Stitches after caesarean section. Suture after cesarean section: possible problems and treatment

Pregnancy for every woman is not only a joyful period, but also a difficult one. During the nine months while she is carrying the baby, a lot of amazing processes occur in her body that create for the development of the child favorable conditions. Not all of these processes are painless for expectant mother, and not everything always goes smoothly during the birth itself.

If doctors observing a pregnant woman believe that childbirth naturally may represent serious threat for her health or for the health of the baby, then a decision is made to carry out elective surgery C-section. Sometimes, the decision about surgical intervention is made already during childbirth, if physiological course the birth was complicated for some reason. This operation, despite the fact that it is used quite often today, it is a serious test for the female body.

Complications after and during it are 12 times more likely than with natural delivery. Therefore, it is performed only when necessary, for example, if a woman suffers from serious problems with the heart, vision, if the baby is not positioned correctly in the womb, etc. Operation caesarean section is a full-fledged abdominal operation, involving several incisions of tissue and the uterus. Therefore, women who have undergone it are interested in how long does the suture hurt after a cesarean section?

It is important to understand that not one suture is applied, which is visible from the outside, but several internal sutures, including on the uterus, and it takes time for them to heal completely.

Why does the stitch hurt after a cesarean section?

Seam after surgical intervention to remove the baby from the mother’s womb, it is applied depending on how the incision was made - across or lengthwise. A longitudinal incision is performed in cases where the baby needs to be removed urgently, that is, when emergency surgery. This method of incision is more convenient for removing the baby from the uterine cavity. It is performed from the pubis to the middle of the abdomen and takes about two months to heal. Over time, such a seam is not very aesthetically pleasing. It may feel like tingling, tension, itching, and redness for about a year.

Is swelling dangerous after a cesarean section?

A transverse incision is performed during planned operations and looks more aesthetically pleasing than a longitudinal one, especially if special techniques suturing and self-absorbing suture material. Such a suture takes less time to heal - about a month, but the woman will also feel it for at least a year. The suture after a cesarean section hurts, regardless of whether it is longitudinal or transverse, in the first three to four days after the operation, so the woman is given painkilling injections.

It is cleaned daily by a nurse and a sterile bandage is applied. If drainage tubes are inserted into the seam, the areas around them are also treated. Already on the third day after the operation, he should hurt less and be dry. They are removed on 6-7 days. At first he will pink color and really stand out against the background of the belly. Over time, the seam will lighten and become less noticeable. The transverse seam is located above the pubis, about 5-7 cm higher, so it will always be covered by swimsuit trunks, which is important for many women. To prevent the appearance of an unsightly scar, there are special medications, which the doctor will prescribe if a woman has a tendency to scarring.

How long does the stitch hurt after a caesarean section?

How long the incision area hurts after a cesarean section depends on several reasons, including:

  • Does it depend on how it is made – along or across?
  • What is the cesarean operation? The second time the incision site hurts less.
  • From the presence of complications of the postoperative period
  • From the age of the woman. In young women giving birth, healing occurs faster, which means there will be less pain over time
  • From a woman's pain threshold
  • From the physique of the woman in labor. Slimmer and more toned mothers, who have less fat in the abdominal area, endure the healing process more easily.

If the suture material is removed on the fifth day, and the woman in labor is discharged from the maternity hospital, then she must be shown and told how to independently treat the scar before the 10th day. When the stitches are removed, the woman is allowed to take a full shower, however, it is not recommended to rub the incision area with a washcloth.

If, already at home, mommy feels that the area of ​​the operation is very painful, lumps have appeared under the skin, there is discharge, or the temperature has suddenly risen, then she urgently needs to go to the clinic where she had the operation for advice. This could become alarm signal about the beginning of the inflammatory process in the uterus.

The scar on the uterus takes longer to heal, and finally - after about two years. It is during this period that doctors recommend that couples refrain from planning their next pregnancy.

If a woman becomes pregnant earlier, there is a risk that the suture on the uterus may not withstand the stress of stretching and growth during pregnancy and will separate.

Can a suture come apart after a caesarean section?

