is significantly reduced, as a result of which the symptoms are somewhat erased and less pronounced, but continue to cause inconvenience to the patient.
  3. Torpid form. This pathological process is characterized by a protracted, sluggish course with mild symptoms or their complete absence.

Attention: most cases of morbidity begin with an acute form, but situations when gonorrhea begins with a subacute or torpid form are not excluded. It is precisely this moment that is fraught with the patient’s belated seeking of medical help.

Chronic gonorrhea

The chronic form is dangerous because the pathogen does not play a decisive role in the appearance of clinical severity. At this stage, modifications are presented in the gonococcus itself, as well as in the patient’s immunity, as a result of which it stops actively fighting the pathogenic microorganism.

In this case, the bacterium can remain in the affected cells and tissues for a long time, becoming active only when the immune forces are weakened or other aggravating factors appear. In addition, the chronic form is characterized by an asymptomatic, sluggish and recurrent course.

Visible symptoms appear only during a certain period of exacerbation, during which they progress over several days and also disappear on their own. This makes the process of timely diagnosis very difficult.

Latent or hidden gonorrhea

This form most often occurs in women. It is characterized by asymptomatic, or almost asymptomatic. Latent gonorrhea can be explained simply.

One has only to imagine an infected patient whose immunity, for unknown reasons, does not react in any way to the introduction of a foreign microorganism. The inflammatory process does not develop, which means no symptoms are observed. In this situation, we can conclude that a person with gonococci inside is a hidden carrier spreading the infection.

Even in the presence of nonspecific signs, such as small cloudy discharge after sexual intercourse, running, long walking, or sticking of the urethral sponges after sleep, the patient does not have thoughts about visiting a doctor, since such symptoms do not cause any particular inconvenience. As a result, the infected person puts the health of his partner and family members at risk.

Hidden form - the infected person is not aware of the problem

You can learn more about gonorrhea, its types and other important points from the video in this article.

Gonorrhea in the genitourinary system

As we have already understood, gonorrhea can affect various sections represented by organs lined with single-row epithelium (cylindrical and endothelium), but, nevertheless, the urogenital tract is of greater epidemic importance.

When a woman becomes infected: features and symptoms of the disease

In women, the following are at risk of damage:

  • paraurethral passages and urethra;
  • excretory ducts of large glands in the vestibule of the vagina;
  • fallopian tubes, as well as the body of the uterus;
  • cervical canal;
  • ovaries.

Attention: the vaginal mucosa is lined with stratified squamous epithelium and is therefore immune to infection, which excludes the phenomenon of vaginal gonorrhea, however, due to age (puberty or menopause), as well as pregnancy, the mucous membrane may acquire single-row epithelium, which is fraught with the development of gonorrheal colpitis .

Due to certain characteristics of the female body, the disease most often (50-70% of all recorded cases) is asymptomatic or with the presence of mild symptoms. This circumstance leads to a late visit to the doctor, where gonorrhea is diagnosed in a chronic form.

If we talk about general symptoms in women, we can highlight the following symptoms:

  • frequent urge to empty the bladder, burning, pain and itching when urinating;
  • the appearance of serous-purulent or purulent discharge from the vagina;
  • painful discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • possible intermenstrual bleeding;
  • When examining the mucous membranes, redness, swelling and ulceration are revealed.

Most often, it is the lower parts of the genitourinary system that are affected, however, if we consider the ways of spread of the infection, the ascending form (the movement of pathogens up the genitourinary organs) and the hematogenous form (the penetration of bacteria into the bloodstream) are distinguished.

Table 1: Gonorrheal inflammation in women:

