Why do you dream about big fish? Why does a woman dream about a huge fish?

Basically, it has a positive interpretation in most dream books, but sometimes there are several meanings of such a vision in meetings, and often they can even contradict each other. Therefore, in order to interpret the dream you had the day before as accurately as possible, you should find out the basic meanings. Why do you dream big fish?

Big fish in a dream - good news, bright events, pleasant incidents

Often, dreams in which you see a big fish promise the brightest, most joyful events and good news.

A lot of big fish that you see in front of you in a dream means that soon a joyful event will happen in your life that will change your destiny and positively affect everything around you.

A big fish in a girl’s hands in a dream is a symbol of an imminent wedding, a successful marriage. The big fish that you see in the aquarium indicates that pleasant events will happen to your close friends and family, but will also have an impact even on you.

Big fish dreams of material well-being, prosperity, success in business

A shiny big fish is interpreted as a quick notification that you will receive profits and a significant improvement in your financial condition. A school of large swimming fish in a dream suggests that you may become the heir to a fortune or win the lottery, that is, a fairly substantial amount awaits you.

But if in a dream you clean the scales of this fish, then, unfortunately, the meaning of this vision lies in the loss of a large sum of money, the failure of an enterprise that promised great profits, and through your own fault.

Big fish in a dream - pregnancy, easy, successful birth, birth of a healthy baby

This is one of the classic and oldest interpretations of such a dream. If a young girl sees a dream, it means an early pregnancy, but if a woman who is already pregnant had a night vision, then this promises her prosperous, quick birth, which will be resolved by the birth of a strong, healthy baby.

Fame, fame, success in endeavors, universal recognition

Seeing in a dream how a big fish fights or jumps in front of you is interpreted by many dream books as a harbinger of quick fame brought as a result of winning an enterprise, successfully completed business, etc., and such dreams also promise the coming of recognition and universal respect following fame.

Dream about a big fish - anxieties, worries, lack of stability in life

Although the meanings of this dream are mostly positive, there are still those whose meaning is quite gloomy. For example, in some dream books, a vision with sea fish large sizes means the imminent presence in your life of a wave of anxiety, worry, concern about some issue that is very important to you.

The dream suggests that your life will lose certainty, calm, regularity, and you will be in limbo. And what? more water, in which a fish is splashing, you see in a dream in front of you, the longer this period of anxiety will be.

Such dreams tell the sleeper that he should be patient and not start important things or make important decisions until better times.

Why else do you dream of a big fish? To losses, disappointment, failures in business

This is the meaning of a dream in which you release a big fish from your hands. If in your dream a big fish is fighting in your hands, then in some important enterprise be prepared for a serious struggle and strong competition.

And a dream in which you saw a big fish swallow a small one suggests that you need to be careful in communicating with important, influential people, as they can bring trouble into your life.

Our life consists of different phenomena, ordinary and mystical. Many people consider dreams to be the latter. Science is trying to prove that this is the work of our subconscious, but still, when we see something bright in a dream, we try to unravel the event and be sure to connect it all with the future. Seeing fish is one of the most memorable dreams for a woman. For everyone it has its own meaning, but since ancient times this symbol has meant childbirth, fertility, and wealth. Try to figure out why a woman dreams of fish, what interpretations there are.

If a woman dreamed of live and fresh fish

Many dream books are very contradictory, but in almost all of them, seeing a living fish in a dream is considered to be favorable sleep. Almost all interpreters attribute this symbol to positive life changes. It means that a woman will experience good luck, happiness, passionate love relationship which could end in marriage. If the girl is pregnant, then everything will go well, the birth will be easy, and the child will be born healthy. Feeding aquatic life in a dream is also good sign, which promises reconciliation with enemies.

If you dreamed of a dead fish

For a woman, a dead fish in a dream speaks of unpleasant events in life. It all depends on the size: the larger it is, the worse the situation, and health problems may arise. The events will not be fatal, but are capable of for a long time unsettle the dreamer. Dreams mean troubles conflict situations. More positive meaning, if the fish breaks into pieces when touched. This predicts an unexpected increase in salary, bonus, or winnings. For a young girl, a plot with dead animals promises disappointment in her loved one; rumors will ruin the relationship.

Another unpleasant dream With dead fish- see multi-colored scales on it. Ill-wishers and competitors are preparing a serious plan that can damage well-being, but if you are careful, everything can be avoided. Dream books advise trying to remain silent, give in, and not get into quarrels. With golden scales - a good business proposal that will change your whole life. The plot suggests that the solution to the problem may lie on the surface. The sooner you take action, the faster everything will normalize, and with the right approach, it will turn your life around for the better.

