The wife is taller than the husband in height - famous couples. Celebrity couples where the man is shorter than the woman

Today, September 23, Ivan Krasko celebrates his anniversary. On the eve of the holiday, the artist gave himself a truly “royal gift” - a wedding with his former student, who is 60 years younger than him. This caused a lot of talk. However, such an age difference is no longer nonsense today. the site remembered other couples where the spouse is much older than his other half.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Age difference - 30 years

Oleg Pavlovich went to Marina, breaking off his 35-year marriage with actress Lyudmila Krylova. Before this, the relationship between the venerable director and the then-beginning actress was a secret and had lasted for 10 years. Although Zudina did not want conflict in Tabakov’s first family, their romance should have received some logical continuation. The actor chose Marina. His children from his first marriage - Anton and Alexandra - suffered painfully from this divorce, and even refused to communicate with their father. Many predicted the collapse of this union.

However, the marriage of Tabakov and Zudina is already 20 years old, they have two beautiful children - Pavel and Maria, and their family is considered one of the strongest in domestic show business.

Oleg Tabakov as Evgeny Dorn and Marina Zudina as Irina Arkadina in a scene from the play Photo:

Andrey Urgant and Elena Romanova

Age difference - 30 years

Before the romance began, Andrei and Elena collided several times - at parties, filming programs, and his performances. One day Urgant was invited to give a lecture at the University of Culture and Arts. Lena studied there in her fifth year. Then the artist looked at her with interest for the first time and noted how she had matured and become prettier. I invited you over for mushroom soup...

Today Elena is not only a companion, but also the director of a TV presenter.

It should be noted that Andrei’s son, the famous showman Ivan Urgant, is 8 years older than Elena, and prefers not to communicate with his stepmother.

The son of Andrei Urgant is 8 years older than Elena. Photo:

Dmitry Dibrov and Polina Nagradova

Age difference - 30 years

The couple met 8 years ago during a beauty contest, where 17-year-old Rostovite Polina won the title “Miss Body”. Her young age did not bother the then 47-year-old TV presenter; he began to actively seek her favor, showering her with flowers and gifts. In 2009, Dibrov and Nagradova signed and got married. As the spouses assure, age is not a hindrance to their happiness, and they do not pay attention to the malicious attacks of the public.

In this union, three boys were already born. Polina devotes all her time to raising them. By the way, Dmitry has two more children from previous marriages. Let us remember that Polina is already Dibrov’s fourth wife. By the way, the previous wife was also 26 years younger than the journalist.

His young age did not bother the then 47-year-old TV presenter. Photo:

Alexander Gordon and Nozanin Abdulvasieva

Age difference - 30 years

TV presenter Alexander Gordon and the granddaughter of Valery Akhadov, a famous director, Honored Artist of Tajikistan and Russia Nozanin Abdulvasieva, met for the first time on the set of the film “Umnik.” The romance developed rapidly, and soon the couple got married. As 21-year-old Nozanin assures, she likes that her husband is older: “It’s easier to communicate with an adult man who has already decided in life and has set his priorities.” The girl's family also easily accepted her son-in-law.

By the way, during the history of Gordon’s three previous marriages, he already had experience living together with a woman much younger than himself - Nina Shchipilova. And the main reason for the divorce from Nina was precisely the 30-year age difference.

Alexander Gordon and Nozanin Abdulvasieva first met on the set. Photo: AiF

Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 31 years

The legendary musician and famous model have been together since 2003. Like most of our list, this is not the first union for Alexander Borisovich. Before Marina, the singer was married three times.

Gradsky saw Marina on the street and immediately decided to approach. Did the woman recognize the rock legend? Gradsky assures us that no. But a few days later she called on the mobile phone left for her...

The couple claims that during the 12 years of their relationship, not a single quarrel occurred between them, despite the difficult character of Alexander Borisovich, so the doom of marriages between people with a large age difference is a myth.

Alexander Gradsky. Photo:

Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

Age difference - 36 years

In 1996, fate gave the director, who already had four broken marriages behind him, a meeting with 23-year-old actress from Minsk Yulia Vysotskaya. By the way, Andrei Sergeevich himself admits that his character is not a gift. And, if he were much younger, it is unlikely that his marriage with Yulia would have been so long and lasting. But the experience gained in previous relationships saves you from many mistakes.

