Is chemotherapy necessary if there are no metastases? Find out what stages of metastatic cancer are distinguished in modern medicine. Hematogenous spread of metastases.

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Metastases- these are secondary foci of growth of almost any malignant tumor. Majority cancer diseases lead to the appearance of secondary lesions in local and regional lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and spine.

Modern concepts of the development of metastases are based on the fact that metastases develop almost immediately as soon as the malignant tumor itself appears. Individual cells detached from it first penetrate into the lumen of the blood vessel (hematogenous dissemination path) or lymphatic vessel (lymphogenous dissemination path). Then they are transported with the blood or lymph flow, stop at a new place, after which they leave the vessel and grow, forming metastases. At first, this process is slow and imperceptible, since cancer cells from the maternal lesion suppress the activity of secondary lesions.

What causes metastases?

Will individual cells break away from the mother tumor and form metastases? Tumor cells are coming off and will always come off. Local factors immune system the body is very for a long time protect the body from the rapid growth of tumor cells.

Tumor cells, having spread, can remain inactive for a very long time (or grow very slowly) for a number of years. The exact mechanisms for triggering a rapid number of metastases in the body have not been studied.

Another fact is important: as the number of cells in the metastasis increases, they begin to secrete growth factors that stimulate the formation of a vascular and capillary network around the tumor cells, which provides the cancer cells with all nutrients to the detriment of other tissues of the body.

What determines the rate of spread of metastases throughout the body?

Time required for clinical manifestation the first metastases, is largely determined by the type of tumor and the degree of differentiation of its tissues. Highly differentiated tumors, as a rule, metastasize much less frequently and later than poorly differentiated tumors. Sometimes metastases appear very quickly, following the appearance of the primary tumor node. In many patients, metastases are detected after 1-2 years. Sometimes latent or “dormant metastases” are discovered many years after surgery to remove the tumor. Various types of treatment (radiation therapy, chemotherapy, arterial embolization, including chemoembolization) help reduce the incidence of metastasis or delay the appearance of metastases.

There is a misconception that metastases occur due to procedures performed. However, removing part of the tumor or biopsy (taking tumor tissue for examination) does not increase the incidence of metastases.

How different types of cancer metastasize

Most often, metastases are found in the lymph nodes, metastases in the liver, lungs, and much less often in the heart muscle, skeletal muscles, skin, spleen, and pancreas. An intermediate place in the frequency of detection of metastases in various types of cancer is occupied by the central nervous system, skeletal system, kidneys, adrenal glands.

The most common types of cancer and the most typical sites for detecting metastases

  • Breast cancer - lungs, liver, bones
  • Ovarian cancer - peritoneum, liver, lungs
  • Stomach cancer - liver, peritoneum, lungs
  • Intestinal (colon) cancer - liver, peritoneum, lungs
  • Colon cancer - liver, lungs, adrenal glands
  • Prostate cancer - bones, lungs, liver
  • Uterine cancer - liver, lungs, peritoneum
  • Kidney cancer - lungs, liver, bones
  • Lung cancer - adrenal glands, liver, second lung
  • Melanoma - lungs, skin/muscle tissue, liver
  • Pancreatic cancer - liver, lungs, peritoneum
  • Thyroid cancer - lungs, liver, bones

  • A certain pattern of metastasis of cancer, for example, stomach cancer in certain lymph nodes led to the emergence special terms. Thus, metastasis to the ovaries is called “Krukenberg’s”, metastasis to the pouch of Douglas is called “Schnitzler”, metastases to the lymph nodes of the left supraclavicular region are called “Virchow’s”.

    Why are metastases dangerous?

    Metastasis of most tumors occurs in cases where the body's reserves in the fight against the tumor are exhausted. Metastases significantly disrupt the functioning of all vital important organs and systems. Overwhelmingly death cancer patients caused precisely by metastases of the underlying cancer.

    In addition, metastases significantly worsen the general condition, often accompanied unbearable pain requiring constant pain relief.

    How do metastases manifest themselves?

    Clinical picture metastatic cancer determined by the location of metastases.
    So, peritoneal lesion (peritoneal carcinomatosis) leads to ascites, which requires laparocentesis.
    Pleural damage (pleural carcinomatosis) causes the development exudative pleurisy which requires thoracentesis.

    Metastases in tubular bones skeleton and spine can cause severe pain in the body, lead to easy education fractures. Prescribing bisphosphonates in addition to the main treatment significantly improves the condition of patients.

    Basic symptoms of brain metastases - changes in character, severe headaches, convulsions, changes in the level of consciousness, and so on. In addition, toxins released during the constant death of tumor cells cause cancer intoxication of the body.

