The love of Tolkalina and Maryanov, their personal life. Dmitry Maryanov: “I didn’t think it would be so exciting

Name: (Lubov Tolkalina)

Surname: Nikolaevna

Place of birth: Ryazan

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Eastern horoscope: Horse

Activity: actress

Childhood and youth

Tolkalina Lyubov Nikolaevna according to one of official versions was born in February 1978 in the village of Mikhailovka in the Ryazan region. But the actress herself made adjustments, saying that she was born in the village of Savvatma in the same region. Allegedly, it was there that dad moved mom so that she would get stronger before future births. But the daughter was born earlier, somewhat disrupting the plans. In most sources, in order to avoid confusion, the actress’s birthplace is simply indicated as Ryazan or the Ryazan region.

The family in which Lyuba grew up was far from art. Dad is a furrier, mother took care of disabled people. Lyuba Tolkalina's greatest hobby was synchronized swimming. The girl dreamed of connecting her whole life with this sport. She planned to work as a coach. IN school years Tolkalina got a job at the Water Theater for children. It was not just swimming, but something akin to acting.

At the age of 12, Lyubov Tolkalina played in a play on the water called “The Bakhchisarai Fountain.” The young artist performed in two roles at once - Mary and the Little Mermaid. Four years later, Tolkalina became a master of sports in synchronized swimming. But the further she went, the more she wanted to practice swimming not as a sport, but as an art.

An incident helped Lyubov Tolkalina finally decide on future profession. One day, a young beauty in the pool was noticed by an advertising director who was filming a video promoting expensive plumbing fixtures to the market. Upon closer acquaintance, Lyuba learned that the guy was studying at VGIK. Tolkalina decided that this was fate’s clue as to where to move next.

The girl entered the capital's VGIK, having overcome huge number contestants. Lyuba was lucky to study in the workshop of Alexei Batalov himself. Tolkalina graduated from the acting department in 1999.

The beginning of a creative journey

The actress graduated in 1999. It was then that she received her first cameo role in the film “The Recluse.” Upon completion of training, Lyubov was enrolled in the Theater troupe Russian Army. She worked on its stage for 4 years, after which she moved to the Empire of Stars theater. But working in the theater did not give her any pleasure, and she did not feel any benefit from this activity either. Her element was cinema, and she decided to devote her life to it, leaving this theater 4 years later.

By that time, Yegor Konchalovsky had been her common-law husband for a long time. In 2002, he starred his wife in his thrillers “Antikiller” and “Antikiller-2”, thanks to which viewers recognized her. In the first part it was only a cameo role, but in the second she became one of the leading characters.

The picture turned out to be unusual and caused a mixed reaction from viewers, however, its success is understandable. Other directors immediately drew attention to such a beautiful and extraordinary actress, so she soon starred in two more films, “Line of Defense” and “Gossip Chronicles.” Such works as “Sins of the Fathers” and “I Love You” brought even more popularity to Lyubov. The second picture was generally extremely ambiguous with elements of provocation. However, it was she who was shown at film festivals in Cannes and Berlin.

The actress was able to show her comedic talent in the film “The Listener.” Then there were more diverse roles. Lyubov is a very popular actress; she constantly acts in films both with her husband and with other directors. Today her filmography includes over 60 different film roles.

Since the beginning of 2000, Lyubov Tolkalina has become a very popular artist. Today, the actress has more than 90 projects in her creative arsenal.

Personal life

The actress met her first great love back in 1996. A friend asked to accompany her on a date, and Lyubov agreed, not expecting to meet her fate. Her friend’s boyfriend turned out to be Yegor Konchalovsky, but the fateful acquaintance did not make an impression on the young beauty. After the party, Lyubov left Moscow and returned a couple of months later, completely forgetting about meeting the director. Therefore, for the aspiring actress, Yegor’s persistent calls and invitations for a date came as a real surprise. Some time later, the meeting did take place, and the first date marked the beginning of an almost twenty-year romance. From the very beginning, the lovers were very different. An eighteen-year-old first-year student at VGIK and a thirty-year-old Cambridge graduate with tremendous professional success. Konchalovsky’s charm attracted crowds of fans to him, and Lyubov was sure that their romance was the director’s next passion.

