What is included in sin? Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: list in order and commandments of God

“But I revealed my sin to You and did not hide my iniquity;

I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”

and You have taken away from me the guilt of my sin” (Ps. 31:5)

This list is provided so that those preparing for confession can take a deeper look at themselves, more accurately find expressions and names of their illnesses. It is useful to draw up rough plan for yourself - what sins to confess, so as not to forget later in confession; but you will have to not just read from a piece of paper about your ulcers, but with a feeling of guilt and repentance, open them before God, take them out of your soul like nasty snakes, and get rid of them with a feeling of disgust.

Disbelief. Atheism. Failure to keep the vows of Holy Baptism. Dishonoring icons, not wearing a cross.

Lack of faith. Doubt about the omnipotence and mercy of the Creator. Lack of hope for salvation, despair, thoughts and attempts at suicide. Distrust of God's Providence. Lack of trust in the Lord. Fear of old age, poverty, illness, future sorrows. God's ingratitude for everything that happens to us. Attributing successes to yourself and grumbling about failures to God. A look at Orthodoxy as a national tradition, a set of external rituals. The discrepancy between our words and deeds in the church and outside the church fence.

Superstition and heresy. Belief in omens, dreams, horoscopes, astrological forecasts. Seeking help from mediators of demonic power - occultists: psychics, bioenergetics specialists, non-contact massage therapists, hypnotists, traditional healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, healers, fortune tellers, astrologers, parapsychologists, Scientologists. Watching and listening to television and radio programs with their participation, reading occult literature. (“White” sorcerers and healers do not exist. Even if they read prayers, hang icons on the stage and assure of their love for the Church, do not believe them! According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, these are wolves in sheep’s clothing). Participation in coding sessions, removal of “damage and evil eye”, spiritualism. Contacting UFOs and " higher mind" Connecting to “cosmic energies”. Studying theosophy, Eastern philosophy and religious cults, practicing yoga, meditation, following the system of Porfiry Ivanov. Studying the “living ethics” of the Roerichs, Dianetics and Scientology (Hubbard’s teachings) and participating in auditing sessions, etc.

Attending speeches by Protestant preachers, participating in meetings of Baptists, evangelists, Adventists, Pentecostals (charismatics), the Word of Life Church, Moonies (unification church), Jehovah's Witnesses, the Mother of God Center, the White Brotherhood and others non-Orthodox religious organizations. Watching and listening to television and radio programs with their participation. Participation in non-Orthodox services, acceptance of baptism by sectarians. Attending services and participating in the Sacraments of schismatics, many of whom call themselves Orthodox, but are not in communion with the Russian Orthodox Church: Old Believers-bespopovtsy, Uniates (Greek Catholics) and others (“Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kiev Patriarchate”, “Free Orthodox Church", "True Orthodox Church", etc.). Propaganda and dissemination of the ideas of the mentioned sects, “churches” and organizations.

Blasphemy and desecration. Murmuring at God for suffering that seems undeserved to us. An irreverent attitude towards God, church shrines, and the Sacraments. Disrespect for clergy. Mention of the name of God or Holy Mother of God in vain (in everyday conversations as interjections: “Oh, you, Lord,” “God be with him,” “All of us are not glory to God,” etc.). Mentioning sacred words jokingly, in anger, along with insults. Prayer for punishment of another person. It is also sinful to threaten your enemies with the wrath of the Lord. Summoning evil spirits in anger or simple conversation (cursing). Using obscene words.

Prayerlessness. Neglect of church services. Not attending church on Sundays and holidays. Late for church service due to negligence and leaving the temple before the end of the service. Inattention and distraction at home and church prayer. Conversations during worship. Infrequent confession and communion without proper preparation. Lack of understanding of the meaning of the Sacraments being performed and lack of interest in this knowledge. Failure to comply with morning and evening prayer rules. Failure to pray before and after meals.

Egoism and egocentrism. Self-love. Disrespect for parents, disrespect for elders. Lack of love for one's neighbor, impatience, unmercifulness, suspiciousness, jealousy, suspicious character, inconstancy in relation to one's neighbors. Excessive concern for your health.

Pride and vanity. A high opinion of oneself, of one’s imaginary merits. High-mindedness, loss of simplicity. Self-will, disobedience. Self-justification, condemnation of one's neighbor. Neglect of one's own spiritual state, with a desire to teach and “save” others. Seeking fame, praise from people. Unequal treatment of others (personality). Doing good deeds, almsgiving and prayer in plain sight, for show to people (hypocrisy). People-pleasing, cunning, flattery. Touchiness. Envy. Stubbornness.

Spiritual beauty. An opinion about one’s chosenness, considering oneself worthy and having achieved special spiritual perfection. Accepting dreams as divine “revelations”. A trusting attitude towards the waking phenomena of visions and signs. The desire to see angels, to receive revelations of God, to heal people, to perform miracles.

Dejection. The fading of love for others, indifference to the suffering of others, the inability to rejoice in the joy of one’s neighbor. Doubt about the possibility of forgiveness of one's sins. Coldness and lukewarmness towards spiritual things, carelessness about salvation. Laziness. Love of bodily peace, empty daydreaming. Empty pastime, “killing time.” Excessive sleep. Television omnivorousness. Addiction to the computer. Reading blank books.

Celebration. Verbosity. Empty, useless talk. Gossip, retelling of rumors. Singing passionate songs. Love of controversy. Empty laughter, jokes, witticisms, anecdotes.

Lie. Misleading a neighbor by word, deed or silence. Failure to keep promises. Craftiness. Sycophancy. Gossip, fiction and exaggeration in idle conversations. Slander. Bold reasoning about obscure things. Jokes based on deception. Concealment of sins in confession.

