“Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy its treasures, he must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy

« Explanatory note Human - supreme creation nature. But in order to enjoy its treasures, he must answer at least..."

Explanatory note

Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy it

treasures, it must meet at least one requirement: to be

healthy and be friends with sports.

According to the World Health Organization, health is

natural state of the body, characterized by its balance with

environment and the absence of any painful changes;

a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Movement training has an impact on health, general physical development, development cognitive abilities, strong-willed qualities, emotionality of the child, i.e. to his inner world. Movement training promotes harmonious development personality, improvement of both physical and mental, intellectual, spiritual and moral qualities.

By learning movements, a child acquires the knowledge necessary for his conscious motor activity and gains experience in their implementation, including creative ones.

Learning movements contributes to the child’s awareness of himself as an individual, develops in him the need to improve his own nature, and creates the prerequisites for the realization of his individuality.

Carrying out the most different movements, the child gets the opportunity to improve himself, interest and love for physical education is formed.

The program is aimed at developing a child’s interest in his personal health, to improve all types of movements and develop physical qualities.

Program features:

Considered under the health aspect.

The emphasis of health-improving work is on the development of the child’s motor activity.

Classes are structured taking into account age criteria.

Using the Chinese gymnastics technique WUSHU.

It is carried out in close cooperation with the families of the pupils.

Goals and objectives of the program:

Goal: formation muscle structure, development of body flexibility, increase functionality body, increase physical fitness children, their level of health while simultaneously developing their mental abilities.


maintaining and strengthening children's health;

formation of healthy lifestyle habits;

formation of motor skills and abilities;

development of psychophysical qualities (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, agility);

development of motor abilities (balance functions, coordination of movements);

prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, colds;

formation of the need for daily physical activity;

development of attention, concentration, organization, imagination, fantasy, ability to manage one’s actions and feelings.

maintaining interest in USH classes;

realization of the physical capabilities of each child through further improvement of previously acquired motor skills and abilities;

creating conditions for children to demonstrate their creative potentials and starting work on the targeted development of conditioned motor and coordination abilities of students;

determine the actual level of capabilities of each child.

to predict trends in the realization of these opportunities in abilities and to bring the “bar” of children’s physical fitness to the level necessary to begin targeted training in general education;

psychologically prepare students and students for the upcoming long educational and training process;

introduce the simplest elements of the initial USHU technique and the initial basic technique of punches, basic stances and movements;

To fulfill the health-improving and educational objectives of the program, the following structures are provided:

Corrective, rhythmic, psychomotor gymnastics with elements of Chinese Wushu

Dynamic and health breaks

Relaxation exercises

Round dances, various types games

Entertaining warm-ups

Various types of massage

Finger gymnastics

Breathing exercises with Qigong elements For the successful implementation of program tasks, content classes are used:

Traditional frontal exercises Game exercises Activities – travel Educational and developmental Cognitive

Principles of program construction:

The principle of systematicity and consistency presupposes the interconnection of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The principle of connecting theory with practice develops in children the ability to apply their knowledge of maintaining and promoting health in everyday life.

The principle of repetition of skills is one of the most important, since as a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.

The principle of individual-personal orientation of education assumes that main goal education becomes the child, not the world around him.

Teacher leaning on individual characteristics the child, plans his development, outlines ways to improve skills and abilities, build a motor regime.

The principle of accessibility eliminates harmful effects for the body of children as a result of excessive demands and physical activity.

The principle of success is that at the first stage of health formation, the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

The principle of active learning obliges us to build the learning process using active forms and teaching methods that promote children’s development of independence, initiative and creativity ( gaming technology, work in pairs, subgroups, individually, organization of research activities, etc.).

The principle of communication helps to instill in children the need for communication, in the process of which social motivation for health is formed.

The principle of interaction between the teacher and the family, continuity during the transition to school is aimed at creating conditions for more successful realization of the child’s abilities and ensuring the possibility of maintaining health during further education at school.

The principle of effectiveness involves obtaining positive result health work, regardless of age and level physical development children.

