Holy saints of God about cleansing the heart. Methods for cleansing blood vessels and heart muscle How to quickly cleanse the spiritual heart

Cleaning the vascular system is an important measure to avoid the development of complex diseases. It is dangerous when the heart vessels are clogged, which leads to the development of angina, arrhythmia, ischemia and other ailments.

Blockage of blood vessels occurs for several reasons:

Due to blockage, blood stagnates, provoking the development of coronary heart disease (CHD): angina pectoris, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction.

Recipes for cleansing coronary vessels

You can cleanse the coronary vessels of the heart using an integrated approach. Drugs from the pharmacy are used, and attention is paid to the substances contained in food.

To clean clogged veins and arteries, you can use traditional methods. If you have symptoms of circulatory problems, you should seek medical help.

Often, if coronary heart disease is suspected, the doctor prescribes a set of diagnostic measures. One of the effective methods is coronary angiography of the heart vessels - a radiopaque technique for studying the condition of the coronary arteries.

For this purpose, the patient is in the hospital as a day patient. If the general condition is stable, local anesthesia is performed at the catheter insertion site. With its help, a special drug is administered to evaluate the gaps. Depending on the diagnostic results, the cardiologist prescribes the necessary treatment.

If it is impossible to eliminate the causes of narrowing of the lumen with drug therapy, coronary artery bypass grafting is performed - heart surgery. The intervention is indicated for complex forms of coronary stenosis that has developed as a result of atherosclerosis.

Blood irradiation using a laser has been used in the treatment of blood vessels for atherosclerosis for more than 15 years. The consequences of laser therapy eliminate hypoxia and remove cholesterol deposits from the walls. The technique is characterized by minimal side effects. Indicated for the treatment and prevention of cardiac diseases in elderly people.

For simple types of stenosis, you can clean and strengthen the walls of blood vessels in various ways.


Several types of drugs have been developed for drug therapy of aortic sclerosis:

  • influencing the metabolic process of lipids;
  • saturating the body with fatty acids;
  • choleretic agents to enhance the production of bile and its movement into the duodenum;
  • reinforcing walls.

Doses of drugs are prescribed by the doctor after diagnostic studies. Self-medication with medications can lead to poor health.

Folk remedies

There are a number of recipes for preparing remedies that cleanse veins and arteries at home. They are distinguished by a simple composition from available raw materials, proven effectiveness by adherents of alternative medicine. Cleaning blood vessels for ischemic heart disease using folk remedies requires compliance with doses and regularity of medication. Effective ones include:

  1. A soda solution taken for a month affects cleansing, thins thick blood, which prevents the formation of blood clots. Dissolve 1/5 of a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, 1.5 hours before lunch and dinner. After a week, the dose is increased to 1/4 of a spoon, and after another two weeks - to 1/3. After a month, you need to take a break of 1 month and repeat the treatment course. It is important to follow a diet: limit the consumption of fatty, spicy foods, and alcohol.
  2. A composition of ginger, honey and lemon is well recommended for cleaning the blood vessels of the heart and head. Wash the root (300g), 1 lemon (peel is not necessary), grind in a meat grinder, mix with 5 tablespoons of honey. The mixture is placed in a jar with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. You need to take the medicine 2-3 spoons per day.
  3. All types of nuts, especially walnuts, contain fatty acids that break down cholesterol and prevent blood vessels from becoming clogged with its deposits. Garlic will help improve the condition of the vascular system and strengthen the walls. 100 g of walnut fruits and 4-5 cloves of garlic are crushed, mixed, and 0.5 liters of boiled cooled milk is poured. The composition is infused for 1 hour, then placed in the refrigerator. The medicine is taken 3 times a day 1.5-2 hours before meals. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.


Cleansing the heart vessels with folk remedies and medications must be combined with a therapeutic diet. You should cleanse your arteries and normalize your heartbeat by avoiding foods containing high cholesterol. These include:

  • pork, liver, pork pate;
  • kidneys;
  • sausage;
  • eggs;
  • fish roe;
  • shrimps;
  • melted butter;
  • turkey meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cream;
  • sour cream.

Fried, smoked, and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables, herbs, legumes, dried fruits, and grains. For treatment, it is necessary to give up coffee and replace the drink with rosehip decoction and juice.

Duration and rules of cleaning

Cleaning the heart vessels with tablets or folk remedies requires following certain rules:

  • before starting a treatment course, it is important to be examined and assess the condition of the arteries;
  • during drug therapy, you should strictly adhere to the doses and duration of treatment recommended by the doctor;
  • When taking alternative medicine, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other diseases. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should not take medications containing alcohol or garlic; if you have diabetes, avoid recipes with honey;
  • Excessive consumption of ginger can cause heartburn and vomiting. Recipes with ginger should not be chosen by people suffering from hypertension, stomach ulcers, bleeding of any location, or a complex form of circulatory disorders in the brain. Pregnant women, especially in the third trimester, should not use ginger-based products to relieve plaque;
  • In order to cleanse the heart vessels with proven folk remedies and achieve positive results, it is important to complete the course without stops, intervals, or dose reductions, if this is not included in the treatment regimen. The course is 1 month;
  • When treating ischemic heart muscle disease, experts recommend physical activity in the form of physical therapy. Exercises are contraindicated in case of frequent attacks of chest pain, severe heart rhythm disturbances, persistent increase in blood pressure, severe diabetes mellitus;
  • after completing a course aimed at cleaning the coronary blood vessels of the heart, it is advisable to conduct a diagnosis and compare the result with what was obtained before treatment. This way you can track the dynamics and evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

Methods for strengthening heart vessels

You can avoid clogging your veins and arteries with harmful deposits and strengthen your blood vessels by adhering to the following rules:

  1. Reduce salt intake. It promotes water retention in the body, which puts extra strain on the heart.
  2. Include foods that remove excess fluid in your diet. These include sesame, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, dried apricots, nuts, parsley, cabbage.
  3. Avoid drinking strong drinks.
  4. Stop smoking, which causes stenosis.
  5. Get rid of excess weight. Fatty deposits clog arteries and complicate the work of the heart muscle.
  6. Do physical exercise. Physical education will help strengthen the cardiovascular system and get rid of extra pounds.
  7. Remove fatty foods of animal origin from the menu. A healthy diet will help cleanse arteries, veins and capillaries, and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire body.

