Sabbatical leave: who is entitled to it, the procedure for granting it. What is a sabbatical leave and what is the procedure for granting it?

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Teacher's sabbatical

I work as a school teacher English language 30 years old.. Took a year-long sabbatical. The vacation is over. 2 weeks before going to work, I notified the director about my departure. The director provides 12 hours of English and adds 6 hours of physics. I can’t teach physics classes because I’ve never taught it, although I have a diploma. I have a diploma as an English teacher and have taught English classes for 30 years. Language and I went on sabbatical from my position as an English teacher. Language Should I be given 18 hours as an English teacher or not?

As noted in the employment contract, were you hired as an English teacher? Article 60. Labor Code of the Russian Federation It is prohibited to require an employee to perform work not stipulated by an employment contract, except for cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws.

I work as a teacher at school, I want to take a sabbatical leave, will benefits for utilities continue?

Unless otherwise specifically stated by those who provide such benefits, they remain; during the specified period, the teacher is still in an employment relationship at his main place of work, in the same teaching position.

I work as a school teacher, I want to take a sabbatical for a year, can I get a job in another city if I’m already retired, no experience is needed.

You have the right to use your vacation at your own discretion, there is no prohibition and no regulation in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibiting the use of your right to work, on the contrary, this is your constitutional right, the right to work and rest, which you exercise according to your capabilities and education.

The teacher is on sabbatical leave for 1 year (teacher’s statement). Can he return to work early if a person hired for this period works instead of him? Thank you.

Good day! Of course, he has the right to go to work earlier and write a statement about this to the employer because the person who was hired for this position was hired temporarily, that is, fixed-term contract during your absence.

Will my teaching experience be interrupted if I take a sabbatical leave for a teacher for a period of 1 year?

Hello, yes, it is interrupted, since the teaching experience includes only those years in which you worked in the fine arts industry, which paid contributions to you Pension fund Thank you for visiting our site, good luck to you and all the best.

Are teachers paid for a year's sabbatical?

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 N 644 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 15, 2016 Registration N 42532) approved new Order providing teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, long leave for up to one year. The basis for granting a teaching employee a long leave is his application. The provision of long-term leave is formalized by an administrative act of the organization. Payment for long-term vacations is carried out at the expense of funds received by the organization from income-generating activities, in the manner established by the collective agreement. The duration of long-term leave, the order in which it is granted, its division into parts, extension on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work during the period of long-term leave, the addition of long-term leave to the annual main paid leave, the provision of long-term leave to part-time workers, payment from funds received by the organization from income-generating activities, and other issues not provided for by the Procedure, are determined by the collective agreement.

I worked as a teacher for 21 years, I want to take a sabbatical for a year. Will I be entitled to a preferential teacher pension after 25 years of work, or will I not be able to receive this benefit?

Not a very clear question. If it’s about whether the period of such leave will count towards special (teaching) experience, then it won’t.

How to arrange a teacher's sabbatical leave with retention wages for reprinting the textbook in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Hello, Vera Borisovna. This type of leave is not provided for by labor legislation. Please contact the director with this question. educational institution.

I work as a teacher. Total experience: 29 years. I receive a service pension. Am I eligible for a sabbatical? Is sabbatical leave included in the total length of service and teaching experience?

In accordance with Art. 335 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, teaching staff of educational institutions, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to long leave for a period of up to one year. The procedure and conditions for granting such leave are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of the educational institution in which the teaching employee carries out his work activities, and is specified in the collective agreement. Included in general experience.

I work as a teacher and want to take a sabbatical. I found a job in another village, but this job is temporary. But at the same time I want to keep my permanent job. Can I work at another school during my sabbatical?

Hello! You can work at another school on a part-time basis.

I work as a teacher and am on sabbatical for a year. But I was called to work. Can I finish this vacation? I was called in to replace another teacher. I haven’t written a statement yet.

This issue can only be resolved with the employer on an individual basis.

Is the director obligated to allow a teacher of retirement age to go on sabbatical leave? There are no candidates to replace him.

sabbatical leave only by agreement with the employer - the Labor Code does not provide for such leave, alas

Can a principal grant a sabbatical leave to a teacher who has retirement age? For replacement this teacher there is no one.

Labor legislation has not provided for sabbatical leave for a long time. Only by agreement with the employer. . Long leave of teaching staff

Is a teacher on sabbatical leave from September 1, 2015 entitled to a Teacher’s Day bonus?