Principles of interaction with children:

the child himself is a great guy, everything works out for him, the difficulties that arise are surmountable;

constant encouragement of all the child’s efforts, his desire to learn something new and learn new things;

exclusion of negative assessment of the child and the results of his actions;

comparison of all the child’s results is possible only with his own, and not with the results of other children;

Each child must progress at his own pace and with continued success.

Program implementation period – 1 year:

* Frequency - 2 times a week * Duration of classes:

For middle, senior and preparatory groups 25 minutes a day, two lessons with a break of 10 minutes * per month – 16 lessons * number of children in the group – no more than 15

Methodological support of the program:

Classes in this program consist of practical activities for children.

Conducted under the guidance of a trainer.

Forms and methods of teaching:

Verbal – explanation;

Visual – display;

Search engines – search for new ideas, materials;

Creative – creative approach.

Program effectiveness:

Development of physical qualities of preschool children through sports and recreational work.

Increasing the level of physical fitness (increase in indicators of development of physical qualities).

Varied, exciting, joint activities with children provide motor activity children, contribute to their emotional uplift and develop their communication skills.

Basic movements Walking. Walking is normal, on toes with different positions of the hands, on the heels, on the outer sides of the feet, with high raising of the knee (thigh), wide and small steps, side steps forward and backward, gymnastic steps, rolling from heel to toe; walking in a half-squat (goose step), in a half-squat by jumping on the toes (frog jumps), leaning on your hands on your feet (bear step), on your hands and feet with your stomach up (cockroach step), crawling along the floor (crocodile step). Walking in different directions: in a circle, in a straight line with turns, in a snake, scattered. Walking in combination with other types of movements.

Balance exercises. Walking on a gymnastic bench straight, left and right side with an added step, back forward; with a stuffed pouch on the back; squatting on one leg and swinging the other leg forward from the side of the bench;

raising a straight leg and clapping under it; walking on a narrow rail, on a rope straight and sideways, standing on one leg with the knee raised high (crane pose), jumping on one leg in place and with movement.

Running. Running is normal, slow, fast, with acceleration; running with a high knee lift, sweeping the shin back, throwing straight legs forward, small mincing and wide steps, with closed legs on the toes, side step with the left and right side, back forward, “shuttle” running.

Crawling, climbing. Crawling on all fours, on your back and on your stomach, on a gymnastic bench, pulling yourself up with your arms. Climbing through a hoop in different ways: straight, sideways, back forward. Climbing the gymnastic wall up, down, to the sides using cross and similar movements of the arms and legs, climbing from flight to flight straight and diagonally.

Jumping. Jumping on two legs: in place (in different ways) alternating with walking, turning in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise, moving forward with an object clamped between the legs. Jumping over obstacles one by one; on one leg across the line, rope forward and backward, right and left, in place and with advancement. Jumping up from a deep squat. Jumping from a height of up to 40 cm, long jumping from a standstill, long jumping from a running start, up from a standing start, taking out an object suspended 25-30 cm above the child’s raised hand, from a running start (at least 50 cm). Jumping on two legs, standing on a bench, moving forward; jumping on two legs while moving forward along an inclined surface.

jumping onto a soft surface from a gymnastic bench, height up to 40 cm.

Throwing, catching, throwing. Throwing a light ball to each other from below, from behind the head, from a sitting position with legs crossed, over an obstacle. Throwing the ball up onto the ground and catching it with two hands, one hand, with claps, turns.

Hitting the ball with the right and left hands alternately in place and in motion.

Throwing a light sword at a distance with the left and right hand, throwing at a target from different positions (standing, kneeling, sitting), throwing at a moving target.

Throwing medicine balls, throwing them at a distance. Drill exercises. Formation (independently) on command in a column one at a time, in a circle, in a line, observing the established interval and distance.

Calculation for first - second and changeover from one line to two and back;

alignment in a column, rank, opening and closing with an additional step from the guide, from the middle of the formation; turns right, left, around.

General development exercises (GDE).

