The difference between a song and a prayer. What is the difference between church prayer and home prayer?

Complete collection and description: how prayer differs from psalms for the spiritual life of a believer.

Home prayer is almost nothing particularly different from prayer said within the walls of the temple. The only difference is that it is allowed to mention all people, without exception, regardless of their religious preferences. In churches, it is customary to pray only for “our own people,” and even then only mentally, so as not to disturb others and not to disturb the calm silence of God’s house. At home, you can pray out loud, but on the condition that it does not irritate your relatives or those who happen to hear. You should be fully dressed for prayer. And for women it is even advisable to tie a scarf on their heads or wear a dress or a skirt.

How to pray correctly

Where to start a prayer

“Getting” prayers

The history of prayer

Classic Christian prayers are contained in the Prayer Book, also called the Canon. It can be purchased at any shop that sells religious literature. “Prayer books” are either short, containing a minimum of the most necessary prayers, or complete. The latter are intended for priests. There are also ordinary ones, containing, in fact, everything that a true believer might need.

Choosing a Prayer Book

If you want to pray, that is to say, for real, then you should pay attention to the fact that your “Prayer Book” contains both morning and evening prayers said for the coming sleep. And also that he should have daily prayers, said immediately before the beginning and before the end of any task, or before and after eating food. There must also be canons concerning the days of the week along with the “Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ” and with akathists “To our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ” and “The Most Holy Theotokos” and others. In the Prayer Book in mandatory there should be “Following to Holy Communion. "along with prayers read after it.

Language of the Prayer Book

Modern “Prayer Books” can be either in Church Slavonic or in ordinary, “Russian” language, which reproduces Church Slavonic terms in letters more familiar to us. In both versions, words must be emphasized. For those people who are not familiar with the Church Slavonic or Old Church Slavonic language, it would be better to pray on the basis of the “Russian” “Prayer Book”. As soon as the basic prayers are mastered, the time will come to acquire more “ancient” books for prayers. This must be done, if only because the grace emanating from the ancient Church Slavonic words is incomparable to anything. It’s difficult to explain this, of course, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

In addition to the Prayer Book, you can buy the Psalter for home prayer. For Orthodox practice, reading 150 psalms is done in a week. The Psalter is read twice during Lent. On "Slava" “There is a remembrance of both the living and the deceased. Orthodox Christians can read the Psalter near the tomb of the deceased. And we must understand that reading the Psalter is an extremely serious, even responsible thing. Before you decide to do it, you should get permission from the priest.

Prayer at home: rules

Praying at home - rules

Home prayer should be performed in front of icons, in a standing position, preferably with sign of the cross and with bows from the waist. If desired, it will also be possible to bow to the ground or pray while kneeling. During the prayer process, it is advisable not to be distracted by any extraneous matters, such as telephone calls and a whistling kettle, as well as advances from pets. If it is felt extreme fatigue and a great desire for prayer, then it is allowed to pray even while sitting. "Psalms", except "Glory". "and all the prayers that cover kathisma can also be read while sitting. Despite the fact that prayer necessarily requires great concentration and concentration, it will be useful to pray even through force. And even though our brain often simply does not perceive what we read, our soul certainly hears and receives its portion of great divine grace.

Correct prayer in compliance with all the rules, regardless of the place where it is extolled, as well as the time and even the words filling it, has a positive effect on a person’s moral well-being. It calms, pacifies and allows one to believe in the happy outcome of what a person is praying for.

What is the prayer “Psalm 90”?

Everyone who passed through or was present at the rite of consecration of a house, office, vehicle, etc., heard the lines that the priest uttered, walking around the object being consecrated and sprinkling it with holy water.

These lines, heard from the lips of a clergyman, are nothing more than prayer “Psalm 90”, which is a powerful prayer that protects us from all unclean forces, demons and evil people.

Differs sacred psalm 90 from the rest of the prayer word is that it contains a fairly broad brightness of images and poetry of language, ardent faith, sublimity of thought and living feeling.

How to read the Psalter correctly at home? Psalter in Russian

Among all the books Old Testament The Psalter rightfully occupies its own special niche, at least in Orthodoxy. After all, this book is fully presented in the liturgical charter. This article addresses the issue of reading the Psalter at home, as well as a number of other important issues on this topic.

Sample Prayer

The special significance of the Psalter lies in the diversity of human feelings, spiritual aspirations, and praises of the Creator. One of the theologians once said that there is no feeling in a person that would not be reflected in the psalms. Reading this holy book is a beneficial activity for a Christian, as it gives him many examples of true spirituality. In the texts of the psalms one can find a huge number of examples of repentant prayer.

Psalter in Orthodox worship and traditions

This book is a collection of several hundred psalms - unique spiritual hymns, a significant number of which were written by the Old Testament king David.

These texts were used in church services even before the birth of Christ. Rules for reading psalms during Orthodox worship, namely the calendar plan for their singing, is stipulated in a special book called “Typicon”.

In addition to church reading, there is also a long-standing Orthodox tradition of reading the Psalter outside church walls, with family or close friends. This kind of reading is called cell reading. How to read the Psalter correctly at home? This question has been considered more than once by various Orthodox theologians, and saints have repeatedly mentioned reading the holy book in their written works. There is a strong opinion that before you engage in such reading, you need to receive the blessing of a confessor or simply a priest who has already for a long time confesses those who want to start reading.

Psalter in Russian

In worship, only the Church Slavonic version of this sacred text is used. Despite this, there are translations into modern Russian. To the question: “Is it possible to read the Psalter in Russian?” - priests usually answer something like this: “During a church service, such reading is unacceptable, since, according to Orthodox tradition, church services should be conducted only in Church Slavonic. However, during private readings, the use of Russian-language text is not prohibited.”

There is no specific charter that would regulate how to correctly read the psalter at home. Nevertheless, over the long history of this tradition, certain stable rules have developed that are purely advisory in nature. That is, it is desirable to observe them, but some of them may not be fulfilled due to certain life circumstances.

Unwritten rules

For example, it is recommended to read the Psalter with a lit lamp. But what if a person is traveling and does not have this lighting device at hand? Then this rule can be safely ignored. Because the only rule in this godly work that must always be followed, or at least try to adhere to it, is thoughtful, attentive reading, similar to reading prayers.

Another rule states that it is necessary to try to avoid mistakes in stress when reading Church Slavonic words. It can also be interpreted in two ways. Of course, the clergyman, being a professional, must read the Psalter with minimal distortion of pronunciation norms. But for the common man, the main thing here, again, is not how you read, but whether you read at all. This means that living, sincere prayer is the main goal of reading.

In liturgical publications, the Psalter consists of special parts called kathismas. Each of which, in turn, is divided by Glories: parts during which prayer takes place for the deceased, and prayer for the health of living people.

Before the reading of the Psalter begins and after its completion, special prayers are said, which, like troparia, are also required to be said after the completion of each kathisma.

Another important question on this topic is as follows: “How to read the Psalter correctly at home: out loud or silently?” Priest Vladimir Shlykov answers this question as follows. He says that reading this sacred text can also be done silently. However, many holy fathers recommended, if possible, to try to do this out loud. For example, St. Ignatius speaks of the benefits of saying psalms.

He writes that reading aloud accustoms a person to attentive prayer and increases understanding of the text.

Church reading of the holy book

Read for the dead and the living, the Psalter is often heard in monasteries and other churches. You can order such a church reading, thereby helping the soul of a loved one. This care can be provided to both living and dead people, about whose future fate the person ordering this reading is concerned. In addition, such prayers can be useful not only to the one for whom they are praying, but also to the one who performed this benefactor - ordered the reading. You just need to firmly remember the words of Christ “Let your left hand doesn’t know what the right one is doing.”

Reading the Psalter for deceased relatives and friends

First of all, you need to remember that reading cannot always be done: during Easter week, reading stops. However, this prohibition is not strict, since the “Handbook of the Clergyman” says that if a person died on these days, then reading from it can be done.

When reading the Psalter for the deceased, it is most convenient to use the liturgical version of the holy book, where kathismas are indicated. During the Glory, during such a reading, a prayer for repose should be said.

Priests say they are often asked questions like these:

  1. How to read the Psalter of Repose at home?
  2. Is it possible to read the Glory in turn: for the dead and for the living?

Most often you can hear a positive answer to these questions from the priest.

How to read the Psalter about health correctly?

Accordingly, if the psalms are read for healthy people, then at Slava you need to say a healthy prayer.

One more rule regarding Slava. If a person wants to learn how to correctly read the Psalter about the living at home, then he must accustom himself to stand up while reading the Slavs. While reading the rest of the text of this holy book, the reader is allowed to sit in a sitting position. Only seriously ill people can not stand up during Glory, as, indeed, during church services. This standing up during the reading of the Glories is necessary, because during it the worshipers demonstrate their love and respect that they show to the Lord God.

Quite often the following question arises: how to correctly read the Psalter for children? There are no special rules here. The Psalter is read for children in the same way as for adults.

