How to treat gum inflammation near a tooth at home and how to quickly remove swelling: folk remedies. How to read a plot for toothache: who can benefit from home methods?

Delayed treatment a diseased tooth, advanced caries can lead to inflammation, accompanied by swelling of the gums and high temperature. In this case, do not delay your visit to the dentist, do not self-medicate. While waiting for your appointment, you can try to relieve inflammation or alleviate pain syndrome, having carried out a conspiracy against gumboil at home. In any case, even magical powers will not work, the psychological effect will have its effect if you believe in your actions. There are also rituals designed to alleviate the effects of medical intervention and speed up the healing process.

hot nail

You will need rusty nail, pliers, gauze and honey for this magical ritual. Then proceed as follows:

  • scoop up a tablespoon of honey;
  • clamp the nail with pliers and hold it over the fire until it turns red;
  • Dip a hot nail into a spoon with honey, move it so that the rust comes off the coating;
  • cooled honey, blackened with rust - an ointment that will serve as a remedy for gumboil: apply cotton wool or gauze with a small amount ointments.

If you use such a product for three days, the wound will break through, pus will flow out of it, and soon everything will heal. You can enhance the effect of the ritual using a gumboil spell:

Door Ritual

Helps relieve swelling in a short time. What should I do?

  • fill a basin with water;
  • wash your hands in it and dampen a rag;
  • wipe the door handle front door water from the basin;
  • throw the water over the threshold;
  • Draw an imaginary cross around the diseased tooth, whispering magic words.

Do not tell anyone about the healing ritual performed. The text of the spell is:

“Water is a proven healer, a savior from all sorts of misfortunes. I trust her with the dental turbidity that torments me, which is so itchy. Tomorrow I will wake up healthy and be completely healed of filth. Amen!".

Book conspiracy

Here the patient will need an old paper book, a piece of black bread and a thread white. Tie it to the aching tooth and read the spell:

“I pull out rot and evil from the tooth, and tighten it with dark thread. And after this, leprosy will surely go to the bottom. The gray witch lives in the forest, and now she will save me. AND It's a dull pain the tooth will begin to subside and fade away. And the highest, holy power will send her into the fire to burn. Amen!".

After the spell, eat the bread without removing the thread from your mouth. Open the book to page 32 and put the black thread in there, put it back on the shelf. The swelling will subside already in the evening. The next day, take the same floss to your teeth and repeat the action. Gradually the periostitis will disappear.

Moon conspiracy

Stand at open window late in the evening, closer to night. Start reading the words of prayer for the waning month:

“The month in the sky is disappearing, slowly, but seriously. I ask him sincerely to take away my pain. So that my teeth don’t hurt, because I’m tired of illnesses. I want to be healthy, so I can go to the doctor less often. Amen!".

Rinse your mouth before going to bed soda solution. Don't talk to anyone before going to bed. Such a plot for gumboil is suitable as rehabilitation therapy after dental intervention.

Prayer at dawn

The following ritual is used as a variant of the flux conspiracy. Get up before the first rooster, do not eat or drink anything before starting the action. Facing east, stretch your arms towards the sun.

Whisper the words:

“I’ll get up at dawn in the morning, I’ll be the first to smile at the rays. I will pray for health, because the pain prevents me from sleeping. And the early ray of God will smile and laugh loudly in my face. He will heal the itching pain quietly, but will take nothing in return. Amen".

Recipe for Saint Eudoxia

A wise healer offers her method of plotting against gumboil. With your finger moistened with your own saliva, draw a cross on the sore cheek and pronounce the necessary words.

“The twelve daughters of King Herod gave me, (name), an illness. Now my tooth hurts from night to morning, as if I was being beaten with a baton. Holy power, protect the pain of Herod’s daughters’ gates! You are my only hope that I will be healthy as before. Stop my dental disease, turn away my black leprosy. I will read the right plot until a good sentence comes true. Amen!".

Herbal infusions magic

Very effective for periostitis is rinsing according to an old recipe. Pour four tablespoons of lemon balm leaves into two glasses of boiling water, leave for two hours, then strain. Rinse your mouth with the solution several times a day after meals until the effect is achieved. While rinsing, you need to say the following words to yourself.

Toothache is one of the most severe and unpleasant. To reduce it, in the old days, healers and healers made special conspiracies. Some of them have survived to this day.