Exercises for the hands, development and strengthening of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Raise your arms up, forward, to the sides, standing on your toes (from a standing position, heels together, toes apart), placing your leg back on your toes; raise your arms up from the position of your hands to your shoulders. Spread and close your fingers; alternately connect all fingers with the thumb. Raise and lower your shoulders; vigorously straighten your arms bent at the elbows (fingers clenched into fists), forward and to the sides, rotating your forearms forward and backward; move your elbows back (arm jerks) and straighten your arms to the sides from the position of your arms in front of your chest; perform circular movements with your arms bent at the elbows (hands at the shoulders). Rotation with straight arms forward and backward. Maintain a “lying down” position on your palms and fists.

Exercises to develop and strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. Head tilts forward and backward, left and right, turns to the sides. Turning the torso to the sides; arms behind the head or clasped in front of the chest; bending forward, raising your arms up and touching the floor in a tilt, bending back with a deflection, hands on your belt, bending to the sides left and right, rotation top part torso, legs spread wide apart, hips rotating, head still.

From the starting position lying on your back: simultaneously raise and lower both legs up and down, move your legs, rotating, as if riding a bicycle, simultaneously bend and unbend your legs, pulling them to your chest and lowering them to the floor, lift both legs at the same time, trying to touch object lying behind the head, fold, pulling the knees to the chest and raising the body, hands behind the head (box).

From the starting position lying on your stomach: simultaneously raise and lower your closed arms and legs (boat), bend and unbend your legs (alternately and together), turn from your back to your stomach and back; bend, raising your shoulders, spreading your arms to the sides. From a crouched position, jump with a jump to a lying position.

Exercises to develop and strengthen the abdominal and leg muscles. Squat with your hands behind your head; alternately bend your legs springily (standing, legs apart);

squat from a legs apart position, transferring body weight from one leg to the other without rising. Lunge forward, to the side; touch the toe of a straightened leg (swing forward) to the palm of an outstretched hand (of the same and opposite names); freely swing your leg forward and backward, holding onto the support.

Exercises: “goose step”, “frog jumps”, “cockroach run”, squat jumps.

Outdoor games. Physical physical training outdoor games are the foundation for the target type of programs, for the assimilation and development of physical qualities not only of general endurance, but also of a certain physical activity, associated with specific tasks, which contributes to the mastery of specific skills and abilities, as well as their strong consolidation.

Sports activity is aimed at developing speed and strength qualities, speed and agility, reactivity and accuracy, body flexibility and joint mobility, coordination and coordination in movements, as well as physical endurance.

Breathing exercises.

Development of respiratory muscles, speech apparatus, coordination of movement and breathing. Performing correct rhythmic breathing when pronouncing sounds. Restoring breathing after exercise and relieving tension, restoring strength after strength exercises, calming through breathing.

Special physical training(SFP).

Flexibility. A set of exercises for stretching muscles and tendons, developing flexibility of the back and spine, strengthening ligamentous apparatus, increasing mobility and developing joint inversion.

SFP exercises. Standing and “push-ups” in the “lying on your fists” position, walking on your hands with the help of a partner - “wheelbarrow”.

Elements of basic technology.

Shape of the hand: shaping the hand into a “palm” - ZHANG and a “fist” - QUAN.

Hand technique: straight punch - CHUNQUAN.

Positions: starting position: standing at attention, heels and toes together - BINBU, starting position: standing position: feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to KAYLIB.

Stances: “rider on a horse” - MABU, “man shooting from a bow” GUNBU, “stand on one leg” - DULIBU, “twisted stand” - SEBU.

Construction of racks. Changing from a left-sided stance to a right-sided one on the spot. Changing from one rack to another on the spot.

Moral and volitional qualities and etiquette.

Children and parents - a common path to health

  • The game is a journey.

A healthy person is one who:

  • Feels good and looks good

  • Strong, tough, dexterous.

  • Does not get sick, does not miss class or work

  • Leads a healthy lifestyle.

  • Mentally and physically well developed.

  • Plays sports.

  • Has no bad habits.

  • Tempered.

  • Cheerful.

