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Interpretation of lung x-rays online on our website is carried out by qualified doctors radiology diagnostics. Reading radiographs – complex process. The need for accounting anatomical features of a person, changes in the x-ray anatomical picture under the influence of the disease - these features do not allow a person without “radiological education” to correctly decipher the image.

Basics of X-ray interpretation

Interpretation of X-rays by students medical universities carried out according to standard algorithms. The schemes do not take into account many rare nosological forms, but for most situations, reading images using a standard is quite suitable.

X-ray researcher William Kondrad Roentgen himself did not know human x-rays, so he did not conduct experiments with anatomical images. Metal objects were used to evaluate the properties of the invention.

The first equipment, created in 1896, did not have modern digital quality, so it was impossible to correctly decipher an X-ray image.

Some aspects of normal x-ray anatomy internal organs medicine was provided by Hoffmans and Maastricht. Studies were conducted to determine the radiation dose that a person receives during X-rays.

In order for humanity to receive a high-quality type of diagnostics, the first researchers x-rays conducted experiments in absolute darkness, sacrificing health due to ionizing radiation. Doses from historic X-ray equipment were 100 times higher than those generated by modern digital machines. The image was not of high quality, but small details could be seen in it.

High-quality interpretation of lung X-rays has become possible due to the introduction of scattering gratings, reduction of exposure time, and the use of software.

Readers will be interested to know that X-rays were discovered in 1895.

How to correctly interpret lung x-rays

It is impossible to correctly decipher an X-ray of the lungs without specialized knowledge. To read an image, medical education is not enough.

Qualified online radiology doctors are ready to “read” radiographs and make a qualified conclusion. The service is performed for site users within 1-2 days.

For regular users, we will tell you about some aspects of interpreting lung images using the example of radiographs.

X-ray of organs chest in direct projection: black large areas on both sides of the image - pulmonary fields

Correct interpretation of a chest x-ray begins with identifying the leader pathological syndrome- in the presence of illness. Then a thorough intrasyndromic diagnosis is carried out.

In the presence of several X-ray syndromes, diseases should be differentiated according to a certain sign. Most often, when trying to decipher an x-ray, doctors encounter three pathomorphological forms:

  1. Inflammation;
  2. Cyst;
  3. Tumor.

When identifying the leading X-ray syndrome, we propose to classify the pathology as one of the groups described above. Then the structure of clearing or darkening is studied.

An alternative algorithm for interpreting lung x-rays is based on “backward elimination.” The rationality of using the scheme is relevant in the presence of many diseases characterized by similar radiological manifestations.

For example, with miliary dissemination, the following nosological forms must be excluded:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Silicosis;
  • Carcinomatosis.

If the diseases are not confirmed by the specificity of X-ray syndromes, the following conditions should be assumed:

  • Interstitial viral pneumonia;
  • Hemosiderosis (deposition of iron inclusions in lung tissue).

Other diseases must be excluded when the x-ray picture of the above-described nosology is not confirmed.

Correct interpretation of the radiograph is impossible if clinical data are excluded from the analysis. Remember that the radiologist’s conclusion must be clinical and radiological!

Digital radiograph of the lungs in a direct projection: the leading syndrome is expansion of the cardiac shadow to the left

Medical X-ray Reading Algorithm

Qualified radiologists interpret chest x-rays according to the following scheme:

  1. Studying the quality of the image;
  2. Identification of the suspicious area;
  3. Determination of “normality” or “pathology” of an image;
  4. Localization assessment primary focus(pleura, lungs, bone tissue);
  5. Description of the structure of the X-ray syndrome.

To describe the pathological picture, radiology doctors identify 10 radiological syndromes:

  1. Total blackout pulmonary field;
  2. Limited shade;
  3. Dissemination;
  4. Round shadow;
  5. Cavities;
  6. Enlightenment (subtotal, total);
  7. Focal dissemination or limited focus;
  8. Pathology of pulmonary pattern;
  9. Root changes;
  10. Disturbances in the patency of the bronchial tree.

