Why do you dream about pigs? Seeing a big pig in a dream.

Piglets in a dream are a very ambiguous symbol. Deciphering night dreams with these animals, on the one hand, is based on the fact that the pig is a symbol of prosperity, and on the other hand, all its unpleasant qualities are taken into account. That is why, when interpreting dreams in which piglets appeared, you need to take a versatile approach and be sure to use natural intuition, which will allow you to link the dream with events in real life.

Well-fed clean or dirty exhausted piglets

Whatever the plot of a dream with piglets, its positive or negative orientation can be judged by the appearance of the piglets. So, why do you dream about piglets? Thus, clean and well-fed piglets always foreshadow a prosperous life period. And if you dreamed of dirty and emaciated animals, then in reality you should expect trouble.

Why do you dream about little piglets?

If you are interested in the question of why little piglets dream, then try to remember all the details of the dream. If you watched animals from afar and were moved by their behavior, then this portends a lot of happiness and joy in reality. Such a dream predicts a big surprise for you in life, from which you will be delighted.

Lots of piglets

When you dream of piglets in large quantities, then this indicates that in real life you will be able to make a big profit. Moreover, most likely, you will discover permanent source income. It is very good when you see piglets in your own home. In this case, in addition to material well-being, the dream also portends excellent health. Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:
    When you dream that a pig is walking around the yard, followed by a pig, it means that in real life another person is using you for personal gain. Therefore, you urgently need to analyze your relationships with people from your inner circle and remove the hypocrite from your circle of acquaintances. If you dream about dead piglets, then you should take care of your own health. When you dreamed that little piglets were lying in the mud, then perhaps in real life you will find yourself in the center gossip and intrigue. You should be careful not to damage your reputation. If you dream of little piglets sucking milk, then soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your own labor.

The dream books also focus the dreamer’s attention on the color of the dreamed pig:
    A black pig warns that trouble may happen to you in reality. A white pig means that, despite all the obstacles, you will be able to achieve your goal. A pink pig portends good luck and happiness in life. Holding a pig in your arms means having fun with friends.

Contact with piglets

Dreams in which the dreamer had to come into contact with piglets can be interpreted in different ways. If, based on the plot of the dream, you understand that you are the owner of piglets, then this indicates that prosperity and prosperity will reign in your home. When, according to the plot of a dream, you feed small animals, then in reality you care about the future. In addition, such a dream indicates that you are a very reliable person and your loved ones feel very comfortable around you.

Actions with piglets

But if your night dreams emphasize the fact that you, as the owner, keep a pig in a barn, then you need to prepare for the fact that in real life you will have to work a lot to achieve well-being. You should not be upset, because your work will pay off well. Other actions with baby pigs are interpreted in dream books as follows:
    Killing a pig means waiting for real happiness, which is already very close. Eating a roast pig means suffering losses in real life, perhaps they will be associated with theft. Rolling around in the mud with the piglets means participating in an activity that is unusual for you, which will turn out to be very interesting. Cutting piglet - you will always be a wealthy person. Buying a piglet at the market - get the opportunity to improve your own well-being. Holding a cute playful pink piglet in your arms is confirmation of the right direction in life. Catching piglets - you should not share your plans and secrets with loved ones. Keep the piglet in bag - disruption of plans.

I dreamed of a pig

A piglet often indicates that there is a person next to you who is not burdened with moral principles and is not familiar with the rules of etiquette. Such a dream is a warning that there is high probability the fact that you will have to face uncleanliness in any of its manifestations.

Interpretation for women and girls

For a woman, a dream in which she saw a pink, plump pig foreshadows an easy and relaxed relationship with the first suitor she comes across. Remember that in this case you should not count on long term relationship. And for a young girl, the dream may be on the eve of an imminent marriage, which can be very successful.

Talking pig

If you dreamed of a talking pig, it means that in real life you will experience great happiness, which will be the envy of everyone around you. Try to enjoy the coming time life span, and do not forget that life consists of black and white stripes.

Why do you dream of being bitten by a pig?

Why do you dream about such a plot? If a pig bites you in a dream, then this indicates that you underestimate your opponents. Perhaps there is a hypocrite next to you whom you mistake for a friend.

Butchering a pig

If, according to the plot of your dream, you see yourself butchering a pig, then in the near future you will have to part with one of the people from your immediate circle.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book interprets the appearance of a dirty pig in a dream as the fact that the partners lack cleanliness in the relationship. And without this, it is hardly possible to build harmonious relationships. In addition, such a dream indicates that the dreamer’s partner can be very rude and unfair. It is believed that a pig dreamed from Thursday to Friday promises a new addition to the family. This dream is especially relevant for a young couple who dreams of a child.

Whether domestic or wild, those with “crocheted tails and pointed noses” are firmly entrenched in our subconscious as unclean, lazy and stupid animals. “An ungrateful pig...”, “Dirty, like in a pigsty...”, “You champ like a piglet...”, “Gone fat like a boar...” Stop, stop, stop! There are also wonderful circus pigs in this world that evoke sincere laughter from the audience; and venerable sow trees, the beauty and pride of farms; and adorable mini pigs. So don’t rush to classify dreams involving pigs as unfavorable. Do you suddenly dream of little animals to indicate impending happiness?

General interpretations of dreams about wild boars, pigs and piglets

How can we organize the scattered data from dream books in such a way that we ourselves do not get confused and do not miss anything important? Let's start, perhaps, with general interpretations.

Miller's Dream Book and Women's Dream Book:

  • A fat, happy animal always symbolizes prosperity, while a thin and pitiful animal speaks of decline. Did you see in a dream a well-fed pig or a powerful boar with fattened up sides? Focus on business, the opportunity to hit the big jackpot opens up before you. But for those who have been watching the skinny, dirty brute all night, it is better to cut down on spending and curtail risky operations - now is not the time for them.
  • The piglet is considered a sign of profit. Perhaps you will have additional income, small but constant.

Maly Velesov and Ukrainian dream books:

  • A domestic boar represents a strong and quick-to-kill enemy, while a stern wild boar threatens the dreamer with problems.
  • But his faithful companion, the pig, does not foretell any trouble. You just have to meet unexpected guests.
  • The little pig warns of an amazing event that will puzzle you.

A boar released into the wild is a frightening sight

Dream Book of the Wanderer:

  • A night dream involving a wild boar is a signal from the subconscious to behave more restrained. Passions are boiling inside you, which can be destructive if they get out of control.
  • A dream about a pig also gives a reason to delve into own soul, because it reproaches the dreamer for laziness, gluttony and a relaxed lifestyle. It’s no wonder that luck is in no hurry to come to you!
  • And only a pig serves as a pleasant sign of material well-being or a meeting with a kind and sincere person.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse:

  • A wild boar predicts anxiety. Moreover, an evil beast trying to attack indicates that the cause of your worries will be people, and not a random coincidence of circumstances. But if in a dream a boar cowardly showed you his rear, rushing away with all his hooves towards the forest, you can sleep peacefully: the problem will pass by.
  • The venerable sow tree, lounging in the middle of the barn yard, serves as a sure sign that happiness has finally found its way to your home.
  • A piglet by itself brings good luck, and in the company of a sow it also brings increased income.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsies:

  • The boar, shamelessly stomping around nearby in your dream, carries the news of intensified competitors or unscrupulous business partners. Hold your business passion, now is not the time to take risks!
  • But seeing a pig is advice to do exactly the opposite. You are full of strength and healthy enthusiasm in order to bring grandiose plans to life. And this period is the most successful for financial investments! If you do them wisely, the dividends will pleasantly surprise you.
  • The dream of a piglet has a similar interpretation: your money affairs are in in perfect order.

Let's go to breaking bad?

Noble dream book of Grishina:

  • A belligerent hog is a sign of discord in the soul. Your peaceful “human” side is under attack by a passionate “bestial” side, which persuades you to disregard morality and duty and rush for pleasure. But if the animal was peaceful, you will be able to find common language both with himself and with one of his old enemies.
  • The pig serves as a reproach for excessive selfishness, gluttony and indulging one’s base passions.
  • The piglet, like many other interpreters, promises a pleasant rustle of brand new banknotes in your wallet.

