Explanations of church and home prayers. Divine Liturgy

Proskomedia - what is it? Proskomedia about health or repose.

« Proskomedia" - the word is Greek and means bringing. This is the name of the first part of the Liturgy from the custom of ancient Christians to bring bread, wine and everything necessary for the celebration of the Liturgy; therefore, the very bread consumed on it is called prosphora, which means offering. The bread (prosphora) must be leavened (risen), pure, wheat. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself took leavened and not unleavened bread to perform the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The prosphora should be round and consist of two parts in the image of the two natures of Jesus Christ - Divine and human; on the top of the prosphora there is a seal with an image of a cross and at its corners - initial letters the name of Christ the Savior: IC-XC and the Greek word NI-KA; it means: Jesus Christ wins. The wine for the Sacrament is red grape wine, because the red color resembles the color of blood; wine is mixed with water in remembrance of the fact that blood and water flowed from the Savior’s pierced rib on the cross. For proskomedia, five prosphoras are used in memory of Christ’s miraculous feeding of more than five thousand people with five loaves, which circumstance gave Jesus Christ the occasion to teach the people about spiritual saturation and about the incorruptible, spiritual food served in the Sacrament of Holy Communion (John 6:22-58) . But actually for communion one prosphora (Lamb) is used, according to the words of the apostle: “There is one bread, and we, many, are one body; for we all partake of one bread” (1 Cor. 10:17), and therefore, in its size, this prosphora should correspond to the number of communicants.


Having prepared, according to church regulations, for the celebration of the Liturgy, the priest and deacon read the so-called “entrance” prayers in front of the closed royal doors and put on sacred clothes at the altar. Approaching the altar, the priest, having blessed the beginning of the proskomedia, takes the first (lamb) prosphora and with a copy makes an image of the cross on it three times, saying: “In remembrance of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” This means the proskomedia is performed according to the commandment of Jesus Christ. From this prosphora the priest uses a copy to cut out the middle in the shape of a cube, pronouncing the words of the prophet. Isaiah: “Just as a sheep is led to the slaughter, and like a lamb without blemish, even as one who shears it is silent, so he does not open his mouth; in His humility His judgment will be taken; Who will confess His generation? as if His belly (life) would be lifted up from the earth” (Is. 53:7-8). This cubic part of the prosphora is called the Lamb (John 1:29) and rests on the paten. Then, the priest makes a cross incision on the bottom side of the Lamb with the pronunciation of the words: “The Lamb of God is eaten (sacrificed), taking away (who took upon Himself) the sin of the world, for the worldly belly (life) and salvation,” and pierces the right side of the Lamb with a spear, saying the words of the evangelist: “one of the warriors pierced His side with a copy and abye (immediately) came forth blood and water; and he who has seen the evidence is truly his testimony” (John 19:34); in accordance with these words, wine mixed with water is poured into the cup (chalice).

From the second prosphora, called the “Theotokos”, the priest takes out one particle in honor of the Mother of God and places it on the right side of the Lamb on the paten. From the third prosphora, called the “nine-time” prosphora, nine particles are taken out in honor of the saints: John the Baptist, prophets, apostles, saints, martyrs, saints, unmercenaries, Godfather Joachim and Anna, saints whose memory is celebrated on this day, and that saint named whom the Liturgy is celebrated; these parts rely on left side Lamb on the paten, three particles in a row. From the fourth prosphora, particles for the living are taken out and placed below the Lamb on the paten; from the fifth - for the dead and are placed below the particles taken out for the living. Finally, particles are removed from the prosphora served by the believers; at the same time, the corresponding “memories” are read about the health and salvation of the living and the repose of the departed servants of God; particles from these prosphoras are placed together with particles taken from the fourth and fifth prosphoras.

At the end of the proskomedia, the priest blesses the censer with incense and, having burnt the star, places it on the paten above the Lamb and the particles in order to preserve them in in due order, covers the paten and chalice with two small covers and on top of them another, several large sizes, called “air,” burns incense before the Gifts and prays to the Lord to bless the offered Gifts, to remember those who brought these Gifts and those for whom they were brought, and to make him himself worthy for the sacred rite of the Divine Mysteries.