Clogging of blood vessels occurs due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on their walls; poor nutrition plays an important role in its development.

“After a long discussion, Peter stood up and said to them: Men and brethren, you know that from the first days God chose me from among us, so that from my mouth the Gentiles might hear the word of the Gospel and believe; and God, who knows the heart, gave them a testimony, giving them the Holy Spirit, like us, and made no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.”

(Acts 15:7-9).

The topic of my thoughts today: cleansing. Therefore, from the above passage of Holy Scripture, let us pay special attention to the expression: “having purified their hearts by faith.”

Dear friends, the topic offered to you is intended, first of all, for the newly converted to God, believing reader. Although, I think that it can also help many Christians who have known the Lord for a long time, but still do not have enough light on this important issue of spiritual growth.

I must say that some time after my conversion to God, while living in Kyrgyzstan, I became interested in the issue of cleansing. I heard a little about this from my older brothers, but still did not have any clarity on this matter. This question worried me, and I was looking for an answer. And then one day a Christian gave me a book by an Indian author, David, “Consecrated Life” to read. This old book in German, which was missing several pages, and which was printed in Gothic type, was so simply and interestingly written that it made a very strong impression on me. Finally, I got the answer to the question about cleansing that was so troubling!

Unfortunately, the book had to be returned, and I have not yet seen this book in Germany. But inspired by this book, I began to better understand what the Bible says about cleansing and how I myself can live a life of cleansing and sanctification. I realized that I could myself, at any time, cleanse myself before God in the blood of His Son Jesus Christ, realizing and confessing my sin. Whether it was a sin committed because I was not awake and, so to speak, “stuck” to me while following Christ in this sinful world, or a sin from the past that surfaced in my memory. And for this, it is not at all necessary, as a believer, to come forward at a general meeting in church, kneel and confess to God in the presence of hundreds of people.

Jesus speaks to those weary under the weight of sin: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). “And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free,” He taught (John 8:32).

When a sinner turns to Jesus Christ, He forgives him all his sins without exception. It is written: “You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea” (Mic. 7:19b). “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our iniquities from us” (Ps. 102:12). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). But nevertheless, a person who turns to God needs cleansing. And, I would say, in daily cleansing. He needs to be cleansed from the sins of the past and from the sins that “stick” to him daily.

The fact is that when a person turns to God in repentance and asks for forgiveness of sins, then God in Christ forgives him. A normal consequence of conversion is the confession of sins not only in the presence of a counselor (elder, preacher or one of the believers), but also before those against whom or with whom the sin was committed! But since this, depending on the sins committed, is sometimes very difficult, the Holy Spirit does not reveal in a person’s memory all his sins at once, since this could lead the newly converted person to despair! And it is not always possible to realize and establish good relationships due to geographical distances or other reasons. And it happens that years pass, a Christian grows stronger in faith and God reveals the sin of the past in his memory, brings him together with people and gives him the necessary strength to talk about the sin he has committed. And I have no doubt that God has prepared both sides for this meeting during this time.

Purification promotes spiritual growth, spiritual freedom and joy in Christ. Purification is also necessary for successful service to the Lord. When brothers or sisters are called by God to a specific ministry, they realize that we need cleansing. Even in the course of a particular ministry, there may be a need for cleansing as the Lord draws His child closer and closer to Himself. The Lord wants us to be able to work for Him without hindrance. And this is only possible when we live a life of purification. But how does cleansing happen? Three people seem to participate in cleansing: the Holy Spirit, the Word of God and the Blood of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit leads a person to the mirror of the soul - the Word of God, and encourages and exhorts: read the Bible. The Holy Spirit puts into the heart of a person already converted to God the need to read the Holy Scriptures. He encourages us to come to meetings to be exposed to the sound of God's Word as often as possible. In other words: The Holy Spirit leads us to the light. And the Bible teaches that believers must live in the light. Maybe at first glance it seems like a contradiction: to live in the light and at the same time be purified?

For a long time I could not understand why this verse has two such deep meanings: 1. “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another...” and 2. “The blood of Jesus Christ the Son Him, cleanses us from all sin." Over time, I began to understand the words of the Apostle John this way:

Firstly By walking in the light of the Holy Scriptures, we have fellowship with one another. Let me explain this with one example:

One day in the evening two people walked towards each other on the street. They walked in the dark, but between them there was a street lamp, illuminating the area for a short distance around them. Being at such a distance from each other that they were unrecognizable, each was a little afraid of the stranger. But as they approached the lantern, both felt some kind of relief, because they saw something familiar in each other. When they met in the light, they recognized each other and rejoiced: it turned out that they were brothers in Christ. They recognized each other in the light!

This is how it is in the Christian life. God's children who walk in the light recognize each other, welcome each other, and have fellowship with each other! Therefore, the Word of God today reminds us and teaches us: 1. “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another...”. It is clear that if we are children of God, then we are forgiven by God once and for all, and also justified by Him.

Secondly, as for our purification when walking in the light, this means that by loving the Bible, we are getting closer and closer to God, that is, to the Light, and, being in His light, we discover what we really are. As we approach the light, we all again have a need for cleansing, and then what is written about in the 2nd half of the verse happens: “... The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” In the process of Christian life, we are all again convinced that there is still something in us that saddens us, that does not glorify God, and from which we need to free ourselves. This is due to the fact that we have two natures: old and new. Although the old one, called “flesh,” no longer has power over us, it makes itself known and can cause us a lot of trouble if we are not awake.