    Due to the rejuvenation of cancer, in some patients the diagnosis of cancer is established only when symptoms caused by metastases appear.

    How are metastases diagnosed?

    Survey radiography, ultrasound examination, radioisotope research, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography - all these techniques are essential in recognizing metastases. These techniques make it possible to clarify the size, prevalence and growth pattern of metastases, their disintegration, suppuration, and germination into neighboring organs and tissues. In addition, these same diagnostic techniques make it possible to monitor the effectiveness of treatment based on the degree of regression of metastases.

    Is it possible to cure metastases and what does it give?

    The main goal of active chemotherapy and radiation therapy is to prevent the occurrence of cancer metastases at the earliest possible stage.

    Treatment is based on general principles tumor treatment, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical treatment (for single metastases).

    Treatment of cancer metastases has certain difficulties, since most metastases, unlike maternal tumor cells, are little sensitive to chemotherapy. Therefore, in some cases, treatment of metastases is carried out with the aim of relieving symptoms and, in some cases, prolonging life. For this purpose it is used systemic therapy(chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy), local therapy(surgery, radiotherapy).

    Abroad, the most commonly used techniques are percutaneous transhepatic radiofrequency ablation of metastatic foci in the liver. This technique became available in Russia.

    As mentioned above, treatment in such cases is a means of alleviating the patient’s condition. The likelihood of achieving remission is very low.

    The European clinic also uses a technique such as embolization of arteries feeding large metastases in various organs in order to reduce negative influence cancer metastases on the patient's body.

    Additionally, patients of the clinic undergo treatment in other medical institutions in Russia and abroad, including proton beam therapy, cyber knife and a number of others in Israel, Germany, Austria, Russia.

    Continuing the topic of the article:

  • September 23 – World Breast Cancer Day
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  • How to care for an open breast cancer lump
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  • topic tags: cancer, cancer treatment, metastases

    People call oncology the queen of diseases. Every year it claims millions of lives quite yet able-bodied citizens, and is one of the three world “leaders” in terms of mortality of the planet’s population.

    This is precisely what can explain a person’s pathological fear of a diagnosis of cancer and the term metastases.

    Metastases are secondary foci that are malignant in nature and are considered the most severe manifestation of cancer relapse. They can spread throughout the patient’s body from the location of the tumor through the bloodstream, lymphatic system, as well as increasing in size and germinating into neighboring organs and functioning systems.

    You can learn how metastasis occurs from this video:


    The process is characterized by a multiplicity of options that fundamentally differ from each other, the nature of origin and the method of distribution throughout the human body. In addition, its various manifestations penetrate into certain parts of the body with varying frequencies, and often their development is not accompanied by severe symptoms.


    Virchow's pathology is formed in the upper region of the clavicle in the neck; the provoking factor is considered to be a malignant tumor of the stomach.

    Location of the lesion explained by the flow of lymphatic fluid from the peritoneum.

    Fragments of cancer-affected structures move through the lymphatics, flowing into cervical node. Due to the fact that their further path is blocked, diseased cells begin to form a new formation in this place with the same nature.

    Doctors believe that the main cause of this type of metastasis is a tumor of the abdominal system, pancreas, or cirrhosis of the liver.

    Looks like a large compaction, regular, round shape, outlined contours, palpation of the source of inflammation does not cause pain.


    It is characterized by the lymphogenic nature of the formation and is located in the ovaries. Makes up about 40% of pathological neoplasms secondary type from the total amount of metastasis in a given organ.

    Occurs with cancer diagnoses:

    • stomach;
    • breasts;
    • intestinal sections;
    • bile ducts;
    • bladder and cervical anomaly.

    Often isolated, and this is not an indicator of the neglect of its staging. Basically, both parts of the organ are affected. They are characterized by their small size, smooth surface and complete absence discomfort when pressing on the formation.

    If a relapse is detected, urgent amputation of the ovaries is indicated.


    Schnitzler's processes are the development of focal tumors in cellular tissues in the area of ​​the rectum and pareractal lymph nodes.

    They can be felt by pressing with your fingers, there is no visible pain syndrome. Provokes this type gastric cancer metastasis. From a scientific point of view, it is interesting because it is localized in remote segments of the body.

    It is a compaction resembling the shape of an egg and is characterized by even, smooth outlines. The movement of atypical cells occurs through the lymphatic system through the following gastric tracts:

    • from the right side of the organ;
    • from an outflow extending beyond the cavity;
    • from pathways ending in the peritoneal lymph.


    This type develops in bone tissue and activates the activity of osteoblasts, the excessive activity of which provokes increased calcium deposits in the bones. hard tissues, thereby causing their rapid growth.