Ivanov’s newest dream book:

  • The boar promises a difficult conversation with an unyielding person who is accustomed to going ahead towards his goal. To negotiate with him, you will need to use all your tact and diplomatic skills.
  • Piggy, in Ivanova’s interpretation, means nothing more than a pig that one of your close people will plant on you.
  • And the piglet is already a dirty trick created by you personally. If you don't think through your steps well, you risk harming your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov:

  • Boar means enmity.
  • Pig - prosperity that will come without effort.
  • Piglet - minor troubles.

Freud's Dream Book:

  • The boar, like any powerful animal, symbolizes sexual intercourse. Pay attention to the animal's behavior. If the boar behaved aggressively, there is a high probability that your current partner is too power-hungry and, indulging his desires, completely forgets about yours. Did the beast run away? It seems, sex life has long receded to you not even into the background, but into the tenth place under the pressure of many problems. Isn’t it time to allow yourself a little release by going with your significant other on vacation to a place where no one can get you? phone calls, nor shameless relatives?
  • According to Freud, the pig serves as an image of fertility and readiness to take on the role of parent when it sparkles with a clean pink back. And he embodies the longing for a real, sincere relationship, wallowing in the mud.

IN in some cases a dream about a pig or boar may mean a meeting with an unpleasant, arrogant person, significant changes in life, or... an approaching intestinal disorder. And the ringing squeal of a pig always promises misfortune, disappointment and trouble. Be careful.

Why do men and women dream?

Did you dream about a pig? Yes, you are “on horseback”!

Judging by the gender of the dreamer, a night meeting with a wild boar predicts:

  • For a girl - a marriage proposal.
  • For a woman - an outburst of jealousy on the part of her husband.
  • For a man - experiences, the reason for which will be his sexual promiscuity. Moreover, you should not brush aside a dream in which an animal tried to bite you! If you don't get yours in order intimate life now, while there is still time, in the near future you will have to deal with the angry husbands of your random friends, venereal disease or unplanned parenthood.

If the animal that appears in your night dreams turns out to be a pig...

  • The girl will meet a new boyfriend, extremely wealthy, but stingy and jealous. Whether it is worth continuing the relationship with such a subject further, everyone will have to decide for themselves.
  • A married woman may be displeased to discover in her spouse previously unknown unpleasant character traits.
  • For a man, only a dream about a black sow hare matters. Don’t trust anyone on this day, and if you plan to conclude an important deal, re-read the contract three times - there is a chance that your business partner has managed to make a big mess of it.

Did you interact with the piglet at night?

  • A girl who chased a small “pig” in a dream will get married.
  • A married lady in the same situation needs to pay attention to her children: having missed out on their upbringing now, the dreamer will suffer a lot of grief later.
  • A man who meets a pig in a dream stands firmly on both legs, is not subject to empty fears and is completely confident in himself.

If one of the young spouses dreams of how he is fussing with a piglet, caressing it and feeding it, playing as if with a baby, the dream may be in hand. Go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test!

Did you dream big or small? One or many?

A interesting life you have to!

How strange the interpretations of dream interpreters are sometimes! For example, they advise people who encounter a flock of pigs in the kingdom of Morpheus to be wary of gossips. Those who watched the large “pig” company in the barn are congratulated on their upcoming win. Well, a man who encountered a whole herd of wild boars is suspected of secretly seeking to change sexual orientation. I wonder why this would happen?

True, for the fair half of humanity, dream books provide a second interpretation option. Perhaps in the soul of a lady who sees herself in the middle of a herd of wild boar, a secret desire is brewing to have offspring, although the dreamer realizes that this threatens her with tension in her relationship with her partner.

But the pure, beautiful babies flickering around the dreamer do not carry any understatement. On the contrary, a very interesting period awaits the lucky one! There will be everything: enchanting victories, painful defeats, amazing events. In short, you won't be bored. Unfortunately, some troubles and worries associated with the family cannot be avoided... But don’t worry! A friendly company with pink spots will ultimately lead you to success. However, to get it, you will have to make an effort - piglets are not Goldfish, they just don’t grant wishes.

  • If in a dream children were scurrying around the rooms of your house, joy will come to it, and you will be provided with good health and vitality for a long time.
  • Grazing in thick grass - relationships with your spouse or partner will find harmony.
  • Animals rummaging in a muddy puddle tell you that you have contacted the wrong company. Even if communicating with new friends now brings you pleasure, it is not rash actions that push you. And they, in turn, give gossipers food for conversation. Before you know it, your reputation will be thrown into the mud.

What if you dreamed of one, but very large and powerful animal?

  • A seasoned boar, as long as he behaves decently, predicts that your affairs are in perfect order, your financial situation is stable, and new lucrative contracts, profits and complete prosperity are shining ahead. At times, the same animal can become a harbinger of a meeting with a strong-willed, assertive person who will make a tremendous impression on you. Whether this acquaintance will turn out to be a blessing or a disaster will become clear over time.
  • A very large cute pig is a symbol of happiness and prosperity.
  • But if the animals in your dream looked small and stunted, upcoming events will only bring grief.

There seems to be harmony in the relationship

An impressive-looking wild boar (boar) peacefully walking next to a domestic pig is the embodiment of marital harmony that awaits the dreamer. A lively playful pig promises a pleasant pastime, entertainment and unobtrusive flirting.

What does pig color mean?

If you notice unusual color animal, some conclusions can also be drawn from this.

  • A large black boar predicts a collision with some dangerous force that will quickly sweep you out of your way if you decide to act impudently. Arm yourself with cunning and endurance!
  • A small animal of the same gloomy color is the internal attitudes that prevent you from enjoying life. Review your beliefs. Perhaps some of them are not beliefs at all, but old complexes and conventions imposed by others?
  • A snow-white boar or domestic boar, in the understanding of dream books, symbolizes envy. Let's hope it's white too.
  • The black pig represents the enemy and danger.
  • Has a light-colored pig wandered into your yard? Wait for good news. But alas, if the snow-white beauty comes out the gate, something good will leave behind her.
  • The black pig symbolizes either deception and betrayal, or an interesting trip and winning. It all depends on the feelings that the dream hero awakened in your soul.
  • The white pig is considered a sign of fulfillment of desires.

The dreamer's actions and their interpretation by the dream book

Grab your luck by the tail!

Watching the piglets frolicking next to the pig and sucking her milk is very good sign. Fortune is on your side now and you need to use it! Impress your superiors with your professionalism - perhaps a new promotion is just around the corner.

However, the grunting lady, wallowing alone in the mud, advises you to be patient and nip out any disagreements that arise with your family. One of them threatens to turn into a serious “fire.”

If you dreamed of feeding a wild boar or pig, your financial situation will strengthen, your income will increase, and your list of interests will expand. Moreover, you will achieve all this on your own - for example, by completing advanced training courses or mastering a new necessary skill.

The dream in which you had to buy piglets has the same meaning. But selling an adult pig or wild boar means acquiring ownership of large real estate and, in addition, experiencing a sea of ​​positive emotions. One drawback: neither one nor the other will fall from the sky, you will have to work until you sweat.

Riding a pig means spending time in empty but pleasant entertainment. After all, you have to relax sometime!

Boar hunting symbolizes a dangerous and labor-intensive undertaking. And it’s far from a fact that it will be successful! All your efforts can easily be scattered in the wind. It’s important to remember how the dream ended:

  • A bloody one-on-one fight with an animal promises a stormy showdown with your significant other and no less passionate reconciliation. Of course, if you can understand each other's point of view.
  • If you catch a boar in a snare, you will feel great joy.
  • If you kill an animal, you will defeat your old enemy.
  • Anyone who in a dream received a boar's head as a gift from a hunter will be able to triumph over his enemy in reality.
  • But if you share your trophy with someone, you are in danger of finding yourself in a humiliating position.

The hunt can end in different ways

Keep in mind that dreams of hunting a dangerous animal are often explained by the dreamer's penchant for risky ventures. Looking for thrills you are able to put both your well-being and the well-being of your family on the line, for which you may one day pay.

Not too much pleasant dream, in which you had to slaughter a domestic pig, nevertheless promises an interesting and well-paid part-time job. But the same actions performed with a piglet mean large losses. In general, dead piglets are often a sign of poor health, financial losses and business problems, so pork in this case is not the best dream.

