The best works of modern photographers. Analysis of great flights - works of famous photographers of the world

In fact, ratings are not a rewarding thing and are very subjective. When summing up the best of the best in rating lists, we still use some kind of inner tuning fork. We also decided to make our own ranking list of the 10 greatest Soviet photographers, according to the site.

Let us immediately note that the list will include several photographers who worked long before the formation of the Union of Soviets, however, their influence on the development of photography, both Soviet and world, is so great that it was simply impossible to say anything about them. And also, taking into account the subjectivity of this list, we tried to reflect in it the brightest representatives in each individual photographic genre.

The first place in our ranking undoubtedly belongs to. This greatest figure culture and art. His influence on the development of Soviet art cannot be overestimated. He concentrated on himself all the fine arts of the young country of the Soviets - he was a sculptor, an artist, a graphic designer, and a photographer. Considered one of the founders of constructivism. Rodchenko is a universal and multifaceted figure. It became an effective impetus for the development of photography and design. His methods of constructive construction of photographs are used as canons.

The second position is occupied by the Russian photographer of the early 20th century - Georgy Goyningen-Hüne. Despite the fact that all my professional life and Georgy carried out his activities in France, England and the USA, but still, he is Russian by origin. And in in this case it serves as an example of how immigrants from Russia achieved recognition and success abroad. Georgiy is one of the greatest fashion photographers of the 20s and 30s. By 1925, he became the chief photographer of French Vogue. In 1935 - American Harper's Bazaar. In 1943, two of his books were published, after which all his photographic attention concentrated on Hollywood celebrities.

The contribution of Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky to the development of photographic art is great. Prokudin-Gorsky was a chemist and a photographer, and his occupation helped him improve the other. He went down in history as the first experimenter to propose the possibility of creating color photography in Russia. The method of acquiring color in a photograph that Prokudin-Gorsky used was not new. It was proposed back in 1855 by James Maxwell; it involved the superposition of three negatives, where each was passed through a filter of a certain color - red, green and blue. These three negatives, superimposed on each other, produce a color image in projection. Today, thanks to Prokudin-Gorsky, we have the opportunity to see Russia at the beginning of the 20th century in color.

Continuing our top ten greats is the Soviet war photographer, author of two of the greatest, iconic photographs of the Great Patriotic War– “The First Day of the War” and “The Banner over the Reichstag” – Evgeniy Khaldei. As a war photographer, Khaldei went through the entire Great Patriotic War, and his most significant works were made in the period from 1941 to 1946. Chaldea's photographs are filled with a sense of historical importance. It is no secret that many of the photographer’s works, including the work “The Banner over the Reichstag,” were staged. Khaldei believed that photography should convey the spirit of the times and events as fully as possible, therefore there was no need to rush. The author approached the creation of each work responsibly and thoroughly.

Our list continues with the classic of photographic journalism - Boris Ignatovich. Ignatovich was a close friend and associate of Alexander Rodchenko, with whom he organized the photographic association “October Group” in the late 20s. It was a time of aspiration and search for new forms. Creative people, as a rule, were fruitfully engaged in several directions at the same time. So Ignatovich was a photographer, a photojournalist, a documentary filmmaker, a journalist, and an illustrator.

Next comes the greatest Soviet portrait photographer -. Nappelbaum went down in the history of photography as an unsurpassed studio portrait photographer. Nappelbaum, a master of compositional solutions, had a surprising and original approach to light composition, in which all the viewer’s attention is concentrated on the person being portrayed. As in the case of , through whose studio everyone went foreign celebrities 20th century, and through Nappelbaum’s lens the greatest representatives of the country of the Soviets passed, right up to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Nappelbaum enjoyed enormous success and popularity as a good photographer. It is noteworthy that it was he who was invited to photograph the place of death of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin.

The first Russian landscape photographer, Vasily Sokornov, continues our list of ten great Soviet photographers. One of the first landscape painters who captured the beauty of Russian nature, and primarily Crimea, with a camera, was an artist by education and a photographer by vocation - Vasily Sokornov. Sokornov’s works were extremely popular during the photographer’s lifetime. Just like the works of Sokornov, who photographed the nature of Virginia all his life, Sokornov’s works, for the most part, are dedicated to the Crimea. They were published in magazines and postcards were sent all over Russia. Today he is considered the main chronicler of Crimean nature in the first decades of the 20th century.