    This process is pathological and causes irreversible cellular mutations in the bones.

    Causes of tumor lesions:

    • breast cancer;
    • prostate oncology;
    • lesions of the thyroid gland;
    • sarcoma.

    Osteoblastic metastasis differs from other types of secondary tumor formations extremely unfavorable prognosis effectiveness of treatment and low patient survival rates.


    Solitary type - single formations of a malignant nature located in the lungs or brain tissue. Extremely rarely - in other organs. The value is more than 3 cm, diagnosed when x-ray examination. If located in the lung, it is enveloped in the parenchyma of the organ and is an active manifestation of a non-small cell form of cancer.

    Its appearance has a strong connection with smoking - 90% of patients with solitary metastasis have a long-term nicotine addiction. The penetration ability of lesions into organs is rapid and practically impossible to correct.


    Secondary pathology, just like the one described above, is concentrated in bone tissue, however, the specificity of its negative effect on tissue has its own peculiarity. Systematically destroying the structural component of bones and provoking increased activity of osteoclasts, it causes mutation and qualitative change tissue composition at the molecular level.

    The ribs, pelvic bones and lower extremities are most often affected.. Sometimes the anomaly also affects the brain, partially limiting its activity. A distinctive feature from analogue pathologies is not the proliferation of tissues due to the appearance of bone tumors, but, on the contrary, their persistent destruction.


    Metastasis processes are actively launched in more than 80% of those suffering from cancer of one or another department, diagnosed in the later stages of the disease.

    Such single or multiple screening of cellular fragments of a malignant tumor is a life-threatening phenomenon. Let's look at what these malignant foci look like in various organs and functioning systems of the human body.

    In the lungs

    Lung oncology is the leader among diagnoses with early and aggressive metastasis.

    The formations are multiple, regular, round in shape. They have a denser structure than the organ itself and a more delicate, pinkish tint.

    Similar to spherical moving shadows, they are able to capture almost the entire surface of the organ in a short period of time.

    Their distinctive feature- a clear pulmonary pattern that retains its natural shape even in those places where it encircles formations.

    The largest malignant lesions are about 6 cm in size, the smallest are within 1 cm.

    In the liver

    Metastases of this organ differ from others in that they can have both simple and complex structure, so outwardly they can look completely different.

    In the first case, this is homogeneous in structural content, foci, characterized by smooth, regular outlines and having different echogenicity. Sometimes they are surrounded by a dark rim and resemble the eye of a fish.

    With their complex structure, the composition of the tissues is different - the formation inside is denser, and the texture is heterogeneous, which is clearly visible in the photo.

    Basically, they are characterized by a multiplicity of processes and are easily diagnosed by ultrasound.

    In the bones

    The affected irreversible areas of hard tissue in the photo have more dark color. The contour of the organ in the zone of development of the anomaly is deformed, and the lesion itself has a red tint and a somewhat voluminous shape, protruding above the surface of the bone by 1 - 2 mm. The consistency is softer and looser than the place where they are located. They appear multiple times, the size varies from 0.5 mm to 4 – 5 cm.

    On the skin

    Located on the surface of the skin and look like small spots or regular rounded nodules. Upon palpation, their denser structure is felt in comparison with the skin epithelium in the normal state.

    The nature of the spread is multiple, aggressive, anomalies can quickly increase in size.

    The color is predominantly beige, similar to the natural shade of the skin, which, as the cancer grows, changes to a darker color - red, with a bluish tint, purple, or even black.

    Often the halo that envelops them looks inflamed, while the wounds can swell and secrete an unpleasant-smelling, bleeding fluid.

    It is characterized by rather hard, fibrous scars of various sizes.

    In the lymph nodes

    Metastasis processes are extensive and manifest themselves in the form of fairly large nodular compactions, which are not only palpable, but also clearly visible to the naked eye.

    Multiple tuberous compactions protrude high above the surface of the neck and are mobile upon palpation. They are distinguished by a purple skin halo that encircles the places where nodular connections appear.

    In the spine

    They have a medium-density consistency, a delicate shade, with relative external fragility, they quickly destroy bone tissue and reach the surface of the intervertebral sections of the organ. The photo shows that the affected bone areas somewhat change their shape and size. They are usually located in the central compartment of the spine.

    In my head

    In fact, metastases located in the head region are characterized by more light color, but to diagnose them, the patient is injected with a coloring pigment, as a result of which the anomalies in the photograph, on the contrary, are darker.