Pregnant women should be wary of such a dream. The plot with the rotten fish on early stages may indicate a miscarriage, in later cases - premature birth, in which the fetus may not be saved. For pregnant women to see that they have given birth to a fish, a warning that unborn child will be in poor health and is unlikely to live long. A lot of dead fish is a disease of the woman herself. Advice: no need to panic, just be careful. Positive interpretation: eat a ready-made dish of sea creatures. Interpreted as a way out depressive state, great mood.

Fishing in a dream for a woman

Not the most common occurrence in dreams is fishing. When you dream of clean water in a pond, your health will be excellent and your well-being will be stable. Options:

  • Fish from the lake portends happiness and joy.
  • The woman caught it with a net, it's worth waiting for financial profit, wish fulfillment in short terms. If the net is full of holes, it means she will not be able to properly manage the money she receives.
  • A gnawed fish skeleton promises misfortune and disappointment, collapse of plans, a bony catch - obstacles in business.
  • Fishermen dream about invisible “underwater” life processes, false friends.

Other interpretations:

  1. to see the float of a fishing rod calmly swinging on the water - the wish will not come true soon;
  2. catch a fish on a hook - everything will come true very quickly;
  3. the fishing rod slips out of your hands - you need to look for another way out, don’t rush into things;
  4. take out and prepare a fishing rod for fishing - find another way to solve problems;
  5. someone else caught waterfowl - pregnancy.

A large catch is a profitable marriage, a successful business. The larger the catch, the more money, small - troubles. The motley color of the fish means danger or deception, quarrels, insults, for the sick - danger, the likelihood of death. Red - experiences, revelation of secrets. Slips out of your hands - dealing with a cunning person, failure, for unmarried girl– loss of a loved one, breakup of a relationship. Fish in your bed - to illness; for those who are going on a sea voyage, it symbolizes a shipwreck or other misfortune.

Fishing hooks always indicate danger - the enemies have prepared a cunning trap, you should be wary of risky activities. Success is foreshadowed by successful fishing using nets. Other interpretations:

  1. People who have lost someone or something will definitely find everything.
  2. Not catching anything - empty hopes.
  3. Seeing nets spread out in scales means the appearance of a slanderer who himself will become entangled in his own gossip.
  4. Preparing nets is a slander, a vain, a cunning plan.

The meaning of big or small fish

The size of the dreamed fish is of great importance. For example, a medium-sized aquatic creature means tears and troubles. Dream about small animals:

  • to momentary sensual desires;
  • the dreamer is an impatient person, so fate tests her with anticipation;
  • a lot of fish in a dream for a woman means serious life changes, significant event;
  • meeting unpleasant people.

If a woman dreams of a large fish, then the meaning of this dream is completely different, in most cases positive. The only case when such a dream foreshadows negative events, unrealistic hopes is to see a large but dead fish. The remaining plots with large specimens promise the dreamer:

  • success and fame;
  • worldly wisdom;
  • expensive gift;
  • pleasant acquaintance, whirlwind romance, adventure;
  • joyful events;
  • for an unmarried woman - husband, family happiness;
  • successful completion of any business, changing jobs, starting your own business.

Woman eats fish in a dream

Eating fish in a dream for a woman has many interpretations, mostly a good omen, with the exception of raw fish. The values ​​are:

  1. In most cases, the dream means pregnancy.
  2. I really liked the taste of the fried fish dish - a woman can easily overcome all problems.
  3. Raw - losses, obstacles, a lot of bones - disappointment, failure, serious difficulties.

Type of dreamed fish

Seeing fish in a dream has many interpretations for a woman. For example, if a waterfowl flies over water, this promises a quick resolution of problems. By appearance river or sea inhabitants, you can find out the gender of the child: all options feminine– salmon, pike, trout, etc. - they promise a daughter; bream, perch, catfish - son. Other types of waterfowl are:


Dreaming of a catfish has several meanings. Often it denotes a selfish colleague. The values ​​are:

  1. Som in muddy water- someone from the environment planned evil.
  2. I fell for the bait - an interesting meeting with a young man.
  3. A catfish with a long mustache means quick marriage.
  4. While swimming in clean water catfish attacks - true and mutual feelings will come through difficulties.
  5. Caviar is tears, the larger it is, the more more grief, on a plate - there will be troubles one after another.