When talking about dental conspiracies, you can do without a long introduction. It is enough to experience these at least once discomfort for pain in teeth or gums, and you can believe in any miraculous powers, especially if you have to wait until the morning or the end of the working day before visiting the dentist.

When resorting to folk remedies, remember that the disease should not be neglected. Don't delay going to the hospital. And conspiracies against toothache will help both you and the doctor in his work, and then the pain will go away, the treatment will end in success and will also not be painful.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy for toothache

This conspiracy is well known: it is recommended to be used by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. It sounds simple enough to remember and pronounce confidently. Do this as clearly as possible, without doubting the power of the words spoken:

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak, freeze, worm in the tooth. Amen.

Of course, the worm here is only a metaphor. This image conveys both illness and pain at the same time. It's like you're putting a block on it. But it is important to understand that despite the subsidence painful sensations, your tooth is not being treated at this time, it simply does not bother you. You should not use the spell instead of painkillers all the time. Take measures to have the diseased tooth examined by a specialist.

Strong dental spell for 40 repetitions

Before this conspiracy, you need to read “Our Father”. We have provided its text separately, and you can always.

After the prayer, read the spell for a bad tooth 40 times in a row:

The moon is in the sky, a worm in the earth, a fish in the water, and when the three come together, only then will my (your name or the name of the patient you are speaking) teeth hurt.

Quick plot against toothache

Tap your cheek with your finger on the side where your painful tooth is located and say:

Strong as a stone, healthy and white, but illness is not my destiny.

After this, try to drink a glass of clean water.

Folk remedies for toothache

If the pain is completely unbearable, spells can be strengthened with other folk remedies. For example, it works against toothache unexpected remedy- massage. Just not a tooth or gum, but a palm. The space between thumb and the index finger during massage reduces pain. Read about other secrets of self-massage and try this technique in action.

The power of nature can also help you. For example, oak is known for its strength and vitality. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of its bark, and the disease will subside.

Finally, the last thing. Sometimes toothache is caused as punishment for words spoken. Remember if you could have accidentally dropped an offensive word to someone, slandered the person, or gotten them into trouble with your words. If so, then perhaps this is why your teeth hurt. In this case, first, mentally and sincerely ask the person for forgiveness. And then say:

What is removed from the tongue is long gone, and you go away, dental disease.

We wish you beautiful smile. Remember that in any situation there will be folk remedies that will help you. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2016 04:45

Herbal infusions known for being a kind of storehouse of folk knowledge. They affect...

There are many recipes, collected from
different places(the country is big).
*When choosing funds from
plants, focus on those
that are available in your region.
* The effect of any "method"
weakens with long-term use -
preferably periodically
change the "treatment".
Confidence and health (Admin)


The spell is pronounced addressing the month (moon):

Young man, Young man, where have you been?
- Adam's!
- Did Adam have people?
- Were!
- What do they eat?
- Stone!
- Do their teeth hurt?
- They don't hurt!
- Let God’s servant (name) not get sick.

Healing is carried out by two people in the form of a dialogue, but it can also be done by one person, talking to himself.


A moon in the sky, a bear in the forest, a fish in the sea. Just as they don’t fit together, don’t sit at the same table, don’t drink from the same glass of wine, don’t eat from the same bowl of food, so (name) doesn’t have toothache.

- “Lord, help me the born, baptized servant of God (slave name) to rip out his teeth. There is a month in the sky, a Turk in the field, a bear in the forest. If three brothers gather and drink and walk together, then the born baptized servant of God (name) will have teeth hurt. The young month asked the old one, “Did the dead man’s teeth hurt?” dead teeth they didn’t hurt, they didn’t ache, and God’s servant (name)’s teeth became numb.

- “Father, young month, your golden horns! Like your golden horns, so that the servant of God (name) will not have toothache forever. Amen.”

- “I will become God’s servant (name), blessed, I will go out, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the yard gates. I will go out onto the wide street, look and look at the young and bright month. In that young month there are two brothers - Kavel and Abel. Like Their teeth don’t hurt and don’t pinch, so I, the servant of God (name), wouldn’t hurt or pinch.”

- “I, God’s servant (name), will stand, blessing myself, and will go, crossing myself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, into the open field, under the eastern side, to blue sea. And there is a white oak tomb in an open field, under the eastern side, and there is a dead man in the tomb of God in June. And just like that June dead man’s teeth don’t hurt, the meat doesn’t swell, the worm doesn’t sharpen his teeth, so if my servant of God (name) had teeth that didn’t hurt, the meat didn’t swell, and the worm didn’t sharpen his teeth. Century by century, from now to century. Be my words complete, non-negotiable and negotiable! Which word the teacher did not finish teaching or the student himself forgot, do not leave that word, put Amen in the same place. Amen!