That is why Jesus said: “Watch and pray, so that you do not enter into temptation: the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). And in another place it is written: “My children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin; but if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous: He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world" (1 John 2:1-2).

So, for purification we need light. And it is possible only as the soul acquires light from the Lord. It is written: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105). “The path of the righteous is like a shining light, which becomes brighter and brighter until the full day” (Proverbs 4:18).

Let's explain this next. The housewife starts cleaning the house, usually in good light. Sometimes with electric power, but more often with daylight. And the more light she has, the better she sees the dust that has settled on furniture, window sills and various objects, which she then erases. And if the sun still peeks into the room, she sees in its rays even the dust hanging in the air.

This is how it is in spiritual life. The more light we have, the better we know ourselves, our hearts, and the more we love cleansing.

Our walk before God and people depends on light. If it’s only 7 am on my spiritual clock, as for example at that time of year when it’s still just dawn at 7, then I walk uncertainly and cautiously along the dimly lit streets of life. If it’s eight or nine, then you’re more confident.

Jesus said, "I am the light of the world; whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). And as we come to know Jesus Christ, our spiritual walk becomes more and more confident and firm.

So, The Spirit of God leads us to the mirror of the Word of God, where we can see how we are before God. And, if we notice that the heart is unclean, that somewhere it has been stained, or that God’s light has revealed the sin of the past, then we can come to Jesus, confess the sin, ask for forgiveness, and He will wash our heart in His blood.

Take, for example, the passage of Holy Scripture where it is written: “Do not despise your mother when she is old” (Proverbs 23:22).

Once, back in Kyrgyzstan, during some conversation, my relationship with my mother became a little strained. A, so to speak, everyday conflict situation arose. True, this situation was so simple that it could be resolved by the fact that someone needed to speak up first and realize that they were wrong. But then I thought I was right. Yes, this time I’m right, I decided, and my mother should understand this from the fact that I won’t be the first to speak, I won’t be the first to reconcile.

We were on the bright veranda, and mother was sitting at the spinning wheel. I turned away from her, about to go into another room, but then I turned around again and looked at her. My gaze fell on her worn hands.

For a moment I froze... Tears began to flow. All thoughts that perhaps I was right this time were gone. I went up to my mother and said: “Mom, forgive me.”

Naturally, my mother forgave me. I was still insolent towards her and this word condemned me. I remembered that the Bible says: “Do not despise your mother when she is old” (Proverbs 23:22).

We can cite many other places of Holy Scripture that we have come to know and which have become light for us.

Maybe some of my readers already have sufficient spiritual experience and remember well when, regardless of the ministry performed or age, when reading or remembering one or another verse from the Bible, this word suddenly became alive, touched the heart, filling it with God's presence, His light , enlightening thoughts and conscience. And the Spirit of God touched your heart so tenderly that you had no doubt that it was the Lord speaking. If in this case this word revealed vices, then you were touched, perhaps cried and asked for forgiveness from Jesus, and He again cleansed your heart with His holy blood, granting forgiveness and peace.

And if God visits us in this way, then this is evidence that He loves us and cares that we are cleansed and sanctified so that we bear more fruit. Remember what Jesus says about this: “I am the true Vine, and My Father is the Husbandman; every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He cuts off; and every branch that bears fruit He purges, so that it may bear more fruit. You have already been cleansed through the word that I preached to you" (John 15:1-3). Reading and hearing the Word of God also cleanses us, transforming and sanctifying our thoughts and desires.

Purification and sanctification are the two legs by which we confidently stand on the victorious foundation of Calvary and walk unhindered through the Christian life. If cleansing means being freed from sin by confessing it to God and forgiving it, then sanctification means the dedication of those who have been cleansed by the Blood of Christ to God. Purification precedes sanctification. It is written: “For You are a God who does not love iniquity; evil will not dwell with You. The wicked will not abide in Your sight: You hate all who practice iniquity” (Ps. 5:5-6).

Let's look at another scripture: “Judge not according to outward appearances, but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24). What does judging by appearance mean? I think that this means that I make a determination about a person based on appearance, without knowing him enough.

There was a time in my Christian life in Kyrgyzstan when, looking at one brother who sang in the church choir, I was tempted, in my opinion, by his excessively long sideburns. I formed an unjustified, erroneous opinion towards him that encroached on his dignity. I realized this a little later, but not at the time when I first met him. Time passed, and I was summoned by telegram to the Orenburg region.

There I found myself in difficult circumstances.

They found out about this in their native church, and the brothers decided to send their retired brother to the Orenburg region, they say, maybe he will be able to meet with me and find out what’s what.

And the brothers decided that in order to urgently arrive in the Orenburg region, it was better to fly by plane, but not from Frunze, but from Alma-Ata. This means that we urgently need to deliver the Christian elder from Kyrgyzstan to Kazakhstan, to Alma-Ata airport. But who will take him? It is clear that, despite the fatigue and long journey, he will be driven by a person with a selfless and kind soul. And this man turned out to be the brother with sideburns, whom I judged by his appearance.

Thus, the messenger of the church quickly arrived in the area where I was located and we had a chance to meet.

Later, we returned with him by train to Kyrgyzstan.

Arriving at my native church, the first thing I did was go up to the brother with sideburns and ask him for forgiveness for judging him by his appearance, and his sideburns did not prevent me from recognizing him as a kind and selfless person.

A good Christian book or printed sermon can also bring heavenly light into our hearts and be of great help to us in the matter of purification and dedication to God. With their fresh stream of grace, they can thus not only help us resolve any problem or encourage us, but even direct our lives in a completely new direction on the path of knowing God and serving Him.

