The benefits and harms of silver carp, the nutritional value of bony fish.

Silver carp are fish of the carp family that live in rivers and floodplain lakes in the eastern part of Asia. Representatives of this species have a tall, voluminous body covered with small cycloid scales, a large head with a thick convex forehead and low-set eyes. The sides of the fish are silver, the back and fins are light gray, the belly is completely white. Life expectancy of silver carp natural conditions residence – more than 18 years. During this time, the adult grows up to 110 cm in length and gains weight up to 35 kg.

Silver carp is a commercial fish characterized by increased fat content and magnificent taste qualities. It goes on sale fresh, smoked or frozen. Silver carp carcasses are stewed, baked, dried and fried, used for making fish soup, aspic, cutlets, balyk and various snacks.

How to choose the right silver carp?

Silver carp should be purchased only from those sellers who can provide sanitary documentation for their goods. Quality fish must have light smell algae and river water, dense and elastic body, not covered with a thick layer of mucus, not sunken or cloudy eyes, gill filaments of a uniform red or pink color. Preference should be given to large individuals weighing more than 2 kg - they contain more fat and fewer sharp, small bones.

Vitamins in silver carp and its nutritional value

Nutritional value of silver carp (100 g):

  • 19.186 g proteins;
  • 0.893 g fat;
  • 1.096 g ash;
  • 71.697 mg cholesterol;
  • 0.149 g omega-3;
  • 0.008 g omega-6;
  • 78.598 g of water.

Vitamins in silver carp (100 g):

  • retinol equivalent (A) – 33.708 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) – 0.038 mg;
  • niacin equivalent (PP) – 2.896 mg;
  • tocopherol equivalent (E) – 2.659 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) – 0.112 mg.

Calorie content of silver carp

Calorie content of 100 g of silver carp:

  • raw – 85.996 kcal;
  • smoked – 114.307 kcal;
  • fried – 192.303 kcal;
  • boiled – 76.894 kcal;
  • baked – 79.216 kcal;
  • stewed - 78.606 kcal.

The aspic prepared from this fish contains 67.429 kcal, and the fish soup contains 24.597 kcal. Energy value steamed silver carp cutlets – 108.449 kcal.

Useful elements in silver carp

Macronutrients in silver carp (100 g):

  • 263.612 mg potassium;
  • 162.118 mg chlorine;
  • 28.614 mg calcium;
  • 77.916 mg sodium;
  • 34.007 mg magnesium;
  • 209.211 mg sulfur;
  • 212.064 mg phosphorus.

Microelements in silver carp (100 g).

Although some consider silver carp to be an unpopular fish, many fishermen do not mind catching this fish, which can weigh up to 40 kg, with a length of up to 1 meter.

Silver carp grows quickly due to the fact that it always has enough food in the form of plankton and algae. It is specially bred at paid rates or other reservoirs so that the silver carp clears the water area of ​​algae. If, when growing carp, you need to feed it, then you don’t need to feed the silver carp, it will always find its own food: something, and there is always enough vegetation in the reservoirs.

According to many experts, silver carp is a very healthy fish, containing the set of all necessary elements, contributing to the normal functioning of the human body. These include various microelements, a set of vitamins, including saturated fatty acids.

In this regard, silver carp is a dietary fish that is easily absorbed by the body and is easily digested, without creating a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Silver carp contains up to 20% saturated fatty acids, which reduce the likelihood of diseases such as atherosclerosis or cancer. In addition, silver carp is recommended for consumption by people suffering from poor functioning of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, etc.

Silver carp fillets weighing more than 2 kg are considered the most popular, as they are more tender and juicy. At the same time, silver carp is distinguished by the presence of a minimum number of bones.