- “Dawn-lightning, red maiden, half-night, in the field there is a hare, in the sea there is a stone, at the bottom there is a limar. Cover you, lightning, my teeth are mournful with their veil from the damned limar, behind your cover my teeth will survive. Enemy limar, get away from me, and if you gnaw my poor teeth, I will hide you in the abysses of the underworld.


5.1. - HERBALISTS SUGGEST: brew 1 tbsp. spoon of sage herb in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Filter and add the mixture to a full glass. Rinse your mouth with a warm decoction, trying to keep the decoction on the aching tooth longer. The cooled broth is spat out and the warm one is taken. Do this every 5 - 7 minutes. The pain subsides.

5.2. - The cat's paw plant is dried, chopped finely like tobacco and given to the sick to smoke. The pain subsides completely.

5.3. - In case of tooth disease, take a sip of hot tincture on the sore spot. Preparation: dilute 15 g of mirza in 60 g of wine alcohol, add 15 g of spoon, 15 g of chopped raspberry leaves, 15 g of salep (orchis) leaves, 15 g of chopped mint leaves and 30 g of good wine vinegar. Everything is sealed in a glass bottle and left for 3 days. Then the tincture is filtered.

5.4 - For dental gumboils and for tumors and abscesses of the gums, pour about a half-centimeter layer of liquid linden honey onto the bottom of a small saucepan. They take a very old and very rusty nail. Having heated it red hot, put it in honey. A thick black substance like tar forms around the nail. This black substance should be lubricated on the gums, mainly at night, before going to bed. The gum abscess usually breaks out soon, the swelling quickly subsides, and the patient’s health improves. Rust in in this case plays very important role. When heating a nail, do not blow on or touch it to prevent rust.

5.5. - Place a plantain root in the ear, on the side where the tooth hurts. Hold it until the pain subsides. Usually half an hour.

5.6. - Take a slice of unsalted lard(if the lard is salty, then clean off the salt) and place it between the gum and cheek. Keep the slice for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the pain subsides.

5.7. - Take equal amounts of salt, chopped garlic and onion and mix. Place the paste on the sore tooth, and put a cotton swab on top, squeeze and hold for 10-15 minutes. The pain goes away.

5.8. - Place a pea of ​​propole on the tooth, with cotton wool on top. Keep for 15-20 minutes. The pain goes away.

5.9. - Make a round cut 3-5 cm thick from an aspen or poplar tree with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Then this die is applied to the cheek in the place where the tooth hurts for 1-2 minutes. If the pain does not go away, then repeat after 5-7 minutes. And so on up to 3 times.

5.10 - If a tooth hurts on the left, then on the right thumb Place a cut onion (lobe) of garlic or garlic pulp in a cloth near the nail and wrap it tightly. If the tooth hurts on the right, then apply a bandage to left hand. The pain subsides.


5.11 - If you have a toothache, you should rinse your mouth with “irradiated water.” The water is “irradiated” in a trace. Image: put it in front of you glass jar with water (preferably spring water), point your fingers at it, feel the energy flowing from them. Hold your hands like this for 5-10 minutes. Then lightly shake it off, take a short break, and charge again, up to three times. In this case, it is necessary to configure the charging accordingly. There should be no extraneous thoughts. You can imagine sunlight, beautiful music. It is best to charge water in the early morning, facing east. Drink water in small sips with short pauses between them.


5.12 - Gather your thumb, index and middle fingers into a pinch and press firmly on your temples until you feel pain. The duration of pressure is 40-50 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

5.13 - Gather the fingers of one hand together and apply the pads to the place where you feel pain. Keep it this way until the pain subsides.

5.14 - Press on carotid artery thumb under lower jaw on the side of the diseased tooth. Hold until the pain subsides.

5.15 -Use your hand to draw the letter “o” around the sore spot. A hand is applied to the mandibular joint.

5.16 - Press for a long time ring finger right hand through the cheek onto the gum with a sore tooth. The pain goes away.

5.17 - Press biologically for 4 minutes active point located in the corner of the nail plate on the outside index finger the hand on which side the tooth hurts.