I would also compare their action with the work of a railroad switchman, when the movement of his hand directs the train to other rails and new perspectives open up to the passenger’s gaze, he meets new people, and breaks up with someone. The train takes him through new towns and cities, delivering him to the desired station.

Thus, at one time, John Bunyan’s book “Spiritual Warfare” had a very beneficial influence on me. In this case, I mean the episode where Emmanuel’s army liberates a city called Soul from the cunning of Diavolos and his army that captured it. The inhabitants of the city, meaning strong-willed and intellectual forces, also participated in the struggle to get rid of Diavolos, who enslaved them. And so, suffering defeat, Diavolos begins negotiations with the residents of the city, such as: Prince Free Will, Prince Conscience, and so on, reminding them that he was always so kind to them and asking them to leave them something as a keepsake. Like, I’m ready to leave the Soul, but let me leave something in it that would remind you of our friendship!

But from Emmanuel’s advice, the inhabitants of Soul understood that they could not leave anything in the city that would remind them of friendship with Diavolos.

Then I became wary: what else is left in my life that reminds me of friendship with sin. After checking photographs and memorabilia, I found several photographs and jewelry from the time of Diavolos's occupation of my soul that could arouse sinful memories and feelings in me, and I mercilessly destroyed them, despite the fact that one item was of jewelry value. The red-hot furnace consumed her too. This brought me joy.

Yes, when we see our heart in the mirror of God's light, then we repent and “the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.”

One girl, turning to Jesus, told me that the first thing she did was throw all her worldly music tapes in the trash.

I also thought that I had gotten rid of everything that reminded me of sin, but it turned out that through this book God’s light revealed another stain in me from which I was able to cleanse myself. The Bible says: "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away your evil deeds from before My eyes; cease to do evil; learn to do good; seek righteousness; save the oppressed; defend the orphan; plead for the widow. Then come, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Even if your sins be They will be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they will be as white as wool" (Isaiah 1:16-18). What a wonderful promise of God for the one who repents and forsakes sin. The Word of God teaches that “he who conceals his crimes will not prosper; but whoever confesses and forsakes them will receive mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).

We acquire a pure heart by faith on the day of repentance, and by faith it is purified as we learn God’s truth.

Holy Scripture warns believers in Jesus not to forget about cleansing from the sins of the past.

Thus, in the Second Epistle of Peter it is written: “How by His divine power has been given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and goodness, by which were given to us great and precious promises, that through them you might become partakers of the divine nature, having been separated from corruption that is in the world through lust, then, making every effort to do this, show in your faith virtue, in virtue knowledge, in knowledge self-control, in self-control patience, in patience godliness, in godliness brotherly kindness, in brotherly kindness love. If this is in you. is and multiplies, then you will not remain without success and fruit in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; but whoever does not have this is blind, has closed his eyes, has forgotten the cleansing of his past sins. Therefore, brethren, try more and more to make your calling firm. and election: if you do this, you will never stumble, for in this way free entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be opened for you” (2 Pet. 3:11).

Of course, the Lord has different ways to cleanse His children: illness, sorrow, and other various trials.

One preacher put it this way: “A kilogram of iron costs only a couple of pfennigs, and if you forge horseshoes from it, it will not cost much more. But if you make knife blades from it, you can count on a couple of hundred marks, but if you process it into watch springs, the value will increase by many thousands. But for this, the iron must all return to the fire and must be tempered again and again.”

So it is in the Christian life. Whoever wants to become pure and strong must again go through the burning furnace of trials, while maintaining gratitude to the Lord; then the heart is purified and a wonderful character is formed.

On the path of purifying the heart in the life of a Christian, there may be times when he needs the help of one of his brothers or sisters in faith. It is written: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed: the earnest prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16). This means that in some cases we may need to confess to God in the presence of one of the believers.

It is very valuable when in such a case there is trust between both parties (the one confessing and the one listening to the confession). Then God’s command is fulfilled: “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2).

Believers who watch their hearts and love its purity are happy people. This is confirmed by their clean and open faces; there is no guile in their speech. In communication they are sincere and simple, and their life and service to God is understandable to everyone. In their lives the word spoken by the Apostle Paul is fulfilled: “For in our teaching there is no error, no unclean motives, no guile” (1 Thess. 2:3).

Now let's think about how, as we cleanse ourselves, we can maintain a pure heart and inner peace?

“Imagine a quiet pond, on the shore of which there is a strong tree. The water in the pond is so calm that the tree is majestically reflected in its mirror surface. But then a boy comes up and throws a stone into the water, which causes circular waves on the smooth surface of the pond. Still and strong the tree reflected in the mirror of the water begins to waver, as if it had lost its root support, but when you look up, you see that the tree on the shore stands as firmly, striking in its grandeur as before. Only its reflection began to move from the stone. , thrown by a boy into the mirror surface of still water."

This is how it is in the life of a Christian. The pond is the heart of man. Its clear and calm water with a mirror surface is God's peace in the heart. The tree on the shore represents God's promises as recorded in the Bible. A stone thrown into water is a flaming arrow of the evil one (Eph. 6:16).

By turning to Jesus and receiving forgiveness of sins, man gained peace with God. About this world, which has now become the property of the Christian. The Bible says, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7).

As the Christian purifies, this peace becomes deeper and more solid, so that the tree of God's promises is reflected in the mirror of his pure and calm heart. But the devil, about whom it is written: “Be sober, be vigilant, for your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8), throws a fiery arrow of temptation into this heart. And now waves of embarrassment disturbed his peace and tranquility. If a Christian now looks into his own, troubled heart, it seems to him that the “tree” of God’s promises has “shaken,” as if it has lost its grandeur and power. When he lifts his eyes and fixes them on the pages of the Holy Scriptures, he sees that God's promises are as sure and true as ever. God in His Word said:

“The mountains will be moved, and the hills will be shaken; but My lovingkindness will not depart from you, and My covenant of peace will not be removed, says the Lord who has mercy on you” (Isaiah 54:10). “God is not a man, that He should lie, and not a son of man, that He should change. Will He say, and not do? Will He speak, and not do it?” (Num. 23:19).