    This makes it easier to visualize them. They can be either single or multiple, different in size. The smallest are lesions less than 0.5 cm in diameter, the largest ones are more than 7–8 cm. The structure of the tumor is heterogeneous, lumpy, closer to the central part the formation is denser and darker.

    In the intestines

    In the intestinal sections, metastases are larger and have a rich dark, sometimes black, color. The external structure resembles a nut, but has a soft and somewhat elastic consistency. Forming in the inner part of the intestine, after short time they break through the organ and come to the surface, squeezing the tissues and interfering with the digestive processes.

    In the abdominal cavity

    Spreads focally, fixing on inside an organ with a membrane structure. Once fixed, they then become motionless. Quite large lesions have a somewhat elongated shape and are concentrated mainly in the lower part of the peritoneum, where the amount of fluid lubricating the membrane is limited.

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    The word “cancer” terrifies the vast majority of people. And the word “metastasis” is doubly so. It seems that it is impossible to come up with a more terrible diagnosis. But is everything so scary? After all, modern medicine has made significant progress in the treatment of tumors.

    Malignant neoplasms have become another disease that can be quite successfully cured. Even in the later stages of the disease, it is possible to significantly prolong the life of the patient and improve his quality of life. And the presence of metastases is now not as fatal as it was several decades ago.

    What are metastases

    Metastases are the occurrence of a pathological process in a secondary focus, distant from the primary, due to the movement of the origin initiating this pathological process. Most often they talk about metastasis in tumor lesions. But it can also occur with microbial infection, and in this case it leads to the spread of infection and sepsis.

    Why do metastases occur?

    The pathological process can spread throughout the body in several ways:

    1. Hematogenous - according to blood vessels with blood flow to any place in the body.

    2. Lymphogenic - according to lymphatic vessels with the lymph flow: first into nearby lymphatic pathways, then into more distant ones.

    3. Implantation - as a result of the spread of the process to nearby organs in places of direct contact with them.

    4. Intracanicular - movement of the pathological process along the anatomical spaces existing in the body adjacent to it (channels, cavities, crevices).

    5. Mixed - with a combination of several distribution routes.

    What are the stages of metastasis?

    There are several stages in the process of metastasis formation:

    1. Intravasation - when the pathological process penetrates from the primary focus into the cavity of the vessel (lymphatic or circulatory).

    2. Dissemination (dispersion, spread) - movement pathological cells with lymph or blood flow.

    3. Embolism (invasion) - stopping of cells in a vessel in the area of ​​​​a new location.

    4. Extravasation - penetration of the pathological process into tissues adjacent to the vessel.

    5. Growth - proliferation of cells with the formation of a secondary pathological focus (metastasis itself).

    Where do tumors metastasize?

    Most metastases occur in the lymph nodes, liver, and lungs. Their localization largely depends on the location of the primary malignant tumor. So, the most typical sites of metastasis are:

    · for the thyroid, mammary, prostate glands, kidneys - liver, lungs and bones;

    · for the stomach, intestines, pancreas, ovaries, uterus - liver, peritoneum and lungs;

    · for the rectum - adrenal glands, lungs and liver;

    · for the lung - the second lung, liver, adrenal glands;

    · for melanoma - skin, muscles, liver, lungs.

    When do metastases occur?

    In some cases, metastases appear already on early stages disease, and in others - after many years. The timing of the appearance of metastases largely depends on:

    · degree of differentiation of tumor cells - poorly differentiated tumors metastasize most quickly;

    · stages of the disease - the higher the stage, the more metastases;

    · location of the process - the better the lymph and blood flow, the faster the metastasis;

    · forms of tumor growth - the more superficial the location (closer to the skin and mucous membranes), the fewer metastases;

    timeliness of therapy - the earlier complex treatment is carried out, the less likely the appearance of metastases;

    · volume of treatment - the more adequate and high-quality treatment is carried out, the lower the likelihood of metastasis;

    · age of the patient - the younger the person, the higher the risk of developing metastases.

    Why are metastases dangerous?

    Every organism actively fights against any pathological process, including tumor ones. When the protective forces are exhausted in this fight, metastases develop. They:

    · significantly aggravate the course of the disease;

    · disrupt the functions of other organs and systems, including vital ones;

    · complicate the treatment process;

    · negatively affect the general condition of the body.

    How can metastases be detected?

    The presence of metastases of a malignant neoplasm can be detected modern methods diagnostics:

    · radiography and fluoroscopy;

    · computed tomography;

    · magnetic resonance imaging;

    · positron emission tomography;

    · radioisotope research;

    · biopsy (taking a piece of tissue for examination) followed by cytological analysis.