Health is affected by:

  • Heredity (this is what we received from our parents),

  • Ecology (water, air, products)

  • Level of medical care

  • The behavior of the person himself

  • Proper nutrition,

  • Maintaining a daily routine

  • Human habits.

  • Personal hygiene,

  • Mood

  • Wise use of free time.

country of health


  • "Movement is life."

Physical exercises for people who work on a computer.

  • Eye exercises

  • Finger exercise

  • Squats,

  • Jumping.

Create a physical activity plan.

  • Do morning exercises.

  • Do not use the elevator.

  • Alternate study with physical activity.

  • Don't miss physical education classes without reason.

  • “A person who wants to be in shape should do gymnastics every day. You need to walk, swim, ski, and hike a lot. The most dangerous enemy is laziness." Sofia Venderovskaya.

Labor Island

  • “He who loves to work cannot sit idle.”

Excerpts from the works:

  • “When I work with my parents at the dacha, my mood lifts and I feel a charge of vivacity.”

  • “When your brain and hands are busy, you begin to think about the results of your work, and not about nonsense. It helps me break bad habits."

  • When I started doing morning exercises and working with my dad, I help him in the garage, at the dacha, around the house, I began to feel better. And my mother says that I am her hope and support.”

  • “The main medicines: clean air, cold water, a saw and an ax.” Sukhomlinsky

Strait of Hobbies.

  • Each person is endowed with some kind of talent, and often simply wants to share with other people the wonderful things that they can do.

Island of Smiles

  • A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,

  • A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...

  • Share your smile

  • And she will return to you more than once.

Zakalyayka Island

  • Air hardening

  • Sun hardening

  • Water hardening

  • Hardening the weakest areas of the body (for example, the throat).

  • Winter swimming.

  • Bath heat.


  • The day you take a steam bath, the day you don’t grow old.

  • “Sun, air and water are our best friends.

Island of Quitting Bad Habits.

  • Having bad habits means always following the path of least resistance, which is much easier than achieving good things, often overcoming many obstacles and making efforts on yourself.

Island Daily routine.

  • A daily routine is a certain rhythm of life, the alternation of various types of activities, rest, sleep, nutrition; this is your external and internal organization, the key to your health and success. Anyone who copes with the regime in childhood will be able to overcome many difficulties and life problems in life.

  • Stick to a certain rhythm throughout the day.

  • Properly alternate between studying and active recreation.

  • Strive for nutritious and regular meals and sleep.

  • Sleep is one of the primary human needs.

Island of Rational Nutrition.

  • “An animal is satisfied, a person eats, a smart person knows how to eat”

Principles of healthy eating

  • 1. Only natural food.

  • 2. Don't rush while eating.

  • 3. Do not cook foods that can be eaten raw.

  • 4. Don't talk at the table.

  • 5. Don't watch TV while eating.

  • 6. Try to eat as many vegetables as possible.

“Our food should be a healing agent, and our healing agents should be food. Hippocrates.

Make up words about a healthy lifestyle using the letters of the word “health.”

Enjoy life is right. “How is this?” - you ask. After all, pleasure without rules is the sweetest. Rules kill pleasure, but only at first glance. If you know kato enjoy life correctly, You can not only increase the number of pleasant minutes, but also significantly improve the quality of pleasure. As they say, live and enjoy life!

We need to start with the fact that there are different types of pleasure. We are most familiar with bodily and sensual pleasures. No matter how pleasant they are, unfortunately, bodily and sensory pleasures cannot be used as source of lasting happiness. For example, food related positive emotions begin to evaporate almost immediately after eating. Moreover, the displeasure that the chocolate candy melted so quickly in the mouth without a trace reduces the uplift in mood to zero. Strengthening and repetition of the stimulus leads to addiction, dependence or a decrease in the intensity of pleasure. This rule applies to all bodily pleasures. To continue to have fun, you need to introduce some kind of novelty or follow the principle “everything new is well forgotten old.” You just need to give your body time to forget. There are other tricks that allow us to enjoy in a way that lasts as long as possible. What rules of proper enjoyment should you ensure that tagliatelli with salmon and red caviar always evokes an appetite, and that wine never gives you a headache?