This is decided by the management according to a situation that we do not know

Is it possible for a teacher to work part-time during a sabbatical?

Yes, you can earn extra money. The law does not prohibit it.

I work as a teacher of Russian language and literature and wrote an application for a year-long sabbatical. And now I need to go to the hospital. Will I be paid sick leave?

B/L will not be paid.

Creative and administrative leave for a teacher are one and the same, or you can take advantage of both.

Of course not. Creative leave usually means a long vacation under Art. 335 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The right to it arises under certain conditions. Administrative leave without pay (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), can be granted only by agreement with the employer, at any time, the period is not limited.

I work as a teacher primary classes, this academic year I took a sabbatical for a year. For family reasons, I want to interrupt it and go to work. The class in which I taught is not given to me, but is offered only 5 hours of lessons. Will I get teaching experience during these 5 hours?

If there are no 18 hours a week from grades 1-11, there will be no teaching experience

I work as a primary school teacher and took a long-term sabbatical for a year from September 1st. Do I have the right to interrupt it and go back to work in January 2015?
Will the vacation be 56 days or less?

Hello! Yes, you have every right go to work early.

Is sabbatical leave valid for a teacher if he is recalled to work?

Is sabbatical leave valid for a teacher if he is recalled to work? ---Of course not

How to properly apply for a sabbatical leave as a teacher? And does a teacher have the right, while on sabbatical leave, to work in another place?

Hello. Submit your application in any form. You can also work during this time.

I have this question. Is it possible for a teacher to interrupt a sabbatical leave taken for a year and return to work in the middle? academic year?

yes, you have the right to leave such leave at any time

I work as a teacher, continuous experience for 26 years. 1.Can I go on a 1-year sabbatical in the middle of the academic year? 2. Can I officially get a job for this time (1 year) in another place not related to teaching and what should I do with my work book then? I plan to return to school in a year? Thank you.

Am I entitled to a one-year sabbatical leave if I have been working as a teacher since 2001 and during that time I was on maternity leave for 1 year and 10 months?

Hello, Angelica! According to Art. 335 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, teaching employees of an educational institution, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to long leave for up to one year, the procedure and conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of the educational institution. If 10 years have passed since the date of your return to work after parental leave, you have the right to contact the school director with an application for the specified long leave. Good luck!

Can there be an early exit from a teacher’s sabbatical leave? (The director claims that it is only for operational reasons, citing additional explanations in the law. But this is leave without pay and a teacher has not been hired to take my place.) Thank you in advance.

Unknown, depends on the founder. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. "Article 335. Long-term leave of teaching staff. Teaching staff of an educational institution, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to a long leave of up to one year, the procedure and conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution."

I worked as a school teacher for 10 years. Am I eligible for a sabbatical?
On the basis of what documents can one obtain a sabbatical leave?

You have if continuously. Based on entries in the labor... Labor Code of the Russian Federation. "Article 335. Long-term leave of teaching staff. Teaching staff of an educational institution, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to a long leave of up to one year, the procedure and conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution."

Is the time a teacher is on sabbatical leave (1 year) counted toward the preferential length of service that entitles a teaching employee to seniority?

No. It is not paid, therefore there are no insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. And does not apply to annual leave.

Application for leave– a document that every officially employed employee who plans their regular vacation needs to be able to draw up. Therefore, each of us should have a sample vacation application at hand.

Let's look at what kind of vacation happens, how to write an application for it correctly, and give a few standard vacation application samples, most often used in certain cases.

What could a vacation be like?

Depending on the purpose, the vacation can be:

  • Another paid vacation is a vacation to which every employee who has worked at their current place of work for at least 6 months is entitled once a year. The start date of the vacation is determined by the vacation schedule. Such leave lasts 28 days according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Vacation at your own expense (without pay) is a vacation that an employee takes for personal reasons when the time for the next paid vacation has not yet arrived. In this case, the vacation is not paid by the organization.
  • Study leave is a leave that may be required by an employee who is pursuing education outside of work. An employee receiving his first education can receive his average earnings during study leave. To confirm a call to study, you will need a certificate from educational institution.
  • Maternity leave(for pregnancy and childbirth) is provided to a woman on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work received from a doctor.

How to write a vacation application?

The vacation application is written manually or printed on a computer. In this case, the signature is always placed manually.