Inflammation (gonorrheal) Symptoms
Fresh form Chronic form
Inflammatory processes in the lower parts of the genitourinary system
UrethritisAt the beginning of urination, pain and stinging are noted. When the neck of the bladder is damaged, frequent urges to empty begin with the appearance of pain at the end. During the examination, redness and swelling of the urethral sponges, as well as painful palpation, are detected. If gonococci spread to the paraurethral ducts, redness is observed in the area of ​​the excretory ducts, yellowish purulent discharge from the urethra appears, which sometimes contains an infectionThere are no alarming discharges. When palpating through the anterior vaginal wall, you can feel the urethral seal
BartholinitisSigns appear 2-3 weeks after infection. Damage to the excretory ducts, in frequent cases, is bilateral, around the external openings there is hyperemia (gonorrhea spots), pain, mucopurulent discharge and swelling of the ducts during palpation are noted. When the duct is blocked by pus, it stretches and forms a false abscess of the gland, and when a pyogenic mass joins the infection, a true abscess is formed. In both the first and second cases, surgical treatment is necessaryThere is no discharge; upon palpation, the ducts are felt in the form of sensitive nodules or cords
EndocervicitisA woman complains of a nagging, aching pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen, and the appearance of pyogenic leucorrhoea. Examination using mirrors leads to symptoms in the form of hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the cervix, true erosion is revealed, located around the external opening of the cervical canal and slightly bleeding, as well as the presence of mucopurulent discharge from the canalDischarge of mucous leucorrhoea, slight swelling and hypertrophy of the cervix with the formation of cervical gland cysts and circular erosion around the external os
Colpitis and vulvovaginitis (during puberty, pregnancy and menopause)There is redness on the mucous membrane, often cyanosis. There is burning and itching, copious light yellow or green purulent discharge. The vulva is swollen, covered with purulent exudate, and there is slight bleeding. The ridges of the labia majora may become covered with purulent crusts, under which ulcerations are locatedThe formation of genital warts in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vulva and the vulva itself is possible. Examination shows hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane
Ascending spread of infection
EndometritisUterine gonorrhea inhibits cyclic processes in the inner layer of the organ, as a result of which menstrual bleeding is delayed, can be painful and heavy, and sometimes small bleeding may appear on ovulatory days. In the acute form, women notice a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, headache, malaise, and the appearance of copious serous purulent discharge. As the temperature rises, the pain becomes cramping due to a violation of the outflow of exudate from the uterine organChronic gonorrheal endometritis presents with less pronounced complaints, but heavy menstruation. During the examination, the specialist notes a slight enlargement of the uterus with a dense consistency. Chronicity of the process very often becomes the cause of menstruation disorders and problems with conceiving, maintaining and carrying a pregnancy.
Salpingo-oophoritisMore often, bilateral damage is observed; in the acute stage there is hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane of the tubes and folds, epithelial desquamation (cellular sloughing) and further ulceration, which as a result affects the adhesion of the folds with the formation of serous-purulent or purulent exudate. Such a lesion in most sick women is secondary due to the penetration of infection, which is contained in the exudate from the abdominal tubes. Purulent salpingoophoritis is particularly acute with the presence of the following symptoms:
  • chills;
  • sudden pain in the lower abdomen;
  • significant deterioration in general health;
  • signs of intoxication.
Constant aching pain in the lower abdomen, constipation, menstrual irregularities, bloating and decreased sexual activity. During examination, painful when displaced and limited mobility, dense, heavy appendages are recorded

When does a man have gonorrhea?

Most often, male gonorrhea manifests itself in the form of urethritis and entails the following general clinical symptoms, due to the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system:

  • discomfort, itching and burning;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge when pressing on the head of the penis, in subsequent stages they become permanent;
  • if the entire urethra is affected, pain occurs when urinating;
  • painful erection and wet dreams;
  • swelling of the urethra.

When the infection spreads upward, the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and testicles are affected. Such inflammatory processes are accompanied by swelling of the surrounding tissues and inguinal lymph nodes.

Acute gonorrheal prostatitis entails pain in the anus and perineum, an increased urge to empty the bladder, and pain when urinating, which only intensifies during the completion of the process. A man may have a fever and his general condition may be impaired.

The chronic course is usually mild, the man complains of a weakened erection, a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, premature ejaculation and frequent emissions. Upon examination and palpation, the prostate gland is enlarged. A complication is impotence.

Gonorrheal epididymitis is characterized by swelling and hyperemia of the scrotum, pain in the affected appendage and symptoms of intoxication, as a result of which scars may appear on the vas deferens, and this leads to infertility.

Extragenital forms of gonorrhea

There are also other forms of gonorrhea, most often associated with non-traditional sexual intercourse (oral or anal pleasures), but such actions are not the only ones; the pathogen can spread within the body.