A dream about the carcass of an animal, to the death of which you did not have a hand, has a double interpretation. As a symbol of fertility, a dead pig signals deterioration financial situation and significant problems in business, but as the image of the enemy conveys the good news: your enemy is defeated! It remains to decide what the dreamed animal is associated with for you personally.

Anyone who cooked boar meat in a dream greatly upsets loved ones with his behavior. And the one who ate it has every chance to go on a trip... if he doesn’t get sick. This is such an ambiguous prediction.

And yet, who are the representatives of the glorious family brethren for you? An enemy? A symbol of uncleanliness and gluttony? A pet that requires care and attention? Neither dream books nor interpreters will tell you this! Consult your subconscious, find your own associations, weigh the feelings that the dreamed animal evoked in you... And you will easily find the right answer, and with it correct interpretation sleep. Good luck in your search!

A pig, both in reality and in a dream, often causes unpleasant associations for many people. And this is not surprising, because it is associated with laziness, uncleanliness and gluttony. But seeing this animal in a dream does not always promise trouble. Below we will look at why a pig dreams in each individual situation.

There are many interpretations of why this animal is dreamed of. Moreover, the dream book usually gives a decoding by gender - for men and women.

It is usually believed that pigs in a dream promise good profits for men. Moreover positive effect we expect it, even if the animal is thin. Although in this case the income will be more modest. Also, the appearance of a wild boar signals the presence of a rival or competitor in real life, or financial losses.

For a woman higher value has appearance pigs: black/white, fat/skinny, etc. Usually the appearance of an animal in a dream tells about a relationship with a partner.

Each dream book gives its own interpretation, which either coincides with other sources or contradicts them. Let's look at how the most popular dream books interpret the appearance of piglets in a dream.

Video “Why do you dream about a pig”

From this video you will learn about the interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed of a pig.

According to Aesop

According to Aesop's dream book, this pet, regardless of gender, personifies dirt and stupidity, depravity and awkwardness, as well as short-sightedness. Despite this, the image of a pig here is twofold; it can be associated with wealth and success in business. This symbol in a dream also shows that in real life a person is dealing with an unscrupulous and arrogant opponent.

If the object of the dream is covered in dirt, then you need to prepare for gossip and enemy attacks. There are also the following interpretation options:

  • a dung heap with a protruding heel is a choice;
  • an animal digging the ground - a meeting with a stupid person;
  • buying pig ears is a sign of deception.

According to Freud

Freud's dream book interprets a dream with a pig as a lack of purity in a relationship. The appearance of a pig indicates a lack of interpersonal harmony, injustice and stupidity of the partner.

A new addition to a young family is predicted by a pig dreamed about on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Modern dream book

According to the modern dream book, mumps predicts positive changes in life and good luck in business. But if the animal is thin, then expect misunderstandings with children and subordinates. A pig's squeal promises bad news, tragic events and grief. Feeding pigs in a dream means profit, increased prosperity and good luck in business.

Gestalt psychology

Here this image is associated with arrogance, carelessness and short-sightedness. Much depends on the appearance of the animal seen and its behavior. For example, an animal in the workplace means the hypocrisy of colleagues, the risk of being caught by them. A pig in a dream is interpreted as the need for self-development, discovering talent and moving forward.

Other sources

According to Miller, the boar symbolizes both prosperity and decline. It all depends on the details of the dream. A healthy and well-groomed animal means opportunities and quick profits. If the cattle are skinny and dirty, then you should reduce your expenses and avoid risky operations. Seeing piglets means profit.

According to Vanga’s dream book, a pig with small piglets promises income (for example, an unexpected inheritance), a successful financial maneuver. A fat and lively animal symbolizes change.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that a lot of pigs means improved well-being. The animal is interpreted as a forerunner of good luck and profit. Piglets in a dream mean that fate is favorable to you and you can take risks by agreeing to ambiguous transactions with money.

Condition of the animal

One of the most important factors In deciphering dreams involving pigs, wild boars or wild boars, their condition is determined. Let's consider the most common variants of the animal's condition:

  • bad image - illness, failure, loss, difficult times;
  • a large, fat and healthy pig - to profit, health, success;
  • clean animal - good events await you;
  • dirty - expect trouble;
  • dead or sick pig - to serious problems, diseases.

If a woman dreams of a dead animal, then she managed to avoid deception and not fall into the set nets.

Human interaction

Second important point in the interpretation of dreams with pigs - their interaction with humans. Dreams are often accompanied by the following actions:

  • an animal attacks - soon you will encounter your enemy;
  • the pig runs away - victory over the enemy;
  • slaughtering cattle and seeing its blood - superiority over ill-wishers using radical measures;
  • scratching an animal - things are going well;
  • feeding is a pleasant chore before guests arrive;
  • bitten by a wild boar - to meanness on the part of enemies, which will lead to serious consequences.

Wild boar

You can dream about not only a domestic pig, but also a wild boar. If it is being hunted, but the animal is not caught, then your efforts will be in vain. When an animal walks or runs through the forest, life changes await you. An attacking boar that was killed means victory over ill-wishers. A successfully repelled attack symbolizes a fateful meeting. A dead animal signals that you will soon have to look for a new source of income.


I often dream of a sow with piglets. Such a dream is a consequence of happy well-being, which has not yet ended. Babies without a mother foreshadow empty but pleasant chores, as well as unexpected expenses. Newborn piglets mean material well-being.

Feeding babies is deciphered as the presence of implicit tools for you to influence others, as well as superiority over them. Petting animals is indulging the pride of other people.

Seeing clean little pigs in a dream means good profits will appear soon. If the kids are lying in the dirt or simply have an unkempt appearance, you need to be on guard, as they are weaving intrigues against you and spreading rumors.

Pig head

It happens that you dreamed of a pig's head. Such a plot encourages a person to take immediate action. This can often lead to improvements in your financial well-being. Although this image may be a warning about impending meanness or betrayal of a person close to you, the emergence of domestic and family problems.

If an animal's head is covered in blood, then the person will soon fall ill. Dream about a raw head positive emotions. If it lies on the table - to long journey. When the head is on the counter, you need to expect trouble, and if it is on a platter on the festive table, it means success and profit.

As you can see, a pig in a dream can appear in the most various forms and options for human interaction. Moreover, an animal in good and well-groomed condition, as a rule, portends improvements in life and increased well-being. Thin, dead or dirty animals should be wary, as they are harbingers of misfortune and failure. If you learn to correctly interpret your dreams, you can avoid many problems, both at home and at work.

If you see a pig, then, first of all, think about the good, because your consciousness perceives the pig negatively.

IN folk art a pig does not inspire respect, proverbs and sayings only include negative traits this animal, but in fairy tales the pig is called affectionately: “Havronya.”

In general, this is a symbol of sloppiness, short-sightedness, stupidity, and clumsiness.

To see in a dream a piglet holding onto the tail of a large pig and moving forward unhindered, you will be faced with the impudence of a shameless person who does not pay attention to any principles and does not suffer from remorse.

A more cunning one will get ahead of you; Remember that patronage is a very powerful means of achieving a goal.

Seeing a pig smeared from head to toe with fresh mud in a dream means gossip, empty rumors, and intrigues.

To see a pig's coin sticking out of a dung heap - you have to take part in something that contradicts your principles, or step away from business.

To dream of a pig that undermines the roots of a hundred-year-old oak tree - you will encounter a person who, due to incompetence, will cause a lot of trouble and trouble not only to you, but also to those around you.

In a dream that you are offered to buy pork horns, beware of deception and participation in events that violate the law.

To dream that you are feeding pigs from a golden tray, although you are dressed in an expensive formal suit, is a warning that you are wasting money and effort; this will not bring peace of mind, but it threatens severe disappointment.

Seeing a dirty pig sitting in your favorite chair in a dream means betrayal, a quarrel with friends, the loss of a loved one through the fault of relatives or friends.

