Libra woman negative character traits. Bad Libra Character Traits

Libras are people whose character combines contradictory principles. Such people often remain in doubt, experience intense internal struggle, weigh the pros and cons on internal scales, and all this is hidden behind a mask of good nature and equanimity.

It is impossible to characterize the sign of Libra without mentioning a typical trait of its representatives - indecision, because of which they experience a lot of difficulties. It’s difficult for Libras to make up their minds, but they don’t like it when someone tries to direct them in one direction or another, to rush them, especially since they themselves are in no hurry, even if the situation requires a speedy resolution.

Such people are often dispassionately indifferent, and this detracts from their success in life. They do not experience such strong desires as to engage in the struggle for their fulfillment. But, if Libra believes that their legal rights are being encroached upon, they may suddenly change.

As a rule, these people are endowed with elegance, tenderness, a kind soul, and graceful manners and behavior. They know how to love deeply and sincerely. One of their fundamental aspirations is to achieve harmony and internal balance.

It is unusual for Libras to rush to extremes. By temperament, they are close to calm sanguine people, they are not so emotional as to experience and splash out anger on others, they rarely scream or become hysterical. These people not only do not like such negativity - it is physically painful for them. In order not to lose peace, they are ready to make concessions, adapt to the situation, agree to “bend under the world”, they will look for their place in life in such a way as not to humiliate or offend other people. A philosophical and logical approach to everything - to joys and sorrows, to failures and victories - saves their nervous system. Libras, as a rule, do not have idols; they do not blindly believe in authoritative opinions. Those born during this period strive to be fair in any matter, to understand the reasons for what is happening.

The nature of Libra is such that it is important for them to please others, they dream of sympathy and affection, and other people's indifference can become a push for plunging into depression. However, no matter what emotions Libra experiences, they will not allow themselves to lash out at others and try to keep them under the control of reason.

Libras are extroverts, they are determined to actively communicate with the world and with people. In personal relationships, the best character traits of Libra are manifested, but still the central object of their interest is always themselves.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are diplomatic, delicate, and sociable, so it is not difficult for them not only not to get involved in serious conflicts themselves, but also to act as mediators in someone else’s confrontation. This is helped by the ability to intuitively sense common ground, needs, feel someone else’s mood, emotions, but at the same time, one’s own interests will quickly prevail over someone else’s point of view.

Whatever Libra undertakes, they always think about the consequences and objectively assess the situation. If a person of this sign decides to fight, it will be difficult to stop him, but, as a rule, Libra does not use dishonest means to achieve his goal. Their main weapon is natural charm, a disarming smile.

Those born during this period can be surprisingly efficient, work, forgetting about rest and sleep, about health, but from time to time their energy unexpectedly gives way to apathy, especially if the job is completed successfully. In this case, any attempts to captivate them, to stir them up, run into a cold wall of irritation. If Libra does not pursue some serious goal, then they shy away from hard work and prefer that someone else do it. These people are distinguished by a variety of interests and a desire for knowledge. If Libra collects a library, it is not for the sake of the collection or creating the image of a well-read person. They know how to admire beauty, no matter what it contains - in books, in music, in human relationships. Libras love not so much money as the opportunities that they provide; they spare no expense to get comfortable and surround themselves with things pleasing to the eye.

Libra - secrets of the soul and potential inclinations

If a person was born under the zodiac sign Libra, his characteristics may turn out to be very “variegated”. Contradictory character is fertile ground for the manifestation of the “dark” side of nature, which is strikingly different from the “light” side. Libras can be cold, cruel, and ruthless people; They are able to arrange a “sweet” life for rivals and competitors. From time to time they are too nervous, capricious, irritable, and get angry a lot, which surprises people who thought they knew them well.

A characteristic negative trait of Libra is stubbornness. On the other hand, they do not always take the path of persistent, open struggle, instead adapting to the general mass or completely withdrawing into themselves. These people may have a specific sense of humor that is not understandable to everyone. Some representatives of this zodiac sign are selfish, superficial, and do not want to understand anything when they are not interested. If someone pushes Libra to make a decision, then everything can turn out at their instigation in such a way that responsibility for what is happening will be shifted onto the shoulders of the initiator.

Libras are aimed at a comfortable life, and sometimes this desire takes on an exaggerated, pathological character, and then they consider any obligations an unbearable burden, they want to live not just comfortably, but luxuriously, prestigiously, they are carried away by “tinsel”, glamor, forgetting about the essence of people and phenomena.

