How long does swelling of the tip of the nose last after rhinoplasty and how to relieve swelling. Swelling after rhinoplasty

Positive and true results of rhinoplasty do not appear immediately after surgery. It takes about a year to completely restore facial tissue. Swelling after rhinoplasty is as normal as hematomas, scars, splints and plaster. How long does swelling last after rhinoplasty and is it possible to remove it faster?

Mechanism of occurrence

Swelling, oddly enough, after rhinoplasty is necessary for the speedy healing of surgical incisions. The accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue promotes the regeneration process and accelerated cell division. Therefore, swelling after rhinoplasty is a normal reaction of the body and it lasts as long as necessary for tissue healing.

Sizes vary depending on the extent of surgery. If bone structures were involved, then, of course, the area of ​​edema becomes larger. Even after non-surgical interventions, the nose and surrounding tissues swell. Although the doctor just injects a gel with a needle, which pushes the structures apart.

How long does swelling last?

The swelling goes away completely, in most patients, within a year. During this time, the patient goes through several stages of rehabilitation. It is worth remembering that swelling goes away for everyone at different rates; it depends on the characteristics of the body, as well as on the correctness of the rehabilitation.

First stage

The duration of this period is one week. The most difficult time psychologically and physically. Swelling begins to form when the surgeon performs the operation, and after that it only increases. To avoid deformation of the operated tissues, a fixing splint or bandage is applied to the nose, so excess fluid accumulates in the area of ​​the eyelids and cheeks.

The volumes of excess fluid can be as large as desired, and in some patients the eyes are invisible.

Already during this period you need to follow the rules:

  • sleep in a half-sitting position; a large pillow placed under your back will help with this;
  • do not tilt your head or body;
  • Do not under any circumstances visit a bathhouse or sauna, or stay in hot rooms;
  • apply cold compresses as recommended by your doctor;
  • do not wet the splint while washing;
  • do not touch your face or use any care products.

When the first week of rehabilitation passes, the patient is forced to remain in isolation. Doctors should prepare for this in advance.

Second stage

This period lasts two weeks. During this time, with good regenerative abilities of the body, the swelling quickly subsides and becomes noticeable only to the patient.

For accelerated rehabilitation it is necessary:

  • do not sleep on your stomach or side;
  • choose delicate facial care, that is, do not use aggressive cleansers, do not press too hard on the skin when applying makeup;
  • avoid heat exposure;
  • Do not play sports, do not bend over.

At this time, doctors prescribe lymphatic drainage and absorbable gels, but you should not expect a miracle effect from them - the swelling will subside faster, but will not go away forever.

Third stage

This is the period from the second to third month after surgery. In the previous stages, up to 50% of the swelling goes away, which now remains in the form of seals in the tip of the nose and its back. Now it depends on the patient how quickly the remaining part comes off.

To reduce swelling, you must exclude:

  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • inactivity;
  • mechanical effects on the nose (wearing glasses, constant scratching);
  • tilts of the body and head;
  • sleeping position on your side or stomach.

As long as the period from the first to the third stage lasts, you cannot expose your face to thermal influences for that long.

Fourth stage

This is the period when inflammation is completely eliminated. Continues from the fourth to the twelfth month of rehabilitation. At this stage, the swelling is no longer noticeable to others; only the patient herself feels the seal in those parts of the nose that were most involved.

For the remaining six months of rehabilitation, you can wait until everything resolves on its own or undergo physical procedures as directed by a doctor. Among them are ultrasound and phonophoresis, which improve tissue microcirculation.


Traumeel S (ointment or tablets)

It is used for rapid resorption of hematomas and elimination of edema. Prescribed by a doctor and used twice a day. It is used as long as the second and third stages last.

The gel and tablets contain homeopathic components of chamomile, calendula, echinacea, mountain arnica, comfrey, St. John's wort and some other herbs.


The drug in tablets is prescribed for preventive purposes to prevent severe swelling after surgery. The active component of the product is a pineapple extract containing an anti-inflammatory enzyme.

Taking pills must be agreed with your doctor.


The solution is used to treat swollen areas. The effect of using the drug: pain relief, swelling relief, disinfection.

