Why you need to eat in the morning. The best liquids to wake up the body: what is best to drink in the morning

Many are forced to torture themselves with breakfast in the morning before going to work, others limit themselves to a cup of coffee or tea. Only some people have a full breakfast and enjoy it.

It all depends on physiology and habits, but the morning meal is very important. Anyone who skips breakfast is depriving themselves of valuable energy. What to do when you don’t feel like eating in the morning, and what harm can skipping this meal cause?

Is it necessary to eat in the morning?

It is a mistake to believe that each person himself determines which breakfast suits him best. Proper breakfast is the same for almost everyone and is necessary not only to satisfy the feeling of hunger, which may not exist, but to replenish energy. All doctors and nutritionists assure that breakfast should be mandatory admission food.

During sleep, the body works, pumping blood through the vessels and ensuring the heart beats, and the cells flow metabolic processes, the intestines digest food, the brain produces glucose. For example, blood sugar concentration must be maintained at a level, and without proper nutrition after sleep this will become impossible.

When you skip breakfast, energy for brain function and everyone's functioning internal organs is taken from our proteins, and this leads to a violation of energy substitution. There was even a study conducted in Japan that confirmed that people who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to have strokes and blood pressure abnormalities.

In addition to maintaining sugar levels and energy supply, without regular morning meals, your metabolism slows down and your likelihood of developing obesity increases. For fat people The saying is true: eat breakfast yourself, share lunch, and give dinner to the enemy.

Lack of a hearty breakfast causes overeating during the day. People snack on candy bars, cookies, or other “comfort” foods. Calorie content daily ration increases, and this leads to overweight and obesity.

So, you can’t do without a full breakfast. Now let’s define situations when people absolutely should not skip this meal:

  • The blood sugar concentration is unstable (overweight, diabetes).
  • Sick gallbladder (breakfast will relieve this organ and liver).
  • You are forced to work a lot and get tired quickly.
  • You are constantly stressed and suffer from insomnia.
  • You have hypotension.
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • In the morning I simply want to eat.

In all these cases, breakfast with sufficient quantity complex carbohydrates and proteins.

When to have breakfast?

Is it necessary to have breakfast, of course, but when is the best time to do it? For normal operation the body needs a little time. All metabolic processes must start, so do not pounce on food as soon as you get out of bed. Experts recommend eating breakfast within two hours of waking up.

People who have to get ready for work early in the morning are recommended to drink a glass of warm water after waking up, and after 20-30 minutes have breakfast. The liquid activates the body's work and you will want to eat - take advantage of it. The right time For the first meal, doctors and nutritionists consider the interval between 7 and 9 am.

Is a hearty breakfast good or bad?

Is it harmful to eat in large quantities in the morning? The more you eat breakfast, the less likely you are to fill your stomach with junk throughout the day. A full morning meal will give you energy and keep you feeling full until lunch, so having a hearty breakfast in the morning is not harmful, but beneficial.

To get everyone nutrients Breakfast should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the correct proportions. According to nutritionists, it is better to include:

  • A third of the daily value of protein, which is abundant in dairy products, meat, fish and eggs.
  • About half the carbohydrate requirement. They provide the body with energy for the normal performance and functioning of all organs. To avoid weight gain, do not eat fast carbohydrates in the form of buns and cakes, but give preference to complex carbohydrates (there are many of them in cereals, fruits, and vegetables).
  • One fifth of unsaturated fats (found in sunflower oil, peanuts, almonds).

So, what can you eat in the morning? Porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) are suitable as sources of complex carbohydrates. To supply your body with protein, eat eggs, cottage cheese, and natural yogurt.

If you can’t live without sandwiches, use whole grain bread, natural cooked meat (beef, chicken breast) and vegetables (cucumber, tomato, lettuce) to make them.

Remember these basic rules a healthy breakfast that helps saturate the body with essential nutrients. You will feel like a full and energetic person.

Is it harmful not to eat in the morning?

  • gain excess weight faster;
  • more often suffer from cardiovascular disorders;
  • have a slow metabolism;
  • are more susceptible to the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension than others;
  • have an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

As you can see, the picture is not pleasant, so you should not be left with the question, should you have breakfast in the morning? Don't neglect your health, but learn to eat properly and regularly at the beginning of the day.

Here is a list of foods that, when consumed on an “empty” stomach in the morning or before bed, are harmful to your health.