So, if you come into contact with an infected person, you can become infected with the following extragenital types of disease:

  1. Rectal gonorrhea. Damage to the rectum during rectal intercourse or when purulent exudate with gonococci flows from the genitourinary system into the anus. Gonorrhea in the rectum is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • severely painful, frequently repeated urge to defecate, in which either nothing is excreted at all, or there is insignificant feces mixed with mucopurulent discharge;
  • burning and itching in the rectum and anus;
  • the appearance of purulent or mucopurulent masses with a small amount of blood;
  • constipation as a result of destruction of the mucous membrane of the organ.
  1. Bladder gonorrhea. It is rare and most often limited only to the sphincter area. The signs will be similar to cystitis of any etiology, and this is frequent and painful urination, pus in the urine, signs of intoxication may or may not be present.
  2. Gonorrhea in the mouth and throat. A person becomes infected as a result of oral contact, and according to statistics, 70-80% of patients are asymptomatic. Some people may experience hoarseness, sore throat and an unpleasant feeling when swallowing, enlarged lymph nodes and hypertrophy of the tonsils, and the appearance of a yellowish or white coating on the tonsils. Damage to the oral cavity is manifested by stomatitis and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) with the formation of painful ulcerations at the site of introduction of the gonococcus.
  3. Gonococcal conjunctivitis. A similar pathology occurs as a result of infection in the eyes with unwashed hands; also in very frequent situations, gonorrheal conjunctivitis affects a newborn child as it passes through the birth canal, if a pregnant woman is infected with gonorrhea. The incubation period lasts from 3 to 5 days, after which characteristic symptoms appear:
  • redness and bleeding of the eyes;
  • discharge of pus;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • photophobia;
  • increased lacrimation.

If left untreated, inflammation spreads to the cornea of ​​the eye, and this causes the formation of an ulcerative process with further serious complications. It is always necessary to remember that such inflammations require mandatory medical care.

Disseminated (complicated) gonorrhea

Now we will talk about when gonorrhea becomes especially dangerous and can even be fatal. Here is a list of the most severe conditions.

Gonorrhea complicated:

Name of the disease (gonococcal) Peculiarities Symptoms
ArthritisOne of the most common forms of complicated gonorrhea, which begins acutely with an inflammatory process of the tissues around the joints. One joint may be affected, but often the pathological focus is localized in two or more areasThere are symptoms of intoxication. When infection penetrates into the joint cavity, purulent or serous-purulent arthritis begins. This is accompanied by severe or moderate fever; in rare cases, such a pathology occurs without an increase in body temperature. Lack of adequate treatment can lead to destruction of the articular surfaces with the subsequent appearance of osteomyelitis, ankylosis or periarticular phlegmon
PeriostitisThis point is associated with the spread of inflammation from the affected joints, joint capsules and tendon sheaths to the periosteum. Most often, the ribs, phalanges of the fingers of the lower and upper extremities, collarbone, heel bone and sternum fall under the “distribution”A tumor-like formation appears on the bone, gonococcal periostitis itself is characterized by redness and swelling of the skin, painful sensations
SepsisIt is quite rare. As with other septic lesions, symptoms can be varied with the formation of purulent foci and extremely severe course. The prognosis is very unfavorable, meningitis, endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis, liver and kidney damage may developIncreasing symptoms of intoxication are expressed in loss of appetite, general weakness, weight loss, sleep disturbance, increase in body temperature to 40C or more, chills and skin rashes
Skin damageAlso rare, rashes can appear on any part of the skin, most often near the affected joint or on the peripheral parts of the upper or lower extremities.The rash usually appears in the form of papules, erythematous macules and vesicles; hemorrhagic pustular elements or disseminated elements may also occur. With sepsis caused by gonorrhea, they are insignificant and do not cause any special complaints; as a rule, only a doctor detects them. After the rash disappears, traces of unstable pigmentation may remain
Damage to the nervous systemGonococci are found in the cerebrospinal fluid, resulting in the development of polyneuritis and neuralgiaAccompanied by a violation of the general condition, fever, the presence of paresthesia in the extremities and weakness

Gonorrhea in socially vulnerable people: if pregnant women and children are sick

It is difficult and painful to imagine a future mother or a small child suffering from gonorrhea, but, unfortunately, in our lives everything is possible. During pregnancy in the first trimesters, gonorrhea in gynecology is expressed in the form of salpingoophoritis and endometritis, while damage to the fallopian tubes, ovaries and endometrium of the uterus is complicated by severe intoxication, against which spontaneous miscarriage is possible.

Also, when carrying a fetus, an infection may enter the uterus itself, which leads to infection of the baby while he is in utero. This can cause the formation of serious pathologies and malformations, as well as frozen pregnancy.

The spread of gonococci into the fetal membranes is complicated by the development of placental insufficiency and subsequent hypoxia of the baby. After 30 weeks of pregnancy, premature rupture of amniotic fluid and childbirth with infection of the child may occur.

Situations cannot be excluded when, when the fetus passes through the woman’s genital tract, infection occurs with the further development of sepsis or conjunctivitis in the newborn.