Love of money. Addiction to money, things, all kinds of material goods, manifested both in the form of wastefulness and in its opposite, stinginess. Desire for wealth. Love for gifts. Envy. No mercy, contempt for the poor. Excessive concern for one's well-being and fear of losing it. Gambling.

Theft. Illegal appropriation of someone else's property (private or public). Failure to return monetary debts or things given on loan. Parasitism, begging unless absolutely necessary. Damaging the property of a neighbor. Extortion of payment for one's labor in excess of what is due (extortion).

Gluttony. Treating food as a source of pleasure. Absorption. Drunkenness. Smoking. Failure to observe fasts (multi-day fasts - Great, Petrovsky, Assumption and Christmas fasts; one-day fasts - on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on special days established by the Church). Eating food out of boredom, despondency, idleness. Dissatisfaction with food.

Fornication. Fornication, the so-called " civil marriage" Adultery (marital fidelity). Incest. Sodomy, bestiality, masturbation. Seduction, violence. Watching seductive shows, lewd films, paintings, books. Seductive conversations, lewd stories. Prodigal dreams. Intemperance in married life on fasting days.

Anger. Irritability. Hot temper, adoption of angry thoughts. Nurturing thoughts of revenge and anger, indignation of the heart with rage, darkening the mind with it. Coarseness. Obscene shouting, arguing, swearing and cruel words. Memory malice. Hatred, enmity, intransigence, vindictiveness, slander, condemnation, indignation and insult to one's neighbor.

Murder. Taking the life of another person. Suicide attempt. Abortion (murder in the womb). Assault, beating, wounds, mutilation. Inciting a fight, pitting people against each other with gossip, slander, slander. Failure to provide assistance to a sick, dying, homeless, hungry, drowning before your eyes, beaten or robbed, victim of fire or flood. Killing animals unnecessarily, torturing them. Not raising children in Orthodox faith. Mockery, mockery of someone else's grief.

Every sin separates a person from God, the source of life.

With seven deadly sins. A sin that leads to death for all humanity, regardless of their religion. Know your enemy by sight, remember sevenmortal sins.

WITH mortal sin in Christianity is a serious sin that entails the loss of the salvation of the soul in the absence of repentance. This term is widely used in Catholic theology, where a doctrine is developed that distinguishes between serious and ordinary sins. In a similar way, the term is also used in some non- Catholic churches, including Orthodoxy. But there is no definition of mortal sin, which is contained in specific Catholic doctrine (Encyclopedia).

IN In this article I will try to remind the reader and draw his attention to sin leading to death. The goal is to remind us of what we have stopped giving importance and attention to. Sin does not prolong life, but... We encounter manifestations of sin every day, it manifests itself in various fields our life. We see this surrounded by real life on the Internet and on television. It is important to understand and not forget that the sinful nature surrounds you and the world in which you are, remember this and be fully armed, prevent sin from entering your life.

WITH mortal sin is not based on biblical texts and is not a direct revelation of God, but the bible reveals and warns about each of these seven sins, if possible I will try to convey this.

TO Briefly about where the teaching about the seven deadly sins came from. Beginning of the 5th century, the Greek monk Evagrius of Pontus created a list of sins, and it numbered eight. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gregory I the Great reduced the list to seven elements. Later Christian theologians objected to this teaching. However, this teaching still exists today.

D Let's look at these seven sins, and what they say about it Holy Scripture. The Bible has sufficient words to lead a person away from sin. I ask you not to judge harshly if I was not able to fully convey this.

1. Pride- this is excessive faith in one’s own capabilities, which comes into conflict with the greatness of the Lord. In the Bible in the book of the prophet Jeremiah it is written

(Jer.50:31-32) “Behold, I am against you, O pride, says the Lord God of hosts, for your day has come, the time of your visitation. And pride will stumble and fall, and no one will lift him up; And I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it will devour all around him.”

This verse clearly shows us how the Lord God deals with pride.

2. Envy– displeasure at the sight of someone else’s happiness and pleasure at his own unhappiness. The Holy Scripture in the book of Solomon's parables speaks very clearly about envy.

(Prov. 14:30) “A gentle heart is life to the body, but envy is rottenness to the bones.”

3. Anger- This is a feeling of strong indignation and indignation.uh

(Prov. 27:3) “Heavy is the stone, the weight, and the sand; but the wrath of a fool is greater than both of them.”

4. Laziness- this is the avoidance of spiritual and physical work. It is written in the word of God

(Prov. 26:13-16) “The sluggard says; "There's a lion on the road! lion in the squares! The door tosses and turns on its hooks, and the sloth on its bed. The slothful man puts his hand into the cup, and it is difficult for him to bring it to his mouth. The slothful man is wiser in his own eyes, the seven who answer thoughtfully.”

5. Greed– this is an excessive desire for material enrichment, thirst for profit, rejection and ignorance of spiritual principles.

(2 Cor. 9:6) “I will say this; He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

6. Gluttony– this is an unrestrained desire to consume more food than is required for the body. In the book of Jesus son of Sirach

(Sir 37.33) written; « For from too much work comes illness, and satiety leads to cholera.”

7. Voluptuousness- This is a passionate desire for carnal pleasures.

(Gal.5:19) “The works of the flesh are known; they are adultery and fornication, uncleanness and lasciviousness.”

(1 John 2:1-2) “My little children, I write this to you, no matter what you sin, but if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world.”

T Geologists claim that every person, without exception, since the time of Adam and Eve, has been damaged by sin. Sin darkens the mind, weakens and captivates the will, and compresses the human heart with sadness and despondency. Blessed is the one who realizes the cause of his grief - sinfulness, and not life circumstances or the actions of other people. Correct diagnosis leads to healing - through the desire for righteousness, through humility, repentance and meekness.

N We must not forget that any sin removes us from God, the source of life, and we must not forget that sin is dangerous, since it inevitably entails other sins

D Dear reader, do not forget to leave your review or addition to this article.