A postoperative scar can break apart for a number of reasons:

  • In case of incorrect application
  • If suture material is removed early
  • If there is inflammatory process
  • During intense physical activity
  • When lifting weights
  • For a new pregnancy, if the period from the previous operation is less than two years

Often, young women after childbirth want to get in shape faster and remove the accumulations that have accumulated during pregnancy. extra pounds, tighten the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. In this rush, they forget that a caesarean section is abdominal surgery, and recovery after it takes much longer than after physiological birth. Start pumping up your abs, doing squats and lunges, that is, exercises that are aimed at correcting problem areas, no earlier than eight weeks after surgery.

What should a woman do if her stitch breaks after a caesarean section?

How long the suture hurts after a cesarean section also depends on a reasonable approach to physical activity in the postpartum period. It is important to remember that haste and excessive physical activity, especially with weights, are contraindicated, as they can cause complications, for example, the scar will separate! The internal scars may also come apart! A woman should be careful with herself, because now she is a mother! Her health and peace of mind are reflected in the child! Don't forget that he really needs her!

Pain after a cesarean section is something women remember for a long time after the operation. For some, they go away in the maternity hospital, while for others they persist for months, or even years. What to do if such a negative situation affects you and how long does the stitch hurt after a cesarean section - 1 month, 2 months or more, what is considered normal?

Pain that appears in the first month after surgery may be associated with poor hygiene and excessive physical exertion. By the way, they need to be excluded for at least 1.5, and preferably 3, months after surgery, since this can lead to suture divergence. And if the suture hurts after a cesarean section during the second pregnancy, then this may be a long-term consequence of female recklessness. It is advisable to arm yourself for the first month physical assistance relatives at home and childcare.

Caring for sutures after a caesarean section is carried out by nurses in the maternity hospital. A course of antibiotic therapy is also carried out there to prevent the inflammatory process. And a woman is discharged only if the stitch is in good condition. But why does the stitch hurt after a cesarean section? There can be many reasons.

1. Poor-quality suture material that has not completely dissolved (in most cases, a cosmetic suture is applied during delivery surgery). This often happens if the inner seam is made using silk threads. If the threads have dissolved, and this should happen within 1-1.5 months, the suture on the uterus after a cesarean section should not hurt. If the thread remains, the woman shows signs of inflammation. Scientifically, this is called a ligature abscess. It causes a painful swelling with pus. This pus must be removed. A thread is usually found in the center of the abscess. The surgeon removes it and cleans the wound. Then you need to take antibiotics for several days. Usually all this happens in inpatient conditions. You need to stay in the hospital for several days, as complications after the procedure are possible and rehabilitation is necessary.

2. If the internal suture hurts after a cesarean section, then the cause may be an adhesive process in the pelvic area. Some doctors who suspect their patient this pathology, an MRI is ordered to confirm it. But more informative in in this case There will be a laparoscopy. This way the doctor can see the adhesions with his own eyes and cut them. Thus, the patient will not experience pain in the future, and reproductive function will not be affected. After all, adhesions are the most common cause of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Intestinal obstruction can also be a consequence. Can the suture hurt 6 months, a year, 2 years after a cesarean section? Yes, if the problem is the adhesive process.

3. Problems with gynecology. Sometimes such unpleasant sensations are not at all associated with the presence of a suture on the uterus. Painful sensations may be associated with inflammation of the uterus - endometritis, inflammation of the ovaries - adnexitis. And sometimes pathologies of the urinary system. A gynecologist will be able to accurately answer the question of where and what hurts after an examination in a gynecological chair. He will answer the question - the suture hurts and is inflamed after a cesarean section, what to do or give directions for additional research, for example, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a urine test, a vaginal smear, if you think that it is not the stitch that is causing the pain.

4. The seam has come apart. This often happens during physical activity that is contraindicated in the first weeks after surgery. What should I do if, after a planned cesarean section, the suture hurts a lot due to its divergence? You should not do anything on your own. You need to contact a surgeon who will clean the wound. There will be no re-suturing. But they will probably appoint antibacterial therapy. As a rule, the sutures come apart in the first days after surgery. If possible, stay in the hospital for 7-10 days after surgery. Do not rush to be discharged, because if problems arise after discharge, you and your child will not be returned to the maternity hospital. And you will have to lie without a child in the surgery department.

