How to learn to see the future? Advice from experienced psychics.


One of the simplest ways to look into your future is to draw lots. Modern drawing of lots involves fortune telling on a coin - “heads” or “tails”. Unfortunately, at present this type of fortune telling is more used on certain sports competitions. For example, just seconds before the start of a soccer match, the referee flips a coin to determine the location of the goal for both teams.

Another simple way to look into the future is by looking at a rotating object. This method even has its own proper name– cyclomancy, or “wheel of fortune.” This method of fortune telling was widely used at Russian fairs at the beginning of the 20th century, and was also the so-called “judicial circle” that determined the composition of the jury. Currently, cyclomancy has almost lost its status as a “soothsayer”, having turned into an ordinary gambling roulette. By the way, it is precisely this that is used in such popular television programs like “What? Where? When?" and "Field of Miracles".

One of the most famous ways to look into the future is fortune telling on a flower: in Russia - on, and throughout Europe - on a daisy. Since ancient times, people have assigned these flowers the status of love oracles. This type of fortune telling gained wide popularity in the Middle Ages - during the times of knights and beautiful ladies. People, eager to look into their future, picked a chamomile or a daisy, after which they began to tear off one petal after another from the flower, saying: “Loves - loves not.” If the last torn petal corresponded with the word “loves,” then, according to legend, a wonderful love future awaited the fortuneteller. It is worth noting that this method love fortune telling is still used today.

Nowadays, people look into their future with the help of books, coffee grounds and, of course, fortune telling cards. Bibliomancy (or fortune telling by book) is traditional and the easy way lift the curtain of future events awaiting a person in the near future. To do this, you need to mentally focus on a specific issue, and then open any book and read any randomly selected paragraph. There is another way to tell fortunes from a book: you need to guess in advance the page number and line numbers at the top or bottom, and then open the book in this place. Or you can do it even simpler - open the book and point your finger at random at the first line you come across.

Another ancient and at the same time modern way look into the future - fortune telling on coffee grounds. Researcher of Russian life I.P. Sakharov noted at the end of the 19th century: “The population’s trust in this type of divination is much higher than in cards. Therefore, Russian people are reluctant to start telling fortunes about coffee; only the most desperate of them decide to take this step.” The principle of this type of fortune telling is that coffee grounds Place in a tea cup, covering it with a tea saucer. After this, the cup is tilted upward so that the grounds stick to its walls. Then the saucer is removed, and fortune telling begins using shadows and signs reflected on the coffee grounds. To interpret them correctly, you need to know coffee images and signs.

Perhaps the most famous and widespread way to see your future is fortune telling using cards (for example, tarot). To do this, you can ask a fortune teller to tell fortunes on cards, or you can learn how to do this yourself. The main thing is to understand that for the present card fortune telling It’s not enough to remember the meaning of the cards themselves. Must have logical thinking and intuition. Fortune telling by cards must be taken seriously, do not guess too often and do not ask the cards for the same thing. You cannot listen to the predictions of third parties and try to “compare” the results on the cards yourself. Otherwise, you can get confused and “guess” your destiny.

Many have heard that a person is able to see the future. We all have the beginnings of these abilities, but not everyone discovers their manifestation. This article will help you find out how developed your gift of prediction is.

There are many recommendations on how to open the third eye, from the most famous psychics. For example, the advice of the Siberian witch Elena Golunova has already helped many people get closer to their dreams. Experts note that this is much easier to understand than it seems at first glance.

What is the third eye

This is an abstract idea of ​​how the supernatural allows you to see something that other people cannot see. There are scientific theories, which explain how this is possible and struggle with the phenomenon human perception for many years now.

One opinion says: the ability to see the future does not speak about our development. On the contrary, it proves that earlier, many hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancestors communicated telepathically. This explains the presence big brain among ancient people. Telepathy, or the gift of foresight, is a residual effect, an echo of the ancient functions of our brain, which were not completely lost.

How to discover your inner telepath

We have prepared 5 signs that you have a highly developed sixth sense, and with it the power to see the future with your own eyes. This power can be expressed in different ways, and everyone can discover the potential within themselves to truly predict the future by training their consciousness.

Sign one: you see prophetic dreams. If your dreams come true or have come true at least once, we can congratulate you: you have already seen the future. Your brain is developed enough to work for purposes other than its intended purpose. Very few people have prophetic dreams, so you may consider yourself somewhat unique.

Sign two: you often experience a feeling of déjà vu. In other words, it often seems to you that you have already been in a particular situation before. The more often you have this feeling, the better your vision of the future.