The concept of sin in Orthodoxy is one of the fundamental ones.

After all, if a person does not know what sin is, how can he avoid it and live a righteous life?

Every sin is a lack of love

According to the teaching of Jesus Christ, which He taught in the Sermon on the Mount, it is very easy to become righteous. To do this you need:

- love God with all your heart;

- love your neighbor no less than yourself.

If a person does not love God, he begins to act contrary to His commandments. If he does not love his neighbors (that is, people in general and those around him in particular), then he treats them cruelly and thereby violates the commandments. Any sin is a direct consequence of the absence or lack of love.

Christ showed us an example of perfect love, and in order not to commit sins, you just need to strive to love your neighbors no less, but just as you love yourself or even more.

The Ten Commandments and Associated Sins

1. I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before Me. Violation of this commandment leads to the sins of atheism (atheism), paganism, adherence to various false teachings, or witchcraft, astrology and other types of fortune-telling, visits to grandmothers. Participation in various sectarian gatherings is also a violation of the first commandment.

2. Do not make idols for yourself, do not worship or serve them. Violation leads to the sins of idolatry, man-pleasing, and invoking various spirits. For modern people very often becomes an idol excessive love to money and things, the desire for material wealth to the detriment of the spiritual side of life, pride, when a person puts himself above others.

3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Violation of the commandment is associated with the following sins: blasphemy (desecration of shrines), atheism (swearing in the name of God and pronouncing His name as interjections), violation of vows given to God.

4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; You shall work six days, and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. Refusal to observe this commandment is the sins of parasitism, breaking fasts and non-observance of holidays, non-attendance Sunday service in the church.

5. Honor your father and your mother. Dislike for parents and disrespect for them are grave sins in themselves, which can lead to insult to parents, disrespect for teachers and priests, disrespect for authorities, even to the point of rebellion.

6. Don't kill. Any killing, including abortion, causing any bodily harm to people, anger, swearing, threats, hatred and inciting it in other people are a sin.

7. Don't commit adultery. Violations of this commandment include the sins of adultery, premarital and extramarital sex, masturbation, homosexuality, and the production and use of pornography in any form.

8. Don't steal. Those who violate this commandment commit the sins of theft, robbery, fraud, and usury. Any misappropriation of someone else's property and unearned money is a sin, including failure to pay the employee's wages or part thereof.

9. Don't bear false witness. Violating this commandment is one of the most common sins that most people commit every day. These are gossip, slander, deception, untruthful words that we say to others.

10. Don't covet someone else's. Sin is envy, the desire to rise above other people, dissatisfaction with one’s position, which leads to anger towards others and to the commission of other sins.

Seven deadly sins

In Orthodoxy, as in other Christian denominations, there are seven deadly sins, i.e. such, the payment for which can only be spiritual death, depriving the sinner of hopes for resurrection in Christ.

1. Pride. This is a state when a person considers himself devoid of shortcomings and superior to others, self-adoration, unwillingness to admit his sins or mistakes and repent of them.

2. Envy. This is dissatisfaction with what a person has, the desire to acquire someone else's property or position in society and thereby elevate oneself, jealousy, vanity, etc.

3. Anger. This mortal sin takes many forms, from the blind rage of a hot-tempered person to the cold malice of a vengeful, vindictive soul. Manifestations of anger include offensive words and actions, swearing and shouting, and causing harm to others.

4. Dejection. Manifestations of this sin include depression, despair, lack of faith in God and His wisdom, and unwillingness to change one’s life for the better. In addition, laziness, love of idleness, and reluctance to pray and attend church services are sins.

5. Greed. Sin is the love of money and material wealth, which pushes one to dishonest and unrighteous acts and turns a person away from the spiritual side of life.

6. Gluttony. This is not only a love for delicious food and drinks, but also an attachment to other amusements that knows no restrictions. A glutton does not observe even a short and not too strict fast, because he cannot limit himself in pleasures.

7. Voluptuousness. This is dissolute life in all its manifestations: promiscuity, self-gratification, homosexuality, seduction of the innocent, pornography, etc.

If a person knows that he is committing a sin and does not stop doing it, over time he becomes possessed by demons and can no longer stop his sinful life on his own.

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: a list in order and the commandments of God. Many believers, reading the holy scriptures, often pay attention to such an expression as “the seven deadly sins.” These words do not refer to any specific seven actions, because the list of such actions can be much larger. This number indicates only the conditional grouping of actions into seven main groups.

Gregory the Great was the first to propose such a division back in 590. The church also has its own division, in which there are eight main passions. Translated from Church Slavonic language the word “passion” means suffering. Other believers and preachers believe that there are 10 sins in Orthodoxy.

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy

The most serious possible sin is called a mortal sin. It can only be redeemed by repentance. Committing such a sin does not allow a person's soul to enter heaven. Basically in Orthodoxy there are seven deadly sins.

And they are called mortal because their constant repetition leads to the death of a person’s immortal soul, and therefore its ending in hell. Such actions are based on biblical texts. Their appearance in the texts of theologians dates back to a later time.

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy. List.

  1. Anger, anger, revenge. This group includes actions that, as opposed to love, bring destruction.
  2. Lust b, debauchery, fornication. This category includes actions that lead to an excessive desire for pleasure.
  3. Laziness, idleness, despondency. This includes a reluctance to do both spiritual and physical work.
  4. Pride, vanity, arrogance. Arrogance, boasting, and excessive self-confidence are considered disbelief in the divine.
  5. Envy, jealousy. This group includes dissatisfaction with what they have, confidence in the injustice of the world, desire for someone else's status, property, qualities.
  6. Gluttony, gluttony. The need to consume more than necessary is also considered a passion.
  7. Love of money, greed, greed, stinginess. Most of all, attention is paid to when the desire to increase one’s material wealth comes at the expense of spiritual well-being.

