How is a heart ecg performed and what does it show? Why is the inspection carried out? The most disappointing diagnosis: heart attack

An electrocardiogram (ECG) of the heart is the simplest and most quick method checks cardiovascular system person. Suitable for patients of all ages, can even be prescribed to newborns. A cardiogram allows you to identify anomalies and defects, as well as various diseases hearts in the early stages. Without such a diagnosis, the cardiologist cannot select effective therapy for the patient.

Why do you need an electrocardiogram (ECG) of the heart?

An ECG makes it possible to obtain accurate information about the work of the heart and its condition during the procedure. The method is safe for health and completely painless, so it can be prescribed many times. This is especially valuable when the doctor needs to monitor the progress of the patient’s treatment.

An electrocardiogram allows you to:

  • Determine the frequency of contractions.
  • Identify conductivity flaws.
  • Calculate the regularity of contractions.
  • Diagnose the condition of the myocardium.
  • Research possible violations electrolyte balance.
  • Assess the general physical condition of the heart.

Thanks to the ECG, the cardiologist can identify both minor pathologies and serious violations functioning of the organ. The results of the electrocardiogram are also invaluable in the treatment of non-cardiac pathologies (thromboembolism pulmonary artery and others). A cardiogram helps to detect changes that occur in the heart: deviations of parameters from normal sizes, myocardial infarction and others.

Who should have an electrocardiogram (ECG) of the heart?

People over 40 years of age are at risk of developing abnormalities of the cardiovascular system; cardiologists recommend that this category of patients undergo an ECG annually for preventive purposes, even if no symptoms of heart disease appear.

Indications for the appointment of an electrocardiogram:

  • Pain of various types in the thoracic region.
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Dizziness and fainting.
  • Shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air in the absence of physical activity.
  • Before surgery.
  • Angina pectoris, endocarditis.

Also, an ECG can be prescribed for pregnant women and children before admission to hospital. kindergarten or school. IN mandatory Patients with diabetes mellitus are referred for diagnostics.

The cardiogram has practically no contraindications, except perhaps the variation of the ECG under load: acute period myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, severe heart failure, etc. More difficult to remove ECG results in obese people, as well as a large number hair in the chest area. In patients with a pacemaker, the data may be distorted.

How is an ECG taken?

The procedure for taking an electrocardiogram takes place in a calm environment, the patient should not be nervous or worried. Special preliminary preparation There is no such thing as a cardiac test; however, in order for the results to be reliable, doctors categorically do not recommend that their patients drink alcohol, strong coffee, or energy cocktails on the day of the study. You should also not play sports, you should also avoid junk food(at least 2-3 hours before the ECG).

IN diagnostic room the patient will have to remove all clothing above the waist and expose the lower legs as well as the arms. The procedure is performed in a lying position. The doctor treats the prepared areas of the body with alcohol and a special gel, after which he attaches electrodes (on suction cups) with cuffs.

The electrodes read information about the heart rhythm and send it to the electrocardiograph. The device processes the data and produces the result in the form of a graphic curve, which is printed on paper tape. In some modern modifications, the result is transferred immediately to the doctor’s computer.

The process of taking an ECG is short, usually takes 10-15 minutes. After completing the diagnosis, you need to cleanse your body of the remaining gel and get dressed. The interpretation of the results is usually performed by the doctor who performed the electrocardiogram or by the specialist who referred the patient for examination.

Contact medical centers"President-Med" to make an ECG (electrocardiogram) of the heart

Few people thought that preparation for an ECG even existed. This is not strange, because few doctors reported the necessary preliminary procedures. Usually the patient comes, lies down on the couch, a device is connected to him and a diagnosis is performed. And often the results of such a cardiogram are unpredictable. An ECG is needed to obtain information about the functioning of the heart. Already for a long time With this research method, doctors prevent possible complications in the functioning of this body. Carrying out electrocardiography is quite simple, but compliance elementary rules contributes to an accurate examination result.