The sacred objects used at the proskomedia and the actions performed have a symbolic meaning: the paten marks both the Bethlehem cave and Golgotha; asterisk - Bethlehem star and cross; covers - Christmas shrouds, shrouds and shrouds that were in the tomb of the Savior; chalice - the Chalice in which Jesus Christ performed sacred acts; the preparation of the Lamb is the judgment, suffering and death of Jesus Christ, and the piercing of it with a copy is the piercing made by one of the soldiers on the Body of the Savior. The combination of all particles in a certain order on the paten means the entire Church of God, of which they are members. Mother of God, angels, all the holy saints of God, all believing Christians - living and dead, and its Head is our Lord our Savior Himself. Ceremony marks the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, whose grace is communicated in the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Proskomedia is performed by the priest on the altar, with the altar closed, in a low voice. It ends when the 3rd and 6th (and sometimes 9th) hours according to the Book of Hours are read on the choir.

Memorial donation amount

REMEMBRANCE OF HEALTH or REST (Remembrance at divine services)
Simple note (Proskomedia) - (12 names) 150 rub.
Memorial service - (12 names) 150 rub.
Prayer service - (12 names) 150 rub.

On Lent— (up to 12 names) — 500 rub.

REMEMBRANCE OF HEALTH or REST ON THE PSALMTER (The Psalter is read during the day between services)
Sorokoust (40 days) - (for 1 name) 350 rub.
Six months - (for 1 name) 700 rub.
For a year - (for 1 name) 1500 rubles.
Long-term remembrance (5 years) - (for 1 name) - 5000 rub.

Funeral service (in absentia) 500 rub.
Baptism 1000 rub. (+ certificate, books, candles)
Wedding 3000 rub. (+icons, candles)
Blessing of vehicles 1000 rubles.

One-hour tour of the monastery - 150 rubles per person (up to 10 people = 1500 rubles)

The most important church service is the mass, or liturgy, where the sacrament of communion is celebrated. For this ritual, red grape wine is required, as well as bread or prosphora. They must be prepared before the start of the liturgy. in a special way. To do this, the priest, together with the deacon, dressed in elegant sacred clothes, perform special actions on the altar, altar and read special prayers.

We can conclude: before the Liturgy, certain preparations are necessary, which by their nature are very important. That's exactly what they're called proskomedia.

Proskomedia is about health and also about repose.

Commemoration at the proskomedia, the removal of particles of health and repose, and then immersion of them in the chalice is the highest commemoration in the Church. A bloodless sacrifice is made for those remembered at the proskomedia; they also participate in the Liturgy.


In church terminology, there is such a thing as a note for a proskomedia. What is this?

Before the Liturgy, everyone can submit a specific petition written on paper about those people for whom the priest will pray. More than once, everyone has seen that from the piece of bread that the priest gives at the sacrament of the Eucharist, it is as if a piece has been taken away. There will be exactly as many such holes throughout the prosphora as there are names listed on the note. All these crumbs are collected on the paten, during the liturgy they are next to the Lamb (large prosphora), and after such symbolic “souls” are immersed in a cup of wine. In this case, the clergyman must read a special prayer.

The important thing is that only the names of Orthodox baptized people can be included in the note.

There are also simple And custom notes. Information about this must be clarified directly with the church itself. However, in general, according to a simple note, the person’s name will simply be taken out at the proskomedia; according to the order, it will also be heard at the prayer service.

Types of notes

There are two types of notes. First - proskomedia can be ordered about health. Before starting the service, you need to write down the names of people for whose health you need to pray on a special piece of paper, which will most often be located near the candle counter.

Proskomedia is performed using the same document about repose. When writing down people's names, it is important to carefully read the inscriptions on top and not mix up the leaves. If you need to order a commemoration at the proskomedia, you can submit a note in the evening, simply indicating the required date.

