What to do about synechia in one year old girls. Treatment of synechiae in girls

Adhesions of the labia or so-called synechea are most often observed in girls from 1 month of age. and up to three years of age. In most cases, this pathology does not require surgical intervention and is completely curable by following the rules of hygiene and using special ointments. When contacting a pediatric gynecologist, Ovestin ointment is usually prescribed.

How is pathology diagnosed?

Synechia in girls can be easily determined upon examination; the presence of pathology is indicated by the following signs:

  • The labia are connected by a thin film of light gray color
  • By spreading the labia, the girl experiences painful sensations, but the adhesion does not disappear anywhere
  • Upon examination, the vagina is visualized as partially or completely closed.

Normally, when the labia are separated, a fairly large gap is observed; a detailed examination of the vagina can be performed.

How is the treatment carried out?

In the absence of characteristic signs of pathology, there is no need for special therapy. With a gradual increase in estrogen levels in the baby’s body, everything will go away on its own.

Hygiene rules

Parents must provide proper hygienic care for the girl’s genitals, namely:

  1. Carry out washing twice a day (morning and evening). It is necessary to carry out this procedure after defecation.
  2. Do not use soap very often to wash children.
  3. Use ointments and creams only after being prescribed by a pediatric gynecologist.
  4. Avoid antiseptics.
  5. Buy your child underwear made exclusively from cotton and change it daily.
  6. After each diaper change, allow the skin to “breathe.”
  7. Use soap without any additives for washing.

In some cases, you cannot do without using cream. The use of Ovestin for synechiae in girls is quite effective. Although it contains hormonal components, it effectively fights fusion of the labia minora. Parents who have used this drug talk about the ease of use and quick results during treatment.

How to use Ovestin cream

It should be applied along the commissure line, without touching the genitals. The standard course of treatment with Ovestin usually does not exceed 2 weeks. (if the pathology has not been treated previously), treatment of adhesions is carried out twice a day.

After the course of treatment is completed, you will need to take the child for an examination to evaluate the results of hormone therapy. If necessary, a specialist may recommend continuing to use the cream, only now the ointment is applied to children once a day.

Treatment also involves the use of regular baby cream, which should be applied immediately after bathing.

Features of hormonal cream therapy

It is necessary to treat synechiae in girls taking into account a number of rules so as not to injure the mucous membranes of the external genital organs:

  • You cannot remove synechia yourself by separating the labia minora.
  • The ointment is applied in a thin layer, followed by rubbing in the areas where adhesions form.
  • After the synechiae resolve, you will need to continue using an estrogen-containing product for prevention purposes.


Ovestin is a hormonal drug, so there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • Intolerance to drug components
  • Presence of estrogen-dependent neoplasms
  • Bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin
  • Current or previous presence of thromboembolism
  • Porphyria
  • Active liver diseases
  • Changes in liver test parameters.

Adverse reactions

The development of side symptoms during treatment of synechiae in a child should not be ruled out.

It should be noted that during use of the cream, local irritation and itching may be observed (the child scratches the mucous membranes of the perineum).

Common adverse reactions include nausea and slight tenderness of the mammary glands. In rare cases, headaches and a sharp increase in blood pressure are possible.

Remember: preventing the development of pathology is much easier than treating it in the future. Take care of the health of your own children!

Synechiae, adhesions, and adhesions are the adhesion of organs or their parts to each other. But if we are talking about synechiae in girls, then this means fusion of the labia. Yes, such a pathology exists, and we will talk about it.


It turns out that if you dig into the statistics, you can find that this phenomenon occurs in 3-30% of girls. The range is wide and is explained by the attitude of parents and doctors to the problem. Many people do not take into account partial synechiae in girls, which are less than half a centimeter in size. After all, they do not cause subjective sensations in the child, do not become complicated and resolve on their own.
Synechia most often develops between the labia minora, but there are cases of adhesions between the labia minora, as well as between the labia minora and labia minora.

Previously, synechiae of the labia in girls was classified as a congenital anomaly. This happened, but rarely. Subsequently, it turned out that more often the pathology develops during the second year of life and specific reasons lead to it.

The essence of the process

Fusion of the labia develops in girls against the background of inflammation, one of the obligatory manifestations of which is effusion of exudate. The latter is rich in proteins. As the exudate ages, the proteins begin to stick together, welding adjacent tissues together.