There are such wonderful words about this in one Christian hymn, they are sung so inspiredly and joyfully:

The promises will always remain
The blood of Jesus confirms them.
Even if hope in life were extinguished, -
What God promised, he will give.

What God promised, He will fulfill,
At least everything in life perished,
At least the stars went out in the sky,
The promises are all worth it.

And in the hour of suffering, when it gets dark,
Strength weakens, despondency in the heart,
I won’t let doubt confuse my soul, -
What God promised, he will give.

Let temptations rage all around,
But the power of the Blood gives victory.
And joyfully I sing in hope:
What God promised, he will give.

When all God's children are resurrected
And the Angels will meet us in heaven,
There we will receive crowns of victory,
What God promised, he will give.

Truly, what God has promised, He will give! And His children should not doubt this. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).

Stanley Jones, in his book The Victorious Life, writes: “When I look within myself, I become discouraged; when I look at others, I become discouraged; but when I look at Jesus Christ, my heart is restored to peace.”

Only by looking to our Savior and God's promises written for us in the pages of the Holy Scriptures can we maintain a pure heart and live a victorious life.

So David said: “My eyes are always on the Lord; for He draws my feet out of the snare” (Ps. 24:15).

Help and bless you, dear brothers and sisters, the Lord, to live a life of purification, bearing good fruit in the building of His Kingdom, saving the lost.

And if you yourself are still lost and do not have peace with God, then do not delay your salvation, because this is the most important question in life. It is my prayer that after reading this printed sermon, the Lord Jesus will help you to kneel and repent of your sins. Do this and He will forgive you and give you the joy of salvation.

Healthy heart vessels are a guarantee of preventing heart attacks and other diseases. Unfortunately, with age, blood arteries lose elasticity, become dense, and irregularities and roughness often form on their walls, on which salts, cholesterol, and lime deposits are deposited. All this disrupts the blood supply to the heart and leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. They significantly reduce the lumen of blood vessels, and sometimes completely close them, thereby stopping the nutrition of the main organ of the body.

The first signs indicating vascular damage are: the appearance of shortness of breath, fatigue, angina attacks, and pale skin. Therefore, blood arteries should be periodically cleaned of cholesterol deposits. Alternative medicine has a large arsenal of folk remedies for treating heart vessels, which help to cleanse the body in a very simple but effective way. Let's get acquainted with the most accessible and effective recipes.

Cleaning the coronary vessels using available means

1. This folk remedy will help cleanse the coronary arteries of cholesterol plaques and improve heart function. You need to take 4 lemons and 4 heads of garlic. Pass the lemon together with the peel through a meat grinder. Remove the peel from the garlic and chop it as well. Place the resulting mixture of two ingredients in a 3-liter jar and fill with clean water at room temperature.

Let the mixture brew in a dark place for 5 days, and then you need to strain it and place the finished infusion in the refrigerator. The product should be taken three times a day. Recommended therapeutic dose: 100 ml. Cleansing course: 2 months. It is advisable to conduct such courses in spring and autumn.

2. Herbalists strongly advise using an infusion from this collection of medicinal herbs: chamomile, yarrow, immortelle and birch buds. Take 100 g of each plant. In the evening, prepare a healing infusion: pour one spoon of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Before going to bed, you should drink one glass of this infusion, and the remaining potion in the morning is heated, a spoonful of honey is added to it and also drunk. The infusion is drunk until the herbal tea is over.

3. A decoction of bay leaves cleans arteries well and improves nutrition of the heart muscle. To prepare it, you will need 7 bay leaves, which are placed in a saucepan and 300 ml of water is poured into it. Then this composition is placed on low heat and boiled for no more than 5 minutes. Allow the decoction to brew for four hours, and then take the product orally for three days in small portions.

7. An alcohol tincture is also prepared from the flowers of meadow clover. It has the same healing properties as the decoction. To prepare it you will need two tablespoons of dried inflorescences. They need to be filled with a glass of medical alcohol and placed in a closet or other dark place for the extract to infuse. The finished folk remedy is taken 40 drops before meals three times a day. The tincture can be drunk pure or diluted in a small amount of water.

8. Often in folk medicine there is a remedy for cleansing the blood vessels of the heart using lemon and horseradish. This is how it is prepared. Take: 250 g of fresh horseradish root, lemon with zest and garlic. This composition is twisted in a meat grinder and placed in a jar. Two glasses of cold boiled water are also poured into this. Let the product brew for a day (in the refrigerator or cool place). Take: one tablespoon three times a day before meals. The mixture can be washed down with water and honey.

9. Red and chokeberry will cleanse the blood vessels of the heart and brain and improve their functioning. You need to eat 200-400 g of berries daily. The remedy will improve memory and prevent the development of atherosclerosis: 200 grams of red rowan bark should be poured into one liter of boiling water and boiled. Take: one tablespoon.

Chokeberry juice is good for cleaning blood vessels. Drink 100 ml three times a day before meals. Course of treatment: two months.

10. Wild garlic has long been used for treatment. Its healing properties have been noticed, helping to cleanse the blood vessels of the heart. Eating wild garlic prevents heart attack and atherosclerosis. You can prepare a medicinal product using alcohol: a glass of crushed plant is poured with half a liter of vodka and infused. Take 20 drops, diluting in some water.