Here are just a small part of the reasons why stitches hurt after childbirth surgically. Only a doctor who examines and palpates the suture can determine the specific cause for your case. Trying to find the cause of pain on your own, with the help of virtual consultations with doctors, is futile.

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Delivery operations are being performed more and more often today. Some women experience various complications, for example, the suture hurts after a cesarean section, suppuration or hernias appear. No less popular among mothers is the question of how ugly the scar looks after surgical childbirth, whether it is very noticeable and how long it takes to heal. All these factors depend on the type of seam made, the flow postpartum period, quality of care after cesarean section, etc.

There are many indications for a cesarean section, but there are much fewer ways to perform the operation, and one of their differences is the sutures, which require careful care.

  1. Horizontal seam. When a caesarean section is planned, a laparotomy Pfannenstiel operation is performed. The incision is made transversely in skin fold right above the pubis. In this case, the abdominal cavity is not opened. As a result, after healing the seam is practically invisible.
  2. Vertical scar. If a pregnant woman experiences intense bleeding, or the fetus develops acute form oxygen starvation, then a corporal caesarean section is performed. As a result of the operation, a scar is left from the pubis to the navel, which disfigures the abdomen with nodular scars. Typically, such operations are performed in emergency cases.
  3. Internal sutures are applied to the uterine wall depending on the direction of the incision - transversely or longitudinally.

Complications, healing time, care details - all this is determined in accordance with the type of incision.

How long does it take for a seam to heal?

If there are no complications such as suppuration and sepsis, then by the end of the first week a postoperative scar. The type of suture material determines how long a woman will walk with it. If the scar is silk, then it is removed after about a week (vertical after 10 days), and self-absorbing cosmetic threads disappear on their own after 60-80 days.

Removing the suture material does not mean that everything has healed. In order for healing to occur without consequences such as hernia, keloid scars and adhesions, it is necessary to begin actively walking on the second day. Being active will help you avoid intestinal paresis and speed up post-operative recovery. At first, the suture scar has a red-violet tint and a textured surface, which makes it stand out from the rest of the skin. But gradually it will smooth out and brighten. During the healing process, the patient may experience burning, itching, tingling and numbness.

How to properly care for a scar

To avoid postoperative inflammation, it is imperative to provide the patient with proper care. A bandage is applied to the scar daily during the first postpartum week. When the mother is discharged home with the baby, there is usually no need for special care, although sometimes the scar needs to be treated with brilliant green for some time after discharge.

Even with painful sensations, doctors strongly advise walking, starting from short distances. When the wound heals, no harm will harm it. water treatments And hygiene products. Therefore, after discharge, you can safely take a shower, but just do not rub the scar with a sponge or washcloth, while it is recommended to do without mechanical impact.

During the day, postpartum women are recommended to wear a special bandage, which promotes faster healing of the incision. By the way, when wearing such a medical device, the scar begins to stop hurting much earlier than without a bandage. The elastic belt protects it from unnecessary contact and irritation, keeps it in a motionless state, which eliminates divergence. In addition to holding, the bandage helps muscle tissue return to normal faster, removes the tummy and reduces the load on the lower back and spine.

For speedy healing, it is recommended to follow special diet. The wound healing effect is provided by proteins, tocopherol and other additives. Moreover, it is recommended to rub tocopherol in the form of oil into the rumen. The healing effect is also provided by primrose oil, which also needs to be rubbed into the seam.

Causes of pain

Many postpartum women are faced with the problem of why the suture hurts after a cesarean section. There are several reasons for this phenomenon and each has its own symptoms and characteristics, so when careful attention In terms of your well-being, it will not be difficult to determine the cause of the pain in the suture.

Postoperative complications

Some health problems appear immediately after surgery, while others are detected after relatively long periods of time, so complications associated with the suture can be classified as early or late.