Preparatory stages

The attending physician must describe in detail to the patient everything necessary actions before taking an ECG. For men with abundant body hair, it is better to shave it off - this will allow for closer contact between the electrodes and the body. The day before the scheduled procedure, you need to take a warm shower. The same should be done the morning before. Clean skin is better suited for attaching electrodes. If the contact is close enough, the likelihood of interference will decrease dramatically. Be sure to carry out a water procedure after the session. This is due to the application of a special gel to the attachment points for better current conductivity. For people who are sensitive to cleanliness, it is better to bring a towel and a sheet. It's just worth remembering how many patients are on the couch in a day.

The main requirement for the human condition is calm. If before a cardiac examination a person has been subjected to intense physical activity, anxiety or stress, it is necessary to come to a state of rest. It is better to relax while sitting in a comfortable position. In this case it is useful to carry out breathing exercises. You can allocate time for this while waiting in line.

It is advisable to choose loose-fitting, easy-to-remove clothing for visiting a cardiologist. This will speed up the event process.

When the examination period occurs during cold weather, the ECG room should be warm and comfortable. If a person gets cold, this can negatively affect the electrocardiogram.

Women should not use cream so as not to leave a greasy mark on the skin. This prevents the device from being tightly attached to the body.

What should you not take before the test?

A person should give up all tonic drinks. The list includes tea, coffee, energy cocktails, and especially those containing alcohol. This should be done no later than 4-6 hours before the start of the procedure. This does not apply to alcohol. You should not drink it for at least several days before the procedure. Energy drinks, which contain a considerable dose of caffeine, not only distort cardiograph readings, but also negatively affect the functioning of many organs.

It is not recommended to consume heavy or heavy food within an hour before the procedure. fatty foods. Eating spicy and salty foods is also not advisable. Large meals may cause shortness of breath and interfere with monitoring results. If skipping breakfast for some reason is not recommended or you simply don’t feel like it, you can have a light snack in small quantities.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are also contraindicated before the start of the session. Eye drops and nasal sprays are not used before the cardiogram procedure.

Just like stimulants, strong sedatives are also contraindicated. If the patient accepts similar drugs, the doctor may misdiagnose bradycardia (or tachycardia in the case of stimulants).

Holter monitoring

Holter monitoring - modern method electrocardiogram, allowing it to be carried out 24 hours a day. The method is more effective than a one-time short-term procedure, the result of which can be influenced by many factors. Preparing a patient for a Holter ECG involves performing a number of simple measures. A person must understand that the study involves observing the functioning of the heart during a normal lifestyle. You need to carry on with your daily affairs, go to work and not try to influence the monitoring.

The Holter device is a small block with electrodes that are attached to the chest.

Clothing should not have metal parts. Metal jewelry will also have to be removed. Before using the device, you must water treatments, since this cannot be done during the study.

During monitoring you should avoid:

  • caffeine (coffee, strong tea, energy drinks);
  • alcohol;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • swimming and bathing;
  • taking medications that affect cardiac function.

Application of ointments, creams and various cosmetics undesirable. As with a regular ECG, precautions must be taken. These include taking heart-stimulating drugs, stimulants nervous system, vasoconstrictors.

Most people undergo an ECG procedure without much preparation. Often doctors don’t even talk about special measures, which is a big mistake. When the patient is tuned in to taking a cardiogram, calm and prepared, the results are truly truthful. Nobody canceled the syndrome " white coat”, when at the sight of a doctor a person’s nerves pound. Many people are afraid of hospitals and procedures, and this affects the psychological, emotional and physical condition. How to get through without problems?

Preparation for the procedure

If a person knows in advance when the procedure is, then it is better to prepare for it 1-2 days in advance. Many will be surprised, because no one talks about this. The secret is simple - during this time the patient must calm his heart as much as possible.

Advice! Get an ECG done by a qualified doctor who can read the information.

Often due to medical error people are treating completely different diseases of the cardiovascular system that they have. As needed to obtain detailed information the patient passes echocardiography procedure, Holter monitoring, vascular ultrasound, etc. It is impossible to draw a conclusion based only on ECG data.