The most common diseases are cardiovascular system. They provoke early disability and mortality. Early detection Heart pathology can save a person’s life.

A qualified interpretation of a lung x-ray should include an assessment of the condition of the pulmonary fields, cardiovascular system, and soft tissues.

X-ray of the OGK (direct projection): high position of the right dome of the diaphragm

The optimal combination of radiography with other clinical instrumental methods allows for the timely detection of hemodynamic, pulmonary and other organ dysfunctions.

High-quality interpretation of lung x-rays includes not only the formation of a description with a conclusion. A competent specialist will definitely offer a recommendation for a more thorough diagnosis or dynamic observation following the patient for a certain period of time.

Contact the professionals.

X-ray of the lungs is a summation image of the soft tissues of the chest. Along the path of X-rays, some structures absorb and others reflect radiation. Such a game is displayed on x-ray film or digital media.

A radiologist reads an x-ray consisting of a complex of shadows of white and gray colors. Their combination forms an image, which a specialist deciphers and makes a description.

Our specialists are ready to interpret readers’ X-ray images for free. We also suggest that you carefully understand the complex yourself X-ray blackouts and enlightenment.

X-rays of the lungs are normal

X-ray images of the lungs (chest organs) are analyzed according to the “PoChiFora and InRiCoS” scheme. How to decipher these terms:

  • Po – position;
  • Chi – number;
  • Fo – form;
  • Ra – dimensions;
  • In – intensity;
  • Ri – drawing;
  • Co-circuits;
  • C – displacement.

This algorithm is taught to medical university students preparing to become radiologists.

Consider, for example, an x-ray of a normal lung:

It visualizes a lot of darkening and lightening (white and black), which can intimidate readers. In fact, this radiograph is easy to decipher (see next image)

All anatomical structures are labeled on the radiograph to make it easy for readers to understand. We suggest you remember the intensity of the lung fields. The norm does not imply the presence of pathological darkening ( white) and lightening (dark color), which are not in the image.

If you get your eye on it, you will learn to clearly distinguish normal from pathology.

X-ray of healthy lungs, how to read

X-rays of healthy lungs should be described according to the classical standard. First, entries are made about pathological X-ray syndromes, then the pulmonary fields, roots, domes of the diaphragm, costophrenic sinuses, cardiac shadow and soft tissues.

How to do an X-ray of a child’s lungs correctly and without consequences

Classic algorithm for describing healthy lungs:

  • In the pulmonary fields without visible focal and infiltrative shadows;
  • The roots are not expanded, structural;
  • The contours of the diaphragm and costophrenic sinuses are without features;
  • Heart shadow of normal configuration;
  • Soft tissues without any features.

The above radiograph falls under this description.

X-ray of the chest organs with pneumonia - pathology

An x-ray of the lungs with pneumonia is a classic manifestation of pathology. Here is an example of a photo inflammatory changes lung tissue (pneumonia), so that readers understand the difference between normal and pathological.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the pictures below for pneumonia and normal conditions. Answer the question: which x-ray is normal and which is pathological? Determine which x-ray shows pneumonia.

Let us tell you that the darkening is small and localized above the diaphragm.

X-ray of healthy lungs is a classic of radiology, since radiology is focused on detecting tuberculosis, cancer and pneumonia.

Reading the radiograph

On the presented radiograph of the lungs, an infiltrative shadow is visualized in the supradiaphragmatic zone on the left. The roots are heavy. The costophrenic sinuses are not veiled. Heart shadow of a classic configuration. Pathologies in soft tissues not traceable.

Conclusion: X-ray signs of left-sided segmental pneumonia. An X-ray of the chest organs in the left lateral projection is recommended to establish the localization of the darkening.

Digital X-ray – what is it and how to read it

Digital radiography is a product of modern developments in radiology. In the era of the birth of X-ray diagnostics, in order to obtain an image after X-rays passed through the anatomical structures of the body, it was necessary to use fixatives and developers to create a photo negative. The process is similar to how photographers develop film.