Taking on an empty stomach can cause allergies and gastritis. If you prefer to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, have oatmeal for breakfast.


Eating bananas on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Bananas contain a lot of magnesium, and when taken empty stomach, it can disrupt the calcium-magnesium balance of the body.

Raw vegetables

Vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, and paprika can cause irritation to the gastric mucosa due to their acid content. It can also lead to ulcers and gastritis.


This list even includes such a popular breakfast as yogurt. And all because eating yoghurt on an empty stomach does not have any effectiveness. The stomach copes well on its own and does not need yogurt bacteria. It is better to eat it two hours after meals or before bed.

Cold drinks

They complicate the start of digestion in the morning, it is better to drink slightly warm ones.


Upon awakening, the pancreas is unable to produce required quantity insulin to break down sugar. This provokes an increase in blood sugar. Sugar is also an acid-forming product that can disrupt the acid-base balance.


Those who like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach should think about replacing their morning “ritual.” Coffee on an empty stomach irritates the gastric mucosa, thereby promoting the production of excess gastric juice, which leads to gastritis.

Garlic, canned food and smoked meats

It is also worth mentioning the dangers of eating garlic on an empty stomach; it causes gastrospasm. As well as all kinds of canned and smoked foods that should not be consumed at all, and not just for breakfast.

First, a few words about why it is not recommended to eat at night. At night, during sleep, the digestion process slows down, so food that enters the stomach shortly before sleep remains there almost undigested until the morning, simply rotting there. In the morning, the stomach must digest all this, but doing this after waking up is not easy for it.

As a result, toxins are formed that are absorbed into the blood. This results in lethargy, weakened immunity, and excess weight.


Chips, popcorn, crackers, cereal - in them great content chemicals and high calorie content. And as we already know, large number calories at night are contraindicated.

Meat, fish and other protein foods

Protein products of animal origin fill you up very quickly, even in small doses. Although such food at night will not affect your overweight, but it will take a long time to digest; even in wakefulness, this process takes about 4 hours. Therefore, if you go to bed without having time to digest it, it will lie as a dead weight in your stomach and decompose.

Bakery and flour products

These products are quickly digested and do not linger in the stomach. But they cause a sharp jump in blood sugar and the release of insulin into the blood. And since at this moment your activity is at a minimum level, all the calories you eat will be stored as fat.


Eating chocolate at night has the same effect as eating flour products; the excess is deposited on your problem areas.

Nuts and dried fruits

They are undoubtedly very useful. But at the same time, nuts are very high in calories, and dried fruits contain fructose, essentially the same sugar. Will you be able to stop in time once you start eating them?


We believe that many people understand that drinking coffee before bed is unacceptable. Even small amounts of caffeine cause sleep disturbances. You should avoid drinking coffee a few hours before bed.


Perhaps it can help someone fall asleep. But the quality of sleep will be low. Frequent awakenings, headache, nightmares.

What should you do now, you ask, if you can’t eat, but really want to? There is no need to go from one extreme to another. After all, long pauses of fasting give a signal to the body to deposit reserves, and sleeping on an empty stomach is fraught with insomnia.

A light dinner three hours before bedtime will save you. Vegetable salads With low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of milk, a piece of cracker or cheese.

But what if you want to eat something shortly before bed? There is a solution, choose foods with negative calories:


Contains fibers that normalize work gastrointestinal tract, lower cholesterol levels, promote weight loss. But if you have stomach problems, they can cause gas formation.



Low-calorie product, contains a lot of fiber. Can be consumed as a salad with carrots or as fresh juice. But celery is contraindicated during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, varicose veins veins and for stomach diseases.


Quickly and easily absorbed due to the protein content with a well-balanced amino acid composition. Few calories, lots of vitamins and other useful elements.


An easily digestible product has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Contains a lot of calcium, this microelement is well absorbed in the dark, at night during sleep. Kefir has a calming effect and can be drunk as a easy prevention insomnia. Do not overuse increased acidity stomach.


Low calorie product. Recommended to be taken as a salad with vegetable oil. Burns fat and prevents fat cells from growing blood vessels, which means not letting her live. It also regulates intestinal motility, normalizes intestinal flora, and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Contraindications: kidney disease, acute inflammatory processes in the stomach.


You can take no more than one before bed, it will help you fall asleep. Thanks to the amino acid tryptophan contained in bananas, it has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Contraindicated in high sugar in the blood. Unripe bananas cause gas.