The first stage of preparation should be the choice medical institution or the doctor performing the procedure.

To take a quality photo, you need to know how to improve the result. To do this, the patient must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid alcohol 1-2 days before the procedure.
  2. The day before the procedure, do not drink caffeinated drinks.
  3. If possible, give up heavy physical activity on the eve of the ECG.
  4. Minimize the stress factor.
  5. In the morning before the procedure, take a warm shower ( clear skin has better conductivity).
  6. If men have heavily developed hair on their chest, then shave it so that the contact of the electrodes is better.
  7. Women should avoid applying greasy creams or balms to their bodies; their skin should be clean.
  8. Do not take before the procedure medications so that the result is accurate. Before the ECG, the doctor will clarify which medications to stop for a while.
  9. While waiting for the procedure, calm down. To do this, inhale deeply and exhale slowly for 10 minutes.
  10. If necessary, take a bedding towel with you.

These are preparatory moments that help the device obtain accurate information. With such preparation, the data obtained is as true as possible, which is what a cardiologist needs.

What can and cannot be taken?

To undergo an ECG without problems, you need to know which drugs, foods or drinks increase your heart rate.

Carrying out the procedure

There are a number of rules that must be followed before the electrocardiography procedure:

  • 2-3 hours before the procedure, do not eat fatty, salty or spicy foods.
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink energy drinks, coffee and strong tea.
  • Drink plain water it is possible, but in a small volume, since large number liquid will cause shortness of breath. Drink no more than 200-300 ml if the procedure is scheduled for the morning.
  • Breakfast a day easy procedures, in the form of a snack.
  • 1-2 hours before the procedure you should not take vasoconstrictors. medicines, enjoy eye drops or nasal sprays.
  • If the patient cannot quit smoking, then stop smoking several hours before the procedure. Nicotine smoke causes vasoconstriction, which will be reflected on the ECG.
  • Can't take strong ones sedatives, since they will noticeably reduce the heart rate, which will be a reason to diagnose bradycardia.

The best option would be to stop taking medications that can affect the functioning of the heart. Taking medications for diabetes mellitus cannot be cancelled.

How to prepare a child for an ECG procedure?

If adults cannot always calm themselves down in time, what can we say about the child? Parents cannot always explain to their child that the procedure will not cause him the slightest feeling of pain. When a child sees that parents or loved ones are worried, he begins to be afraid.

ECG of a child's heart

To make the ECG process calm, the child needs to be explained what will happen. It is better for parents to enter the office with their young patients to reassure them.

The doctor must have a positive attitude towards the child so that he does not feel fear. If you fail to pass the ECG the first time, take it after 10-15 minutes. During this time, the children calm down, as they understand that nothing painful happened.

It is better to take an ECG in the morning, when the child has not yet loaded himself with active loads.

How to prepare for Holter monitoring?

Holter ECG method represents long-term recording of heart parameters using electrography. The method differs from a conventional ECG in that data is collected throughout the day. Electrodes are installed on the patient's body and connected to a mini-computer. It accumulates the information received within 24 hours. After removing the device, the doctor analyzes the data taking into account various kinds loads. This method shows an informative result, so it is often used to diagnose various heart problems.

Important! It is Holter monitoring that allows the doctor to see the slightest changes in the patient’s heart function. It is appropriate to use this method during the medical examination that conscripts undergo.

It is impossible to deceive the device. Often, to obtain a negative cardiogram, conscripts can drink energy drinks or drugs to speed up the heartbeat. Thus, they avoid the army, simulating an attack of arrhythmia, etc.

For monitoring to be successful, you should not give up going to work, because data should be collected taking into account your usual daily routine. The best points can be considered:

  1. Before the procedure, take a shower, as this cannot be done during the day.
  2. Clothing should be loose and simple, without metal or synthetic inserts.
  3. Remove metal jewelry from the body.
  4. In the morning before the procedure, you should not apply creams or lotions to the skin; it must be clean.
  5. Quit smoking and alcoholic beverages.
  6. Do not drink coffee, strong tea or energy drinks.
  7. You should not overload yourself with excessive physical activity.
  8. Write down each stage of the day in a diary. The list must include the time of the event. For example: walking, climbing stairs, sleeping, watching a movie, etc.
  9. Do not take medications that can affect the functioning of the heart (vasoconstrictors, antiarrhythmics, pacemakers).