Modern technologies have made it possible to get rid of this labor-intensive procedure. Digital research has replaced film. They involve the use of special sensors that record the intensity of the rays at the exit from the object of study and transmit information to software. It analyzes the signals and displays a digital image on the screen. It is analyzed by a radiologist. When reading the image, the specialist has the ability to enlarge or reduce the image, convert a negative into a positive, and many other functions.

X-ray is the most common method of examining the lungs. It is prescribed much more often or CT scan due to its low cost. The essence of this method is X-ray radiation that passes through the human body and varying degrees reflected on the film depending on what tissue it passes through.

Many people believe that fluorography and radiography are the same thing. The principle of these diagnostic methods really the same, but fluorography is less informative; with its help, only significant disorders can be determined, while the radiation dose during radiography is less.

X-ray of the lungs, in contrast, is rarely prescribed for preventive purposes. This procedure is usually recommended if there is characteristic complaints at the patient. Despite the fact that radiography is more informative, it is also more expensive, so fluorography is still used for preventive health checks.

Description x-rays takes longer and involves a whole series parameters. The interpretation of the images should be done by a radiologist. The patient is given a completed report.

Radiography is used both when making a diagnosis and when the diagnosis is already known to check the effectiveness of treatment.

Indications for the procedure are:

  1. Chronic cough. For prolonged and painful coughing attacks that last more than a month, it is recommended to take an x-ray.
  2. Pain in the lungs. Any painful sensations in the lungs during coughing or when moving, as well as shortness of breath require mandatory examination.
  3. Hemoptysis. The appearance of blood in sputum is an alarming symptom that cannot be ignored. Hemoptysis can be a symptom of many serious diseases, so a full examination is recommended.
  4. Unreasonable weight loss. In case of sudden weight loss, it is recommended to take an x-ray of the lungs to exclude oncology.
  5. Checking your condition during treatment. X-rays are done in mandatory for pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, lung cancer. It is recommended to undergo radiography no more often than once every six months, but in case of emergency, more than once frequent procedures.

The radiation dose a person receives during the procedure is small and does not cause harm. healthy body. But X-ray radiation has a negative effect on actively dividing cells, so this procedure is not recommended for children and pregnant women.

TO x-ray radiation germ cells are especially sensitive. To avoid disorders of the reproductive system before the onset of puberty, preventive radiography is not performed. This procedure is prescribed only for health reasons.

Preparation and procedure

The X-ray procedure is very quick and painless. No preparation is required. You do not need to adhere to a diet or change your lifestyle before the procedure.

Modern equipment allows for a full examination of the lungs with minimal exposure to radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to choose clinics with a new X-ray machine. The image format is usually universal, so you can then contact any clinic with the results obtained.At the specified time, the patient comes to the X-ray room with a referral. The procedure takes no more than a few minutes.

The patient undresses completely to the waist and removes all metal jewelry. There should be no pendants or chains around the neck. Long hair must be gathered into a bun and raised above the neck line.If the equipment is modern, you can undergo the procedure in underwear, but if it does not contain metal objects or synthetics.

If necessary, the procedure can be performed lying down or sitting.

A special apron is put on the patient; if there is a need to perform the procedure on a pregnant woman, the apron covers the abdomen and reproductive organs.

If the procedure is overview (all lungs are examined), then the patient stands directly between the beam tube and the receiving screen. The doctor asks the patient to hold his breath while the device operates. This lasts no more than a few seconds, after which the patient exhales and can get dressed.

More information about radiography can be found in the video:

If the procedure is targeted and a certain area of ​​the lung is examined, then the patient is asked to stand or sit in a certain way (so that the rays pass at a certain angle). Otherwise, targeted radiography is no different from survey radiography.

The result is given to the patient within an hour. Compliance with the rules of the procedure is important, since many factors influence the reliability of the results. Even a strand of hair that falls on your back and is reflected in the picture can lead to an erroneous result.The result is also influenced by body position and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. If the patient inhales or moves during the procedure, the result will be distorted.

Medical X-ray Reading Algorithm

Reading x-rays is a complex process. It takes some time because there are many parameters that need to be described.