If we are talking about teaching children to read the Psalter, then it is important to teach children to understand this holy book With early childhood, explaining to them the meaning of individual incomprehensible fragments. The mindless reading of sacred texts by children must be prevented. This also applies to adults. Therefore, many priests and theologians recommend taking on the reading of feasible parts of the Psalter. You should not continue reading when your attention has already wandered. Such reading can only “anger” God. That is, reading in such a manner leads to the fact that a person begins to treat this tradition in a pagan way, attaching importance not to prayer, but only to the fact of performing the ritual.

As for the various practices of home reading of the Psalter, they exist huge variety. You can read either alone with yourself or together with other people. In Orthodox literature, there are also reading techniques in which the kathismas of the Psalter are divided among a group of people into an equal or unequal number of texts.

In conclusion

Despite the fact that many holy fathers recommend reading the Psalter thoughtfully, some of them also say that one should not be embarrassed if the meaning of what is being read is not always accessible to the reader. There is also an opinion that even if the reader does not understand the meaning, then his very intention to glorify the Lord by reading the psalms is good. Therefore, you should not be discouraged if you are not always able to read the sacred text flawlessly and with deep understanding.

What is the difference between prayer and psalms?

Various methods of light magic. Cleaning and protection

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Psalms and their use in magic.

And so, the first group, which includes 3 sublevels.

This group includes the weakest influences: evil eye, weak damage, self-damage, psychological blocks and barriers.

The first level includes, accordingly, the weakest impact and, according to the intensification of the damage caused, moves from the first to the third.

For effects from levels 4 to 12, I will not post lectures, for the simple reason that there is no need to engage in “self-medication”, you need to contact a specialist.

How to use it.

The whole procedure will take a little time, 15-17 minutes.

This also differs from many methods of removing negativity; I do not lower the negativity down with lectures, but lift it up, where it transforms into Divine Love, and in this form returns to you.

Hello! We were looking forward to your return!

I have several questions:

2.Do I need to repeat after you?

I use methods: numerology, “knowledge”

Re: Psalms and their use in magic.

I'll insert my 5 euro cents here. The fact is that a correctly performed prayer, incl. and Christian, gives a mood to natural resonances, and, from my experience of working on this topic, the same “Our Father” equally influences both the baptized and the unbaptized. Until 2008, he used prayers for technological topics, with the help of which the power of influence could be increased an unlimited number of times, and both baptized and unbaptized were worked out with equal efficiency. After 2008, when HE collapsed greatly, the prayers born in it dropped significantly in strength, and, accordingly, they ceased to interest me as sources for technology. The meaning of technological processing is that not all prayer without exception is working in time, but only certain moments of it, which, in fact, were highlighted and taken into service, accordingly removing everything unnecessary. By combining only the working moments and repeating them in a row in a recording a certain number of times, an 800-fold effect was achieved, which made it possible to influence a person remotely by placing his photo under a reproducible recording of such a concentrate. Further, other multiplication schemes were found, to the point that after a certain point this multiplication lost its meaning as a working tool. I can post the source from which a working concentrate was once made. It was executed quite well. OUR FATHER. In general, this performance can still give a slight adjustment to the energy field, but not with such force as it was 4 years ago.

I have one more question: do you have this type of lecture in your arsenal, where the negativity is poured down and not brought up?

Psalm 90 – and in Christian religion and in Catholic (where it seems to be under Nr 91) – strong. And it helps well.

Now I understand why they said that. The vibrations that are created when reading the Psalms are healing: both for the soul and for the body.

Another question is, if you listen to high-quality performance, then yes, there are useful resonances on cellular level will get it.

The topic is very useful, thank you.

"Unfortunately, all slots for your country have been exhausted."

failed to download.

1.What is the best time to listen (morning, afternoon, evening)?

2.Do I need to repeat after you?

3. Do I need to light a candle nearby?

4. What do certain sensations in certain parts of the body indicate when listening (for example, the left knee)?

2. No, you don’t need to repeat after me. If it works, you can listen to the words; if you can’t listen, then you don’t need to. It’s like with songs, some people listen to music, while others “emphasize” the words.

3. It is advisable to light a candle, but not necessary.

4. “Strange” sensations will most likely indicate the place of “accumulation” of negativity.

only now, the reprimand that I posted is unlikely to take exactly this kind of negative, or rather, it will, but the removal will not be complete. Because it is designed to remove less strong negativity.

The power of damage for the most part begins at level 2 or sublevel 4.

I have one more question: do you have this type of lecture in your arsenal, where the negativity is poured down and not brought up?

As far as I know, “Our Father” also refers to those prayers and psalms that work with both HE and ET (egregor of the Creator).

Reprimands work to raise the negative upward, and nothing else.

According to the principle, recitations work from top to bottom.

And one of the effects of reprimands is that the return for the negative impact comes in the form in which it should be in the opinion of the Higher Powers. Those. in this case, neither the type nor the strength of the return flow depends on the operator. True, I can say from my own observations that the strength and type of return is ALWAYS adequate to the force and damage caused by the negative impact that was removed.

In my practice, I use three psalms, and in especially severe cases, six psalms.

Psalm 108 is usually included in lectures and recitations associated with finding one’s path in life. This is when you are going the wrong way, when you have been led astray, whether it was under a negative influence, or because of your own fear of changing something in life, but a person has lost his way and “lost” himself. It is then that a three-psalm is compiled for a specific purpose, in this case, to return a person to the path that is intended specifically for him.

failed to download.

can you tell me about the reading?

but we’ll sort out the readings a little later, first we clean ourselves, and then we ask for good things

The topic is simply excellent, the main thing is that you are too lazy to remove yourself and read the Three Psalms or Six Psalms every day, several times a day.

Sometimes you write such interesting things, which means that HE has collapsed greatly, God’s mercy has left this stronghold of energy, or, moreover, the Creator himself has turned away from this planet. Without a hint of irony, I’m just interested in your so-called technocratic interpretation of processes within the planetary field.

And God's mercy is a purely human quality. People attribute their qualities, abilities and character traits to animals, and divine characters are much more fantastic and fabulous, and they have a wider range of functional options than talking animals in cartoons.

But the Creators here have their own interests, and no one has turned away from anyone. You just have to keep up with them, then everything will be great

Yeah, only the psalms are poorly correlated with taking away luck and connecting to the energy flows of the material flow.

You shouldn't be smiling.

Try reading for three days (or better yet, 9 days) before an important deal. novena about the good outcome of this transaction and the Psalter, in addition.

Look at the result: what it will be like. Even if the Supreme Court intervenes and does not allow you to carry out this very transaction, you will not be nervous - one, perhaps other conditions will be offered, also favorable - two, or on the way to signing the papers, you will accidentally meet another client who will bring you twice as much than you would have earned on the first trade.

You are absolutely right, it is for this reason that many people consider the so-called. White magic is weaker than the so-called. Black.

And if the deal doesn’t work out, then thoughts immediately arise (not for everyone):

How can it be, I prayed, but they didn’t give it to me. They probably didn’t hear / didn’t want / the dark forces turned out to be stronger. And very rarely does anyone look around and see the real reason why the deal didn't go through.

2, 22, 62,67,73,100,108,112,126,130

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A lot of people who want to magically help themselves without the participation of specialists begin to search the Internet for conspiracies, spells, prayers and read everything in a row, mistakenly believing that this is a panacea and very soon the prince will knock on their door, near which there is already a bag of .

From ignorance of the nuances and subtleties, only one thing results - they harm themselves. And very strongly. Therefore, I will try to explain how prayers differ from conspiracies.

Since ancient times, prayers and conspiracies have been considered saviors from many ailments and healers of fate. By reading them you can recover from an illness, find your betrothed, and improve your financial situation.

Many people are mistaken when they think that prayer and conspiracy are the same thing. But both in the conspiracy and in the prayer there are appeals to God and accompanying words, such as “halleluia” and “amen”.

A conspiracy is a powerful verbal formula that has a magical (magical) influence on the course of events. When reading a conspiracy, a person often calls on the forces of nature and the elements for help and awakens the hidden capabilities of the human body.
It’s not for nothing that they say that the power of the human word is unreal and powerful. And it's true. Conspiracies exist for health, luck, fortune, career growth, good pregnancy and childbirth, improvement of financial condition, meeting your destiny...

In order for a conspiracy to be valid, it must be read exactly as indicated in the source. Don't confuse anything, don't change anything and don't invent anything. Only then will it work and begin to act in the right direction. The main thing is to learn to distinguish right from wrong and think a hundred times before reading any conspiracy. Analyze his words.

Often conspiracies are accompanied by some other actions (). They also need to be done strictly according to the instructions. And in general, magic at home often turns into evil. Out of ignorance, people harm themselves. Therefore, be vigilant and confident in what you are doing. A conspiracy is fast, effective, but dangerous!

Prayer is words that are addressed to God and the highest light forces and spirits. With the help of prayer, people protect themselves from the actions of demons, dark forces, enlist divine support and ask for healing of spirit, soul, body and destiny. The result of prayer is often compared to a miracle. This is a miracle!