In our case, the covering epithelium of the labia. Between them, partially or throughout, a thin translucent adhesion is formed. As a result, the outflow of constantly formed vaginal secretions becomes difficult.
With significant fusion, the outflow of urine is also difficult, because the urethra is anatomically covered by the labia minora and labia majora. As a result, or may occur.


Inflammation in the vulva area is caused by several factors.

  • Low estrogen background. These female sex hormones stimulate the production of mucus by the glands of the cervical canal, cervix and vagina. Estrogen deficiency leads to dry mucous membranes, the growth of microflora and the development of inflammation, which contributes to adhesion. It is the low estrogen level in a pregnant woman that causes synechiae of the labia minora in newborn girls.
  • . When washing from back to front from the anal canal, E. coli is introduced into the area of ​​the external genitalia.
  • Insufficient hygiene. Everything is clear here: the absence or lack of hygiene measures contributes to the proliferation of microflora, both pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic. This also includes wearing diapers for a long time in order to save on the development of diaper rash.
  • Excessive hygiene. With unreasonably frequent washing, especially with the use of bactericidal agents, the skin and mucous membranes’ own immunity, initiated by beneficial microorganisms, is depleted. As a result, pathogenic microflora begins to dominate.
  • Hygiene using irritating soaps and gels. Superficial, easily infected erosions form.
  • , developing both to intimate hygiene products and as a manifestation of a general allergy.

The background for the development of inflammation are general diseases and conditions with immunodeficiency, as well as metabolic pathology.


Partial fusions are asymptomatic or cause mild discomfort. Symptoms appear with significant fusion or attachment of inflammation. In the first case, urination is disrupted: the girl’s synechia changes the direction of the urine stream and causes it to pass slowly. The child strains while urinating, becomes restless, or even cries.
Upon examination, fusions between the labia are visible.

The photo clearly shows the synechiae of the labia minora caused by diaper rash in the girl:

And in this photo you can see what synechiae of the labia majora looks like in a girl:

The long-term existence of pronounced adhesions contributes to the development of ascending urogenital infection. Its presence is indicated by various types of discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain in the lower abdomen, itching or burning sensation in the vagina, pain in the lower back, and fever. The pain can be bursting in nature with a significant accumulation of vaginal exudate. And with complete fusion, acute urinary retention occurs.

With allergic inflammation, bright hyperemia, skin itching and the appearance of a rash are associated.


Adhesions between the labia are easily identified during a gynecological examination. But before treating synechiae, discharge from girls is taken for cytological and bacteriological examination. Their results influence medical tactics. They also perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and do general and biochemical blood and urine tests to identify underlying pathology.


No one treats asymptomatic partial fusions. They will go away on their own over time. In case of urination problems or inflammation, local therapy is indicated. If conservative treatment is ineffective or symptoms are severe, surgical dissection of the adhesions is performed.

Conservative therapy

Synechiae in girls does not require hospital treatment; it is carried out at home. Mom can handle it on her own.

  • An effective drug is estrogen-containing ointment or cream. For example, in children, the hormonal cream Ovestin for synechiae stimulates the regeneration of the epithelium, normalizes acidity and restores the microflora in the vulva area. Kolpotrofin, which has a similar effect, is not inferior to it.
  • The cream must be applied after intimate hygiene and baths from decoctions of anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs twice a day for 2 weeks. Then, until the end of the month, it is applied once, and the second application is replaced with a neutral cream (for example, a baby cream with lanolin).
  • Side effects in girls from topical application Ovestin or Colpotrophine with synechiae are minimal. But still, these are hormonal drugs. They need to be applied only to the soldering joint and nothing more.

Another effective remedy for synechiae in girls is a mixture of equal parts of Contratubex gel and Traumeel S cream. In combination, they relieve all manifestations of inflammation, promote tissue regeneration and increase their resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

  • The mechanical factor also plays a role. Each time you rub in a cream or ointment for synechiae, you must lightly press on the surface to be treated - this will speed up the separation of adhesions in girls.
  • After successful separation of the adhesions, local therapy should continue, but wound-healing oils (sea buckthorn, Vaseline, olive) must be applied, which will also prevent relapse of adhesions.
  • Surgical separation of synechiae in girls is a low-traumatic operation of cutting adhesions with a scalpel or electrical devices. After surgery, the use of wound healing local agents is indicated.


You will not increase your estrogen levels. With age, it normalizes on its own. But you can wash your child correctly and teach it. Make it a rule to purchase neutral and hypoallergenic baby hygiene products. Change diapers on time and replace wiping with wet wipes with regular washing.