A real aquatic predator is the pike. Dream interpretations are akin to her character:

  1. Swimming in clear water - they are trying to harm the girl, despite her impeccable reputation.
  2. Bitten until it bleeds - one of the relatives will conflict with the dreamer.
  3. Dried pike on the table - difficulties at work.
  4. Smoked with a pleasant aroma - an unusual turn in life, spoiled, with unpleasant smell- scandal.
  5. Boiled or fish soup - good deal will not help cope with difficulties.
  6. Caviar - fertility, to see in hands - many children.
  7. Cutting a pike and seeing caviar means pregnancy.

Cooking or cutting fish in a dream for a woman

Cooking fish in a dream has the most different interpretations. For example, boiled:

  • excess tenderness and unspent love, a girl’s dreams of a wedding;
  • get rich quick, replenishment family budget, especially when the fish is baked;
  • illness, illness, temporary setbacks;
  • eat, buy boiled - unleavened family life, coldness and passivity of the husband.

Smoked fish has more interpretations. These are not always favorable signs; in most cases they indicate health problems:

  • flounder – skin diseases;
  • crucian carp - illness and loss;
  • salmon – digestive problems;
  • big, without a head - doubts, anxiety;
  • carp - money troubles;
  • smoked red salmon - an unexpected, pleasant surprise;
  • capelin - troubles;
  • sardine - trouble;
  • pike perch – material benefit;
  • sturgeon - a fleeting romance;
  • mackerel - unplanned pregnancy;

Salted, fried, dried, or frozen fish often indicates character traits, the need for change, and a revision of lifestyle. For example, eating salty food means lack of bright emotions. Fried fish always portends a journey, a good one - if you liked the dish, a troublesome one - on the contrary. Frying for a long time is a symbol of long preparations for the journey. Raw symbolizes anticipation, dried - difficulties in relationships, fell into water and came to life - renewed feelings. Drying on lines near the house - a tense situation with household members, dried caviar - will not win a special status.

If you dream about the process of cooking and processing, then each action has its own meaning:

  • to wash and clean indicates selfishness, aggressive behavior sleeping;
  • gut, cut, butcher - something bad is happening to the body, dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance,
  • burnt - passionate bed scenes;
  • gutting and seeing the caviar means conception;
  • freeze - a rival will appear, your spouse will betray you.

A woman buys fish in a dream

Buying in a store means good income, stability, and an opportunity to achieve a goal. Having to choose aquatic life on the market is a sign of falsehood and deception. Cleaning a live fish symbolizes an unattainable goal. If at the same time she is also frozen, then she will have to hide her emotions, work a lot, hard to get what she wants, to complete the assigned tasks.

Fish in an aquarium

The interpretation of such a dream depends on where and how the living creatures swim. If it is at the top, all difficulties will pass by and will not affect the sleeper. In any case, seeing an aquarium - complex process, a serious project that needs to be completed as a team, but the initiative should be in the hands of the dreamer. See, feed aquarium fish- having provided a service to someone, they will be rewarded according to their deserts.


Big fish? At the same time, several dream books claim that this is very auspicious sign, promising quick profit, success, great material wealth. A dream in which you saw a large fish may be a hint that it’s time to get rid of your own fears and take on a big deal. The success of the event will depend on the characteristics of the dream. Spooky big fish can also mean big worries. You must definitely listen to such an omen; perhaps it will help you avoid big losses or get away from troubles altogether.

Big fish in a dream according to Miller's dream book

This dream book says that a big fish is a symbol of a generous gift from fate. If you catch her in a clean and clear water, you should expect great prosperity and success. But the “gift” does not have to be material; a dream can also mean an exciting tourist trip or a fateful meeting. In any case, the dream speaks of an opportunity that should not be missed.

Unfavorable interpretations:

  • Dead or rotten fish of any size speaks of loss and a period of testing.
  • Catching fish with your bare hands also promises trouble, in which case you will face a difficult stage in life, with a large number difficulties. But the final outcome will be positive; most likely, you will overcome everything without losing your fortitude.

For a young girl, fishing may foretell the appearance of a beloved man in her life.

I dreamed of a big fish caught by someone else

A dream in which you see someone catching a huge fish promises that you will have inspiration and strength to implement a big project. This is a sign that the time has come big changes and you can safely take on the development of your plans, positive result It won't take long to wait. If at the same time you see fishing hooks, fishing rods and all kinds of gear, it means that you have everything you need to accomplish your tasks, you just need to make an effort and patiently do your work. If your fishing tackle breaks during fishing, Miller’s dream book promises valuable acquisitions and quick profits. But a broken mesh speaks of losses and grief. The person in the dream can be your assistant or companion in real life.