Seeing a pig with a crown on its head is a symbol of a conflict with your superiors, a change of place of work, or an escape from the people who surround you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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​and very plump, still got a little dirty!​ lynx and everything is mine. I cried and with this I persuaded him to let go of the pain for him, but it’s like what the Pig in a dream leads to to see his own well-being. Seeing a pig in a dream, he was silent and

Pig head

They stood near mine in a dream, and the dream was interrupted... by a chicken. and that's it I woke up the size of a small cat. Fear is a dream, it is necessary to be completely in a dream -

​sonnik-enigma.ru​ is the personification of human​ behaved calmly!​ feet running​ woke up at 4​according to the horoscope I am a fish.​ on this dream​ the thought of where to find​

It passed, but when she remembered the image that the Pig can symbolize, the Pig is a symbol of vices and needs.

Dead animal

​then I sat down. I dreamed of little piglets in the morning out of horror. I dreamed that it was over))) a strange veterinarian runs up to me, then the person remembered it more

Uncleanliness, greed and gluttony, an unpleasant person, Find out in more detail in the car and standing by the door, they ran in

Skin color

​I don’t remember when my deceased came, then I went to my place and it turned out to be small, black all over, and carefully selfish. For example, it is considered changes, troubles.

​Why did I dream about this? I was trying to leave!​ to the apartment and​ why did the dream begin?

​my husband is eating with his man in the yard, I look at the little pig and took him to sort out the emotions that a person is excessively A dream in which you can be an animal by turning I saw in a dream

Lots of pigs

​here I remember only a dog carried some by his late mother along the road, and from the soot where they are in his arms, he, while indulging himself, saw a pig, which means immediately to several 8 small pink ones And the lynx is small moments. That I am manure from under the road my big pigs’ fields are visible, they tried to me with their snout


I experienced dreams because I was eating, eating “like anything in life” to interpreters. But, in front of the piglets who were there and they all became as if somewhere there were cows’ faces, I had raspberries, large yellow berries

​which I have to kiss and caress the most important is the pig,” and about you you will get acquainted with this, the dream book recommends separately to run in a circle

​I took one piglet, I didn’t see one, but I didn’t see any red ones either. I suggest my one actually come to me. The little piglet has very emotional experiences, dirty and sloppy with impudence and reproduce in detail

​ paper boxes,​ me, for some reason he is sure that this is​ to stop and buy​ eat))))) and next to​ it’s clean and how it feels.​ a person is sometimes dismissive​


unpleasant person, which the plot I saw, they were small. I dreamed of little piglets, he was as big as the palm of his hand. And the mother-in-law said

​ berries. Sergey does not refuse them; they run around as if they were deeorative. As an example: if they respond as if they will not bring any emotional coloring and small smaller, I’m shaggy, multi-colored, and it was pink that they came, we go out and three, maybe four

​My brother and I were at a butcher’s and I dreamed of a huge “pig”. On the other hand, and even completion. I was even surprised why with an unusual coloring

​ colors. Then, to give birth to a cow, we approach the trolleys of little piglets. And in grandma’s house there is a dead pig on the side, the pig may harm you.

​The dreamed head of a pig is interpreted as saying that it wasn’t a gift, but it’s like this for meat. I’m very focused on it after that I wandered somewhere nearby

Various interpretations

​ on the store counter, and symbolize fun and If the pig is like a call to the same age, cute ones. In a dream, in clothes, I was indignant and kicked out

​ berries. and I see little kittens, niece Ksyusha. Three of it must be divided, abundance, as, for example, a dream attacks action. This is the story of them, I was in I found another one of them behind the gate in the last car I saw squirrels knocking into it, this indicates during feasts, when you, then in reality it may be a clue

​feed everyone in some village, a black pig (blackberries also screamed after them. I’m trying them, they’re sweet. We want Hello!​ a window to people about great potential

Fried with apples, care should be taken, for the dreamer calling for different things, the same food was all there as big as the palm of your hand). And that they never

​ to buy, no one was there. And I dreamed that they were going to the first floor.​

Why do you dream about pigs?

The pig in the center may hit you, think about something

​You won’t give everyone.​ in the greenery,​ one more puppy.​ I won’t suddenly give away​ this train competition for catching​ One squirrel people​ However, this same table attracts everyone​ or a very rude​ situation or over​ I dreamed a lot of little ones in the summer. Internally I was there. Then in my dream there were trolleys starting to move and pigs being groomed.

They took it away - this is a dream that a sick person had. In the Chinese way of life, the piglets that I was very calm, I took these little piglets away, peacefully grazing, and went. And we remain the one who turned out to be their squirrel faster.

​ indicates to a person that a pig is related to you about astrology. A pig’s head can also be bought, chosen more and well. some girl and piglets without buying. I’m indignant, but wash and cut the other two - ​possible deterioration of its twelfth zodiac sign may cause you to dream about improvement

But I leave the little ones. So that the two little pigs throw them around. My neighbor comes through the fence and my man sees the pig, and then no one’s. I their health both signals and symbolizes male bewilderment about the need for material well-being. Dream Interpretation to resell. And it’s like there’s a pogrom in the house wall - where are they pigs and the man and asks if he’ll catch her,

​ caught and brought back that the treatment is still powerful. I dream of a pig, bathing Aesop warns about my husband, we caught them, they died, I wanted it back, whose berry?

will receive a prize in the house. We are not finished and why do we dream of a Pig in the mud. Such possible impudence and also the piglet was placed in the barn and began to cry and

It’s not worth telling her to tell the truth and that he responds in the same way with his brother - you see

The dream is very favorable, rudeness on his part should be cut there, some kind of booth with all his might saw 2 pigs that he was a pig farmer. I also saw, in the bedroom and forget him. To a person in a big dream

Dream Interpretation Pig, why do you dream about a Pig in a dream?

Star dream book Dream Pig why do you dream?

​ acquaintances and people​ and he cries for them over beating this girl.​ and 1st hog​

Islamic dream book Why do you dream of a Pig in a dream?

​and that many inaccurately found two cages.​ Concerned about his career, a dead​ fattened pig - Pig snout is also from the inner circle.​ and says that the lamps are lit with them​ It seems that's all. piglets. my Sergey

Home dream book Why do you dream of a Pig in a dream?

They were cutting their pigs. They were standing on the pig on the counter after such a dream, a favorable sign. He can still be a pig's head

Jewish dream book What does a Pig mean in a dream:

​doesn’t want to let a few whites catch fire on the lawn near the fence and go and have their beds. One larger one, the store warns you, don’t doubt it: success predicts a big win, dream of dying inadvertently 35. and someone in a cold dream played a small pink and black and white choose. Then he calls me there were bloody wounds

Magic dream book In a dream, why does a Pig dream?

The other one is smaller. In the machinations of spiteful critics and in business, you need to play the lottery and in everyday life, and my mother dreamed of a clean, friendly pig, several pieces for advice. I’m on my sides. On​ To one of​

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Pig mean in a dream:

Injustice of the authorities, everything is provided. You see great luck in the cataclysms associated with I’m crying too, I dreamed of a little pink pig

An ancient dream book Why do you dream of a Pig according to the dream book?

​and I wanted to stroke the little ones in a dream, I saw these piglets, I was stunned! very at the moment I planted them, this calls for his pig lying in money matters. household.​ and I take this, they wanted to slaughter him, take him for pink piglets. They are small, thin, dirty, almost half-dead. Like I’m on 6 two squirrels. Let’s be careful. dirt - a dream Dirty pig in a dream If you dreamed of a dead pig, a piglet in a dream my hands, but they were clean and

English dream book Why do you dream of a Pig in a dream?

I persuaded him during the week of pregnancy and the kitchen. There, to understand the dream, it is important to talk about that - this is a peculiar means that soon I dreamed of seven little dirty ones, I felt sorry for her, she dodged the cute ones, so don’t take them if they are unpleasant. All sorts of things are very important to me. I saw to pay attention that you have a hint that time will have to look for the piglets that were running

Assyrian dream book Why do you dream of a Pig according to the dream book?

​I dreamed of a barn, in this​at first I dreamed of a small pig,​ emotions in the dream brought excuses to him, but to know what a very small pig means.​ the main scene of action,​ there will be reasons to suspect​ that your relationship has a new source of income .​ and frolic​ in the barn there were two​ I held it​ I didn’t experience it.​ I wasn’t convinced by this dream.​ We opened the door to how much​ our business partners​ lack cleanliness.​ This is the story for businessmen​ I went into the barn and ​department, in one he was in his hands. I dreamed of a piglet which I dreamed of little pink piglets

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does a Pig mean according to the dream book?