If, after a cesarean section, swelling or a hematoma has formed in the scar area, then the number of recovery and rehabilitation days will increase slightly. Usually this happens due to doctors who make mistakes during the operation. If the surgeon performed vascular truncation incorrectly, pain and bleeding may occur after the operation.

The postoperative period may be complicated by discrepancy, which usually happens in the first 5-10 days after cesarean section. At this time, the sutures are usually removed, which increases the risk of dehiscence. If the abdomen in the area of ​​the scar periodically pulls painfully, this may indicate the development of endometritis, which is inflammation in the mucous structures of the uterus. In addition to nagging discomfort, the patient experiences hyperthermia, pain and bloody discharge.


Quantity late complications not so great, but they still occur. These may include hernial lesions, keloid scarring or ligature-type fistulas. Hernias in the suture area after cesarean section are usually formed during a longitudinal incision in the uterus. Keloid scarring is usually accompanied by a pulling sensation in which the tissues grow unevenly.

In the places of incisions, small gaps may form, which provoke the development of the inflammatory process. A similar complication is detected if the body rejects synthetic suture material. In this case, the patient is worried about weakness and hyperthermia; in addition to the suture, the stomach may hurt, and the pain is cutting in nature.

Elimination of pain

It is not recommended for a mother to take serious painkillers during the first year of her baby’s life. Of course, the stitch can stop hurting on its own, but only after healing. Therefore, to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to use medications local action like pain-relieving sprays, ointments, etc. But they can only be used after medical consultation.

If poor healing is observed, the specialist may recommend taking tablets that restore uterine tissue, for example, Demoxytocin or Hyfotocin, Dinoprost or Ergotal. These medications do not pass into milk and are quickly eliminated from the body. If the pain syndrome is pronounced and the scar heals slowly, then the doctor prescribes a single dose of stronger painkillers. Before this, the woman must express milk for feeding, and for subsequent feedings active ingredients The drugs taken will already leave the body.

Seam correction

Quite a lot of patients remain dissatisfied with the appearance of the suture. In such a situation, they will benefit from cosmetic correction, which is usually carried out through laser resurfacing. Complete fusion of all tissue layers will occur only after 8 months or a year.

Should a young mother worry if her stitch hurts a week, a month, six months after a cesarean section? Where does discomfort come from? When are painful sensations normal, and in what situations is it necessary to immediately run to the doctor? For these, as well as others important issues, associated with a cesarean section and rehabilitation after it, I will discuss later in the article.

Cause of pain in the suture area

Even before giving birth, I always explain to patients main reason pain syndrome- This is the cut itself. Any wound, until it heals, aches and causes discomfort. And as a result of CS, several lesions remain at once, because the first layer of skin on the abdomen is cut directly, followed by the muscles and walls of the uterus. Therefore, it is quite natural that painful sensations last a long time and declare themselves quite loudly.

Why the suture hurts after a cesarean section can also be caused by:

  • Increased sensitivity of damaged tissues. Pain threshold Everyone is different, and sometimes even a simple cut on your finger can be painful for a long period of time. What can we say about a situation where a large area of ​​skin and tissue is deeply damaged? internal organs. If I see that a woman in labor is having a hard time postoperative pain, I prescribe gentle painkillers that are harmless and safe even during the feeding period.
  • Poor elasticity of the postoperative scar. If the scar tissue is not elastic enough, severe pain occurs when the abdominal muscles are tense. As a rule, the problem completely disappears only 4–6 months after the CS.
  • Problems that have arisen in the functioning of the intestines. Flatulence is one of the problems that arise as a result surgical intervention. Which is understandable - tissue integrity abdominal cavity during the CS process, it is disrupted, causing disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. Gases accumulate, which are the “culprits” of tingling and aching pain in the heat-affected area. To reduce such manifestations, the woman in labor is prescribed compositions that stabilize intestinal motility.
  • Adhesive process. The formation of internal is a common phenomenon that occurs as a result of dissection abdominal wall and damage to internal organs and tissues. With the developing adhesive process, discomfort is inevitable. It can continue for up to several months in a row.
  • Contracting uterus. The process of uterine involution occurs especially rapidly in the first days after birth and can last several months. The painful sensations that accompany it can also be strong at the very beginning and gradually subside.