5.18 - Squats help with toothache.

5.19 - If your gums are bleeding, it is useful to rinse your mouth with a lukewarm decoction of oak bark and linden color. Mix 2 parts oak bark and 1 part linden blossom. Brew a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, strain and cool.

5.20 - Oak bark helps with gum disease. Cook for a while, let sit and rinse your mouth.

5.21 - Pour a tablespoon of crushed St. John's wort into half a liter of vodka and leave for a week. Store in a tightly sealed bottle. 40 drops of tincture in half a glass of water - good remedy for rinsing the mouth when there is a bad odor.

5.22 - For phlegmon, wounds and ulcers that do not heal for a long time, it is recommended to take lotions from a decoction of eucalyptus leaves. Pour 30 g of crushed dry leaves into a glass of boiling water and boil with constant stirring for 30 minutes. Cool and strain.

Each person’s body is individual, so everyone has their own recipes and methods for relieving pain. Try these recipes and choose your own. We hope that your teeth will be healthy, especially if you follow the rules of hygiene and undergo regular dental examinations.

5.23 - To strengthen the gums, stop toothache, and stop tooth decay, use a tincture of 2 ounces of bakuat tree shavings and 2 pounds of pure alcohol. Leave for 15 days and then strain.

5.24 - To treat scurvy, use a decoction of 300 grams of aspen buds or bark. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Keep the pan open. After removing it from the heat, let the steam evaporate and cool the broth. Drink this decoction like tea, sweetening it with honey, from 1 to 3 cups a day, until all signs of scurvy disappear completely.

5.25 - Scurvy is also treated with tincture. Place 300 grams of aspen buds in a bottle and fill with vodka almost to the stopper. In a few days the tincture will be ready. Use 20 to 40 drops warm several times a day.

5.26 - Raw vegetable juices, mainly carrot juice with a small addition of parsley, spinach, beets, cucumbers and celery, destroy scurvy in record time.

5.27 - Tea made from pine needles helps a lot against scurvy.

5.28 - Blueberries have long been valued as an antiscorbutic remedy.

5.29 - Onions, garlic and citrus fruits, consumed in significant quantities, are an excellent remedy for the treatment of scurvy.

5.30 - Warm infusion of calamus is used to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the mucous membrane oral cavity and gums. Pour a teaspoon of chopped rhizome into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain.

5.31 - Thick-leaved bergenia is used as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes with a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes in a water bath, strain while hot, cool and use as a mouth rinse for inflammation of the mucous membrane and gums.

5.32 - Pour a teaspoon of crushed elecampane root with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat, leave for 4 hours, use for rinsing.

5.33 - 15 g of dry oregano herb infused into 200 ml hot water. Apply as warm rinses.

5.34 - Tincture of the herb oregano in vodka is used as an anesthetic. The tincture is injected into the tooth cavity on a swab.

5.35 - A measure to prevent toothache is to always keep your feet dry and warm.

5.36 - Use fresh chamomile infusion to rinse the mouth.

5.37 - For stomatitis, rinse the mouth with a decoction of a love spell. Pour 30 g of raw materials into 360 g of boiling water. Boil until the initial volume of water is reduced by half. It is advisable to rinse your mouth every 2 hours.

5.39 - For stomatitis, rinse your mouth with a hot infusion of 2 tablespoons of dry crushed aerial parts of yarrow per glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain, rinse your mouth.

5.40 - For gingivitis, use a decoction of burdock roots to rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

5.41 - To facilitate teething, the baby’s gums are rubbed from time to time with the best pure honey.

5.42 - When inflammatory processes Veronica decoction is used to rinse the gums.

5.43 - For scurvy, use a radish mixture: hollow out the middle of the radish and fill the void with honey. After standing for a day, the mixture is ready for use.

5.44 - Lingonberry berries and leaves are used as an anti-scurvy agent. Pour 1 teaspoon of leaves and berries with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-4 times a day before meals.

5.45 - White cabbage juice is effective for diseases of teeth and gums. In the morning and evening before going to bed, moisten gauze or cotton wool with cabbage juice and wipe your teeth and gums, rinse your mouth. This treatment is carried out for a month. If no effect is observed, treatment should be stopped and this procedure repeat with pine needles.

5.46 - If you have bad smell in your mouth, gargle with peppermint.