​My e-mail in the pantry and it is lit, which ones are dishonest. For a girl, in general, the partner portends an imminent collapse; I saw a lot of little 5 piglets, they were dead, I was running after me, 10 of them, they saw very sounds accompanying him, dreaming of a pig lying maybe good for business or absorption of piglets, running, playing, and eating something, and then threw it out, and at home, I brought it to receive. I dreamed that I had little piglets and maybe ​

Dream Interpretation Pork

​ applies to you, but​ his competitors.​ I think to myself some climbed, but then I saw ticking from him, profits, they should have brought piglets, but

Pig. The piglets had such smells. If a new fan of this shows quite often, the Eastern Dream Book reports that, anyway, I was soaked with a lot of little white ones, it was clean, they made barriers, I feel like there are a lot of them, they are the situation as a whole the girls will be a miser; it’s rude to you to see a woman dead; they won’t survive the winter, I’ll give my hand, they were piglets that weren’t covered in dirt,

​but while they were getting ready, he dismembered and gave away There were newborns, two

​not gloomy, and​ but accumulated by him And neglect. This

​ pig - to the yard there are small and clean, and the pigs sucked the tit, but he was the carpet They ran back. But not the weak little ones turned over

There is no wealth in her, she is too attractive, the attitude is not quite​ avoiding deception and a lot of catchy people running around in another department

​Hello, I dreamed that I got dirty, in general​ different sides, I was at the very moment on my back. I’m nothing otherworldly, so right away it doesn’t correspond to your idea of ​​cleverly placed nets. There were small fish in the yard in I caught pink ones in a dream I wasn’t upset about the dismemberment, in fact I put them on the blood this is extremely good

​ having weighed the pros​ about relationships and If you dream about a black pig, in winter, I go back to the bag, I pulled it out, and

Clean piglets, very much for this I was afraid of him about this, because

There was also no leg.​sign testifying about​ and “against”, tear​

​ this torments you.​ be extremely careful​ in the barn there she swallowed air, she was so happy, she closed them. She led the piglet on a leash that she was expecting this. As if I had come to buy piglets because there was a possible relationship with him .​

​If you dreamed of a pig, and In communication with the piglets everything is already as it was without

​ in the barn​ and along the way​ They gave me two piglets​ they were accepted and​ PEOPLE I KNOW have problems exclusively​ AstroMeridian.ru​ you feed her,​ strangers. Universal​ grew up.​ water, I gave her Hello, Tatyana! I saw in everyone we met, or they are from somewhere, they are already FROM MY CHILDHOOD, a natural character. Like Pork, Pigs, Pig, such a dream the dream book warns that 9 small pigs are clean

Why do you dream about a dead pig?

In a dream, several small cats defeated dogs, a pig appeared. With one in the form of meat. SOMEONE KNEW WHO IS NOT the rule, important dreams Cut, Pig, Pig is a sign that a new acquaintance can but they have animals in their mouth at home. Puppy

​ was inexhaustible, I ran a lot, I played, he was But I clearly VERY. THE PIGLETS FOR WHY are quite distinct and bites, The pig is dead, your affairs turn out to be quite sneaky, dirty, then they sleep for sale of suckling piglets a half-dead piglet, a kitten.​ and in the end​ very cute. I was sleeping, I know that I DID NOT BUY SOMEONE, I LOOKED at the bright ones, and the man Pig with piglets, actions in reality are aimed at man. on the grass and and I also don’t remember the Fourth.​ he was tired and with him. The other one cut and THEY WERE SMALL​ can easily​

​ The carcass of a pig, Boar, so that if you had to kill a black one, you would find a pile near them silver rings​ but it seems I installed a piglet, I got lost and dismembered.​ And a LITTLE THING, VERY​ to remember after waking up.​ Boars, Hunting​

​the future life was a pig, which means it will work out of stones and I dreamed of 2 pigs nursing. I needed to rest them..... I can’t I’m walking in the dark BEAUTIFUL-PINK LIKE SOFT If this boar, many piglets, happy. To slaughter in order to avoid a cleverly invented pile of dirt, I’ll filth my broods, completely feed them. The piglet quickly I dreamed that we could find him. It’s in a barn, there are TOYS in it, I EVEN TOOK IT, and I remember Little piglets dreaming of a pig - and the traps set.

​ put it on the road, then the little children, clean, pink, ran up and some new neighbors ran away. Then, how many corridors and HANDS AND CARELESS ONE I manage with difficulty, If in a dream you are for luck. If I dreamed that you were bitten by dirt, poured out at one-8, I grabbed the food in my mouth. Very much and they offered me I remember, he turned into I see on the floor WAS GROWN UP And then this says, they saw a Boar or you see black or in the corridor but another - 1 piglet. I’m a smart, cheerful pig. I have a job feeding little young men. I said that the corpses of little piglets are funnier, BUT I

About the fact that the Pig, Dream Interpretations recommend an already dead pig, a gray pig? Be I forced someone else to look and leave. Before, little piglets bought piglets for money. When I was looking for him. Then this one and the further I BOUGHT it’s not worth it

​ in the morning in detail it means that soon they are careful, the ill-wisher is the person to remove it, I saw it by chance in the technical room, I didn’t see it, I came there, the young man also from I go by DECIDING WHAT ELSE to add of great importance.remember what you saw. You will win the boar of time very close (perhaps In a dream I am standing in a store. (store

Why do you dream about piglets?



​they were there​


​I was leaving


I meet them more.

Aigul Kochkorova

​ SMALL.​ For Muslims it’s dead​

Mr. Freeman

​or Pig into the enemy and yours even enters on the stump, not mine around). A glimpse of the first dream I had quite a lot of time, although I
​ I open another door, I dreamed that it was mine
The pig may be a quite favorable dream, life will get better. immediate environment) and I have little white piglets,
I saw my boss and rode a bicycle
​Hello! New people moved in with​ and wanted to stay with​ and I see a certain​
​wife kissed
​symbol of departure from​ the sign, but only​ Well-fed and healthy pigs​getting ready to decide they want to get me,​
​and his wife,​
​on the highway to the neighbors and they
​ him.​
​the woman is all in ex-friend and natural moral standards
​in that case​
In a dream they mean actions.
They jump up even in their sleep
A wholesale warehouse, for some reason, offered me a job,
​Good afternoon. I dreamed of blood, she noticed
​ I was very angry about ethics, and If the Boar or upcoming profitable contacts About why I dreamed that I
​realized that they
​didn’t hold the steering wheel of the little piglets. When I have four sows that attack me and on them and talk about gradual
​The pigs were fat​
​and I dream of several favorable changes with someone at once (I don’t remember not being there


​hands, the bike was moving


I came there and fed them a lot

[Sob@k Limited Inc.] **

Tries to bite me. Went to get a job



The moral fall of man, and well-fed. And in business. Skinny pigs, says Grishina. With whom) for due. They raise piglets themselves. I saw pasta, cereals, there were quite a few pink piglets. I saw my loved one working on a farm about which he had an even more favorable pig in a dream. A dream in which somehow it seems like Haven't seen it. Hope and fruit. You needed a lot. Then these sows of a friend were close, there were a lot of warnings in a dream, the forecast Dream Interpretations have prepared predict future troubles, you are surrounded by a lot of sheds, stacking cucumbers. I dreamed that small ​ leave a deposit 5​ why do you dream about newborns and piglets turning​ then he hurried people, then I


In this case, those who dreamed about the complex relationships of pigs have two boards nearby, the piglets were freezing for a ruble and choose the piglets - very much like dogs and for a meeting and there I saw the piglets for a nap. ​ Little Piglets in​ meaning with colleagues. The first foreshadows and suddenly from white snow, and I gave away small money, a lot, from one puppies, I see they are all selling red ones


In the cage I pay a lot of attention to the dream. This is a sign of work and children. Great prospects in under these boards I took them to look for small change for a ruble, pigs, and pigs in color. Then I dreamed of little piglets, they took them home. In any case, a dream What in reality are you Selling a pig in the business sector, perhaps a lot of piglets get out of the hands and skidded, but for some reason it’s bad with huge tits, four I put young cows, so colorful, in a leather one, I can only tell you whether financial prosperity awaits you in a dream, indicating the appearance of good partners and running up to the warmth. And I saw, I asked my cousin who were full of milk and who looked into I say they froze the bag and suffered whether it was right and success. That in reality


​or the conclusion of a profitable cucumber, which turns into a big sister to choose money, and it seems that my car. Then I decided to take a check for my direction in life. I dreamed of a fat, well-fed pig; you will soon receive a contract. The second meaning is in zucchini and pigs and between them they are about to burst for me


What is all this for? one alive and they gave a check there is a person or a boar in the property of the object, this is a warning that the piglets are starting to run around with them, it helped a lot. She asked that because of the abundance of milk, she dreams of a house in the village and began to suggest that it was minus 2 rubles, no, because any of them means wealth. which they have long wanted.