Contents of the leave application

  • Any statement begins with a header. In the upper right corner you must indicate the full name and position of the person to whom this application is addressed, and the full name and position of the person by whom it was drawn up.
  • Next, the title “statement” is indicated in the middle of the page with a small letter.
  • After this, the text of the statement is written. It must include a request for leave, specifying the type of leave and the start date. If the employee does not plan to take the entire vacation at once, then the end date must also be indicated. You can also indicate in your application total quantity days of planned rest. Sometimes it is necessary to indicate the reason for the leave.
  • The date of writing the application, the signature and transcript of the signature of the employee who compiled the application are placed on a new line.

Please note: the leave application must be signed by the supervisor. If an employee goes on vacation without approval of the application, his absence will be perceived as absenteeism.

Vacation application samples (examples)

Below are vacation application samples, used in different cases.

Sample application for regular paid leave

To the Director of Agat LLC
Ryzhikova K.S.
from the cashier
Melnikova I. T.


I ask you to provide another paid leave on 28 calendar days from July 21, 2016 to August 17, 2016.

Date: 07/15/2016 Signature: Melnikova I. T.

Sample application for leave at your own expense (without content)

To the Director of Pobeda LLC
Alimov V.L.
from an electrician
Filonova V.K.


I ask you to grant me unpaid leave for 12 calendar days from July 1, 2016 to July 12, 2016 for family reasons.

Date: 06/15/2016 Signature: Filonov V.K.

Sample application for study leave

To the Director of LLC "Sladosti"
Kovrigov M.V.
from the pastry chef
Pushkina U.S.


I ask you to grant me a leave of absence for 24 calendar days from October 11, 2016 to November 4, 2016, with the same average salary, to undergo intermediate certification at Nizhny Novgorod State University.

Appendix: help-call No. 123 dated 09/21/2016

Teachers' leave can last up to a year, but the teacher's position remains with him. Read how to apply for a long teaching leave and whether you need to pay vacation pay in this case

Read our article:

Vacation of teaching staff in 2018: latest changes

Article 335 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right for teachers to take long-term leave. In 2018, the duration of such leave is 1 year. But in order to take it, the teacher must work in his specialty for 10 years.

How can a personnel officer of an educational organization prepare for

Submission procedure additional leave for teaching staff was updated in 2016. Now it is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2016 No. 644.

Additional leave for teaching staff

Personnel officers of educational institutions should pay close attention to the terminology and in no case confuse the concept of “long leave” and the concept of “”. After all, based on the specifics of teachers’ activities, they are entitled to both. But the rules for their provision, duration and frequency of provision are strikingly different.

Read also:

Additional leave for teachers is assigned in cases established by the code on a general basis (Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Annual paid extended leave (Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is provided annually, according to the vacation schedule approved for the current calendar year.

Its duration depends primarily on the position of the teacher and is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2015 No. 466 “On annual basic extended paid leave.”

The maximum duration of extended leave for teaching staff in 2018 is 56 k.d. For example, kindergarten teachers working with children with disabilities can count on this duration. disabilities. Whereas an ordinary teacher is entitled to only 42 k.d.

Read also:

Sabbatical leave for teachers: procedure for granting

The procedure given in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2016 No. 644 describes not only the rules, but also the conditions for granting extended leave.

First of all, we note that not all teaching staff can apply for long-term leave, but only those named in section I of the nomenclature of positions (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2013 No. 678).

Read also:

This section includes all specialists directly responsible for the learning process itself. The management staff of an educational institution, as well as their deputies, cannot apply for a long rest.

The period of up to 1 year prescribed by law is the maximum; therefore, by agreement between the parties or by decision of the employee himself, this period can be reduced.

Before booking such a vacation, the employer should check availability.

When calculating, only periods of actual work as a teacher are taken into account. It is possible to add periods of work for different employers. In this case, the break between periods should not exceed 3 months. The length of service also includes periods when the employee did not work, but he retained his job.

Pedagogical experience is taken into account. The activity must be continuous, although periods of work for different employers, including private schools, may be cumulative. But a private educational institution must have state accreditation.

Read also:

How to arrange a long leave for a teacher

The procedure for registering for a long vacation is not much different from the regular one. Depending on the provisions of the collective agreement, such leave can either be reflected in the vacation schedule or provided upon application (this is the most commonly used option, and we will consider it further).