Founder of Russian, Soviet journalistic, social photography– Maxim Dmitriev, occupies the eighth position in our ranking. Dmitriev's life and work is a story of incredible rise and equally incredible fall. A native of the Tambov province, a student at a parochial school, by the early 1900s, Dmitriev became a leading photographer in Moscow. The founder of the photo studio, through which the leading people of the time pass - Ivan Bunin, Fedr Chaliapin, Maxim Gorky. But we love and remember Dmitriev for his chronicle photographs of the Volga region. They contain the original life and way of life of Russia, skillfully noted a brilliant photographer. The downfall of Dmitriev was the coming to power of the Bolsheviks and widespread dispossession. By the early 1930s, the artist's photographic studio had been selected, along with more than seven thousand magnificent local history photographs.

In our rating, we could not help but write about the only Soviet representative in the photographic agency -. Pinkhasov’s very presence in the agency speaks for itself. An iconic documentary photographer, Pinkhasov is fluent in the genre of reportage street photography, camera, composition, light and color.

Our top ten, so to speak, is completed by the glamorous Soviet photographer Valery Plotnikov. Plotnikov is the author of portraits of Soviet icons of the 20th century, such as Vladimir Vysotsky, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Sergei Parajanov. Not a single Soviet magazine was published without Plotnikov's original work.

The year of photography's origin is considered to be 1939. Since that time, photography techniques and the concept itself have changed radically. Regardless of when the photograph was taken, some of them have left an unforgettable mark on history. We present to your attention the most famous photographs.

National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry captured an Afghan girl in his famous photo. In 2002, the girl was found and her name became known - Sharbat Gula. In 1985, a photograph of a refugee girl appeared on the cover of National Geographic, after which it gained worldwide fame and became a symbol of the suffering of refugees around the world.

The photograph of the Legendary Fab Four was taken on August 8, 1969. The photo was created as the cover for the band's latest 12th album. And what’s interesting is that it took exactly 6 minutes for this shot. Impressionable fans saw in the photo many signs that confirmed the death of Paul Macartney. According to them, the photo shows a double of the musician, and Paul himself died. The photo composition itself is a symbolic presentation of the funeral. The closed strip of the musician, he walks barefoot and out of step with the other participants. Paul was left-handed and couldn't hold a cigarette right hand. Well, the cigarette itself is a sign of the nail in the coffin. But in reality the photograph symbolized only one death. The Beatles were in the process of breaking up. The 12th album is the last collaboration.

The photograph is called The Torment of Omaira. The girl, Omaira Sanchaz, was trapped by a concrete wall after the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano (Colombia) in 1895. For 3 days, rescuers tried to save the child. The photo was taken a few hours before her death.

The photo of John Lennon and Yoko Ono became famous because it was taken a few hours before the murder of the musician. The photo became the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. The photo belongs to the famous American photographer Annie Leibovitz, who has worked with Rolling Stone since 1970.

Mike Wells, UK. April 1980. Karamoja region, Uganda. A starving boy and a missionary.

For this photograph, photographer Kevin Carter was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. The photo is called “Hunger in Sudan.” After the photograph was published in the New York Times Magazine on March 26, 1993, it became a symbol of Africa's tragedy. Probably everyone has a question: what happened to the girl next? Why didn't they help her? HER fate is unknown. Kevin Carter didn't help the dying girl. In 1994, the author of the photo committed suicide.

"Rhine II" by Andreas Gursky. The photo was taken in 1999. The photo shows the Rhine between the dams under an overcast sky. Interesting fact is that the photo was taken using Photoshop. Gursky deleted
power plant, port facilities and a passerby walking his dog. At the Christie's auction in New York, $4,338,500 was paid for the photograph. This is the most expensive photograph in history.

Albert Einstein with his tongue hanging out. The reason for this action of the scientist was his attitude towards annoying journalists and photographers. The photo was taken at the celebration of the scientist’s 72nd birthday in 1951. Photography is a kind of symbol and business card Albert Einstein, capable of joking and joy.