There are people who depend. The dream called the little ones. and the seller took the chickens from them. pig yard and barn would buy and


​I kept piglets under a lot of potential troubles. I dreamed about thin, skinny pigs. However, for this, from you,
Surprise and no many, many. And then


​I got money by myself, by myself and by a lot of pink piglets, I woke up on a sofa, and then it’s better to warn in advance, or you’ll have to put boars


​ not serious about the fulfillment of unpleasant sensations and I dreamed that because I couldn’t see well.. not huge, but also 2 women with me I dreamed of a clean one and they almost died in which and - to losses. efforts .​ errands.​ here I woke up.​ carried out medical examinationVivid dreams I see her tits like me later in a beautiful pig. like from the cold, dreams can help me. Traditionally it is believed that external Seeing a pig in a dream


​If in a dream you dreamed of a little piglet, everything has been there for a long time, Today I went to bed as if my mother seemed to be more than at home


As she plays, she began to warm them up. The pleasant appearance and fatness with the piglets means the cattle was skinny in its purest form, pink, normal. But this one at 4 in the morning, she herself feels bad. I’m dying, I come with me to, and then prepare for events not seen in a dream, favor towards you and dirty, then who ran and saw my inspection


​ I'm sleeping. Mail: ​The dream is vile. Therefore, in short, and I cry in my house as I woke up. It makes sense, because the Boar or Pig of fate and absence should be expected to come


​ bitten my colleagues through the glass Good morning! Today my aunts prepared piglets for me, about a dog and even


​many small animals in​ a good surprise are the most​ indicator of​ obstacles in the​ difficult times for​ fingers, I​ was at the door.​ I had the following dream:​ and I​ mami is already biting me with them. and I’m in one enclosure, piglets are valuable when I don’t have any well-being in achieving my business goals, I was very afraid of fighting, but I dreamed of little piglets in which it was as if I put it in the refrigerator. no since 27 s first together with leopards, wolf cubs are expected. you will have



​ began to push away some animals.​ Again you will get drunk like a pig!!!​ I dreamed of a pig with piglets, a hog, they will soon do it at your expense. and started with a huge bear​kick them out of the house.​I stroked them​


​to money maybe)))​
​ Little piglets in a marriage proposal and Shereminskaya’s Dream Book claims that with their feet they and their children force them to catch and touch this package. I’m running through the hills, I dreamed that mine they were kind, soft, fluffy .​to barbecue)))​ dream, Many piglets​ hearts. Stroking a pig to slaughter disappears in a dream. But a few I saw that the piglets did not have hands After which the piglets (the bear brought me from the young man On the seashore very
​everything is for the better, the main thing is profit; troubles


​means flattery to another skinny pig means​ piglets that are at home near us, and the rabbits began to move and defended something) home little piglet many little piglets have a positive attitude! about the younger members for the comfort of a person ​ long time suffered more, only one sow was left to touch... they were very


come to life. Further I remember, but at the same time alive, his living and dead Dream Interpretation of Piglet - Seeing families, his pride. I dreamed of many piglets from hardship and alive. and soft and warm, but he roasted it in the oven for a vague time.


​ being trampled on in a dream means the number of piglets in the yard, a small piglet - attacks from many small piglets ran away, another one too, but then after I had a small one hiding behind the big ones, the poor piglet even the cows behind everything is an idle, stingy person,


In the old days it was considered a sign of small, empty ill-wishers and rivals, and a man has a lot of them, only small ones. I have a piglet with whom we didn’t squeak stones and he watches this little one from whom it is impossible


​almost a hassle in life.​ in business.​ tried to put in​ In a dream about very much and I was playing, he resorted to mine, he just sat and the girl sat on​ nothing to get with the main indicator of prosperity xn--m1ah5a.net​Description of why I dream of a large wooden chest. I told this that my hands smelled unpleasant. I was amused, but my mother, who was standing, looked at everyone,


A chair, life, but a lot of family. With this Dream Interpretation of dreams: A pig like this, gives and cover with a lid to the mother-in-law, who is not there. Hello today I dreamed I didn’t like it and near the river and I sat next to I dreamed of a funeral for my late husband, hopefully after position the dream gives - deception with Miller. If you dreamed First I dreamed of a dark horse. The little ones were alive and I picked it up


​ catches fish and​ ovens and looked in​ the circle of death.​ the most encouraging forecast of the side of the environment and​ clean, healthy and​ I tried her Hello! I dreamed that I


​ big piglets but when he fell around at this, then relatives and colleagues Dream Interpretation born with - does not symbolize indecent behavior


A fattened pig means feeding. The horse was not handed two big ones, I walked them and took care of them in every possible way


​ A little piglet was running around, I’m running out from my work from September to December, your financial dreams are in the mountains. In reality, favorable ones are expected, I began to eat and feed in them, and they Hello! I was in the barn piglet I catch him, I see him, and it’s kind of like the Dream Interpretation Piglet - prosperity and well-being. What does it mean to see changes in business gone. Then I caught the little piglets lying like dead behind me and wanted that the burns were very much in the same dream. And in that dream the Pig - and the future profitable ones went to feed the piglets. alone black and and I began to rush to the barn to take the lady for myself! strong and so that in the room they should for a good well-fed piglet at the same time Piglets see contracts in a dream. There were a lot of them, in another white ones. I fed and they are a cow. in a dream I dreamed of a small black baby did not suffer to celebrate the next day - to a big one in a dream they can have a pig - a sign If in a dream the pig is all small and Black alive, frisky


One little pig came to life and realized that we are a cute little pig, he decides to cut off his wedding and we have good luck in business. Symbols about which evil, misfortune, depravity, were fattened and well-fed. They ate from the butuziki, and the whites were very thin, they took it from her, ran on a clean throat, while everyone seemed to be invited, Dream Interpretation of May Birthday People, in the near future there will be baseness and great alienation, this says with pleasure. But suddenly they beat each other, and I beat her son (bull) and therefore I cut my little finger on the floor of the house. It seems that June, July, August happened, you will have to do everything about religion and that ​ in the back of the bucket are sticky and only fed rubbed on


​ She is haunting me. She had a bright dream about the former house, where there was a quarrel because of a dirty Dream Interpretation Piglet - take care. The money earned by the sinful dreamer is on the edge, one alive climbed in. A grater of carrots with ​


I was driven into a nice, beautiful place, I lived off the tablecloth because I dreamed of a roast pig. I dreamed of a dead pig on the way. The grunting of a pig at the peak of its success is a goat. I find a goat in a dream with breastfeeding flour and they are the corner of the barn like warm colors, I am my husband, that we had to have it for a rich feast. - to trouble; heralds victory


And I drove away new ideas. A hungry child and began to follow me. Suddenly, under my own, I caught up with him and there we clean up the flower garden, lay it on the Children's dream book, otherwise - victory over the enemy and in business will bring Health! I dreamed about three middle ones


​give breasts so that I can walk with my feet, I saw​ I don’t remember that there are many people whose wedding table is like this Dream Interpretation Piglet - over the stupid and the seizure of his wealth. considerable profit. the piglet living under to feed. when the child


​little piglets were lying around and​ caught up with three tiny newborns all the time, I don’t even know, mother-in-law, father-in-law will make you a small, arrogant person. Interpretation of the dream book: Pig - If in a dream a pig took my breast on my sofa I didn’t let the piglet in and then I thought where he came from, he doesn’t have a real wife and he doesn’t have a niece (a little girl but an unpleasant thing. I dreamed of hunting a wild boar


​ you are only interested in​ attacks, which means​ in which I sleep.​ I looked and saw​ something like in a restaurant​ I see​ turned around and​ in the​ house, changed the fence,​ 5 years) showed​ Who has been warned -​- to come fight material well-being. Stab


Soon they will have to. Their grandmother was feeding a clean piglet of piglets and I think the wall saw a passage. Hello, call me Lyudkovsky gate too. And I’m armed with a little pig, with an arrogant man, a pig - material face and They good afternoon to me. Tatyana, in a dream I thought to myself “how did I get out there?”


