Selection of shoes for a child. First steps: how to choose the best shoes for a child starting to walk? How to choose the right shoes for kids

For autumn, children buy practical shoes that protect their feet from getting wet and cold. Kids have to walk through puddles and wet asphalt, so first of all, when choosing, you should pay attention to the water resistance of the models. It is recommended to purchase insulated products. In our climate in October and November you cannot do without them. The employees of the Daughters-Sons online store will tell you what kind of shoes your child needs for the fall.

What shoes should I buy for my child in the fall?

Children need classic and sports shoes. The first type is for everyday wear, the second is more suitable for games. An indispensable option is called autumn boots. It is recommended to choose models made of genuine leather with fur or fleece inner insulation.

Make sure the boots are well stitched. It is better to choose a pair with Velcro or zipper, since the laces can get wet, in addition, not all children can cope with lacing.

To decide what shoes to buy for your child in the fall, experts suggest familiarizing yourself with the main types of seasonal products:

  • boots made of leather, suede, leatherette;
  • autumn boots (for girls, boys buy boots);
  • closed shoes;
  • sports option (sneakers, sneakers);
  • rubber boots.


If a child suffers from flat feet or another foot disease, it is recommended to choose models with an orthopedic insole - arch support. It reduces the load on the foot and ensures pain-free movement. The Tashi Orto brand specializes in the production of autumn anatomical shoes.

Table 1. Types of autumn shoes
Type of autumn shoes Peculiarities Purpose Main brands
Boots Quite firm, with insulated lining and anatomical insole. The main material is artificial or genuine leather. For babies from 1 year. Pairs with classic suits and casual wear. Perfectly protect the foot from deformation. Twins, Jump-Jump, Zebra
Shoes Leather products. High-quality models do not float your feet and do not allow moisture to pass through. With low heels and clasps. Shoes under school uniform or a classic outfit. Needed for children to visit educational institution in the fall. “Tashi Orto”, “Kotofey”, Indigo Kids
Low shoes They differ from boots in that they have a low base. Made with durable thick sole. The varnished coating of the base repels water. Indicated for active walks in any weather. They can be worn in slush and are not afraid of dirt and moisture. Elegami, “San Marco”, “Kotofey”
Rubber boots Made from solid waterproof rubber. May have a textile or fleece lining. They don't get wet. Protect feet from water and dirt 100%. They are bought for safe walks for children through puddles, and for wearing shoes in heavy rain. Reima, Demar, Twins
Sneakers and sneakers
For autumn, soft models are suitable, but with a seamlessly sewn instep. Textile models are worn in autumn in dry weather. For long hikes, sports or physical education classes. DC Shoes, S’Cool, “Kotofey”

How to choose autumn shoes for a 1 year old child

For one year old baby Booties are perfect for fall. These are insulated fabric boots made from natural wool, cotton or felt. The products are particularly light and soft in texture. Cotton or synthetic linings never provoke allergies, protect well from the cold and prevent your feet from sweating. Booties can be worn on children from birth.


How to choose the right autumn shoes for a child? It must be remembered that it must fit exactly in size, protect from cold and moisture, and contain only anti-allergenic components in the inner layer - cotton, felt, leather, textiles, fleece and others. Manufacturers offer orthopedic children's shoes with special instep support and special inserts. It can be worn to prevent flat feet.

  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • Many parents begin to prepare for the baby’s first steps in advance. And, having heard and read articles about the “terrible” flat feet and other problems that begin to “grow up” with an upright child, they wonder whether their son or daughter should buy special shoes “for the first step.” Famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky tells whether it is necessary to put shoes on a child who is learning to walk, and what a toddler’s first shoes should be.

    Do you need shoes?

    Evgeny Komarovsky believes that a child can easily learn to walk without shoes. Moreover, the human foot is created in such a way that he can move only barefoot. After all, no one is born wearing sandals or boots! From a natural approach, no special shoes for children's first no step required.

    But when the child learns to stomp on his own two feet, he will have to be slowly taught to wear shoes.