Useful properties

It makes sense to talk about the beneficial properties of silver carp in more detail. When eating silver carp meat:

  • The likelihood of malignant neoplasms is reduced.
  • Human irritability is minimized due to the beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system. In addition, dead cells are restored.
  • Vessels are strengthened, which reduces the risk of strokes.
  • Blood pressure is normalized, therefore, it is highly recommended for use by people with high blood pressure.
  • The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots.
  • The amount of sugar in the blood decreases, so it is recommended for consumption by diabetics.
  • The quality of nails and hair improves, and teeth become stronger.
  • Immunity increases, which creates conditions for confrontation with various colds.
  • The overall well-being of a person improves.
  • Sleep is normalized: you can forget about sleepless nights.
  • Protein is completely absorbed within 2 hours.
  • Silver carp meat is low in calories, so gain overweight unrealistic.
  • Availability fish oil.

Apparently, the benefits of silver carp are obvious, therefore, it is advisable to eat it daily. This is an excellent product that promotes a unique preventive effect.

Useful properties of silver carp caviar

Silver carp caviar is quite transparent appearance and contains both vitamins and microelements, as well as many other useful elements. The energy value of the product is 138 kcal per 100 g of product. At the same time, caviar contains proteins - 8.9 g, fats - 7.2 g, carbohydrates - 13.1 g. In addition, caviar contains zinc, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and poly saturated fats Omega-3.

The only contraindication to its use is the possibility of allergic reactions; in other cases, silver carp caviar has no contraindications. It is advisable to use it even for cancer patients, which helps normalize the activity of the nervous system and leads to a decrease in shortness of breath, etc.

It is used mainly when it weighs more than 2 kg. With such a weight, it has few bones and is not only pleasant to eat, but also pleasant to cook. He has big head, which is suitable for preparing rich fish soup. The broth turns out fatty and transparent. Silver carp is best consumed either boiled or baked, since in this case it does not lose its beneficial properties.

Silver carp can be smoked, but it is often not advisable to eat it in this form, since it has little benefit, regardless of the smoking method: either hot or cold.

Despite this, silver carp is very useful because it replenishes the human body with useful substances, strengthening the immune system.

Harm from silver carp

Silver carp is absolutely harmless to any category of people, including children, adults or the elderly. Moreover, this fish can be consumed in any quantity - it has no daily dose consumption. The only caution is smoked silver carp, which in excessive doses can cause harm to human health.


As mentioned above, there are practically no contraindications. But the main obstacle to its consumption may be personal intolerance to seafood and, in particular, to silver carp. This must always be taken into account and known so as not to put your body on the brink of danger.

The energy value of silver carp meat is:

  • Protein – 19.6 g (79 kcal).
  • Fat – 0.8 g (9 kcal).
  • Carbohydrates – 0.3 g (1 kcal).
  • Vitamin E1 – 2.66 mg.
  • Nicotinic acid – 2.9 mg.
  • Vitamin B1 – 0.05 mg.
  • Vitamin A – 35 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 – 0.12 mg.
  • Calcium – 30.0 mg.
  • Phosphorus – 214.0 mg.
  • Sulfur – 211.0 mg.
  • Sodium – 79.0 mg.

Calories and nutritional value

Silver carp meat contains a whole range of vitamins, which is typical of any seafood.

For example:

  • Availability of vitamin A.
  • Availability of vitamin PP.
  • Availability of vitamin E.
  • Availability of vitamin B.

100 grams of fish contains 87 kcal. Therefore, it is not for nothing that silver carp is classified as a dietary product. If you cook silver carp, its calorie content will decrease to 75.3 kcal.

How to store silver carp

The best place to store silver carp is the freezer. Before putting the fish in the freezer, it is better to cut it up and gut it. After this, the fish carcass can be stored either whole or cut immediately into portioned pieces, which will simplify its further preparation. Before cooking, just take the required number of pieces and cook, and the rest can be kept in the freezer. But this does not mean that fish can be stored in this form. long time, especially since over time its beneficial properties begin to be lost.

The ideal option is to buy fresh silver carp and cook it to replenish your body with the necessary substances.

How to prepare silver carp

Silver carp is prepared depending on personal preferences. For example:

  • It's easier to cook.
  • You can make aspic from it.
  • It's not difficult to fry.
  • You can bake it without any problems.
  • Make a balyk out of it.
  • Cook delicious fish soup.
  • Prepare minced meat.