The situation changed six months after they met, when the lovers began to live together. Tolkalina was convinced of the serious intentions of her chosen one, who radically changed her life. The aspiring actress began to travel a lot, meet famous people, attend social events. In order to match her famous husband, Lyubov constantly worked on herself. The girl learned two languages, tried to constantly learn something new and expand her horizons. The beautiful couple often attracted attention at various events and, despite the impressive age difference, the union of Tolkalina and Konchalovsky was very harmonious. The lovers wanted to have children, and in 2001 a sharp turn took place in the biography and personal life of Lyubov Tolkalina. Despite all the difficulties and health problems, daughter Masha is born.

When did it become known about the divorce of the star couple?

The divorce of Lyubov Tolkalina and Konchalovsky first became known at the end of 2016. The actress's personal life has always been interesting to her fans. Lyubov Nikolaevna decided to sum up the results of 2016, including the results of her personal life. On one of the social networks she wrote that she learned to be friends with her husband only when they had to separate. Naturally, this information shocked fans. After all, for them Tolkalina and Konchalovsky have always been an exemplary couple.

Having parted, Yegor and Lyubov still remain close to each other. They don't forget each other's birthdays, but personal life everyone no longer concerns them. Lyubov congratulated Yegor on his Day in social network by publishing touching congratulations. Despite her love for art, Tolkalina wrote that she loves her ex-husband more.

For the first time rumors of separation star couple began to penetrate the press for several years in a row. However, fans did not attach any importance to them. Moreover, the couple did not comment on their breakup. Tolkalina and Konchalovsky avoided answering questions from journalists about the fact that they had broken up.

However, some publications still managed to get Tolkalina talking. She said that she and Konchalovsky have not been a couple for 7 years.

Konchalovsky and Tolkalina about their civil marriage

Tolkalina Lyubov Nikolaevna speaks very rarely about her personal life and divorce, but before the divorce the couple was more sociable with the press.

Before it became known about Tolkalina’s divorce in 2015-2016, Lyubov Nikolaevna repeatedly mentioned that her personal life with Konchalovsky was not formalized. According to Tolkalina, it’s all her fault. She says that Yegor took a very responsible approach to the wedding. He wanted to formalize a marriage contract with the woman he loved. Tolkalina didn’t want this. Every time she saw a pile of papers that needed to be signed, Love fell into a stupor.

Tolkalina, in principle, did not understand the need for a marriage contract. Love believes that if people truly love each other, they will be able to find a way out of any situation. Even if it's a divorce. Really. This is how it all turned out for Tolkalina and Konchalovsky.

Answering questions from journalists about their marital status, Yegor and Lyubov unanimously declared that for them relationships are freedom. It is not necessary to be together everywhere - in the store, at the cinema and at work. Each spouse should have personal space.

We need to learn to take a break from each other. Especially if it is vital for one of the spouses. This is what Yegor turned out to be. He needed personal space.

Most often, the couple spent their holidays separately. Lyubov and his daughter went on vacation. Yegor remained in the country house. This suited Tolkalin and Konchalovsky. Tolkalina’s personal life led to divorce...

Consequences of divorce for Tolkalina

Information appeared on the Internet that immediately after the divorce, Lyubov Tolkalina began visiting a psychologist. The authors of such articles emphasize that Lyubov could not withstand the mental anguish of breaking up with her husband and now she needs qualified help from a psychologist. In fact, such articles have nothing in common with reality. Lyubov Nikolaevna Tolkalina really broke up with her husband. This became known in 2016. However, this did not affect the actress’s personal life.

In her interviews about her personal life and divorce, Lyubov Tolkalina talks about how she and her ex-husband had been living as just friends for a long time. She decided to tell her fans about everything when her ex-husband and wife finally decided to live separately.

The actress's psyche is fine. The woman is cordial towards ex-husband. They remained close friends. Lyubov says that she is always ready to help Yegor if he ever needs it.

Why Tolkalina and Konchalovsky divorced: Egor’s opinion

Konchalovsky has his own reason for his divorce from Tolkalina. He believes that he and Lyuba have become completely different. In his interviews, Egor says that despite life together, he and Lyuba had a kind of alliance. IN recent years they just lived under the same roof and nothing more.

The man believes that he and the actress have ideal relationship. After all, they treat each other like true friends. Moreover, they have a daughter together. It's worth making contact just for her sake. But the former lovers communicate with each other not only because they are connected by their daughter. Spending 20 years together and breaking up in one minute is not about Konchalovsky and Tolkalina.

“It’s good that we weren’t married,” says Yegor. Former lovers did not have to get a divorce. It’s enough to quietly resolve all the issues and just go to different apartments.