    After all, he will not go to kindergarten, for a walk or to the clinic barefoot.

    Parents need to understand that shoes do not correct anything, and the arch of the foot will usually be what it is genetically destined to be. Shoes do not affect the straightness or curvature of the legs, or whether the baby learns to walk faster or slower. Shoes only protect the feet from the cold and mechanical impact, and nothing more. And you need to approach it from this position.

    Barefoot or sandals?

    All children, without exception, are born with flat feet, that is, 100% of babies have flat feet. The foot is formed as it grows and develops, and usually by the age of 12 it becomes clear whether there is flat feet or not. Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky says that parents are often to blame for flat feet, because from childhood they taught the child to wear slippers at home and sandals on the street.

    The risk of developing flat feet can be significantly reduced by allowing your child to walk barefoot more often. At home, on the floor - this should always be, and slippers are harmful. It’s very good if the child has somewhere to run barefoot at least sometimes other than his apartment.

    It’s great to let him walk with bare heels on the grass, on small stones, on asphalt, if you live in your own house and have a yard. In the summer, while on vacation in the village with his grandmother, a child is simply obliged to run barefoot. All this has a positive effect on the formation of the arch of the foot.

    There is no need to worry about hypothermia. Mom should not worry that a barefoot child who walks on the floor or ground will catch a cold. The legs are the only part human body, the vessels of which, when in contact with a cold surface, are capable of narrowing and thereby “saving” heat, not giving it away to environment. Walking barefoot is beneficial. But sitting in a cold place is absolutely forbidden, because the blood vessels in a child’s bottom are not able to narrow.

    You need to work on keeping your feet healthy from a very early age.

    Parents, according to Komarovsky, do not need to rush things and specifically teach their child to walk. Unpreparedness of the musculoskeletal system, muscles and ligaments, as well as the spine and feet, especially in a plump toddler, can cause a variety of orthopedic problems. The child must take the first steps himself, without coercion from adults, and when he is completely ready for this himself.

    When are shoes needed?

    Theoretically, a child begins to need shoes when he begins to leave the house “in public.” All babies who begin to walk have an unsteady, shaky gait, and their foot propulsion is not developed. This may be partly explained by the limited function of children's ankles. From this point of view, it will be much more convenient for the child to do more confident steps in high shoes that will fix and support your feet.

    This does not mean that all parents of beginner “stompers” should urgently run to the store for children’s shoes with a high back and arch support. It is needed only for those kids who walk unsteadily and often fall, and solely to give them a little more stability and confidence. As soon as they get them, you can wear any shoes - with a low back, with a soft back, with anything, of any model, as long as the baby is comfortable in them.

    In theory, high-top, more secure shoes are needed only for children under 3 years of age. If it stops being needed sooner, that’s okay.

    Orthopedic shoes

    A child needs orthopedic shoes when an orthopedic doctor identifies certain problems, for example, hallux valgus, clubfoot, etc. These diagnoses must be confirmed by radiographic studies. Only this gives the doctor the moral right to recommend that the mother buy orthopedic shoes.

    It often has to be made to order, taking into account the angle of curvature of the foot in a particular child. The doctor will indicate these parameters, and the orthopedic salon will try to take into account all the doctor’s prescriptions.

    However, you can often see how parents are quite healthy child They go to buy him orthopedic shoes, very heavy, scary, ugly and expensive, but “terribly useful.” They do this for preventive purposes, so that “there is no flat feet” and to avoid many other problems. And often they do this not on their own whim, but because the doctor advised.

    Komarovsky is confident that as long as doctors in clinics receive a certain percentage of the profits of orthopedic stores and salons, this practice exists and will exist.

    To a healthy child who has not been given very specific diagnoses that require correction with special therapeutic shoes, orthopedic boots are not needed!

    Boots by inheritance

    Parents are often interested in whether it is possible to give shoes from an older child to a younger one. Komarovsky says that there is nothing wrong with the fact that the baby starts stomping in the boots of his brother or sister.

    If the shoes fit him in size, do not press or wobble on his feet, if they are in good working order, then there is no need to complicate anything. These are just clothes, and therefore you can wear them after another child, subject to hygiene rules.