Today the couple are experiencing a tragedy - their daughter Maria fell into a coma as a result of an accident in 2013. This became a serious test for the marriage. As the media claimed, the family almost broke up. Today the girl’s condition is better, and Andrei and Yulia assure that all the rumors about a possible divorce are untrue.

Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya. Photo:

Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

The famous music producer, outrageous Bari Alibasov married his assistant Victoria Maksimova in 2013. At that time, the creator of the Na-Na group was 66 years old. And the girl is only 26. There was a scandal. Alibasov’s son, Bari Alibasov Jr., right on the air of the program where his father announced his engagement, called Victoria “an impudent and cunning bitch.” Allegedly, her motive for marriage is profit. As you know, Alibasov is not a poor man. It is also known that this is Bari’s sixth marriage, and all five previous ones did not last long. However, the young couple have been together for two years. You see, Victoria will become Bari’s “swan song”.

As we see, a big difference is far from uncommon, and not a hindrance to family happiness. True, no one has yet surpassed Ivan Krasko with his 60-year lead. We wish Ivan Ivanovich personal happiness and long life!

Bari Alibasov married his assistant Victoria Maksimova in 2013. Photo:

It is customary for us to expect from a man not only the notorious trees, houses and sons, but also tall stature, thanks to which he will proudly tower over his chosen one. It is surprising that the antediluvian installation, dating back thousands of years, is still working. However, lately it has been failing more and more often. the site offers to understand exactly what mechanisms are triggered when choosing a partner.

Let's start with an unexpected question. Remember the dashing 90s and newly minted “businessmen” in crimson jackets and gold chains? One of the most important elements of their style were dumb companions, who, however, were a head or even two taller than their benefactors. Almost two decades have passed, there are practically no more notorious “new Russians” left, but there are more and more couples in which the man is shorter than the woman. Why do short young men like tall girls? Why are girls, in turn, not always comfortable with such companions? The site searched for answers to these questions together with our regular experts, sexologist Evgeniy Kulgavchuk and women's psychologist Yulia Stolyarova.

What kind of men like to turn up their noses?

Not all representatives of the stronger half of humanity have a complex if they have to lift their heads to look into the eyes of their companion. Some even enjoy this fact. “Men who prefer women taller than themselves can be divided into three groups,” says sexologist Evgeniy Kulgavchuk. “They are drawn to the tall, or rather to the tall, for various reasons.”

My second mother

The first group of men perceives taller women as mothers. Next to such a beloved, they feel calmer and more protected. This is a kind of delay, “stuck” in psychosexual development, a manifestation of the Oedipus complex. However, with mutual adaptation, such a pair of a taller woman and a short man will be completely harmonious and organic.

Big Prize

The second group views their lovers as a trophy (site note: it seems to us that it was they who came up with the saying that in order to correctly assess the status of a man, it is enough to look at his woman). Such men, as a rule, choose not only tall women, but also, for example, big cars. In these cases, a compensation mechanism often comes into play. In the perception of this group of men, the possession of something, in their opinion, is good and a vivid demonstration of it to others is proof of their own importance in their own eyes and the eyes of other people. These men actually need psychotherapy, but they usually do not realize it themselves and seek help only after serious life upheavals.

I saw it and disappeared

In the third group, attraction to tall women is consolidated at the stages of psychosexual development by imprinting. Imprinting is literally “imprinting,” in sexology associated with sexual arousal or other positive emotions. Imprinting can be associated, for example, with individual characteristics - large breasts, long hair, height, smell, etc. In the future, it can influence the choice of sexual partners in adulthood, forming individual preferences. For members of this group, height is a fetish, such as large breasts or long hair. These men may have normal self-esteem and simply have appropriate preferences.

Relationships in couples in each group can be adapted or cause discomfort for the woman, depending on a variety of circumstances.

“Mom” can revel in her role, be happy, feel needed, or, conversely, constantly be irritated by the immaturity of her man-son and even despise him. A “trophy woman” can suffer when a man disrespects her, and when he admires her, she can bask in attention and love.

It is more common for us when in a marriage or relationship the man is older than the woman. But women who married a much younger man claim to have discovered the secret to happiness. Maybe it's worth taking a closer look at these couples?