Interpretation of a big fish in an aquarium in the dream book

Seeing a very large fish in an aquarium that is watching you while you sleep at night means that someone is closely watching you: your actions, words, hobbies. Why he does this depends on the characteristics of the dream. In this case, the emotions that you experienced during sleep are important, whether there was a feeling of fear. Perhaps your boss is keeping an eye on you and is considering your candidacy for a new position, but there is a risk that someone is watching for selfish reasons. Worth paying close attention to the person who dreamed in the same dream, perhaps it is he who is watching you. It is also important what the dreamer does and how he treats you.

Interpretation of a dream about a big fish according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A large dead fish is an omen of illness. If you dream that you caught her, then she will symbolize unrealistic hopes. But a big, healthy fish is a sign of good luck and wealth.

Freud's dream book: a dream about a big fish

If you dream of a big fish that you just can’t catch, this speaks of fears of failure in the intimate sphere. If a man dreams that he eats fish, most likely he is too selfish in sex and is not interested in the needs of his partner.

To see a big fish in a dream according to Loff’s dream book

A fish in a dream is usually a symbol of the desire to satisfy one’s vital needs. It is important to pay attention to who else you saw in your dream and what feelings you experienced. Also, a big fish can promise a long trip.

Dreams as a result of brain activity during sleep are of great interest to researchers and compilers of dream books. By processing information received in the near future, a person’s consciousness resolves issues that concern him, giving an answer in the form of a dream. The ability to correctly understand and interpret a dream plays a role big role in a person’s life, because it gives a chance to rethink one’s own actions, accept the right decision and perhaps prevent an impending disaster.

The big fish that you dream about is usually positive sign. However, it must be remembered that when interpreting dreams, it is important to take into account all the details a person saw. Exists large number famous dream books that interpret the big fish they see in different ways, paying attention to certain nuances.

Big fish according to Freud's dream book

According to the interpretation of Sigmund Freud, a large fish seen in a dream indicates that a person will experience changes in life. As a rule, in most cases these changes are seen as positive. They will be accompanied by good feelings and high spirits.

Swimming fish

If a person sees several large swimming fish, this may mean:

  • pleasant events;
  • adventures;
  • love story

However, large fish swimming in different bodies of water means not only positive points in a person's life.

  1. If a large fish swims in clear water, then this is a sign that the dreamer must reconsider his attitude towards work, otherwise he will face overload and illness.
  2. A large fish in an aquarium means impending life difficulties which we must try to prevent.
  3. A large fish that swims in the sea means that a person will be able to remove all obstacles on the way to his goal and realize his long-standing ambitions.
  4. Large fish swimming in the river can predict an early pregnancy.
  5. If in a dream you saw a large fish swimming in a lake, then this means new interesting beginnings, plans and events.

It must be remembered that a very large fish in a dream may indicate possible troubles or even serious problems. If a young girl dreams of such a fish, then she should expect losses and loss of spirit.

Fish color

The color that the big fish had in a person’s dream has important for interpretation.

  1. A large black fish means possible disappointment in some close people or friends.
  2. A large red fish seen in a dream is a signal that the dreamer should take care of his health and pay attention to his psychological state.
  3. The white color of the fish signals to a person that he needs to change the course of his life in order to avoid great disappointments.
  4. If the fish seen in a dream is bright and beautiful, then these are problems in the love sphere for which you need to be prepared.

If in a dream a person sees himself burning a beautiful large fish, this is a sign of mourning.

Catching big fish in a dream

If we consider catching fish in a dream in general, then catching it means prosperity and success, and missing it means loss. However, there are a number of nuances in this kind dream

  1. If a person managed to catch a big fish with his hands, then this dream means great progress in the personal and professional sphere. Catching fish with a fishing rod in a dream means a possible wedding in the near future both for the dreamer himself and for his loved ones.
  2. Catching a big fish in a dream means exactly the opposite things for men and women. For a woman this means new knowledge and understanding of things, and for a man it means a quick loss.

There are also a number of nuances regarding the condition of the fish itself that a person sees in a dream.