Step 1. Writing an application

First of all, the employee must write a corresponding statement addressed to the manager. It expresses not only the immediate desire to relax, but also the dates of such a vacation. It would not be amiss to provide a link to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, giving him the right to rest.

The date of writing an application for long-term leave is not regulated by law. But since general rule Such a vacation is not paid, and there are no regulated deadlines for writing.

It is still more advisable to do this in advance. After all, the teacher is assigned a teaching load and it is incorrect to abandon students in the middle of the school year.

Step 2. Order for long leave

The order is issued in form T-6 (T-6a). Information about vacation is filled out in section “B”. In the line, we write the reason: “Long-term leave of teaching staff for 10 years of continuous teaching activity.” Section “A” remains blank. And it is filled in only in case of merger with the next one.

The number of days and dates are indicated as indicated in the employee’s application.

The order is signed by the head of the educational institution and the vacationer.

Duration of extended leave for teaching staff in 2018

Article 335 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines maximum duration equal to 1 year. If the employee wishes, he can take fewer days; this must be stated in the application.

Teachers' vacation in 2018 in terms of the number of days does not differ from that in 2017. The possibility of dividing it into parts must be spelled out in the collective agreement, otherwise the employer is not obliged to comply.

  • Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Deputy managers: vice-rectors, assistants.
  • A sabbatical leave is granted only if the condition is met - continuous teaching experience exceeding 10 years. An employee can exercise his right to technical support only if this does not contradict the interests of the educational institution.

    TO can be divided into 2 parts. The time between the end of the first part and the beginning of the second part of the vacation should be no more than a year. The duration of each part of the maintenance should be no more than 6 months.

    • place of employment;
    • position held;
    • Substitution within industrial practice(if it is not assigned later than a month from the date of completion educational process).
    • Transfer to another position with subsequent reinstatement in the previous position.
    • Maintenance duration.
    • Possibility of extending leave based on a certificate of incapacity for work.
    • Payment for vacation or lack thereof.
    • If the employer pays for maintenance, you need to establish the amount of vacation pay and the procedure for calculating it.
    • An example of an internal regulatory act on sabbatical leave

    • The administration is considering the application.
    • Why is proper design so important? The documents drawn up may be required during inspections by the labor inspectorate or other official bodies. The employer will be able to prove that he actually provided the leave required by law to the employee. This is especially important if there is a tense relationship with an employee.

      Providing sabbatical leave

      Creative rest (CRE) is one of the forms of long vacation. Available to certain professional employees subject to certain conditions. The right to maintenance is reserved Labor Code.

      Regulatory framework

      The duration of rest is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and the head of the enterprise. Its duration can be up to 12 months.

      In what cases is sabbatical leave granted?

      The list of employees who can qualify for long rest is indicated in section 1 of Order No. 644. This list includes the following employees:

    • Other teachers: educators, speech therapists, instructors. Music teachers.
    • Management staff of educational structures: directors, rectors.
    • Guarantees for employees during the rest period

      NOTE! Even in a conflict with a boss, an employee can have no doubt that his rights will be protected. If dismissal is carried out during the maintenance period, this will be a serious mistake. An employee can freely contact Labor inspection or the prosecutor's office. All evidence base he has it. Most cases related to labor issues are considered in favor of employees. Some employers, knowing that dismissing a worker is problematic, try to get around it in every possible way. Some even liquidate the enterprise specifically in order to legally update the staff. However, an educational institution is not a fly-by-night company, and it is impossible to simply liquidate it. Therefore, the teacher can peace of mind go on a well-deserved rest.

      How to establish continuity of employment

      When determining the length of experience, the time worked in various organizations as a teacher is taken into account. Continuous service includes the following periods:

      ATTENTION! The length of service will be considered continuous only during breaks in work, the duration of which does not exceed 3 months. Also, the length of service will not be interrupted if the teacher worked for some time in various educational structures and then returned to his previous position.

    • Possibility of dividing maintenance into several parts.
    • Possibility of providing maintenance to part-time workers.
    • Other nuances that are not specified in the Labor Code and Federal laws.
    • The provisions may be secured through a collective agreement or other regulatory documents.