The attending physician removes the device. It is prohibited to remove the device yourself or rearrange the electrodes. Special attention focus on minimizing stress factor. During the diagnosis, do not expose yourself to unnecessary experiences or emotions.

What diseases are diagnosed on an ECG?

Doctors use an electrocardiogram to diagnose a lot of diseases, but often an ECG is only basic method. For a detailed examination, echocardiography is used. WITH using ECG diagnose:

  • angina pectoris
  • coronary heart disease,
  • blockades,
  • arrhythmia,
  • bradycardia,
  • hypertrophy of the heart muscle,
  • scarring in the myocardium,
  • myocardial infarction, etc.

If the patient has heart pathology, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. When pathological changes are diagnosed in a child, the cardiologist prescribes an additional consultation with a pediatrician. Sometimes consultation with a neurologist and endocrinologist is required.


How to decipher an ECG analysis, norms and deviations, pathologies and diagnostic principles

Electrocardiography (ECG) is used to diagnose diseases of the cardiovascular system. How an ECG is done depends on the type of study. The application pattern and marking of the electrodes will differ for different techniques.

Electrocardiography is a non-invasive technology for graphically recording potential differences electric field, formed during the work of the heart. It is carried out using an electrocardiograph.


The device has electrodes that are attached to certain points on the patient's body. They capture the electrical impulses of the heart, which, after amplification, are recorded by a galvanometer and recorded on paper using curved lines. The result is a cardiogram, which is subject to further interpretation by a cardiologist or therapist.

Goal and objectives

Taking an electrocardiogram is necessary to diagnose disorders of the heart, and is also mandatory element annual medical examination of the population. Cardiologists recommend an ECG every year for all people over 40 years of age.

Looking at the cardiogram, the doctor will evaluate:

  1. Frequency (pulse), rhythm and regularity of heart contractions.
  2. Physical condition of the heart.
  3. Presence of violations electrolyte metabolism(potassium, calcium, magnesium and others).
  4. Conducting system of the heart (various blockades and arrhythmias).
  5. The effectiveness of treatment in acute and chronic diseases.
  6. Localization, size and degree of damage during ischemia and myocardial infarction.
  7. The presence of cardiac complications in diseases of other organs and systems (pulmonary embolism).

Reasons to get tested

A cardiogram is done at the slightest complaint:

  • for interruptions in heart function;
  • shortness of breath;
  • heaviness and pain in the chest;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pain in the back, chest and neck.
  • before operations;
  • at medical examinations;
  • during pregnancy;
  • if there is a risk of developing heart disease;
  • to obtain a medical record when applying for a job.

For a complete diagnosis, one cardiogram is not enough. The doctor will be able to draw conclusions about your health based on comprehensive survey, taking into account the results of other examinations, tests, your complaints and medical history.

What kind of doctor does it?

At the clinic, a referral for cardiography is given by a therapist. And the doctor who deciphers it is called a cardiologist.

The following can also be concluded:

The procedure itself is carried out by nurses in a specially equipped room.

After receiving the test results, you must make an appointment with the doctor who prescribed the ECG to receive recommendations or treatment prescriptions.

Duration of the procedure

How long the study will last depends on the type of ECG.

Preparing for the examination

Rules for preparing for an ECG:

  1. On the day of the procedure, you should refrain from drinking coffee, tea and energy drinks.
  2. Do not eat heavy food 2 hours before the test.
  3. Do not take sedative medications. If you regularly take cardiac medications (antiarrhythmics, beta blockers, cardiac glycosides), be sure to inform your doctor about this.
  4. Smokers should stop smoking an hour before the ECG.
  5. Do not expose yourself to physical stress. It is advisable to arrive 10–15 minutes before the examination and relax on the couch.
  6. Do not use greasy cream or lotion in the chest area.
  7. Clothing should be comfortable so that you can quickly expose your wrists, legs and chest. You will also have to remove all metal jewelry and watches.
  8. Be sure to take your previous cardiograms and test results with you.