When the first signs of diaper rash appear, use special creams, this will protect against the development of synechiae in girls. Protect children with allergies from irritating factors.

Komarovsky warns

The doctor considers the pathology to be a feature of physiological development, in which wait-and-see tactics are indicated. But for complicated synechiae in girls, Komarovsky calls surgery the only method of treatment. The pediatrician insists on preliminary anesthesia, and if the gynecologist is going to perform the manipulation “on the spot,” he advises changing the doctor.

Video about pathology

The video briefly outlines the causes, symptoms and treatment of adhesions. Please note which cream for synechiae in girls is the priority for pediatric gynecologists.

Synechiae in girls is in most cases asymptomatic and resolves on its own, but complications will require medication and even surgical treatment. Did you know about this pathology? What exactly? Write to us about it in the comments.

Parents often go to the doctor with problems with the structure of the genitals in girls. Even with seemingly complete care, sometimes they note fusion between the labia of children. Parents of girls under three years of age usually face this problem. Such adhesions are called synechiae, and they have special causes and methods of treatment and prevention. When should you worry and what measures should you take?

Such anomalies in the structure of the labia in girls can be congenital or acquired during life. Synechiae in children are special fusions or adhesions formed at the border of the labia minora; sometimes the labia majora can also partially fuse. Most often, children feel discomfort if the fusion is localized above the area of ​​the outlet of the urethra. This leads to difficulty urinating with discomfort and whims.

If this is not a congenital defect, then the reasons for this phenomenon in children may be the parents themselves, who are either too careless in matters of care or are overly scrupulous. The main reason for the development of adhesions is inflammation, in the area of ​​which special substances (exudate) are formed that have an adhesive effect and lead to the formation of adhesions. Inflammation can be caused by overly active and frequent washing with aggressive agents - bar or adult soap. On the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, children have special protective films consisting of fats; when using alkaline soap, they are washed off. Which leads to dry, irritated and inflamed skin. As the inflammation subsides, the edges of the labia may stick together and grow together.

No less common causes of synechiae can be urinary infections and worms, which lead to irritation and redness of the genitals, irritation and itching. Often, redness can also be caused by fungal infections - thrush. Also, an inflammatory process with severe redness and further formation of synechiae can be caused by vulvitis or vaginitis, damage to the genital area by various pathogens. Allergies to food, cosmetics and diapers can also cause severe redness and itching with burning, and synechiae are often of allergic origin.

Manifestations of synechiae in children

Usually synechiae is visible visually; parents note that the anatomical structure of the genitals is not entirely correct. In addition, children with synechiae may cry when urinating, climb with their hands into panties or diapers, and rub their perineum on the bed. When trying to urinate, the stream may deviate from the correct direction, urine is released intermittently, children strain and are capricious, and refuse to go to the potty.

Suspicious signs of synechiae or the threat of their formation may be redness or frequent inflammation in the genital area, small rashes, dry skin or discharge from the genital opening. This kind of manifestation is always a reason to consult a doctor (this could be a pediatrician or pediatric gynecologist). If synechiae is not treated in time, it can lead to disruption of the structure of the external genitalia, problems with urination and recurrent genitourinary infections. This threatens children with future problems with childbirth and intimate functions in adulthood.

Many parents worry that if they suspect the formation of synechiae, they need to show their child to a pediatric gynecologist. However, the examination and treatment procedure for girls differs significantly from that for adult women. If a doctor suspects synechia, he will carefully examine the girl in the arms of her parents or on a couch (not on a chair!), if necessary, take swabs and send her for analysis for helminths. If an infectious nature of the inflammation is suspected, a smear will be taken to test the flora and sensitivity to antibiotics. The baby's parents will be with her all the time and can monitor the progress of all manipulations. During the examination and examination, the doctor will ask them questions - are there any allergies, what did they use when caring for the baby, what brands of diapers and cosmetics did they use. Parents should answer questions as accurately and openly as possible; this is important for diagnosis.

If treatment is needed...

Today there are two methods of treatment for synechiae - surgical dissection and conservative therapy, each of them has its own characteristics. Dissection is resorted to in extreme cases; after it, with improper care, synechiae tend to recur. First of all, conservative therapy is used, this is the use of local products with female sex hormones - estrogens. They are combined with complete care and local healing and regenerating agents. The drug is applied in a thin layer in the area of ​​the commissure once or twice a day for several weeks; a doctor draws up an individual regimen for them. During the application process, special movements are carried out that help in the divergence of adhesions. As the synechiae disperse, the site of their formation is treated with special ointments with vitamins.

