Photos in apple orchard poses. Spring photo shoot in blooming apple trees

We invite you to take a brief look at the apple orchard, where Dmitry and his daughter Yana are caring for the trees. It seems that for him this is a real meditative process that completely absorbs. Here you can be closer to nature and let go of all the thoughts and problems of working and weekdays.

I don’t know why he still works as a leading engineer and doesn’t grow his own apple, pear and plum orchard. I think this is where his real calling and happiness lie.

About Us

We are an ordinary Yaroslavl family with a photographer mom, an energy worker dad, and two daughters: 12-year-old Lesya and 7-year-old Yana. For academic year We are busy with school and clubs: dancing, singing and drawing. And with the onset of spring and until late autumn, we try our best free time spend in nature.

About apple trees

It so happened that this spring we spent a lot of time at our dacha and at the dachas of friends and neighbors. And everywhere the same thing was repeated: while we were relaxing, drinking tea, chatting, our dad Dima was pruning, cleaning and painting apple trees. Our own, neighbors, strangers. I haven’t heard so many details from the life of plants and insects since school. It turns out that the most dangerous insect is the weevil. That's who kills the crops. And the apple tree has a stamp, a conductor, branches of the first and second order. And in Europe there are no tall apple trees, and everything that fell to the ground is a waste.

It was impossible to just listen to him, and my children and friends also took rakes, brushes, paint and improved the gardens. And I looked at my husband in a new way and was delighted by his passion and the sparkle in his eyes. As a result, I had a desire to capture his apple tree love as a souvenir. Lesya was busy with rehearsals in the dance group, so only Yana came with us.

About shooting

And we went to our village again. The garden has been there for many years. It is not big, but well-groomed and always brings a lot of apples. This time Dima cleaned and trimmed the trees, Yana helped paint the trunks. And I filmed their friendly work as a souvenir. Unfortunately, the rains prevented us from photographing the flowering, but in the fall we will see a continuation of this story with the annual donation of bags of apples to everyone.

The end of May is one of the best times for a street photo shoot. But you can’t delay organizing the shoot – spring blooms are too fleeting. So take a photographer with you and good mood and run for colorful photos!

I'll give you some tips on how to conduct a photo shoot. Clothing can be as simple as jeans, sneakers and a T-shirt, or as colorful as a dress (basic or festive). If you take a dress to a photo shoot, take care of makeup, hairstyle and accessories. Your image must have bright elements, be eccentric!

If you are photographing, for example, with family or friends, make sure that the colors in your images overlap. However, you shouldn’t dress in completely the same color clothes either; make some individual elements similar, and this will become a bright accent in the photo.

If you are photographed individually, you should not forget about accessories either. Take a basket of apples, lay down a blanket, put a wreath on your head - these simple elements will help make your photos even more interesting.

The timing of the shooting is very important. Don't choose noon sunlight should not be in excess. The most optimal time- closer to five or six in the evening. Particularly mesmerizing shots are obtained at sunset.

Flowering time is a wonderful and warm time for outdoor photo shoots. In the middle zone, spring begins with the flowering of cherries, plums, apple trees and pears. Following them are lilacs. In summer, rose hips, peonies, and jasmine bloom, strawberries and raspberries begin to ripen. At the end of August, viburnum will look very beautiful in the frame. By autumn, apple trees, pears, plums and cherries ripen. If desired, blooming “scenery” can be found from spring to autumn. I'll tell you how I use this wealth.

Aperture - f/2.8
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 400
Focal length - 58 mm
Camera - Nikon D810

In search of suitable gardens and fields, it is not at all necessary to go to the country. You can also find it in the city beautiful trees. This year, for example, the apple, cherry and rosehip trees bloomed incredibly luxuriantly. It was impossible to remain indifferent to such beauty.

Where to go in Moscow? The first one that comes to mind is Kolomenskoye. This is a favorite place for photographers. And during the season they are there, like mushrooms after the rain, under every bush there is a photo shoot. Therefore, do not rush, but look around - suddenly young cherry or apple trees are blooming next to your house or across the street. Maybe not a whole garden, but just a few bushes. Take a closer look, look for an angle in which houses and roads will not show through and flash in the background. Agree, it’s more convenient to shoot close to home, in a quiet environment. I like such secluded places, where there are few passers-by and no photographers at all.

Aperture - f/5.6
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 1000
Focal length - 105 mm
Camera - Nikon D800

If you definitely want to shoot in a popular place, then it is better to choose dawn rather than sunset, especially since little children wake up very early and have a lot of energy in the morning. Plus, the number of competitors and contenders for the most beautiful bush in the park at dawn is approaching zero.

While walking and cycling, I look for flowering bushes and trees near my house; this has already become a habit. These should not be very tall trees, but also not scanty bushes. It is advisable that the flowering branches be at the level of the child’s head and chest. And it is imperative that parked cars, houses and other visual “garbage” do not show through the foliage. It’s better to shoot correctly right away than to sit in Photoshop later. And even reputable photo competitions will disqualify such photoshopped works.