  1. Big fried fish in general it means quick changes.
  2. Fish cut into large pieces signals financial difficulties, debt and poverty.
  3. If the fish you see is fresh, then this is a sign that the person has true friends and a positive environment.
  4. A large smoked fish that a person saw in a dream means bad news related to work and the professional sphere in general.
  5. A large fish with caviar usually means the collapse of hopes, possible mourning.
  6. Dead big fish - overall bad sign, indicating unfulfilled dreams.
  7. If in a dream a large fish tries to attack a person, this should be interpreted as some kind of health problems, especially in the field of dermatology.
  8. Cutting a large fish means soon incurring property losses.
  9. If the dreamer collects large fish in the forest, he will have a funeral for someone close to him.

The interpretation of a dream in which a big fish is dreamed, according to Sigmund Freud’s dream book, is significantly different from other dream books.

Big fish Miller's dream book

A big fish in a dream means a change in fate, according to Gustav Miller. When interpreting such dreams, he takes into account a large number of details and nuances.

Water where fish swim

When considering a dream about big fish, Miller considers the condition of the water in which it is located important.

  1. Transparent and clean water in which big fish swim means prosperity and good luck in business. A person awaits the fulfillment of his desires and a dream come true.
  2. A big fish that swims in dirty water means gossip and gossip, as well as a lot of unpleasant information.
  3. If the dreamer saw a large fish swimming in a dirty aquarium, in muddy water, this indicates problems with his physical or mental health.

Catching fish in a dream also has meaning in Miller’s dream book. A rich catch of big fish does not always mean luck and wealth. If a person sees himself heavily carrying this catch, this means that he needs to find helpers, since he cannot cope with all the problems on his own.

Unlike Freud, Miller gives a favorable interpretation to the dream of a young girl about a big fish. It can mean great happiness that awaits her ahead, for example, a marriage proposal.

A big fish bites the dreamer, which means that this person there is a secret enemy who dreams of ruining his life and is studying him weaknesses. Seeing similar dream, you need to put your thoughts in order and stop being too frank with strangers.

Buying a big fish in a dream, according to the dream book in question, means increasing your income and bringing material benefits to yourself and your loved ones.

Big fish in a dream, according to Vanga’s dream book

Vanga's dream book gives very detailed interpretation women's dreams, in which a large fish appears. A big fish in a dream does not bode well for a woman. The dream suggests that the woman is wasting a lot of effort and energy, and that her plans will not be able to come true.

If a person sees himself eating a big fish in a dream, then this means a quick meeting with envious people, those who wish evil and collect gossip about the dreamer.

Catching a big fish in a dream means getting sick soon. It is especially bad, according to Vanga’s dream book, to see in your dreams a caught fish without scales. A person must be prepared to solve his health problems for a long time.

Dreaming of eating a big fish in a dream for both women and men means insoluble difficulties in the dreamer’s life.

Cleaning a big fish in Vanga’s dream book means coming to disappointment and tears.

Big fish dream book of Astromeridiana

According to this dream book, a big fish can be a sign of unfinished business, forgotten plans and dreams that the dreamer has refused to realize. Great value has someone who dreamed of a big fish.

Big fish in women's dreams

Astromeridian's dream book states that a big fish dreamed by a female representative is generally a good sign.

  1. If a woman dreams of a big fish, then she will soon become pregnant.
  2. A pregnant woman, seeing a big fish in a dream, should expect a safe and easy birth.
  3. A large red fish in a girl’s dream means joyful events and a favorable turn in life.
  4. Buying a large sea fish, seen by a girl in a dream, means postponed wedding plans and a chance to think about the character of her chosen one.

Talking about big fish as pleasant dream for women, Astromeridian's dream book considers a large fish as food seen in a dream as a very unfavorable sign.

Big fish as food in a dream

  1. Large smoked fish means a large number of envious people in a person’s life. If the dreamer eats smoked fish in his dream, this indicates that he needs to be focused and attentive.
  2. Dried fish, on the contrary, is a good sign that indicates possible special events and holidays in the dreamer’s life.

Astromeridian's dream book does not go into detail about what exactly a man should expect when he sees a big fish in a dream. However, he goes into detail about the fish's habitat and its condition.

  1. A large fish that floats on the water with its belly up means possible danger and ill-wishers on the path of life.
  2. A large fish that swims in clear, clean water means great luck in life.
  3. If a lot of big fish go to spawn in a dream, this is a sign of profit and good luck in business. This means career heights and the implementation of bold plans.
  4. Large fish that fight in the nets also mean financial well-being and happiness.

Dream interpretation is the most important part modern psychoanalysis and allows us to draw conclusions about state of mind person.

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money you will receive.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of a lot of trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you are caught bony fish, predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointment await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream - a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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