Dimexide has serious contraindications: kidney and liver diseases, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke.

Traditional methods

From the second and third stages, you can turn to traditional medicine recipes.

A decoction of mountain arnica can be used as tea or compresses. In any case, two teaspoons are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused.

Take 200 g of pineapple pulp on an empty stomach three times a day. The effect is similar to Bromelain: the active substances contained in pineapple provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

Aloe leaves are applied to swollen areas for several minutes.



The procedure improves metabolism at the cellular level. Microcurrents imitate natural biological impulses passing through healthy tissues of the body. The main advantage is that the device has a targeted effect on specific areas.


During this procedure, the skin becomes more receptive to nutrients, blood circulation and exchange within cells are accelerated. The effects are provided by ultrasound. The procedure not only reduces swelling, but rather promotes tissue regeneration.

Swelling of the periosteum

When bones are touched during rhinoplasty, the periosteum, the protective covering of bone tissue, is always damaged.

The danger of injuring the periosteum is that it will swell and, in advanced cases, become inflamed. Due to inflammation, bone growths and calluses form, disfiguring the contour of the nose. You can see the healing process and monitor it from the third or fourth week after surgery. If something goes abnormal, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs by injection.

The problem can be eliminated only in the first month of healing.

Swelling occurs in everyone who has undergone rhinoplasty. To see your beautiful nose as soon as possible, you must follow all the rules, take prescribed medications, and do not avoid physical procedures.

The rhinoplasty procedure is performed not only to correct the appearance of the nose, but also to restore respiratory functions. With the help of surgery, it is possible to eliminate both congenital defects that prevent breathing and mechanical injuries. But nose surgery always has a temporary side effect in the form of swelling.

Any incisions during surgery are considered injuries. Not only the skin is damaged, but also the smallest blood vessels. For this reason, blood circulation is impaired and fluid is retained in the tissues, resulting in swelling after surgery.

Of course, the professionalism of the doctor during rhinoplasty is important, but it has absolutely no effect on the appearance of edema. The intensity of the reaction is determined by the volume of surgical interventions, as well as the individual ability of the patient’s cells to regenerate. The duration of wound healing and the formation of edema depend on what was susceptible to change, the skin and cartilage or bone segments. In some cases, due to increased tissue sensitivity, the nose begins to swell during surgery.

Often, rhinoplasty without surgery provokes the formation of nasal swelling. This phenomenon is the body’s reaction to tissue expansion using the gel.

Types of swelling

Based on reviews from patients and observations from doctors, swelling after rhinoplasty always goes away slowly. This takes from 3-4 months to 1 year. In some cases, almost imperceptible nasal swelling may be present for several years. The restoration of the normal state of tissues occurs smoothly and gradually, in the process, swelling of varying intensity is observed:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.
  • Residual.

1. Primary.

Swelling occurs during surgery or immediately after its completion. At the end of the manipulations, tampons soaked in special healing substances are placed in the nose. A fixing plaster cast or splint is applied on top to prevent tissue swelling and deformation. The greatest swelling appears 2-3 days after the nose job.

Tissue swelling after procedures appears on the nose and around the eyes. Often the amount of accumulated fluid is so great that the patient is not able to open them in the first days. After 5 days, the swelling decreases significantly. After this time, the fixing plaster cast is usually removed. As a result, the swelling may increase slightly.

2. Secondary.

Secondary swelling begins from the moment the plaster is removed. Swelling after rhinoplasty is characterized by the appearance of noticeable tissue compactions. The area of ​​the back and the tip of the nose expands. Based on patient reviews, this period lasts 4-6 weeks. Despite the duration of the stage, swelling is much less pronounced than in its initial appearance.

3. Residual.

The duration of the stage ranges from 8 weeks to 1 year. Most often, by the 4th month, the swelling noticeable to others practically disappears. The nose takes on its final appearance. Adjustments, if necessary, can be made six months after the first rhinoplasty.