There are four options for transmitting gonococci to a child:

  • during natural childbirth;
  • through contact and everyday life;
  • sexually (observed in adolescence and, according to statistics, accounts for no more than 5-10% of all recorded cases);
  • intrauterine infection (extremely rare).

One should not assume that this circumstance occurs only in socially disadvantaged families. Above, we examined the latent (hidden) form of gonorrhea, which occurs asymptomatically in adults. That is why transmission of the pathogen during childbirth or within the family circle is a situation quite familiar to doctors, when parents are simply unaware of their own infection.

The clinical severity is quite blurred, but, nevertheless, it is worth paying close attention to it:

  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the genital tract;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain and redness in the perineum;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • redness and swelling on the glans penis and foreskin.

Lack of early diagnosis can lead to serious complications. In newborns, gonococcal conjunctivitis can spread to the cornea of ​​the eye.

A further cost to health is loss of vision. With a chronic course, all the complications described above are possible, and this very often becomes the cause of childhood disability or even death.

Diagnosis and treatment

To make a diagnosis, clinical complaints and an objective examination alone are not enough.

Modern laboratory diagnostic methods are required:

  • bacterial sowing;
  • smear examination;
  • PCR and ELISA.

Also, if necessary, additional research methods are carried out.

Attention: all sexual partners with whom the patient has had contact in the last 2 weeks are involved for diagnostic and treatment measures. In the absence of symptoms, all partners who have had contact with the patient over the past two months are treated and examined.

Treatment is carried out mainly using effective antibacterial drugs that can successfully fight infection. The use of local medications, immunomodulators and physiotherapy cannot be ruled out. After therapy, a mandatory control test for the presence of gonorrhea is required.


At the moment, there is no specific immunoprophylaxis, and this is explained by the increased antigenic variability of the infection. True, a gonovaccine was being developed and great hopes were placed on it, but it did not justify its effectiveness.

That is why in the situation with gonorrhea there are also general preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of a sexually transmitted disease, namely:

  • compliance with personal prevention (having one sexual partner, using a condom and hygiene items that belong only to you);
  • timely attention to any alarming symptoms and treatment of all detected infections;
  • mandatory examinations during pregnancy and when planning a baby;
  • preventive examinations with a doctor;
  • maintaining a correct and healthy lifestyle.

Sometimes a patient may have a question: can gonorrhea appear after a few years?

The answer in this case depends only on the behavior of the person himself during treatment and after. It must be remembered that such a disease cannot be treated independently, and during therapy all medications prescribed by the doctor are taken.

Early termination of treatment is also unacceptable. Also, in order to avoid relapse, you should always use barrier methods of contraception if you are not confident in your partner.

There is no acquired immunity to gonorrhea, that is, even with successful treatment and negative (good) repeat tests, you can become infected again if you do not follow preventive measures.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Hello, I have been married for 2 years, I recently had sex with my wife, after which purulent discharge and other unpleasant symptoms began. I was tested and gonorrhea was detected. My wife swears that she did not cheat, I am also faithful to her. Could this be a relapse of old gonorrhea that I had 5 years ago?

Hello, if after full therapy and control tests with negative results, you are removed from the dispensary register, exacerbation of the disease is impossible. Consult a doctor who can help you identify the source of infection.

I am very afraid of all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases, is there a 100% way to prevent infection?

Hello, unfortunately there is no 100% guarantee. All you need here is your own prudence and intelligence, the presence of one sexual partner and fidelity to him, and, of course, the use of condoms during sexual intercourse, although they do not provide 100% exclusion of infection.

Hello, I had a risk of sleeping on the side, but now I’m afraid. How long does it take for the first symptoms to begin?

Hello, the incubation period is different for everyone. Speaking about averages, for women it ranges from 5 to 10 days (maybe more), for men from 2 to 5 days.

Gonorrhea is a classic sexually transmitted disease that affects the columnar epithelium of the urogenital tract. The causative agent is gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae). This microorganism dies quite quickly in the external environment, but is very stable when it ends up inside the body.

The modern name of the disease was introduced by Galen, who mistakenly interpreted discharge from the male urethra as seminal discharge (Greek, hone-seed-+-rhoia- discharge). People who do not know medical terminology call gonorrhea gonorrhea, so this disease has a second definition. The disease primarily affects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary organs. Damage to the conjunctiva, mucous membranes of the pharynx, and rectum is also possible.

Unfortunately, with gonorrhea, the symptoms may not be acute; in most cases, it occurs mildly, and therefore often becomes complicated. If you are not puzzled about how to treat gonorrhea at home, then it can cause inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, leading to infertility in women and men.