Prayer always involves your spirit. It is a huge job to read prayers. In most cases, you need to read for at least 40 days for the prayer to really start working. There are prayers that need to be read by the whole family to heal, say, the family tree.

You need to firmly believe in what you are doing when reading prayers. Sincerely and truly desire what you ask for. Or . Ideally, prayer is asking, real, crying, sometimes spontaneous. Just muttering something under your breath in the morning, considering that you have “prayed” - this is not only not enough, it is better not to do it at all.

Prayer helps to get rid of phobias, fears, unpleasant and difficult moments. It itself carries a completely different meaning than a conspiracy. Angels often dictate prayers to me to read on specific occasions. And in this regard, the conspiracy is of course more prosaic, but clearer and more specific. There is nothing lofty or expressive in it, but there is a goal! Prayer is aimed primarily at your healing.

By the way, prayer only brings positive result, the plot is often unpredictable. So always listen to your heart.

And remember, by helping yourself, you are helping others.

Your Maxim Gordeev

“Please tell me, is there such a prayer - “from three deaths”? I heard that it helps even the hopelessly ill, and you can read it only once a year - on the eve of Easter until the bell rings.” This question was submitted to the “Question to a priest” section on the website of the Saratov diocese. Priests in parishes often have to respond to similar questions. Let's try to clarify - perhaps this will save someone who, faced with this kind of “prayers”, did not dare to go to the temple and turn to the clergyman, from spiritual experiments.

Newspaper "Orthodox Faith"

Among the unchurched and even some people who attend church, the texts of “special” prayers are widespread - not used in worship, not heard in the Church, but supposedly having some kind of enhanced effect on the specific circumstances of a person’s life - illness, family situation, and so on. Often, in particular, priests are brought - with doubts or for a blessing to read - collection called “Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” The number of these “dreams” varies from seventy-seven to one hundred. “Dreams of the Virgin” are copied by people from friends, reprinted and even published. Each “dream” has its own field of action. Here is a quote from the “dream” for acquiring wealth: “Don’t cry for Me, Mother, I will rise again and ascend to Heaven. And the kind of person who knows this verse and has it with him will have good things. I will keep him from all evil, and I will give gold and silver and all abundant goods into the house.”

Unknown authors to this day give birth to similar texts “in creative throes” - the number of “dreams” is inexorably growing. However, the rating of this collection is, perhaps, unlikely to rise above the rating Voronezh bestseller “Prayer Shield Orthodox Christian». This thick prayer book states that it was published “with the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Nikon of Lipetsk and Yelets,” which, by the way, was a big surprise for Vladyka Nikon himself, because he did not give any blessing. The “lucky” owners of the “Prayer Shield” are Orthodox Christians throughout Russia, and many of them do not even suspect what dangers this “Pandora’s box” contains for the human soul. Or rather, a collection of Orthodox prayers and... folk conspiracies, passed off as Orthodox prayers. This is where you can really find a prayer for any need: there is even “about acquiring the gift of clairvoyance”...

In "Prayer Shield" listed maximum quantity human diseases, and Each diagnosis has its own saint to whom we need to pray. The same is true with other needs, for example, for some reason Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen were not entrusted with the highest mission: they were assigned a prayer for the cucumber harvest...

A large section of this prayer book is dedicated to independent struggle with fallen spirits, and the central place in it is occupied by the so-called prayer of detention from the collection of prayers of Elder Pansophius of Athos.

Here is a quote from this prayer: “And now delay and slow down until the time is right all the plans around those standing around me about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion. So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, malign and growl at me and all who blaspheme and humiliate me. So now bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all those who rise up against me and against my enemies.”

Magism and pagan darkness

The confessor and teacher of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary, Archpriest Vladimir Parkhomenko, told us about such “prayers” in more detail.

-Father Vladimir, who is Elder Pansophius of Athos?

I have never seen this name except when mentioned in conjunction with “detention prayer.” Nothing is known about the collection of prayers of this elder; I’m not sure that this is a real person.

-What is wrong with the “prayer of detention”?

All prayer is imbued with the spirit of sorcery. This can already be seen from the explanation that is located before the prayer of detention itself: “The power of these prayers lies in their concealment from human hearing and sight, in their secret action.” Such recommendations are precisely inherent in witchcraft rituals, and not in Orthodox prayer. The power of Christian prayer lies in something completely different - in humility, in the spirit of repentance, in love for God, neighbors and all those who have done us harm. The Gospel teaches us to love our enemies, but here we see something completely different. And, of course, there is no humility and repentance in this prayer; Moreover, in it, man indicates to God how God should act and what should be done with our enemies.

-What attracts people to such “prayers”, why do they want to read them?

Unfortunately, humanity, despite the fact that we are now in the 21st century, has a largely magical view of the world. And this magical worldview creeps into the church environment. A person does not want to humble himself before the will of God, but, on the contrary, wants to control life circumstances. This also applies to prayer. An inner conviction arises that prayer itself must certainly bring the desired result, and it does not matter whether the Lord wants it or not. In this case, absolutely church prayers can be chosen - for example, “May God rise again,” “Rejoice, Virgin Mary,” but if a person contains in his mind the idea that the very reading of a prayer or a certain number of these prayers will necessarily influence some then the situation is classical magic. A typical example of a magical worldview: I will read forty akathists, and my plans will definitely come true - an apartment will appear, a groom will be found, the offenders will be punished, and so on. And instead of Christian prayer, a kind of ritual action is performed, which can be equated to a ritual with a voodoo doll.

This attitude is based on the heretical teaching about the possibility of imposing one’s freedom on God. A person who reads prayers from an ordinary prayer book with the thought “so that it will definitely come true” is very easy to become interested in prayer texts alien to the church spirit, close in content to conspiracies. People are deceived by the fact that in such conspiracy prayers an appeal is made not to Satan, but to God, Mother of God and saints. But this is an exclusively magical thing, there are spell formulas there.

-How can a person recognize these spell formulas in what he reads?

In spells there is always a certain automatism - action after action. I call You, Lord, I turn to You, so You definitely do what I want.

-What is this danger, how can reading such “prayers” harm a person?

The easiest case is when such a “prayer book” is attacked by fear, despondency, mystical things begin to happen, and a hail of troubles falls. This is a sign that the grace of God has departed from a person: the Lord thus helps a person understand that he is moving in the wrong direction. Someone understands and stops. However, often the mind of the person praying with such “prayers” is filled with the idea that since such a battle is going on, it means that he is on the right path, he must intensify his prayer and fight. But in fact, nowhere in the holy fathers do we find the teaching that an obligatory sign of correct prayer is the rise of fallen spirits against you. Then there may be a lull in this battle, the person thinks that he has won. This makes him feel proud, and then the “prayer book” may develop “states of grace” and visions that begin to guide him. All this is pure demonism and the destruction of a person’s soul; it is already very difficult to get out of such a state.

Father, returning to reading prayers “by number”... But it often happens that priests give their blessing to read a canon, akathist or some prayers a certain number of times. Is this wrong?

Confessors do sometimes bless a certain number of prayers - for example, the Jesus Prayer a hundred times. But here the reason is important, the motive is important: in this case, this is done solely for one reason - to give a person a measure of spiritual labor. The priest sees that less will not be enough for this person - he will not feel the work, but more will be harmful - he may fall into delusion. There is no magic in this, it is purely a practical consideration. And then, among spiritually inebriated Christians, magical meaning begins to be attributed to this number.

Speaking about the number of prayers, it is worth noting another sign of spiritual inebriation - a very large prayer rule that people impose on themselves (or, unfortunately, the so-called young elders can impose on them). I can understand if a person’s heart sings and because of this joy he prays so much. But most often I see that it’s simple huge list petitions to God - as if He does not know what a person needs! Did Saints Macarius the Great, John Chrysostom, Basil the Great and other holy fathers forget to say something in their morning and evening prayers? After all, Christ, having given us the prayer “Our Father,” commanded us not to be verbose in prayer, like the pagans, who think that in their verbosity they will be heard. It even happens that a person develops an addiction, an unhealthy need for something disproportionate to the circumstances of his life and spiritual age. prayer rule. This is also a sign not of grace, but of spiritual breakdown. Sometimes it is necessary to almost deprive a person of the prayer rule for some time, blessing, for example, several small prayers in the morning and evening. If this is not done, then spiritually exhausted people crawl to confession, and it can be very difficult for them to recover...

The Monk Anthony the Great gave a wonderful example: in order to shoot a bow, the bowstring must be tensioned moderately. If you don’t reach it, the arrow won’t fly; if you pull it too far, the bow will burst. Likewise, in prayer you need to find a middle ground.

Newspaper "Orthodox Faith" No. 8 (532)

Svetlana Popenko

Let us consider in detail how a love spell prayer differs from a love spell - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

As you know, anything happens in life. Good and evil are intertwined. Every person has both an egoistic beginning and selfless motives. This also has a direct relation to magic, because magicians, sorcerers, witches and sorcerers were also once people. And in many, even after discovering their abilities, human emotions and views still remain.