Aperture - f/3.5
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 1250
Focal length - 50 mm
Camera - Nikon D810

Aperture - f/2.8
Shutter speed - 1/800, ISO 100
Focal length - 50 mm
Camera - Nikon D810
Lens - AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G

It’s very good if several trees stand in a row, then you can play with the angle and make sure that there are flowering branches at different distances throughout the frame. Then some of the colors will be in focus, and some will create a beautiful bokeh.

Using the same branches you can create a blooming “frame” in the frame. This trick is best done with young and flexible branches so that the tree does not suffer.

Aperture - f/2.8
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 160
Focal length - 70 mm
Camera - Nikon D810
Lens - AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR

Aperture - f/2.8
Shutter speed - 1/320, ISO 400
Focal length - 70 mm
Camera - Nikon D810
Lens - AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR

Aperture - f/2.5
Shutter speed - 1/2000, ISO 100
Focal length - 50 mm
Camera - Nikon D810
Lens - AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G

Photographers also like to shake trees, creating the illusion of flower rain. Last year I found a small blooming cherry orchard, but this year I had to look for another place to shoot, as the trees had grown and the lower branches had been cut down. There were trunks at chest level. Sometimes my child and I would climb a tree to “get” the desired background. At the dacha, a stepladder sometimes helped me with perspective.

Aperture - f/5.6
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 1000
Focal length - 105 mm
Camera - Nikon D800
Lens - AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

Aperture - f/5.6
Shutter speed - 1/200, ISO 800
Focal length - 105 mm
Camera - Nikon D800
Lens - AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

Before the shoot, I try to think through the outfit and image. Usually these are simple, plain clothes, often white, with lace or embroidery. I don’t like bright dresses for such photo shoots that draw attention to themselves. Floral prints are hard to find. The flowers on the dress should be the same as those on the trees, then it will look harmonious, but, to be honest, in all these years I have never been able to find such an outfit. If there are several characters in the frame, then their clothes should be combined in both style and color scheme. Warm shades of clothing look most harmonious in nature. Complex images will be out of place, put them aside evening dresses and sophisticated hairstyles for the ball, and in the garden give free rein to your unruly curls.

Aperture - f/5
Shutter speed - 1/320, ISO 400
Focal length - 50 mm
Camera - Nikon D4
Lens - AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G

Aperture - f/5
Shutter speed - 1/320, ISO 400
Focal length - 50 mm
Camera - Nikon D4
Lens - AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G

What to do if you are unlucky with the weather? Last year, when the gardens bloomed, it was warm, but this year it was very cold. But the prospect of photographing my daughter in a coat or jacket does not inspire me at all. This is how I get out of this situation. To prevent the child from getting cold and catching a cold, I put on thick, flesh-colored cotton tights and a warm coat over the dress. While I’m setting up the camera, my daughter is standing in her coat. And then I take the coat, quickly shoot a few frames, throw the coat on her, warm her up, and undress her again for a few frames.

Aperture - f/3.5
Shutter speed - 1/400, ISO 100
Focal length - 105 mm
Camera - Nikon D4
Lens - AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

Aperture - f/5.6
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 1000
Focal length - 105 mm
Camera - Nikon D800
Lens - AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

In nature, I most often shoot in the “golden” hour before sunset, with the so-called regime light. This perfect time for landscapes, and for portraits in landscapes too. Or in the shade. I rarely shoot in hard light, only if it’s a creative idea.

Aperture - f/2.5
Shutter speed - 1/1600, ISO 100
Focal length - 50 mm
Camera - Nikon D810
Lens - AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G

Beautiful bokeh is great, but it's not absolutely necessary to have it in all your photos. I don’t always shoot with an open aperture, because not only the background and foreground are blurred, but also hands, clothes, and people nearby can also fall out of focus. When taking a portrait close up one eye may appear blurry. This is not always appropriate, and in many cases it is generally considered a marriage. And it is not always necessary to separate the child from the background using an open aperture. Sometimes the background plays the same important role, like the main character.

It's not in vain fast lens Other aperture values ​​are also available. If you are still sure that the quality art photography- this is an open aperture and beautiful bokeh, it’s worth taking a closer look at the work of recognized contemporary photographers. Start with Annie Leibovitz.

Aperture - f/5
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 500
Focal length - 135 mm
Camera - Nikon D800

Aperture - f/4.5
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 500
Focal length - 135 mm
Camera - Nikon D800
Lens - AF DC-NIKKOR 135mm f/2D

If you photograph your child and are not involved in photography professionally, then the simplest camera, for example Nikon D3400, D5300, D3300, will be enough for you. In spring and summer there is plenty of light, in such conditions even a modest mirror model can give excellent results. When I first started, an inexpensive camera with a kit lens was enough for me.

Now I carry out commercial shootings on Nikon cameras D810 and D750. 810 is the main and most favorite, with excellent detail. By the way, Peter Lindbergh used it to shoot the latest Pirelli calendar.

At “flower” photo shoots, my most popular lenses were the AF-S VR MICRO-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED and AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR. And tilt shift gives a very interesting blur effect, but I don’t shoot with it often, since it’s manual focusing. In the field I like to shoot with “ fish eye", with the help of which the field can be made round, like a globe.