    How to choose your first shoes?

    There are several simple rules, knowledge of which will help parents choose the first, second, and each subsequent pair of shoes for their child, without harming him:

    You should not buy shoes “to grow.” If the sandals are too big, the rhythm of gait slows down. This, of course, does not pose any particular orthopedic harm, but it is still unpleasant. To compensate for the inconvenience of wearing large shoes, the child will begin to tuck his socks inward, and his knees will often be bent when walking.

    No need to buy heavy shoes. This is especially true for winter and autumn shoes for babies. The baby has just learned to stomp, and they bring him heavy high boots, and besides, the caring grandmother will definitely put a pair of woolen socks on the little one’s feet before putting them on. To understand how a still speechless child feels, Komarovsky advises adults to put on ski boots and walk without skis on a flat road for at least half an hour.

    The model of the first shoe does not play a big role, says Evgeny Komarovsky. If the child is healthy and has no medically substantiated problems with the feet or spine, then the main thing is not the color and the presence of laces or Velcro, but the convenience for the child.

    But it is important that the socks are still round; narrow noses prevent normal development fingers.

    A baby's feet are completely different from adult feet. And if choosing shoes for adults is not particularly difficult, choosing children's shoes, especially one year old child, seems to be a very difficult task. Properly selected shoes have great value for kids. When children take their first steps in their lives, it is very important for them to feel comfortable in their movements. By putting on the right shoes for a one-year-old child, parents can be sure that walking will become a favorite activity for their baby, on which good health and proper physical development growing organism.

    Why does a child need to wear shoes?

    As a rule, children begin to take their first steps starting at the age of 8 months. As soon as the child begins to walk, he is recommended to wear shoes. This is necessary so that the baby’s foot is formed correctly and subsequently does not develop flat feet. It has been proven that walking barefoot or in socks cannot provide children with confidence and protection from falling, which cannot be said about wearing boots or slippers.

    Leg one year old child plump and round. The muscles, tendons and joints have not yet formed, so it is very easy to damage or dislocate your legs when walking. But not every shoe is suitable for a 1-year-old child. If you choose boots that do not meet the necessary standards and conditions, then such shoes can cause harm to children.

    How to choose the right shoes for kids

    The right shoes should be comfortable for the child, so before choosing shoes, you need to take measurements of the baby's feet. We will need the length of the foot and the fullness of the leg. The ideal option would be to do this: before you go shopping for new clothes, first, at home, you need to cut out a cardboard copy of the child’s foot, or rather, make a homemade shoe out of cardboard. When you come to a store with such a frame, you will never be mistaken with the size and fullness of your feet in the chosen shoes.

    in the photo: shoe size range

    For children, the width of the shoes is of great importance. It is more convenient for them to wear moderately spacious and comfortable shoes. For a child aged 8 or 10 months, these shoes will serve as excellent support for the first steps. For a child aged 1 year, comfortable shoes will help him learn to run and jump without causing pain to his leg joints and feet.

    The right shoes should never be purchased in a similar size to the length of the foot. When walking, the leg tends to stretch and lengthen a little. Therefore, the size of the boots should be approximately 1.5 cm longer than the size of the foot. Children between 8 and 10 months of age may have different sizes, this should be taken into account before purchasing, and measurements of both legs should be taken.

    If possible, be sure to take your baby with you to the shoe store. With it you can try on any shoes you like and not make a mistake in choosing them. If you do not have the opportunity to take your children with you to the store, then you should definitely agree with the seller about the possible exchange of the purchase for another appropriate one.

    in the photo: a child tries on shoes

    How to choose the right quality shoes

    For children aged 1 year, the right shoes should be made only from natural materials. Artificial leather or oilcloth can cause discomfort: such materials make the foot begin to sweat and steam. Ideal shoes for 1 year old children, made of genuine leather or cotton. If you have to choose winter shoes, then the presence of natural fur is a prerequisite.