General algorithm of actions when taking an ECG

How to do an ECG:

  1. The health worker writes down all the patient's data in a journal.
  2. The wrists, legs and chest are exposed.
  3. Electrodes are attached while lying down. Before this, the skin is degreased with alcohol, and for better contact A special gel is applied to the sensors, or wet gauze wipes are used.
  4. The indicators are recorded on paper, after which the terminals are removed and the skin is wiped dry.

There is no need to be nervous or talk during the ECG. The recording technology is absolutely safe and painless. The duration of the examination is 10–15 minutes.

Breathing should be smooth and calm. It may be necessary to record inspiratory readings. In this case, the nurse will instruct you to take a deep breath and hold your breath.

ECG manipulation is carried out in the functional diagnostics room. The room should be warm and isolated from possible sources of electrical interference. It is also recommended to turn off your mobile phone.

How to take an ECG correctly

The technique for performing electrocardiography has a simple procedure and is carried out in stages:

  • patient preparation;
  • application of electrodes;
  • recording bioelectrical activity on paper;
  • deciphering the results.

It is important not to confuse the electrodes, but to check the device for serviceability before use.

Video about technology ECG records filmed by the channel - OFFICIAL TNU.

Application of electrodes

To record standard and enhanced leads, three electrodes (red, yellow and green) are used, which are placed on the hands and left leg and form the Einthoven triangle. A black electrode that is placed on right leg, the system is grounded.

You need to set them like this:

  • red - right hand;
  • yellow - left hand;
  • green - left leg;
  • black - right leg.

To register chest leads use one or six pear-shaped electrodes (depending on the type of cardiograph).

How to place chest electrodes:

  • lead V1 - in the IV intercostal space along the right edge of the sternum;
  • lead V2 - in the IV intercostal space along the left edge of the sternum;
  • lead V3 - between the second and fourth positions;
  • lead V4 - in the V intercostal space along the left midclavicular line;
  • lead V5 - at the same horizontal level as V4, along the left anterior axillary line;
  • lead V6 - along the left midaxillary line at the level of V4.5.

Scheme for applying chest electrodes

Marking of tips and electrodes

For convenience, all electrodes have their own color.

The location of the four main ones is easy to remember from a traffic light or from a funny reminder “Every Woman Is Meaner Than the Devil.”

In a single-channel cardiograph, one white bulb is used to take chest leads on an ECG.

In six-channel:

  • V1 - red;
  • V2 - yellow;
  • V3 - green;
  • V4 - brown;
  • V5 - black;
  • V6 - blue.

Lead diagram

At ECG registration Currently, 12 standard leads are used: 6 from the limbs and 6 from the chest.

Each of the 6 leads shows one or another part of the heart.

On standard leads:

  • I - anterior cardiac wall;
  • II - posterior cardiac wall;
  • III - their totality.

Diagram of standard limb leads

On reinforced leads:

  • aVR - lateral cardiac wall on the right;
  • aVL - lateral cardiac wall anterior to the left;
  • aVF- bottom wall hearts at the back.

Scheme of reinforced limb leads

On the chest leads:

  • V1 and V2 - right ventricle;
  • VZ - septum between the two ventricles;
  • V4 - upper cardiac section;
  • V5- side wall left ventricle anteriorly;
  • V6 - left ventricle.

Chest lead diagram

This simplifies the task of diagnosing diseases. Changes in each lead characterize the pathology in a certain area of ​​the myocardium.

Cardiogram recording

The procedure may differ on different cardiographs. Let's consider the ECG recording algorithm using the EK1T-03M2 device as an example.