When decoding, the quality of the image and the shadow picture must be taken into account. If the picture is unclear, the patient will be asked to take an x-ray again after some time.

An approximate algorithm for reading a radiograph includes the following points:

  1. Projection of the photo. It is necessary to take into account the projection in which the picture was taken (lateral, posterior, anterior). The doctor must take into account the errors that are allowed in one or another projection.
  2. Chest shape. The patient's chest may be barrel-shaped, funnel-shaped, or cylindrical.
  3. Lung volume. The total lung volume is assessed. It can be low, normal or high.
  4. The presence of focal or infiltrative shadows. On the image, bones appear in white, lung tissue or masses appear in gray, and voids appear in black. If there is a gray field dark spots, this may indicate inflammation or neoplasm. If such a spot is present, the doctor describes in detail its size and location.
  5. Deformation of the pulmonary pattern. Normally, the pattern is not deformed, it has clear edges, which indicates normal blood circulation in lung tissues.
  6. Root structure. This phrase refers to the description of the pulmonary arteries. U healthy person they have a clear structure. If the arteries are dilated and there are shadows in the area of ​​the roots in the image, the doctor may suspect a tumor.
  7. Structure bone tissue. The doctor evaluates whether the ribs are deformed, whether there are cracks or fractures.
  8. Diaphragm. The structure of the diaphragm and the presence of changes are described.

If there are no deviations, after completing the reading, the doctor writes in the conclusion “lungs without visible pathology.”

Deciphering a photo is a complex procedure. Even an experienced doctor admits that a mistake can be made when decoding, so if you suspect serious illness(tuberculosis, oncology) it is often recommended to carry out additional examination and clarify the diagnosis.

Description of pathologies in the image

The doctor describes any pathologies found on the x-ray in great detail. If there are suspicions, it is prescribed or to confirm the diagnosis.

In a healthy person, the pattern of the lungs is clear without unnecessary shadows. The following pathologies can be detected using x-rays:

  • Pleurisy. With pleurisy it becomes inflamed serosa, which surrounds the lungs. He is accompanied characteristic symptoms: chest enlargement, pain, increased body temperature, cough. Pleurisy is often accompanied by an accumulation of fluid, so on an x-ray it looks like the trachea is being pulled forward.
  • Oncology. Malignant tumor appears on the picture as a darkening of the lung tissue. Usually this darkening has clear contours. In some cases, these may be enlarged lymph nodes, so additional examination (or MRI) is recommended.
  • Tuberculosis. In tuberculosis there is a strong inflammatory process lung tissue. On x-ray it appears as several rounded focal shadows. As a rule, these are enlarged lymph nodes. Also, with tuberculosis, the pulmonary pattern in the upper part is strengthened.
  • Pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs on an x-ray is revealed as infiltrative darkening and a decrease in the transparency of the pulmonary fields. As a rule, the doctor diagnoses pneumonia accurately.
  • Congestive failure. At stagnation the pulmonary pattern will be unclear, and on the x-ray you will notice that the size of the heart is increased. This heart disease, but it also affects the functioning of the lungs, coughing, shortness of breath, suffocation when lying down, weight gain and the appearance of edema.
  • Sarcoidosis. This is a disease that affects many organs. Granulomas appear in tissues, which disrupt their functioning. With sarcoidosis, deformation of the roots is observed in the image, as well as round, clear darkening.

It's worth remembering that small cysts or tumors may not show up on x-rays or be obscured by the ribs or heart. If alarming symptoms continue to bother you, after a while you need to repeat the procedure or undergo an MRI.

Analysis of pulmonary fields on a radiograph

Lung fields are understood as those areas of the image onto which the image was projected. lung tissue. The pulmonary fields are located on both sides of the mediastinal shadow.