Sign three: if you do fortune telling and see images that come true, then you can also assume that your third eye is more developed than the others. According to statistics, fortune telling helps only 15-20 percent of people see the future.

Sign four: brown eye color. Previously we wrote about. This article describes in detail why people with brown eyes more often they are psychics. Remember that the eyes are the window to the soul and a direct indicator of your predisposition to open your third eye.

Sign five: you have powerful energy. Energy flows- this is very important point, since the entire Universe and the everyday world around us are permeated with strings of energy. Most people have approximately the same level of radiation, but some are not just stronger than others, but many times stronger. The most interesting thing is that they have no idea about it. Powerful energy is characteristic of those who constantly take risks and win - lucky people, leaders, charismatic and self-sufficient.

Remember that all of the above only means that you have the makings of a third eye. Any gift needs to be developed, so read Fatima Khadueva’s advice on how to develop psychic abilities. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.05.2016 05:14

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Sleep is one of the most mysterious and little-studied human states. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on how dreams arise and why people dream. However, the fact remains that things will happen in the dreamer’s life, and there is a lot of evidence of this in history. Is it possible to make this process manageable, and how to see the future in a dream?

It has been proven that the brain does not rest at all while we sleep. He continues to work hard, and one of the results of his work is dreams. Surely everyone can remember a case when the solution to a problem that was tormenting him in reality unexpectedly came in a dream. An example of this is the discoveries of scientists to which dreams led them. It was dreams that helped Dmitry Mendeleev discover the periodic table of elements, Friedrich August Kekula - molecular structure benzene, and Niels Bohr - the planetary model of the atom.

Such dreams are a continuation of daytime thoughts, and the solution comes at night, since at this time the brain stops being distracted by surrounding stimuli and concentrates on the main thing.

Another type of prophetic dreams is associated with the ability a certain amount people subtly feel the connection between the past, present and future. In other words, those who have developed intuition can process this information during sleep and draw conclusions about how events will develop.

Often a dream comes true simply because the one who sees it really wants it or, on the contrary, tries with all his might to avoid it. In this case, the brain is so absorbed in desire that it continues to concentrate on it during sleep. This evokes from the subconscious images of a dream come true, if faith in success is stronger than fears, or of the worst fears coming true, if fear prevails.

Thus, a dream is only a reflection of a person’s formed internal intention. Thought is material, and the force of its influence is quite capable of attracting or repelling the desired result.

There is very little mystical in the types of dreams described, and the fact that they come true can be explained. But there are other dreams that cannot be called anything other than clairvoyance. They describe it so accurately important events from the future that it defies any logical explanation.

Some people have the invaluable gift of clairvoyance and are able to see prophetic dreams. Meanwhile, seeing dreams that can predict the future is given not only to clairvoyants, but ordinary people who are sensitive and able to trust their intuition. Therefore, every person has a chance to see a prophetic dream. To do this, you need to put aside prejudices and tune in.

  1. Select right time. The veil between past and future lifts a little in last days before the full moon. These days, mystical qualities, the gift of foresight and intuitive abilities intensify.
  2. Prepare your body. On the day before the ritual, do not overload yourself physical activities, sex, abundant food and especially alcohol. Your dinner should be light and healthy. In the evening before going to bed, try to relax as much as possible - take a warm bath with aromatic oils and sea salt.
  3. Prepare the place. Make sure that no one disturbs you at night or in the morning - warn your family, turn off the phone and alarm clock, remove all irritants. To have a prophetic dream, you must sleep in complete solitude and peace. Turn off the lights and light sandalwood-scented candles.
  4. Prepare your mind. Avoid conflicts on this day, do not watch TV before bed. Think about what is important to you, the question you want answered in your dream.
  5. Before going to bed, relax, banish unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on your question, clearly formulate it. Meditate while looking at a candle flame with your eyes unfocused. Try to fall asleep with this single thought, calmly and focused.
  6. In the morning, do not rush to jump out of bed. Catch your feelings, emotions. Try to first remember as many details from your dreams as possible, write them down on paper.

Sometimes correctly formulating your desire and realizing your emotions about it is the key to solving the problem. Listen not only to the interpretations of your dreams, but also to your intuition.

In all centuries and times, people have made a lot of efforts to unravel dreams. Scientists are exploring the nature and mechanisms of sleep, but it still remains an area of ​​mystical knowledge. Science is not yet able to explain why some dreams are closely related to events real life and turn out to be prophetic. Therefore, people should listen to what dreams tell them. Knowing how to see the future in a dream, you can receive the necessary information from your subconscious and avoid mistakes, wrong decisions and dangerous situations.