    Treatment of metastases

    The principles of treatment of metastatic tumors are practically no different from those in the treatment of primary tumors. The complex of treatment measures includes:

    · surgical methods - removal of tumor and metastases;

    · - use of chemotherapy drugs;

    · radiation therapy (radiotherapy) - exposure of the affected area to ionizing radiation;

    · hormonal therapy - the use of hormonal drugs;

    Targeted therapy - the use of drugs that cause the death of only tumor cells.

    Watch your health. Do not ignore medical recommendations healthy image life, rational balanced nutrition, refusal bad habits, regularity of medical examinations. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

    The word “metastasis” is familiar to many; it is because of them that cancer is so difficult to treat and quickly progresses to stage 3-4. The essence of metastasis is that cancer cells, having appeared and multiplied, begin to move throughout the body, affecting other organs - lymph nodes, liver, lungs, intestines, brain, etc. Early detection and treatment will help improve the prognosis and prolong the patient’s life, so it is important to know the first symptoms of the pathology.

    What are metastases

    The human body constantly produces abnormal cellular structures, with a potentially malignant nature. Timely recognition of such cells by agents of the immune system guarantees their complete destruction. But in some situations immune function turns off and enemy cells are mistaken by the body for their own, which leads to their rapid and uncontrolled reproduction. In such cases, saying that the patient has cancer with metastases.

    As they develop, cancerous elements from the original site begin to migrate throughout the body, moving with blood or lymph. Settling in tissues and bones, they give rise to secondary lesions called metastases.

    Based on the stage of the disease, metastasis can be regional or distant. In the first situation, abnormal cells settle in neighboring tissues, in the second they penetrate into any distant areas. For example, for lung cancer 4 degrees cancer metastases cover the brain, intestines, liver, bones. People usually live with this diagnosis for no more than a few months.

    Often, after removal of the main focus and a diagnosed cure, metastases are still discovered after some time, and the fight has to be started again.

    What is the danger

    High mortality and poor prognosis in cancer are largely related to the formation of metastases in other parts of the body. At the same time primary focus most often successfully removed and protected from relapse, but to suppress everything secondary complications almost always impossible. If you consider what kind of treatment a patient requires even for one oncology - chemotherapy, radiation, complex surgery - it becomes clear that it is almost impossible to carry out several complexes of such therapy.

    The main danger of metastases is:

    • In violation of the functionality of a number of vital and secondary systems of the human body
    • The fact is that their appearance signals the inability of the immune system to independently fight the disease.
    • IN sharp deterioration the patient’s condition, as the symptoms quickly increase and worsen.


    The appearance of regional neoplasms occurs already at stage 2 of cancer. Signs of this will be inflammation of the lymph nodes closest to the lesion, for example, cervical, inguinal, under the armpit.


    A more extensive initial lesion leads to an accelerated transition of cancer to severe grades 3 and 4 with a large number of metastases. The average parameter at which a tumor begins to move throughout the body can be considered a figure in 30 mm in diameter. With such sizes, cancerous structures spread abundantly throughout the body, settling in the tissues of organs encountered along the way. The prognosis for recovery is very poor.

    Symptoms of distant metastasis directly depend on the localization of secondary foci, examples of which are given above.

    Reasons for the development of metastases

    The phenomenon of metastasis occurs due to the growth of an oncological formation, due to the stimulation of the formation of networks of vessels and capillaries around it. As a result malignancy receives all the necessary resources for rapid growth and distribution. There are several travel routes:

    • Through blood flow, with venous, vascular and capillary blood flow.
    • By lymph. Lymph nodes are a protective barrier to the development of metastases; to some extent, abnormal agents die when passing through the lymph node. However, with a significant volume of them, the protective system cannot cope.
    • Through implantation.

    Lymphogenous metastasis most often results in cancer of the uterus, stomach, throat, intestines, and as a result, sarcoma and melanoma develop. With the help of hematogenous transfer it becomes possible education metastasis at a late stage of tumors in abdominal cavity.

    Stage of appearance of metastases

    Any cancer patient is exposed to metastasis if he is not provided with the necessary treatment in a timely manner. The timing can vary significantly and is determined by the individual course of the pathology. In one case, metastases appear after a few months, in another after several years. Symptoms are often very vague.

    The formation of metastases is one of the signs of the transition of pathology to a more severe stage, sometimes called grade. Usually lymph node involvement means the second stage. In such a situation, the patient needs urgent treatment, since further oncological development accelerates, and malignant cells they begin to move throughout the body.

    With hematogenous spread through blood, the disease quickly progresses to stage 4. In general, the formation of distant metastases occurs at stages 3-4 of cancer.

    The answer to the question “how long do they live” at stages 3-4 depends on many factors, which we will consider below.