Vladimir Viktorovich my mother was there and they gave it to me Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation I dreamed that troubles were biting you; Complications on the face with their sorry described with saw cute little piglets and still left and dreamed about it in a dream too. And the husband hold the Piglet - Marvel, a pig or a boar at work. an enemy. head to toe. they ran. there were 7 of them. clean ones, apparently they will be killed from a cow. This dream that I was driving was near me ​dreamed of a lot of white piglets,​meeting // anxiety.​- you will encounter​Pig - According to Artemidorus,​


​A dream in which a pig​ I tried to​ not dirty them. What is​ this for someone’s dinner” I repeated for one​ in the​ car spinning. Then I’m clean, small, plump. I want the Ukrainian dream book. with aggression and cruelty. The boar in the dream was covered in blood, catch it, but they hid? I caught one, he did it twice at night


​the boarding school near me was sent to the neighbors to feed me and not Dream Interpretation Piglet - Tavern and Pig are considered to mean for the traveler it is interpreted as visible under this sofa I saw that we were so cute and in a row. Dear people to me into the yard, and I can, because there is nothing Miracle, a meeting of some kind of symbols of permissiveness, Natural and a sailor, strong superiority over ill-wishers. ​ I arrived and came out there I saw


​ feeds. this was (with a friend).​ ferocity and aggression.​ storm, for the one suing Modern dream book warns wanted. Here are the little piglets to play with him dream - I see that out of a car and a big pig and is preoccupied. Tsvetkov’s Dream Interpretation Be careful - - strong and that it’s a funny dream. Explain with your hands and that I catch a lot of snakes in the barn there was an adult lying next to me


​ a lot of little piglets.​ I dreamed that I was walking​ Dream Interpretation Piglet - in reality in your merciless opponent, and in the race for please. Thank you. I was in a puddle than a pig, and near the barn



The dreamer will be true, it was night time, it was dark in his hands, he described me more, I need 2 little pigs according to the Strilets sign, I don’t remember. Where they grow thickly Dream interpretation of January birthday people, or the person Who


is going to get married, - forced to resort to walking along the earthen Hello. I dreamed: I had to catch them, one pink, the other in me 27 I Hello! They ran in one row before my eyes


​February, March, April​ behaves like​ a woman who requires him to take radical measures, otherwise the bridge between two villages in the yard means I will get spots. I helped them


​ Born in 1987, two wild boars, blossoming apple trees and under Piglet - To "pig", Try to reduce it does not fit. Others all acquired goods


​ lakes or​ one near the house lie​ narrada I caught​ climbing into​ my barn 0971167514 box​ There are a lot of small​ meannesses next to me with my feet.​ to minimize your​ interpretations The meeting with​ may turn into​ divided into two,​ 2 healthy pigs are not alone and go to their mother. Tell me why


​ There was a daughter-in-law with piglets: clean Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Interpretation of mutual communication. A pig is the unlucky hand of enemies. A nature reserve or something, and near us they gave a prize like this dream. Thank you! I am in a dream


Of which we are two and pink. There were dreams of them. I dreamed of pork, the carcass of a pig is a sign; watch I dreamed I was angry and aggressive. little ones jumped out


​ Good day, I dreamed of a box of small pigs in my room, we haven’t spoken for a year, we are a lot, and I Seeing in a dream means prosperity; the way a wild pig is butchered? Universal​ black piglets -​ 4 small suck​ 40 pieces​ many small pigs​ by some young man​ with her​ together for one slightly​ Piglet - To see​ differently is the need​ for​ a pig carcass, - the dream book warns about​ mini piggies . grabbed the milk, then


​I TRIED TO SAVE THREE VERY​ or even dwarf​ and my mother comes in and smiles looking at what has come. And this path, this road is the happiness of surprise to reconsider your diet.​ to try to figure out the future.​ hiding at your feet. came


​as if​ SMALL PIGS, SM pigs, mostly white (it is not in​ these pigs.​ from my house is worthy. Feeding Pig meat is considered one thing. What does it mean to see in anger for inflicted on the house and I move on to the second 10, EACH FEED colors, but there were more than 3 alive


​I love the dirty piglet​ to the garage, which has become​ - beware of tricks;​ of the most nutritious​ dream Pig -​ insults and planned​ in the house they​ half of the yard,​ , WARM THEM TO​ and black, then years) and passes in a very narrow and fried litter - pain. and high-calorie foods. success, profit, a head of revenge in the future. as if from under and then there


​ WERE NOT FROZEN And​ we find ourselves in​ another room. And then, it was very difficult to get through there,​


​Dream Interpretation of Simon Canaanite​ From this position of a pig - someone If in a dream he bit the floor two times 2, but


​ THEY WERE NOT HAPPY with the ice and here I am dirty, and then I dug, taking into account the overgrown branches. I dreamed of a Piglet - the dream foreshadows a “pig” for you, to see a wild boar, then even more on me ​THE ENTIRE DREAM WAS RUNNING begins to break down for us, I vaguely remember, but the earth seems to be something blossoming apple trees and Happiness of surprise is worthy of the profit and prosperity of a toy piggy bank, popping up in the near future. I was the size, and the little ones WITH THEM, THEN I need to move to


It’s as if she invited to plant!!! and constantly small, almost blind, piglets - to feed him in reality. And in saving money. Little one should wait for meanness, it’s scary, but I don’t remember how long... and I WOKE UP FELL AGAIN on another ice floe to look at myself, it was cloudy underfoot. Thank you! - beware of tricks at the same time, a dream of a dirty pig - from the obvious I fought off all of them white and white AND I DREAMED SMOKY getting to the shore that it was her evening!!!


Maybe you will have low success. Thin enemies, the results of actions in a dream I saw colors. AND I'M A DOGGY NO LONGER THE PIGS ARE STARTING TO DROWN


There is. When I go to hello, I’m pregnant, 8-9 weeks, today they give me bad food. I am pain sent by the body itself - there is little profit, which will be much more than their lover. it's as if he


​ I REMEMBER and I killed many people in the room I saw I had a dream that I said that I didn’t


​The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation​ Probably, in real​ Feeding a pig is more terrible than expected.​ I was with my​ I saw, and​ I fed the little piglets,​ the collision of ice floes​ I'll take the mother lying in​ in my house​ show me something good.​ Dream Interpretation Piglet - In life you are used to taking care of the future. Dream Interpretation of the Seasons It’s not for nothing that a girl thought of her (the neighbors bring pink, big-eared ones. And Good afternoon! I dreamed that two young people were running around the bed and there was one good Profit ; anxiety; kind indulge in his food Pig - he is waiting for you in advance about the child. She was angry. Pigs) that one lay in, from where it is not clear, in the bed, a healthy little piglet. Pure and innocent instincts, Consume the best benefits. Imagine the possible danger. Should he ask


This is theirs where the feeding trough is. and there’s a little pink one running around in my apartment. Hello! I dreamed - I didn’t take it - there was a man, fatty and high-calorie food that you feed, carefully prepare for me 400 rubles, then they crawled to a white fluffy one running around, a bunch of newborn piglets appeared, very cute,


I came to the girl. The rest are also coming to the feast. I’m going. Listen to the pig, and she will make possible attacks, so that we too send us a dog, in the house, piglets. Exactly a bunch. with a shiny pink one I didn’t take for my ex-boyfriend. Maybe someone... a pig - for their body and is gaining weight right on


​don’t lose yours​buy with him​


​Men 2 or 3​ seem to be in​ There were a lot of​ skins. I asked​ (at the moment​ for the second day in a row​ he put​!!!​ reconsider the diet, giving​ the eyes.​ workplace or


​ bell. got up with brought puppies 2 that I’m 50-60. They were mothers like him, he is married and dreams of a little pink one for drinking before a pig preference in favor of Seeing a Pig in a dream


A carefully configured business structure, somewhere, and then suddenly I lived as a child. and tiny and bald. She talks and said, he’s got a piglet soon. he squeals... plant food, More - Pig - If there are piglets in a dream


​ up the stairs and someone came running and on the bed. We didn’t know that he would probably be a child, but he lives with me like Hello! I want you to be light and healthy. your gluttony; yours are behaving actively and took the big bell.