Lung field analysis has several features:

  1. The right and left pulmonary fields have different size. The right one is, as a rule, wider, but shorter than the left one, and the left one is narrower and elongated. This is considered the norm.
  2. The median shadow should not be exactly in the center of the margins. The heart shifts it slightly, so in a healthy person the shadow is slightly expanded on the left side. This also does not indicate pathology.
  3. To make it easier to analyze the picture of the pulmonary fields, it is divided into 3 parts: internal middle and external. Each zone is described separately.
  4. The transparency of the fields is assessed. It depends on how much the lungs are filled with air and how fully the lung tissue is saturated with oxygen. If blood circulation is impaired, the transparency of the fields will change.
  5. In women, the description of the lung fields may be altered due to the soft tissue of the mammary glands. This is taken into account when decrypting the image.
  6. When assessing the pulmonary pattern, consideration is given to individual characteristics body. This is a long and complex process, and only an experienced specialist can carry it out correctly. Pulmonary artery in each zone of the pulmonary fields has a different direction. The venous and capillary networks are also taken into account.
  7. The pleura should not be visible in the image. She's too thin. If it is visible, then its walls are thickened, which indicates inflammation or tumor. In some cases, the pleura is visible on lateral views.
  8. The arteries branch differently in each lung. Therefore, each segment of the lung field is assessed. IN right lung there are 10 of them, on the left - 9.

It is worth remembering that the absence of spots and darkening in the image does not guarantee the absence of pathologies. If saved warning signs, you need to consult a doctor for further examination.

You can learn a lot about a person from a photograph. Experienced psychics and clairvoyants can tell with one glance at a photograph whether a person is alive or dead, sick or healthy, and also draw a map of his future or past. Learning to obtain information from a photograph is not so difficult.

To learn to read from a photograph, take a photograph. Look at her carefully, try to focus your gaze on her. You have to see through the photograph. It will be ideal if you can look a couple of centimeters per photo.

Once you've concentrated, think about what this person might be doing now. Don't take your eyes off the photo. If you can concentrate correctly, you will be able to notice how the image in the photo changes. To correctly see these metamorphoses, you need to turn off your imagination - it will add unnecessary details to the image. If the resulting image as a result of the changes does not suit you, repeat your request again to yourself.

This way you can see how the person has changed in appearance - he grew a beard, cut his hair, etc.

If you want to know not only about the changes that have occurred with a person, but also about his condition in at the moment, repeat the first exercise, but with minor additions. Instead of saying “This person is now,” think about how he feels, where he is, what is happening to him. To understand how the person you are studying feels about a particular event, focus on the photograph. You also need to look behind the photo, but at the same time through it. Then it all depends on what you are used to relying on. If these are visual images, then you will be able to see how the facial expression of the person about whom you are receiving information changes. In the case where you are used to trusting sensations more, with the right concentration you will be able to feel the feelings of the object inside you.

When you want to find out a person’s past, you need to repeat all the exercises you already know, while formulating a question within yourself about what happened to him in a given period of time.

From a photograph you can also find out a person's future. Look at the photo. Focus on the subject again and look at the photo through it. Consider the fact that where you should focus your gaze is the line of time and life of the person depicted in the picture. According to it, you can see the past on the left, and the future on the right. Shift the line as convenient for you. In addition, you need to determine the currents that you will consider - these are the so-called moments of life. To read the future from a photograph, you first need to focus on the present, and then, like a conveyor belt, rewind the line in the direction you want. Then proceed according to the usual scheme. If you want in a similar way to analyze your own photograph, you need to step back from the fact that it is you. Imagine that the picture shows a person you don’t know at all. This will make it easier to concentrate. The main difficulty is to turn off emotions, because they can add unnecessary details and details to your feelings.

Be sure to check the information received from the photo. To do this, simply ask about this or that event in the person’s life from the photograph. This method will help you understand whether you are on the right path.

Dental educational program. Interpretation of the orthopantomogram. December 14th, 2010

One of the goals of my blog is to increase dental literacy among the population. Until you, dear friends, understand your own treatment at least superficially, it will always seem that you are being deceived.

Therefore, let's start with diagnostics, and gradually, as part of dental education, we will consider the most interesting and current issues modern dental practice.