    Shoes made of genuine leather are most preferable for children aged 10 months and 1 year. When walking, the soft leather of the boots does not rub the child’s feet or put pressure on the toes. Leather shoes cope well with adverse conditions weather conditions: in cold weather it will create warmth, in warm weather leather shoes have excellent air exchange, and if they suddenly get wet, the leather will not let moisture in. Over time, leather shoes can take on suitable shape under the child's foot.

    Shoes from fabric materials Recommended for children aged 8 - 10 months. There are many natural materials: cotton, linen, jeans. These boots are similar in properties to leather shoes: they retain heat well, are able to “breathe” and are comfortable to use. The only negative about fabric shoes is that you can’t walk through puddles in them; at the slightest amount of moisture gets on the surface of fabric shoes, it will immediately crawl inside.

    Felt boots are recommended as an analogue of winter shoes. These shoes are suitable for children aged 8-10 months, who spend most of their time sitting in a stroller or sled while walking. For children aged 1 year, felt boots may not be convenient to use: many children find it uncomfortable to run in them, which causes them to become capricious, and a walk can turn into “hard labor.” Other children, at the age of 1 year, on the contrary, prefer to walk in soft snow in felt boots than in leather shoes. Therefore, the question is: what kind of winter shoes should I buy? - individual.

    For a child 1 year old, you can buy rubber boots. Currently, such shoes are made of synthetic rubber, which has the property of permeable air. The only condition when choosing rubber boots is the presence of a natural insole that does not allow moisture to pass through and warms the child’s feet.

    In order for a child’s foot to form correctly, shoes should be purchased that have an instep support. Children under one year old who cannot walk on the street on their own can buy shoes without arch supports. But the presence of a hard and high heel in any shoe is a prerequisite.

    Orthopedic insoles

    The use of orthopedic insoles for one-year-old children may be recommended by a pediatrician in case of improper formation of the child's foot. Such insoles are produced to order; an individual orthopedic insole is made for each child. There are many specialized catalogs in which you can choose the most suitable option based on the photo. Orthopedic insoles take the shape of the foot and eliminate the slightest defects in its correct formation. It has been proven that if a child under 5 years of age does not develop a correct foot, he will develop flat feet. chronic disease for life.

    How to make your child's favorite shoes?

    Currently, many tricks have been invented in clothes and shoes that kids really like. Any child, starting at 8-10 months of age, understands: he likes something and doesn’t like something. Same with shoes: some kids categorically refuse to wear slippers or sandals - they are more comfortable without them. In such cases, we recommend buying shoes with various faces or animals glued or sewn on them. A child at 8 - 10 months will be intrigued and will begin to put on shoes that are interesting to him.

    in the photo: children's slippers with a bunny

    Shoe models have also been invented that have springy soles. A baby aged 8 - 10 months will be very interested in such a game: they put shoes on him in which he can jump softly and high!

    in the photo: children's shoes with rubberized soles

    There are also special scented insoles that attract the baby with their smell. These insoles are made from natural materials using natural flavors that are not harmful to the baby’s health. “Delicious” slippers will become your child’s favorite shoes!

    Choosing first shoes is not an easy task for new parents. In the first year of life, the child only learns to accept vertical position and the first shoe has a significant impact on formation of the musculoskeletal system child. How to choose shoes for a child, taking into account the features physiological development- read the article!

    How a child's foot is formed

    In the first years of life, a child’s foot goes through several stages of development:

    • In the first 8-9 months of the baby's life, the feet are still don't feel body weight, which is why children are characterized by the absence of an arch of the foot. The arch of the foot begins to form only after the start of walking; in the future, it will help distribute the weight of the body and acts like a spring, softening the shocks of the body.

    A feature of a newborn’s foot is also its relative thumb mobility feet, during this period of time it resembles in function thumb on the hand. As a person grows, unlike monkeys, he loses this ability.

    • WITH first steps the foot begins to feel the weight of the body on itself, the ligaments and muscles of the foot are strengthened. The arch of the foot will be absent in the baby until the age of 2.5-3 years.