List of sins for confession in Orthodoxy

Confession is one of the rites that help get rid of sins and cleanse the soul. The clergy believe that if repentance is supported by alms, fervent prayer and fasting, then after it a person can return to the state in which Adam was before the Fall.

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You can go to confession in any setting, but often it is a church during a service or another time that the priest appoints. A person who wishes to repent must be baptized, go to the Orthodox Church, recognize the foundations of Orthodoxy and be willing to repent of his sins.

To prepare for confession, repentance and faith are necessary. It is recommended to fast and read repentance prayers. A repentant person needs to confess his sins, thereby showing recognition of his sinfulness, while highlighting those passions that are especially characteristic of him.

It would not be superfluous to name specific sins that burden his soul. Here is a short list of sins for confession:

  • Offense against God.
  • Caring only about worldly life.
  • Violation of God's Law.
  • Condemnation of clergy.
  • Unbelief, lack of faith, doubts about the existence of God, about the truth of the Orthodox faith.
  • An insult to God, the Most Holy Theotokos, the saints, the holy Church. Mentioning the Name of God in vain, without reverence.
  • Violation of fasts, church regulations and prayer rules.
  • Failure to keep promises that were made to God.
  • Lack of Christian love.
  • Non-attendance or rare attendance at the temple.
  • Envy, malice, hatred.
  • Homicide, abortion. Suicide.
  • Lies, deceit.
  • Lack of mercy, failure to provide assistance to those in need.
  • Pride. Condemnation. Resentment, no desire to reconcile, forgive. Grudge.
  • Stinginess, greed, money-grubbing, bribery.
  • Temptation for any sin.
  • Extravagance.
  • Superstition.
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs...
  • Entering into direct communication with evil spirits.
  • Fornication.
  • Gambling.
  • Divorce.
  • Self-justification.
  • Laziness, sadness, gluttony, despondency.

This is not full list sins. It can also be expanded. At the end of the confession, we can say this: I sinned in deed, in word, in thoughts, with all the feelings of soul and body. It is impossible to list all my sins, there are so many of them. But I repent of all my sins, both expressed and forgotten.

The most terrible sin in Orthodoxy

People often argue about which sin is the most terrible and which sins God agrees to forgive. It is generally accepted that suicide is considered the most serious sin. He is considered incorrigible, because having passed away, a person can no longer beg God’s forgiveness for his soul.

There is no clear ranking of sins in Orthodoxy. After all, if a small sin is not prayed away and repented of, it can lead to the death of a person’s soul and burden him.

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You can often hear about original sin in Orthodoxy. This is the name given to the act of Adam and Eve that they performed. Since it was committed in the first generation of people, it was recognized as the first sin of all mankind. This sin damaged human nature and is passed on to descendants by inheritance. In order to reduce its influence on a person or to lose it altogether, it is recommended to baptize children and accustom them to the church.

Sin of Sodom in Orthodoxy

This is the customary name for a sinful thought, act or desire that is based on a person’s sexual attraction to a representative (representatives) of his own sex. Often the clergy classified this sin as one of the types of fornication, although some drew a fairly clear line between such concepts.

In turn, the sin of fornication in Orthodoxy is classified as a mortal sin. After all, it is believed that when connecting with a person, not only physical, but also spiritual intimacy occurs. And all this remains on our soul. She becomes unclean. In the middle, everything seems to be burned out.

That is why it is necessary to think about your carnal desires every time, and think about what this can lead to.

We cannot atone for sins in Orthodoxy on our own. But we have hope that the Lord has given us. To ease your burdens, you need to pray fervently. It is necessary to go to church and confess to God and the priest.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Drive away from me all the misfortunes that tempt carnal passions. In redemption I fall down, I forget about my sins in the vanity. Forgive me for the sins that happened, and they have not yet been forgotten. Those sins that are still smoldering in the soul too often cause illness. Thy will be done. Amen".

The Lord is always with you!

Mortal sin- this is the most serious of all possible sins, which can only be atone for by repentance. For committing a mortal sin, a person’s soul may lose the opportunity to go to heaven. Interested in this topic, many people ask the question of how many mortal sins there are in Orthodoxy. There are seven mortal sins in Christian teaching, and they are called so because, despite their seemingly harmless nature, when practiced regularly they lead to much more serious consequences. grave sins and, consequently, to the death of the immortal soul, going to hell. Deadly sins are not based on biblical texts and are not a direct revelation of God; they appeared in the texts of theologians later.

If we begin to live like those who die every day, then we will not sin (St. Anthony the Great, 88, 17).

Seven deadly sins list
Gluttony (Gluttony)

The history of the appearance of the list of seven sinful acts or 7 deadly sins

Acts considered mortal in the Orthodox faith are distinguished by the degree of severity and the possibility of their redemption. Speaking about sinful acts, especially more attention should be paid to the seven acts that are considered mortal. Many have heard about this, but not everyone knows which of the sinful acts will be on this list, and what will distinguish them. Sin is called mortal not from the head, because Christians believe that when committing these sins, human souls can perish.

It is worth noting that seven deadly sins, although the opinion of society is not sure of this, is not described by the Bible, because their direction of the concept appeared later than the composition of the Holy Letter began. It is believed that the monastic works of Evgarius of Pontius could serve as a basis. He compiled a list that initially included eight human sins. It was later reduced to seven positions.

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: list in order and commandments of God

Why were the sins like this?

It is clear that these sinful acts or the seven deadly sins in Orthodoxy are not as terrible as theologians believed. They are not beyond redemption, they can be confessed, it’s just that committing them can contribute to people becoming worse, moving further and further away from God. If you put in more effort, you can live in such a way that you do not break any of the ten commandments, but it is difficult to live in such a way that you do not commit any of the seven sinful acts. Essentially, sinful acts and mortal sins in Orthodoxy in the amount of shadow mother nature placed in people.