Also in small quantities Can chicken breast, bread, oatmeal on water, one baked potato, a handful of dried fruits.

Warm milk with honey will be given to you good sleep, and a cup of green tea with milk will satisfy your hunger. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Why is it necessary to eat in the morning?

Quite often in the morning we neglect breakfast because we are late for school or work, and some people simply cannot bring themselves to eat in the morning or grab a sandwich with coffee. Let's consider whether it is so important to eat right in the morning and what happens if this rule is neglected?

If we look at the research results, then, according to experts, having breakfast speeds up metabolism in human body. Judge for yourself, if you regularly have breakfast, then your metabolism speeds up by 4% in contrast to the average. If you systematically skip your breakfast, then your metabolic rate, on the contrary, decreases by 5%.

In addition, those who prefer to have breakfast then try to eat foods containing less fat throughout the day. Those who skip breakfast generally prefer heavy and filling foods during the day, and also cannot refuse a snack before bed.

This fact can be explained as follows - the morning processes occurring in human brain, encourage us to choose healthy foods that are not loaded with fat. This installation persists throughout the day, so after having a good breakfast, we mostly consume it for lunch and dinner. healthy meals with a small amount of fat. The later a person begins to eat, the greater his craving for food becomes. fatty foods– this is also due to the brain processes in our head.

Why is it so important for us to have breakfast?

Breakfast is one of the key life moments for every person. In addition, breakfast can act as a means to combat overweight, especially if it is rich in carbohydrates. It is recommended for people who are prone to obesity to have breakfast regularly; this will help them solve problems with blood circulation. As you know, diseases of the circulatory system often lead to heart attacks, disability and paralysis.

According to latest research, people who skip breakfast are more prone to heart disease than others. The fact is that the main cause of most heart diseases is blood clots. A thrombus is a blood clot that blocks the normal flow of blood through an artery. The formation of blood clots is caused by platelets - special blood particles responsible for clotting. If the blood circulation process is disrupted, platelets will begin to stick together and form dense clots of blood clots.

The factor that causes platelet aggregation increases in those people who ignore breakfast. In addition, most strokes and heart attacks occur in the morning. From this we can conclude that people who regularly eat breakfast are better protected than those who constantly skip it.

Breakfast affects cholesterol

We all know how dangerous high content cholesterol in the human body for its health. It turns out that a breakfast consisting of easily digestible foods can quite significantly affect the amount of cholesterol in the body. Naturally, breakfast does not mean a casual snack with a sandwich, but a full breakfast containing at least porridge. If you prepare a variety of cereals in the morning, your cholesterol levels will be at normal levels.

Breakfast protects against stones gallbladder

If you skip breakfast in the morning, your body inevitably begins to starve. And constant fasting can lead to the risk of gallstones. This is why it is so important to eat breakfast to reduce the risk of unpleasant diseases, which can most often only be treated surgically.

Of course, if you are not afraid of getting sick or seriously injured own health, then continue not to have breakfast, and at the same time skip other meals. Believe me, the results are from similar attitude to your own health will not keep you waiting.

Where to start a healthy lifestyle?

Start it with breakfast the very next morning after reading this article. Even if you have no appetite at all, and you can’t swallow a single piece, force yourself to eat at least a small portion of porridge. If you regularly force your body not to skip breakfast for at least one week, then it will become habitual, and you yourself will not notice that you will begin to wake up with a feeling of hunger and eat your breakfast with appetite.

Breakfast is as important a habit as brushing your teeth in the morning and other hygiene, so be sure to accustom your body to it.

At the same time, train your body to consume less for dinner, and completely give up night snacks - this will significantly simplify your daily routine and prolong your life. By getting rid of the late-night snack, you will be hungry in the morning and enjoy a hearty breakfast of porridge. For preparing porridge, choose cereals that contain a lot of fiber and little fat; you can add pieces of fruit or berries and dried fruits to the dish.

Women even like it - a minimum of calories without fighting hunger. This is a mistake; eating this way helps you accumulate extra pounds and increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. A “hungry” breakfast throws the entire metabolism out of balance and slows down brain function. But nourishing, rich in proteins and not poor in carbohydrates and fats helps you lose weight. And these are not inventions of fashionable nutritionists, but scientific facts.