Photo of electrocardiograph EK1T-03M2

If the device is powered from a 220V network, it must be grounded. To do this, one end of the grounding wire is connected to the grounding socket, and the other is connected to water tap or an unpainted area of ​​a central heating radiator. Devices with a battery do not require grounding.

After applying the electrodes and turning on the device, the control millivolt is recorded. This is the recording scale, it is important for further measurements and for comparing electrocardiograms recorded on different devices with each other.

Using the EK1T-03M2 device as an example, this is done like this:

  1. The switch should set the mV height to 10 mm, check that the lead switch is set to 1 mV.
  2. Turn on the belt movement at a speed of 50 mm/sec. And immediately quickly press the millivolt recording button 3-4 times, then stop the tape movement.
  3. Several rectangular teeth 10 mm high will be recorded on the tape, with ECG decoding they are called millivolts.
  1. To do this, switch the device to lead I recording mode.
  2. Then turn on the tape, record 4-5 complexes and stop the tape.
  3. Switch the device to lead II recording mode and repeat the entire procedure.
  4. After recording the third lead, you should ask the patient to make deep breath, hold your breath, and in this position record lead III again.
  5. Then record the enhanced leads aVR, aVL and aVF.

Recording chest leads:

  1. To do this, set the lead switch to position V.
  2. The chest electrode is placed on the patient's chest at the recording point of lead V1 and the pen stabilizer is turned on.
  3. The sedative is turned off. Record at a speed of 50 mm/sec. 4–5 complexes.
  4. The pacifier is turned on and the electrode is moved to point V2.
  5. The entire procedure is repeated until lead V6 is recorded.

The control millivolt is recorded again, the tape is passed forward and torn off. The device is turned off.

The cardiogram indicates:

  • Patient's full name;
  • age;
  • date and time of recording.

Features of ECG according to Slopak

In medicine, there is another way to conduct electrocardiography - ECG according to Slopak. It is different from standard procedure. Used to diagnose posterobasal myocardial infarction.

Description of the method:

  1. Green - left leg.
  2. Black - right leg.
  3. The yellow electrode is placed on the fifth intercostal space on the left along the posterior axillary line (at the level of thoracic V6).
  4. Red is moved sequentially and used to remove the chest leads.

The marking looks like this:

  • S1 - at the left edge of the sternum;
  • S2 - in the middle of the distance between leads S1 and S3;
  • S3 - second intercostal space on the left along the midclavicular line;
  • S4 - second intercostal space on the left along the anterior axillary line.

In this case, the contact switch must remain in position I.

Taking an ECG for children

You can record an ECG not only for adults, but also for children of any age, using electrodes of appropriate size.

Parents should reassure the child; during the manipulation he should be calm and motionless. For older children, you can explain how the procedure will take place and what is required of them.

Children who have heart and vascular diseases or are at risk of developing them need to take an ECG at least once a year.

How to do an ECG for women

ECGs are done for women in the same way as for men. The only peculiarity is that the girls take off their bra, since the impulse does not pass through the fabric of the bra. For the same reason, it is not advisable to wear tights or stockings.

Are there any special features during pregnancy?

There are no contraindications for ECG during pregnancy. This is the same stage of health monitoring expectant mother, like ultrasound. That is why women should not refuse to perform such a study.

During pregnancy, the heart experiences increased load. During pregnancy, an ECG is prescribed 2 times. In addition, an electrocardiogram is performed not only on the woman, but also on the fetus - this study is called CTG (cardiotocography).

During pregnancy, the following changes appear on the cardiogram:

  • bias electrical axis hearts to the left;
  • increased heart rate, single extrasystoles;
  • negative T wave in the third and fourth leads;
  • shortened PR interval;
  • pathological Q wave in the third lead and aVF (right arm lead).

Is it possible to do an ECG at home?

The advantage of modern cardiographs is their compactness and mobility. Portable devices are just as accurate as stationary ones. Some are equipped with a data transmission system, with its help the doctor can receive information about the work of the heart from a distance in real time. This feature is widely used by ambulance crews.

When you call a doctor at home, you can not only get a cardiogram, but also immediately receive its interpretation and recommendations.