Under certain circumstances, people are able to survive by contradicting the teaching of sinful acts, but, not paying attention to this, they believe that this cannot achieve good fruits. When you haven't heard anything about what is meant by the seven deadly sins, the list with short explanations presented below can clear up the matter.

Seven deadly sins in Orthodoxy

It is common for a person to want a lot of money, making every effort to obtain material assets. However, he does not think whether they are needed in general. These unfortunate people are blindly collecting jewelry, money, and property. They try to get something more than they have, without knowing the limit, without even having the desire to know it. This sin is called love of money.

Feeling self-esteem, self-esteem. Many people can do something by trying to be higher than others. More often, the actions that are performed are certainly necessary for this purpose. They delight society, and in those who are subject to feelings of pride, a fire is born that burns all the feelings considered to be the best within the soul. After a certain period of time, a person tirelessly thinks only about his beloved self.

3. Fornication.(That is sex life before marriage), adultery (that is, adultery). Dissolute life. Failure to store feelings, especially
touch, where is the insolence that destroys all virtues. Foul language and reading voluptuous books. Voluptuous thoughts, indecent conversations, even a single glance directed with lust at a woman are considered fornication.

The Savior says this about it: “You have heard that it was said to the ancients, “You shall not commit adultery,” but I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”(Matt. 5, 27. 28).
If he who looks at a woman with lust sins, then the woman is not innocent of the same sin if she dresses up and adorns herself with the desire to be looked at, seduced by her, “For woe to that man through whom temptation comes.”

4. Envy. Feelings of envy may not always exist white. Often it can become a cause that contributes to the emergence of discord and crime. Not everyone can easily accept the fact that someone was able to achieve better conditions for accommodation. History gives many examples when feelings of envy led to murder.

5. Gluttony. People who eat a lot and overeat at the same time cannot evoke anything pleasant. Food is necessary to sustain life, to have the ability to perform meaningful actions in relation to beauty. But those who are subjected to the sinful act of gluttony believe that they were born for the purpose of eating.

6. Anger. Hot temper, irritability, adoption of angry thoughts: dreams of revenge, indignation of the heart with rage, darkening of the mind with it: obscene
shouting, arguing, cruel, abusive and caustic words. Slander, memory malice, indignation and insult to one's neighbor, hatred, enmity, vengeance, condemnation. Unfortunately, we are not always able to control ourselves and our anger when the wave of emotions overwhelms us. First of all, it is cut from the shoulder, and then it is only observed that the consequences are irreversible. You need to fight your passions!

7. Dejection. Laziness towards everyone good deed, especially to prayer. Excessive restfulness with sleep. Depression, despair (which often leads a person to suicide), lack of fear of God, complete carelessness about the soul, carelessness about repentance until last days life.

Fighting Sin

You need to fight your passions, tame your emotions, because this leads to a disastrous end! Sin must be fought initial stage its origins! After all, the deeper sin enters our consciousness, our soul, the harder it becomes to fight it. Judge for yourself, in any matter, illness, education, work, the longer you put off work, the more difficult it is to catch up!

And most importantly, forgive God's help! After all, it is very difficult for a person to overcome sin! The devil is plotting, trying to ruin your soul, pushing it to sin in every possible way. These 7 deadly sins It’s not so difficult not to commit if you ask the Lord for help in fighting them! One has only to take a step towards meeting the Savior and He will immediately come to the rescue! God is merciful and does not abandon anyone!


Eight deadly sins and the fight against them

"The Ladder" by St. John Climacus

In the old days in Rus', the favorite reading was always “The Philokalia”, “The Ladder” of St. John Climacus and other soul-helping books. Modern Orthodox Christians, unfortunately, rarely pick up these great books. What a pity! After all, they contain answers to questions that are often asked in confession today: “Father, how not to get irritated?”, “Father, how to deal with despondency and laziness?”, “How to live in peace with loved ones?”, “Why?” Do we keep returning to the same sins?

Every priest has to hear these and other questions. These questions are answered by theological science, which is called asceticism. She talks about what passions and sins are, how to fight them, how to find peace of mind, how to acquire love for God and neighbors. The word “asceticism” immediately evokes associations with ancient ascetics, Egyptian hermits, and monasteries. And in general, ascetic experiences and the struggle with passions are considered by many to be a purely monastic matter: we, they say, are weak people, we live in the world, that’s just how we are... This, of course, is a deep misconception. Everyone is called to daily struggle, war against passions and sinful habits. Orthodox Christian without exception. The Apostle Paul tells us about this: “Those who are Christ’s (that is, all Christians. – Auth.) crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts” (Gal. 5:24).

Just as soldiers take an oath and make a solemn promise - an oath - to defend the Fatherland and crush its enemies, so a Christian, as a warrior of Christ, in the sacrament of baptism swears allegiance to Christ and “renounces the devil and all his works,” that is, sin. This means there is a battle ahead with these fierce enemies of our salvation - fallen angels, passions and sins. A life-or-death battle, a difficult and daily, if not hourly, battle. Therefore, “we only dream of peace.”

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: list in order and commandments of God

I will take the liberty to say that asceticism can be called, in some way, Christian psychology. After all, the word “psychology” translated from Greek means “the science of the soul.” It is a science that studies mechanisms human behavior and thinking. Practical psychology helps a person cope with his bad tendencies, overcome depression, and learn to get along with himself and people. As we see, the objects of attention of asceticism and psychology are the same.

Saint Theophan the Recluse said that it was necessary to compile a textbook on Christian psychology, and he himself used psychological analogies in his instructions to questioners. The trouble is that psychology is not a single scientific discipline, such as physics, mathematics, chemistry or biology. There are many schools and areas that call themselves psychology. Psychology includes psychoanalysis by Freud and Jung, and newfangled movements like neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Some trends in psychology are completely unacceptable for Orthodox Christians. Therefore, we have to collect some knowledge bit by bit, separating the wheat from the chaff.