By its nature, magic is one, just like the entire universe. And the fact that there is white magic and black magic is precisely a reflection of our own views, thoughts, motives and actions. It is not the Force that makes a person good or bad, but the person himself, making an internal choice, uses the force for harm or for good. And the difference between a person and a magician is often only that the magician uses not only physical strength, but goes further beyond the boundaries of the familiar world, developing in himself the ability to use spiritual Power.

Outside of human categories of good or bad, any love spell will simply influence a person’s feelings, no more and no less. But since we live in a society, certain principles morality and conscience lead us to the division of love spells into white love spells, which will be discussed further, and black love spells.

What is a white love spell?

A love spell is called white when the spell used love magic As a result, it does not harm the person or people around him. Of course, there is immediately a desire to clarify what is meant by the word harm. Should the mere fact of intervention be considered harmful? It seems to me that the interference of one person in the life of another cannot be harmful a priori. People communicate with each other every day, their lives are influenced by the place in which they live, nature, weather, news on TV. All this influences and forces, going through difficulties or rejoicing in successes, to receive life experience. Also in magic, we will assume that white magic is that which does not cause harm, although it undoubtedly influences and changes people.

What are white love spells?

White love spells include love prayers(prayers for love), scattering love spells(love spells), white love talismans(alarms for relationships), love drinks.

Love spell prayer

Or a prayer for love is special words that evoke a response in the man or woman being bewitched, helping to turn to the higher forces of light, to God and his helpers. A prayer for love can be aimed both at specific relationships, it can strengthen the feeling of love, and to find a loved one when a person is still lonely.

As you can see, love spell prayer does not carry anything bad, not even a shadow of negative energy. On the contrary, it helps the person praying to cleanse himself of difficult emotions, gives a good mood and appeals to To the Higher Powers to help attract a faithful companion, a loved one, into a girl’s life so that she can live in love, peace and harmony.

Love spell

Or a love spell - this type of love spell is often used for black love spells, however, not all love spells harm and force love. There are conspiracies similar to love prayer, just as pure and harmless.

I will get up, (your name), early in the morning,

I’ll go out into a clean field, washed with cool dew,

I’ll walk through the grass and ants and ask for the speedy winds:

“Oh, you winds, fly, carry my words to your beloved (name of your beloved).”

How you, clear sun, illuminate the world in the morning,

So the feelings of my beloved (name) for me (name) would be revealed and illuminated with a clear light.

How you, grass, grow, fill with strength,

So let (the name of the beloved) love for me grow and not fade,

Yes, let the rival - the homewrecker of my beloved (name) not intoxicate.

How the earth feeds on water,

So let his love be nourished and blossom from our happiness together.

Thank you, Mother Nature, for your kindness and care.

The love spell is used as one, and can also be used as part of white love spell. And the love spell itself can be considered a white love spell if you can put all the power of your love, bright and pure energy into it without any ritual actions.

Love spell talisman (relationship amulet)

This is the magic of objects - talismans and amulets. There are both black talismans, for example, sucking out vitality or causing damage, and white ones, giving protection from the evil eye, feeding a person’s strength, helping to recover from diseases.

Love potion

Potions are another name for love potions. And they gained a bad reputation. Suffice it to recall a love spell for menstruation, in which a witch creates a powerful love potion based on her blood and gives it to her loved one to drink.

But a love potion does not necessarily have to carry only black magic. Enough white magic to create a love potion.

The final stage of preparing a love potion is to infuse it with coriander.

This love potion has strong effect, so add it in small quantities to your loved one’s drink. It enhances the feeling of love.

love spell prayers.

Let's consider both points (true and black love spells).

a truly thinking mind immediately becomes indignant - how can this be - that prayer and also a love spell?

Love spells, as has been discussed many times, are always of two types.

The first type is a true love spell, and the second type is what is commonly called a love spell among non-professionals.

What is the difference between an unprofessional love spell, or rather a black love spell, and a true work of love?

a black love spell is always working with spirits, inserting a spirit into a person’s body, after such work the person becomes zombied and serves his master for some time, and after that, the soul of the dead man, sitting in such a supposedly “bewitched” person, begins to do his own thing - then drink – then take drugs, some go crazy, some jump out the window. These are the kinds of love spells that can be cleared, even necessary, in order to protect a person.

Another type of love spells is done through the true energy of love - these are those ancient correct love spells, after which people lived together for centuries and loved each other. There pure love is used. And the energy of love is pure in itself, so it is completely impossible to remove it with any cleansing prayers. Think for yourself - is it possible to cleanse pure love from a person without cleaning?

But you can really get rid of dirty love spells that are done through spirits and demons (it’s precisely these kind of black love spells that beginners in magic prefer, since you don’t have to do anything - you appeased a demon, a demon, a dead man in a cemetery - and he helped you - he possessed the victim , brought a person to you..) - and there really are prayers for such unprofessional love spells, and all of them are characterized as ordinary cleansing of a person’s energy. Those. Simply put, you can take any prayer that is truly correct for you personally, and not for your neighbors. and with such a prayer you can clear away an incorrect love spell.

But a correctly done love spell at the end of the work simply disappears on its own, as true love comes in its place, and how, pray tell, can you cleanse the purest energy of love without cleansing? Only if you make a lapel, which will destroy the newly formed clot of love.

If people's love lasts more than a year, and is constantly growing, increasing - it doesn’t matter how love was received - through the right love spell or usually people fell in love, the result is important - i.e. if people have true feelings, then it will be absolutely impossible to destroy their relationship with any cuffs or prayers. Love in a huge stream will wash away on its own any dirt that they try to direct at people in love.

So, on the one hand, there is a prayer for a love spell, but on the other hand, it will be useless if people already have sincere, pure love as a result of the right influence. Such work lasts about 3-6 months in order to get the most natural effect, you can read more about this on the pages of our portal Working with demons lasts an order of magnitude less - up to 2 months. sometimes a week is enough, depending on what kind of spirit will help you, but there will be zero cleanliness from such fast work.

Therefore, if you really want to remove a love spell from someone, try to initially create love for this person in yourself, then try simple cleaning carry out, at least with the same Psalm 90 and baptizing a person’s photo with a candle - you can find cleaning methods on our forum and if cleaning does not help, as I wrote above, due to a love spell through the energy of love - then it will be necessary already turn those two people away from each other. Let’s say that a husband was bewitched by his mistress, which means that the mistress needs to be turned away from her husband, so that he becomes disgusting to her and she no longer tries to bewitch him to herself, on the contrary, she would drive him far away from her. At the same time, it is necessary to turn the husband away from his mistress, so that he does not start running after her later. But if you want to return a person’s feelings to you, then after such double lapels, you will need to carry out the procedure of instilling love in a person for you personally.

Many can say - “he (s) loves me anyway” - to which I retort - let me say, they love those with whom they live, with whom they kiss. If a man or woman did not find peace in their own family and went outside, it means that something in their home did not suit them, right? and having turned away one rival in love, you will immediately receive a second one; having turned away the second, a third one will come. Isn’t it better to establish and harmonize love in your own family than to constantly (or rather, until you get tired of it) deal with lapels?

You will also find more details about how to form true love on our forum in the methods section, at the same time read the love spell technique - the mechanism for returning relationships in the family is also described in detail there, you will need this in any case, because in order to understand the set program - you need to know every detail in it, all program code and every team. And if you try to remove it without knowledge about the love spell mechanism, how will you do it?

Short prayers for love spells

Faced with unhappy love or fading feelings, many turn to love spell rituals. However, a love spell can be unsafe and even harmful for the consciousness of the one they are trying to tie to themselves with its help.

Why is a love spell dangerous?

The danger of a love spell is that in most cases it affects the willpower of the person being bewitched, regardless of his desire. That is, in fact, even in case of success, the love spell ritual creates not love, but dependence. The bewitched person does not act out of his own free will, but according to the selfish movement of someone else's soul.

The consequences of a strong love spell can also be disastrous. Under the influence of a love spell, a person often loses his health, becomes weak-willed, and forgets own plans for the future, it can change a lot, to the point that the bewitcher himself begins to wonder what it was that hooked him and made him think that this was fate, and they need to be together at any cost.

In inexperienced hands, a love spell becomes unpredictable. In case of failure, the love spell ritual can turn against the one who decided to go for it. For example, create a connection and tie someone who is already experiencing feelings even more strongly to the object of the love spell.

Strong prayers against love spells

It is quite possible to protect yourself from a love spell. Of course, the best defense is strong and sincere feelings in the person who reciprocates, as well as faith in the power of one’s consciousness. It is difficult to bewitch someone who is strong-willed and stands firmly on his feet. So if you are afraid that you will become a victim of a love spell, or suspect that your partner may be bewitched, do not replay fears and concerns in your head: disbelief will not help.