Let us remind you that these were the potential inclinations of Libra.

Libra men are the most well-mannered of all astrological signs. They have good manners, a sense of tact, control their emotions and appreciate everything beautiful. The zodiac sign especially) can support any conversation, he is an excellent conversationalist: self-possessed, with intuitive understanding and a great sense of humor. You can always rely on him, he will not betray or set you up at the most crucial moment.

(man) is, one might say, the only sign with a pronounced sense of justice. He is ready to stand up for what is right and help those in need. He is a zealous idealist and dreamer who is used to trusting and playing fairly. He finds it difficult to refuse people and say no. Complex decisions are difficult for him. Any conflict situations and disagreements throw him off balance. Harmony and peace in the world are the main components in his life and worldview.

Zodiac sign Libra (male): characteristics

Intuitive characteristics, aesthetic understanding and prudence make men of this sign excellent actors, famous singers, writers and artists. But Libra men cannot exist and create without a spiritual mentor, a female muse or a reliable friend. This astrological sign is characterized by giving - this is happiness.

He is ready to show his feelings in every possible way, make incredible surprises and give compliments. In love, the zodiac sign Libra (man) is very generous and romantic. Being in love, he becomes like Shakespeare. He is too trusting, like all Libras, greedy for external beauty - he often suffers from this.

For him there are no barriers to love; he will never refuse anything to his companion. His charm extends to everyone, so it is difficult for women to resist a reliable, romantic and gallant gentleman. Men of this sign know how to charm and turn the heads of young girls. They constantly need new emotions, experiences and all-consuming passion.

Even if you are married, it is difficult to stop them. From family ties they expect spiritual harmony, coziness, mutual support and comfort. for Libra men it is rather a necessity, self-realization. His companion must be perfect in all areas. The zodiac sign Libra (man) is lazy by nature; in his opinion, all everyday problems should be solved by the spouse. He is difficult to please and difficult to get to do anything around the house. But they make loving and caring fathers.

Libra (zodiac sign) man: compatibility in love

A strong and long-lasting union will be possible with Aries women, but only if the companion restrains her ardor, excessive emotionality and pride. She must give primacy to the hands of the man, then the couple will have a happy and harmonious marriage.

Ideal relationships develop with Libra women. They are brought together by spiritual kinship. Both in everyday life and in intimate life they have excellent compatibility. In this couple, all decisions will be made mutually and thoughtfully. Conflicts and squabbles in the family will be extremely rare.

A friendly and strong union can happen with a Sagittarius woman. Although they are fundamentally different from each other, hot-tempered and overly emotional Libra men will never be bored with cheerful Sagittarius. Family relationships are based on mutual support, understanding, goodwill and passion.

One of the best and harmonious unions awaits with an Aquarius woman. Both signs strive for a peaceful and calm family life, comfort and respect. Therefore, this union is doomed to a happy and long life.

>Libra Traits

Personality traits of Libra

Libra is the most socially adapted in the entire zodiac circle. They are born diplomats and know how to listen to their opponent’s opinion in order to find common ground. Very attractive in appearance. This is the most elegant sign. They tend to idealize and behave peacefully, and are easy to talk to. In conversation they rarely resort to critical remarks and try not to argue.

The best qualities of a Libra

  • Easy character
  • Convincing
  • Peaceful
  • Communicative
  • Diplomatic
  • Idealistic
  • Elegant
  • Extrovert
  • Self-confident
  • Optimistic
  • Friendly
  • Resourceful
  • Smart
  • Interesting
  • Exciting
  • Charismatic
  • Objective
  • Motivator
  • A born leader
  • Dynamic
  • Self-sufficient

The worst qualities of a Libra

It is worth noting that most good qualities have an equal opposite side. For example, a person with a highly developed analytical mind can be called intellectual (good) or dispassionate (bad). Someone can be spontaneous (good) or impulsive (bad).

  • Can't say “no” in time
  • Needs others' approval
  • Flirty
  • Can be emotionless
  • Surface
  • Unreliable
  • Sarcastic
  • Indecisive
  • Cunning
  • Conceited
  • Imperious
  • Demanding
  • Inattentive
  • Libra likes:
  • Harmony and peace
  • Working as a team for a common goal
  • Conversations
  • Parties
  • Fantasize
  • Meeting new people
  • Try everything new
  • Change, diversity
  • Libra doesn't like:
  • Conflicts
  • Overly emotional people
  • Boredom
  • Routine
  • Restrictions

Where do these Libra characteristics come from?