When the gardens fade, the berries will ripen. Remember how in childhood you strung berries on a blade of grass. Why not a subject for shooting? Or you can have a picnic on the grass. It doesn’t have to be a field - there are cute meadows, beautiful green lawns or a textured tree near a wooden fence... Or decide to go outside the city in search of yellow fields of wheat. Catch the days when it is ripe, but has not yet been harvested, and after that - mown fields with sheaves and reels. Here they will be on topic folk costumes, milk and fresh bread, straw hats, books with classic works, etc. And bright outfits with flower prints.

Just remember that the ears can be very prickly, and you can get stuck in the black soil, especially after rain. Rubber boots and jeans will come in handy.

Aperture - f/8
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 200
Focal length - 20 mm
Camera - Nikon D800
Lens - AF NIKKOR 20mm f/2.8D

Aperture - f/9
Shutter speed - 1/500, ISO 800
Focal length - 35 mm
Camera - Nikon D800
Lens - AF NIKKOR 35mm f/2D

Aperture - f/3.5
Shutter speed - 1/800, ISO 200
Focal length - 135 mm
Camera - Nikon D3S
Lens - AF DC-NIKKOR 135mm f/2D

Aperture - f/3.5
Shutter speed - 1/800, ISO 200
Focal length - 135 mm
Camera - Nikon D3S
Lens - AF DC-NIKKOR 135mm f/2D

Aperture - f/3.5
Shutter speed - 1/1000, ISO 200
Focal length - 135 mm
Camera - Nikon D3S
Lens - AF DC-NIKKOR 135mm f/2D

If you are photographing your child, feel free to combine a walk and a photo shoot. Take pictures while watching your baby. His first steps, hugs with dad, mom. Ask your child to smell a flower, blow on a dandelion together, roll in the grass, look for strawberries together. Believe me, truthful moments and sincere emotions are more valuable than staged ones. In summer there is plenty of light, even a simple DSLR with kit lenses will give you magical pictures. Create with your children and preserve the most touching moments of your child's childhood. Don't waste a day!

Greetings! I've never written before, but there's a first time for everything...

I decided to talk about how the photo shoot was planned and created in May.

Perhaps I'll tell you about the idea...

Blooming apple trees, I have always wanted to take photos of this beauty! When I came up with an idea, I began to choose a place in Moscow where I would like to spend a wonderful week-long period.

The place was chosen - Kolomna Park, all that was left was to wait until May, and it was the first days of June (((2009. Well, the main thing is to keep the idea in your head.. where will it go?)

But once you have an idea, you need to prepare for it, imagine the frame, and think about the details..

Of course the main shot was like this:

Rope swing decorated with flowers, lush greenery in the background, white fluffy

apple snow from fallen petals, beautiful girl in a light dress with a bouquet and a wreath, illuminated by sunbeams, who, swaying, dreamily looks into the distance.

An example is a swing, the rope base of which should be decorated with woven flowers.

We were freezing for 3 hours and wandering around the park, selecting the “right” apple tree trunk, which should fit in the perspective of our frame, not be tall, symmetrical for attaching a swing - in general, Our tree.

We counted the row, the tree from the path, drew a plan map for our tree :)

We also estimated the time of day when the correct sunset would occur.

However, in May 2010 we were happily ill and our idea was postponed until the next year.

So, Preparation...

This year, my friend Yulia, with whom we started planning everything from the first days of May, supported the idea of ​​May apple trees.

The frame is as follows:

Picnic. Near a blooming apple tree there is a litter on which 3 young girls are resting. They are from the 50s-60s. Each of them is dressed/made up in a different style, face, head shape, hair color/length, eyes.. (all these parameters were defined and created as roles.)

A group/meeting is being created on social media. a network where photos of future looks, examples of makeup, photos of paraphernalia are posted:

We also check at the end of the first week for the presence of buds (When will they start to bloom??? the lilac is already blooming!!), approximate angles, the position of the sun and fewer people...

We recruited models, I invited my partner to be the second photographer (it’s not easy for one person here) and planned the day of shooting - Sunday 9:00:

Of course it rains all Saturday...


The models were somewhat worried the day before filming, saying, “What’s the weather like? Are you canceling anything?” etc., but of course we didn’t want to cancel anything, the photographers were dressed warmly, and, unlike the models, they didn’t have to change into chiffon translucent outfits right in the park.

We, photographers, did not insist on appearing at such weather conditions "+10, cloudy and rainy in places" our models. And since we are against such victims and violence against ourselves, that’s why out of our 3 models there are only 2 left :)))

lay down, changed clothes, started...

changed clothes, warmed up, continued...

This is roughly how the 4-5 hour shooting day went) No rain, and a couple of hours of sunshine.

Here for the whole series from my camera

Well, working moments:

I won’t go into detail here about the progress of filming, I’ll just point out one of my main “mistakes” that day. After the first 40 minutes of filming and 1 change of outfits, I formatted the first 100 frames, after which I had to repeat several scenes.

Alexander Prokhorov, Andrey Maksimov
Julia, Alesya