Prayers are a good defense against love spells. The most famous prayer against any magical intervention in general is the prayer to St. Cyprian, who is known for the fact that he himself was once a sorcerer, but faith changed him, and now the prayer words addressed to him help with any damage and obsession - namely, damage and a black love spell can turn into obsession. On our website you can read more about prayer to St. Cyprian; It is quite large, but is considered very effective in this matter.

You can use simpler and shorter formulations:

Lord, help and protect me, protect me from the evil eye, from enemies visible and invisible, from temptation and passions brought on by evil intent. Amen.

If you are reading a prayer for a love spell on your husband or loved one, say his name while reading. And if you suspect that someone is trying to destroy your union, ask for both at once.

My guardian angel, I ask you for help, keep my heart (or the heart of your spouse, if you are not asking for yourself) true to the real feeling, protect from witchcraft and enchantments, from evil words and bad thoughts, from all temptations.

A short prayer to the Mother of God:

Holy Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos, pray to our Lord for us.

You definitely need to believe that Heaven will help you. If the love spell has already taken root and your marriage has cracked, you can also pray to the patrons of the family hearth, Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

We wish you well and happy love. Believe in the miracle of prayer, because true faith can protect you from any negative influence. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

How and to whom to pray to get rid of a love spell

The use of any magic always threatens with negative consequences. Even if it is used for good, for example, to remove a love spell. Therefore, it is better to get rid of the love spell in other ways. If a person himself has realized that he is under the influence of a love spell, then he can get rid of alien negativity with the help of prayer. In this way you cannot harm yourself or another person. The only thing you need to remember is that the prayer for a love spell must be read many times.

You can use prayer to remove a love spell from a loved one. To do this, you need to retire to a separate room every day for 30 minutes. It is important to choose the time so that no one will disturb you. Prayers can be read from the Bible, but even if you pronounce them in your own words, this will not reduce their effectiveness. The prayer for a husband's love spell should be read with lit church candles in absolute concentration on the image of the beloved. It's good if you do this in front of the icon. If the candle crackles, it means that the prayer has reached its goal and the human biofield is being cleansed.

Removing a love spell in a church

A strong love spell needs to be removed not only with the help of magical means, they need to be supplemented with a visit to the temple, where prayers should be read and candles should be lit. It is also useful to attend divine services that help cleanse the biofield of a bewitched person. Having set the goal of getting rid of a love spell yourself or helping a loved one with this, you should live by God's commandments. Very effective in the fight against love spells is the ordered magpie about the health of the bewitched person, which is ordered simultaneously in three or seven churches.

If a person has realized that he is under the influence of others, then he himself must strive for self-purification. This means you need to avoid conflicts and drive away any sinful thoughts. You should spend as much time as possible in prayer. The well-known prayer “Our Father” is very effective. Since it is short, it is quite possible to find time and space during the day to read it several times.

Popular prayers for love spells

The most suitable prayers are as follows:

  • From all evil spirits;
  • To the Honest Cross;
  • To protect against evil spirits;
  • Against the Antichrist;
  • From sorcery to the martyrs Tryphon and Cyprian.

When reading prayers for love spells, you should not inform church officials. The whole point is that the church does not recognize magic, and no one will give blessings for the use of prayers against love spells. But if you are a believer, then you can try to consult with your spiritual superior. If the love spell was induced by an inexperienced person, then it is quite possible to get rid of the negativity on your own.

And if a strong love spell was used, then you should:

  • Follow all recommendations of your spiritual superior, if he agreed to give them to you;
  • Be sure to wear a cross on your body and not take it off for a minute;
  • Visit the temple as often as possible and be sure to attend all festive services;
  • Be sure to regularly read a prayer for your own health before the chosen icon.

Prayer for husband's love spell

The most best prayer from a husband's love spell - this is an appeal to Saint Cyprian. According to ancient legends, he wanted to use witchcraft to bewitch a beautiful girl named Justinia to a rich man. Fortunately, the brave girl found a way to protect herself from witchcraft through prayer. After which Cyprian sincerely repented of his action and became a preacher of the Christian faith.

In an abbreviated version, the prayer to the Holy Martyr Cyprian reads as follows:

Prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik

Another effective prayer against a love spell is an appeal to Nicholas the Ugodnik:

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

You can also turn to Blessed Matrona of Moscow with a prayer for help:

After each prayer, it is important to cross yourself diligently. It is also important to remember that prayer is unlikely to help against black damage; in this case, you will need the help of a professional magician.

How to remove a love spell from a man with prayer?

Science is the great skeptic who denies the existence of black and white magic. Most people also do not believe in the reality of these mysterious forces... until they themselves have to face their action. One of these magical rituals is a love spell.

The concept of love spell

A love spell is a magical effect endowed with great power. Love spells are usually performed at night, before sunrise, while the victim of the ritual is sleeping. The spell begins to take effect in the morning, and the bewitched person often feels slight changes: slight dizziness, blurred vision, new thoughts that have not been observed before appear, a strong desire to go somewhere, experience new sensations, etc.

A love spell is insidious in that often the bewitched person himself does not even suspect that he is under the influence magical ritual. His personality begins to change. But his family and friends can notice this. A love spell is a “disease,” and if the disease is neglected, it can result in irreversible and life-threatening consequences. That is why it is necessary to provide assistance to the object of the magical ritual as quickly as possible, because he is unlikely to cope on his own.

Prayers - first aid against love spells

The most effective means from a love spell is prayer. It helps to get rid of the imposed witchcraft spells; any other methods are not so effective. Prayer helps eliminate a love spell, but there are some nuances here too.

When to use a prayer that removes a love spell?

If the bewitched person accepted this state imposed on him, fell in love with the bewitcher, and they are happy with each other, then this means that the love spell was beneficial and it is no longer worth interfering, removing it, so as not to harm. And vice versa: if the ritual caused psychological and physical problems, made his victim suffer, then you immediately need to begin providing first aid in the form of prayer.

What are the prayers for a man's love spell?

There are quite a lot of prayers for love spells. However, they can be divided into two large groups:

  • Prayers-appeals to various saints;
  • Household prayers (spells).

The prayers of the first group have the greatest degree of protection and effectiveness, even in very complex situations made by professionals, but they differ in a rather complex Church Slavonic language (although it can be changed to a simple modern version). Household prayers are characterized by a lighter, everyday language, but in severe cases associated with the influence of black magic, they cannot always be effective.

Depending on the purpose and purpose, two more categories of prayers for love spells can be distinguished:

  • Prayers aimed at protecting against a possible love spell;
  • Prayers aimed at eliminating an already committed love spell.

Conditions for performing love spell rituals

The lapel spell must be read in compliance with certain conditions and in a certain order of actions. Only this guarantees a positive outcome of the magical ritual - the elimination of witchcraft - and will help to avoid negative consequences.

One of the most important factors- complete solitude before prayer. A person who has taken on the task of removing a love spell should not be disturbed by anyone from concentrating, nor should he be distracted during the ritual. The words of prayer must be spoken clearly and carefully. You need to prepare in advance all the items that the prayer requires. In a clear sequence, without changing anything, you need to perform all the actions dictated by the ritual.

Removing a love spell must be approached with all responsibility, otherwise everything can turn into best case scenario, zero effect, at worst - only aggravated the situation.

Strong prayers for love spells

How to remove a love spell from a husband, son or lover with prayers

Each of these prayers has enormous protective potential. They will help protect yourself and your loved ones from witchcraft.

Prayer to the Savior

Place three lighted candles near the icon of the Savior and say the words: “ Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect me from love spell disorder, damage and heavy gaze. Everything is Your will. Amen «.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

A powerful prayer that provides protection from a strong love spell. Place three candles next to the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, light them and say the words: “ Wonderworker Nicholas, protect me from love spells, save me from damage from the grave. Let Your will be done. Amen ". After reading the prayer, carefully cross yourself.

Prayer to the Lord

A short but very powerful prayer of protection. The words are as follows: “ Lord, deliver the servant of God (servant of God)[name of the bewitched] from love spells, lapels and any witchcraft that was done on him (her). Give physical and spiritual strength to him (her), open your heart and soul to him (her)«.

Lapel prayers

Lapel with a pin

A lapel that has proven itself on the positive side. To carry it out, you need to know the name of the bewitched person. To remove a love spell, you need to attach a safety pin to the clothes of the bewitched person, accompanying the action with the following words: “ Just as a pin comes unhooked from a garment, so the love of a servant of God (servant of God) will cease forever.[bewitched person's name] to the servant of God (servant of God)[name of bewitcher]«.

The ritual implies that the bewitched person removing the pin from his clothes will lead to getting rid of the love spell imposed by magic.

Lapel with salt

To carry out the ritual you will need concentration, a clean frying pan and small quantity white and pure salt. Pour salt into a frying pan and heat it over low heat.