5.47 - For gum inflammation, prepare an oat decoction: cook the oat grains over low heat for 10 minutes, then leave for 30 - 40 minutes, strain through three-layer gauze, add hawthorn, rose hip, and buckwheat pollen.

If your gums are bleeding, the following plot will help you. They read it early in the morning at dawn:

"I speak, God's servant (name),
Your gums and teeth,
So that the gums do not hurt, the teeth do not grieve.
Mother Earth is supported by the sky,
And your gums, hold your teeth.
Adam's children did not have toothache,
Eve's children's gums did not grieve,
It would be the same for me (name)
My teeth didn’t hurt, my gums didn’t hurt.
The key to my words, the lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A spell to prevent teeth from crumbling

If your teeth are crumbling, you need to rinse your mouth with charmed water. They cast a spell on the water at dawn or early evening.

"Dawn-lightning, red maiden,
Come, help, strengthen the bone.
The beaver's tooth is strong, the warrior's sword is red-hot,
Doesn't crumble, doesn't break,
It is firmly and firmly strengthened.
So my teeth would get stronger, stronger,
Didn't wobble or break.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

A spell to keep your teeth strong

To keep your teeth strong, you need to say in the spring, when you see the first icicle:

"How long have you sucked,
You live in God's light,
I wish I had teeth that long. Amen".

Spell for dental health

"I persuade, I persuade with my teeth
From illness, from pain, from scurvy,
For toothache,
So that my tooth never breaks.
He didn’t grimace or stagger.
There is a month in the sky, and there is an oak tree in the forest,
I have a healthy tooth in my mouth.
When these three come together.
Then only my teeth will begin to move.
Amen to scurvy, amen to aches, amen to pain.
Amen to any illness, I’ll say amen to it.

Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 21 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For inflammation of the gums

For inflammation of the gums

From the letter: “I am 51 years old. I am a truck driver, and it is clear that I eat haphazardly on the road (milk, rolls, sausage). It is possible that due to a lack of vitamins or due to age, my gums began to bleed a lot. The dentist prescribed injections into the gums, but you can’t imagine how painful it is to give injections to gums like mine. I followed the doctor’s orders, but it got even worse: pus began to accumulate. Do traditional healers Are there any methods for treating gum inflammation? If so, please publish them in your wonderful books. Taking this opportunity, I would like to sincerely thank you for your advice and amulets, which have saved me more than once along the way.

With sincere respect, Alexander V.”

At the request of Alexander and many other readers, I give the most effective recipes fees for gum disease.

Collection Recipe No. 1

3 tbsp. spoons of oak bark

1 tbsp. spoon of thyme herb

2 tbsp. spoons of calendula flowers

1 tbsp. spoon of herbs and field chamomile flowers

4 tbsp. spoons of blueberries

Grind everything well (you can use a coffee grinder), brew 1 tbsp. spoon into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain through a strainer and rinse your gums with warm (not hot) broth. Do it 4 times a day.

Within a day the gums will become normal color, and after three days they will stop bleeding. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, you should not eat spicy, salty or anything that can irritate the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Collection Recipe No. 2

2 tbsp. spoons of lemon balm

1 tbsp. spoon of field burnet

1 tbsp. spoon of calendula

1 tbsp. spoon of wild strawberry herb

1 tbsp. spoon of Bogorodskaya herb

Grind well, brew and consume as described in recipe No. 1.

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From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 10 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

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From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

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From Wang's book. Health conspiracies author Makova Angelina

For inflammation of the gums From a letter: “I am 51 years old. I am a truck driver, and it is clear that I eat haphazardly on the road (milk, rolls, sausage). It is possible that due to a lack of vitamins or due to age, my gums began to bleed heavily. The dentist prescribed injections in the gums, and you

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Spells to help get rid of pain and inflammation in joints VANGA'S ADVICE If you need to work out a limb that has been immobilized for a long time, the following recipe can help: mix 1 tablespoon of salt and 100 g pork fat. Apply this ointment

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For inflammation of the submandibular glands, the healer takes the patient out into the yard, leads him to the gate and, looking at the trees, speaks. “Oak, oak, dry oak, take your mouth, both dog and bear, if you don’t take your mouth, I will swallow you with branches and roots.” Then with your ring finger

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From the author's book

Inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease Perform pressing movements at the level of the mouth (1–2 minutes), then direct the energy locally to the sore spot - with the fingertips of your right hand at a distance of 5 cm (1 minute). Extract around the sore spot, moving to the side and lightly