      Procedure for applying for a sabbatical leave

    1. An employee submits an application requesting long-term leave. It is advisable to indicate in the document Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which technical approval can be obtained. You should also mention the length of your continuous service.
    2. An order to grant leave is issued. It is drawn up in form T-6 (if there is only one employee) or T-6a (if there are several applicants for maintenance).
    3. If the vacation is paid, you need to draw up a calculation note on the basis of which all payments will be made.
    4. Sabbatical leave is governed by the following laws:

    5. Law on educational services No. 273 of December 29, 2012.
    6. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 644 of May 31, 2016.
    7. Professional teaching staff: deans, assistants, associate professors, professors, heads of departments, teachers.
    8. IMPORTANT! TU can be provided once every 5 years to representatives of the teaching staff who work at the Higher School of Economics and are engaged in research activities with the publication of results. In this case, the total work experience at the Higher School of Economics must be at least 3 years. The countdown of the five years of service required to determine the date of the next vacation begins the day after the completion of the last maintenance.

      During the sabbatical period, employees retain the following:

    9. same workload.
    10. The employer does not have the right to dismiss a vacationing employee or transfer him to another position. An exception is the liquidation of an institution.

    11. Substitution of another employee for a period of no more than three months.
    12. Maternity leave for up to 3 years.
    13. Forced absenteeism associated with the unlawful removal or dismissal of an employee (illegality must be confirmed by a court decision).
    14. Why do you need to draw up a collective agreement?

      The Labor Code of the Russian Federation sets out only the most general provisions regarding sabbatical leave. The employer is obliged to comply with them. However, most of the nuances of providing long rest are not specified in the Code. They are set by the employer himself. All adopted rules are included in the collective agreement. For example, the head of an enterprise can establish requirements regarding the following parties:

    15. Sequence of vacation registration.
    16. Possibility of combining maintenance with main leave, provided once a year.
    17. Will the sabbatical leave be paid?

      The Labor Code says nothing about the payment of vacation pay during the maintenance period. According to the law, this long leave is unpaid. However, this does not mean that maintenance is always unpaid. The employer can make payments to the employee at its own discretion. In this case, all information regarding the payment of vacation pay is included in the collective agreement.

      Accepted requirements may be reflected in documents in different ways. Let's look at an example:

      “Teachers eligible for TO must apply for leave. The document is sent to the director in December of the current year along with the schedule of regular annual vacations. The application must be considered by the administration of the institution and the trade union committee within 2 weeks. If a positive decision is made, the maintenance is included in the general annual vacation schedule.”

      The nuances of registering a sabbatical leave should be set out in the internal regulations of the institution. However, it is possible to highlight approximate diagram design:

    18. If a positive decision is made, information about maintenance is entered into the general vacation schedule.
    19. Sabbatical

      Teachers who work in organizations conducting educational activities have the right to a long vacation of up to one year. Such leave is granted at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work (Article 335 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 4, part 5, article 47 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ). It is also called a sabbatical. Often teachers use it to write scientific works, for example dissertations.

      Let us note that on June 28, 2016, the Procedure for granting long-term leave to teaching staff comes into force (clause 1 of Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644), which is slightly different from its predecessor, which expires from the same date. AND this material drawn up taking into account the requirements of the new Procedure.

      Who is entitled to sabbatical leave?

      Employees holding certain positions have the right to long leave (clause 2 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644). They are named in section I of the nomenclature of teaching positions educational organizations(Section I of the Nomenclature, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2013 No. 678). It indicates both the positions of the teaching staff - dean of the faculty, head of the faculty, associate professor, head of the department, teacher, etc., and the positions of other teaching staff - educator, teacher, social pedagogue, methodologist, accompanist, speech therapist, tutor and etc.

      What is continuous pedagogical work

      The condition for granting long leave is a certain length of work in the field of education. Duration of continuous pedagogical work determined in accordance with the entries in work book employee or on the basis of other documents, for example, employment contracts (clause 3 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644).

      The period of continuous teaching work includes the time actually worked in the position of a teaching worker. But during his career, a teacher may have time to work in different educational institutions. And it would be unfair to start counting the teacher’s experience from scratch every time when changing jobs. Therefore, the time worked as a teaching worker in another educational institution is added to the time worked in one educational institution. True, provided that the break between one and another period of teaching activity did not exceed 3 months (clause 4.1 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644).

      The same rule applies if an employee returns to teaching work after working in bodies that manage education at the federal, regional or local level (clause 4.1 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644). The break between dismissal and entry into teaching work can also only be within 3 months (for the purpose of inclusion in continuous work).

      In addition, the period of continuous teaching work includes the time when the employee did not actually work, but his place (position) was retained. Including the period of leave for an employee to care for a child until he reaches the age of 3 years (clause 4.2 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644).