The following should not be mentioned in notes (requests):

Not baptized in Orthodox faith(atheists, heterodox, people of other faiths);


- about the deceased, canonized as saints. For example: Blessed Matrona, Blessed Ksenia. The reason is simple: being at the Throne of God, they are the ones who pray for us; o convinced atheists and fighters against God, even if they were baptized into Orthodoxy.

At the relics of St. Theodosius of Chernigov, Hieromonk Alexy (now glorified as a locally revered saint), the future elder of the Goloseevsky monastery of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, bore obedience. Somehow he got tired and dozed off at the shrine. Saint Theodosius appeared to him in a dream and thanked him for his efforts. He asked that his parents, priest Nikita and Maria, be remembered at the liturgy. When Hieromonk Alexy asked the saint how he could ask for the priest’s prayers when he himself stood before the throne of God, Saint Theodosius replied: “The offering at the liturgy is stronger than my prayers.”

Saint Gregory the Dvoeslov tells that after the death of a careless monk who suffered from the love of money, he ordered that 30 funeral liturgies be served for the deceased, and that the brethren perform common prayer about him. And after the last liturgy, this monk appeared to his brother and said: “Until now, brother, I suffered cruelly and terribly, but now I feel good, and I am in the light.”


When you submit notes at the candle shop, the attendant will ask (or expect you to say) what kind of remembrance you intend. Most often, “notes for proskomedia” are submitted. And behind this simple note lies a rather complex and theologically deep order of commemoration.

Proskomedia is the first, preparatory, part of the Divine Liturgy, the main of all Christian services. The name comes from the Greek “offering” - at the proskomedia, bread and wine are prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist, as well as the commemoration of the living and the dead. (On the sacrament of the Eucharist and the connection of proskomedia with the Divine Liturgy) During this sacrament, bread and wine are offered into the Body and Blood of Christ. I also want to offer a furniture tour to China; you can buy furniture wholesale in China much cheaper.

To perform the sacrament, special bread is used - prosphora. It depicts a cross and the letters 1C XC - N1 KA (from the Greek “Jesus Christ is the Winner”). This bread is also called “lamb” (Church Slavonic “lamb”), in memory of biblical prophecies about Christ as the Lamb sacrificed for the sins of people. During proskomedia, this bread is prepared in a special way for the sacrament, and special prayers are read.

An integral part of this preparation for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy is the commemoration of the living and the dead, which occurs as follows. Simultaneously with the reading of the notes, small particles are taken out from the prosphora in memory of the Mother of God, the saints, as well as everyone remembered by us in prayer. After the sacrament of the Eucharist is performed, these particles are immersed in wine, which has become the Blood of Christ, with the prayer “Wash away, Lord, the sins here remembered by Your honest (that is, precious) Blood.” In this way, both the saints glorified by the Church and the living and deceased members of the Church that we remember are united in Christ.

The spiritual meaning of this commemoration is revealed by St. John of Kronstadt:

“The greatness, holiness, life-giving, immeasurable vastness of the terrible Sacrifice of Christ is revealed already at the proskomedia, at which the substance of the sacrament of the Eucharist is prepared - bread and wine, or the Lamb of God, always given to the slaughter for the sins of the whole world and as a thanksgiving sacrifice for all the saints - in in whose honor particles are taken from the prosphora and placed near the Lamb. The atoning sacrifice will be made for them, that is, in gratitude to God for them, as those who have already been redeemed from the earth and completed by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, and rejoicing in the Heavenly Church, triumphant. Wonderful sacrifice!.. Truly Divine sacrifice!..”

Prosphoras, from which particles were taken in memory of the living and the dead, are distributed to the faithful after the Divine Liturgy. They are usually eaten on an empty stomach, washed down with blessed water. To receive a prosphora in a candle shop after the service, it is enough to say that you submitted notes for the proskomedia. Sometimes in large temples When submitting notes, you are given a “coupon”, which can then be used to receive prosphora. It also happens that prosphora is given immediately when submitting notes - from among those prosphoras from which particles were taken out at the previous Divine Liturgy.