Switzerland. The photo shows the consequences of freezing rain. If you do not take into account how much destruction this rain brought, this phenomenon is of extraordinary beauty.

The legendary photo “Lunch on a Skyscraper.” At a skyscraper construction site, eleven workers are having lunch at an altitude of 200 meters. None of them express even an ounce of concern. In early publications the photographer's name was not indicated. But some experts claim that the author of the work is Lewis Hine. His portfolio includes many photographs of the construction of Rockefeller Center.

This amazing photo was taken in 1948 without the use of Photoshop or technology. It is customary to call it Dali and cats. Photographer Phillip Halsman was Dalí's friend for 30 years.

The photograph is the most circulated photograph in history. The creator of the masterpiece is Alberto Korda. The photo with Che Guevara has turned into a kind of brand. The image of the Cuban revolutionary can be found on all kinds of objects: clothes, dishes, badges, etc.

November 25, 1963 President John F. Kennedy's funeral and his son's birthday. In the photo, John Kennedy Jr. salutes his father's coffin.

Dolly the sheep is the world's first successfully cloned mammal. Dolly was born on July 5, 1996 as a result of an experiment by Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell. Her life lasted 6.5 years. In 2003, Dolly was euthanized and her stuffed animal is on display at the Royal Museum of Scotland.

A boy with a grenade in his hand. The work of photographer Diane Arbus. Pictured is the son of tennis player Sidney Wood, Colin Wood. In his right hand the boy holds a toy grenade. It seems that the child is terribly scared, but in fact the photo did not work for a long time and the boy shouted in hysterics, “Take it already!” An unknown collector paid $408,000 for the photo in 2005.

An old man and a dog met after a tornado in the USA in March 2012.

People's Soldier liberation army Sudan at the rehearsal for the Independence Day parade. Powerful photo.

Violets are our usual indoor flowers, which delight the eye with bright inflorescences on windowsills all year round. The ancestor of the plant is Saintpaulia (lat. Saintpaulia), blooming in blue. It was she who gave rise to the cultivation of thousands of new varieties of violets. Since the birthplace of the plant is Africa, Saintpaulia is also called violet, only African or Uzambara.

Today there are about 400 types of violet varieties in the world, and 8.5 thousand varieties are officially registered. These wonderful flowers can be found in all corners of the globe. They amaze with their incredible, bewitching beauty. You can find terry, semi-double, miniature, bell-shaped, various colors and shades, with stripes, streaks and interspersed with Saintpaulia. Each plant variety is unique and worth admiring for as long as possible.

The Moon is the closest cosmic object to Earth, which has always aroused incredible interest among different generations humanity since ancient times. People have always looked at the Moon with a certain bewitching mystery and tried to unravel its secrets. At the same time, they themselves composed myths and legends about her.

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Probably, many of us have ever wanted to look at our planet from the outside. But for this you need to at least be in space. Unfortunately, only a few inhabitants of the Earth manage to fulfill their unusual dream. Such people are called astronauts or astronomers. But thanks to the people of this profession, you and I can easily admire wonderful photographs of our planet taken from space.

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To find out the real value of something, you need to sell it through an auction. After all, people will never pay more. This rule also applies to money. Coins and banknotes that exist in our everyday life can be worth much more than their stated denomination. Moreover, the form, material and release date play absolutely no role in this matter.

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Sooner or later, we think about getting a pet at home, which will become our best and most devoted friend. But the choice of pet is not limited to cats and dogs. Increasingly, people began to give preference to exotic animals, the choice of which is so diverse that it is difficult to imagine at once. Today, many pet stores offer a wide range of them, which gives us the opportunity to let our imagination run wild and show our own taste in choosing a new friend. And there really are plenty to choose from.

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The popularity of small dogs in the world is growing more and more every day, because these cute creatures absolutely do not cause fear or apprehension in anyone. The only thing you experience when looking at these cute faces is incredible tenderness and wild delight from the fact that you see this miracle with your own eyes.

In addition to their cute appearance, small dogs - great pets for living in a small room. Even in the smallest apartment there will always be enough space for them. In addition, these wonderful creatures do not require large expenses and special care, as can be the case in large dogs.