The exact cause of pain can only be determined by fully examining the patient and studying the accompanying symptoms.

How much does a stitch hurt after a caesarean section?

It is inappropriate to talk about any time frame in this matter. Not a single doctor, including me, can tell you exactly how long the stitch left after a cesarean section will hurt. Here everything depends on the individual health indicators of the mother in labor, as well as many other reasons. Normally, the aching sensation should disappear after a couple of weeks. But if, for example, as a result of surgery, swelling and swelling remain in the abdomen, the rehabilitation period may be significantly delayed. Phenomena of this kind arise mainly due to the unprofessionalism of doctors, when during surgical procedures blood vessels are truncated incorrectly. In such situations, how long the suture will continue to hurt after a cesarean section depends solely on the rate of vascular regeneration. But you shouldn’t expect that the pain will go away in a couple of weeks. In most cases, for full recovery it takes at least six months.

Does your stitch hurt after a caesarean section?


The cause of such complications can also be improper dressing, as a result of which the incisions are compressed, resulting in pressure on the fresh wound, which causes discomfort and pain, which can be felt for several months.

We cannot exclude a rather rare, but still sometimes occurring phenomenon - seam divergence, in which the size of the incision increases. It can occur 6-10 days after birth, when the sutures are removed, which causes the discrepancy.

If a woman has a complication such as endometritis, that is, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the uterus, then pain can appear at any time, last a long time and be accompanied by severe pain, bloody discharge, high temperature.

If the seam hurts for a long time: a month, six months

Definitely, no “ifs” should arise in attempts to resolve this issue. There is only one correct way out here.

Important! If, a month after a cesarean section or, even worse, after six months, a year, the suture left after the CS begins to bother you, contact your doctor immediately!

They can be associated either with the body’s rejection of the threads used during surgery, or with uneven tissue compaction or inflammation. Only a specialist can find out why the suture from a caesarean section hurts for longer than the permissible time.

Inner seam hurts

A suture on the uterus after a cesarean section, as well as an external scar, can begin to hurt even after two years, without seemingly any reason. As a rule, this is caused by the beginning of the adhesive process in the pelvic organs. If this pathology is suspected, I always prescribe laparoscopy to the patient. Only this research method makes it possible to visually determine the location of adhesions and dissect them. After this, the woman’s pain completely disappears, and reproductive functions come back to normal. After all, it is the adhesive process that often leads to ectopic pregnancies and, as a result, infertility. In addition, seemingly harmless adhesions often cause intestinal obstruction And a whole series other complications.

Inseam after a cesarean section it may also disperse than to cause severe pain. This happens if a woman in labor does not follow the doctor’s instructions, lifts weights, or resorts to strong physical activity. Of course, take any action on your own similar situations it is forbidden. The doctor should clean the wound and prescribe antibacterial drugs.

When to be wary

I will list the main signs indicating the need urgent appeal to the hospital:

  1. The suture hurts a lot and fluid comes out of it.
  2. The scar is red and the stomach hurts on palpation.
  3. Feels very weak.
  4. Dizziness occurs.
  5. The temperature has risen.
  6. There was bleeding.
  7. Vomiting and nausea are present.
  8. There is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.
  9. There are problems with urination and defecation.
  10. The menstrual cycle has become irregular.

All these symptoms indicate that the recovery process is unstable, that is, an infection has entered the body or inflammation has begun in the abdominal organs.

What do doctors think?

“Postoperative sutures will inevitably bother a young mother during the recovery period after childbirth, which took place surgically. But it is important to pay attention to the moment that is normal after Caesarean scar it hurts for no more than a month. The pain will be more severe in the first few days and will gradually subside over a few weeks. In addition, they may intensify during breastfeeding, but only during the period of establishing lactation.

If the suture hurts even after two or three months have passed since the day of birth, you need to contact a gynecologist to determine the cause of the ailment. We should also be wary associated symptoms in the form of increased temperature, bleeding, discharge from the suture, etc., no matter in what period they appear. Almost everyone serious complications Women can avoid this if they monitor their health, listen to doctors’ recommendations and undergo timely examination.”, – obstetrician-gynecologist shares opinions regarding postpartum pain highest category Ruslan Evminov.