Accompany the heating process with the following words:

« Salt is white and pure, cleanse the servant of God [name of the bewitched]. Remove everything that has been induced and spoken, damaged and smoothed out from him. Take off everything eaten with food, drunk with drink, taken with lining. Take away everything said with evil lips, sent with an evil eye. My will is strong, my word is indestructible. Amen«.

The text of the prayer must be recited 5-7 times until the salt begins to crackle in the pan. The darkening of the salt proves that a love spell has been cast on a person. After this, you need to pour the salt into a saucer and place it on the photo of the bewitched person. After several hours have passed, you need to sprinkle this salt on the photo of the love spell victim, repeating the words of the spell. Repeat the ritual for another 2 days, then throw away the salt.

There are other prayers that help protect the biofield from the influence of dark forces. The most powerful of them is prayer. "Our Father"- it can protect against any witchcraft influence. Therefore, it is recommended for every person to know it.

How to read a prayer for a love spell

Any prayer has enormous power, as can be seen more than once when faced with a situation where a magical effect or a prayer for a love spell pushes a person to commit strange, rash acts. A love spell spell is so reliable that it can make you fall in love and become attached to a person who in another situation would seem unworthy of our love. Let's try to compare the effects of a love spell prayer and a love spell prayer from a magical point of view.

Any prayer has great power

Prayer for the purpose of a love spell, its features

Love spell prayer is a reliable and fairly safe way to provide magical influence on a person, with the aim of attracting him into your life as a lover. The ritual does not require the acquisition of special elements of magical paraphernalia. To carry it out it is enough:

  • a sincere desire to be with the subject of influence;
  • absence of anger and envy;
  • the use of love spells of white magic;
  • repeated reading of prayer;
  • reluctance to harm a loved one with other types of magical influence, using black magic;
  • 10-15 minutes to read a prayer every day.

This ritual is one of the components of the process of magical influence on the human biofield; the strength and effectiveness of the ritual is given by its form - prayer. It has long been known that thanks to special words, our ancestors organized their lives, gained the love and favor of others. Prayers for love spells are aimed at restoring lost relationships, strengthening family relationships, and love feelings in the soul of another person.

Features of love spell prayer

Any love spell spell is charged with strong magical energy aimed at a person’s biofield in order to change attachments, love attractions, and general emotional state (mood). The use of “pure” white magic spells can put the subject of influence into a state of euphoria or cause depression.

The Effect of Prayer

The effect of the prayer service depends on the internal mood of the reader, the purity of thoughts, and the sincerity of feelings towards the subject of the magical influence. Love spell is addressed to the light power of white magic, love spells are read when there is no desire to cause damage to a loved one by incorrectly performed black magic love spells.

  • concentrated;
  • expressing their wishes specifically.

The following must be considered when performing the ritual:

  • consciously;
  • considering possible consequences magical effects for yourself and your loved one (beloved).

How to perform the ritual yourself

If the ritual is performed independently, without the involvement of a magician, the practitioner must do the following:

  • spiritually cleanse yourself before the ceremony (go to church, take communion);
  • light candles in the temple: “For the health” of the beloved;
  • do not quarrel with relatives;
  • Every day, before reading the love spell, you need to read “Our Father.”

Reading “Our Father” has a beneficial effect on a person’s biofield, since this love spell prayer is the basis of all existing prayers of religious influence, which carry a positive charge. It strengthens the energy structure of a person’s personality.

Reading “Our Father” has a beneficial effect on the human biofield

  • out loud, repeatedly;
  • there must be systematicity in the reading of prayers;
  • to enhance the effect, it is not recommended to skip a single day;
  • Before performing the ritual, you need to concentrate and calm down;
  • it is necessary to mentally imagine your loved one;
  • it is necessary to direct your thoughts to the future, to the desired goal;
  • It is not recommended to stop or pause;
  • much depends on the mood of the reader, it should be calm;
  • the emotional state of the reading magician must be balanced;
  • You should not tell anyone about the magical effect.

Types of love spells

Love spells are very popular among the fairer sex; this trend does not mean that men do not use love spells to achieve their goal (attracting a woman). But the trend speaks for itself, so we will give examples of common texts of prayers for love spells for men.

A love spell helps to evoke reciprocal feelings, love, affection, attraction. It is created to kindle strong, mutual feelings in a man. But reading a love spell presupposes the presence of certain conditions in which the relationship was created or exists:

  • presence of relationship problems;
  • friendly or friendly relations between a man and a woman, when the man does not show sufficient initiative to further development relationships.

The love spell must be read every day, for as long as it takes to achieve desired result. To improve the effect, you need to focus on own desires and the subject of influence. You need to imagine yourself and your lover together as a couple, specify your desires and put them into verbal form. Now you can read the text of the love spell:

“Heavenly powers, all the saints, angels and archangels, the Virgin Mary, her son Jesus Christ and our creator - God the Creator. Turn to me, servant of God (name), listen to me. I love the servant of God (name), I cannot live without him. His coldness makes my heart and soul ache. Living without him is not nice. Forces of light, I ask you, help me. Help me solve my problem. So that we servants of God (your names) are happy in reciprocal love. If we are destined to be together, unite our lives, help us to be together. Let everything work out and be resolved, thank you for your help. Amen! »

A love spell for eternal love is more powerful. It is effective and reliable. While reading, you need to imagine the image of your loved one.

“I read a prayer in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On a small island stands a golden throne. The Lord God himself sits on the throne, who exhorts the angels and archangels to find the servant of God (name) on earth, to bring melancholy and sadness upon him. So that he could not see the white light and dark night without the servant of God (name). So that he would miss and suffer, always think about her. So that he loves her with all his heart and all his soul. Amen."

will only work if you:

  • believe in a future together with your lover;
  • want to be close to your loved one;
  • don't feel negative emotions and feelings (envy, anger, desire for revenge);
  • you don’t want to get a man for fun or for a bet.

Love spells are no less popular for attracting a guy from a distance. This prayer is capable of rekindling mutual feelings in the heart of a lover who is at a great distance from the girl, if the guy is not indifferent to the girl and experiences sympathy that has not developed into love. The prayer goes like this:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out into the canopy, then into an open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord, Lord and Mother Most Holy Theotokos. And I ask: pull the violent winds and blow away my melancholy from my white body, from my zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my melancholy to the servant of God (name) in the clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, to a zealous heart. So that for daytime sadness and nighttime melancholy and so that he can neither eat nor sleep, but keeps thinking about me, the servant of God (name), and so that he keeps walking and screaming like a white swan, and thinking about the servant of God. Be my words strong and capacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Love spell for eternal love is more powerful

Love spell prayers

A love spell spell has the opposite purpose than a love spell. Its goal is to remove the magical influence from a person who could become a victim of deception or a momentary whim. To remove a love spell you must:

  • free time, up to thirty minutes a day;
  • availability of free space (the ritual requires privacy);
  • availability of the Bible (reading prayers in your own words is allowed);
  • You need to read prayers against love spells in front of the icon, with a lit candle from the temple.

A sure sign of the impact of prayer is the crackling of a candle.

You can remove the love spell in the temple. To do this you need:

  • order a magpie for the health of the person on whom the love spell was cast;
  • order magpie in 4-8 churches;
  • go to church;
  • light candles “For health”;
  • attend worship services.

The bewitched person must understand that he is under a magical influence and want to find a way to cleanse himself from the negative influence. The affected person must:

  • lead a calm, conflict-free life;
  • reread prayers;
  • repeat “Our Father” in the morning and before bed;
  • have a consecrated cross;
  • attend church;
  • read “On Health” in front of the icon in the temple.

Let's look at common love spells. Representatives of the fairer sex should ask the Holy Mother of God for healing, for protection from a love spell; men should ask Jesus Christ.

Prayers are read: from the unclean, protective against evil spirits, protective from the Antichrist, prayer to the martyr Cyprian. A prayer to the holy martyr Cyprian, it is also called a protective prayer, since it can protect a husband from the effects of a love spell.

“The saint of God, a helper and a prayer book, Saint Cyprian. Offer my prayer, and protect the servant of God (name) from sinful attacks. Guide him on the true path, save him from temptations, deliver him from demonic captivity. Accept our praise and help us. So that all witchcraft spells would go away, all unclean deeds would pass him by. Save him and help him return to his former self. Amen! »

A prayer to the holy martyr Cyprian can protect a husband from the effects of a love spell

An additional prayer is read:

“Protect and save me, Almighty Lord God, from the dirty tricks of the Antichrist, protect me from his snares. Help my beloved servant of God (name). Let him also be firm and strong, resist the temptations and commands of the Antichrist. Let us not renounce the name of the Orthodox. Spare us at the hour of Your Judgment. Amen!"

A prayer with a request for Nicholas the Ugodnik is a reliable protective prayer against a love spell:

“Wonderworker Saint Nicholas, you have helped many in life, so I ask you, take away the love spell from me and save me from grave damage. Let everything be your will. Amen."

Read to Matronushka

Prayer with a request for Matrona of Moscow - protection and “closure” from the influence of love spells:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Make sure that the forces of good reliably protect me from any love spell. So that no one will ever bewitch me with a potion or drug. Only this way and not otherwise. Amen."