My colleagues may not even look at this post - they won’t find anything new in it. However, I really hope it is useful ordinary people who want to know at least a little more about dentistry. I post a lot of similar pictures on my blog and, in order for them to be at least a little clear to you, I decided to “decipher” them for you.

What is an orthopantomogram and why is it needed?

Orthopantomogram (or "OPTG", " panoramic shot dental system") is one of the types of diagnostic radiography. In dentistry, OPTG is of key importance - many types of treatment cannot be started without this diagnostic method.
Technically, it is carried out as follows: the beam source (X-ray tube) and its receiver (film or digital sensor" move around the object under study in opposite directions. As a result, a very limited part of the object of study is in focus, everything else is blurred.
Depending on the settings, you can get clear only the specific layer that interests us, and everything else in the image will be blurred.
Panoramic photographs are taken using orthopantomographs. There are different types of orthopantomographs - film and digital. Film OPTGs are almost history, while “digital” occupies more and more space in modern dentistry.
A modern orthopantomograph looks something like this:

This photo shows a Planmeca dental tomograph with a cephalostat. The latter is needed for teleradiography - a study that is widely used in orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery.

There is a widespread belief that this type of research is harmful. In fact, the volume of radiation even from a film orthopantomograph is such that it is possible to take panoramic photographs every day for a month without significant harm to health.
And the radiation from digital devices is several times less than that of film devices, and the radiation dose received is much less than what you receive, for example, during a two-hour flight.

When is an orthopantomogram needed?

In principle, it is always needed.
In dental treatment, prosthetics, orthodontic treatment, surgery and implantology, even in rhinology for research paranasal sinuses nose, the value of panoramic photographs cannot be overestimated.
However, in some cases it is impossible to navigate only by OPTG - nevertheless, we are transferring a three-dimensional image to a plane, and therefore distortions are possible. But orthopantomography should be considered as primary x-ray examination, based on the results of which tactics for both further, more in-depth diagnosis and treatment are built.

Orthopantomography of an adult.

For example, here's a snapshot:

Pay attention to the shape of the dentition. It turns out that the person in the picture seems to be smiling))). If we don’t see a smile (on the contrary, a “sad form”), then the picture was taken incorrectly and the amount of distortion in it will be very high. Such an image is not suitable for a good diagnosis.

They look at an orthopantomogram not as if in a mirror, but as if they were looking at another person. That is, left side on the right, and the right on the left. Sometimes, for convenience, the letter L (left) or c is placed on the left side right side letter R (right). Or they sign the picture so that the patient’s data can only be read on one side.

An adult normally has 32 teeth. But you have repeatedly seen on my blog that we are discussing, for example, the treatment of the 44th tooth or the removal of the 48th tooth... How does this happen?

The fact is that each tooth, in addition to its name, has a number. According to the WHO classification accepted throughout the world, the dentition is divided into four segments. The top right segment is tens. Upper left - twenties, Lower left and lower right, respectively - thirty and forty. The numbering comes from the center of the dentition. It turns out that the right upper central incisor is the 11th tooth, the tooth following it (the right upper lateral incisor) is 12, the lower left second premolar is 35, and the lower right wisdom tooth is 48 teeth.

Although my friend, Valera Kolpakov, who now lives and works in the USA, said that they have adopted a different classification: teeth are simply designated by a serial number in a clockwise direction. In our country such designations are very rare. Europe is still...

In the picture, yellow numbers indicate the numbers of an adult’s teeth. Now you can surprise your dentist by telling him that your pain is not just some lower molar, but specifically the 36th tooth. He will understand everything and look at you with such respect...

Some doctors name teeth by segment number. For example, "four, two", lower left lateral incisor. This account is being vigorously imposed in institutes and universities, mainly by teachers of pre-retirement age.
This classification is fundamentally incorrect. Why? Because initially this system The teeth count was designed for machine processing, but the machine works with the number “forty two” and not with the number “four two”. Therefore, you need to name the teeth correctly.

Most dental materials are made radiopaque. This is done so that you can control the volume and location of this material on x-rays. For example, filling materials for root canals are indicated by the letter A in the picture.