I will try, using some practical knowledge, applied psychology, rethink them in accordance with the teaching of the holy fathers on the fight against passions.

Before we start talking about the main passions and methods of dealing with them, let's ask ourselves the question: “Why do we fight our sins and passions?”

I recently heard one famous Orthodox theologian, professor at the Moscow Theological Academy (I won’t mention his name, because I respect him very much; he was my teacher, but in in this case I fundamentally disagree with him) said: “Divine services, prayer, fasting - all this, so to speak, is scaffolding, supports for the construction of the building of salvation, but not the goal of salvation, not the meaning of Christian life. And the goal is to get rid of passions.” I can’t agree with this, since getting rid of passions is also not an end in itself, but speaks of the true goal Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky: “Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved.”

That is, the goal of a Christian’s life is to acquire love for God and neighbors. The Lord Himself speaks of only two commandments, on which the entire law and prophets are based. This “thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" And “love your neighbor as yourself”(Matt. 22:37, 39). Christ did not say that these were just two of the ten, twenty other commandments, but said that “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets”(Matthew 22:40). These are the most important commandments, the fulfillment of which is the meaning and purpose of Christian life. And getting rid of passions is also only a means, like prayer, worship and fasting. If getting rid of passions were the goal of a Christian, then we would not be far from Buddhists, who also seek dispassion - nirvana.

It is impossible for a person to fulfill the two main commandments while passions dominate over him. A person subject to passions and sins loves himself and his passion. How can a vain, proud person love God and his neighbors? And the one who is in despondency, anger, serving the love of money? The questions are rhetorical.

Serving passions and sin does not allow a Christian to fulfill the most important, key commandment of the New Testament - the commandment of love.

Passions and suffering

From the Church Slavonic language the word “passion” is translated as “suffering”. Hence, for example, the word “passion-bearer,” that is, one who endures suffering and torment. And indeed, nothing torments people more: neither illnesses nor anything else, than their own passions, deep-rooted sins.

First, passions serve to satisfy the sinful needs of people, and then people themselves begin to serve them: “Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8:34).

Of course, in every passion there is an element of sinful pleasure for a person, but, nevertheless, passions torment, torment and enslave the sinner.

The most vivid examples passionate addiction - alcoholism and drug addiction. The need for alcohol or drugs not only enslaves a person’s soul, but alcohol and drugs become a necessary component of his metabolism, part biochemical processes in his body. Addiction to alcohol or drugs is a spiritual-physical addiction. And it needs to be treated in two ways, that is, by treating both the soul and the body. But at the core is sin, passion. An alcoholic or drug addict's family falls apart, he is kicked out of work, he loses friends, but he sacrifices all this to passion. A person addicted to alcohol or drugs is ready to commit any crime to satisfy his passion. No wonder 90% of crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol and drugs. That's how strong the demon of drunkenness is!

Other passions can enslave the soul no less. But with alcoholism and drug addiction, the enslavement of the soul is further intensified by bodily dependence.

People who are far from the Church and from spiritual life often see only prohibitions in Christianity. They say they came up with some taboos and restrictions to make life more difficult for people. But in Orthodoxy there is nothing accidental or superfluous, everything is very harmonious and natural. The spiritual world, as well as the physical world, has its own laws, which, like the laws of nature, cannot be violated, otherwise it will lead to damage and even disaster.

Some of these laws are expressed in commandments that protect us from harm. Commandments and moral instructions can be compared to signs warning of danger: “Caution, high voltage!”, “Don’t get involved, it will kill you!”, “Stop! Radiation contamination zone" and the like, or with inscriptions on containers with toxic liquids: "Poisonous", "Toxic" and so on.

We, of course, are given freedom of choice, but if we do not pay attention to the alarming signs, then we will only have to take offense at ourselves. Sin is a violation of very subtle and strict laws of spiritual nature, and it causes harm, first of all, to the sinner himself. And in the case of passions, the harm from sin increases many times over, because sin becomes permanent and takes on the character of a chronic disease.

The word "passion" has two meanings.

Firstly, as the Monk John of the Climacus says, “passion is the name given to the very vice that has been embedded in the soul for a long time and through habit has become, as it were, a natural property of it, so that the soul already voluntarily and by itself strives towards it” (Ladder. 15: 75). That is, passion is already something more than sin, it is sinful dependence, slavery a certain type vice.

Secondly, the word “passion” is a name that unites a whole group of sins. For example, in the book “The Eight Main Passions with Their Divisions and Branches,” compiled by St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), eight passions are listed, and after each there is a whole list of sins united by this passion. For example, anger: hot temper, acceptance of angry thoughts, dreams of anger and revenge, indignation of the heart with rage, darkening of his mind, incessant shouting, arguing, swear words, stress, pushing, murder, memory malice, hatred, enmity, revenge, slander, condemnation, indignation and resentment of one's neighbor .

Most holy fathers speak of eight passions:

1. gluttony,
2. fornication,
3. love of money,
4. anger,
5. sadness,
6. despondency,
7. vanity,
8. pride.

Some, speaking about passions, combine sadness and despondency. Actually, these are somewhat different passions, but we will talk about this below.

Sometimes the eight passions are called mortal sins . Passions have this name because they can (if they completely take over a person) disrupt spiritual life, deprive them of salvation and lead to eternal death. According to the holy fathers, behind every passion there is a certain demon, dependence on which makes a person captive to a certain vice. This teaching is rooted in the Gospel: “When the unclean spirit leaves a person, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and not finding it, he says: I will return to my house from where I came, and when he comes, he finds it swept and tidied up; then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and live there, and the last thing for that person is worse than the first” (Luke 11: 24-26).