Decoding indicators

ECG is assessed according to several criteria:

  1. The rhythm is correct and regular. Without extraordinary layoffs(extrasystoles).
  2. Heart rate. Normally - 60–80 beats/min.
  3. Electrical axis - normally R exceeds S in all leads except aVR, V1 - V2, sometimes V3.
  4. Ventricular width QRS complex. Normally no more than 120 ms.
  5. QRST - complex.

QRST complex is normal

Brief description of the main elements of the film:

  • P wave - shows atrial contraction;
  • PQ interval is the time the impulse reaches the atrioventricular node;
  • QRS complex - shows ventricular excitation;
  • T wave - indicates depolarization (restoration of electrical potential).

Video about ECG standards from the Mass Medika channel.

Common mistakes when recording ECG

The most common mistakes when carrying out ECG procedures are:

  • incorrect application of electrodes;
  • poor skin contact;
  • the patient’s neglect of the preparation rules;
  • uncomfortable position of the patient, trembling in the body.


A short video from the Neurosoft Russia channel tells how to properly apply electrodes.

The heart is one of those few organs that is forced to work without rest breaks or “vacations.” It is obliged to do this, since it is on its uninterrupted functioning that the human life and in many ways - health. The slightest disturbances in the heartbeat in most cases lead to changes in other systems, and many of them will be irreversible. Usually, serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart do not appear “suddenly” - they are preceded by certain phenomena that, with modern equipment, can be diagnosed by any specialist in the field of medicine. Similar hardware studies are also carried out during many other diseases that seem to be far from cardiology. Women carrying a child cannot avoid them either.

One of the most common and most often prescribed tests of this type is electrocardiography. Basic principle this method pretty simple. When the heart operates, physicochemical changes occur in its tissues, primarily with the ionic composition of the inter- and intracellular fluid. All this leads to the formation electric current, and its impulses and oscillations can be recorded using a special device - an electrocardiograph. Modern devices of this type are in many ways similar to conventional voltage meters. They have sensing devices - electrodes - through which the activity of the heart muscle, its contraction and excitation is monitored. The electrocardiograph displays all these phenomena in the form of a curve on a graph-cardiogram.

With the help of an ECG early stage pathologies such as myocardial dystrophy can be identified, various disorders coronary circulation, sclerosis, hypertrophy of the cavities of the heart, etc. Actually, thanks to such research, the causes of pain in the chest(which are often caused by angina, heart attack or inflammation of the heart membrane), as well as shortness of breath, dizziness, attacks of rapid heartbeat - frequent “companions” of “motor” diseases human body. However, it sometimes falls to the lot of people to deal with how an ECG is done and relatively healthy people. This usually happens when they, wanting to lose weight, undergo an examination in order to obtain information about what types of physical activity are allowed for them and which are contraindicated.

Although there is an opinion that special training While this kind of research is not required, many doctors still insist: some measures must be taken in order to obtain a truly objective picture of the state of the heart and eliminate “random” factors that distort it. So, a person should be at rest, not experience strong emotions and fatigue. Therefore, before an ECG is performed, it is highly recommended not to be nervous, and it is better to come to the cardiologist’s office well rested. The day before, you should avoid using greasy creams or lotions on your body - they worsen the contact of the electrodes with the skin. Very important and proper nutrition on this day. It is advisable to conduct the study on an empty stomach and not drink stimulating drinks (coffee, energy drinks, green tea) before the test.

About half an hour before the manipulations, it is best to sit down, relax and restore your breathing well so that it is even and calm. The procedure itself usually lasts no more than five minutes. The person is asked to bare his knees and remove or unbutton his clothes above the waist. He then lies on his back on a couch and ten electrodes are attached to his limbs and chest using cuffs and suction cups. Then an electrocardiogram is taken. A little later (depending on his workload), the doctor gives a transcript of her results. For prevention, all people are recommended to undergo such studies at least once a year. Sometimes, when there is not enough information from the ECG, they connect additional tests: echocardiogram, monitoring blood pressure etc.