The most fascinating thing about astrology is the patterns. Of course, Libra's traits did not appear out of nowhere. They arise from a combination of ruling planet, element, polarity, house and cross. All of these are used (sequentially) to form the unique Libra personality.

Are these traits common to all Libras?

No. The above signs apply to those who have the sun sign of Libra. However, we also have other planets (Moon, Mars, Venus, etc.) whose location influences behavior. In some cases, qualities will be supplemented or replaced. Only by calculating all the placements of planets can one calculate the characteristics of a particular person.

Libra Traits: Nurture vs. Nature

As children we go through a number of experiences and influences. This can cause the personality and its behavior to change. The traits still exist, but they may be suppressed. Very often, the strength of negative qualities gradually decreases as a person grows older (as he becomes wise and socially adjusted).

Articles dedicated to Libra

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who are Libras most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

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Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, which is why it is special. It is the representatives of this sign who know best what harmony is. No one knows how to keep balance like Libra. These are very interesting people who feel beauty, have fortitude and an unbending will. And this is only what lies on the surface, but inside these people there is an amazing world.

Editorial “So Simple!” will give you the full characteristics of the sign Libra, will figure it out which zodiac signs suit Libra and will prove that you must have such a friend. And below there will be a video in which Angela Pearl will tell you what awaits the representatives of this sign in November of this year.

Libra character

  1. They are the best at maintaining balance.
    Libras know how to look at a situation from the outside, so you can always turn to them for help. They always strive to find balance. They are very uncomfortable when there is negativity around them, so they try to improve everything and surround themselves with positive people. Because of this, they create a positive and pleasant atmosphere around themselves. This is how you become better yourself.
  2. They get along with other people easily
    Libras are people pleasers and can make anyone feel interesting and important. They know how to listen and feel other people. They strive to get closer to people they like, they seek friendships. But they can’t stand superficial people and immediately stop communicating with them.

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  3. They love to make others happy
    They do it just like that. They enjoy giving gifts, saying nice things and making others smile. This is how they themselves feel happy. Their friends and family always come first for them.
  4. They are very kind
    These are the kindest and most sympathetic people. They will always come to the rescue when you need it. If you need emotional support, then you won't find a better adviser than Libra. They will dispel your worries and doubts!

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  5. They are adorable
    Real charmers, you fall in love with them at first sight. They know how to make you laugh and engage you in the most interesting conversation of your life. You won't get bored with them!
  6. These are incorrigible romantics
    Libras know how to truly love. If you are lucky and a representative of this sign falls in love with you, then you can be sure that you are in good hands. They will take care of you, and also love you and prove their love every day.

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  7. Nobody handles awkward situations better than a Libra.
    Libras are the best diplomats. Even if they find themselves in the most depressing situation, they will find a way out and easily explain all the oddities. At the same time, they also know how to behave easily and naturally.
  8. They are very smart
    These are real intellectuals. They are always ready to learn something new, to develop, for them the power of intellect always comes first. They are able to think rationally and find a way out of any situation.

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  9. Libra is the most adequate zodiac sign
    To understand what we mean, let's give an example. If you decide to stand on your head, Libra will not do it with you unless they want to do it themselves. But they won’t say that you’re crazy. That's how they are. It's always a pleasure to talk with them; they have their own clear opinion on all issues.
  10. Libras know how to appreciate beauty
    They know how to find beauty in every thing. They value the world around them and nature, have a passion for art, and are usually very well-read and interesting.

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  11. They know how to be friends
    They are very good friends. You can rely on them, you can trust them. They value friends and rarely betray. These are the people who will always come to the rescue.
  12. Justice is their middle name
    Justice is very important to Libra, so they do not demand from others what they cannot do themselves. Therefore, they make excellent bosses.
  13. They are easy going
    It is difficult for them to sit in one place for a long time, so they love to travel. Believe me, by agreeing to their adventures, you will be able to diversify your life and fill it with amazing adventures.