The main task is to purchase a carcass weighing more than 2 kg, since it has practically no bones and is easier to cook, not to mention the taste.

Silver carp is a fish of the carp family, which is often grown artificially. It reaches 1 meter in length and weighs up to 16 kg in adulthood. There are three types of silver carp:

  • motley;
  • white;
  • hybrid.


Useful properties silver carp are high content polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eating this fish allows you to give up additional intake omega-3 and omega-6 supplements.

Silver carp contributes to:

  • increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • improving the condition of skin and hair.

Dishes made from this fish are useful for:

  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • gastritis with low acidity.

Silver carp is useful to add to the diet of older people and diabetics. A gentle decrease in blood sugar levels has a positive effect on well-being. The product is suitable not only for adults, but also for baby food.

Rich in vitamins and minerals Fish fillet helps restore the body after illness and supports the immune system. It is believed that silver carp has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Fat-soluble vitamins in fish they support hormonal background, have a positive effect on vision and support brain health.

To maintain health, the most valuable recipes are those where silver carp needs to be boiled or steamed.


Silver carp can harm human health only if there is an allergy. It should not be eaten if you are intolerant to any fish products. If after eating a dish redness or a rash appears on the skin or mucous membranes, then you should discard the fish.

Hot smoked fish is considered harmful. It may contain carcinogenic substances. Silver carp can be used to prepare many other dishes, so smoking it is not necessary.


The only contraindication to eating silver carp dishes is individual intolerance. If according to medical indications It is forbidden to eat fried and smoked food, then some recipes for cooking fish will not work. Stewed and boiled fish allowed for most diseases.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant and lactating women can add silver carp dishes to their diet. This fish has no harmful qualities if you choose it and cook it correctly. The phosphorus contained in silver carp is especially useful for pregnant women.

There are no restrictions on the consumption of fish such as silver carp during pregnancy. Its benefits outweigh the harm - fish in in rare cases causes allergies.

Composition (vitamins and microelements)

100 grams of silver carp fillet contains from 77.4 to 86 kcal, so this fish is suitable for dietary nutrition. The product is easily digestible and contains a lot of protein:

  • proteins – 90%
  • fats – 9%
  • carbohydrates – 1%.

The composition of silver carp fillet includes substances that are listed in the table:

How to cook

Silver carp requires heat treatment or long-term salting. Raw fish can cause helminthiasis.

Silver carp can be:

  • cook;
  • smoke;
  • stew;
  • salt;
  • dry;
  • bake in foil or with vegetables;
  • steam it.

The fish cooks quite quickly. It can be prepared in 25 - 30 minutes at 200 degrees in the oven.


Fresh silver carp can be stored in the refrigerator for about a day. To preserve fish for a long time, it can be frozen, dried or salted.

The taste of silver carp deteriorates after freezing. In order not to defrost the whole fish, you can freeze it in portions.

How to choose

You should not buy small silver carps. Most delicious fish weighs more than 2 kg. In addition, large fish will have fewer small bones. Some chefs believe that the most delicious silver carp is the motley one.

Characteristics of good quality fish:

  • elastic and straight tail;
  • the smell of a pond and algae;
  • dense body;
  • pink gills;
  • shiny and smooth scales.

You can tell that a product has been on the display case for a long time by looking at the eyes of the fish. They will be sunken and dull.

Repeated defrosting spoils the taste of fish dishes. If you can see a lot of ice in the bag with it, and the fish itself looks damaged, you should refuse the purchase and find another option.

What goes with it?

Silver carp is great for making soups. Cutlets and aspic are made from its fillet. You can prepare silver carp according to any recipe for white meat. Among the soups, the most popular are ukha and solyanka.

Silver carp goes well with most vegetables and spices. It is stewed with chopped carrots, onions and garlic. Fish can be fried in sour cream and flour batter. Suitable as a side dish:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • boiled broccoli.

Popular spices include:

  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • red and black pepper;
  • dill;
  • lemon juice.

The following help add interesting flavors to silver carp dishes:

  • oregano;
  • caraway;
  • curry;
  • rosemary;
  • carnation;
  • bay leaf.