If there is no effect, after treatment with ointments with an anesthetic, mechanical dissection of the adhesions is carried out, and then therapy with creams with hormones and other substances should continue.

To prevent synechiae from reoccurring, proper care for the girl is necessary. Diapers are not harmful during treatment if they are changed regularly and do not provoke allergies. The basis of care is regular washing without aggressive agents in the morning and at night, as well as immediately after bowel movements. Baths with herbal decoctions for no more than 5-6 minutes for a couple of weeks can complement genital care for synechiae. After washing and bathing, it is necessary to blot the genitals with soft napkins, applying napkins with ointment to the area of ​​the adhesions. After washing, you need to treat the external genitalia with sterile oils so that they do not stick together.

In addition, important basics of care include keeping the perineal area dry and clean, since the slightest irritation and redness can lead to inflammation and relapses.

Most parents are not even aware of synechiae of the labia minora in girls. They don’t talk about this in courses for expectant mothers. It is difficult for a mother, even a woman, to determine whether her daughter has synechiae or not.

What do synechiae of the vagina and labia minora look like in girls?

Synechia, simply put, is a fusion. Synechia of the labia minora is the fusion of the labia minora in a girl. Possible fusion of the labia minora with the labia majora. Fusion can be complete or partial.

To examine your daughter for the presence of synechia, you need to :

· wash your hands well with soap

· nails should be cut short

· put the baby on her back

· Gently spread your legs and carefully examine the genitals

Having opened the labia majora, the mother will see that the labia minora are tightly pressed to each other and a film has formed between them. The vagina is not visible at all, or only part of it can be seen. When I try to separate the jaws, nothing happens. This brings pain to the baby and the child begins to cry.

IMPORTANT: With a normal structure of the labia minora, the gap is large, the vagina is clearly visible. The labia minora look like petals and are separated from the labia majora.

Signs of synechia in girls

IMPORTANT: The main sign of the presence of synechia in a girl will be problems with urination. The child will cry and strain. Relief comes only after urination. The situation worsens in the evenings. The baby practically cannot sleep.

Signindicating the possible appearance of synechia are:

· redness of the baby's genitals, the presence of a small rash

· When washing, there may be painful sensations, the girl will cry

· Synechia is also indicated by the fact that when urinating, urine rises in a stream upward, like in boys

· constant leakage of urine, the child went to the potty, but his panties were always wet

Synechia in girls, photo

The first photo shows the normal structure of the genital organs. The second photo clearly shows the complete fusion of the labia minora.

Synechiae in infant girls

Almost from the first days of life, girls can have fused labia. It is believed that The cause of this disease is low levels of sex hormones. This should not alarm parents. Since the absence of sex hormones before puberty is the norm.

Up to about 8 years of age, relapses of the disease are possible. As a girl grows up, the genital mucosa becomes less susceptible to external irritants and more dense. And it hardly grows together.

Causes of synechia in girls

The reasons that can provoke synechiae are:

· food allergies in a child to certain foods in the diet of a baby or mother who is breastfeeding

· household allergies can occur to diapers, powder, cream, soap, napkins, oil

· insufficient washing

· washing too often

· use when washing soap

· improper washing

· genitourinary system infections

· hormonal medications taken by the mother while the baby is pregnant

· dysbacteriosis

· worms

In order to find the cause of the formation of synechiae,the specialist will prescribe a series of tests :

· vaginal smears

· blood and urine test

· feces for dysbacteriosis and worm eggs

· scraping for enterobiasis

Breeding synechiae in girls

IMPORTANT: The earlier synechiae are detected, the easier it is to breed them. At the very beginning of the disease, the film is thin and transparent. And when completely fused, it becomes dense, the body perceives the genital gap as a wound, and without surgical intervention it cannot be separated.

· You cannot do this on your own; you can only harm the child. If you suspect synechia, you should seek help from a pediatric gynecologist.

· It is believed that synechiae should not be touched at the initial stage, but should be diluted only when the fusion brings discomfort to the baby

Treatment of synechiae, dissection of synechiae in girls

· The dissection of synechiae in girls is done by a pediatric gynecologist. This procedure is performed using a scalpel and takes a few seconds. The manipulation is painful and requires special care for the baby’s genitals

· To relieve painful urination and wound healing, sitz baths, lotions and antibacterial ointments are recommended

IMPORTANT: Dissection does not protect against repeated relapses. The labia minora may grow back together. Parents have the right to refuse this method of treatment, but with complete fusion, when urination is impaired, this is the only way to help the girl.