Many people would like to know how to learn to see the future. In their opinion, this would save them from many troubles, solve a number of problems, and save them from unpleasant surprises in life. The opinion that only selected psychics can have this ability is false, ordinary people, having learned a couple of techniques, through intensive training they can achieve their consciousness desired result and learn a little about what lies ahead.

Preparation for the process

First of all, you need to decide why you want to learn how to see the future. Motives must be positive. The following is a daily practice. Nothing happens right away, it has to be training every day. If you don't take the process of acquiring this new skill seriously, then you shouldn't wait. good result. However, you should not be upset if the ability to see the future does not appear in you after a week of training; some time must pass. For this process, choose a place where you feel comfortable, so that no one will distract you.

How to develop the ability to see the future

Let's start by trying to go back to yesterday. We analyze it by collecting important information, which might be useful. For example, if you were sure that suddenly it's going to rain, you would take an umbrella with you and stay dry. We begin to collect all yesterday's information. You definitely need to concentrate and not pay attention to anything unnecessary. If the process does not work out, stop, rest, or start it the next day.

Let's move on. Let's imagine that you still managed to concentrate. Try to take the necessary data from the past day and send it to yourself in the present moment. We convey information not just through sentences, but through images, tastes, smells, and feelings. This is important in order to remember your feelings and use them to determine some situation, but in the future.

Next, we imagine ourselves yesterday and feel the process of how information flows from yesterday to today. You receive the parts and send them. We repeat this technique until you clearly feel the established channel for transmitting information. At the end of the day, analyze yourself today, remember what you thought and felt at certain moments. If you succeed in this exercise, then you can move on to the next one.

When the connection with the channel from the past is established, try to analyze the change in your feelings when you receive this or that information. We can understand how to see the future only by correctly establishing a connection with all our channels connecting both the past and real life. To do this, you need to control your thought process. For example, you have a choice to make and you feel nervous, afraid, or unsure, and you end up making the wrong decision. Remember which sensation was the main one among the others, and the next time you feel it, you will know that it is a signal of a wrong choice.

Psychic advice. Learning to take the necessary information from the subject

In order to understand how to learn to see the future, experienced psychics advise us several exercises. Each item contains a certain piece of information that will help us understand certain situations. Ask a friend to place something small in a matchbox (a button, cotton wool, a pea). Clear your brain of unnecessary thoughts, take a box and place it in your fist.

Imagine that you and a matchbox are connected by a channel through which information is transmitted, first from it to you, and then vice versa. Please note that the first sensations will be the most correct. It’s not a fact that everything will work out right away, but after several trainings you will be able, by analyzing your feelings, to recognize various items. This exercise is very similar to how we tried to connect with yesterday by getting from it necessary information. Only here you need to correctly feel the features of the object, which will be transmitted as sensations through the established channel between you and the box.

A very important thing in the process of learning how to learn to see the future is the ability to hear your intuition. We can ask our inner voice exciting questions, and then analyze our feelings, since the answer will be received through feelings and images. At first, you may make mistakes in deciphering what your intuition is telling you, but eventually you will learn to understand the correct answers to your questions. It is recommended to write down your feelings after completing the tasks. This will help you analyze what signals your inner voice is trying to help you with.

The future depends on the present

There is one more tip, but there is no practice in it. It's just universal known fact, but for some reason many people miss this, neglecting their present, but still believing in a bright future. Your actions today directly affect what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, beware of wrong decisions and bad actions, because they can lead to complications in your future life. Therefore, before you learn to see the future, learn to see your present.

Usually the future means everything that happens after the present. His arrival is considered imminent. However, there are many views and debates regarding the future. For example, in a linear model of history in space and time, everything develops sequentially. And with a cyclical model of history, events repeat themselves.

What is the future?

Futurists believe that individuals, organizations, and governments influence the course of events and, by extension, the future. Some people hold the view that the future is predetermined and nothing can be changed. And some philosophers believe that the future does not exist at all, there is only the present.

Others think that with all our actions, words and thoughts we are building the future. Perhaps you have heard that thoughts are material. You are responsible for your future. Then you will understand that the circumstances of your life today reflect the course of past thoughts. And that your future is created by the thoughts you currently have. Thus, by changing the way you think, you can change your future.

People can foresee future events. This is not necessarily extrasensory perception, but the premonition can be very real. Usually based on physiological signals that science still cannot explain. For example, you just “know” that it’s better not to drive today because you have a bad feeling. Or you feel that your boss will come to you now, and it’s better to get to work.