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Have you already fallen in love with this zodiac sign? We can understand you. Of course, like everyone else, Libras have their flaws, but overall they are very interesting and good people. Now it's time to talk about what they're like in relationships and their compatibility with other signs.

Libras dream of a balanced and calm relationship. They long to build an intellectual union on the foundation of emotions. They do not tolerate aggression and anxiety in relationships. It's just not for them. They need something permanent.

Let's take a quick look at who suits Libra the most. Let's start with the element of Air, native to Libra. By creating a relationship with a Gemini or Aquarius, Libra gets what they don't have: assertiveness, courage and experimentation. Usually Libra couples with other air signs are successful; they complement each other harmoniously.

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However, the pairing of two Libras can hardly be called ideal. If in their youth they can still have a frivolous romance based on common interests, then in a more mature age they will be more likely to irritate each other.

Libra makes good alliances with fire signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries. Calm Libra will have a calming effect on their fiery companions. They make very harmonious couples: Libra protects fire signs from rash decisions, and active and perky partners do not allow Libra to wither away. Aries and Libra are opposites; the relationship will not be simple, but it will turn out to be very interesting.

Libra's relationships with earth and water signs are quite complicated. Libras are frivolous and frivolous, according to these signs, and Libras believe that these signs are boring. According to Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, Libra leads an aimless lifestyle, which means they will not take people of this sign seriously.

Of course, this is not the ultimate truth; there are exceptions and harmonious couples are obtained from seemingly completely inappropriate zodiac signs. The only thing that is certain is that Libras are wonderful people, you can't go wrong if you make a friend like this!

And here, as we promised, is the forecast for Libra for November 2018 from Angela Pearl.

Libra is a very mysterious zodiac sign. Previously we wrote about

Sign Air, refers to cardinal square (square of initiators).

  • 1st decade: September 24 - October 3.
    Those born on September 24-29 are border guards to Virgo, the Earth sign.
  • 2nd decade: October 4-13. These are representatives of the pure sign of Libra.
  • 3rd decade: October 14-23.
    Those born on October 18-23 are border guards to Scorpio, the sign of Water.

Patron sign: Venus, female planet.

  • Read more: Twelve Sacraments of Love

The soul has matured and now understands the difference between light and shadow. In the struggle for maturity, which culminates in the sign of Virgo, she realized that in the world and in people there is night and day, good and evil, darkness and light. But in addition, Libra is intrigued by the contrast between masculine and feminine.

Experience helps the soul to judge people fairly, and if on other levels it was focused primarily on itself, now relationships with the world come to the fore. The soul has confirmed the lessons of the five previous levels, and now it is guided by both logic and force. Libra is armed with wisdom gained through contact with all the elements: Water, Fire, Earth and Air.

“I'm thinking,” says Libra, proud to see both sides of life.

Libras have a keen sense of social justice and intolerance towards prejudice. In defending their opinion, those born under this sign operate with cold logic, inherited from Gemini and polished to a shine by the sign of Virgo.

Libras have learned the power of charm and therefore skillfully use a charming voice and a sparkling smile to insist on their own.

The sentimental but practical soul of Libra instinctively seeks a person with whom to share leisure, bed and business interests. However, Libras find it difficult to find a love partner. It takes too long to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, the decision is too painful. Rakes do not give up searching. The aromas of summer have dissipated, the crimson attire of autumn has decayed, but the scorching breath of winter reminds us: you cannot remain alone.

Positive qualities of Libra: justice, intelligence, charm, nobility and emotional balance.

Negative qualities: putting things off from day to day, laziness, indecisiveness, love of argument, pursuit of pleasure.

For Libra, love is a union of minds and hearts, not too ardent, but not cold either - the golden mean. Libras realize that they love, but it doesn’t occur to them to ask why.

How to recognize Libra

Libras hate rudeness and at the same time can turn off your TV without asking if they think it is too loud. Libras love people and hate crowds. They, like good fairies, reconcile those who quarrel, and can start a quarrel themselves. They are kind and sociable, but can remain in a bad mood for a long time. They are smart and naive at the same time. They are restless, but rarely in a hurry.

In general, there seems to be not a single positive quality in them that is not balanced by a negative one, and vice versa. Strange duality, isn't it?

Although the symbol of this zodiac sign is Libra, Libra cannot be called balanced people. Until they reach an even, calm state, Libra will fluctuate from side to side for a long time. Remember the classic scales - one bowl will tip, then the other, until balance is established.