You can use ready-made seasoning mixtures for white fish. Used for stewing and as a dressing vegetable oils, tomato paste or sour cream.

In more complex recipes, silver carp fillet is combined with:

  • pickled cucumbers;
  • olives;
  • vinegar-based marinades;
  • ginger;
  • champignons;
  • eggplants.

Properly prepared silver carp will be a successful addition to the diet for most people. With a lot of positive properties, this product has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Silver carp not only has useful composition, but also has good taste.

One of known species fishing river fish is a silver carp. His ability to save clean water in reservoirs thanks to filtering oral apparatus It is considered a great advantage among fish farm owners, and the juicy and tasty dietary meat is perfect for feeding children and adults.

Description of the species

The second name for silver carp is silver carp, and in nature there are three types of this fish:

  • white;
  • motley;
  • hybrid.

All of them have a large head, medium size and live preferably in small fresh water bodies with soft vegetation and a muddy bottom. Average weight adult is 20-25 kg, and the size is up to 1 meter, but larger fish are also found. Silver carps prefer to spend daytime at depth, while at dawn or sunset, on the contrary, approach the coastline. The fish loves weak currents and bites best in the summer.

The appearance of the silver carp distinguishes it from other cyprinids by its wide forehead, which visually appears even larger due to its low-set eyes. The body of the fish is elongated and covered with small scales. Not all species have a keel on the abdomen, but the mouth is necessarily equipped with fused transverse gill rakers, forming a sieve for filtering water. This is how individuals obtain food in the form of zooplankton and phytoplankton.

Since silver carp is a commercial species, it is caught in natural reservoirs from May to September and raised in artificial ones.

Energy value and calorie content

Nutritional value of silver carp for every 100 g is:

  • proteins 19.5 g;
  • fat 0.9 g;
  • carbohydrates 0.2 g.

The benefit of fish for humans lies in the content of many vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as fatty acids in its meat, such as:

  • vitamin E;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium and much more.

Unsaturated fatty acids in meat are about 20%, while silver carp calorie content only 86 Kcal, and when boiled it decreases to 75.3 Kcal.

Useful properties of fish

First of all, this is its dietary purpose. Silver carp meat is very quickly digested and absorbed, without creating heaviness in the stomach, even when consumed fried. Because of this, fish is recommended for consumption by people with diseases. digestive system, blood vessels and heart. As prophylactic Silver carp meat is often used when there is a risk of atherosclerosis and cancer cells. Individuals weighing more than two kilograms are most often used for food, since their meat is very tender, juicy and not bony.

Silver carp beneficial properties appear in the treatment of many other diseases. Thus, due to its low calorie content, fish is often used in diets when it is necessary to lose excess weight. Nutrients in fish help improve the growth and strengthening of hair and nails, as well as:

  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • nerve cells are restored;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • cholesterol levels decrease;
  • blood sugar concentration decreases;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • the likelihood of developing cancer is reduced.

In addition to the above, What are the benefits of silver carp? It is important to add that fish protein is completely absorbed by the body in just 2 hours and 100%, and regular consumption of fish oil can prevent many diseases.

Benefits of caviar

In addition to delicious and healthy fillet, silver carp contains no less healthy caviar. Externally, it is translucent and also rich in vitamins and microelements:

  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • gray;
  • Omega 3 acids.

The calorie content of caviar is 138 Kcal. Doctors recommend using it for people with nervous system disorders, shortness of breath and oncological diseases, but only in the absence of allergic reactions.

Culinary use

Since the price of this fish is low, absolutely everyone can eat it. Individuals weighing more than two kilograms have found their use in cooking, since they are practically no longer bony, and their meat is quite juicy and tender for feeding children and adults with various diseases. The head of the fish is most often used to prepare a rich broth, which turns out clean and transparent. The fish soup from the head of the silver carp turns out to be fatty and tasty.