In addition, the personal lives of Konchalovsky and Tolkalina also collapsed because for Yegor, his wife’s life ceased to be of any interest. Lyubov Nikolaevna lives on her own. Yegor is not interested in what she does. This is another reason for their divorce. The only thing that binds the couple is their daughter. Look at the photo. The girl grew up to be a real beauty.

Lyubov Tolkalina and daughter Masha

Maria is the pride and outlet for the star mother. The busy filming schedule did not allow Lyubov to pay much attention to the girl, so Masha grew up to be a self-sufficient and completely independent girl.

“She’s got a ‘No Ban’ sign on her door, she doesn’t listen to me at all!” – Tolkalina laughs.

Outwardly, Masha looks like her dad, but she has her mother’s character. One day, the uncompromising and stubbornness characteristic of Lyubov almost cost the girl her life. Jumping from the roof on a bet, Masha received compression fracture spine. Tolkalina still blames herself for her carelessness, because of which she did not prevent the tragedy, so she tries not to put any more pressure on the teenager. For example, he doesn’t ask his daughter to lose weight or stop listening to strange music.

The actress maintains a warm, trusting relationship with her grown-up daughter. Although the 16-year-old girl is reluctant to share details of her personal life with her mother, she listens to her opinion on key issues, such as where to further study. The artist supports all the teenager’s endeavors, even adventurous ones, such as when her daughter lost several kilograms for the sake of an experiment.

The other day, all of Hollywood was on edge after several famous actresses admitted that they were harassed by producer Harvey Weinstein. The man offered roles to women in exchange for sexual intercourse. Journalists asked Russian actresses opinion on this matter, and then released a material in which Lyubov Tolkalina expressed a non-trivial thought.


"Sexual harassment is wonderful, honestly. And if you have a role, then what difference does it make how you got it? It seems to me that, on the contrary, there should be some kind of solidarity. Everyone feels good - he feels good, and they feel good, and the viewers, most importantly, have a good time..." - the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes Tolkalina with a link to the Meduza portal. It is not surprising that a terrible scandal arose. Then the actress tried to justify herself, explaining that her words were simply taken out of context.

Lyubov said that the conversation took place in a relaxed atmosphere, she did not take it seriously. “We had a damn frivolous conversation, which was twisted and turned upside down to such an extent that my PR agent’s eyes are now bursting with horror: “Liuba, what are you doing?!” It’s all about the context. For 15 minutes of the conversation, we did nothing but that they were having fun. I don’t deny my words, I really said them, but the context of the dialogue was not about violence. We were talking about actresses who make accusations after the fact. After all, I didn’t even say Weinstein’s name in that conversation. I was thinking about some abstract directors and actresses,” Tolkalina explained.

The actress noted that she was not even aware of the Hollywood sex scandal. “The journalist came to record an interview with me - in connection with the filming of a new project for STS. We chatted about our frivolous series. And suddenly she asks: can I get your comment on the situation with Harvey Weinstein? “And what happened?” “- I clarified. I wasn’t even aware of the scandal, I was distracted by the death of my close friend Dima Maryanov. “You don’t know? – the journalist was surprised. “The whole world is discussing this now.” And literally in a nutshell she told about the situation. And she did it funny, in colors. We both started laughing wildly,” said the actress.

Posted by Tolkalinaliuba (@tolkalinaliuba) Oct 15, 2017 at 6:01 PDT

By the way, Tolkalina admitted that she was having a hard time with the death of Dmitry Maryanov and could not sleep for several nights. “This is very difficult, because we were very close friends, I knew Dima for more than 16 years, I know his wife Ksenia very well... It seemed to me that he and I were very similar: we both felt unprotected from all kinds of manipulations and provocations. He He was cheerful, he always laughed at all topics. A person needs humor in order not to be afraid of death. This was a phrase from our play, it was his phrase. Honestly, I’m used to treating all the terrible things in life with humor. There’s a lot going on in the world now. terrible things. And the story with Weinstein in Hollywood is far from a priority problem compared to what is happening under our noses. The most important thing is that we are alive and that our friends do not leave us,” concluded Lyubov Tolkalina.

Dmitry Maryanov is an impressive actor with unique charm. These qualities helped him win the love of the audience. Journalists also love the actor because of his stormy personal life.

Charming Dmitry Maryanov was born in Moscow. He was brought up in a simple Soviet family, the boy had no famous relatives from the creative community. The future artist was keen various types sports Dmitry did well at school.

Dmitry Maryanov in his school years

At 13, the guy decided to enroll in a theater club, where he remained until graduation. Maryanov’s relaxed and charismatic nature helped him successfully develop his acting skills and take part in many productions.