The disease is common mainly among people 20-30 years old, but can occur at any age. The main symptoms of the disease are purulent discharge from the urethra, frequent urge and pain during urination.

How is gonorrhea transmitted?

Infection with Neisseria gonorrhoae occurs as a result of sexual contact with an infected person without a condom. By the way, transmission of the pathogen can occur not only in the case of vaginal intercourse, but also oral and anal intercourse.

Women get sick in almost all cases of contact with a patient with gonorrhea, but men do not always, which is associated with the narrowness of the urethral opening. The first signs of the disease appear 2-5 days after infection.

Gonococci primarily affect parts of the genitourinary system lined with columnar epithelium - the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, fallopian tubes, urethra, paraurethral and large vestibular glands. People do not have innate immunity to the gonorrhea pathogen, and also cannot acquire it even after suffering from the disease.

There is also a possibility of fetal infection during pregnancy. In this case, a woman can become infected both before conception and during pregnancy. To prevent serious consequences, you need to cure gonorrhea on time. For this purpose, special drugs are used that destroy the causative agent of the disease. We will talk about them below.

The first signs of gonorrhea

As for gonorrhea, you can notice the first signs 2-5 days after sexual intercourse, this is how long the incubation period lasts.

  1. Signs in men– itching, irritation in the area of ​​the head of the penis, which becomes more painful during urination;
  2. Signs in women– either a complete absence of complaints, or frequent urination, tingling, burning in the genital area.

When a newborn is infected during childbirth, the mucous membranes of the eyes and genitals of girls are affected.

Gonorrhea symptoms

Gonorrhea can be acute and subacute - up to 2 months have passed from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms, and chronic - after more than 2 months. As you already know, the incubation period for gonorrhea rarely exceeds 7 days. After this period, the first signs of the disease appear, which are listed above.

Then gonorrhea itself appears, the symptoms of which are very characteristic - a frequent urge to urinate and purulent, thick yellowish-brown discharge from the urethra. The discharge has an unpleasant odor and becomes thicker after a while.

Common symptoms in women:

  • Purulent and serous-purulent vaginal discharge;
  • Frequent and painful urination, burning, itching;
  • Redness, swelling and ulceration of the mucous membranes;
  • Intermenstrual bleeding;

Unfortunately, in women the symptoms are not as obvious as in men; 50-70% of women with gonorrhea do not experience any discomfort, so they are often diagnosed with a chronic disease.

In men, gonorrhea begins with burning and itching of the penis, especially during urination. When pressing on the head, a small amount of pus is released. If the problem is not treated, the process spreads to the entire urethra, prostate, seminal vesicles, and testicles.

Main symptoms in men:

  • Itching, burning, swelling of the urethra;
  • Abundant purulent, serous-purulent discharge;
  • Frequent, painful, sometimes difficult urination.

It is worth considering that there is now a noticeable number of low-symptomatic and asymptomatic cases of the disease. In addition, the symptoms are not always typical, since a combined infection (with trichomonas, chlamydia) is often detected, all of which complicates the diagnosis and timely treatment of gonorrhea.


The diagnosis of gonorrhea is based on data from bacteriological and bacterioscopic examination and identification of the pathogen. Modern methods such as DNA diagnostics, ELISA and RIF methods are used.

It is mandatory for representatives of both sexes to examine discharge from the genital organs. From material taken from each affected organ and urogenital tract, smears are prepared on two glasses. How long gonorrhea is treated will depend on timely diagnosis, so do not hesitate to take the necessary tests when the first symptoms occur.

Treatment of gonorrhea

You should not treat gonorrhea on your own, as this can lead to the disease becoming chronic and causing irreversible damage to the body.

Considering that in 30% of cases the disease is combined with chlamydial infection, treatment of gonorrhea should include:

  1. A drug active against gonococci - cefixime, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin.
  2. A drug active against chlamydia is azithromycin, doxycycline.
  3. In the fresh stage, a single use of antibiotics is sufficient.

In addition, a set of procedures is prescribed that contribute to the patient’s recovery. This includes local treatment, means to strengthen the immune system, restoration of microflora through and physiotherapy methods.

It is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol, spicy and spicy foods. Avoid sexual contact. Intense physical activity, cycling and swimming in the pool are prohibited - compliance with all these measures will help cure gonorrhea faster. Treatment of all sexual partners is mandatory. It is strongly recommended to undergo monitoring after treatment for gonorrhea, even if you feel well.

Tablets for gonorrhea are prescribed at the initial stage of development of the disease and in the absence of its complications in the form, etc.