Prevention of edema

In order for nasal swelling after rhinoplasty to go away faster, it is important to take preventive measures even before surgery. To do this, you must begin to adhere to the following recommendations at least a week before the procedure:

  • Avoid taking non-steroidal medications with anti-inflammatory effects, acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen.
  • Do not eat salted, smoked or containing large amounts of spices.
  • Complete cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol.

These requirements are due to the ability of these products and substances to negatively affect tissue repair and saturate the blood with toxins and cholesterol. Failure to follow the rules of preparation for the procedure and the subsequent long secondary period result in swelling on the nose subsiding unevenly. To improve the condition, the observing doctor may prescribe special medications that relieve inflammation.

Ancillary measures after surgery

To understand how to deal with swelling on the nose that occurs as a result of rhinoplasty in a particular case, you need to consult with your doctor. However, there are general recommendations that can significantly speed up the process of disappearance of swelling. After this, the nose will take on the desired shape much faster.

The main conditions for quickly relieving swelling are:

  • lack of heavy physical activity, especially those accompanied by bending forward;
  • avoiding any injuries to the nose;
  • visiting saunas and baths is prohibited, a hot bath is also not welcome;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • it is necessary to avoid the manifestation of negative emotions, such as anger or tears, as they lead to the onset of nosebleeds;
  • stay away from hotspots of cold infections;
  • Use protection from direct sunlight to avoid skin burns. Particular sensitivity is observed in patients after rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose.

The swelling goes away much faster if you follow a diet. It is not recommended to eat foods with a high content of spices. Salted and smoked food only in limited quantities. An effective way to remove swelling is to sleep in a semi-sitting position. This position favors the outflow of blood.

After removing the plaster cast, the attending physician will prescribe auxiliary medications that accelerate healing and improve the general condition. In some cases, attending procedures is attributed to:

  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis.

To achieve a quick positive effect, physiotherapy requires the use of additional medications in the form of specialized ointments and solutions.

Complications after rhinoplasty

Serious side effects after rhinoplasty are quite rare. Their number does not exceed 4% of all those who underwent this operation. However, the nature of the disorders is varied and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Among the most common side effects are:

1. Increase in body temperature to 37.5-38°C. This indicator is the body’s natural reaction to damage. However, if the condition persists for more than 3 days and the temperature exceeds 38°C, this is direct evidence of the presence of infection.

2. Swelling inside, which prevents breathing through the nose. Only a doctor can tell how long this type of edema goes away after performing an examination, but usually the process lasts 3 months.

3. Lack of smell. This complication is quite rare and is associated with the individual susceptibility of the patient. Functional restoration occurs independently.

Among the serious side effects, various curvatures are most common. The nose in this case may be asymmetrical, with depressions or humps, or have an irregularly shaped tip. The reason is inaccurate cutting of the cartilage. This problem is eliminated with surgical correction.

More serious consequences of rhinoplasty are also possible, in which the nose completely loses its functions. Inside, pus forms on the mucous membrane, and the cartilaginous septa atrophy. As a result, the nose has a through hole. All this is the result of untreated infections in the patient’s body.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical correction of the shape of the nose, or any cosmetic defects in the nose area. In addition to aesthetic correction, rhinoplasty is also performed for medical reasons for a deviated septum.

For a person who has decided to undergo rhinoplasty, the question of healing time and rehabilitation period is logical. The question of swelling after surgery and how to eliminate it is one of the most important.

Any surgical intervention is a violation of the integrity of the skin and, accordingly, a wound. Swelling and bruising are inevitable during the healing process.

Edema is the excess accumulation of fluid in tissue. Connective tissues, mucous membranes and the skin itself undergo swelling. The fluid that accumulates during swelling contains small amounts of protein, fat and lymphocytes.
But don’t worry if your nose swells after rhinoplasty; oddly enough, swelling is necessary. Edema fluid helps the regeneration process. Thanks to it, cell division occurs faster.

During surgery, blood vessels are damaged, since the doctor needs to separate the upper skin, and this cannot be done without injuring the vessels. This is the reason why the nose swells. Once the blood supply is restored and the blood circulates normally, the swelling will go away.

There is one more point - in the majority of patients, the tip of the nose after surgery, no matter which one, open/closed, loses sensitivity, do not be afraid, this is temporary, sensitivity will be restored in 1 - 3 months.