Western theologians, for example Thomas Aquinas, usually write about the seven passions. In the West, in general, the number “seven” is given special significance.

Passions are a perversion of natural human properties and needs. In human nature there is a need for food and drink, a desire for procreation. Anger can be righteous (for example, towards enemies of faith and the Fatherland), or it can lead to murder. Thrift can degenerate into love of money. We mourn the loss of loved ones, but this should not develop into despair. Purposefulness and perseverance should not lead to pride.

One Western theologian gives a very successful example. He compares passion to a dog. It’s very good when a dog sits on a chain and guards our house, but it’s a disaster when he climbs his paws onto the table and devours our lunch.

Saint John Cassian the Roman says that the passions are divided into sincere, that is, coming from mental inclinations, for example: anger, despondency, pride, etc. They feed the soul. AND bodily: they originate in the body and nourish the body. But since a person is spiritual and physical, passions destroy both soul and body.

The same saint writes that the first six passions seem to arise from one another, and “the excess of the previous one gives rise to the next one.” For example, from excessive gluttony comes prodigal passion. From fornication - love of money, from love of money - anger, from anger - sadness, from sadness - despondency. And each of them is treated by expelling the previous one. For example, to win lustful passion, need to bind gluttony. To overcome sadness, you need to suppress anger, etc.

Vanity and pride are especially important. But they are also interconnected. Vanity gives rise to pride, and you need to fight pride by defeating vanity. The Holy Fathers say that some passions are committed by the body, but they all originate in the soul, come out of the heart of a person, as the Gospel tells us: “From the heart of a person come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, blasphemy - this defiles a person "(Matthew 15: 18–20). The worst thing is that passions do not disappear with the death of the body. And the body, as the instrument with which a person most often commits sin, dies and disappears. And the inability to satisfy one’s passions is what will torment and burn a person after death.

And the holy fathers say that there passions will torment a person much more than on earth - without sleep and rest they will burn like fire. And not only bodily passions will torment people, not finding satisfaction, like fornication or drunkenness, but also spiritual ones: pride, vanity, anger; after all, there will also be no opportunity to satisfy them. And the main thing is that a person will also not be able to fight passions; this is possible only on earth, because earthly life is given for repentance and correction.

Truly, whatever and whom a person served in earthly life, he will be with in eternity. If he serves his passions and the devil, he will remain with them. For example, for a drug addict, hell will be an endless, never-ending “withdrawal”; for an alcoholic, it will be an eternal hangover, etc. But if a person served God and was with Him on earth, he can hope that he will be with Him there too.

Earthly life is given to us as preparation for eternity, and here on earth we decide what O What’s more important for us is that O constitutes the meaning and joy of our life - the satisfaction of passions or life with God. Paradise is a place of God’s special presence, an eternal sense of God, and God does not force anyone there.

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin gives one example - an analogy that allows us to understand this: “On the second day of Easter 1990, Bishop Alexander of Kostroma served the first service since the persecution in the Ipatiev Monastery. Until the last moment, it was unclear whether the service would take place - such was the resistance of museum workers...

When the Bishop entered the temple, the museum workers, led by the director, stood in the vestibule with angry faces, some with tears in their eyes: “The priests are desecrating the temple of art...” During procession I was holding a bowl of holy water. And suddenly the bishop says to me: “Let’s go to the museum, let’s go into their offices!” Let's go. The Bishop says loudly: “Christ is risen!” – and sprinkles the museum workers with holy water. In response - faces distorted with anger. Probably, in the same way, those who fight against God, having crossed the line of eternity, will themselves refuse to enter heaven - it will be unbearably bad for them there.”

We hope you enjoyed reading the article about mortal sins in Orthodoxy: a list in order and the commandments of God. Stay with us on the portal of communication and self-improvement and read other useful and interesting materials on this topic! The source of information for this article was taken from

We strive to ensure that harmony, peace, and comfort in relationships with neighbors reign on Earth. Every Orthodox man must try not to fall into the trap of evil forces. To achieve this, we must not forget the danger that any offense carries. Especially scary.

A person who is far from the church, as a rule, does not understand what actions and thoughts have a vicious essence; he does not realize what is considered a sin. But any evil first arises in thoughts controlled by the Devil. A bad thought leads to bad deeds.

Man forgets that God is looking at him, because He is omnipresent. But a person easily sins, condemns others, can wish them harm, insult them, offend them.

The Almighty wants people not to commit wicked acts. He wants everyone to love Him and live in love, happiness, without harming anyone, therefore he left ten covenants for humanity.

They represent spiritual rules that guide each of us on the true path of good, help build good relationship with the Lord and with people. Just as parents teach their child, so the Creator gives instructions.

Note! The Almighty gave the 10 commandments to Moses so that humanity would adhere to these laws. The 10 Commandments clearly state what people can and cannot do.

Thus, Orthodox Christians must keep the following covenants:

  1. Love the Lord your God.
  2. Do not make an idol for yourself and do not serve him.
  3. Do not remember the name of the Lord God in vain.
  4. Work for 6 days, and dedicate the seventh to the Lord.
  5. Honor your parents.
  6. Don't kill.
  7. Don't commit adultery.
  8. Don't steal.
  9. Don't bear false witness.
  10. Don't covet someone else's.

By keeping the covenants of God, we are under the protection of the Almighty, who blesses all our paths and does not leave us alone with Satan. Failure to keep covenants is considered a great vice in Orthodoxy.

Deadly sins

What are mortal sins
? In Greek texts they represent spiritual death, depriving one of eternal bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven.

By devoting their lives to satisfying passions, people prepare themselves for tartar. Vices have this name because their constant repetition destroys the immortal soul of a person, which after an unholy earthly life will go to hell.