    In fact, there is an arch, it is formed by the position of the bones and cartilage of the child’s foot, but it is filled with a dense fat pad, it is this pad that acts as a shock absorber in children under 5-6 years old. That's why feet child up to this age will be flat.

    This is the norm! During this period of time, fixation and correct installation heels to prevent it from collapsing: high solid heel, high fasteners.

    • At the age of 3 to 8 years, the arch of the foot is actively forming; after 7 years, with signs of the formation of a flat foot, a need for an arch support.

    There is a simple diagnostic appointment to determine whether there is cause for concern: if the baby stands on his toes and the arch of the foot appears, then there is no cause for alarm.

    If the feet remain flat in all positions, discomfort, pain, and limited mobility appear - you should definitely see an orthopedist.

    The doctor, in turn, will determine whether there is a need to wear special orthopedic structures, orthopedic shoes, insoles or in severe cases during surgery.

    When to start wearing your first shoes

    You can start talking about your first full-fledged shoe when Baby stands on his feet and learns to walk. Until this time, shoes serve more of a decorative and warming function, which is performed by booties.

    When the baby takes his first steps, usually after 8-9 months, the importance of proper shoes grows; now shoes directly affect the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system not only of the foot, but also of the spine.

    How to choose shoes for a child

    We offer you 7 practical advice how to choose shoes for a child.

    1. Flexible sole

    The grooved surface gives flexibility to the sole. Greater value has flexibility in anterior section shoes to form the correct walking mechanism. Otherwise, the shock absorption protection may decrease and the load on the foot may increase, resulting in a rolling gait.

    2. Shoe weight: light materials, removable insoles

    Ease first shoe has paramount importance Since the baby is just learning to take his first steps, heavy shoes can significantly complicate the learning process. The peculiarity of a child’s foot is quite profuse sweating, in the foot more than 200 sweat glands by 1 square centimeter.

    It is important that the insoles are removable with the ability to dry both the insoles themselves and the shoes inside.

    To dry, it is better to place a ball of paper inside; drying directly near a heat source is not recommended, as this can lead to deformation of the shoes. In Primigi shoes, lightweight removable insoles are made using SKY EFFECT SYSTEM technology and covered with leather, which gives the child a feeling of natural comfort.

    3. Ergonomic shape: free front part, fullness adjustment

    A child's foot is characterized by a narrow heel and a wide forefoot. For a comfortable feeling and proper development feet it is important to the forefoot was not compressed and the baby could move his fingers freely.

    Pay attention to ergonomic shape baby shoe. In children, the fullness of the feet may vary significantly, so be sure to shoes must have the opportunity be regulated in completeness: Velcro, laces and buckles allow you to adapt the shoes.

    4. Solid high back

    For the proper development of the foot and the prevention of plano-valgus deformity and flat feet in the future, it is important correct heel placement And fixation ankle joint. This is why it is not recommended to wear shoes with a soft back or without a back that do not secure the ankle joint.

    Do not buy flip-flops, house slippers, sandals with a strap on the heel, or winter shoes without a hard back for your children. Shoes for children under 3 years of age must have a hard heel.

    5. Internal sole shock absorber

    The baby's feet encounter uneven ground, micro-collisions that occur when jumping and walking can be absorbed by the internal shock absorber of the Anti-Shock sole. Anti-shock is an air space in the sole that cushions and eliminates microshocks, protecting the baby's leg.

    6. Waterproof and breathable material

    For the first shoes, the materials from which the shoes are made are important. CORE-TEX technology in Primigi shoes allows the shoe to be at the same time waterproof and breathable.

    This is a special membrane with 1.4 billion pores per 1 square centimeter, which is located between the lining and the top layer of the shoe. Pores 20,000 times fewer molecules water, but 700 times more water vapor molecules. This is why water cannot get inside, and sweat easily comes out.

    And Primigi CORE-TEX SURROUND technology provides an open sole structure, making the shoe completely waterproof and breathable. This is especially important during seasons when the weather often changes from sunny to rainy and vice versa.

    7. Security

    Natural materials, no nickel in metal elements, no chromium in the inner lining material.