· give up diapers

· carefully monitor your baby’s personal hygiene

· lubricate the labia with baby cream and vegetable oil

· do air baths as often as possible.

How to treat synechiae in girls at home?

Treatment of synechiae at home is possible only with partial and uncomplicated fusion. To do this, use warm sitz baths with the addition of medicinal herbs such as chamomile,

Video: When to treat synechiae in girls - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: How to treat fusion of the labia - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: Pediatrician Plus - Synechia (fusion of the labia minora) in girls

Last article updated: 04/09/2018

This article will focus on one of the most common problems in both adult women and girls, as well as boys: synechiae. How to treat synechiae in girls and is there a way to prevent synechiae? Read on for answers to these questions, as well as useful recommendations from experts.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist

Synechia is an adhesion, fusion of tissues with each other, when connective tissue cords form between them.

In gynecology, synechiae are found: intrauterine, in the fallopian tubes, labia minora and labia majora in girls. Boys have synechiae of the penis.

The presence of intrauterine synechiae in women is called Asherman's syndrome. This pathology is often found in women of reproductive age and is a fairly important problem, as it often leads to infertility and miscarriage.


The causes of the development of intrauterine, as well as synechiae in the cervical canal, are most often mechanical damage to the inner layer of the endometrium as a result of curettage.

This procedure is performed in the case of various pathological formations of the uterine cavity (polyps, hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, non-developing pregnancy). Curettage is also possible during surgery (cesarean section), or during metroplasty due to a malformation of the uterus.

In addition, intrauterine synechia develops as a result of inflammatory processes of the endometrium (endometritis). Its occurrence is facilitated by sexually transmitted infections, intrauterine devices, their long-term use, genital tuberculosis, and multiple abortions.

As mentioned above, intrauterine synechiae, or Asherman's syndrome, is represented by connective tissue cords that fill the uterine cavity throughout or partially. The clinical manifestations of this syndrome will depend on this.

If the synechiae in the uterine cavity are tender, thin, then often clinical manifestations may be absent, and if they are rough and fill the entire uterine cavity, then Asherman's syndrome will manifest itself as menstrual irregularities (painful periods, a decrease or complete absence of menstrual flow, as well as accumulation in the uterine cavity due to the inability to defecate, miscarriage, infertility).

Synechiae in the cervical canal and intrauterine are diagnosed by ultrasound on a certain day of the menstrual cycle and require additional medical intervention, namely hysteroscopy, during which they are dissected.


Highlight 5 degrees of severity of this adhesive process in the uterine cavity:

  1. Delicate thin synechiae of the uterine cavity, which are easily destroyed by a medical instrument, free mouths of the fallopian tubes.
  2. When a single dense adhesion is found in the uterine cavity, but it is easily destroyed by the hysteroscope tube, at this degree the mouths of the fallopian tubes also remain free.
  3. When multiple dense synechiae and closure of one of the mouths of the fallopian tube are detected in the uterine cavity.
  4. When a larger area of ​​the uterine cavity is filled with dense, rough synechiae and complete blockage of the orifices of the fallopian tubes.
  5. Severe fibrosis, the presence of coarse dense adhesions in the uterine cavity, menstrual irregularities, namely a decrease or complete absence of menstruation. In addition, synechiae can be observed in the area of ​​the cervical canal, closing the entrance to it, which requires their dissection.

Asherman's syndrome often causes infertility that a woman experiences when planning a pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to timely predict and prevent this pathology of the uterine cavity.

Measures to prevent adhesions in the uterine cavity:

  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs in any age group;
  • competent contraception and its promotion among the younger generation in order to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies;
  • in case of choosing instrumental or medical termination of pregnancy, preference should be given to medical termination;
  • carry out endometrial curettage procedures under mandatory ultrasound control;
  • limit the use of intrauterine devices for contraception or change them in a timely manner.

Synechiae in children

But synechiae can occur not only in adult women, but also in girls.

Synechiae in infants and in childhood represent adhesion or fusion of the labia minora and/or major, fusion from posterior adhesions - posterior synechiae. In many cases they are called synechiae of the vulva. Translated from Latin, the word “synechia” means “continuity, connection.”