After graduating from school, Dmitry easily passed the exams at the B.V. Shchukin Theater School. Here, the reckless student Maryanov organized the original “Scientific Monkey” theater, which enjoyed enormous popularity. The artist also made funny videos that could be seen in the TV show “Your Own Director.” This was his creative passion.

Maryanov’s timid beginnings in Lenkom, and confident steps in Soviet cinema

Mark Zakharov invited Dmitry to the legendary Lenkom. On the stage of this theater he played many supporting roles. The most famous among them: “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” and “Juno and Avos”.

Dmitry Maryanov on the stage of the theater

“Above the Rainbow” is Maryanov’s first film in which he played main role still a teenager. He perfectly embodied on the screen the image of Alik, the same age as the artist. But this work did not bring fame or special popularity. The second film with Dmitry's participation turned out to be much more successful. The school drama “Dear Elena Sergeevna” became a cult event in the world of Soviet cinema. The image of the daring schoolboy Pavel turned out to be noticeable and attracted the attention of the audience.

Dmitry Maryanov in the film "Dear Elena Sergeevna"

In parallel with acting in the theater, Maryanov more successfully conquered the cinema. “Russian Ragtime” is a film about young apostates. The director of the film gave Dmitry the opportunity to play the main role, and did right choice. The next film in which the artist starred was a thriller about mysterious murders in the small town “Snake Spring”.

Dmitry Maryanov on the set of the series "Countess de Monsoreau"

The peak of Dmitry Maryanov's popularity occurred in 2000. The serial boom allowed to the fullest reveal the actor's talent. The image of the sexy, strong hero Dmitry won the hearts of all Russian women. The artist’s sports background has never been more useful. He performed all the stunts and fights on his own without the help of a stunt double. “Rostov Papa”, “Diary of a Murderer” and “Lady” are the first TV series in which Maryanov starred.

Dmitry Maryanov and Lyubov Tolkalina in the film "Locked Up Holiday"

Participation in the cult TV series “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...” finally cemented Dmitry’s image as a hero-lover. The complete opposite was the role in the multi-part project “Students”, where the artist played the role of a decent, kind and well-mannered teacher. In company with Grishaeva, Tolkalina and Belyaev, the actor played the main role in the series “The Personal Life of Investigator Savelyev.”

Dmitry Maryanov and Gosha Kutsenko in the film "Game of Truth"

With Lyubov Tolkalina, Maryanov played in an unusual theatrical production"Unreal show" The originality lay in the lack of scenery and limited space. Judging by the feedback from the audience and the amount of applause in the hall, one could safely say that the performance was a success, but critics had the opposite opinion.

Still from the series "Personal Life of Investigator Savelyev"

Dmitry’s leading roles in the crime series “Bouncer” and “Breaking” added to the artist’s already long track record. A new film with Dmitry’s participation, “Operation Muhabat,” is expected to be released in the near future. This is touching love story, which takes place in the midst of the war in Afghanistan with the participation of the Soviet army.

Fictional or secret personal life of Maryanov

Tatyana Skorokhoda is Dmitry’s first love. The relationship began while the artist was studying at theater school. The experienced lady did not immediately respond to Maryanov’s hints and advances. Their relationship continued for three years, but citing the actor’s young age and unwillingness to legitimize the relationship, the couple decided to separate.

Dmitry Maryanov and Tatyana Skorokhodova

Model Olga Anosova became the next chosen one of the handsome Maryanov. The girl studied at the faculty of directing at VGIK. After several months of romantic meetings, the couple decided to live together. IN civil marriage they had a son, Daniel. The constant absence of the head of the family from home, quarrels and misunderstandings became the reason for their breakup.

Soon, Maryanov began a passionate affair with his partner in the Ice Age project, athlete Irina Lobacheva. This relationship served as the reason for the divorce of Irina and Ilya Averbukh. Dmitry's friends and relatives said that this relationship would definitely reach the registry office, but the forecasts were not destined to come true.

Dmitry Maryanov and Irina Lobacheva

Officially, Dmitry Maryanov became a family man in 2015. His wife's name is Ksenia Bik. The actor’s chosen one already had a daughter, Anfisa, from a previous marriage. And what was the public's surprise when the couple admitted that the girl was born before marriage. Anfisa turned out to be Dmitry’s own daughter.

Dmitry Maryanov and Ksenia Bik

Today Maryanov is a happy family man; he protects his girls from annoying journalists. Sharks of the pen are very fond of Maryanov’s person, and several times a month they attribute affairs to him on the side.

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