    The shoes are in close contact with the baby's skin through a thin sock, in warm and humid conditions harmful substances may come into contact with the child's skin. Naturalness of materials for shoes is not negotiable: genuine leather, textiles are traditionally considered the best materials for children's shoes.

    Lining material must not contain chromium, which can cause irritation to the skin of the feet. Many children have allergic reaction on elements of fasteners, decorative elements containing nickel.

    The main criteria for the right shoes: flexibility, lightness, breathability, strength, softness - the principles of the Primigi system.

    Do you need an instep support in your first shoe?

    Many mothers have the opinion that for the first shoes it is extremely important to have an instep or arch support to prevent the formation of a flat foot. As we wrote above, In babies, the fat pad acts as a shock absorber, which fills the arch and protects the child’s foot from stress.

    Presence of instep support in first shoes helps to erase the fat pad and weakening of foot protection. Exception: recommendations of an orthopedist for serious signs of pathology of the child’s foot formation.

    The second important fact is that the arch support must be located in a strictly defined area of ​​the foot, otherwise it will interfere with the blood circulation of the foot and cause discomfort in the child.

    Therefore, it is worth talking about individually selected shoes or special orthopedic insoles; the correct location of the instep support should be adjusted by an orthopedist every 3-4 months.

    How to choose a child's shoe size

    The baby is still very small and can't tell you whether his shoes are too tight for him. Sometimes children are very wary of the attack on the freedom of movement of the feet and the mother’s attempts to put the first shoes on their feet, in which case they will fiercely protest and show their dissatisfaction with the procedure of trying on shoes.

    2 ways to try on shoes for your baby

    Before choosing shoes for your child, you need to try them on. To do this, you can use one of two proven methods, or to be sure, use both:

    1. First way: move the baby’s heel to the back of the shoe, hold the foot loosely in your hands, lightly press on the projection of the baby’s big toe. The distance between the toe and the edge of the shoe should be about 1 centimeter
    2. Second way: Open the shoes as wide as possible and push the baby’s foot as far as possible towards the front edge of the foot until it stops. The distance between the heel and the back of the shoe should be sufficient to insert one toe.

    Be sure to try on both the right and left shoes, since children’s feet grow at irregular intervals and often the size of one foot may be larger or larger. smaller size the other leg.

    How to choose shoes for a child if the baby is left at home and needs to be bought without trying on?

    How to determine shoe size without trying on

    To understand how to choose shoes for a child and determine the correct size, place the baby on a piece of paper and outline the contours of the foot. The length from the protruding part of the heel to the tip of the longest toe will be the length of the child’s foot. More best option: cut out the footprint along the contour and take it with you to the store, and then compare the print with the insole in the shoe.

    Conversion of shoe sizes

    There is a world large number shoe size determination systems. Previously, in our country, shoe size was considered to be the length of the foot in mm (from the heel to the tip of the longest toe). Now we have adopted the European stichmass system: the calculation takes into account the length of the insole in stiches (1 stich is equal to 2/3 of a centimeter)

    In the conversion tables from different manufacturers You may see discrepancies in the translation from one system to another, since brands may differ in the length of the decorative allowance in the insole.

    How often to change shoes

    Everyone knows that tight shoes cause discomfort and can impair the development of a baby’s feet. And here's what You can’t buy shoes to grow Many people forget, but insufficient fixation of the leg can lead to foot deformities and disrupt the natural development of the leg.

    • from one to 3 years— every 40-60 days
    • from 3 to 6 years- every 3-4 months
    • from 6 to 10 years- every 4-5 months

    Categorically it is not recommended to wear it to term shoes for other children; when worn, the shoes undergo natural deformation to suit the characteristics of the child’s foot. In turn, deformed shoes can disrupt the development of the foot and cause discomfort in the baby.

    Should you wear shoes at home?

    You and I know the benefits of walking barefoot, but this statement is valid for uneven surfaces, soil, grass, sand, and so on. At home, the floors are flat and walking barefoot can cause foot deformation, disrupt the tone of the foot muscles and prevent harmonious development legs

    Walking on uneven surfaces is beneficial, by balls, by sand. Also, for proper formation of the foot muscles, it is useful to grab with your fingers various items: pencils, balls.