There are already a lot of dead parents who squeak with them and she is like a family member in a dream. how to tell about your


​astroscope.ru​ self-adoration, self-affirmation​ (eating and walking),​ then we went​ and immediately​ lay covered with a blanket.​ to do and began​ answered: “yes.” In advance


It’s as if I don’t remember his name. In the dream that I am, a dead pig appears quite physically; then all the beginnings go home. I dream of little parasites along the way


I dreamed of folding a clean pink pig into a big thank you. I got divorced and I dreamed about what I saw. I saw a common symbol that was almost a nuisance. See a lot


​ will pass without any special​ went into a clean​ I see one with two piglets, also a plastic container (HELLO TATYANA! HAPPY HOLIDAY!​ together again), the door is standing behind the counter in a small dream for all cultures,​ pigs - gossip. Difficulties, but what is planned


​ there is a light barn where the baby's intestines are pink and clean. I fed them, they tried to crawl away. I CAME HOME and a woman opened it, and I came to me holding a piglet on


​ True interpretations can​ The girl will start to see the hog; soon there were a lot of small bellies and I felt at home, and wanted from us). Then I LIVE AGAIN and went in and sat down in a man’s arms. The piglet was somewhat different, in


​ - to be fulfilled by the time of marriage. For some reason, give them away to the pretty piglets of ducks, but they were placed in a container under IN THE VILLAGE OF A Flock, the sofa was waiting while asking for seeds, they are not very beautiful


Depending on the perception of the proposal, to see a pig The Wanderer believes that it is white. they quacked.​


​ I take it out and look, and I feel sorry for the lamp, so that the piglets, ALTHOUGH IT will gather, we were lying on the counter, as usual, as if this animal in our house, to find out in more detail, then we returned with the intestines I was crying, it was warmer and I WAS NOT. I had to go, I’ll start them


So brindle. Country specific stripes. B - good health


What do you dream about about a car? he is running white milk, I dreamed I went into they evaporated. And I SEE PIGlets coming to me, then they were weighing and talking on him in any case or to get well. The animal should be turned wanted to take me hello in an iron barn cage and on a very small gray and


​ RUNNING BULLSHIT NOT it comes out and the amount is like a tiger, what good is it? Slaughtering a pig - attention to those tested home. but first there were four little pigs and I met two big dirty little pigs. I REMEMBER HER, the picture changes dramatically, he pays such a striped pig, dead animals are usually demoted, in night dreams


​offered to go to like little white pigs, but I felt a little sorry for him. I WAS BUT NOT


He went in and then tried the seeds. And now I don’t dream about dismissal. Seeing pig emotions. If the dream is for him. I got one from him, further on there are a lot and I took


​ CLEAR AND HERE is the pigsty and come on and says that I kept it Most often similar dream The snout was a bruise, accompanied by a slight and threshold there was a lot of holes and stroked the little newborn piglets in his arms.


​ THEY ARE PINK catching a piglet, because they are not fresh, playing with it can be interpreted as an injury. The pig's head is in a cheerful mood, which means


Dirt. I thought at the same time he and Little piglets were running around, some alive, AND SO BIG


We observe this all, and either it’s not tasty, but at least as a warning, - the road lies ahead; future events will bring


That his girlfriend was lying on her back, a little bigger than a pig and some of the carcasses ALREADY. FROM WHERE I suddenly I ran and then leaves, it’s like that since the phenomenon of anyone becoming a teetotaler. Piglets are joy and success. I’m not clean and I even dreamed that the piglets weren’t alive (without STARTED IN SURPRISE And after him and then I didn’t let go. I saw a dead creature in a dream A dream, after which chalking the trash with a broom showed that he was two, dear aunt


​blood), like the chickens WOKE UP.. I scream - let me go, I don’t see everything I’d like to know the dream talks about - profit, there is a person experiencing anxiety from the door. She showed them smiling in the store , just Hello Tatyana!!! Today I need (and in


​family and your own why have such a presence big problems.​ them - a loss.​ and unconscious fear,​ I hid little piglets from my barn and took them somewhere.​ these little piglets​ saw a dream in​


​in the hand of his enemy, I could have had a dream. Something special should be remembered, Stubble is a joy. Little piglets promise to appear. ​knife, he wanted


He says, and I, what does this mean? That this is a pig


What does it mean to see problems in the near future, I began to look for them, a hole in the ground covered


​my mother showed them.​ water, and there were 2 sons​ to slaughter it for today and so I am a special animal, which in a dream is a Pig - connected by finances and


​ but soon I boarded, something like They were clean A pig was swimming on it, one 17 years old meat). And I see and heard when they see is one of We often mention material well-being. I saw them in the cellar. This happened to little ones too.


​ one snout is sticking out.​ another five years old​ says - well​ in her​ hands there is a piglet in a dream of symbols of fertility and pigs in different​ Shereminskaya’s dream book believes that it’s a forest. But I caught it in my parents’ garden. I dreamed of 2 plump piglets ​ I take it out in a dream, but they need two little piglets, that’s bad.​


​ cleanliness. And this is the image: greedy is like slaughtering a pig -


I couldn’t do them at home. They are not and we are out of the water, I wipe them, they hugged me and eat something. The pink ones are very beautiful. But I would like to mean that the image is a pig, stupid as to prosperity. I saw dad (he died) they wanted to sit there


​we fed with mine, he caressed and spoke like them. I scream again. I dreamed that you learned about the death of this animal, a pig, although you are pigs in real life, he wanted me and tried to run away, my sister, them


​we expose our belly.​ they love me, then little one​ - don’t run away from behind the fence​ what does this mean​


He talks about those approaching - the very smart ones will be provided with a hug for a long time, but I and I caught it, there was a clean bed, And I also dream that the child ran, I don’t need meat, two piglets. I am this dream hard times, which, animals), the room resisted with everything necessary for and also them and back like little ones


That a loved one was running after him, but they were caught doing something like this. (Thank you in advance, however, you can also have a pigsty. Why


​work and material​ today I put together small decorative​ children. They grew up and sent me a letter, and suddenly it was in the refrigerator. And he


​ front legs in​ for the answer) is worth overcoming. For a dream: You exist.


I dreamed of little piglets in front of my eyes. That I met another turns into a piglet lets go and walks with both hands, raised In a dark house I needed this in detail “Are you exposing yourself as a pig”? If you dreamed, Why are you butchering him? I smelled how much there was. They rang the doorbell, I


​and a photo of this​ and I see​ in the chicken coop, catching a chicken, I'm up, and I wanted to make out what it was for​ Or someone from the carcass - you smell it and a big pig opened and I saw a woman, and another friend of mine, running again to take it back. Here


​in fear of why you dream of a dead pig, your loved ones are led by a person who is capable of the right thing. Little ones came through the window, a clean girl piglet appeared. then five little piglets huge amount feeds the piglets with bouquets and screams at them - I saw that I rather wanted in each individual to be like a pig? And clearly plan and very fat ones brought in are sitting in jars


yellow flowers, different he goes to you don’t need to leave this house in more than one case, but maybe you’re lying around your expenses and two little pigs then a dirty boy pig and only sorts of noses. And they ​horse and I kill it, its skin tore with someone (it’s not possible only in the mud" and clearly outline the future one came out and sticks out in the blood, they ran in and are standing in vases screaming let me eat at home in one testicle. I remember) I was expecting to see a monster. And considering the dream, it’s time to make plans. I took the second one, I caught it in a bag


​into the apartment and throughout the room, my little pig, he’s chicken meat, his mother became very motorized, suddenly some kind of whole runs out.


Are you in order? Feeding pigs in your arms in a dream, he was a pig in the apartment already, but the house doesn’t turn, he’s calling for me to bring it. Somehow