      The period of practical training, when the employee held a teaching position on the basis of an employment contract, is also taken into account in continuous work, if the break between the date of graduation from a professional educational organization - educational institution - and the date of entry into teaching work did not exceed 1 month (clause 4.3 of the Procedure, approved . Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644).

      The power of a collective agreement

      In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, the decision large number Issues related to the provision of long-term leaves to teaching staff are left to the educational institutions themselves. Moreover, as indicated in the text of the Procedure, they should be regulated by a collective agreement (clause 5 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644). Although, in essence, a local regulatory act or an employment contract itself could also be suitable. Be that as it may, the document must define:

    20. duration of vacation (necessarily within a year);
    21. priority of provision;
    22. the possibility of dividing the vacation into parts;
    23. extension of leave due to employee illness on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work;
    24. the possibility of adding sabbatical leave to the employee’s annual main paid leave;
    25. providing long-term leave to part-time workers;
    26. payment for vacation from funds received by the organization from income-generating activities;
    27. other issues not regulated by the above Procedure.
    28. Guarantees during holidays

      During the period of long leave, the teaching staff retains their place of work (position), as well as the amount of teaching load, except in cases where the number of hours in an educational organization is reduced. curriculum, schedules, educational programs or the number of students, study groups, classes (clause 7 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644).

      In addition, while an employee is on vacation, he cannot be transferred to another job, nor can he be dismissed at the initiative of the employer. The only exception is the liquidation of an educational organization (clause 7 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 31, 2016 No. 644).


      All citizens who have entered into an employment contract with employers have the right to rest: weekends and vacations. The total number of such days is determined by the provisions of the Labor Code. However, there are some categories of workers whose activities require more long period rest - the so-called sabbatical.

      Employees of educational institutions have the right to take advantage of the main extended leave. Its duration is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Depending on the type of organization and the position held by the teacher, the rest periods are 42 or 56 calendar days. In addition, under certain circumstances, long-term sabbatical for teachers, lasting up to 1 year. Also see “What types of vacations are there?”

      Teachers have the opportunity to take advantage of this right after 10 years of continuous professional activities. And you will be able to go on a long rest again after the next 10 years of work related to the educational process.

      The main legal provisions governing teacher's sabbatical, perform:

    29. Labor Code – Art. 335;
    30. Law on Education No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012;
    31. The procedure for providing long rest (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 644 of May 31, 2016) (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 644). Please note that since the end of June 2016, he has made small changes that affect the possibility of teaching staff receiving a long rest.
    32. Who can apply

      Some categories of teachers have the right to go on long leave in accordance with the reference of Order No. 644 to the first section of the nomenclature where they are named. These include associate professors, faculty members, and heads. departments, teachers, deans of faculties, as well as educators, speech therapists, teachers - organizers, teachers - trainers, teachers and others. Note that many of them use sabbatical for dissertation writing and other scientific works.

      In order to use the right to a long period of rest, the following conditions must be met:

    33. continuity of teaching experience for 10 years;
    34. Leave is given in cases where the employee’s absence will not cause negative consequences for the institution.
    35. Calculation of work experience

      Teachers and other employees of educational organizations can exercise the right to a long break from work. According to the terms of provision sabbatical leave according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, total duration The professional activity of workers in the field of training should be about ten years. At the same time, the experience is confirmed employment contracts and corresponding entries in the work book. All actual time worked during which the employee performed teaching duties is taken into account.

      Some participants in the education sector manage to change several jobs. In such cases, the time worked by teachers in different educational institutions is summed up. At the same time, a break in labor activity between different organizations should not exceed three months. Thanks to this condition, teachers will not have to re-gain experience in a new place.

      The same condition is also relevant if the employee continues his pedagogical activity after serving in the education authorities at different levels– federal, regional or local. The break from dismissal to taking up a new position in the teaching field also cannot exceed three months.

      To calculate the total teaching experience, they also take into account periods when the employee did not actually perform his relevant duties, but his place and position were listed as his. This applies to:

    36. leave to care for children until they reach the age of three;
    37. time of forced absence arising from unlawful removal from work or dismissal.
    38. To confirm the right to a sabbatical leave, the time spent on internship in production is also considered as work experience. To do this, no more than one month should pass between the date of completion of studies and subsequent entry into teaching work.