If we consider the stages of edema in detail, we can distinguish three types:
  1. primary
  2. secondary
  3. residual

Primary edema

Primary edema causes inconvenience not only to the patient, but also to the surgeon, as it occurs already during the operation. At the end of the operation, the nose must be fixed with plaster, and turundas (gauze swabs) are inserted into the nostrils. The plaster helps reduce swelling and will keep the operated area in the correct position. Since a plaster cast is applied to the nose, swelling will affect nearby areas. The area of ​​the cheeks and eyelids is the first to be affected.

How long does swelling last after rhinoplasty?

The worst swelling lasts for five days. Then it begins to gradually subside. After two weeks, most of it comes off.
After the doctor removes the cast, the swelling will noticeably increase again. It must be said that this is not a pathology. This is a normal process for this type of operation. Some time after rhinoplasty, the operated area will appear normal in appearance. But swelling of the tip of the nose may still persist (in some cases for more than a year), we will touch on this problem later.

In order to alleviate your condition and not cause harm, you need to follow some rules from the first day:

  • exclude physical activity, especially those associated with bending forward;
  • sleep on high pillows to reduce blood flow to the head;
  • do not touch or massage your face;
  • Avoid overheating your face. It is better to completely abandon unnecessary heat sources (fireplace, heater, gas stove);
  • Make sure that when washing, water does not get on the bandage area or in the nose.

Secondary edema

With secondary edema, practically no changes are visually visible. The back and tip of the nose are not very thick. For the patient, this brings discomfort, as the tissues undergo swelling. The result of swelling will be nasal congestion in the patient.

When the swelling goes down

On average, it takes 4 weeks for such symptoms to disappear. Unfortunately, it is not possible to relieve nasal congestion with such swelling on your own. Attempts at treatment lead to some relief for an hour and a half. In such a situation, you just need to wait patiently. But you need to know that some factors can slow down the rehabilitation process.

What to give up:

  • sleeping on your side or stomach;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • long bends;
  • excessive activity;
  • habit of rubbing your nose;
  • If possible, stop wearing glasses (switch to contact lenses).

Residual edema

Residual edema is internal edema. Outwardly this is absolutely not noticeable. The only thing that speaks about him is the hard tip of his nose. It takes the longest amount of time for the swelling of the tip of the nose to finally go away after rhinoplasty. The swelling does not go away due to the fact that the blood vessels have not completely recovered; it will persist until good blood circulation is completely restored. This usually takes from a year to a year and a half.

Several other factors influence the recovery process:

  • Patient's skin thickness. Those with thick skin are a little less fortunate in this case. Healing and recovery will take longer.
  • Revision rhinoplasty. The healing process is impaired by scar tissue.
Depending on which part of the nose is corrected, the degree of swelling will depend.

Rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose . The structure of the tip of the nose is quite complex. Healing will take a long time. Swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty lasts a long time and goes away slowly. The choice of surgeon for such rhinoplasty plays an important role.
The operation should only be performed by an experienced and careful surgeon. The scale of swelling depends on accuracy.

Removal of nasal hump . Quite a complex type of operation. During such an intervention, not only cartilage is affected, but also part of the bone tissue. Essentially, this is a fracture, and with a fracture, swelling is inevitable. They last a long time and go away gradually.

Revision rhinoplasty . Since scars remain after the first operation, they interfere with the process of restoring blood circulation and thereby affect the duration of swelling and healing time.

Septorhinoplasty . Correction of the nasal septum. The operation is quite traumatic. Almost the entire organ is affected. The swelling is quite strong and takes a long time to go away.

Surgery in the area of ​​the wings of the nose or nostrils (change in shape, reduction of nostrils) One of the easiest and least traumatic operations. The swelling is not strong and goes away quite quickly.

Surgeons offer two methods of operation. The way rhinoplasty is performed affects the formation of edema.

  1. Closed rhinoplasty
  2. Open rhinoplasty

❶ Closed rhinoplasty (endoscopic)

In this operation, incisions are made inside the nostril. This type of rhinoplasty causes less tissue damage, and therefore the swelling is not as intense and goes away faster.