It is very important, when starting treatment of heart vessels with traditional medicine, to first unload the intestines so that toxins do not enter the blood. You should also remember about proper nutrition. It is necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits - they help thin the blood and dissolve cholesterol plaques. Moderate physical activity helps strengthen the blood vessels of the heart and prevent heart attacks. Let regular morning exercises become an integral attribute of your life.

Find time and a private place for this practice. At first you will need concentration, but then you will be able to do this anywhere, even at work and in transport.

  1. Turn on calm music.
  2. Sit down, calm your breathing. Sit like this for 3-4 minutes, tuning your mind to practice clearing your heart chakra.
  3. Take a deep breath and place your hand on your chest, close your eyes.
  4. Breathe deeply into your chest while keeping your hand on your heart. If there are serious blocks in this area, then you may feel difficulty breathing, heaviness, your shoulders may slouch, but you straighten them and continue to breathe deeply.
  5. Now turn your inner gaze to the chest area, between the breasts. What do you see there? Perhaps these are dark spots, some strange figures... Or maybe you only feel a heavy vibration... Look deeper into it... And situations that brought you pain, suffering, offended you will begin to unfold before your eyes... All this in an unforgiven state is in your heart, and this makes it very difficult. This is an unbearable burden for your heart, which wants to love and shine...
  6. Look at every situation that arises in your heart as if it were a picture, and mentally (or even better out loud) say: “ I completely forgive and release you with love...“And after these words, let the picture and the situation dissolve, fade...
  7. Do this with all situations that come up during this practice. Of course, consciousness will not allow you to work through all the situations at once, because it protects us from overload, and therefore there is no need to try to remember and extract something else from yourself - trust your inner world.
  8. As a rule, after this it becomes light and a little empty inside. And it is very important to fill this emptiness with love. Some people prefer to be filled with abstract love, the power of the energy of love, but I recommend choosing a female Deity, warm, loving, kind, like the Virgin Mary, Lakshmi or Kuan Yin, and placing it in your heart... Imagine that in the place where Before there was pain and resentment, it became light and pure... create a throne there and invite the Goddess into your heart.
  9. And now that she is inside, sit and meditate on the beautiful Deity in your heart... Imagine how her light illuminates everything inside you, how her radiance fills your chest, and the power of her forgiveness allows you to cope with any offense, pain... The Goddess lives inside you , and you live in a vast Universe created by this Goddess, she supports and loves you... Let the hand on your chest feel this warmth from the presence of the Divine within.
  10. Now feel how you will look at the world, at people, at difficulties, when you know for sure that the Goddess lives inside you, and your heart is her temple. Feel it, meditate, imagine... And thank the Goddess for coming, for settling in your heart! Take a bow!

Did you know that the tradition of namaste - folding your hands at your chest and bowing - is an expression of respect for God, who lives in the heart of every person? That is why in the East they bow not only to exalted personalities, but in general to everyone, everyone, everyone, because they know: God lives in the heart of everyone, it doesn’t matter whether this person is evil or good, the heart is the temple of the Lord.

And now take a deep breath... and open your eyes. Sit like this for a while, contemplate the world around...

Over time, this practice can be done everywhere, and better - immediately after some negative situations. Forgive and let go...

And may your heart be light, warm, pure, may the Divine Mother live and prosper there forever!

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Circulatory disorders are often associated with impaired vascular function, which results in the risk of cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and so on.

For hypertension The inner lining of the arteries grows, they thicken, and the lumen of the vessels decreases, which helps maintain high pressure.

First, small and then large arteries are affected by atherosclerosis; fatty substances stick to the rough walls of blood vessels with particular ease.

Dystrophic processes associated with tissue malnutrition gradually develop in the heart muscle and myocardium.

Factors that increase the risk of arterial hypertension include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • overweight;
  • increased consumption of table salt.
Complications of hypertension can include cerebrovascular accidents, stroke, myocardial infarction, heart and kidney failure, and retinal damage.

Atherosclerosis characterized by the deposition of fatty substances (primarily cholesterol) in the arteries, which gradually leads to the formation of thickenings in the vessels - the so-called atherosclerotic plaques, which reduce or even completely close the lumen of the vessels.

It is atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension that lead a person to heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure.

Cleansing blood vessels helps prevent all these diseases, normalize the function of blood vessels, wash out atherosclerotic plaques from them, having a positive effect on the entire body.


The energy channel of the vascular system is most active from 19 to 21 o'clock, and passive - from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning.

The energy channel of the heart belongs to the system of Yin channels, it is most active from 11 to 13 o'clock, passive - from 23 to 1 o'clock in the morning.

Cleansing blood vessels according to K. Nishi

The method is based on the action of garlic juice, which contains aluminum, selenium, and germanium. The integrity of all mucous membranes in the body, including those that line the vessels from the inside, depends on these microelements.

1 - openings of the pulmonary veins; 2 - oval hole; 3 - opening of the inferior vena cava; 4 - longitudinal interatrial septum; 5 - coronary sinus; 6 - three-way valve; 7 - mitral valve; 8 - tendon threads; 9 - papillary muscles; 10 - fleshy crossbars; 11 - myocardium; 12 - endocardium; 13 - epicardium; 14 - opening of the superior vena cava; 15 - pectineus muscles; 16 - ventricular cavity


This technique promotes renewal and rejuvenation of the body, and is effective as an addition to complex therapy for cerebral vascular sclerosis. However, it can be carried out no more often than after 3-6 years.

Execution method

Preparation of garlic tincture: Grind 350 g of peeled garlic to a paste-like state, put in a glass jar, cover with a lid and a dark cloth, and leave to settle. When the mass has settled, separate 200 g of the juiciest and liquid part from it, pour it into a 0.5 liter bottle and add 200 ml of pure medical alcohol.