Eat and lose weight

Even if there is no appetite in the morning, the body still craves proteins and carbohydrates to give the body energy and strength. And this energy needs to be long lasting. What is needed is not fast-burning sugar, but slow-burning carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. They feed the energy furnace for a long time and efficiently. They can be found not in semolina porridge, which is so popular for breakfast, and not in ordinary bread, which most people use, but in wholemeal bread, buckwheat, rolled oats (but not rice) and only in those breakfast cereals that that do not add sugar.

A sandwich with butter for breakfast, traditional for many, is normal, but not necessary; it is much more important in the morning not fats, but proteins, says Konstantin Spakhov, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences. - This is a mandatory addition to the right carbohydrates. The best proteins are in eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses, fermented milk and meat products(sausages and sausages are always worse than ham, ham, brisket and other whole meats). All this is good to combine with cereals, even if such morning meals seem excessive. It is proteins that create a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Thanks to them, lunch doesn’t start too early and, most importantly, doesn’t end in gluttony. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast often have very large lunches and dinners. Those who have breakfast usually do not have such a brutal appetite during the day as those who have not had breakfast. Interestingly, trying to move a large breakfast to another time of the day did not reduce excess calorie intake. That is, breakfast is indispensable, and healthy gluttony is possible only in the morning.

On a diet, it is better to eat almost half of all daily calories in breakfast. There was a very interesting experiment involving overweight women. They were put on two different diets. The first is very tough, women received only 1085 kcal, about a quarter of which (290 kcal) could be eaten for breakfast. The second was softer, it contained 1240 kcal, and half of it was eaten for breakfast (610 kcal). At the beginning of the experiment, women on the strict diet won by a slight advantage. But then they regained more than 8 kg that they had previously lost, finishing the weight loss test with a very modest result - minus 4.3 kg. But the women of the second group strengthened their success and by the end of the 32nd week of testing they lost 18.1 kg! That is, more than 4 times more, and this is on a more satisfying and, therefore, easier to follow diet. All this emphasizes the special importance of a hearty and satisfying breakfast throughout life - it helps maintain normal weight.”

Five for food

School performance is extremely important for children, and it is directly related to breakfast. Numerous studies show that children who skip breakfast have reduced attention in class and perform worse on assignments. But there are even more problems with kids. It is difficult not only to get them to eat breakfast properly, but also to have breakfast at all. Morning for children is extremely hard time- they are often late and worry before classes. And parents are ready to stuff anything into them.

Product manufacturers, well aware of these problems, specially produce a lot of children's yoghurts, desserts, and breakfast cereals. They are often inferior to typical adult products of this type. They always contain a lot of easily digestible sugar, there are food additives. And “stars”, “rings” and other toys are less healthy than cereals or simple breakfast cereals based on whole grains. You can make simple, grown-up dairy products and breakfast cereals more appealing to children by adding berries, pieces of fruit, and honey instead of sugar.

For me personally, this question is not worth it - should I have breakfast in the morning? I’m sure that in our family it’s customary to eat in the morning. But you often hear that many people don’t have breakfast for one reason or another - some simply don’t have time (it’s better to sleep an extra 20-30 minutes), and others simply can’t bring themselves to eat breakfast. I always proceed from the fact that our body will be much more beneficial if we do something or eat something with pleasure.
Some might say that the conversation about breakfast can end here. If you like it, have breakfast, if you don’t like it, don’t have breakfast...

But you must admit, we are very often controlled by our habits. But a habit, both harmful and useful, is an acquired thing, and if you wish, you can get rid of a bad one, and acquire a useful one - the main thing is to find the right motivation.

And before we talk for or against breakfast, let's look at this issue.

The benefits of breakfast - yes or no

As with any issue, there are different opinions, or rather there are two: some say - “breakfast is bad for you”, other - “it’s good to have breakfast”. And who is right?

Eating breakfast is bad for you

This is what followers of P. Bragg’s teachings say most often. In his book The Miracle of Fasting he wrote:

For me, breakfast is an unnecessary meal. The body rested all night, it did not waste energy. Why, after a long rest, should the stomach load itself with a hearty breakfast? So I repeat once again: "You must earn food physical activity" Another reason why I advocate a life without breakfast is that breakfast depletes the energy that the body accumulated during sleep.

Who is P. Bragg and can we accept his words as truth?