Consequences of gonorrhea

Among the consequences of an advanced form of the disease in men are impaired spermatogenesis, inflammation of the penis and inner layer of the foreskin, as well as damage to the testicle and its epididymis, orchitis, epididymitis, or, which can lead to infertility.

In women, inflammation passes from the vagina to the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, the inflammatory process in which threatens to form an obstruction, causing infertility.

To avoid complications, it is worth taking timely prevention - this means avoiding casual sexual intercourse and using a condom in situations where you are not sure in advance about the health status of your partner. If you follow these simple rules, you won’t have to think about how and how much to treat gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Around 90 million new cases are diagnosed every year worldwide. The infection is transmitted sexually. It affects both sexes, but in women it is one of the common causes of infertility. Therefore, it is so important to notice the pathology in time and consult a doctor for its treatment.

What is gonorrhea in women?

Gonorrhea (grip) is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection that affects the mucous membranes - moist, soft tissue that is not covered by the outer layer of skin. Anyone can become infected, even if they previously had a similar diagnosis and experience in treating this pathology.

The causative agent of gonorrhea is a gram-negative gonococcus of the genus Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Transmission of bacteria occurs through semen and vaginal secretions. It is impossible to become infected through kissing, hugging, hand contact, sneezing, sharing food, or through a toilet seat.

The gonococcus bacterium consists of two halves facing each other with their concave sides

According to research, there are certain conditions that increase the likelihood of contracting gonorrhea. The risk of disease increases:

  • if one of the sexual partners is under 24 years of age;
  • when a person interacts with several sexual partners within one year;
  • after the fact of unprotected sex;
  • if you have been diagnosed with an STD in the past.


Gonorrhea in some women can be acute and with pronounced symptoms, including various discharges. But this doesn't always happen. Approximately half of the sick (and according to statistics, up to 80%) of the fair sex do not have any external manifestations. In this case, they say that the disease passes in a latent form.

The spread of infection from the bottom up through the mucous membranes, as well as through the lymphatic system, affecting the inner lining of the uterus and its tubes, ovaries and other higher organs is called ascending gonorrhea. This serious complication often causes a woman to become infertile. In addition, having engulfed the bladder, a sexually transmitted infection can reach the kidneys through the ureters.

Bacteria that enter the urethra can travel up the urinary tract to the bladder and even reach the kidneys.

Extensive (disseminated) gonococcal infection occurs when gonorrhea spreads through the bloodstream to organs and tissues other than the genitals, such as joints, skin, heart or kidneys. Treatment of the common form usually requires hospitalization and the use of antibacterial drugs intravenously or intramuscularly.

If inflammation does not go away within a month, it becomes chronic.

Routes of infection

Gonorrhea is an STD, which means it is spread through oral, vaginal or anal sex with a person who carries the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium. The infection is spread through semen and vaginal secretions, but it is important that transmission of the disease does not directly depend on ejaculation.

Infection can affect more than just the genitals, urethra or anus. Although the infection is transmitted through genital secretions, it can infect the eyes, mouth and throat. This can occur, including through the hematogenous route, that is, through the bloodstream.

Gonococci can affect not only the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but also the eyes and oral cavity

According to scientists, women are more likely to become infected with gonorrhea from men than vice versa.

Gonorrhea symptoms

The main symptoms of gonorrhea in women usually appear within one or two weeks after sexual contact with an infected partner. But the incubation period can drag on for several months. You can even become infected from a partner who himself is unaware of his carrier status and does not have any pathological manifestations.

Gonorrhea in women is often asymptomatic. It is not known for certain how common this latent form is; according to some estimates, it is typical for the majority of infected representatives of the fair sex; according to other data, about 40% of women do not feel any symptoms.

The most common symptoms of gonorrhea in women are:

  • abnormal vaginal discharge, which may be green, yellow or whitish, with a sticky consistency;
  • burning or pain when urinating (dysuria) - this symptom is also common with other STDs, so it is important to get tested;
  • burning or itching around or inside the vagina;
  • Irregular or painful menstruation, pain can be very intense, and bleeding sometimes occurs between periods;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • Abdominal pain or fever - both symptoms indicate a more serious complication caused by gonorrhea and should be checked immediately by a doctor;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes - noted when they are affected by infection.

Gonorrhea can also infect the anus, causing discharge, bleeding, or rectal pain. In rare cases, gonococcus can enter the bloodstream and infect other parts of the body. So, having infected one or both eyes, the bacterium becomes the cause of:

  • purulent discharge;
  • conjunctivitis (itching, redness);
  • sensitivity to light.