It is unacceptable to replace alcohol with anything else. Close the bottle tightly, additionally covering it like a cap with another vessel, and place it in a cool place (not in the refrigerator!). After 10 days, squeeze out the garlic mass through a thick linen cloth, put the resulting liquid “under the hood” for another 2-3 days. After this, the product is ready for use.

Cleansing scheme




Then take 25 drops 3 times a day until the tincture runs out. You should not stop taking it abruptly - it is better to gradually reduce the dose by 1 drop at each dose or take the tincture in waves - bring the number of drops to 15 per dose, then reduce the dose to 1 drop, then repeat this cycle.


Some authors suggest reducing the number of drops from 15 to 1 drop from the 6th to the 10th day. And on the 11th day, drink 25 drops with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Follow this regimen for about 3 months.

For any dose of drops, add 50 ml of cold boiled milk, or fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt, etc.), or water. Drink garlic tincture 15-30 minutes (preferably half an hour) before meals.

When you go to work, take your lunch dose with you - in the morning, pour the appropriate number of drops of garlic and 50 ml of milk or water into a tightly closed small bottle.

The tincture should be prepared in the fall, when the garlic is just ripe, and taken until February, while most of the biologically active substances are retained in it.

Cleansing and strengthening blood vessels according to the methods of traditional healers

Strengthening blood vessels and rejuvenation according to P. Kurennov

Grind 1 pound (358 g) garlic, mix with juice squeezed from 24 lemons, and leave for 24 days. Shake the mixture before use. Take once a day before bed, dissolving 1 teaspoon of the mixture in 1/2 glass of water.

The advantage of this method is that lemon neutralizes the pungent and, for many, unpleasant odor of garlic.

Cleansing blood vessels according to N. Semenova

Place 2 cups of honey, 1 cup of crushed dill seed, 2 tablespoons of ground valerian root in a large thermos, pour boiling water to a volume of 2 liters and leave for a day. Take 2 tablespoons of the infusion half an hour before meals until it runs out.

Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels

Mix 100 g of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, immortelle, and birch buds. Place in a jar and close with a lid. In the evening, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain through a cloth (not cheesecloth) and squeeze. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 glass of infusion and drink before bed, after which do not eat or drink.

In the morning, steam the remaining liquid, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in it and drink 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Thus, take the infusion daily until the mixture runs out. It must be stored in a tightly closed jar. The cleansing course is repeated after 5 years.

Cleansing for atherosclerosis

For atherosclerosis with normal blood pressure and complaints of tinnitus, periodic dizziness, and restless sleep, the following is recommended.

Pour 400 ml of boiling water over 20 g of meadow clover heads along with the apical leaves collected at the beginning of flowering and leave in a thermos. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day for 3 months. After 6 months, repeat the course.

Laminaria sugar powder (sea kale) take 1/2-1 teaspoon after or during meals 1-2 times a day. The course is 3-4 months, repeat after 1-2 months.

Take liquid extract from Tribulus leaves, 30-35 drops 3 times a day, and dry extract - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day before meals for 3-4 months. Repeat the course after 1-2 months.

Take dry extract from rhizomes and roots of Dioscorea nipponensis (polysponin) in the form of tablets of 0.1-0.25 g 2-3 times a day after meals for 20-30 days with 7-10 day breaks. The course is 3-4 months, repeat after 1-2 months.

In folk medicine lemon balm known as a cardiovascular remedy. When using lemon balm in patients with cardiosclerosis, pain, shortness of breath and palpitations disappear, the pulse becomes rarer, and blood pressure decreases.

Infusion of lemon balm leaves (4 g per 200 ml of boiling water) take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Herbal medicine

Herbalists recommend using the following remedies for atherosclerosis:
  • alcohol extract from onions - allichep - 20-30 drops 3 times;
  • per day for 3-4 weeks; garlic tincture - 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day;
  • black radish juice - 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals, course - 2-3 months with breaks of 3-4 weeks;
  • infusion of birch leaves, white birch, sandy immortelle flowers, St. John's wort herb, kidney tea leaves, tripartite herb - 1 part each, flowers and young leaves of hawthorn, field mint herb - 4 parts each (4 tablespoons of the collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 2 hours, drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day).

Anti-sclerotic teas

Hawthorn fruits, buckwheat flowers, black currant leaves - 2 parts each, rose hips - 4 parts.

Motherwort herb - 1 part, peppermint leaf - 2 parts, blackberry leaf - 3 parts, strawberry leaf - 4 parts, rose hips - 5 parts.

Hawthorn flowers, horsetail herb, mistletoe herb, small periwinkle leaf - 1 part each, yarrow herb - 2 parts.

Take several sips of tea throughout the day. The course is 1.5-2 months with breaks of 1-2 months.

Cleansing for hypertension

When taking medicinal herbs, improvement is usually observed after 2-3 weeks: sleep improves, blood pressure levels decrease, and headaches decrease. A lasting effect occurs with long-term treatment with herbal remedies - for 8-10 months, and sometimes 1-1.5 years. When you feel better and blood pressure decreases, it is recommended to take a break between taking medicinal plants for 5-7 days.


Keep in mind that herbal medicine for persistent hypertension is only an addition to the main treatment.

The following tinctures of medicinal plants, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, are most effective for hypertension:

  • motherwort tincture - 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day before meals;
  • Eucommia bark tincture - 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals;
  • tincture of skullcap Baikal - 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day;
  • tincture of hawthorn flowers - 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.
For hypertension due to atherosclerosis, it is recommended to consume walnuts with honey for 45 days, 100 g per dose, starting with 3 pieces per day. Contraindications in this case are chronic colitis and enterocolitis, as well as intolerance to nuts.

In the initial stage of hypertension, it is advisable to take an infusion of crushed rose hips for a long time, 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

In folk medicine, fresh motherwort juice is considered a good remedy against hypertension. It should be taken 30-40 drops per 2 tablespoons of water half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. It is known that motherwort preparations are 2-3 times more powerful than valerian preparations.