Enjoy life. Eight simple rules:

  1. Psychologists advise: so that pleasure does not turn into “addiction” and does not lose its intensity, need to find optimal mode for every pleasure. In this case, The less often you resort to a certain pleasure, the more intense it will be.
  2. Measure in pleasure- this too important rule proper enjoyment. Here is the principle “ less is more” works flawlessly, especially on weekdays and days when there is not much time to enjoy. On the contrary, on rest days you can do a physical marathon. If one pleasure smoothly replaces and turns into
    another, why not plunge into the abyss of pleasure? I don’t know a single person who would complain about misfortune :).
  3. The Dalai Lama advises following general scheme happiness, including bodily pleasures. All pleasures that could lead to unhappiness in the future should be completely rejected, but those that lead to happiness can be accepted. For example (an example from me, not from the Dalai Lama:), a bottle of vodka will lead to headaches and unpleasant memories, and a glass of dry Dornfelder will allow you to more intensely enjoy dinner, leave pleasant memories of the evening and, according to doctors, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.
  4. Very important in achieving happiness, according to Buddhists, is the ability to “let go” of your desires, that is, it is easy to accept the fact that something cannot be obtained (for example, the same red caviar with tagliatelli, they just go well with salmon :)
  5. “Dangerous” pleasures are best avoided altogether.. These include drugs, strong alcoholic drinks, smoking, dangerous species sports, overeating, etc. It is clear that “dangerous” pleasures bring the most intense pleasures, which is why they are dangerous. A phrase from one of the founders of the group, Agatha Christie, stuck in my memory forever. He said that you can try a strong drug once, but it is so pleasant that the brain remembers this feeling forever and someday, in a moment of weakness, it will definitely attract you, and then you will not be able to do anything. Therefore, it is better not to even start.
  6. Learn to savor pleasures. This is the time of preparation for pleasure (imagine what it will be like), pleasure itself (at this moment nothing should distract you, learn to concentrate on the moment) and memories (videos, photos and loved ones with whom you can share happiness are very helpful here).
  7. Alternate what you enjoy; introduce new things in a timely manner. For example, if you like to drink tea in the evening, then stock up on several varieties and when going to the store, buy something new. Then your feelings will not have time to dull.
  8. Enjoy using all your senses: eyes (vision), nose (smell), ears (hearing), tongue (taste), nose (smell), skin (touch). How
    Coffee is aromatic, everyone knows, but what does it sound like when you dip a spoon into it (without water or with water)? How do your fingertips feel? If you learn to enjoy every cell of your body, then the sensations and memories of pleasure will be brighter. You can do it the other way around: as when listening to your favorite piece of music accompanied by an orchestra, you can listen only to violins or only cellos), and when enjoying bodily pleasures, you can always concentrate only on the visual, on smells, etc. To enjoy scents more, you can use

Direction "Goals and means".

No matter how trivial it may sound, we live in order to enjoy life, love it, ourselves and others, receive satisfaction from our own actions and be happy. If we talk schematically, then life is a series of different actions and branches leading to goals and a specific dream. Yes, in the process of life, all this can change, but the path itself from goal to goal remains the basis of everything, and it is on this that a person’s condition depends, the result of what he strives for all his life. In this essay we will try to come to a conclusion about what goals are important to set for life path.

It seems to me that just as there is no one specific truth, there is no concept of a “worthy goal” that would satisfy everyone. All people are different, and what, for example, would be really important and worthwhile for me, can only cause a judgmental laugh from another person. In my opinion, a goal should help us move on, and not get hung up on something specific; it should be a guide, an impetus to further actions, life should not end at one specific goal. For example, in the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Gooseberry" the author introduces us to another "case" person. Throughout his life, Nikolai Ivanovich dreamed of having his own estate with gooseberries; this was the goal of his whole life. For her, he denied himself everything: food, sleep, good clothes, the man even married an old, wealthy widow and deliberately ensured her death in order to get his wife’s money. Such spiritual degradation, it seemed to him, was a deliberate sacrifice to achieve his cherished goal - but was it worth it? Having received his unsightly plot and planted gooseberries on it, the hero completely stopped his development, there was no meaning in his life, he stopped. It seems to me that the real goal should not require such spiritual sacrifices and should not lead to an ending, especially one like this.