There are several ways to see the future

  • · The scientific method is forecasting. Forecasts are made using mathematical projections or other objectively derived data. Forecasting is used in many fields such as weather forecasting, earthquake forecasting, labor market forecasting and others.
  • · Pseudoscientific – clairvoyance or prophecy. This is the ability to see people, objects and their actions with a sixth sense. Reading the future in the form of subjective impressions or feelings in an altered state of consciousness.

The Dangers of Clairvoyance

In most cases, people see the future while in an altered state of consciousness. When developing the gift of clairvoyance, at first it is difficult to keep yourself in this state and ask the necessary questions. However, after numerous trainings, a person begins to see future events even when he does not want it at all.

Therefore, it is important to keep your abilities under control and not use them when not required. Philosophical and religious theories can have a great influence various kinds. You must remain sane as there may be adverse consequences, to the point of madness.

Basics of training

You will not learn to see the future overnight. This will require a lot of training and exercise. And to make progress, you need to train daily. Better select for yourself certain time. It is important that no one disturbs you at this moment. Go to a quiet place, dim the lights and relax.

Start predicting the future with little things that you can immediately check. For example, guess who is calling you now (of course, regardless of the person’s phone number). What car will pass along the road now, what person will enter the subway car, etc.

Each person “sees” the future differently. This depends on the characteristics of perception and processing of information. Some people have pictures, others will hear sounds, physically sense objects, or simply feel them.

According to one theory, a person sees only possible option events. If a person does not change anything, then circumstances will develop in such a way that this will happen. But a person can change his future with his thoughts and actions.

Image Stream

Start practicing image streaming. You just need to describe everything that happens in your mind. Close your eyes and say whatever comes to your mind. Practice makes you more receptive to unconscious knowledge. Your subconscious mind has perfect memory.

Some say you can connect to general consciousness. By learning to receive messages from your subconscious mind, you will become more aware. The symbols and signs that your subconscious mind represents to you are unique and have meaning only to you.

Analyze your life

Perhaps if you look back in time, you can remember moments when you knew something was going to happen. Find important lessons in this. What did your prediction look like? In what condition were you able to do this? And what actions did you take? In fact, people subconsciously make thousands of tiny predictions every day. Find out when the bus arrives, understand who is knocking on the door or calling on the phone.


At the beginning of the practice of visioning the future, there is a very interesting technique of transformation. Imagine an acquaintance, relative or friend into whom you will transform. You must imagine in great detail the appearance, manner, gestures and behavior of this person. Then say, “I am (his name).”

And ask some question related to this person. It is better to ask something that you can then check without any problems. For example, what does at the moment this person. Various images and pictures will begin to appear in your head. Try to choose a clear answer to the question from them. At the end of the practice, you need to get out of the image of this person, saying: “I am not (his name), but (my name).”


You will need a helper for this exercise. It is necessary that your friend or acquaintance brought you a photograph of a stranger whom he knows. Look carefully at the photo, feel the energy. Describe all the thoughts about this person that pop up in your head. After this, your friend will tell you what you named correctly and where you made a mistake.

Vision through a dream

You can find out your future in a dream. This is often called " prophetic dream" At night, our brain processes and integrates our memories of the current day. The hardest thing is to remember your dream. Therefore, prepare a piece of paper and a pen or voice recorder in advance. As soon as you wake up, immediately write down everything you remember. Where you were, what you did, with whom you interacted. Try to remember everything in great detail.

Tarot cards, runes

Seeing the future using this method is more difficult. You need to understand in detail the meanings of each card or rune. Learn to connect the information received. But the result is usually very clear and quite understandable. But the symbols depicted on cards or runes evoke different associations among different people. You will need to learn how to rationally explain the information received.


Are you traveling to subtle world and receive information from egregors of Karma. While in meditation, you ask questions and receive answers in a way that is accessible to you. The data comes from the repository of information about all creatures of the Earth, from the information field of the Universe. This technique is usually used by professionals who have studied for more than one year.

The more often you practice seeing the future, the faster you will learn to intuitively see it. By practicing image flow, dream interpretation and life analysis, you will become more adept at knowing what you think on all levels, both conscious and unconscious.

With heightened senses, you will feel a threat before its immediate signs appear. You will begin to understand the state and mood of people. You may have spontaneous visions in the form of visual images associated with events from the past or future. With certain skills, you can learn to see through obstacles: what is hidden in an envelope, in a box, or behind a wall.