If you are familiar with someone from the Libra sign, you might think that their character is soft, gentle, pleasant and sweet. This is true, but only half. And this happens when Libra is in balance. At other times, they are nervous, irritable, capricious, stubborn, depressed and angry. Then Libra regains balance, and they are again sweet, smart, kind and pleasant.

Although Libra is not a dual sign, many people think that it combines two completely different people. Libras are always trying to achieve harmony, but it doesn’t work out that often.

For some time, Libra can be terribly energetic, rushing around the city almost at the speed of light, managing to do as much in a day as others cannot do in a month, disturbing everyone, working twenty hours a day, leaving only four hours for sleep. and at the same time feeling great.

But suddenly something in them seems to break. They may not leave the bedroom for whole days, falling into a kind of lethargic sleep. Indifferent to everything, not interested in books or TV, they can sit for hours, staring at one point.

And suddenly something seems to switch again, and they fall into melancholy, begin to whine, complain about life, or start scandals out of nowhere. Then the handle switches again, and they are again sweet, lively, charming and accommodating.

Those who happened to see them in one of the described states would never believe it if they were told that Libra could be different. They will take this for a scam - it seems so impossible to combine in one person courtesy and almost undisguised rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, enormous efficiency and hopeless laziness.

The character of Libra is woven from contradictions. What they love most is to argue, over everything from how many seconds the clock is slow to complex international issues. In disputes, Libra feels like a fish in water.

It is enough for someone to praise a book and he will immediately, no worse than a professional critic, outline its shortcomings. If you don’t like the film, he will say that he hasn’t seen anything better in the last 10 years, and he will prove it with arguments. If you prefer life in the city to life in the countryside, Libra will immediately prove to you that by living in the city, you are ruining your health, spoiling your complexion and depriving yourself of a lot of emotional and aesthetic experiences, such as: the first spring leaves, the smell of lilies of the valley and birds chirping, skiing through the winter forest and shining autumn foliage in the last rays of the setting sun. As soon as you praise the village and say that it is impossible to live in the city, he will immediately begin to prove that in the village you can die of boredom, there is nowhere to go in the evenings, and the smog hanging over the city in the light of multi-colored lights of advertisements is extremely poetic and looks like a fantastic veil thrown to the city as a wizard. It is useless to argue with Libra, because the last word will still remain with them.

Most Libras hesitate for so long in choosing the right decision that sometimes the choice is simply unnecessary, since one or more options disappear by themselves, over time or circumstances. Libra's indecisiveness sometimes goes beyond all limits.

Their favorite phrases are “On the one hand” (followed by a series of arguments) and “On the other hand” (an equally long series of other arguments). With their slowness, endless arguments, and inability to make a decision, Libra can drive determined and impatient people to white heat.

True, it’s worth mentioning directly or indirectly about this trait of theirs. Libra will immediately rush to fiercely defend themselves and deny everything.

In business matters, Libra is crystal honest. Due to their habit of thinking for a long time about what and how to do, they rarely make mistakes. Most Libras have a highly developed ability to concentrate and comprehend deep and serious problems. Libras passionately love books, not only for their content, but also for their appearance and even their smell. Many Libras have huge home libraries.

About the sign of Libra from Sergei Vronsky

Specifics of Libra

Born from September 24 to October 3 They are distinguished by their rich imagination and lively, vivid imagination, great love for everything beautiful. They are very compassionate and merciful towards sick, unfortunate people, whose protectors they remain until the end of their lives. In general, these people are smart and educated, intelligent and kind, honest and noble in their own way, capricious in love, but loyal and decent. On the one hand, they seem to be modest and reserved, on the other, sociable.

Born from 4 to 13 October Fate endowed him with scientific abilities. Their character is very restless. They seek their happiness in changes and alterations, fractures and rearrangements, others - in solitude and isolation. All of them are tormented by hypochondria, tormented by dissatisfaction with what they have achieved. All their lives they have been looking for something, wanting something, rushing somewhere. But happiness seems to still be protecting them, protecting them, as long as they don’t run away from it themselves.

Most of these “scales,” despite their external fragility and elegance, very skillfully resist all blows and vicissitudes of fate. Thanks to their philosophical and artistic talent, their sociability and eloquence, they change their love partners like gloves. In love and intimacy, they are very ardent and passionate, and there are no entries in the “book of complaints and suggestions” about this.