In summing up, I want to once again point out that the suture after a caesarean section always hurts and this normal phenomenon. In the first few days, or even a week after surgery, be alarming and cause concern painful sensations a young mother should not. They are typical for any postoperative period, no matter what the operation is associated with. Moreover, on average, a week after a cesarean section, a woman in labor remains under the close supervision of doctors, who will certainly respond if any symptoms appear that cast doubt on the normal course of the recovery process.

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Natural childbirth is the dream of almost all women in labor; only a few patients insist on a caesarean section. Surgical delivery entails a number of negative consequences for the mother: a long rehabilitation period, long healing suture and restoration of the female reproductive system.

How long does the stitch hurt? How long does it take for an incision to heal? Why does a mother's stitches pull after surgical birth? What other complications should a woman be wary of after a cesarean section during the first 2 years?

Sutures after cesarean section: what are they?

All women in labor after a cesarean section worry about the condition of the suture. A new mother is concerned about possible discomfort, pain, appearance the incision, as well as what clothes can be used to hide it. Complications, healing time and nuances in care are determined by the type of suture. Modern obstetricians-gynecologists distinguish the following types:

  • Vertical section. It is done during ECS, the indication for which is severe bleeding in a woman in labor or a lack of oxygen in the baby. The surgeon’s actions must be lightning fast; he performs a corporal cesarean section, cutting tissue from the navel to the pubis (more details in the article:). The suture after such an operation looks aesthetically unattractive and heals in knots.
  • Horizontal section. It is applied during a planned operation. The doctor makes a laparotomy incision without the need to open the abdominal wall. An incision is made in the first skin fold from the pubis. This seam can be hidden underwear, over time it becomes thin and almost invisible.
  • Internal cut. It closes the uterine wall. Depending on the type of cesarean section, doctors apply a longitudinal or transverse suture.

How long does it take to heal?

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Flow rehabilitation period largely depends on individual characteristics a woman’s body, from her attitude towards her health. The Caesarean section operation has saved many women and helped the birth of millions of children - it is one of the most frequently performed operations in the world.

If the postoperative period during the first 5–7 days proceeds without complications in the form of suppuration or the formation of inflammatory foci, a scar will form at the incision site. The duration of healing depends on the type of surgery and the threads used to secure the incision. If the surgeon used silk threads, they will be removed after a week for a longitudinal scar or after 10 days for a vertical one. If cosmetic threads were used during the operation, they will disappear (dissolve) on their own after 2–3 months. Removing the silk threads does not mean that the scar has completely healed.

At first, the scar will have a blue-violet color, but over time it lightens, becomes thinner, and does not stand out much on the skin. The following manifestations after surgical delivery are considered the absolute norm: short-term itching, tingling, numbness, burning in the suture area.

The duration of the rehabilitation period and the risk of complications depends on several factors:

  • Age. The younger the woman in labor, the sooner her scar heals and the fewer complications arise in the postoperative period.
  • Builds. Great value has a physique. Sutures will take longer to heal in obese women who have extra folds on their abdomen.
  • Mobility. Pregnant women who lead a sedentary lifestyle have weak labor activity, which leads to ECS.
  • Second birth. If a caesarean section is repeated, the sutures heal faster and the risk of discomfort is reduced to a minimum (see also: ).

The internal suture on the uterus takes longer to heal, so doctors recommend that women refrain from another pregnancy for at least 1.5–2 years. This optimal time for complete healing. If pregnancy occurs earlier, the risk of seam divergence increases - it may not be able to withstand the load from the baby growing inside.

Why does the seam hurt and pull?

Understanding the technique of performing a cesarean section will help you find out why the suture hurts or pulls. Doctors cut open the skin to get the baby out. subcutaneous tissue, muscles, uterus, as a result of which the scalpel can damage blood vessels and nerve endings. The body reacts to such serious damage by releasing hormones that cause vasospasm. Among others unpleasant consequences after a cesarean section may include:

  • Impaired blood flow. Nutrients can't get to damaged tissues, so the healing process is somewhat delayed.
  • Increased pain. Acids accumulate along the edges of the cut, which further irritate wound surface and increase pain.