Tina Kandelaki

Presenter and producer Tina Kandelaki was married for a long time to her peer Andrei Kodrakhin, one of the owners of the Askon clinic. But in 2010 they divorced, and in 2014 Tina married Vasily Brovko, who is 15 years younger than her. The presenter hid her husband’s name and the very fact of the wedding for a long time; only thanks to the ring on her finger, fans knew that everything was in order with the star’s personal life, but everything finally became clear in May 2016. Thanks Twitter.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears, who made the whole world hum Baby One More Time, is no longer a baby, she is 36, she has a not very successful marriage with Kevin Federlein and a string of novels (including with Justin Timberlake!) Her new boyfriend Sam Asghari is 24 year, she recently touchingly congratulated him on his birthday on Instagram. Sam calls her “the most beautiful woman in the world,” and their photos together can be used to make a calendar for Valentine’s Day.

Lera Kudryavtseva

When presenter Lera Kudryavtseva married hockey player Igor Makarov, she probably couldn’t imagine how many interesting things she would hear from people about their age difference. Lera at that time was 41 years old, and the groom was 28; last year they celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. During this time, not a single interview was complete without a question about their marriage, and once the couple even recorded a video in which Lera appeared in the form of an old woman (thanks to special applications!) Rumors about their divorce regularly appear in the press, haters rejoice, but for now without reason.

Yana Rudkovskaya

Many questions about why he chose an older woman were asked to figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Evgeniy is 35 years old, and his wife, TV presenter and producer Yana Rudovskaya, is 7 years older. Evgeniy constantly repeats that it’s not a matter of age, but how well people feel together and tells them about their pet nicknames: his wife calls him Kotofey, and he calls her Kotofeevna.

Hugh Jackman

One of the sexiest men on the planet, Hugh Jackman, is now 49 years old. And his wife Deborra-Lee Furness is 62. However, the significant age difference does not prevent the couple from living in a happy marriage for 18 years (Hugh and Deborra met in 1995, and got married exactly a year later) and raising two adopted children. In all his interviews, Hugh Jackman calls his wife “the best mother in the world,” states that he fell in love with her the first minute he met her and still doesn’t know anyone more attractive.

Julianne Moore

Actress Julianne Moore, now 57 years old, is happily married to director Bart Freundlich, who is 9 years younger than her. Just imagine, they have been together since 1996, they have two children. Juliana admits that the initiative came from her, but now the most difficult thing is to find time to just be together: either filming, or children, or everyday life. But it seems they are succeeding, otherwise they won’t survive 22 years!

Tina Turner

In July 2013, Tina Turner (now 78 years old) married producer Erwin Bach (now 61). Before the wedding, they dated for 27 years; Turner brushed off questions with the standard: “We’re fine as is!”, but then they decided to legitimize the relationship. They live in Switzerland, the singer even accepted the citizenship of this country, renouncing her US citizenship.

Sam Taylor-Wood

Director Sam Taylor-Wood met Aaron Johnson when she was 42 and he was 19. He was the perfect choice for the role of John Lennon in her new film, and subsequently for the role of her husband. They got married in 2012 and have four daughters (two children together and two girls from Sam’s first marriage). They brush off tricky questions - they say that age is a convention, and Aaron at heart is much older and more serious than Sam.

Joan Collins

The fifth husband of British actress Joan Collins (star of the series "Dynasty") is producer Percy Gibson, her junior by 32 years. Once the actress was asked whether the age difference bothered her, to which she replied: “If he dies, then he dies!” You can't argue with that.

The stereotype that a man should be taller than his chosen one has long been successfully destroyed by many celebrity couples. Long-legged models and actresses add a few centimeters to themselves with sharp stiletto heels, giving the impression that they are much taller than their partners. But this does not interfere with the happiness of the lovers, and they firmly prove that a healthy relationship does not depend on growth.

  • The Weeknd and Bella Hadid

This couple might not have been on the list if it weren't for the model's passion for high heels. There is practically no difference in the heights of Bella and Abel, but it is difficult to understand in photographs, because she is always in heels. However, this does not bother the singer: he has been happy next to the tall beauty for several years now.

  • Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

On the carpets, the ex-Victoria's Secret angel looks much taller than her fiancé. However, this does not bother anyone: the model and actor are rightfully called one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood. They have been together for 9 years, and recently celebrated their second anniversary son Jack.

  • Benji Madden and Cameron Diaz

This pairing clearly symbolizes the phrase “opposites attract.” She is a tall, tanned blonde, he is a short, brutal rock musician with many tattoos. Cameron and Benji have been happily married since 2015 and keep their relationship private.

  • Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner

Most recently, the star of the acclaimed series “Game of Thrones” Sophie Turner announced on Instagram that she married singer Joe Jonas. Once again we are convinced that love is stronger than all prejudices - the spectacular blonde clearly did not choose her husband based on his height.