Nowadays, notes and the names written in them are not associated with specific prosphoras - in the altar during the proskomedia, all the notes are read, at the same time particles are taken out from all the prosphoras, which are then distributed to those who submitted the notes. In pre-revolutionary practice, the connection was clearer: the prosphora was given with a note about the health (or repose) of a particular person, and it was this prosphora that was given after the Liturgy to the one who submitted it. On name days, it was customary to give a person a personalized “healthy” prosphora, that is, served with a note about his health.

The note “for proskomedia” is sometimes also called “dinner”, by analogy with the everyday (colloquial) name for the Divine Liturgy - “mass”. This name recalls the meaning of the Divine Liturgy as “dinner,” the Lord’s Table, or the Last Supper.

For church rituals and activities, special bread is used - prosphora. This church product consists of 2 parts, which are made independently of each other from yeast dough, and later connect...

To commemorate the living and the dead, it is useful to keep a commemoration book - a small book containing the names of those commemorated. The church serves notes “On health” and “On repose”, containing the names of the people you want...

After describing the structure of services, it is worth asking one thing only: important issue- perhaps central to this book. The question was formulated by one of the readers of the first version of this book before its publication...

Proskomedia is the most important commemoration of the living and the dead. At the Liturgy, the priest takes out particles from the prosphoras about the health and repose of those for whom the believers submitted notes.

At the end of the Liturgy, the particles taken from the prosphora are immersed in the Holy Chalice, at which time the priest pronounces the words: “Wash away, Lord, the sins of those who were remembered here by Your honest Blood, by the prayers of Your saints.” The particles come into contact with the Body and Blood of Christ the Savior.

This is the power and effectiveness of removing parts from the prosphoras.

This is not just a prayer for this or that living or dead, but the cleansing of sins by this very bloodless Sacrifice. Here each part, imbued with the Blood of the Savior, becomes an intercessor before Him for the one about whose name it was taken.

That is why to remove from the prosphora a particle about the living or dead during the Liturgy in Orthodox Church has always been considered the most salutary and fruitful action.

Proskomedia also symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ and is performed in the altar secretly for the believers in the church - just as the birth of the Savior took place secretly, unknown to the world.

That's why YOU CAN ONLY SUBMIT NOTES TO THE ALTAR FOR THOSE BAPTIZED IN ORTHODOXY! 40-mouths are also not accepted for suicides.

IN OUR TEMPLE, in addition to a one-time commemoration at the proskomedia, you can also apply for a LONG-TERM REMEMBER. The difference in such remembrance is only in time - the period of remembrance (A PARTICLE IS TAKEN OUT FROM THE PROSPHORA). In some other temples the particle is not removed for a period longer than the fortieth day.


How to order a magpie, a commemoration for six months, a year?

To do this, you need to come to the temple, go to the shop where they sell candles and say: “I need to order a magpie / for six months / for a year for health / repose and tell the person’s name.

How to order a one-time memorial?

To do this, you need to write a note yourself (you can do it at home, you can take a form from the church shop), in which you can enter up to 10-15 names.
“On repose” and “On health” are submitted separately. This note must be given to the seller in the shop. Memorial notes are always paid.

Commemorations of health are ordered not only for the sick, but also healthy people - so that the Lord would protect them and help them in their good deeds, gave them mental and physical health, and also helped in correction.

Why is such a time period chosen for some commemorations as forty days? We know from Holy Scripture and Traditions that often to achieve a certain spiritual result you need a feat that lasts exactly 40 days. There's a secret here.

We also know from patristic revelation that the soul of a deceased person on the fortieth day after death receives a determination of its fate at the private court of God. And therefore we especially pray during this period. From the above it follows that there is meaning in continuous forty days of prayer.