      Continuity of teaching experience is calculated within periods of employment in certain positions established by law. Let us recall that the right to a second long break appears after the expiration of the next 10 years of continuous work in the teaching field.

      Only correctly executed documents serve as confirmation of continuity of activity. It is usually recommended to resolve questions about accrual of length of service with the trade union organization.

      Conditions of rest according to the collective agreement

      Not all provisions affecting duration and other nuances teacher's sabbatical leave, regulate the norms of the Labor Code and other legislative acts. Thus, many issues related to its provision depend on the current standards within the educational structures themselves. Individual criteria are usually fixed in internal regulations. For example, in a collective agreement.

      Educational institutions have the right to establish their own requirements that affect the conditions granting sabbatical leave, regarding:

    39. total duration;
    40. the possibility of extension due to confirmed periods of disability associated with the disease;
    41. priority of provision;
    42. the possibility of dividing a long vacation into parts, joining it to the main annual paid rest period;
    43. payment of vacation directly by the employer organization;
    44. use of long vacations by part-time workers;
    45. other issues related to the provision of recreation not regulated by federal legislation.
    46. Another indispensable condition for an employee to be able to leave is sabbatical– no negative consequences for the institution. A long break in activities should not adversely affect the progress of the organization.

      An example of an internal regulation on long-term leave for teachers.

      Guarantees for an employee during a long vacation

      During use sabbatical An employee of an educational institution must maintain:

    47. place of work;
    48. volume of teaching load.
    49. Keep in mind: the only exception may be a general reduction in the number of teaching hours due to the introduction of new educational programs or a change in the number of students.

      As during a regular vacation, an employee cannot be fired or transferred to another place of work on the initiative of management without his consent. Note that this rule does not apply only in the event of liquidation of an educational institution.

      Current legislation does not oblige employers to pay for sabbatical leave to their employees. This issue is usually regulated by internal regulations.

      Few people know that teaching staff have the right to leave for one year. At the same time, the teacher’s place of work is retained when granted a long leave. What is the procedure for granting annual leave to teachers? Changes have come into force that allow take a long vacation of up to 1 year. A document confirming these changes can be downloaded and you can familiarize yourself with the new procedure for granting long leave to medium-sized workers. secondary schools. How and in what cases will it be provided long leave for teachers in 2016-2017?

      In what cases are teachers granted long leave (up to 1 year)

      The right to receive such leave is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which teaching staff have the right to long leave for a period of up to one year at least every ten years of continuous teaching work. Clarified by new rules, that such a right extends to employees filling positions named in section I of the nomenclature of teaching positions (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2013 N 678). Thus, employees holding positions named in section I of the nomenclature of positions of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations, have the right to long leave for a period of up to 1 year at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work.

      Long-term leave is granted to a teaching employee on the basis of his application and is formalized by an administrative act of the organization.

      Besides, the procedure for calculating the length of continuous teaching experience has been clarified upon receipt of such leave. In accordance with the new regulations, the duration of continuous teaching work is established by the organization in accordance with entries in the work book or on the basis of other properly executed documents confirming the fact of continuous teaching work.

      As before, when granting leave, in particular, the time actually worked is taken into account. It is clarified that such periods are summed up if the duration of the break between dismissal and entry to work is no more than 3 months.

      The time when the employee was on maternity leave is also taken into account. This period has increased to 3 years (previously - up to 1.5 years).

      Teaching staff on long-term leave retain their place of work (position), the amount of teaching load (provided that during this period the number of hours according to curricula, schedules, educational programs or the number of students, study groups (classes) has not decreased).

      During a long vacation, it is not allowed to transfer a teaching employee to another job, as well as to dismiss him at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of the liquidation of the organization.

      The previous order was declared invalid. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 15, 2016. Registration No. 42532.

      Teaching staff can take various reasons long vacation and one of them is retraining and retraining. For those who want to improve their level of knowledge and obtain a new specialty, they can take the course “Informatics and ICT Teacher”. Retraining to become a computer science teacher is carried out by teachers from the Moscow Institute for Advanced Studies and professional retraining specialists.

      The program involves training in basic ICT teaching methods, the latest developments and innovative educational tools. During the training process, students will become familiar with the peculiarities of the functioning of information processes and learn the basics of working in MS Office. Retraining of teachers is carried out with a discussion of issues related to the organization of the educational process in the main and high school in the conditions of the adopted Federal State Educational Standard.

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