  • Matthew Vaughn and Claudia Schiffer

The relationship of this couple is clearly enviable: Claudia and Matthew have been married for 17 years and are raising three beautiful children. Claudia often complements her already tall height - 180 centimeters - with high heels. But it seems that over such a long life together, the husband has learned not to pay attention to this.

  • Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni

The difference in height between the ex-president of France and the supermodel is about 10 centimeters, but the couple looks surprisingly harmonious. The lovers were often predicted to separate, however, they have been together for more than 10 years and are raising their common daughter, Julia.

  • Pharrell Williams and Helen Lasichanh

Pharrell Williams and Helen Lasichanh got married in 2013, and in January 2017, the model gave the singer triplets. The couple also has an 11-year-old son, Rocket. I wonder whose height the children of star parents inherited?

  • Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

The actress's passion for short men can be easily traced from her high-profile novels. Kidman's ex-husband, Tom Cruise, was also significantly shorter than her. It is interesting that the actor was noticeably worried about the difference in height with his wife, but the current love of the actress, musician Keith Urban, does not care at all. The couple got married in 2005, and a few years later, at 41, Nicole gave birth to a girl. The second daughter of the star couple was born by a surrogate mother.

  • Gwendoline Christie and Giles Deacon

The height of the Game of Thrones star is truly surprising - 191 centimeters. It’s no wonder that it was extremely difficult for her to find a man of her height, and why? The actress found her happiness in the person of English fashion designer Giles Deacon, who is almost a head shorter than her. The actress has been with her lover since 2013.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham

The height of former Victoria's Secret angel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is 175 centimeters, quite a modest figure for the modeling world. But this is enough to look down on your boyfriend.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

Another lover of model-looking beauties is musician John Legend. He is taller than his wife, model Chrissy Teigen, by only 1 centimeter, but a pair of high-heeled sandals lifts his beloved to the skies.


Pharrell Williams and Helen Lasichanh

If you love dating models, you should also love to be included in the lists of men who are shorter than their girlfriends. But it is thanks to his wife, model and designer Helen Lasichanh, that Farrell regularly finds himself on lists of the most stylish and well-dressed men.

Mikhail Galustyan and Victoria Stefanets

His short stature (163 centimeters) hardly ever seriously bothered the artist Galustyan: a sense of humor, charm and charisma were the artist’s main weapons in conquering women. The comedian’s main victim was Victoria Stefanets, who married Galustyan in 2007. The result was a star couple with a big difference in height.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Yearning for heels with her first husband Tom Cruise, actress Nicole Kidman decided to choose someone stronger for the second time. But surpassing Kidman’s 180 centimeters is not so easy: country musician Keith Urban is two centimeters shorter than his beloved.

Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden

Beauty Cameron Diaz is 174 centimeters versus her husband, Good Charlotte guitarist Benji Madden, 168. And yet, it was he who managed to persuade the actress to marry.

Liv Tyler and Dave Gardner

Football agent Dave Gardner has never suffered from a lack of female attention. His track record includes singer Rita Ora and actress Kelly Brook, as well as millionaire heiress Davinia Taylor. With his new lover, actress Liv Tyler, short Dave has found his family happiness and is raising children together.

Erin Dark and Daniel Radcliffe

American actress Erin Darke is not only taller than her famous boyfriend, but also five years older than the British actor. The couple met on the set of the drama “Kill Your Darlings,” and neither years nor centimeters became an obstacle to the romance.

Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy

Being short isn't a problem when you're president. The former leader of France is a full 10 centimeters shorter than his first lady, but is this an obstacle to love at the highest level?

Nadya Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili

It is not so easy to resist the charm of the Georgian Rezo. So actress Nadezhda Mikhalkova gave up. At the same time, she is not embarrassed to wear heels next to her husband, despite the fact that the difference in height is much more noticeable.

Olga Sutulova and Evgeny Stychkin

Actor Evgeny Stychkin (162 centimeters) has already joked about his height in the comedy “From 180 and Above.” In life, his short stature did not prevent Stychkin from meeting his love - actress Olga Sutulova, 168 centimeters tall.

Alexander Tsekalo and Victoria Galushka

The younger sister of singer Vera Brezhneva, Victoria Galushka, became the third wife of Alexander Tsekalo and, according to tradition, is taller than him. From his youth, the future celebrity did not hesitate to court tall girls, and they reciprocated his feelings.