    Features of metastasis of different cancers

    Depending on the type of cancer, it is more or less prone to metastases. They are often formed when the lungs or liver are affected, when the pathology reaches the lymph node. Rare formation of metastatic foci is observed when the disease is localized in the heart muscle, muscular skeleton, or spleen.

    Over many years of studying and monitoring the development of cancer symptoms in many people, the following patterns have been identified regarding the location of formation of secondary lesions:

    1. When melanoma develops, it metastasizes in the lungs, liver, muscle structures, and skin.
    2. Pulmonary oncology on one side spreads to the other, also metastasizing to the liver and adrenal glands.
    3. In women, oncology in the ovaries and uterus migrates to the stomach, intestines and other abdominal organs.
    4. With cancer of the female mammary glands, prostate in men and kidneys in both sexes, there is a high probability of relapses in the bones and lungs.

    First signs and symptoms

    When cancer develops to the stage of metastasis growth, diversity clinical picture is very wide. Among the obvious consequences are deep dysfunctional disorders of the organs of the trunk, limbs, skin, and bones.

    • Liver metastases lead to skin itching, and symptoms of liver failure - a yellow tint.
    • Brain metastasis results in an increase in signs of encephalopathy with headache and dizziness.
    • A tumor in the lungs causes severe damage to respiratory function and subsequent death.
    • With severe bone cancer, the patient experiences severe pain throughout the body.

    Let's take a closer look at the symptoms based on the location of the metastases.


    Complications on the skin appear with cancer of the lung, adrenal glands and ovaries in women. The procedure for their formation can be lymphatic or hematogenous. The typical place for metastases to occur in men is the chest and head; in women, signs appear in the abdomen and chest.

    Photo 1. Superficial metastases

    Symptoms of skin metastases are similar to those of skin cancer and melanoma.

    • New nevi (moles) appear that quickly grow in size and have uneven edges and color
    • Skin surface color changes
    • New growths are painful
    • The person is in a state of malaise, he is drowsy and weak, his performance is low, and there are signs of severe weight loss.


    Symptoms of a rib tumor are severe pain and impaired mobility. At a later stage, metastases in the ribs can grow so deep that this results in their fracture even with slight pressure. To detect pathology, a scintigraphic examination of the skeletal bones will be required.

    Secondary tumors in the ribs are distinguished by cancer of the thyroid gland, sternum, prostate, and larynx.


    Metastases in the heart muscle are formed after disease with pleural mesothelioma, carcinoma, melanoma, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, kidney and thyroid tumors. The main signs are:

    1. Venous obstruction of the myocardium
    2. Presence of pericardial effusion
    3. Weakened cardiac functionality
    4. Irregular heartbeat


    When entering cancer cells in the abdominal area they settle on the organs located in this part of the body and on the inner walls of the abdomen. During the accumulation period, symptoms are absent or very blurred.

    After a critical mass has been reached, ascites, causing the patient's stomach to become larger. The disintegration of metastases leads to signs of toxic poisoning.

    Mammary glands

    The main symptoms of metastases in the mammary gland are the appearance of lumps in the breast. Breast cancer affects not only women, but in rare cases Men are also susceptible to it, and in them the disease is more aggressive. Penetration of malignant cancer cells occurs with blood or lymph, usually from nearby affected organs - lungs, liver.

    Seals can be easily diagnosed even at an early stage by self-palpation in front of a mirror. Among characteristic manifestations metastasis painful sensations and discomfort at the sites where symptoms appear.


    Metastases in the intestines lead to bloating, increased flatulence, traces of blood in the stool, problems with stool (both diarrhea and constipation are observed). When the intestinal mucosa is damaged, intoxication with the products it contains triggers, which brings symptoms of dyspeptic disorders.


    With metastases in the kidneys, the functionality of urine formation and excretion suffers. A common symptom is the presence of blood in the urine. In addition, pain is felt in the lumbar region, an increase in temperature, and an increase in blood pressure above normal.


    The appearance of metastases in the tissues of the spleen is a rare phenomenon. Mainly due to the secretion of substances that negatively affect abnormal cells. But if the process of metastasis occurs, the patient suffers from thrombopenia ( sharp decline platelet count), fever, heaviness and enlargement of the spleen. Without treatment, symptoms continuously increase, leading to severe exhaustion.


    Metastases rarely penetrate into the stomach; typical primary tumors, when this occurs, are cancer of the uterus, breast in women, and the respiratory system. When sick, a person experiences taste changes in familiar dishes, appetite worsens, and the stomach hurts.