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The craving for beauty has lived in man since prehistoric times. Therefore, already in the era of ancient civilizations, people decorated their bodies with various designs. It was a unique way to stand out from the crowd, to declare your individuality and specialness. Images drawn on different parts bodies carried a certain symbolic meaning. From these drawings one could learn a lot of useful information about a person.

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At the end of July 2018, the inhabitants of planet Earth observed the longest lunar eclipse XXI century. An incredible celestial spectacle called "Blood Moon" was available in the Eastern and West Africa, Central and South Asia, South America, Europe and Antarctica. Witnesses of this incredible cosmic show in the Eastern Hemisphere watched in awe as the bright face of the Moon hid behind the Earth's shadow and took on a deep red hue.

What could make a world famous photographer even more noticeable? Is it really the number of years that he/she has devoted to the profession of photography, the experience that has accumulated, or a certain chosen direction of photography? Nothing of the kind; The most important reason This may be hidden in any photograph that the photographer managed to capture.

Most of the most famous photographers often try to remain silent on this topic. It is quite enough for them to have author's signatures on their works for these works to become recognizable. Some famous photographers prefer to remain unrecognized by not revealing their faces for personal reasons. These reasons may remain a mystery to the growing audience of admirers, or maybe it all lies in the excessive modesty of these people. The most famous photographers are honored, as a rule, for a specific shot of an incredible, amazing moment that can last literally a few milliseconds. People are fascinated by the fact that such an amazing event or incident can be captured in such a short time.

As they say, “A photograph alone speaks a thousand words.” And so, each of the world's most famous photographers, once or twice during his career, managed to capture such a shot that could elevate him to the rank of greatness. This article presents several of the most famous photographers in the world who have succeeded in their profession, and also presents the very work that made them famous. These photographers managed to touch the hearts of many people around the world with their amazing, sometimes stunning photographs. The Most Famous Photographers of the World.

Murray Becker, a photographer for the Associated Press news agency, became famous for his photograph of the burning airship Hindenburg. He died of cancer at the age of 77.

(1961-1994) – South Africa, Pulzer Prize winner, Kevin Carter for artistic photography dedicated several months of his life to photographing the famine in Sudan. As a freelance photographer for news agencies Reuter and Sygma Photo NY, and as a former magazine illustration editor for the Mail and Gaurdian, Kevin has dedicated his career to covering conflicts in his native land. South Africa. He was highly commended at the prestigious Ilford Photo Press Awards for Best News Photography of 1993.

One of the most important figures in modern photography is Ellen Levitt. For 60 years, her quiet, poetic photographs taken on the streets of the city in which she lived most of her life have inspired and amazed generations of photographers, students, collectors, curators and art lovers. Throughout her long career, Helen Levitt's photographs have captured her poetic vision, humor, and ingenuity in her most candid portraits of the men, women, and children living on the streets of New York City.
She was born in 1945-46. She directed the film "On the Streets" together with Janis Loeb and James Agy, the peculiarity of this film was that in it she presented a moving portrait of herself. Levitt's most important exhibition took place at the Museum modern art in 1943, and a second solo exhibition, consisting only of color works, took place there in 1974. Major retrospectives of her work have been held in several museums: the first in 1991, jointly with the San Francisco Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, as well as in International Center Photographs in New York and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York; and 2001 at the Center of National Photography in Paris.

Philip Halsman (1906-1979) was born in Riga, Latvia Riga, Latvia. He studied engineering in Dresden before moving to Paris, where he founded his photography studio in 1932. Thanks to his spontaneous style, Halsman has earned the attention of many of his admirers. His portraits of actors and authors appeared on the covers of books and magazines; he worked in fashion (especially hat design) and also had large number private clients. By 1936, Halsman had become known as one of the best portrait photographers in France.
From the 1940s to the 1970s, Philippe Halsman captured brilliant portraits of celebrities, intellectuals and politicians who appeared on the covers of Look, Esquire, the Saturday Evening Post, Paris Match, and especially Life. His work has also appeared in commercials for Elizabeth Arden cosmetics, NBC, Simon & Schuster, and Ford.