If the throat is infected, the pain will be localized in the larynx area. And damage to the joints is externally manifested by their swelling and local rash.

Photo gallery: different manifestations of gonorrhea in women

Uterine gonorrhea is dangerous for the development of infertility
Gonorrhea of ​​the throat occurs in women 2 times more often than in men Gripper of the eye develops by introducing infection into the conjunctival cavity
Oral gonorrhea is often combined with lesions of the genitourinary system


The gynecologist performs a physical examination to examine symptoms as well as check for signs of other sexually transmitted diseases. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are very similar and often occur at the same time, so it is important to get tested for both diseases to ensure proper treatment.

Gonorrhea can be diagnosed by several laboratory tests. It can be:

  • general blood and urine analysis - in the presence of an inflammatory process, both analyzes will show an increase in the number of leukocytes and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), protein may additionally be detected in the urine, which may indicate a violation of the kidneys;
  • a smear taken for bacterial analysis - for women, this is usually a smear from the cervix, sometimes from the anus or other infected areas.

Gonorrhea smear using a sterile cotton swab is a painless procedure

Taking a bacteriological smear is a painless procedure. The gynecologist swipes a sterile cotton swab several times over the area of ​​infection. Before analysis, local antiseptics should not be used so as not to distort the true picture of the disease. Next, the sample is examined in a microbiological laboratory for the presence of gonococcus.

The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae is detected in approximately six out of ten cases, so the result is not always reliable. If gonococcus is not detected, the doctor may prescribe a more accurate cultural research method - bacteriological culture of the discharge. You will have to wait about a week for the results, but the accuracy of such an analysis is 95–100%.

In addition to culture, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method is used to diagnose gonorrhea, which is a DNA diagnosis of the pathogen in biological material. Its reliability is about 95%.

Treatment methods

Gonorrhea is curable provided that the patient starts taking appropriate medications on time as prescribed by the doctor.

Grip is not treatable with home remedies or over-the-counter medications.

During treatment and for another week after finishing the medication course, the patient and his sexual partner must abstain from sexual relations. Before resuming them, it is advisable to ensure that there is no infection by taking a control test. Due to the high risk of relapse, the patient is recommended to take the test again 3 months after recovery.

Drug therapy

Because gonorrhea is caused by a bacterial infection, it is treated with antibiotics. Broad-spectrum drugs are usually used:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that uncomplicated gonorrhea be treated only with ceftriaxone, given by injection, in combination with Azithromycin or Doxycycline, both oral medications.

Azithromycin is a semisynthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic

Some studies show that oral Gemifloxacin or Gentamicin injections in combination with Azithromycin tablets are highly effective solutions in the treatment of gonorrhea. The doctor prescribes them to patients who are allergic to cephalosporin antibiotics, such as Ceftriaxone.

It is important to always get an antibiotic prescription based on your specific diagnosis and never take medications intended for someone else. Self-medication can have serious health consequences.

Additional medicines

As an auxiliary therapy in combination with antibacterial drugs, intravaginal suppositories with a local antiseptic effect are also used, aimed at treating possible concomitant urogenital infections (Hexicon, Terzhinan, Betadine).

Very often, gonorrhea in women is combined with other equally serious sexually transmitted diseases. In more than 30% of cases it is chlamydia. In order to get rid of this infection, a woman may be prescribed:

  • Ornidazole;
  • Tinidazole.

When gonorrhea and candidiasis are combined, antifungal agents are used in addition to the main treatment:

  • Ketoconazole.

If there is an exacerbation of genital herpes against the background of gonorrhea, then the following may additionally be prescribed:

  • Cycloferon;
  • Gerpevir;

The infection should clear up in 1 to 2 weeks. But you should not stop taking antibiotics until the recommended course is completed, even if it seems that the disease has been defeated and the patient feels better. If you do not take the full course of antibiotics, the infection may recur, only in a more drug-resistant form.

Photo gallery: drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea and related infections

Antiseptic drugs, for example, Hexicon, help cure gonorrhea faster
Metronidazole complements the treatment of gonorrhea in the presence of concomitant infections
Acyclovir is prescribed if an exacerbation of genital herpes occurs against the background of gonorrhea
Fluconazole is used if gonorrhea is complicated by candidiasis (thrush)

If the condition does not improve

Antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, called “supergonorrhea,” are quite common today. If symptoms do not stop a few days after the start of therapy, the patient should inform the attending physician.

Certain strains of gonococcus have become resistant to certain antibiotics, including quinolones, penicillins, tetracyclines, and sulfa drugs. In this case, other medications should be selected for treatment.