The goal should be a starting point, one of the steps. Yes, of course, this must be a hard-to-reach step, with its own special irregularities and bends. But, firstly, a person must see the point in taking a step on it, and, secondly, he must see ways to overcome these same unevenness - otherwise he will stop believing in himself. The hero of the novel N.V. Gogol " Dead souls“had one major goal and many small ones, which were kind of small steps. He wanted to commit a scam, earn money and status, and for this he communicated with a large number heterogeneous personalities, receiving from each their own special benefit. But, unlike the gooseberry garden, Chichikov’s goal was not specific, finite, we understand this because the hero himself is in constant motion. He reaches one goal and immediately moves towards another, passing all the tests. It becomes clear to the reader that more and more new stages of Chichikov’s life are just around the corner, this is the charm of the hero - he knew how to set goals that were important to him further development, while sweeping away everything unnecessary and unnecessary to him.

What goals are important to set along the path of life? Those whose achievement will not entail the desire to stop. The goal is the path to understanding the meaning, the path to complete satisfaction, but the interesting thing is that no one ever knows what the ending might be.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, (1849-1936), physiologist, creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Sciences. Laureate Nobel Prize 1904

No business goes without real passion and love.

Essence scientific work- in the fight against reluctance to work.

Human happiness lies somewhere between freedom and discipline.

If I reason logically, it only means that I am not crazy, but it does not at all prove that I am right.

Life is only wonderful for those who strive for a goal that is constantly achieved, but never achieved.

Dreams are an experienced combination of unprecedented impressions.

Anyone who wants to develop their will must learn to overcome obstacles.

Alcohol causes much more grief than joy to all of humanity, although it is used for the sake of joy. How many talented and strong people died and is dying because of him.

Be passionate in your work and in your quest.

All my life I have loved and love mental and physical work, and, perhaps, even more than the second. And he felt especially satisfied when he added some good guess to the latter, that is, he connected his head with his hands.

Genius is highest ability concentrate on the subject being studied.

If excessive and exclusive passion for food is animality, then arrogant inattention to food is imprudence, and the truth here, as everywhere, lies in the middle: do not get carried away, but pay due attention.

Every time you start complex work, never rush, give time, depending on the work, to get into this complex work, to mobilize in an orderly manner, and not senselessly, fussily.

My faith is the belief that the progress of science brings happiness to humanity.

...Science demands from a person his whole life. And if you had two lives, they would not be enough for you. Science requires great effort and great passion from a person.

Isn't the people the storehouse of science? And the more the intelligentsia takes from this storehouse, the more fruitful historical life nations.

There is nothing more powerful in life human body than rhythm. Any function, especially vegetative, has permanent inclination switch to the regime imposed on her.

Never think that you already know everything. And no matter how highly they rate you, always have the courage to say to yourself: I am ignorant. Don't let pride take over you. Because of it you will persist where you need to agree, because of it you will refuse useful advice and friendly assistance, because of it you will lose a measure of objectivity.

Never try to cover up the shortcomings of your knowledge with even the most daring guesses and hypotheses. No matter how much this soap bubble pleases your gaze with its overflows, it will inevitably burst, and you will be left with nothing but embarrassment.

Rest is a change of activity.

Only by knowing all the causes of diseases will real medicine turn into the medicine of the future, that is, into hygiene.

Joy, making a person more sensitive to every beat of life, strengthens the body.

The most important thing in every task is to overcome the moment when you don’t feel like working.

Only empty people do not experience the beautiful and sublime feeling of the Motherland.

Physical labor under certain conditions is “muscular joy.”

Human - superior product earthly nature. Man is the most complex and the finest system. But in order to enjoy the treasures of nature, a person must be healthy, strong and smart.

A person can live up to a hundred years. We ourselves, through our intemperance, our disorderliness, our ugly treatment of our own organism, reduce this normal period to a much lower figure.