Charles O'Rear (born 1941) American photographer widely known for his photograph Bliss, which was used as the default wallpaper for Windows XP.
Throughout the 70s he participated in the Agency for the Protection of Environment DOCUMERICA, and has also photographed for National Geographic magazine for over 25 years. He began his career as a photographer in the wine industry and took photographs for the Napa Valley Winemakers organization. He then continued to photograph wine production around the world. To date, he has contributed his photography to seven wine-related books.

Roger Fenton (28 March 1819 – 8 August 1869) was a pioneer of photography in Britain, and one of the first war photographers to cover events during the war. He is particularly known for his photographs depicting the Crimean War, which, of course, is partly regrettable, since this allowed him to display his talent in landscape photographs only to a small extent. In addition, he played big role V general development photos.

Photography is an incredibly multifaceted art. Magnificent landscapes, photographic portraits, and advertising photographs also attract the attention of the public. Therefore choose the best masters– it’s not an easy matter.

Our Top 10 included the best photographers of our time in a variety of genres. Their works are known all over the world and are practically recognized as classics of photography.

Anne Geddes has been photographing children for 30 years. Books, postcards and calendars with photographs of babies in a variety of images are known all over the world. Many photographers who begin working with children draw inspiration from Geddes’s photographs. Anna's secret to success is simple; she is sure that children are the only real joy in life.

9. Paul Hansen is the best photojournalist

Hansen is one of the most famous photojournalists in the world. Seven times he became the best photographer in Sweden, twice - winner of the prestigious POYi (International Photography of the Year) photo competition. And in 2013, Paul won the World Press Photo competition with a photograph taken at the funeral of two young children killed in Palestine.

8. Terry Richardson - Best Advertising Photographer

Richardson's photographs are sometimes very unusual, but they always attract the eye and are remembered for a long time. Terry's clients include such famous brands as Gucci, Sisley, Levi's, Eres, Miu Miu, Chloe, APC, Nike, Carolina Herrera, Kenneth Cole and many others. Richardson's photographs are regularly published by Vogue, I-D, GQ, Harper's Bazaar, Dazed and Confused, W and Purple.

7. Denis Reggie – the best wedding photographer

Reggie has become a revolutionary in the wedding photography industry. After all, it was he who came up with the idea of ​​taking photographs in a reportage style. Denis’s works adorn not only family photo albums, but also the pages of such publications as W, Elle, Vogue, Town and Country, Glamour, and Harper’s Bazaar

6. Patrick Demarchelier - the best fashion photographer

Over his long career, Demarchelier has worked with such publications as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire and Harper's Bazaar. Dior, TAG Heuer, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Celine, Yves Saint Laurent, Calvin Klein, Lacoste and Ralph Lauren ordered their advertising campaigns from him.

5. Yuri Artyukhin - the best wildlife photographer

A researcher at the Laboratory of Ornithology at the Pacific Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he is a passionate fan of birds. It is the photographs of birds that have repeatedly received prestigious prizes and awards at various competitions in Russia and abroad.

4. Helmut Newton is the best nude photographer

Newton's nude photographs are known throughout the world. For his contribution to the art of photography, Newton was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Order of Arts and Letters, and the Monegasque Order of Arts, Letters and Science.

3. David Dubilet - best underwater photographer

Beneath the surface of the water, Dubile has been working for five decades. His work is often published by National Geographic. David is the owner of many prestigious awards in the field of photography. He's filming underwater world both in equatorial waters and under the ice at the north and south poles.

2. Steve McCurry - National Geographic's most famous photographer

Steve became famous for his photograph of an “Afghan girl,” which National Geographic put on the cover in 1985. The picture was soon recognized as the most famous photograph in the history of the magazine. In addition to the famous photograph, McCurry has many excellent works in the genre of photo reporting.

1. Ron Galella - the most famous paparazzi

Garella is a pioneer of the paparazzi industry. Among the stars who became Ron's “victims” are Julia Roberts, Madonna, Al Pacino, Woody Allen, Sophia Loren. Marlon Brando broke Garella's jaw and knocked out five teeth, and Jacqueline Kennedy sued the photographer, who forbade Ron to approach Jackie closer than 20 meters.