If necessary, the doctor will select a different antibiotic against a specific strain of gonorrhea. The choice of an alternative drug will be based on numerous factors, including age, medical history, current health status and more.

Physiotherapeutic methods

In cases of latent and chronic disease with no symptoms, it is useful to supplement treatment with antibiotics with physiotherapy. Methods used:

  • UHF therapy;
  • electrophoresis with medicinal drugs;
  • laser and magnetic therapy;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • inductothermy (alternating magnetic field treatment).

If there is any acute inflammation in the body, physiotherapy is contraindicated.

Instillation (drip administration) of medications into the urethra, bladder and vagina is another method of local action that complements the main therapy. Instillation helps restore damaged mucous membranes. The following solutions are used for infusions:

  • silver nitrate (0.5%);
  • protargol (1–2%).


In complex and advanced cases of untreated gonorrhea, conditions such as:

If severe complications occur, urgent surgical intervention is required within 24 hours due to the risk of developing peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum, which is a deadly condition. An urgent operation is performed under general anesthesia through an incision in the abdominal wall, during which the purulent cavity is opened and treated, and drains are placed.

Diet food

  • fruits (apples, grapes, pineapples);
  • berries (blueberries, cranberries);
  • watermelon and melon;
  • vegetables (cucumbers, pumpkin).

It is beneficial to eat low-fat milk and yogurt - the best natural probiotic.

If you have gonorrhea, it is helpful to eat foods that contain a lot of water.

During the period of illness, an alkaline diet is useful, which is based on a lot of fruits and vegetables with a minimum amount of animal products. It inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora.

Particular attention should be paid to products high in:

  • vitamin C - has good antioxidant properties that prevent viral invasion, it is rich in:
    • strawberry;
    • plum;
    • peaches;
    • legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils);
    • radish;
    • eggplant;
    • salad;
    • celery;
    • potato;
    • carrot;
    • corn;
  • vitamin A - helps restore the epithelium of the mucous membranes, found in large quantities in foods such as:
    • spinach;
    • basil;
    • cauliflower;
    • cashew nuts;
    • pistachios;
    • avocado;
    • dates;
    • pears.

If there are no contraindications, then consuming garlic and onions, which have a natural antibacterial and immunostimulating effect, is effective.

Foods that should be consumed in moderation or limited:

  • lean meat (poultry, fish);
  • eggs;
  • gluten-containing products, for example, cereals (wheat, barley, rye, oats, millet), as well as baked goods and porridges made from them;
  • juices - citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) and tomato.

The following food groups are completely excluded during the period of illness:

  • alcohol and caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea), as they irritate the bladder and activate inflammation;
  • foods high in saturated fats of animal origin (butter, cheese);
  • hot spices and dishes, as they aggravate the patient’s condition;
  • artificial sweeteners and foods and drinks containing them;
  • seafood (sea fish, herring, shrimp, etc.) due to their high protein content, which increases the load on the kidneys.

Traditional recipes for clap

Doctor's prescriptions and mandatory antibacterial therapy can be supplemented with folk remedies for home use. These include:

Before trying any alternative or home treatments for sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to consult your doctor. The above-mentioned remedies are only auxiliary methods that cannot replace antibiotics and medical supervision.

Video: symptoms and treatment of gonorrhea

Prognosis and complications

Gonorrhea does not cause long-term problems if it is treated before any complications occur. The lack of adequate therapy can lead to inflammation of the pelvic organs in women, as well as infections:

  • fallopian tubes;
  • cervix and body of the uterus;
  • abdominal cavity.

Chronic gonorrhea can permanently damage the patient's reproductive system and cause infertility. Scarring caused by inflammation in the pelvis can block the fallopian tube, making it impossible for the embryo to enter the uterus. Damage to the fallopian tubes increases the risk of chronic pelvic pain and ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube, where the embryo is unable to develop.


Prevention consists of taking steps to reduce the risk of contracting gonorrhea or another sexually transmitted infection. Preventing a disease is much easier than treating an infection. For preventive purposes, several basic rules should be followed:

  • Avoid sexual intercourse if you have symptoms of gonorrhea or unfinished treatment for the pathology.
  • Avoid sex with anyone who has symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease or is at risk of being contagious.
  • Do not have more than one sexual partner at the same time. The risk of the disease increases if you have multiple sexual partners.
  • Use condoms every time you have sex with a new (non-regular) partner.

Using condoms reduces the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, especially gonorrhea, chlamydia and HIV