    Pleura is called inner surface lungs, which are one of the components that ensure normal breathing. It is logical that a violation of the pleural layer results in chest pain, cough, problems with normal breathing. In the early stages, metastases in the pleura may be perceived as pleurisy, which is why the patient does not receive adequate treatment.

    Adrenal glands

    Metastases in the adrenal glands are observed in different types cancerous tumors. They often appear after the division of atypical cells in the lungs, kidneys, and mammary glands. The pathology is characterized by adrenal insufficiency and necrotic death of organ tissue, which further aggravates the prognosis.


    Uterine cancer develops at stages 3-4 of the disease. Initially, the transfer is carried out through the lymph; at the 4th stage, it also connects circulatory system. Signs of illness are presence bloody discharge during periods when they should not be there, sharp pain in the lower abdominal cavity, pain in the lower back. Elevated physical activity result in more severe symptoms.


    If the bladder is damaged, there are signs of cystitis, urination is frequent and painful.


    Metastases in the pancreas threaten disruptions in the production of necessary hormones, an increase or decrease in the secretion of which affects various processes of human life. Among the consequences of this process are sudden thinness, refusal to eat, nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea.


    Complications in grief occur after cancer in the mouth, lungs, and stomach. They lead to the appearance of laryngeal wounds and ulcers, swelling in the mouth and throat, problems with breathing, swallowing, and making sounds.


    Correct and timely treatment metastasis is impossible without an accurate diagnosis, including:

    • Computed tomography (CT)
    • Ultrasound examinations
    • X-ray
    • Radioisotope examination procedure
    • Taking a puncture
    • Laboratory tests
    With the help of a set of diagnostic examinations prescribed by a doctor, the level of metastasis, the location of secondary foci, the presence of deep growth, background purulent phenomena, growth rate, etc. are established.

    Ultrasound is one of the most available methods detection of primary and secondary cancer. It is applied as primary method research, based on the results of which a decision is made to carry out more in-depth and expensive procedures.


    The existence of metastases greatly complicates the treatment process, since several tumors need to be treated at once, and there is a risk of new ones appearing. The following techniques are used in this therapy:

    1. Surgical excision. Very effective method, but only before metastases appeared. If the process of cancer reproduction did not exist, then the pathology would not be so terrible. If there are a small number of secondary lesions, they are removed using surgical operations, involving nearby areas, since they could potentially also be susceptible to metastases. Before this, excision of lymph nodes and other tissue affected by pathologies is indicated.
    2. Method radiofrequency ablation involves the destruction of abnormal cells using high temperature created by special equipment using electric current.
    3. Drugs. Wide range used medications, treatment is carried out through chemotherapy, immune stimulation, and hormone administration. The goal is to stop the growth of a malignant neoplasm.

    The disease is treated by an oncologist; therapy is a complex of the above measures.

    How long do people live with metastases - prognosis

    The presence of metastasis is always an aggravating factor that greatly reduces how long a person will live. Here is a forecast for different types cancer:

    1. Metastases in peritoneum give a 5 percent mortality rate. If promptly detected and given a complex of necessary chemotherapy and rehabilitation, it gives a good chance of cure.
    2. By adrenal glands the prognosis is not so favorable, since they are associated with a more extensive pathological process.
    3. Intestines. Treatment uses a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. After carrying out the entire complex, about 50% of patients are cured and continue to live.
    4. Liver. Without treatment, liver metastases kill a person within 3-5 months. If you carry out the necessary medical procedures, then the prognosis improves to one and a half years. Subsequently, this figure may be added another year.
    5. Lungs. The average survival rate for one additional tumor is 35-45%.

    With stage 4 (terminal) and extensive distant metastasis, patients rarely live more than a few weeks.

    In most cases, metastases occur at stage 4 of cancer. The diagnosis is formed from the words “metastatic cancer” and the name of the organ of primary localization of the tumor. For example, if malignant cells from a breast tumor migrate to the lung, it is “metastatic breast cancer,” not “lung cancer.”

    Cause of cancer metastasis

    Malignant cells can be separated from the tumor, which, as a result of cancer germination in the vessels, enter the blood and lymph and spread throughout the body. They are able to grow in other tissues and organs, forming a new tumor there. There is another reason for cancer metastasis: contact of a pathological area with the surface of a neighboring organ or “engraftment” of cancer cells that have entered the body cavity. For example, lung neoplasia, in contact with the membrane covering them (pleura), can give rise to tumors on its surface (metastatic pleurisy).