U silver carp benefits and harm are considered only when consuming smoked fish, as it may be hazardous to health. Individuals cooked with proper heat treatment cannot be harmful even if frequent use. The fact is that fish do not have daily norm and can be used at the request of a person in any quantity and as often as desired. There are contraindications for silver carp and apply to people with allergic reactions on substances contained in fish.

Selection and storage

When purchasing a product you should pay attention to the smell of the fish and the color of its eyes h. In high-quality and fresh silver carp, they are always clean and unclouded. Most often it is sold still alive, but you can also find it frozen. The price of such a product will not be lower, since already cut carcasses are frozen. It is important to know that during long-term storage in low temperatures no longer in fish useful substances in similar fresh product quantities. The taste will also be different.

Fish is healthy dietary product. Regular consumption of seafood improves general condition body, increasing bone strength, losing weight and normalizing cardiovascular function vascular system. One of best options dinner is silver carp, which is rightfully considered a storehouse of useful substances.

Useful and healing properties

Thanks to a large number useful microminerals and substances, silver carp can have the following effects on the body:
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • increased skin tone thanks to Omega-3;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • improving the functioning of the vascular system and heart;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • increase hemoglobin synthesis;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • improves the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • prevents the formation of wrinkles.

It is undesirable to consume only smoked fish prepared by hot smoking, as it contains many carcinogens.

Where are silver carp found?

Initially, silver carp were found only in the territory of modern China. As a result of constant floods, fish were able to emigrate to Russian rivers. Now it can be caught in the Volga, Kuban, Terek and other deep rivers.

Chemical composition and calorie content of silver carp

Energy value per 100 g

Mineral composition

Phosphorus 250 mg
Sulfur 180 mg
45 mg
Fluorine 0.6 mg
0.8 mg

Application for weight loss

Thanks to its high amount of protein, silver carp is popular dietary product. There are several types of diets with this fish:

  • mono-diet, which involves eating silver carp in any form for 7-10 days;
  • , on the first day of which it is recommended to eat only boiled fish;
  • weight loss system -60, which recommends eating one serving of fish for dinner.

Use in healthy eating

To keep the body in good shape, it is enough to consume 2-3 servings of fish per week.

  • People suffering from heart disease and nervous disorders, it is recommended to consume silver carp 3-4 days a month every day, boiled or stewed.
  • For children from 1 to 5 years old, one serving of silver carp per week is enough; if the child is not allergic, the fish can be consumed 2 times.
  • After 5 years, fish consumption is allowed up to 3 servings weekly.
  • If you want to lose weight, you can eat silver carp every day for dinner for a week, after which you can go back to your normal healthy diet.

How to choose a silver carp

There are several rules when buying silver carp:

  • buy an individual weighing at least 2 kg;
  • purchase fish only in places where storage standards are not violated;
  • there should be no dark spots on the silver carp;
  • the tail of the fish should not bend and be soft;
  • the smell should resemble algae without any impurities;
  • after pressing the fish there should be no dents left;
  • the eyeballs should remain clear;
  • there should be no spots on the gills and the color should be pink.

Features of silver carp storage

It is advisable to eat fish immediately after purchase without freezing, since it loses many beneficial properties during storage. If this is not possible, it should be put in cellophane bag and freeze, then consume within 3 months. In this case, the carcass should be divided into several pieces and each of them should be packaged separately.

Thawed silver carp should be eaten within 24 hours. Dried and smoked fish can be stored unpacked up to 7 days, dried, ready to eat within 30 days.

Contraindications and harm

There are no serious contraindications to consuming silver carp. These only include the following:
  • seafood allergy;
  • age up to 1 year;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

The last point applies only to dishes prepared by frying, deep-frying and smoking.

Silver carp is an excellent option for healthy and maximum healthy dinner. This product is suitable for nutrition at any age, thanks to its amazing composition. Silver carp can only be replaced with fish varieties of similar composition, which include trout, salmon and cod. But because high price For these types of fish, silver carp becomes simply an ideal option for the family.

If you do not suffer from allergies and are attentive to your health, be sure to try this incredibly tasty and tender fish. If you have already cooked silver carp and have your opinion about it, be sure to share it in