The adhesive process can be observed both along the entire length of the labia, and in a certain area (in the lower third), that is, partial adhesion is noted.

The main question that worries every parent is: what does the treatment of synechia include and whether it is worth separating the synechia.

A delicate, thin, transparent film is formed that partially blocks the entrance to the vagina (with incomplete adhesion) and completely covers the entrance to the vagina and urethra (with complete adhesion of the labia).

In this case, it is necessary to breed synechiae in girls.

They are most often observed in girls aged 6 months to 6 years (usually diagnosed before one year of age)

They arise both within a few days and within several months.

There are 5 main reasons why synechia develops in girls.

The reasons for the development of adhesions in the labia area in girls, as well as in adult women, are: are:

  • inflammatory process (vulvitis, vulvovaginitis);
  • a consequence of an allergic reaction (with abuse of sweets, citrus fruits);
  • violation or, conversely, excessive hygiene of a girl with repeated use of soaps, when, as a result of frequent washing of the girl, injury to the mucous membrane occurs and, as a consequence, inflammation with the subsequent formation of synechiae;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • tight-fitting underwear made of synthetic fabrics.

Thus, knowing the main reasons for the development of adhesions, it is possible to prevent the development of synechiae in girls.

Such frequent fusion of the labia at such an early age can be explained by the low content of the hormone estrogen, the level of which begins to increase from 7 to 8 years of age.

Symptoms during the formation of fusions of the labia may be absent in the case of incomplete adhesion. In such a situation, a doctor can make a diagnosis during the next examination.

But if a commissure has formed along the entire length of the labia, thereby completely blocking the entrance to the vagina and urethra, then the following signs:

  • the child begins to be capricious when urinating;
  • straining when urinating;
  • cries;
  • a stream of urine hitting the lower abdomen;
  • in rare cases, an increase in body temperature is observed.

Treatment of synechiae of the labia in children can be conservative (that is, without instrumental interventions) and surgical (using surgical instruments).

Currently, the formation of adhesions in the labia area in children is not considered a pathology (since low estrogen levels in girls up to a certain age are the norm). In this regard, it is believed that synechiae themselves are not a pathology.

Therefore, in case of incomplete fusion, in the absence of clinical manifestations, the synechiae are not separated in girls, but an ointment containing estrogen (Ovestin) and dynamic observation are prescribed.

Ovestin is a drug containing the female sex hormone estriol. It is widely used for synechiae. When the labia stick together, a small amount of ointment is prescribed to be applied to the area of ​​the fusion, that is, to the septum, with a gradual transition to regular ointment containing lanolin to prevent re-sticking.

The drug is sold freely in Russia, without a doctor’s prescription. Its price is about 1,500 rubles per tube. Reviews about the use of the drug for the treatment of synechia in girls are only positive.

If you read on the forum, you can note that many children, according to their mothers, do not have synechiae separated. For fusion of the labia, a gel is prescribed Contractubex(made in Germany). According to the instructions, Contractubex gel is used for gross deformation of the skin, cicatricial changes in the skin, and stretch marks in the postpartum period. I would like to note that nothing is said about breeding synechiae in girls using Contractubex gel. Therefore, you need to think very carefully whether it is worth using this drug in children!

Another frequently prescribed drug for the formation of synechiae of the labia minora in a child is ointment Bepanten(contains dexpanthenol). According to the instructions, this ointment is used to accelerate the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes due to the content of vitamin B5. However, the instructions say nothing about use for fusion of the labia minora in girls!

Solcoseryl- a drug that is also used for adhesions. Yes, the instructions for the drug say that it is used to improve tissue trophism and regeneration. But sticking of the labia is not an indication for the use of this remedy.

Treatment of synechia in a girl with folk remedies

In folk medicine, synechiae in girls is treated with castor oil, applying a small amount of it to the fusion area of ​​the labia minora. It should be noted that castor oil is used not only in gynecological practice. Due to its many beneficial properties, castor oil is also used in cosmetology.

Dear mothers, think carefully before using this or that drug that was recommended to you by a friend on the forum. It's best to see a doctor! Only a competent specialist can decide whether it is worth spreading the adhesion between the lips or whether this process can be cured without the use of intervention.

If the urinary tract is involved in the process and there is an acute urination disorder, the synechiae are destroyed surgically, followed by the administration of Ovestin in order to avoid relapses of adhesion. With surgical destruction of the fusion, relapses are observed in 30% of cases.