If the inflammatory process begins at this moment, healing will take much longer than usual. Factors influencing the duration of discomfort in the suture area:

  • Seam pressure on fabric. In this case, the patient complains that she has pain and pulls the seam. The situation can be resolved by taking painkillers.
  • Inelasticity. Many mothers turn to the gynecologist a month after the operation with complaints that their scar hurts. The reason is its inelasticity. When the abdomen is tense, the rough tissues stretch, causing pain. It usually subsides 6–12 months after surgery.
  • Gas formation in the intestines. During the operation, the integrity of the peritoneum is compromised, which negatively affects the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Therapy includes a course of drugs to improve intestinal motility.
  • Spikes. Quite often, adhesions form at the site of tissue scarring - this delays the healing process for several months.
  • Contraction of the uterus. After childbirth, the empty uterus should return to its previous size. The faster the contraction occurs, the sooner the pain in the abdominal area will stop.

Signs of seam dehiscence

After the doctor has explained the question of how much the suture normally hurts after a cesarean section, you should pay attention to unpleasant moments, one of which is the suture dehiscence. This happens due to disturbances in the healing process - hidden infection does not allow the edges of the tissue to grow together correctly, so on one side or in the middle the scar begins to diverge. If a woman ignored the recommendations and began lifting heavy objects or began active sports, the fault for the divergence of the seam lies with her. Symptoms of discrepancy:

  • pus;
  • heavy bleeding.

Disclosure of the tissue requires immediate contact with the maternity hospital. Having seen blood or pus emerging from the suture, the patient must contact the maternity hospital where she was operated on to determine the cause of the discrepancy and eliminate it. Unreasonable pain accompanied by severe vaginal and uterine discharge, may indicate a divergence of the external seam. If a woman’s external suture is torn, the same situation can happen with the internal one - the sooner the surgeon examines her, the better.

Suture dehiscence after cesarean section is fraught heavy bleeding, fatal.

How to properly care for a seam?

While the woman is in maternity hospital, the nurse is taking care of the suture. Upon arrival home, responsibility falls on the new mother. Doctors give several simple recommendations that will help speed up healing and reduce the risk of complications to zero. These include:

  • taking painkillers prescribed by a doctor;
  • treating the seam with drying antiseptics (brilliant green, iodine, potassium permanganate) (more details in the article:);
  • mobility – on the second day after surgery it is necessary to forcefully stand up and walk, increasing the load daily;
  • regular showering without using soap in the area of ​​the seam;
  • limiting warm baths and washcloth use;
  • wearing postoperative bandage throughout the day with a night break.

Possible complications

After any operation there is a risk of complications, caesarean section is no exception. It is important for the patient to respond promptly to feeling unwell and apply for qualified medical care. When preparing for surgery, a woman needs to understand what she may encounter during and after a cesarean section:

  • heavy blood loss during surgery;
  • formation of adhesions, as a result – failures in normal operation peritoneal organs;
  • endometritis - extensive inflammation of the uterus;
  • formation of a hematoma near the suture;
  • bleeding from the incision site;
  • purulent inflammation of the suture;
  • seam divergence.

In the future, the woman may have other problems. If treatment is not timely, patients are faced with:

  • ligature fistulas - gaps through which infection can penetrate;
  • a hernia that occurs during a longitudinal incision or several operations on the abdominal cavity;
  • keloid scar - partial or complete compaction of scar tissue;
  • individual intolerance, allergic reaction for an anesthetic drug;
  • injury to the throat by a tracheal tube;
  • aspiration - hit gastric juice into the lungs.

Complications after spinal and epidural anesthesia also worry many patients. These include:

  • sharp decline blood pressure for the mother – there is a threat to the life of the woman and child;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • headache, discomfort at the site of anesthetic injection;
  • anesthetic intoxication;
  • damage spinal cord, resulting in cardiac arrest;
  • a decrease in the child’s vital signs due to anesthetics entering his bloodstream.