When removing the love spell with the help of prayer, it is important to remember:

when reading a prayer, you must be baptized;

  • to improve the effect, you can sprinkle the corners of the house with holy water;
  • when reading a prayer, you must make a request, not demand;
  • after reading the prayer, you must thank for your assistance in resolving the problem;
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This article contains: akathist and prayer, what is the difference - information taken from all over the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

The word kontakion (Greek κόντάκιον) was first used to describe bundles of parchment with records of church chants; then - a short church song containing praise to the Lord God, the Mother of God or a saint. Sometimes a kontakion conveys the main content of a church holiday. Its name is associated with an event in the life of Saint Roman the Sweet Singer. He was from Syria and served as a deacon in Beirut.

Under Emperor Anastasia I (491–518), he arrived in Constantinople, where over time he began to serve as a psalm-reader in the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia. At first he didn't stand out at all. The lack of success upset him greatly. He fervently prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos. Once, after such a prayer, he saw in a dream the Most Holy Theotokos, who handed him a scroll and ordered him to swallow it. Waking up and feeling inspired, he sang his famous kontakion for the feast of the Nativity of Christ: “Today a virgin gives birth to the Most Essential, and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable; Angels and shepherds praise, while wolves travel with a star; For our sake, the Child of Mlado, the Eternal God, was born.”

Ikos (Greek oikos - house) conveys the content of the kontakion in more detail. Kontakion outlines the theme, and ikos develops it. Ikos, unlike kontakion, contains a special refrain (refrain) and khayretisms (from the Greek rejoice) - greetings “Rejoice”, praising the one to whom the akathist is dedicated.

Ikos and kontakion are similar in content and identical in presentation. The difference between them is that kontakion is shorter, and ikos is more extensive: kontakion is a theme, and ikos is its development. Therefore, the ikos is always read after the kontakion, and never read alone.

These chants are also similar in appearance: they are written in the same meter, mostly end with the same words and are sung in the same voice. Regarding size, presentation and voice, kontakion and ikos do not serve as a model for other hymns that follow.

Akathist (Greek akathistos, from Greek a - negative particle and kathizo - sit down, a hymn during the singing of which one does not sit, “unsaddled song”) - special hymns of praise in honor of the Savior, the Mother of God or saints.

Akathists consist of 25 songs, which are arranged in order of the letters of the Greek alphabet: 13 kontakia and 12 ikos (“kontakion” is a short song of praise; “ikos” is a lengthy song).

The ikos end with the exclamation “Rejoice,” and the kontakia end with “Hallelujah” (in Hebrew, “praise God”).

Moreover, the ikos end with the same refrain as the first kontakion, and all other kontakia end with the chorus of alleluia.

The first of the famous akathists - the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos - was written during the reign of Emperor Heraclius or, more precisely, by 626, i.e. liberation of Constantinople from the Persian invasion.

What is an akathist and how to read it correctly?

The centuries-old church culture stores in its treasures many genres of chants, among which the akathist occupies a special place.

Akathists have been translated into many languages: Greek, Romanian, Serbian, Polish, Czech and others.

Rules for reading the akathist to saints

What is an akathist? This is a song of praise, thanksgiving dedicated to God, His Mother, saints, angels, archangels.

The song of praise includes 25 songs, divided into two groups:

  1. Kontakia - 13 works that embody in their lines a brief summary of the holiday or an ode of praise to the saint; its reading always ends with the praise of “Hallelujah”;
  2. Ikosy - 12 works that explain the essence of the festive event, always ending with the exclamation “Rejoice”.

Not every Christian understands how to read the akathist correctly.

Attention! Relaxation is made only for pregnant women and infirm people - they are allowed to read it while sitting, or, in extreme cases, lying down.

  1. Translated from ancient Greek it means “unsaddled singing.” Therefore, the solemn anthem is always performed in a standing position.
  2. With the blessing of the priest, it can be read both within the walls of the temple and at home.
  3. Before pronouncing it, pre-initial prayers are read; they are said before the main prayers begin.
  4. After reading them, an akathist and a prayer are read.

Important! Solemn hymns are allowed to be offered on any day except Lenten days.

Why do they read?

The Akathist to the Queen of Heaven consists of 25 stanzas arranged in a certain order. It is sung only once - on Saturday of the fifth week of Lent.

Usually the Mother of God is asked:

  • about the granting of healing in serious illnesses;
  • about getting rid of drug addiction and alcoholism;
  • about assistance in raising children;
  • about obstetrics;
  • about victory over enemies and other important moments of earthly life.

Song of praise God's saints reads:

  • for all kinds of sorrows and needs;
  • when moving to a new home;
  • about deliverance from sinful scourge;
  • in difficult financial situations;
  • in other difficult life circumstances.

Important! Before reading the akathist for the first time on your own, it is recommended to listen to it in church or on audio recording. This will make it clear: with what intonation the hymn is pronounced, where to put the emphasis correctly, what volume and sound the chant should have.

The power of the akathist

  • an ode of praise is sung at those moments when the soul of the prayer book is very heavy, thereby the sacred song fills it with joy, happiness and harmony;
  • with independent regular reading, the prayer book fully understands the whole essence of existence and what the faith of the Lord consists of;
  • if the reader doubts something and he does not have the opportunity to consult with the clergy, then after performing a song of praise, the doubts will disappear by themselves and the person will become a Christian confident in himself and his abilities;
  • An akathist can heal both physical and spiritual ailments - the main thing is to have a strong faith in help from Heaven.

Water Blessing Prayer with Akathist

A prayer service is a special service in which they beg Heaven to send mercy to the prayer book and offer thanks for the requested benefits received.

Water is blessed with a special rite:

  1. For the blessing of water, a bowl filled with water, a Crucifix and the Gospel are placed on the table in the middle of the temple, and candles are lit.
  2. The cleric begins reading psalms and troparia, baptism and censing of water are performed.
  3. At the end of the prayer service, those parishioners who ordered his service receive holy water to drink with faith and prayer, at the same time asking God for forgiveness of sins and deliverance from illnesses for themselves and their loved ones.

Blessed water is identical in composition and origin to ordinary water(pipe, well, river), but during the process of blessing the water and after performing the prayer reading, it miraculously acquires beneficial and healing properties.

It is saving for a believer.

Advice! According to tradition, it is customary to drink blessed water on an empty stomach.

How to submit notes for a prayer service

  1. In order for the priest to pray together with the prayer book himself at the prayer service, it is necessary to submit a note to the church shop with the names of those for whom the prayer will be offered.
  2. Each name should be entered in the genitive case (to answer the question of whom? - John, Nina, baby Sergius, the young woman Catherine).
  3. The names should be indicated as those given to a person in the Sacrament of Baptism, their spelling should be church (for example, Dmitry - Dimitri, Ivan - John, Tatiana - Tatiana).
  4. Last name, relationship, citizenship - you don’t need to write, you can only indicate the need - the sick person, the warrior, the traveler.
  5. No more than 10 names should be indicated on one form, but if there is a desire to pray for more people, then several notes should be submitted.

An akathist is a prayer of praise compiled with special care that develops in an Orthodox Christian the skills of daily prayer.

Advice! Before starting to read the hymn of praise, it is important to concentrate on prayer, to be sincere, attentive, prayerful, and to lift up the words of the akathist with heartfelt repentance.

The akathist will help a person get used to prayer as the main part of the divine service, which is why the akathist is read in Orthodox churches as a cathedral prayer.

Prayer service with akathist - what is it?

There is much in the Christian faith different concepts, which are unknown to many people. A prayer service is a short service performed by a priest. Each person can order a prayer service for the health of themselves, their relatives and other people. The prayer service can also be laudatory.

Prayer service with akathist - what is it?

A prayer service, when the priest reads a hymn of praise dedicated to the saint who is addressed in prayers, is called a prayer service with an akathist. Public prayer usually takes place after the liturgy and can take place either in the morning or in the evening. Private prayer services are also allowed, which can be performed not only in the temple, but also at home. The prayer service with akathist is performed in the center of the temple only on holidays. As for ordinary days, this takes place in front of the icon of the saint, who is addressed and praised.

A prayer service with an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and other saints must be held standing, since sitting is prohibited. The most famous akathist is dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. It consists of 25 songs, which include 13 kontakia and 12 ikos. The kontakia tell the condensed content of the holiday or the life story of the Saint. Ikos is a song that praises and glorifies a Saint or a holiday. At the end of each prayer service, a prayer is read to whom exactly the service was served. After this, the priests inform all people that the prayer service is over and it is called “Dismissal.”

What is the difference between a prayer service and a magpie?

Unlike the prayer service, the magpie is read at the Liturgy 40 times or 40 days. There is one more difference, and it lies in the fact that magpie is not only about health, but also about repose. This strong prayer You can order for six months or even a year. It is recommended to order Sorokoust in three churches at once.

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Canon and Akathist: what are they and how do they differ?