    How to choose shoes for your child according to the season

    • Winter: During the cold season, it is recommended to have at least two pairs of shoes. One pair for the street: high insulated boots, boots with a hard back, thick but flexible soles. Second pair: for heated visits: at home, away. These can be light boots or sandals with a high hard back, made of natural materials.
    • Spring and autumn: Autumn lightweight boots made of light leather with inner inserts made of thicker leather. During this period, boots with a CORE-TEX membrane from Primigi will be comfortable; the baby's feet will always remain dry thanks to the waterproof and breathable properties of the shoes.
    • Summer: Up to 2 years old, lightweight sandals with a high hard heel, a closed wide toe part, and adjustable in fullness with fasteners, Velcro or laces are suitable. For children over 2 years old, you can also choose sandals with a more open toe part; Velcro is more suitable here so that the child can put on the shoes himself.
    What do you know about how to choose shoes for a child? Please share in the comments!

    Oddly enough, children do not feel pain if they walk in tight shoes. This is due to the fact that in their feet is sufficient quantity adipose tissue, which dulls pain. But for a growing leg it is of great importance correct selection shoes

    An improperly formed arch of the foot is not only cosmetic defect. In the future this may cause serious problems with the baby’s health, because postural disorders and scoliosis often develop due to improper gait and flat feet.

    An inconvenient last, unsuitable heel, material and many other mistakes are very fraught. Let's look at the basic rules for choosing shoes for a baby.


    The task is complicated by the fact that you have to buy shoes quite often - after all, your feet are growing. Here extremes are inappropriate: shoes purchased “true to size” will quickly become small, and your toes will have to be curled. But shoes taken with a large supply are also not a solution - the foot will slip in them, it will be hard and uncomfortable for the child, and the likelihood of injury will also increase. Articular ligaments in childhood very weak, so if the shoes do not secure the foot, sprains, subluxations and dislocations of the joints easily occur when falling. Remember the rule - the margin should be about one and a half centimeters (for winter shoes a little more per sock).


    It is convenient to have with you a “footprint” of the baby - his leg circled on cardboard. With it, in principle, you can choose shoes quite accurately even without a child. But even if the child is with you, this will allow you to reject many unsuitable options without trying them on, which will save good mood and time. When actually trying on, it is important to pay attention to the following:

    • Is it comfortable to wear this pair;
    • You need to measure shoes on both feet;
    • look at the baby’s gait to see if it has changed.


    To the sole are presented the following requirements: It should be flexible, grooved and non-slippery. Previously, leather soles were popular, but at the moment Such a sole is practically not made, since it is quite hard. The shock-absorbing function of the foot depends specifically on the sole, because if it does not bend, then a normal roll from heel to toe is impossible. Try bending the sole with your hand, it should work. IN as a last resort, if the sole is still hard, the toe should be pulled up strongly, then although the sole will not be able to repeat the movements of the foot, rolling from toe to heel will be possible.


    On the heel side, the sole should be 1-1.5 centimeters higher.

    A separate conversation about heels for little ladies. Of course, their dream of looking older and clicking their heels is understandable. Moreover, in our time there is no strict control over the quality of cheap children's goods imported into the country, and you can often find beautiful little shoes with fairly decent unacceptable heels. The eyes of the little fashionista light up, the mother is lost... It is very important not to be led by children’s fantasies, to explain to the child why this is dangerous in the future.

    Sometimes you have to conduct educational programs on parent meetings in kindergartens and junior classes schools so that parents have unity and children do not take bad examples from each other.


    The material from which the shoes are made must be “breathable” and natural. This is important, since the regulation of autonomic nervous system It has not yet established itself, so do the thermoregulation centers, and the legs often sweat. But walking with wet feet is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. The plasticity and stretchability of the material is also important, which gives additional comfort, and also improves air circulation and ensures moisture evaporation.