    Pathways of cancer metastasis

    There are three ways for a tumor to spread:

    1. hematogenous (through the bloodstream)
    2. lymphogenous (via lymphatic vessels)
    3. tissue or implantation (when touching a neighboring organ, tissue, as well as “settling” of cancer cells that have entered the abdominal cavity)

    The preferred route of cancer metastasis depends on the type of tumor and its location. Many tumors spread throughout the body in several ways.

    Pathways of gastric cancer metastasis

    Lymphatic vessels, less often - the bloodstream; metastases are found mainly in the liver, sometimes in the lungs, adrenal glands, and bones. The growth of a neoplasm on the peritoneum is also possible if the neoplasia is in physical contact with it.

    Pathways of breast cancer metastasis

    Lymph flow. “Favorite” sites of damage: lymph nodes, skin, liver, lungs, bone tissue, pleura, ovaries, brain.

    Pathways of thyroid cancer metastasis

    As a rule, the lymphogenous route. Most often, neoplasm cells enter regional lymph nodes and begin to grow there. Distant metastasis is less common, mainly to the bones and lungs. The hematogenous route is characteristic of significant organ damage and late stages diseases.

    Pathways of lung cancer metastasis

    All routes of metastasis are typical: lymphogenous (lymph nodes, liver), hematogenous (liver, bones, adrenal glands), implantation (pleural tumors).

    Features of metastasis of cancer of individual organs

    Metastasis of liver cancer

    Rarely diagnosed. Basically, the detection of liver cancer metastases is associated with an advanced form of the disease. Favorite sites for metastases are lungs and bones.

    Metastasis of ovarian cancer

    Most often, it metastasizes to the peritoneum (the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity), the omentum (the fold of fat that covers the abdominal organs like an apron), and the organs of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.

    Metastasis of cervical cancer

    Often grows into the vagina, uterus, rectum, bladder, less often bones, nerves, liver, lungs, and bones are affected.

    Kidney cancer metastasis

    It mainly gives metastases to the renal vein, which provides blood outflow from the kidney. Further spread to the adrenal glands or vena cava is then possible. The most likely distant sites are the lungs and bones.

    Metastasis of small bowel cancer

    Tumor cells small intestine spread predominantly by lymphogenous route. Therefore, most often secondary neoplasms are found in the peritoneum, regional lymph nodes, omentum, lungs, and liver.

    Colon cancer metastasis

    Typical areas of secondary neoplasms are the lungs and liver. In some cases, metastases are found in the bones and brain.

    Metastasis of rectal cancer

    The same features as for the thick one. The main difference is the ability of the tumor to grow into adjacent tissues (nerves, bones).

    Metastasis of bladder cancer

    Mainly near the bladder, for example, on the surface of the pelvic cavity.

    Metastasis of prostate cancer

    Most often it metastasizes to the bones, much less often to the liver and lungs.

    Skin cancer metastasis

    Non-melanoma skin cancers metastasize very rarely and affect regional lymph nodes. But for melanoma this is a typical phenomenon. Metastases are found in the liver, lungs, bones, and brain.

    Metastasis of pancreatic cancer

    Damage to nearby organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity, as well as the lungs, is typical.

    Symptoms and signs

    With metastatic cancer, patients do not always have complaints. If they exist, then their nature depends on the type of tumor, its location, and size. Some of the most common symptoms of metastatic cancer include:

    • pain;
    • fractures (with bone damage);
    • headache, seizures, dizziness (if the brain is affected);
    • shortness of breath (if the lungs are involved);
    • yellowness of the mucous membranes, enlargement of the liver (if this organ is damaged).


    All diagnostic approaches can be divided into two large groups:

    a) a person has a primary cancer. Based on the medical history and type of tumor, the doctor assesses the likelihood of metastases and their possible localization. Based on the results of the conclusion, an examination plan is drawn up for the patient in order to control the most problematic areas.

    b) metastatic cancer was diagnosed earlier than the underlying disease. Some tumors can grow for a long time without showing themselves. Therefore, they turn to doctors with problems that are already caused by metastases. Then the search for the primary tumor begins.

    In both cases the set diagnostic tests depends on the location and type of neoplasm.

    Sometimes doctors are unable to determine the organ in which the primary tumor formed. Such neoplasias are called “cancer of unknown primary origin.”


    Treatment for metastatic cancer depends on:

    The patient's management plan includes one or more types of treatment:

    • surgical intervention;
    • chemotherapy;
    • radiotherapy;
    • targeted therapy.

    Additionally, the patient is prescribed procedures and medications to help cope with the symptoms of the disease or mitigate side effects antitumor treatment.

    How long do they live with cancer metastasis: prognosis

    The prognosis can be very different. In some cases, doctors are able to cure or stop the progression of the disease, in others the prognosis is very cautious.