In the Orthodox liturgical tradition, there are several types of special prayer sequences. Today we want to introduce you to dear friends, with CANONS and AKATHISTS.

Akathist (Greek non-seated [singing], i.e., a hymn during which one does not sit while singing), a form of church poetry close to ancient kontakia.

The compositional and metrical structure of the Akathist is very original; in all of Byzantine literature, with the exception of subsequent imitations, not a single similar work has survived. The closest genre structure was the ancient kontakion, the original compositional and metrical version of which can be considered the Akathist. The Akathist is preceded by a beginning - the so-called proimium (Greek proimion - introduction) or kukulium (Greek kukulion - hood, that is, covering the stanzas). Following it are, alternating, 12 large and 12 small stanzas, 24 in total, in the form of an alphabetical acrostic. Stanzas in the Greek tradition are called ikos. They are divided into short ones (in the Slavic tradition they are called kontakia), which end with the Alleluia refrain, and long ones, containing 12 cheretisms (greetings beginning with the Greek here - rejoice), addressed to the Mother of God and, in the traditions of rhetorical poetics, representing Her extensive metaphorical description. The 12th cheretism is followed by the refrain “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride,” which is also found in the kontakion for the Annunciation of St. Roman the Sweet Singer (+ c. 556).

All ikos have the same rhythmic pattern, based on isosyllabism and alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. The metrical structure of the Akathist is complex: the cheretisms in the ikos are combined in six pairs, and in each pair one line mirrors the other: with the strictest isosyllaby, they are connected by regular paired rhyme, that is, each word in one line is rhymed with its corresponding word in the other. In rare cases, there may be no rhyme. The first pair of heretisms are 10-syllables, the second are 13-syllables, the third are 16-syllables, the fourth are 14-syllables, the fifth and sixth are 11-syllables. In addition to the rhythmic correlation of most cheretisms, the syntactic and semantic pattern of the Akathist characterizes the regular application of the principle of Old Testament poetics parallelismus membrorum - the logical and semantic antithesis (Rejoice, prolix miracle of Angels; Rejoice, profuse defeat of demons), parallelism (Rejoice, honorable crown of pious kings; Rejoice, honest praise of the reverent priests) or synonymy (Rejoice, bright-fruitful tree, from which faithful trees feed; Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which many are covered). Most lines of the Akathist use paronomasia (play on words), which is lost in translation.

The historical and dogmatic content of the hymn is divided into two parts: narrative, which tells about events related to the earthly life of the Mother of God, and about the childhood of Christ in accordance with the Gospel and Tradition (1st - 12th ikos), and dogmatic, concerning Incarnation and salvation of the human race (13th - 24th ikos). The victorious proemy of the Akathist to the Elected Voivode is not related to the content of the hymn, has a different metrical structure and is a later addition to the text of the Akathist. It is correlated with the siege of Constantinople in the summer of 626 by the Avars and Slavs, when Patriarch Sergius of Constantinople walked around the city walls with the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and the danger was averted. The proimium is a victorious song of thanks addressed to the Mother of God on behalf of Her city, that is, Constantinople, which was delivered from the horrors of the invasion of foreigners (in the Church Slavonic translation, Thy City is replaced by Thy servants), and performed together with the Akathist on August 7, 626 (the synaxarion of the Lenten Triodion on Saturday 5th week).

Canon is a genre of church hymnography: a complex multi-stanza work dedicated to the glorification of a holiday or saint. Included in the services of Matins, Compline, Midnight Office and some others.

The canon is divided into songs, each song consists of an irmos and several troparions (usually from two to six; in the songs of some canons there are more troparions, for example in the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - up to 30). The theme of each song is biblical songs (which in ancient times were read before the songs of the canon, and currently are read only at Matins services of Great Lent).

The number of songs in a canon can be 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9. Three- and four-song canons are used in the services of Great Lent and Pentecost. There is only one nine-song song - the Great Canon of St. Andrey Kritsky. The two-song one is also the only one (on Holy Tuesday). Eight-song canons (which are the majority) are nine-song canons in which the second canon is omitted.

Irmos is the connecting semantic link between the content of the biblical song and the main theme of the canon, expressed in the troparia. Between the 8th and 9th songs of the Matins canon, the song of the Theotokos is sung “My soul magnifies the Lord...” (Luke 1: 46-55) and the chorus glorifying the Theotokos - “The most honorable Cherub...”. On some of the twelve feasts, instead of the song of the Mother of God, special holiday chants are sung.

In the Byzantine and modern Greek canons, the irmos and troparia are metrically similar, allowing the entire canon to be sung; in Slavic translations the unity of metrics is broken, so the irmos is sung, and the troparia are read. The exception is the Easter canon, which is sung in its entirety. The melody of the canon obeys one of eight voices. On Sundays and holidays, at matins after the songs, katavasiyas are sung.

The canon appeared as a genre in the middle of the 7th century. The first canons were written by St. Andrew of Crete and St. John of Damascus.

Now, in last days Great Lent, on days when suffering and death on the cross of Christ the Savior, one of the most popular Canons is the Canon “ Cry Mother of God » .

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This canon was compiled in the 10th century AD by Saint Simeon Metaphrastus (Logothetus). Poems from it are read after Good Friday when the Lord had already died on the Cross. The reading takes place on Friday, during the Service.

The service itself is a reverent vigil before the tomb of the Savior and a funeral hymn to the Lord, the Immortal King of glory, who suffered for us.

The prayers of the Canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” are filled with sorrow, the sadness of the Virgin Mary and the disciples of Jesus. In despair, the Mother of God finds consolation through prayer to the Lord. Jesus Christ expresses touching concern for Her. In a few words of the Son Blessed Virgin finds relief from grief.

We should always remember that any bad deed of ours is a wound to the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ.

Temple of the Holy Martyr Tatiana

The main works of church hymnography are the canon and akathist. The canons were written by the holy fathers, who in their spirituality stood and continue to stand much higher than ordinary laity. Their works are distinguished by a special theology and insight that is not always understandable to the common man. However, “let every breath praise the Lord,” and, starting around the 6th century, a tradition appeared in liturgical practice to read akathists - works that are simpler and easier to understand.

What are canon and akathist

Canon- a genre of church hymnography, the main work glorifying a saint or holiday. In it, Old Testament events are poured out and reflected in New Testament ones.

Akathist- a genre of church hymnography containing praises to God, the Mother of God, saints and holidays, beginning with the word “Rejoice.” He glorifies the events of the New Testament.

Comparison of canon and akathist

What is the difference between a canon and an akathist?

Canons and akathists are compiled according to a certain rule. The canon consists of nine songs, beginning with Irmos and ending with Katavasia. As a rule, there are only 8 songs in the canon. The second is sung only in The repentant canon Andrey Kritsky. During the first week of Great Lent and on some days of Pentecost, shorter canons of two, three or four cantos are read. The songs consist of 4-6, and sometimes more, troparia. Before them, the corresponding choruses are performed. The Akathist consists of 25 stanzas, alternating kontakia and ikos. Kontakia are shorter, while ikos are more extensive. They are paired up. All stanzas are read once. There are no choruses before them. Kontakion 13, which is a prayer address to the saint, does not have an ikos in pair and is read three times. After it, the 1st Ikos and 1st Kontakion are read again.

The canons were compiled by the holy fathers. There have been cases in the history of the church when akathists were written by ordinary laymen. Approved by the highest clergy, these works became widespread in liturgical practice.

After reading the third and sixth songs of the canon, the priest pronounces a small litany. Following this, the sedalny, ikos and kontakion are sung or read. At the canon of Matins, after reading the eighth ode, with rare exceptions, a hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos is sung. Several canons can be read at the same time. The stanzas of the akathist are not separated by litanies. Only one akathist can be read at a time.

The canons are read at every Matins, Compline and Midnight Office. This is determined by the Charter of the Church. The canons are also performed at prayer services. It is blessed to read them in home environment. Akathists are not included in the daily liturgical cycle. According to the Rules, only on Friday in the fifth week of Great Lent at Matins is the Akathist to the Praise of the Mother of God read. Akathists are read at prayer services, as well as at home. The canons of the day are clearly defined by the Charter. The person chooses the akathist he wishes to order himself.

In the old days, the canons were sung in full. Now, as a rule, the troparia are read. Irmos is sung to a melody corresponding to the voice of the current week. There are only eight voices, they alternate. Akathists are not subject to the voice.

The canons are performed throughout the year. It is not customary to read akathists during Lent, with the exception of Sundays, although there is no canonical prohibition against this. However, the joyful and solemn character of the work does not correspond well with the quiet and calm mood of Lenten everyday life.

Each song in the canon is associated with some biblical event. This may not be directly stated in the text, but indirectly the presence of a particular topic is certainly felt. The Akathist, unlike the canon, is easier to understand. Its vocabulary is Russified, the syntax is simple, and the text is discrete. The akathist is easy, it is what comes from the heart, the best thing ordinary person wants to tell God.