You can drink 1 glass of fresh beet juice 3 times a day for 4 days (it is advisable to prepare the juice in the evening, keep it in the refrigerator and drink adding hot water).

In the spring, patients with hypertension are recommended to take dandelion juice. The whole plant must be washed, ground (you can put it through a meat grinder), squeeze out the juice, pour boiled water over the cake so that it completely covers it, then squeeze out and mix with the juice. Store the medicine in the refrigerator. Take 1/3 cup per day, adding hot water before drinking. Course - 12-14 days.

It’s also good to make a spring salad from young leaves of coltsfoot and honey, which can be fermented and used regularly for food.

Natural birch sap and tea from fresh birch buds are beneficial: 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of boiling water, drink 1/2 cup with honey 1-2 times a day.

Many hypertensive patients are helped by such remedies prepared at home.

Pour 1 glass of walnut partitions with 2 glasses of water, leave in the sun in a sealed container for 10-12 days, filter, take 1 teaspoon once a day.

Horseradish juice, red carrot juice, honey (1 glass each) in an enamel bowl with a wooden spoon, mix with the juice of 1 lemon, place in a tightly closed container, put in a cool place, take 2 teaspoons 1 hour before meals or after 2- 3 hours after meals 3 times a day for 3 months.

Pour 3 tablespoons of hawthorn flowers with leaves into 3 glasses of water, bring to a boil, leave for 5-6 hours, drink 1 glass 3 times a day for 1-1.5 months.

Mix the juice of freshly grated beet roots in half with honey, consume 1-2 tablespoons per day.

Take 50 g of freshly prepared arnica (chokeberry) juice 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals or 1-1.5 hours after meals for 1.5 months.


Chokeberry is contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

Cleansing the heart muscle

Most likely, it would be advisable to classify the methods proposed here for cleansing the heart muscle as those given in the previous section, since the selective effect of the means recommended by the authors directly on the heart muscle (outside the “context” of the entire cardiovascular and other body systems) does not seem to be quite justified. However, precisely because these methods are proprietary, we will talk about them separately.

Cleansing according to A. Ryzhov

According to A. N. Ryzhov, 1-2 times a year it is necessary to free the heart from everything unnecessary - weakened cells, mucus, excess salts, etc. Cleansing is carried out with the help of lemons and milk. You will need 3 lemons and 1 liter of warm milk.

Drink 1/3 liter of milk on an empty stomach in the morning, then squeeze the juice of 1 lemon in advance. Do the same at 12 o'clock and before bedtime. During the cleansing period, a vegetarian diet is advisable. Course - 2 weeks.

Peeling with potatoes

For cleansing using this technique, mainly potato juice mixed with carrot or beet juice, “hearty” potato broth, “black mashed potatoes” or Alma Nessen broth are used.

Potato juice

Wash the tubers thoroughly with a brush and grate them along with the peel. Place the pulp in a clean linen cloth or two layers of gauze and squeeze out the juice. From 100 g of tubers you can get 50 ml of juice.

Take 50 ml of freshly squeezed juice daily on an empty stomach from June to February; tubers stored longer are unsuitable for this purpose.


Potato juice should not be consumed by people with low acidity of gastric juice, suffering from diabetes mellitus, or those prone to obesity.

“Hearty” potato broth

Peel 4-5 potatoes well, add 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 30 minutes before meals.

"Black puree"

Rinse intact tubers well with a brush. Remove the thick layer from above along with the peel, pass through a meat grinder, pour boiling water so as to just cover the potato mass. Boil for 1-2 minutes, leave warm for 7-10 minutes. Eat during the day in several doses.

Alma Nessen broth (“Swedish” method)

You will need: 1 kg of unpeeled potatoes, 1 onion, 1 leek or 5-6 carrots, half a bunch of parsley or its roots, half a bunch of celery leaves or its roots.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush. Cut into thin pieces along with the peel. Pour 3 liters of water over all vegetables and cook for 1 hour. Strain the broth and drink 2-3 liters per day. Additionally, 2-3 times a day, eat 8-10 small cloves of garlic with apple slices (to soften the pungency).


Prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease (CHD) should be addressed at a young age. The state of the cardiovascular system is directly related to lifestyle. Therefore, it makes sense for people of any age to listen to the following recommendations.

Stop smoking! Smoking doubles the risk of developing coronary artery disease.

Eat as little animal fat as possible, prefer vegetable oils. Eat more fish! Fatty-looking fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, etc.) contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent vascular damage by atherosclerosis and the development of coronary artery disease. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits 5-6 times a day.

Remember: egg yolks are a “storehouse” of cholesterol, the excess of which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis; 2-3 yolks per week is the maximum.

Regular consumption of almonds and almond oil, hazel fruits, pistachios and pine seeds helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. This reduction occurs mainly due to monounsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in the listed products. It's a good idea to eat at least a handful of these nuts or seeds every day.

Garlic- an excellent preventative against atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease. It reduces the level of enzymes that are involved in the production of cholesterol in the liver. It is enough to eat one clove of garlic per day.

Eating legumes daily reduces blood cholesterol levels by about 10%. The daily norm is half a cup of canned peas, beans or beans.

Pectin substances, which are found in many fruits and algae, have the ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Citrus fruits and apples are rich in pectin. Be sure to eat the white bridges between the pulp of citrus fruits, as this is where the pectin is found.

Try to maintain optimal weight! A significant increase in body weight can lead to unfavorable dynamics in the growth of cholesterol levels in the blood.

Regular feasible physical activity (walking, gymnastics, swimming, etc.) is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of blood vessels and the heart. No other means of leading a sedentary lifestyle will save you from cardiovascular disorders.

Lisovsky P. P.