Elder Schema-Archimandrite Zosima noted that the entire history of mankind is measured in “weeks and forties.” “For forty days Christ appeared to his disciples, remaining on earth until the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. The holy holiday is the fortieth day of the Ascension of the Lord. We celebrate Easter on the eve and will celebrate the great annual holiday on the fortieth day after Easter - the Ascension of the Lord. Sorokoust - forty days of fasting, forty days of Easter, everything comes in forties, weeks and forties. And the history of mankind also goes on in weeks and forties.”

How is the offering of the Sacrifice performed in the temple according to our notes?

Preparation for Her begins during the proskomedia.
Proskomedia is a part of the liturgy during which bread and wine are prepared for the sacrament.

Translated from Greek, this word means “bringing” - the ancient Christians themselves brought bread and wine to the temple, necessary for the liturgy.

Proskomedia, symbolizing the birth of Jesus Christ, is performed in the altar secretly for the believers in the church - just as the birth of the Savior took place secretly, unknown to the world.
For proskomedia, five special prosphoras are used.

From the first prosphora, after special prayers, the priest cuts out the middle in the shape of a cube - this part of the prosphora is given the name Lamb. This “lamb” prosphora rests on a paten, a round dish on a stand, symbolizing the manger in which the Savior was born. The lamb prosphora is actually used for Communion.

From the second prosphora, the “Mother of God” prosphora, the priest takes out a portion in honor of the Mother of God. This particle is placed on the paten to the left of the Lamb.

From the third prosphora, the “nine-time” prosphora, nine particles are taken out - in honor of the saints: John the Baptist, prophets, apostles, saints, martyrs and saints, unmercenaries, Joachim and Anna, and the saint in whose name the liturgy is celebrated. These taken out particles are placed on the right side of the Lamb, three particles in a row.

After this, the clergyman proceeds to the fourth prosphora, from which they take out particles about the living - about the Patriarch, bishops, presbyters and deacons. From the fifth prosphora they take out particles about the deceased - Patriarchs, creators of churches, bishops, priests.

These removed particles are also placed on the paten - first for the living, below - for the dead.

Then the priest removes the particles from the prosphora served by the believers.

At this time, remembrances are read - notes, memorial books, which we submitted to the candle box for the proskomedia.

After reading each name indicated in the note, the clergyman takes out a piece of prosphora, saying: “Remember, Lord, (the name we wrote is indicated).”

These particles, taken out according to our notes, are also placed on the paten along with the particles taken from the liturgical prosphora.

This is the first, invisible by those praying, commemoration of those whose names are written in the notes we submitted.

So, the particles taken out according to our notes lie on the paten, next to the particles taken from special liturgical prosphoras.

The particles lying in this order on the paten symbolize the entire Church of Christ.

“At the proskomedia, the entire Church, heavenly and earthly, is figuratively presented gathered around the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world... What a close connection is between the Lord and His saints, between Him and those who live piously on earth and those who die in faith and piety: remember what a close connection is between us both saints and those who have died in Christ, and love everyone as members of the Lord and as your own members - writes the saint righteous John Kronstadt about particles taken from prosphoras and placed on the paten. - How close to each other are the inhabitants of heaven and the inhabitants of earth, and the Mother of God and all the saints, and all of us, Orthodox Christians, when the divine, universal, transcendental, universal Liturgy is celebrated! My God! What a joyful, life-giving communication!”

Many believe that the particles offered for the living and the dead are a cleansing sacrifice for our sins.

This is a fallacy. One can be cleansed from sin only by repentance, correction of life, mercy, and good deeds.

The particles taken out from the prosphoras we serve are not consecrated into the body of the Lord; when they are removed, there is no remembrance of Christ’s suffering: during the ascension of the Holy Lamb, during the proclamation “Holy to the Holies,” these particles do not rise for the mysterious elevation to the cross with the flesh of the Savior. These particles are not given in communion with the Flesh of the Savior. Why are they brought? So that through them the believers, whose names are written in our notes, receive grace, sanctification and remission of sins from the cleansing sacrifice offered on the Throne.