Born from 14 to 28 October I no longer have such a favorable fate, because passions for all earthly pleasures and pleasures prevail here. Here, self-will and willfulness, a certain passivity, and mental inertia are often observed. Lethargy and laziness make them complete slaves to their instincts, often leading to suicide.

“Libra” women, despite their beautiful appearance, dreamy and kind nature, have a very unhappy married and family life. In the sphere of love and marriage, they are quite complex. On the one hand, they want to inspire trust and respect in themselves, and on the other hand, they shamelessly impose their will, whims, and quirks on others. These people are distinguished by their originality. They always and everywhere stand out from the crowd, despite their timidity and timidity, shyness and restraint, caution and prudence. They are distinguished by their intelligence and excellent memory, their pride, pride, and cynicism. They can be bribed with flattery, praise, and compliments.

So, a short summary:

The sign of Libra gives its wards will, cunning and cunning, duality and diplomacy, idealistic goals and dislike of physical labor. These are romantic individuals, always in love with someone or something. People are calm, peaceful in disposition, honest and conscientious, frank, avoiding disputes and quarrels, disagreements, scandals, compassionate and merciful.

They can be sincere friends and faithful, devoted partners both in the sphere of love and marriage, and in joint business. But often in life they are overtaken by poverty, or they have to fight for their existence, or overcome unforeseen obstacles of various kinds and nature. Failures in the sphere of love and marriage, marriage and family life are common here.

These people, although talented, are subject to first impressions. Not believing in their own strengths and in the absence of a strong, energetic partner, they miss many good opportunities, and even if they achieve a more or less high social level and good financial position, fame, honors and fame, titles and awards, academic degrees and honorary titles , then only thanks to your marriage or business partner.

Despite their talented nature and prudence, idealistic and lofty aspirations, they, as a rule, are pure theorists, very far from practical activities and real life. On the one hand, they are the favorites of Fortune herself, on the other hand, they often suffer from her whims and quirks.

When communicating with them, never raise your voice, be restrained and soft, speak calmly and, if possible, in a lower voice, which really appeals to them. Remember: it is the first meeting and the first conversation that has the strongest influence and impression on them.

These people remember and appreciate the attention, courtesy, favor shown to them, and do not forget the good that someone once did for them. They have a heightened sense of justice, this must also be taken into account during any conversation, any conversation with them.

Collaboration, co-authorship, and a common cause mean a lot to them; often even this comes to the fore in their interests. But this does not change the influence of their zodiac sign: after all, “Libra” is more theoretician than practical, so their best partner will be a man of action.

Libras need admiration. Don't be stingy with compliments. Place them on a golden tray and wear them for a long, long time, but don’t overdo it. You should be sincere and not use a standard set of phrases. Tell a witty man of this sign about his physical merits, and a beautiful woman about her intelligence, so as not to repeat what has been said many times before you.

If you're looking for a conversation starter, try something from current events. Know how to defend your point of view. Libra may disagree, but they won't refuse to listen. They are too interested in knowing two points of view.

One hint: in their sympathies, they tend to lean towards the underdog, sympathize with socially disadvantaged groups and various kinds of minorities.

Don't forget: Libras love luxury. If you are going to give a gift, remember that only real silver, high-grade gold, crystal, diamonds, and French champagne are suitable. The Libra woman, I repeat, loves jewelry.

When you're going out to have fun, put aside vulgar thoughts about high prices. Take your Libra partner to a great restaurant, a great show, a concert, or an art gallery. Show that you also have good taste.

Last steps: how to end a relationship with Libra

It's easy to end this connection because there are so many ways to throw a Libra off balance.

  • Stop watching your weight and clothes
  • Make dates in noisy and crowded places
  • Chat about meaningless trifles, get involved in arguments.
  • Complain that they spend money frivolously. Insist on controlling their expenses.
  • Make complaints about their lack of punctuality and inability to complete anything by a strict deadline.
  • Open their mail: for Libra, such an invasion of their privacy is a particularly serious, unforgivable insult.
  • Stop complimenting.
  • Be hypercritical. If Libra, as always, reacts tolerantly, then tell them that they are so open to different opinions that you are not able to understand them.

If the breakup procedure has taken too long, then here is the most effective recipe: in the midst of another quarrel, use (light!) physical force.

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