    Arch support

    At the inner edge of the sole there should be a tubercle - an instep support, which helps to form the correct arch of the foot, preventing the development of flat feet. If you have clubfoot (toes point inward when walking), an instep support is contraindicated; it should not be there.

    Shoe heel

    The heel is also important: it must be firm enough to hold the heel and prevent it from turning to the side. Try squeezing the back with your fingers, it shouldn't be easy.


    Do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate confirming the quality of children's shoes. Buying shoes for a baby is not a case where you can sacrifice quality for the sake of price.

    Second hand

    Not only is it unacceptable to buy second-hand goods, but also to use children’s shoes inherited from older brothers and sisters in the same family. This is due to the fact that even with excellent external qualities, worn shoes always have individual deformation, and the functions of keeping the foot in place correct position shoes do not perform at the proper level.

    Well, arm yourself with our advice, and let your children’s shoes be just the right ones!

    Article provided by the website Detsky


    I'm wearing shoes lately take it from [link-1] look at the size according to the table, having measured the leg before doing so, so far everything fits perfectly, I took a very tiny reserve or no reserve at all, everything wears perfectly!

    06/17/2015 14:50:09, Vera

    Not a bad article, now I’m collecting information, tomorrow we’re going to buy sandals for the house and autumn shoes, the first is both. The child is 11 months old. As for the reserve, after filtering several articles, I was convinced for myself that for summer shoes the reserve is 8 mm, for winter 1.5-2. We'll see in practice in tomorrow's fitting. About the “mark” on the cardboard, good advice.

    Of course, I agree that you need to choose children’s shoes 1-1.5 cm larger, but this only applies to winter shoes, because... 5 mm goes to the toe, 5 mm - when walking the leg stretches, and 5 mm to the height of the leg, but summer shoes with such a difference cannot be taken for very small children, because they will “rake” with their noses, a maximum of 5-7mm, but when it’s already older child then it is possible by 1 cm, well, by 1.5 depending on the model, if the nose is closed, then it is possible by 1.5 and of course how else is it fixed on the leg - this is also very important aspect

    Comment on the article “How to choose the right shoes for your child”

    How to choose the right shoes for your child. person online. Buying shoes for a baby is not the case when you can sacrifice quality for the sake of price. How to choose the right shoes for your child.

    Clothes, shoes. Child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Please tell me where to buy shoes for a child and how much it costs, what kind better company to buy, what to look for besides a hard back? and when...

    Children's shoes: buy correctly. How to measure and choose shoes for a child. How to try on and choose shoes for a child." MBT sneakers. 09/04/11. Staff kindergarten"Vikerkaar" cannot understand whether they were just unlucky, or whether in Narva it is generally very difficult to get protection from...

    How to choose the right shoes for your child. Here extremes are inappropriate: shoes purchased “true to size” will quickly become small, and your toes will have to be curled. Remember the rule - the margin should be about one and a half centimeters (for winter shoes a little more per...

    How to choose the right children's shoes? We visited the oldest Moscow shoe factory " Paris Commune", and with the help of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy. gene Any shoes or boots should be selected with a small margin, about half a centimeter.

    Clothes, shoes. Child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Today I bought him Kotofey boots for his home, size 19, they are about the size of my little finger, and when you lace them up, they fit snugly on his feet.

    How many shoes does a person need? - gatherings. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Which shoes did your child really need, and which were clearly unnecessary?

    How to choose the right shoes for your child. What kind of insole should a child's shoe have: with or without arch support? In children under two years of age, the flattening of the arch of the foot is physiological. Tulip wrote something about a man with a 6rm - they took Rockport.

    Clothes, shoes. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers. Shoes - no, I never buy them in advance. the leg grows unevenly, there is a high probability that it will be uncomfortable, even if it is just right.

    Clothes, shoes. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household habits. I’m thinking about how much shoes a child should take for the winter, so that he has enough until spring, but at the same time he can walk was it convenient?

    Clothes, shoes. Child from birth to one year. The orthopedist told us that shoes are MANDATORY from the moment the child begins to stand for a long time, orthopedic with a hard heel so that the leg is fixed.

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