As Wikipedia says:

Paul Chappius Bragg - famous American figure alternative medicine, naturopath, advocate healthy image life, leader of the American movement for healthy eating, businessman and showman.

Of course, P. Bragg can be an example for all of us. Having lived for more than 80 years, he was strong, agile, and flexible. He was healthy, full of optimism and vigor. He worked 12 hours a day, swam a lot, went to the mountains, jogged for many kilometers, and was fond of surfing. But was it only fasting that helped him?

P. Bragg himself described what a wonderful place he lived in - this is a zone of clean air and clean water, he used only high-quality and healthy food, never overeated, drank distilled water, took vitamins, did not smoke, did not drink alcohol.

And, as doctors who are opponents of his teaching say, P. Bragg, by not eating breakfast and using a 24-hour weekly fast, harmed his body. But with him perfect health, the ideal lifestyle he led, and ideal conditions, in which he lived, this could not noticeably affect his health.

Having breakfast is good for you

"Don't skip breakfast", advises the famous American doctor R. Henderson. He writes:

Very often at the beginning of the workday, before I have even checked the list of patients, I already know exactly how I will feel by noon. This can be explained very simply - it's about breakfast. I am one of those who look like a kind bear cub if I had breakfast, and like a grizzly cannibal if for some reason I did not have time to have breakfast.

If only our mood was the reason why we wondered whether it was good for us to eat breakfast, then this question would not even be worth dwelling on. It is clear that to support good mood important, it affects both physical and mental health person. I just think that even without breakfast, you can find other reasons to maintain your good mood.

Should you have breakfast in the morning?

To decide whether breakfast is needed, we need to understand the impact of morning meals on our health.

  • Doctors' observations show that very often heart attacks occur in the morning. This is explained as follows: at night the stickiness of platelets decreases, and when a person wakes up, it increases sharply - and this is the likelihood of a heart attack. Food and liquid taken in the morning make platelets less sticky. The best prevention morning heart attack - this is breakfast, which significantly reduces the risk of blood clots. This is especially true for people over 50 who are at risk. You can read more about the causes of blood clots.

The young people probably just said: “Yes, we’ll think about it later”. But we haven't finished talking yet.

  • Scientists are firmly convinced that people who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to be overweight. How is this related? It's simple. Reasons overweight, of course, a lot. One of many is a slow metabolism. In the morning, after sleep, the metabolism is slowed down for everyone without exception. So, it is breakfast that can wake up our body, bring it into normal working condition, and metabolism, thanks to breakfast, even accelerates by 3-4%. But for those who refuse breakfast, their metabolism, on the contrary, is 4-5% slower than normal.
  • To maintain a normal weight, nutritionists recommend eating better more often and in small portions, at least 4 - 5 times a day . And since our body is configured to burn calories in the first half of the day, then, accordingly, the earlier in time we start eating, the less we will eat in the second half of the day.

And these are not all the answers to the question: “Why should you have breakfast in the morning?”

  • For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is important to observe correct mode nutrition, namely, it is not recommended to take long breaks between meals. Also, long breaks between meals provoke fluctuations in sugar levels. Without having breakfast, we deliberately make this break long enough. Lack of breakfast provokes cholelithiasis, because during the night bile stagnates in biliary tract and gall bladder. Eating in the morning stimulates the flow of bile from the liver.
  • Scientific research has proven that breakfast improves attention and memory. After eating, glucose enters the human blood, which is simply necessary for normal brain function. British scientists conducted a study among children. So, children who eat breakfast in the morning study better, are less likely to miss classes and, according to scientists, have a higher IQ.
  • Doctors say that breakfast helps you be more resistant to stress and nervous overload. Breakfast not only helps our body “turn on”, but also charges it with energy for the whole day, thereby increasing its performance.

I think you got it comprehensive information about the benefits of breakfast, whether you should have breakfast in the morning.

Each of us has a choice - to accept as true the opinion that “eating breakfast is harmful” or agree that “eating breakfast is healthy.” We made our choice a long time ago - we have breakfast every morning, and after writing this article, I was convinced that our choice was correct.

What choice did you make?

P.S. Breakfast is a rather extensive topic, so I will not finish talking about it with this article. And if you have chosen the motto for yourself: “Eating breakfast is healthy,” then you must understand that breakfast should not only be there, it should be correct. How to train yourself to have breakfast? What time do you have breakfast? What's best to eat for breakfast? – you will find answers to these questions and also watch the video.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.