A particle taken from our prosphora, reclining near the most pure Body of the Lord, being brought into the chalice, filled with Divine blood, is completely filled with sacred things and spiritual gifts and sends them down to the one whose name is exalted. After all the communicants have partaken of the Holy Mysteries, the deacon places into the chalice the particles of the saints, the living and the dead, reclining on the paten.

This is done so that the saints, in their closest union with God, will rejoice in heaven, and the living and the dead, whose names are indicated in the notes, will be washed by the Most Pure Blood itself. God's Son, received remission of sins and eternal life.

This is also evidenced by the words spoken by the priest: “Wash away, O Lord, the sins of those who were remembered here, with Your Honest Blood.”

That is why it is necessary to commemorate the living and the dead precisely in the Church, at the liturgy - after all, it is here that the cleansing of the sins we commit daily takes place through the Blood of Christ. The sacrifice made by our Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary and offered daily during the liturgy on the Holy Throne is a complete and completely exhaustive payment for our debt to God - and only it, like fire, can burn away all of a person’s sins.

Submit a church note (commemoration)

Brothers and sisters, now you can order requirements from the list offered to you right here on the website

Nowadays development information technology allows you to submit memorial donations remotely. On the website of the Holy Resurrection Church (old) in Vichug, such an opportunity also appeared - submitting notes via the Internet. The process of submitting a note takes just a few minutes...

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What should I order for a prayer service or proskomedia to keep loved ones healthy? It is best to get the answer from your confessor.

Procedure for holding the proskomedia

Priests prepare in a special way for the liturgy, after which Orthodox Christians can take communion, one of the seven Sacraments of the Church.

For the first part of the Liturgy, parishioners bring bread and other offerings, clergy prepare wine and special bread for communion.

The clergy put on attire appropriate to the Liturgy in order to perform a special ceremony at the altar - presenting before the Lord the people for whom their relatives and friends are asking.

The ritual takes place with the gates closed, in the altar, emphasizing the mystery of the coming of the Savior, invisible to many. The priest proclaims each name out loud, while saying “Remember, Lord (name).”

After reading the entrance prayers, the priest puts on festive clothes and washes his hands.

From the first lamb prosphora the priest cuts middle part in the form of a quadrangle - Lamb.

Before the birth of Jesus Christ Old Testament It was possible to atone for sins only by sacrificing a killed animal. Man sinned, but an innocent creature was killed. God no longer wanted the blood of innocent animals and sent His Son to earth, who became the last Lamb sacrificed for the sins of the world. Only the believer in Jesus Christ, who accepted his sacrifice for his sins, will be saved.

Taking out the middle recalls both the birth and death of Christ.

Paten, chalice, star, spear, spoon

The meaning of objects in the Liturgy

Each thing used in the first part of the Liturgy has special meaning. The paten, with the cut out middle of the first bread placed on it, symbolizes the manger in which the Savior was born, and the thunder where He was buried.

Piercing with a spear right side the middle of the removed piece is made in memory of how the guard struck right rib Jesus, and Blood and water poured out of him.

To pour wine diluted with water, a special bowl is used - a chalice.

From the second, the Mother of God prosphora, the middle is taken out in the form of a triangle, and the Mother of God is commemorated. The triangular part is placed to the right of the quadrangular part - the symbol of the Lamb.

From the left side of the Lamb, 9 parts of the “ninefold”, the third sacred bread, symbolizing the saints, are ironed out.

Under the “feet of the Lamb” 2 parts taken from the fourth prosphora are placed. Part of it is the living clergy, the second is all the laity of the Orthodox Church.

Part of the fifth bread is a symbol of the memory of the departed.

For reference! From the loaves given by the laity, the priest takes out as many particles as there are names written on the memorial lists. The following is a prayer for health.