❷ Open rhinoplasty

The surgeon removes the skin; accordingly, this is a more extensive wound surface and, therefore, the swelling is strong and takes time to disappear.

Several more factors influencing swelling

Surgeon experience. Rhinoplasty always means swelling, since damage to blood vessels is inevitable. The more experienced and careful the surgeon, the less traumatic the operation will be. With precise plastic surgery, the degree and scale of swelling can be reduced.

Patient age. It is known that with age, all processes occurring in the body slow down. Accordingly, the younger the patient, the faster the healing process occurs and the fewer complications occur.

Skin thickness. As already mentioned, swelling goes away more slowly in thick skin. This is explained by the presence of a larger number of small blood vessels.

General health of the patient. The state of the circulatory system can affect the rate at which swelling subsides. If vascular diseases exist, they will significantly slow down recovery.

If a patient starts smoking, drinking alcohol, eating salty foods, then he makes things worse for himself, because all these habits contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Smoking and alcohol also affect the rate of vascular repair.

Physical exercises, especially those associated with bending forward, sleeping on the side or stomach, contribute to a rush of blood to the head, which is also harmful.

How to relieve swelling after rhinoplasty

In order to alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor, in addition to recommendations, may prescribe medications.

Dimexide. Preparation for external use. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It comes in the form of an ointment, gel or solution.

Bromelain. Biologically active food supplement. It contains juice from the stem of pineapple. This substance breaks down protein. Used as a decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Traumeel C. Tablets or ointment. This is a homeopathic medicine. It is made from herbs. Used to speed up healing and relieve swelling.

Lyoton 1000. Ointment for external use. Has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Used for injuries and bruises.

Important! All medications should be prescribed only by your doctor!

For better healing, physiotherapy is also prescribed.

Ultraphonophoresis. During this procedure, ultrasound is applied to the skin. Prescribed to improve blood circulation and the formation of new cells. The faster the processes go, the faster the tissues are restored.

Microcurrents. Currents are used to influence the swollen area. The main objective of this procedure is to improve metabolic processes in cells. Due to this, the swelling subsides faster.

Warning ! All procedures are prescribed only by specialists.

If the decision has been made to undergo surgery, the most important thing is to choose a good specialist and follow his instructions, and be patient.

Must be prepared for some unpleasant consequences. One of the most common is facial swelling, which cannot be avoided. Only six months after the operation you will be able to notice the result: This may be caused by swelling that lasts up to 3 months. No surgeon can say exactly how long swelling lasts after rhinoplasty, since it depends on the characteristics of the skin and the complexity of the procedure performed.

Swelling after rhinoplasty in the first weeks

Immediately after the operation, special fixatives and a plaster cast are used, due to which the swelling is not noticeable. At the same time, it can fall on the cheeks and area around the eyes. The patient should know that the following consequences of rhinoplasty are absolutely normal: they arise due to damage to facial blood vessels and, as a result, difficult blood circulation. This swelling goes away after rhinoplasty in about a week. After the bandage is removed (this happens after 7-10 days), the patient's face remains swollen for another 2-3 weeks. Swelling after rhinoplasty will go away faster if you follow a few rules:

  • avoid excessive amounts of liquid,
  • alcohol,
  • sleep on your back and do not subject your body to physical stress.

For a person with thick skin, whose recovery takes longer, the surgeon may prescribe special medications.

How long does swelling last after rhinoplasty?

A few weeks later, when the swelling of the face subsides, the patient notices that the nose is swollen after rhinoplasty. Its shape will not be ideal for another couple of months, so it is impossible to say exactly how long it takes for swelling to go away after rhinoplasty. The wings and tip of the nose can be deformed for up to six months, but this will be almost unnoticeable.

It is important to know that the recovery period does not depend at all on how many days it takes for the sutures to dissolve after rhinoplasty. Any medications must be taken under the supervision of a physician on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

So, how long does it take for swelling to go down after rhinoplasty? Primary swelling lasts 1-2 weeks, you can achieve the desired result after 3-6 months.