St. Apostle Paul lists those who will not achieve the Kingdom of God: “...neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor wicked people, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God.” (Cor. 6:9-10).

According to Wikipedia

What does it say about mortal sin? Wikipedia? That this is a serious offense in Christianity, which entails the loss of the salvation of the soul if there is no repentance. Christianity distinguishes between serious and ordinary sins. However, unlike Catholic doctrine, the definition of mortals in Orthodoxy is slightly different.

According to the Bible

According to biblical teaching, the story of the “seven sins” begins with a listing of eight terrible human vices. The list was created in the 5th century AD. Christian theologian Eugraphius of Pontus.

His works inspired the monk John Cassian, who wrote about the Eight Deadly Acts.

The Holy Fathers also name what is considered sin: 8 passions that are destructive to the soul (gluttony, adultery, money-grubbing, anger, sadness, despondency, vanity, pride).

At the end of the 6th century, Pope Gregory the Great replaced list John, combining sadness with despondency:

  1. Pride. Too much conceit is considered a lack of faith in God.
  2. Greed. This refers to the pursuit of material wealth at the expense of spiritual wealth.
  3. Envy. Belief in the injustice of the world order, desire for other people's property, status, etc.
  4. Anger. For lack of love, spiritual life is destroyed.
  5. Lust. The desire to satisfy excessive sexual desire.
  6. Gluttony. Consuming more than what is needed.
  7. Dejection. Ignoring spiritual and physical labor.

Why are they called mortals? If they completely take possession of someone, they will disrupt spiritual life, deprive them of salvation, leading to eternal mortal torment. The creed warns humanity against the fall and danger.

Interesting! How and when can you get to the Church of Saints?

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox tradition:

  1. Anger, malice.
  2. Debauchery, fornication.
  3. Idleness.
  4. Pride, arrogance.
  5. Envy.
  6. Gluttony, gluttony.
  7. Greed, stinginess.

Other evil deeds and thoughts:

  • lie;
  • slander;
  • stinginess, bribery;
  • craftiness;
  • slander;
  • selfishness;
  • God-hatred;
  • occupation with the occult;
  • discontent;
  • resentment;
  • jealousy;
  • self-confidence;
  • self-justification;
  • recklessness;
  • intransigence;
  • quarreling;
  • violence;
  • unkindness;
  • deception;
  • perfidy;
  • disrespect for parents.

Pride is one of the terrible passions, because it drives kindness out of a person.

The most terrible

The worst sin
In Orthodoxy, unbelief is considered. It can give rise to all other vices. Being in unbelief, a person does not feel the presence of God in his life; he, as it were, denies the existence of God.

Often a person believes that his degree of faith is quite sufficient.

It is precisely this lack of faith that becomes the source of all troubles. Jesus Christ also calls the unforgivable offense in Christianity, which consists in a feeling of enmity towards the Almighty: “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.”

Important! It is believed that suicide is the most serious act, since, having lost his life, a person is deprived of the opportunity to beg forgiveness from the Lord.

Also, thoughts, actions or aspirations based on sexual attraction are vicious. They leave dirt on the soul.

Peter Mogila shared mortal sins in Orthodoxy into three types:

Pay attention! Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov says that the holy fathers compare the most terrible offenses with a heavy stone, which after earthly life will drag them into the abyss of the underworld.

How can you atone for your sins?

According to the Bible, in order to atone for your sins, you need to ask for forgiveness for them. Repentance promotes reconciliation between a person and God. The soul begins to recover, it gains strength to fight passions. The main component of repentance is confession. It gives a person spiritual powers that will help him resist evil.

Advice! It is advisable to go to confession to the same priest.

At confession you need to repent of your wrongdoings and receive forgiveness. In order not to forget what you wanted to talk about, make your list.

This post can be used as an outline or read in full. It is important that confession comes from a pure heart and is truthful.

Before confession, you need to make peace with everyone you offended. Add to Nightly Prayers Penitential canon, canons to the Mother of God, as well as to the Guardian Angel.

In the book " Full Confession", which is sold in all church shops, describes the details of the sacrament, provides list of sins for confession. The sacrament of confession is performed free of charge.

List of sins for confession in Orthodoxy:

  • rare prayer;
  • failure to attend temple;
  • thoughts about worldly life during prayer;
  • sexual intercourse before marriage;
  • abortion;
  • dirty thoughts or desires;
  • reading pornographic books, watching porn films;
  • gossip;
  • slander;
  • envy;
  • laziness;
  • touchiness;
  • exposing the body to attract attention;
  • fear of wrinkles and old age;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • sweet tooth, alcoholic drinks, drugs;
  • reluctance to help other people;
  • visiting fortune tellers, psychics;
  • superstition.

The main thing in confession is to see your sins, realize them and tell the priest. The priest sees how truthful the person is in his repentance.

If he experiences pangs of conscience, worries, then this will contribute to spiritual cleansing and will mean that the path to a new spiritual level begins.

When talking about mortal sins, we need to distinguish between: the remission of sins and the healing of souls. By repenting, the sinner receives forgiveness, but his soul is not immediately healed.

According to the Monk Isaac the Syrian, in order to defeat passion, a feat is necessary. You can atone for a serious sin only by sincere faith in the Almighty. It is necessary to include prayers of repentance in your reading, as well as fasting.

How to obtain redemption for people who stayed for a long time in mortal sins? Father, who has extensive experience in shepherding, knows well that such people cannot build a full-fledged spiritual life. But there is no need to give in to despondency.

The only way to liberation from all sins is sincere repentance and a determined desire to improve and become better. How formerly man decide on this, the better for him.

Useful video: Deadly sins


Thus, we do not have the opportunity to atone for sins on our own. To ease mental burdens and get on the path true Christian one should renounce sinful life and follow the path of goodness. Turn to the Almighty with sincere prayers and your sins will be forgiven.