When an orthopantomogram of the dental system reaches a nearby ENT doctor, the latter immediately notices the penetration of the roots of the teeth into the maxillary sinus (letter B in the picture). Moreover, old dental textbooks mention this.
In fact, the roots of teeth very rarely penetrate the maxillary sinus. Most often, they go around the edges of it so that the bottom of the sinus is between the roots of the teeth. We will soon examine this topic in the series “Rhinology for Dentists.”

Orthopantomography gives a good idea of ​​the location of wisdom teeth (letter C in the picture). Even targeted photographs do not provide a complete picture of the structure and localization of figure eights. Therefore, without performing an OPTG, I highly do not recommend undertaking the removal or treatment of “wise” teeth.

In addition to teeth, OPTG also shows other structures that may be of interest to the dentist.

For example, green the mandibular canal is highlighted, which runs through the thickness lower jaw and contains the neurovascular bundle. The latter innervates the teeth, the corresponding half of the lip and chin. This bundle comes out through the mental opening (indicated dark green), which some “specialists” sometimes confuse with a cyst.

The borders of the maxillary sinuses and nasal passages are indicated in red. The image shows a curvature of the nasal septum and, as a consequence, asymmetry of the nasal passages. This is indirect sign chronic rhinosinusitis, including those of an allergic nature.

The temporomandibular joints are indicated in blue. Normally, they should be symmetrical and have a certain shape. A noticeable difference in the shape of the joints, as well as their asymmetry, is one of the signs of chronic arthritis. In this image, the joints are almost symmetrical, therefore, the patient has no problems with the joints.

Radiopaque materials are highlighted purple. The pictures clearly show all the fillings, the quality of the canal fillings, etc. The thin purple stripe on the front teeth is retainers installed after orthodontic treatment.

There are also structures on the OPTG that are not very interesting, but are still visible.

For example, the earlobes are highlighted in red, the blue dotted line against the background of the lower jaw is spinal column. On the sides of him - hyoid bone. It comes into focus only in a lateral projection, and therefore is visible as two separate parts.

Horizontal line above upper jaw - hard palate, and on the sides of it the cheek bones are clearly visible.
In the contour of the earlobes one can distinguish the styloid process, mastoid and the outer hole ear canal.

Thus, a panoramic image, although distorted, can give an almost complete picture of the state of the dental system - thanks to this, high-quality diagnostics dental diseases it is simply necessary.

Orthopantomogram of a child.

Oddly enough, children have more teeth:

But the principle of their numbering is the same. Unless baby teeth are designated not by tens or twenties, but by fifties, sixties, seventies or eighties - as indicated in the picture. For example, tooth 75 is the left lower primary molar.

The rudiments are located under the milk teeth permanent teeth(indicated by yellow numbers). IN at different ages they look different and have different shapes. In this image, for example, you may not see the crowns of the forming teeth 15, 25, but you can see the contours of the rudiment - therefore, there will be teeth.

The blue color in the picture indicates the mandibular canal.

Blue- temporomandibular joints. Note how the relative position of the joint head, articular tubercle and socket differs from the structure of the adult joint.

Purple line - contours maxillary sinus. In children it is relatively less than in adults. Therefore the voice is quieter and higher.

Green color - nasal septum and nasal turbinates. While relative symmetry is observed, however, due to injury, chronic rhinitis, allergies, or simply due to uneven growth, a deviated nasal septum is possible. As I already wrote, this is a risk factor for the development of chronic rhinosinusitis (sinusitis).

Red arrows and the letter A indicate artifacts from earrings. In some cases, jewelry in the form of piercings, chains, etc. can introduce significant distortions and complicate diagnosis. Therefore, before performing orthopantomography, it is better to remove all jewelry from the face and neck.

Of course, experts see much more in the photographs ordinary people. And radiologists are much more than ordinary specialists. It would be great if any radiologist would comment on this post.

IN general outline The diagnostic picture from panoramic images looks exactly like this. Now you can take your panoramic photo, look at it carefully and no longer say: “I don’t understand anything here.” After all, it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times, right?