Remember, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Thy mercy and generosity from all eternity, for whose sake Thou didst become man, and Thou didst deign to endure crucifixion and death, for the sake of the salvation of those who believe in Thee; and rose from the dead, you ascended into heaven and sit at the right hand of God the Father, and look upon the humble prayers of those who call upon You with all their hearts: incline Your ear and hear the humble prayer of me, Your indecent servant, in the stench of the spiritual fragrance, which brings You for all Your people . And in the first place, remember Your Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which You have provided with Your venerable Blood, and establish, and strengthen, and expand, multiply, pacify, and preserve the insurmountable gates of hell forever; Calm the tearing of the Churches, quench the pagan vacillations, and quickly destroy and eradicate the heresies of rebellion, and convert them into nothingness by the power of Your Holy Spirit. ( Bow)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on our God-protected country, its authorities and army, protect their power with peace, and subdue every enemy and adversary under the nose of the Orthodox, and say peaceful and good words in their hearts about Your Holy Church, and about all Your people: yes Let us live a quiet and silent life in orthodoxy and in all piety and purity. ( Bow)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on our Great Lord and Father His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, Your Eminence metropolitans, Orthodox archbishops and bishops, priests and deacons, and the entire church clergy, who You have appointed to shepherd Your verbal flock, and through their prayers have mercy and save me, a sinner. ( Bow)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (his name), and with his holy prayers forgive my sins. ( Bow)

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my parents (their names), brothers and sisters, and my relatives according to the flesh, and all the neighbors of my family, and others, and grant them Your peaceful and most peaceful goodness. ( Bow)

Save, O Lord, and have mercy according to the multitude of Your bounties, all the sacred monks, monks and nuns, and all those living in virginity and reverence and fasting in monasteries, in deserts, in caves, mountains, pillars, gates, rock crevices, and sea islands, and in every place of Thy dominion, those who live faithfully and piously serve Thee, and pray to Thee: ease their burdens, and comfort their sorrow, and grant them strength and strength to strive for You, and through their prayers grant me remission of sins. ( Bow)

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on the old and the young, the poor and the orphans and the widows, and those who are in sickness and sorrow, troubles and sorrows, conditions and captivity, prisons and imprisonments, and even more so in persecution, for You for the sake of the Orthodox faith, from the tongue of the godless, from the apostate and from the heretics, Thy present servants, and remember, visit, strengthen, comfort, and soon by Thy power I will weaken, grant them freedom and deliver. ( Bow)

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on us, who are merciful and nourishing to us, who gave us alms, and who commanded us unworthy to pray for them, and who give us rest, and do Thy mercy to them, granting them all the petitions for salvation, and the perception of eternal blessings . ( Bow)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on those sent to the service, those traveling, our fathers and brethren, and all Orthodox Christians. ( Bow)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on them who I tempted with my madness, and turned away from the path of salvation, and led me to evil and inappropriate deeds; By Your Divine Providence, return again to the path of salvation. ( Bow)

Save, Lord, and have mercy on those who hate and offend me, and those who create misfortunes against me, and do not leave them to perish for my sake, a sinner. ( Bow)

Those who have departed from the Orthodox faith and are blinded by destructive heresies, enlighten the light of Your knowledge and bring Your Holy Apostles to the Catholic Church. ( Bow)

After the prayer, all the particles symbolizing the people given in the notes are laid out on the paten. The created image symbolizes the unity of the Church, both earthly and heavenly, whose heart is Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.

As in the world, the paten represents the living, the deceased, the sick, the lost - the people of the world who are so loved by God.

After the end of the Liturgy, all the pieces symbolizing the people for whom they prayed are lowered into the chalice with wine. This is a prototype of a unique action - everyone who is around Jesus will be cleansed by His Blood from all sins and will receive forgiveness.

How does proskomedia end?

The sacred ceremony ends with the removal of an asterisk, a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem.

The star covers the Lamb and does not allow Him to be touched by the cloths that cover the chalice and paten with bread at the end of the proskomedia. The three paintings remind the laity of both the baby's swaddling clothes and the burial shrouds with which Jesus was wrapped after death.

Watch the video about proskomedia